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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Dan L. Longo, M.D., Editor

Endometrial Cancer
Karen H. Lu, M.D., and Russell R. Broaddus, M.D., Ph.D.​​

nlike most other cancers in the United States, endometrial From the Department of Gynecologic
cancer is rising in both incidence and associated mortality1 (Fig. 1). Obesity Oncology and Reproductive Medicine, the
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
is one of the most important risk factors for this disease, and as rates of Center, Houston (K.H.L.); and the De-
obesity have risen, rates of endometrial cancer have also increased. In the past partment of Pathology and Laboratory
several years, surgical treatment of endometrial cancer has been refined and now Medicine, University of North Carolina
School of Medicine, Chapel Hill (R.R.B.).
incorporates sentinel lymph-node mapping, along with the standard, minimally Address reprint requests to Dr. Lu at the
invasive removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Data from the Cancer Department of Gynecologic Oncology and
Genome Atlas (TCGA) project have advanced our understanding of the biologic Reproductive Medicine, the University of
Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
heterogeneity of endometrial cancer.4-6 This new knowledge has opened up more 1515 Holcombe Blvd., Unit 1362, Houston,
options for targeted therapy for recurrent disease. Challenges remain, however, in- TX 77030, or at ­khlu@​­mdanderson​.­org.
cluding a growing racial disparity in death rates. As obesity rates continue to rise in N Engl J Med 2020;383:2053-64.
the United States, new approaches to both prevention and treatment are needed to DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1514010
address the rising numbers of cases of endometrial cancer and associated deaths. Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.

Epidemiol o gy a nd Pr e v en t i v e Op t ions
Obesity and conditions associated with metabolic syndrome, including diabetes
and polycystic ovary syndrome, are risk factors for the development of endome-
trial cancer.7-9 In addition, conditions involving excess estrogen, including estro-
gen-secreting tumors and hormone replacement with unopposed estrogen (i.e.,
estrogen therapy without progesterone), predispose women to endometrial can-
cer.10,11 Tamoxifen, which has antiestrogenic effects in the breast and proestro-
genic effects in the uterus, approximately doubles the risk of both endometrioid
and nonendometrioid types of endometrial cancer, with up to four times the risk
when tamoxifen is used for more than 5 years.12,13 Factors that provide protection
against endometrial cancer include parity (with an inverse association between
parity and the risk of endometrial cancer) and oral contraceptive use.14 Oral contra-
ceptive use reduces the risk of endometrial cancer by 30 to 40%; longer use is as-
sociated with increased protection, which can persist even decades after cessation.15
In the United States, 57% of all endometrial cancers are attributable to obesity.16
As compared with all other cancers, endometrial cancer has the strongest asso-
ciation with obesity. Women with a normal body-mass index (BMI) have a 3%
lifetime risk of endometrial cancer, but for every 5-unit increase in the BMI, the
risk of cancer increases by more than 50% (Fig. 1).2,17 Endometrial cancer is in-
creasingly being diagnosed in young obese women. Although the average age at
diagnosis is 63 years, data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results
program from 1990 to the present show a sustained rise in cases among women
under the age of 50 years.
Obese patients of childbearing age in whom endometrial cancer is diagnosed
often wish to retain their ability to have children. Many of these women are an-
ovulatory, which causes overstimulation of the endometrium due to excess estro-
gen and lack of progestin. The result is the development of a precancer called
complex atypical hyperplasia (CAH) and of early endometrial cancer. A conserva-
tive alternative to hysterectomy for these women is the use of oral progestin or a
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

A Endometrial Cancer

White women Incidence, 1990–2017

25 All, 25.0
White, 25.9
No. of Cases per 100,000 Women

Black, 21.0
All women SEER annual percent change:
20 All, 0.5 (P<0.05)
White, 0.3 (P<0.05)
Black women Black, 2.3 (P<0.05)


1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 2018
Year of Diagnosis

B Association between BMI and Cancer C Nonendometrioid Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial cancer
Year of Diagnosis

Relative Risk


Breast cancer 2005 Non-Hispanic Black

Ovarian cancer Non-Hispanic White
1 Colon cancer
Lung cancer Hispanic
2000 Non-Hispanic Asian
or Pacific Islander
20 25 30 35 3 30
BMI No. of Cases per 100,000 Women

Figure 1. Association of Endometrial Cancer with Race and Body-Mass Index.

