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Higher Nationals in Computing

Unit 13: Computing Research Project


Learner’s name: Trương Thái Bình

ID: GCS190121
Class: GCS0706
Subject code: 1639
Assessor name: PHAN MINH TAM

Assignment due: Assignment submitted: 1 0 / 3 / 2 0 2 1


Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 13: Computing Research Project

Submission date 10/3/2021 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Trương Thái Bình Student ID GCS190121

Class GCS0706 Assessor name Phan Minh Tam

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature TRUONG THAI BINH

Grading grid
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Signature & Date:

Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number UNIT 13: Computing Research Project

Assignment title Proposing and conducting a research project

Academic Year 2020 – 2021

Unit Tutor TamPM

Issue date 13 Jan 2021 Submission date

IV name and date

Submission Format:

Format: The submission is in the form of 1 document

You must use font Calibri size 12, set number of the pages and use multiple line spacing at
1.3. Margins must be: left: 1.25 cm; right: 1 cm; top: 1 cm and bottom: 1 cm. The reference
follows Harvard referencing system.
Submission Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by
the Tutors. The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on
Note: The Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student or from
books etc. If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you
must reference your sources, using the Harvard style. Make sure that you know how to reference
properly, and that understand the guidelines on plagiarism. If you do not, you definitely get failed

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process
LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a computing research project
LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the term which refers to the ever-growing network of physical objects with
embedded sensors which can connect together via the internet allowing communication to occur
between these objects and many other Internet-enabled devices and systems. The IoT is quickly
becoming a necessary aspect of people’s daily lives. Physical items can now sense and collect data which
can be controlled through digital and smart technology. The IoT extends internet connectivity beyond
traditional devices like desktop and laptop computers, smartphones and tablets to a diverse range of
devices that can utilise embedded technology such as security systems, thermostats, cars, electronic
appliances, lights, medical equipment etc. These devices, often called "connected" or "smart" devices,
can talk to other related devices (machine-to-machine (M2M) communication) and act on the
information they get from one another. Along with the many benefits there is also considerable concern
over the IoT which must be overcome in order to harness the power of this free flow of information. This
unit will enable students to explore the benefits of the IoT, the potential future developments, the most
pressing challenges and how to overcome them.
The range of topics discussed could cover the following:

• Underpinning security and privacy issues and resolutions: data mining, data processing (e.g.
GDPR), encryption (e.g. blockchain)
• Smart homes, smart buildings and smart cities etc and their impact on individuals and society.
• The future of IoT e.g. automate manufacturing, medicine and healthcare, virtual world, AI,
machine learning etc.
• The IT infrastructure required to support IoT e.g. 5G, proliferation of sensors, interoperability

You have to set you own research question in the research proposal base on the previous range of topic.
The research question must be specific enough example: the audience of the research(job, age..), kind of
devices(personal devices, household appliances, or combination of some kinds)

Marking Process

The assignment will be marked based on holistic assessment approach:

• Holistic marking is when the tutor makes academic judgements on grading based on the
assignment as a whole and how criteria contribute to the quality of the work, rather than as
individual parts
• Assessment criteria are not completed and marked as individual tasks.
• Assessment criteria are holistic in context but may also contain reference to specific content
matter to provide guidance for the student if required
Report structure
The recommended outputs of the research are two reports. The first report should cover at least the
following sections:

1. Introduction the purpose of the research

Introduce the research’ purpose, main aims and objectives of the project. What the research will do and

2. Literature review
o Discuss research methodologies: primary research, secondary research, qualitative,
quantitative, scientific method, research processes, population in research…
o Specify which research methods will be used to carried out the research
o Do a secondary research about
▪ Discuss IoT and related products
o Conclusion, propose initial hypothesis after the literature review and need to confirm in
primary research
3. Primary research
o Design of primary research: which techniques will be used to collect data such as
interview, questionnaire, experiment,..; the population of the research. All the data
collected in this stage must be supplied in the appendix
4. Analyse the result of the primary research
• Provide the research ‘result with diagrams, numbers
• It should confirm or reject the hypothesis in the literature part
• Provide recommendations for improving the system or future research which could
enhance the results of the current research.
• Suggest the research’s results to some audience(how it is useful for them)
5. Approved project proposal-appendix
6. Approved project plan-appendix
7. Ethical form
8. Other materials which collected while conducting primary research: interview scripts, audio,
experiment notes-appendix
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as

part of the research process
LO1 & 2
P1 Produce a research proposal M1 Evaluate different research
D1 Critically evaluate research
that clearly defines a research approaches and methodology and
methodologies and processes in
question or hypothesis supported make justifications for the choice
application to a computing
by a literature review. of methods selected based on
research project to justify
chosen research methods and
P2 Examine appropriate research frameworks.
methods and approaches to
primary and secondary research.

LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a computing research


P3 Conduct primary and M2 Discuss merits, limitations

secondary research using and pitfalls of approaches to data
appropriate methods for a collection and analysis.
computing research project that
consider costs, access and ethical

P4 Apply appropriate analytical

tools, analyse research findings
and data.

LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified D2 Communicate critical

stakeholders analysis of the outcomes and
make valid, justified
P5 Communicate research M3 Coherently and logically recommendations.
outcomes in an appropriate communicate outcomes to the
manner for the intended intended audience demonstrating
audience. how outcomes meet set research
Table of Contents
Unit 13: Computing Research Project ASSIGNMENT 1 ............................................................................................. 1
I. Research Project Proposal ................................................................................................................................ 1
1. Project Title .................................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Abstraction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
3. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 1
4. Key phrases................................................................................................................................................... 3
5. Aims .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
6. Objectives ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
6.1 Minimize false alarms, provide faster response ................................................................................... 3
6.2 A new IoT approach than previous studies .......................................................................................... 4
6.3 Determine which combinations and algorithms of sensors can accurately and quickly detect fires .. 4
6.4 Building an advanced fire alarm using heat and smoke alarms ........................................................... 4
6.5 Learn through experiments and prepare for further enhancements ................................................... 4
7. Required resources ...................................................................................................................................... 4
II. Literature review and research methods ......................................................................................................... 5
1. Literature review .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Research Philosophy – Saunders Research Onion ................................................................................ 6
1.2 Research Approach – Saunders research onion ................................................................................... 8
1.3 Research Strategies – Saunders Research Onion ................................................................................. 9
1.4 Research Choices – Saunders Research Onion ................................................................................... 10
1.5 Time Horizons – Saunders Research Onion ........................................................................................ 11
1.6 Techniques and Procedures – Saunders Research Onion................................................................... 12
2. Research Methods ......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.1 Primary research ....................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Secondary research............................................................................................................................. 20
3. Selected methods for my project .................................................................................................................. 24
III. Data collection ............................................................................................................................................ 25
1. Research objects ........................................................................................................................................ 25
2. Primary research ........................................................................................................................................ 25
2.1 Qualitative research method .............................................................................................................. 25
2.2 Quantitative research method ........................................................................................................... 32
3. Secondary research .................................................................................................................................... 40
3.1 Collect data on the internet ................................................................................................................ 40
3.2 Related products ................................................................................................................................. 45
IV. Data analysis and evaluation ...................................................................................................................... 51
1. Overview..................................................................................................................................................... 51
2. Data analysis............................................................................................................................................... 51
2.1 Interview ............................................................................................................................................. 51
2.2 Survey ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
3. Evaluation ................................................................................................................................................... 57
4. Conclusion................................................................................................................................................... 58
V. Communicating Research Outcome ............................................................................................................... 58
1. Stakeholders ............................................................................................................................................... 58
2. Communicating research outcomes .......................................................................................................... 59
2.1 Writing report ........................................................................................................................................... 59
2.2 Online meeting ......................................................................................................................................... 60
2.3 Presentation........................................................................................................................................ 61
3. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 62
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................ 63
I. Research Project Proposal

1. Project Title
A Smart Fire Detection System using IoT Technology With Automatic Water Sprinkler

2. Abstraction
House combustion is one of the main concerns for builders, designers, and property residents.
Singular sensors were used for a long time in the event of detection of a fire, but these sensors can
not measure the amount of fire to alert the emergency response units. To address this problem,
this study aims to implement a smart fire detection system that would not only detect the fire
using integrated sensors but also alert property owners, emergency services, and local police
stations to protect lives and valuable assets simultaneously. The proposed model in this paper
employs different integrated detectors, such as heat, smoke, and flame. The signals from those
detectors go through the system algorithm to check the fire's potentiality and then broadcast the
predicted result to various parties using GSM modem associated with the system. To get real-life
data without putting human lives in danger, an IoT technology has been implemented to provide
the fire department with the necessary data. Finally, the main feature of the proposed system is to
minimize false alarms, which, in turn, makes this system more reliable. The experimental results
showed the superiority of our model in terms of affordability, effectiveness, and responsiveness as
the system uses the Ubidots platform, which makes the data exchange faster and reliable.

