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Русская версия
Самоучитель по грамматике с практическими упражнениями
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для изучающих англиискии язык на начальном уровне

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с ответами и электронной книгой
. . .

Raymond Murphy
with Olga Sands


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Выражение благодарности vii
Предисловие для учащегося viii
Предисловие для учителя х

Интерактивная электронная книга (eB oo k) х1

Настоящее время
1 am/is/are
2 am/is/are (вопросы)
3 l'm scared / l'm late / l'm tired и т. д.
4 1 am doing (present continuous)
5 are you doing? (presenc continuous, вопросы)
6 1 do/work/like и т. д. (present simple)
7 1 don't ••. (present simple, отрицания)
8 Do you ..• ? (presenc simple, вопросы)
9 1 am doing (presenc continuous) и 1 do (present simple)
1 О 1 have ••• и l've got ...

Прошедшее время
11 was/were
12 worked/got/went и т. д. (рая simple)
13 1 didn't ••• Did you ... ? (pasc simple, отрицания и вопросы)
14 1 was doing (past concinuous)
15 1 was doing (рая continuous) и 1 did (past simple)

Present Perfect
16 1 have done (presenr: perfect 1)
17 l've just ••. l've already ..• 1 haven't ... yet (presenc perfect 2)
18 Have you ever ••• ? (present perfect 3)
19 How Iong have you ... ? (presenr perfecc 4)
20 for since ago
21 1 have done (present perfecc) и 1 did (past)

Пассивные конструкции
22 is done was done (пассивные конструкции 1)
23 is being done has been done (пассивные конс трукции 2)

Формы глагола
24 be/have/do в настоящем и прошедшем времени
25 Правильные и неправильные глаголы

Будущее время
26 What are you doing tomorrow?
27 l'm going to ...
28 will/shall 1
29 will/shall 2

Модальные глаголы. повелительное наклонение и т. д.

30 might
31 сап и could
32 must mustn't don't need to
33 should
34 1 have to ...
35 Would you like ... ? l'd like •.•

36 Do this! Don't do that! Let's do this!

37 1 used to •..


, . .:
There и it
38 there is there are
39 there was/were there has/have been there will Ье
40 lt ...

Вспомогательные глаголы
41 1am,1 don1t и т. д.
42 Have you? Are you? Don't you? и т. д.
43 too/either so am 1 / neither do 1 и т. д.
44 isn't, haven't, don't и т. д. (отрицания)

Вопросительные предложения
45 is it ••• ? have you ••• ? do they ... ? и т. д. (вопросы 1)
46 Who saw you? Who did you see? (вопросы 2)
47 Who is she talking to? What is it lil<e? (вопросы 3)
48 What ... ? Which ... ? How ... ? (вопросы 4)
49 How long does it take ... ?
50 Do you know where ... ? 1 don1t know what •.• и т. д.

Косвенная речь
51 She said that ••. Не told me that ...

-ing и to .••

52 work/worl<ing go/going do/doing

53 to .•• (1want to do) и -ing (1 enjoy doing)
54 1 want you to ... 1 told you to ...
55 1 went to the shop to •..

Go, get, do, make и have

56 go to ..• go on •.• go for ... go -ing
57 get
58 do и make
59 have

Местоимения и указание на принадлежность

60 l/me he/him they/them и т. д.
61 my/his/their и т. д.
62 Whose is rhis? lr's mine/yours/hers и т. д.
63 l/me/my/mine
64 myself/yourself/themselves и т. д.
65 -'s (Kate's camera / my brother's car и т. д.)

66 a/an ...
67 train(s) bus(es) (единственное и множесmвС?111юс число)
68 а bottle / some water (исчисляемые!неисчиотсмыс сущситюительиыс 1)
69 а cal<e / some cake / some cakes (исчисляемые!неuсчисляемыесуществительные 2)
70 a/an и the
71 the ...
72 go to work go home go to the cinema
73 1 like music 1 hare exams
74 the •.• (с географическими названиями)


Определяющие слова и местоимения
75 this/that/these/those
76 one/ones
77 some и any
78 not + any no none
79 not + anybody/anyone/anything nobody/no-one/nothing
80 somebody/anything/nowhere и т. д.
81 every и all
82 all most some any no/none
83 both either neither
84 а lot much many
85 (а) little (а) few

Прилагательные и наречия
86 old/nice/interesting и т. д. (прилагательные)
87 quickly/badly/suddenly и т. д. (наречия)
88 old/older expensive / more expensive
89 older than ... more expensive than .•.

90 not as ... as
91 the oldest the most expensive
92 enough
93 too

Порядок слов
94 Не caught а Ьig fish. (порядок слов 1)
95 always/usually/often и т. д. (порядок слов 2)
96 still yet already
97 Give me that bool<! Give it to me!

Союзы и сложные предложения

98 and but or so because
99 When lf ••• •••

100 lf 1 had ••. lf we went . и т. д. ..

101 а person who ... а thing that/which ... (относительные придаточные предложения 1)
102 the people we met t/1e hotel you stayed at (относительные придаточные предложения 2)

103 at 8 o'clock on Monday in April
104 from ••• to until since for
105 before after during while
106 in at on (предлоги места 1)
107 in at on (предлоги места 2)
108 to in at (предлоги места 3)
109 under, behind, opposite и т. д.
1 ·10 up, over, through и т. д.
1 ·1 ·1 on at Ьу with about
112 full of ... , good at ... и т. д. of/at/for и т. д. (предлоги)·+ -ing
113 listen to ..• , look at ••. и т. д. (глагол+ предлог)

Фразовые глаголы
114 go in, fall off, run away и т. д. (phrasal verbs 1)
115 put on your shoes put your shoes on (phrasal verbs 2)

Приложение 1 Активные и пассивные конструкции 243
Приложение 2 Список 1-1еправильных глаголов 244
Приложение 3 Неправильные глаголы: группы 245
Приложение 4 Краткие формы (he's / l'd / don't и т. д.) 246
Приложение 5 Правописание 248
Приложение 6 Фразовые глаголы (take off / give up и т. д.) 250
Приложение 7 Фразовые глаголы + дополнение (put out а fire / give up your job и т. д.) 251

Дополнительные упражнения 252

Руководство по изучению грамматики 271

Ключи к упражнениям 282

Ключи к дополнительным упражнениям 312
Ключи к руководству по изучению грамматики 314

Английский алфавитный указатель 315

Русский алфавитный указатель З18


Авторы выражают особую благодарность Rebecca Hill, Alyson Maskell, Chriяopher Capper и Keith Sands за их
помощь в создании русского издания Essenrial Grammar in Use.

emc design ltd

Adz, Paul Boston, Cl1risюpher Flint, John Goodwin, Katie Мае, Martina - KJA artists, Lucy Truman

Программное обеспечение
Daramatics Ltd.

Редактирование текста на русском языке

Elena Edvvards и Milana Michalevic при содействии First Edition Translarions Ltd, Кембридж, Великобритания


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Перед вами самоучитель по грамматике е �� н е
��" ."�_:·:·>- .·.г _-- .
и .

. ' -:
--�·-· . - --�:
. - · .

английского языка для начинающих. -
:- .
. . _
. ·_ _ :.·.
.. ,

Он состоит из 115 разделов, каждый из

которых посвящён определённому разделу
грамматики английского языка. Список 1m k .;нr

разделов находится в начале самоучителя o1n1 о arc

1 m turPd l 01n latc" 1 m drt"d
lдtнd.�ns t r
(смотрите Содержание). 1.r« уо11 dolncr
. 1 do W\;t'8 llkr ' • � "f'.
.,. ""
t don�i •
°" "." 1
l ••n do1n1 ICIO n ''-""
Не рекомендуется изучать все разделы 1 havw "" 1·vr 101 •••

по порядку. Изучите те разделы, которые

нужны именно вам. Например, если у вас
затруднения с present: perfect (1 have been, he
has done и т. д.), то изучите разделы 15-20.

Используйте Содержание, а также Английский

� •);.. .
• t" ...,_
f( ""
t ••
. '••t '.
".... tH10 иttд
и Русский алфавитные указатели (смотрите 1rw- ",....
в конце самоучителя), чтобы найти ·� .

необходимые вам разделы.

"tr;r� " lwt 11t
ь""t«11 ..,. f\rf"мt

' ,0t.1f.1,i
.. , "rpe � '"'
... •Ь1

;�;::/"'�.,. oN't'ff '"'•

.,.. "'"'''

Если вы сомневаетесь ... .

,.,._," ...-.-

в том, какие разделы

вам следует изучить,
Руководство по
изучению грамматики
в конце самоучителя.



Руководство по изучению грамматики (страницы 271-281)

Каждый раздел состоит из двух
страниц. На странице слева
представлена теоретическая
информация, на странице
справа даны упражнения:

Сначала изучите информацию

на странице слева, а затем
выполните упражнения на
странице справа.

.... "" ".

Информация Упражнения

Используйте Ключи, чтобы проверить правильность

выполнения упражнений. Ключи к упражнениям находятся
на страницах 282-311.

При необходимости повторно изучите информацию на

странице слева.

Обратите внимание, что в конце

самоучителя даны семь Приложений
(страницы 243-251 , в которых вы найдёте
) _

информацию об активных и пассивных

конструкциях, неправильных глаголах, "

кратких формах, правописании и фразовых ·-

· -



... . .


-· ·­
. ...

- ....
.. .... . ".
- . ... " .....
" t ". •
. " .. . .
- ..


В конце самоучителя также даны --

Дополнительные упражнения (страницы

252-270). Список этих упражнений указан
на странице 252.



Основные характеристики Essentia/ Grammar in Use:
О Это пособие по грамматике, поэтому другие аспекты языка здесь не рассматриваются.
О Пособие предназначено для начинающих (уровень elementary), поэтому здесь не рассматривается более
сложный грамматический материал, выходящий за рамки уровня elementary.
() Это справочное пособие с упражнениями, а не учебник, поэтому здесь нет постепенного усложнения
изучаемого материала.
О Пособие адресовано учащимся и предназначено для самостоятельной работы.

Настоящее пособие состоит из 115 разделов, каждый из которых посвящён определённому разделу
грамматики. Материал организован в соответствии с грамматическими категориями, такими как времена,
вопросительные предложения и артикли. Пособие составлено не по принципу постепенного усложнения
материала, и, следовательно, разделы могут изучаться в любой последовательности в зависимости от
потребностей конкретного учащегося. Не рекомендуется изучать все разделы по порядку. Список разделов
указан в Содержании. В конце пособия также даны Английский и Русский алфавитные указатели.

Каждый раздел состоит из разворота в две страницы. На странице слева представлена теоретическая
информация с объяснениями, а справа даны соответствующие упражнения. Пособие также содержит
семь Приложений (страницы 243-251), в которых рассматриваются активные и пассивные конструкции,
неправильные глаголы, краткие формы (сокращения), правописание и фразовые глаголы. Учителю €ледует
обратить внимание учащихся на информацию в Приложениях.

В конце пособия приведены Дополнительные упражнения (страницы 252-270). Эти упражнения обеспечивают
обобщённую практику, то есть задействуют знания из разных разделов грамматики (в особенности на формы
глагола). Эта часть включает в себя 35 упражнений, полный список которых приведён на странице 252.

В конце пособия также дано Руководство по изучению грамматики, которое поможет учащимся определить,
какие разделы им следует изучить (смотрите на странице 271).

Наконец, в конце пособия приведены Ключи ко всем упражнениям (на страницах 282-311), что позволит
учащимся проверить правильность выполненных упражнений.


Настоящее пособие рассчитано на учащихся начального уровня, то есть учащихся с очень незначительным
знанием английского языка, но не на начинающих с нуля. Пособие будет полезно прошедшим курс для
начинающих, а также учащимся уровня low�intermediate, у которых знание грамматики уступает другим
аспектам владения английским языком, или учащимся с пробелами в знаниях в конкретных областях базовой

Объяснения материала на русском языке кратки и просты, использование грамматической терминологии

сведено к минимуму. Словарный запас, используемый в примерах и упражнениях, также не выходит за
рамки начального уровня. Во многих случаях переводы на русский язык выполнены таким образом, чтобы
максимально облегчить понимание примеров на английском языке.

Как пользоваться Essential Grammar in Use

Настоящее пособие может быть использовано учащимися как в качестве самоучителя (смотрите Предисловие
для учащегося), так и в качестве дополнительного учебного материала. В обоих случаях возможно его
использование как справочниа по базовой грамматике.

При использовании в качестве дополнительного учебного материала Essential Grammar in Use будет полезно
для закрепления нового или повторения уже пройденного материала, а также для работы над ошибками.
Настоящее пособие подойдёт как для работы всем классом, так и для индивидуальной работы учащихся,
которые нуждаются в дополнительной помощи и практике.

В некоторых случаях страницы слева (информацию с объяснением материала) можно использовать в

классе, но следует отметить, что этот материал рассчитан· на самостоятельное изучение и использование в
качестве справочника. В большинстве случаев учителю рекомендуется объяснить материал по грамматике
в соответствии со своей методикой, оставив выполнение упражнений для домашней работы. В этом случае
учащиеся смогут использовать информацию на странице слева для справки.

Некоторые учителя пре.{\почитают задавать учащимся определенные разделы пособия для повторения
пройденного материала и самостоятельной работы. В этом случае отдельным учащимся или группам могут
быть предложены конкретные задания для самостоятельного изучения и практики.
Пособие поставляется в комплекте с eBook. В eBook представлены те же объяснения по грамматике
и упражнения, что и в международной версии книги.

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Интерактивная книга eBook совместима с планшетами iPad и Android, а также с ПК и Apple Мае.

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Следуйте инструкциям на внутренней стороне обложки данного пособия.

g cлмвRIDGE

l'm American. l'm from Cl1icago.
Му favourite sports are
foorball and swimming.

Му father is а doctor and ту

mOEher is а journalisc.

утвердительные предложения отрицательные предложения

am (l'm) am not (l'm not)

he (he s)
' he (he's not or he isn't)
she IS (she's) she is not (she's not or she isn't)
it (it's) it (it's not or it isn't)

we (we're) we (we're not or we aren't)

you are (you're) you are not (you're not or you aren't)
t h ey ( t h ey're) they ( they're not or t h ey aren't)

краткая форма краткие формы

Am/is/are обычно не переводится на русский язык:

О l'm 32 years old Му sister is 29.
Мне 32 года. Моей сестре 29 лет.
О Steve is ill. He's in bed. Стив болен. Он в постели.
О Му саг is very old. Моя машина очень старая.
О Anna and 1 are good friends. Мы с Анной хорошие друзья.
О You re very busy today. Сегодня вы очень заняты.

О Your keys are on the саЫе. Твои ключи на столе.

О l'm not English. l'm from Scotland.
Я не англичанин. Я из Шотландии.
О James isn't а teacher. He's а student.
Джеймс не учитель. Он студент.
О Those people aren't American. They re Australian. '

Эти люди не американцы. Они австралийцы.

Обратите внимание, что в этих предложениях необходимо использовать lt's:

О lt's nine o'clock. / l t's ten o'clock. / lt's 6.45. (Сейчас) ... часов.
О l t 's early. / l t 's late. (Сейчас) рано/поздно.

that's = th ac is there's = there is here's = here is

О Thank you. That's very kind of you .

. . . Это очень мило с вашей стороны.
О Look! There's Chris. Смотри! Вот Крис.
О А: Here's your key. Вот ваш ключ.
в: Thank you.

1" am/is/are (вопросительные предложения ) -+ Раздел 2
\. there is/are -+ Раздел 38 lt _.Раздел 40
l'm scared / l'm late / l'm tired и т. д. _.Раздел 3
a/an _.Раздел 66 краткие формы _. Приложение 4
Напишите краткую форму (she's / we aren't и т. д.).

1 she is ... . .. §.Ь§:�"". . ...

.. .. .
........ . 3 it is not ." . ... . ...... ." . ... . ." .. .. .. . .
. .. . . .. . 5 1 am not
2 they are .. .. .
." ....... . " ". ... " "."".._ . 4 that is " . " . " " .-- . .
.". ..... . .. . ... ." " .""
. . 6 you are not ".." " .. " . ""
" ." .. ....... "" . ....

Вставьте am, is или are.

1 The weather . .."..! Р.. " .... nice today.

. 5 Look! There .... ".". .. .. Helen.
2 1 . .."..""... ". not rich.
... 6 Му brotl1er and 1 . .."""" good tennis players.
3 This bag _.... ··-····- heavy. 7 Emily ._.""""."... " at home. Нег children "".""".". at school.
4 These bags .".""".""" heavy. 8 1 .. . ....... "..... а taxi driver. Му sister." . . . "а nurse. . "_. ..

Заполните пропуски.

· 1·11 . .""""...He's
1 5teve 1s "..... ..."""".. 1n Ьеd.
.. · 5 Elena is Russian. " ....""...... ..." ...""... from Mosco...v.
2 l'm not l1ungry, but ......"".."". ..... "" ....... . thirsty. 6 Catherine isn't: at home.............. ...""..."...... " at work.
3 Мг Thomas is а very old man. . . ... ""." .".. "... " .._" "98. 7 А: .. ".." ........"......."" .. your coat.
. .

4 These chairs aren't beautiful, but . " ." . "

.." . ... "" .. " . " ." в: Oh, thank you very mucl1.

Прочитайте информацию о Лизе в разделе 1А. Теперь напишите о себе.

1 (name?) Му "......" "..."..""......"..""""""".... ".".. """"""."..-....""

... 5 (favourite colour?)
2 (age?) 1.". ""..". ""..".".""........
. "."""""... "" ".""""" ."....."."." tv\y "" ._ ..... "" . ".. - " .... . ...... " ..... ." ".... . """ " .. "" " ".."" ." .."" ." " """ .." "" "

3 (from?) 1 ."""...".." . ..."..."....."......."...."" ....". ......""""..".."" .........."..

. 6 (favourite sports?)
4 (jоЬ?) 1 ". ".
. ......""."."".." "."""""".".""." ".""".". ......""".""." Му . ... ......" ......"" . " . "" " "
. . .. ".." .. "". . .
" . .". .. . ...""" ". "".
" " "". " . . ." .." .. . ...... ."

- Посмотрите на картинки. Напишите об этих людях, используя слова из рамки:

- ._ - -

angry happy hungry sad strong -thir-sty

1 $.hg.'�J�.h i r.P..t.:Y: "." ..."...."".."" 3 Не ........... .......... .. ....." .. ... .. ..."."...... 5 .." . " .. . " ".... " .. . """ " ".. . ".. .. . .. . ..... .." " ....

2 They . .."..-.."" ...".."....."

" .....""".""""." "." 4 .... "...." . . " ." " .
. " ". . ." ....."_. " . "
". .... ".".... " 6 .. . .... " .. " ....".""". ...... ......... . ............................." "

Напишите правдивые предложения (утвердительные или отрицательные). Используйте

is/isn't или are/aren't.

1 (it / early) . lt.J?.IJ.:t.. ���!Y.·." . ... -··" .. _...... . .".или ......J.t.'s �g.r. IY........ "."" . .. "" . .. " .
. ". . . ". .." ". " "......... .... .. "" ..... ..... " . ". ......

2 (my hands / cold) Му " " . .. . . . . "

.... ..... . ... . ..." .... ..
.." . . ...". .." . ".. . . . ....
.... . .. .......-" ....... . . . . . ...
"" .... ... ........ " "" "
". ". " " " .. .. .
.. .. ...... " ..." .... .. " . .
. . . ..

3 (Brazil /а very Ыg country)

4 (diamonds / cheap)
5 (Minsk / in Russia)

Напишите правдивые предложения о себе. Используйте l'm / l'm not.

6 ( tall) .... " l'm..t.�11.: . . "".......... "" ...""".. или

. "_ .... Jm...1:1q�..t.�.l! "..
..". . ." " . " ".." . " " .". ..-. . . .. . . "... . .
". .. . . .. .... ". . " ..
... .. .. .......

7 (hungry) 1." ."."""".". . "" ." " . " ".

.... .
" """ . ". ". " "" """ " . "
""""".".." " ." . "" """ """" . .. " .... ." . ." ....... . " " ."
. .
.. . ". . .... "" " "..

8 (а good svJimmer) " . . ... . .".... . .. .

.. . . """"" .
"""." .. " . """ " " ..... "" . . " " . " ". . .
. .. " ." " ... ."" . .
. """ """. "" """" . " . "." .
... " "... "." .. "
. ." " " """ ... .. "
". " " " .. " "

9 (а good dancer) "."""""""" " .. " .. . ". " ""." . " .. . " ."""" . "" ."" " " .." . "" ". .. . """ "". "
" . "" . " " " " . " " ." " . "" " .... "" "" . . . ."" ""."". " ". .
" ." .
""" ".

Переведите предложения на английский язык. канадец= Canadian

1 Анна - студентка. 6 Мой любимый цвет - зелёный. паспорт= passport

2 Том и Ирина - учителfl. 7 Смотри! Вот Бен. Смотри! = Look !

З Линде 18 лет. 8 Сейчас не поздно. очки = glasses

4 Бен не американец. Он канадец. 9 Мои очки на столе.

5 Вот Ваш паспорт. 10 Я из Москвы.

�Дополнительное упражнение 1 (страница 252) 13

утвердительные вопросительные
предложения предложения Awhat's your name?)
1 I am am 1?

he he?
А Are you married? )
she is is she?
� �
it? How old are you? )
we we?
you are are you? � Are you а srudenc? )
they they?

А: Are you English? Вы англичанин?

в: No, l'm Scottish. Нет я шотландец.
А: ls your mother at home? Твоя мама дома?
в: No, she's out. Нет её нет. (букв. она вне дома)
А: Are your parents at home? Твои родители дома?
в: No, they're at work.
А: ls it late? Сейчас поздно?
В: No, it's only 9 o'clock. Нет1 только 9 часов.
Your shoes are nice. Are they new? Твои туфли красивые. Они новые?
You're Russian. Am 1 right? Вы русские. Я права?

Обратите внимание на порядок слов:

ls she at home? / ls your mother at home? (неверно Your mother at home?)
Are they new?/ Are your shoes new? (неверно Your shoes new?)

Where ... ?/ What ... ?/ Who ... ? / How . .. ? / Why ... ?

Where is your mother? ls she at home? Где твоя мама? .. .

'Where are you from?' 'Canada.' "Откуда ты?" .. .
'What colour is your car?' 'lt's red.' "Какого цвета ... ?"
'How old is Joe?' 'He's 24.' 11Сколько лет Джо?" . ..
How are your parents? Are they well? Как поживают твои родители? . ..
This hotel isn't very good. Why is it so expensive? . . . Почему она такая дорогая?

whac's = whac is who's = who is how's = how is where's = where is

О What's the time? Который час? О Who's that man? Кто тот человек?
О Where's Lucy? Где Люси? О How's your father? Как твой отец?

Краткие ответы
That's my seat.
1 am. l' m
he he's isn't.
she IS. she's it
Yes, it No, i t's not. или No,
- we
we we 're
you aren't.
you are. you're
they they're

'Are you happy?' 'Yes, 1 am.' "Ты счастлив?" - "Да".

А: 'Are you hungry?' Вы голодны?
в: 'No, l'm not, but l'm thirsty.' Нет1 но я хочу пить.
'ls your friend English ? ' 'Yes, he is.'
А: 'Are these your keys?' Это ваши ключи?
в: 'Yes, they are.'
'Тhat's my seat.' 'No, it isn't.'

_а_ m_/_i _s/ _а rе

( _ _-. _Р_ а_зд _ _ 1 _в_о_ п_ р_о_с_ь_1-._P
_ _е л /_ _o_w _.,._
_a _з_д_ e _л_ 4_ S __w _h_ a_t _ / w_ h_ ic_ h_ h P_ з_д_ e _ л_ 4_ 8___________
a _)
Найдите правильные ответы на вопросы.

1 Where's the camera? А London. 1 ......G..........

2 ls your саг Ыuе? в No, l'm not. 2 "" " . . ... ....

3 ls Kate from London? С Yes, you are. 3

4 Am 1 гight? О Му sister. 4 ····················

5 Wheгe's Amy from? Е Black. 5 ... .. ". . ..

. .... ...

6 What colour is уоuг bag? F No, it's Ыасk. 6

7 Аге you hungгy? G ln уоuг bag. 7 ····················

8 Ho\v is Geoгge? Н No, she's Ameгican. 8 ....... " ." .

9 Who's that woman? 1 Very well. 9 ..... ··············

- Составьте вопросы с этими словами.

1 (аге / at home / your parents) ......A.rr;. YQЧr.p.�.r.en�.�"?t."hQ.m�" """..""... """" .. ""."""."."""". "."."".""....." ? ..

2 (your mother / is / hovv) ......H.Q�AJ. .!2..YQЦI IJJ.Q�he.r "."........... ........................ ".........."............".. "... ....................... .. ?
.. ..

3 (inteгescing / is / уоuг job) • ············· ········· .............. ........... ." 7

.............""........ . ....." ... ························· ...... " ...... " ..".. ...................... " . ,._. .

4 ( these seats / аге / free) .......".......... "..."....".."...".. ."""". ... "."."" ...".". .""""""".""".. ......" ...."."...". ...."". ""..........."...... ?
5 (from / 'vvhere / you / are) " " ... .. ... " . .. ... . ?.
.. .
················· ············ ........... .......... ························ .... .... .. .... ". . ........ ........ ... ....... .."..... "........"

6 (а student1you1аге) .. " . . .. . ".. ... . . . . . " . " " ." ... . . .. ". . . ". .." . " . . 7.
. .
. .... .... .. . . . . ..... "...... .... . " " ". . ... . . . . ".. . .. . ... . .. ........ . .... .. .... .. .............. .....

7 (is/ nеаг here / the scation) .. . ... . . .. ". ..".. ..." .." . ?.
....." ............".........."... " ......... " .... ".... .. . .................... ................ ..... .. .. ...." . .. . ". . .. . ". . . ...

8 (ас school / are / уоuг children) . " " """"" . " ..".." .. " ".." . ...".""". .. . " . "" " " .. " "" """" .. "" 7.
""" . . ". """ . ". ". "". " . """.".. " " ". " . "" . ."

. .. ." .. "

9 (you / аге / sad / why) .... """. . " " . . ." .. """" . """. "
" . ".. . .. . """. " "... " . " . ." .. . "."... . ." .. " . " ?
... "". . .. . . "".. .... . . . ". . . " ... " .". ". .. . .. . .".. . .

Допишите вопросительные предложения. Используйте What . . . / Who .. . / Where . / How .... ..

1 ." " ..".""" .......... ". .......... .............. "........ ?r::� your parents?
".."." ".""".... . ......... " ...................How... ......
They're fine, thank you.
2 ...."............"......""".." ....".... "....."...."....... ............ .......... . ........ ............. ........." "."...."... the bus stop? At the end of the stгeet. ,
3 .... ".".""...."" ."............""... "......... .".. ".." ..."... . "."."....""...." ............."........ ..".... ... уоuг children? Five, six and ten.
4 .. ". .""." .. ""."." .................... ... ...." "...".....".... "........ .".".... .""". "."".... ..""." ...... ..""..." ... the time? 6 o'c\ock.
5 . . "."..... "...."... ......."............. ........................ ........ ......".""...........
.. """.""... ""..... уоuг favourite sport? Skiing.
6 .. .".. "........ . "."". "".."" ....".. ..."..... ......." .... "..". ...."... "...." .""..".."..". the man in this photo?
. That's my father.
7 ..... . .""...... .......... ".".... . .""".. "..""... "...... ...""" " ........ ".... ."........"....... . уоuг ne\v shoes?
........ ..

Напишите вопросы.

� �·. PAUL

1 (name?) Whg :� y9 u r.л�m.�? " . . " " . . ." .."" . "." . . "" "
" Paul.
". . :
!(. _ . . " . . .... .. ........ ." . . . ". .... ".. . ... ... .. .. .... .. .

2 (American?) .... ." .. .. " . ". " . . . " . .. .... " . ..... .. .. . ......" . "" ..... "" .. " . .. ......... "........ "". .... . . .." ." .. . . . .. ..
. ... . ... . ." . .
No, \'m Austгalian.
3 (how old?) l'mЗO.
. . .. .
.. ....."." .....".." .. "... .....
. .".........
. " .......... ........ .. ............ ".. "." ..... "...... .""". . . . ""."" .........". .. \

4 (а ceac\1er?) " . " . . "

"" . . " "" ... . " .
" " " ." . ." ..
. .. . ..""" . " " .. "" "" . "
... .... .. .. ..... . .. .. . . .......... .. . . " .... ... . ..... .
No, l'm а la\vyer.
5 (favouгite sport?) ""."" . " " " . .. . " . . . " .. . . " .. . . ... . . . .. ."
. ... ..... ..... " .. . . ........ ..... " .. . . . . . .. " .. ... . . .. . ... . .. "....
6 (wife а la\vyeг?) .... ............ ........ .. . ". . ". . . . ". .." . . . . ...""". .. .. "
" ......" .. .. ... ...... ". ... ... .. . ..... ... .. .. . . ...... .. .. . .. . .. .". .
No, she's а designer.
7 (from?) ." "." . " " ."" " . . "." " ".. " " " "" " . " ." "... She's ltalian.
. .
...... ......" ............ ...... .. .. . .. . ....... ". . ... " .. . . .". . ... . ........ ...."

8 (her name?) "....... . . " "" .. " " "". " " . . . .. . . ... . .. " ". . . ... ". .. . "..". .... .... Anna.
.. ..... . . ... " ...... . ... . "..... . . .... . ..." . ......" . . .. . . .. . .. . . . " . . . .

9 (how old?) ... ...... . ... " . ... .. .. . . . . ... .. . "

" .....". " """ .
.. . . " . .. ".. " " .. ."
.. . .. . .. .. ... . .. .. . "". . . . ...... " ....... .. .. ....... . .."" . .
She's 27.

Напишите краткие ответы (Yes, 1 am. / No, he isn't. и т. д.).

1 Аге you Ameгican? .. .. " N.9 l'm . IJ.Qt." . ". ......"."..."". ...
) . . ......
4 Аге your hands cold? " " .. " " "".. . .... " ... " .....".. . . ."" " " . . . " .. ... . . .. .. " .. .

2 Аге you thirsty? ...... .. .".". "..... ..........."".". ....... ..................

. ...
5 ls it Monday coday? .".""."""..... " " " . "" "" "" . " ."
" . . . .. . . ........... . . . . ..

3 ls уоuг father ас woгk? ..... "..."...." ..........."."."... ..".." ...... "." 6 Аге you а ceacher? .. ... . . . .... .. . " ... ... . .... ......." . ........ ......... . .. . .. . . .. ...... . . .

Переведите предложения на английский язык. глаза= eyes

1 Вы англичанка? тот= that

6 Откуда Бен?
здесь= here
2 Ваш брат дома? 7 Где мой телефон?
З Где Марина и Том? 8 Какого цвета твои глаза?
4 Сколько тебе лет? 9 Кто тот мальчик?
5 Как тебя зовут? 10 Поч ему ты здесь?

-. Дополнительные упражнения 1-2 (стран и цы 252-253) 15

Некоторые выражения с am/is/are переводятся но русский язык с использованием глагола.

l'm scaгed / l'm afraid (of .. . )=я боюсь

l'm scared of dogs.
О Why is John scaгed of dogs?
Почему Джон боится собак?
О l m not afraid of exams. Я не боюсь экзаменов.

l'm interested (in . .. ) = я интересуюсь

О l'm interested in politics. Я интересуюсь политикой.
О Му brot:her and 1 aгen't interested in sport.
. . . не интересуемся спортом.

l'm well / l'm not well=я чувствую себя хорошо/плохо

О How are you? Аге you well? ."Вы хорошо себя чувствуете?
О Магу isn't well. She1s at home in bed. Мэри плохо себя чувствует. ".
l'm in а huггу =я тороплюсь
О Аге you in а hurгy? Ты торопишься?
he's / she's/th ey гe asleep
' = .. . спит/спят
О Joe is in bed. He's asleep. ".Он спит.
О Аге the children asleep? Дети спят?
How much is/are " . ?=Сколько стоит/стоят". ?
О How much is this shirt? Сколько стоит эта рубашка?

Некоторые выражения с am/is/are переводятся на русский язык с использованием глагола прошедшего


l'm tired=я устал(а)

О l'm tired, but l'm not hungry. Я устало, но я не голодна.
l'm late =я опоздал(о)
О Sorry l'm late. Извините, я опоздал.

� .......
�· ·"" -

Обратите внимание но различия между английскими и русскими выражениями:

am/is/are maгried = женат(ы) / замужем

О Anna, are you marгied? Анна, ты замужем?
О Tom isn't married. Том не женат.
is/are open/closed = открыт(о, а, ы) / закрыт(о, а, ы)
О Shops are usually open from 9:00 to 6:00. Магазины обычно открыты с ... до ...
О The bank is closed on Sundays. Банк закрыт по воскресеньям.

lt's hot/cold/sunny/dark и т. д.
О lt's sunny, but it isn't vety waгm.
(Сейчас) солнечно, но не очень тепло.
l'm hot. Can 1 open
О ls it cold in your room? thew!ndowf
У тебя в комнате холодно?
О lt's already dark Уже темно.
l'm hot/cold
lt1S hot.
О l m hot. Can 1 open the window?

16 ( am/is/are -+ Разделы 1-2 lt -+ Раздел 40

Посмотрите н а картинки и закончите предложения, используя эти слова:
- -- -- - - --
-- -- -- --- ----

· asleep cold closed -hot- in а hurry late scared tired



Не.................................. .......................The shop ........ ............................. j


. ш


Заполните пропуски.

1 '"."""".A.r.@.YQЧ."""""" cold?' 'No, l'm ОК.'

