Summary, Discussion, and Recommendation

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Chapter V


This study has a goal to produce new knowledge and deepen

understanding about the impacts of playing online games to health. Also it aims

to raise awareness about this serious issue that many see as no health-related

effects. This will be a help to the players for them to minimize or control their time

playing online games because health is very important. For without healthy body,

a person will not live happy.


The impacts of playing online games to health are issues that everyone

must be aware of. This is a serious issue because while playing, health will be

affected without being noticed. This usually affects the students in their teen-age

years. Not all people are aware that addiction to online games can lead to

serious health-related problems.

The researchers found out two causes why playing online games can lead

to health-related problems. It is the losing hours of sleep and excessive playing

of online games and each of this has corresponding effect to the health. First,

when a person is being addicted, his/her brain only focuses on what he/she

wanted and without even noticing, he/she already lose hours of sleep because

the eagerness to play and win the game is what his/her brain dictates. Losing

hours of sleep does not bring good outcome to the body. It can affect to the

mood of a person. He/she will experience irritability, anxiety, forgetfulness,

distractibility, lack of motivation, symptoms of depression, and chronic stress. It

can affect to the performance of a person like cognitive impairment, excessive

daytime sleepiness, lack of overall energy, short-term and long-term memory

problems, and etc. And most importantly, losing hours of sleep can lead to

serious health problems. The long-term effects of this are heart disease, heart

attack, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat/arrhythmias, increased risk of

stroke, diabetes, and obesity/weight gain (Hines, 2019). One thing also, when a

person is playing online games excessively it also overuse the eye muscles

which causes eye strain, and this eye strain will be also the cause why he/she

experiences headache (Bedinghaus 2019).

According to Desiderius Erasmus, “Prevention is better than cure”. To all

people who are aware of this impacts to the health, let every single person know

about this. It is an undeniably fact that addiction of online games are widespread

nowadays, that’s why everyone must keep moving in order to prevent this health

problems being experienced by people especially teenager students.


Based on the findings and summary of the study, here are some

recommendations to be considered:

 School Administration

 Strictly restrict students from using gadgets especially during

lesson discussions.

 Coordinate with internet shops owners outside the school campus

to monitor students with their online activities to prevents such


 Parents

 Give limitation to their children in using internet

 Find a way to monitor their online activities

 Spend more quality time with the children in order to divert their

attention in playing online games

 Students

 Control usage of internet

 Must have a discipline to their selves by having time management

on playing online games

 Divert attention to other things like interacting with other people or

friends and spend quality time with the family

 Focus more on more important things like studies, healthy

lifestyle, and preparation for the future

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