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The Importance of Information Literacy

Information literacy skills are used for academic purposes, such as research papers and
group presentations. They are used on the job—the ability to find, evaluate, use and share
information is an essential skill. They are also used in consumer decisions, such as which car or
vacuum cleaner to purchase, are critical. Last but not least, they are used by informed citizens in
participating fully in a democratic society through voting (Kenney, 2007).
Information literacy is conceivably the foundation for learning in contemporary environment of
continuous technological change. As information and communication technologies develop
rapidly, and the information environment becomes increasingly complex, educators are
recognizing the need for .

They know where to look for the answer to both the common everyday information
needs and for the answer to the more perplexing, less-easily-addressed, problems of life. They
are familiar not just with where to look but also with the tools and processes required to find
those answers. Zabel (2007) points out that efforts to train students to be adept at attaining
information through a variety of mechanisms must be “integrated, relevant, ongoing,
collaborative, and applied” if they are to be successful in preparing those students for success in
their academic and professional careers (Zabel ,2007).

For students to be adequately informed about the value of the university library and
resources such as the Internet in information retrieval there must be a careful collaboration
between teaching staff and library staff (Kenney, 2007). The focus in this task, of course, is
preparing students not just for the immediate research project at hand but rather to prepare them
to be life long learners, to prepare them to be successful and productive once they leave the
academic environment and take up their chosen careers (Lauer & Yodanis, 2012).

A search for information can take a variety of routes. It might entail a visit to the
university library or to some other organization that maintains information on a particular
subject. Academic libraries are indeed a critical tool in information

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Essay about The Importance of Information

Length: 1172 words (3.3 double-spaced pages)

Rating: Strong Essays

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Information literacy skills are used for academic purposes, such as research papers and group
presentations. They are used on the job—the ability to find, evaluate, use and share information
is an essential skill. They are also used in consumer decisions, such as which car or vacuum
cleaner to purchase, are critical. Last but not least, they are used by informed citizens in
participating fully in a democratic society through voting (Kenney, 2007).
Information literacy is conceivably the foundation for learning in contemporary environment of
continuous technological change. As information and communication technologies develop
rapidly, and the information environment becomes increasingly complex, educators are
recognizing the need for learners to engage with the information environment as part of their
formal learning processes (Kenney, 2007).
Information literacy is critically important because growing ocean of information in all formats
is everywhere. Not all information is created equal: some is authoritative, current, reliable, but
some is biased, out of date, misleading, and false. The amount of information available is going
to keep increasing. The types of technology used to access, manipulate, and create information
will likewise expand (Lauer & Yodanis, 2012).
Information literacy can be defined as the ability to ferret out the answer to questions, the ability
to explore a subject and to come away with an understanding of that subject. The Presidential
Committee on Information Literacy (2009) provides another definition that information literacy
knows how to learn. Information literacy is a critical element in numerous aspects of life. Indeed,
as might be expected, information literacy has a definite influence on sc...

... middle of paper ...

...tion literacy makes that a reality.


Kenney, Brian. (2007, Jul). Getting it together: sure, collaboration is good, but we need data--and
we need it now. School Library Journal, (53)7, 9(1).

Lauer, S. R., & Yodanis, C. L. (2012, July). The international social survey programme (ISSP): A
tool for teaching with an international perspective. Teaching Sociology, 32(3), 304.

Outing, Steve. (2007, Jul). It isn’t Easy Knowing Who You Can You Trust. Editor & Publisher.

Presidential Committee on Information Literacy. (2009, Jan 10). The Importance of Information
Literacy to Individuals, Business, and Citizenship. Washington, D.C. Presidential committee on
information literacy: Final report. (2009, January).

Zabel, Diane. (2012, Jan). A Reaction to "Information Literacy and Higher Education". Journal
of Academic Librarianship, (30)1, 17(3).

