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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (1997) 47: 600±603 Ó Springer-Verlag 1997


H. Dominguez á M. Cocaign-Bousquet á N. D. Lindley

Simultaneous consumption of glucose and fructose from sugar mixtures

during batch growth of Corynebacterium glutamicum

Received: 24 October 1996 / Received revision: 10 January 1997 / Accepted: 10 January 1997

Abstract Growth of Corynebacterium glutamicum on recently by molecular genetics to overcome speci®c

mixtures of glucose and fructose leads to simultaneous regulatory bottlenecks associated with particular bio-
consumption of both sugars in which the uptake of synthetic pathways (e.g. Ikeda et al. 1993; Reinscheid et
each sugar is directly related to the expression of the al. 1994). A somewhat unusual distribution of carbon
corresponding sugar uptake mechanism. The overall ¯ux within the central metabolic network (Hollander
rate of sugar uptake was higher on sugar mixtures than 1994; Vallino and Stephanopoulos 1993) and the ab-
on either glucose or fructose alone and was similar to sence of detectable NADH:NADP transhydrogenase
that observed during sucrose metabolism. The results activity (Cocaign-Bousquet et al. 1996) necessitate that
suggest that sugar uptake limits metabolic rates though, the NADPH required for the anabolic pathways is
in the case of fructose, over¯ow metabolism of both generated within the central pathways either via the
lactate and dihydroxyacetone was observed. Such pentose pathway (Marx et al. 1996; Rollin et al. 1995) or
products could re¯ect a higher ¯ux through glycolysis by alternative NADPH-generating pathways involving
rather than the pentose pathway during catabolism of malic enzyme (Cocaign-Bousquet and Lindley 1995).
fructose. This incapacity to interconvert NADH and NADPH
probably explains why amino acids are the typical
over¯ow metabolites when growth is perturbed. Yields
are, therefore, dependent upon the central pathways and
Introduction improved performance will be dependent upon our ca-
pacity to control carbon ¯ux through the primary
The gram-positive soil bacterium, Corynebacterium glu- metabolic network. One way of achieving this is by use
tamicum, has been used industrially for the production of substrate mixtures.
of various amino acids for many years. Gains in both Though simultaneous consumption of glucose and
yields and rates of amino acid production under various organic acids has been described (Cocaign et al. 1993)
culture conditions have been achieved by empirical little is known of the regulation of sugar mixture con-
modi®cation of the process conditions together with sumption or the e€ect this may have on carbon ¯ux
genetic improvements of the strains employed. Such through the central pathways. It has been postulated
genetic intervention has been principally of two types: that fructose metabolism involved a diminished ¯ux
random mutagenesis followed by strain selection to through the pentose pathway in Brevibacterium ¯avum.
yield industrial strains, the modi®ed metabolism of They attributed this behaviour to the fructose transport
which remains, in general, non-characterised, and more system, a typical fructose phosphotransferase system
(PTSFru) with a concomitant uptake and phosphoryla-
tion that lead to fructose 1-phosphate as the ®rst intra-
H. Dominguez á M. Cocaign-Bousquet á N. D. Lindley (&)
cellular product (Sugimoto and Shiio 1989). Recent
Centre de BioingeÂnierie Gilbert Durand, work in our own laboratory has con®rmed that a similar
UMR CNRS/INSA and Laboratoire AssocieÂe INRA, PTSFru exists in C. glutamicum (Dominguez and Lindley
Institut National des Sciences AppliqueÂes, 1996) and that expression of this transporter occurs
Complexe Scienti®que de Rangueil, during growth on other sugars. We have undertaken a
F-31077 Toulouse cedex 4, France
Tel.: (33) 5 61 55 94 89 preliminary investigation of the capacity of C. glutam-
Fax: (33) 5 61 55 94 00 icum to co-metabolise sugar (glucose and fructose)
e-mail: mixtures.