3. Introduction
Nowadays, fire incidents have become a critical issue, which must be dealt with on time without
any unnecessary delay to avoid the loss in lives and belongings. It is considered a fire situation
when the monitored temperature exceeds 50o C. In critical places such as hospitals, schools, and
banks, personnel's arrival time to come for help in fire hazards is around 15 minutes. The statistics
show that there are 475,500 structural fires annually in the United States, causing 2,950 civilian
deaths, 12,775 civilian injuries, and $7.9 billion in property damage. According to the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA), two-third of U.S. household fires occur in premises with no working
smoke alarms, alarms with no proper maintenance, or misplaced alarms. The appropriate
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allocation of fire alarms with a proactive warning could save lives and reduce property losses.
Particularly, there are many types of fire alarms as heat detectors and smoke detectors; studying
these types helps to decide which type is more suitable for home or store. For instance, heat
detectors are classic options when the temperature reaches a certain level. Thus, it is more
suitable for applications that rapid response is not required or in an environment where smoke
detectors cannot be placed like frozen areas. Heat detectors have a lower false alarm rate but still
slower in response because the temperature rises slowly. With all these lacks, smoke detectors
remain better than heat detectors

Smoke alarms will more likely detect fires before it really starts. Smoke comes when the energy of
an object is consumed due to the loss of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from heat. Smoke detectors are
classified into three types: ionization, photoelectric, and combination. All these types can be
studied further in instruments and measurement books. In this study, we will highlight a brief
description of ionization. In brief, ionization is a radioactive material that receives radiation from
the fire. It enters the ionization chamber, which is an air-filled space between two electrodes and
permits a small, constant current between the electrodes. This type is the best for fast fires or fires
caused by bombs or accidents. The concept of Internet of things (IoT) nowadays is applied in many
applications ranging from the smart industry, smart agriculture to smart healthcare, and smart
home application. Home automation is an area where IoT has several advantages. In the case of
remote plant locations, for example, technology enabling remote operation and maintenance will
benefit; autonomous inter-appliance such that devices are mutually aware of the information
exchange, thereby minimizing engineering costs in handling all devices involved. Nowadays, fires
can get out of control because people intend to save money rather than installing proper fire
alarm systems. Some problems are still on, such as affordability, effectiveness, and
responsiveness. Previous related works such as Network-Based Real-time Integrated Fire Detection
and Alarm (FDA) System with Building Automation have been done to overcome these problems.
Considering the aforementioned challenges, this study focuses on building an advanced fire alarm
using heat and smoke alarms. The system reads the flame, heat, and smoke data using IoT,
analyzes these data, and then quickly triggers the automatic water sprinkler. Thus, this study's
importance is to provide a low-cost fire alarm system considering the affordability, effectiveness,
and responsiveness.
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Many studies have been conducted to address these issues; however, fire detection issues are not
addressed properly since these systems rely on machine vision, where the algorithms need more
images to train, and the detection rate is not satisfactory. Other approaches suffer from some
limitations, mainly slow time responses and low accuracy. Thus, this paper aims to minimize false
alarms, provide faster response, and a new IoT approach than previous studies that used mostly
Node-Red. The contribution is as follows: (1) To determine which combinations and algorithms of
sensors can accurately and quickly detect fires, (2) We have designed and then developed a system
that detects fire and activates the fire alarm, (3) the proposed system evaluates the situation and
initiates an automatic water sprinkler where the water unit was designed separately, and (4) the
system analyses the collected data using Ubidots platform which results in a faster response. Thus,
the highlighted four points make the proposed system superior in terms of affordability,
effectiveness, and responsiveness.

4. Key phrases
• Fire Detection System

• Internet of Things

• Smart Water System

• Ubidots Platform

• GSM Network

• Flame Sensor

5. Aims
This study focuses on building an advanced fire alarm using heat and smoke alarms and provide a
low-cost fire alarm system considering the affordability, effectiveness, and responsiveness.

6. Objectives
6.1 Minimize false alarms, provide faster response
Considering the aforementioned challenges, we aim to improve the sensors to reduce the false
alarms cases that those previous products had and provide even faster response to heat or smoke

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that may trigger a fire in your house, company, …

6.2 A new IoT approach than previous studies

Previous fire alarm systems use Node-Red for the IoT development which is interacting with the
alarms but we will try a new approach using Ubidot which we think is more suitable to our project
which makes the data exchange faster and more reliable than the old fashion way.

6.3 Determine which combinations and algorithms of sensors can

accurately and quickly detect fires
Through lots of study and test cases, we will eventually find out which algorithm is the most
appropriated for our system that provide the faster and most accurate system so that false alarms
or slow response alarms wouldn’t be a problem in the future.

6.4 Building an advanced fire alarm using heat and smoke alarms
The system reads the flame, heat, and smoke data using IoT, analyzes these data, and then quickly
triggers the automatic water sprinkler. We will implement a smart fire detection system that
would not only detect the fire using integrated sensors but also alert property owners, emergency
services, and local police stations to protect lives and valuable assets simultaneously. The
proposed model in this paper employs different integrated detectors, such as heat, smoke, and
flame. The signals from those detectors go through the system algorithm to check the fire's
potentiality and then broadcast the predicted result to various parties using GSM modem
associated with the system. To get real-life data without putting human lives in danger, an IoT
technology has been implemented to provide the fire department with the necessary data.

6.5 Learn through experiments and prepare for further enhancements

Nothing is perfect so do our product, after this research we will need to pay attention to the
weaknesses of it and try our best to improve and overcome those flaws as hard as possible. For the
sake of human safety of fire accidents.

7. Required resources
Access to computer, Internet for information gathering. Have sufficient knowledge about IoT
development, sensors like flame, temperature, gas. Automatic water system, Arduino.
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II. Literature review and research methods
1. Literature review


Are you someone who is presently working on PhD Thesis or Master-level Dissertation? Do you find
yourself stuck when writing up ‘Methodology’ chapter? Does it bother you to such an extent that you
feel clueless about the future course of action? If you answered ‘yes’ to all the previously asked
questions, you must read on as this article would attempt to clear your doubts related to
‘Methodology’ chapter by using Saunders research onion as the base.
As a PhD or Postgraduate researcher, you may already have settled on a suitable research topic by
now. Additionally, you might have critically examined or reviewed literature relevant to the chosen
topic and penned down clear & concise research questions with a view to addressing the research gap
and making a significant contribution to the existing body of knowledge in your chosen field of study.

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So far, you have not had any issues with regard to your research paper whatsoever. However, you
start feeling ill at ease as you move on to draft one of the crucial chapters of your PhD thesis or
dissertation, i.e. Methodology. This particular chapter apparently underpins your entire piece of
research and adds a great deal of credibility to it. Hence, it must be drafted carefully after weighing all
the possible methodological decisions.
In academia, the research onion model is quite a famous one and is often resorted to by researchers
across the world for drafting the much-feared methodology chapter. This model was developed by
Saunders et al in 2007 and the different layers of the model represent the various stages through
which a researcher must pass when putting together an effective methodology. At each stage, the
researcher must weigh all the given possibilities and make the most logical methodological decision
which, in turn, will give rise to a credible piece of research.
As you can see in the picture above, there are 6 layers to the research onion. Now, you must be
wondering as to what is the analogy of an onion to research methodology. Well, it simply has to do
with the structured process of peeling, i.e. you have to peel away each layer of the onion starting from
the outer one in order to make your way to the core eventually. Similarly, you have to start from the
topmost layer of the research onion, i.e. research philosophy, and move through the middle layers
comprising of research approaches, research strategies, research choices and time horizons before
finally getting to the core, i.e. research techniques and procedures. The important thing to note here is
that each layer has something important to offer to make your PhD thesis or dissertation look credible
and hence, none of the layers should be overlooked or ignored at all. Let us now find out what each of
the layers means in detail in the space provided below:

1.1 Research Philosophy – Saunders Research Onion

The first and topmost layer of the research onion has to do with a set of beliefs related to the nature
of reality being investigated, and is often studied in the context of ontology and epistemology. You
should explore it carefully as selection of a philosophical stance would influence data collection and
data analysis going forward. Let us briefly understand what epistemology and ontology mean and
consist of.
Epistemology – This branch of philosophy is concerned with the question of what is (or should be)
regarded as acceptable knowledge in a discipline and how we can obtain it. It basically answers the

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questions beginning with ‘how’ and ‘what’. Perception, sensation, intuition, reason and even faith are
considered as means to knowledge as per Epistemology.
In order to understand it better, let us look at positivism, critical realism and interpretivism (the three
philosophical stances that are often linked to Epistemology).
• Positivism – This position is based on the idea that scientific knowledge is the true or
acceptable knowledge of the world and is characterized by the testing of the hypotheses (or
research questions) derived from the existing theory of knowledge. The body of research
generated by this philosophical stance is something that can be replicated by other researchers
with same or very similar quantifiable results arising from statistical analysis.
• Realism – The philosophy of realism questions reliability of the scientific knowledge and
maintains that all theories can be revised and more reliable results can be obtained through
continual research and application of new methods of research. Hence, new research methods
contribute to the acceptable knowledge in this case.
• Interpretivism – Unlike positivism and realism, an interpretive philosophy emphasizes the use
of qualitative analysis over quantitative or statistical analysis to obtain the results. The
interpretivist researcher is often seen playing an important role in making sense of and
interpreting the collected data. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that interpretivism
incorporates human interest into a research study and recognises differences between people.
Ontology – This branch of metaphysics (philosophy related to the overall nature of what things are) is
concerned with the study of reality or things that exhibit reality. It answers the question ‘what is’.
Physical objects, minds, events, properties, values and abstract entities such as numbers and sets
could all be said to be representing the ontology (or inventory) of the world.
In order to get further insight into Ontology, let us take a look at objectivism, constructivism and
pragmatism that constitute it:
• Objectivism – This philosophy is derived from the idea that human knowledge and values are
objective and are determined by the nature of reality. They are not created by the thoughts
which one (i.e. social actor) has. For instance, if it is raining, it is for real and would, therefore,
be acknowledged by every living creature. Such reality is not dependent on the thoughts of any
specific social actor. Rather, it influences them. In your research, you may, for example, talk

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about how a specific law (a real phenomenon) passed by the government is impacting a group
of people (social actors).
• Constructivism – This philosophical stance focuses on how bodies of knowledge come to be
and how ideas are constructed by human interactions and decisions. Contrary to what we saw
in case of objectivism, constructivism maintains that reality is dependent on or is constructed
by social actors. For example, a new law (reality) passed by the government may be the
outcome of the behavior of a group of people (social actors) which the law has now impact on.
• Pragmatism – This philosophical standpoint centers on the linking of theory and practice. It
asserts that both objectivism and constructivism are practical and valid ways to approach any
research, and they both could be comfortably used to find solutions to problems.

