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School of Information Technology and


SWE2027- Knowledge Management System

Project (J- Component) -Winter 2020-2021



Team members:

Reg.No. Student Name


Under the Guidance of Prof. Hari Ram Vishwakarma

1|P a g e
Table of content:


1 Project synopsis or abstract 3

2 Introduction 3

3 Overview of existing systems and their limitations 4

4 Limitations of existing system and proposed solution 4

5 Tools Description 5

6 System Architecture 6

7 Module Description 7

8 Overall System Implementation 9

9 Conclusion 27

10 Reference 28

2|P a g e
1. Project synopsis or abstract:
This system is designed to provide the job opportunities for students in VIT
University. Finding jobs that best suits the interests and skill set is quite a
challenging task for the job seekers (Students). The difficulties arise from not having
proper knowledge on the organization’s objective, their work culture and current job
openings. In addition, finding the right candidate with desired qualifications to fill
their current job openings is an important task for the recruiters of any organization.
Institutional Job Portals have certainly made job seeking convenient on both sides.
This Job Portal is the solution where company as well as the students meet aiming at
fulfilling their individual requirement. They are the cheapest as well as the fastest
source of communication reaching wide range of audience on just a single click
irrespective of their geographical distance.
The application “Institutional Job Portal” provides an easy and convenient for
application for the students to find their desired jobs and for the companies to find
the right candidate. students from any background can search for the current job
openings. Students can register with the application and update their details and skill
set. They can search for available jobs and apply to their desired positions.
2. Introduction:
General overview or background of the project topic/domain:
This Project is developed for Institution like VIT university. Students can search for
jobs offered by different companies and they can apply for it. Companies can post
jobs and detailed description of the job requirements. This system can allow students
to make their resume better way as like they wanted. It can also provide with career
guidance for students who have not recruited so far. Students and Companies will be
provided with proper login to access the site. We basically developed for VIT
because so far VIT does not have any site like this. This developed system will also
increase placements opportunities for students and our university (VIT) can increase
their placements percentage.

3|P a g e
3. Overview of existing systems and their limitations:
The existing system has so many limitations like users have to write down all their
qualifications and apply for job manually. User has to search for jobs in newspapers
and their official websites if they have announced any new job opportunities. Even in
the existing project that our senior students developed, they faced many bugs while
executing their project. They don’t have features of wish listing the companies,
highlighting their qualification specializations. Their system failed to get all the job
suggestions. So, we came up with some modifications to the project and developing
it in our own way. In existing systems that are available in market, we have to pay
some amount to publicize our job requirements. Many people find it difficult to pay
such amount just to apply for job that they don’t know if they get or not. So we’ll try
to get the job done for free.
4. Limitations of existing system and proposed solution
Existing System Proposed System

• No way to apply for the • Added apply button for the

desired company from the job posting in the job seeker
listed postings. module.
• No source to check the • Added link for checking the
status of the applied job. status of applied jobs after
• No verification method of giving an interview.
details submitted by the • Added extension in the form
job seeker and job provider for attaching the certificates
• No Hyperlink from the for verification.
News page to the job • When there is an update in
application place after the the vacancies, added a
updated vacancy list. (Bad hyperlink to redirect to the
user interface) posting link for easy
• All details are present of application.
job seekers and job • Update the User interface of
providers even without login to hide details of job
login into the portal which seekers and job givers and
is a data leak of links for new employers and
individuals. new job seekers under the
login form.

4|P a g e
Back end: XAMPP SERVER for SQL

Reasons for choosing SUBLIME TEXT:

Sublime Text has been the editor of choice for Web Application Development
for a while now - especially for Java-powered multi-tiered apps. That being said,
there are many flavors of Sublime Text that target more straight-ahead Web
projects, such as those that feature JavaScript, or a collection of static pages.

⚫ It majorly supports many programming languages and markup languages.

⚫ It will provide us with a function which can be added by the user with plugins.
⚫ It has the quick navigation functions to files, symbols etc.

Reasons for choosing XAMPP SERVER:

⚫ It is easy to host local server.

⚫ It can perform administrative tasks like security etc.

⚫ It is easier to navigate and configure changes.

⚫ It contains MYSQL database to save data on local server.

5|P a g e
General Architecture:

Module description:
Spring Security provides the Admin login. The Admin module provides various
functionalities. The Admin users are responsible for activating and deactivating the
employer accounts. In addition, Admin users can view the list of employers
registered with the application.
Employer users will be able to perform functions such as registering with the
application and creating an account by providing the details of Employer Name,
Employer Code, Address, Company E-mail, Mobile Number, Login Name, and
Password that are stored in the Employer table of MySQL database. Once the
6|P a g e
account is activated, this module allows employers to post jobs summarizing
responsibilities and expected skills that will be saved in the Posted_Jobs table of
MySQL database. The employer will also be given privilege to activate or deactivate
jobs. He/she can view the list of job postings that are active. He/she can also view the
applicant details that have applied for a particular job posting. The employer will be
able to view reviews provided by the jobseeker.
The Jobseeker users will be able to perform functions such as registering with the
application and creating an account by providing the details of First Name, Last
Name, E-mail, Password, Mobile Number, Primary Skill and Experience that are
stored in the Jobseeker table of MySQL database. 19 Once the account is activated,
jobseekers can search, view and apply for active job openings. All the applied jobs
details are stored in the Applied Jobs table of MySQL database. The applicants can
also write/update reviews for the companies.
Resume filling:
Many applicants may not know to to fill resume on their own, so we have included a
resume filling page for both students with CGPA and Percentage in the institution.
We provided consistent format to fill resume with all details like personal,
professional, experience etc. The user can directly upload the resume or download it
to storage too.
We have provided some recent information about the placements and recruitments
percentage with some detailed information. We presented some graphs to show
which company hired more and so on.
Career tips:
One of the useful features that many job portals might not have is career tips. We
have some tips regarding placements and recruitments that we provided with a
detailed explanation for both experienced and new students.

7|P a g e
Career guidance:
We have supplied some information about the career guidance after engineering in
this module. After engineering, details are given for each engineering and medical
group to get better in their future.
Database Design
The database that is used to design the web application is MySQL. MySQL
workbench is used to create tables and run queries. In this application development,
we have used MySQL to store employer details, jobseeker details, applied jobs by
the applicants, jobs posted by the employer. We have used Mysql using xampp
Hence, we have identified five tables to achieve desired functionality.
i. Company table: holds details of Employer (Company)
ii. Jobseeker table: holds details of applicant
iii. Jobs table: holds details of jobs applied by the job seeker
Other tables involved: Cities, users, admin, resumes details, countries, mailbox.

8|P a g e
Overall system;


9|P a g e
Statistics of webpage like no of applicants , companies etc.

Additional features:
1.Career tips , trens in jobs

10 | P a g e
Resume filling button, career guidance

Log in:

11 | P a g e
Candidate log in:

Sign up:
1.Company sign up:

12 | P a g e
2.candidte sign up

Job searching:

13 | P a g e
Additional features:
1. Career tips


14 | P a g e
Employment trends:

Resume filling:
For both institutes with CGPA and percentage:

15 | P a g e
Filling resume

Candidate dashboard:

16 | P a g e
Candidate mails from company:


17 | P a g e
Company dashboard:

My company:

18 | P a g e
Create job posts:

Posted jobs:

19 | P a g e

Resume from applicants:

20 | P a g e
Abouts us page:

Career guidance:

21 | P a g e
Apply to job:

Admin log in:

22 | P a g e
Admin dashboard

Admin active jobs:

23 | P a g e
Candidate data in admin module:

Companies data in admin module:

24 | P a g e

25 | P a g e
26 | P a g e
• Through this system we have achieved a Job portal which is at an institutional level which
provides valuable information through the means of knowledge sharing and knowledge
capturing. This recruitment portal provides an exclusive platform the student of any
Institute for the purpose of Placement and other purposes of guidance and viewing trends.
• Overcoming the traditional methods of recruitment, we have set up an online version of the
recruitment in the form of this portal, which has brought a major change in the world of
interview and placements. This portal aims in giving a user-friendly experience to the user
with a simple but a logical frontend with uniform application of knowledge management
system and principles
• This system has achieved certain functional capabilities with the latest technology that is
being used in the industry currently. The test results of the system have shown that the
system is highly scalable and can handle a decent amount of load on it.
• By using the “Institutional Job Portal” one can easily get hold of job according to their own
needs like criteria of place of work, timing of work, required posting by the student.
• This project has helped in understanding how knowledge management principles can be
used at web-based pages especially in the case of our job portal and not only that we have
also took a step ahead and added career tips and employment trends such that the student
shall have an idea of what he can plan on what kind of job he should consider.

27 | P a g e
• Dane Phillip, 2008. Web Portal and Web Portals Types (online).
• Sehgal, V. K., Jagtiani, A., Shah, M., Sharma, A., Jaiswal, A., & Mehta, D. (2013,
December). Job Portal-A Web Application for Geographically Distributed Multiple Clients.
In 2013 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and
Simulation (pp. 199-204). IEEE.
• Mansourvar, M., & Yasin, N. B. M. (2014). Development of a job web portal to improve
education quality. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 6(1), 43.
• Fisher, S. M., Phipps, K., & Rolfe, D. J. (2013). ICAT Job Portal: a generic job submission
system built on a scientific data catalog. In IWSG.
• Pardamean, B. (2014). Users' interest assessment on job portal. International Journal of
Web Portals (IJWP), 6(1), 64-75.
• Bilal, M., Malik, N., Khalid, M., & Lali, M. I. U. (2017). Exploring industrial demand
trend’s in Pakistan software industry using online job portal data. University of Sindh
Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 1(1), 17-24.
• Pinjari, M., De, N., Kokne, R., Siddiqui, A., & Chitre, D. (2019). ONLINE JOB PORTAL.
• Soni, M., Gomathi, S., & Adhyaru, Y. B. K. (2020, July). Natural Language Processing for
the Job Portal Enhancement. In 2020 7th International Conference on Smart Structures and
Systems (ICSSS) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
• Sayeem, M. M. (2021). Student Job Portal.
• Cunningham, W. G. (1982): Systematic Planning for Educational Change
• Zaman, A. U., Badhon, K. M., Sayed, M., & Khan, S. (2019). A Web App for Online Job
• Sundjaja, A. (2014). Assessment on Job Portal. pdf.
• Batool, F. (2012). Online web based job portal for job seekers.
• Prodhan, M., Rashid, M., & Saha, B. K. (2017). ONLINE JOB PORTAL (Doctoral
• AlDeen, O. N., Dergham, Y., & Deeb, M. Online Job Portal.

28 | P a g e
SWE2027- Knowledge Management Systems
Report Template for Review-2 of Project-based Component

(A) Project Title: Development Of Institutional Job Portal

(B) Project Team

Reg.No. Student Name Signature
(C) Minutes of meetings of the project team are to be attached as annexures to this report
along with weekly activity reports for each team member.

(D) Suggestions given by course faculty and students are to be attached as annexures to this report

(E) Answer the following questions in the space provided for

Q1. Mention various architectural styles or patterns. Which architectural style or pattern did
you use for architectural design of the system pertaining to your chosen project any why?

Data-centered architecture, Data-flow architecture, Layered architectures, Pipe and Filter
Architecture, Process Control Architecture, Repository Architecture Style, Blackboard Architecture
Style , client server architecture .
We will use client server architecture and explain with Data flow diagram for architectural design of
the system.
➢ It represents a system as a network of processes which transform data flowing between them.
➢ we are using my sql which is a server based tool .
➢ It shows the processes that change or transform data, show the movement of data between the
➢ Design specification that is understandable to nonprogrammers and it provides a good
pictorial display of the module dependencies.
Q2. Illustrate and briefly discuss the architectural design (i.e. high-level design) of the system
pertaining to your chosen project.

➢ The context diagram shows the interaction of the system with its environment in terms of data
➢ The context diagram shows the boundary of the system (Scope of the system).
➢ Only the data flows which leave the system and the data flows which come from outside the
system are shown.

Q3. Enumerate the steps taken by you for the detailed design (i.e. low-level design) of the
system pertaining to your chosen project.
Steps taken for the detailed design:
➢ First decide on what modules that could be developed for our system so far.
➢ Getting clear clarity about data flow.
➢ Generalise admin, job seeker, and company to person.
➢ Company add job vacancy details.
➢ Job seeker applies for a job and upload resume.
➢ Company does resume selection according to their qualifications.
➢ Admin may manage job seeker details and approve job details.
➢ Job seeker gives feedback.
Q4. Illustrate and briefly discuss the detailed design (i.e. low-level design) of the system
pertaining to your chosen project.
Class diagram is a type of diagram and part of a unified modeling language (UML) that defines and
provides the overview and structure of a system in terms of classes, attributes and methods, and the
relationships between different classes.
It is used to illustrate and create a functional diagram of the system classes and serves as a system
development resource within the software development life cycle.