2 'How is your grandfar:her?' '............. ".Н.�0!?.""""."""" very well.'
3 :Аге r:he children in bed?' 'Yes, ......... .................. "".""."... asleep.'
4 The wear:her is nice r:oday. .."""."."...."... .""".""""" hot and sunny.
5 Andy's favourir:e sport is tennis. "".." . .. ."""".".""." ...."" very inr:erested in it.
6 These Aowers are nice. How much ".".""""..".."........ "." "". ?
7 'Sorry " """.""".""""" "."". . .... late.' 'That's ОК.'
8 How is Lisa? """......"". "........"..."".."" \vell?
9 .""". """"" .""."""".".""" 1nterested ·tn art.1'
' · 1es, 1 am. Very much.'
10 This coat is expensive . ...."""".".""..". ""."""""" three hundred pounds.
11 lr:'s 9.00 and John isn't here! Why .""""""""".""""".". """". always lace?

- Напишите правдивые (утвердительные или отрицательные) предложения о себе.

1 (scared of snakes) .....J'.m"�.9 a..r.�q" Q.f...�Пg.kes.:.""".".""" или ".J.m"!JPt."�9.�.r§.�_ .Qf.f?..П?J.�.?..�""" " .. """""""""""""". "."."". .. . .

2 (tired) """""""".."" " ." "" "" """"""". "... ."""""""""" "".. . " . "".""""""""".". . .""."." ".. """""""" """.""""" """""""". .""""" . "
. . " . " . " . ".

3 (in а hurry) "".""."". ... " ..."......."." . """" . . "" ""... " """"""" . ... .. . . "."... """ "... . . ".. .. """. " """.""""" . ".. "."" """ "".".""" . "..".. .
.. . . . " .. . " . " . . . ... . " . . . . ".

4 (scared of dogs) . " . " " " --

""...." ..... .""".." .""" ".".. ." .""".""""" """ .".. """"".""."""".".."" """. ....""""""""".. """ " " ..""."."""""""""" " . . ".""
" " " . ." "

5 (well) """. "."......."... "... ""." " .""... " "."" """." ." ".. "" . "."..".""".." " . "" .........""....""..." " ." "..." ...". """"""" ." ".. . "...""""
. . . " " . . " . " . . . " . " ..

6 (interested in history) """ " ".."""""" . ."".." " """"""" "."" " """"""". """.""".... .." "" . "."""""." ""."".".. ... ""."""". .""""" "" ..""".""."""
.. " . . . " " . " . . " " "

7 (married) .. "."". ."""""""" """"""... . """. """". ." " " " "" . """. """""."""" " " ." .""""" "" """.. ." .."".". " .""..".". " ."""."""
" . ". " " " .. . ". " ." " " " "

Переведите предложения на английский язык. сын= son

1 В моей комнате темно. шапка= hac

2 Анна не замужем.
3 Я не интересуюсь музыкой.
4 Мой сын боится кошек.
5 Сегодня очень холодно.
6 Сколько стоит эта шапка?
7 Я плохо себя чувствую.
8 Вы устали?

She's eating. lt's raining. Th ey 're running.
She isn't reading The sun isn't shining. They aren't w�lking.

Образование present continuous:

am/is/are + doing/eating/running/writing и т. д.

1 am (not) О l'm working. l'm not watching TV. Я работаю. Я не смотрю . "

he О Maria is reading а ne\чspaper. Мария читает ...

she is (not) О She isn't eating. (или She's not eating) Она не ест.
it ,ing О The bus is coming Автобус подъезжает.

we О W e're having dinner. Мы ужинаем.

you are (not)
О You're not listening to me. (или You aren't listening ... )
Ты меня не слушаешь.
О The children are doing thei r home\чork. ". делают домашнее задание.

. .. . .
Present continuous используется для описания действия, которое происходит в настоящий момент:
.. · в
" �".. ' ..
. -.
. . .
. . , '. -

l'm worl<ing
she's wearing а hat
they re playing football

l'm not watching TV

прошлое настоящее будущее

В русском языке нет эквивалента времени present continuous. На русский язык present continuous
переводится настоящим временем.
О Please Ье quiet. l'm working. ... Я работаю (в настоящий момент).
О Look, there's Sarah. She s wearing а brown coat. . .. Но ней надето пальто.

О The weather is nice. lt's not raining. . " (Сейчас) не идёт дождь.
О А: Where are the children? Где дети?
О в: Th ey're playing in the park. Они играют в парке.
(разговор по телефону) We're having dinner now. Can 1 call you later? Мы сейчас ужинаем. . ..
О You сап turn off the television. l'm not watching it. .. Я его не смотрю.

Правописание (�Приложение 5):

соте� coming write � writing dance � danc ing

run � ru n ning sit � sitting swim � swimming
lie � lying

am/is/are �Раздел 1 are you doing? (вопросы)_. Раздел 5 1 am doing и 1 do _.Раздел 9

18 What are you doing tomorrow? _. Раздел 26
81 Что делают эти люди? Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы из рамки:
('" �t- l1a��-- ti-;-- ·-�tay-·- �i;-- ��it )

' - - -·- -- .

1 (§)

t\..... ···-···--

. . .
1 . .. $b�{� . �?" an apple. 4 " ....".... "................" ."............................ ........." ..... on the Aoor.
2 Не ..... "."""."".""""". ".................".....""... ......".. "......". . for а bus. 5 ...."...""...." ............ "......."...."......"."......" .."".."". . """""" breakfast.
3 They ..... ........."........" .."......"".................. "..""" .....""""". football. 6 """"._ " " " " "".".".-""".".."""" """"." ."".." on the tаЫе.
""" . " "

- Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы из рамки:

(-���� -�-�co�k- �--���--.��av� � �---��- s- ��.�--

···- -
- ��� _ -�w��- .
-� ��r�<J
1 Please Ье quiet. 1 . .. . ".'.m.JYQ.r.kit'!g.." . .. .
. . .

2 'Where's John?' 'He's in the kitchen. Не .".""."""..." ."".". .

3 'You """. """"" """"""."""". on my foot.' 'Oh, l'm s orry. '

4 Look! Somebody ".... ""."""..........""""". . in the river.
5 We're here on holiday. We ".. "" "."." . """." """"" at the Central Hotel.
6 .'Where's Sue?' 'She "" """ " """".".""". """ а sho\ver.'
7 They ."". """""".""..".. ""."".. а new hotel in tl1e city centre at the moment.
8 1 """ "" ". ." . """""" ".."""" now. Goodbye.

81 Посмотрите на картинку и напишите предложения о Джейн. Используйте She's -ing или

She isn't -ing.
1 (11ave dinner) """J?rJ.?.i�rJ.'k.h?Y.1n.g"�it:Ш.�r:"""""."""" """ " .. . "". . "". ." . .". .". "
" " " "

2 (vvatch TV) ."".В.h�:f?.. \Vg.Й�h.!rig.IV:"" " " ."" "."""."""". """".." """"".".".."."""."""".".. "

3 (sit on the Aoor) She ..".. " " ."""" "" ".. "". .""" ." " " " " " . ."." . . " . " " " " . . " " "" " """""""""" """"" . "" .. " "

4 (read а book) .""."""""" "."" . .. " "." "".. " " ". "" . " ." """. "". . .. ."" "."". .." ." " "" "" . " """ "" " ". " "." ". "" " . ".

5 (play the piano) "." .. .." .."" " . . . . ".. . . " ." ." ". ". .." .""... . .. """ """ "
. " ." """ " " "" " " "" " " " ."." " "." " "." " " .

6 (laugh) .""."."" .. . "" " . . . . . . . . . .""" ... ." .. ". " .. "."... .""" .... ".." ""
." """ ". """" """. "" ". .."" . "" ." " .. " "" "" """ .. "" "

7 (\vear а hat) "." . "."" ..""". ." " ."" . ". " ....." .... " . " " ." " . " ." ."" ..
" ."" " " " . " " " " " . " . " . . """""" """. "" "" ".

Jane �: 8 (drinking coffee) .. ""."." "" ."." " " . . "." " ." ." "". "".".... """"". . . " " ." . "" " """ "" "."" . "" . ". " "" "."" ." "

- Что вы сейчас делаете? Напишите правдивые предложения о себе.

1 (1 /wash /my hair) " J.m"riC?.t"�1g.�"!:11Y..b.gJГ:""."""".". """" ."" ".." ". " . " "" ". " """. """ " "."."" .
"". " ."." "" " ." . "" . " . "". "

2 (1 /read /а newspaper) ".".".. ". ." " "" . " ""

"" " . ."" " "
" . " ."" "" . " ." . . " . " ." " ..
"." ."""" "" """ " " " " " .. ... .. . ... . .. " ... ."". . . ."". ." ".. . " "" . ....
"" "" . " " " .. "

3 (1 / sit / on а chair) " .. .

.. "" . ... ". .
.. "..." .." ."..""
.. . . "" . .. . . . . .."." .. " .." " "
. "" .. """ . . " .. ." . .. . " "" "" " .. . """.. ." ." ."" ". ." ".... . "
. .." . " .. " " " "

Li (1 / eat) ."."". ". ". .""" ". " " .."" " " " ..""" "" . " . " " ." . """ " " "..
""" ". "" " " " " " . ." "". "" . " " " " "."" " ."" . " . "".". " ."
" ."" . " . . " ."

5 (1 / \.Year / shoes) ..""" " . """".. " . .". " ."

" "."".. ." ." " " " " . " . "."" ."." . ""
" . "" " " "" "" "" " " " " ." ""." "" "" "" " "" ". ""-. .. " .. . .." .. ."
" "" " " " " . . "

6 (1 /learn / English) .. "" " . . "... ". "." " .""

" ."". " " ". . ."." " """ .. ."." .."" ."" " ". ."" ."
."" """"" " " " " " . " " ." ." """.. """. " " ." " ". .. " ."""."" " "" "

7 (1 / listen /to music) . ..".. ". ." "" " " " .. " """ ." .. ""."" " " " .".. " " . "". . " "
. " "" "". . ." - " ." ."."" " . " "" . .""". " ." . . "
"""""."" ". .
" "" """" """""

Какая сейчас погода? Напишите правдивые предложения.

8 (it /SПO\V) . . "Jk:� S.!:1.Q.r,lil J}g"".".".".".""""."" " .". .".. ИЛИ "" "".! t J ;?.!J:k !?.ЛQY�i Лg . :" .".""" .... . " "
" " "" """. ". """ .
9 (the sun /shine) ."." .. ."" ".""" "" " " """ "" ."." ." "". """ " .. " """"
". . " . " ". . . " """"" ." "."" .
"""" "." ""."" . . " " . "" " ""." "" " " """
"." " " " " "" " "

10 (ir / rain) .""".. ... " . "."." . .""""" " ""... "
" . """ " " """". " ".". .. . . . .. ." . " "" . ". .
"" ". . " . . " " . . ". " ". . ." " . " ...... .. ... ..""".." . . ". ."...
" " " " "" . .. . " .

Переведите предложения на английский язык. Смотри! = Look!

1 Смотри! Бен танцует с Сандрой. Поторопись! = Hurry up!

2 "Где Анна и Лара?" -

"Они смотрят телевизор". готовить = cook

3 Поторопись! Поезд подъезжает. обедать= have lunch

4 На Саше надето зелёное платье. по го д а = rl1e weather

5 'Тде Том?" - "Он готовит ужин''.

6 Ке вин не работает сегодня. Он болен.
7 Мы сейчас обедаем. Ты голоден?
8 Погода плохая. Идёт дождь.
утвердительные предложения вопросительные предложения

1 am am 1

he doing 1 he doing

she is working 15 she working

it it going
-- -- staying
we we
ит.д. you и т.д.
you are are
t hey they

О А: Are you feeling ОК? Ты хорошо себя чувствуешь?

в: Yes, l'm fine, thanks.
О д: ls it raining? Идёт дождь?
в: Yes, take an umbrella.
О д: What's Paul doing? Что Пол делает?
в: He's studying for his exams. Он готовится к экзаменам.
О д: What are the children doing? Что дети делают?
в: Th ey re watching TV.

О Look, there's Emily! Where's she going? . .. Куда она идёт?

О Who are you waiting for? Are you waiting for Becky?
Кого ты ждёшь? Ты ждёшь Бекки?
О Why are you wearing а coat? lt's not cold.
Почему на тебе надето пальто?".

. .-"':' ··.·. в Обратите внимание на порядок слов в вопросительном предложении:

is/are + подлежащее + -ing

ls he working today?
ls Ben working today? (неверно ls working Ben today?)
Where are they going?
Where are 1 thos_e people going? (неверно Where are going those people?)

. ..· .- с Краткие ответы

1 am. l'm
- ...... ·-


he 1
he s '
she is. · she's she isn'
Yes, lt No, it s
' not. или
we we re ' we
you are. you're you aren't.
they 1 they re ' they

О д: Are you going now? Ты уже уходишь?

в: Yes, 1 am. Да.
О А: ls Ben worl<ing today? Бен работает сегодня?
в: Yes, he is. Да.
О д: ls it raining? Идёт дождь?
в: No, it isn't. Нет.
О А: Are your friends staying at а hotel? ... живут в гостинице?
в: No, they aren't. They're staying with me. Нет. Они живут у меня.

20 ( 1 am doing-+ Раздел 4 What are you doing tomorrow?-+ Раздел 26 вопросы-+ Разделы 45-48
Посмотрите на картинки и напишите вопросы.

GJ (it / rain?) ............. " "".""". . """""""

Посмотрите на картинки и закончите вопросы. Используйте глаголы из рамки:

cry eat go laugh . look at -r-ea<f..


Why""." " ..... . ." .. . """ ..."

.".... ..

"..... "........
. ..


( What ... . .
• ••••• шш
. .

. .. . . .
. . ..

· · -

а; Why". ."."" . """" . . .""" . " ." ...

----� _-;
- �
. .


... 'l �

..._. . ".____, . . --·

..L ...

Составьте вопросы, соблюдая правильный порядок слов.

1 (is / working / Ben / today) J �..f?.cn"�щrk.!r.ig t.Pd..;ay ."".""".." .""".... """."" ...""."" .."......."."""..." .""""".. "."."""""""""""."..." ". ?
".". .

2 (\\lhat / the children / are / doing) ".".W.h��.g_re.t.b.r; c.hi.l.c!.r� . n 4.Q.i.!1g . ".."..... .." "." ...". ""."" " ..".".".".."" """.". ." ...".""" .."".? ..

3 (you / аге / listen ing / to me) .". "" ..""."" ...." "".". ""." "..." ."""" .. "".". ."" ..... ".""." """."" ."".."" """. .."""". ".""."""."... "".""" ... ?
4 (where / уоuг fгiends / are / going) .. "" ".. "" ."""." "" "".. . """ " ."""." ..""..?
."" .."" "".." "-"......" """"" . ." "." . "....."""" " .".." """ . ." ""."_ "

5 (аге / v1atching / уоuг paгents / TV) " " " ." ..."" """"" ......"" ........"-....." .... " ......... " ..........."......".""."" " .."... ...."" ........" .."." ....... "" ..?
. . .

6 (what / Jessica / is / cooking) ... .... " " .. . " " "". " "".. " ". . . . "... ..".. . . ".".". " ..."".. "".".."""."" .".".". "" ..."."""."". "".?
"" . " .... .. . " "
. . ". " "... . . � .

7 (why / you / аге / looking / at me) " .. ". ..""" .".." "..." "".." .... "" .."...... ". .......". ."."."........ " ".".." """"" ".""" ""."". ""...". ."?
8 (is / coming / the bus) ." .. "."..."." """" . .""."""."" "."".. .""". "."" """". ".." .. .""." """.. ".".""""..... ""."." ."""".""""".""""." ."."?

Напишите краткие ответы (Yes, 1 am. / No, he isn't. и т. д.).

1 Аге you watching TV ? N.Q 1:m.лQ.t::..""..""" ..."."" ". , 4 ls it гaining? " " . " ".". .
.. . " .. . ".
" ". . ". " ... . " " " ""
" ". . . ".
... " " """. " .." .." ""

2 Аге you weaгing а \Vatch? . ...... .".""""""" """." ".""."" " 5 Аге you sitting on the ftooг? " .. " . "."" . . " . .
.. . " . . . ." " " ..
. . ..

3 Аге you eating something? " "..". "..." .. "".." ..."."" ."." 6 Аге you feeling well? ""."".".". ."." " " " ."""". "" . " ". " " ... . ". " . " . ".

Переведите предложения на английский язык. ужинать = have dinner

1 Что ты смотришь? 6 Почему Джессика плачет? готовить = cook

2 Вы сейчас ужинаете? 7 Куда вы сейчас идёте?

3 Сейчас идё т дож дь ? 8 Что Сандра готовит?
4 Твои родители сегодня работают? 9 Вы ждёте ме н я ?
5 Что Борис читает? 10 "Что делают Бен и Том?" - "Они играют в парке".

-. Дополнительное упражнение з (страница 253) 21

They have а lot of books.
They read а lot. Они много читают.

They read / he likes / 1 work и т. д. =форма present simple:

l/we/you/they read like work live watch do have

h e/she/ it reads likes works lives watches does has

he works / she lives / it rains и т. д.
О 1 worl< in а shop. Му brother worl<s in а bank. (неверно Му brocher work)
О Lucy lives in London. Her parents live in Scot:land.
О l t rains а loc in winter.
1 have � he/she/it has:
О Joe has а shower every day.
Правописание ( � Приложение 5):

-es после -s / -sh / -ch: pass � passes fi nish � fi nishes watch � watches
-у� -ies: study � studies пу � tries
также: do � does go � goes

Present: simple используется/ когда речь идёт об общеизвестных фактах, а также о регулярных1
обычных или постоянных действиях или состояниях:
О 1 lil<e Ьig cities.
Я люблю большие города.
О Your English is good. You speak very well.
.. . Вы говорите очень хорошо.
О Tom works very hard. Не starts at 7.30 and finishes ас 8 o'clock in the evening.
Том очень много работает.... начинает ... заканчивает ...
О The earth goes round the sun.
Земля вращается вокруг солнца.
О We do а loc of different chings in our free time.
Мы делаем ...
О А new саг costs а lot of money.

. . . .. .·с-
Новая машина стоит дорого.

. ' '

Вместе с present simple часто используются наречия always/never/often/usually/sometimes:

О Laura always gets со work early. Лора всегда приходит на работу рано.
О 1 never eat meat. Я никогда не ем мясо.
О We often go away at weekends. Мы часто уезжаем ...
О Mark usually plays fo otball on Sundays. Марк обычно играет ...
О 1 sometimes walk to work, bur not very often. Я иногда хожу на работу пешком ...

1 don't . " (отрицания)_.. Раздел 7 Do you . " ? (вопросы)_.. Раздел 8 1 am doing и 1 do _..Раздел 9
22 always/often/usually (порядок слов)_.. Раздел 95
Напишите эти глаголы с -s или -es.
1 (геаd) she . r$.gd f?.
. .." _ . .............. . .. . З (fty) it .. ". " ." . " .... .
............. .. ......." .. . . . .. .
5 (have) she .......................... . ........ " .. . . ...
. . ...

2 (think) he .."......"""..................... ...

. 4 (dance) he .
. ........" " . "........ " "" .... ...". . .. 6 (finish) it ....................... " ..."... " " "... ........ .. "

а1 Пос��тр�те. .��-к�?.т�� �� � ���и�ит� ��:.��о��ния. Используйте глаголы из рамки:

- - -.
eat go live ;»ау- play sleep '

1 ...." Н.�..pJgyf?. . .
.... . . ...... " .......................". the piano. 4 .... "..".." ........................."............".."......... tennis.
2 They "...... "......... ...... ".." "........."... ".... "" in а very Ьig house. 5 . . "............."...................................."............ to the cinema а lot.
3 . ."....." .. .......... .......................... ."............... а lot of fruit. 6 . "................ "........ ""...........".......... ........ seven hours night. а

Заполните пропуски. Используйте глаголы из рамки:

( boil -···

clo��-. cost - �ost
-· "iik� - like �- ;,,e�t· " open -SJЭeal� teach wash
1 Maria ......P..p.�f:l.KP.." . four languages. .. .

2 The shops in the city centгe usually ........... "........ "................... ". at 9 01clock in the morning.
3 The City Mus.eum ......... ......."......................... at 5 01clock in the evening.
4 Tina is а tea c�er.
She ...... " ..... ".............".. "............ mathematics to young children.
5 Му job is very interesting. 1 ....... ..... ......... ....... .................... а lot of people.
6 Peter's саг is always dirty. Не never .".".""".""..."."." ...""". ""... it.
7 Food is expensive. lt ". ""..........."""".""." .. "" .... а lot of money.
8 Shoes are expensive. They . . . . . ..... lot of money.
. .... ......... ....... ..... .... .. . .. а

9 Water .. ""................. ".""...... .. "...... at 100 degrees Celsius.

1 О Laura and 1 are good friends. 1 "..... ".............. .".... ".. ......." her and she "...... .......".......... "........ ".... " me.

Составьте предложения из этих слов. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму (arrive или arrives
и т.д.).

1 (always / early / Sue / arrive) $.ч� g) \� .grr.iY.�f?...�g.r.IY..."................. ." ""

" . ". " " . . . . .. . ... . " .... "..............." ............... "."............... " ".. .... .... . .... ...... "... . ..

2 (to the cinema / never / 1 / go) 1 ..........." ." ". " " " " " " . ..". " ... .. .... " .. . . . . . ... . . . . "
.. ...""." ..." .". ............. . .". ........ ". ...... . .." ........... "........... ......... ".. ... ..... .... ... . "... .. . . ... ....

3 (\vork / Martina / hard / always) ........." . .. ". . " ." . " . ." ." . . . .... " .. . . . . . . ... ."" . " "
.."" ... . " "" " " " "
............. ."." ". . . .. ... ........ ". ... ". .. . ." . ." . .. " ... ". . . ." .. . .""." .. . ". . " "" . "" . ""

4 (like / chocolate / children / usually) ."" " " " " """ "" ." .. .. . . . .. . . ... . . " . . . .. ". . .. . "
..".. " " "" " " " "
" ........ "... .. ".... ..... ". .. . ". . ".".. .. . . .. . .. " . ... " . .. . . .. . . ."..... ... ... ..... ." ........ ...

5 (Jackie / parties / enjoy / always) ......" "" . . .. ....... .. . .. . " " " ". .. ...... . . ... . . . .." . " .". .... . . ... .. . ."
. ..... . ...... " " " "" " . . .. . .. " .. " .. " . . ... ". .... " ...... . . .. . ... " ...... ." . . .. .. ...... . . .. .. . .. ..............

6 (o�en / people's names / 1 / forget) " ... " . . .." . .. . " ." .. ...". .... . " """"" """""" " "" " " " " " "" " " " "" " . " "
..... ."". . . . . .
." . " .. " ". .. . . .. .. " ." " .. " " ". . ." ." ". " .. ..." . . . " ""...... . ...

7 (TV / Sam / watch / never) "" " ". . " . """ " "" """""" "" """" " "" "" ." " " " .. .". " " " " "" " "" . . . ".. ". ."" ." " " " ".. ..."
" "." " . .. ". " " . . . . .. "" ... ."" ..".. " ... ... .. .". .. ". . ". . . " "". ".". . . .

8 (usually / dinner / we / have / at 7.30) ............... .. . ...... . .." ." ".""" " ."" ". . . . .. . ... . " " . " " " " "" .. . ".. ".. .. ..... .. . ..... .. " .. .... .. " . ."... . ...... . ... .. . "..... . ...." ...." .. .... ..... ..... ".....

9 (Kate / always / nice clothes / wеаг) " ..... . . .. ". " .. ... .. " " " ." ". " ... ." . "
.. .". " " " "." . " . " " " " .
"." ." .. .".. ..... ..... " .. . ...... ." ......."..... ............ . " ..... ......." . ". . . .. . ." ....". . " .. " .. "

18 Напишите предложения о себе. Используйте наречия always/never/often/usually/sometimes.

1 (\vatch TV in the evening) .....Jч�цgl\y.W.�1:�� .�v.�n.iлe�"..." """ " " " ."""" .. . " " "" . . . . .. . ... ".... " " .."
. " ...." " .. " . ... .. "............... ............"......

2 (read in bed) 1 ........... . ..". . .... " .. .. " " " . " . .. " ." " ... . . " "
"" . ". ..." " " " " " " "" " """" " " " . . ... . " .. "" ." "
". . " " ..... ". ....... . .. ."... ..... ...... .... . .. .".. ...." .... .. . . .. .. .... ". . ." .. ... . .. ." . ".. ". ." ..... . " ..... "... .

3 (get up before 7 o'clock) "" "" ." " . " " """ " " " " "" " " . ... . . " ". " ." ." """
. .. . .. .. " .
" ..... .. ". .. . . ... .. ... . . ... .." .
".. .... ...... .. .. ... ... .. .. .. . . ". "... . . "..... ...... .... " .... ".. " . .... . ........ . . . . . .. . ... .. .. ". ..

4 (go to work/school Ьу bus) .......". . . .. .... .... " . .. .. . ......... " "" ".. "" . . " "" ." .. . . . .
. ."" "" "" " " "" """" . ""..." ""
..... . .. . ...""" . .. . . . . . .. " . ... . . ...... . ". ....." . . ..... .. . " .." .. . ".. .".. .. .. ". .. . ... "

5 (drink coffee in the morning) ."". . "." " . " ." ... . . "" .."" "" " ". . """. " " "" . ."" """ " .. " " "" "
"..".". " " . " " "" .
" . ". . " ".. "". .. ." " . ".... "" " " . . . " . ." ..."... ." . ." .."" .. " ..". " ." " ... .

Переведите предложения на английский язык. в кино = to the cinema

1 Я живу в Москве. 6 Мои друзья часто ходят в кино. икра= caviar

2 Линда обычно встаёт в 7 часов. 7 Я люблю икру, но она стоит дорого.

3 Мы иногда ходим в парк. 8 Антон говорит по-английски хорошо.
4 Моя сестра любит шоколад. 9 Я всегда начинаю работать в 9 часов.
5 Я никогда не смотрю телевизор. 10 Кошки едят рыбу.
Отрицание в present simple: don't/doesn't +глагол

No, thanks. 1
don't drink coffee.

She doesn't drink coffee. Не doesn't like his job.

Она не пьёт кофе. Он не любит свою работу.

утвердительные отрицательные
предложения предложения

1 work 1
\Ve like we don't
you do you (do not) work
rhey have rl1ey like
1---- . ·-

works do
he he
likes doesn't have
she she
does (does not)
lt lt

О 1 drink coffee, but 1 don't drink rea. Я пью кофе, но я не пью чай.
О Kate drinks rea, bur she doesn't drink coffee. Кейт пьёт чай, но не пьёт кофе.
О You don't work very hard. Вы не ток много работаете. (букв. не работаете очень много)
О We don't watch TV very often. Мы смотрим телевизор нечасто. (букв. не смотрим ...очень часто)
О Тhе 'vveather is usually nice. lt doesn't rain very o�en. . .. Дождь идёт не очень часто.
О Sam and Chris don't know many реор/е. У Сэма и Криса мало знакомых. (букв. не знают много людей)
. . -

в Запомните:

l/we/you/they don't ... О 1 don't like football.

he/she/it doesn't ... О Не doesn't like football.

(J 1 don't like Fred and Fred doesn't like me. (неверно Fred don't like)
О Му car doesn't use much petrol. (неверно Му car don't: use)
О Sometimes l1e is late, but it doesn't happen very often.
. . . но это происходит нечасто. (букв.... не происходит очень часто)

.. �с В отрицательных предложениях используется don't/doesn't +инфинитив (don't: like / doesn't speak /

doesn't do и т. д. ):
О 1 don't like wasl1ing the car. 1 don't do it very ohen.
Я не люблю мыть машину. Я не делаю это очень часто.
О Sarah speaks Spanish, but she doesn't speak ltalian.
(неверно doesn't speaks)
О Oavid doesn't do his job very well.
(неверно David doesn't his job)
О Paula doesn't usually have breakfast.
(неверно doesn't ." has)

24 ( 1 do/work/lil<e (present simple)-+ Раздел 6 Do y�u . .. ? (present simple, вопросы)-+ Раздел 8

Напишите отрицательные предложения.

1 1 play the piano very \vell. .. .

. d Qn.'.t: p! gY.. t.h?...p.J.g.IJ.Q.Y?.IY..W.?..!! "........................................................................................................
. .J . . .

2 Anna plays the piano very well. Anna .. .......... ............ . .. .. . ... . . .. . .... ...
" . . . . . . . ... .... . .... . .. . .
............ ... .. .... .......... ....................... . .. ....... ........................ ............ ......

3 They know my phone number. They ...... ... . .......... ........... .............. .......................... ................................. ................................ ............. ....................

4 We work very hard. .......... .. .. . .... ... . .. ..... ................. . .. ....... ....... .......
... .. . . " . ". " . ... ......... ... ....... . ... ".". " . ..
. . ...." .... ... " ... " ....
". ".... " .... "..... " " . ""
. . . . ..

5 Не has а bath every day. " ........ ........ . . ...... " ..... ............. .......................... ........ ........ . .. ..
..... . . . ..
... .. . . ... .. .... ... . .....
. ... .... ..... .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. . ...... .... ..... .
. .. . . . . . . .. ..

6 You do the same thing every day. .. . .. ... ... .... ..

. . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . ... .. .. . . . .
" . . .. " . . . .. . . ..... . .". ... . . ......... " .
........... .... ....... ......... ............. ......................................... ................

Прочитайте информацию и напишите предложения с глаголом like.

1 . . J3.et1. g_nc!..f:?.Ppbl�. .IJk�.�J.g.?�.k��.l..m.u.�.i.9.,..........................................

Kate ..................................................................................................................................... .

1 .. . . .. .. .. . .. ... . . .. .
.. . . .. . . .. . . .... ... .. . .
. ... ...... . .. ...... ................................. .. ... . classical music.
BEN AND 2 Ben and S ophie ..................................................................................................... .
like ".?

SOPHIE КАТЕ УОИ Kate ......... ......... .......... ............ ... " .. ... ..... . ....... ..... .
.. . . .. .. ... . . ... ...
. .. .. . .... ... ... . . ....
..".. . ..... .. .

1 classical music? yes no

1 • ........ . ......... .......... ............... ..........•.. ............ ............ .......... ... .............. ..................... ..

3 ........ ........... .........................................................................................................................

2 boxing? no yes 1•

3 horror movies? yes no

Напишите о себе, используя эти сочетания слов:

1 never ... или 1 often •.. или don't ... very often. 1

1 (watch TV) l d.Qt(t. .1t.1;;i�h. ТY .v.�ry:л@..tJ:... или 1 .Jl.�.Y.?.CYY.�.t:�b .ТУ. .. или . J.Q
.. . . ..... .�ШJ...W.g�.qh .ТV............ . .. . . .

2 (go to the theatre) ....................... ......................... .................................." " .. . . .. . .

..... .."..." ...... . . .. . .
. ......... ..".......... . .... ........ ... .... ............ ....... ..... .......... . ............ ............ ........

3 (ride а bike) .......... .......... ................................................................................................................... ...... . . ..... .... ........... .... ..... ...... .... .... .... . ....."... ... .".
". " .. . .. . " . .. ". . .. .

4 (eat in restaurants) ......... ........ ..... ". ...... ....... . ..... .. ... ... ... . ...... . . .. ... .. ........ .... . . . . " .. . .
. .... .. . . . . " . . . . . . . .. . . . . . "
. .. . ...... . ........ . . ...... .." ....... ... . ........ ......... . ... .... ...... .... . ..... .... . .

5 (travel Ьу train) .......... ........... ......." . . . .. .... ... . ..... " . . ... .. ..
. .. .... . . .. . . . .. " .. .. .. . ... .. . .. .... ... .
.......... ..... .... .... . ....... ... .... ........ .......... ......................... ...... ..... .........

- Допишите
отрицательные предложения. Используйте don't/doesn't +глаголы из рамки:
�--·· ·
- -·--·
-- �
- --·-··--·· -- -- -----· --- ...._

, cost go know -nНА- see use wear

1 The wearher here is usually nice. lt . .. . d.Q?..f?.!1.0:k.r�Ф1 ... much. . . ..

2 Paul has а саг, but he .....".................."............."........."....................... it: very often.

3 Paul and his friends like films, bur they ............................................................................ to the cinema very often.
4 Amanda is married, but she ........................................................................... . а ring.
5 1 ... ........ .. . .. . . ... . ... . .. . . . ... much abour politics. l'm not interested in it.
........... .......... . . . . . ... . . . . ... .. ... .

6 The Regent Hotel isn't expensive. lt: . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . much to stay t:here.

.. .......... ......... ...... ... .......... .. .... . .. ..... . .. ...

7 Ed lives very near us, but \Че ............ "...."..........."......................................... him very oft:en.

Поставьте глагол в правильную форму (утвердительную или отрицательную).

1 Margaret . !?..p.§.q.k�. four languages - English, French, German and Spanish. (speak)
... . -·

2 l . .. dQ.t(t.. !ik§. .. . my job. lt's very boring. (like)

.. . . . ..

3 'Where's Steve?' 'l'm sorry. 1 . . .. ....."................"......................"................ .' (know)

..... . .

4 Sue is а very quiet person. She . .. "......."............"..." ........ very much. (talk)
... . .... ...."..........� ... ... ..

5 Andy ....................... ......." .......... ........ ....". ... а lot of tea. lr's his favourite drink. (drink)
6 lt's not true! 1 . .. ....................... ........ . "..... ."....... ."..... . it! (believe)
7 That's а very beautiful picture. 1 .... ".... ......... ........."....................................... it very much. (like)
8 Mark is а vegerarian. Не ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ ............ ...... meat. (ear)

Переведите предложения на английский язык. йогурт = yoghurt

1 Я люблю йогурт, но я не люблю молоко. по вечерам= in the evenings

2 Мы смотрим футбол нечасто.

