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Criteria Excellent Good Needs Improvement Poor

(5pts.) (4pts.) (3pts.) (1pt.)

Tone Pitches are well Pitches are in tune and Some notes are out of Many notes are out of
centered; properly centered. A desirable tune. Pitches are tune and not
projected and in tune. tone quality is occasionally not centered. Tone quality
A desirable tone produced and centered properly or is undesirable and
quality that is projected for most of projection is an issue. tone is not projected.
appropriate to the the piece. Tone quality is harsh.
music being
performed is
produced throughout
the performance.
Rhythm An appropriate tempo An appropriate tempo The tempo is a bit The tempo is not
is picked for the piece. is picked for the piece. faster or slow for the appropriate for the
Rhythms are sung A few rhythms are not piece. Some rhythms piece and many
correctly and in a style performed correctly are sung incorrectly. rhythms are played
that fits the piece. but most are cleanly incorrectly.
Posture Student stands with Student has minor Student needs large Posture and attitude is
correct posture; is issues with posture. improvement in unacceptable.
professional in their Student needs a slight posture. Student
conduct; introduces improvement in shows major lapses in
herself/himself clearly professionalism judgement in
and professionally (reacting to mistakes, professionalism.
before the piece and giggling in
bows/acknowledges performance, bowing
accompanist after the etc.).
Diction Student pronounces Student pronounces Student pronounces Student incorrectly
all text properly and most text properly and some text properly but pronounces majority
fully understands partially understands does not fully of text and/or has no
content and content or understand content or knowledge of content
translations. translations. translations. or translations.

Memorization All text and musical A few small memory Some memory slips Piece is not fully
components are errors but piece is but student continues memorized and
flawlessly performed mostly memorized. to perform without student stops or is
from memory. stopping. unable to finish the
Rubrics for song interpretation

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