Q5. Enumerate the software development tools chosen by you for the system development

pertaining to your chosen project. State the reasons for choosing each of the above tools.


Back end: XAMPP SERVER for SQL

Reasons for choosing SUBLIME TEXT :
Sublime Text has been the editor of choice for Web Application Development for a while now -
especially for Java-powered multi-tiered apps. That being said, there are many flavors of Sublime Text
that target more straight ahead Web projects, such as those that feature JavaScript, or a collection of
static pages.

⚫ It majorly support many programming languages and markup languages.

⚫ It will provide us with a functions which can be added by the user with plugins.
⚫ It have the quick navigation functions to files,symbols etc.

Reasons for choosing XAMPP SERVER :

⚫ It is easy to host local server.
⚫ It can perform administrative tasks like security etc.
⚫ It is easier to navigate and configure changes.
⚫ It contains MYSQL database to save data on local server.
Q6. Briefly discuss the functionality of (a) modules developed so far (b) modules to be
developed. You may attach the source code listings for (a) as an annexure to this review-2
Job Seeker Module
• Search other companies and job seeker by its name, location
• Can also search companies and jobs by designation of its posted jobs
• Apply for a job
• Save a job
• Refer a job to its connections
• Make connections with others
• Send request

Job Provider Module
• Post a job
• Search other companies and job seeker by its name, location
• Can also search companies and jobs by designation of its posted jobs
• See aspirant’s profile
• Select aspirants
Admin Module
• The main person maintaining the website is the admin.
• He takes the decision to allow a company to register with his website or not and
approves/disapproves jobs posted.
Q7. Briefly discuss the steps taken by you for unit testing pertaining to the system modules
already completed by you. Summarize your test results for the above testing.
Testing functionalities of individual components of the software or the system is called Unit Testing.
Steps taken for Unit Testing: First we have to create Test cases of the system. Then we have review
the work and rework if it is needed. After proceed with baseline testing, refers the validation of
document and specification of test cases. Then proceed with execution of test cases. It is done for each
and every module.
If test case is up-to the expected result, then it is pass else fail. Then failed cases are the problems
to be solved.
Q8. Distinguish between Black-box Testing and White-box testing. Is it necessary to undertake
both of the above testing for your chosen system? Why or why not?
BlackBoxTesting WhiteBoxTesting
1. Blackbox testing is the software Testing 1. White box testing is the software testing
method which is used to test the software method in which internal structure is being
without knowing the Internal structure of known to tester who is going to test the
code or program software.
2. In Black-box testing deals with outsider
view of the system, knowledge of
2. White-box testing deals with internal view
implementation is not needed
of the system, knowledge of implementation
is needed.

Both Black-box and White-box testings are necessary for the project. Our system needs functional
test as well as structural test. In black box testing user validate the functionalities against the
requirements and in the white box testing user check the internal structural coding part of the
application it is necessary to do both testing in our project.
Q9. Why integration testing is necessary? Enumerate various approaches for integration
testing. Which approach would you prefer for your chosen system and why?
Necessary of Integration testing:

1. Different code may be used by developers, hence integration is necessary to bring

uniformity in the end-product.
2. Data may change while transferring from one point to another.
3. When data interacts with APIs/third-parties, it may diverge from what might have
originally been sent.
4. Manual testing is not as useful as integration testing.

Various approach includes:

Big Bang Approach
Incremental Approach:
-which is further divided into following
• Top Down Approach
• Bottom Up approach
Sandwich Approach:
Combination of Top Down and Bottom Up
Big Bang approach Top Down approach Bottom Up Sandwich
Approach Approac
Where most of the Where top-level Where bottom It is a mixture of
units are combined units are tested first level units are the two
together and tested and lower level tested first and approaches like
. This approach is units are tested step upper level units top down as well
taken when the by step. step by step. as bottom up
teating team approach.
receives the entire
software in a

So we choose bottom up approach for our choosen project. So that we can rectify the problem at
early stage and can save the time and money.

Q10. Suggest how we can derive test cases from use cases. Give a few examples of test cases that
you can derive from the use cases already developed by you for your chosen system.
We can derive test cases from use cases by Function Testing

Test what it can do

1. Identify things that the product can do (functions and subfunctions).
2. Determine how you'd know if a function was capable of working.
3. Test each function, one at a time.
4. See that each function does what it's supposed to do and not what it isn't supposed to do.

Examples of test cases:

JOB-SEEKER New user tries to login Username does not PASS

JOB-SEEKER Provides wrong Username/password PASS

password does not exist

JOB-SEEKER Provides wrong Username/Password PASS

username does not exist

JOB-SEEKER Register to Portal Registration Successful PASS

JOB-SEEKER Register to Portal with User/Email already PASS

existing credential exists.

JOB-SEEKER Click Login Button to User Homepage with PASS

see user homepage. all jobs listed available

JOB-SEEKER Forgot Password Receive email with PASS

Action password

JOB-SEEKER Unfilled text field in Throw an error of PASS

Registration form incomplete form.

JOB-SEEKER Enter 10-digit number Receive error for PASS

in registration form anything else

JOB-SEEKER Click the view A window opens with PASS

application tab all jobs applied to.

JOB-SEEKER Click the upload CV Box to drop the CV PASS

tab with specific extension

JOB-SEEKER Click the upload button Receive confirmation PASS

of upload

JOB-SEEKER Click the apply button Receive confirmation PASS


JOB-SEEKER Click update profile to Confirmation message PASS

edit information after editing.

JOB-SEEKER Click the advanced Result in different PASS

search button searches selected

JOB-SEEKER Click the sign-out User is logged out of PASS

button the system

JOB-SEEKER Click on the view Jobs Results in lists of all PASS

button jobs
Annexure -1 :

D) Suggestions given by course faculty and students are to be attached as annexures to this
➢ Write appropriate answers to the given questions.
➢ Answers should be simple and easy to understand.
➢ Interact with the team members daily for five minutes if not possible weekly twice.
➢ Discuss about the project and make a plan to complete the project within a time.
➢ Add some more functionalities to the project.
➢ Don’t copy from others.
Annexure -2 :

Source Code :


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style="font-family:arial;color:blue;font-size:40px;">APPLICANT LOGIN</p></STRONG></A></td>

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<center><font face="impact" size="1" color="black">GETJOBS.COM is a registered organization</font> </center>



PAGE: login_a.jsp

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function chk_onclick()
var myform=document.pform;
if(myform.username.value=="" || myform.passwd.value=="")


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<tr><td bgcolor="blue"><B>APPLICANT'S LOGIN</B>

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<img src="login-icon.gif" width="100" height="100">
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<b><font size=-1 color="white"

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<form method="post" action="LOGIN_A.jsp" name=pform>

<tr><td><font face="verdana,arial" size=-1>USERNAME:</td><td>
<input type="text" name="username"></td></tr>
<tr><td><font face="verdana,arial" size=-1>PASSWORD:</td><td>
<input type="password" name="passwd"></td></tr>
<tr><td><font face="verdana,arial" size=-1>&nbsp;
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<input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" name=chkform onclick="chk_onclick()"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2><font face="verdana,arial" size=-1>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2><font face="verdana,arial" size=-1>Not member yet? Click <a

href="1.jsp">here</a> to register.</td></tr>
<td align="right" valign="bottom"><img src="1.gif" width="5" height="5" ></td>

String k1=request.getParameter("username");
//int flag=2;
//String k1=request.getParameter("username");
String k2=request.getParameter("passwd");
Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:abc","root","root");
Statement s =c.createStatement();
String sql = "select * from applicant where username='"+k1+"'";// and password='"+k2+"'";
ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery(sql);;
String pass=rs.getString(5);

<jsp:forward page="app_home.jsp" />

%><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

alert("Your ID and Password do not match.Enter a valid Login Id and Password.");

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<%=session.getAttribute("t1") %></FONT>
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<form NAME="CREATEACCTFORM" action="app_home.jsp" METHOD="POST" >
<table width="780" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="7" cellspacing="0" class="bg_white">
<td width="400" align="right" bgcolor="#736AFF">Search Jobs</td>
<table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<span id="email_msg">


<div id="EMAILID" style="width:250px; margin-left:205px; margin-top:-20px;

_margin-left:20px; _margin-top:0px; position:absolute;"></div>
<div id="ERR_EMAIL" style="padding: 2px; width: 400px; display: none;"
class="txt_red small_1"></div>


<td align="right" valign="top">Location: </td>

<td valign="top" >

<select name="loc" style="width:165" ><option > - Select -</option><option




<td align="right" valign="top"><span class="txt_orange"></span>
<td valign="top" ><select name="SKILLS" style="width:165" ><option > - Select -

TYPING SPEED</option></select>
<div id="UNAME" style="width:250px; margin-left:205px; margin-top:-
20px; _margin-left:20px; _margin-top:0px; position:absolute;"></div>

<div id="ERR_UNAME" style="padding: 2px; width: 400px; display:

none;" class="txt_red small_1"></div>

<td align="right" valign="top"><span class="txt_orange"></span>Functional Area:
<td valign="top" >
<div id="UNAME" style="width:250px; margin-left:205px; margin-top:-
20px; _margin-left:20px; _margin-top:0px; position:absolute;"></div>

<div id="ERR_UNAME" style="padding: 2px; width: 400px; display:

none;" class="txt_red small_1"></div>

<select name="area" style="width:165" id="industry" ><option> - Select -
</option><option>Any</option><option>Automotive</option><option>Banking</option><option >Bio
<td align="right" valign="top"><span class="txt_orange"></span> Key Word: </td>
<select name="key" style="width:165" ><option> - Select - </option><option>Sales
cian</option><option> Software Professional</option><option>Software Tester</option><option>IT

<td valign="top" ><br>

<input maxlength="255" size="30" name="userName" type="submit"
value="SEARCH" >
<div id="UNAME" style="width:250px; margin-left:205px; margin-top:-
20px; _margin-left:20px; _margin-top:0px; position:absolute;"></div>

<div id="ERR_UNAME" style="padding: 2px; width: 400px; display:

none;" class="txt_red small_1"></div>


String s1=request.getParameter("loc");
String s2=request.getParameter("area");
String s3=request.getParameter("key");
if(s1!=null && s2!=null && s3!=null){

//String s1=request.getParameter("loc");
//String s2=request.getParameter("area");
//String s3=request.getParameter("key");
Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:abc","root","root");
Statement s =c.createStatement();
String sql = "select * from job where location='"+s1+"' and job_desc='"+s2+"' and sel_post='"+s3+"'";
ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery(sql);
<jsp:forward page="job-selct.jsp"/>

%><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

}catch(Exception e ){out.println(e);
<form method="post" action="view.jsp">
<input maxlength="255" size="30" value="VIEW APPLICATIONS" type="submit" >


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<title>Insert title here</title>
<form method="post" action="app_home.jsp">
String c1=(String)session.getAttribute("t1");
String b1=(String)session.getAttribute("v1");
Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:abc","root","root");
Statement s =c.createStatement();
String sql ="select * from interview where can_uname='"+c1+"'";
ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery(sql);
int i=0;

<FONT SIZE="4"COLOR="blue" FACE="roman"><b>APPLICATION:</b><%=i%></FONT><br>
<FONT SIZE="4"COLOR="blue" FACE="roman">Username:<%out.println(rs.getString(1));%></FONT><br>
<FONT SIZE="4"COLOR="blue" FACE="roman">Company:<%out.println(rs.getString(2));%></FONT><br>
<FONT SIZE="4"COLOR="blue" FACE="roman">Interview date:
<FONT SIZE="4"COLOR="blue" FACE="roman">Interview Time:
<FONT SIZE="4"COLOR="blue" FACE="roman">Interview Place:


}catch(Exception e ){out.println(e);
<input type="submit" value="OK">

PAGE: job_select.jsp

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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<title>SELECT JOB</title>
<body BGCOLOR="#4EE2EC" >
<form method="post" action="interview.jsp">
String b1=(String)session.getAttribute("a1");
String b2=(String)session.getAttribute("a2");
String b3=(String)session.getAttribute("a3");
Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:abc","root","root");
Statement s =c.createStatement();
String sql ="select * from job where location='"+b1+"' and job_desc='"+b2+"' and sel_post='"+b3+"'";
ResultSet rs=s.executeQuery(sql);;
%><table BORDER=10 WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=150 BGCOLOR="WHITE" align="center">


<td><FONT SIZE="4"COLOR="blue"
<td><FONT SIZE="4"COLOR="blue"
<tr><td><FONT SIZE="4"COLOR="blue" FACE="roman">Salary:
<tr><td><FONT SIZE="4"COLOR="blue" FACE="roman">Job Post:
<tr><td><FONT SIZE="4"COLOR="blue" FACE="roman">Location:

