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Module 1-Management of Information Systems

Answer sheet

Name: Rosalie Q. Lumapay Course&Secton: BSAIS 3B



Airlines maintain large computer systems and computer networks to allow travel
agents, tour operators and individual customers around the world to check on the
availability of flights, to make bookings and to print tickets or download them.
Considering this as an information system, identify the main components in the system,
the technology used, the various people and organizations involved, and the types of
information that they require (their information requirements). (30 points)
The main components in the system, the technology used are the computer
system and computer networks. That those two systems are maintain the good
functions of airlines industry. Many people are involved from this we have the
organizations were operators, and travel agents belong. We also have customers
who used to travel around the world. The booking management who is in charge
of bookings are also part of an organization. And the types of information that
they require is the management information system wherein MIS experts offer
assistance firms realize most extreme advantage from venture in faculty, gear,
and trade forms.
ACTIVITY #2: Double Entry Journal
Instruction: Below are tables you need to fill out of things you have learned while going
through the first module in Management Information Systems. Identify and write the
ideas or concepts you’ve learned in the left box and your thoughts about these in the
right table. 10 points


My Thought/s or Reaction/s

Decision support systems are used to Decision Support System is always

form noteworthy choices, or create been a support in making a decision. It
numerous conceivable results based provides you a lot of choices on what
on current and chronicled company would be the exact decision should be
data. made. It utilized to back judgments,
judgments, and courses of activity in
an organization or a trade. It helps to
compile data and information and to
synthesize it into noteworthy insights.
In truth, these frameworks are
fundamentally utilized by mid- to
upper-level administration.


SOLVE YOUR BUSINESS My Thought/s or Reaction/s

I need MIS to solve my business As we all know talking about business

problems for the right decision or in there are lots of things that needs to
making decision for the strategic be done or carefully executing the
planning and setting my goals. plans to come for your goals in
business. With the guidance of MIS it
helps you identifies on what is working
or should not. Also, MIS helps you be
more competitive.
A. Discuss “Information Processing Cycle”, in not less than 300 words. Write
your answer on the space provided below.

Information processing cycle may be an arrangement of events comprising of

Input, Processing, Storage & Output. To get it more about what is data preparing cycle it
may be a great thought to ponder almost information preparing cycle moreover. These
occasions are comparable as in case of information preparing cycle. For a computer to
perform valuable work, the computer should get enlightening and information from the
exterior world. The computer gets information and informational amid the INPUT arrange
of the data preparing cycle. Valuable data comes about are gotten when fitting inputs are
connected to information. Applying informational to information takes put amid the
Processing arrange of the data processing cycle. To dodge having to re-enter information
and enlightening or reprocess data, computers can spare data. Sparing data on a
computer happens amid the Storage stage of the data handling cycle. This is often taken
after by the result within the Output arrange. Computer Processing Cycle could be a
comparative handle with comparative steps by which information is bolstered to a
computer. Each of these stages plays an important role in the collection, analysis and
distribution actions performed by a computer system.
When it comes to data input, commonplace gadgets incorporate mice, consoles,
bar code perusers, flatbed scanners, computerized tablets, electronic cash registers and
joysticks. A few cases incorporate looking over client conclusion cards employing a
peruser, utilizing an interactive online shape to gather client data or gathering time
sheets. For processing, the CPU (or the processor) is the foremost vital portion of a
advanced computer that can carry out a program. It takes the informational from the
program and forms the information. CPUs are fundamental to any machine that has the
capacity for input/output and memory. Typical output devices incorporate printers and
screens. Screens utilize pixels to form pictures, and printers bond distinctive sorts of toner
to paper, whether laser or ink. Storage has got to do with keeping data on hand for after
you require it. The primary gadgets for capacity were punched cards, but cloud capacity
has revolutionized the complete framework for overseeing information.

Module 1-Management of Information Systems

Answer sheet
Name: Rosalie Q. Lumapay Course &Section: BSAIS 3B


ACTIVITY #1: Real World Analysis

Direction: Enumerate consequences of an organization not having an information

policy? (10 points)

1. There is decentralisation of information activities and systems due to lack of policy.

2. If the information policy is not available, there is danger of the control of information activities by
people who have, by the nature of their professional background, a limited understanding of how
enterprises work and are managed and a restricted conception of what information is about and how it
can be used.

3. Inappropriate information activities will be witnessed which are unrelated to the enterprise’s main

4. Failures in attempts to introduce innovative products and services as well as processes. There can be
poor communication of information as a major cause of failure in providing innovative products and
services. This include lack of communication with users on what they need, deliberate ignoring of outside
advice and failure to provide information to the users of the product.

5. Duplication of work can occur due to the lack of an information policy

6. Inconsistency in the way information will be managed.

7. Lack of transparency. It would not be able to see what actions are being taken hence resulting in
improper actions like corruption.

8. Difficult to use data throughout the organization.

9. Data compromise, misuse, and abuse.

10. Change data even if they don’t have a viable reason to.

ACTIVITY #2: Research Work

Instruction: Answer the following discussion questions below.

1. What are the principal tools and technologies for accessing information
from databases to improve business performance and decision making?
Numerous capable and viable apparatuses are utilized in arrange to get to the
data from the database which is utilized in improving commerce execution and
direct in choice making. A few of the major examples are data warehouse, online
analytical processing (OLAP), data and text mining, use of middleware etc.