З Мои родители не говорят по-английски.
4 Питер не работает по вечерам.
5 Я не знаю этого мужчину.
6 Борис ест мясо, но он не ест рыбу.
7 Мой брат не любит свою работу.
8 По воскресеньям Эмма и Анна не встают рано.

Вопросительные предложения в present simple: do/does + инфинитив

утвердительные вопросительные
предложения предложения

1 work
we like ve
you do 1 you work?
they have they like?

works do?
l1e : he
1\ �he have?
it . lt

Обратите внимание на порядок слов:

do/does + подлежащее + инфинитив

Do 1 you play the guitar?

Do ! your friends live near here?
Does Chris work on Sundays?
Does it rain а lot here?
Where do your parents live?
How often do you wash your hair?
What does this word mean?
How much does it cost to fly to Rome?

Вопросы с наречиями always и usually:

1 Does Chris always 1 work on Sundays?

What 1 do you usually 1 do at weekends?

Смысловой глагол (do) и вспомогательный глагол {do/does) могут совпадать:

О What do you do at weekends? Что вы делаете по выходным?
What do you do? = What's your jоЬ? Кем вы работаете?
О д: What do you do?
в: 1 work in а bank.
О д: What does Sarah do?
в: She's а student.


do l/we/you/they .. .
О Do they like music?
does he/she/it ... О Does he like music?
. .

. . .

D Краткие ответы

l/\ve/you/they do. l/we/you/r.hey don't.

Yes, No,
he/she/it does. he/she/it doesn't.

О 'Do you play the guitar?' 'No, 1 don't.' "Ты играешь на гитаре?" "Нет:'
О 'Do your parents speak English?' 'Yes, they do.' "Твои родители говорят по-английски?" "Да."
О 'Does James work hard?' 'Yes, he does.'
О 'Does your sister live i n London?' 'No, she doesn't.'

26 ( 1 do/work/like (present simple)-+ Раздел 6 1 don't ". (отрицание) -+ Раздел 7 вопросы-+ Разделы 45-48 )
Напишите вопросы, начинающиеся с Do ..• ? или Does •.• ?

1 1 like chocolate. How abouc you? ""..QQ.YQU..lik§.. 9..b.Q�.Ql�.t.§ ........... " ..................... ............................................. ..... ?
2 1 play tennis. How about you? · ···· ···· ·· ···- ··········· ·· you ......... ..................... .......... ................................................................... .... ?
3 · You live near here. How about Lucy? ....................... ... Lucy ......................... ................................................... ......................... .......... ?
4 Tom plays tennis. How about his friends? ...................................................... ....................... ....................... ...................... ....................... ...... ?
5 You speak English. How about your brother? .................... ....................... ............................................................................................................ ... ?
6 1 do yoga every morning. Ho\.v about you? ...................... ....................... ....................... ......................................................."......................... ?
7 Sue goes on holiday а lot. How about Paul? .................................................... ....................... ..................... ....................... ...................... ...... ?
8 1 want to Ье famous. How about you? ................. ....................... ...................... ....................... . ...................... "...................... ............... ?
9 You work hard. How about Anna? ......... . . . . . .
. ............ ................. ... .. ... ... ......... .. . м····················· . . ...
... . "..................... ............ ?
............. ..

Составьте вопросы из этих с лов + do/does, соблюдая правильный порядок слов.

1 (where / live / your parents) ...... W.bQ.r.�.d.Q.YQ.!JCp.�.r.c.nt.�..!J.v� .. ....... . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. -················ ·· · ···· .

......... . ..
. ..... .... . .... ?
2 (you / early / always / get up) ...DQ.Y.QU a.l.�Y.l.!Y�..g��.цp.f1.�H::IY....................... ...................... .......................... ........... ? .

3 (how often / TV / you / \vatch) .... ..................... ....................... ..................... ................................. ......".............. ...................... ......... ?
4 (you / want / \.vhat / for dinner) ....................................................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ..................... .................. ?
5 (like / you / football) ..................... ...................................................... ..................... .................... .................... ............. ?
6 (your brother / like / football) ........................ .. ...................... .. ............................... ............ . ......... .. ..... .... ............ ........... ..... ...... . ........... ?
7 (what / you / do / in your free time) .................... ............................. .......................... ...................... ..................... ..............".." ................... ?
8 (your sister / work / \.vhere) .......". ........ ... .......... ... ....... ............. .... ...... . .... ...... ............. .......... .............. ..... . .. ........... ... . .. .... ········�····· ?
9 (breakfast / always / you / have) .......................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ....................... ?
·10 (what / mean / this word) ................ .................... ............................ ."......... .."........................"................................................. ?
11 (in winter / snow / it / here) ......."..........".."......."........ .................... ..........."......... ..................................................................."..... ?
12 (go / usually / to bed / what time / you)
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• O••••••••••••o••••• • ••••oo.-ooo•••••••н•••• •••• •• ••••••••••••••••••OOt•••l•••••l o•••• ••••o• •••••••• • ••-•-•••• •• •l•••••"н•• • •••••••••••••••••··• • •• ••••••••• •••••••••••·•

13 (how much / to phone New York / it / cost)

·················· ························· ····························· ····· ······················ ·········· · ········· ........... .. ......... .......... . .... ........ ···················· · ··· ············· ········ ·········· ····································· ················ ?
14 (you / for breakfast / have / usually / what)
.. ··············· ······ · ············ ·········· ......... .. .......... ... ...... ........... ······· ····· .......... . ········ ············ ·········· . .
.... ....... . ...... " ......................................... ....................... ..................... ........ ?

Допишите вопросы, используя глаголы из рамки:

{ ..
- - ·- - - --� ·····--

1 -do- do enjoy go like start teach work .!

-----· "
__ .
...... _ .... ,,.,_"

1 What . . . d.Q.YO.Ц.fJQ . . . . .. . .. ? 1 work in а bookshop.

2 lt.
. 7
. .
........ ."....... . .... ....... . .. ... ..... .......... .......... ........ ... . ......... ·········· ·······

What t1me ....................." ........................ ........................ ..................... ..................... ......... 1n thе morn1ng.7 At 9 o'clock.

4 ............ ..................... .......................................... .".................... on Saturdays? Sometimes.
5 How ........................................."........ ..................... ............"....... ........ to work? Usually Ьу bus.
6 And your husband. What . . ... ... ···············-···· ... .
. . . ... .. ....... . ..................... ........."............ ................................. ? He's а reacher.
7 What .................................. .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .... ? Science.
1llS JOь1. Yes, he loves it.

8 .............

". .
_ ... \ ·'- '"

Напишите краткие ответы (Yes, he does. / No, 1 don't. и т. д.).

1 Do you watch TV а lot? . .N.o, .1 dQ.r.(�:

..... .. .... . или ......Y�.� ..l..d.Q,.... ..........................
• .......... ................................................................... .

2 Do you live in а Ьig city? .............. ···· ······· ··········-· ........................ ············· ··········- . ............. .......... .. ....... ................. ... ................... ... .......... .......... .

3 Do you often ride а Ьike? .......................................... .............. ........... ............... ............................................................................" ..... ...... ..
.. ........ . . ..... .

4 Does it rain а lot where you live? ...... ..

....... .. ........... . . .. . ...
.. . .. ... .. . . ... .
... ...... . . .
.... .... .. . ........... . ....... .... ..... . ............ . ... ........... ............ ........... .............. .
. ..

5 Оо you play the piano? ................................................................................ .. .

". ...................... . . .... .. . .. . . . . .. . . .
.... ........ ..... ... ... . ... . .... .. .... . . . .......... .. . . . .. .... ..

Переведите предложения на английский язык. на ужин = for dinner

1 Вы любите кофе? 6 Г де работает твой брат? в отпуск= on l1oliday
2 Бен говорит по-русски? 7 Как часто вы смотрите фильмы? рано= early
3 Где ты живёшь? 8 Куда вы обычно ездите в отпуск?
4 Твои родители живут в Москве? 9 Вы всегда встаёте рано?
5 Что вы обычно едите на ужин?

-. Дополнительные упражнения 4-7 (страницы 253-254) 27

Jack is watching television.
Не is not playing the guitar.

But Jack has а guitar.

Не often plays it and he plays very well.

Jack plays the guitar,

but he is not playing the guitar now.
Джек играет(= умеет играть) на гитаре,
но сейчас он на ней не играет.

ls he playing the guitar? No, he isn't. (present: cont:inuous)

Does he play the guitar? Yes, he does. (present simple)

Present continuous (1 am doing) используется для описания действия, которое происходит в настоящий

l'm doing

прошлое настоящее будущее

О Please Ье quiet. l'm \vorking. (неверно 1 work)

О Тот is having а shower at the moment. (неверно Тот has)
О Take an umbrella with you. lt's raining. ... Идёт дождь (сейчас).
О You can rurn off the television. l'm not watching ir. . .. Я не смотрю его (сейчас).
О Why are you under the rаЫе? Whar are you do ing? ... Что ты делаешь?
'. .·

с Present simple (1 do) используется, когда речь идёт об общеизвестных фактах, а также о регулярных,
обычных или постоянных действиях или состояниях:

l do

прошлое настоящее будущее

О 1 work every day from 9 o'clock to 5.30.

Я работаю каждый день ...
О Tom has а shower every morning.
. .. принимает душ каждое утро.
О lt rains а lot in 'vvinter.
Зимой часто идёт дождь.
О 1 don't watch TV very ofren.
Я смотрю телевизор нечасто.
О What do you usually do at weekends?
Что вы обычно делаете ...

Эти глаголы не используются в present continuous (1 am -ing):

like want know understand remember

prefer need mean believe forget

Эти глаголы используются только в present simple (1 want / do you lil<e? и т. д.):
О l'm tired. 1 want to go home. (неверно l'm \Vanting)
О д: Do you know that: girl? Вы знаете . . . ?
в: Yes, but 1 don't remember her name. Да, но я не помню ...

О 1 don't understand. What do you mean?

Я не понимаю. Что вы имеете в виду?

presenr conrinuous _. Разделы 4-5 presenr simple _. Разделы 6-8

настоящее для действия в будущем _. Раздел 26
Посмотрите на картинки и ответьте на вопросы.

' \s she driving а bus? .................. .... ...""" """ "".

. . . .. . ....."" .""
. . .

Does she drive а bus? ".". .. ." "" .."""""" " ."""
. . ."" ."".. "... ...

�. i
. Does he clean windo\vs?
ls he cleaning а \л;indow?
What is he doing?
\.""."" ...."" "" "". . ""... .."""" "" " "." ....."." "....".. " ." " . . ."."".". .". . .
" . .. . . . .

'-...--� -··· ···-----

Заполните пропуски, используя am/is/are или do/don't/does/doesn't.

1 Excuse те, ".".49.".. . you speak English?

2 'Where's Kate?' '1 ........" ............. .....". "".".". know.'

3 What's funny? vVhy "." "...""". "."." ... """". " you laughing?
4 'What ."""" " "".""" .. """. ."""" your sister do?' 'She's а dentist.'
5 \с""". .." " """."......""" raining. 1 ".....""""" """ """" want to go out in the rain.
6 'Where ....""""" .."."" . . "".". "" you соте froт?' 'Canada.'
7 Ho\v much " ". .".""" """.". .. it cost со scay ас t:his hotel? ls it expensive?
8 Sceve is а good tennis player, but he " ".".". ...."."." ..."." .. " play very ofcen.

Поставьте глагол в форму p rese nt continuous (1 am doing) или present si m ple (1 do).
1 Excuse me, g.O Y.Q U � k (you/speak) English?
"". . . . "

2 'Wl1ere's Тот?' '.. t1.�.:�"b.gying."""(he/have) а shower.'

3 J g pn1 \�gt.Yh""."(l /noc/watch) TV very often.
"". "

4 Listen! Somebody .."" ..."".""."." .."""" "".""." "...."".".""".. .". (sing).

5 Sarah is tired. """." " """" " ....... . . ."� ."" ...."".""""" ."."""" .."". (she/want) to go hоте now.
6 How ofcen """". ."""" .. ."."".." """." "."."". """"." . .".(you/use) your саг? Every day?
7 'Excuse me, but """"." ...."" .." . ."."." " .."..." .."" ..". "".."" . ."."(you/sit:) in my seat.' 'Oh, l'm sorr y.'
8 l'т sorry, ""."".".".".. """"" ".".""." ....""" ..".""". "".(l/noc/understand). Сап you speak тоrе slowly?
9 lt's late. " ".."" """" """" ."".. " ......" "".". . (l/go) l1ome no\v. ".. " """"" """... "" """ " ..""". (уоu /соте) \Vith me?
10 What cime """"" ""."". """"". ".""."""..""... ."""". (your father / finish) \vork every day?
11 You can turn off tl1e radio. """... ".."". ."""""" """.. ."""". "".".". .. "(l/noc/listen) to it.
12 'Where's Paul?' 'ln the kitchen. """" """"" ...".". ...""""...."".". """""" (he/cook) something.'
1 З Mark ."."... """"".""".""".."" ".." .." ."""" .."" .".....". """.. " ""."."""""". (not/usually/drive) to work.
Не".""". . .""."" .."." ...."."..." "."...."."."""""(usually/\valk).
14 Sue "". """." """""" """""" ".""""..""."". ."".".(not/like) coffee. ."""""" ..."""". "."""" .."...".." ......"."" "....."..."(she/prefer) tea.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. звонить= ring

1 Антон! Твой телефон звонит. 5 Откуда Саша? воскресенье= Sunday

2 Каждое воскресенье я играю в футбол. 6 Сегодня я не работаю. откуда = where . . . froт

3 д: Что делает Нина? 7 Почему ты плачешь? в= to

в: Она готовит ужин. 8 Вы знаете эту женщину?

4 А: Привет. Куда ты идёшь? 9 Я пью кофе каждое утро.
в: Я иду домой. 10 Как часто ты ездишь в Лондон?

В значении 'У меня есть� 'У него есть" и т. д. можно использовать 1 have или l've got (букв. я имею),
he has или he'sgot (букв. он имеет) и т. д. :

1 1 (l've got)
we we (we've got)
have havegot
you you (you've got)
they they ( they'vegot)

he he (he'sgot)
she has she hasgot (she'sgot)
it it (it'sgot)

О 1 have Ыuе eyes. или l'vegot Ыuе eyes. У меня голубые глаза.
О Tom has two sisters. или Тот hasgot two sisters. У Тома есть две сестры.
О Our car has four doors. или Our са г hasgot four doors. У нашей машины четыре двери.
О Sarah isn't feeling well. She has а headache. или She'sgot а headache .
.. . У неё болит голова. (букв. У неё есть головная боль.)
О They like animals. They have а horse) three dogs and six cats. или They'vegot а horse . . .

... У них есть ...

-. _,.
. .

в 1 don't have / 1 haven'tgot и т. д. (отрицательные предложения)

Можно сказать:

l/you l/you
don't haven't
\'Ve/they 'vve/they
have или got
he/she he/she
doesn't hasn't
lt lt

О 1 don't have а car. или 1 haven't got а car. У меня нет машины.
О They don't have any children. или They haven't got any children. У них нет детей.
О Anna doesn't have а job at the moment. или Anna hasn'tgot а job ...
УАнны сейчас нет работы.
О lt's а nice house, but it doesn't have а garden. или ... it hasn'tgot а garden.
Это хороший дом, но там нет сада.

do you have? / have yougot? и т. д. (вопросительные предложения)

Можно сказать:


-·��от�� � :у
- -·--· - we/they
have или got
1 �e/she
has .
:_ ----·-

О 'Do you have а camera?' 'No, 1 don't.' или

'Have yougot а camera?' 'No, 1 haven't.'

О 'Does Helen have а саг?' 'Yes, she does.' или

'Has Helen got а саг?' 1Yes, she has.'

О What kind of саг does she have? или .. . has shegot?

О How many children do they have? или . .. have theygot?

had / didn't have (прошедшее время)-+ Разделы 12-1 З have breakfast / have а shower и т. д.-+ Раздел 59
some/any -+ Раздел 77 ·
D Перепишите эти предложения� используя got. Значение должно остаться таким же.
1 They have t\vo children. ___ J}J.�Y..'.Y.:� . g.9� k.Y'9. 9..b.!Jd.r�ri . . .. .. ....... _. ...".-....... ........ -···"···- · · ·········· · ........... .............. ............ ..... .
2 She doesn't have а key. . �-h�"Ь.�.§.IJ't..go� .�J.�вy:......
. . ·········-······ ·········- ........ ····· ··· -· ········ · ···· . ........ . ......... ".. ...
......... ... . ..

3 Не has а new job. Не . . . . ...... .... ..... .. . ".... ... ......... ·····-··· ··························· "..... ... ······ ··········- ···· ·······-· ···· ·· ... " .... . . . ".
.....".. ..... .. " .. " .....

4 Do you have an umbrella? .. .. .

... .. .... . ... "".... ".... ." ......... ········· ······ -·········· ........ "........................ ···· -···-····· ······· ·· ·····-· ·· -· ········ ··· ............

5 'vVe have а lot of \Vork to do. ........... . ........ . ".

...... .... ........."..... ..... ..... ...... . ". " ........ . ... ..... ..
.. . .
........ ............ ... . . ..
. . ... ......... . . ..
.. ..... .. .. .... . .
. .. ..

6 1 don't have your phone number.

7 Does your father l1ave а саг?
8 Hovv much money do v1e have?

Перепишите эти предложения� используя do/does/don1t/doesn't. Значение должно остаться

таким же.

1 Have you got any money? ...... P.9..Y9�"h.� Y.�.gJ1Y..m9 IJ?.Yf .

..... .... . .............. .........._ .....".................. ·····-·················· .... . ... . . .... .
2 1 haven't got many clothes. 1 . .... . . ···- ·-····-·····-·········· ........ ····· ··· · ........ " ........................... ........ "....... ......"............................ ........ -····

3 Has Tom got а brother?

4 How many children have they got?
5 Have you got any questions?
6 Sam hasn't got а job.

С11 Прочитайте вопросы и ответы. Затем напишите предложения о Марке.

1 Have you got а саг? No. 1 . ..... )J.� b.?�n:t. gQ.t_�_�§!.:. .. ..... .
.. .. .. . ····· ···· -· ······· ·······-·· -

2 Have you got а blke? ·· Yes. 2 Не_.". .........." . ······ ············· ·····-··-· ·······-···-···· ···-··· - ······ .......... .

3 Have you got а dog? No. 3 ······· ....... .".........

······ ··-· ... " ....... .. ························· ... . ... . .. ············

4 Have you got а moЬile phone? Yes. 4 " . ... ...... " ····�· ····-·········· · ....." ................. ""..... ".... .... ····-· ····· ··

5 Have you got а watch? No. 5 .. " ···· -· ·· ······-····· ······- ····· . .. . .
... .. ... ......... ........ ...... ........ . ..... .... . " .. ..
6 Have you got any brothers or Yes, t\ЛJO brothers 6 •• •••• • ••• •••••••М-•••••••••••••••••••••••ооо••••••••••• • •••••••о•••••• •••··••• ••••••••• •••• о•••

sisters? : and а sister.

Напишите о себе. Используйте l've got или 1 haven't got.

7 (а dog) ·········-····-··· ··· ........ ........ ······· ···· ·-····" ··· ........... ........ ····· ··- ...... ...." " . .. .. " ... . . . .. .. .. .. ... ... . ..
... . . ... ... .. ... . ..... ...... . . . ... ... "..."... .... ..... ....... . ... ···

8 (а blke) .... .. "...."""..

". ....... ......... ."...... .. ...... . ......... ............ . ...... ... ........ ······· ······-········· " . .. ..
... ..... . ...... .......... . .. ... ...... . .... . . . ..
..... . . ............ . ..... . ...

9 (brothers/sisters) ......".... . .. .. . ....

. .... ... . .. .." . ..... " .. . . ...... .. . ... . ... ..
. ... . .. . . ...... .. ...... . .. . . ... . . . "
... . .. .. . ... ... .. . . ..
.. .. ... . ..
...... . ". . ........ . "... .. ... "... .... .".. ....... ...... .
. ............ "... ... .

СВ Заполните пропуски. Используйте have, has, don't have или doesn't have.
1 Sarah g_Q§.�!J.'�.ha.Y.�. .. а саг. She goes everyvvhere Ьу Ьike.
... .

2 They like animals. Тhеу . b.gY� ". three dogs and tvJo cats.
... ..

3 Charles isn't happy. Не . . ... " ............ ...... а lot of proЫems.

····- . .

4 Тhеу are always busy. Тhеу .. ....... ...... ...... ...... much free time.
5 'VVhat s \vrong ?'
. . ..... ....... ...... . ..... someth'1ng 1n my еуе.'
11 .. .

6 'Where 's my pen.7' '1 d on't k no\.�1. 1 .......... "..................... ...... 1t.'
7 Amy wants to go to rhe concert, but she ..........................." .... ...... а ticket.

Закончите предложения. Используйте have/has got или haven't/hasn't got1 и слова из рамки:
- - ·
-·- -·--- -

six legs а l<ey а lot of friends а job much time

1 l'm not feeling very \vell. 1 \-:§ .f:JQ!-"? b.?..?d?..�.r�" .. . .. .. . .. . .

.. .. . . .. . . .. . ········-······ ·· ············· ····· · -···· ·········· ··· ....... .. ······ ·-···········--············ ····-· ··· · ·····-···· -···

2 Everybody likes Tom. Не . . .... ...... ... ... ..... ... ...... ......" ....... . ......... ............. ......"... . .......... ............. ........... ....... ........... . .. .. ....... .. ····- · ·· · ·····--················· .. ... .. .. . .... .

3 She can't open the door. She . ... . . ... · ········- ......... ..........".... .. . . . ... ····· ··· ···· ·-····-···· ····- ······ -···· ·········· · ···--·······-·· ··-· .......... ........ ········-············-·· ····-··· -····-

4 Quick! We -·······- ······ ...... ... " ..

....... . . ... .
·······-····"····- ····· .. . . . ...... .......... ... .... " ...... ....". . ............. ....... " .... .... " ... ...................".... · ·-····· ·· .................................... ····-···

5 An insect ........ . . .... . . . . . .

. ".." . .. . .
.". . .. . . . . . .. . ..
.". .. . . ._ ....... . " . ...... .. ". "...." . . .... .. . -... .... . ····-·- ......................... . .. . .
. . .. ....... . .. ....... . "....... . . .. ". .. .... .. . . . ... . . .
. .. . ... - ." " ..... " ... .. .

6 l'm unemployed. 1 "... ... ..... ..

"..... ... -
. ........ ·········-· ······-····· ··-···· ···· ......... .. .......... . ............. " .......-· ····· ·-······ -···· ·-· ··· .......... -···-·· ····· ····"·············-- -······· ·-··-· - · ·· ······ .

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1 У меня большая семья. 5 У Тома зелёные глаза.

2 У тебя болит голова? 6 У тебя есть велосипед?
3 У меня нет телефона. 7 У Вас есть дом или квартира?
4 У Анны есть кошка и собака. 8 У моих друзей есть новая машина.

-+Дополнительные упражнения 5-7 (страница 254) 31

вчера ночью сейчас
Novv Robert is at vvork.

At midnight last night he wasn't at work.

Вчера в полночь он не был на работе.

Не was in bed.
Не was asleep.

am/is (present) � was (past):

О Are you at home? Were you at home yesterday evening?
Ты (сейчас) дома? Ты был дома вчера вечером?
О Where is Kate? Where was Kate yesterday?
Где Кейт (сейчас)? Где была Кейт вчера?
О The weather is good today. The weather was good last week
Сегодня хорошая погода. На прошлой неделе погода �ыла хорошая.

are (настоящее время) � were (прошедшее время):

О You are busy. You were busy yesterday.
Вы заняты (сейчас). Вы были заняты вчера.
О They aren't here. 111еу weren't l1ere last Sunday.
Их здесь нет (сейчас). Их здесь не было в прошлое воскресенье.

утвердительные предложения отрицательные предложения вопросительные предложения

1 1 1?
he he was not he?
was was
she she (wasn't) she?
it lt it?

we we we?
were not
you were you were you?
they t:hey t:hey?

О Last year Rachel was 22, so she is 23 now. В прошлом год _ у Рейчел было 22 года, .. .
О When 1 was а child, 1 was scared of dogs. Когда я был ребёнком, я боялся собак.
О We were hungry after the journey, but vve weren't tired.
Мы были голодны ..., но не были уставшими.
О The hotel was comfortaЫe, but it wasn't expensive. Гостиница была комфортной, но не была дорогой.
О Was the weather nice 'vvl1en you were on holiday? Погода была хорошей, когда вы были в отпуске?
О Your shoes are nice. Were they expensive? ".Они были дорогими?

Краткие ответы

1/he/she/it was. l/he/she/it wasn't.

' we/you/they were. \ve/you/they weren't.

О 'Were you lat:e?' 'No, 1 wasn't.'

О 'Was Tom ас \Л/Ork yesterday?' 'Yes, he was.'
О 'Were Sue and Steve at the party?' 'No, they weren't.'

Некоторые предложения в прошедшем времени на русском языке могут переводиться на английский язык
настоящим временем:

О 1 am tired. 1 was tired last night.

Я устала. Я была уставшей вчера вечером.
О Sorry, l'm late. Sorry, 1 was late this morning
Извините, я опоздала. Извините, что я опоздала сегодня утром.

32 ( am/is/are-+ Разделы 1-3 1 was doing �Раздел 1 З

Посмотрите на картинки. Напишите, где эти люди были вчера в З часа дня.


�� _....,- ....-.......... ...".._._"
. _.,/
1 J9e .•t.a��..i.!1.e�q.�"" ..."""
. " .
....... ..... . ." . . . " . " " . . "
.... . .. .. .. ... . ... .. ... ...
4 .......... " " ".""".. "" . " """" " " . " ". .. . " . .. ." " .. . " . . .. ".. .
" .. ." . ... " . . . . . .. ... .. .. . .. . . . ... .. ...

2 Jack and Kate ........ ".. . . ." .. .". "" . . " ...
.. . .... . . . ... .... .. " . .. " ... . "
.. ... .. . ..... . .
5 ..................................." . . .. .
. . . .. . ..
..... . .. . .
... .. . . " " . .. . ..
..... .. ... . . .. .... .. ....... ". .
.. .. ..

3 Sue . . .. "... ............ ............ . ............ .... .......... "

... ..... . ." .... . . . . "
. .... ... . . .. .............
6 And you? 1.""." .. ........... " .... .. .. . " .. . . . ". ".
. .. . ... .... . . ... .. . ... . .. .... .".
. .

Заполните пропуски, используя am/is/are (настоящее время) или was/were (прошедшее время).
1 Last уеаг she .. .У.й�.� . 22, so she ... ... .. is. . . . 23 now.
2 Today the \vearher "" ..".""......."....... nice, but yesterday it .."........"""... .." very cold.
3 1.. ..... ........ hungry. Can 1 have something to еас?
4 1 feel fine this morning, bur 1... .. . . ....".. very tired last night.
5 Where ........" ............"..... you ас 11 o'clock last Friday morning?
6 Don't buy chose shoes. They .". ..." .............".... very expensive.
. k et. ""...... ....... ... 1t . 7
7 l l'k
1 е your new Jac expens1ve.
8 This time last year 1 . "......... "...... in Paris.
. ....

9 'Where ............................. Sam and Joe?' '1 don't know. They ......... ..........."...... l1ere а fe\.v minutes ago.'

Заполните пропуски, используя was/were или wasn't/weren't.

1 We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room . . �\1.а� . .... very small and ir ... W.g.?..n·�······· clean.
2 Mark ............................ ar work lasr week because he .. ...... ........ ill. He's betrer now.
3 Yesterday .......................... а puЬlic holiday, so rhe banks . ...... .......... closed. They're open roday.
4 '........".................. Kare and Ben at the рапу?' 'Kare ... ........ ... there, bur Ben .... " " . "" .. .. ..
5 Where are my keys? They ........"........ " ......... on the tаЫе, but rhey're not rhere now.
6 You ........." .." ... ... ..... at home last night. Where ........ ....".... you?

Составьте вопросы из этих слов + was/were, соблюдая правильный порядок слов.

1 (late / you / this morning / \vhy?)

.. WbY. w.� r.? Y9k! ! дt§ t.h!� .m Qr.!:1 i пg? ..." ... ".. ..... . .... . ."
.. . . . .. . . . .." . . .. ... . . .. . ..... ...... .............................................. -----The traffic was bad.

2 (difficult / your exam ?)

...".......... ......" . ........ ................."".............".........."..........
." "....
. "....... ."....."."." .... "......"......" .
."" ...
" .
.... ".".. ---№, it was easy.

3 (lasr week / where / Sue and Chris?)

They were on holiday.

4 (your new camera / hovv much?)

--- А hundred pounds.

5 (angry / you / yesterday / why?)

Because you were late.

(nice / rl1e weather / last week?)

........ ........"..................".."."."......."."..... ---..- Yes, it was beautiful.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. сегодня утром =

1 На прошлой неделе я была в Кембридже. 6 Погода была холодная, но cl1is morning

2 Ирина была в офисе сегодня утром? солнечная. сложный = difficult

3 Анна и Лиз были на вечеринке? 7 Прошлым летом мои родители солнечный = sunny
4 Экзамен не был сложным. были за границей. за границей = abroad

5 Сколько стоила твоя новая сумка? 8 Где вы были вчера вечером?


. . . А
They watch TV every evening. (present simple)

1 Они смотрят телевизор каждый вечер.

They watched TV yesterday evening. (past simple)

Они смотрели телевизор вчера вечером.

watched- глагол в форме past simple:

.__ ____
_ __. watched

· . в У многих глаголов форма past simple оканчивается на -ed (правильные глаголы). Например:

vюrk -7 worked start -7 started stay -7 stayed

clean -7 cleaned dance -7 danced need -7 needed

О 1 clean my teeth every morning. This morning 1 cleaned my teeth.

Я чищу зубы каждое утро. Сегодня утром я чистил зубы.
О Terry worked in а bank from 2005 to 2011.
Терри работал в банке ...
О Yesterday it rained all morning. lc stopped at luпchtime.
Вчера дождь шёл всё утро. Он прекратился в обед.
О We enjoyed the parry. We danced а lot and talked to а lot of people. 111е parcy finished at midnight.
Нам понравилась вечеринка ... Мы танцевали ... разговаривали ... Вечеринка закончилась ...

Правописание (-7 Приложение 5):

try -7 tried sш dy -7 st u died сору � copied

stop -7 stopp ed plan � pla nned

Некоторые глаголы - неправильные. У них форма past simple не оканчивается на -ed. Например:

begin � began fall � fell leave � le� sell � sold

break broke find found lose lost sit sat

bring brought Ау flew make made sleep slept

build built forget forgot meer met speak spoke

buy bought get got рау paid stand stood

catch caught g1ve gave put put take tool<

соте came go went read read /red/ * cell told

do did l1ave had ring rang chink thought

drink drank 1 hear heard say said wtn won

eat ate 1 know knew see saw \-VГite wrote

�·произносится /red/

О 1 usually get up early, but this morning 1 got up ас 9 o'clock.

Обычно я встаю рано, но сегодня я встала в 9 часов.
О We did а lot of work yesterday. Мы выполнили много работы ...
О Caroliпe went со the cinema rhree times last week. . .. ходила в кино " .
О James came into the room, took off his coat and sat down.
Джеймс вошёл в комнату, снял пальто и сел.

Список неправильных глаголов- в Приложениях 2-З.

34 (�
.._._ sa_/__r_
w a_
e e_�_P_ _e_
зд 1 1 __1_
л __ d_i_
n _
t' _
D i
y _
o. _u .._
. _?_
( т
_ _
ц _н_
а и_я_
_ р
_ _ос
_ ь _)_�__
1 Рз
_ _
де_ а�gо_� _Ра_
п _1_з__ д_
з_ е л__0 _____,
2_ ),
Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы из рамки.
/"'_ ___
"....... - ..-·
--- ·--·---....... . ...__
. ...".""....- ·--- ....,."" __..,___·-·-------... .".." .. .."" "

� --elean- die enjoy finish happen open rain start stay want }
·- -···--- ······--"--------�-.-·--·-····-·-- - - · --····-----
....---····"···- ." ..... "----- - ______ ..,____ . "".... ". ·---··--·" ____.... . . . . ·�·"''

1 l ......(;.J.��л�fl .. my teeth three times уеяегdау.


2 lc \д,1аs hot in the room, so 1." .. ..".". ......". ".".". ... the windo\\I. .

3 The film vvas very long. lt "......."."......"... ........ ".... at 7.15 and ......." ..".... ....". .....".. at 10 o'clock.
4 When 1 was а child, 1 .. . "" ..".....".""......" . "...".... to Ье а doccor.
. ..

5 The accident ".".". ..........". ....."..""..... last: Sunday afcernoon.

6 The weather is nice today, but yesterday it ..... "......"".""..."".." .....". all day.
7 We """. "" ...." .. "." ......". ........... our holiday last уеаг. We ....... .." .. " ."..... ".......". at а very nice place.
8 Anna's grandfacher ..."" ."".... "".. ...."..... when he was 90 уеагs old.

Напишите форму past simple этих глаголов.

1 ger .. .. g_Qt.-. ....."" "..".".". 4 рау ...... "" ."". . ... .. .. .. ... . ...
."....... ""..... 7 go .. . ..... "..."..........."...... 1 О know .".". ". " " ".. . .. .

2 see "... .....""........... ".... 5 v1s1t: . . .... .......... ................... 8 chink ..." ........"..............."... 11 put ............ ... . . . ... ...".
. ..... . " .... .. .." .

