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20198087 Case Study Questions Laila Malas

1- What Technologies are used by JurongHealth? What purpose do they serve?

 Queue Management System

 Visitor Management System (self-service kiosk)
 Warehouse Management System
 Real-time location tracking System
 Radio frequency identification (RFID)
 Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
 Two-bin shelving System
 Medical device Middleware integration System
 Electronic Patient information Board

 Inpatient Pharmacy Automation System

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 Daily Operations Dashboards

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The Purpose: JurongHealth consider as a new health cluster seeks to facilitate the integration of
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all services and processes for the community in the western of Singapore, they manage their
healthcare centers by providing a wide range of the best technologies and specialist services and

community health support services to give the patient the best experience to get in return their
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2- Search the web for RFID, Suggest an example of RFID for Locating and tracking
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Radio Frequency identification (RFID) that use electromagnetic field to automatically

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identify and track tags attached to objects , the tag contain electronically stored information
passive tags collect from nearby RFID
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Example: Education

RFID is being used to make school safer for children and teachers around the nation, RFID
ensures students arrive at school safely while riding their bikes in the Ride-your-bike-to-
school program, solar powered RFID readers at the school read the RFID tags on each
students backpack and that information is uploaded to the internet for parents, students and
school administrators to view (Nebraska School)
20198087 Case Study Questions Laila Malas

3- What information Systems are implemented by JurongHealth, Describe the input

Processing and output of any one such systems?

o Queue Management System :

Input: Identification card

Process: Scanning Identification card

Output: Obtaining a Queue number

o Visitor Management System :

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Input: Visitor Identification card

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Process: Scan Identification Card (register)

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Output: gain access or e-pass to hospital wards
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o Warehouse Management System:

Input: Clinical Staff transfers the relevant RFID tag into drop box
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Process: reader automatically send request for drug replenishment

Output: avoiding stock-outs

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o Real-time Location Tracking System

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Input: Data generated by other systems and devices (QMS, VMS)

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Output: The identifying and Monitoring of the mobility


o Electronic Medical record (EMR)

Input: Data that send from 140 medical devices and equipment

Process: (EMR) combine all the functional Modules of the hospital and also being
interfaced with 140 medical devices and equipment using the vendor neutral Medical
devices middleware integration system
20198087 Case Study Questions Laila Malas

Output: increasing the accessibility and reliability of the information by using digital
tablets by hospital staff

o Inpatient Pharmacy Automation System

Input: receive perception entered by the doctor via the EMR system and send Machine

Packed Medicines to the ward using automated guided vehicles

Process: at the words the patient wrist tag is scanned and matched against the doctor


Output: Medicines can be retrieved from the medical cart

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o Daily operations dashboards:

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Input: collect data from different systems
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Process: Process data

Output: one-stop information dashboard

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4- Why information Systems important for JurongHealth?

Information System are important for JurongHealth for many reasons that relates to
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achieve their strategic Mission and Vision:

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A) Information system improve the efficiency of their operations to gain high profit and
achieve new business model throughout the technologies they used by healthcare
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B) The system also help them to build good relationship with their customer and supplier

which enhance the sustainability of the business by getting the inputs with lowest cost
and provide the best satisfaction for customers
C) Information system improve the healthcare decision Making by using
dashboards(DSS) and give them the competitive advantage against competitors
D) Management information system enable the hospital to achieve
o Efficiency
o Focus on patient
o Maximum of flexibility and ease of conversion
20198087 Case Study Questions Laila Malas

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