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Declarative Model (Page Layouts, RecordType, Workflows, Validation Rules)

Objects Fields and Relationships

1. Create a new custom object SkillLyncClient with the following fields

● Client Code – should be an auto incrementing number CL-{0000}
● Description – Free text area
● Point of Contact – Text field
● Mobile Number - Phone
● Email Address - Email
2. Create a new custom object SkillLynProject Details with the following fields
● Project Code - should be an auto incrementing number PRJ-{0000}
● Project Description
● Implementation Type – (Product Development, Support, Enhancements, Enterprise
● Start Date (Required)
● End Date (Required)
● Status – (Open, Closed, In Progress) Default value: Open
● Client – Reference to the client record
● Manager – Reference to an employee
3. Only employees with the Role as Project Managers should show up in the Manager pop up.
(Hint: Use lookup filters)
4. Create a many to many relationship between an Employee and Project as 1 Employee can be
working on multiple projects and 1 Project will have multiple employees working on them.
5. Create tabs for Client and Project objects respectively and add them to the Payroll App created

Validation Rules
1. Restrict the creation of an employee where the DOB is 18 years older. Error message needs to
be shown on the DOB field – “Please provide a valid Date of birth. Employee cannot be less than
18 years of Age.”
2. Restrict the creation of a salary record for an Inactive Employee. Error message should be shown
on top of the page – “Salary cannot be processed for inactive employees.”

Record Types
1. Create 2 record types for an employee – Technical and Non Technical
2. Depending upon the selection of the type of employee selected, the list of values in the Skills or
Expertise fields should change
● Technical – C#, Java, Apex, Salesforce,, QA, Dot Net, PHP (All values should
appear in an alphabetically sorted order.)
● Non Technical – Project Management, Operations, HR, Project Planning (All values
should appear in an alphabetically sorted order.)

Page Layouts
1. Customize the Page layout for Employee to have the following
● Organize the fields and group them into the following sections – Employee Details,
Address Details, Salary Details, Department Details
● Only the following Related Lists should be visible – Salary Information with the following
columns in the said order (Salary Credit Date, Basic, HRA, Special Allowance, Total
Earnings, Gross Salary, Mode of Payment)
● Layout the fields in 2 columns
2. Customize the Salary Page Layout to have the following
● Organize the Salary page into the following sections – Payment Details, Salary Deduction
Details, Bank Details, Salary Credit Details
● Layout the fields in 2 columns
3. Customize the Department Page Layout to have the following
● Organize the Department page into the following sections – Department Details
● Layout the fields in 1 column
4. Customize the Client Page Layout to have the following
● Organize the Project page into the following sections – Client Details, Contact Details
● Layout the fields in 2 columns
● Add related lists to enable viewing all the Projects associated with a particular client.
Following columns need to be shown – Project code
5. Customize the Project Page Layout to have the following
● Organize the Project page into the following sections – Department Details
● Layout the fields in 1 column
● Add related lists to enable viewing all the Name of all employees working on the project

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