Panel A shows the age-adjusted incidence of endometrial cancer among Black women and White women on the basis of Surveillance, Epide-
miology, and End Results (SEER) data from 1990 through 2017. Incidence (the number of cases per 100,000 women) was calculated with the
use of SEER*Stat software, version 8.3.8, for incidence data. The incidence refers to cases of endometrioid and nonendometrioid endometrial
cancer, age-adjusted to the U.S. standard population in 2000 (19 age groups); sarcomas are excluded. Panel B shows the association of obesity
with cancer.2 A higher body-mass index (BMI, the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) is associated with an in-
creased risk of endometrial cancer. Among many cancers, endometrial cancer is the most strongly associated with obesity. Panel C shows the
age-adjusted and hysterectomy-corrected incidence of nonendometrioid endometrial cancer according to race.3 Although the incidence of this
histologically more aggressive cancer is increasing in all races, the increase is most prominent among Black women.

progestin-containing intrauterine device (IUD).18 Women with higher-grade tumors or tumors

In a meta-analysis that included women using invading the myometrium, as seen on magnetic
mostly oral progestins, a complete response was resonance imaging, are not candidates for con-
seen in 65.8% of women with CAH and 48.2% servative management. The standard of care for
of women with endometrial cancer; however, such women is hysterectomy.
recurrence rates were 23.2% and 35.4%, respec- Women with the Lynch syndrome, diagnosed
tively.19 A recent prospective study of progestin- on the basis of a germline mutation in an MLH1
containing IUDs showed that 91% of women or MSH2 mismatch-repair gene, have a lifetime
with CAH and 54% of women with endometrial risk of endometrial cancer of 40 to 60%, with a
cancer had a complete response at 12 months.20 median age at onset of 48 years, which is sub-

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Endometrial Cancer

stantially younger than the median age at pre-

sentation in the general population (63 years).21,22 Immunohistochemical tests for DNA
Women with MSH6 germline mutations have a mismatch repair in all patients
with endometrial cancer
similarly high risk of endometrial cancer, but
with a median age at onset of 53 years. The
Lynch syndrome accounts for approximately 3%
of all endometrial cancers and 9% of endometrial
cancers in women under the age of 50 years.23,24 Loss of MLH1 Loss of MSH2 Loss of MSH6 Loss of PMS2
Identification of the Lynch syndrome in pa-
tients with endometrial cancer has become in-
creasingly important, since immune checkpoint
blockade has been approved for the treatment of
advanced disease with high microsatellite insta- MLH1
bility (MSI). Another factor favoring identifica- methylation

tion of patients with the Lynch syndrome is that

they are at increased risk for colon cancer. Pre-
dictive genetic testing for family members, fol- Present Absent

lowed by screening and preventive options,

should they test positive, allows this informa- Sporadic cancer Potential Lynch syndrome:
genetic counseling and
tion to be “cascaded” beyond the original pro- germline testing
band. Hysterectomy is a reasonable preventive
option for women with the Lynch syndrome,
with the decision and timing tailored to the in-
dividual patient.25 As with colon cancer, many Lynch syndrome

