Week 3-Wed Transcription

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From 00:00:29-

 Prof: Today we will be discussing about Sinusoids and Phasors. So what is actually sinusoids and phasors are
the component of an AC circuit, previously, we have discussed the basics of electrical circuits but the voltage that
we have tackled there is in DC means in direct cycle. If we try to graph the voltage and current that is given by the
Dc, it looks like this. Let’s say, if you connect the battery (in DC) here, the voltage that will out is 12 volts.
Considering this graph, the AC, is in sinusoidal means sometimes it can be in a positive or negative side. So, let’s
say the height here is equal and let’s consider the circuit, In addition, in analysis of circuit we consider AC source
and we still put positive and negative terminal symbols here just for the analysis purpose. What will happen to the
AC is there will be time that its direction will be like this o sometimes like this, it’s like backward and forward flow
of voltage or current. Like what I said earlier, for simplicity, if we are analyzing a circuit, we will consider one
direction only. So now, in an AC we have here voltage RMS and peak voltage, in our house if you try to measure
the voltage coming from the outlet, you will actually get a 220 volts, it is called voltage RMS (root mean square)
however when we looked in the voltage through the perspective of DC, we have here peak voltage.

 A sinusoid is a signal that describes a smooth repetitive motion of an object that oscillates at a constant rate
(frequency) about an equilibrium point
A phasor is a vector that has an arrow head at one end which signifies partly the maximum value of the vector quantity
( V or I ) and partly the end of the vector that rotates.
Generally, vectors are assumed to pivot at one end around a fixed zero point known as the “point of origin” while the
arrowed end representing the quantity, freely rotates in an anti-clockwise direction at an angular velocity, ( ω ) of one full
revolution for every cycle. This anti-clockwise rotation of the vector is considered to be a positive rotation. Likewise, a
clockwise rotation is considered to be a negative rotation.
Although the both the terms vectors and phasors are used to describe a rotating line that itself has both magnitude and
direction, the main difference between the two is that a vectors magnitude is the “peak value” of the sinusoid while a
phasors magnitude is the “rms value” of the sinusoid. In both cases the phase angle and direction remains the same.
The phase of an alternating quantity at any instant in time can be represented by a phasor diagram, so phasor diagrams
can be thought of as “functions of time”. A complete sine wave can be constructed by a single vector rotating at an
angular velocity of ω = 2πƒ, where ƒ is the frequency of the waveform. Then a Phasor is a quantity that has both
“Magnitude” and “Direction”.

 Prof: Here, let’s consider a 240V, it is actually the effective value and our equivalent DC voltage. Here, we can
actually measure it by this formula.
 Prof: So the part here is what we called instantaneous voltage means sometimes its voltage looks like this and
sometimes like this. And this is given by the voltage, the m here is the amplitude (VRMS), this sign here
represents the sinusoidal cycle and also the frequency in radian and t for time.
 Prof: So this is the sinusoid, it is the signal that has the form of sin and cosine. In this graph, we can see here is
the voltage magnitude through this symbol and here is time. By this evident, we can conclude that the sinusoid
repeats itself in every T seconds, thus, T is called the period of the sinusoid. With this, we obtained this equation.
 Prof: Here is the frequency with respect to hertz, so the T here is in seconds. In Philippines we have a frequency
of 60 hertz, if we convert that into seconds, it will be 1 over 60 second so the answer will be 0.016 seconds. So
what’s the meaning of the period here? It means that the frequency is at 0.16 seconds. That is why when we
measure the voltage in out socket, we didn’t notice the voltage in between this VRMS from the positive and
negative because it is too fast to be captured. So, what actually the importance of studying AC circuit, we can

noticed that in our appliances usually their requirements is in AC. If you read some history of electronics, before
they are using DC circuit that was discovered by Thomas Edison. AC is very utilize nowadays and they used DC
for short distances however because of technology we are again going back to DC in transition lights but still they
are studying about those matters. Right now we are using AC, imagine, if we transport power from one place, for
example from Bulacan to Cagayan, so AC only used one wire while in DC is two. Economically, we are using AC,
although we can see to our electric post it has three wires, those wires represent different phases. So this is the
general expression of sinusoids.
 Prof: So now, let’s consider or examine these two sinusoids. So if we’re going to graph that, this is the V1 starting
from zero and this is the V2. The distance between these two is what we called electrical degree. We can actually
graph that using the four quadrants, so it looks like this. Here is the V1 and V2, its distance is represent by C. if
we interpret it will be V2 is logging V1 by angle.