3 play ... """"."" "............ ... 6 buy ".... ........ ........ ...".... .".. 9 сору .. .......".."."."..."..""" 12 speak .................... .
.. ". ... ".

Прочитайте о поездке Лизы в Мадрид. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.

Last Тuesday Lisa (1) .."..ft§Yf ... from London со Madrid. She (2). . .".". ....... ........ .. up
" Ау, gec
ас 6 o'clock in the morning and (з) " "" .." ......." ........ а cup of coffee. At 6.30 she have
(4) " ...." ......". . "..". ..... home and (s) . """. "..... . "... to the airporc. When she leave, drive
(6) "... ". "...... " .." "..... chere, she (7) .. ... ... ". .. . . ..". " che car, (В) . "."".... ."". ".""... to the airport
. .. get:, park, v-1alk
building, and (9) . ."....."....."" ."""... "... in. Тhеп she (10) ...". .".". "".
. . ... . breakfast: ас а cafe check, have
and (11) .. . "."." ".."........... . for her Aight. The plane (12) ...... .... "."......... on time and .. wait, deparc
(13) . .... .
. .... ..
......... . ....... . . in Madrid cwo hours later. Finally she (14) ." "
. . ."." ....... " ...... ......" а taxi arrive, take
from the airporc со her hotel in the cenrre of Madrid.

Напишите предложения о действиях в прошлом (yesterday / last week и т. д.).

1 James always goes to \'v'Ork Ьу саг. Yesterday .. .." be w�nt. .to .�YQ.Гk .t!Y..9.$.r............ ..".".
. " . . . """ . ".." . .. " "
" " " "" "" "." ".. . .. . .. .. ... . ..
. . .

2 Rachel o�en loses her keys. She ...-..." . ."......."."......... ............ " . . "..."".". ""........ "...... ".."""..." .""".. """.".." ".......". ......."" last \\leek.
3 Kate meecs her friends every evening. She ""...".".. .""" ""."" . ..."..............". .""". ".."". ."...... ." ....." "......"" yesterday evening.
4 1 buy а newspaper every day. Yesterday 1".... ........... "
..". "... ". "
. .
"..... ".. ..."....... ".... " . . ....... . ..".. " .. ........""...".. "." . . " ""
.. . . " .... " ....... ..

5 We ofcen go to che cinema at vveekends. Last Sunday we """" ......... """ ... ".. .. .
... ...." ".".. .. .. .
. . .... ... ."" . .. .. .
"" ... .." " .. . " . ". ........ ".......

6 1 еас an orange every day. Yesterday 1 ... . . " .... ....." " " """ . . " ".. . ... .. .. ... .....".. .. . " ..."" . ".. .
" ...... ... ........... ...."".. """" .". " .
" " .." " " "" " .... ..

7 Tom always has а shower in the morning. Тhis morning he ."."".""". "..". . . ...... "........ .......... " .." ...... . .... .. ......"
.........." ....... " " "

8 Our friends often come to see us. They ""." ........". .........""........... ............ """ .......""""......." .........""."......... ....... ......." last Friday.

Напишите предложения о том, что вы делали вчера.

1 ".1.w�n.t..tQ . .t.h?. .t.JJ�".". . .. ." " ... " ........ " . "
. " . . " ... " . ". . " " 4 ."... .. . ". . . .."...... ."... " " ..... . . . "." .. .. .. ...... .. . ........
... . .. . . . . . .."
". ... . "...... " .. ...
2 ""...... . ". ..... ".". ".. " ....... .." . "" ."
" . " . . . .." " ". ".
" " .." . ...."" "..... .." ..... . " 5 "" ..... . .. .
. " ." ""

3 ..
.... ........................ ......." " ". 6 ." " .".. "." " "

Переведите предложения на английский язык. весь день= all day

1 Вчера я работал весь день. навестить = visit

2 Я н ачал работать в 9:00, а закончил в 7:00. на выходных= at the weekend

З В прошлом году Саша ездила в Париж. мотоцикл= motorblke

4 Вчера вечеро м мы играли в теннис.

5 На прошлой неделе меня навестили мои друзья.
6 На вы хо дн ы х я прочитала очень интересную книгу.
7 Борис купил мотоцикл, когда ему было 17 лет.

�Дополнительное упражнение 10 (страница 256) 35

В отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях в past simple используется вспомогательный
утвердительные отрицательные вопросительные
предложения предложения предложения

play 1 played 1 play 1 play?

start we started we start we starc?
watch you watched you watch you watch?
did not
have they had they have did they have?
see he saw he see he see?
do she did she do she do?
go it went it go it go?

do/does (настоящее время) � did (прошедшее время):

О 1 don't watch TV very often. ... не смотрю .. .

1 didn't watch ТV yesterday. . .. не смотрел ...

О Does she often go on holiday? Она часто ездит в отпуск?

Did she go on holiday last year? Она ездила ... в прошлом году?

В вопросах и отрицаниях используется did/didn't + инфинитив (watch/play/go и т. д.):

1watched 1 fO 1 didn t watch

' (неверно 1 didn't watched)
they went did they go? (неверно did they went?)
he had l1e di d n t have

you did did you do?

О 1 played tennis yesterday, but 1 didn't win.

Я играла ..., но не выиграла.
О Did you do the shopping? Ты была в магазине? (букв. Ты сделало покупки?)

в: No, 1 didn't have time. Нет, у меня не было времени.

О We went to the cinema, but we didn't enjoy the film.

Мы ходили в кино, но фильм нам не понравился.

Обратите внимание но порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях:

did + подлежащее + инфинитив

Did your srscer call you?

What did you do last night?
How did the accident happen?
Where did your parents go for their holiday?

. � -

Е Краткие ответы

l/we/you/c � .
dd No,
he/she/� J_::j he/she/it
О 'Did you see Joe yesterday?' 'No, 1 didn't.'
О 'Did it rain on Sunday?' 'Yes, it did.'
О 'Did Helen come to the party?' 'No, she didn't.'
О 'Did your parents have а good holiday!' 'Yes, they did.'

36 ( worked/got/went и т. д. (рая simple)-+ Раздел 12

Заполните пропуски, поставив глаголы в отрицательную форму.

1 1saw Barbara, but��·�···· Jane.

2 They worked on Monday, but they " ."""."""""""".." ...".""".""""..."..."....""...".." ..."..on Tuesday.
3 We went to the post office, but we """."..."."""".... """"""""".""..."."""""".""".""""" to the bank.
4 She had а pen, but she "."."..""".""".""""""""."""""""""."."""""""".""" any paper.
5 Jack did French at school, but he """.""""".""""""".".""""".".""""""".""""""."".". German.

Напишите вопросы, начинающиеся с Did •.• ?

1 1 watched TV last night. How about you? .""..12.1.d..Y.QЧ.W.g t..Gh"IY.Jg�t"п!"""""""."""""

. ...... """"".""""""."....."". "..""."""?
2 1enjoyed the party. How about you? .".""""""""""".".""""""."""."."."""""."""""".""".""..""""""".""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".?
3 1had а good holiday. How about you? "."."".""""".""".""."""".""".""."""."".""""""...""""".".".""".""""".""""""."""""""""""""""""".?
4 1 flnished work early. Ho\v about you? """.".""""."""""."""""""".""""."""""""."""""""""".""""""."""""""""""""""""".""".""""."""".?
5 1slept well last night. How about you? ".""""""""."""""."""""""""""""""""""."""""""."""""""".""""""".""""""""""""""""""""""""".?

Что вы делали вчера? Напишите утвердительные или отрицательные предложения.

1 (watch TV) .". ..J..Yig.t.9..b.�d IY""." или l . d.!d..n:t..Y{;;! .t9.h"1Y! .. . ... . .

.. ."." . "" "" . "."." ... " .. ...
" . ".
" ." .. . . . .. .
".. . ". " ........ .
.." " . "."".." """ .

2 (get up before 7 o'clock) 1" .... . .. ... ... .. .. ".. . . ....... . . .. ... " .. . ". " . ." . . . . .
". ". " . . . .. " .. . . " . . """.. . ." ". . " " "" . ." . . """ . "" .. """ . ."" . . .. .
". . "." .. " . . "
" " " . . .. . . . . .
.. " "" ..
... . .."."" . . """ .. " . . "

3 (have а shower)
4 (buy а magazine)
5 (eat meat)
6 (go to bed before 10.30)

Напишите вопросы второго участника диалога. Используйте слова из рамки:

.-· ---------- ------· ----
! arrive cost go go to bed late happen have а nice time -stay- win )
'.... ·------·- _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _../

1 А: We went to New York last month. 5 А: We came home Ьу taxi.

в: Where .." .Y.Q.U. P.:kgY."""" ....."..... "......."".........." ...". ".....". ?
. в: How much ..."."." ......."...."""..".""" ..""...".""... ""."."..""."".".".?
д: With some friends. - А: Ten pounds.

2 А: 1 was late for the meeting. 6 А: l'm tired this morning.

в: What time " "." ..
. .. ".
.. . .. .
. ... . .. .. . ...
. .. ........ .... . .. . .. . . ...
. .. . . ... .. . ......
1 в: .. . . . . . ".
......... . ..... ... ... . .." . ." .. . ". . . . . . ..
.. .... " " " . . .
." ... ... .. ... .
. . . " ."
" ... . .". . . ."
.. . ".. .. 7
А: Half past n1ne. А: No, but 1 didn't sleep very well.

3 А: 1 played cennis this afternoon. 7 А: We went to the beach yescerday.

в: . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . ... . .. ..
". " . . . " "" .. . " " ". " "" " .. . .. """." . .... . . ..... .. .... ... . . .... . . ."?
. "." " .. .." . . . " . в: ..... " ..".""... "..... ".. ""........ """.".......... "..... """".....................".." ...... " .• "." . . .. ?

А: No, 1 /osc. А: Yes, it was great.

4 А: 1had а nice holiday. 8 А: The window is broken.

в: Good. Where ".".. ".."........""..""."... "..."."."...."."..""."."... """.? в: How """"..""" .."".. "."".......""...."........."."......".."......."".....".."".. ""?
А: То the mountains. - -- А: 1 don't know.

CID Используйте глаголы в правильной форме (утвердительной1 отрицательной или


1 We went со the cinema, but the fllm wasn't very good. We ."".d..!d.r.(t..�JJjQY""" it. (enjoy)
2 Tom ."""""."""""""""""""."""."""""""some new clothes yesterday- two shircs, а jacket and а pullover. (buy)
. .
3 ' """""."""."."""""".".""" """"". ".yesterd ау 1' 'N о, 1t was а n1ce d ау.' (ra1n ) . ·

4 We \vere tired, so we ."""""".""""".""".".""""""".. ".""" long ас the parcy. (scay)

5 lt was very warm in the room, so 1 """""""""""""" . """"""""""""""" а . \\lindow. (open)
6 'Oid you phone Chris this morning?' 'No, 1"""""."""""""""."""""."."."""""". time.' (have)
7 '1cut my hand this morning.' 'How "."."."""."""""""".""""".""""..".". thac?' (do)
8 1Why weren't you at the meeting yesterday?' '1"""""""""."".""""."""".""""."""". about it.1 (know)

Переведите предложения на английский язык. в школе = ас school

1 Ты видела Анну вчера? 6 Ты хорошо спала? в прошлые выходные=

2 Вы учили английский в школе? 7 Как ты потеряла свой паспорт? lasc weekend

3 В воскресенье я не играл в футбол. 8 Мы посмотрели фильм, но он потерять = lose

4 Куда Том и Лиз ездили в отпуск? нам не понравился.

S Что вы делали в прошлые выходные?

-+Дополнительные упражнения 10-13 (страница 256) 37

o'clock now (6 o'clock) lt is 6 o'clock now.
1. . ..

/...-;- .
Paul is at home.
Не is watching TV. Он смотрит (сейчас)".
• ••• At 4 o'clock he wasn't at home.
Не was at the sports club.

Не was swimming in the pool. Он плавал в бассейне.

Не wasn't watching TV. Он не смотрел телевизор.


he star ted
he was swimming
sw1mm1ng sw1mm1ng

- .. " в Образование past continuous: was/were + -ing

утвердительные предложения отрицательные предложения вопросительные предложения

1 1 1
doing doing doing?
he he was not he
was watching watching was watching?
she she (wasn't ) she
lt . .
lt . .
lt playing?
we \Ve living
\А./е living?
living were not
you were you were you
they и т.д. they и т.д. they и т.д.

О What were you doing at 11.30 yesterday? Were you worlcing?

Что вы делали в ...? Вы работали?
О л: What did he say?
в: 1 don't know. 1 wasn't listening. . "Я не с лушал.
О lt was raining, so we didn't go out. Шёл дождь, ...
О ln 2009 we were living in Canada. . . . мы жили в Канаде.
О Today she's wearing а skirt, but yesterday she was wearing trousers.
Сегодня на ней надета юбка, а вчера на ней были надеты брюки.
О 1 woke up early yesterday. lt \vas а beautiful morning. Тhе sun was shining and the Ьird� were singing.
." Солнце светило и птицы пели.

Правописание (live -) living / run -) running / lie -) lying и т. д.) -) Приложение 5

Present continuous past: continuous t:

am/is/are + -ing was/were + -ing �-��-
О l'm working (now). Я работаю. О 1 was working at 10.30 last night. Я работал".
О lr isn't raining (now). О lt wasn't raining \vhen \Ve \vent out.
Дождь не идёт. Дождь не шёл, когда мы вышли из дома. �:�
О What are you doing (now)? О What were you doing at three o'clock?
Что вы делаете? Что вы делали в три часа?
- A1f
�1'��w����W.�4 �
. �
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� "
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� '*��
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� ��

В русском языке нет эквивалента времени past continuous. На русскцй язык paSt: continuous переводится

прошедшим временем.

38 ( was/were � Раздел 11 1 was doing или 1 did (past continuous или simple) � Раздел 15 )
Посмотрите на картинки. Где были эти люди вчера в З часа дня? Что они делали? Напишите по
два предложения к каждой картинке.


:�� ��; � ,"J ����

1 in the park

"�� � � " ·�' саг . " ,,.

1 . .....IS?..�b.�!"Wg.�.�t"hmn.?.:... $.h?."�Y.g.� ..... . .." ""." . "".""" ."." ..". . . " . ." .".""" ". ." .. ....... "...... ". " ..... ".. "".." .""...". ". . .. . .." .. ...""".".
". . . . . . .... . " " " " .

2 Jack and Kate""""".".. """"""."""...""".""...""""""."."""""""" . They" "". ""."".."""""""""..""".".""" ."""""""".."""""".".""""""."".""""."""".". """."". ".

3 Tom""""""""."."""."."". ".""""".".""".""""""""""""."."""""" .""."".""." ..""""""" .."" ". .".""" .""" "." .".".. """" . " " . " ".". " """""" """ ."" ""."" """ """" "".

" . " ." " " . . " "

4 "."." ..." . "" ..." .... "" ."". . . .." ." ...""" . ... .......".. ." ... ."" ... .."".". ."... . . "". .. ... "" .". """". .. ...."" ".." .""". .. "".." ."".". .".""." ".....""" ... .. "". .. "." ". "..."." ..". .. ...
" " .. . ". " . " . .. " .. ..".. " " .. . " " ."

5 ...."" . . ..""" .. .."." ." ."" ... ..". ".... ." .. ..."" . ..."..."". .. ... ."."". ...".." .."... ..." .." . ".". .. ." ."" ".. " .." ."..""""." ." .. ."" .. . ". ..... ....."" .."".""" .... .. . ".. ......"..." ........"".."."" .. ." . "....
. " . . " . . . . . .

6 And you? 1 ....."... .".."...... .."" ."... .""""" . ... .." ... ...."." ..."". .."". .. "". ".. . ".""""".". ""... .". ."" """ .. ..." ." .. . "" ". . . ..." .." .. ".""." .. .. ."" .. ." ". . ." "" ... . "" ."" .. ...."" . . . .
. . . . ". " . . . . . . . " ". " .

Вчера утром Сара была очень занята. Посмотрите на картинки и закончите предложения.

7.30 - 8.10 1 At 8.45 """�h?."Wg.�)Y.g.�Ы.oв..ь �.r..9g.r�..".""" .

2 At 10.45 she.".". ."""" ."""..." """" "."" .""" .." ." ."" ..""" ."" ."" . . "" .

3 At 8 o'clock " """"" """" " "" .."""" .."."."" .".""""" ."""" "" "." "
" " " "

4 At 12 .10""".
. "". " "" " .""". ".." ." ". ."""." ."". """"""."".." .""""." .."".

5 At 7.15 ""."".""" . """"." "".. . " " " " "".""""." ." .."""""" "."""" """" .
" .

6 At 9.30.""".""."" .. " " ""

Допишите вопросы, используя was/were -ing. Где необходимо, также используйте what/where/why.

1 (you/live) """Wh§.r.ff."W�r�.Y.Qц"!i.Y..(Щ3."".""". """"" .""""""."""""""".."""""""""."."""" in 2 012 ?

. � ln London.
2 (you/do) .""."." ."".""."""."""""""."""".""."".""".""""". """"."."""".""""."."""""".""".". at 2 o'clock? 1 was asleep.
3 (it/rain) ".".""."""" """"".".".""."."""""""""""" ..""""""." ..."."""""""""."".""""".." when you got up? ·� No, it was sunny.

""""."."".".".""".".""".".""."""""""".""""""".".""..".а а
4 (Sue/drive) ""...""""" .""".".".""."""."".""."."."""""."".""". """""" ."""".""".""".""""".".".."."""" so fast? ··· Because she \vas late.
5 (Tom/wear) "."."."" "". """ """ " suit yesterday? ;. No, T-shirt and jeans.

Посмотрите на картинку. Вчера днём вы встретили Джо. Что он делал? Напишите

утвердительные или отрицательные предложения.

1 (wear /а jacket) """H.�.�lo!??..n::�"W?.g.rJ.шэ..gJg.�K§k:"."""."".. """"""". .""
2 (carry /а bag) " ".". """ . . " ". "". .".""".""""."."."."."."""."""".".""""...""".""".
" " " "" "" " "

3 (go / со the dentist) ." .""" """ ." ."" ."""""""."" """""."".""""".""""""".""""""".""."."
4 (eat / an ice cream) "" " .""" ."" ." ."""""""" """"""""""."""""""""""""."."".""""""."

5 (carry / an umbrella) .""""""""""."""""."" ""."""". "..." "."." "" """ """"""" ""."." " "


6 (go / home) "."""."."""""."""".""".""""""".". "."". "" "" ."""" """."." ". " ." ."" ."" """"

"" .

7 (\�ear hat) ". "" .."""."""."."""."."."""".. """""""."" """""" "."."""""""""."."""""""".

8 (ride Ьike) .""". """"" "".".""."."".".".""." """"".""" " ." ""._. """. """"" """.". "."."
" " "

Переведите предложения на английский язык. мыть= \Vash

1 Сегодня в 7:30я мыла свою машину. 6 Прошлым летом Эмма иТом полдень= midday
2 Вчера я работал в саду в полдень. жили в Америке . сегодня утром =

3 Что вы делали в 10:30сегодня утром ? 7 д: Что ты делал а в аэропорту? this morning

Вы работали? в: Я ждала Ирину. в аэропорту =

4 Сегодня утром было тепло и не шёл дождь. 8 Сегодня на Антоне надет костюм , at the airport

5 Почему ты пел в тричаса утра? а вчера на нём были надеты джинсы . костюм = suit


Jack was read ng а book. His phone rang. Не stopped reading. Не answ e red his phone. j�l:
Джек читал книгу. Его телефон зазвонил. Он перестал читать. Он ответил на звонок. �:·
What: happened? His phone rang. (past simple )
What: was Jack doing when his phone rang? .
Не \Vas reading а book.
}( past: continuous) ��.t·Ji,�•.

What: did he do \vhen his phone rang? .
. ast: s1m 1е)
(р р
Не stopped read1ng and answered the phone.
Jack began reading before his phone rang. Джек начал читать до того, как зазвонил телефон.
So when his phone r :� g, he was reading Поэтому, когда зазвонил телефон, он читал.

he answered
he started his phon e he stop pe d

reading rang reading his phone ��

1 1 1 1 J

he was readi n g 1

." �
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В русском языке нет эквивалента времени past continuous. На русский язык глагол в past continuous
пере водится глаголом несовершеr 11 юго вида прошедшего времени (нстример, was reading = читал) .

Past: simple (we played) используется для Past continuous (we were playing) используется,
описания законченного действия в прошлом. когда хотят сообщить, какое именно действие
происходило в определённый момент в прошлом.
О д: What did you do yesrerday morning? О д: Whar were you doing at 10.30?
Что вы делали вчера утром? Что вы делали в 70.30?
u: We played tennis. (trom 10 to 11.ЗО) в: We were playing tennis.
Мы играли в теннис. Мы играли в теннис.
но чало конец начало
70o'clock 7 1.30 70o'c/ock

we played we were playing
действие закончилось действие не закончилось

О Jac k read а book yescerday.

Вчера Джек читал книгу.
О lt didn't rain while we were on holiday.
Дождя не было, пока мы были в отпуске.
О Did you watch t:he game on TV lasr nighr?
Ты смотрело ... вчера вечером?

О 1 started work at 9 o'clock and finished at 4.30. At 2.30 1 was worl<ing.

Я начала ... закончила ... В 2.30 я работала.
О lt was raining \vhen we went out. Шёл дождь, когда мы вышли.
О 1 saw Lucy and Steve this morning. They were waiting at the bus stop.
.. . Они ждали ... [в тот момент, когда я их увидел]
О Kelly fell asleep while she was reading. ".заснула ." пока читала.

40 ( 1 did (pasc simple)-+ Разделы 12-13 1 was doing (рая: concinuous) -t- Раздел 14 while -t- Раздел 105
Посмотрите на картинки. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму - past continuous или
past simple.

1 Lucy . . .JzrP.k�...." (break) her arm last \veek.

. .

lt ........"......."." . .. ".."".""....". """""...... """".. (happen) \vhen she

."."."." ..."" ..".. "." " ...." .. "".....". .".."""."."". (paint) her room. She
."".."""""."."."."""...""""..""".."" ""."""""" (fall) off the ladder.

2 The train ..""""."""".".".".. ""..".".""""". ............." ......" (arrive)

at the station and Paula .""". . .. ..." ... " " . " "" ..
"" . "... "...... ..
" " "

(get) off. Т\•10 friends of hers, Jon and Rachel,

".""..."."""""...".""".".""""".."".""..".".....""."."""" (wait) to meet her.

i· l'm going to \ Yesterday Sue .."...".."..............."....""............."......." "."""""".. ".. (\valk)
- -� the 5tatlon. !. '
along the road when she "..........""..""....".""".. (meet) James.
.. ��<
Не."."""."..""""""""". ."""..."......"...".".."." ...."" (go) to the station
to catch а train and he ".. . .. "" "" """ " ..". .".. "".. ..""" "" . . . ..
" . " " "" ." " " . ".

(carry) а bag. They "".... " . . " .. "". . .. ... " . ...".. ... ..
" " " .. " . . " ." ..
. " ... . ..... ..."
" " "" "

(stop) ro talk for а few miriutes.

Поставьте глаголы в past continuous или past simple.

1 А: What \•1as the weather like when you ."".got.."... (get) up this morning?
в: lt . "" . � ?. r? i.O.i r.J.f! .. (rain).
�V. " ""

2 д: Was Jane busy v1hen you \Vent to see her?

в: Yes, she ".". ."...""""...."" ""."."."....."".".."."."."... " (srudy).
З д: " " ..".""..."" "...."""" ...."..."""""....""."..". (Paul/call) you this morning?

в: Yes, he "....."..".."""......"."" ..""..""..""" ""...".".". (call) while 1 ..."."."."".""".."".""".""."."...""."".""".".."." (have) breakfast.

4 А: Was Tracey at work today?
в: No, she "....""."".""".".." .."...""....."".."" """..."."" ... (not/go) ro \vork. She was ill.
5 д: Hov1 fast . " . "" " ".." ". "" ...." """"..".". _""" ."". (you/drive) \vhen tl1e policc .."""""""..".""....." ..." "......."......... (stop) you?
в; l'm not sure, bur 1 ." . "".."""""""".""""... ... . ..".."." .."."". (not/drive) very fa�t.
6 л: ."..""..""..". "".."".""""""""..""""""" .." (your rearл / win) tl1e football matcl1 yesterday?
в: The weather was very bad, so we ."."".."".""".... """"".. """"".""."". . .. """. (not/play).
7 л: How "."""".".".". ."" ""...""."""""." ..."" . (you/break) the window?
в: We """"..."".""".""."".""""" """""""""""". (play) football. 1 ..". .""""."..."""""""". ". ..."".".""".". (kick) the ball ar1d
1r . "". ....."".""""""""."""."""".
"" " "".. (hir) the window.
8 А'. . ""."".. "". """""."" """ """""" "." "."" . ." (you/see) Jessica last nigf1t?
в: Yes, sl1e .. ". _" "." "..
" " ". " " " .."""""""""."""" (wear) а very nice jacket:.
" ""

9 А: What """"".""""" """.""."."." .."."""."""".." "."" (you/do) at 2 o'clock this morning?

в: 1 \vas asleep.
10 д: 1"""".""."."..". """""."".."""."."..." ." ..".".." (lose) my key last night.
в: НО\.У . """""" """"".""."""."""""."""""..".."" ". (you/get) int:o your room?

А: 1".""""""."." " . " """"" .. "."."."""""""""".""." (climb) in through а \.Yindow.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. разговаривать = cl1a(

1 Сандра готовила ужин, когда мы пришли домой. сад= garden

2 Я шёл на работу, когда я встретил Наташу. войти в = enrer

З Они не работали. Они разговаривали. ко.v1ната = room

4 Вчера в три часа дня я работал.

S Дождь не шёл, поэтому мы пообедали в саду.
6 Когда я вошла в комнату, Анна и Родриго говорили по-испански.
7 Я очень устал вчера, поэтому я лёг спать в 9 часов.
8 Когда позвонила Саша, Анна смотрела телевизор.

-+Дополнительные упражнения 14-15 (страницы 257-58) 41

- -

:- А
l've clcaned my shoes. "

His shoes are dirty. Не is cleaning his shoes.

Он почистил свои ботинки.

They are at home. Тhеу are going out. They have gone our.

has cleaned / have gone и т. д. - это форма глагола в present perfect

(have + причастие прошедшего времени):

have ('ve)
have not (haven't)
} правильные глаголы

they lost they lost?

/1е done he done?
has ('s) неправильные глаголы
she been has she been?
has not (hasn't) gone gone?
Jt it

past paп:iciple (причастие прошедшего времени)

Правильные глаголы: past participle оканчивается на -ed (как и форма past simple):

clean � 1 have cleaned finish � we have finished start � she has started
Неправильные глаголы: past participle образуется по-другому (не оканчивается на -ed).
У 11екоторых глаголов формы рая simple и past participle совпадают:
buy � 1 bought / 1 have bought have � he had / he has had
У некоторых глаголов формы past simple и past participle ра.зличоются:

break � 1 broke / 1 have broken see � you saw / you have seen
fall � it fell / it has fall e n go � they went / they have gone

-··· ·-с Present perfect используется, для описания действия в прошлом, результат которого актуален
в настоящем:
Cl l ve lost my passpoп:. Я потеряла паспорт. (У менн его сейчас нет.)

О We ve bought а new саг. Мы купили новую машину. (Теперh у 1 юс есть новая машина.)

() д: Where's Rebecca?
в: S h e's gone ro bed. Она легла спать.
О lt's Rachel's Ьirrhday tomorrow апd 1 haven't bought her а presenc. я не купил ей подарок.
" .

О д: ВоЬ is away on holiday.

в: Oh, where has he gone? О, куда он уехал?

О Сап 1 take this newspaper? Have you finished ·with ic? . . Ты закончил . ?
. . .

На русский язык глагол в pre5ent perfect часто переводится глаголом совершенного вида:
О Tom has bought а new car. .. купил новую машину.

О Lisa and Ben have gone home . . .. ушли домой.

present perfect 4 Разделы 17-20 presenr perfect и pasr simple � Раздел 21
42 неправильные глаголы� Раздел 25, Приложения 2-3
Посмотрите на картинки. Что произошло? Используйте сочетания слов из рамки.

� go t� ь:d -c-leaп-hiиhe��- __:o

- : y raining close the door fall down h��e а s � o er � )
before now "-----·· -·-- · ·-\

......H.@..b.f!.$. 9..1.��.r.i.?.й.h.!P. fг.hP§.�:

.. .. . "....................."".........."....... ".................."...
...... . 1
;�------------.---i f
2 t
Sl1e .. .. .
.......... ....."............ .""." ..."."........"."" ......... ... "..""".."..........."..........." .."..."......." . t

They ......"" ...................... "......................""...... .......... ............. ........... .......... ........ ............. . ".

([ . ... ......... .... .. .................. .................. ························ ······ ········· ····· ················ ·············· ··········· ...... t

5 1

Не . . . ". . ". . . ."" ... . . . ."""". . . . . ". . .""". . . . . "."". "". . . ".".". .. . .". ... fi.
.. .... . . . . . ... . .

6 t
The ........... .... ".....................""........................""..... " .................."....................................."".. 1·
__...... .
. ,(

Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы из рамки.

go �'�-" . """ j
-.-...--"�-·--'""'-- -·�-·-----"------·--

break buy decide finish forget go
� �vite � -��se- not/::e tak: ....-����
_ �=-�- .

1 1 "..\�Q../.Q�t. "" my keys. 1 don't kno\v \Nhere they are.

.. ..

2 1 """........................." ........".......""""........"........... some ne\-v st1oes. Do you wanr to see rhem?


З 'Wl1ere is Helcn ?' 'She's not here. Stн�1 """ " "" " out.' •......• "••""•••" .... •.•.•......•............. . . ....•.•.•

4 l'm looking for Paula. ......... .. . ........"...... you .

... ......."......."........... ...........".". her?
5 Look! Somebody .
.......... """........."...... "...."......................".......""" that \vindo\v.
. ,
6 'Оoes L"1sa know that you re going away.i' 'V
, es, 1 ............... "................ ......".... """""........... ...... her.1
7 1 can'r find my umbrelli1. Somebody " ........"""......... . ...... ....................." ..........."". it.

8 'Where are my glasses?' '1 don't know. 1 ........"............. ".. ....................."." ......." ......"...... tl1e111.'
9 l'm looking for Sarah. Wt1ere ""....."............... .. . .. she .........:..... ....." ....".""............. .?
10 1 know tl1at woman, but 1 ..... ......" ........... ".......... ..........."•.""........ " .•.... .. her name.
11 SLJe is having а party tonighr. She ....................".................. ..............." ...... ..............".... а lot of people.

12 What are you going to do? ····· ""............. . you .

.... . . .. .. . . ".............".........""......... ?
...... .... . ..

1 З А: Does Ben know about the meering tomorrow?

в: 1 don't tJ1ink so. 1 •..............•........ .
............".. ..... .... . . .
....". ... . .. ....... ..... l1 im.
14 1 .. ..............".............". ..... ........ .....•...•.............. ...... with this magazine. Do you want it?

111 Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя l1as/have/hasn't/haven't.

1 Анна легла спать.
кредитная карточка = credit card
2 Ким не на работе. Она уехала в отпуск.
диван= sofa
З Я потерял свою кредитную карточку.
занят= busy
4 Мы купили новый диван.
раньше= before
5 Где Гари? Вы его видели?
разбивать = break
6 Я занята. Я не закончила свою работу.
7 Я встречала этого мужчину раньше, но я забыла его имя.
8 Посмотри! Кто-то разбил окно!

1,VeJUSt ".

just = только что, совсем недавно

О А: Аге Laura and Paul here?
в: Yes, chey ve just arrived. Да, они только что пришли.

О А: Аге you hungry?

в: No, l ve just had dinner. Нет, я только что поужинал.

О А: ls Tom here? They have just arrived.

в: No, l'm afraid he's just gone. ... он только что ушёл. Они только что пришли.

l've already ".

Yes, 1 kno\•1. We've
already = уже (раньше, чем ожидалось) already met.
О А: What time are Laura and Paul coming?
"·� �
в: They've already arrived. ... уже пришли.
О lt's only 9 o'clock and Anna has already gone to bed.
Только 9 часов, а Анна ;".
vже легла спать.
· }"
"''1·(·(�� .�

. Jon, th·15 15
. Еmma. ) ����,�....,'S.:i;�....,.�,..еи��
��{��� ·

Q А: JОП, th.IS IS Еmma. "···-� �-. ---��"h.

"'"-m�·.,,�� -gy,_'W.д'"'\".w;.=q
в: Yes, 1 know. We' ve already met ... Мы уже знакомы. �?Й:,�] . .�·1.�

1 haven't ... yet / Have you ... yet?

yet = ещё не, уже
Yet употребляется в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.
Yet обычно ставится в конце предложения.

Yet в отрицаниях (1 haven't ". yet = ещё не)

О л: Are Laura and Paul here?
в: No, they haven't arrived yet.
. . . ещё не пришли (но скоро должны прийти).

О л: Does James know that you're going av1ay?

The film hasn't started yet.
в: No, 1 haven't told him yet
Фильм ещё не начался.
Нет, я ещё ему не сообщила (но вскоре собираюсь).

О Silvia has boughL а new dress, but she hasn't worn it yet
Oh, 1�·5 nlcc. Havc ,
... ещё не надевала. This is n1y :. you worn it yet'?
nev1 drвss. i
; .

Yet в вопросах (Have you . .. yet? =уже)

О л: Have Laura and Paul arrived yet? ... уже пришли?
в: No, not yet. Wе'ге still waiting for tl1em.

О А: Has Nicola started her new job yet?

... уже приступила к новой работе?
в: No, she starts next week.

