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Highway Engineering 1 project

Group Members

1. Alemneh Tessema ATR/9003/07

2. Jack Keflu ETR/9212/11

3. Abdulaziz Mohammed ATR/8245/10

4. Natnael Habtamu ATR/5673/10

5. Ansha Mohammed ATR/3817/06

Table of Content

1. Route Selection-------------------------------------------------------------6
2. Design control and criteria --------------------------------------------- 10-18

3. Geometric Design----------------------------------------------------------19-32
4. Design of cross section----------------------------------------------------33
5. Earth work quantities and mass-haul diagram---------------------34-35
we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all who were helpful for us when we are doing this
particular work. Especially, to our Instructor MATIAS.K for giving us this project, because we have learnt
more in addition to what we have learned in the class room. The project was interesting and it brought
out the best out of us in-terms of creativity, usage and understanding of the design manual, problem
solving ability and most of all the ability to work with other students. In spite of every care taken, some
errors might have crept in. we will be grate full to our instructor for bringing such errors to his notice.
Any suggestions concerning the project will be gratefully acknowledged

In spite of every care taken, some errors might have crept in. we will be grate full to our instructor for
bringing such errors to his notice. Any suggestions concerning the project will be gratefully

Thank You

The process of transportation planning entails developing a transportation plan for an urban region. It is
an ongoing process that seeks to address the transport needs of the inhabitants of the area, and with
the aid of a process of consultation with all relevant groups, strives to identify and implement an
appropriate plan to meet these needs.

The process takes place at a number of levels. At an administrative/political level, a transportation policy
is formulated and politicians must decide on the general location of the transport corridors/networks to
be prioritized for development, on the level of funding to be allocated to the different schemes and on
the mode or modes of transport to be used within them.

Our design procedure starts with selection of the most suitable route of the roadway according to the
guidelines provided in the ERA (Ethiopian road authority) manual. The second step in our design of the
roadway is to provide the design controls and criteria, which for our case it is provide that it is design
standard 4 (DS4), for our route. This includes the design speed, minimum stopping distance, minimum
horizontal curve radius, weather a transition curve is required or not, the maximum gradient desirable
and absolute gradient to be provided, maximum super elevation, and so on.

After defining our design parameters, the next step is to define the natural elevation of the selected
route. This is followed by the careful design of the vertical and horizontal alignment of the roadway
formation. This includes both horizontal and vertical curve (geometry) deign. Design of cross section
comes next and it is important matter because the route passes through different places which require
different drainage and embankment slopes.

Page 1
The last procedure in our design is to determine the amount of earth work quantity and the ever so
important mass-haul diagram. The road to be designed is assumed to be a link
road with an AADT of nearly 300 vehicle per day, Coefficient of lateral friction (f) = 0.46 &
Coefficient of friction for SSD 0.25.

Highways with fully controlled access can handle the most traffic and are built to the highest
construction standards. Interstate highways, freeways, and expressways are examples of fully
controlled-access highways. Vehicles that enter or exit these types of highways can do so only at certain
points along the highway, generally by using special entrance and exit ramps. The ramps allow vehicles
to access the road without disturbing the flow of traffic. Incoming vehicles must merge with flowing
traffic, and vehicles leaving the highway use exit ramps that guide them off the highway without
blocking the traffic behind. Intersections with other roads are avoided by using either bridges known as
overpasses to carry one roadway over another or short tunnel-like structures called underpasses to
carry one roadway under another. Finished strips called shoulders on the edges of highways allow
drivers of disabled vehicles to make repairs or await assistance without blocking traffic.

Highways with fully controlled access generally have two or more lanes for each direction of travel and
often include medians (dividers in the middle of the road) to separate traffic moving in opposite
directions. In Europe, highways with fully controlled access are called motorways, motor-routes, or

Some highways offer only partial control of access. These types of highways handle less traffic than
do highways with fully controlled access. Highways with partially controlled access may intersect other
roads at the same level (called at-grade), rather than using overpasses or underpasses. Vehicles can
enter highways with partially controlled access at intersections rather than using ramps. However, the
right-of-way is often given to one direction of travel, rather than requiring all traffic to stop at the
intersection. Giving the right-of-way to one direction of traffic helps keep traffic moving at higher
speeds, although typically not at speeds as high as those on a highway with fully controlled access. One
benefit of highways with partially controlled access is that they are much cheaper to construct than
highways with fully controlled access.

After saying this much about transport planning and highway in general let’s focus on the project
we are given. The project which is aimed to connect the two villages as shown below, (C &D), Three
alternative routes are selected that can possibly connect the two end points (i.e. point C and point D).
The alternatives are compared to choose the best route using multi-criteria evaluation. Economic
evaluation, environmental impact, maximum grade, proximity to existing route and accessibility are
some of the criteria used. Using this best route is selected. This road is going to be designed for the
appropriate standards and combinations of geometric design elements fulfilling the objectives listed

Page 2
 Topography, land use and physical features.
 Environmental considerations.
 Road safety considerations.
 Road function and control of access.
 Traffic volume and capacity.
 Design speed and other speed controls.
 Design vehicle and vehicle characteristics.
 Economic and Financial considerations.
 Alternative construction technologies.

The main reason roads are constructed is to provide accesses between two points. not only this roads
play undeniable part in the development of local areas .this general thought also holds true concerning
this two villages in the following few lines it will be become apparent why the road indeed be built
 for economic and trade connection
 for tourism purpose
 for social and cultural purpose
 for political point of view
For economic purpose
The village on the contour map shown as G is well known for its agricultural products that are highly
valued in the international market and the village shown as C on the map is the nearest village to point
of export so, it is quite clear that there should at least be an accesses road that connect this points for
export gain and development of the village.
For tourism purpose
The two villages in the consideration are near to a national park. A road build constructed in an
appropriate distance from the national park will encourage tourists to visit the park and the income
found from this would be a good revenue for other developments.
For social and cultural purpose
On both links of the road under consideration there are two places of worship which are considerably
large from both villages this road would provide a good access for them.
For political point of view
These two villages are part of a country and citizens in them have been paying tax for a number of years
and the government thinks it is as good time any to rip what they saw for the reasons described below
and many more it is economically, socially and politically appropriate to construct the road.

