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I. The present simple and the present continuous tenses

1. The simple present tense

a) Forms:
- Verb “to be”
(+) S + is/ am/ are + ……………...

(-) S + is/ am/ are + not + ……….

(?) Is/ Am/ Are + S + ……………?

(*) WH + is/ am/ are + S………..?

- Normal verbs:
(+) S + V(s, es) + O ……………….

(-) S + don’t/ doesn’t + V + O ….

(?) Do/ Does + S + V + O ….……?

(*) WH + do/does + S + V ……..?

b) Adverbs of frequency and adverbs of time: always, often, usually, sometimes, rarely, never,
every day, every week, every month, every year.

2. The present continuous tense

a) Forms
(+) S + is/ am/ are + V-ing………….

(-) S + is/ am/ are + not + V-ing…..

(?) Is/ Am/ Are + S + V-ing……….?

(*) WH + is/ am/ are + S + V-ing…?

b) Adverbs of time: now, at the moment, at present

II. Complex sentences (adverb clauses of result, reasons, concession)

1. A dependent clause of concession beginning with subordinator: although, though, or even

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2. A dependent clause of purpose beginning with subordinator: so that or in order that.
3. A dependent clause of reason beginning with subordinator: because, since, as.
4. A dependent clause of time beginning with subordinator: when, while, before, after, as soon
as, …

Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences using the given words.

1. We are trying to introduce our handicraft products to foreign tourists because we want to
promote our culture. (in order that)
2. Bat Trang village is quite far from my place, but I still want to go there with my father this
weekend. (Although)
3. There have been many challenges for the development of traditional handicrafts in Vietnam.
(faced up to)
4. He is going to be responsible for his family business because his parents are very old now.
(take charge of)
5. Most people in this village earn their living by making traditional handicrafts. (live on)

Exercise 2: Combine two sentences into one sentence using the suitable subordinators.
1. Jim was absent from class yesterday. He was suffering from a bad cold.
2. They decided to move their house. They don’t have to travel a long distance to work.
3. Mary hurt her fingers yesterday. She was preparing dinner.
4. At 4am yesterday, my mother was cleaning the house. I was looking after my younger
5. They decided to go on an excursion. They want to get away from work stress.

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6. My father taught me how to use the computer. Before that, I didn’t know how to use it.
7. I arrive at the station. I will call you right after that.
8. My brother is very out-going. I am quite reserved.
9. Mr. Peter was walking home. He was robbed of this wallet.
10. I don’t have a pet. My mother doesn’t allow me to have one.

Exercise 3: Put the verbs in the present continuous tense.

1. He ________________ a book about American history at the moment. (read)
2. Why _____________ you _____________? What’s so funny? (laugh)
3. I can’t help you now. I _____________________. (work)
4. Oh no! It ___________________ again. (rain)
5. ______________ you ________________ the TV or can I turn it off? (watch)
6. Bill _____________ to drive at the moment. His father _________ him. (learn, teach)
7. Listen! The neighbors ________________ an argument again. (have)
8. Sally ________________ her new T-shirt today. (wear)
9. Robert! What _________ you _____________ here? (do)
10. I _________________ very well at the moment. (not / sleep)

Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer in the bracket to complete the sentence.
1. Marie isn’t a Canadian. I (believe / am believing) she comes from France.
2. Look! Bin (jumps / is jumping) into the water.
3. I (think / am thinking) you’re crazy!
4. Don’t give Jenny any cheese. She (hates / is hating) it!
5. I (go / am going) to New York next Thursday. Do you want to come?
6. Once a week, I (go / am going) to an English class at the college.
7. I (have / am having) lunch in the cafeteria every day.
8. David is rich, he (drives / is driving) a Mercedes.
9. You won’t find Tom at home right now. He (studies / is studying) in the library.
10. It (snows / is snowing) quite hard, perhaps we shouldn’t go out tonight.
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Exercise 5: Put the verbs in the present simple tense or present continuous tense.
1. Emily lives and works in Paris but she (have) __________________ a holiday in England at
the moment.
2. I wonder why the neighbor’s dog (bark) _______________ again. Maybe there is a burglar!
3. Ann (get) _____________________ up at seven o’clock every morning.
4. Then she (go) ____________________ to have a shower before breakfast.
5. Then she (drive) ____________________ to the beach and stays all day.
6. She (not / work) _____________________ because she won the lottery last year.
7. Why (you / learn) _________________________ English this year?
8. I (live) _________________ with my sister for two months because she is pregnant and I
can help her.
9. What (you / wear) _____________________________ now? In that way, I will recognize
you at the airport.
10. Kate is in the kitchen and very stressed! She (cook) ______________ dinner for 30 people.
11. Where’s Tim? He (listen) _________________ to a new CD in his room.
12. Don’t forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always (rain)
________________ there.
13. Emily (work) ________________ hard all day but she (not/work) ________________ at
the moment.
14. Look! That boy (run) ________________ after the bus. He (want) ________________ to
catch it.
15. He (speak) ________________ French so well because he (come) ________________
from France.
16. Look! The boss (come) ________________. We (meet) ________________ him in hour
and nothing is ready.
17. ___________ you usually (go) _____________ away from Christmas or ___________ you
(stay) _______________ at home?
18. She (hold) ________________ some roses. They (smell) ________________ lovely.
19. Look! It (snow) ________________ again. It always (snow) ________________ in this
20. Sally (swim) ______________ very well, but she (not / run) _______________ very fast.