groups recommend screening of all patients with

endometrial cancer, with the use of immunohis-
tochemical tests for MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and
PMS2 or polymerase chain reaction–based MSI
Eligible for immune checkpoint Cascade genetic testing
analysis or both types of testing (Fig. 2).26,27 blockade therapy of family members
The rates of endometrial cancer and associ-
ated mortality are rising among women of all Figure 2. Use of DNA Mismatch-Repair Analysis in Endometrial Cancer
backgrounds, but during the past decade, the to Guide Decisions about Treatment, Prevention, and Screening.
rates have risen most sharply among Black The results of DNA mismatch-repair analysis can have profound implica-
women. Because Black women have higher rates tions for subsequent cancer prevention and screening in the patient and
of hysterectomy than White women, hysterectomy- the patient’s family if the Lynch syndrome is detected. If the patient has
­advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer, mismatch-repair deficiency is
adjusted rates of endometrial cancer highlight
targeted by treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors approved by the
the disproportionate rise in incidence.28-30 Of Food and Drug Administration.
particular concern is the higher rate of increase
among Black women of tumors with aggressive,
nonendometrioid histologic features (Fig. 1). compared with White women in the same age
The cause of this increase in unclear. Although group, were more likely to present with higher-
several studies have examined biologic differ- grade, nonendometrioid tumors, as well as later-
ences in the endometrial cancers according to stage tumors.35 After adjustment for stage and
race, larger studies are needed to fully understand histologic features, young Black women with
why Black women are at higher risk for the de- early-stage tumors had a 24% higher likelihood
velopment of nonendometrioid tumors.31,32 Even of dying, as compared with their White counter-
when adjusted for stage and histologic features, parts. Urgent attention is needed to understand
mortality rates remain highest among Black and address these disconcerting disparities.
women. Access to appropriate care may also
contribute to these differences.33,34 Although older, Pathol o gic a l Fe at ur e s
thin Black women often present with uterine se-
rous cancer, a population-based analysis showed Endometrial carcinoma arises from the lining of
that Black women under the age of 50 years, as the uterus and can broadly be divided into two

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

types: endometrioid, affecting approximately Figure 3 (facing page). Complex Interplay among the Type
80% of patients, and nonendometrioid, affecting of Endometrial Cancer (Endometrioid or Nonendometrioid),
approximately 20% of patients. In both premeno- Endometrioid Tumor Grade, and Molecular Changes
pausal and postmenopausal patients, endometri- in the Tumor.
oid tumors typically arise from endometrial CAH Shown are molecular alterations in endometrioid and
with epithelial atypia. Relative estrogen excess, nonendometrioid cancers. Some molecular changes,
especially alterations in the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
such as that associated with obesity, the use of (PI3K)–AKT pathway, are common across all endome-
unopposed estrogen for hormone-replacement trioid tumors and can even be detected in some non­
therapy, and estrogen-producing tumors (e.g., endometrioid cases. Other molecular alterations, such
ovarian granulosa-cell tumors), predispose wom- as CTNNB1 mutation and MLH1 loss due to MLH1 gene
en to the development of endometrioid-type en- methylation, are almost exclusively detected in endome-