1. Route selection
1.1. Route selection criteria

Page 3
Route selection is an important step in the design of transportation route. It is important because a bad
alignment will enhance the construction, maintenance and vehicle operating costs. Once an alignment is
fixed and constructed it is not easy to increase in cost of adjoining land and construction of costly
Structure by the roadside.
In general, the aim of alignment selection process is to find a location for the new road that will result in
the lowest total construction, land, traffic, and environmental costs.

In Ethiopia, for a road on a completely new alignment, a minimum of three options is required to be
considered. There are different criteria for route selection but for our project the followings are our
major criteria:

 Some of the factors which influence the route selection are

 Topographic, geologic, and physical characteristics.
 Number, type and characteristics of water courses Potential risk of slides, slope instability
or flood.
 Human settlements affected by the road; and
 Environmental impact of the selected route.
1.2. Criteria for route selection
The possible alternatives are next evaluated by the following criteria:

 What are the relative lengths of the alternatives? Normally the shortest distance is preferable.
 What are the average and mean gradients of the alternatives? Normally the least severe grade
alternative is preferred. However, the relation of minimum grade may be the inverse to the
shortest length route.
 Which alternative follows the least severe terrain type? An alignment through, for instance
rolling terrain should be less costly to construct, have lower vehicle operating costs and
maintenance costs, and less severe horizontal curves than a route through mountainous terrain.
 What is the total number of bridges required for each route?
 Which route results in the least environmental disturbance to the surrounding area?
 number horizontal curves on each route

Based on the guidelines provided above we have decided to compare two routes.

1. Topography
2. Accessibility to required places
3. Number of horizontal curves
4. Length of the road
5. Proximity of habitation, pond and other
6. Maximum gradient

Route selection

Page 4


Route – 1
X'(cm X scaled elevation(m) slope Gradient (%) terrain
) type
0 0 158 0 0 Flat
1 60 152 -0.1 -10 Rolling
2 120 149 -0.05 -5 Flat
3 180 152 0.05 5 Flat
4 240 149 -0.05 -5 Flat
5 300 158 0.15 15 Rolling
6 360 155 -0.05 -5 Flat
7 420 158 0.05 5 Flat
8 480 161 0.05 5 Flat
8.3 498 163 0.111111 11.11111 Rolling
9.3 558 170 0.116667 11.66667 Rolling
10.3 618 185 0.25 25 Rolling
11.3 678 197 0.2 20 Rolling
12.3 738 197 0 0 Flat

Page 5
13.3 798 197 0 0 Flat
14.3 858 212 0.25 25 Rolling
15.3 918 206 -0.1 -10 Rolling
16.3 978 212 0.1 10 Rolling
17.3 1038 221 0.15 15 Rolling
18.3 1098 233 0.2 20 Rolling
19 1140 233 0 0 Flat
Route - 2
X'(cm) X scaled elevation(m) slope Gradient terrain type
0 0 158 0 0 flat
1 60 155 -0.05 -5 flat
2 120 152 -0.05 -5 flat
3 180 167 0.25 25 rolling
4 240 191 0.4 40 mountainous
5 300 224 0.55 55 escarpment
5.5 330 230 0.2 20 rolling
6.5 390 227 -0.05 -5 flat
7.5 450 242 0.25 25 rolling
8.5 510 242 0 0 flat
9.5 570 239 -0.05 -5 flat
10.5 630 233 -0.1 -9.09 rolling
11.5 690 236 0.05 5 flat
12.5 750 224 -0.2 -20 rolling
13.5 810 227 0.05 5 flat
14.5 870 233 0.1 10 rolling

Best route selection becomes: -

No Analysis criteria Route - 1 Route - 2 Preferred route

1 Length of the route 750m 720m 2
2 Maximum gradient 25 55 1
3 Proximity of habitation Far from habitation Far from habitation 1&2
4 Type of terrain flat Rolling 1
5 No of horizontal 2 2 2
6 Required for bridge No need No need Both
7 Maximum straight 450m 600m 1

Page 6
From the above comparison: - the preferable one is Route – 1
 So, we proceed with Route – 1



Design controls and criteria are of a major importance in designing a roadway that satisfies the
primary goals of safety comfort and economy. Geometric design the process whereby the
layout of the road through the terrain is designed to meet the needs of the road users through
this criteria and standards. The principal geometric features are the road cross-section and
horizontal and vertical alignment. In our case we are expected to design the roadway in
accordance with the design requirement stated in design standard 4(D.S.4).The choice of design
controls and criteria is influenced by the following factors: the functional classification of the
road; the nature of the terrain; the design vehicle; the traffic volumes expected on the road; the
design speed; the density and character of the adjoining land use; and economic and
environmental considerations. As these factors usually vary along a route of some length, the
design does not have to be constant for the whole length of a road. On the contrary, changes in
the design are usually required in order to obtain proper correlation between the road layout
and the above factors, whilst maintaining construction costs at realistic levels.

2.2. design control and criteria

The elements of design are influenced by a wide variety of design controls, engineering
criteria, and project specific objectives. Such factors include the following:
 Functional classification of the roadway
 Projected traffic volume and composition
 Required design speed
 Topography of the surrounding land
 Capital costs for construction
 Human sensory capacities of roadway users
 Vehicle size and performance characteristics
 Traffic safety considerations
 Environmental considerations
 Right-of-way impacts and costs

Page 7
 Based on table 1 the design standard of our project is DS2 since it has AADT of 300.