<INPUT type="submit" value="APPLY" align="center">
}catch(Exception e ){out.println(e);

<form method="post" action="app_home.jsp">
<INPUT type="submit" value="BACK" ><BR>


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<HTML><HEAD><FONT SIZE="4"COLOR="blue" FACE="roman">Candidate Information Page :


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<form NAME="CREATEACCTFORM" action="1.jsp" METHOD="POST" >
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<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="7" cellspacing="0" class="bg_white">

<td colspan="2" align="right" valign="top" class="border_green_btm bg_grey" style="padding:0px
10px 0px 0px;"><span class="txt_orange">*</span> Required fields</td>


<td width="400" align="right" bgcolor="#736AFF">Login Information</td>


<td align="right" valign="top"><span class="txt_orange">*</span> Email

<td valign="top" >

<input type="text" maxlength="255" size="30" id="email" name="email"
onFocus="hintEvent('EMAILID');" onBlur="hintEvent('EMAILID', 'HIDE'); showEmail(); " value="">

<table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<span id="email_msg">




<div id="EMAILID" style="width:250px; margin-left:205px; margin-top:-20px;

_margin-left:20px; _margin-top:0px; position:absolute;"></div>
<div id="ERR_EMAIL" style="padding: 2px; width: 400px; display: none;"
class="txt_red small_1"></div>

<td align="right" valign="top"><span class="txt_orange">*</span> First name:</td>

<td valign="top" >

<input maxlength="50" size="30" name="firstName" type="text"
onFocus="hintEvent('FNAME');" onBlur="hintEvent('FNAME', 'HIDE');" value="">&nbsp;&nbsp;
<div id="FNAME" style="width:170px; margin-left:200px; margin-top:-
20px; _margin-left:5px; _margin-top:0px; position:absolute;"></div>
<div id="ERR_FNAME" style="padding: 2px; width: 400px; display:
none;" class="txt_red small_1"></div>


<td align="right" valign="top">Last name: </td>

<td valign="top" >

<input maxlength="24" size="30" name="lastName" type="text" value="">

<td align="right" valign="top"><span class="txt_orange">*</span> Desired
<td valign="top" ><input maxlength="255" size="30" name="userName"

onFocus="hintEvent('UNAME');" onblur="hintEvent('UNAME', 'HIDE');" type="text" value="">

<div id="UNAME" style="width:250px; margin-left:205px; margin-top:-
20px; _margin-left:20px; _margin-top:0px; position:absolute;"></div>

<div id="ERR_UNAME" style="padding: 2px; width: 400px; display:

none;" class="txt_red small_1"></div>


<td align="right" valign="top"><span class="txt_orange">*</span> Choose a

password: </td>
<td valign="top" >
<input maxlength="32" size="30" name="passwd" type="password" value="">

<div id="PASS" style="width:250px; margin-left:205px; margin-top:-20px; _margin-

left:20px; _margin-top:0px; position:absolute;"></div>

<div id="ERR_PASS" style="padding: 2px; width: 400px; display: none;"

class="txt_red small_1"></div>
<td align="right" valign="top"><span class="txt_orange">*</span> Re-enter
password: </td>
<td valign="top" >

<input name="passwd_temp" size="30" maxlength="32" type="password"


<div id="PASS_TEMP" style="width:250px; margin-left:205px; margin-top:-20px;

_margin-left:20px; _margin-top:0px; position:absolute;"></div>
<div id="ERR_PASS_TEMP" style="padding: 2px; width: 400px; display: none;"
class="txt_red small_1"></div>

<td colspan="2" align="right" valign="top"
style="background:url( repeat-x; padding:0px;"><img
src="" width="1" height="1" /></td>

<td width="400" align="right" bgcolor="#736AFF">Personal Details </td>

<td >&nbsp;</td>

<td align="right"><span class="txt_orange">*</span> Gender:</td>

<td >
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" id="gender_border">
<input name="gender" type="radio" value="m" onFocus="hintEvent('GENDER1');"
onBlur="hintEvent('GENDER1', 'HIDE');">
<input name="gender" type="radio" value="f" onFocus="hintEvent('GENDER1');"
onBlur="hintEvent('GENDER1', 'HIDE');">

Female </td>

<div id="GENDER1" style="width:250px; margin-left:250px; margin-top:-60px;
_margin-left:20px; _margin-top:0px; position:absolute;"></div>
<div id="ERR_GENDER1" style="padding: 2px; width: 400px; display: none;"
class="txt_red small_1"></div>

<td colspan="2" align="right" valign="top"
style="background:url( repeat-x; padding:0px;"><img
src="" width="1" height="1" /></td>

<td width="400" align="right" bgcolor="#736AFF">Professional Details </td>
<td >&nbsp;</td>

<td align="right"><span class="txt_orange">*</span> Total experience:</td>

<td >
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" id="exp_in_months_border">
<select name="exp_in_years" class="Form_fields">
<option value="">- Select -</option>
<option value="0">0</option>
<option value="1">1</option>

<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="4">4</option>
<option value="5">5</option>
<option value="6">6</option>
<option value="7">7</option>

<option value="8">8</option>
<option value="9">9</option>
<option value="10">10</option>
<option value="11">11</option>
<option value="12">12</option>
<option value="13">13</option>

<option value="14">14</option>
<option value="15">15</option>
<option value="16">16</option>
<option value="17">17</option>
<option value="18">18</option>
<option value="19">19</option>

<option value="20">20</option>
<option value="21">21</option>
<option value="22">22</option>
<option value="23">23</option>
<option value="24">24</option>
<option value="25">25</option>

<option value="26">26</option>
<option value="27">27</option>
<option value="28">28</option>
<option value="29">29</option>
<option value="30">30</option>
<option value="31">31</option>

<option value="32">32</option>
<option value="33">33</option>
<option value="34">34</option>
<option value="35">35</option>
<option value="36">36</option>
<option value="37">37</option>
<option value="38">38</option>
<option value="39">39</option>
<option value="40">40</option>
<option value="41">41</option>
<option value="42">42</option>
<option value="43">43</option>

<option value="44">44</option>
<option value="45">45</option>
<option value="46">46</option>
<option value="47">47</option>
<option value="48">48</option>
<option value="49">49</option>

<option value="50">50</option>
</select>&nbsp;Years <select name="exp_in_months"
class="Form_fields" onFocus="hintEvent('WORK_EXP');" onBlur="hintEvent('WORK_EXP', 'HIDE');">
<option value="">- Select -</option>
<option value="00">0</option>
<option value="01">1</option>
<option value="02">2</option>

<option value="03">3</option>
<option value="04">4</option>
<option value="05">5</option>
<option value="06">6</option>
<option value="07">7</option>
<option value="08">8</option>

<option value="09">9</option>
<option value="10">10</option>
<option value="11">11</option>
</select>&nbsp;Months </td></tr>

<div id="WORK_EXP" style="width:250px; margin-left:250px; margin-top:-60px;

_margin-left:20px; _margin-top:0px; position:absolute;"></div>

<div id="ERR_WORK_EXP" style="padding: 2px; width: 400px; display: none;"

class="txt_red small_1"></div>

<td align="right" valign="top"><span class="txt_orange">* </span>Current / Preferred industry:</td>
<td valign="top" >
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" id="industry_border">

<select name="industry" size="8" id="industry"

onFocus="hintEvent('CUR_INDUSTRY');" onBlur="hintEvent('CUR_INDUSTRY', 'HIDE');"
multiple="multiple"><option value=''> - Select - </option><option value='65' >Any</option><option value='4'
>Automotive/ Ancillaries</option><option value='5' >Banking/ Financial Services</option><option value='8' >Bio
Technology & Life Sciences</option><option value='10' >Chemicals/ Plastic/ Rubber</option><option value='11'
>Construction</option><option value='13' >Consumer Goods/ FMCG</option><option value='16'
>Education</option><option value='17' >Entertainment/ Media/ Publishing</option><option value='27'
>Insurance</option><option value='30' >ITES/ BPO/ KPO</option><option value='31' >IT/ Computers -
Hardware</option><option value='32' >IT/ Computers - Software</option><option value='34' >Machinery/ Equipment
Mfg.</option><option value='41' >Oil/ Gas/ Petroleum</option><option value='42' >Pharmaceuticals</option><option
value='45' >Power</option><option value='48' >Real Estate</option><option value='49' >Retailing</option><option
value='51' >Telecom</option><option value='1' >Advertising</option><option value='2' >Agriculture/ Dairy
Based</option><option value='3' >Airlines</option><option value='6'
>Beauty/Fitness/PersonalCare/SPA</option><option value='7' >Beverages/ Liquor</option><option value='9'
>Cement</option><option value='12' >Consultancy</option><option value='14' >Courier/ Freight/
Transportation</option><option value='15' >Dotcom</option><option value='18' >Fertilizer/ Pesticides</option><option
value='19' >Food & Packaged Food</option><option value='20' >Textiles / Yarn / Fabrics / Garments</option><option
value='21' >Gems & Jewellery</option><option value='22' >Government/ PSU/ Defence</option><option value='23'
>Home Appliances (TV, Fridge, AC etc.)</option><option value='24' >Hospitals/ Health Care</option><option
value='25' >Hotels/ Restaurant</option><option value='26' >Import / Export</option><option value='28' >Iron/
Steel</option><option value='29' >ISP</option><option value='33' >Leather</option><option value='35' >Market
Research</option><option value='36' >Medical Transcription</option><option value='37' >Mining</option><option
value='38' >NGO</option><option value='39' >Non-Ferrous Metals (Aluminium, Zinc etc.)</option><option value='40'
>Office Equipment</option><option value='43' >Paints</option><option value='44' >Paper</option><option value='46'
>Printing/ Packaging</option><option value='47' >Public Relations (PR)</option><option value='50'
>Shipping</option><option value='66' >Sugar</option><option value='52' >Travel/ Tourism</option><option
value='53' >Tyres</option><option value='54' >Wood</option><option value='55' >Other</option></select>


<div id="CUR_INDUSTRY" style="width:250px; margin-left:285px; margin-top:-50px; _margin-left:275px;

_margin-top:-60px; position:absolute;"></div>
<div id="ERR_INDUS" style="padding: 2px; width: 400px; display: none;" class="txt_red

<td align="right"> Key skills: </td>

<td >
<input maxlength="100" size="35" id="keySkills" name="keySkills" type="text"
onFocus="hintEvent('SKILLS');" onBlur="hintEvent('SKILLS', 'HIDE');" value="">

<div id="SKILLS" style="width:330px; margin-left:240px; margin-

top:-20px; _margin-left:20px; _margin-top:0px; position:absolute;"></div>
<div id="ERR_KEYSKILL" style="padding: 2px; width: 400px;
display: none;" class="txt_red small_1"></div>

<td colspan="2" align="right" valign="top"
style="background:url( repeat-x; padding:0px;"><img
src="" width="1" height="1" /></td>


<td align="right">&nbsp;</td>

<td >
<table width="350" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

<td valign="bottom" class="bg_grey" >&nbsp;</td>

<td height="40" valign="bottom" class="bg_grey"><span class="button"><span>

<input type="submit" name="submit1" value="Submit"></span></span>


String s5=request.getParameter("userName");
String s1=request.getParameter("firstName");
String s2=request.getParameter("lastName");
String s3=request.getParameter("gender");
String s6=request.getParameter("passwd");
String s7=request.getParameter("email");
if(s5!=null && s1!=null && s2!=null && s3!=null && s6!=null && s7!=null)

//String s4=request.getParameter("mobile");
//int a=Integer.parseInt(s4);

Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:abc","root","root");

Statement s =c.createStatement();
String sql = "insert into applicant values('"+s1+"','"+s2+"','"+s3+"','"+s5+"','"+s6+"','"+s7+"')";


}catch(Exception e ){out.println(e);}

<form method="post" action="done.jsp">
<BR><input type="submit" value="LOGIN">

SWE2027 – Knowledge management systems
Report for project Review – 1

(A) Project Title:

Institutional Job Portal
Project category: Extended project

(B) Project Team

Reg. No Student Name VIT Student mail ID Cell phone
/Slot: number
18MIS0339 Mohammed Saleha 8978209132
- G2
18MIS0340 V. Lakshmi Sai Rama 8309482555
– G1 Krishna

18MIS0347 Lachannagari Chandu 8501856009

– G2 Vardhan Reddy

18MIS0360 K. Sai Teja 6303537417

– G2
Project Synopsis / Abstract:
Institutional job portal helps users explore various jobs available out there as per the
user’s qualifications and also helpful for entrepreneurs to hire people which is
completely based for a specific institution. The portal has information necessary for
both job-seeking and job giving party. The portal has a dedicated page for latest
news pertaining to Job vacancies. The portal has three modules; Job-seeker,
Employer, Admin. The existingportal has an admin module for looking at the
feedback, in the proposed system, the admin module shall have add/delete/modify
option for monitoring the authenticity of the Job-seeker, job-giver and their job
portal. The Employer module can post job vacancy and the Job-seeker can look at
the Jobs and their details about the interview. The newly proposed system shall have
a new feature called “Skill Enhancement”, where Job-seekers can find out the latest
skills in the market according to their departments, the feature gives details about
courses for attaining the latest skills from various sources of skill improvement
platforms. The proposed portal will have a new feature of “Career Tips”, which will
have knowledgeable and trending articles about trending issues of Career guidance
and tips which can be useful for job-seekers.