1.2 Research Approach – Saunders research onion

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This happens to be the second layer of the research onion and demonstrates the approaches that a
researcher could resort to when conducting research of any kind.
A research approach could be either deductive or inductive, and its selection would often depend on
the previously-made choices, research aims, limitations and personal opinions.
• Deductive – This research approach tends to flow from generic to specific. Any researcher using
deductive reasoning would start with theory and move on to research question or hypothesis
which is tested through data collection afterwards. In the end, findings derived from the collected
data would either confirm or reject the research question or hypothesis.
• Inductive – This type of reasoning or approach is often used or helpful when there is little research
available on a topic. Unlike deductive approach, a researcher has to move in the opposite direction
from research question to observation and description to analysis before finally getting on to
Generally speaking, a deductive approach is often associated with quantitative research whereas an
inductive approach is often linked to qualitative research.

1.3 Research Strategies – Saunders Research Onion

The third layer of the research onion is concerned with how a researcher plans to collect data for the
PhD thesis or dissertation in question. Such data collection methods could include experiment, survey,
case study, action research, grounded theory, ethnography and archival research. An academic
researcher can choose more than one of the above-mentioned options to collect data as long as such
decision is explained well in the PhD thesis or dissertation. Let us glance through some of the research
strategies in section below:
• Experiment – Scientific and rigid in structure, experimental designs are meant to test causal
effects of phenomena on a group. The data collected using this method could be statistically
• Survey – A survey design often results from a deductive approach and is capable of collecting large
volume of data that is apt for statistical analysis. The collected data helps answer the research
question or hypothesis in a cost-effective manner.

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• Case study – This type of research design provides unique examples of real people or cases in real
situations. The number of such case studies is often restricted for drawing clear conclusions from
the data.
• Action research – This is primarily designed to deal with a specific problem in a specific situation.
The process of action research begins with setting up of a clear objective. Thereafter, the problem
is fully diagnosed and subsequently, a list of solutions is prepared and presented as
recommendations to solve the issue.
• Grounded Theory – This strategy takes the approach of collecting data to build theory rather than
to test or refine one. The researcher using grounded theory strategy often begins with a research
question or qualitative data collection. Thereafter, the data collected through observation is
reviewed by the researcher and the repeated ideas are then coded/grouped into categories that,
in turn, create basis for a new theory.
• Ethnography – This strategy studies people in natural surroundings in order to develop theory
around behaviour and culture. This is rather a daunting and time-consuming research design
wherein the researcher becomes part of the community being investigated with a view to
producing details about long-term changes in opinions and actions.
• Archival Research – This strategy derives information from existing data and archive documents. A
study using this research strategy could face a roadblock going forward as the accuracy and the
amount of available information could present issues. Hence, you are encouraged not to rely solely
on this kind of secondary data for your PhD thesis or dissertation.

1.4 Research Choices – Saunders Research Onion

The fourth layer of the research onion is concerned with qualitative and quantitative methodologies.
You would need to make a decision as to whether you would choose the former or the latter or both
for your PhD thesis or dissertation. If you are using both methods, you would further need to decide
whether both methods would weigh equally or one would dominate the other in your research.
Quantitative research relates to numbers, measurements and quantity whereas Qualitative research
is concerned with rich data including opinions, description and personal accounts.
You would need to follow a framework of methods and tools depending on the choice you make at
this stage.

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Basically, we have three methods to choose from when working with this specific layer of the research
onion. These are listed below:
• Mono-method – This type of method takes place when the researcher goes about collecting either
qualitative data or quantitative data based on the decisions made in the previous stages of
research onion.
• Mixed-methods – When a researcher collects both quantitative data and qualitative data with an
intention to use those equally in the research study, data collection and analysis, we term it as
mixed-methods research. It is rather a popular framework that attempts to complement
quantitative data with qualitative data in order to overcome the limitations of each individual
• Multi-method – This means that both qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques are
used. However, analysis of the collected data is done using one perspective only.

1.5 Time Horizons – Saunders Research Onion

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Layer 5 of the research onion is to do with timeframe for the research. There are two options for a
researcher to choose from, i.e. cross-sectional and longitudinal.
• Cross-sectional – This option presents a snapshot view of a particular situation at a single point in
time and confines the duration of data collection and research to short period of time.
• Longitudinal – This type of research studies events and behaviors using concentrated samples over
a long period of time.

1.6 Techniques and Procedures – Saunders Research Onion

The final layer of the research onion looks at data collection and analysis. As a researcher, you need to
pen down decisions related to sample groups, questionnaire content, interview questions, ethics and
what not in this particular section. Please note that all the decisions incorporated into the 5th layer
should be in accordance with the discussions that took place in the previous layers of the research
onion if you are to produce valid results.
Hopefully, the article has served its purpose of clarifying your doubts related to research onion and
methodology chapter well. Please feel free to share the article with your connections who might
benefit from it.
Last but not the least, if you are still struggling with your methodology chapter or any other aspect of
your PhD thesis or dissertation, please feel free to write to us at or fill
out our Contact Us form and our team of native English-speaking UK-University Professors and Sr.
Lecturers would be more than happy to assist you further.

2. Research Methods
2.1 Primary research

Nothing says “do it yourself” like primary research. When carrying out a systematic investigation, a
researcher may choose to gather data solely by themselves or to rely on already existing data as
necessitated by different factors such as the budget and timeframe for the research.

In the case of the former, this is known as primary research and it is important for every researcher to
know how it differs from other research designs. In this article, we will share the features of primary

research and show you how to conduct this type of systematic investigation using Formplus.

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What is Primary Research?
Primary research is a type of research design in which the researcher is directly involved in the data
collection process. In other words, the researcher gathers relevant data samples directly instead of
depending on already existing data with regards to the research context.

Primary research is fundamentally tailored towards gathering context-specific data that can solve a
particular problem. In addition, it allows the researcher to gather first-hand information which can be
considered to be more valid and authentic in a research environment.

With this research approach, the researcher has full control over the data because he or she owns the
data. For example, a brand that wants to obtain feedback about customer satisfaction will employ
primary research methods to gather relevant data to inform practical product improvement decisions.

Primary research is also known as field research because it involves a hands-on experience with the
data gathering process. Think of this as a type of research that requires the research

What are Primary Research Methods?

There are numerous primary research methods employed by researchers to collect first-hand data
from research subjects depending on the context of the research and research objectives. These
include interviews, surveys, focus groups, and observation techniques, and these methods would be
discussed under the subsequent subheadings.

• Interview

An interview is a type of qualitative data collection method that involves engaging in a virtual or
face-to-face conversation with the research subject(s) in order to gather valid information. Typically,
interviews are made up of open-ended questions that allow the respondent to share his or her
thoughts without any restrictions.

An interview may be structured, unstructured and semi-structured in nature. A structured interview

utilizes a premeditated interrogation sequence unlike a structured interview; while a semi-structured

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interview has a question sequence which the interviewer can freely deviate from to obtain more

The duration of an interview is influenced by the number of respondents, research objectives, time
frame for the research amidst other factors. When conducting an interview, the researcher uses
different tools to collect data including audio recorders, camcorders, and digital cameras.

You can also carry out your interview online using data-gathering platforms like Formplus. Formplus
provides different interview templates such as the interview consent form which allows you to
collect formal authorization from respondents before going on with your research.

Conducting an interview as part of primary research allows the researcher to gather in-depth
information about the research subjects. This allows the researcher to gather more authentic research
samples that improve the overall outcome of the systematic investigation.

• Surveys

A survey is a common method of data collection that is used to gather relevant information from
specific groups or individuals in line with the context of the research. It usually involves administering
a questionnaire containing standardized close-ended questions and open-ended questions in order to
gain insight into the research subjects.

In some way, a survey can be considered as a means of opinion sampling since it involves gathering
diverse opinions in the form of responses to research questions. This data gathering method also
allows for data aggregation that can inform research outcomes.

Survey types are classified based on data gathering methods, frequency and industry; thus we have
online and offline surveys, longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys and, different industry-based
surveys like employee surveys. Surveys can also be classified as biased or unbiased based on the
question types.

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With technological developments, online surveys have become common and interestingly, there are
different data-gathering tools that you can use to create and administer this type of survey. For
instance, in the Formplus builder, you can add different question-types to your survey and you can
also share your survey form with respondents using the available multiple sharing options.