 Terrain
The geometric design elements of a road depend on the transverse terrain through which the road
passes. Transverse terrain properties are categorized into four classes as follows:

FLAT: Flat or gently rolling country, which offers few obstacles to the
construction of a road, having continuously unrestricted horizontal and
vertical alignment (transverse terrain slope up to 5 percent).

ROLLING: Rolling, hilly or foothill country where the slopes

generally rise and fall moderately and where occasional steep
slopes are encountered, resulting in some restrictions in
alignment (transverse terrain slope from 5 percent to 25 percent).

MOUNTAINOUS: Rugged, hilly and mountainous country

and river gorges. This class of terrain imposes definite restrictions
on the standard of alignment obtainable and often involves long
steep grades and limited sight distance (transverse terrain slope
from 25 percent to 50 percent).

ESCARPMENT: In addition to the terrain classes given

above, a fourth class is added to cater to those situations
whereby the standards associated with each of the above terrain
types cannot be met. We refer to escarpment situations inclusive
of switchback roadway sections, or side hill transverse sections
where earthwork quantities are considerable, with transverse
terrain slope in excess of 50 percent).

Terrain classification for 50m right of way

X'(cm X right center left elev slope gradien terrain
) scaled diff t classification

Page 8
0 0 158 158 155 3 0.06 6 Rolling
0.2 12 158 158 155 3 0.06 6 Rolling
0.4 24 158 158 155 3 0.06 6 Rolling
0.6 36 155 155 155 0 0 0 Flat
0.8 48 152 152 155 -3 -0.06 -6 Rolling
1 60 152 152 155 -3 -0.06 -6 Rolling
1.2 72 149 149 152 -3 -0.06 -6 Rolling
1.4 84 149 149 152 -3 -0.06 -6 Rolling
1.6 96 149 149 149 0 0 0 Flat
1.8 108 152 149 149 3 0.06 6 Rolling
2 120 152 149 149 3 0.06 6 Rolling
2.2 132 149 149 149 0 0 0 Flat
2.4 144 149 149 149 0 0 0 Flat
2.6 156 152 149 146 6 0.12 12 Rolling
2.8 168 155 152 143 12 0.24 24 Rolling
3 180 155 152 143 12 0.24 24 Rolling
3.2 192 155 149 143 12 0.24 24 Rolling
3.4 204 152 149 149 3 0.06 6 Rolling
3.6 216 152 149 149 3 0.06 6 Rolling
3.8 228 152 149 146 6 0.12 12 Rolling
4 240 155 149 146 9 0.18 18 Rolling
4.2 252 152 152 146 6 0.12 12 Rolling
4.4 264 152 152 149 3 0.06 6 Rolling
4.6 276 152 152 152 0 0 0 Flat
4.8 288 158 155 152 6 0.12 12 Rolling
5 300 158 158 155 3 0.06 6 Rolling
5.2 312 155 155 155 0 0 0 Flat
5.4 324 158 155 155 3 0.06 6 Rolling
5.6 336 158 155 155 3 0.06 6 Rolling
5.8 348 161 155 155 6 0.12 12 Rolling
6 360 161 155 155 6 0.12 12 Rolling
6.2 372 161 155 155 6 0.12 12 Rolling
6.4 384 164 155 155 9 0.18 18 Rolling
6.6 396 164 155 155 9 0.18 18 Rolling
6.8 408 164 158 155 9 0.18 18 Rolling
7 420 164 158 155 9 0.18 18 Rolling
7.2 432 167 158 155 12 0.24 24 Rolling
7.4 444 167 158 155 12 0.24 24 Rolling
7.6 456 170 158 155 15 0.3 30 Rolling
7.8 468 170 158 155 15 0.3 30 Rolling
8 480 170 161 155 15 0.3 30 Rolling
8.3 498 170 163 158 12 0.24 24 Rolling
8.5 510 170 163 158 12 0.24 24 Rolling
8.7 522 170 166 158 12 0.24 24 Rolling

Page 9
8.9 534 173 166 161 12 0.24 24 Rolling
9.1 546 176 169 167 9 0.18 18 Rolling
9.3 558 176 170 170 6 0.12 12 Rolling
9.5 570 182 170 176 6 0.12 12 Rolling
9.7 582 185 173 179 6 0.12 12 Rolling
9.9 594 188 179 182 6 0.12 12 Rolling
10.1 606 191 182 188 3 0.06 6 Rolling
10.3 618 200 185 188 12 0.24 24 Rolling
10.5 630 197 188 191 6 0.12 12 Rolling
10.7 642 197 191 191 6 0.12 12 Rolling
10.9 654 197 197 191 6 0.12 12 Rolling
11.1 666 197 197 200 -3 -0.06 -6 Rolling
11.3 678 197 197 194 3 0.06 6 Rolling
11.5 690 200 197 194 6 0.12 12 Rolling
11.7 702 200 197 194 6 0.12 12 Rolling
11.9 714 197 197 194 3 0.06 6 Rolling
12.1 726 197 197 194 3 0.06 6 Rolling
12.3 738 197 197 194 3 0.06 6 Rolling
12.5 750 194 197 195 -1 -0.02 -2 Flat
12.7 762 197 197 191 6 0.12 12 Rolling
12.9 774 197 197 191 6 0.12 12 Rolling
13.1 786 197 197 191 6 0.12 12 Rolling
13.3 798 200 197 197 3 0.06 6 Rolling
13.5 810 200 200 200 0 0 0 Flat
13.7 822 206 203 200 6 0.12 12 Rolling
13.9 834 212 206 203 9 0.18 18 Rolling
14.1 846 21 209 206 9 0.18 18 Rolling
14.3 858 215 216 206 9 0.18 18 Rolling
14.5 870 218 212 209 9 0.18 18 Rolling
14.7 882 218 206 209 9 0.18 18 Rolling
14.9 894 212 206 209 3 0.06 6 Rolling
15.1 906 215 203 209 6 0.12 12 Rolling
15.3 918 212 220 206 6 0.12 12 Rolling
15.5 930 209 222 206 3 0.06 6 Rolling
15.7 942 212 217 209 3 0.06 6 Rolling
15.9 954 215 218 212 3 0.06 6 Rolling
16.1 966 212 218 212 0 0 0 Flat
16.3 978 209 212 209 0 0 0 Flat
16.5 990 212 212 212 0 0 0 Flat
16.7 1002 215 212 215 0 0 0 Flat
16.9 1014 215 218 215 0 0 0 Flat
17.1 1026 218 215 215 3 0.06 6 Rolling
17.3 1038 218 218 215 3 0.06 6 Rolling
17.5 1050 221 221 218 3 0.06 6 Rolling

