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111 – 121 Ngo Gia Tu, Ward 2, District 10, HCMC
Tel: (08) 38 330 579; Fax: (08) 38 330 580


Logo khách hàng

<Công Ty ABC>

Version: 1.0

Issue date: dd-mm-yyyy

Reviewed: Khuu Han Giang


CMCSI Saigon Page 1

111 – 121 Ngo Gia Tu, Ward 2, District 10, HCMC
Tel: (08) 38 330 579; Fax: (08) 38 330 580

1. General.........................................................................................................................3
2. Service description.....................................................................................................3
3. List of equipments......................................................................................................3
4. Call flow........................................................................................................................3
5. Scope of works............................................................................................................4
5.1 Warranty:............................................................................................................................................ 4
6. How to submit a request via CMC’s ITSM System...................................................4
7. How to contact us & Escalation.................................................................................6
8. Responsibilities...........................................................................................................7
8.1 CMCSI Saigon’s responsibilities...................................................................................................... 7
8.2 <Company ABC>’s responsibilities................................................................................................. 7
9. Standards of technical acceptance...........................................................................8

1. General
Being an strategic partner of global ICT firm such as HP, IBM, Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle … CMC SI
SG bring <Company ABC> the flexible and fastest support in technical solution and spare part. We also

CMCSI Saigon Page 2

111 – 121 Ngo Gia Tu, Ward 2, District 10, HCMC
Tel: (08) 38 330 579; Fax: (08) 38 330 580

have own warehouse to exchange and / or replace in case of hardware failure around 6 hours since
identifying the required.
CMCSI Saigon has many Logistic partners which are reputational and professional across in
CMCSI Saigon also has IT Service Management (ITSM) System comply with ITIL v3. They bring
<Company ABC> a consitent and professional service. All of service requests can be recorded and
tracked by <Company ABC> or It can route to <Company ABC> Ticketing System.

2. Service description
Below is our implementation plan for extend warranty and preventive maintenance service:
- Service name: Extend warranty.
- Period of service: 01 years
- Service available: 8x5x6Hrs response time ( 08 hours/ day; 5 days/ week ( from monday to Friday,
public holidays excluding).
- Service type: Remote, on-call, on-site

3. List of equipments

No. Part number Description Q.ty


4. Call flow
- For this service contract, <Company ABC> will conatact to single point of Customer Service Center
of CMC via telephone, email, Web service portal. Customers will be updated full status from opened
to closed ticket. Service available is 8 hours/day, Monday-Friday (Public holidays excluding).
- Service Desk agent will collect full information mapping with the service contract (Customer name,
contact, telephone, serial number, symtom, requirement, location)
- In case of request is under service contract, Service desk agent will troubleshoot via telephone,
email , remote session or assign to next level (if any) to fix the issue. Furthermore, Customer will be
received a ticket number to tracking themselves. In case of not have solution, CMCSI Saigon’s

CMCSI Saigon Page 3

111 – 121 Ngo Gia Tu, Ward 2, District 10, HCMC
Tel: (08) 38 330 579; Fax: (08) 38 330 580

technician will arrive at Customer site to resolve within 08 hours from making scheduled. Costs for
sending and receiving equipment must be born by CMC)
- Service desk agent will monitor and control the result of processing.
- Customer can escalation to next level manager by the tree as item VII below (if any)
- The ticket will be keep updated base on the priority and impact to customer.

5. Scope of works
5.1 Warranty:
- For any warranty issue, <Company ABC> will conatact to Customer Service Center of CMC
via telephone, email, Web service portal, first level technician will response within 04 working
hours and support to fix issue by making remote or telephone session. In case of not have
solution, CMCSI Saigon’s technician will arrive at Customer site to resolve within 06 hours
from making scheduled. Costs for sending and receiving equipment must be born by CMC)
- CMC provides single contact point for any issue of technical support.
- CMC provides 01 account of Web service portal (ITSM system) to log in and submit and
tracking any incident request
- CMC provides report related any incident request as required.
- Service available is 08 hours/day, Monday-Friday (Public holidays excluding).

6. How to submit a request via CMC’s ITSM System

<Company ABC> will be provide a account to submit a request via web service portal of CMC SI
Saigon at

CMCSI Saigon Page 4

111 – 121 Ngo Gia Tu, Ward 2, District 10, HCMC
Tel: (08) 38 330 579; Fax: (08) 38 330 580

Choose Submit an incident for request from End user portal screen.

View Service History

CMCSI Saigon Page 5

111 – 121 Ngo Gia Tu, Ward 2, District 10, HCMC
Tel: (08) 38 330 579; Fax: (08) 38 330 580

Howerver, <Company ABC> can tracking the status of ticket anyway by click item “View your
service History”

7. How to contact us & Escalation

Name Role Hotline Email
08 38330 912; 0903
Service Desk (CMC) Single contact point
325 279
CMC Web Service Portal

Escalation Contacts – CMCSI Saigon

Nguyễn Tiến Tưởng Warranty Manager  0906 755 856

Nguyễn Đức Trường Service Leader 0909 699 088

Khưu Hàn Giang Customer Service  0903 905 292

CMCSI Saigon Page 6

111 – 121 Ngo Gia Tu, Ward 2, District 10, HCMC
Tel: (08) 38 330 579; Fax: (08) 38 330 580


8. Responsibilities
8.1 CMCSI Saigon’s responsibilities
- Coordinate internal and external resource to finish the task.
- Assign contact point for each case of technical, information collection, business, etc.
- Deliver the prompt decision for each case.
- Report each SLA for each case.
- Provide for CUSTOMER with one account to sign in to the Support Portal
of CMCSI Saigon to manage and have statistic report for every case.
- Perform Incident Management and Problem Management.
- CMCSI Saigon and <Company ABC> would continue to discuss and communicate each other to
ensure the service quality and all request from CUSTOMER within the SLA in this document would
be sovled completely.
- CMCSI Saigon commit to delivery services following Service Level Agreement meeting FE Credit

8.2 <Company ABC>’s responsibilities

- Assign one contact point who is responsible and authorized to make any decision related to the
service contract to work with CMCSI SG.
- Inform the incidents in detailed and specific manner for CMCSI SG to solve effenciently (Customer
name, contact, telephone, serial number, symtom, requirement, location)
- Provide full information related to the wararnty and maintenance process
- Backup data

Escalation Contacts – <Company ABC>

<Contact 1> … Leader Customer fill here Customer fill here
< Contact 2> … Manager Customer fill here Customer fill here
< Contact 3> … Director Customer fill here Customer fill here

9. Standards of technical acceptance

- The task is executed as committed SLA for each case.

CMCSI Saigon Page 7

111 – 121 Ngo Gia Tu, Ward 2, District 10, HCMC
Tel: (08) 38 330 579; Fax: (08) 38 330 580

- CMCSI SG fulfill all within the Scope of work.

- CMC must has every certificate of acceptance(s) or confirmation of items complement which state

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