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Essay about The Importance of Information Literacy

- Information literacy skills are used for academic purposes, such as research papers and group
presentations. They are used on the job—the ability to find, evaluate, use and share information
is an essential skill. They are also used in consumer decisions, such as which car or vacuum
cleaner to purchase, are critical. Last but not least, they are used by informed citizens in
participating fully in a democratic society through voting (Kenney, 2007). Information literacy is
conceivably the foundation for learning in contemporary environment of continuous
technological change.... [tags: Research Education Skills]

Strong Essays
1172 words (3.3 pages)


Information Literacy and Leadership Essay
- Proposed Topic The purpose research is to outline the importance of information literacy and
recommendations for the future. Specifically, it argues for the importance of Information
Literacy to individuals, business, and citizenship. It suggests opportunities to develop
information literacy which addresses the information age in school. Information Literacy and
Leadership Information literacy in individuals' lives has traditionally valued quality of life and
the pursuit of happiness; however, these goals are increasingly difficult to achieve because of the
complexities of life in today's information and technology dependent society.... [tags: Literacy

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Information Literacy Instruction with Distance Students:

Librarians' Key Role, by Chutima Sacchanad
- The article selected as the topic for this assignment is from a session of the 68th IFLA Council
and General Conference (August 18 – 24, 2002). The presentation is “Information Literacy
Instruction to Distance Students in Higher Education: Librarians Key Role” presented by
Chutima Sacchanad. Mr. Sacchand’s presentation focused on the changes in distance education
as a result of the changes in technology and role of librarians in helping distance education
students navigate these changes. Distance education is changing the way students learn.... [tags:
Information Literacy Essays]

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teaching practices literacy has come to be a major part of the course curriculum when teaching
early years. It has numerous definitions and meanings to individual people as it continues to be
developed through our rapidly changing world. My understanding of literacy “has to do with
having the skills and knowledge to create, locate, analyze, comprehend and use a variety of
written, visual, aural and multi-model texts for a range of purposes, audiences and contexts.”
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- The American Association for School Libraries defines information literacy as the ability to use
many types of reference resources and literacies to find information. The different types of
reference resources and literacies include: digital, visual, textual, and technological literacies.
The American Association for School Libraries has four main learning standards. The first covers
inquiry, thinking critically, and gaining knowledge. The second standard includes drawing
conclusions, making informal decisions, applying knowledge to new situations, and creating new
knowledge.... [tags: education, schools, library]

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- Visual literacy, as defined by The Association of College and Research Libraries Image
Resources Interest Group, “Is a set of abilities that enables an individual to effectively find,
interpret, evaluate, use, and create images and visual media.” (ACRL). While the concept itself,
as well as awareness of its role in people’s everyday lives is increasingly widespread, its’ worth
is still highly debated. It is evident in our daily lives, messages conveyed through billboards,
television advertisements, sculptures, and magazine adds, just to name a few.... [tags: Literacy

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imperative superintendents and cabinet members understand how to best facilitate student
acquisition of so-called 21st century skills.” (Mcleod, 2007) The proficiency level of information
literacy of the students, teachers, and administrators across the country is dropping to its lowest
point in years. Within the education field, the responsibility to increase the rigor and raise the
standards and expectations rests solely upon the shoulders of the building and district
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certain symbols" (420). If the symbol's (letters) meanings are not agreed upon by those
attempting to communicate, then interpreting one another becomes difficult. Simply stated,
literacy is very important. Society has proven time and time again, it will reward those
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year. Many have argued that one of the driving forces behind this has been video games; a
medium that requires more processing in terms of graphics and computational power than many
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constructions of reality”. The prime targets of the media are young people because they so
unwittingly believe everything the media tells them, from “how to talk, how to dress, and how to
relate to others”. This newspaper article, seeing is not believing by Leslie Fruman is essentially
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The Value Of Being A Media & Information

Literate Individual
Sabado, Hunyo 18, 2016

The Value Of Being A Media & Information Literate Individual

The Value Of Being A Media & Information Literate Individual

Media & Information Literacy Recognizes The Primary Role f Media & Information In Our
Everyday Lives.The Purpose Of Information & Media Literate Is To Engage In A Digital
Society; One Needs To Be Able To Use,Understand,Inquire,Create,Communicate And Think
Critically. It Is Important To Have Capacity To Effectively Access,Organize,Evaluate, And
Create Messages In A Variety Of Forms.Information & Media Literacy Enables People To
Interpret And Make Informed Judgement As Users Of Information & Media As Well As To
Become Skillful Creators & Producers Of Information & Media Messages In Their Own Right.

To Become A Media Literate Is Not To Memorize Facts Or Statistics About The Media But
Rather To Learn,To Raise The Right Questions About What You Are Watching,Reading,Or
Listening To And To Be Information Literate A Person Must Be Able To Recognize When
Information Is Needed & Have The Ability To Locate,Evaluate,And Use Effectively The Needed
Information.Students Are No Longer Limited To The Desktop Computer.Students Use Mobile
Technologies To Graph A Mathematical Problem,Research A Question For Social Studies,Text
Message An Expert For Information As Well As Send Homework To A Drop Box.Media &
Information Literacy Therefore Is About Helping Students Become Competent, Critical, And
Literate In All Media Forms So That They Control The Interpretation Of What They See Or Hear
Rather Than Letting The Interpretation Control Them.