• Observation

Observation is a type of qualitative research method in which the researcher closely examines the
research subjects as they interact with their environment for a stipulated period of time. The primary
aim of this method is to allow the researcher to gather useful information about their features and
behaviors in line with the research context.

Popular sociologist, Raymond Gold, identifies 4 types of observation which are complete observer
method, complete participant method, participant as observer method and observer as participant
method. Observation can also be structured or unstructured depending on whether the researcher
makes use of predetermined data collection processes or not.

Usually, the researcher makes use of different tools in order to faithfully record the experiences of the
research subjects. This is important because it is nearly impossible to accurately commit all that is
seen to memory and it further helps to prevent subjectivity that can significantly alter research

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• Data Analysis

Research data analysis is the process of sifting through large samples of data, identifying valid data
and evaluating these data groups in order to arrive at objective research findings. Here, the researcher
interprets data samples in order to establish a logical pattern that confirms or negates the hypothesis.

Data analysis is important because it allows the researcher to select the most important data that can
suggest useful insights during the research process. While this is a time-consuming process, it is
necessary to create structure, sequence, and meaning to the research data.

To objectively carry out data analysis, the researcher must follow 3 essential steps. First, he or she
must organize the data samples then summarize and categorize the data in line with stated
parameters after which the researcher evaluates data categories to arrive at specific outcomes.

• Focus Groups

A focus group is a qualitative research method in which the researcher poses a number of open-
ended questions to a group of research subjects consisting of 6-10 participants. This method is more
cost-efficient when compared to other data-gathering methods such as face-to-face interviews.

Usually, this method is employed for marketing research to gain diverse user feedback about a
product. Since it makes use of open-ended questions, focus groups allow respondents to freely
communicate their opinions without the restrictions posed by close-ended questions.

Participants in a focus group are at liberty to interact with one another and freely influence the other's
decisions. This enables the researcher to collate multiple perspectives which allow for more objective
research considerations, better data analysis, and more valid research findings.

• Exploratory Research
Exploratory research is a type of primary research design that investigates a subject matter in order to
gather more insight into it. This research design helps the researcher to understand an existing

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problem while highlighting different dimensions of the problem that would require further
investigation in the future.

Usually, this type of research is carried out during the early stages of a systematic investigation and it
is also known as the grounded theory approach or interpretation research. When carrying out
exploratory research, the researcher must first identify the problem, create a hypothesis then goes
ahead to carry out a descriptive investigation to gain better insight into the subject.

Although exploratory research is flexible in nature and cost-effective, it is very susceptible to bias and
it can only be used for small chunks of data. Exploratory research is important because it pays the
foundation for further research and it also helps the researcher to channel his or her energy towards

valid and researchable contexts.

• Experimental Research
Experimental research is a quantitative research design in which the researcher triggers a change in
the independent variable and measures the effect of this change on the dependent variable. This
effect is usually observed and recorded over a period of time in order to arrive as unprejudiced

Experimental research is used in different fields of study such as medicine, education, and business. In
medicine, it is used to treat different ailments and in business, it helps organizations test new products
before releasing it to the market on a full-scale.

Regardless of its many advantages, experimental research is extremely predisposed to human error
plus it is expensive and time-consuming. Pre-experimental, quasi-experimental, and true experimental
research are common types of experimental research.

• Ethnographic Research
Ethnographic research is a type of research design that requires the researcher to monitor research
variables as they interact with their natural environment. The data gathered during the period of
observation is analyzed in order to arrive at valid conclusions.
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Ethnographic research is used in various fields hence, we can speak of business ethnographic research,
medical ethnographic research and the like. This research design is extremely useful in complex

contexts such as market and customer settings plus preliminary stages of user-focused research.

When Do We Conduct Primary Research?

Primary research is typically used when individuals and organizations need to gather feedback directly
from target markets instead of relying on already existing data. Primary research gives the
organization more control over the research process and results in more objective research findings.

Questions to ask before conducting primary research

Before conducting primary research, it is important for you to clearly delineate the research process
by considering a number of things. For example, you need to clearly define your research
objective, data collection methods, expected research outcomes, and understand your research


Here are a few questions you should consider before proceeding with primary research:

• What is my research aim? It is important for you to clearly define the purpose of your research,
that is, what you have set out to achieve. This makes it easy for you to track your progress.
• What is my research methodology? As there are different methods in primary research, you
must outline which methods you will be adopting; that is if you would be conducting an
interview or administering a survey.
• Who are my research subjects? Identify your research participants as this would help you plan
your research process accordingly.
• How easy is it to access my research subjects?
• How would I access my research subjects?
• Do I have any research biases? Knowing your research biases is pertinent because it would help
you plan to avoid them.
• How do I ensure that my biases do not affect my research outcomes?

• What are my expected research outcomes?

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Advantages of Primary Research
• Data Accuracy

The most obvious advantage of primary research is research data accuracy. Because the researcher is
directly involved in the data gathering process, he or she can ascertain the authenticity of the data

• Data Recency

Usually, primary research is tailored towards a specific issue and the data is gathered in the wake of
the moment. This leads to more objective research findings.

• Valid Data Interpretation

The data gathered in primary research is examined and interpreted based on the needs of the
organization. Hence, there are little or no generalizations that may not reflect the research situation.

• Ownership

Primary research gives the researcher total ownership and control of the research data. This gives

such an organization an edge over competitors relying on secondary data.

Disadvantages of Primary Research

• Expensive

Primary research is expensive. It often requires huge investments which may not be readily available
as not all individuals and organizations have such amounts of money at their disposal.

• Time-consuming

This type of research is also time-consuming and can be quite exhaustive in nature. Data gathering
methods in primary research often span over long periods of time hence, this research approach is not
suitable for addressing pressing issues.
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• Feasibility

In many cases, primary research is not feasible and can be impractical. For instance, it is impossible to
gather feedback from every member of your target market by conducting an interview in order to
obtain first-hand information.

• Research Bias

In primary research, the data gathering process is absolute and this can affect research findings;
especially when there is a mistake. Because the data is gathered first-hand, there are no available

comparisons that can serve as some sort of checks and balances.

2.2 Secondary research


Secondary research or desk research is a research method that involves using already existing data.
Existing data is summarized and collated to increase the overall effectiveness of research.

Secondary research includes research material published in research reports and similar documents.
These documents can be made available by public libraries, websites, data obtained from already filled
in surveys etc. Some government and non-government agencies also store data, that can be used for
research purposes and can be retrieved from them.

Secondary research is much more cost-effective than primary research, as it makes use of already
existing data, unlike primary research where data is collected first hand by organizations or businesses
or they can employ a third party to collect data on their behalf.

Secondary Research Methods with Examples

Secondary research is cost effective and that’s one of the reasons that makes it a popular choice
among a lot of businesses and organizations. Not every organization is able to pay huge sum of money

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to conduct research and gather data. So, rightly secondary research is also termed as “desk research”,
as data can be retrieved from sitting behind a desk.

Following are popularly used secondary research methods and examples:

1. Data available on the internet: One of the most popular ways of collecting secondary data is using
the internet. Data is readily available on the internet and can be downloaded at the click of a button.

This data is practically free of cost or one may have to pay a negligible amount to download the
already existing data. Websites have a lot of information that businesses or organizations can use to
suit their research needs. However, organizations need to consider only authentic and trusted website
to collect information.

2. Government and nongovernment agencies: Data for secondary research can also be collected from
some government and non-government agencies. For example, US Government Printing Office, US
Census Bureau, and Small Business Development Centers have valuable and relevant data that
businesses or organizations can use.

There is a certain cost applicable to download or use data available with these agencies. Data obtained
from these agencies are authentic and trustworthy.

3. Public libraries: Public libraries are another good source to search for data for secondary research.
Public libraries have copies of important research that were conducted earlier. They are a storehouse
of important information and documents from which information can be extracted.

The services provided in these public libraries vary from one library to another. More often, libraries
have a huge collection of government publications with market statistics, large collection of business
directories and newsletters.

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4. Educational Institutions: Importance of collecting data from educational institutions for secondary
research is often overlooked. However, more research is conducted in colleges and universities than
any other business sector.

The data that is collected by universities is mainly for primary research. However, businesses or
organizations can approach educational institutions and request for data from them.

5. Commercial information sources: Local newspapers, journals, magazines, radio and TV stations are
a great source to obtain data for secondary research. These commercial information sources have
first-hand information on economic developments, political agenda, market research, demographic
segmentation and similar subjects.

Businesses or organizations can request to obtain data that is most relevant to their study. Businesses
not only have the opportunity to identify their prospective clients but can also know about the
avenues to promote their products or services through these sources as they have a wider reach.

Key Differences between Primary Research and Secondary Research

Primary Research Secondary Research

Research is conducted first hand to obtain data. Research is based on data collected from previous
Researcher “owns” the data collected. researches.

Secondary research is based on tried and tested data

Primary research is based on raw data.
which is previously analyzed and filtered.

The data collected fits the needs of a researcher, it is

Data may or may not be according to the requirement of
customized. Data is collected based on the absolute needs
a researcher.
of organizations or businesses.

As opposed to primary research, secondary research is

Researcher is deeply involved in research to collect data in
fast and easy. It aims at gaining a broader understanding
primary research.
of subject matter.

Primary research is an expensive process and consumes a Secondary research is a quick process as data is already

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lot of time to collect and analyze data. available. Researcher should know where to explore to
get most appropriate data.

How to conduct Secondary Research?