Page 10
17.7 1062 221 221 221 0 0 0 Flat
17.9 1074 224 224 221 3 0.06 6 Rolling
18.1 1086 227 227 224 3 0.06 6 Rolling
18.3 1098 230 233 227 3 0.06 6 Rolling

Design standard
Based on the given AADT value of 300 vehicles per day the design standard and the roads classification
can be determined from the l ERA-2002 manual chapter 2 (geometric design manual) on table 2- 1or
a truncated version on chapter 5 table 5-2.
The functional classification of the road
The functional classification in Ethiopia includes five functional classes. The following are the functional
classes with their description.
I. Trunk Roads (Class I) Centers of international importance and roads terminating at international
boundaries are Linked with Addis Ababa by trunk roads they are numbered with an "A" Prefix: an
example is the Addis-Gondar Road (A3). Trunk roads have a present AADT 1000, although they can have
volumes as low as 100 AADT
II. Link Roads (Class II) Centers of national or international importance, such as principal towns and
urban centers, must be linked between each other by link roads a typical link road has Over 400 - 1000
first year AADT, although values can range between 50-10,000 AADT. They are numbered with a "B"
prefix. An example of a typical link road is the Woldiya Debre Tabor- Woreta Road (B22), which links, for
instance, Woldiya on Road A2 with Bahir Dar of Road A3.
III. Main Access Roads (Class III) Centers of provincial importance must be linked between each other by
main access roads First year AADTs are between (30-1,000). They are numbered with a "C" Prefix.
IV. Collector Roads (Class IV) Roads linking locally important centers to each other, to a more important
center, or to Higher class roads must be linked by a collector road. First year AADTs are between 25-400.
They are numbered with a "D" prefix (see Table A-4).
V. Feeder Roads (Class V) Any road link to a minor center such as market and local locations is served by
a feeder road. First year AADTs are between 0-100. They are numbered with an "E" prefix and are
presented in Appendix

Table 2-1: Design Standards vs. Road Classification and AADT

Surface Width (m) Design Speed (km/hr) Urban/Pe

Type ri-Urban

Page 11
Road Design Design Traffic Carriageway Shoulder Flat Rolli Mountai Escarpme
Functional Standar Flow ng nous nt
Classification d (AADT)*

DS1 10000–**15000 Paved ***

Dual 2 x 7.3 See T.2-2 120 100 85 70 50

DS2 5000–10000 Paved 7.3 See T.2-2 120 100 85 70 50

L U DS3 1000–5000 Paved 7.0 See T.2-2 100 85 70 60 50

DS4 200–1000 Paved 6.7 See T.2-2 85 70 60 50 50

I K DS5 100– 200 Unpaved 7.0 See T.2 70 60 50 40 50


DS6 50–100 Unpaved 6.0 See T.2-2 60 50 40 30 50
A DS7 30–75 Unpaved 4.0 See T.2-2 60 50 40 30 50

R DS8 25–50 Unpaved 4.0 See T.2-2 60 50 40 30 50

DS9 0–25 Unpaved 4.0 See T.2-2 60 40 30 20 40

DS10 0–15 Unpaved 3.3 See T.2-2 60 40 30 20 40

Table 2-2: Shoulder Widths

Rural Terrain/Shoulder Width (m) Town Section Widths (m)

Page 12
Design Flat Rolling Mountaino Escarpmen Shoulder Parking Foot
Standard us t Lane**
way Median!

DS1 3.0 3.0 0.5 – 2.5 0.5 – 2.5 n/a 3.5 2.5 5.0 (min)

DS2 3.0 3.0 0.5 – 2.5 0.5 – 2.5 n/a 3.5 2.5 Barrier!

DS3 1.5 - 3.0+ 1.5 - 3.0+ 0.5 – 1.5 0.5 – 1.5 n/a 3.5 2.5 n/a
+ +

DS4 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 n/a 3.5 2.5 n/a

DS5* 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a 3.5+++ 2.5 n/a

DS6** 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a 3.5+++ 2.5 n/a

DS7 1.0 (earth) 1.0 (earth) 1.0 (earth) 1.0 (earth) n/a n/a + n/a + n/a

DS8** 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a n/a + n/a + n/a

DS9** 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a n/a + n/a + n/a

DS10** 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a n/a + n/a + n/a

* Shoulders included in the carriageway width given in Table 2-1

** Shoulders included in the carriageway width given in Table 2-1
*** To be provided where urbanization requires this facility
+ Where these classes of roads pass through urban areas, the road shall be designed to Standard DS6
++ The actual shoulder width provided shall be determined from an assessment of the total traffic flow
and level of
non-motorized traffic for each road section
+++ Depending on the development of the town & Includes a shoulder
! Median with trees (DS1) is allowed for cross section shown in the table i.e. 2lane +parking lane +
Footway if
otherwise the median should be a covered and an open one without trees or a lower width of a median
barrier shall
be designed . Similarly for DS2 Roads in the town section i.e. One lane + parking lane +footway should
have a
covered median with no trees or otherwise a lower width of a median barrier should be designed.