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Exercise 6: Circle the best conjunction in bracket to complete each of the sentences
1. I'd love to stay [so / and / but] I have to catch my bus.
2. His hot chocolate was too hot [so / and / but] he put some cold milk in it.
3. [Or / Although / Because] we had an umbrella, we got extremely wet.
4. I passed my exam [because / but / although] you helped me.
5. They were hungry [but / because / so] they made some sandwiches.
6. We can go to the pool [and / but / or] we can go horse-riding, whichever you prefer.
7. She didn't want him to see her [and / so / although] she hid behind a plant.
8. He's in the town centre [so / because / but] he wants to look for shoes.
9. I’m definitely coming tonight [or / because / although] I could be a bit late.
10. We can go to the shop [and / or / so] we can go to Clare’s house. What do you think?

Exercise 7: Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.
1. We _____________ at 7.a.m this morning.
A. got in B. got out C. got up
2. The taxi _____________ on the way to the airport and we missed our flight.
A. broke off B. broke up C. broke down
3. I’m going to _____________ for a new computer.
A. save up B. look up C. wait up
4. Do you _____________ ghosts? I am sure they exist.
A. make up B. believe in C. tell off
5. I was very unhappy yesterday but I’ve _____________ today.
A. looked up B. cheered up C. cheered on
6. I’ve _____________ smoking.
A. given back B. given away C. given up
7. We _____________ in a small flat in London.
A. grew up B. grew into C. grew on
8. They’ve decided to _____________ their wedding until John’s recovered from his accident.
A. put on B. put out C. put off
9. He _____________ petrol on his way to work.
A. ran off with B. ran out of C. ran over
10. We’ve bought a new house and we’re _____________ next week.
A. moving in B. moving along C. moving on

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I. The past simple tense and the past continuous tenses

1. The past simple tense

a) Forms
- Verb “to be”:

(+) S + was/were + ……………...

(-) S + was/were + not + ……….
(?) Was/Were + S + ……………?
(*) WH + was/were + S………..?

- Normal verbs:

(+) S + V(ed) + O ……………….

(-) S + didn’t + V + O …………..
(?) Did + S + V + O ….………….?
(*) WH + did + S + V…………..?

b) Adverbs of time
- ago, yesterday, last (year, week/ month/ year…), in 2017, 2011…

2. The past continuous tense

a) Forms
(+) // S + was/were + V-ing………….//
(-) // S + was/were + not + V-ing…..//
(?) //Was/Were + S + V-ing……….?//
(*) // WH + was/were + S + V-ing…?//

b) Helpful hints
- at that moment, then
- at 7/8 o’clock last night/ yesterday morning.
- between 8 and 9 o’clock/ from 4 to 5 o’clock yesterday.
- while/ when

II. Phrasal verbs

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1. Definition
- A phrasal verb consists of a verb, e.g. put, take, show, and one or two particles, e.g. off, out,
by, up, etc.

2. Types of phrasal verbs

Type 1: Phrasal verbs with no object (‘intransitive’)
Eg 1: check in: go to a desk in an airport or hotel and tell an official that you have arrived)
Eg 2: look up: (of a business or sb’s situation) get better, improve
Eg 3: get up: stand up after sitting or lying, get out of bed

Type 2: Phrasal verbs can be separated by an object (‘transitive, separable’)

Eg 4: look sth up: look for information in a book or online
Eg 5: try sth on: put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits or looks good on you
Eg 6: make sth up: invent a story or an explanation for sth

- With these transitive verbs, you can usually put the object before or after the particle.
Eg 7: She wrote his name down. OR She wrote down his name.
- If the object is a long phrase, it will usually come after the phrasal verb.
Eg 8: She wrote down everything she could remember about him.
- If the object is a pronoun, e.g. him, her, it must go between the verb and the particle.
Eg 9: She wrote it down. NOT: She wrote down it.

Type 3: Phrasal verbs which cannot be separated by an object (‘transitive, inseparable’).