between fructose and xylitol uptake rates in strains of C. glutam-

Materials and methods icum lacking PTSMan activity, selected for their resistance to 2-
deoxyglucose (Dominguez and Lindley 1996).
Bacterial strain, media and growth conditions

The bacterial strain used in this study was Corynebacterium glu-

tamicum ATTC 17965. The growth medium was that previously Results
described (Dominguez et al. 1993) except as regards the carbon
source (glucose, fructose, sucrose or various glucose + fructose Growth kinetics
mixtures), which was added to obtain an initial sugar concentration
of approximately 15 g/l (500 mM carbon equivalent). The fer-
mentations were performed in a 3.5-l fermentor (Chemap) of 2.5-l Growth of C. glutamicum on either glucose or sucrose
working volume. The temperature was maintained at 30 °C, pH was more rapid than on fructose and was characterised
was regulated by automatic addition of KOH (5 M) and both the by an exponential growth curve maintained throughout
aeration rate and stirrer speed were modulated to avoid the dis- the culture until the sugar was depleted. During growth
solved oxygen concentration falling below 50% saturation. Shake-
¯ask cultivation for inoculum preparation used the same medium as on either glucose or sucrose, cell material and CO2 were
that used for fermentor studies except that the KH2PO4/K2HPO4 the only products, though dihydroxyacetone and lactate
concentration was increased to 4.86 g/l to improve pH-bu€ering were also synthesised during exponential growth on
capacity. The growth medium was inoculated (4% v/v.) with an fructose, as has previously been described (Dominguez
overnight culture in exponential phase (A ˆ 3 at 650 nm) grown on
the same sugar(s) as used in the fermentor. and Lindley 1996). Lactate was reconsumed, together
with the remaining fructose, during a decelerating
growth phase prior to stationary phase. During this
Substrate and product analysis period, in which both lactate and fructose were con-
sumed, CO2 production relative to substrate consump-
Cell concentration and fermentor o€-gas, concentrations were tion was higher than during growth on fructose alone.
measured as described previously (Dominguez et al. 1993). Sugars
and organic acid concentrations were determined by HPLC, using The production of over¯ow metabolites, together with a
a BioRad H+ column maintained at 48 °C with H2SO4 (5 mM) as globally increased production of CO2, resulted in a
eluant. In all cases detection was by refractometry. somewhat diminished biomass yield on fructose com-
pared to growth on either glucose or sucrose.
When C. glutamicum was grown on mixtures of glu-
Sugar phosphotransferase system cose and fructose co-consumption was always observed
PTS assays were performed on toluenized cells by a method based irrespective of the relative importance of each sugar
on that of Mori and Shiio (1987) as described by Cocaign-Bousquet within the mixture. The speci®c rates of consumption of
et al. (1996) involving the detection of NADH oxidation in the each sugar and the presence of over¯ow metabolites
enzyme-coupled transformation of pyruvate to lactate. Control were dependent upon the mixture composition. It is in-
assays were undertaken to verify that this reaction rate was de-
pendent upon the presence of both sugar and phosphoenolpyruvate teresting to note that a growth rate equivalent to that
in the assay mixture. Similar speci®c activities were obtained for obtained on glucose alone was reached on the equimolar
glucose-transporting PTS activity when rates were obtained by mixture, though a slightly higher value, similar to that
measuring the glucose 6-phosphate concentration in samples taken on sucrose, was obtained in the mixture composed of
from assay mixtures containing glucose-6-phosphate dehydroge-
nase and NADP (0.3 mM), the reduction of which to NADPH was
75% glucose and 25% fructose. It should also be noted
followed at 340 nm. The proportion of fructose uptake by the that the overall rate of sugar consumption was signi®-
PTSFru was assessed from a previously established relationship cantly higher during the co-consumption periods,