trioid carcinomas. TP53 mutations are especially enriched
dometrial carcinoma. Nonendometrioid tumors, in nonendometrioid carcinomas and a subset of grade
in contrast, have a hormone-independent patho- 3 endometrioid tumors. Although the Cancer Genome
genesis and no known precursor lesions. They Atlas project and other genomic studies have led to a
typically arise in older postmenopausal patients. better molecular classification of these tumors, trans­
Endometrioid carcinomas are graded with the lation into clinical practice has lagged behind these ef-
forts. Hematoxylin and eosin staining was used in the
International Federation of Gynecology and Ob- histologic images.
stetrics (FIGO) system on a scale of 1 to 3 ac-
cording to the relative proportions of the glan-
dular and solid-tumor components,36 with grade 1 Mol ecul a r Ch a r ac ter i z at ion
tumors having a solid-tumor component of less
than 6%; grade 2, between 6 and 50%; and TCGA represents a National Cancer Institute–
grade 3, more than 50%.37 Grade 1 and grade 2 funded effort to comprehensively classify various
tumors are considered low grade and generally types of cancer at a genomic level. The TCGA ge-
are associated with a good prognosis, whereas nomic data include next-generation sequencing of
grade 3 tumors are associated with an interme- the whole exome, methylation profiles, microRNA
diate-to-poor prognosis. profiles, gene expression analysis, and reverse-
Nonendometrioid endometrial carcinomas in- phase protein lysate arrays. Endometrioid carci-
clude endometrial serous carcinoma, clear-cell noma, endometrial serous carcinoma, and, to a
carcinoma, and carcinosarcoma. Endometrial se- lesser extent, carcinosarcoma have been charac-
rous carcinoma is the most common of the non- terized in TCGA (Fig. 3).4 These data reaffirm
endometrioid tumors and typically has a poor the high incidence of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
prognosis, with extrauterine disease in up to 37% (PI3K)–AKT pathway mutations in the endome-
of patients with no evidence of endometrial stro- trioid type and show significant incidences of
mal or myometrial invasion.38 Overall, the prog- CTNNB1, KRAS, and POLE mutations. Cancers
nosis is worse with clear-cell carcinoma than with POLE mutations, the smallest subset, are
with endometrial serous carcinoma,3 although characterized by the highest number of muta-
some studies have suggested that there are sub- tions (ultramutated) and significantly longer sur-
groups of women with clear-cell carcinoma who vival.4 The hypermutated group of cancers com-
have longer survival.39 Carcinosarcomas (or ma- prises primarily endometrioid carcinomas with
lignant mixed müllerian tumors) contain dis- high levels of MSI and a high mutation rate, but
tinct malignant epithelial (carcinomatous) and not as high as that of the ultramutated group.4
malignant mesenchymal (sarcomatous) compo- The “copy-number–low” group accounts for the
nents. Pathologists regard carcinosarcoma as a largest number of cases and is composed pri-
high-grade metaplastic carcinoma. Its pattern of marily of microsatellite-stable endometrioid car-
recurrence and metastasis mirrors that of carci- cinomas.4
noma rather than that of sarcoma,40 and clonal- The endometrial serous carcinomas are char-
ity and mutation studies have shown that the acterized by TP53 mutations, an overall low
carcinomatous and sarcomatous components mutation rate, and frequent copy-number altera-
derive from the same precursor.41-44 Carcinosar- tions (“copy-number–high” group).4 Much less is
comas typically have worse outcomes than endo- known about the molecular changes in endome-
metrioid, clear-cell, and serous carcinomas.45,46 trial clear-cell carcinoma. One study that in-