О д: This is my new dress.

в: Oh, ir's nice. Have you worn it yet? ... уже надевала .. . ?

Обратите внимание: наречие "уже" может переводиться на английский язык как already или как yet

О l've already seen this film. (утвердительное предложение)
Я уже видел этот фильм.
О Have you seen this film yet? (вопрос)
Вы уже видели этот фильм?

( presenr perfect _.Разделы 16, 18-21 порядок слов_. Раздел 95 still, yet и already _.Раздел 96 )
Для каждой картинки напишите предложение с just.
This isour

1 "Th.?.Y.\��Jч�t."g.r.r.!Y.?.g.:............ . . .. . .
. ... ".. .. .. .. ... . ... . ...... ." "
. .... ....
3 They ................................................. ............................................................. .

2 Не ....................... . .. .
" ..... ... .. .. .. ..
...... ... ...... ...... ........ ."....". ........ .... . .."
... .. .. 4 The race ........................... ...................... . ". . .. ."... " ..... . .. . . ..................... .

D Закончите предложения. Используйте already + present perfect.

1 What time is Paul arriving? ...... H.�.'.� g.!.r.?.�.4y.a

. . rriv.?q:. . . . ..
. .. . ... ... . �..... ... .......... ......................... .......... ... ........ .......... . " ... .. ..

2 Оо your friends vvant to see the film? No, they ............................. .......... .........................."..............................................."........."... it.
3 Don't forget to phone Tom. ! ............. " ....". .. ...
. . . " . ..
" . ." . . .. . . ....... .. . .
......... ...................... ....... .. . ..... ..... . . . .. . ..
.... . ... . .... ." .
. .. . ..... .. .." . . ...

4 When is Mark going away? Не ...................." " ...

....... ........ .. .. . .. ....... ."
.. . .
..." ..... .. ...... . ... ........ . ..
. ...... . ... .. ............. ........... .. . ... .". . .. . .

5 Оо you \vant to read the newspaper? 1 .

..... .... ........ ............. .... ..... ·········· . .. ....... . . .. ... ....... . .. .
. ... . .. "..............."..............................."........ ."........ >

6 When does Sarah start her ne\v jоЬ? She ......................... . . .. ".. . . ... .. .. ..."................... .... . .. .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . " .. "
. ....... .. . .. . ... .
..".. ...... . .".... . . . . . ......." .

llJ Напишите утвердительное предложение с just (They've just ..• / She's just ••• и т. д. ) или
отрицательное предложение с yet (They haven't ... yet / She hasn't .•. yet и т. д.).


18 Напишите вопросительные предложения с yet. ·

1 Your friend has а new job. Perhaps she has started it. You ask her:
... l:i.g,Y�.Y9..U .§Jg[��.g YQ.Ц[J1.�.�Y.JQ.� .Y§.t.f.. .. ........" .."....... ..".... ........ ............. ..............................." .......... " ..... " ........................... .... ...... .... ..." .. · . ..... .". ·

2 Your friend has some nevv neighbours. Perhaps he has met them. You ask him:
..... .................. you ..... .......... .............................................. ..... ........... ........................ ... . ..... ..... ..... .......... ............. . ................................................... ............ ............ ... ....... .

3 Your friend has to рау her electricity Ьill. Perhaps she has paid it. You ask her:

4 Tom was пying to sell his саг. Perhaps he has sold it. You ask а friend аЬош Tom:

llJ Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1 Антон и Марина только что купили 4 л: Тебе нравится эта книга ?
новый дом. в: Я не знаю. Я её ещё не читал .

2 Сандра уже позвонила своей матери? 5 л: Не забудь закрыть окна!

3 л: Джеймс здесь? в: Я их уже закрыл.
в: Нет, он уже ушёл. 6 Я только что закончил ужин.

Have you been ·

toRome? Yes, I have.


Have you ever

been to Japan? ,
...,.. _...,
..., _
_ .... --
- -�
. .... - .

Present perfect (have been / have had / have played и т. д.) используется для описания действия, которое
произошло до настоящего момента, например, в жизни какого-то'человека.

Have you ever b ee n to Japan?

Вы когда-"шбудь были в Японии?

------ время до настоящего момента ---

прошлое настоящее

О д: Have you been со France? Вы были во Франции?

в: No, 1 haven't.
О l've been to Canada, but 1 haven't been to the Uniced States.
Я был вКанаде, но не был в Соединённых Штатах.
"' О Магу is an interesting person. She has had many different jobs and has lived i n many countries .
. . . Она работала в разных местах и жила во многих странах.
О l've seen that woman before, but 1 can't remember where.
Я уже видела эту женщину раньше, ...
О Ho\V many times has Brazil won the World Cup?
Сколько раз Бразилия выигрывала чемпионат мира?
О д: Have you read this book? Ты читала эту книгу?
в: Yes, l've read it twice. Да, я читала её дважды.

. -.

:В present perfect + ever (когда-нибудь/ когда-либо) и never (никогда):

О д: Has Anna ever Ьееп to Australia? Анна когда-либо была в Австралии?
в: Yes, once. Да, один раз.
О д: Have you ever played golf? Вы когда-нибудь играли в гольф?
в: Yes, 1 play а lot.
О Му sister has never travelled Ьу plane. . .. никогда не летала на самолёте.
О l've never ridden а horse. Я никогда не ездил на лошади.
О д: Who is that man?
в: 1 don't know. l've never seen him before. . .. Я никогда его раньше не видела.

goneu been

через две недели

He's on l1oliday. Hi. l've been оп holiday.

He's gone to Spain. .• l've been to Spain.
. ... ... "-,_,." � ... ";. � - ' ,

О 1 can't find Susan. Where has she gone? ."Куда она ушла?
О Oh, hello Susan! 1 was looking for you. Where have you been? ". Где ты бъmа?

46 ( present perfect-+ Разделы 16-17, 19 presenr perfecr и рая simple-+ Раздел 21

Задайте Хелен вопросы, начинающиеся с Have you eve r ... ? Helen

(Ье / London?)� YQЧ" BY.§.r"QШ�Л.t.9. . "kQ.r.JPQ.!1?."... "..."".."".."..""."."""""-.." .....".. "" �} No never.
" :

1 ,

2 (play / golf?) .. .H.gY.?..YQ.Ц.�Y.?�Y§.g gQ.!ff."."... ..."....... """....... ."".".." ""."....""".."."."... f:. Yes, many times.
3 (Ье / Aust:ralia?) Have ." . .. ." . .. ". ..... . " ....." . ... . ..... ."........ .. ....... " ........."........" .." ....... ..." . ... ..... ."... ...........
. " . . . . . . . . �- ,�
Yes, once.
4 ( lose / your passport?) k s,":
· No, never.
( А у / in а helicopter?)

5 Yes, а few times.


6 (win /а race?) No, never.

7 (Ье / New York?) Yes, t\vice.
8 ( drive / а bus?) No, never.
9 (break / your leg?)

Напишите предложения о Хелен. Используйте информацию из упражнения 18.1.

1 (Ье / Ne\v York) .. "..В..h�{?...�?..�r!"W...N�w..�:(9.r� ���!9.С·".....".. " "."""...."...". ." . ..."". " ... "" ." ... ."... .." "... .. .. . ".. ... ."........ """.""".." " ." - . " . "" " " . . . "

2 (Ье·1 Australia) She."" "...." ." ." " "" " .""" ".. .""".. "... ." ""...." "."... .". "... ""."" .. " ."..". ""." ". """ ..". "." . . . ". ." ". .." .". " "..."..." "..""...".." ..".. . "."" . .
" . " . . " .. . . . . . . "

3 (\vin /а race) "... ...... ......". "..." ".." . """"".......".... ". ".... ". . ""..."".. .... ""." .. . . .".... ..". " ..."." ".... ." . ... "."...."." ..""."" . "..... ." ".....". "....."" ."" .
" " " " . " " . " . " " .. " " " "

4 (fly / in а helicopter) .. ".."" . .". . . . . " "." ."." . ... . " ."...." ." " .. " . . ..." . . . ."."" ". . " . " " "" . .. . ".. " . ". .." ."." "" . "...""..." . "" """."."... ".-". .
. " " . " "" " " " " "." "" " " " " " ". . "

Теперь напишите о себе. Сколько раз в своей жизни вы это делали?

5 (Ье / Ne\v York) 1 ."...""" ".".. "..."" "". . """.".." " "".." ...". ." " ... """". "" .." """.
" . " .. ".. " . ". . ". """ "...". ..." "" . .. . ."" ......" . ...... ""...". ."" ".".." .....
" " . " " . " . " " ." . " " . " . .

6 (play / ten nis) ".".." .".. ""."... ".... "".... .." ..."".." . ""...." . . . ."" .." ".. .. ..""..." . ""... "
" " ... . .". . "."..."" . """ .". " .. ".. ". "....". . . . .. . " .". "...".".
. " . . .. ". ." " "" ". """ "" " """ " "

7 (drive / а lorry) "..".".." ." ..."" ..".."."...."" .".""... "...."........ "" " " .." ."""" " ."""".". "... .. ." .. " " " . " ." ""." .". "... ... . ". ". ".... . ".." ...".""."" . "."" ....".
. " . . . . " " " " " " " "

8 (Ье / \are for \vork or school) .. " ."." "" "." " "." . ". ". " ... .. .." "."..." " . " ....". .. ... " ". "" ......" . ". ...."". " ....".... ..." "...."."..".""" . ..... """ ... ".. .
. " " " " " " " . " " . ." " " . " ." . ."

Мэри 65 лет. Она прожила интересную жизнь. Напишите, что она сделала.
"". ___ ---

Ье \ 1
! -have- 1
all over the world а lot of interesting things
i do write 1 11
-tnafly-differ-em-joвs- а lot of interesting people

Mary � travel meet 1


\ ten books married three times

�,/ __
_ _...__

1 ' ..�� hg_g,,. m �.IJY..�J.ff�r.:§.r.J�jQ.PS:..."" . """.."....." .. ........".... .".. .. ".... . ... "" ...... .......... ................" ....... .........." ........""".."....... .."....... .. ."" ."....".. ... .
" . .

2 She ... " .." "" .. "." .. .."". " . ". " . ". "." . ". " .. ". " . ". . " . ".. ".." " . .. ".." ." " . .""." ". " "" .... ." . ." ." . "....."."" ...". " "." . ".". "..." "....".." ".." "" """." .."." .".". .. "".... .... " .
" " " " " ." " " " . " " "

3 .... ". .. ." . ........ . .".......... . "..". .".. .. . ". ... "... " .. ... ... . . " .". " ... . .." . ..... .. " ...."".""...
" . . . . - . . . ".. .. "............. ..."... . . .. ... ...... "...."...".""..... ."". ".. " . ""."" ....... ..." .... ".". .... . "....
. - . . . . . . . ..

4 .".. ." "" ". "" ". .. """." "" .. " .... "." . .. "".".. ." ."." " . . "" .. .. """" . ."" " "."..". . " " ""..." ." " ."" . ."... " . "...."".." "." " ".. . " " ". " ... " " "".."." ." "" ."" .. ." " .
. . " " " " "" . " " . " "


118 Заполните пропуски, используя gone или becn.

·1 Ben is оп holiday at tl1e rnoment. He's " gon�"""."".
. " .. to Spain.

2 'Н ave yuu cver .." ..""""" .. ."" ""."".""... to Мex1cu.

· ?' 'Nо, ne ver.

З Му parents aren't ar home at tl1e moment. They've "" ....".""" ..".""""".... " our.
1 а new res1r1ttrant 1n tо\ЛJП. нavc you . .... ..". .. ."". "....""."""".. to '1r.7
"1Th eres

5 Rebecca lo vcs raris. She's. """""" .. ""."" ..""" ."" ct1ere many times.
6 Helen was here earlier, but 1 think she's .."""" .. .." .".."".".
. . ......"" nо\Ч.
7 'Where's Jessica?' ' She 's not in the office. 1 cl1ink she's "" ".".""..."."""""."""."... home.'
8 He llo, Sue. 1 was looking for you. \!Vhere have you ..""."" ..".".""..."" ."..""". ?

CD Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя has/haven't и т. д. слон = elephant

1 Вы когда-нибудь были в Бразилии? женат = married

2 Л никогда не в идела слона. пища= food

3 Марк никогда не был женат.

4 Мои родители были в Италии четыре раза.
5 Ты когда-нибудь ела индийскую пищу?
6 Виктор написал шесть книг.
7 Куда ушла Салли? Я не могу её найти.
8 Сколько раз ты смотрел этот фильм?

... Дополнительные упражнения 16, 18 (страницы 258-59, 260) 47

Helen is on holiday in lreland.
She is there no\v.

She arrived in lreland on Monday.

Today is Thursday.

Ho\v long has she been in lreland?

Сравните is и has been:

She is in lreland is = presenc

She has been 1n lreland
{ since Monday.

has been = present: perfect
aor three d ays.

Monday Thursday

Если указано, с какого момента в прошлом или как долго длится действие, то необходимо использовать
present: perfect. На русский язык такие предложения переводятся в настоящем времени.


present simple presenc perfect simple (have been / have lived / l1ave l<nown и т. д.) \:.
Dan ancl Kare are married.
.. . женаты.
They have been married for five years. (неверно They are married for five years.)
... женаты в течение пяти лет.

Are you married? How long have you Ьееп married? (неверно How long are you married?)


Вы женаты? Как давно вы женаты?

Do you l<now Lisa? How long have you known her? (неверно How long do you know her?)
Как давно вы её знаете?
Вы знаете Лизу? �

1 l<now Lisa. l've known her for а long time. (неверно 1 knov1 her for ... ) ь-·
Я знаю Лизу. Я дав� ю сё знаю. r.
Vicky lives in London. How long has she lived in London? Как долго она живёт в Лондоне ? r
Вики живёт в ...

1 have а саг.
She l1as lived chere all her life. Она живёт там всю свою жизнь.

. How long have you l1ad your саг ? Как да81 ю у тебя эта машина?
у МР.НЯ Рсmь MUШUJ ICJ. l've had it since April. ... с апреля. �!

preseoL <.:untinuous present perfect continuous (l1ave Ьееп + -ing)

l'm learning German. How long have you Ьееп learning German?
Я учу немецкий язык. (невс:µ11и How long are you learning German?)
Как давно ты учишь немецкий язык?

l've been learning German for two years.

Я учу немецкий язык уже два года.

David is watching TV. How long has he been watching TV?

... смотрит телевизор. Как долго он смотрит телевизор?

He's been ( = Не has been) watching TV since 5 o'clock

Он смотрит телевизор с 5 часов.

lt's raining lt's been ( = lt has Ьееп) raining all day.

Идёт дождь. Дождь идёт весь день.

48 ( for и since � Разделы 20, 104 )

Заполните пропуски в предложениях.

1 Helen is in lreland. She ."."ht?.1

. .� !?e§n. ".. in lreland since Monday. .. .

2 1 know Lisa. 1 . ..h§IY� k!1.9�Y.O. . .. .. ...... her for а long time.

3 Sarah andAndy are married. They .."" . ..".""... ""."" ......".......
. ........... "" married since 2005.
4 Ben is ill. Не ."..... ".... ............ ..............." ............ ".. ""." ill for the last fe\v days.

5 We live in Scott Road. We ..". ."... """..""." .".".."""...".."....."." ".."." there for а long time.
6 Catherine \vorks in а bank. She .."...."...............""" ..."."..... "."..."....."" ......... there for five years.
7 Alan has а headache. Не ......"" . ..... .. .
.. .. ..."..... .......... ..... ".._ . . ""...."".. а headache since l1e got up this morning.
8 l1m learning English. 1"" ".."."""...."..""..." """"."""..."...""...." English for six months.

Напишите вопросы, начинающиеся с How long ••• ?

1 Helen is on holiday. "" H.Q�� .!png Ь§.� �.ь.�"ь��n Pn .hPJ.!fl.�Y.." "

. .. . . .... ..... " " " ""
.. . . ...... " ""
.. . ..... " """ " . ."" " " . ?
. . . . .. ... . ."

2 Steve and Nadia аге in Brazil. How long """ "" "......"..""".. """""... """.."..."."...".."."....."......""... .""..... .".."..............".."....."""........ ?

3 1 knowAmy. How long ."... "..".." ...""". you ". .. ." ...."....".."""......... ........... ".......... ".......".".""" ............ "..."........... ? ·

4 Emily is learning ltalian. .

...... ···················· . ..
.. ...... ·········· .
........ . ....... ... "........... .... . ..... ......... . ......... . .......... ......... ................... ............. ... .

5 Му brother lives in Canada. ...".." ........." ..... ...."...... .. ........ ........... ... ........ . ... ....... .......... .... .......... .......... """.. " ...... ".""".. "... ....."......." "...."... ?

6 l'm а teacher. """ . .. . .""... ."....."-.....". . "........ " ..." ......."................. ........... .......... "..... .............."." . ........ ".......... ........... ?

7 lt is raining. .... "....... ?

Посмотрите на картинки. Закончите предложения, используя выражения из рамки:

--·- -·--- ·-- --

for ten minutes

'-- - --- - --
all day

all her life since he was 20 since Sunday ·;

;: ш-==w=r·=е е ::::-т-
::;; \-:ш=2 _"__
i (5)

1 6 .�aiting.
1 " Th!?Y. h�v�. e�
... . . . �n .m.g.r.c!�.4.fq.r t§.JJ..Y.§?..r.��-
. . ..............." ..... ... . " "
.... .. ...... ... .
. ............ . " "." "
. .... ....... ..
. ...... .. . " "
.... ... . ... ... ." " . " .
... . . .... . . . -·-··········· ".

2 Sl1e ." . " " "" . .. . . .

......... . .. " ......" ... "
.. .... "". .
...... ... .. ......... " .... ......... ...... " "
... .
........ .. ..... . . ........... "" " ".. ..... .
............. ...... ........ ..... " .................. " . .... ... . " ................. ." . " "
.... .. ..

3 They ............" " " .. .... ...... . ................. " . ..

... . .... " . ........... .
..... ... .... ........ ". ..... . ............. . ... . " . .. .. . "
.. .. .. . . .. . .... . ... ...... . . "
.... .... ....." ." . .
. ... .. ............... . . "" ... . ........ . . . ""." .
4 The sun ........ """ ...... " "" .
. ...... .. . ........ " ...... " ... .... " . " "
.. .... ... .. ....... "" .................. ." "" "
... ..... . ........ ........ " ".. " "
. ... ... ........... . . .
...... ......... ....... . ..... ..... .. ""- ... " "" "
. . .... .

5 She " ........ ."" .......... ." ..... ... " ......". .." . .
..... .... .. ..... . " ."
. .... .......... "" . . ... . . . ..... ... ... .
.. . ............. " . ..... ... . .... .... . .".... .. ...." .... . .. ... " .... .... ........... . ".. .. ... ". " . .......... " . .....

6 Не ................ ............................................" . ... . ." .

.. .. .. ...........

8 Выберите правильный вариант.

1 Mark-lives-/ has lived in Canada sinceApril. (has lived - пртзит"'но)
2 Jane and 1 аге friends. 1 know /l've known her very well.
3 Jane and 1 аге frierкls. 1 kПО\Л/ / l1ve knuwn her for а loпg time.
4 д: Sorry l'm lare. How long;не you waiting/ l1avE:' you been waitiпg?
В: five minutб.
Not loпg. Only
5 Luke works / has \vorkecl in а l1otel no\-v. Не li kes �1is job а lot.
6 Ruth is readiпg а ne\-vspaper. Sl1e is rcading / She l1as l>ecn reading it for Lwo hours.
7 'How loпg doyou l i ve/ l1aveyou lived in tl1is huuse?' :About tеп ycars.'
8 'ls that а new coat?1 1No, 1 have / l1ve had this coat for а long rime.'
9 Гоm is /l1a� been in Spain at the momerн. Не is / Не has been there for rhe last three days.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. с 2008 год а = since 2008

1 Мы живём в этом доме с 2008 года. проводить= spend

2 l<a1� дивно вы друзья с Ларой?

З Дети смотрят телевизор с шести часов.
4 Салли давно знает Бена.
5 Снег идёт всё утро.
6 Саша давно изучает ис п анский?
7 Я болен. Я провёл весь день в кровати.
8 Как давно женаты Кевин и Алла?
For (в течение/ уже какое-то время) и since (с тех пор/ с) используются с указанием на время
совершения действия:

. .
о н 1 en 1s 1n 1 ге1 and.
е Shе has Ь een there
{ for three days.
s1nce Мondау.

for + период продолжения действия since + время начала действия

(three days / two years и т. д.): (Monday / 9 o'clock и т. д.):

время начала

for three days

Monday since Monday
Monday Тuesday Wednesday

прошлое настоящее прошлое настоящее

for since

three days ten m1nutes Monday Wednesday

an hour cwo hours 9 o'clock 12.30
а week four weeks 24 July Christmas
а month six months January 1 was ten years old
five years а long time 1985 we arrived

О Ri ch ard has been in Canada for six months. О Richard has bee n in Canada since January.
(неверно since six montl1s) .. . находится в Канаде с января .
. . . находитсп в Кт юде шесть месяцев.

О We've been waiting for two hours. (] We ve been waiting since 9 o'clock

(11еверно siпce cwo �1ours) Мы ждём с 9 часов.

Мы ждём в течение двух часов.
О l ve lived in L ondon for а long time. О l ve lived in London since 1 was ten years old
' '

Я живу в Лондоне уже дав� ю. Я живу в Лондоне с десяти лет.


ago = (сколько-то времени) тому назад

О Susan started her new job three weeks ago.
. . . приипупила к новой работе три недели назад.
О А: When did Tom go out?
в: Ten minutes ago. Десять минут тому наэод.
О 1 had di1111er an hour ago. . .. чос. 1 юзад.
О Life was very different а hundred years ago. . .. сто лет тому на зад.
Ago исполь:�уР.mсл с past simple (started/did/had/was и т. д.).

Сравните использование ago, for и since:

О When did Helen arrive in lreland?
She arrived in lreland three days ago. Она приехала ... три дня назад.
О How long has she been in lreland? Как давно она находится в ... ?
She has been in l re l a n d for three days. . .. в течение трёх дней.
She has been in lreland since Monday . ... с понедельника.

50 ( presenr perfecr + for/since -t> Раздел 19 from/until/since/for -t> Раздел 104 for и during -t> Раздел 105
CD Вставьте for или since.
1 Helen has been in lreland ......?.Jt1�.?.. . ... . . Monday.
2 Helen has been in lreland ..... fQr .. three days. . ...

3 Му aunt has lived in Australia . . . ."............ "....." ... 15 years. .. . .

4 Tina is in her office. She l1as been there . . . . .. ..."...."" ....."."... 7 o'clock.
5 lndia has been an independent country . " " ."." .."."". "".""" 1947.
6 Тhе bus is late. We've been waiting " ."" . . " "".".""..." 20 minutes. " "

7 Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty .".. . ""." ... ..".. """... .. many years.
8 Michael has been ill ... . """." ."" " .."" ...."" а long time. Не has been in hospital "."." "."" ..".. ". """".. Ocrober.

Напишите ответы на вопросы, используя ago.

1 When 1Nas your lasr meal? .." ..Th.r.?� .b.Q.1,J �.?. .g,gQ............ . . " "" . " .. . .. . ... .... . .. " .. " ... .. ..
" " . " " . . ,,, " . . " .. .. .
" . .

2 When \vas rl1e last time you were ill?

3 When did you last go to the cinema?
4 When was the last time you were in а саг?
5 When was the lasr time you went on l1oliday?

8 Закончите предложения. Используйте for или ago1 а также слова из скобок. ------.

1 Helen arrived in lreland Jb.r.? dfE!Y?."f:!f39 ." . ." "". . " .. "
. ?. ... " .." . .. .
. . . ( three days) :""" " "" ..." " .. "" """" "." """" "" ". "" "" " . .. .. " . " " " " "" "" ""

2 Helen has been in lreland . fQr.1(..b.r?.§"rJ.�Y.�:"."." .. ." . " . .. . ."." " " ... . " . . . ........ .. .. . .. " ... " . (three days)
" " . " " " ." . . .."" .." .. "" ". .". .." " . ". . ." " .". "

3 Lynn and Mark have been married .. " " . . . ".". " "" ." " " " "" ". " " .. . " . . ." . . (20 years)
"" " "" " "" " " . . " " "" . " .""" .. " .""" """ " " "." "" .""" " " "

4 Lynn and Mark got married " ."""" . . .. . . " " . . . ." . . " ." " " . . " " " . " (20 years)
"" "." ." "". " " """" ... " .." . "" " " "."" " "" " . "" . " " """ ." " ". . " . " . """" " ".

5 Dan arrived "."."."""" . "" " " ." . .. " " "" " . ". .. " " " . "" . ." "" . " " """ "." " . . .. ." . " ." ." . . . " . (an hour)
. ". """ " " "" ." . " " " . " " . " " " ". "".." " . " "" """. " "" """ " " .. . ..

6 1 bought these shoes"."""". ." " . .. . . " " ".". .. . ." " ." ." . " . . ." . " . ." "" " . " ."
" """ "" . " (а few days)
" " " . "" " . "" " " "". " " "." " " ."" " " " "" " ." " "" " ." " " " ""

7 Silvia has been learning English ."" . " ". " . " ." . " ". " " . . . """ (six monrhs)
". " """ " .. " "" "." " " " ." "" " "" "" ." . " " " "." . " ." " """"" "" " ." "" "" ""."" "

8 Have you known Lisa "".. ".""".""""" """"."."""" """.".... "".""."..". ......"".".".""...""".".""... """ .." """""..""""""".". "..""". ? (а long time)

Закончите предложения� используя for или since.

1 (Helen is in lreland - she arrived there three days ago)

." "Н.� § t:l. .b.�.?...i!?�.tJ.. !n .l.r.�.l.�n.4.fqг. th.r.�g. .d�Y..�:... .. .". ..
! . . ". " .. " ... .. . . " . " .... ... ... . .. . .. . ...
" . . ." . " ". . . ." .. .. .
" " . . .".
. ".. .. .... .. . . . .. . .
. .. .. .. .. " . ..
.." . ...... . " ..
... .... ... .
" .. .. .

2 (Jack is here - he arrived on Tuesday)

Jack has" """.""".""""" " ." " " " . "" . "" "" " .
"" "" "" . " .. " ." "" ."" " " ". " . " ." " ". ." "" " " ."" " " " """ " " " "" "" . " " " .".
" " "" ". """ """ " ."" ". "" "" .. " " " . . " .
" " " " " " " " """

3 (lr's raining - it srarted an hour ago)

lr's been" ".""."."""."."""""." " .. " "" " .
" "" " ". . " . ." ." ." " " "" ." " . " . .
" " " . " " .. """ " " ". " "" " ." . " " ". . .""" """" """ "" " " " "" "" ." " "" ." . ..
"" " ""
. """""" " . "
"" "" " . . .
. ." "

4 (1 know Sue - 1 first met her in 2008)

l've "" ."
" ..""""...""".". "" .."" " . ""."."""" "..".." ....."" """.. """""."." .."" .. "". ..""""." · "".""."."."""." ." . " " "."" " " " " . " ..
" "" " "" . ...
" "". .. "" . . " ".."
" . " .

5 (Claire and Matt are married - they got married six monrhs ago)
Claire and Matt have "" " """ . " ". " " """ " . . " "" " .. " ". " "" " . "" . "" .
." ." """ ."" " ". .. " " " . .. ..
. . " . " ." "" . "" """ " "" . . ..
"" "" "" " " ... "" " "" " " ." " ." ."."" ". . .". ". " " "

6 (Laura is studying medicine at universiry - she srarted three years ago)

Laura has.""".". " " " """ " ..
" . "" "" " . " . """ " .. . . ."
"" "" ." .. " ..." " "" ..
" . ."" " "" " ". .
.. " " "" " "" "" ." ". . .
" "" " . . ."" . . "" " " . " .. " . .. " "" .. ""

7 (David plays the piano - he scarted \ЛJl1en he was seven years old)
David has .. ""..... ". . . """."" .. """" ... "."" .""."" ."."..."". ·- ... ........." .. . " "" .. " . ... "" "" .. .. . "."." "" " " . ."." .
". ."."" " ." ." .
". . . ". " . "" . .""

Напишите о себе. Начните каждое предложение со слов из рамки.

( l've
..•"-�- ··---- "
_____ -··-··· -·- -··-- ...., -- - - --·-·-

, - -"
" - -- -·,

lived -
l've been l've been learning l've l<nown J've had

.. ....,,
-- ••• ••• ••• •••
- _
. - - _.._ . -···., -- ·- - - - -··--·- �·-- ."_....___._____

1 l.:�. .!J.v.�d i r.i"t.h!s".�.QW. .�1..f9.r"1(..b re�.YQ.g .t:: �." ."""..

" ". . \ � "." ."" . "" """ ." ". ". "" "" " " ". . . .""" .. ..
" " .. .. . . ." .
" " . """ . " .. """ . " . "" . ". " ." " ".
" " " ""

2 ."." . .. " " " .." .

. ." "" " .
.. " ... " ." "
""" " ."." " .
"" " ." " "" " "". """ "" "" " " . . " ." ." " "" " . "" " ." " .." ". . .."...." .." . """ . " . "." ."" ."
" .
.. ". ". "" " . . .. .. . .
"" " ." " . . " .". "."
" "" . . ." " " " . """ " .
з •·· " . " " " ... " . " . ". . . "
"" " ." " "" . " " . ".
." . ." .
.. " " "" " " """ ". ." . ." .. """ """" " " .. . " . " .""
" " ".. "" " "" ." . . " ". " " "
. " " ." .. .. . .".. " ."
" " ." " "" ." . " . ." . . . . . " ... "
"" ." " " " . " " " ..

Li "... "" . "". " . .. ". .

"" " " " " " " . "" "" .

D Переведите предложения на английский язык. последний раз= last

1 Том работает в этом офисе с 2011 года. 5 Мы живём в Кембридже пять лет.
2 Я приехала в Лондон три дня тому назад. 6 Тим играет на гитаре с десяти лет.
З д: Как давно ты знаешь Иру? 7 д: Когда вы последний раз ходили на концерт?
в: 10 лет. в: Шесть месяцев назад.
4 Я здесь жду уже долгое время. 8 У меня есть машина с прошлого октября.

-+Дополнительные упражнения 16-18 (страницы 258-60) 51

Когда говорят о закончившемся периоде времени (yesterday / last weel< и т. д.), то используют
past (arrived/saw/was и т. д.):

past +
период времени
last week
last week.
six months ago
We arrived at 3 o'clock.
закончившийся период времени
in 2002.
six months ago .:_J прошлое настоящее

Не используйте present perfect (have arrived / have done / have been и т. д.),,если говорите о
закончившемся периоде времени:
О 1 saw Paula yesterday. (неверно 1 have seen)
. . . видела ... вчера.
О Where were you on Sunday afternoon? (неверно Where have you been)
Где вы были в воскресенье днём?
О We didn't have а holiday last year. (неверно We haven't l1ad)
Мы не были в отпуске в прошлом году.
О д: Whar did you do last night? Что вы делали вчера вечером?
в: 1 stayed at home. Я оставалась дома.
О William Shakespeare lived from 1564to1616 . Не was а writer. Не wrote many plays and poems .
. . . жил ". был писателем . " написал . "

В вопросах When . ? или What time ... ? используется past:
О When did you buy your compш:er? (неверно When have you bought)
Когда ты купил ...?
О What time did Andy go ош:? (неверно What time has Andy gone out)
В какое время Энди вышел?


present perfect past

О 1 have lost my key. О 1 lost my key last week
( У меня до сих пор нет ключа.)
= Я потеряла ключ на прошлой неделе.
О Ben has gone home. О Ben went home ten minutes ago.
( = Сейчас его здесь нет.) Бен ушёл домой десять минут назад.
О Have you seen Kate? О Did you see Kate on Saturday?
(= Где она сейчас?) Ты видел Кейт в субботу?

время до настоящего момента закончившийся период времени

прошлое настоящее прошлое настоящее

О Have you ever been to Spain? О Did you go to Spain last year?
(= когда-либо в своей жизни) Вы ездили в Испанию в прошлом году?
О Му friend is а writer. Не has written many О Shakespeare wrote many plays and poems.
books. Шекспир написал много пьес и стихов.
( = и он продолжает их писать)
О Sam hasn't phoned me yet. О Sam didn't phone me yesterday.
Сэм ещё не позвонил мне. Сэм не звонил мне вчера.
О We ve lived in Singapore for six years.
' О We lived in Glasgow for six years, but now
( = и мы живём там сейчас) we live in Singapore.
Мы жили в . . . шесть лет, но сейчас мы

52 ( past simple _. Разделы 12-1 З past perfect: _. Разделы16-19

Допишите ответы на вопросы.

1 Have you seen Kate? Yes," ! 2� \'1 her""""". ""...."" """""""""""""".""

.. .. """" """."".. ."". five minutes ago.
2 Have you starred your new jоЬ? Yes, 1" ""
" " "".""".""......"......." "". ."."... ""."......."..."" ".".""""".""" """".".".."" last \veek.
3 Have your friends arrived? Yes. tJ1ey . """. ."..""".""""" """" """"".""""." """". ""."""""".".".""". ."""" at 5 o'clock.
4 Has Sarah gone a-vvay? Yes, .""."""."""" ." " " "" " " " """""""" " "" "
" " "." " м ". . "" ". """""""""""" """.". .".""""" оп Friday.

5 Have you \Vorn your new suit? Yes, "."""". ." ". """"""""".. .""""".""."."""""".""""". ."".".".. "."." " ....". """"".." yesterday.

В некоторых предложениях допущена ошибка. Исправьте ошибки, поставив глаголы в

правильную форму. Глаголы подчёркнуты.
1 l've lost my key. 1 can't find it. Q.К.""."""" ."". .." """.... "..""." "."""..-..".. " "....""
. ."

