Media and Information Literate Deseree L.

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OCTOBER 16, 2018

Mostly in Urban areas wherein there is no Signal or they can’t access in the internet
they do not know the meaning of Media and Information Literate, but sometimes in School
they teach this in Computer subjects or sometimes in English subject, so we have a little bit
knowledge about this. But for further more knowledge let’s define media and information
literate. So what do we mean when we hear the word Media? Well mostly when we define
Media, Media is a communication through e.g. Television, newspapers, talking to a person.
But for further more explanation, media are “texts” designed to be read, analyzed, created,
deconstructed and re-constructed. Media languages and media techniques are used, so one
should become familiar with both of those and how they work. Photographs, for example,
are primarily visual so understanding visual literacy might be important. Newspapers (in
print) rely on images and words. (The news literacy movement is aimed at helping students
and others understand the work of journalists, for example.) TV and movies depend on
visuals and sound, so understanding the “language of the moving image” would be
essential. Video games go one step further in interactivity. Who benefits from
media/information would also be important to consider. Individuals should also be aware
that both media/information depend on audiences and advertising for survival. So what
about Information Literate, well this is a crucial skill in the pursuit of knowledge. It
involves recognizing when information is needed and being able to efficiently locate,
accurately evaluate, effectively use, and clearly communicate information in various
formats. And also this is simply the ability to evaluate the merit of the information, know
where to find the information needed and use and curate it to aid in numerous tasks and
purposes. When we actually here the word importance, it is how a thing important to an
individual, that’s the idea. Today’s Generation it is more on Technology base in city areas
on Schools about their home works they get it online or they base their answers online so
instead of ideas came from the mind they get there answers on the internet. Compared on
the Province’s. And another, mostly when we here news it came from the television or the
newspapers, so if there is a disasters coming, we are prepared, new rules implement by the
president or government, we knew them, the rights of a person, the happenings around our
country and the whole world in generalization.

Being media and information literate is important for several reasons. It’s
important so one is able use current and past information, example about the late typhoon
Ompong. It’s important to be able to navigate through various types of media with success.
I think it is important to know where to find the best source of information for your needs.
Like for example your research works and assignments, projects, for references also. To
evaluate any information decide the best source, (where to find your researches,
assignment, etc.). It is also important in our day to day lives to be able to process the
information we are presented with through various types of media and carry on in an
intelligent way given the information we have. For example a weather report or an
advertisement about a food product and also things. So let’s talk about the information
and literate first, what can we say about this, and the value of it, this is important or it
values for today’s learners for which it helps students on the questions their asking for, for
problem solving, looking up for information, able to give their own opinion, and also for
students and people to to interpret and make informed judgments as users of information
and media, as well as to become skilful creators and producers of information and media
messages in their own right and if they like to. Now, let’s go to Media, well the value of this
is to keep you up to date, for true/correct information’s, without media you will miss out
about interesting topics also it’s sounds tragedy like how a landslide, slide a house, trough
media also you can spread news, your own story writing and chats, the purpose of media is
to be informed,. They say that Media and Information Literate can make your work
shorter, less time, and more easier, especially when you are writing something you just
click and search the information. And also it is a prerequisite for citizens to realize their
rights to freedom of information and expression.

As for my argumentation, they always say that every information you will know
and this information’s are fact and also it can help you for if you have assignments. But for
me being always Media and Information Literate can make a person lazy and spoiled and
can lead to argumentation and fraud information’s. Because today, technology is
improving fast, it is efficient, in real time and it is cheaper than conventional form of
communications (live or recorded). Books are becoming digital, job applications,
government forms, taxes, corporate policies, school records, assignments and homework
are done online. It is easier to correct, update and distribute information this way so it will
be the norm. If you are not digitally literate, it will be a handicap and life will become
increasingly difficult. You will be dependent on others for basic needs. The media doesn't
always deal with facts or give us accurate information — especially social media. Example:
A student, this student is learning in an urban school whenever the teacher gave them an
assignment or research and also writing an essay, she always get her answer on the internet
and media, she doesn’t use any knowledge of hers, always on the internet and does not read
the things that she used to get from the internet, when the teacher let them explain their
assignment one day, she doesn’t know how to explain it, and some information’s are not
fact. So the point here students are lazy to think, they are dependable only in the internet,
and not enough knowledge. Another example is that, there are many fake news on the
Internet or social media, and there are many victims that we watch on television. For
example fake account so that they will gain money from them or to destroy them and also
sending virus apps to destroy a person’s gadgets or sending them virus messages. Cause
this much happen today.

Everyone is part of Media and Information Literate because it is understandable

that this is so important to us, but if we are about to use it, do it properly, don’t over use it,
practice to control yourself/know your limits and avoid addiction that can cause you not to
do yourself, let not gadget or playing games/surfing the internet control you but you are the
one who will control this, and as of today there are many people who are enemies just
because of fake news and many things that can destroy them that they put on media, social
networks. I know that without this people could be harden for their works, but still we live
without this and you could be more knowledgeable and can work independently. Again I
know that this is so important to everyone so that we know what are the things that are
happening around us and things that we should know, that flash from the television and
watch on the internet, but as a person we should try to tell fact information and try to be

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