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Endometrial Cancer

Copy number low Molecular Changes
Endometrioid Copy number high (Potential Clinical Implications)

Grade 1
PTEN mutation or protein loss

PI3KCA mutation (treatment)

PI3KR1 mutation (treatment)

ARID1A mutation (treatment)

Grade 2 KRAS mutation (treatment)

POLE mutation (prognosis)

CTNNB1 mutation (prognosis and

TP53 mutation (diagnosis and
DNA mismatch-repair protein loss
(diagnosis, prognosis, and
Grade 3

L1CAM overexpression (prognosis)

ER expression (diagnosis and

PR expression (diagnosis and


HER2 overexpression (treatment:
ARID1A mutation (treatment:

TP53 mutation (diagnosis)

Clear-Cell Carcinoma

Not performed

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

cluded whole-exome sequencing of 16 cases Surgic a l M a nagemen t

showed that clear-cell carcinoma is genomically a nd S taging
heterogeneous, with a subset of tumors molecu-
larly similar to endometrioid carcinoma, another Surgery is the mainstay of the initial manage-
subset genetically similar to serous carcinoma, a ment of endometrial cancer, and staging is
third subset with molecular findings common to based on pathological evaluation after surgery.
both groups, and a fourth subset that is unique.47 Innovative surgical approaches have been espe-
In highlighting the genetic and clinical diver- cially important because many patients with en-
sity of the endometrioid histotype, TCGA data dometrial cancer are obese and have clinically
have helped to refute the conventional wisdom significant coexisting conditions. For most wom-
that young, obese women have hormone-driven en with endometrial cancer, the current surgi-
disease with a good prognosis. Although such cal approach includes laparoscopic or robotic
patients certainly have a better prognosis than removal of the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes,
those with endometrial serous carcinoma, some and ovaries and a sentinel lymph-node evalua-
patients have endometrioid cancers driven not by tion. Two randomized surgical trials showed
hormones but rather by activation of the WNT– that a minimally invasive approach, as compared
β-catenin signaling pathway.5,48 The higher-grade with the traditional open abdominal approach,
and advanced-stage endometrioid cancers are was associated with significantly lower rates of
similarly heterogeneous; grade 3 endometrioid postoperative complications and an improved
tumors with a more “immune driven” genotype short-term quality of life.55,56 Long-term follow-
have better outcomes.5 up of patients in both studies, however, showed
It is not possible to perform full, TCGA-scale no significant difference in overall survival ac-
genomic analyses for individual endometrial cording to the initial surgical approach.57,58
cancers in the clinical laboratory for patient For many years, standard lymphadenectomy
care. A variety of more simplified schemes have of the pelvic and paraaortic nodes was performed
been proposed. For example, DNA mismatch- as part of the initial surgical evaluation, with the
repair deficiency, the presence of CTNNB1 exon 3 development of lymphedema in more than 30%
mutation or TP53 mutation, and p53 overexpres- of patients and with short-term risks that in-
sion and null expression patterns on immuno- cluded prolonged surgical times and increased
histochemical analysis are each associated with blood loss.59 In the past decade, a sentinel-
poor survival in cases of endometrioid carcino- lymph-node strategy has been developed and
ma. The survival effect of these gene mutations refined. Indocyanine green dye is injected into
in endometrioid tumors may depend on the the cervix, then the bilateral sentinel lymph
context. For example, TP53 mutations are more nodes are identified and removed (or a side-
common in grade 3 tumors, which are also asso- specific lymphadenectomy is performed if the
ciated with worse survival, than in other tumors. sentinel node is not identified) and pathological
Therefore, it is likely that a patient with a TP53- ultrastaging of the sentinel nodes is conducted
mutated, grade 3 endometrioid tumor would have (Fig. 4).59,60 To determine whether the sentinel-
a shorter survival than a patient with a grade 1 node strategy may miss positive pelvic nodes, a
tumor characterized by a CTNNB1 mutation or a multicenter, prospective cohort study was con-
mismatch-repair deficiency. POLE mu­t ation is ducted in which completion lymphadenectomy
associated with prolonged survival.48-53 A chal- was performed after sentinel-node mapping.
lenge moving forward is to incorporate these Among 385 women, 86% underwent successful
prognostic indicators into routine patient care. mapping of at least one sentinel node, and the
The prospective Post-Operative Radiation Ther- false negative rate was 2.8%.61 In a similar study,
apy in Endometrial Carcinoma 4a (PORTEC-4a) which focused on patients with higher-risk dis-
clinical trial in Europe is currently assessing ease, including grade 3 tumors and serous his-
simplified biomarker testing approaches in an tologic features, 89% of the patients underwent
adjuvant study that randomly assigns women successful mapping of at least one sentinel node,
with early-stage disease to vaginal brachytherapy and the false negative rate was 4.3%.62
or treatment based on a molecular risk profile.54 After initial surgery, endometrial cancer is

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Endometrial Cancer

Primary Tumor (T)

TNM system, FIGO
T category system T criteria
TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumor
T1 I Tumor confined to corpus uteri, including endocervical
glandular involvement
T1a IA Tumor limited to the endometrium or invading less than
half of the myometrium
T1b IB Tumor invading one half or more of the myometrium
T2 II Tumor invading the stromal connective tissue of the
cervix but not extending beyond the uterus
Does not include endocervical glandular involvement
T3 III Tumor involving serosa, adnexa, vagina, or parametrium
T3a IIIA Tumor involving the serosa, adnexa, or both
(direct extension or metastasis)
T3b IIIB Vaginal involvement (direct extension or metastasis)
or parametrial involvement
T4 IVA Tumor invading the bladder mucosa, bowel mucosa,
or both
Bullous edema is not sufficient to classify a tumor as T4

Regional Lymph Nodes (N)

TNM system, FIGO
N category system N criteria
NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
N0(i+) Isolated tumor cells in regional lymph node, ≤0.2 mm
in diameter
N1mi IIIC1 Regional lymph node micrometastasis (>0.2 mm to
2.0 mm in diameter) to pelvic lymph nodes
N1 IIIC1 Regional lymph node macrometastasis (>2.0 mm in
diameter) to pelvic lymph nodes
N2mi IIIC2 Regional lymph node micrometastasis (>0.2 mm to
2.0 mm in diameter) to paraaortic lymph nodes, with
or without positive pelvic lymph nodes
N2 IIIC2 Regional lymph node macrometastasis (>2.0 mm in
diameter) to paraaortic lymph nodes, with or without
positive pelvic lymph nodes