These may have one or two particles.
Eg 10: look after sb/sth: take care of or be responsible for sb/sth
Eg 11: come across sb/sth: meet sb or find sth by chance
Eg 12: go out with sb: spend time with and have a romantic relationship with sb

- In a dictionary, if a phrasal verb is presented as: V + object + particle, it is a transitive and
separable phrasal verb. If it is presented as V + particle + object, it is a transitive and
inseparable phrasal verb.
- Some phrasal verbs can be either intransitive or transitive depending on the context.
Eg 13: look up # look sth up

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Eg 14: take off # take sth off


1. Apply for sth: ứng tuyển vị trí/ ứng tuyển vào một trường học
Apply to sb/ sth: nộp đơn ứng tuyển tới
2. Break down: bị hỏng
3. Break in/ into sth: đột nhập
4. Break up with sb: chấm dứt mối quan hệ với ai
5. Bring about sth: mang lại = lead to/ result in/ cause
6. Bring sth up: đề cập đến = mention/ raise
Bring sb up: nuôi ai đó (con cái) = raise
7. Brush up on sth: mài giũa lại (kĩ năng) = improve
8. Burn (sth) down: thiêu rụi
9. Call for sth: (người) kêu gọi; (vật/ tình huống) cần tới = need
Call for sb: đón ai đi đâu = pick sb up
10. Call off: hủy bỏ (cuộc họp, kế hoạch, chương trình) = cancel
11. Care for: chăm sóc = look after
12. Care about: quan tâm, đếm xỉa tới = think of
13. Carry sth out: thực hiện / làm cái gì đó (kế hoạch, dự định, etc.) = do/ conduct
14. Catch on: trở nên được ưa chuộng = become popular
15. Catch up with sb: bắt kịp ai đó
16. Cheer sb up: làm ai vui
17. Check in/ out: làm thủ tục vào / ra
18. Check sth/sb out: kiểm tra, xem xét (để xem có ổn/ có tốt/ có chấp nhận được không)
19. Clean sth up: lau chùi thứ gì đó
20. Close (sth) down: đóng cửa, ngừng kinh doanh
21. Come out: xuất hiện/ lộ diện / được xuất bản/ hóa ra là (come out that……)
22. Come off: thành công, được như mong đợi = be successful; xảy ra = take place/ happen
23. Come up against sth: vấp phải (sự phản đối, chống đối)
24. Come up to: đáp ứng (kỳ vọng) = meet
25. Come up with sth: nghĩ ra, nảy ra, sáng tác ra (một ý tưởng, câu trả lời, giải pháp)
26. Cool down: làm mát/ nguội xuống/ bình tĩnh lại
27. Cope with: giải quyết, xử lý thành công = deal with/ solve/ handle/ address
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28. Count on sb: tin cậy vào người nào đó = trust sb to do sth
29. Cut down on sth: cắt giảm
30. Cut sth off: cắt lìa, cắt (điện/ nước…)
Cut sth/ sb off: cô lập (khiến không ra vào được)
31. Deal with sth: xử lý, đối phó, xoay xở = cope with/ handle/ solve/ address
32. Do away with sth: bỏ cái gì đó đi, không sử dụng cái gì đó = get rid of/ remove
33. Do without sth/ sb: quyết định tiến hành mà không có; sống, xoay xở mà không cần tới
34. Dress up: mặc quần áo (chỉnh tề) # put on # wear
35. Drop by/ in/ in on: ghé qua thăm (ai đó)
36. Drop sb off: thả ai xuống xe
37. Drop out (of sth): rời khỏi, ngừng tham gia = leave/ give up
Drop out of school: bỏ học giữa chừng
38. End up (+ adv/ pre): thành ra có kết cục/ thành ra rơi vào tình cảnh, tình huống
End up V-ing: thành ra cuối cùng làm gì
39. Face up to: chấp nhận đối mặt với
40. Figure sth/ sb out: suy nghĩ để hiểu được/ tính toán để tìm ra (số liệu)
41. Find out about sth: tìm hiểu
Find out sth (about sth/ sb): phát hiện ra điều gì về cái gì/ ai = discover
42. Get in: tới nơi = arrive; được nhận vào = be admitted to
Get in (a car/ a building): vào > < get out of
43. Get on/ along with sb: có mối quan hệ tốt với ai
Get on (+ pre): xoay xở, thích nghi, thành công với cuộc sống/ công việc
44. Get off: tan sở; khởi hành
Get off (a bus/ ship/ a plane/ a train): xuống (tàu xe)
45. Get out (of sth): ra ngoài, ra khỏi
46. Get over sth: vượt qua (cú sốc, nỗi buồn, khó khăn)
47. Get rid of sth/ sb: vứt bỏ cái gì đó / thoát khỏi ai đó
48. Get up: thức dậy
49. Give up sth: từ bỏ
50. Go around: đi lại (nói chung)
51. Go down: giảm, đi xuống
52. Go into: xem xét, tìm hiểu kỹ
53. Go off: nổ (súng, bom); reo (chuông); ôi thiu (thực phẩm)
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54. Go on (doing sth / with sth): tiếp tục làm gì đó
Go on to V: tiếp tục chuyển sang làm gì (sau khi đã kết thúc một việc)
