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Lab Report Template

Cover Page
The Cover page should include the following:

Laboratory experiment title: (This is shown in laboratory manual)

Name: _________________________ Group: ________________________
Date due: _____________________________________________________

Introduction (5 points)
Provide background information (in the lab manual) and relevant studies
The objectives should be brief and explain in one sentence why the experiment was performed.
Although a set of objectives has been included with each laboratory exercise in the manual,
students should rewrite these in their own words.
Materials and methods (5 points)
Provide enough detail for the reader to understand the experiment, how materials were prepared,
how the experiments were performed, etc.
Results & Discussion (70 points)
 Summarize the data from the experiments without discussion
 Organize data into tables, figures, graphs, photographs, etc.
 Show the pictures of relevance samples (e.g. morphology observed under microscope,
 Title, number all figures, tables, pictures; refer to them in the text by their number, i.e.
1) Figure 1 shows that the activity....
2) The activity decreases after five minutes (fig. 1)
 Interpret the data; do not restate the results
 Relate results to existing theory and knowledge
 Explain the logic that allows you to accept or reject your original hypotheses
 Include suggestions for improving your techniques or design or clarify areas of doubt for
further research.
 Answer the questions in the lab manual
Lab 1:
Q1: 20 points
Q2: 20 points
Q3: 20 points
Q4: 10 points
Lab 2:
Q1: 10 points
Q2: 10 points
Q3: 10 points
Q4: 10 points
Q5: 10 points
Q6: 10 points
Q7: 10 points
Conclusion (5 points)
 Summarize the main ideas to answer the question
 Give your opinion, if you haven’t given it already
References (5 points)
 Cite only references in your paper and not a general bibliography on the topic
 Alphabetize by last name of the author
Performance and contribution in class (10 points)
General style
 Use font Arial or Times New Roman (size 12), justify text, insert page number
 Use your own words (paraphrase), don’t copy/paste
 Write in-text citation and references in the APA style
 Keep your writing impersonal; avoid the use of the first person (i.e. I or we)
 Use the past tense and be consistent within the report note: "data" is plural, and "datum"
is singular; species is singular and plural
 Italicize all scientific names (genus and species)
 Use the metric system of measurement and abbreviate measurements without periods (i.e.
cm kg) spell out all numbers beginning sentences or less than 10 (i.e. "two explanations
of six factors").
 Write numbers as numerals when greater than ten (i.e. 156) or associated with
measurements (i.e. 6 mm or 2 g)
Report format: 10 points
Behavior: 10 points


Every group needs to submit 1 hard copy and 1 soft (electronic) copy for plagiarism check. So
please do not copy from your friends’ work or directly from the materials. Paraphrase them!.

The soft copy can be submitted through email:

Report submission: 1 week after finishing the lab-work

10% of your total marks will be reduced for each day late submission

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