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AP Biology

General Information
Name: Mr. Boita
Phone: 201-227-7791 Extension 1003

1. This is an elective lab science, weighted as an enriched course.

2. This course is offered to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders planning on entering college.

3. The prerequisites are: B+ in preceding honors science class or an A in preceding regular

science class; completed or presently taking Chemistry.

4. We follow the College Board’s Advanced Placement Biology Course and Laboratory

5. The class meets every single day. For days that we rotate out, you will be excused from
gym class to meet with me. Period 3 will meet for their extra period on B-Days during
period 2 and will go for an extra 10 minutes into your lunch. Period 7 will meet for their
extra period on B-Days during period 6. Make sure your gym class corresponds with
the extra periods.

6. Grading: 2-3 unit tests per quarter.

Frequent quizzes and daily “Question of the Day” and other homework
combine to count as 1-2 test grades.
Labs combine to count as 1 test grade.

7. Quizzes cover notes and reading assignments and are assigned for each chapter.

8. Unit tests will be graded on a 100-point basis and cover multiple chapter (approximately
3-4). Each test will contain 30 multiple choice (A-E) questions to be completed in 24
minutes. They will be worth 2 points each. Each test will also have one essay to be
completed in 23 minutes. It will be worth 40 points.

9. Labs are an important part of AP Biology. Some will only take one period, some an
extended period and some will take several days. There are 12 mandatory labs that stress
observation, technique, measurement, and analysis. Labs will be announced ahead of
time to allow for reading and preparation. You will receive lab dittos for recording data
and writing reports.

10. I assume that everyone OPTED to take this course because they are motivated to do the
work necessary to earn college credit. This is a challenging course and requires students
to be intrinsically motivated to do work outside of the classroom. If you are unwilling to
do the necessary work, this will be a very long year for you.

11. It is expected that you read each chapter on your own and to be prepared for class each
day. It is best if you begin reading the chapters the night before we discuss them in class
in order to be best prepared.

12. Attendance is important to do well in this course. If being absent on days of quizzes or
tests becomes a trend, you will be given an alternative test or quiz (you do not want to
take that, it’s difficult). Whenever you are absent you MUST see me the next morning
that you are in school. If you missed a test or quiz, you will take it either that first
morning or afternoon that you are back. Failure to do so will result in a loss of 10
points each day.

13. Homework is expected to be handed in on time; no credit will be given to late work.

14. Cell phones will be confiscated if seen or heard. If you feel it absolutely necessary to
have it with you, it should be kept in your backpack or pocket.

15. AP Biology Exam- Monday, May 9th, morning session. 100 multiple choice questions, 4
essays. You may earn college credit.

16. Previous AP Biology Exam essays and standards at


17. Extra help is available before school if the student makes an appointment and comes with
a specific topic in mind. Help will also be offered during lunch.

18. You can sign up and then log into the textbook website by going to Follow the steps for registering using the following
student access code: SSNAST-FUSIL-MELIC-BAJAN-PLUSH-SOUSE. This is a
great resource to use when studying for tests and quizzes.


I have read and agree to the classroom guidelines stated above.

(Print Name) ____________________________ Signature: __________________________

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