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Objectives No. of Item Percentage
Items Placement
1. Describe the observable 4 1-4 16%
characteristics of a given solid,
liquid and gas.
2.Prove this science ideas: 1 5 4%
a solid has definite shape
a liquid and air have indefinite 1 6 4%
3. Infer that the amount of space 7 7 4%
occupied by air is indefinite.
4. Descrive similarities of solids, 1 8 4%
liquid and gasses.
5Descrive differences of solids, 1 9 4%
liquids, and gasses.
6. Observe that lights travel in a 1 10 4%
straight path.
7. Explain how shadows are formed. 1 11 4%
8. Explain the effect of heat on 1 12 4%
9. Identify the sources of heat. 1 13 4%
10. Identify renewable resources 1 14 4%
from the earth.
11. Identify non- renewable 1 15 4%
resources from the earth.
12.Practices care and concern for 1 16 4%
the earth
13. Describe the conditions of the 1 17 4%
14. Relate the conditions of the sky 2 18-19 8%
to the kind of weather observed.
15. Identify activities done during 2 20-21 8%
certain weather conditions.
16. Pratices safety measures during 2 22-23 8%
certain weather conditions.
17. Gives evidence that the sun’s 1 24 4%
light reaches the earth.
18. Gives evidence that the sun’s 1 25 4%
heat reaches the earth.
TOTAL 100%

Prepared by:
Melda M. Bunquin
Second District Achievement Test
Science and Health 2

NAME: _____________________________________________ SCORE: _________

GRADE: ___________________SECTION: _______________ DATE: _________

Directions: Read each item carefully. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following tells about solids?

A. It has its own size, shape and color.
B. It has no shape.
c. It has no size.
2. Which of these are the characteristics of liquid?
A. It has its own shape.
B. It flows.
C. It spreads.
3. What can you say about gasses?
A. They have their own size.
B. They spread.
C. They have their own shape.
4. Which of these statements is true about liquid and gas?
A. They follow the shape of their containers.
B. They have their own shape.
C. They have their own size.
5. A book is solid. Which of these tells about the book?
A. It is round.
B. It is rectangular.
C. It is oblong.
6. Which phases of matter have indefinite shapes?
A. solid and gas
B. liquid and gas
C. liquid and solid
7. What can you say about the air inside the balloon?
A. It follows the shape of the balloon.
B. It has its own shape.
C. It cannot be described.
8. Air inside the balloon is light. A piece of paper is light. Water in a small plastic
cup is light. What does this show?
A. Solid, liquid and gas have mass.
B. Solid, liquid and gas have the same shape.
C. Solid, liquid and gas have the same size.
9. What characteristics is not common to solid but not common to liquid and gas?
A. Liquid and gas have definite size and shapes.
B. Liquid and gas do not follow the size and shape of their containers.
C. Solid has definite shape but liquid and gas have indefinite.
10. How does light travel?
A. Light travels in a straight path.
B. Light does not travel in a straight path.
C. Light travels in a crooked path.
11. Why are shadows formed?
A. Because our body blocks the light from passing through.
B. Because of the light from the stars.
C. Because it is daytime.
12. What makes our food cook?
A. Because of light.
B. Because of heat.
C. Because of sound.
13. What are the sources of heat?
A. fire, electricity, sunlight
B. fire, sound, force
C. fire, energy, sunlight
14. Which of these resources can be replaced?
A. wildlife C. coal deposits
B. soil
15. Which of these resources cannot be replaced?
A. trees C. oil deposits
B. wildlife
16. How can we show care and concern for the earth?
A. Throws garbage in the bodies of water.
B. Burn down trees in the forest.
C. Plant more trees to conserve soil.
17. Which of these helps you know what the weather will be?
A. clouds C. moon
B. stars
18. What kind of weather is it when the sky is clear?
A. sunny C. cloudy
B. stormy
19. What kind of weather is it when the sky is overcast?
A. sunny C. stormy
B. cloudy
20. Which of these activities can be done during sunny days?
A. Go on outings and picnics.
B. Stay inside the home.
C. Fly kites.
21. Which of these activities can’t be done during stormy days?
A. Playing outside the home.
B. Hanging of clothes outside the home.
C. Both A and B.
22. Which of these is safe to do during bad weather?
A. Play games outside the home.
B. Stay inside the house.
C. Go to the beach.
23. What should people do when the typhoon is coming?
A. Store extra food and water.
B. Listen to the news to know the conditions of the storm.
C. Both A and B.
24. What can plants do due to sunlight?
A. Make fruits.
B. Make flowers.
C. Make foods.
25. Why does mother can dry wet clothes easily?
A. Because of the heat of the sun.
B. Because of the rain.
C. Because of the stars.

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