Answers 1.1 - 5.4

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1 – Types of information systems

1.2 - Integrating Technologies for Systems

- Even if the web provide a 24-hour access in concept, it does not necessary mean that the site you want
to visit is 24/7 up and running. TRUE

- The use of open source software in software development is also characterized as a philosophy rather
than simply a process. TRUE

- Using low-code development approach, you can easily create industry-accepted apps without prior
knowledge in programming. FALSE

- Microsoft products are considered open source softwares. FALSE

- There are apps, like ShareIt for instance, rely heavily on wireless communications to perform useful
functions. TRUE

- Intergrating new technologies, especially in general business operations, is not always a solution to
have business leverage. TRUE

- Integation of new systems does not require any users training since users can easily adapt with current
and emerging technologies. FALSE

- If a new system is introduced in the operations level of the business, only the operations people are
affected. FALSE

- The main goal of ERPs is to integrate systems in different managment levels and within different
functions. TRUE

- Blockchains, also known as dApps, is the technology that allows small energy-efficient, internet-
connected devices, such as smartphones, to be interconnected and communicate with each other for
efficient process and transfer of data. FALSE

1.3 - Systems Development Life Cycle

- In which phase of the SDLC activities like interviewing and observation are conducted? Determining
human information requirements

- What activity is said to begin in the sixth phase of the SDLC and carried out throughout the lifecycle of
the information system? Maintenance

- In which phase analysts are closely involved in the phase's activities? all of the seven phases

- Which statement is TRUE about the conduct of the activities and/or phases of the SDLC? several
activities can occur simultaneously, activities may be repeated

- In which phase the four Ws (who, what, where, and when) and an H (the how) is learned by the
systems analyst? second phase

- Analyzing system needs is a phase in SDLC that use tools and techniques that help the analyst make
requirement determinations.  These tools include: DFDs, activity or sequence diagrams

-What is/are the output/s of SDLC's phase 3 - analyzing system needs? all of the choices

-In which phase programmers role of designing, coding, and removing syntactical errors become critical?
Developing and documenting the software

-The feasibility report containing the problem definition and summary of objectives is the output of
which phase? Identifying problems, opportunities, and objectives

-Which of the following is an activity done in the fifth phase of the SDLC? document software with Help
files, user manuals, and frequently asked questions

1.4 - Roles of the Systems Analysis

2.1 -
Organizations as Systems
2.2-2.3 - Levels of Management & Organizational Cultures

-Their decision-making is characterized as partly operational and partly strategic. - middle managers

-Awareness of cultural standards is universal. – FALSE

-Written or spoken words are examples of _____. - verbal symbols

-Highly dependent on internal information. - operational control

-A subculture have a unique set of beliefs and values that don't necessarily align with the general
culture. - TRUE

-Trophies displayed in company corridors or hallways is an example of _____. - nonverbal symbols

-They make decisions that affect implementation in scheduling inventory, and control of processes. -
operations managers

-Often make one-time decisions. - strategic managers

-Managers of the same company might have different "people skills" and ways of interacting with
subordinates. – TRUE

-Define the organization at a whole, seeing the bigger picture. - strategic managers

3.1 - Project Initiation

3.2 - Determining Feasibility

3.3 - Activity Planning and Control

-For both Roseke and Kendall, arrows represent tasks or activities in PERT diagrams. - TRUE

-Using the activity notation, topmost row hold values for earliest dates (ES and EF) and the activity
duration. - TRUE

-Activities with slack or float time are the activities that compose the critical path. - FALSE

-Slack time is the amount of time that a non-critical path activity can be delayed without delaying the
entire project. - TRUE

-Pessimistic time estimates are always used in estimating time for activities. - FALSE

-In timeboxing, non-critical features are deployed first along with the add-on features. - FALSE

-An activity is any specific event or occurrence. - TRUE

-To accurately estimate time to finish an activity, major activities are broken down into smaller,
manageable tasks. - TRUE

-PERT diagrams are useful when activities are done in sequence rather than in parallel. - FALSE

-Earliest finish (EF) of an activity is obtained by adding the activity's duration to the earliest start (ES). -

3.4 – Managing Analysis and Design Activities

Choose the correct statement:

The more people you put into work in the same project, the faster it will get done.

The more people working together towards a set goal of a project, the faster it will get done.

Choose the correct statement.

Goal setting helps to motivate team members.

Monetary incentives always helps motivate team members.

Choose the correct statement.

Teams often have two leaders: one who leads members to accomplish tasks and one concerned with
social relationships.  But it can be one in the same person.

Teams must have two leaders: one who leads members to accomplish tasks and one concerned with
social relationships.

Choose the correct statement.

Risk is any unexpected event that can affect the project usually for the better.
Risk is any unexpected event that can affect the project either for better or for worse.

Choose the correct statement.

Project failures may be prevented by training, experience, and learning why other projects have

Projects failures may be prevented only by thorough planning and the whole team sticking with the set

4.1 – 4.4 – Interviewing

 questions are special kind of 
 questions that limits the interviewee by allowing a choice on either pole.

2. Closed questions is 

 in terms of efficient use of time, while open-ended interview questions is 

3. Probe questions are also known as 


4. An 
 is a conversation between two people: questions are asked by the 
 to obtain information from the 
 who is considered as the resource person.

5. Interviews reveal information about 

, feelings, the 
 state of the system, goals, and informal procedures.