Geometric design parameter for Design Standard DS2 (paved)

Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment
Design Speed km/h 120 100 85 70 50
Min. Stopping Sight m 285 205 155 110 55

Page 13
Min. Passing Sight
m 425 375 340 275 175
Min. Horizontal Curve
m 630 395 270 175 85
Transition Curves
Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Max. Gradient
% 3 4 6 6 6
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 5 6 8 8 8
Minimum Gradient % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum Super
% 8 8 8 8 4
Crest Vertical Curve k 210 105 60 31 10
Sag Vertical Curve k 74 51 36 25 12
Normal Crossfall % 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Shoulder Crossfall % 4 4 4 4 4
Right of Way m 50 50 50 50 50

Design controls and criteria

Factors which are considered in the choice of design controls and criteria:
 Functional classification of the road
Since our design standard is DS2 and the road is determined from the estimated AADT. The
road is turned out be link road.
 Terrain type
 From the transverse slope computed the terrain type is rolling.
 Traffic volume expected on the road
 AADT=300
 Design speed of the road
 For rolling terrain and DS2 V design = 100 km/hr.
 SSD min= 205 m
 PSD min=375
 R min=395 m
 E=8%
 Carriageway =7.3 m
 Shoulder Width (m) =3.0 m
 Crest vertical curve =105
 Sag vertical curve =51
 Design vehicles
 Physical characteristics of the vehicle
 Turning capabilities of the vehicle
 For our project design vehicle: DV4

3.1 Introduction

Page 14
Geometric design is an essential component in the design development of a high way. In our case
we have designed our route for both vertical and horizontal alignment by taking the necessary
assumption and by making sure it satisfies the requirement specified in ERA design
Horizontal curves
Horizontal alignment deals with the design of the directional transition of the highway in a
horizontal plane. A horizontal alignment consists, in its most basic form, of a horizontal arc and
two transition curves forming a curve which joins two straights. In certain situations, the
transition curve may have zero length.
The design procedure itself must commence with fixing the position of the two straight lines
which the curve will join together.
Minimum permitted horizontal radii depend on the design speed and the super elevation of the
carriageway, which has a maximum allowable value of 8% in the ERA manual, 2002.

These curve types are used to connect curved and straight sections of highway. (They can also be
used to ease the change between two circular curves where the difference in radius is large.) The
purpose of transition curves is to permit the gradual introduction of centrifugal forces. Such
forces are required in order to cause a vehicle to move round a circular arc rather than continue
in a straight line.

The characteristic of a transition curve is that it has a constantly changing radius. Transition
curves may be inserted between tangents and circular curves to reduce the abrupt introduction of
lateral acceleration and therefore to enhance safety. They may also be used between two
for large radius curves, the rate of change of lateral acceleration is small and transition curves are
not normally required. It can also be argued that transition curves are not a requirement for
certain roads, particularly those of lower classification.

Detail design of the selected route

Selected route: route– 1

Page 15
Selected route: route– 1

3.2 Horizontal alignment

3.2.1 Horizontal curve 1

 Let’s compute our radius using the following data :

 Design speed =Vd =70km/hr
 PI=4+98
 emax = 8 %
 t=2.5sec
 Δ=600

Page 16
 G=3%
 f = 0.16…………………From Table 8.1 of the ERA manual

R=¿ ¿ ≥Rmin=175m…………From Table 2.7 of the ERA manual

V D2
Rmin =
127 ( e+ f )
127∗( 0.08+0.16 )

¿ 160.761 m
Stopping sight distance
V D2
SSD=0.278¿ V D∗¿ t + where, t=perception reaction time = 2.5 second
254 ( f +G )
SSD= 0.278 ¿ 70∗2.5+¿702/254(0.25+0.03)
SSD =117.5476m
ERA recommends that for horizontal curve with design speed of 70km/hr the minimum radius of
the curve to be 175m
R <Rmin then Rc=Rmin=175

 Length of transition curve

Ls= ; where C=0.6m/sec3
C( R c )
V ∗V∗V
 Ls=
 c=0.6 m/sec 3

( )

3.6 3.6
Ls= =70.016 m for comfort
 Total tangent length
Ls 2 (70.016)
Ts=(Rc+S)tan(∆/2)+Ls/2 ;where S= = =1.1672m
24 Rc 24∗175
 Deflection angles of the transition curve and the circular curve
L s 70.016 180
Ѳs= = *
2 R c 2(175) π
= 110 27’ 42.4”
Δc=Δ-2Ѳs=600 00’ 00” – 2(110 27’ 42.4”)

Page 17
 Length of circular curve
Δc ( Rc ) ( π )
( 37 0 4 ’ 48 ” )( 175 ) (π )
=113.254 m
 Stations of TS,SC,CS,ST)
Station PI =4+98
Station TS = Station PI - Ts
= 4+98– 130.6593
Station SC = Station TS + Ls
= 3+67.34+ 70.016
= 4+37.357
Station CS = Station SC + Lc
= 4+37.357+113.254
= 5+50.611
Station ST = Station CS + Ls
= 5+50.611+ 70.016
= 6+20.627
 Deflection angels of points with 12m interval
 TS to SC (the spiral curve)
Deflection angle = (L/Ls)2*( Ѳs /3)
Station length deflection angle
3+67.34 0 0
3+77.356 10.016 0.078173112
3+89.356 22.016 0.377698799
4+01.356 34.016 0.901644331
4+13.356 46.016 1.650009709
4+25.356 58.016 2.622794932
4+37.356 70.016 3.82

 SC to CS (the circular curve)

Deflection angle = (L/Lc)*( Δc /2)