Table 1 Kinetics parameters during exponential growth of Cor- (PTS) activity levels. Sugar consumption rates (q) and PTS activ-
ynebacterium glutamicum in batch cultures on glucose, fructose, ities are given as mmol substrate (g dry cells))1h)1 and were mea-
sucrose and glucose + fructose mixtures (percentage compositions sured with an estimated error of < 5% in all cases. Values in
are shown) and the corresponding phosphotransferase system parentheses indicate the estimated PTSMan activity for fructose
Parameter Growth substrate

Glucose Fructose Sucrose Glu/Fru Glu/Fru Glu/Fru

100 100 100 25/75 50/50 75/25

Speci®c kinetic rates

Growth (h)1) 0.59 0.48 0.61 0.53 0.58 0.59
qGlu (mmol g)1h)1) 5.25 ± ± 2.12 2.62 3.55
qFru (mmol g)1h)1) ± 4.42 ± 3.10 2.45 2.26
qSuc (mmol g)1h)1) ± ± 2.90 ± ± ±
Sugar uptake capacity
PTSMan 4.46 2.24 2.08 2.11 2.79 3.61
(1.29) (0.66) (0.61) (0.63) (0.68) (0.75)
PTS 1.73 3.85 2.99 3.05 2.59 2.22
PTSSuc 1.94 2.06 2.97 2.24 2.28 2.17

exceeding that obtained on glucose alone by as much as mixtures employed in this study it is seen that an ap-
20%, though similar to that seen for sucrose. proximately constant level of total PTS activity was
maintained. In response to the sugar present, each in-
dividual PTS varied with a potential twofold modulation
Sugar uptake capacities of transport capacity. This response is somewhat dif-
ferent from that described for many enteric bacteria
Speci®c rates of glucose consumption were similar to the (Postma et al. 1993) and it may prove interesting to see if
PTS transport activity measured with permeabilised cells the catabolite repression mechanism of some gram-
under all mixture compositions (Table 1) once values positive bacteria, involving phosphorylation of the HPr
had been corrected to take into account the overesti- transport protein by fructose-bisphosphate-activated
mation of the fructose transport capacity. A signi®cant HPr kinase (Saier et al. 1996) operates in C. glutamicum.
proportion of the measured fructose-transporting
PTS In the light of the constant overall PTS activity de-
activity could be attributed to the PTS , which has scribed here, it is tempting to speculate that EI (the only
some capacity to transport fructose (Dominguez and transport protein common to all three PTS mechanisms)
Lindley 1996). Only during growth on fructose alone may have a controlling in¯uence on uptake capacity,
was the PTSMan expectedFruto participate signi®cantly in though a detailed study of the puri®ed transporters and
fructose uptake. The PTS activity was a linear function the corresponding genes will be necessary to elucidate
of the proportion of fructose in the mixture, though this aspect.
expressed to signi®cant amounts (50% of maximal spe- It has been suggested (Linton 1990) that the principal
ci®c activity) even in the absence of fructose, as indeed factor limiting the rates of amino acid production in
was the case for all PTS uptake systems examined in this C. glutamicum is the potential of this bacterium to
study. transport sugars. The use of sugar mixtures may help
overcome this limitation, though rates of sugar uptake
from glucose/fructose mixtures, while higher than those
Discussion obtained on each sugar alone, were not higher than
those achieved on sucrose. However, the modi®ed ¯ux
The uptake rate of each sugar from various glucose + distribution associated with the use of sugar mixtures
fructose mixtures was always dependent upon sugar may enable some gains in amino acid yields to be
transport capacities. However, growth rates varied be- achieved and merits further attention.
cause of the production of over¯ow metabolites and a
somewhat higher production of CO2. This implies that
the manner in which sugar mixtures are catabolised
varies signi®cantly from that of either sugar alone. In References
this light it should be remembered that the PTS yields
1-phosphate (Hanson and Anderson 1968) while Cocaign-Bousquet M, Lindley ND (1995) Pyruvate over¯ow and
carbon ¯ux within the central metabolic pathways of Coryne-
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