55. Go out: đi ra ngoài, đi chơi
Go out with sb: đi chơi với ai/ hẹn hò với ai
56. Go over: kiểm tra, rà soát kỹ = examine/ check
57. Go up: tăng, đi lên = increase/ rise
58. Grow up: lớn lên, trở nên trưởng thành
59. Hand in sth (to sb): nộp cái gì tới ai
60. Help sb out: giúp đỡ ai đó (khi người đó đang loay hoay xoay xở)
61. Hold on: đợi, giữ máy = wait; cầm cự (để sinh tồn/ để qua khỏi khó khăn)
Hold sth on: giữ chặt, duy trì cái gì ở trong trạng thái/ vị trí vốn có của nó
62. Keep on doing sth: tiếp tục làm gì đó (mà không dừng lại)
63. Keep up sth: tiếp tục phát huy
Keep up with: theo kịp
64. Let sb down: làm ai đó thất vọng
65. Live up to: làm tốt như (ai đó) mong đợi
66. Look after sb: chăm sóc ai đó = take care of/ care for
67. Look around/ round: nhìn xung quanh; đi tham quan xung quanh
68. Look at sth: nhìn cái gì đó; suy nghĩ/ cân nhắc về = think about; xem xét = examine
69. Look down on sb: coi thường ai đó > < look up to sb
70. Look for sb/ sth: tìm kiếm ai đó/ cái gì đó
71. Look forward to sth/ Look forward to doing sth: mong chờ điều gì tới; mong chờ đến
lúc được làm gì
72. Look into sth: nghiên cứu cái gì đó, xem xét cái gì đó = examine/ investigate
73. Look sth up: tra cứu (từ điển, danh bạ, tài liệu)
74. Look up to sb: kính trọng, ngưỡng mộ ai đó = expect > < look down on sb
75. Make sth up: bịa đặt ra = invent
Make up for sth: bù đắp cho
Make up with sb: làm lành với ai
Make up one’s mind: quyết định = make a decision
76. Move on to sth: tiếp tục chuyển sang cái gì đó
77. Make out: nghe được/ nhìn thấy được/ đọc được/ hiểu được
78. Pass down: truyền thụ, truyền lại (cho thế hệ sau) = hand down
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79. Pick sth/ sb up: nhặt thứ gì đó lên/ đón ai đó
80. Point sth out/ point out that + clause: chỉ ra
81. Put down: hạ cánh, tiếp đất = land
Put sth down: đặt xuống; viết xuống = write sth down/ jot sth down/ make a note of sth
82. Put sth off: hủy bỏ (chương trình, buổi họp, kế hoạch) = cancel
Put off doing sth: trì hoãn làm gì = delay
Put sth off until: hoãn lại cho đến khi
83. Put sth on: mặc/ đeo/ đội/ xỏ cái gì đó lên người
84. Put sth out: dập tắt
85. Put sth away: cất cái gì đó đi
86. Put up with sb/ sth: chịu đựng = tolerate; chấp nhận điều gì xảy ra/ tồn tại
87. Run into sb: vô tình gặp được = meet sb by chance
Run into sb/ sth: đâm vào
88. Run out of sth: hết cái gì đó
89. Set sth up: thành lập cái gì đó = establish
90. Set off/ out: khởi hành
91. Settle down: ổn định cuộc sống
92. Show (sth/ sb) off: khoe khoang về cái gì, về ai
93. Show up: đến điểm hẹn = arrive/ turn up; xuất hiện, hiện ra
94. Sit for (an exam): tham gia một kỳ thi/ bài kiểm tra = take
95. Slow down: chậm lại
96. Speed up: tăng tốc
97. Stand for: viết tắt cho
98. Take (sth) away (from sth/ sb): lấy đi cái gì khỏi cái gì/ khỏi ai
99. Take care of: chăm sóc = look after/ care for
100. Take sth in: ăn vào, hấp thụ vào; hiểu được và ghi nhớ điều gì
101. Take off: cất cánh; trở nên thành công/ thịnh hành nhanh chóng
102. Take sth off: cởi bỏ (trang phục)
103. Take sb on: thuê, tuyển dụng = employ
104. Take sth on: đảm nhận công việc, trách nhiệm
105. Take over sth: tiếp quản
106. Take sth up: bắt đầu tập luyện một môn thể thao/ bắt đầu một sở thích, thú vui
107. Tell sb off: la mắng ai đó = scold
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108. Tidy sth up: dọn dẹp
109. Think sth over: suy nghĩ kĩ
110. Turn around/ round: quay đầu lại, ngoảnh mặt lại
111. Turn sth down: vặn nhỏ âm thanh lại; từ chối gì đó = reject
112. Turn sth off: tắt
113. Turn sth on: bật đồ điện, máy móc = switch on; bật vòi nước, bếp gas…
114. Turn out that / Turn out to V: hóa ra là
115. Turn sth up: vặn lớn âm thanh lên > < turn sth down
116. Wake (sb) up: (tự) tỉnh dậy/ đánh thức ai dậy # get up
117. Warm (sth/ sb) up: khởi động, làm ấm lên
118. Wear out: mòn, làm mòn, bị mòn
* Cụm này thường dùng dạng bị động: be worn out = rách rưới (quần áo); mệt mỏi, kiệt sức
119. Work out: tập thể dục để duy trì/ xây dựng hình thể
Work out: tiến triển thuận lợi, tốt đẹp
Work sth out: tính toán, tìm ra câu trả lời/ giải pháp = solve
Write sth down: viết cái gì xuống, ghi chú cái gì = put sth down/ jot sth down/ make a
note of sth