2. List and describe the problems of the traditional file environment.

Problems with the traditional file environment include data redundancy and
confusion, program-data dependence, lack of flexibility, poor security, and lack of
data sharing and availability. Data redundancy is the presence of duplicate data
in multiple data files. In this situation, confusion results because the data can
have different meanings in different files. Program-data dependence is the tight
relationship between data stored in files and the specific programs required to
update and maintain those files. This dependency is very inefficient, resulting in
the need to make changes in many programs when a common piece of data,
such as the zip code size, changes. Lack of flexibility refers to the fact that it is
very difficult to create new reports from data when needed. Ad-hoc reports are
impossible to generate; a new report could require several weeks of work by
more than one programmer and the creation of intermediate files to combine data
from disparate files. Poor security results from the lack of control over data. Data
sharing is virtually impossible because it is distributed in so many different files
around the organization.

Instructions: Define a database and a database management system and describe

how it solves the problems of a traditional file environment. (Minimum 600 words)
A database is a collection of data organized to service many applications efficiently
by storing and managing data so that they appear to be in one location. It also minimizes
redundant data. A database management system (DBMS) is special software that permits
an organization to centralize data, manage them efficiently, and provide access to the
stored data by application programs.
A DBMS can reduce the complexity of the information systems environment, reduce
data redundancy and inconsistency, eliminate data confusion, create program-data
independence, reduce program development and maintenance costs, enhance flexibility,
enable the ad hoc retrieval of information, improve access and availability of information,
and allow for the centralized management of data, their use, and security.
Database is characterized as capacity of collection of the information. The
extraordinary computer program or program that's utilized to make and keep up a database
and permitted commerce clients to extricate the information without making a division of the
record in their computer programs is called as database management system (DBMS). By
utilizing DBMS, it decreases the excess of the data (double/repeat data). At that point, the
information don't have to be be upgraded one by one (each commerce utilitarian range), but
DBMS will guarantee that the information has the same values (reduces irregularity). When
upgrading the computer program of DBMS, the information will not be subordinate with the
program which implies don't require an upgrade as well, but the information will stand on
their possess. This DBMS also makes the clients much simpler in getting to the information,
program advancement, and decreasing upkeep taken a toll since the framework is prepared
by advertisement hoc inquiries to perform within the database. So, this DBMS can illuminate
the issues of conventional record environment.
Module 1-Management of Information Systems
Answer sheet

Name: Rosalie Q. Lumapay Course&Section: BSAIS 3B


ACTIVITY #1: Discuss me!

Direction: What comes in your mind when you hear the word “Internet”? Express your
thoughts through a 7-sentence essay. Write your answers in the box found below.

When I hear the word “Internet”, first thing come up into my mind is
telecommunication. We all know that internet has huge capability to do
things easier. Internet uses for business, for their client to communicate
with. Students used internet for their studies, to do their homework and
search it to the selected apps. Internet can do online games, where
people addicted with. With the help of internet, we can also watch online
for the entertainment. Wherein our followed celebrities tweeted or posted
their photos on their social media account.
ACTIVITY #2: Collage

Instruction: Create a collage that shows “Telecommunications Benefits/Usage”. Create

your collage in a short bond paper and write your discussion below at least 300 words.

Telecommunication is a fundamentally portion of the advanced trade world.

Companies all over the world have utilized the headway in technology to
revolutionize their day-to-day operations. Effective telecommunication has
significantly made a difference companies to use their time more suitably. Time has
continuously been an basic component in any organization's victory. It can decide
the victory or disappointment of a trade. Telecommunication has profited businesses
in so numerous ways.
Telecommunication has seen exponential development over the past few
decades. This innovative headway has affected nearly each portion of human life.
The utilize of telecommunication has not as it were made it simple for companions
and family to keep in touch but moreover made a difference businesses to meet a
greater portion of their communication and security needs. There's a plenty of other
benefits that come with telecommunication and they influence different segments in
an unexpected way.

With passage of different technology hardware producers and benefit

suppliers into the industry, there have been noteworthy enhancements in
telecommunication. The telecom segment brings together a number of sub-sectors
counting organize security suppliers, organize administrators, telecom foundation,
charging companies, endeavor communication and telecom computer program. It
moreover highlights other sub-sectors like handset producers, telecom gear
producers and Value Added Service providers.

The use of telecommunication innovation is this time is fair immense. Its

impacts can be felt from the cities all through to the farther towns. Whereas a few of
the telecom arrangements are planned for businesses others are made for person
utilize. But they all point at satisfying one goal-transforming the world into a
worldwide town where exchange and sharing of information is more productive,
dependable and convenient.

ACTIVITY #2: What do you think???

Instruction: Read the statement carefully and answer the questions. Should managers
inform employees that their web behavior is being monitored? Or should managers
monitor secretly? Why or why not?

Opinions will shift concurring to individual values and work environment

encounters. In any case, most students will likely reply that managers ought to
inform employees that their Web behavior is being monitored as a way to cultivate
open communications and believe between both sides. Numerous experts believe
companies ought to type in corporate arrangements on employee email and Web
utilize. The arrangements should include express ground rules that state, by
position or level, beneath what circumstances representatives can utilize company
offices for email, blogging, or Web surfing. The approaches ought to moreover
advise employees whether these exercises are checked and clarify why.

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