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Quotation No.
Quotation Date
Your Ref. No.
Attention: Ref. Date
Currency MYR

Dear Sir,

We are thankful for the interest and confidence shown towards our services. With reference to the subject inquiry, please do find our competitive proposal for the same as

Scope of Work: to provide affordable, one stop logistical and warehouse services for transportation between Malaysia in Asia



1 SR Documentation Fees : RM 15.00 Per 1st Set : RM 15.00 Per 1st Set
: RM 5.00 Per Every Additional Set : RM 5.00 Per Every Additional Set
2 SR Customs Examination : RM 15.00 Per Shipment : RM 15.00 Per Shipment

3 SR Handling Charges : RM 70.00 Minimum Per Shipment OR : RM 70.00 Minimm Per Shipment OR

Form No.: RANGU-AST-F-01 Rev.: 0 Date: 01.06.2019 Page 1 of 3

(G.C.R. Cargo Only) : RM 0.15 Per KG (Whichever is Higher) : RM 0.15 Per KG (Whichever is Higher)
4 SR Transportation : RM 150.00 Per 1 Ton : RM 150.00 Per 1 Ton
: RM 250.00 Per 3 Ton : RM 250.00 Per 3 Ton
5 SR EDI Fees : RM 32.50 Per Shipment : RM 32.50 Per Shipment
6 SR FCZ Proccessing Fees : RM 32.50 Per Shipment : RM 32.50 Per Shipment
7 SR Manifest Processing Fees : RM 32.50 Per HAWB : RM 32.50 Per HAWB
: RM 5.00 Per Additional Set : RM 5.00 Per Additional Set
8 SR Breakbulk Fees : RM 50.00 Per Shipment NIL
9 SR Airport Transfer Fees : RM 50.00 Minimum Per Shipment OR
: RM 0.50 Per KG (Whichever Is Higher)
10 SR EFT Processing Fees : RM 15.00 Per Transaction
(If Duty Applicable)

11 SR Air Way Bill Fees NIL : RM 20.00 Per Set

12 SR Marine Insurance Min 150.00, OR 0.5% X (Invoice value x 110%)
(Upon request) General Cargo Only

Form No.: RANGU-AST-F-01 Rev.: 0 Date: 01.06.2019 Page 2 of 3

13 SR T erminal Charges : RM 25.00 Minimum Per Shipment OR : RM 25.00 Minimum Per Shipment OR
: RM 0.25 Per KG (Whichever Is Higher) : RM 0.25 Per KG (Whichever Is Higher)
14 SR X-Ray Fees : RM 25.00 Minimum Per Shipment OR
: RM 0.15 Per KG (Whichever Is Higher)
15 SR Currency Adjustment Factor : RM 24.00 Minimum Per Shipment
: 5% Of Import Freight Collect Shipment NIL
(Whichever Is Higher)
Remarks :
> Other charges incurred as per receipt (if required)
> SR (Standard-rated supplied with GST charged)

Hope the above is in line with your requirement. Should you have any further clarification, do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

Best regards,
For Rangu Ast Log Enterprise

Mr. Dhavan

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