Top 15 Widely-Usedprogramming Languages in Industry Today 1) Java

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1) JAVA -is the most popular programming language and is considered the standard for
object-oriented language in the industry. With the motto “Write once, run anywhere,”
Java has become a nearly universal concurrent language that can run on just about any
platform imaginable. Java’s popularity with developers is due to the fact that the
language is grounded in readability and simplicity. Developers who have mastered this
language are always in high demand. Senior level Java developers can often expect
salaries as high as $115,000.
2) PHYTON -is a general purpose programming language that is simple and incredibly
readable. It’s a great language for beginners, all the way up to seasoned professionals.
Python is used heavily by major players in the tech industry, such as Google and NASA.
Senior-level Python developers can easily fetch a $100,000+ salary.
3) R -Otherwise known as GNU S, the R programming language is widely used among
statisticians for developing data analysis and statistical software. R’s advantages include
its package ecosystem and unmatched graphics and charting capabilities. Since the
language is so specialized, R can fetch some very high salaries more than $100,000.
4) Objective-C -A modernized upgrade to its predecessor C, Objective-C is the main
language used by Apple to develop its OS X and iOS platforms. It is used heavily by
Apple for their APIs, Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. Success of the Apple platform has
ensured that people with Objective-C skills are always been in high demand. Objective-C
can fetch superior developers a salary that is close to six figures due to Apple’s
dependence on the language.

5) Swift -Apple Inc. introduced Swift, a new programming language for all iOS and OS X
applications. In fact Swift is displacing Objective C as the de facto language for iOS
development a lot faster than anyone expected. However, that is not much of a threat for
the objective developers as they can easily move over to Swift. Recently, Swift has
exploded in popularity as the main programming language for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch,
Apple’s frameworks supporting iOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS. Demand and salaries
are still on the rise for this relative new language, as Swift’s affiliation with Apple means a
skillset that includes this language could easily earn six figures in the near future.
6) C# -C# is a newer language that is an evolution of C and C++. Developed by Microsoft,
C# (pronounced “C-sharp”) is known for its simplicity and was designed to build a wide
range of enterprise applications that run on the Microsoft. NET Framework. This
language is trending upward in popularity and has a diverse variety of programming
styles. C# developers can easily earn a solid $90,000+ in salary.
7) JavaScript -JavaScript – not to be confused with Java – is another one of the world’s
most popular and powerful programming languages, and is used to spice up web pages
by making them interactive. It should be no surprise that JavaScript developers are
among the most in-demand on the market, as it one of the three main technologies for
World Wide Web content production. Whether it’s running a website on any browser
without the need for plugins, implementing site-specific browsers or developing desktop
widgets, there’s always work for a JavaScript developer. A senior JavaScript developer
can typically expect a salary of at least $90,000.
8) Perl -Technically a family of related languages, Perl is commonly known best as a
popular CGI scripting language and is also used for graphics programming, system
administration, and even some financial applications. Based on the specific use, salaries
differ but Perl’s versatility means its programmers are always in high demand and can
often expect a salary of no less than $80,000.
9) C++ -C++ is one of the well-known, most powerful and reliance language with lots of
control on using computer resources. C++ is high on performance and hence it is often
used to develop game engines, games, and desktop apps. C++ is best known for being
an efficient and flexible language that can fetch its developers a salary of at least
10) SQL -Short for Structured Query Language, SQL is a special-purpose language
designed for managing data held in a relational database management system
(RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system
(RDSMS). Recently, it has grown extensively in popularity and can demand salaries well
into the $80,000 range.
11) Ruby on Rails -Like Java or the C language, Ruby is a general purpose programming
language, though it is best known for its use in web programming, and Rails serves as a
framework for the Ruby Language. In recent years, Ruby on Rails has earned a very
respectable reputation for its popular default structures for databases, web services and
web pages. A Ruby on Rails job can steadily tug in a strong salary of $75,000+.
12) C -Famous for the original “Hello, World!” program, C is one of the base languages of
modern computing and remains an extremely useful language for efficiently mapping
machine instructions for applications and operating systems. As it’s one of the most
widely-known languages of all time, C developers are always in high demand, with
salaries typically ranging anywhere from $60,000-$80,000.
13) PHP -PHP (Hypertext Pre-Processor) is a scripting language, running on the server,
which can be used to create web pages written in HTML. PHP tends to be a popular
language since its easy-to use by new programmers, but also offers tons of advanced
features for more experienced programmers. In recent years, PHP has grown
enormously in popularity. Its web-facing features make it a highly-demanded skill, and
PHP developers can easily claim salaries of over $75,000.
14) T-SQL -Short for Transact-Structured Query Language, T-SQL is closely related to its
predecessor, SQL. T-SQL expands on the SQL standard to include procedural
programming, local variables, various support functions for string processing, data
processing, mathematics, etc. and changes to the DELETE and UPDATE statements. T-
SQL is a very specific language that needs a certain skillset, so while it may not be in as
high demand as some other language, specialists still get compensated well for mastery
of the language and can pull in an average salary of over $70,000.
15) Ruby -Not to be confused with Ruby on Rails, Ruby is a sophisticated, modernized take
on classic languages like C and PERL that highlights simplicity through natural syntax
and easy-to-read code. Its broad demand means even entry level developers can make
salaries pushing $60,000, and senior level developers can earn salaries close to six




1. JAVA -

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