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4 Critical Factors to Sales Follow-Up

Campaign Success

Table of Contents
1. 1.The
The4 Critical
4 Critical
Factors………………………………………………….. 5
2. 2.Number
Numberof of
Touchpoints……………………………………………….. 6
3. 3. Channel
Diversity………………………………………………………. 8
4. 4. Time
Touches……………………………………………….. 11
5. 5. Content
of Touchpoints…………………………………………………
of Touchpoints………………………………………………… 16
7. 7. Offer
Insights……………………………………………………... 19
8. 8.Educate………………………………………………………………….
9. 9. Share
10. 10. Putting
it Allit Together…………………………………………………
All Together………………………………………………….. 25
Sorry, but...

There is no one magic formula for

outbound sales success.

Yet sales professionals are in a constant

search for an elixir.


There are numerous resources out there for

creating an ideal client profile. Posts have been
written about lead gen. There are 100s of email
templates and subject lines.

That’s all great, but how does this all tie together
in a broader outbound sales strategy?

The 4 Critical Factors

When creating your outbound strategy, you need to

take into account 4 considerations:

1. Number of touchpoints
2. Channel Diversity
3. Time between touchpoints
4. Content of touchpoints

1) Number of Touches

While there’s no golden rule and you should find

what works best for you, the general consensus
among experts is 7 or more touches.

Here’s the one thing we know works
for outbound sales:

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2) Channel Diversity

Email isn’t the only way to follow up. Pairing

email with phone calls and social media
outreach is usually a winning strategy.

For Example, on Twitter...

Favorite a prospect’s tweet and then

following them an hour later. If/when they
follow you back, tweet a message at them
(don’t use Twitter direct message, no one
reads those anymore).

For Example, on LinkedIn...

Comment on a post your prospect has

written. Like or share an update. Jump
into a conversation your prospect is
having in a group discussion, then reach
out for the connection with a personalized

3) Time Between Touchpoints

I recommend being a little more persistent early

on, then tapering off if the buyer hasn’t
responded. We’ve seen great results sending
the second touch a day or even 12 hours after
the first.

Forget about those reports and articles about
“the best day to send emails.”

They always change. One authority comes out

saying Wednesdays at 3pm is best. Then
everyone start sending at that time.

Guess which day is now a terrible time to send

an email?

Example Campaign:
Day 1: Call and email
Day 2: Email and Twitter
Day 3: Twitter
Day 5: Email and LinkedIn
Day 7: Email
Day 10: Call and email
Day 17: Email and Twitter
Day 21: LinkedIn and blog post
Day 28: Call and email

4) Content of the Touchpoint

The content of your email is largely going to

determine if you come across as an annoying
pest or a persistent businessperson.

Starting each successive touch with “just

checking in” or “just following up” gets old fast.

To get replies: Don’t be boring. Have
personality. Add value.

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Ideas for Follow-up Email Content

1. Reemphasize business value

2. Offer insights
3. Educate
4. Share news

Re-emphasize Business Value

It’s all about what you can do for the


Find a way to show them value. Talk to their

pain points.

Example Template
Hi {{first name}},

I'd love to have a conversation with you about how we might be able to exceed your 2016 goals,
like we did for other companies in {{industry}} in 2015. We can help you:

{{Benefit 1}}
{{Benefit 2}}
{{Benefit 3}}

Do you have 10 or 15 minutes at the beginning of next week?

{{your name}}

Offer New Insights

Again, make it about them and their


It could be sharing a different way to

approach their problems or a novel idea
for how they can reach goals.

Example Template
Hey {{first name}},

I know many companies like yours are constantly challenged with


I was reading a blog about {{topic}} and it got me thinking. Have you ever
thought about {{solution}}?

Do you have 10 minute next week? I’d love to share my thoughts with you.

{{your name}}


Don’t pitch in your follow ups.

Instead, offer a piece of valuable

content, whether it’s a whitepaper,
ebook, webinar recording, case study,

Example Template
Hey {{first name}},

I know many companies like yours are constantly challenged with {{problem}}.

We just published a blog about {{blog title}} and I thought you’d find it helpful.

Would love to discuss it with you. Do you have time this Wednesday?

{{your name}}

Share News

Why do you think social media is so


People want to stay up on news. They

don’t want to miss out on anything.

Relevant news is a great way to grab

attention and offer value.

Example Template
Hi {{first name}},

Did you hear the latest news about {{hot topic in your industry}}?

{{give a interesting/surprising stat}}.

Did you know {{your company}} can help with this? Let’s jump on a
quick call and I’ll explain. Do you have time Tuesday morning?

{{your name}}

Putting it All Together

Now that we have all the pieces of a

successful outbound sales strategy, it’s
time to start executing.

1. Decide on a number of touchpoints

2. Vary the medium
3. Assign a schedule
4. Create good content

The 4 Critical Factors

The platform you choose should let you

customize your campaigned based on each of
the 4 factors above.

Don’t skimp and don’t compromise here.

Choosing the technology for the
job will save you time, money
and energy.

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More Resources

How to Build the Perfect Sales Stack

How Sales Reps Can Get to Yes Despite the

Constant Barrage of No’s

4 Simple Steps to Find the Decision Maker in

Any Company

Want to see how PersistIQ can
help you be more effective with
outbound sales?

Let us show you!
#MeasuringSalesMetrics @PersistIQ

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