Exercise 1: Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense to complete the sentences.
1. Last year she (go) _________________ to Da Nang City on holiday.
2. It (not/ be) _________________ rainy yesterday.
3. (she/ visit) ____________________ a lot of beautiful places last week?
4. I (be) ______________ with two friends of mine at the supermarket last Sunday.
5. Where (they/ spend) ________________________ their last holiday?
6. It was sunny, so I (take) ___________________ my coat off.
7. (Mark/ be) _____________________ at work yesterday?
8. I knew Sally was busy, so I (not/ disturb) _____________________ her.
9. The window was open and a bird (fly) ____________________ into my room.
10. Mozart (write) ____________________ more than 600 pieces of music.

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the suitable verbs in the box, using past simple
buy teach hurt cost win spend

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fall catch throw sell drink write

1. Mark _____________________ a letter in English last night.

2. My mother ___________________ me how to ride a bike.
3. They couldn’t afford to keep their car, so they __________________ it.
4. I __________________ the water very fast because I was very thirsty.
5. Tom and I played badminton yesterday. He is much better than me, so he ______________.
6. John ________________ down the stairs last night and __________________ his leg.
7. Tim _________________ the ball to his sister, who __________________ it.
8. Mary _________________ a lot of money this morning. She _______________ a dress. It
__________________ 50 dollars.

Exercise 3: Put the verb into the correct form of the past continuous tense.
1. When I phoned them yesterday, they (play) ___________________ computer games.
2. Yesterday at six, my sister (prepare) _____________________ dinner.
3. The children (not/ play) ____________________ in the garden when it began to rain.
4. I (practice) ______________________ the guitar when she came home.
5. They (not/ cycle) ______________________ all day.
6. While Tom (work) ___________________ in his room, his friends (swim) ______________
in the pool.
7. I tried to tell my mother the truth but she (not/ listen) ____________________.
8. What (she/ do) ___________________ when you came yesterday?

Exercise 4: Complete the text with the verbs in the box using the past continuous tense.
smoke hold wear eat sleep
bark walk drink walk read
It was exactly nine o’clock. Outside, it was raining. We (1) ______________ our books in
the living room, and our 9-year–old twins (2) ________________ quietly in their bedroom.
My husband (3) _________________ a cup of tea, and my father (4) __________________ a
cigarette. Our 16–year-old daughter (5) ________________ towards the door. She (6)
_________________ her dark blue raincoat she (7) ________________ an umbrella. She (8)
_______________ a chocolate bar. Our cats (9) _________________ beside her, and our dog
(10) _________________ loudly. It was a normal evening. Suddenly, two men jumped
through the window.