Here are the steps involved in conducting secondary research:

1. Identify the topic of research: Before beginning secondary research, identify the topic that needs
research. Once that’s done, list down the research attributes and its purpose.

2. Identify research sources: Next, narrow down on the information sources that will provide most
relevant data and information applicable to your research.

3. Collect existing data: Once the data collection sources are narrowed down, check for any previous
data that is available which is closely related to the topic. Data related to research can be obtained
from various sources like newspapers, public libraries, government and non-government agencies etc.

4. Combine and compare: Once data is collected, combine and compare the data for any duplication
and assemble data into a usable format. Make sure to collect data from authentic sources. Incorrect
data can hamper research severely.

4. Analyze data: Analyze data that is collected and identify if all questions are answered. If not, repeat
the process if there is a need to dwell further into actionable insights.

Advantages of Secondary Research

1. Most information is secondary research is readily available. There are many sources from which
relevant data can be collected and used, unlike primary research, where data needs to collect from

2. This is a less expensive and less time-consuming process as data required is easily available and
doesn’t cost much if extracted from authentic sources. A minimum expenditure is associated to obtain

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3. The data that is collected through secondary research, gives organizations or businesses an idea
about the effectiveness of primary research. Hence, organizations or businesses can form a hypothesis
and evaluate cost of conducting primary research.

4. Secondary research is quicker to conduct because of availability of data. Secondary research can be
completed within a few weeks depending on the objective of businesses or scale of data needed.

Disadvantages of Secondary Research

1. Although data is readily available, credibility evaluation must be performed to understand the
authenticity of the information available.

2. Not all secondary data resources offer the latest reports and statistics. Even when the data is
accurate, it may not be updated enough to accommodate recent timelines.

3. Secondary research derives its conclusion from collective primary research data. The success of your
research will depend, to a greater extent, on the quality of research already conducted by primary

3. Selected methods for my project

For this project, I choose Interview as qualitative method and survey as quantitative method for the
following reasons:

1. Interview

• It provides flexibility to the interviewers

• The interview has a better response rate than mailed questions, and the people who cannot
read and write can also answer the questions.
• The interviewer can judge the non-verbal behavior of the respondent.
• The interviewer can decide the place for an interview in a private and silent place, unlike the
ones conducted through emails which can have a completely different environment.

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• The interviewer can control over the order of the question, as in the questionnaire, and can
judge the spontaneity of the respondent as well.

2. Survey

• Relatively easy to administer

• Can be developed in less time (compared to other data-collection methods)
• Cost-effective, but cost depends on survey mode
• Can be administered remotely via online, mobile devices, mail, email, kiosk, or telephone.
• Conducted remotely can reduce or prevent geographical dependence
• Capable of collecting data from a large number of respondents
• Numerous questions can be asked about a subject, giving extensive flexibility in data analysis
• With survey software, advanced statistical techniques can be utilized to analyze survey data to
determine validity, reliability, and statistical significance, including the ability to analyze
multiple variables
• A broad range of data can be collected (e.g., attitudes, opinions, beliefs, values, behavior,
• Standardized surveys are relatively free from several types of errors

III. Data collection

1. Research objects
In this research I choose my friend in University of Greenwich (Viet Nam) to answer my interview and
survey question.

2. Primary research
2.1 Qualitative research method
Interview form:

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Question 1:

Chiến: Yes I do, because fire is very dangerous to human and people should be cautious with that

Đa Minh: Of course, fire caused a lot of deaths every year and I think everyone should careful and not
messing with it

Huỳnh Đạt: Yes of course, I once witnessed a fire near my house and it is terrifying so yeah for the sake
of your family, a fire alarm system is worth it

Trọng: I am not sure because I have never saw a fire with my own eyes before but I know through TV
and the internet that it has took a lot of people life every year so I will consider about that

Trung: I do think it important to have your house a system that can prevent fire as much as possible

Thái Tuấn: Hmm, interesting I have never considered this before, but I agree with you that fire is truly
dangerous, I guess I need to watch the news more often

Công: Totally, me and my family have one and it had been working pretty good since then

Phong: Uhhh, I am not sure about this, I see nothing wrong without it anyway

Phương Anh: Yep, obviously that no one wants to die of fire right? So do I

Mẫn: Certainly, my dad specially strict about these kind of things, don’t get me wrong I like that
because he always care about our family safety

Vy: I have read through lots of news and watch lots of movies about fire incident and it was horrible so
I absolutely agree with you, people should acknowledge how deadly fire is

Tiến Đạt: May be or maybe not, you see this is a problem consider lots of aspects and the answer vary
for each family

Hân: I have thought about this problem recently, I think I will tell my parent about it

Chuẩn: You know this is a good question, I told my parent about it and it seem like they are about to
buy one for my house, safety is never enough

Tuấn: Actually, I’m not sure about this man, I mean my family is not that wealthy so a fire detecting
system would cost a lot, and we need to prioritize much more other things than this

Nguyên: Ok sure why not, acquire a system that can alert your family of fire? Fine by me

Quang Minh: Yes, everyone should of course, having a fire detecting system is like buying yourself an

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assurance of fire incident

Thắng: My hometown have a great amount of forests and as you may already know, a fire spreading
to an entire forest is like a nightmare that nobody would want to experience so that answer is yes,
people ought to install a fire detecting system for their house

Nghiêm: I live in an apartment so the whole building where I live in is endowed with a fire detecting
system and I feel very safe living like this, you will have your home a guarantee of fire and I
recommend everybody should do that to your house if you don’t want anything bad about fire happen
to your family

Linh: I have asked my friends family about this and all of them told me yes and explain to me how
dangerous fire is and the important of a fire system so I agree with you that families should equip one
for themselves

Question 2:

Chiến: I just need the one that works, that all

Đa Minh: I want one that have a lot of sensors that can detect any sign of fire that can occur anywhere
in my house

Huỳnh Đạt: I expect it to be very sensitive, even a small sign of smoke can trigger the alarm

Trọng: I think a great system would have tons of sensor like heat, gas, flame alongside with a remote
control for me to configure anything I want through my phone or laptop, pc

Trung: I don’t really expect it to be so modern because that would cost more money and harder to
use, so an easy, friendly fire alarm system, that all

Thái Tuấn: If I ever had one, I want my system to have red led like in the movies that will flashes
continuously until turn off

Công: I have one already, but I would like it to have more function than mine at home

Phong: Don’t know, don’t care much

Phương Anh: Give me the common one is alright, the one that everyone can afford

Mẫn: I require the latest technology even if it cost billion

Vy: My dad said we need the one that had been trusted by the majority, so we don’t have to worry
about the quality

Tiến Đạt: I want one that can easily be modified by me because I like messing around with technology

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Hân: A fine one would be just great

Chuẩn: I want the expensive, you know money goes along with quality, right?

Tuấn: The system that my family can afford, I must accept if it is bad or not working sometime because
we don’t have that much money for it anyway

Nguyên: I need it to produce a sound that loud enough that even some of the house next to mine can
hear it

Quang Minh: I will take the common like everyone else

Thắng: I need a large one that cover all my house and can send messages to my phone or laptop when
there is a fire in my house

Nghiêm: I want it to like the one my apartment is using, simple but effective

Linh: Give me the one that you think the best, but please don’t be too expensive I am not rich though

Question 3:

Chiến: In my opinion, all the public center should install at least one for the sake of everyone

Đa Minh: Yes of course, even my house has one

Huỳnh Đạt: Obviously, government should pay more attention to people safety

Trọng: Although most of the place in my hometown don’t have it, I agree that we should prepare for
fire more seriously

Trung: Oh yes, especially my little brother kindergarten, it’s made me worry every time I saw a fire
case on TV

Thái Tuấn: Yeah, I think those places need to have a fire system too, especially in the hot season, I
heard that fire can easily occur in the hot weather

Công: I really want all of the facilities where I go to often have one but sadly it not

Phong: I think my school does have one fire system but I don’t know if other places have it, but I guess
the answer is yes

Phương Anh: Knowing the dangerous of fire I recommend every facility in the city where live to install
at least on fire alarm system

Mẫn: I am 100% agree with this suggestion, for the safety of the community everywhere should have

Vy: Yes, those places need it

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Tiến Đạt: A lot of places in Viet Nam don’t have enough money to equip such system so I think I
depend on different province

Hân: Yes, I think so

Chuẩn: I don’t know but I think this problem involves politic so it a little complicated to say but I think
it better to have one

Tuấn: Yes absolutely, if I am the head of the city I will put the safety of my people on the top

Nguyên: I agree with this one, public places are important to have these installed for the sake of

Quang Minh: It’s easy, why not right? I mean doing this for the safety of everyone is the right thing to

Thắng: Totally, public safety first

Nghiêm: Nice idea, I see that our country is still not yet installed those system very much anywhere

Linh: Yes, doing this can protect myself whenever I go outside and a fire case happen near me

Question 4:

Chiến: I will look up to the internet for the price first of course because I don’t want to waste my
money unintentionally

Đa Minh: An appropriate price from the seller would be great, when you buying something you need
to consider all of the possible products for their price, functions, etc

Huỳnh Đạt: I think about 50 million? I don’t know let me search for price first

Trọng: I only have about 20 million so that is the best that I can afford right now

Trung: 30 million right? At least that is the number that I can think of

Thái Tuấn: I think I will spend about 10 or 15 million for that system, but no more