D) Answer the following questions:

Q1. Enumerate the steps that you would to take for developing KMS pertaining
to your chosen project.
Steps for developing KMS for our system:

• Establishing Goal and objectives to improving self-services and setting short-

term and long-term goal.
• Develop a change management strategy which encourage knowledge sharing
behaviour provide valuable feedback to the implementation team.
• Adequate planning of knowledge management process such that defined
objectives are met and how knowledge is created, categorized and shared
among the system.
• Assess the current state of knowledge sharing and bridging the gap of current
state and desired state of knowledge management in the system.
• Building an implementation roadmap, to illustrate the phases of the
implementation stages by setting up important milestone.
• Implementing the system as planned and assess the effectiveness of the
• Continuous improvement of the knowledge system such with additions and
enhancements which improve the effectiveness of the system as it goes.
Q2. Identify the potential challenges and issues likely to be faced by you in your
chosen project. How would you overcome of the above?


• Underestimated complexity of portal redevelopment project

Broad scope of a portal redevelopment project leads to increased complexity
of the system as the it grows and new components get added in the coming
• Lack of information from the End-user side
Due to the lack of information about the current problems of the portal and
not keeping in mind the end-users. This leads to accumulation of unaddressed
problems which can cause failure in the future.
• Misunderstood architecture of system.
If the architecture of the system is not understood due to technical or humane
reason, this causes difficulty while integrating the new with the old and
existing one.
• Abrupt Feature addition
Request to addition of features after the development goals have been already
agreed on.
• Lack of Resources
Lack of high-performance software development tools, powerful computing
platforms, inefficient data storage architectures, this bring down productivity
and performance.

Q3. Would you prefer building a prototype for the above? Why or why not?
What are the merits and demerits of your chosen option?

No, there is no need of a prototype for the project because prototype model is
preferred only when the objectives and goals of the system are not known/ not clear,
as we are familiar with the objectives of the system.
Also, since we are enhancing an existing an existing system, they are is no actual
need for prototyping the whole project just for the enhancing purpose as it might add
on unnecessary expenses which should be avoided at any cost and by definition
Prototyping is an attractive idea for complicated and large systems for which there is
no manual process or existing system to help determining the requirements.
Therefore, prototyping is not preferred for the system.

• Decrease in complexity of the system, as the scope gets expanded than what
was planned most of the time due to prototyping.
• It reduces the expenses of creating a prototype for the system just for
enhancing purpose which is not feasible.
• It saves up on time that will be consumed during the development of a
prototype and then reiterating it.
• Prototype can also lead to addition of unnecessary requirement/features
which are not worth implementing most of the time.

• The end-user as well as the developer may not have gained complete
knowledge over the system.
• If any important functionality gets missed, it cannot be identified due to non-
preference of prototyping.
• The integrating of the system may not be able to understand, as it is very
important to be familiar with the architecture and integration of the system to
add new features and integrate them without increasing the complexity.
• Due to prototyping, the user is offered early hands-on experience on the
system through the prototype model. Hence, this leads to making the user
new to the enhanced system.

Q4. Illustrate the knowledge management system lifecycle that you would
follow for this project. Enumerate the pros and cons of your chosen KM system
Knowledge management system life cycle:


• KM team relies on such a blueprint to proceed with the actual design &
deployment of KM system of job portal.
• With the usage of KM system design we have the ability to address several
important issues about the various processes happening within the system.
• Here in the Post Evaluation of the system we have developed we can have
Several Key Questions be asked such as how the KM system changed the
correctness & appropriateness of decision making.
• We can know effected organizational change while having the knowledge
management lifecycle and the productive nature of the changes that has been
• We know the cost of conducting the business for our portal and in what way
has the new added features to the system affected relationship between end
users within the organization.
• The implementation of the KM system helps us in classifying the users of the
system and gives us the chance to manage change within the organization
and help our system to work efficient.
• The KM system lifecycle helps us in the quality assurance such as Reasoning
Error, Incompleteness and False representation.


• Here we try to motivate people to share, reuse and apply knowledge

consistently which become harder for them to apply.
• integrating knowledge management into existing processes and information
systems becomes difficult
• The knowledge developer gathers knowledge from people with known
knowledge and the developer depends on them for the solution.

Q5. Identify the potential stakeholders of the above project. Enumerate a few
functional requirements that could be suggested by stakeholders.

Stakeholders are related to system directly or indirectly. Stakeholders for our system
Primary stakeholders: Directly interacted with system- Administrator, job seeker and
Secondary stakeholders: People who are not directly related to the system but
receive output – Management, who does not directly interact with system
Tertiary stakeholders: They are neither primary nor secondary, but are affected by
success or failure of the system - Investors and competitors and developers (us).
Facilitating stakeholders: The main stakeholder responsible for designing and
developing the system – design and development team (us).
Functional requirements:

• Manage Job Seeker and Employer Profiles

• Add New Services, Related to Employers or Job Seekers
• Send Message to Employer and Job seeker for Subscription etc
• Provide Roles and Authentication to Users
• Ability to change the look and feel of your site by changing template
• Most Recent Jobs to be displayed on home page
• Create/Edit/ Save as many icon sets as you like
• Location management console to add/edit/remove locations for which jobs can
be posted
• Admin can Add/Edit/Delete/Approve/Disapprove any job


• Post jobs with detailed job description (job title, company name, company url,
location, salary, job type, work type, description, required skills...)
• Ability to create and edit a company profile.
• Reporting information on how much time left on each job posting and how
long left on CV access
• Payment option by invoice, credit/debit card.
• Information on number of vacancy viewings and applications
• Register and sign-up online for Memberships, Job packages, job postings or
resume database access.
• New Account Notification an email message is sent to them as auto response
and password.
• Update profile at any time and view Submitted Job Seeker CV.
• Download CV or application submitted through the portal.

Job seekers:

• Apply for a job with the click of a button.

• Automatically retrieve passwords by email.
• Job Seeker Registration
• Login and update profile, including forgotten password reminders
• View Application History from profile
• Job seeker sets 'privacy level' to control how much information is visible to
employers through resume searches.
• Search jobs by location, qualification, categories, company, location,
experience and keywords.
• Hide contact information.
• Can also search companies and jobs by designation of its posted jobs
• Add multiple lists of qualification and experience.
• Add, Edit, Activate or Delete Job Search Agent.

Q6. Draw a few use case diagrams for the KMS pertaining to your chosen
Use case diagrams:

Job portal:
Overall system:
Log in:

Job application:
Q7. Enumerate a few non-functional requirements for the above and classify
them under various categories. Are non-functional requirements difficult to
identify and validate? Why or why not? How do non-functional requirements
influence system architecture?

Non functional requirements:

• The proposed system meets the non-functional requirements like security by

several form validations and password encryptions, reliability by maintaining
integrity with error messages, controlling access of the users.
• The application is made more scalable with an advanced search feature that
filters and delivers requested data from a huge amount of data.
• Secure access of confidential data (user’s details). SSL can be used.
• Better component design to get better performance at peak time.
• Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future.
• The portal must provide security to the user’s data i.e it should restrict
unauthorised access (Security by encrypting passwords etc) and the data
should be backed up safely.
Some non functional requirements (list):
• Reliability requirements: The system must perform accurately towards the
administrator request. For example, when the administrator saves the edited
details of the user, after he reviews the details later, they must be changed
according to the latest details that was updated. Moreover, the client is not
allowed to view the details that the administrator has. Besides that, the login
form will have validity check to ensure that only the authorized users gain
access to the system.
• Usability requirements: This system should be user-friendly and easy to use
so that users can perform their tasks nicely.
• Implementation requirements: In implementing the system we form the front-
end. At the back-end, the Apache and MYSQL will be synchronized and be
used to maintain the information in the database. This is formed by the
databases and other data stores.
• Security requirements: User credentials should be encrypted so as to ensure
confidentiality, integrity and availability and the project ideas should be
protected so as to avoid being stolen by other parties.

Non functional requirements define attributes of the system such as reliability,

performance, maintenance etc. As there are number of attributes involved in non
functional requirements, it is not so easy to identify and validate non functional
requirements .Because the existing systems met many of the non functional
requirements .So we have to filter out the additional non functional requirements for
our system. These attributes act as restrictions to the design and architecture .Also
these attributes ensure the usability of the system .So It's not that hard too because
we separated all non-functional requirements from our project requirements.
As these attributes act as restrictions to the design, these non functional
requirements influence the system a lot by making the system more usable, reliable,
efficient and reusable .In order to meet all these non functional requirements, we
have to design the system accordingly. We may need to make some changes to the
architecture if needed.

Q8. Would you prefer developing the proposed KM system using open source
software tools? Why or why not? Enumerate the development tools that you
propose to use. Give justification for your choice of tools.

Yes, we prefer to develop the KM system using an open source software tools
because it provides:
• High-quality software (Error less and usable software)
• Integrated management (manage all activities at a place)
• Fast and reliable
• Cost-effectiveness
• Security

Open source tool: MySQL

MySQL is a free-to-use, open-source database that facilitates effective management
of databases by connecting them to the software. It is a stable, reliable and powerful
solution with advanced features including: Data security, scalability. With the help
of this tool, managers become more impactful, and customers become more
It's customizable, convenient to use, and it doesn't cost. We are going to implement
this system by using MySQL through Xamppserver .It provides free space and
security of data for the users .And it also supports many scripting and programming
languages like php, html ,java script etc .So we chose to work using this tool.
Q9. Enumerate the existing KM systems that are similar to the system
proposed by you. Provide the list of references for the above systems
Existing KM systems that are similar to our proposed system:
There are some existing systems similar to our proposed system like bestjobs,
gopinoy ,internshala etc. which are used by many people .These system offer a wide
variety of features some are free and others are not .
The users can apply for a job , check eligibility criteria , check jobs in their areas,
send application requests etc. But it is a vast system which exists across the country
but ours is a small scale portal intentional for a small organisation.
Example: Here a company or an institute like VIT we have Portals that help users to
acquire knowledge and get information they needed.
Some References for existing system: Founded in 1997, is synonymous with online job portals in

India .In the earlier system, the resume given cannot be edited or removed by the
user. But in our system the resume given by the user can be edited or removed by a
user from the portal. So KMS is superior to existing systems.

Q10. Justify in what way your proposed KMS is superior to existing systems.

Our proposed system is superior to the existing system in consistency and usability.
The KMS that we proposed is a collection of information systems that are integrated
to enhance organizational knowledge management activities for the usage of
Institutional job portal. Here the proposed serves as guide to develop KMS for
various Job informational search portals. We identified the environment, people and
technology as critical factor for success KMS implementation in these commercial
knowledge informational portals. The environment factor describes how knowledge
is used to organizational competitive advantage to make our existing system more
useful and compatible with other systems in the market. The people factor describes
variables that create a positive attitude to engage in voluntary knowledge sharing
activities. Technology factor describes the necessary KMS tools that facilitate
personal interaction among people as well as knowledge storage for later retrieval
that can be useful for the customers. We have four components -repositories and
libraries that are used to store the job portal information, knowledge-worker
communities where we try to collect companies customer tackling knowledge and
the, knowledge cartography or mapping, and knowledge flows within the job portal.
The user interface of our system is totally different from those existing ones. Our
proposed system won’t be that complex. We had to create integration and easy
access to existing knowledge resources. It provides a formal definition and
relationship to knowledge stored in the knowledge repository. This will also
facilitate shared understanding among employees. With the proposed KM system we
have been able to provide additional capability to extract new knowledge hidden in
the data. The system meets all the requirements of the user like applying for jobs,
wish listing the jobs, viewing profile, editing the profile etc which is specifically not
available in many of the existing systems.
We had proposed a new data store layer and it contains different databases that
stores knowledge contents to be manipulated by the KMS tools in the Processing.
Knowledge stored in the knowledge repository should knowledge which is useful to
be used in task related activities. It will reduce unnecessary efforts to filter useful
knowledge. This layer contains content database, expert database, reference database
and ontology database. Our knowledge management system ensures the security of
user’s information. Organizations that have made this kind of investment in
knowledge management realize tangible results quickly. We minimized risk by
taking a phased approach that gives beneficial returns at each step. Coming to the
superiority of our system from our seniors’ system, we will try to rectify all the
mistakes they have done while developing their system .We will try to remove all
the bugs in existing system and make it public so that everyone can use it for free.
Mainly, there isn’t any open source institutional job portal for any institution, so we
are developing it for free and available to all .
SWE2027 – Knowledge management systems

Report for project Review – 0

(A) Project Title :

Institutional Job Portal

Project category: Extended project

(B) Project Team

Reg. No Student Name VIT Student mail ID Cell phone
/Slot : number
18MIS0339 Mohammed Saleha 8978209132
- G2
18MIS0347 Lachannagari Chandu 8501856009
– G2 Vardhan Reddy

18MIS0360 K. Sai Teja 6303537417

– G2

(C) Project Synopsis / Abstract:

Online job portal helps users explore various jobs available out there as per the
user’s qualifications and also helpful for entrepreneurs to hire people. This
portal connects people searching for jobs and people who provide jobs. It is
related to knowledge management because users may not only apply for jobs or
hire people but can also know the eligibility for various jobs in their respective
arena by exploring various job offers. It helps users to avoid searching for jobs
physically or by exploring each and every official website. The system can also
recommend some jobs based on their qualifications which will reduce the user’s
task to find search for jobs. In this system, the job seeker can search for job by
name, location, and also other companies and jobs by designation of its posted
jobs. He can wish list the job, make connections and send requests. The job
providers can post jobs as per their requirement, search for interns, search
companies based on its name and location. They can also accept requests, see
job seekers profile i.e applicants profile and hire them. This system is an
extended version of job portal.

