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Subject:- S.St. Week1 –Work Plan ( 5April to10 April)

Topic: Let’s start with the basics.

Title of the book- TREK Primary Social Studies

Please read the following terms carefully and note down in your note-book

1. Globe- A small model of the Earth.

2. Continent- A Very large mass of land.

3. Map-Drawing of the entire Earth or a part of it.

4. History - The study of past events.

5. Geography-The study of world's surface, physical qualities, climate, population,

products etc.

6. Civics- The study of rights and duties of citizenship.

7. Atlas- A book of maps.

8. Landforms-Features of the Earth's surface.

9. Plateau- An area of flat land that is higher than the land around it.

10. Peninsula- A narrow land that is surrouned by water on three sides and is
joined to a larger piece of land.
Day – 2 Ch – 1 Our Earth – Continents and Ocean

Reading and Explanation (Content is given at the end)


Day -3 Define :

i) Landmass :A very large land area

ii) Stretch: A piece of land or water.


Q1. What do you understand by the term continents?

Ans. Big landmasses on the earth's surface that are surroundeded by water on
all sides are called continents.

Q2. Name the seven continents.

Ans. 1Asia 2 Africa 3 North America 4 South America 5 Antarctica 6

Europe 7 Australia

Q3 .Which continet has the largest population?

Ans Asia Continent has the largest population in the world.

Q4. Explain the term White Continent.

Ans. 'White Continent' is the continent that is the coldest part of the Earth and
remains frozen throughout the year. Antarctica is known as White Continent.

Q5 What is Eurasia?

Ans Asia and Europe together known as Eurasia.

Day – 4 Reading and Explanation (Content is given at the end)

Video link--

Day – 5 Define:

i) Ocean- A large stretch of water.

ii) Trench -A long deep narrow hole in the ocean floor.


Q6. What are oceans?

Ans A large continuous body of salty water is known as ocean.

Q7. Name the major oceans of the world.

Ans 1.The Pacific ocean 2.The Atlantic ocean 3.The Indian ocean

4.The Southern ocean. 5.The Arctic ocean

Q8. Name the smallest ocean in the world.

Ans Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean in the world.

Value based Questions:

1.How were Continents and Oceans formed?

2.Why are Oceans important?

3.What are the different geographical features found on Earth’s surface?

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