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JOB Performer

JP is directly Response of the Safety and Quality of Work.

Q .1: What is Permit?

Work Permit a written document authorizing person or group to perform maintenance, inspection
or construction work.
Work permit system is written documents issued by the area in charge to the performer to
undertake the specific job.

. Q.2: What is TRA?

Task Risk Assessment is a method of estimating the risk of rate of an activity by classifying actual
potential. Consequence and finding out migrating actions to limit that Risk.

Q.3: What is Confined space?

It has limited or restricted Means to Entry or Exit. Which subject to the Hazards like deficiency of
oxygen, Toxic, Flammable, substance, dust etc.?

Q.4: What Is Hazard?

Anything that has potential to harm or injury.

Q.5: What is risk?

Risk is everyone part of life which we cannot avoaid.But we can put things in a place to manage
them effectively.

Q.6: How many types of Permit?

1: Hot permit: Any work using by ignitions of sources or spark.

2: Cold permit: Any work using by without ignitions of sources or spark.

Q.7: How many Types of Certificate.?

1: Confined Space 2: Isolation 3: De Isolation 4: High Electrical Voltage 5: Control Production

for test 6: Excavation 7: Radiography 8: Formal procedure 9: Vehicles Entry

Q.8: What is JP Responsibities?

1: Prepare of work plan. 2: Communication of JO, AA, and IA 3: Apply permit 4: Gain
approval from JO and AA. 5: If ICC or Excavation need then get it 6: Display permit as work site
7: Delivery TBT is safe side.8: Aware of Adco HSE roles and Regular work Procedure. 9:
Job Location. 10: Tools and start and ending work. 11: Date normal of days.12: sign section 5 of the
PTW required when requesting extension of the Permit.
Ejaz Tanveer Azad Kashmir Pakistan 0527825610,03345821416
Q.9: What is LOTO…?

It is essential that the equipment be physically locked and tagged.

Q.10: What are the Requirements for Lifting?

First of all soil condition where we are going place the crane. Proper barrication all around lifting
area, Sign board provide to all sides, certified Rigger and Operator, All lifting tackles should be
certified by combatant person. Color code must fallow.

Q.11: What is TWL?

Thermal Work Limit 1: Wind Speed, 2: Humidity, 3: Temperature

Q.12: What is Zone Classification?

Zone 0, 1, 2 Hazard Classification Area.

Zone; 0; An Area which an explosive gas atmosphere is present continually or for a long Period .

Zone; 1; an area which an explosive gas atmosphere is likely accrue is normal operation.

Zone; 2; an area which is an explosive gas atmosphere is not likely accrue and if accrue will exit for a
short time.

Q.13: What are Excavation, Shoring, Sloping, and Benching?

Excavation: It is a man made whole or Dig in Ground. Or Making a hole or tunnel by digging by man
or machine is called excavation.

Shoring: Shoring system are structures of wood, plastic or hydraulic jacks used to support the walls
of Excavation to avoid cave in.

Sloping: It is a method used to avoid cave in. In this method we make slopes of the walls to a certain
angle according to requirement.

Benching: It is another method used to avoid cave in hazard. In this method we make steps of the
side walls.

Q.14: Tell us some Common work Hazards?

Liquid $ Gas under pressure ,Toxic Materials, Corrosive Materials ,Flammable Materials ,Hot
Materials ,H2O deficiency, H2S Area, Naked Flame Materials, Electricity , Radioactivity, Moving
Machines , Lifting $ Crane operator , Pressure Testing Danger of Falling Access, Confined Space,
Explosives Weather conditions ,Stress/ Vehicles.

Q.15: What is Characteristics of H2S?

Toxic Gas, Rotten egg smell , Heavy then Air, Client killer Gas.

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Q.16: which documents we need to keep always with us?

Work plan, TRA, TBT, Method statement, Permit.

Q.17: What are JP 4 keys?

1: The work plan & Procedure to be undertaken .2: The individual responsibility of everyone.3: The identified
hazards risks and control measure shall be explained. 4: The emergency procedure and specific actions to be
undertaken in the event of fire, gas leak, incident/accident and activation of general Alarm.

Q.18: What is TBT?

Method of work ,Responsibility of every one ,Hazards, Risk, PPE to be Use, Tools & Equipment’s, Work Side
access ,Isolations process, Preparation Method, Interface activity &Emergency Response. LPR

Q.19: What is LPR?

Life protection Roles 10 …

1. Follow Road 2.Obtain a work permit 3.Gas Test 4. Verify Isolation
5. Confined Space entry certificate 6.Working at height use fall protection tools
7. Obtain authorization for isolation of safety equipment 8.Do not walk under suspended loads
9. Do not use handmade or damaged tools. 10. PPE & RPE.

Q.20: What action /precaution will we take in case of following incident/accident?

Heat Stress: Inform control room, AA, Supervisor, First Aider, HSE Supervisor Etc., Ensure always adequate
water will be available at work location.

H2s Leak: Inform control room, AA, Supervisor First aider HSE Supervisor etc.
Switch off all equipment’s, Check with H2s level thro monitor(beyond 10ppm), Ensure area is safe before
leaving from work side, Check wind direction thro wind socks and evacuate workforce & safest assembly point
area, Wait for further call from area authority & Supervisor.

Personal Injury: Inform control room, AA, Supervisor First aider HSE Supervisor etc.
Fire: Inform Adco Control Room, AA, Supervisor, First Aider, HSE Supervisor & Clinic etc. Switch off all
Equipment’s. Use Fire extinguisher if fire is minor.

Q.20: What precaution we need to take for Excavation?

Proper sloping , Benching , Shoring and some place open for emergency escape route.

Q.21: What is Excavation Hazards?

Faulty Machine, Uncertified Operator, Confined space beyond 2meter, No access no Barrication, Improper
excavation, method beyond 1.2 meter deep.

Control Manger: Inspected Machine, Operator certified, Area proper barrication, Gas test beyond 2 meter
deep, shoring benching and sloping.

Q.22: What are Hazards and injuries in Manual Handling?

1. Cutting Fingers due to sharp edges

2. Burns due to handing of hot articles
3. Foot injuries due to dropped articles
4. Slipped disc due to improper posture in lifting on object.

Ejaz Tanveer Azad Kashmir Pakistan 0527825610,03345821416

Q.23: How many kind of Accidents?

There are 4 types of accidents

1. Near Miss accident-escape. 2. No lost time reported 48hrs. Before.
2. Lost Time-Reported 48hurs.after. 4. Fated Death
Q.24: What is Hazards of Confined Space?

Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere.

Engulfment or entrapment due to contents or liquids. Solids / Granules / Powder.

Q.25: What is accident?

It is an unexpected or unplanned event which may or not result in injury or damage or property loss or death.

Ejaz Tanveer Azad Kashmir Pakistan 0527825610,03345821416

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