Station chord length deflection angle

4+37.356 0 0
4+42.61 5.254 0.860094654
4+54.61 12 1.964433927
4+66.61 12 1.964433927
4+78.61 12 1.964433927
4+90.61 12 1.964433927

Page 18
5+02.61 12 1.964433927
5+14.61 12 1.964433927
5+26.61 12 1.964433927
5+38.61 12 1.964433927
5+50.61 12 1.964433927
Sum 18.54

 CS to ST (the spiral curve)

Deflection angle = (L/Ls)2*( Ѳs /3)

Station Length deflection angle

5+50.61 70.016 3.82
5+60.626 58.016 2.622794932
5+72.626 46.016 1.650009709
5+84.626 58.016 2.622794932
5+96.626 22.016 0.377698799
6+08.626 10.016 0.078173112
6+20.626 0 0

3.2.2 horizontal curve – 2

 Let’s compute our radius using the following data :
 Design speed =Vd =70km/hr
 PI=11+40
 emax = 8 %
 Δ=700
 f = 0.16…………………From Table 8.1 of the ERA manual

R=¿ ¿ ≥Rmin=175m…………From Table 2.7 of the ERA manual

V D2
Rmin =
127 ( e+ f )

127∗ ( 0.08+0.16 )

¿ 160.761 m

Stopping sight distance

V D2
SSD=0.278¿ V D∗¿ t + where, t=perception reaction time = 2.5 second
254 ( f +G )

Page 19
SSD= 0.278 ¿ 70∗2.5+¿702/254(0.25+0.03)
SSD =117.5476m
ERA recommends that for horizontal curve with design speed of 70km/hr the minimum radius of
the curve to be 175m

R <Rmin then Rc=Rmin=175

 Length of transition curve

Ls= ; where C
C( R c )
V ∗V∗V
 Ls=
 c=0.6 m/sec 3

( )

3.6 3.6
Ls= =70.016 m for comfort
 Total tangent length
Ls 2 (70.016)
Ts=(Rc+S)tan(∆/2)+Ls/2 ;where S= = =1.1672m
24 Rc 24∗175
 Deflection angles of the transition curve and the circular curve
L s 70.016 180
Ѳs= = *
2 R c 2(175) π
= 110 27’ 42.4”
Δc=Δ-2Ѳs=700 00’ 00” – 2(110 27’ 42.4”)
 Length of circular curve
Δc ( Rc ) ( π )
( 47 0 4 ’ 48 ” ) ( 175 ) (π )
=143.797 m
 Stations of TS,SC,CS,ST)
Station PI =11+40
Station TS = Station PI - Ts
= 11+40– 158.361
Station SC = Station TS + Ls
= 9+81.639+ 70.016

Page 20
= 10+51.655
Station CS = Station SC + Lc
=( 10+51.655)+143.797
= 11+95.452
Station ST = Station CS + Ls
= (11+95.45)+70.016
= 12+65.468m

 Deflection angels of points with 12m interval

 TS to SC (the spiral curve)
Deflection angle = (L/Lc)2*( Ѳs /3)

Station length deflection angle

9+81.639 0 0

9+91.655 10.016 0.078173112

10+03.655 22.016 0.377698799

10+15.655 34.016 0.901644331

10+27.655 46.016 1.650009709

10+39.655 58.016 2.622794932

10+51.655 70.016 3.82

 SC to CS (the circular curve)

Deflection angle = (L/Lc)*( Δc /2)

Station chord length deflection angle

10+51.655 0 0
10+63.452 11.797 1.931204267

Page 21
10+75.452 12 1.964435976
10+87.452 12 1.964435976
10+99.452 12 1.964435976
11+11.452 12 1.964435976
11+23.452 12 1.964435976
11+35.452 12 1.964435976
11+47.452 12 1.964435976
11+59.452 12 1.964435976
11+71.452 12 1.964435976
11+83.452 12 1.964435976
11+95.452 12 1.964435976
sum 23.54

 CS to ST (the spiral curve)

Deflection angle = (L/Ls)2*( Ѳs /3)

Station Length deflection angle

11+95.45 70.016 3.82
12+05.46 58.016 2.622794932
12+17.46 46.016 1.650009709
12+29.46 34.016 0.901644331
12+41.46 22.016 0.377698799
12+53.46 10.016 0.078173112
12+65.46 0 0

Plan view of the road

Page 22
3.3. Widening on Curves

 As drivers following the design speed will find it difficult to remain in the traffic lane. Curve
widening reduces such problems
 Shall be provided to make operating conditions comparable to those on tangents. This is
necessary as the wheel tracking width is increased.
 Curve widening shall generally be applied to both sides of the roadway.
 It should start at the beginning of the transition curve and be fully widened at the start of the
circular curve.
 Widening is also required for Design Standards DS1 through DS5 at high fills for the
psychological comfort of the driver.

 Radius for the curves is R=175m from the table given above for two lane is

3.4. Super elevation

 In alignment design with spirals the super elevation runoff is effected over the whole of
the transition curve.

Page 23
 Length of the run of is the spiral length between TS at the beginning and SC at the end
 The change in slope starts at TS(tangent to spiral) and reaches its full super elevation at
SC(spiral to curve)
A typical super elevation for the horizontal cur

3.3. Vertical Alignment

Once the horizontal alignment has been determined, the vertical alignment of the section of
highway in question can be addressed. Again, the vertical alignment is composed of a series of
straight-line gradients connected by curves, normally parabolic in form (see Fig. 6.17). These
vertical parabolic curves must therefore be provided at all changes in gradient. The curvature
will be determined by the design speed, being sufficient to provide adequate driver comfort with
appropriate stopping sight distances provided.

According to ERA:
Vertical alignment is the combination of parabolic vertical curves and tangent sections of a
particular slope. The selection of rates of grade and lengths of vertical curves is based on
assumptions about characteristics of the driver, the vehicle and the roadway. Vertical curvature
may impose limitations on sight distance, particularly when combined with horizontal curvature.