6. A benefit of an open-ended question is that it allows for more 

 of the conversation.

7. Closed interview questions are appropriate for generating 

, reliable data that is easy to 

 questions allow interviewees to respond how they wish and to what length they wish.

 are appropriate type of closed question in obtaining, for example, customer satisfaction.

4.5 – Question Sequencing

4.6 – Joint Application Design

In JAD approach, personnel may be absent from their jobs for the length of time required for all the JAD
sessions. TRUE

JAD can be viewed as requirements gathering approach where key stakeholders are involved in a "out-
of-town" group sessions setup. TRUE

The session leader should be an expert in systems analysis with great communications and facilitation
skills. FALSE
The observer is the one who is responsible for documenting or writing down everything that is done
during the JAD sessions. FALSE

The idea for the two-to-four-day session off-site is to minimize the daily distractions and responsibilities
of those involved from their daily work. TRUE

A benefit of JAD is that it requires a large block to time to be available for all session participants. FALSE

JAD replaces the series of interviews with the user community which takes longer time to accomplish.

From 8 to 12 can be chosen from any rank to participate that will represent the user community to be
involved in JAD sessions. TRUE

It is okay to have no analyst in the group of JAD session members. FALSE

The JAD approach is considered a rapid development of systems method. TRUE

4.7 – Using Questionnaires

A type of question well suited for getting opinions. OPEN-ENDED

Avoiding bias also means avoiding objective questions. FALSE

_____ is what organizational members do. BEHAVIOR

Which of the following is NOT a reason when to used questionnaires? INFORMATION REQUIREMENT
In terms of ease of preparation, a closed question is _____ to prepare. DIFFICULT

Which of the following is complete faster by respondents? CLOSED QUESTIONS

Open-ended questions can ask the respondents for short answers as well. TRUE

Which of the following is used when gaps between points are equal? INTERVAL SCALE

It is the degree to which the question measures what the analyst intends to measure. VALIDITY

To solve this problem, eliminate the center option by using an even number of options to force the
respondents to choose a side. CENTRAL TENDENCY

If respondents are allowed to choose more than one option from a list of options, you use a radio
button. FALSE

An electronic form function that allows respondents to choose the appropriate answer/response from a
predetermined list. DROP-DOWN MENU

5.1 – Sampling

These are unrestricted, non-probability samples.

 simple random samples
 purposive samples
 convenience samples
In this type of sampling, every kth person, item, or document on a list is
chosen as part of the sample.
 cluster sampling
 stratified sampling
 systematic sampling
In the sample size formula, it is the proportion of the population having or
exhibiting the attribute.
 p
 n
 i
Which of the following is the confidence coefficient?
 z
 σ
 i
A subset of the entire population is also known as subpopulation or _____.
 confidence coefficient
 collection
 strata
In which of the following sampling each document, item, or person has an
equal chance of being selected?
 clustering
 simple random
 stratified
 purposive
Which of the following is NOT a reason for a systems analyst to perform
 speed up data gathering process
 to obtain just any data
 eliminate or reduce bias
 reduce cost
It is the process of systematically selecting representative elements of a
 customization
 selection
 sampling
 surveying
Which of the following is NOT an external resource person?
 vendors
 company executives
 suppliers
Slide 10 of 11
 competitors
In this type of sampling, analyst use a criteria as a basis for taking
the sample.
 purposive
 convenience
 systematic
 simple random

5.2 – Investigation

For each of the pair of statements, choose the CORRECT

Progress: 0/8

 A way to inspect a record is to bypass redundant form fill-ins.

 A way to inspect a record is to look for errors in amounts and totals.
 Blank forms can be compared with already filled-in forms to see if any
data items are consistently left blank.
 Only filled-in forms are used to easily identified data items that are
consistently left blank.
 Examples of quantitative documents are memos, email messages, and
policy handbooks.
 Examples of quantitative documents are fill-in forms, performance
reports, and records.
 Investigation is the act of discovery and analysis of data.
 Observation is the act of discovery and analysis of data.
 A document that shows the actual versus intended performance is a
performance report.
 A document that shows the actual versus the intended performance is a
employee record.
 "Part of a great machine," and "cogs in a wheel" are examples of humor
used in organizational memos.
 "Quality is Forever," and "Safety First" are examples of slogans found in
bulletin boards.
 Examples of qualitative documents are records, performance reports,
and reports used for decision making.
 Examples of qualitative documents are signs on bulletin boards,
memos, and procedure manuals.
 Qualitative documents are often rich in detail, revealing the expectations
for behavior of others in the organization.
 Quantitative documents often contain logos. graphics, and icons
incorporated in their general design.

5.3 – 5.4 – observation

Fill in the missing words to complete each statement:

Checking mode

1.   is a technique for observing the decision maker's environment.


2. In desk placement, a desk   the wall with a chair at its side

encourages   and equal exchanges. Facing, participation

3. With the analyst's playscript, the   is the decision maker who is being
observed. actor

4. In STROBE markings, a/an   implies that the narrative in the form is

being confirmed. checkmark

5. The term   is an abbreviation of the theatre or film industry term for
properties. props

6.   office equipment include cabinets, bookshelves, and other large

fixtures for storing items in the office. Stationary
7. The   involves observing the decision maker's behavior as well as

recording their actions using a series of action  . Playscript, verbs

8.   provides insight on what organizational members actually do.


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