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Cindy Aniversario BSTM 301

Midterm Examination Answer Sheet

1. Yes, there is a law violated in the given case. According to the hotel owner, she

wants to install CCTV cameras inside the private rooms of the hotel, which

clearly shows that there is an invasion of privacy. The Republic Act No. 9995

("Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009") section 2 declared that “The

State values the dignity and privacy of every human person and guarantees full

respect for human rights. Toward this end, the State shall penalize acts that

would destroy the honor, dignity and integrity of a person”. Installing a CCTV

inside a private room might destroy one’s individuality, it can capture private

matters and it can also record situations that are not advised to be seen by

anyone. Furthermore, the Philippine National Privacy Commission also issued

CCTV guidelines wherein CCTV systems shall record images that are of suitable

quality to meet the purposes for which it was installed or intended. PICs should

therefore implement reasonable and appropriate safeguards to ensure and

maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the footage recorded and

stored, including any associated meta data (i.e., time, date, and location), and to

facilitate access requests for CCTV footage. Recorded CCTV footage must be

encrypted. The case does not meet the requirements to install CCTV system for

a Hotel is a public place and the rooms are intended for private purposes. The

penalty of imprisonment of not less that three (3) years but not more than seven

(7) years and a fine of not less than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00)

but not more than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00), or both, at the
discretion of the court shall be imposed upon any person found guilty of violating

Section 4 of this Act. If the violator is a juridical person, its license or franchise

shall be automatically be deemed revoked and the persons liable shall be the

officers thereof including the editor and reporter in the case of print media, and

the station manager, editor and broadcaster in the case of a broadcast media. If

the offender is a public officer or employee, or a professional, he/she shall be

administratively liable. If the offender is an alien, he/she shall be subject to

deportation proceedings after serving his/her sentence and payment of fines.

2. Yes, Mr. Berons is entitled with that first-class seat simply because the airlines

itself offered it to him. Air France, through its agent, Philippine Airlines, Inc.,

issued Mr. Berons first-class round trip airplane tickets from Pampanga to Rome.

In the given case, there has been quite a racism or “white supremacy” –just

because there is a “white man” Mr. Berons’ seat was replaced. It is expected that

Mr. Berons would react given the fact that the airlines is the one who gave him

the license on a first-class seat. He is entitled for the damages but the damages

has been brought by the crew of the airlines for they did not explain nor approach

Mr. Berons in a nice way—they did not give him enough or acceptable reason/s

why he should give his seat to a “white man”. The term "extraordinary diligence"

means that extreme care and caution which very prudent and thoughtful persons

use in securing and preserving their own property. The manager of the airlines

hasn’t shown extraordinary diligence. The manager should have informed Mr.

Berons ahead of time that there might be changes because of some unexpected

circumstances—or the manager should have just brief the airline crew to be nice
towards the passenger. They should consider the fact that they are entitled to

take care of anyone regardless of their race.

3. A. Contract:

This Purchase Agreement is entered into as of 24th day of April, 2021, by:


Park Seo Joon, located at National Highway, Tacurong City and


Cindy Aniversario, located at General Lim St., Tacurong City.

Each Seller and Buyer may be referred to in this Agreement individually as a “Party”

and collectively as the “Parties.”

The Parties agree as follows:

1. Sale of Property. Seller agrees to sell and Buyer agrees to purchase paintball

supplies described below:

Paintball Gun, Bullets, and Protective Gear

2. Purchase Price. Buyer will pay Seller for the items and for all obligations

specified in this Agreement, if any, as the full and complete purchase price including

any applicable sales tax, the sum of PHP 250 000. 

3. Payment. Payment of the Purchase Price will be made by Buyer to Seller by

☐cash☐ personal check☐money order☐cashier's check ☐ credit or debit

card☐wire transfer☐other: _________________________, according to the

following schedule: 
A. PHP 50 000previously paid by Buyer.  

B. PHP 50 000 upon the execution of this Agreement.

C. PHP 50 000 upon Buyer’s acceptance of the Property.  

D. equal installment payments of PHP 20 000 payable on the 24th dat of each month

until the Purchase Price is paid in full.

4. Delivery. Buyer will be entitled to take possession of the items on May 24, 2021.

If delivery is to be made at a date after the Effective Date, it is Seller’s duty to ensure

the Property is delivered in the same condition as when last inspected by Buyer.       

5. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in

accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, without giving effect to

the conflict of laws principles thereof.

6. Disputes. Any dispute arising from this Agreement shall be resolved through:

☐Court litigation. Disputes shall be resolved in the courts of the Republic of the


☐If either Party brings legal action to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the

prevailing party will be entitled to recover from the other Party its expenses

(including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) incurred in connection with the

action and any appeal. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have entered into this Agreement as of the

Effective Date.  



Title Owner/CEO of PSJ’s

:  Paintball Supplies



Title Owner of La Extremo

:  Paintball Battleground

B. Discuss the summary of essential elements of contract and the use of the

contract you created (sample contract).

The Purchase Contract was made for both parties. Before creating the contract

or agreement, discerning the elements of contract was done. In general, when the

consent was given, the contract is considered perfected. It can be deemed an oral

contract that binds both contracting parties. The seller (Park Seo Joon) must have a
definite offer and the other must have an absolute acceptance of the offer. The

object of the contract—or the subject matter were the paintball supplies such as;

paintball gun, bullets, and protective gears. The cause of the contract will be based

on the type of contracts. For instance, onerous contract's cause is the promise of

paintball supplies by the other person. The cause can only be defined based on the

nature of the contract. 

The contract was made to ensure that both party (Park Seo Joon- seller & Cindy

Aniversario- buyer) will perform their duties. The seller will give the quality product

and service to the buyer—and the buyer will pay the exact amount to the seller. With

this contract, if any unwanted or malicious act made by either of the two, one shall

be held accountable.

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