Distant Metastasis (M)

TNM system, FIGO
M category system M criteria
cM0 No distant metastasis on clinical (c) assessment
cM1 IVB Distant metastasis (includes metastasis to inguinal
lymph nodes, lung, liver, or bone or intraperitoneal
Also includes metastasis to pelvic or paraaortic lymph
nodes, vagina, uterine serosa, or adnexa
pM1 IVB Distant metastasis (includes metastasis to inguinal
lymph nodes, liver, or bone or intraperitoneal disease)
microscopically confirmed on pathological (p)
Excludes metastasis to pelvic or paraaortic lymph nodes,
vagina, uterine serosa, or adnexa

Figure 4. Staging Systems for Endometrial Cancer.

Staging is performed with the use of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) 2009 system and the tumor–
node–metastasis (TNM) system. The sentinel-node strategy in endometrial cancer comprises injection of dye into the cervix; mapping
of the nodes bilaterally (top image), with a side-specific lymphadenectomy if a sentinel node is not identified; serial sectioning of the
sentinel node along its long axis (middle image), and microscopic evaluation with immunohistochemical staining for cytokeratin to help
identify small clusters of cancer cells (bottom image).

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

staged with the use of the FIGO 2009 system risk, early-stage patients who have undergone
(Fig. 4). The tumor–node–metastasis (TNM) sys- surgical staging.
tem of the American Joint Committee on Cancer An important subgroup of early-stage endo-
can also be used in conjunction with FIGO staging. metrial cancers is characterized by serous histo-
In recognition of the widespread use of sentinel- logic features. Patients with these tumors have a
node evaluation, classification of the size of the high risk of distant spread, even when the dis-
metastasis to the lymph node (isolated tumor ease is confined to the endometrium.38,68 In addi-
cells, ≤0.2 mm; micrometastasis, >0.2 mm to tion, patients with stage I serous disease have an
2.0 mm; and macrometastasis, >2.0 mm) is en- elevated risk of extrapelvic recurrence, and adju-
couraged. vant therapy that includes systemic chemotherapy
(carboplatin and paclitaxel) and vaginal brachy-
therapy is generally recommended, although no
A dj u va n t Ther a py for E a r ly-
S tage Dise a se prospective, randomized trials have shown a
survival benefit.69,70 This regimen is also used for
Close to 75% of patients with endometrial can- patients with rare, aggressive subtypes of early-
cer have FIGO stage I disease, and 5-year overall stage tumors, such as carcinosarcoma.71
survival rates exceed 90%.63 Multiple prospective
studies have tried to identify women with early- A dj u va n t Ther a py for Node-
stage disease who are at highest risk for relapse P osi t i v e Dise a se
and to develop effective adjuvant therapy. To
date, however, no such strategy has been shown Patients with node-positive disease in the pelvis
to improve overall survival. or paraaortic region have a high risk of both lo-
Women with stage I endometrioid endome- cal and distant recurrence, but the best adjuvant
trial cancer, grade 1 or grade 2, and less than treatment for these patients remains controver-
50% myometrial invasion have a 97% survival sial. The PORTEC-3 trial showed that patients
rate and do not require adjuvant therapy.26 The with stage III disease who received chemoradia-
remaining patients with stage I disease can be tion therapy followed by four cycles of carbopla-
categorized into low-intermediate-risk, high-inter- tin and paclitaxel chemotherapy had better over-
mediate-risk, and high-risk subgroups on the ba- all and 5-year recurrence-free survival rates than
sis of age, tumor grade, histologic features, extent patients who underwent irradiation alone.72,73
of myometrial invasion, and presence or absence The GOG-258 trial showed no significant differ-
of lymphovascular invasion, although there is no ence in relapse-free survival between patients
consensus on the specific criteria for the sub- receiving chemoradiation therapy followed by
groups.64,65 Because multiple studies have shown four cycles of carboplatin and paclitaxel and
no survival benefit from adjuvant therapy in the those receiving chemotherapy alone with six cy-
high-intermediate-risk subgroup, an important cles of carboplatin and paclitaxel.74 No consensus
advance has been a de-escalation of treatment has emerged on the better treatment for node-
and a shift away from whole-pelvis radiotherapy positive disease, although a follow-up analysis of
to vaginal brachytherapy or surveillance.66 data from the PORTEC-3 study has suggested
Patients with early-stage but high-risk disease that molecular subtyping may inform future
— those with grade 3 tumors and more than strategies. Patients enrolled in the PORTEC-3
50% invasion into the myometrium, regardless of study were classified according to TCGA sub-
lymphovascular invasion — have an increased type; patients with p53 abnormalities who re-
risk of recurrence and have traditionally been of- ceived chemoradiation therapy plus chemother­
fered pelvic radiation therapy. Two large prospec- apy had a significant relapse-free survival benefit,
tive studies, the Gynecologic Oncology Group as compared with those treated with radiation
(GOG)–249 trial and PORTEC-3 (Postoperative therapy alone (59% vs. 36%, P = 0.02), strongly
Radiation Therapy in Endometrial Cancer 3), suggesting that patients with p53 abnormalities
included early-stage, high-risk patients, but nei- benefit from the addition of chemotherapy. In ad-
ther study showed a survival advantage for any dition, patients with POLE mutations had highly
strategy over pelvic irradiation in this subgroup.67 favorable outcomes in both groups (100% and
Further limiting adjuvant therapy to vaginal-cuff 97%, respectively), suggesting that a de-escalation
brachytherapy is under study, especially for high- of adjuvant therapy could be considered.75 Finally,