Page 24
Thus the two major aspects of vertical alignment are vertical curvature, which is governed by
sight distance criteria, and gradient, which is related to vehicle performance and level of service.
This chapter describes the mathematical concepts for defining the vertical curvature of the road;
defines the limiting characteristics for each road class; recommends maximum and minimum
gradients; indicates gradient requirements through villages; develops the criteria for
incorporation of a climbing lane; and provides vertical clearance standards
 For our case, we have decided to use one crest curve, and the design procedure is
shown below
Vertical curve – 1
Hence our AADT is 550 thus,
V = 70 km/h
SSDmin = 110 m
g1 = 3 %
g2 = 6 %
T = 2.5s
Step 1: Determination of stopping site distance
SSD = 0.278 Vt + V2 / 254 x (F + G)
Where G = g2 – g1
G = 6 % - 3 % = 3%
We take this from the above table by taking 7% as an absolute maximum value.
F = 0.25
SSD = 0.278 x 70 x 2.5 + 702 / 254 x (0.250 + 0.03)
SSD = 117.548 ~ 120
SSD = 120 m
Since SSD is greater than SSDmin lets take SSD = 120 m
Step 2: Determination of curve length
Criteria for determination of curve length:
- Using site distance
- According to ERA
- Length of curve for comfort
- Length of curve for aesthetics
Criteria 1:
I. S > L
L = 2S – ((200 x (√H1 + √H2)2)/ A)
Assume H1 = 1070 mm
H2 = 150 mm
L = 2x120 – 200 x (√1.07 +√0.15)2/(6-3)
L = 105.33
Hence S > L, then it’s ok to take L = 105.3
II. S < L
L = AS2/404

Page 25
L = 3x1202 / 404
L = 106.9
Hence L > S the assumption doesn’t work so we cannot take L = 106.9
Criteria 2: Length according to ERA

L = KA, from the table K = 31

L = 31x3
L = 93 m
Criteria 3: Length of curve for comfort
L = AV2/395
L = 3x702/365
L = 37.215

Criteria 4: Length of curve for aesthetics

L = 30 x A
L = 30 x 3, L = 90 m
Thus length of curve is governed by criteria 1 which is site distance. Thus
L = 106 m ~ 110 m

Step 3: Elevation and Location of points on the curve

Page 26
L = 110 m
PVI = 195.6545m
Chainage of PVI = 8 + 70
Elevation of PVC = Elevation of PVI – g1xL/2
= 195.6545– 0.03 x 110/2
Elevation of PVC = 190.592
Chainage of PVC = Chainage of PVI – L/2
= 8 + 70 – 110/2
Chainage of PVC = 8 + 15
Elevation of PVT = Elevation of PVI + g2 x L /2
= 212 + 0.06 x 55
Elevation of PVT = 215.3
Chainage of PVT = 8 + 70 +L/2
= 8 +70 + 55
Chainage of PVT = 9 + 25
Curve equation
Y = aX2 + bX + c
Where a = A/2L
= 0.03 / 2x110
b = +g1
c = Elevation of PVC
Thus our equation becomes
Y = 0.03X2/220 + 0.03X + 210.35
But this equation only works where X starts from zero.
Thus we arrange our equation
Y = 0.03 x (X’ – 815)2 /220 +0.03 x (X’ – 815) + 210.35
Where X’ is station point.

Page 27
Elevation at different stations becomes:-


PVC 8+15 0 190.592
8+22 7 190.8086818
8+34 19 191.2112273
8+46 31 191.6530455
8+58 43 192.1341364
PVI 870 55 192.6545
8+82 67 193.2141364 Profile view of the
8+94 79 193.8130455
9+06 91 194.4512273 road
9+18 103 195.1286818
PVT 9+25 110 195.4821364


Page 28
Cross section is also an important component in the design of a certain road-way for the
following reasons.
 Provision of level surface for ease of steering.
 Provision of an appropriate cross slope for drainage purpose.
 Provision of the appropriate shoulder width traffic width.
 Provision of appropriate width of walk-ways and presence of medians.
Cross-section will normally consist of the carriageway, shoulders or curbs, drainage features, and
earthwork profiles.
1. Carriageway- the part of the road constructed for use by moving traffic, including traffic
lanes, auxiliary lanes such as acceleration and deceleration lanes, climbing lanes, and passing
lanes, and bus bays and lay-bys.
2. Roadway- consists of the carriageway and the shoulders, parking lanes and viewing areas
3. Earthwork profiles- includes side slopes and back slopes
Lane and shoulder widths should be adjusted to traffic requirements and characteristics of the
terrain The cross-section may vary over a particular route because these controlling factors vary.
The basic requirements are, however, that changes in cross-section standards shall be uniform
within each sub-section of the route and that any changes of the cross-section shall be effected
gradually and logically over a transition length. Abrupt or isolated changes in cross-section
standards lead to increased hazards and reduced traffic capacity and complicate construction
For our case
 - The carriage way width is 7.3m
 the lane width will be 7.3/2= 3.65 m
 from table 4-1 – the shoulder width provided in each side of the carriage way is 1.5m
 from table 4-2 – no adjustment is needed PCUs since our AADT=500
 crown slope of 2.5%
 shoulder slope of 4%

Page 29
5. Earth work quantities and mass haul diagram
5.1. Introduction
The careful attentions to limiting earthwork quantities through the preparation of a mass haul diagram
are essential elements in providing the best-combined horizontal, vertical, and cross-sectional design.
This is especially true when the design includes consideration of the least cost in relation to earthworks.