(D) This is an extended project

Registration number of student we took this project from:

• 17MIS0397 – Yuvarani
• 17MIS0065 - Sudhakar Reddy Y
• 17MIS0410 - Pradeep P

(E) Overview of existing systems and their limitations:

The existing system has so many limitations like users have to write down all
their qualifications and apply for job manually. User has to search for jobs in
news papers and their official websites if they have announced any new job
opportunities. Even in the existing project that our senior students developed,
they faced many bugs while executing their project. They don’t have features of
wish listing the companies, highlighting their qualification specializations. Their
system failed to get all the job suggestions. So, we came up with some
modifications to the project and developing it in our own way. In existing
systems that are available in market, we have to pay some amount to publicize
our job requirements. Many people find it difficult to pay such amount just to
apply for job that they don’t know if they get or not. So we’ll try to get the job
done for free.
(F) Limitations of existing system and proposed solution

Existing System Proposed System

• No way to apply for the desired • Added apply button for the job
company from the listed posting in the job seeker module.
• Added link for checking the
• No source to check the status of status of applied jobs after giving
the applied job. an interview.
• No verification method of • Added extension in the form for
details submitted by the job attaching the certificates for
seeker and job provider verification.
• No Hyperlink from the News • When there is an update in the
page to the job application vacancies, added a hyperlink to
place after the updated vacancy redirect to the posting link for
list. (Bad user interface) easy application.
• All details are present of job • Update the User interface of
seekers and job providers even login to hide details of job
without login into the portal seekers and job givers and links
which is a data leak of for new employers and new job
individuals. seekers under the login form.
SWE2027- Knowledge Management System
Report Template for Digital Assignment-1 based on course project title
(To be submitted on or before 31st May 2021)


Project Category: Extended project - other

(B) Project Team

Reg.No./Slot Student Name VIT Student E-mail ID Cell Phone No. Role/Contribution in the project
18MIS0360 K. Sai Teja 6303537417 Research on Existing Projects,
– G2 Front end Development,

18MIS0347 Lachannagari Chandu Vardhan chanduvardhanreddy.2018@vitstud 8501856009 Testing

– G2 Reddy Front end Development,
18MIS0339 Mohammed Saleha Mohammed.saleha2018@vitstuden 8978209132 Design and Architecture,
- G2 Back end Development

(C) Revised and finalized abstract/synopsis of the project (max 200 words):
This system is designed to maximize the efficiency of connecting job seeker and job provider companies easily by providing online platform with
authentication. Here, They can search complete depth information about each other and join. It reduces physical cost of finding jobs and aspirants.
System will provide an automatized recommendation of jobs which will reduce the job seeker’s task to find jobs.
Employer Do’s :
• Post a job
• Search other companies and job seeker by its name, location
• Can also search companies and jobs by designation of its posted jobs
• See aspirant’s profile
• Select aspirants
Job Seeker Do’s :
• Search other companies and job seeker by its name, location
• Can also search companies and jobs by designation of its posted jobs
• Apply for a job
• Save a job
• Refer a job to its connections
• Make connections
• Send request

Note: Refer (i) Table 4.1 given page 66 of the textbook (ii) Q.No. 9 of Project Review-1 Document and (iii) Assignment-1 Document already submitted. Each
member of the project is required to undertake a comparative study of the proposed system with 10 systems mentioned in the technical papers submitted as
assignment-1. Each comparative study must be unique different from other students and it should not be more 2 pages.

(C) Literature Review by 18MIS0339, Mohammed Saleha:

Criteria <System proposed <System described <System described <System <System described <System described
in your project> in paper-1> in paper-2> described in paper-4> in paper-5>
in paper-3>
Application Job portal for the purpose of Using web information system Using 7C framework for Using knowledge and Using Natural language Determining the ideal
Scenario institutional purpose such that job development methodology for conducting an analysis knowledge processing for CV potential of the individual
seekers and job providers can the purpose of building a Job about factors management system reading and analysis to applicant who has applied
look for jobs. Portal. influencing user’s (job to improve job search extract key words for job by using Data
seekers and job feature of job portal required by the job Mining Techniques.
providers) interest about and capture job provider for easy filter
the portal. requirements based on purpose.
industry needs
Modules  Admin  Admin  Administrator  Recruiting  Admin  Admin
 Employer  Job-seeker  Job-seeker companies  Employer  Employer
 Job-seeker  Recruiter  Recruiter  Administrato  Job-seeker  Job-Seeker
r  Natural  3 Login module
 Job seeker language
Functionalities  Auto-mailing system for  Job searching  Job searching  Simple Job  CV Parsing  Job assessment
regular updates  Job posting  Job posting search  Preprocessing  Assessment
 Job duplication  Admin moderation  Faster resume  Advanced of CV analysis
avoidance from recruiter processing. Job search  Keyword  Quality
 Profile management and  Filtered Job extraction assessment of
activity tracking list.  Quick filter of candidate.
jobs from key  Skill-set
words assessment and
KM Processes  Knowledge Capture  Knowledge Sharing  Knowledge  Knowledge  Knowledge  Knowledge
 Knowledge Sharing Discovery Capture Capture Capture
 Knowledge

KM Sub-  Externalization  Exchange  Combination  Externalizati  Externalization

 Combinations
processes  Exchange on
 Externalizatio
KM  Web Portal  Web portals  Information  Online Stored Online
  Online Access to
Technologies  Information repositories  Online data access repository Access to Data Data
 Online access to data  Database Data  Information  Data repository
 Database Repositories
Type KM  Impact on people  Impact on process.  Impact on  Impact on  Impact on  Impact on
Impact  Impact on process. process process process people.
 Impact on  Impact on Impact on people  Impact on
people organization  organization
framework or
Operating Online Platform/Digital Online Platform/Digital Online Online Online Online
platform/ Platform Platform Platform/Digital Platform/Digital Platform/Digital Platform/Digital
environment Platform Platform Platform Platform
URL and N/A https://www.igi- https://ieeexplore.i https://www.research
Present /download/59736495/IRJE
status T-V6I43320190615- sers-interest- cument/6959916 ment/9202046/ ndra-Patil-
44144-cgrnqq.pdf assessment-on-job- 3/publication/319873
portal/110888 708_Job_Portal_usin
Criteria <System <System described <System described <System described <System described <System described
proposed in paper-6> in paper-7> in paper-8> in paper-9> in paper-10>
in your project>
Application Scenario Job portal for the This system is designed The source code was Demand for foreign E-recruitment The importance of
purpose of institutional to maximize the analyzed for language skills on platforms helped job-
the internet in
purpose such that job
seekers and job
efficiency of connecting modularity traits such markets, using seekers by reducing
finding the perfect
providers can look for job seeker and job as size, complexity, information extracted the recruitment time
job is only a click
jobs. provider Companies cohesion and from online job and advertisement
away. Job boards,
easily by providing coupling, which in portals. cost. analyze e- corporate websites
online platform with turn determines the recruiting process and can assist speed up
authentication. The class quality, package related issues for the recruiting process
system is an online quality and hence the building personalized and locate the best
application that can be modularity index. recommender systems candidates for open
accessed throughout the Software designers of candidates/job positions. The
organization and outside can enhance the matching advantages such as
as well with proper quality of distributed time, money, and
login provided. systems with the quality, e-recruitment
exercising of Bout is becoming
pattern. increasingly popular
among recruiters and
job seekers.
Modules  Admin  Job seeker  Client Module  Job Research  Job  Job seeker
 Employer module  Server module description module
 Job-seeker
 Track seekers Module  Classification module  Tracking
module  Applicant Module  Selection module
 Employer’s Session  Job vacancies module  Employer’s
module Module Module  Applicant module
 Session Map management  Login module
module module  Notification
 Job applicant  Employee module
module module
 Job offer
Functionalities  Auto-mailing  Client  Applicant  Job  Log in / sign
system for Information submission recommendati up tab
updates  Applicant  Language on  Job seeker
 Job Application Selected  Candidate info  Recruiters
duplication  Data Storage  Skilled  Applicants page
avoidance occupation ranking  Search bar
from recruiter
 Job requisition  Job alert &
 Profile
management  Applicant notification
and activity submission

KM Processes  Knowledge  Knowledge  Knowledge  Knowledge  Knowledge  Knowledge

Capture Capture Capture Discovery Discovery Application
 Knowledge
Sharing  Knowledge  Knowledge  Knowledge
Discovery Sharing Capture

KM Sub-processes  Externalizatio  Combination  Combinations  Combinations  Socialization  Internalizatio

n n
 Socialization  Exchange
Exchange  Externalizatio
 Externalization  Combination  Direction
 Routines

KM Mechanisms N/A  Models Details N/A Details N/A  Meetings  face-to-face

 Prototypes  collaborative meetings
 Meetings documentation  Help desks
 Documents  presentations and
 Cooperative  manuals Support
projects centers
 Organizationa
l policies
 Standards
KM Technologies  Web Portal  Video-  Online Data  Video  Web-based  Databases
 Information conferencing Repositories. conferencing. access to data  Web portals
 Online access
 Learned  Online Survey  Online Survey  Databases  AI-based
to data Databases Tools Tools  Repositories knowledge
Database  Expert systems  Video  content-based
 Web portals conferencing. filtering
 Information systems
repositories  Web portals
Type KM Impact  Impact on  Fewer Mistakes Details N/A Details N/A  Organization Details N/A
people improvement
 Better
 Impact on
process. Exploitation  Skill
 Employee enhancement
 Organization
KM framework or N/A  Details N/A  Details N/A  Details N/A  Details N/A  Details N/A

Operating platform/ Online  IDS the ICAT  Online  Online  Internet  Online
environment Platform/Digital Data Service Platform Platform.  Online portal Platform

URL and Present N/A https://link.springer.c https://link.springer.c http://worldcomp-

status 993/paper6.pdf om/chapter/10.1007/9 om/article/10.1007/s1 m/JMEIT_Vol_2_Iss
78-981-10-5780- 0663-017-9374-6 /p2012/IKE7862.pdf ue_2_Apr_2015/JME
9_18 ITAPR0202001.pdf
(D) Literature Review by 18MIS0360, SAI TEJA :