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Endometrial Cancer

with sentinel-node evaluation, new questions tion therapies have suggested higher efficacy.
about adjuvant therapy have emerged, including Sequential administration of megestrol acetate
how to treat isolated tumor cells, micrometasta- and tamoxifen was associated with a 27% re-
ses, and macrometastases. sponse rate, and for 53% of the women with a
response, it lasted more than 20 months.81 More
recently, newer combinations of antihormonal
Ther a peu t ic s for A dva nced
a nd R ecur r en t Dise a se and biologic agents have been shown to be ef-
fective and can be used as second- or third-line
Molecular characterization of endometrial tumors treatment for endometrioid endometrial cancers.
is becoming critical in directing treatment for The combination of everolimus and letrozole
advanced and recurrent disease. Assessment of was shown to have an objective response rate of
estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone recep- 32%.82 In a follow-up, single-group study that
tor (PR) status, MSI analysis, and assessment of added metformin to everolimus and letrozole,
human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 the objective response rate was 28%, with PR-
(HER2) status for uterine serous cancers are es- positive patients having a 45% response rate.83
sential in addition to histologic analysis; next- On the basis of preliminary data from a ran-
generation sequencing to identify somatic muta- domized trial comparing everolimus and letro-
tions may be useful information for potential zole with the older combination of tamoxifen
enrollment in a clinical trial. For patients with alternating with megestrol acetate, everolimus
uterine serous carcinomas that overexpress HER2, and letrozole had similar efficacy and a sig-
trastuzumab added to carboplatin and paclitaxel nificantly lower risk of blood clots.84 Single-
has been shown to prolong progression-free agent aromatase inhibitors, fulvestrant, and
survival.76 The effect of this three-drug regimen tamoxifen can be considered, but monotherapy
was greater in women with uterine serous carci- with these agents is generally associated with
noma who were undergoing primary treatment lower response rates than the combination
than in those with recurrent disease. Currently, treatments.
for all other recurrent endometrial cancers, com- For second- and third-line treatment, evalua-
bination chemotherapy with carboplatin and pacli- tion of tumor DNA mismatch-repair function by
taxel is considered the standard of care, with a determining MSI status helps guide the choice
median progression-free survival of 13 months of targeted therapies. As part of a broad ap-
and overall survival of 37 months.77 Studies ex- proval by the Food and Drug Administration
amining the addition of bevacizumab and other (FDA) for all MSI tumors, pembrolizumab, an
biologic agents to the chemotherapy backbone immune checkpoint inhibitor, is an effective op-
have shown no evidence of a benefit.78,79 For tion for second-line treatment in women with
women with advanced and recurrent uterine car- high-MSI endometrial cancer. In the KEYNOTE-158
cinosarcomas, first-line treatment is combination study of single-agent pembrolizumab, 49 pa-
chemotherapy with carboplatin and paclitaxel.71 tients with high-MSI, recurrent endometrial can-
For women with advanced or recurrent endo- cer had an overall response rate of 57%, with
metrioid endometrial tumors that are grade 1 or 2 16% of the women having complete responses
and positive for ER and PR, treatment with hor- and 41% having partial responses.85 Similar pre-
monal agents — specifically, progesterone — liminary results of other, ongoing trials of im-
has been an option since it was first described mune checkpoint inhibitor drugs suggest that
by Kelley and Baker in 1961.80 Unfortunately, no MSI status should be evaluated in all patients
randomized trials have compared chemotherapy with recurrent endometrial cancer.
with hormonal therapy as first-line treatment. For patients with high-grade tumors that are
Clinically, chemotherapy can be used as first-line not characterized by high MSI, a new combina-
treatment for advanced and recurrent disease, tion of an oral targeted therapy — the multi–
and hormonal therapy is reserved for women tyrosine kinase inhibitor lenvatinib — and pem-
with more limited performance status or for brolizumab was recently granted accelerated
second- or third-line treatment. Although single- FDA approval. In a single-group, phase 2 trial,
agent progestins — typically, medroxyprogester- the objective response rate was almost 40% at 24
one acetate or megestrol acetate — have been months among unselected patients with recur-
used, the results of clinical trials using combina- rent endometrial cancer, and among the patients