Công: 100 million is fine by me, my family can easily provide that amount

Phong: Uhh, 300 million or 500 million? Are those price the cheap one or expensive one ? I will spend
for the best product so I care much about the price

Phương Anh: I will probably spend around 20 to 30 million max because I think that the price for the
common product that will work fine

Mẫn: I asked my father and he said around 40 million is great and we don’t have to invest more

Vy: I would pay 50 million for that system and I will not regret if that system work perfectly, I use my

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money to buy my safety

Tiến Đạt: I am not sure about this, I would say about 70 million because I think that is a suitable price
for this kind of system

Hân: I right now can afford around 80 million if I try my best for a year but I see it worth for the sake of
my family

Chuẩn: 25 million is just right for these thing, I have search on the internet and found some system
have this price

Tuấn: I don’t really have the money right now but I think I can pay 10 million less for this fire system

Nguyên: My family see this is a system that worth spending on so they will spend around 60 million to
have an effective one

Quang Minh: I think 15 million fire system is enough for me because I don’t want to spend so much on

Thắng: A nice price for a fire detecting system in my opinion would be 150 million for I have study
about these thing a lots recently and see this is the most appropriate price

Nghiêm: After considering my salary, I think I can buy a 55 million system and that would just be great
for me

Linh: If necessary I will spend around 20 million, I think that number cannot afford the best one but it’s
ok for me as long as it works

Question 5:

Chiến: I think because they haven’t witnessed a fire case before, so they don’t know how dangerous it

Đa Minh: Mostly because there are people who don’t usually watch the news so they don’t know
about it much and what could it cause

Huỳnh Đạt: People nowadays especially the new generation don’t even watch TV because the always
use smartphone for gaming or something else

Trọng: I think they know it but don’t really care so much because they suppose that such incident
could never happen to them

Trung: There are people who care, on the opposite, there are who don’t so it normal when all of them
know the about the dangerousness of fire but still get caught in it sometime

Thái Tuấn: Well I believe in fate; we just cannot avoid it entirely although we know that bad thing
would come and those who died in fire are those who fate has come to an end

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Công: It’s not like you can avoid something by just knowing about it, so I sympathy to those who
unlucky died in fire

Phong: I guess they just died anyway, why? I don’t know, may be death has come finally come to them

Phương Anh: One of the reason I can think of is there are those people who don’t give a shit about
anything like safety and even have a slogan is YOLO means “You only live once” so they usually
participate in dangerous activities related to fire and accidents are inevitable

Mẫn: I think those who died by fire are either stupid or just unlucky because if well educated, we all
know that fire can kill so there is no way that they don’t want to avoid it unless they want to die so

Vy: This has something to do with the media and the ability to capture information of each person, it
could be the media who not broadcasting how dangerous fire is or people who don’t even watch that
information or both perhaps

Tiến Đạt: This depend on each person perspective and thinking, what they know and how they deal
with those are the different thing so there are who acknowledge the dangerous and find a way to
avoid it and who don’t

Hân: Because kids these days have only care about how they look, what to eat, where to go travel but
have no idea about survival rules, ways to deal with fire is one example

Chuẩn: The know it, it just they don’t pretty much care therefore fire accident always happens

Tuấn: I once ask my friend that what they know about know about fire and how to deal with it in
dangerous situation, they all answer don’t know. I think schools should add a survival program to
educate student for example how to escape a house on fire. That way everyone will be equipped with
a skill that will protect them in those case

Nguyên: I suppose education program in Viet Nam don’t have a class where they teach student about
how to handle critical circumstances

Quang Minh: I think people don’t pay attention about fire because they don’t watch or witness a real
fire accident, so they don’t afraid if it really happens to them

Thắng: Aside from schools and teachers, parents contribute significantly to children's awareness, it is
them who taught their kid about life and the dangerous behind it

Nghiêm: It because they don’t think they will ever happen to be in a fire accident, so they don’t scare

Linh: I think it because we have so much thing to worry about in our lives, even I don’t care about this

2.2 Quantitative research method

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Survey form:

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Answers summary:

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3. Secondary research
3.1 Collect data on the internet
Fire Detection and Alarm Systems: A Brief Guide

Inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements for these systems are extensive and
ultimately are likely to cost more than the original installation.

Fire detection systems are designed to discover fires early in their development when time will still be
available for the safe evacuation of occupants. Early detection also plays a significant role in protecting
the safety of emergency response personnel. Property loss can be reduced and downtime for the
operation minimized through early detection because control efforts are started while the fire is still
small. Most alarm systems provide information to emergency responders on the location of the fire,
speeding the process of fire control.

To be useful, detectors must be coupled with alarms. Alarm systems provide notice to at least the
building occupants and usually transmit a signal to a staffed monitoring station either on or off site. In
some cases, alarms may go directly to the fire department, although in most locations this is no longer
the typical approach.

These systems have numerous advantages as discussed above. The one major limitation is that they
do nothing to contain or control the fire. Suppression systems such as automatic sprinklers act to
control the fire. They also provide notification that they are operating, so they can fill the role of a
heat detection-based system if connected to notification appliances throughout the building. They will
not, however, operate as quickly as a smoke detection system. This is why facilities where rapid notice
is essential, even when equipped with sprinklers, still need detection and alarm systems.

The most basic alarm system does not include detection. It has manual pull stations and sounds only a
local alarm. This level of system is not what is typically used; it relies on an occupant to discover the
fire, which can cause a significant delay. The more quickly you want to be notified of the fire, the more

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costly the system you must install. Speed of detection is expensive. The slowest system to detect a fire
is a heat detector, which is also the least expensive. An air-aspirating smoke detection system provides
the most rapid indication of fire, but these systems are five to 10 times as expensive.

Where to Start When Choosing a System

The type of fire detection and alarm system used in your facility should be based upon your fire safety
objectives. These objectives flow from a risk assessment of your facility and operation. Your tolerance
for risk and how much you can afford to lose is an important part of this process.

The issues within a hospital are not the same as they are in a warehouse. In a facility where life safety
is the major concern, such as hospitals where patients may not be able to evacuate on their own, early
warning is essential. Dormitories, hotels, and other facilities where occupants may be sleeping when a
fire starts also require that a system provide more rapid notification.

In a warehouse, where the occupants will be awake and aware and there will most often be fewer of
them, the alarm system often does not need to provide notice as early. In a generally unoccupied
structure where life safety is not a major issue, detection of a fire can be slower without significantly
increasing risk.

When selecting a system, you also must consider the ongoing commitment that will be required over
the life of the system. Inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements for these systems are
extensive. Meeting these requirements over the life of a system usually will cost more than the
original installation.

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Initiating devices are elements of the system that originate a signal. Manual pull stations, detectors,
and supervisory devices are included in this group of components.

A manual pull station (Figure 1) is essentially just a switch that activates the alarm system when
operated by a building occupant. Pull stations should be positioned so they are easy for occupants to
find. They are typically located along routes of travel that would be used while exiting the building.

Detectors are available in a wide variety of types. The major categories are heat, smoke, and flame
detectors. Within each category are numerous additional specific types. The discussion here will be
limited to those most commonly used for building fire detection and alarm activation. Several varieties
of detectors, such as flame detectors, are used primarily to activate suppression systems.

Heat detectors are the most basic detection devices. They are available in several types. These types
are divided into two major categories; spot and line. Spot detectors are single units installed in single
locations throughout the protected area. Line detectors provide a continuous detector throughout the
area of coverage. Spot detectors are more commonly used, with line type detectors being reserved for
special situations.

Spot type heat detectors (Figure 2) are most commonly fixed temperature, rateof- rise, or
combination. Fixed temperature, as the name implies, operate at a specific temperature. Rate-of-rise
detectors activate based on the speed of the rise in temperature, not a fixed point. These detectors
are best suited to use in areas that may get hot under normal conditions, such as detectors in a
warehouse that is not temperature controlled. Detectors mounted at the ceiling level may get quite
warm from the heat collected by the roof during the day. This temperature rise occurs gradually,
though, and a rate-ofrise detector compensates for it.

Smoke detectors (Figure 3) are available in a variety of types. Photoelectric smoke detectors operate
based upon light scattering within the detection chamber of the detector. Light is projected through
the chamber and will be scattered if it strikes smoke. This light, reflected off the smoke in the
chamber, is detected by a photocell.

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Ionization smoke detectors (the most common in-home use) detect the particles in smoke. As smoke
passes through the chamber, the particles are ionized. These particles may then be detected by
charged plates in the detector. Smoke detectors are also available in combination with a heat detector
(Figure 4). The beam type detector (Figure 5) operates when the beam is interrupted by obscuring
smoke between the laser emitter and receiver. These detectors are most often used in areas of large
open spaces.

An air sampling detection system uses tubing placed throughout the protected area. The tubing has
small holes spaced out along the length of the tube and air is constantly drawn into the unit, which
can detect extremely low levels of combustion products.

Supervisory and Notification Devices

Numerous supervisory devices can be connected to the fire alarm control panel. For example, a
tamper switch (Figure 6) may be placed on water control valves for automatic sprinkler systems. If this
valve is closed by an unauthorized person, the tamper switch will send a supervisory signal to the
control panel, alerting your people to the problem. Supervisory devices are available for a wide variety
of applications.