Criteria <System proposed <System described <System described <System described <System described <System described
in your project> in paper-1> in paper-2> in paper-3> in paper-4> in paper-5>
Application Scenario Job portal for the Job searching web online job portals search for different ways to an institutional job
purpose of institutional
purpose such that job
portals as an suitable for occupations, for look for jobs such search and
seekers and job essential academics and example, through as through application .
providers can look for knowledge practitioners. close to home personal contacts,
jobs. management contacts, direct direct telephone
system in the calls to managers, calls to employers,
universities . work organization job agency office
office, examining
on the web work
Modules Admin,Employer,J Jobs list , resume Job search , Contacts , web Jobs list , resume About ,
ob-seeker filling , apply job , posts , job filling , apply job , application ,
view jobs . vacancies , view jobs . resume , view
applications jobs , search jobs .
Functionalities Auto-mailing Better job personal contacts, Apply job , add Show jobs list , job Application filling ,
system for regular providing , good resume , remove application , Resume filling , job
direct telephone
communication etc. calls to employers, resume , add resume , check view , applying
avoidance from job agency office, contacts , show eligibility jobs
recruiter,Profile scanning online , vacancies , show
management and
job listings applications etc .
activity tracking
KM Processes Knowledge Knowledge sharing Knowledge capture Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge
Capture, Application Capture, Sharing
KM Sub-processes Externalization exchange Direction combination exchange internalization
KM Mechanisms N/A N/A meetings N/A Initiation process Apprenticeships
for new employees
KM Technologies Web Web based access Information Manuals Web based access N/A
Portal,Information repositories to databases
access to
Type KM Impact Impact on people Impact on people Impact on people Impact on Impact on N/A
Impact on process. processes organization ,
KM framework or N/A N/A Near term N/A Provide framework Long term
model for developing a
job portal with
proper utilization
of KM mechanisms
and frameworks .
Operating platform/ Online Web browser with Web browser with Windows platform Windows , ubuntu Any web browser
environment Platform/Digital any OS any OS with any OS
URL and Present N/A https://publications. http://www.indianj https://www.resear https://physicstoda
status ournalofmanageme upload/2017/may-
b-portal-as-a- 17/IJARCCE%201 on/269838390_Dev 10.1063/PT.3.4590
knowledge- ijom/article/view/6 9.pdf elopment_of_a_Job
management- 8766 _Web_Portal_to_I
system-in-the- mprove_Education
universities _Quality#:~:text=T

Criteria <System proposed <System described <System described <System described <System described <System described
in your project> in paper-6> in paper-7> in paper-8> in paper-9> in paper-10>
Application Scenario Job portal for the approaches to workers are automatically Recruitment and person wants to
purpose of institutional
address the having matching job Selection of new find a new job,
purpose such that job challenges acceptable offers and employees has an he/she can submit
seekers and job
providers can look for
associated with ability, they applicant profiles increasing a resume using
jobs. screening, endure in is not new and has influence on word processing
matching, and securing the been studied in the company results software like
classifying correct position. scientific literature and the use of new Microsoft Office
candidate Additionally that but the complex information and Word, open a web
resumes , job post isn't simple for nature of the communication browser to send
and resume the selection problem, which technologies in the resume and
classification representatives to involves the use of this process is receive an e-mail.
system enlist flawless free text by carried out in a
workers what employers and by faster and more
they precisely employees (when complete way
need. A few writing their Recruitment and
workers are curriculums), Selection has
utilized, yet not prevents become a strategic
at where they developed practice in Human
should be solutions from Resources
achieving a high contributing to the
degree of success. competitiveness
Modules Admin,Employer,J Intern , job Resume , wishlist , Contacts , web Jobs , internships , About ,
ob-seeker provider , resume , jobs , my posts , job HR , mock jobs ,posts , feed ,
applications , applications vacancies , interviews . my applications .
wishlist . applications
Functionalities Auto-mailing Online Job posting , automatically Selection of new Online
system for regular recruiting , resume
Recruitment; matching job employees , recruitment ,
duplication Knowledge base filling , wish offers and Recruitment, Organizational
avoidance from Assisted listing , job applicant profiles , Human Resources analysis,
recruiter,Profile Classification , job suggestions . posting jobs , management . Information
management and
activity tracking
search , eligibility internships analysis , job posts

KM Processes Knowledge Discovery & Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Sharing

Capture, Detection , Sharing Creation, Sharing , Discovery &
Knowledge Knowledge Detection
Acquisition Organization &
KM Sub-processes Externalization Exchange , Internalization Exchange Socialization Socialization.
Exchange Socialization Exchange
KM Mechanisms N/A formal N/A formal informal formal
KM Technologies Web case-based N/A Web based access computer-based enterprise resource
Portal,Information reasoning systems, to data simulations, planning systems,
access to
electronic databases expert systems
data,Database discussion groups
Type KM Impact Impact on people Impact on N/A Impact on people Impact on people N/A
Impact on process. processes
KM framework or N/A Long term non N/A Provide framework N/A N/A
model governmental for developing a
job portal with
proper utilization
of KM mechanisms
and frameworks .
Operating platform/ Online Web browser with Web browser with N/A Windows OS Any type of OS
environment Platform/Digital any OS any OS
URL and Present N/A http://www.internat https://www.resear https://www.proqu https://www.irjet.n
status ionaljournalssrg.or et/archives/V6/i4/I
372026 g/IJCSE/2020/Volu on/273592872_An cdc117834def1b60 RJET-V6I433.pdf
me7-Issue7/IJCSE- _Overview_of_Kn 4f9785ecbc5eaa44/
V7I7P104.pdf owledge_Managem 1?pq-
ent_Techniques_fo origsite=gscholar&
r_e-Recruitment cbl=1796412
(E) Literature Review by 18MIS0347, L. CHANDU VARDHAN REDDY :

Criteri <System proposed <System <System <System described in paper-3> <System described in paper-4> <System described in paper-
a in your project> described in described in 5>
paper-1> paper-2>
Applic Job portal for the In the The main aims The online job portal will use the This system The web application “Job
ation purpose of current of this portal are internet to advertise and find the best enhances the understanding concept and importance of search portal provides easy
Scenar institutional purpose scenario, to connect to the people for jobs. The system is to be the job and convinient search
io such that job there is a rat industries and used by employers to improve portal for students in the universities. application for the job
seekers and job race in acts as efficiency in employment sector and it seekers to find their desired
providers can look each and an online will provide jobs catalog and jobs and for the recruiters to
for jobs.
every recruitment to information to members or users and find the right candidate
professional support the help them decide on which jobs to
field. It is students to find apply.
also true for the right IT job
job market. after graduation.
A job portal Furthermore, this
is a website system
dedicated for enhances the
online understanding
information concept and
about importance of
recruiters as the job portal for
well as job students in the
seekers. universities.
Modul Admin, Job Seeker Admin , N/A N/A Admin , Recruiter ,Job
es Employer, module, Recruiter ,Job seeker
Job-seeker Resumes seeker
Upload and
Functi Auto-mailing Job seeker, Accessibility , Job Recruitment(Social media , Sharing Information and experiences N/A
onaliti system for employer,gu Accuracy corporate website)
es regular updates, est user
Job duplication
avoidance from
and activity
KM Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge Sharing Knowledge Application
Proces Capture, Application sharing
ses Knowledge

KM Externalization Direction , Socialization , Combination ,Socialization Socialization , Exchange Direction , routines

Sub- Exchange routines Exchange
KM N/A Searching Accessing Descriptive Research Data Analysis and Finding Feasibility study and
Mecha information Requirement analysis
KM Web Portal, information N/A Implementation of Knowledge through databases Business Information
Techn Information Management repositories
ologie repositories, information
s Online access system
to data,
Type Impact on Use and Organization’s Analysis Use and implementation Capture and analysis
KM people Analysis capture
Impac Impact on
t process.

KM N/A N/A N/A Waterfall System schema or Architecture Waterfall

Operat Web Based Web N/A N/A Web Browsers,Web Servers
ing Web/Internet Application
and http://ijirt. https://ijarcce. https://www.academia.e
Presen com/upload/2 359/Importance_of_Online
org/master 8390_Development_of_a_Job_Web_Portal_to_ du/37875320/ONLINE_
/published 017/may- _Job_Portal Improve_Education_Quality JOB_PORTAL
T144246_ %2019.pdf

Criteria <System proposed <System described <System described <System described <System described <System described
in your project> in paper-6> in paper-7> in paper-8> in paper-9> in paper-10>
Application Scenario Job portal for the Job seekers can Developed to An employment Currently, all of Online recruitment
purpose of institutional reduce the
purpose such that job
use the web portal is a platform the conventional system that allows
seekers and job application "Job traditional method that helps people and slower employers to
providers can look for Search Portal" to of recruitment and find work. It can recruitment postjob
jobs. find their ideal to reduce the paper range from processes are ads that job
employment, and work within the generalized sites being phased out seekers can access
recruiters can use university. A to specialist in favour of the while searching
it to find the right Website of working groups new 'e- for work. This
applicant. Work recruiting can be for jobs like recruitment' career platform
seekers from more efficiant and engineering, law, process.It is the will
more reliable
all walks of life teaching, use of technology capture job
can use this site to and designing or web-based requirements
look for current mobile apps. resources to assist based on the needs
openings. Job in the recruiting of the industry
seekers can signup process, also
for the app and known as "internet
upgrade their recruitment."
information and Many large
skill set corporations use
Internet to hire
new employees.

Modules Admin, Admin Available Jobs Job seeker N/A Administrator

Employer, Employer Departments Job provider Job seeker
Job seeker Home
Functionalities Auto-mailing Posting , recruiting Recruiting , N/A N/A Job search
system for regular and updating job Providing job Filtered Job
Job duplication
details detailed description
avoidance from
management and
activity tracking
KM Processes Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge
Capture, acquisition Sharing Application and Sharing Capture

KM Sub-processes Externalization Socialization Exchange and Routines , Socialization and Externalization

Exchange Socialization Directions etc Exchange
KM Mechanisms N/A N/A Accessing N/A N/A N/A
KM Technologies Web Portal, management Databases N/A N/A Accessing
Information information management, information
Online access to
systems Information
data, information management
Database repositories
including best
practices databases
Type KM Impact Impact on people Impact on people Organizational Impacts on people Impacts on Impact on
Impact on process. impact organizations and organization,
Impact on process
KM framework or N/A Modal -view Water fall N/A N/A N/A
model Controller(MVC)
Operating platform/ Web Based Web based Web based N/A N/A Web Based
URL and Present N/A https://ieeexplore.iee
status ownload/pdf/77979 ers/IJCSI-10-4-1- rs/JETIR1801071.p ijarmss/july2013/1
433.pdf 152-159.pdf df 5.pdf ent/6959916
SWE2027- Knowledge Management System

Digital Assignment-1

(A) Project Title :

Institutional Job Portal

Project category: Extended project

(B) Project Team

Reg. No Student Name VIT Student mail ID Cell phone

/Slot : number
18MIS0360 K. Sai Teja 6303537417
– G2

18MIS0347 Lachannagari Chandu 8501856009

– G2 Vardhan Reddy

18MIS0339 Mohammed Saleha 8978209132

- G2

c) Literature Review by
Student Name: Saiteja K.
Paper -1: Job portal As A Knowledge Management System In The Universities
Authors: Marjan Mansourvar, Norizan Mohd Yasin
Keywords—Knowledge, Knowledge management system, Knowledge sharing, Job
Summary :
This paper discusses about Job searching web portals as an essential knowledge
management system in the universities .This paper starts with some basic definition
of knowledge, knowledge management and web portal. The important issue that is
related to managing knowledge is about capturing and integrating knowledge. It
means knowledge is not so valuable and useful if it cannot be shared. Therefore, in
the network of computer systems with features for communication and information
sharing, the methods for managing and integrating knowledge, improve the effect and
efficiency. Information system is established in organizations to facilitate the
collection, integration and dissemination of knowledge . Job seeking usually involves
different ways to look for jobs such as through personal contacts, direct telephone
calls to employers, job agency office, scanning online job listings, etc. Before the
Internet, became widely uses as a method of seeking jobs, jobseekers spent a lots of
time using various methods to look for job openings. Today, jobseekers use online
methods which are very convenient and save a lot of time.Students can get knowledge
about the placements , internships , trainings happening in the university .
Paper – 2 : Issues and Uses of Online Job Portals: A Comparative Study
Authors: Mitesh Jayswal , Kinjal Shukla , Nidhi Heda