Page 19

Exercise 5: Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous tenses.
1. I lit the fire at 6.00 and it (burn) _________________ brightly when Tom came at 7.00.
2. I (make) _________________ the cake when the light (go) _______________ out. I had to
finish it in the dark.
3. I didn’t want to meet Paul so when he entered the room, I (leave) _________________.
4. Unfortunately, when I (arrive) _________________ Ann (just/ leave) _________________
so we only had time for a few words.
5. He (watch) _________________ TV when the phone (ring) _______________. Very
unwillingly he (turn) _________________ down the sound and (go) _______________ to
answer it.
6. He always (wear) _________________ a raincoat and (carry) _____________ an umbrella
when he walked to the office.
7. I (share) ________________ a flat with him when we were students. He (always/ complain)
_________________ about my untidiness.
8. I (just/ open) _________________ the letter when the wind (blow) ______________ it out
of my hand.
9. The burglar (open) ________________ the safe when he (hear) _____________ footsteps.
He immediately (put) _________________ out his torch and (crawl) _________________
under the bed.
10. He (not/ allow) _________________ us to go out yesterday as a strong wind (blow)

Exercise 6: Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from the box.
call off set up turned down gave up turn up
carried out worn out came across took off broken into

1. Sue was offered a job as a translator but she ____________ it _____________.

2. His shoes are quite ____________________. He’ll have to get a new pair.
3. They had to ___________________ the football match because of snow.
4. Rachel knew that Ross would be worried if she didn’t ___________________.
5. Can you imagine who I ___________________ while I was in Paris?
6. An investigation was ___________________ by the local police.
7. A house in our neighbourhood was ___________________ last night.

Page 20
8. He’s been feeling much better since he _____________________ smoking.
9. Zedco wants to ______________________ a new sales office in Germany.
10. She _______________ her clothes _______________ and got into bed.

Exercise 7: Complete each sentence by using the correct phrasal verbs given in the box.
Put the verbs into the correct tense form.
look after live on look round get over turn off
take after look for come across take off go off

1. Everyone panicked when the bomb _____________________.

2. He was very unhappy after his girlfriend left him, but I think he is starting to ____________
it now.
3. We’re going on holiday next month. We must find someone to ____________________ the
cat and plants.
4. I know you’ve seen the new part of the town, but you should _____________________ the
old part. It’s very interesting.
5. We were on our way to college when we _____________________ some dancers. They
were doing a beautiful dance in the street.
6. He’s very good at sport and his mother is, too. He ___________________ her.
7. She loves acting, but she can’t _____________________ the money she earns from it. She
has to do other jobs.
8. I was very nervous as the plane _____________________.
9. Remember to _____________________ all the lights before going out.
10. I’m thinking about _____________________ a job at the moment.

Exercise 8: Fill in the blank with an appropriate preposition or adverb to form a phrasal
1. They got _______________ bus and walked to the craft village.
2. The museum has been temporarily closed _______________ for reconstruction.
3. Bat Trang Ceramic Village is facing up ______________ the lack of artisans.
4. He asked her to go on a vacation with his family, but she turned him ____________.
5. Tourists coming _______________ Western countries find conical hats interesting.
6. She is used to dealing _____________ all kinds of people in her job.
7. He got _____________ to find himself alone in the house.

Page 21
8. Tomorrow’s match has been called _______________ because of the icy weather.
9. I’m looking _______________ to the reunion with my family in Vietnam.
10. These traditional stories have been passed _______________ from parents to child over
many generations.


Page 22



I. Revisions of the Present perfect

1. Forms
(+) S + have/has + Vp2 ……………...
(-) S + have/has + not + Vp2 ……….
(?) Have/Has + S +Vp2 ……………?
(*) WH + have/has + S + Vp2 ………?

2. Helpful hints: just, recently, lately, for, since, ever, never, before, yet, until now, so far, this
morning, this week, since then, …

II. Comparison of adjectives and adverbs

1. Comparative
Short Adj/Adv:
S + V + adj/adv + ER + than + N/pronoun
Long Adj/Adv:
S + V + MORE + adj/adv + than + N/pronoun
S + V + LESS + adj/adv + than + N/pronoun

2. Superlative
Short Adj/Adv:
S + V + the + adj/adv + EST + (N)
Long Adj/Adv:
S + V + the MOST + adj/adv + (N)
S + V + the LEAST + adj/adv + (N)


Exercise 1: Fill in the correct form of the adjectives in brackets: comparative or

1. The chair is __________________ than the old one. (comfortable)
2. Trains are __________________ than planes. (slow)

Page 23
3. I bought the ______________________ car I could afford. (expensive)
4. In this classroom there are __________________ girls than boys. (many)
5. An is the _______________________ child in the family. (young)
6. That TV set is the ________________________ of all. (cheap)
7. This place is ___________________ than Kate. (pretty)
8. Lisa is the_________________ film I have ever seen. (exciting)
9. This place is ___________________ than that one. (safe)
10. Tom is ________________________ than Peter. (talented)

Exercise 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one,
using the word in the brackets.
1. The film I saw last week was better than this one. (good)
à This film _______________________________________ the one I saw last week.
2. Kate used to be better paid than she is these days. (as)
à These days Kate is _______________________________________ she used to be.
3. There are very few buildings in the city higher than this. (one)
à This is _______________________________________ buildings in the city.
4. I can’t believe this is the best room there is. (better)
à There must _______________________________________ this one.
5. My house is as big as Mary’s. (same)
à Mary’s house _______________________________________ mine.