2 Have you seen Kate yescerday? ..... QJ.�.YQJd 5�§.".. ".."......... "".. """ ... "........... ".".. "... ""........... ".. ".. м" ""
•• •••"•••"""

3 l've finished my -vvork at 2 o'clock.

4 l'm ready now. l've finished my 1Nork.
5 What time have you finished your -vvork?
6 Sue isn't here. She'sgопе out.
7 Steve's grandmother has died t\ЛJO years ago. . "."
".."..." "
.."" "." .."."....."..". ""... _"." " " ."...
.. " . .. " ..."" .".. " .." "".." "...". ....." .
. . " . .

8 Where have you been last night?

811 Поставьте глагол в форму present perfect (l've written и т. д.) или past (1 wrote и т. д.).
1 Му friend is а writer. Не. "ha. $�n " . . (write) many books.
2 We """didл�:�"ha.v.�.. "". (nor/have) а holiday last year.
3 1 ..""""".......""....." ".. "" """""."."""". ." (play) tennis yesterday afternoon.
4 What time " "" .. """""""".""".""". """"""""""..." (you/go) ro bed last night?
5 """" ""."""."""". """....."."""" .."". ". (you ever meet) а famous person?
6 The weather "".".. """. ".. " " ·-· ._"" " "..."...""""" . (not/be) very good yesterday.

7 Kathy travels а lot. She ."".. """" ....""". ."".". " ".""" ".."". . (visit) many countries.
8 1 . """ ."".."
. ." ..."""""""."...." ."... ."""". (s\viLch) off the ligt1t before going out this morning.
9 1 live in New York now. but 1"""."""."" """.. "..."" """"""""". (live) iп Mexico for rnany ycars.
10 'What's Canada like? ls it beautiful?' '1 don't kno\v. 1 .. ....."... .."" . ""."...
. .""..............". ........".. (not/be) there.'

Поставьте глагол в форму present perfect {l've seen и т. д.) или past (1 saw и т. д.).

1 д: ."...H?Y.�.YQ.�"�v�.r"!?.c.c.n"... .. (you/ever/be) to Florida?

в: Yes, we " w.�n.1!. "" (go) there on holiday rwo years ago.
"" .

А: """" "..."" ..... "

" ...".."."""...."."" ".. (you have) а good time?
А: Yes, it "... "".... "..".""""""." ....".". """"..""".."".. (Ье) great.

2 А: Where's Alan? ". "".".."...."..."."..."". "" ."". .. "."". ..."."" (you/see) J1im?
в: Yes, he .".""... "... " .""""."" .. ""."""" ... ""."."" (go) out а few minutes ago.
д: Апd Rachel?
в: 1 don1t know. 1""".". "".. ". ""..... ." . .. " .. "....." ".". (not see) her.
З Rose workc; in а facrory. She " ..""...........".. "".". ." ..." """.. (work) there for six mo1iths.
Before tl1at stie ...."..""""". "....." "....".. "...". ".". (Ье) а waitress in а restaurant She
"""".. """." .....".".. ....".. "... ...". (\vork) chere for rwo years, but shf:' ..." ..".."......""" .." ..".. ""... ." ."...
_ """. .

(no l /enjoy) it very much.

4 А: Do you know JV\ark's siяer?
в: 1 " .."..".""""" """".""... "". ""."." .. ". (see) l1er а few times, but 1 .".. .. " "..... . . ". ...". .... . ....... ." " .""
. . . . . ..

(never speak) to her. ..""". "".."" "...."" " """ ."""."..."" (you ever speak) to l1er?
л: Yes. 1. . "..""....""... "."""."."" ... ".""..
... (meet) l1er at а рагсу last \Veek. She's very nice.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. водить= drive

1 Я люблю этот музей. Я здесь был много раз. 6 Когда вы купили свою машину? песня= song
2 Вчера я ходила в хороший ресторан. 7 Вы когда-нибудь водили автобус?
З Я потерял паспорт. Ты его видела? 8 Моя сестра написала много
4 Саши нет дома. Она ушла в кино. песен. На прошлой неделе она
5 Карен уехала в супермаркет час назад. написала новую песню.

-. Дополнительные упражнения 19-23, 29-31 (страницы 260-62, 265-67) 53

The office is cleaned every day.
В офисе делают уборку каждый день.

The office was cleaned yesterday.

В офисе делали уборку вчера.

Сравните активные и пассивные ко1-ктрукции:

Somebody cleans che office every day. (актив)

n1e office is cleaned every day. (пассив)

Somebody cleaned rhe office yesterday. (актив)

Образование пассивной конструкции:

past paп:iciple

cleaned done
present simple am/is/are
( no t) + invented built
past simple was/were
__ __, injured taken и т. д.

Past paпiciple (причастие прошедшего времени) правильных глаголов оканчивается на -ed

(cleaned/damaged и т. д.).

Список 11еправильных глаголов в форме past participle (done/built/taken и т. д.)- смотрите

в Приложения х 2-3.

О Butter is made from milk. Масло делается/делают из моло ко .

О Oranges are imported into Britain. . .. импортируют(с я ) в . ..

О How often are these rooms cleaned?
Как часто делают уборку/ делистся уборка А этих комнатах?

О 1 am never invited to parcies. Меня никогда не приглашают ...

О This house was built 100 years ago . ... был построен"./ ... построили ...
О These houses were built 100 years ago. ... были построены . .. / .. построили ...

О When was the telephone invented? Когда был изобретён .. ? / ... изобрели ...

О We weren't invited to the part:y last week. Мы не были приглашены / Нас не пригласили . ..
О А: Was anybody injured in the accident? Кто-нибудь был ранен ". ?
А: Yes, two people were taken to hospital. Да, двух человек отвезли в больницу.

Обратите внимание, чrrю на русский я зык пассивные конструкции можно перевести по-разному.

was/were born = родился/-ась/-ись

О 1 was born in Berlin in 1993. ( неверно 1 am born) Я родился в ."
О 'Where were you born?' 'ln Cairo: "Где Вы родились?" ...

Пассиш юя конструкция + Ьу используется , чтобы сообщить, кто совершил действие:

О Тhс celephone was invented Ьу Alexander Bell in 1876.
Телефон был изобретён Александром Беллом ...
О 1 was bltten Ьу а dog а few days ago. Меня укусила собака ". (букв. Я был укушен собакой . )

О Do you like these paintings? They were painted Ьу а friend of mine .

. .. Их нарисовал мой друг. (букв. Они были нарисованы моим другом.)

is being done / has Ьееп done-+ Раздел 23 неправильные глаголы-+ Раздел 25, Приложения 2-3
S4 Ьу-+ Раздел 111 активные и пассивные конструкции-+ Приложение 1
Составьте предложения из этих слов. Некоторые предложения вопросительные. Предложения
1-7 должны быть в настоящем времени.

1 (rhe office / clean / every day) ТЬ�.9ffi.ч.c...i.�..<;l.��n.c.d §Yt;,.r.y_d.�y........ . . .. . ...... . ..... ... ... .. " . . . . . . .. "... ... ..... . . ... ........... .. . ... .. .. .

2 (ho\v often / these rooms / clean?) . ..Аг.� "t;;b.��.Q..r.Q91Y.!.�..<;.IC..grJ.�d .. �v�.Dt"d.�y?................................................................

... .

З (glass / make / from sand) Glass ....................... . . . ... . . .. . . .. . . . . . ... . .. ... .... ......... . ............. .... ....... . .... ......... .. . .. .... ....... ..... .. .... .. . .....

4 (the windows / clean / every t\.YO weeks) .......... .... ".. . .... . .... ... . . .. . " . .. ..... ... " . . .. . . . .. .. .
. . . .. "..
.. .. ............ .. ...... .... .. . .. ... . . ...... ...... . . . ......... .. .. .. .. . ...... .. ..

5 (rhis room / not / use / very much) ......... .... ... . . . . ...... . . ......... . . .. . . .. .... .". .. . . . .... ..... . . . . .. .. . . .. . .".
.. .. ... ... .. . ..... . ........ . . .... .. . .... ... - ... . . .. . . .... . ..

6 (we / allow / ro park here?) .. ... . .. . . . " . .. . ......... ... ... . .. ... . . .
...." ... .......".... ............ ···················-···· ........................ ... . .. .. ... . . . ..... . .. . .. .. ... .."

7 (how / rhis \vord / pronounce?) ....... . . . . ." . . . " . . .. . .. . .. .. . " . . . .. ... . . "
.... . ...... .
..... . ..... ........ ". . ...... " . .. . . . . ..... .. . .." . . . ... . .. ...... ............ . "...........

Предложения 8-15 должны быть в прошедшем времени.

8 (the office / clean / yesrerday) .. Th.�.Pffi.q� w.g,P..9..!f;.!?..!1��.Y��.Y.Jrd.?.l.Y· ....."" ... ..... . .. .. . .. . . . . ." .. . ... .... .... ... .... . .... "... .

9 (the house / paint / last month) The house ... .. .. .. .. .. . .... .... .. . ... .... .
..... " . . .. . .. "" . . . .. . .. .. "..
. .. ... ...... .. .. ... . . . . . . . . .. . ... .."

1О ( my phone / steal / а fe\v days ago) ........ . .. .. . .

... .. . . . . .. . ... . . . ... ." . . . . .
.... . .. ..... ..... . . "." . . .. ... .. .
... . . .... ... . . . .. . " ... ....... ..... . . . .... "....... .. .... .....

11 (three people / injure / in the accident) ........... ............. .......... .. " . . . . . .. .

". .. .... .... . . """ . .. .... . " ".
"... ... ". . . .... ............ . .. ............... " .. .. .. . ... . .... .

12 ('Nhen / this bridge / build?) .. . . . ... ... . .. . . """ . .

.. ..... ..... . ... . ....
.". ... .... . . .. ." ....... " . . . . . . . . .
. .." ....... .. . ... .. ..... ...... . ". .. . . .. . . . .. ..... ... ..... . ........ ...........

13 (1 / not / wake up / Ьу the noise) ... ". . . ... . . ... .. .. .. . . .

"... .. .. ... . . . . . .. .
.... .. .. " . . . ....
. . ." . .. .. .
......... ..... ... . ........." .... .. . " ........ ... "...... ........ . ... .. ...... ..

14 (how / these windows / break?) . . ... . . . . . . .

. . .. ..... ...... . ... . " .......................... .. . . ." .. .. .. .
........................ ...................... ". . .. ......... ... ... . .......... ....

15 (you / invite / ro Jon's part:y last \veek?) .... ...... . .. . .. . . . .... . . .

. . . ... . .. ...... . """. . . .. . . .. . " ..
... ..." . . ... . . . . . ." . .. . . . "" ..". ..
.... . . .. .. .. . . . . ". " .... .. .. .". .. .. . . .. . ..

В каждом из этих предложений допущена ошибка. Напишите правильные предложения.

1 � 100 years ago. .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. ." ". .....Тh.!�.. ЬР�.?� �Y.�P...tг.YHt............ ... . .... . . " .. ." . .. " .. . . . . . ....... . .

2 Football plays in most countгies of the world. ........... . .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . ..... ... . "....". . . ............. . . . . ." " . . . " ............. ....... ......... ...

3 Why did the letrer send ro the wrong address? ... . . .... . . . . . ... .... .. .... " .. . . . "" . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . " " ... .. .... . . ... . ".." ... .. ..... . ... .. ....... ... ..... ..... ........ . " . .. .. .

4 А film studio is а place where films make. ..... . .. .. .".. . . . . . ... . . .. . ".. . ... . . . . .. "" .. .. .. . " . ...... .. ..... ..... " . . " .. .. . ....... ......"...... ...... " . . ".... . .. ." ..

5 Where are you born? ..... . ". . ... . . . .. . . . . .. .." ... ... . . .. . .. .. . .... " .. . .. ".. . " " ". . . . . . ....... ... . .... . ..... . . . . ....... .. .... " . . . ..." .. .

6 How many 1.anguages are speaking in S\vitzerland? ... . " .. . . . .. ". . ...... . . . . . . .. . ... .. "....... " " ... ......... ... .. ........ ........ .... . ...... . ... .... . .... . .. .. ..... ... .. ..

7 Somebody broke into our house, bur nothing stolen. ..... .. ... ... . . . . ... ... . .. . . . . . . ..... . ... . . ... . . ... . . ... . . . .... . .. " . ...... . ". . ... " . . . " . .. . ... .. . .. ". . ...... ." .. . "

8 When \Vas invented the Ьicycle? .......... . ... . .. . . .... . . . .. . .. . .. .. ..... .. ..... . .......... ..... .. ....... ... . . . .... ...... . .... .... ...... ....... ..... .

Заполните пропуски. Используйте глаголы из рамки в пассивной конструкции (настоящего или

прошедшего времени):
-·· ··--- ----- ·

\ -c-lean- damage find give invite make mal<e show steal

"- ·----- · -----

1 The room .. ..J�.q.l.��ned .. every day.

2 1 saw an accident yesterday. T\vo people Y1er�. tдk.�tJ. . to hospiral. ..... . ... .

3 Paper ...... ... ......... ......... ................." .... ....". from wood.
4 There \Vas а fire ас rl1e �юtel last week. Two of thc rooms .......... ".. . .."" . ... " .......... . . . ....
". .. ... ....

5 'Where did you get this picture?' 'lt ............."""..... ""............... ... ........... ....... ro rne Ьу а friend of mine.'
6 Many American programmes .. ......... ...".... " ....... ... .......................... on British TV.
7 'Did James and Sue go to rhe wedding?' 'No. They ...............""....... "............... ........... . , but L�н��У didn't go.'
8 'How old is this film?' 'lt"......... ......... ........ ...... ......... ... in 1985.'
9 Му саг "." ... ".."...... "....
...... . .. ........ ... lasr week, bttt the next day it. ......... ......... ......... ..........""."" ...... Ьу the police.

Напишите, где родились эти люди.

·1 (lan / Ediпburgh) .. lar1 �v�.?.. (?.9.r.n. ln. Edlt1\(.1и:r�b".........................

. .. . ".. . " . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .......... . ....... . ... . . . . .. .. . . . . .. " . . . . . .

2 (Sarah / Manchf:"ster) Sarah ....."" .. ... . . .. . .....

.. ".... " . .. . . . """"
.... . .... .......... . . . . .. ... .
.... . .. . . ." " . .. .. . . . .... "" ....
. .. .. .... . .............. .. . ..... ... . . ...... ... .. . . . .. .. .

3 (her parents / lreland) Нег ..................... . . . . .. . ." .. . ... . . . . .. .

..... .. ...... . . .. . . . .. .. . ...... . . . .. . .. . .... .. "
........ .. ... . .. . .. ... .. . .. .... ..... .... .... . . . .. ... . " . ... .. ..

'i (you / ???) 1...... . .......".......... ....... "". ... . ." ... .. . . "
... . ....... ......•. ... . . .. ... . ........ ····-···· ... .. . ••. ..."..•.....• •..........".... .... • .. ... ...........

5 (your mother / ???) ... . .... . .

. .. . .. .. . ..
..... .
.... .. . . . ....
.. . . ... . . . .. "" . . .. . . . . ... . ... ... ..
....... .. ..... .... . . .. . . . . ..." ... ..".. ... . .
. .. ...... .... .. . .. . ... . .. . ".... . . . . .. . .. ...."... ... .. .. .. .

Переведите предложения на английский язык/ используя пассивные конструкции.

·1 Мои род ители ро.цились в АмерикР.

технология = technology
2 Новые технологии изобретают каждый день. мука= Aour
З Хлеб делается из муки.
производить= make
4 Сколько автомашин производят в Германии кажды й год?
5 Этот аэропорт был построен в 1970 году.
6 Где родилась Марина?
7 Мой телефон не был украден. Я его потеряла.
8 Эта книга была написана моим другом.
·.А is/are being ... (пассивные конструкции в present continuous)

Somebody is painting the do o r (актив)

The door is being painted. (пассив)

Кто-то красит дверь. (сейчас)

Дверь красят. (сейчас)

О Му саг is at the garage. lt is being repaired. . .. Её ремонтируют. (сейчас)

О Some nе\л; houses are being built opposite the park.
Несколько новых домов строится напротив парка. (строительство в процессе)

Сравните present continuous и present simple:

О The office is being cleaned at the moment. (present continuous)
В офисе делают уборку в настоящий момент.
Тhе office is cleaned every day. (present simple)
В офисе делают уборку каждый день.
О Football matches are often played at the weekend, but no matches are being played next weekend .
... часто проводятся по выходным, но в следующие выходные матчи не проводятся.

Подробно о present continuous и present simple читайте в Разделах 9 и 26.

has/have been ... (пассивные конструкции в present perfect)

раньше сейчас
. шя
9111; i Somebody has painted the door (актив)
. ! �м
т1 ''

1: �t. BI · - Thc doo r l1as been painted. (пассив)


1 ;- --1 Г1 1 Н�
1 .' rm

1 '� mи
!1 1 mll


: u'
11' --

;: ИI
1 L-- - ··• i

t ' !!W.I
' ИI


О Му key l1as been stolen. У меня у1<рали ключ. /Мой ключ украден.
О Му keys have been stolen. У меня украли ключи /Мои ключи украдены.

CJ l'п1 noL guir1g ro rhe parry. 1 haven't been invited. . Л не приглашён. / ...Меня не приr.ласш1и.

О Has this shirt been washed? Эта рубашка выстирана?/ Эту рубашку выстирали?

Сравните present perfecr и past simple:

О The room isn't dirry any more. lt has been cleaned. (present perfect)
Комната больше 1 rc грязная. В ней сделали уборку.
The room was cleaned yesterday. (past simple)
В комнате сделали уборку вчера.
О 1 can't find my keys. 1 think they 've been stolen. (present perfect)
... Я думаю, что они украдены.
Му keys were stolen last week. (past simple)
Мои ключи были украдены на прошлой неделе.

Подробно о present perfect и pasc simple смотрите в Разделе 2 7.

56 (is done / \Vas done � Раздел 22 активные и пассивные конструкции � Приложение 1

Посмотрите на картинки и напишите, что сейчас происходит.

1 �rr.-A?.-o
l' !

'�� -_.
_., ,.,."...��···
. .. "··--1··--··-.....,..·
1 Тhе car .....Js ��ingл�p�.i.r�.d ............." ....."... . .... ." .. . ." . . . . " "
3 Тhе windows ."." .... . . .".".. """ ."". " . " ."".." .". . .".. . ." ." " " " " "" "" " "

2 А bridge .." ". ." ." . "... . ." "... . . ". " "" ... . .... .. . ." ." . ".
" ". " " . "" . . ." " " . "
4 The grass ..." " .."" . . ". " ." .. . ... ." . " . ... . ". " .. . " .... . """"".
" " " " "." "" . " . " "

Посмотрите на картинки. Что сейчас происходит или что уже произошло? Используйте present
continuous (is/are being ••. ) или present perfect (has/have Ьееп ... ).

1 (the office / clean) Th�.QffiG.�..i.$... �?.J.r.ig"�.1.�f1JJ.ed""........" ...." " . ... ." .". "" .... . . . . " ......".". ".. .."... "" " . ... ." ....." .. "" ".. ." ..
.. " " " . " ." ... " ." " " " "

2 (the shircs / iron) ". nн�"shJ.r t:s .!1aY�"J?... ? �tJ..iгoned".""""". ""."". " "" " ". . "" ." "." "... " . .. "" "."..."" .. . ." . " ...... " ..".........." .... . . .". ... ..... .
. . " " " . " ."" " "

3 (che window / break) The \Nindo\v .." .....". "..".. " ". ... ."........ ."" . " ". " "".. "" ." ". "" . " "" . . ".. "." ." "." . .""" "" ".". ""
"." "" . " "" " """ " " " " " "" ""

4 (tt1� roof / repair) Thc roof ""."." .. ..... . ...."... ." ... " . . ....". .. "" ."..... " .. ... ........ ...... "............" . .. ... . .... ".. .".
" . " " . " " "." .. ." " ... ".. ... " "" " " " " " " " " " " " "" " "

5 (the car / damage) "" ".." " . ." ".. .......... ."." .." .".. ... " .. . ...... " " """"" ." """ . . . . ".""" " .".""" " . """ "" .""
" . " " . "" " . " . . " "" "
" . " " . "" "" . " " .."" ".."".�""... """

6 (the houses / knock / dovvn) ..... ". ." .. ".." "." "" . ."" . " """. .. . .. . . . " ".. . ..... " .... ."" ."
" " " ". " . "..." ." " . . .. ". .""". ."". . .
". "" " " "" " " " .."··- ." " " " " " " " " """

7 (the rrees / cuc / down) """" "".""" " . "." .... . . " ".. """ " " .". " . . ..". . " ." ... ...........
" "" " " . ." ". "" .. ." ".. .". . "" " ...".. ."". .."."". .. . "
" " ... ". " " " " """ " "" " " " "

8 (they / i nvi te / to а рагсу ) ".""".... .. . .." .................." . ........".." . " "........ ... ......... ... ........ ...
" . ..... .. . .. .. " "." . ..... .. ." ."" ......... ........ . " "". ..
. " . .. . " . " " " . . " "

Заполните пропуски в предложениях. (Перед тем как выполнить упражнение, изучите Раздел 22.)

1 1 can'c use my office ас tf1e rпoment. lt .....i.�. be.i пg..p.й.ln.t�d""." (paint). .

2 We didn't go ro rhe party. We ."".W..?.I?.n'�jr1vit:c.i2.."" (пot/invire).

З 111е \vashing mact1ine was broker1, btt[ i['s ОК now. lt "".." ......".. ....."..."."...."""""""""".. ""..".. ".."" (rcpair).
4 Thc washing machine "..... .."........."""""..." .." .. .." ...... ........". .." (repair) yesterday af[errюon.
5 А facto ry i s а pli1ce where thi ngs ".......
. ."".""."". . "...".".. ".".""... """.."".."...". ". (rпake).
б How old are these houses? \Nl1er1 ."......... "..."..""""....."... "".. "."...".."..... ......""...""" (they/build)?
7 л: ..." ...."."""""""".""""".. ...".... .."....."".".. """"""""."""."."."". .."... .".".""" (the photocopier / L1se) at the moment·?
в: No, you ciJn go ahead апd use it.
8 l've never seen these ftowers before. Wl1ar .. .""..""""""....... .".. ""..".."""...". ........." ..".."."""" (tl1ey/call)?
9 Му sunglasses "". ""..." " ."" .. ".""." ... "." ." ....."""..."...."".......... . (steal) aL the be ach y esterday.
10 The b ri dge is closed aL rhc moment. lt ..... .....""" . " " . . ... ".."".."""" ".. . " . ".... . .""......".". (c.Jamage) last week ап d it
" . ".

.""..." ......""." ...".... .."....."".. """."."....... ...."...."".." .. "".". ."""..".."".""."......" (not/repair) yet.

8 Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя пассивные конструкции.

1 Этот бассейн часто испоJ1ьзуется нашими 6 В моём городе строится бассейн=

студентами. новый кинотеатр. swimming pool
2 Мой дом только что покрасили. 7 А: Где твой новый велосипед? гладить = iro n
З "Где ваш телевизор?'' - "Его ремонтируют". в: Его украли. велосипед= Ьike
4 Эти туфли очень грязные. Когда их чистили? 8 Посмотрите на эту птицу! птица= Ьird
5 Саша, моё платье поглажено? Как она называется?

"Дополнительные упражнения 24-27 (с т ран ицы 263-64) 57

Ье ( am/is/are/was/were) + -ing (cleaning/working и т. д.)

am/is/are + -ing О Please Ье quier. l'm working . ... Я работаю. (сейчас)

(present continuous) О l t isn,t raining at the momenr.
Дождь не идёт в настоящий мол1ент.
�Разделы4-5 и 26
О Whar are you doing this evening?
L _ ___ __.
Что ты делаешь сегодня вечером?

was/were + -i ng О 1 was working when she arrived.
(past continuous) Я работала, когда она приехала.
О lt: wasn't raining. so \Ve didn't need an umbrella.
1 �Раздел 74
Дождь не шёл, поэтому нам не был нужен зонтик.

[ __ __..
О What were you doing at 3 o clock? Что вы делали в 3 часа?

Ье + past participle (cleaned/made/eaten и т. д.)

Гam/is/are + p ast participle О l'm never invited ro part:ies.

(пассивные конструкции в Меня никогда не приглашают на вечеринки.
present simple) О Butter is made from milk.
Масло делается из молока.
j �Раздел 22 О These offices aren't cleaned every day.
1 В этих офисах не делают уборку ...

was/were + past participle О The office was cleaned yesterday. В офисе делали уборку вчера.
(пассивные ко.чструкции в О These houses were built 100 years ago. ... были построены . . .
past simple) О How was the window broken? Как было разбито окно?

1 2 ?
� Р�здел___

. ___
О Wl1ere were you born? Где вы родились?

"""' .-

с have/has + past paп:iciple (cleaned/lost/eaten/been и т. д.)

have/has + past participle О l've cleaned ту room.

(present perfect) Я сделал уборку в своей комнате.

� �Раздr:лы 16- 7 9 О Tom has lost l1is passport.

Том потерял свой паспорт.
О Kate hasn't been to Canada.
Кейт не была в Канаде.

О Where have raul and Emma gone?
Куда ." ушли?

do/does/did + инфинитш� (clean/lil<e/eat/go и т. а.)

do/does + инсЬшштuв О 1 like coffee, IJ1Jt 1 don't like tea. ". но я не люблю чай.
1 (отрщщтел�ныl'

и О Chris doesn't watch TV very ofren.

вопросительные ... не смотрит телевизор ...
. предложРнuн в CJ What do you usually do at weekends?
present simple) Что ты обычно делаешь по выходным?
1� ,_
Ра.здРп�_ l) Does Sam live аlопе? Сэм жuвёт одш-t?
_в ___

1 did + uнфинит1ю О 1 didn,t watch TV yesterday.

(отрuцотельныс и Я не смотрел телевизор ...
вопросительные О lt didn,t rain last \Veek.
. предложения в На прошлой неделе не шёл дождь.
· past simple) О What time did Paul and Emma go out?
В какое время ... ушли?
�Ра.здел 73

SS неправильные г11аголы _.Раздел 25. Приложения 2-3

Вставьте is/are или do/does.

1 Do
. .. you 'Nor k 1n t h е even1ngs.1 6 the sun shining?
· ·

...... .. .......... ········ ··········-

2 Where ...... gr.� . they going?

.. . 7 What time .................... the shops close?
3 Why ···· ·-············ you looking at me? 8 ...... .
. . Maria working today?
..... .. . .

. ....... this \.Vord mean?


4 .. .... .. ..... Ben live near you?

. .. 9 What
5 ........ . ........... you like cooking? 10 .
........... .... ... you feeling all right?

Вставьте am not/isn't/aren't или don't/doesn't. Все эти предложения отрицательные.

1 Tom .. ... �.Qe�n.':k. . .. .. \vork at \veekends.

. . ..

2 l'm very tired. 1 .... .............. ............. ........... ... want to go out this evening.
3 l'm very tired. 1 ............. . .
............ ...... "........ going out this evening.
4 Gary .. . .... ... .... . ·····-· ··············· ·· .... working this \veek. He's оп holiday.
5 Му parents are usually at l1ome. They ................"........... ."............ go out very often.
6 Nicola has travelled а lot, but she ··· ················ ···············- .
......... speak any foreign languages.
7 You can turn off the television. 1 . .... .. . .. .. ... .. . .. ............ .. . ........ watching it.
8 Lisa has invited us to her party next week, but we ·····························-·· . .. .. . .. going.
. . . .

Вставьте was/were/did/have/has.

1 Where .. wr:-.r?.. .. " your shoes made? . . 6 What time ................................... she go?
2 ... ..... . . ..
.. .. ... .. yoLt go out lasc night? 7 When .. .... ................ tl1ese houses builr?
3 What "..... ".............""."........ you doing at 1U.30? 8 . . ....... . .................. Steve arrived yet?
... .. .

'i Where .... "....... .................... your mother born? 9 Wt1y .... ...... ............. you go l1ome early?
5 .. . ... ..... . ... .. . .. . Laura gone homc?
. .. . ..... ..... .. 10 How loпg . ........ .................. .. they been married?

Вставьте is/are/was/were/have/has.
1 J ое ............. ;,? 1osc h1s passport. •

2 This bridge .......... "................. builL ten years ago.

З ... . . . . ".............. you finished your \.vork yet?
... . .

4 This town is al\vays clean. The sпeets ..........."................ cleaned every day.
S Where ..."."..................... you born?
б 1 . ... . . . . ... . .. . . .. . .. .. . . just made sorne coffcc. Would you like some?
.. . .

7 Class ................. made from sand.

8 This is а very old photograph. lt ............................ taken а long time ago.
9 David ............................. bought а ne\v car.

- Заполните пропуски в предложениях. Выберите подходящий глагол из рамки и поставьте

его в правильную форму.
. ·
d���g� -···��(·� enjoy go Pr�nou��e -;;.-t � ·

--·- -·· ·

listen use open go understand

---- - - - ---·---·-· - ·-·· -·" -----··-- "

1 1•rп go1ng ro ta kе а11 шn Ьre 11 а w1·th 1t s .. . 1"�lnlt111

с . . �" .... .

me. '
.... ... .

2 Why are you so tired·i Did уш1 go . (О bcd \а(е lая nigl1r?
3 Where are the chocolates? Have уш1 "·····�··· · ··."-.. . . . . . . "......... them all?
. .

t, How is your new jobl Аге you ............... .. ... ".......... """. it?
� Му саг wa� l>ac.lly ................................ """.... ""."" in the accident, but 1 was ОК.
6 Kare has got а саг, but she does11't . . ................. .. . .. ···-· ir very ofren.
7 Lisa isn't at hо1т1е. Sl1e lli3s . . ·- .. ..... ... . . .. . .. away ror а fe\v days.
.... ... .. . ..... .

8 1 don'r ··········-···· .. ..
.. .
........ ....... . ... .... ".... the proЫem. Can you explain ir again?
9 Mark is in his rooгi1. He's .. ... ··-· ... ............ . ."... """ со music.

10 1 don't know how ro say this word. Ho\v is iL . . ... . . . ........................."..."....... ?

11 Ho\v do yoll .........."...."..............-..""......."........ this window? Can you sl10\v me?

Переведите предложения на английский язык. вегетарианец=

1 "Что ты делаешь?" - "Я пи ш у имейл". 7 Тим был в Америке, но он не vegetarian

2 Что делал Бен, когда Вы пришли домой? был в Канаде.

3 Ты видела мою новую сумку? 8 Эти телевизоры делаются в
4 "Где живёт Эмма?" - "Я не знаю': Китае.
5 Тебе понравились твои подарки? 9 Гари не ест мясо. Он вегетарианец.
6 Как это окно было разбито? 10 Я закончил работу и теперь я читаю.

Правильные глаголы

Формы past simple и past participle правильных глаголов оканчиваются на -ed:

clean --) cleaned live --) lived paint --) painted study --) stu died

Past simple (�Раздел 7 2)

О 1 cleaned my room yesrerday.
Я делола уборку в своей комнате вчера.
О Chris studied chemistry at university. . .. изучал химию".
Past participle (.r�ричастие прошедшего времени)
have/has + past participle (present perfect � Разделы 7 6-19):
О 1 have cleaned my room.
Я сделала уборку в своей комнате.
О Tina has lived in London for ten years.
. . . живёт в Лондоне десять лет.

Ье (is/are/were/has been и т. д.) + past participle (пассивные конструкции --) Разделы 22-23):
О These rooms are cleaned every day.
В этих комнатах делают уборку".
О Му car has been repaired.
Моя машина отремонтирована.

Неправильные глаголы

Формы past simple и past parciciple неправильных глаголов образуются по-другому

(не оканчиваются на -ed):

! make
break cut

past simple 1 made broke cut

past participle �
ma _e
rok _ n
_ e __
_ _t

У некоторых глаголов формы past simple и past parciciple совпадают. Например:

make find buy cuc

past simple }
. . 1 i madе found bought cut
past partюp е :________________,

О 1 made а cake yesrerday. (past simple)

Я испёк торт вчера. (букв. Я сделал)
О 1 have made some coffee. (pasc participle - present perfect)
Л заварила кофе. (бука. Я сделала)
О Buccer is made from milk. (pasr parLiciplc - passive present)
Масло делаt:тся из молока.

У некQmорых глаголов формы past simple и past participle розJ1uчаются:

break begiп
know go
---- - ---- -
рая simple broke knew began went
pasr: participle brol<en known begun gone

О Somebody broke t:his window last night. (past simple)

Кто-тора 36ил это окно вчера ве• �ером.
CJ Somebody l1as broken this window. (past participle - present perfect)
Кто-то разбил это окно.
С This \Vindow was broken \ast night. (past participle - passive past)
Это окно было разбито вчера вечером.

60 ( неправильные глаголы-+ Приложения 2-3 провописание (правильные глаголы)-+ Приложение 5

Напишите формы past simple / past participle этих глаголов. (В этом упражнении формы past
simple и past participle совпадают.)

1 make ......m.�YJ.�... .. .. .. ............. .. . . 6 enjoy 11 hear

2 cut . qu."k... . . ....."....".........
.. . .. .. ... 7 buy 12 put
3 get . ... . .. .. .. .. "....................
.. . .. ..... . . 8 Slt 13 catch
4 bring ."...." ... . ....." . "..... ".."""
....."". 9 leave .. . ... ."..... ........ ....... .............
. .. .. 14 watch
5 рау .
.. ........... "....." ....... .................... 1О happen . ....." ...... "..".. "...." ........... ............ 15 understand ...................." " " .... .. .. ." ......... ..
. .