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

with a response, 64.5% had a response that cer and its association with obesity can address
lasted for at least 12 months.86 Responses oc- the lack of public knowledge about this cancer.87,88
curred in patients who had tumors without high The increasing incidence of high-grade, clini-
MSI and in patients with uterine serous cancers. cally aggressive tumors among obese women
Very few patients with high-MSI tumors were suggests that the relationship between obesity
included in the study. However, the side effects and the development of endometrial cancer,
of lenvatinib can be clinically significant, so which has long been attributed to a proestrogenic
close monitoring of patients is essential, with a hormonal imbalance related to obesity, is more
dose reduction when needed. complex than previously thought. Expanding
For patients with a good performance status TCGA-type studies to delve into novel pathways
in whom second- or third-line treatment fails, that may be associated with obesity and endo-
standard-of-care options include bevacizumab, metrial cancer may lead to an improved biologic
paclitaxel, and doxorubicin.26 Somatic mutation understanding. Similar analyses are critical for
testing with the use of next-generation sequenc- understanding why Black women are predisposed
ing can identify potentially actionable mutations to higher-grade, more aggressive, nonendome-
for eligibility in clinical trials, including muta- trioid tumors. Finally, molecular diagnostics are
tions in the PI3K pathway (which are frequently now essential in the management of endome-
found in endometrioid tumors) or in homologous trial cancer. In the case of advanced and recur-
recombination repair pathways (which are fre- rent disease, recent FDA approvals have high-
quently found in high-grade or serous tumors). lighted the importance of treatment with new
agents that is based on histologic features and
biomarkers. Refinement of adjuvant therapy for
F u t ur e Dir ec t ions
early-stage disease remains a challenge, but strat-
Although obesity and endometrial cancer are egies that incorporate molecular markers of risk
closely associated, endometrial cancer does not are currently being tested. To address the rising
develop in all women who are obese, and not all incidence of endometrial cancer and associated
women with endometrial cancer are obese, so mortality, it is important to continue developing a
identifying additional risk factors is critical. As biologic understanding of this disease, approach-
the incidence of obesity and endometrial cancer es to prevention, and targeted therapeutics.
continues to increase among younger women, No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
new preventive and fertility-sparing options be- reported.
yond the progestin-eluting IUD are needed. Even Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
a simple strategy that focuses on educating We thank Amy Ninetto, Ph.D., David Aten, M.A., and Char-
women about the symptoms of endometrial can- lotte Sun, Ph.D., for their assistance.

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