Systems may be addressable or nonaddressable. In the first type, all of the detectors on the system
have a unique digital identifier. The fire alarm control panel can communicate individually with each
device. In non-addressable systems, detectors may be divided into zones based on all of the detectors
being on the same pair of wires, but the control panel cannot determine any information about an
individual detector.

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Addressable systems offer several advantages. The first is that a specific indication of the location of
an activation is available during a fire. (Would you rather know that a detection has occurred
somewhere in the west wing of your building or that it has occurred in office number 103? The latter
is clearly more informative.) This specific location capability is also part of the second major advantage
of these systems: trouble signals can specifically identify the component with a problem. If a single
detector fails, for example, an addressable system will provide a trouble signal that indicates the
specific detector. In non-addressable systems, the zone will be identified, but a repair person will have
to check each detector in that zone to determine which one is not working.

Notification appliances are the audible, visual, and other devices located throughout the facility that
warn occupants when the system has detected a fire. Horns, strobes, combination units (Figure 7), and
bells are examples of these devices. Fire alarm control panels often have features available that allow
alarms to be activated in selected locations within the facility based upon the location of the detector
that activates. This feature can be used to permit staged evacuations, for example.

Alarms should be supplemented with communications devices that allow you to provide specific
information and instructions to building occupants. People tend not to always respond as they should
when a fire alarm sounds. An emergency voice communications system can significantly improve
response of your occupants.

Outside Assistance
One of the best references for fire alarms is NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code®. It contains
requirements for design, installation, inspection, testing, and maintenance. It may or may not be

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adopted as law in your area. Check with your local fire department to identify the specific local

Your property insurance carrier also may place requirements on you as a condition for coverage or a
specific premium level.

Detection and alarm systems are an important part of your overall

fire protection process. Discovering fires early contributes to protecting building occupants, limiting
property damage, and minimizing interruption of your operation.

3.2 Related products

An integrated fire detection system using IoT and image processing
technique for smart cities


In the current scenario, the concept of Smart Cities is one of the emerging and challenging research
areas. The cities are surrounded by forests, agricultural land, or open areas, where fire incidence can
occur threatening human life and causing many resources to become extinct. This article aims to
design an early fire detection system to get rid of fire events using the concept of senor network and
UAV’s technology. The architecture proposal is based on sensors for monitoring environmental
parameters and to process the information through sensors and IoT application. The proposed fire
detection system is the combination of wireless sensor technologies, UAVs, and cloud computing.
Some image processing techniques are also integrated into the proposed fire detection system to

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identify the fire event with better accuracy and used as an integrated solution. To improve the true
detection rate, rules are also designed. The simulation results of the proposed fire detection system
are compared with several existing methods. It is observed that the proposed system has a higher fire
detection rate to improve the true detection of forest fire from 95 to 98 percent.

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IV. Data analysis and evaluation
1. Overview
After conducting all the research, I will next check and analyze all the answers for each research
method using Descriptive analytics and Diagnostic analytics and then evaluate all the information
gathered. Finally, come to a conclusion for each research method.

2. Data analysis
2.1 Interview
Question 1: Do you think families in Viet Nam should installed a fire
detecting system in their house?

For this question, almost all the interviewer gave the same answer. They all agree to one idea
that people in Viet Nam should installed a fire detection system in their house in case of fire incident.
There are some with different ideas like they are not sure if it is necessary or not.

Although nearly all the answer is agreed to have one fire system in their house, each person
still have their own reason for the answer. Its common knowledge that fire is a dangerous thing, fire
accident causes a lot of deaths around the world throughout a year so most of the interviews said they
already know how dangerous fire is through television, books or friends and family told them so. Some
even witness a case by their own eyes and scare that will happen to them in the future or live near the
forest or jungle that often get burned down. But there is someone who don’t even care about these
kinds of thing, so they said they don’t know if they need it or not. One is bound by family finance and
don’t have a lot of money to spare for a system like this.

Question 2: What would you expect from your fire alarm system?

In this question, I see there are some say they want something that normal and widely used by
most people or some state specific requirement that they want their fire system to have like sensors,
led, IoT system, etc. Some want something that cheap and on the contrary, some want it to be the
best, the most expensive of its type.

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People said they want something common because they simply don’t know about how the
system work, what it like in real life or some really don’t care as long as the fire system works
perfectly. Interviews who said their system need to have this or that are the ones know about the fire
system so they will need something the meets their requirements. People who may not afford the fire
system financially if possible, want something that is cheap and rich ones on the opposite can easily
afford any prices, so they want their fire system to be the best, the most modern among all.

Question 3: What about public facilities like schools, companies or

hospitals, etc.?

In this question, the answers as expected are all want public places to install fire detection
system in case of fire that could spread out very fast and cause lots of death. One idea supposes that it
depends on the financial ability of each province, one said that this involve politic problem.

This question is pretty much like the first one, so the answers remain almost the same,
everyone agree to have at least one fire system in public places like schools, hospital. It even more
obvious to answer this question that the first one because in public place there will be always a lot of
people so the danger cause by fire is multiply by dozens.

Question 4: How much would you invest in that system? Why?

Everyone give out a specific price that they can think of and those prices around 100 million to
less, there are some would pay more like 150, 300 - 500 million or even any price a fire detection
system could cost.

The reason behind these answers is that because people are not aware of the price of a fire
system for they have never thought of it before so they estimate the price is around 100 million vnd.
Another reason is that the average salary in Viet Nam is around 20 million less, a small number
compare to others country so the price they want is reasonable. Plus, even if people have enough
money, they will still prefer the cheaper one, it’s a common sense of Vietnamese, we always look for
the cheaper product.

Question 5: Why do you think that people is so neglect about the threat
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that fire could and had been causing throughout the history?

They said it because people don’t usually watch the news TV or don’t care about it much and
don’t aware that they could be caught in a fire incident, some said they believe in fate and those who
died by fire are those whose fate have come to an end. There is opinion about the education program
at school don’t teach students how to protect themselves again fire or how to survive being in a fire
accident. Some said even if people knew how dangerous fire is, they still don’t care about it because
they have other things to concern or live with the YOLO slogan and don’t care if one day they
accidentally die of fire.

The reason for the unawareness of people again fire is the attitude of each person toward their
life, not everyone scares of death or they just have many other things in life to worry about like
money, children, job. Spiritual factors are included in this answer, some people believe that no matter
how hard you try to avoid your death, it will always come at the most unexpected moment in your life,
so they just live without thinking about it too much so that they can focus on others aspect of life.
Finally, young people with an enthusiastic mindset not worrying about anything in life and ready to
take on any obstacle that life would bring to their life, any death by fire is among those things.

2.2 Survey
Question 1: Does your family already own a fire detecting system?

In this question, 70% answer they don’t own a fire detection system at home and 30% say they
have one system like that in their house.

Most people say they don’t have a fire system at home is because a lot of people are not aware
of the dangerous of fire if it ever happens in their house, so they find it’s not necessary to buy such
system, they think it’s just a wasted of money.

Question 2: How much do you think a fire detecting system would cost?
The answers for this one is 30% for the 10-20 million and 20-25 million for the following price
up to 40 million and the last 20% is others price.

As I mentioned before, the reason why people choose the lowest price range is because the

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average salary in Viet Nam is very low, just around 20 million per month so after taking care of their
family, the amount money they have left cannot afford an expensive system, still there are groups
with higher income which do not have to worry about their family meals, so they selected the highest
price for the better quality.

Question 3: Where do you think should be installed a fire detecting


In these answers, the most selected option is Both which is both public places and home
should be installed a fire detection system, 30% for the Public places option and 20% left for the Home

The answers are predictable because everyone care about their safety so they will choose the
option that is the safest among all which in this case is Both. The other two choices depend on
different person’s perspective, some people care for themselves and the community, so they agree
with the public place option and some don’t care and just want their family to have such privileged.

Question 4: What do you think about the importance of fire detecting

system nowadays?

For this question. Half of them choose Neutral and 30% choose Very important and 20% went
with Not necessary.

Although the majority agree that having your house, public facilities installed a fire detection
system is important, people still go with the Neutral answer more because of the financial problem in
Viet Nam, not everyone have the money to equip such system, so they think that whether having a
fire system or not is alright, it’s not like that the top priority issue to them anyway.

Question 5: What do know about the dangerous of fire?

As for this one, 35% choose Both and 20% divided equal to the two Dangerous of fire options,
finally the last 25% people go with Nothing to worry about.

The ones who chose the last option that contains both option 2 and 3 or one of the second

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and third option are those with common knowledge about the dangerous that fire could cause to
human, every educated people have been at least taught at school or by parent about fire, what it
benefits and danger. As for the other opinion that says that fire is nothing to worry about, I think
those who chose that is either unaware that fire had been causing a lot of deaths around the world for
a very long time or they just don’t afraid because they think they can handle it if they were trapped in
a fire incident.

Question 6: How the situation when our body reached 50 Celsius?

As we can see in the pie chart, 40% say they our body is in a critical situation when reaching 50
Celsius, other opinions are the same at 20% each one.

This question is a little specific so if you try to google it a while you will find the answer quite
easy, so we can see that there are 40% of people are interesting in these kinds of information and try
to search for it on the internet, the other ones are either unlucky trying to guess or just don’t know
and don’t try to find the correct answer.

Question 7: Do you prefer an old but cheap fire system or modern but
expensive one?

The pie chart shows that there are 45% of people select the Both option and 30% of them
choose the expensive one and the last 25% choose the cheap answer.