Напишите формы past simple / past participle этих глаголов.

1 break .. �.rok�....
... ..................... ...." P..r9 � � r.1
. ... ....... .. .
. ...... 8 come ..................." .... . .. ." . . .. . . ."..
. .
. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .
. . . . . ."
... . ". " . "" .
.. ... " .

2 begin ." ..............." .. " ......... ........ ....." .. .......

. "......... ........." . ... 9 know ..
..... ......... . """.. ". ........... ....... ... ............. .. ........... ................

3 eat . ........................... ".............. ................................. ........... . 1 О take .............................. .. . ....... . . .. .. .

.. .
........ ......... .. ... ...... . .. ... .. "

4 drink .. "..".......... ......... ............................................." ........... 11 go ............................" . .. . ". ". " . ... . ..
... ..... . . ... ".................. . . . ..... . .

5 drive " .. .................................". ......"............ ............. "......... 12 g1ve ....... ". .. . .. ..

. .... . . . ..
... . ... .. . . . .". . " .
...."... ..... . . ... .... . . . .. . .. .. . ... ... . .

6 speak . . . . ......". ........... ............. ····· ·····- . ..

.... .. ..................... 13 throw ........ . . ...... . .. . . . ...... . . . " ". " ".. "..""
............ ........... . . . .. . .. " " .

7 \vrite .......... "................. .... ·······-··· ......... . .................... 14 forget .

.. "". -··· . . .. .... .."... . .. . . . ... .. . . .
. ..." . . .... .. . ......
.. .. ..............

EJ Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.

1 1 . . .V�§.?.b.�fi .. . my hands because they were dirty. (wash)
. .. . .

2 Somebody has br.Q.k§.r this window. (break) .. . ..

3 1 feel good. 1 . ... . . "...." ............. very well last nigl1t. (sleep)
. .. ... .. . ... ...

4 We .. . " .......
... . . ...... а really good film yesterday. (see)
5 lt . .. .. . ....... . . . . "......-.............. а lotwhilewewereon holiday.
. (rain)
6 l've .."........... "....... ........... ... my bag. (lose) Have you ............ "....... ..................... it? (see)
7 Rosa's Ьike was . .. . ..... .. .
. .... . ..
... ... "."."".."."". last week. (steal)
8 1" . . . . . . .. . "......... ........... со bed early because 1 was tired. (go)
. .. . . . . .

9 Have you "..................... ............. ........ your work yet? (finish)

10 The shopping cencre was .... .......................................... about 20 years ago. (build)
11 Anna ... " ".................................... to drive when she was 18. (learn)
12 l've never ...........""..........................". а horse. (ride)
13 Jessica is а good friend of mine. l've ... . . "..... .....". _. . . ... .......... her for а long time. (know)
14 Yesterday 1 ... .. .. .. . . . ...... . ... .. . .. . . . .. and ........ .......... " ...... ............ my leg. (fall
. ... . ... . / hurt)
15 1V\y brother ............" .... .. .... ".......... in the London Marathon last year. Have you ever ... ..."" .

in а marathon? (r un / run)

Заполните пропуски в предложениях. Выберите глагол из рамки и поставьте его в

правильную форму.

( cost drive fly -ma·f<.e- meet se_ll )

speak swim tell think wake up Wl�j
1 1 have . Лla.g.�. ... . .... son1e coffee. Woulc.J yot• likc somc?
2 Have you ........................ ......... Johп abouL уош oew jоЬ?
З We played /ыL,kt>tball оп Sunday. We didn't play very well, but we ................... "" .... thc game.
4 1 kno\-v Gary, bu[ l've riever ..............".""""."""."....".".... his wife.
5 We were . ...".......""""..."""."...".......... Ьу loud music in tl1e midtll� uf rhc nighr.
6 Srephanie jumped into tl1e river and . ".................. со the other side. ......... .......... ..

7 'Did you like lhe film?' 'Yes, 1 ."........- .........." ......... ". .... it was very good.'
8 Many different languages are ........... ............ ..................... in the Philippines.
9 Our holiday .....
...... . ...
. .. .. ... . ..
. . а lor of money because \ve stayed in an expensive horel.
10 Hilve yot1 evcr ."."........""....""...................... а very fasr саг?
1 ·1 All the tickets for tl1e соnсеп wcrc ..............."" ..... """...." .........." very quickly.
12 А Ьird . .... .. . ... .. .... .. "....
. ..".. ...... i11 tl1rougl1 tl1e open window while we were having our dinner.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. на ферме = on а farm

1 Лара изучала русский язык в университете. 7 В Канаде говорят на

2 Когда был построен ваш дом? английском и на французском.
3 Где Джеймс? Я ero сегодня не видел. 8 В субботу мы смотрели футбольный матч.
4 Ты голоден? Я сделала тебе бутерброд. Наша команда победила.
5 Смотри! Я купил тебе подарок! 9 Когда мы жили на ферме, у меня была лошадь.
6 Салли сломала руку, когда она была в отпуске. 10 Вчера я нашла телефон рядом с моим домом.
. . .
сегодня воскресенье ��
l'm playing tennis tomorrov1.
lt· ·


They are playing tennis (now). Не is playing rennis tomorrow.

Они играют в теннис (сейчас). Он играет в теннис завтра. �
� �i\,""
'\� ,
"�'C�?;";. V>"'
v "
. '\".-
>,.....,- �,
...,_..,..._. )t"':\_\Y"..•""f. 4'\! ...
W� ....:'"(�
· л-�'
am/is/are + -ing (present continuous) используется для описания действия, которое происходит в
настоящий моА1ент:
r] А: Where are Tina and Helen?
Th ey re playing tennis in the park. Они играют в теннис в парке.
в: '

О Please Ье quiet. l'm working. . .. Я работаю.

am/is/are + -ing (presenr continuous) также используется для описания действия в будущем
(romorrow / next week и т. д.):
О Andrev1 is playing tennis tomorrow. . .. играет в теннис завтра.
О l'm not working nexr week. Я не работою на следующей неделе.
.- . . -
8 1 am doing something tomorrow = я договорился или запланировал что-то сделать:

О Sophie is going to rhe dentist оп Friday. . .. идёт к стоматологу в пятницу.

(=назначен приём у стоматолога)
О We're having а party nexr \veekend. l'm going to а
concert tomorrov1.
Мы устраиваем вечеринку ...
(} Are you meeting your friends ronighr?
Ты встречаешься с друзьями ... ?
() What are you doing tomorrow evening?
Что ты делаешь завтра вечером?
О l'm not going to rhe cinema tonighr. l'm staying ar l1ome.
Я не иду в кино .. . Л остаюсь дома.

Иr.пользование 'l'm going to do someL�1ing' (�Раздел 27).

.. .
. - - ""'

с Обратите внимание, что для выражения запланированного действия в будущем используется present
continuous (l'm staying / are you coming и т. д.):
(J l'm staying ar t1ome this evening . (неверно 1 stay)
О Are you going out: tonight? (неверно Do you go)
О Lisa isn't co m in g to the party next week. (1 юверно Lisa doesn't соте)
Когда речь идёт о расписаниях, программах, времени отправления поездов и т. д., то используется
present simple (start, arrives и т. д.):
О Тhе train arrives at: 7.30. Поезд приезжает в 7:30.
О What time does the film finish? Когда заканчивается фильм?

present conrinuous (обычно о планах людей) present simple (расписания, программы и т. д.)
О l'm going to а concert romorrow. О The concert starts at 7.30.
Завтра я иду на концерт. Концерт начинается в 7.30.
О What time are you leaving? О What time does your train leave?
В какое время вы уезжаете? В какое время уходит ваш поезд?

62 ( presenr cQnrinuous-+ Разделы 4-5 presenr simple-+ Разделы 6-8 l'm going to . . . 4 Раздел 27
Посмотрите на картинки. Что эти люди делают в следующую пятницу?

"_-· . .. ·- . . .......---

1......AI!rJ.Г§}Y...i.�. pJ.ayi,ng.t..?.Лr:!..i �.Pn..Fr::!�...

2 Richard .. ....... .. ....... . . .".... to the cinema.
. ........ ······-··- . .... . ...

3 Rachel .. """. "."... . ."". ." .. . . ...... .

... "...... .".".""."....... ".." . . ··-··· ."" .. "" " "" " .

4 . .. .. . .
" "... ········ .... . " ..... .." ..... . .. lunch 'vvith Will. ." . . _"" "

Напишите вопросы. Во всех этих предложениях говорится о действии в будущем.

1 (you / go / out / tonight?) "".Ar?..YPЦ_goit:ig QЧt..:tQn.!g.b.t.?.""...... . "."." ."". . .. . . " " ." "" "" . ". " " . .. .. " "...
" " " ." .

2 (you / \vork / next week?) "".". " "" " . ... . . " . ". ..". . . " " ". .
"" """ " .. ." .. "" " """ " " .. " "". . ". "" " " ." .. .
". " . .. "
." " " """ .

3 ('vvhat / you / do / comorro\"1 evening?) ... .. .... ...... ... ..... . .. . " ... ..... . .." . . ...." ". ". .." ".." .. "
"" "" " . " " " """ " ."" . ." . . " . .
. . .. " . " ... " ." ..

4 (what time / your friends / come?) .. " .... . .. . . " . . " " ...... ."... . .." ....... . " . . ." ..." ...... .. ... . . ... "".. " . ..
. . ". " ". .. .. .. .. " .. .. . . . " " . .
"" "" " ". " . "" "

5 (when / Lisa / go / on holiday?) ..... ".... .. ..... ... . . . " ... .""..".""."...... .......... " ." ... .. . . .." ."". .
. . . . . "... . " " - . " "". " "" " " " " ". " " .. " .
". " "" "" . ." . " .

111 Напишите предложения о себе. Что вы делаете в ближайшие несколько дней?

1 ." .l.'.m".s �f:!ying .g:t .h9.rn.�"t.9n.!"" . . "

" . "" .. " " """ ". . "."
" ." " .._. . . " . . . . . .. . . . ...... .. .. .. . . . . .
"."." "" " . " . .. . " " . " " " . . ." "" " ".""" "" " " "" ". " " "". " " " ".
" .
2 " l'm. going"tQ"t..�� Qr.t MQJJ{dgy." "
" .. "." ." "._. " """. . . . " ." . ""
" " "" "" .." ... . . . "
." . -.. ". " """." """ " " """ . . .. . .
" " " .
" . "."" "" "" " ." ." .. .

3 ..............
4 ...... .".. .. " .


Поставьте глаголы в форму present continuous (he is leaving и т. д.) или present simple
(the train leaves и т. д.).
. .
1 ' .......
Areyou �
� ·· ···
· ··· ·· (you/go) out ton1ght.?' 1 о, 1'm too t1red'.
2 .. . \Лf.e.' re .g.Q!.i:i g. .". (\Ve/go) to а concert tonight.
. . . !.t..��g.r.t..�..... . (it/start) at 7.30.
З Оо you know about Sarah? ......... ........... .".".... ..... ". .""." ....... ".."".."..."......." (she/get) married next month!
4 д: Му parents ."""." ....".". "..".. """".. ..".""". ".""." ..... ". """" (go) on holiday next \veek.
в: Oh, that's nice. 'Nhere ""... "".."." .."."."" "."". ".". ".".".". ".""". """. (they/go)?
5 Silvia is doing an English course at the moment. The course " ....... ..."..................."" ........ ..".....-......". (finish) on Friday.
6 Тhere's а party tomorro\v night, bLtt ".. "... " ....." ."""". .".."........".". ..". .....". "....... (l/not/go).
7 . "..".... ..."".". ..".".. "."" ........ ...""" ""..". .."" (l/go) out \'llith some friends tonight. vVhy don't you come too?

" .. ."... " .." ......... "....".. "...". (we/meet) at the Royal Hotel at 8 o'clock.
"" ...." .. "..".. .".". _

8 д: How .". . "."".. ..""..

" "". ·-··" ".. " (you/get) tiome after the рап:у romorro\v? Ву taxi?

в: No 1 сап go Ьу bus. The last bus . ..""". """""".. ""."

....."". """"" "".... (leave) at midnighr.
9 д: " ".
" . ."." ..""". "".".. "."....""" """. .""". (you/come) \'llith us to the cinema tonight?
в: Yes, 'Nhat time .....""... ........."...."". .... ...".. ......... """""." "" ... (the film / begin)?
10 А: What " ....... """ ... " .""""". ""."". ... "_. """ . ""." .. """" (you/do) tomorro'vv afternoon?
в: " ..."....."...""""".""""""""""."."".... ".... "..""... ". (l/work).

Переведите предложения на английский язык. лететь= fly

1 В понедельник мы летим в Париж. 6 Фильм начинаетсл в 5:00 встречаться с= meet

2 Ты едешь в отпуск в августе? и заканчивается в 7:00.

З Завтра л не работ()ю. 7 Во вторник Нина встречается с Анной .

4 Ты сегодня вечером идёшь на вечеринку? 8 Борис придёт в воскресенье?

5 Когда приезжает твой автобус?

l'm going to do something

l'm going to watch 1\1this evening.

утром сегодня вечером
She is going to watch TV this evening. Она собирается смотреть телевизор сегодня вечером.
""""�� ��� ,.._�·�.._..
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am/is/are going to .. . =собираюсь (-ется, -емся и т. д.); используется для описания действия в будущем:

1i am
1 is (nor) going to
do ...
drink ...
we/you/they ! are warch ...

am 1 buy . .. ?
is he/she/ir going to eat . . . ?
are we/you/chey 1 wear .. ..?

. ""- � ./ : .'

. ·-� -. в 1 am going to do something = я уже принял решение, я намерен это сделать:

1 decided со do it ------ l'm going to do it

прошлое настоящее будущее

О l'm going to buy some books comorrow. Я собираюсь купить .. .

О Sarah is going to sell her car. . .. намерена продать ...
О l m not going to have breakfast chis morning. l'm not hungry.

Я не собираюсь завтракать ...

О Whac are you going to wear со the wedding next week?
Что ты планируешь надеть на свадьбу . .. ?
О А: Your hands are dirry.
в: Yes, 1 know. l'm going to wash them. . .. Я собираюсь их вымыть.
() Are you going to invite Mark со your рапу? Вы собираетесь пригласить . .. ?

Для выражения запланированного действия в будущем также можно использовать present continuous
(1 am doing) (� Раздел 26):
О 1 am playing cennis with Julia comorrow. Я игрою в теннис". завтра.

Something is going to happen

Someching is going to happen =что-то точно или вероятно

произойдёт в будущем, и сейчас имеются подтверждения этого:

О Look at che sky! lt s going to rain. '

Посмотри на небо! Пойдёт дождь.

[) Oh dear! lt's 9 o'clock and l'm noc ready.

l'm going to Ье lace. . .. Я опоздаю.

( настоящее для действия в будущем _. Раздел 26 will _. Разделы 28-29

Что говорят эти люди?

18 Заполните пропуски. Используйте-going to + глаголы из рамки:

' -
do eat give lie down stay walk -vJaS-h..

watch -wear-
___ ../

1 Му hands are dirty. ..!. .m g.Qjng й?. W.fJ.;?b them. "" ' .. . " . .".".

2 What ."". g r� YQ ц g.Q)Лg"t.Q �.§?r "" to the party ronight?

. . . . " 1 .

3 lt's а nice day. 1 don't want со take the bus. 1".""". " . " """". .." " "" " . .. " ." " . """ . """ . . . . .
" "" . " . .. . . .. " ". . .

4 Steve is going to London next week. Не"" " "". "" " """"" .".."""""."" """.""""....""""."""..." \vith some friends.
" .

5 l'm hungr y. 1."".".".""""."" "." .""".""".".""."."."" .. """". ".".". this sandwich. ."

6 lt:'s Sarah's blrthday next \veek. We."".".""".."." ."".""""""".""".""""."".""" """".".""..". her а present.
7 Sue says she's feeling very tired. She "."".""".""."". ""..".... "."."."" .."".."....".."". ".."""".". for an hour.
8 Your favourite programme is оп TV ronight. """"""""""""""" you . """".""""""""""""". """" """."."."."".""."""" ".". it?
9 What ."""."".""""".".". Rachel """"."""".""""""""""..". ...."....""."....." ....." ... "."...... . when she leaves school?

8 Посмотрите на картинки. Что сейчас произойдёт?

r ш"····�-
.. . ш ---:::::
: ::--1
:::- ,-ш---=======-----:==.:

1 (; �, .�',. �

•. � .
1 '

1 ' .� /
• (,{У'�·

J.t�� goi ng �Q"r.:�in.:".." . ."... ."." ."" .." " ". . ". ". . "".". " ". . " " ." . .""" ..""" "." ..". ". . .. ... """."... .. ..". . ." . . .." . .
1 .. ". . . .. "." ". ".. ... . .. " " .. ." . ."" .. " .. . ..".".. . . . " " .." . . .. . . . ... " . . ... " " . . "". ·······

2 The shelf" ...." .." .. . " " ." " " """ " ." " """ "" "" . . . . ." . .. " . . . " . " " "
. .. .. .. "" " " ... . .. - .. " ." """"" " " . ." . "
. .""" " " ."" ." . ." " "" " " "" "" " " "" " " " " " " ". ." "" "" """ "" . . """ " . . " ." ".. . ." " " ."."

3 Тhе car ." .. " . .. .... " . "." " ."." " "" " . . ." " . .
.." .. "." .. . ".""." ...
... ". ". ". . " . ".. . .". .. "...... .""." . ". .. . " ".. ...."." " .. " ...". . . ....."
" " ."". " " ." " . ". ".. . . .." .." ." " . .""" . . . " . ." ..". " "" . . " .. " . . . . ." ". .. .

4 Не"".. .. . " "" . . ". .

" .. ".".. " . .. ".." . ." ."." . ."." . ..." . . ."." ..".. .." " " . . . " " ."" . .
"" " . ." . """ . "."." " . . . ". ..
"" . . . . "" " . " " . " ." .. "" . " " ". " . .. ." . . ... .. ... "...... ··· ".. """ . . .. ... ." . . .". .. . . ". .. .. " .. """." ."

8 Что вы собираетесь делать сегодня или завтра? Напишите три предложения.

1 l'm .. .."". .. "".."" ..." .." . . ... " ".
" . . . . ". . ."."... ""... """"...... . ... ." . " ." .."..
. ." "." . ". . . . . . ." "."". ..
" ."" . " " """"" ". . " . .. " " ""." " "" .. .. "." . . ..""" .. . " ". "" " .
"" .. . ".". " ." "" ".. . .. .".. .
." . . ". . . .

2 ."." . "." " " . .."" ... " .. " " . " . " . . . " . . " " . " " .. . .". .. . .". .". ".
.. " . .. " . . "" " . " ". " . """. " " " . . . . " . . ."..... " " . ." ""
." .. . . ". .. . ". . "" . """ """ . " .. . ". ." . " .. . . "... . ".." . . .... ". . . " ". .. ". ". .""" ." ... ... .. " ".. " "" .. . .. .. . . ""

3 ..". .. . . .. ... . ". ". .... " .". ." . ...

. . "" . . . .. " .. . . . . . ". . .. "" ." .
" ". . . . .. ..". "" . . . . ."" . "". ". . .. . . . ."." . ".. ."." . "". .""""." .. .. . . .." . .. . .. .
" . . ".... " . "". " . . " ." . . " ." . ". . .. " .. ".. .". " . . ."." . " " " .. . . . "" . " . " . . "" " .. .. . . . .. " .. .

Переведите предложения на английский язык. Поторопись! =

1 Мы собираемся поужинать. 5 Поторопись! Мы опоздаем. Hurry up!

2 Я не собираюсь покупать новый телефон. 6 Очень холодно. Пойдёт снег. на выходных=

З Что ты наденешь сегодня вечером? 7 Влад и Ирина собираются at the weekend

4 Что Анжела собирается делать после продать свой дом.

университета? 8 Что ты собираешься делать на выходных?

Sarah goes to \vork every day. She is always there
from 8.30 unril 4.30.

lt is 11 o'clock no\v. Saral1 is at work.

Сейчас 7 7 часов. Сора на работе.

At 11 o'clock yesterday, she was at work.

В 7 7 часов вчера она было на роботе.

Ar 11 o'clock tomorrow, she will Ье at \vork.

В 7 7 часов завтра она будет на работе.

will +инфинитив (will Ье / will win/ will come и т.д.):

Ье Ье?
l/we/you/they will ('11) win l/we/you/they win?
he/she/ir will not (won't) eat he/sl1e/it eat?
соте и т.д. соте? и т. д.
..__ __..
_ __________ _ __,_

'11 = 1'11 (1 will) / you ll / she'll и т. д.

will: '

won't = will not: 1 won't ( 1 w ill not) / you won't/ she won't и т. д.

.' ..
·.. ..• -.
.В Will и·спользуется, когда говорят о будущем (завтра/ но следующей неделе и т. д.). На русский язык will
переводится будущим временем:
О Sue travels а lot. Today she is in Madrid. Tomorrow she'll Ье in Rome. Next week sl1e'll Ье in Tokyo.
. . . Завтра она будет в Риме. На следующей неделе она будет в Токио.
О You can call me this evening. 1'11 Ье at home. ".Я буду дома.
О Leave the old Ьгеаd in the garden. The Ьirds will eat it. ".Птицы его съедят.
О We'll ргоЬаЫу go out this evening. Мы, вероятно, куда-нибудь сходим сегодня вечером.
О Will you Ье ас home this evening? Ты будешь дома".?

О 1 won't Ье here tomorrow. ( 1 will not Ье here) Завтра меня здесь не будет.

О Don' t drink coffee before you go to bed. You won't sleep. . "не заснёшь.
Часто употребляются вместе 1 think ". will ". :

О 1 think Kelly will pass the exam. Я думаю, Келли сдаст экзамен.
О 1 don't think it will rain this afternoon. Я не думаю, что будет дождь ...
О Do you think rhe exam will Ье difficult? Ты думаешь, экзамен будет сложным?
. . .
с Will не используется, когда сообщают о ранее принятом решении или запланированном действии
(�Разделы 26-27):
О We're going со the cinema on Sacurday. Do you \Vant to come with us? (неверно We \.vill go)
Мы идём в кино в субботу ...
О l'т not worl<ing tomorrow. (неверно 1 won' t work)
Я не работою завтра.
О Аге you going to do the exam? (неверно Will you do)
Ты собираешься сдавать экзамен?


Можно сказать 1 shall ( = 1 will) или we shall ( = we will):

О 1 shall Ье late tomorro\v. или 1 will (1'11) Ье late tomorrow..
О 1 think we shall win. или 1 think we will (we'll) win.
Но shall не употребляется с другими местоимениями (you/they/he/she/it):
О Тот will Ье late. (неверно Тот shall Ье)

66 (What are you doing tomorrow? _. Раздел 26 l'm going to " . _. Раздел 27 will/shall 2 _. Раздел 29
111 Хелен путешествует по Европе. Заполните пропуски, используя she was, she's или she'll Ье.
1 v.
1esterdау . she
" " ...."was
... .. ..." . ·1 n рап·s . 1
2 Tomorrow .." """."" ...""" ".""."" .. in Amsterdam.
3 Last week """"""" ""."." ""..."...". in Barcelona. (next week) (tomorrov1)

4 Next week .". "" "".""". "".". in London. • ВRUSSВ.S (now)
PARIS (yesшday).
5 At the moment ."..".""...."". .".".".. .".""". in Brussels. MUNICH

6 Three days ago ". ".."."".. """"" """" ". in Munich. (3 d.\ys ago)

7 At the end of her trip """"." .""".""".""".". very tired.

(last \Veek)

Где вы будете в это время? Напишите предложения о себе. Используйте:

1'11 Ье ••• или 1'11 рrоЬаЫу Ье •.. или 1 don't know where 1'11 Ье.
1 (at 10 o'clock romorro\л;) "." ��"on �Ь� .���ch. " . . """ .. """ " ". ....." "".""" .."""." "" "" .. """ "" " ."." "."." ". ""._ "" ."" . .

2 (one hour from now) ". "" .." ". """ " "." .. ". . . .
" . """. ." ...
." " " "".". . " " "
". " "" . " " " . . ".
"" " " "" " " "" " """. " . ." "". . ". " ".." " . .. " . .

3 (at midnight tonight) ". " ". " " . "" . " " . "" . . ." "" . .""" " ."
" " """ """"" " ..". "" " . " "
"""". ." " ". ." ."" " " ". .."
"."" " " " ." ""." ..".." " . ". . "" " ". " ". " . .. ""

4 (at 3 o'clock tomorro\v afternoon) """" . . ". " " ". """" " ""." " .".."""" "" . ..
. " "" . .. .""
"" "... .. . " .". . ".. ."..
. ". ....... " . """ ". � """ " "" . . "" ". ""

5 (t\VO years from now) ." "" . .. . ". " "". ." .."" ""." "" "." """.. .""." . . .""."" ""." " .."" ." .." " ... ... " .."".. "" .""
. " . .." " . " "" " .. . " "" " . " " ." ". "" . ." " . "". "

Вставьте will ('11) или won't.

1 Don't drink coffee before you go to bed. You """ woп':t- sleep.
2 �re you ready yet?' 'Not yet. 1""" ""..."". """". ."....". Ье ready in five minutes.'

3 l 'm going away for а few days. l'm leaving tonight, so 1"" " """"""."".""" ""." Ье at home tomorrow.
4 lt ".""." "."""".. ".".""".".". rain, so you don't need to take an umbrella.
5 А: 1 don't feel very well this evening.
в: Well, go to bed early and you ."" .".""". ."""" "... """ feel Ьепеr in the morning.
6 lt's Ben's Ьirthday next Monday. Не "" .".."" """"".".."." Ье 25.
7 l'm sorry 1 was late this morning. lt .""".". " ..". """""" " happen again.

Напишите предложения с 1 think . " или 1 don't think ....

1 (Kelly will pass the exam) "." 1 t.b.!rik KelJy..v.1!.IJ..p.()S?."th.�.§><flr:r.1· ." " " ."" .
" " " . . ...."""."...".. "..... "".""" """" .""""".""."" "."
2 (Kelly won't pass the exam) .!..� ш:(t �.b.!n.!s Kell. y wll.!.p���"th.� "�x.�нn. ". . """"""". . " ". . .
." " .. " . ."" ". " " " "". " """ . " ". """" ." " .. "

3 (\ve'll win cl1e game) 1."".""""."" ...""" " " "" ". . "" """" ".""" ". ." """" . " ." ."""" . ."... .. "".. " "
" "" "" . " ". . " . . ." .."
" " . " ." " "" " " " .". " " " . " .

4 (1 won't Ье here tomorrovv) ".""""."". " ." "". """."" . .

" . " "." . . """""".""". """".. "". ." " "."" "" ". " " " . " ." "" .
" """ . "" "" . . . " "" " "" ". "" . . ." " " " "

5 (Sue will like her present) ."". "" . "

" "" ". """." " " """. " "" " .". " " """ "" "".""" """ . "" "." " .. .". "" """
. ." "" ". " ". " "..". . . . ." " ." . . . . "" " . " " . ".

6 ( they won't get married) """"".""""" ." " " "" . ." "" ". " """ """""" ." .".".". """ . . " " "." "
". . "" " "" """ . "" .
"" . " " . " ".. ". "" ". ". ".""" """ """ .

7 (you won't enjoy the film) ."""." . " ." . """ "" ."""" . "" """""" ". """ . ""
""" " " "" " ." "". """" " " " ". "
" "" "" . " " " " " ". ." """." . ." " ". ". "" " ".

Выберите правильный вариант. (Перед тем как выполнить упражнение, изучите Раздел 26.)
1 -WeЩ-ge-/Wе'геgoing to rhe theaпe tonigl1t. We've got tickets. (We're going - правильно)
2 'What will you do / are you doing romorrow evening?' 'Nothing. l'm free.'
З They'll go / They're going a\vay tomorro\Л/ morning. Their train is at: 8.40.
4 l'm sure your aunt will lend / is lending us some money. She's very rich.
5 'Why are you putting on your coat?' '1'11 go/l'mgoing out.'
6 Do you think Clare will phone / is phoning us tonight?
7 Scevc can't: meet us оп Saшrday. He'll \Vork / He's \vorking.
8 Will you / Shall you Ье at home romorrow evening?
9 А: What are your plans for the \.veekend?
в: Some friends \.vill come / are coming to sray with us.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. хорошо проводить время =

1 Завтра в 5 ч асов я буду в Москве. 6 Что вы делаете в субботу? have а good time

2 Я думаю, тебе понравится подарок. 7 В пятницу Олега не будет на работе.

3 Диа на, вероятно, скоро придёт домой. 8 Завтра Виктор идёт на футбольный матч.
4 Я уверен, что ты хорошо проведёшь время. У него уже есть билет.
5 Я не думаю, что Джессика опоздает.

� �
"· .
Вуе, 1'11 phone you
tomorrow, ОК'?


1'11 ... (1 will) используется, когда говорящий предлагает что-то сделать или только что решил
что-то сделать:
О 'Му bag is very heavy.' '1'11 carry it for you.' ."''Я понесу её':
О '1'11 phone you tomorrow, ОК?' 'ОК, Ьуе.'
"Я позвоню тебе завтра, хорошо?" ...

Если говорящий решает что-то сделать или не делать, то часто используется

1 thinl< 1'11 ... / 1 don't thinl< 1'11 ... :
О l m tired. 1 think 1'11 go to bed early tonight. . .. Думаю, что сегодня я лягу спать рано.

О lt's а nice day. 1 think 1'11 sit outside. ...Думаю, что я посижу на улице.
О lt s raining. 1 don't think 1'11 go out. .. Не думаю, что я пойду на улицу.
' .

Не используйте present simple (1 go / 1 phone и т. д.) в таких ситуациях:

О 1'11 phone you tomorrow, ОК? (неверно 1 phone you)
О 1 think 1'11 go to bed early. (неверно 1 go to bed)
:В Не используйте 1'11 .. . , если говорите о ранее принятом решении (--';Разделы 26-27):
О l m working tomorrow. (неверно 1' 11 work) Завтра я работаю.

О 1 don't want my саг any more. l'm going to sell it. (неверно 1'11 sell)
... Я собираюсь её продать.
О What are you doing at the weekend? (неверно What \vill you do)
Что вы делаете на этих выходных?

. ·· с Shall 1 ... ? Shall we ... ?

That's the doorbell. Shall I go'? :

... _,... .. ....
_ .,,. "·
. .
_ __ ....
, ....
. -.. ·

Shall 1 / Shall we ... ? используется, когда предлагают что-то сделать:

О lt's very warm in this room. Shall 1 open the window?
... Мне открыть окно?(букв. Я открою окно?)
О А: Shall 1 phone you this evening? Я позвоню тебе ."?".
в: Yes, please.
О l'm going со а party tonight. What shall 1 wear? ... Что мне надеть?
О lt's а nice day. Shall we go for а walk? . .. Пойдём гулять?
О Where shall we go for our holidays this уеаг? Куда бы нам поехать в отпуск?
О А: Let's go out rhis evening.
в: ОК, what time shall we meet? Хорошо, во сколько встретимся?

What are you doing tomorrow? -+ Раздел 26 l'm going to . . . -+ Раздел 27 will/shall 1 -+ Раздел 28
68 let's -+ Разделы 36, 54
- Зап�лнит� П �ОП_Уски. и :_п�льзуйте 1'11 (1 will) _+ �аголы из рамки:
_ _
-C-UffY- do eat show sit stay

1 Му bag is very heavy. .... 11! <;::a r:: ry .

.. ......... .................................... ........ ............................................... ......... ........... it for you.
2 1 don't want this banana. Well, l'm hungry. . . . . . .. . . .. ... . . .". . .. . .... . . . ...... ".. .. .. . .
.. ... . ...... .... ..... . .. .. . ..
.. . ....... ......"" н•••••". " ••••••••••••••••"• • • • • • it.
3 Do you want а chair? No, it's ОК. " .........."............................ .......... ............ ................."........ ......... ..... on the floor.
4 Did you phone Sophie? Oh no, 1 forgor. ............................ .."".. ............................"."...."....... .......... ....... ........." ... it now.
5 Аге you coming with me? No, 1 don't think so. " . .. .
. . ... " ......". .�.......... "......................... " ........... .................................... here.
6 How do you use rhis camera? Give it to me and ........ ....."" ............................................... ................................................. .... you.

111 Заполните пропуски. Используйте

- 1 think 1'11
4- •
..• или 1 don't think 1'11 •.• + глаголы из рамки:

buy buy -ge- have play

1 lt's cold today. . ....J.dpr(�.t.Ьin.�_ 1'1 1..gQ.... . . .

......... ......... . .. ........... ...... ................................................. ........ .... ....... ......."................ ....... .." .... out.
2 l'm hungry. 1 . ." ............. ....................... ....... . "........"........" .........". .......... ........ ......... ................................... .......... ....... ................ something to eat.

3 1 feel very tired. .. .. .. . .

. ........ ..... .. ... .... ......... .................."." .."."..".. ......... ........ ........... .................................." ........ . ........ н················ ········ . .. . ".
4 1 like this hat. ...... .............. .......... . . ..."... ........... ................................... "........ "...... ........................"........ ...._......... .................... .. ........... .......... ........" ........... it.
5 This camera is too expensive. .... . ..... .
....... ........... .. .. . . .. . .
.. . ... . .... .. ...... ... ........... ......... ......... .......... .... .... ....... ........ ........... ......... ....... ............... ....... it.

D Выберите правильный вариант.

