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Lesson 1 Activity


Self-Assessment: Read each situation carefully. Choose among the option provided,
the course of action you would do in case you find yourself in such situations. Write
your answers before the number.

1. One cold winter day when you arrive home from school you realize you have
lost your house key. It will be at least two more hours before your parent(s)
get home from work. A good thing to do would be to:
a. Try to break the lock to get in
b. Go to a neighbor’s house and seek for help
c. Build a fire in front of the house to keep yourself warm
d. Find a dry spot on the ground and take a nap.

2. Knowing the best thing to do when you are in charge of a situation helps you
a. Make better decisions
b. Be a bossy person
c. Have lots of power
d. Give commands better

3. Your phone rings and when you answer the person on the other end of the
line says vulgar and bad things to you. You should:
a. Tell them what a bad person they are
b. Hang up the phone immediately and do not answer any call for a
while. Better yet, block their number from your phonebook.
c. Tell them to call back when your parents are at home.
d. Tell them you are going to report them to the cops.
4. You come home from school and find that someone has broken into your
house. The first thing you should do is
a. Go inside to see if anyone is still there
b. Go inside and try to figure out what is missing so you can tell the
c. Scream loud to let the intruder know you are home
d. Leave as quickly as possible, go to a neighbor's house and have an
adult help you contact the police, and then call your parents

5. When you are home alone, a good safety precaution would be:
a. Always keep the doors locked
b. Don’t answer the door if there are strangers knocking
c. Don’t tell a phone caller that you are alone at home
d. Stay inside the house after dark

In a minimum of 3 sentences, kindly define word “Independence”.

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