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Chapter IV


Interview Methodology

The researchers distributed interview questionnaires to Senior High

School students of SLSU-CBM particularly in STEM strand. The age of the

respondents were ranging from 17-19 yrs. old that were addicted to online

games specifically Mobile Legends, Defence of the Ancients, and Clash of

Clans. They answered the interview questionnaires for 5-10 minutes on each

of them, but as a whole, it lasted for half day.

The respondents answered the following interview questions. Question

1. For you, what is the most addictive online game? Explain why? Question 2.

How many hours do you spend time playing online games? Question 3. Do

you get angry or irritated when someone interrupts you while playing? If yes

where you like that before? Question 4. Do you usually lose hours of sleep

just to play online games? If yes, why? Question 5. Did you feel health-related

due from playing online games? If yes, what are those?

The researchers conducted the interview by asking permission first to

the principal of the SLSU-CBM SHS Department through signing the letter of

permission. As it was approved by the principal, the researchers find

respondents that were suitable in their study which were the online game

addicts in the said school. They read first the letter of invitation to each of the

respondents before they gave the interview questionnaires that they have to
answer. After they answer the interview questionnaire, the researchers

collected it again.

The researchers aim to collect honest and reliable answers from the

chosen respondents because their answers served as the bases of the study.

They also aim to share this reliable data to the readers and for future

researchers and help them be aware of this certain issue.

Interview Findings

This study has Statement of the Problems which were the: The

impacts of online games to the students; Kinds of games that are

addictive; Reason why online games are addictive; Ways to control

students playing online games; and Online gaming impacts particularly

on physical and psychological. The following statements will be answered

as those were the bases in this study.

For you, what is the most addictive online game? Explain why?

“The most addictive online game for me is Mobile Legends because

this game will measure your ability, mindset or intelligence and tactics. This

game is stress free and avoid boredom.”

“Mobile Legend Bang Bang because this game is really entertaining

because you can compete to other players nationwide.”

“Mobile Legends because it is fun to play and I can play with random

people and I can also socialize there.”

“The most addictive online game for me is Dota 2. Because dota is a

competitive game, all are balance not like in any other game and also dota

has benefits in our brain.”

“Mobile Legend, because it give happy and due aggressive to our


The researchers find out that most of the players found Mobile

Legends as the most addictive online games because they have fun

playing it, they can socialize or connect to other players around the world,

they saw it as a way to avoid boredom and also they like in a way that it

this game requires ability in doing tactics and it measure their intelligence

in order to survive and win the game.

How many hours do you spend time playing online games?

“Depend on my vacant time or at least 2 hours.”

“5 to 7 hours”

“10 hours, 5 in the morning and 5 in the evening.”

“11 hours”

“3 to 5 hours and also I can say that it depends in our self.”

The researchers discover that most of the players really lend time in

playing online games and it’s their way to avoid boredom during their vacant

time. It depends on their self if they want to spend time playing. Usually, they

spend time from between 2 to 11 hours according to their answers.

Do you get angry or irritated when someone interrupts you while

playing? If yes where you like that before?

“Yes, of course because playing games is like you were battling enemy
together with army forces that you have to stick to plan and avoid any
distruction to survive. Game is the same to life which requires survival.”

“Yes, because I am playing and I don’t want to lose, I want to win so

no one should ever distruct or disturb my game.”

The researchers find out that some of them will get angry or irritated

when someone interrupts them while playing because the disturbance can

make them lose the game and they don’t want that to happen. They have to

survive and win the game because that’s their goal in playing it.


“No because I only play for fun.”


The researchers also discover that there are also some who don’t get

angry and irritated because they only play for fun. Maybe they don’t take it

seriously because they only want to enjoy the game either they win or lose.

Do you usually lose hours of sleep just to play online games? If yes,


“Yes, because playing game at night is better. During nighttime many

players that is cancer will going to sleep and the better player will stay playing
to rank up. If you play you will not feel any dizziness that’s why it is better to
play at night.”

“Yes, because I play ML or online games before sleep.”

“Yes because the longer you play the more fun it become.”

“Yes, I usually play online games at night.”

“Yes, because I didn’t notice that it is already late that I need to sleep
but I spend more time of playing online games or mobile legend.”

The researchers find out that mostly all of the players lose hours of

sleep just to play online games because at night, they don’t have anything to

do and they just keep on playing until they did not notice that it was late

already. They also stated that the longer they play the more fun it become

especially if they have straight wins. However, it has bad effects on their

health that they may not notice. Losing hours of sleep over time can lead to

serious health problems like high-blood pressure, heart diseases, heart

attack, obesity/weight gain, diabetes, irregular heartbeat/arrhythmias and

increased risk of stroke (Hines, 2019).

Did you feel health-related due from playing online games? If yes, what

are those?

“Yes, like headaches, migraines and that’s it.”

“Yes, headache and vision problems.”

“I didn’t feel health-related problems due from playing online games.”

The researchers find out that players were likely to experience

headaches and vision problems because of playing online games. According

to Bedinghaus (2019) simply overusing the muscles of your eyes can cause

eye strain, which often results in a headache. Maybe there are some who

does not experience it yet but they will if they continue playing online games.

“I didn’t feel health-related problems due from playing online games.”


The researchers also discover that there are some who does not

experience health-related problems yet but they will if they continue playing

online games.

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