Keywords - Online Job Portals, Recruitment, Consultants,, Monster

Summary :
The paper will be of value to online job portals suitable for academics and
practitioners.The purpose of this paper was to compare the leading online job portals and Monster India on the basis of their operational difficulties and
features from the perspective of recruitment consultants . Job seeking usually involves
different ways to look for jobs such as through personal contacts, direct telephone
calls to employers, job agency office, scanning online job listings. Reset problem, per
click rate, and non-availability of niche profile were the problems faced by the
consultants while using; whereas, catching the exact keywords, non
availability of resumes, nationality not specified, and incomplete personal details were
the problems faced by the consultants while using Monster India. Compared to, Monster India was considered better in searching for HR related articles,
while Naukri proved better for business development and expansion. An efficient
search of the internet might help to jobseekers in their job hunt. There are some web
portals that provide an efficient way to search the web for online information on job
vacancies for jobseekers.
Paper – 3 : A Review on: Job Portal- A Web Application for Distributed Clients
Authors: Pooja T. Killewale , Prof A.R. Mune
Keywords - Job Advertisement, job hunting, job portal, job posting, job search,
content management system, and webbased system
Summary :
Job seeking generally includes changed approaches to search for occupations, for
example, through close to home contacts, direct calls to managers, work organization
office, examining on the web work postings, and so on Prior to the Internet, turned
out to be generally utilizes as a strategy for looking for occupations, jobseekers
invested a loads of energy utilizing different strategies to search for employment
opportunities. Today, jobseekers utilize online techniques which are exceptionally
helpful and save a great deal of time . Securing all accessible position opportunities is
a principle venture at in the work looking for measure. The Internet is currently an
integral asset that jobseekers can utilize. Today, there are numerous locales that
publicize work positions to be filled by individuals with specific abilities in different
fields. The Internet assumes a significant part in the space of human asset arranging
and improvement. Most arranging and improvement associations are currently
utilizing PC innovation and the Internet for staff enlistment. It ought to be noticed that
albeit the Internet has worked with the interaction of occupation chasing, it has not
supplanted the conventional strategies, totally . It isn't workable for the each work
searcher to see the paper every day and the outcome is a significant number
individuals are gotten unconscious of the positions. The application territory will be
the concentrated information stockpiling of all clients with proficient fine grained
Updates. The application can be utilized in instructive space where the information
the executives of all clients is significant.
Paper – 4: Development of a Job Web Portal to Improve Education Quality
Authors: Marjan Mansourvar and Norizan Binti Mohd Yasin
Keywords: Knowledge sharing, web portal, job portal, online recruitment.
Summary :
Job seeking usually involves different ways to look for jobs such as through personal
contacts, direct telephone calls to employers, job agency office, scanning online job
listings, etc. . Before the Internet, became widely uses as a method of seeking jobs,
jobseekers spent a lots of time using various methods to look for job openings. Today,
jobseekers use online methods which are very convenient and save a lot of time .
Today, there are many sites that advertise job positions to be filled by people with
certain skills in various fields. The Internet plays an important role in the area of
human resource planning and development. Most planning and development
organizations are now using computer technology and the Internet for staff
recruitment. It should be noted that although the Internet has facilitated the process of
job-seeking, it has not replaced the traditional methods, completely . the Internet has
become the main source of information for jobseekers. Large corporations,
institutions, and universities include information on career prospects on their
websites. According to a survey, 70% of the workforce uses websites or portals on the
Internet to search for jobs in France. These websites or portals provide a search engine
to access information on job opportunities .
Paper – 5: Reflections on an academic job search
Authors: Omar Magaña-Loaiza
The road from reading a job posting to signing a contract is long and involved. Advice
from a recently hired professor may smooth the path.The job-hunting process can be
grouped into four parts: the application package, the online interview, the on-campus
interview, and the negotiation of job terms. Below, I discuss relevant and sometimes
unintuitive aspects of each of them.In the past, an institutional job search might have
started by combing periodicals for job postings now it starts online. Some sites will
send users daily or weekly newsletters with alerts about new postings. The guidance
provided by such sites is usually general rather than tailored to physics positions, but
it can still help candidates identify and understand the necessary materials for
preparing an application package.From start to finish, hiring process took
approximately six months: two months to prepare the application package and four
months to have the interviews and negotiate the terms of employment. Each
institution’s application package will be different, especially if you’re considering
both large research universities and primarily undergraduate institutions .
Paper – 6 : Online Job Portal
Authors: Amit Gaur , MR.Ravindra Kumar Chahar
Keywords: Job Portal , recruitment , resume
Now days, there is an occupation emergency and it's elusive employments for
workers. Regardless of whether the workers are having acceptable ability, they
endure in securing the correct position. Additionally that isn't simple for the
selection representatives to enlist flawless workers what they precisely need. A
few workers are utilized, yet not at where they should be. Along these lines,
this activity entry causes the workers to secure position opening fittingly on the
web. At that point scouts see their profile from database and contact on the off
chance that they anticipate from those workers to be reasonable for specific
opening. Along these lines, concealed ability can be come out. This framework
is intended to assist the competitors with finding their occupations on the web and
moreover to assist selection representatives with finding fitting up-and-comers . The
request for employment procedure to a long while. The methodology is monotonous
and requires a lot of exertion and assets. This procedure was similarly baffling for
selection representatives as it frequently required some investment to fill position with
qualified applicant. Online prerequisite accelerates and makes the procedure
considerably more productive.
Paper – 7: JRC: A Job Post and Resume Classification System for Online
Authors: Abeer Zaroor; Mohammed Maree; Muath Sabha
Keywords: Online Recruitment; Knowledge base Assisted Classification
Summary :
In the recent years, online job portals have started to receive an enormous number of
resumes in diverse styles and formats from job seekers who have different academic
backgrounds, work experiences and skills . Finding and hiring the right talent from a
wide and heterogeneous range of candidates remains one of the most important and
challenging tasks of the HR department in any organization . These systems employ
different methods and approaches to address the challenges associated with screening,
matching, and classifying candidate resumes. For instance, one of the employed
methods addresses the automatic matching between candidate resumes and their
corresponding job offers . In this paper, we have proposed a job post and resume
classification system (JRC) based on coupling an integrated skills knowledge base
and an automatic matching procedure between candidate resumes and their
corresponding job postings. The proposed system first utilizes section-based
segmentation module in order to segment the resumes and extract a set of skills that
are used in the classification process. Next, the system exploits an integrated skills
knowledge base for carrying out the classification task. As indicated in section V, the
conducted experiments using the exploited knowledge base demonstrate that using
the proposed classification module assists in achieving higher precision results in a
less execution time than conventional approaches.
Paper – 8 : An Overview of Knowledge Management Techniques for e-
Authors: Jorge Martinez-Gil

Keywords: Knowledge management,human resource management ,e-Recruitment

Summary :

The problem of automatically matching job offers and applicant profiles is not new
and has been studied in the scientific literature but the complex nature of the problem,
which involves the use of free text by employers and by employees (when writing
their curriculums), prevents developed solutions from achieving a high degree of
success. Some works have offered partial solutions based on the use of controlled
vocabularies in order to fairly alleviate some problems concerning semantic
heterogeneity . ) but there are still some key challenges that should be addressed. In
fact, research on new e-Recruitment has been even more intense techniques in the last
few years in terms of. This is mainly because the need for computer-based intelligent
techniques for recruiting employees, in a highly competitive global market, have
grown significantly during the last few years. Knowledge management allows job
recruiters to reduce the costs and time to find relevant matches between job offers and
applicant profiles. This fact is strongly positive in organisations with a high volume
of hiring needs. The reason is that, in complicated labour markets or regions allowing
free movement of workers, factors like cost or time are becoming critical . Knowledge
management techniques for semantic matching, enriching of HR-Knowledge Bases
and Top-K querying can help players from the HR industry to go beyond identical
lexical matching of job offers and applicant profiles. This represents a great advantage
over the state-of-the-art since give more opportunities to the good job candidates, but
also allows job recruiters to identify potential talent which otherwise may remain
blurred among such a plethora of applicant's profiles.

Paper – 9 : Online Recruitment for Organizational Knowledge Management: A

Quantitative Study

Authors: Susana Silva, Cândida Silva and Dora Martins

Keywords: online recruitment, Portuguese companies, social media, knowledge


Summary :

The process of Recruitment and Selection of new employees has an increasing

influence on company results and the use of new information and communication
technologies in this process is carried out in a faster and more complete way
Recruitment and Selection has become a strategic practice in Human Resources
contributing to the competitiveness of the organization (Júnior, Maciel, & Zago,
2006). Otherwise, the Information and Communication Technologies have been a
fundamental tool to support organizations (Rossetti & Morales, 2007). In this way,
Recruitment and Selection is also influenced by the constant presence of technology
and the constant demand of the job. In this way, the difference between success and
failure of Recruitment and Selection process can be in speed and innovation .
Recruitment has always been a step supported by various methods which contributed
to the attraction of candidates. Examples of this process are the publication of
advertisements in newspapers or on radio, in schools or employment centers, and the
verification of references. In recent years, information technologies have these
methods by making the search for candidates easier. In this way, Online Recruitment,
with the corporate websites, social networks, employment portals, emerged in order
to influence the methods of recruitment .

Paper – 10 : A Web App for Online Job Portal

Authors Mustafa Pinjari, Nishit De, Rutvij Kokne, Aamir Siddiqui, Dnyanoba Chitre

Keywords: Job Seeker, Recruiter, Admin, Job Portal

Summary :
Today, the internet has changed many aspects of our life, such as the way we look for
jobs. If one person wants to find a new job, he/she can submit a resume using word
processing software like Microsoft Office Word, open a web browser to send the
resume and receive an e-mail. Online recruitment has become the standard method for
employers and Job Seekers to meet their respective objectives . mainly focuses on
Organizational analysis, Information analysis, Technical design, Human computer
interaction and Work design.There is no prior ordering of the five aspects of the said
method. Each method has been emphasized alone during the project development.
Multitier frame work methodology . It can be concluded that this project of Online
Job Portal was a real learning experience. The principles of software production were
well implemented throughout the system. The project has been made as per as the
given specifications. The Online Job Portal developed by us is purely based on
ASP.NET platform. A Job Portal provides an efficient search for online information
on job vacancies for Job Seekers. The main goal of this portal is to attempt to produce
the right graduates based on the industry needs. However, it is important that be aware
the Job Portals can never fulfill all the problems of jobless graduates.

Paper – 11 : When knowledge management meets HR strategy: an exploration

of personalization-retention

Authors : Astrid Haesli &Peter Boxall

Keywords: Knowledge management, human resource strategy ,resource-based view

,knowledge-based view, competitive advantage

Summary :

The resource-based view and the knowledge-based view are important developments
in strategic management theory, and ‘knowledge management’ has exploded in the
popular management literature. There is, however, little empirical literature that
explores the connections between firms' attempts at knowledge management and their
HR strategies. In this paper, we focus particularly on links between knowledge
management and staffing practices. High-technology manufacturing was selected as
the site of our research, as high-technology firms rely on highly skilled employees to
innovate and develop new products and are therefore an ideal environment for
exploring the strategies employed for both managing knowledge, and recruiting and
retaining employees. Drawing particularly on the work of Hansen , this paper
identifies and explores two fits between knowledge management and HR strategy or
what we call KM-HR configurations: ‘personalization-retention’ and ‘codification-
recruitment’. We argue that there is no one way to manage knowledge and its links to
HRM and build a simple framework of potential KM-HR configurations with
propositions for future research. The knowledge management approach adopted by
BetaCo focused more heavily on processes aimed at codification – formal
documentation – of knowledge within the firm. This was evidenced in the welldefined
new product development process and in processes that ensured extensive recording
of employee work efforts. R&D engineers were required to keep up-to-date logbooks
of the work completed on projects. The new product development process was
structured to facilitate the sharing of knowledge amongst employees through a series
of project milestones and debriefing meetings.

References :
[1] Mansourvar, Marjan & Mohd Yasin, Norizan. (2010). Web portal As A
Knowledge Management System In The Uni versities. World Academy of Science,
Engineering and Technology.
[2] Jayswal, Mitesh & Shukla, Kinjal & Heda, Nidhi. (2015). Issues and Uses of
Online Job Portals: A Comparative Study from the Perspective of Recruitment
Consultants in Gujarat. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management. 8.
[3] Pooja T. Killewale1 , Prof A.R. Mune2 ME. Student, CSE Dept DRGITR, AMT1
Asst. Professor CSE Dept, DRGITR, AMT2 Vol. 6, Issue 5, May 2017.
[4 ] Mansourvar, Marjan & Mohd Yasin, Norizan. (2014). Development of a Job Web
Portal to Improve Education Quality. International Journal of Computer Theory and
Engineering. 43-46. 10.7763/IJCTE.2014.V6.834.
[5] Magaña-Loaiza, O. S. (2020). Reflections on an academic job search. Physics
Today, 73(10), 30–35. doi:10.1063/pt.3.4590
[6] Amit Gaur , MR.Ravindra Kumar Chahar Student, Computer Science and
Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, U.P, India-203201 Assistant
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida,
U.P, India-203201
[7] Zaroor, A., Maree, M., & Sabha, M. (2017). JRC: A Job Post and Resume
Classification System for Online Recruitment. 2017 IEEE 29th International
Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
(ICTAI). doi:10.1109/ictai.2017.00123
[8] Jorge Martinez-Gil (Group of Knowledge Representation & Semantics, Software
Competence Center Hagenberg, Softwarepark 21, A-4232 Hagenberg, Austria)
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management 2014 13:02
[9] Susana Silva1, Cândida Silva1, 2 and Dora Martins3, 4 1ESHT, Institute
Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal 2Algoritmi Research Center, University of Minho
3ISCAP, Institute Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal 4GOVCOPP Unit Research
Silva, Susana; Silva, Cândida; Martins, Dora.European Conference on Knowledge
Management; Kidmore End, (Sep 2017).
[10] V. K. Sehgal, A. Jagtiani, M. Shah, A. Sharma, A. Jaiswal and D. Mehta, "Job
Portal - A Web Application for Geographically Distributed Multiple Clients," 2013
1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation,
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 2013, pp. 199-204, doi: 10.1109/AIMS.2013.38.
[11] Taman H. Powell, Véronique Ambrosini. (2017) Espoused versus realized
knowledge management tool usage in knowledge intensive organizations. The
International Journal of Human Resource Management 28:2, pages 356-378.
[12] Mario J Donate, Fátima Guadamillas. (2015) An empirical study on the
relationships between knowledge management, knowledge-oriented human resource
practices and innovation. Knowledge Management Research & Practice 13:2, pages

D) Literature Review by
Student Name: Mohammed Saleha.

