Euthenics AND Social Graces

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EUTHENICS Power Learning Strategies SOCIAL

 Why go to College
 POWER Learning: The five key
Subject Instructor: (Pre-Mid Coverage) steps to achieving success
What is Learning Styles?
 Multiple Intelligences
 Developing Study Skills
(Midterm Coverage)  What is Previewing?
MODULAR INSTRUCTION  Sizing up your Instructor
IN  The SQ3R Method
Euthenics 1 Self-Concept and Its Dynamics
Man as a Person  The Three Dimensions of Self-
[Self-Concept and Its Dynamics with
 Self-awareness and Evaluation
Lessons on POWER Learning Strategies
 Helps and Hindrances to Self-
and Study Skills and Habits]
Concept Development

MODULE III  Parental Behavior and

(Pre-final Coverage) Self-concept development
 Cultural Norms and
 The Experience of
 Re-programming Belief
System and Self-talks
 Feedback: Getting the
most out of it.
(Final Coverage) JOHARI WINDOW
Why Go to College?

Surveys of first year college students show that

Congratulations! You’re in college. Why? almost three quarters say they want to get a better job
Although it seems as if it should be easy to say why and make more money. But most students also have
you’re continuing your education, for most students additional goals in mind: They want to learn things
it’s not simple. The reasons that people go to college that interest them and gain a general education and
vary from the practical (“ I want to get a good job”), appreciation of ideas.
to the lofty (“I want to learn about people and the
world”), to the unreflective (“Why not?-I don’t have
anything better to do “). Consider your own reasons
for attending college.
And, in fact, it’s not wrong to expect that a world. Genetic engineering… drugs to reduce
college education help people find better jobs. forgetfulness…computers that respond to our voices.
Consider these reasons why people pursue a college Innovations such as these-and the ones that haven’t
education: even been thought of yet-illustrate how rapidly the
You’ll learn to think and communicate better. world is changing. No one knows what the future will
One student had said, It’s not about what you major in hold. But education can provide you with the
or which classes you take… It’s really how to think intellectual tools that you can apply regardless of the
and to communicate. Wherever you end up, you’ll specific situation in which you find yourself. You
need to be able to analyze and solve problems, to can’t anticipate what the future holds, but you can
figure out what needs to be done and how to do it.” prepare for it through a college education.
Education improves your ability to understand You’ll make Learning a lifelong habit. Higher
the world-understand it as now what it is, and education isn’t the end of your education. If you make
understand it as it will be. By showing you how to the most of college, you will develop a thirst for more
develop your capacity for critical and creative knowledge, a lifelong quest that could never be fully
thinking, education will increase your abilities to satisfied. Education will build upon your natural
think clearly and to communicate more effectively curiosity about the world, and that it will make you
with others. aware that learning is a rewarding and never-ending
You’ll be able to better deal with advances in journey.
knowledge and technology that are changing the
You’ll understand the meaning of your own graduate. The steps in P.O.W.E.R learning serve as a
contributions to the world. No matter who you are, strategy for accomplishing what you wish to –and
you are poised to make your own contributions to sometimes have to-accomplish.
society and the world. Higher education provides you Prepare, Organize, Work, Evaluate and
with a window to the past, present and future, and it Rethink. That’s it. It’s a simple framework but an
allows you to understand the significance of your own effective one.
contributions. Your college education provides you Figure 1.2
with a compass to discover who you are, where
you’ve been, and where you’re going. PREPARE

P.O. W. E. R Learning: The Five

Key Steps to Achieving Success

P.O.W.E.R. Learning itself is merely an WORK

acronym-a word form from the first letters of a series
of steps that will help individual students take in,
process and make use of the information you’ll be
exposed to in college. It will help you to achieve your
goals, both while you are in college and later after you RETHINK
long-term task, such as colleges attendance, or a more
limited activity, such as getting ready to complete a
paper due in the near future, you’ll need to prepare for
Prepare the journey.

Setting Goals.

Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, said that Before we seek to accomplish any task, all of us
travelers taking a long journey must begin with a do some form of planning. The trouble is that, most of
single step. But even before even the first step, the time such planning is done without conscious
travelers need to know several things: what their thinking. The best way to plan systematically is to
destination is, how they’re going to get there, how use goal-setting strategies. What’s the best way to set
they’ll know when they reach the destination, and appropriate goals? Here are some guidelines:
what they’ll do if they have trouble along the way. 1. Set both long-term and short -term goals.
In the same way, you need to know where Long term goals are aims relating to major
you’re headed as you embark on the intellectual accomplishments that take sometime to
journeys involved in college. Whether it be a major, achieve. Short-term goals are limited steps
you would take on the road to accomplish Instead, we should have realized that the
your long-term goals. problem has less to do with abilities than
2. Recognize that who you are determines with poor goal-setting strategies. If goals
your goals. Goals setting starts with are realistic, we can develop a plan to attain
knowing yourself. As you’ll see we focus on them, spurring us on to attain more.
understanding yourself. It is self-knowledge 4. Goals should involve behavior over which
that tells you want is and is not important to you have control.
you, and this knowledge will help you keep We all want World peace and end to
your goals in focus and your motivation up poverty. Few of us have the resources or
when things get tough. capabilities to bring either about. On the
3. Make goals realistic and attainable. other hand, it is realistic to want to work in
Someone once said, “ A goal without a plan small ways to help others, such as by
is but a dream.” Be honest with yourself. becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister.
There is nothing wrong with having big 5. Take ownership of your goals. Make sure
dreams. But it is important to realistically that the goals you choose are your goals, and
aware that all that it takes to achieve them, not the goals of your parents, teachers,
and big danger is that, we may wrongly brothers and sisters, or friends. Trying to
reason that we are inept and lack of ability accomplish goals that “belong” to others is a
and use this as an excuse for giving up. recipe for disaster. If you’re attending
college only because others have told you to, writing a paper, completing an in-class assignment-
and you have no commitment of your own, without being organized.
you’ll find it hard to maintain the
There Are Several Kinds of
enthusiasm-not to mention the hard work- Organization.
required to succeed.


