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Applications of GIS in Crime Mapping

Worldwide GIS and data mapping application is used for crime fighting and for prevention, valuable tools are
available in it. Crime analysis can be done by crime mapping. In recent years crime maps examine by geospatial data
incorporation with statistical functionality of GIS. And from it one can better understand where and because of what
reason crime is occurring. Crime mapping is useful for better decisions, strategy formulation, tactical
analysis (geographic profiling and crime forecasting) and also useful in targeting resources.

Criminal activities happening around nation and world can possible to represent using remote sensing data such as
aerial photographs and Satellite imageries. The additional functionality of satellite imageries and GIS in crime
mapping is increasing speed and efficiency of crime analysis. Crime incidental pattern also can analyze by using
crime maps.

Using crime mapping i.e. with the use of GIS and RS data, Analysts can possible to recognize hot spots along with
different patterns & trends. In GIS different datasets, i.e. locations, banks, schools, census and demographic can
possible to overlay to better understand the fundamental causes of crime and help law enforcement administrators to
develop strategies and handle problems. Enforcement operations such as allocating polices for certain emergency
conditions also can possible through use of GIS technology.

GIS & RS techniques employ by police force in variety of applications, containing crime analysis. Criminal
intelligence, public information and crime prevention, community policing tasks can done with GIS help. With
georefrenced crime database, filtering when it is required and mapping of it over street data by representing crime
data spatially. Different data layers is useful for information purpose ex. Zip codes, districts, census tracts, but city
streets is important data.

Many applications can be implemented by using GIS & RS data. Geocoded information superimposed on Photos,
including drug-market data, injury locations census data, liquor license locations, addresses, housing and zoning
code violations and other data and it is significant to the needs of community policing.

Applications of GIS in Crime:

 Identification suspicious event, for which required further investigation
 Supporting trend and pattern analysis
 Implementing various policy methodologies for reduction of crime
 Integrating all i.e. traditional and nontraditional data for analysis improvement
 Educating people about visual (map/graphs) information of crime and it is important for public concerns and
in public action towards crime.
 Provision of tools for capturing crime series and prediction of occurrence of future crime.
 Can possible to take Strategic decisions in rapidly changing environment
 Crime occurrence information is locational information, GIS provides help for analyzing, understanding and
building solutions of problems.
 GIS is helpful to understand events and dynamics of crime hazards, persons, and events.
 Identification of risk factors for crime control
 By analyzing crime trend over time, rapidly relocate resources and configure beats.
 Locating regional/seasonal hot spot localities of crime and developing plans for crime reduction.
 For additional help and service facility, capturing repeat call for service locations
 GIS modeling can possible to manage workflow and capture best practices
 Any agencies activities can understand by administrative crime mapping
 Crime patterns and series observations by analyzing crime data
 Provision of investigative leads by aggregating data from variety of sources
 Using spatial tools and techniques forecasting of future crime locations
 Support to operational plans and clarifying ideal deployment locations
 Spatial queries, analysis and visualization are key functions of GIS, which is very helpful for critical decision

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