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How to follow up like a

Sales Jedi
Why are we here?

• Most sales professionals are following up on leads on

the wrong day, time, content and no tracking tools.
• Sales Reps are wasting time on their current
Follow Ups
• Marketing Teams are not receiving full potential of
their lead spend

Follow up the Hookeepa way!

Follow Up Best Practice & findings:

• Wednesday’s and Thursdays are the best days to F/U
• Best times: 8-9am and 4-6pm
• Contact a lead immediately
• The odds of contacting a lead in the first 5 minutes
are 100x higher versus 30 minutes
• Contact lead persistently
• Most reps only contact a lead average 1.3 times
• Average contacts required to convert: 8 times
What about F/U Content?
• Stay away from follow up templates
• Make it personal to their business and request
• If they ask about ecommerce services, tweak the
content about “your request for our commerce services”
and an appropriate case study
• Do not write a novel. Clients do not have the time to read in
paragraph form. Your email will get deleted.
• You are there to help them given your past performance and
unique value.
• “We can help you increase revenue with our best practice
approach to ecommerce services.

Please provide some days and times to discuss further.

Visit our Website/Read our Whitepaper (insert link)”

Tools to succeed
• CRM is ok, but does not offer best practice approach to follow ups
• We recommend these two tools to follow up like a Sales Jedi:

• Email plugin to classify leads into “buckets”, for example Hot,
Warm, Cold buckets.
• Write rules for each bucket, eg. F/U with Hot Lead every 4 days
• Dashboard to quickly F/U with your appropriate leads
• Email Plugin to track when your clients open your emails or
• Set Reminders for follow ups
• Email notification when a client opens your Whitepaper
Contact Info

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Sales and CRM Best


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