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B an n erad fo rV ip erp lag iarsm ch eck er


 Education For Media Literacy Media
 Published: 23rd March, 2015

 Disclaimer: This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the
work written by our professional essay writers. You can view samples of our professional work

 Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are

those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Essays.

 Media literacy is an approach to education which provides a framework to analyze,

evaluate and access messages in various forms and thereby building an understanding of the role
of media in the society as well as self-expressions required for citizens of a democracy.

 Media literacy is the ability to know and understand how the mass media works. This
includes how they are organized, how they produce their meanings and how they use them
wisely. A person who is media literate can clearly describe the role of media in their lives. He or
she understands the basics of various media and enjoys using them deliberately in a conscious
way. He or she has full recognition that protects them from being unnecessarily frightened and
therefore has a full control of his or her media experiences. Often, the media is lumped together
as a single entity but in reality it is actually many forms of communication like the newspapers,
billboards, television, radio, magazines, video games, computer games and videocassettes.

 Education for media literacy uses the inquiry-based pedagogic, model which encourages
the people to ask questions in relation to what they read, hear and watch. Media literacy provides
tools which help people analyse messages and offer them opportunities to broaden their
experience of media. It assists them develop creative skills in coming up with their own media
messages. Critical analysis includes identifying the author, his purpose and point of view,
examining the construction techniques and genres, patterns of media presentation and detecting
any bias, censorship and propaganda available in the news and public programming. Media
literacy explores how structural features like the media ownership and funding model affects the
information presented.

 Media literate people are skilful in creating and producing media messages to facilitate
understanding of specific qualities of each medium and at the same time create independent
media and participate as active citizens. Media literacy has contributed to an expanded
conceptualization of literacy which treats mass media, popular culture and digital media as types
of texts that require critical evaluation and analysis. Due to the transformation process of media
consumption into an active and a critical process, people have gained a bigger awareness of the
potential for manipulation and misrepresentation through public relations techniques and get to
know the role of mass media in constructing the views of reality. Sometimes, media literacy is
viewed as a channel to address the negative side of mass media, digital media and popular
culture which includes gender, media violence and racial stereotypes, concerns about loss of
privacy, internet predators, the sexualisation of children and cyber bullying. Media literacy
provides a type of protection for children and helps them make good decisions in their
consumption habits and the patterns of their use. Learning abilities linked to media literacy can
be used to create learning and teaching methods for example through mobile phones, internet
based learning and interactive whiteboard.

Media interprets the past and shows us what has made us into being the way we are. Like
geography, it defines for us our place in the world. Media literacy also helps us understand the
workings of our immediate world and also our places individually in it. The media is also a
major source of modern culture and entertainment and also requires us to learn and use the
critical thinking skills. Media literacy helps us define how we communicate with others and also
helps us to adopt the edge of modern technological innovations. Media literacy also helps us
determine much of the cultural diet and weave part of the fabric part of our lives. Media literacy
also helps us to understand ourselves as well as misunderstand ourselves and others. It helps us
interpret our world, its ideas to us and its values. Media literacy helps us understand how things
work, because it has carefully planned constructed and designed products.

By helping kids and teens to become media literate, we can help them protecting them against
pressures from advertising and several others media forms to drink, use drugs, eat unhealthy
foods and have sex. We also help them build good communication skills , put portrayals of others
as well as themselves, encourage them to look into multiple interpretations of media messages
and also improve their media usage habits like changing the ritualistic viewing behaviors.

The goal of media literacy is not bashing or to ridicule the media because it is a dominant force
in our culture and therefore should be evaluated fairly and not denigrated. Media literacy is also
not a magic wand or a silver bullet to solve all our problems but rather our best defense to resist
manipulation and to keep a perspective of the images and messages that are a part of the youth
culture and the media.

Media literacy is therefore about helping students to become competent and critical in the
various media forms so that they are well equipped to control the interpretation of what they
observe and hear instead of letting the interpretation to control them. To be media literate is not
about memorizing or taking statistics about the media but rather learning to raise the appropriate
questions about what is seen, heard or read, in other words it is the ability to think for oneself.
Without this ability, an individual cannot have the full dignity to exercise citizenship in a society
which is democratic.
Wherein media literate is a kawan

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