Exercise 3: Rearrange the words or phrases to make meaningful sentences.

1. most / he / the / intelligent / is / I / met / have / man / ever /.
2. the / David / third / best / is / in / competition / the /.
3. active / is / she / less / her / than / classmates /.
4. considered / obesity / can / be / be / one / to / of the / serious / health / most / problems /.
5. achievements/ in/ information/ technology / will/ made/ be/ scientists/ more and more / by/.

Page 24

Exercise 4: Put the verbs into present perfect tense.

1. I (be) _____________________ here for three hours.
2. My parents (own) _________________________ the house since 1980.
3. They (have) ________________________ those problems for a long time.
4. We (see) _______________________ this movie already.
5. (you / check) ______________________ my spelling?
6. Linda (buy) ____________________________ a new television.
7. Julie (break) _____________________________ her leg.
8. Tim and Mary (have) _____________________ a baby.
9. I (know) _______________________ Susan for all my life.
10. David (study) _______________________ here since last October.
11. I (lose) _______________________ my key. Can you help me look for it?
12. That boy (eat) _______________________ seven ice creams.
13. I (try) ____________ to learn English for years, but I (not / succeed) _____________ yet.
14. You (already/ drink) _______________________ three cups of tea since I sat here.
15. Look! The dog (lie) _______________________ in the sun for two hours.
16. I (make) ____________________ roll sausages for the party all the morning. – How many
(you / make) _______________________?
– I (make) _______________________ 20.
17. My brother is an actor. He (appear) _______________________ on TV several times.
18. George (collect) _______________________ match boxes ever since he left school. Now
he (collect) _______________________ so many that he doesn’t know where to put them.
19. He (sleep) _______________________ since ten o’clock. It’s time he woke up.
20. The famous Sydney Opera House (serve) ________________ as an arts center since 1973.

Exercise 5: Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings, beginning as shown.
1. I have never tasted this kind of food before.
à This is the first time
2. They have lived here for ten years.
à They started
3. She knows a lot more about it then I do.
à I don’t know

Page 25
4. I have never read such a romantic story.
à This is
5. Barbara is the best tennis player in the club.
à No one
6. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for ages.
à It’s ages since
7. He could not afford to buy the car.
à The car
8. They started working in that factory in 2001.
à They have
9. How long is it since you last saw Tom?
à When
10. We’ve never met such a famous singer before.
à It’s the first time we
11. He started to play the piano five years ago.
à He has
12. How long ago did he start dancing?
à How long has


Page 26



I. Revisions of the Past Perfect Tense

1. Forms
(+) S + had + Vp2 ……………...

(-) S + had+ not + Vp2 ……….

(?) Had + S +Vp2 ……………?

(*) WH + had + S + Vp2………?

2. Helpful hints
- by: I had finished my homework by eight o’clock last night.
- by the time: By the time I got to the class, the lesson had started.
- before: I had done my homework before I went to bed.
- after: I left after I had finished my test.
- when: I left when I had finished my test.
- just/ already/ never:
+ Tim had just finished the test when the bell rang.
+ When I came home last night, my mother had already gone to bed.
+ Before Tom went to the zoo yesterday, he had never seen a tiger.

3. Equivalent structures
Structure 1: That/ It was + the first time (+ that) + S + had + P2.
= S + had never P2 + before.
Eg 1: That was the first time I came to France. = I had never come to France before.
Structure 2: That/ It was + the second/third/… time (+ that) + S + had + P2
= S + had P2 + twice/ three times.
Eg 2: It was the third time we met him. = We had met him three times.
Structure 3: That/ It was + superlative adjective + noun (+ that) + had + P2
= S + had never P2 + such + (a/an) + adj + noun (+ before)
Eg 3: That was the most thrilling film I had ever seen.
= I had never seen such a thrilling film before.

Page 27

II. Phrasal verbs (cont)

Look up the phrasal verbs on page 14.


Exercise 1: Use the correct form of verbs in the past perfect tense.
1. Lan (do) ________________ all her homework before she went to bed last night.
2. Who (she/ meet) _________________ before I saw her yesterday?
3. They (pay) _________________ all the bills before they left the restaurant last Sunday.
4. We (not/ finish) ________________ our work by 11 p.m. yesterday.
5. By the time we came home, my mother (go) _______________ to bed.
6. After Mary (say) ______________ goodbye to her friends, she got on the train to the South.
7. He spoke English as if he (live) _______________ in England for a long time before.
8. By the time the storm hit the island, all villagers (move) _______________ to safe places.
9. Before I met Lan, I (never/ fall) _________________ in love with any other girls before.
10. The phone (ring) _________________ many times before I knew it yesterday.

Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past perfect tense.
1. The train (start) _________________ before we (arrive) ______________ at the station.
2. The film (already/ begin) ________________ when we (get) _____________ to the cinema.
3. He said that he (see) _________________ that man before.
4. What places of interest (you/ visit) ________________ before you (return) ____________
5. When he met me, he (thank) _____________ me for what I (do) ____________ for him.
6. When I (come) _____________ to his house yesterday, his mother (tell) ____________ me
that he (go) _______________ to the cinema with his friend two hours before.
7. He (go) _______________ to England after he (study) _______________ English for two
8. Mr. Brown (die) _______________ after he (be) _______________ ill for a long time.
9. By the time he (return) _________________ home from England, they (already/ build)
___________________ a new house for him.
10. He (make) ___________________ a report on the history of England after he (read)
________________ a lot of books about it.
11. He (give) _______________ back the book, (thank) _______________ me for lending it to
him and (say) _______________ that he (enjoy) _______________ it very much; but I
Page 28
know that he (not/ read) _______________ it because most of the pages (be) __________
still uncut.

Exercise 3: Finish the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one,
beginning as shown.
1. The train had left before we arrived at the station.
à By the time
2. The bus had left before I arrived.
à By the time
3. That was the first time we had ever faced shortage of water.
à We had
4. My mother had never gone travelling before.
à It was
5. I had met the girl. Her father caused the accident.
à I had met
6. That was the first time I had eaten sushi.
à I had never
7. After putting the book on the table, she left the room.
à After she
8. They set off when they had listened to the weather forecast.
à After
9. He called me then he drove to work.
à Before
10. It was the most interesting book that she had ever read.
à She had

Exercise 4: Choose the correct phrasal verb in the box to complete the sentences.
go on pick up come up with go back find out
come out go out point out grow up set up
turn out get out come in(to) take on come back
1. Can you _____________________ a better idea?
2. She _____________________ that the shops would already be closed.
3. I wish I hadn’t _____________________ so much work!
4. I _____________________ for dinner with my husband last night.

Page 29
5. He _____________________ the kitchen and made some tea.
6. Where did you _____________________ (become an adult)?
7. I’d love to _____________________ my own business.
8. I really want to _____________________ of this office and go for a walk.
9. As I arrived, he _____________________ of the door.
10. She _____________________ some dinner on the way home.
11. Could you _____________________ what time we need to arrive?
12. I thought the conference was going to be boring but it _____________________ to be
quite useful.

Exercise 5: Complete each of the following sentences with a phrasal verb that is similar in
meaning to the word/ phrase in the brackets.
1. What time did you _____________________ (return) yesterday?
2. She ___________________ (appeared from a place) of the café and put on her gloves.
3. A performance _____________________ (is happening) at the moment.
4. He _____________________ (left a car) of the car.
5. He _____________________ (went to an event) a lot at the weekend, so he’s tired today.
6. Can we _____________________ (arrange) a meeting next week?
7. Would anybody like to __________________ (become responsible for) this new client?
8. He _____________________ (returned) before I left.
9. It’s lovely to watch my children _____________________ (become adults).
10. She _____________________ (returned) to school.
11. He _____________________ (showed) the stars to the children.
12. He _____________________ (returned) to Poland last year.
13. He _____________________ (thought of an idea) a solution.
14. Please _____________________ (enter)!
15. At the end of the film, it _____________________ (became clear or known) that John was
a good guy.
16. Could you _____________________ (get someone from a place) Lucy later?
17. We need to _____________________ (get information) how much it costs.
18. What _____________________ (’s happening)?

Exercise 6: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one,
using the word in capital.

Page 30
1. Local people can earn their livings by providing tourists with necessary services. (LIVE)
à Local people
2. That man has a friendly relationship with the owner of Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
à That man
3. Pictures of the suspect were published in all daily papers. (BROUGHT)
à Pictures
4. There is no oil and gas left on Earth. (RUN)
à The Earth has
5. The council had to cancel the football match because of the storm. (CALL)
à The council
6. She was reading a magazine as she waited in the doctor’s office. (LOOKING)
à She
7. I will return to Hoi An to have another week of adventure this summer. (COME)
8. After leaving college, he started his own business with a bank loan. (SET)
à After
9. She promised to meet me at the cinema this evening, but she didn’t arrive. (TURN)
à She
10. Nicholas began his trip to the remote farmhouse in Connecticut yesterday. (SET)
à Nicholas


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