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Based on what you have learned from the documentary and podcast on how Johannes
Gutenberg revolutionize the world. In your own words and from your own perspective did
Gutenberg's invention revolutionized the world for the better? Or for the worse? (6 pts)

Gutenberg’s invention of the first printing press was a revolutionizing creation that
many people benefited from. It spread literacy to every part of the world in a couple years,
allowing knowledge to flourish. I can say that it made the world better through the shared
information from the printed books to the people’s mind. Rapid production of books to read
changed how information around the world circulates. Manuscripts containing valuable
information can be mass produced to be given to a lot of people at a cheap price. Books that
are a luxury item of the rich can be bought by the poor so that they can be also be informed
of the happenings around the world. With the fast proliferation of knowledge became a tool
of learning that is an important key to better inventions and techniques created. His creation
of the printing press boosted the renaissance period to its fullest. Published books allowed
the people to gain knowledge and further improved the education system during those
times. Gutenberg’s invention was an important piece on how is our world today, the world
of technology, his invention paved way to literacy and education. Without his invention of
the printing press our world today may not be as advance, with the slow spread to
knowledge and information society can’t accomplish technology as well as what we have

2. Did Gutenberg's invention also revolutionize the field of medical science? How? (7 pts)

Gutenberg’s invention also revolutionized the field of medical science. Knowledge

and information about medicine that are written are able to be mass produced to benefit
practitioners and patients. The creation of the printing press also lunches the creation of
medical books. These medical books containing accurate sketches, diagrams and information
about medicine helped not only doctors but also students wanting to know more about
medicine. Clearer sketches and diagrams of the human body, medicinal instruments and
procedures enhance the quality of patient care and the overall health care system.
Consistency of information in medical books is vital to effective patient care and surgical
procedures; this is limited for written books cause some discrepancies in translating and
depicting diagrams and procedures due to hasty production and poor penmanship. Some of
the written medical books during the 1400s were made poorly and some inaccurately
causing the medical practitioners to improvise on some of the procedures. In addition, the
creation of the printing press books are a luxury item, only a few people can grasp the
knowledge of medicine. Production of affordable medical books caused awareness and
information to people allowing them to tend to mild illnesses treatable at their own homes.
This revolution in the medical field also transcends to our current time, the creation of
valuable textbook essential in forming competent and efficient medical staff such as doctors,
nurses and many others.
3. By end of the podcast on how the internet came to be as a product of the revolution that
Gutenberg's invention started. Is the proliferation of information in the internet a good
thing? or do we need extra precaution on this? (7pts)

I can say that the proliferation of information in the internet is an asset but we must
also take precaution in this regard. This is an asset for with one click and one search in the
web we can access tons of valuable information. The ease in retrieving data enables us to
work effectively and efficiently due to the reduction of the needed time scanning to
textbooks. We can just ask Google and answers are spoon feed to the users. In the same
way, I can also see the rapid proliferation of information in the internet a bad thing for some
of these data are false. A random user can post such false information and can mask it
making it seemingly true. With the internet being able to spread information faster there is
no guarantee which information is credible and true. A lot of people can be victims to
misinformation; a current example is about the usage to cow dung as way of being immune
to COVID-19. Many people seeing the articles and news in the internet can influence people
to try this without the proper advice and opinions of doctors and experts which can danger
the health of these individuals actually trying out this practice. As users of the internet we
must practice proper and responsible data searching; knowing and getting information
credible site and individuals. Through proper and careful surfing in the web we can filter
which data is fact and which are false.

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