The next stage involves gathering the necessary

tools, buying the wood and other building materials, Organization involves physical aspects of task
sorting the construction supplies, and preparing the completion. For instance, you need to ask yourself if
room for the shelving project-all aspects of organizing you have the appropriate tools, such as papers, pen
for the tasks. and a calculator. If you’re using a computer, do you
Similarly, your academic success will hinge to have the access to a printer? Is the printer working?
a large degree on thoroughness of your organization Do you have disks to back up your files? Do you have
for each academic task that one face. In fact, one of books and other materials you’ll need to complete the
the biggest mistakes that student make in college is assignment? Will the campus bookstore be open if
plunging into an academic project –studying for a test, you need anything else? Will the library be open when
you need it?
time, because you’re less likely to end up losing your
Intellectual organization way as you work to complete your task.

is even more critical. It is accomplished by Work

considering and reviewing the academic skills that You’re ready. The preliminaries are out of the
you’ll need to be successfully completes the task at way. You’ve prepared and you’ve organized. Now
hand. it’s time to get started actually doing the work.
Why does creating an intellectual organization In some ways work is the easy part, because-if
matter? The answer is that it provides a context for you conscientiously carried out the preparation and
when you actually begin to work. Organizing in organization stage-you should know exactly where
advance paves the way to better subsequent learning you’re headed and what you need to do to get there.
of new material. The better your intellectual (as well Finding the Motivation to Work. All of us
as physical) organization for a task, the more have said something like this at one time or another.
successful you’ll be. We use the concept of motivation-or its lack-to
Too often students are in a hurry to meet a explain why we just don’t work hard at a task. But
deadline and figure they better just dive and get it when we do that, we’re fooling ourselves. We all
done. Organizing in advance can actually save your have some motivation, that inner power and
psychological energy that directs and fuels our
behavior and allows us to persist, even when its going goals for it. Let’s consider some steps that it makes
rough. Without any motivation, we’d never get out of sense to follow in evaluating what you’ve
bed in the morning and accomplish anything. accomplished:
 Take a moment to congratulate yourself
and feel some satisfaction. Whether it’s
been studying for a test, writing a paper,
preparing a review sheet, or reading an
Evaluate assignment, you’ve done something
“Great, I’m done with the work. Now I can important.
move on”.  Compare what you’ve accomplished with
It’s natural to feel relief when you’ve finished the goals you’re seeking to achieve. Think
the work necessary to fulfill the basic requirements of back to the goals, both short- term and long-
an assignment. After all, if you’ve written the five term, that you’re seeking to accomplish.
double-spaced pages required for an assignment, why  Have an out-of-body-experience. Evaluate
shouldn’t you have a sigh of relief and just hand your your accomplishments as if you were a
paper in to the instructor? respected teacher from your past. If you’ve
Consequently, the fourth step in the P.O.W.E.R. written a paper, reread it from the
process is evaluation, which consists of determining perspective of the teacher. If you’ve
how well the work we have produced matches our completed a worksheet, think about what
comments you’d write across the top if you
were that teacher. Remember, you’re no
longer you, assessing something you’ve
accomplished, but a demanding (though fair)
teacher evaluating someone else’s work.
 Asked on your evaluation, revise your To rethink what you’ve accomplished earlier
work. If you’re honest with yourself. It’s means bringing a fresh eye to reanalyzing,
unlikely that your first work will satisfy you. questioning, and challenging our underlying
None of us can produce our best work assumptions. While evaluation means
initially. So go back to work and revise considering how well what we have done
what you’ve done. But don’t think of it as a matches our initial goals, rethinking means
step back: Revisions you make as a reconsidering not just the outcome of our
consequence. Of your evaluation bring you efforts, but the ideas and the process we’ve
closer to your final goal. This is a case used to get there. For the moment, the
where going back moves you forward. following steps provide a general framework
for using critical thinking to rethink what
you’ve accomplished:
 Reanalyze, reviewing you’ve
accomplished the task. Consider the
approach and strategies you’ve used.
What seemed to work best? Do they
suggest any alternatives that might work
better the next time?
 Question the outcome. Take a “big
picture” look at what you have
accomplished Are you pleased and
satisfied? Is there something you’ve
somehow missed.
 Identify your underlying assumptions;
then challenge them. Consider the
assumptions you’ve made in initially
approaching the task. Are these
underlying assumptions reasonable? If
you had used different assumptions,
would the result have been similar or

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