Summary 1:- JOB PORTAL

Here, we have to understand the importance of a job portal and how it’s built, and
what are its purposes. We will give the job seeker a platform that can help them get a
job according to their needs and skills. Here, we have to understand how information
sharing is the important function of a portal in general and how we incorporate it with
job seeking and job providing. The methodology used for Web Information Systems
Development Methodology (WISDM), which is used for web development purposes.
Here the system operation is divided into two parts job seeker module and job provider
module and its functionalities are thus easily separated for uninterrupted functioning.
It also supports the ASP.NET platform. This portal’s main goal is to attempt to
produce the right graduates based on the industry’s needs.

Summary 2:- Users' Interest Assessment on Job Portal

This research highlights the advantages that internet neutralization has brought in the
job portal sector. It made access to the internet cheap or free. It enables a faster and
increased number of job postings and in the return faster response from the applicants
who have applied for the job. The research has quoted some words that tell how the
e-recruitment method has helped the employers easily see the profile ie applicants’
information and decide on deserving nature. It also talks about the difference between
portal and website, on its real-time updating the information. It talks about the
complaints of users of the portal with dissatisfaction with the features of the portal
and emphasis how regularly the design of the portal should change in regular intervals
for having their customer base maintained in the longer run.
Summary 3:- Job Portal-A Web Application for Geographically Distributed
Multiple Clients

This research paper talks about how a job portal is built on a large scale with better
features and how all the software development life cycle is followed and it explains
hows the network of the job seekers and job providers works in a sequential manner
with the help of the DFD( data flow diagrams. This portal emphasis better
functionalities like standard content, services, and display; High-level management,
and flexibility and tells how important it is for a portal to make Graphic
improvements, Content improvements, Technical improvements and here also there
is a strong emphasis on the Web Information Systems Development Methodology
(WISDM) for its easy development procedure and with an added separate module of
admin to manage both the employer and the applicants.

Summary 4:- Natural Language Processing for the Job Portal Enhancement

This look starts with a quick description of process portal enhancement observed via
way of means of the use of herbal language processing and via way of means of the
distinguished functions of the tool. This gives the pointers to process seekers and
machine functions to the track and controls specific seek results. It improves the
prevailing process seeks a set of rules for expertise via way of means of the newest,
first-rate match, location, and process title. It has new and current process capabilities
and complements parsing CV, get statistics in a significant way, and extracting
statistics along with capabilities, experience, education, social records, and
certification if any via device getting to know strategies Natural Language Processing
(NLP) [1]. While new expertise (capabilities/ key phrases) or any expertise profile up
to date each time. The technique will set to experiment with the whole expertise
records and get all key phrases associated with the processor matching set of rules [3].
The technique is to locate the associated keyword’s generator used to generate
associated process titles, capabilities, and CV parsing for extracting statistics from

Summary 5:- Job Portal using Data Mining Techniques for Adaptive Analysis.

This research paper shows how Job portals can be improved with collaborative
analysis with data mining Techniques. As we know that in the modern era, data has
become a huge resource and that can is generated on a daily basis at a very enormous
pace. Therefore, this data can contain a lot of useful information that can be obtained
after filtering for future purposes. Data mining techniques like clustering decision tree,
classification regression, etc. In this, an aptitude test that has been adapted for the
current need will be going to use data mining technique such that it will recognize the
potential of the applicant based on his response. This has been all the need only
because of the growing competition among the aspirants for the need for a job. This
shows the essence of a knowledge system to implement a job recruitment process that
will provide new/ better connections among students, unemployed graduates, and
various companies such that this strong knowledge sharing system helps students get
the jobs of their dream.

Summary 6:- ICAT Job Portal a generic job submission system built on a
scientific data catalog

This is a huge automotive center that is internationally based, where they use an image
clustering machine with the help of a job submission system which will inspire us on
how a job can be created and be listed upon the server such that an interactive job
portal is made on the ICAT and it also shows GUI for better experience and usability
for the user of the portal, then with the help of proper commanding in the modules a
good performance can be noticed within which decreases customer dissatisfaction and
can also understand the logic of deletion of zero vacancy job postings. The batch
system gives us the idealogy of the modularity principle which divides works into
easier and simpler components.

Summary 7:- Quality Assessment of a Job Portal System Designed Using Bout
Design Pattern

Here, we are going to do the assessment on how consistent the portal is working with
the help of a design pattern called Bout Design Pattern. Bout design pattern provides
a communicative storage object between any two nodes in a distributed architecture
and it comprises multiple requests and responses between the two networked systems.
The pattern maintains session data with a single access point used to store secured
data in a stash for a defined time. The session is a conversion state between client and
server and it consists of multiple requests and responses between client and server.
This tells how advantageous the design pattern for its nature of storing data in the
form session which helps us assess the functioning of the job portal for its flaws, with
the help of generated data from the table in the paper are directly generated from the
IDLE, which explains the metric of the job portal which is being tested. Also, we can
use reusable metrics and recognize what all components from the job portal can be
reused for future purposes.
Summary 8:-
In this, we have seen some data analysis through data mining techniques on how
foreign language skills are influencing the success rate of an applicant in the region
of central and eastern Europe. Here it has been explained about the need of teaching
foreign languages such that job applicants are not in a jeopardy and multiple statistics
have been put up in the favour of the urgency of the implementations with the help of
the statistical data from various job portals based on the foreign language criteria
between two years shows how important it is to learn a foreign language for the
survival of the fittest. This is done through a basic comparative study of statistical data
which brings on the necessity of a foreign language skill set to increase the success
rate of getting a job.

Summary 9:-

Here, we are going to talk about how data that is generated daily from the applicant’s
side can be used to improve the recommendation of the jobs in the portal. With an
improved recommender system, it will make it easy for the employer to get the
targeted audience, and as well as the applicant will be able to apply for jobs that are
based on his strong skillset instead of being random jobs being posted at the timeline
of the portal. This vast volume of information gives a great opportunity for enhancing
the matching quality; this potential is unused since search functionality in recruiting
applications is mainly restricted to the Boolean search methods, which check out the
satisfying criteria and allow the applicant to apply for the job, if not satisfied in the
boolean method then the applicant is not eligible for applying. The paper also tells the
need of improving the recommendation system in the coming future as it causes
clustering problems for both job seekers and job givers.
Summary 10:- Opportunities & Challenges of E-Recruitment
Here, we have discussed the pros and cons of an online job hiring/ job portal, E-
recruitment is the integration and use of internet technology to improve the
competence of the recruitment process. Electronic recruitment, online recruitment,
cyber recruiting, or internet recruiting are all synonyms of E-Recruitment. E-
Recruitment since its inception has to turn out to be successful but it has faced quite
challenges and hurdles in the path of success. Some fail to provide correct information
online as they are not computer savvy. They tend to commit mistakes like filling their
name wrongly, their native place wrongly, their qualifications, etc. E-Recruitment has
provided some remarkable benefits in terms of cost and efficiency. In addition to the
above discussion, a continuous improvement in considering the technological issues
related to E-Recruitment is highly recommended.
E) Literature Review by
Student Name: Lachannagari Chanduvardhan Reddy.

Summary 1:
In today's setting, there is a rat race in every professional industry. This is also
applicable in terms of the work market. A work portal is a website devoted to posting
job openings,details about recruiters and job openings can be found on the internet on
the lookout A career site benefits both job seekers and employers.Recruiters are
looking for the best company to work for.Personnel.According to the Bureau of Labor
Statistics, in the case of job seekers,their educational background, work experience,
and personality.The career portal displays a list of companies based on your interests
in the case of a job seeker In addition, it provides the recruiters with the Suitable
applicants are chosen from a pool of vacancies. 'The'
The aim of this application is to create a system that Interaction between employers
and applicants is made possible. The goal is to make contact possible.between the
parties involved, and complete the mission of fast recruitment process.

Summary 2:
The aim of this study is to create a career web portal for students at the Faculty of
Computer Science. The main goals of this platform are to interact with industries and
to serve as an online recruiting tool to assist students in finding suitable IT jobs after
graduation. Furthermore, for university students, this system improves their
comprehension of the concept and value of the career portal.A survey was conducted
to recognise the issues that students had with the faculty's current portal and to collect
their criteria, which could be integrated into the new portal.

Summary 3:
The research paper's aim is to create online search portals as well as proper login
search portals. The value of placement is growing every day, and thousands of people
depend on placement cells. A career site assists both job seekers and recruiters in
locating the best company for their workers. Their professional qualifications,
experience, and interests in the case of job seekers.Job seekers see a list of employers
on job sites, and recruiters choose the best applicants from a pool of thousands. The
gradual advancement of technology has influenced human resource management
practises, where the electronic mode is used as a medium for posting jobs and
attracting potential candidates to apply.
Summary 4:
The main goals of this platform are to interact with industries and to serve as an online
recruiting tool to assist students in finding suitable IT jobs after graduation.
Furthermore, for university students, this system improves their comprehension of the
concept and value of the career portal.A survey was conducted to recognise the issues
that students had with the faculty's current portal and to collect their criteria, which
could be integrated into the new portal.

Summary 5:
The project was designed with a distributed architecture in mind, with database
storage being centralised. The application for data storage has been created. All of the
user interfaces have been developed using ASP.Net technologies and MS-SQL Server
constructs. The “SQL Connection” technique is used to schedule database
connectivity.Safety and data protection requirements have been granted a wide range
of options for proper application. The application manages various modules and their
related reports, which are created in accordance with the administrative staff's
recommended strategies and standards.

Summary 6:
Job seekers can use the web application "Job Search Portal" to find their ideal
employment, and recruiters can use it to find the right applicant. Work seekers from
all walks of life can use this site to look for current openings. Job seekers can sign up
for the app and upgrade their information and skill set.They will look for open jobs
and apply for the ones that interest them. Since Android is open source, it has already
made a name for itself in the field of mobile application development. The user
functionalities are created as an Android application to make things easier.Employers
will sign up for the app and list their current vacancies.
They will look at the job candidates and check them for the best match. Users can
leave a summary for a company and share their interview experience, which
Employers could see.

Summary 7:
The purpose of the study was to develop an online recruitment software that would
facilitate the fast and accurate selection of qualified applicants. The Modified
Waterfall Model was utilized in the development of the software. The developed
software was then evaluated by six groups of respondents to determine the
effectiveness of the system in terms of performance, reliability, security, and cost-
effectiveness. The programme was found to be accurate based on descriptive statistics.
An analysis of variation revealed that there was no substantial difference between the
six groups' assessments of the developed online recruitment system's effectiveness. It
implies that the programme can efficiently carry out its purpose by identifying eligible
candidates in a shorter amount of time.

Summary 8:
An employment portal is a platform that helps people find work. It can range from
generalised sites to specialist working groups for jobs like engineering, law, teaching,
and designing mobile apps. Users will normally apply their resumes and have them
reviewed by prospective employers and recruiters, while employers can post work
openings and look for new ones.Niche work boards are beginning to play a larger role
in supplying jobs and workers with more objectives for the applicant or employer.
Employment councils, such as those for airport employment and federal jobs, provide
a very clear way to minimise and reduce the time it takes to find the best work.

Summary 9:
Today, the Internet is in fact changing the entire world in a variety of ways, both
commercially and personally. The Internet has fully revamped the recruiting process
for a new employee to join a company. Currently, all of the conventional and slower
recruitment processes are being phased out in favour of the new 'e-recruitment'
process.It is the use of technology or web-based resources to assist in the recruiting
process, also known as "internet recruitment." Many large corporations use the
Internet to hire new employees. The growing influence of social networking sites in
communication and socialising around the world has drawn attention to how they
affect candidate recruitment and employee retention in businesses.Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, and other social media sites are examples of a growing means of
Successful recruiting is one of the most important aspects of global communication.
Companies have critical requirements. More people are discovering talent via social
media every day.
E-recruitment is a relatively recent development that has resulted in the emergence of
a new industry.
There is a degree of connection between people that has never been seen before.
Summary 10:
The acquisition of expertise and basic work skills has become the primary goals of
university students.
Knowledge is essential for making informed decisions, particularly in a crisis. In
today's complex and globalised world, information and knowledge management (KM)
are critical to any organization's competitive advantage.The authors of this paper
suggest a proposal for an online recruitment system that allows employers to post job
ads that job seekers can access while searching for work. This career platform will
capture job requirements based on the needs of the industry.

References :

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