DS Granifibres

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Polypropylene fibres


GRANIFIBRES are polypropylene fibres which The quantity of GRANIFIBRES is added

are added in the concrete to reduce crackings directly in the mixer with the components of the
and the faience manufacturing of the concretes concrete but never in water.
and mortars. If GRANIFIBRES is used in amount, to prolong
The covers carried out with the addition of the malaxation still 5 min. in order to make dissolve
GRANIFIBRES have better abrasion the sachet. For the mortars of granulometry
resistances and to the shocks. lower than 10 mm, it is preferable to add the
quantity of fibres manually.
The dispersion of fibres in the concrete or A bag of 600 grs per m² concrete.
mortar creates a network fibred of high density. Two bags of 600 grs per m² mortar.
As follows:
- They improve cohesion in a fresh state
- They reduce crackings of withdrawal and it CONDITIONING AND STORAGE
< Cracking>
- Very good resistance to the alkaline media Box of 40 amounts of 600 g of soluble paper
- Very good impact resistance. Able to reach And of no soluble sachet of 600 g for mortar
values 100 times higher than that of the Store safe from humidity.
witness Shelf life: 3 years in its packing of origin
- Very good abrasion resistance


- Hangars of storage
- Mechanic workshop
- External Coatings
- Corridors of circulation
- Carparks…


- Length of fibre ..................... …….12 mm

- Density ................................. …0.9 g/cm3
- Point melting ................................. 150°C
- Module of Yung ....................... 3KN/mm2
- Elongation at fracture ....................... 50%
- Section of fibre ................................. 30 µ

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Il est recommandé de procéder à des essais de convenance pour déterminer la fourchette d’utilisation tenant
compte des conditions réelles de chantier.

Zone industrielle Oued Smar – BP85 Oued Smar – 16270 Alger
Tél : (213) 021 51 66 81 & 82
Fax : (213) 021 51 64 22 & 021 51 65 23
www.granitex.dz - E-mail: granitex@granitex.dz

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