 We have assumed that the material present is an earth or soil

The steps involved in the computation of earthwork quantities and the development of the optimal
mass haul diagram are:
 End area calculations
 Earthwork calculations
 Preparation of mass haul diagram
 Balancing earthworks using the mass haul diagram(not included in our design) 5.2. End area
End area calculations are done with the following method. Typical cross-section for a cut is shown

n 1

Area= (10*H) + (n*H2)

Where: n=is the side slope and;

Page 30
H=is slope height
Area in this case is positive.

And typical cross-section for a fill is shown below.


Area= (10*H) + (n*H2)

Where: n=is the side slope and;
H=is slope height
Area in this case is negative.
5.3. Earth work calculation
There are several ways of calculating earthwork but the most common is the “average end area”
method. This method consists of averaging the cut and fill quantities of adjacent stations and multiplying
by the distance between stations to produce cubic meters of excavation and embankment between the
two station.



Preparation of mass haul diagram

The mass haul diagram is a curve in which the abscissas represent the stations of the survey and the
ordinates represent the algebraic sum of excavation and embankment quantities from some point of
beginning on the profile. The plot can be to any scale, depending on the quantities involved.
The mass haul diagram can be used to determine:
 Proper distribution of excavated material
 Amount and location of waste

Page 31
 Amount and location of borrow
 Amount of overhaul in kilometer-cubic meters
 Direction of haul.
Volume= ((A1+A2)/2)*L
The Value will be negative for consecutive fill stations and positive for consecutive cut stations

Preparation of mass haul diagram

The mass haul diagram is a curve in which the abscissas represent the stations of the survey and the
ordinates represent the algebraic sum of excavation and embankment quantities from some point of
beginning on the profile. The plot can be to any scale, depending on the quantities involved.
The mass haul diagram can be used to determine:
 Proper distribution of excavated material
 Amount and location of waste
 Amount and location of borrow
 Amount of overhaul in kilometer-cubic meters
 Direction of haul.
Volume= ((A1+A2)/2)*L
The Value will be negative for consecutive fill stations and positive for consecutive cut stations


Xi (m) Yi (m)

0 0

-5 -0.125

-6.5 -12.2

0 -13.2

6.558 -14.2

5 -0.125

AREA (m2)

FILL -151.367


Xi (m) Yi (m)

0 0

Page 32
-5 -0.125

-6.5 -8.8

0 -9

6.558 -10

5 -0.125

AREA (m2)

FILL -104.945


Xi (m) Yi (m)

0 0

-5 -0.125

-6.5 -7

0 -7.7

6.558 -8.7

5 -0.125

AREA (m2)

FILL -88.707


Xi (m) Yi (m)

0 0

-5 -0.125

-6.15 -3.8

Page 33
0 -4.2

6.558 -5.2

5 -0.125

AREA (m2)

FILL -48.393


Xi (m) Yi (m)

0 6

-6.06 6

-5 -0.125

0 0

5 -0.125

6.06 6

AREA (m2)

CUT 67.118


Xi (m) Yi (m)

0 16

-7.79 16

-5 -0.125

0 0

5 -0.125

7.79 16

Page 34
AREA (m2)

CUT 205.614


Xi (m) Yi (m)

0 14

-7.48 14

-5 -0.125

0 0

5 -0.125

7.48 14

AREA (m2)

CUT 175.655


Xi (m) Yi (m)

0 11.8

-7.06 11.8

-5 -0.125

0 0

5 -0.125

7.06 11.8

AREA (m2)

CUT 143.191

Page 35

Xi (m) Yi (m)

0 10

-7.79 10

-5 -0.125

0 0

5 -0.125

7.79 10

AREA (m2)

CUT 128.874


Xi (m) Yi (m)

0 5.2

-5.92 5.2

-5 -12.2

0 0

5 -0.125

5.92 5.2

AREA (m2)

CUT 93.266


Page 36
Xi (m) Yi (m)

0 8

-6.408 8

-5 -0.125

0 0

5 -0.125

6.408 8

AREA (m2)

CUT 92.065


Xi (m) Yi (m)

0 7.8

-6.373 7.8

-5 -0.125

0 0

5 -0.125

6.373 7.8

AREA (m2)

CUT 89.506


Xi (m) Yi (m)

Page 37
0 0

-5 -0.125

-5.6 -3.208

0 -3.6

5.6 -3.99

5 -0.125

AREA (m2)

FILL -37.455

ON H(M) (m2 ) E (M3) (m3 ) (m3 ) (m3 )


A 0 0 -151.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

00+10 16019.
0 100 0 -104.94 0.00 -12815.58 0.00 -16019.47 47 -16019.47

00+20 12103.
0 100 0 -88.71 0.00 -9682.60 0.00 -12103.25 25 -28122.73

00+30 8568.7
0 100 0 -48.39 0.00 -6854.99 0.00 -8568.73 3 -36691.46

100 67.1 0.00 3355.88 -2419.63 2516.91 -3024.53 - -37199.09


Page 38
0 507.63

00+50 13636.5 10227.

0 100 205.6 0.00 6 0.00 10227.42 0.00 42 -26971.66

00+60 19063.4 14297.

0 100 175.7 0.00 4 0.00 14297.58 0.00 58 -12674.09

00+70 15942.2 11956.

0 100 143.2 0.00 8 0.00 11956.71 0.00 71 -717.38

00+80 13603.2 10202.

0 100 128.9 0.00 1 0.00 10202.41 0.00 41 9485.03

00+90 11106.9 8330.2

0 100 93.3 0.00 9 0.00 8330.24 0.00 4 17815.27

00+10 6949.9
00 100 92.1 0.00 9266.55 0.00 6949.91 0.00 1 24765.18

00+11 6808.9
00 100 89.5 0.00 9078.55 0.00 6808.91 0.00 1 31574.10

00+12 1015.5
00 100 0.0 -37.46 4475.30 -1872.75 3356.48 -2340.94 4 32589.63

Page 39

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600

Page 40

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