The reason behind these answers is that those who are limited in finance prefer the cheaper
product even though the system may be outdated for a long time as long as it works, it is fine by them.
The richer people with more money to spend consider having a better product come along with the
more expensive price, they expect it to be modern with great performance and functionalities that is
worth their money. The last group of opinion is fine even if the product is old and not the most
modern of its kind, these people are the one who don’t want to waste their money on something that
looks expensive and modern but not working perfectly and serve all of its purposes.

Question 8: What do you think is the new technology that had been
applied in fire detecting system nowadays?
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In this question, 50% of the one the take the survey answer that IoT is the new technology
that will be applied into the fire detecting system, next is 30% for water sprinkler and 20% for sensors.

Due to the outstanding development of technology, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet
of Thing) have taken over the world recently. Sooner or later, in this 4.0 era, everything will be
connected, such things like your fridge, washing machine, car, etc. Those things will be remote control
through your mobile phone, laptop, computer from anywhere that can connect to the Internet in the
world. Therefor, people taking this survey already acknowledge about this, so they selected the new
technology of course. The other two answers are selected because may be those people still haven’t
realized the new technology that world is using and still stick to the old ways.

Question 9: What do you want to include in your fire detecting system?

In this question, 50% of people take the last option which include all of the other one, the rest
50% divided to 20% for Gas sensor and WIFI, 10% for Temperature sensor.

The reason is quite obvious, because most of them don’t know very well about what a
complete fire system consists of so according to all of the technologies listed, they will choose the one
with all the answer. The other answer may because those are the one who have knowledge about
what a system should have, and they want something more according to their needs.

Question 10: What do you expect more from your fire detecting system?

Final question, 35% of people expect their fire detection system to work effectively, 30% want
it to be modern, 20% required it to be as cheap as possible, the last 15% not expecting much about the
system and they will fine by anything the system brings.

Whenever you want to buy some product, the first thing that everyone expects about that
product is that it can work perfectly as it supposes to do so it is normal that most of them would pick
the Work effectively option among all. But there are some who want to show other people how rich
they are by the properties they own, so they want their product to be as new, modern, latest
technology as possible so they can be proud, still it can just because they want the system to worth
the money their money, so it has to be modern. Again, people with less income only want something
cheap that they are capable of paying for it. Lastly, some people don’t care about the system very
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much, that are those who either have a fire system or not is fine by them.

3. Evaluation
For the interview research:

- Most answer agree that we should install a fire detection system at home because people
know how dangerous fire is.

- Not all people know very much about such complicated system like this, or they just don’t care
and have never actually think about it so they mention whatever technologies they know or
can think of.

- Much like the first answer, people all agree to have at least one fire detection system equipped
in public places because everyone care for their safety so they wouldn’t want to be surrounded
by fire along with a lot of people.

- Due to the low average salary, people in Viet Nam estimate the fire system to be around 20
million vnd.

- The reason why people are not aware that fire is very dangerous and deadly is that some
youngsters don’t scare of death or because of the poor education that schools provide and
parent that are not teaching their kids about how to deal with fire. There are some people with
religion believed that death is inevitable, and they have no need to worry about it.

For the survey research:

- Only a small amount of people taking the survey own a fire detection system.

- Due to low payment in Viet Nam, people think that a fire system would cost around 20 million
to 40 million.

- Like in the interview, almost everyone says yes to having a fire detection system in public
facilities like schools, hospitals, parks for the safety of their family.

- Despite knowing that installing such system is important to keeping their life safe, people in
Viet Nam still got some issues to deal with like money, they worry that is it worth spending too
much on a fire detection system.
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- Most people are either unaware of the danger of fire or not afraid dealing with it.

- Most of the people taking the survey did try to search for the information to answer this
question correctly.

- Most people fine with every system that they are offered because they just need to work

- Half of the answers know about the existence of IoT, others still need to update their
knowledge about the development of technologies.

- Everyone chooses the answer that contain every other answer which include all the listed

- All most everyone want their system working effectively and serve its purpose.

4. Conclusion
After the research, we can see that in Viet Nam, fire detection system is not something so common
that everyone has or know about it. This problem due to the following reasons, the average salary in
Viet Nam is just low to mid-range compare to other countries so people have lots of things to concern
than a fire system. Moreover, education has a thing to do with this, students in Viet Nam are not
taught or don’t care much about the dangerous of fire and how to deal with it, this led to the
unawareness of people about fire and cause so many deaths throughout the years. One reason is that
there are people who acknowledge all these things but still left it aside because they are too confident
or just don’t afraid fire, and this is a deadly thought.

V. Communicating Research Outcome

1. Stakeholders
The stakeholders who would interesting in this research are the ones that help me in my research,
those who takes the interview and survey and my teacher:

Students who take the interview and survey: For the reason why these people concern about this
project, the ones who take the two research are those who recently pay attention to the dangerous of

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fire and that they can prevent it by the fire detection system, they have never thought about this until
I make this research and ask them about it.

Subject Instructor: My teacher is the one that give me feedbacks on my project and is the one will
mark my assignment in order to pass this subject. After finishing all the assignments, my teacher along
with those who took the interview and survey expect me to do a presentation about my project in
front of the class.

Research Participants: these people are the ones who help me in this research, they are the one who
help me gather information, select and summarize all of them into a complete report. Without them,
it would be very hard and time consuming for me to finish this research alone.

2. Communicating research outcomes

2.1 Writing report

In this method I will conduct a final report which includes all the information about the research
project with explanation and give it to everyone. The report consists of the project title, introduction
about the problem that the research aims to solve, lists out all the objectives that need to be done and
the resources that the research requires. Next is the explanation of the IoT system that we integrated
in our fire detection system, how it works, what the purposes that it supposes to accomplish.

After that, we will put in the data collection that me and my team had gathered which contains the
research objects and all the questions that we use in the two research methods which are Primary
research (in this we conducted the two Qualitative and Quantitative methods) and Secondary research

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(in this we collect the data on the internet about relevant products).

In the qualitative research, we put in the form that contains 5 questions that related to our project,
including the answers that we have gathered from all the interviewers.

Similar to the interview method, the survey also has a form contains 10 questions about the research
project, but instead of giving different point of views on each answer we use the google forms
function to create a pie chart can show the percentage of each answer for each question.

For the secondary research method, we collect the data on the internet that related to our research in
this case is fire detection system brief guide also include images. We have also found a related product
that called “An integrated fire detection system using IoT and image processing technique for smart
cities” that show a very complicated fire detection system using IoT for cities level.

After having all the answers, we come to the next phase which is analyzing and evaluating those
results. First, we analyze using the result from the interview and survey, giving objective opinion on
each answer, answering why did they said that? Then we evaluate and giving feedback for the two
interview and survey then come to the final conclusion.

2.2 Online meeting

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The next type is online meeting, online learning or working are not very popular before but in recently
years, due to the outspread of Covid-19 the great epidemic that cause million of death around the
world, online activities are becoming more popular than ever. People nowadays can do almost
anything online without coming directly to a specific location, for example they can work from home
for a company that lies in other country or learning P.E and martial art at home (my school FPT are
applying that to every facilities).

In my case, I will host a meeting online using the tools like Google Hangout Meets, Zoom, etc. In my
case, I choose Google Hangout Meets for the simplicity and easy to use. I use the present function of
Google Meet to show my PowerPoint slides to everyone in the meeting and go through every section
and explain to everyone, then I will ask if anyone have any question and answer them if they ask.

2.3 Presentation

The final method is presentation, I will use my laptop and a projector to show the images, PowerPoint
slides from my laptop into the big screen that everyone can see. In those slides, I make a brief version
of my research report that include the most important things that I want to present to everyone.

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Because our class have a lot of students, each presentation just has about 5 minutes, so I have to
make it shortly and briefly as much as possible. The important data I want to show are the Data
analysis of the two research (Interview and Survey), the pie charts of the survey then I will explain my
opinion about the gathered result and explain why in that specific question, a person answer like that.

I will also prepare some question for my teacher and classmate and in return they can ask me
whatever they want to know about my research, I will answer it with everything I know. After finishing
the presentation, I will give my best regard to my tutor who help me in the process of finding
information and show me the outline of the research project, then my teammate who had help me
complete such research.

3. Conclusion
This research aims to those who interesting about fire prevention system or those who are finding the
way to protect them and their family against fire. After the research, I learned that not everyone cares
or even know about the dangerous of fire, this explain why there are so much death case related to
fire in Viet Nam. But everything has its reason, so this is, the first reason I want to mention is about
the payment in Viet Nam, our country average salary compare to other countries is still too low, there
are people who don’t even have a place to live, we still have many things to concern like the money to
by food, to support children. This reason alone is enough to explain why people don’t care about such
expensive thing like a fire detection system. But this is not the only reason, according to the data
result of the interview and survey, people say that this is due to the bad education of school and
parent in family in Viet Nam, they often don’t teach children about the threat of fire and how to deal
with it. Also, there are some say that it because young people want to live freely and dangerously so
they don’t scare such things like fire. Some say that there are people who believe that fate decide
when will they died so they don’t really care about death. It’s not right to say that everyone is not care
about fire, there are some who even though don’t have a lot of money, still want to buy one fire
detection system if they can because they worry about their family safety.

For the people who have enough financial ability that want to install a fire detection system in their
house, they expect to have the best of the best and to be equipped with the most modern
technologies so that would worth their money.

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