 Prof: Now, we are in trigonometric identities that is very useful in analyzing circuit. So I have here different
examples of sinusoids to be analyze. For example we have this graph to identify the sinusoid. Here, A cosine
omega t is equal to A sine omega t minus ninety and also, A sine omega t is equal to A cosine omega t plus
ninety. While here, we have on this side a negative sine omega t and here is positive cosine omega t, to have this
answer, we will use always the clockwise direction, then, it will look like this. A sine omega t is equal to negative
sine omega t plus one hundred eighty and also A cosine omega t is equal to negative cosine omega t plus one
hundred eighty.
 Prof: So now, we will proceed to our example. My question here is can identify the amplitude in this equation.
 Student: based on this equation, the amplitude is twelve (12).
 Prof: Please identify the phase angle.

 Student: The phase angle is the 10 degrees.

 Prof: Okay, the 10 degrees. Thank you! In this sinusoid, can you tell us what is the period (t)?
 Student: Sir, so the formula for the t is 2 pi over omega, and based in the given the omega is equal to 50 so 2 pi divided by 50
is equal to 0.1257 seconds.
 Prof: Can you identify the angular frequency?
 Student: The angular frequency is 50 rad/sec.
 Prof: So this is the angular frequency which is in rad/sec. If the angular frequency is 50, what is the frequency in hz?
 Student: Based on the lesson, the frequency is only the reciprocal of the period which is 1 over t (0.1257 s), so the frequency
will be equal to 7.96 hz.
 Prof: So that is how we identify a sinusoid. Now we will answer again another problem, we have to sinusoid V 1 equal to -10
cosine omega t plus 50 degrees.

 Prof: And another sinusoid, which is V2 equal to 12 sine omega t minus 10 degrees.

 Prof: So for this problem, we are asked to calculate the phase angle between V 1 and V2. Second, identify which sinusoid is
leading. We have three ways or methods to analyze and for us to be able to calculate. First of all, we have to make the
sinusoid of each other the same. We need to first consider the first sinusoid, V 1 equal to 10 cosine omega t plus 50 degrees
since we made it positive, we will subtract 180 degrees. Then we will obtain a sinusoidal 10 cosine omega t minus 130
degrees. If we add 10 cosine omega t plus 50 plus 180, this will become 10 cosine omega t plus 230 which is only the same
with the other one if we graph it. And then for the second sinusoid since we have a sine function, we need to convert it into
cosine in order for us to identify the phase angle, so V 2 equal to 12 sine omega t minus 10 degrees and we will make it a
cosine function 12 cosine omega t minus 10 minus 90 degrees and this will become 12 cosine omega t minus 100. How can
you identify the difference phase angle between V1 and V2?

 Prof: What now is the phase angle from this graph. We can see that the phase angle is equal to 30 degrees. The second
question is which sinusoid is leading. So considering the direction of positive flow V 2 is the leading, so we can now write V 2
leads V1 by 30 degrees. The second method is to perform it with sine function so again we consider V 1 is equal to 10 sine
omega t plus 50 degrees minus 90 degrees that will become 10 sine omega t minus 40 degrees. For V2, this is already sine,
12 sine omega t minus 10 degrees so the angle at sinusoid 1 is equal to 40 degrees and our angle for sinusoid 2 is 10
degrees. And if we graph that again we will have a phase difference of 30 degrees. The third method is to graph it, we have
negative cosine omega t and positive omega t, negative sine omega t and positive sine omega t, 50 degrees down and the
other one is 12 sine omega t since negative so clockwise and this is negative 10. And that will be our phase angle difference
which is equal to 30 degrees and we can see that the V2 is leading and V1 lags V2 by 30 degrees.
 Prof: We have three kinds of Phasors, the first one is what you call rectangular form and this is written as z=x+jy and we also
have polar form and this is written as z equal to r angle theta, and lastly is the exponential form which is written as z is equal to
r e exponential j angle and these different phasors can be converted from one form to another. For example, polar to
rectangular form: z is equal to r angle theta then it will be z equals to r cosine angle plus j r sine angle; rectangular to polar
form: z = x+jy then it will be z is equal to square root of x2+y2 bar arctangent of y divided by x.
Anon, Introductory mathematics for engineering applications. O'Reilly Online Learning.
Available at: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/introductory-mathematics-
for/9781118141809/Text/chap006.xhtml [Accessed September 28, 2021].

Administrator, 2017. Sinusoidal waveform. Electronics Hub. Available at:

https://www.electronicshub.org/sinusoidal-waveform/ [Accessed September 28, 2021].

Anon, 2019. Phasor diagram and phasor algebra used in AC circuits. Basic Electronics Tutorials. Available at:
https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/accircuits/phasors.html [Accessed September 28, 2021].

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