1 ffi/:нэfн�-/1'11 phone you tomorrow, ОК? (1'11 phone - правильно)
2 1 haven't done the shopping yet. 1 do/1'11 do it later.
З 1 like sport. 1 watch /1'11 watch а lot of sport оп TV
4 1 need some exercise. 1 think 1 go/1'11 go for а \valk.
5 Carl is going со buy/ will buy а new саг. Не told me last week.
6 'This book belongs to Tina.' 'ОК. 1 give/1'11 give/ l'm going ro give it to her.'
7 д: Агеyou doing/ Will you do anything this evening?
в: Yes, l'm going/ 1111 go out with some friends.
8 1 can't go out with you tomorrow night. 1 work /l'm working/ 1'11 work.

turn off \ some sandwiches theTV -\

turn оп ...J
the light
-----tRe-window- 1
1 lt's very warm in this room. .... $.h�l! ! .9p..G.!1.:k.D§ W.. iJld.Q�v'? ..............................
.. . .. " ...... . . ...
. . . . ..
... . . ................................... . . .. ..

2 111is programme isn't very good.

3 l m hungry.

4 IL's dark in this room.

С8 Напишите предложен ия _: Shall we .. . ? Используйте слова �з обеих рамок.

/ what where buy invite
go -mee�

1 Let's go out tonight. о к, .. w.b.�t .t.i111e sha1.1. w.�.mf.1.�:�?........ ....................................

... . . . ....... ........ . . . ... . ... .. . ... ... . ...
. .

2 Let's l1ave а tюliday. ОК, ........... ". ... .... . . .. .. .. .

. . ... .. . ... ... .... .. . ..
... .. .
......... .. ........ ............. ...... ... .. ..
.... ... . . ...... ..... . .. ..
. " . ..... . .. ..... .. ... .. .. .
3 Lec's spend some money. · ОК,. . .... ... . .. . . . . . . . .
... . ... . ... ... . .. ....." " .......... . ..
.. .... . . . . ...
. ...... .. . ... . . . .
..... ........ " . .... . .. ... . .... .. . ..
..... . ... ... . .. ..... ...

li Let's have а party. ОК,........ ........ .. . . . . ...... . . . .. . ... .. . " . . . . .

. ............. ... ... ...... ... .. .. . .......... .. ............... .......... ... ......... .. . ... ... .. .... .... ... .. . . ....

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя will или shall. приносить= bring
1 Я принесу Вам стул. 5 Сходим в парк? свободен = free
2 Не думаю, что мы поедем в отпуск в этом 6 Я позвоню Нине вечером.
году. 7 Во сколько завтра встретимся?
3 Я голоден. Думаю, я сделаю бутерброд. 8 д: Ты свободна в субботу?
4 Дождь идёт? Мне взять зонтик? в: Нет, я иду на вечеринку.

-. Дополнительные упражнения 28-31 (стр а н иц ы 264-67} 69

Where are you going �
for your holidays? �-

might +инфинитив (might go / might Ье / might rain и т. д.):

l/we/you/they go
might (not)
he/she/it play
соте и т.д.

.. . .. -��8.
. 1 might =я, возможно / может быть, ...
О 1 might go to the cinema this evening, but l'm not sure.
Возможно, я пойду в кино сегодня вечером, но я не уверена.
О д: When is Rebecca going со phone you?
в: 1 don't know. She might phone this afrernoon.
.. . Может быть, она позвонит сегодня днём.
О Take an umbrella with you. lt might rain.
О Buy а lottery ticket. You might Ье lucky.
. .. Возможно, тебе повезёт.
О д: Аге you going out tonight?
в: 1 might. Может быть.

О l 'm playing tennis tomorrow. (точно)
1 might play tennis tomorrow. (возможно)
О Rebecca is going to phone later. (точно)
Rebecca might phone later. (возможно)

1 might not я, возможно / может быть, не ".


О 1 might not go to work tomorrow.

Возможно, я не пойду на работу ...
О Tim might not соте to the party.
Тим, может быть, не прuдёт на вечери� 11<у.

.' ...�- .· о may

Вместо might можно использовать may. 1 n1ay = 1 might:

О 1 may go to the cinema this evening. (= 1 might. go)
О Tim may not come ro tl1e party. (= Tim might not come)

Мау 1 . . . ? (Можно мне . . . ?) используется, чтобы спросить разрешения:

О Мау 1 ask а question? Можно задать вопрос?
О А: Мау 1 sit here? Можно сюда сесть?
в: Yes, of course.

Чтобы спросить разрешения, можно также использовать Can 1 ... ?

О Сап 1 sit here?

70 ( wш-. Разделы 28-29 сап_. Раздел 31

ID Напишите предложения с might.
1 (it's possiЬle chat 1'11 go со the cinema) -···
1 mJ.ght..g.Q t9 t.b@ �.iЛQШ.�k. . . . .. .. ... .. ... . .........._........... . " ....._ ........... ..................

2 (i t's possiЬle that 1'11 see you tomorrovv) 1 ... ..... ......... .........." ............ ............................. .... . . "....... ····-······ ........ ········· "........ "... .... ..•.....

3 (it's possiЫe chat Sarah vvill forget ro phone)

4 (it's possiЫe rhat it v'1ill snovv roday)
5 (it's possiЫe that 1'11 Ье late ronight)

Напишите предложения с might not.

6 (it's possiЬle that Mark vvill not Ье here next \Л/ееk) · ··················· -······················································· · ···· · ············ ......." . .. ...... ............. . .. . ... . ..... ....

7 (ir's possiЫe that 1 won't have time со go out) .

. ......."...... ... ................... ............ ............ .............. ".._" " ..-...... . ..".... ......................................... .."

Вас спрашивают о планах. У вас есть некоторые идеи, но вы не уверены.

Выберите слова из рамки и напишите предложения с 1 might.
� fish go away -ltaly- Monday newcar taxi i
--- - ------- ---- ·
- ·. . .. ..

- -- _"

1 Where are you going for your holidays? l'm not sure . ..!..migb�.g_Q_�PJ:t�.!y. ..........................................
. ... ".." ............... .

2 Whac are you doing at the weekend? 1 don't knov'I. 1 •............. ................ ......... ·-·· ···· .......". -·······...... .....•.................... ............ .

3 When \vill you see Kate again? l'm not sure. ................................. ......... .". . .......... ...... .......... .... ........... ............. ..... ......

4 What are you going со have for dinner? 1 don't knovv. ......................... " ......... .......... ........ ....... .... .. ................". . ... ....... . . . . .
.. ....... .. .

5 Hovv аге you going to ger home tonight? l'm not sure. .......... ........ . ...... . ". .... . . .. . ... ... .......... .. "...... ...... ..". ........ . . ........................ .

6 1 hear you won some money. \Nhat аге 1 haven't decided yet. .. . ....... ....................... ............... . " ....".". ····-···-··- -······· ..." ...

you going to do v1ith it?

. .- · � . - " " ,,

D Вы задали Бену вопросы о его планах на завтра. В некоторых планах он уверен, но в

большинстве случаев он сомневается.

1 Аге you playing tennis tomorrovv? Yes, in the afternoon.

2 Аге you going out tomorrO\Л/ evening? PossiЫy.
3 Are you going to get up early? Perhaps.
4 Аге you working tomorrov1? No, l'm not.
5 Will you Ье at home tomorrovv morning? МауЬе.
6 Аге you going со watch TV? 1 might.
7 Аге you going ouc in the afternoon? Yes, 1 am.
8 Аге you going shopping? Perhaps.

Теперь напишите, что Бен будет делать завтра. Где необходимо, также используйте might.

1 . ..... H.?:� t.�n.ri.J � ...a.ftf;r.tJ

. .Q.90"................................... ".................................. .... . . ......... ........ ............ ......... . ...... ... ... . .
.... ....... . ... .... .... .. .... .

2 ..... . � t9mpr.rQ.\Al .�.Y..�ti .ln.e:...

H.�..r:r.!.1.g}тl( ou ".."..." "". .. . ... .. .. . ..... ....."..... ..... .. ..."..... . .. ......." ...... .... . ....... .... . ................. .............. .........."""............................_ ..

3 Не ··· ···-··········· ......... ........ .......... _..................".................. . ...... ...... .................... ................................... ........ ......... ......... ......" .......... ......... . . .. .
." .. . .. . . .. .... .... ... .. .. ....... .. . ... "..

4 . . .... . .. .. .... ... ... ... ... ·· · ·-··" .........

7 ......................... ".. .. ..... . ..... ."...............". . ".. ........ .. ....... .................... . . . .." ...... ·········· ..

D Напишите три предложения о том, что вы, возможно, будете делать завтра.
Используйте might.

2 .. .......... " ..... ........ .
........ .. .. . ... .... . .. ....... . . . . .
.. .. ... . ... . . .. ..... . .. .... .. ... . . .. . ............. ."............ "....... .......... ······································································ ······ ······· ··· ·· -··········

3 ···· · ······-····· ······-··········"·······"··················-······························· ..... ".... ..".". .". ....... ......"... . .. ..... ...... . ......... ... . .. ... . ... .. . ............. .... ...... ... .... .................... ......... ....... .

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя might или may. спортзал = gym

1 Возможно, завтра мы тебя увидим. 5 Я могу Вам помочь? на Ноаый год= at Ne\-v Year

2 Марина больна. Может быть, она останется 6 В субботу, возможно,

дома. пойдёт снег.
3 А: Вы идёте на вечеринку? 7 Возможно, я поеду в Финляндию
в: Возможно, я пойду. на Новый год.
4 Я уст ал. Возможно, я не пойду в спортзал. 8 Может быть, з автра меня не будет на работе.

.·. -
. �
- .
Could you open �
the door, please?

сап+ инфинитив (сап do /сап play /сап come и т. д.):

do do?
l/we/you/r.hey can play l/we/you/rhey play?
he/she/it can't (cannot) see he/she/it see?
come и т. д. come? и т.д.

.. 8" 1 can do something = я зною кок, умею или имею возможность что-то (с)делать:
О 1 can play the piano. Му brother can play the piano too.
Я умею играть на пианино. Мой брат тоже умеет ...
О Sarah can speak ltalian, bur. she can't speak Spanish.
". может говорить по-итальянски, но не может ...
О А: Can you swim? Ты умеешь плавать?
в: Yes, bur. l'm not а very good swimmer.
О А: Can you chaпge twenty pounds? Вы можете разменять двадцать фунтов?
в: l'm sorry, 1 can't. ... не могу.
О l'm having а parr.y next week, but Paul and Rachel can't come. ... не смогут прийти.

с.: В прошедшем времени (yesterday / last week и т. д.) используется could/couldn't (= мог/ не мог и т. д.):
О When 1 was young, 1 could run very fast. . " могла бегать очень быстро.
О Before Maria came to Britain, she couldп't understand much English. Now she can understaпd
everyr.hing. ... не понимала многого по-английски ... понимает всё.
О 1 was tired lasr. night, but 1 couldп't sleep. . .. NO я не мог заснуть.
О 1 had а рапу lasr. week, bur Paul and Rachel couldп't come. . .. не смогли прийти.
--. .
. .D, Сап you ". ? Could you " . 1 Can 1 "

? Could 1 ... ?

Сап you ". ? (Вы можете ". ?J или Could you " . ? (Вы не могли бы ". ?):
( Сап you open r.he door, please? или Could you open
J the dоог, please?
Вы можете открыть дверь?/ Rы не могли бы ". ?
О Can you wait а moment, please? или Could you wait ... ?
Подо,'кдите, минутку, пожалуйста. / Вы не могли бы " .?
Сап 1 have " . ? или Сап 1 get ... 1 (Можно мне ." ?):
О Сап 1 have а glass of water, please? или Сап 1 get ... ?
Можно мне (получить) стакан воды, ... ?

.. . .
Сап 1 . ? или Could 1 . . ? (Можно .мне .. ?) используется, чтобы спросить разрешения:
О Can 1 sir here?
О Tom, could 1 borrow your umbrella?
Том, можно одолжить твой зонтик?

72 ( Мау 1 " . ? _. Раздел 30 )



1 "...C.g.Q,Y.QY f?.W.imf.
.. ............. ..........." ........................... .................................. .........

2 ........"" ". "...... .

" ."
" " .." ." ".. " "" ." "."."".. ". "".." .."... ."" . . ........"" ".... """ . ."...." .""..".. " .

4 .................................................. ".... .. .
..... . .... -................. . ... ... ...... ........... ..............
. .......... ."..

70 kilometres

Что из этого вы умеете делать? Напишите предложения о себе, используя 1 can или 1 can1t.

7 1""" ..... "....... ." .........

" .." ..
. .. . """".".... " ...."."""..
. ..
. ...""""" ..".. """."" .." ".... 10 ".""."" .. ...."..". ". ..." " .. . . .
. .. .. " "...."."" ..."." .". " " .. ........
. " ........... " . . ."
" ... .. .
. ... .... .. .

8 ." ""..". . ."............" ."....""" .."........"." ..." .....""...".." ... """ "..."... """ ... ". . . . .". 11 .
.. "...."" ... .." . ".... " .. . ."" . .. .. " . .." " "..... ".." . ."... .. . " . " " .. . . "
"" .... .." " ".. ." . "" . .". """ ..

9 ........ "."..."".""....."....""."."""...". ."........"...."" "...."""."".."" ...."....."........ 12 ......" ".."." ...""" ..."..."." .... " " ".. ... . ........" " ". . .
.. " .." ..... ...... .. "" ........" ...."" " ".....

D Заполните пропуски. ·--

Используйте can или can't + глагол из рамки:

��а! �е�-- �р:_� ...

1 l'm sorryl Ьш: \ve .... J ;.�л.·k .�Qm§"" ... ro your party next Sarurday.
2 1 like this horel room. You .. ""......."...."." ........ ".".....".."."...... " ........." rhe mountains from rhe windo\v.
3 You are speaking very quietly. 1 ......... " .............."." ......."" ......"..."." ...... " "... you.
4 Have you seen my bag? 1 .... ""........."....".. ....."..." ................ "." ........".. ir.
5 Catherine gor the job because she ." ".."........................" ..........""..... ..""." ... five languages.

Заполните пропуски. Используйте can't или couldn't + глагол из рамки:

- - -- -

decide eat find go go -s�eep- 1
---- _,1

1 1was riredl but l . "". YQ� 1dn t. P..!§§P,

.. .'. . ...... .
2 1 wasn't hungry yesrerday. 1 . ... ..
.. . ........
. . .. . . " ........"........."" ...... "..."".......".""... my dinner.
... .. ..

3 Kare doesn't know \vhat to do. She ." . ... ... ."...."........" " " " .. " . " "
. " .. . ." ...
.. ....... """ .. "..
... ..
" .....

4 1 wanted со speak to Mark yesterday, but 1" . ".""........" ........."." ....." .."".."....."" ....""....... "..".... him. . .

5 James ..".....""....."" ....... ............. "."...... " ................." .. "........ .. to the concerr next Saturday. Не has to work.
6 Paula ".."...".."." .."..." "".......".".""".. "......""....""".. """.. .... to t:he meeting last \veek. She was ill.

Что можно сказать в этих ситуациях? Используйте can или could.


(open/door) ·1 (1J

· - '

llD Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя сап или could. ночью = at nighr

1 Наташа может говорить по-немецки. 5 Их дочь очень умная. зарядить = charge

2 Я не могу спать ночью. Она умела читать� когда ей было три года!
3 Я не могу найти свои ключи. Ты можешь 6 Здесь можно зарядить мой телефон?
мне помочь? 7 Можноl пожалуйста, поговорить с менеджером?
4 Вчера Влад не мог прийти на работу. 8 Иногда я н е понимаю своих детей.

must +инфинитив (must do / must worl< и т. д.):

l/we/you/they go
You mustsee it. he/she/it see
eat и т.д.

1 must (do something) =мне нужно/ я должен(-на) что-то (с)делать:

О l'm very hungry. 1 must eat something . . .. Мне нужно поесть.
О lt's а fancascic film. You must see it. . .. Вам надо его посмотреть.
О Тhе windo-..vs are very dirty. We must clean them. . .. Мы должны их вымыть.
В прошедшем времени (yesterday / last week и т.д.) используется had to ... (неверно musc):
О 1 was very hungry. 1 had to eat something. ( неверно 1 musc еас)
... Мне нужно было поесть.
О We had to walk home last nig ht. There were no buses. (неверно We musc walk)
Нам пришлось идти домой пешком ...

mustn't (=musc not)

Yo1J mustn·t touch
1 mustn't (do something) мне нельзя/ запрещено что-то делать:
= thв pictures.
О 1 must go. 1 mustn't Ье late.
Я должна идти. Мне нельзя опаздывать.
О 1 mustn't forget со phone Chris.
Я должен не забыть позвонить Крису.
О Ве happy! You mustn't Ье sad.
... Не грусти. (букв . ... Ты не должна грустить.)
О You mustn't touch the pictures.
Картины не трогать.

don't need to
1 don't need (со do someching) =мне не 11ужно; у меня нет необходимости что-то делать:
О 1 don't need to go yet. 1 can stay а littel o
l nger. Мне ещё не нужно уходить . . .
О You don't need to shout. 1 can hear you ОК. Нет необходимости кричать ...
Можно также использовать don't have to ... :

О 1 don't l1ave to go уес. 1 can scay а l itt l e longer. Мне ещё не нужно уходить ...
Сравните использование don't need to и mustn't:
О You don't need to go. You can stay here if you want.
Вам необя зательно уходить. Вы можете остаться здесь, ...
О You mustn't go. You must stay here.
Вам нельзя уходить. Вы должны остаться здесь.

71+ ( 1 have to . .. _. Раздел 34 )

Заполните пропуски. Используйте must + глаголы из рамки:
� �
! Ье -eat- go learn meet wash wan

'-- ----·- � ".____ -----·· __ ..;.

1 l'т very hungry. l ......mч.�t �gt. " soтething.

.. ...

2 Marilyn is а very interesting person. You .... .""..... "........"".... ........""......."............ her.
3 Му hands are dirty. 1 .... " ... .................... ............ ........ ........... . ... them.
4 You ............ ...................... .......... ........... .. ........ . to drive. lt will Ье very useful.
5 1 .. "........... .................... ................ . ... ......... shopping. 1 need to buy some food.

6 The game tomorrow is very imporrant for us. We ........... ......" . . .. . . . .. . .. .... . . ........ . .
........" ........
7 You can't always l1ave things iттediately. You .........."..................... ..................... " ............... patient.

Вставьте 1 must или 1 had to.

1 .J.hдd tQ.
.. .. ...... walk hоте last night. Тhere were по buses.
2 lt's late. ............. ..................... . ... go novv.
3 1 don't usually work on Saturdays, but lasr Saturday .... ...................... .."......" work.
4 " ..."... ................".."... ..... get up early tomorrow. / l1ave а lot to do.
. ."

5 1 сате here Ьу train. The rrain was full and ............................. ................ stand all the \'Vay.
6 1 \"las nearly late for ту appointment this тorning. ..... ........"..." ..................".. run to get rl1ere on tiтe.
7 1 forgot to phone David yesrerday. .......................... ." ...... "...... phone hiт later today.

Заполните пропуски. Используйте mustn't или don't need to + глаголы из рамки:

--·· --· ·
· -
· ---·
-· · -- -�
forget -ge- lose phone rush wait
-- - _.....
\" ....
"_ --"··-·- .._ -·-· ...-----·---

1 l . "d.9.1J. t..tJ.��d. t.:9.gQ" ". l1oтe уе с. 1 can sray а little longer.
.. . . ..

2 We have а lot of time. We ..." ...". ..

...... ".. " ". ""
..... " ..... "..... " "" " " "
. . . " .. ." .. " "" .
. ..

3 Кеер these papers in а safe place. You .."".. "....."..".""""...... ""... """"."""".." . ."""".. ".""" them.
4 l'т nor ready yet, bur you ."."".".."""..""""".. ................... .................... .. ....."... for те. You can go ПО\'V and 1'11 соте later.
5 We ......".. .."" .."...."... "......."".""................ ."""" ..""". to rurn off tl1e lights before we leave.
6 1 must contact David, but 1 " """. " ."".""""""""""""". ""."""""""" ..""....."... hiт - 1 can send him an email.

Найдите предложения с одинаковым значением.

1 We can leave the meeting early. А We must stay until the end. 1 .."" ,!; .. "".. "
2 We тust leave the тeeting early. в We couldn't sray until the end. 2 .
.......... ...".....

3 We mustn't leave the meeting early. С We can't stay until the end. 3 .. . .
. .. . .
.. ..

4 We had to leave the meeting early. D We сап stay until the end. 4 ····················

5 We don'r need to leave the meeting early. Е We don't need со stay until rl1e end. 5 . . ......" " ........

Вставьте must / mustn't / had to / don't need to.

1 You "..d.Q.tJ.'.t. ..tJ.�?.d t.:9 ".. go. You can stay l1ere if you wanr.
" ..

2 lt's а fantastic film. You """ mч�t." . ."" see it.

3 The restaurant won't Ье busy tonight. We """...."""""".." ."""."."..""".."."...""".. reserve а rаЫе.
4 1 \vas very busy last week. 1 . .. ."""""""" ".""""."""".."..""". work every evening.
5 1 vvant to know wl1at happened. You """."""" """"".""".."".""...". ."" tell me.
6 1 don't wanr Sue to know \Vhat happened. You ".. .""." ....""..""."""".". . .."""..""" tell l1er.
7 1 "..".".""""..
... """..." ....""""..""".. go поw or 1'11 Ье late for niy appoinrment.
8 'Why were you so late?' '1 "" "."""""....""""...
" .""......""""."."" \Vair half an hour for а bus.'
9 We .."" .."".. ."""" ..."""." ..."." ..."" ."" decide по\v. We can decide later.
10 lt's Lisa's Ьirthday next week. 1"".. .""."." .."""".. ".."...... "".....""".". forget to buy her а present.

ID Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя must, mustn't, had to и don't need to.
1 Я должна позвонить матери. Сегодня её день рождения.
день рождения = Ыrrhday
2 Это важная встреча. Ты не должен опаздывать! вести себя тихо = Ье quiec
3 Ты должен прочитать её новую книгу!
4 Нам не нужно покупать Тому подарок.
5 Сегодня я должна была встать очень рано.
6 Вы должны вести себя тихо в библиотеке.
7 Нам нельзя говорить Нине о вечеринке. Это сюрприз!
8 Мне обязательно нужно почистить свои туфли . Они грязные.

should + инфинитив
(should do / should watch и т. д.):

l/we/you/they should stop
he/she/it shouldn't go
watch и т.д.

_,_._ -- -
в· You should do something = вам следует, стоит, нужно что-то (с)делать:
О Тот doesn't study enough. Не should study harder. . .. Ему следует учиться усерднее.
О lt's а good film. You should go and see it. ... Вам стоит его посмотреть.
О When you play cennis, you should always watch che bal l . . .. нужно всегда следить за мячом.

You shouldn't do something = что-то делать не следует.

Shouldn't = should not:
О Tom shouldn't go со bed so late. Тому не следует ложиться спать так поздно.
О You \vacch TV all the time. You shouldn't watch TV so much.
... Тебе не следует столько смотреть телевизор.
. ' .
D· Часто употребляются вместе: 1 think ... should ...

1 think ". should ... :

f" ... "

о 1 think Lisa should buy some ne\v clotl1es.

Я думаю, Лизе надо купить новую одежду.
О lt's late. 1 think 1 should go home now.
. . .Думаю, что сейчас мне пора домой.
О А: Shall 1 buy this coat?
в: Yes, 1 think you should. Думаю, что да.

1 don't think ... should . " :

о 1 don't think you should work so hard.
Думаю, тебе 1 'е следует ... (букв. Не думаю, что тебе следует ...)
О 1 don't thinl< we should go yet. IL's Loo early.
Не думаю, что нам уже нужно уходить ...

Do you think ... should " . ?:

О Do you think 1 should buy this hat?
Как ты думаешь, м11е стоит купить . . . ?
О What time do you think \ve should go home?
Во сколько, по-твоему, нам следует идти домой?

Must выражает настоятельную рекомендацию или указание. Should выражает совет:

О lt's а good film. You should go and see ir. (совет)
... Тебе следует пойти посмотреть его.
О lt's a.fantastic lilm. You must go and see it. (настоятельная рекомендация)
... Ты должен пойти посмотреть его.
'* -· . "

F Для выражения совета вместо should можно использовать ought to:

О lt's а good film. You ought to go and see it. (= you should go)
. .. Тебе следует пойти посмотреть его.

О 1 think Lisa ought to buy some ne\v clothes. ( Lisa should buy)

Я думаю, Лизе надо купить новую одежду.

76 ( shall �Разделы 28-29 must �Раздел 32

Заполните пропуски, используя you should + глаголы из рамки:
--------.--�- ---- ..

eat go take visit wear

1 When you play tennis,. Y9ц"�hQ�J.d..�Y.g�h "" . the ball.

2 lt's late and you're very tired """""""".""".."""". ""... " """"""""".""""""." .""". ""." to bed.
3 . """.". """."".""".""..."""..
" . """" ""."." ."""""""."""" plenty of fruit and vegetaЫes.
4 lf you have time, """""""" ""."". ".""..." .."""... "".""". "."." """"."."."." the Science Museum. lt's very interesting.
5 When you're driving," ." "." "".." .."""""".".""""" """. """"""".".""""""""""""." а seat belt.
6 lt's too far со walk from here to the srarion. """" """ ". . """""
." " """"". .""""""""."""".".""""""."" """""" а raxi.

1 @)

8 Посмотрите на картинки и напишите об этих людях. Используйте He/She shouldn't so ....

-- ----:==
---" .••



You 1,vatch ТV Youeat

1 1 �

1 " $.h§"�.b.QцJ.enJ }Y.�tcb"ТY"$.P"m.ц�t1."".".".""."" """".
3 hard.
2 Не """""""."".".""".".""."""""" "." . " " . " " "" " " "". " " " ." " " " . " ""
4 """"..". "."". . ". " "" " """ " .". "". ". "
" " ".

llJ Вы не можете принять решение и советуетесь с другом. Напишите вопросы с

Do you think 1 should .. ? .

1 You аге in а shop. You are trying on а jacket. (buy?)

You ask your friend: "..".129.Y.9.Ч.�.bJr'!.�..!. should.J?..�Y k.b.i � J g � K ��.?. . . . . . " " .""."."""""."".".""""" """"""".""".".""."."" . ".
" "

2 You can't drive. (learn ?)

You ask your friend: Оо you think "."""""""" """"" " """"" "" " . . "" "" ."
"" "" "" " ". .
. " " """".""" "." . ." "."
" " " "" """.. . "" " "" . " """.".".
". " """

3 You don't like your job. (get another jоЬ?)

You ask your friend: ". ". .""."" . .""". . ."." .. " " " .." "" " ". . ".".
" " """ ." . " """"." ." " " " " "."." " .". "". ". " " """" "" "" . " . """"." "". ""."". . "".""
" "" "" " " " """" . "."

4 You are going to have а party. (invite Gary?)

You ask your friend: """"""."."."."."."".""""". " " ". " " . " " " "" " """ . "."". . " "." "". "." " . """ . " " " " "".. """".". . .". ". """. .
" " " .". " " " " "" "" "" " " "" " " ""

Напишите предложения t 1 think ...should .. .и 1 don't tblnk ...should ....

1 We have to get up early tomorrow. (go home now) ..J..�hJn.� �Y.§"?.b.9ч{e"e.Q"O.Q.IJ1?." r.J.0Yf:"."""."."."""".""" ."".".

2 That coat is too blg for you. (buy ir) "".. 1 d.Q.t:J. 1 �.b.!n.�..Y.QЧ"�hp�Jd"t?._цy..i.t.:.".""".""""""" " ." .. """""".""."."""""". """". " """."
3 You don't need your саг. (sell it) . ".."""" ".""" """""""""""." ""."." .".""""."."."".""""""."""""" """"" "."."."".""""""".". ".".""" ."""" ."""."
4 Karen needs а rest. (have а holiday) .".". " "".""""""""""."."".". . """"" """"" """".""".".""""""""" "."".""""""."".""".""""""". ""." """""·

5 Sarah and Dan are too young. (ger married) .""""". ". . " " " " .". " " ""."". """ """"."." "" ". "" ."" """" . . ."" " ."""".
" " "" " " " " " " ""

6 You're not \'Vell this morning. (go to work) " """" " ""." . " ."".." "."" .""""""""."""""".""."".". "."." ."."""."."."."."""."" ""." .".".".""
7 James isn'r: well roday. (go to the doctor) . " ". .""". " ""." " "" "" " " .."""""""."""""""""".".""".". """" ."""".""""""". ."."" "".". """."".
8 The hotel is roo expensive for us. (stay there) ".""".""" ". """ " . " " """ " ." "
" ". " " """ ... ." . "".""" ".""."" ."."" .".
"" """ " "" "" "."". ". "

Что думаете вы? Напишите предложения с sl1ould.

1 1 tl1ink "."д.
Y QIY.P.9.�.Y"�.b.Qм.!e..!.��.rn anot.h�г J.�!J.g�.�g.?:"."""" """"." "" ".""." .""." ." ." """" " "" " " " " " .. . ." "
" " "" " " . ." "" ""
" .""" "".".
2 1 think everybody "."" ".""""".""""."""""."". "."." ""."."""."..""""".""". "."""".. "".""""".""."""""""..."""" """""""""".""""""". "".""" ."""."""""
3 1 think "" "" " "" """ . ." .
" " """ " """". "." .
" " " """" ." . "". ".
"". " . . "". . " """. "" "
" " " " " . ."" .". ."" " " ".".". """
"" ." " " ". " """ " " """" " "" "" "" "" " " ". """" " " " " """ " " """" ""

4 1 don't think """""."".""".".""""""."."". " """"". ""."" " .". ." ".". . ." " ."""""" "" "".". """.""
" " ".. "."."."" "... .." . " . "" .. . ". ." . " """".
" " " "" " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " ""

5 1 think 1 should "."""."""".""." "". ". ".".""."" "."." " " " " " "" " . . " " " . " ." " . "
" "" " " . . ." . . ""..." ." . "". . """"." ". """ ."."". ""
"" " " """ " "" " " " " "" " " "". . ." " " "" " " " " " " " "

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя should. попробовать= try

1 Вам стоит попробовать этот торт. 5 Вы думаете, нам нужно шоколад = chocolate
2 Борису не следует так много работать. купить новую машину? пойти погулять = go for а walk
3 Когда, по-твоему, нам следует подарить 6 Саше не следует есть так
Тому его подарок? много шоколада.
4 Сей ч ас поздно и тебе нужно ложиться 7 Думаю, что мне стоит пойти погулять.
спать. 8 Я не думаю, что тебе следует плавать в реке.
This is my medicine. 1 have
to take it three times а day.

1 have to do something =я вынужден/ мне

приходится/ мне надо что-то (с)делать

to do
l/\ve/you/they have
he/she/ic has
towear и т. д.

О 1'11 Ье lare for work tomorrow. 1 have togo ro the dentist:. . .. Мне нужно сходить к ...
О Jane starrs work at 7 o'clock, so she has toget up ar 6. ... вынуждена/ ей надо вставать ...
О You ltave to pass а test to get а driving licence.
Необходимо успешно сдать тест, чтобы получить водительские права.

В прошедшем времени (y esterday / last week и т. д.) используется had to ... :

О 1 was late for work yesterday. 1 had togo to the dentist. ... Мне нужно было сходить к ...
О We had towall< home last night. There were no buses. Нам пришлось идти домой пешком. ...

с В вопросах и отрицаниях необходимо использовать do/does (в настоящем времени)

и did (в прошедшем времени):

настоящее время

do l/we/you/they l/we/you/they don't

haveto ". ? haveto ".
does he/she/it he/she/it doesn't
прошедшее время

l/we/you/they 1 l/we/you/they
haveto . .. ? 1 he/she/it
didn't have to ...

О W ha t time do you have togo to the d ent ist tomorro\v? Когда тебе нужно идти к ". ?
О Does Jane have towork on Sundays? Джейн вынуждена работать по ... ?
О Why did they have to leave the party early? Почему им пришлось уйти с .. ? .
1 don't have to (do something) =мне не нужно/ нет необходимости что-то делать:
О l'm not working tomorrow, so 1 don't have toget up early. ·

." поэтому мне не надо рано вставать.

О lan doesn't have towork very hard. He's got an easy job.
Иэну не нужно много работать. ".
О We didn't ltave towait very long for the bus - it came in а few m inut es.
Нам 11е пришлось долго ждать автобуса ...
. --�..---
0 must и have to

Если вы выражаете своё личное мнение и хотите сказать, что, по вашему мнению, необходимо
что-то сделать, то используйте must или have to:
[) l t 's а fantastic film. You must see it. или You have to see it.
Have to ( неверно must) используется, если что-то необходимо сделать согласно правилу,
обязательству и т. д. Это не личное мнение говорящего. Сравните:
О Jane \von't Ье at \Vork this afternoon. She has to goto the doctor .
". Ей придётся идти к врачу. (=не моё личное мнение, а факт)
О Jane isn't \vell. She doesn't want to go to the doctor , but 1 told her she must go .
.. . Она не хочет ..., но я ей сказала, что она должна сходить. (= моё личное мнение)

78 ( must / mustn't / needn't � Раздел 32 )

Заполните пропуски. Используйте have to или has to + глаголы из рамки:
do hit read speak travel -wеаг \

___ ----------- - -· - .,.____

1 Му eyes are not very good. 1 .. . . ...b.g.Y.�.t.QY��gГ....... glasses.

2 At the end of the course all rhe srudent:s ....... ........... ....... . ·······- . .. ... ... ...... .. . . . . а rest:.
. . . . . .

3 Sarah is studying literature. She . ... ...... ... ........ .... ... . .... ... ... ..." ......"
. . . .. . . ........ . а lot of books.
4 Albert doesn't understand mucl1 English. You ....... ."..." ""... .. ...... ....."....""".. very slo\.vly со him.
S Kate is often a\vay from home. She ."..... " ......"......... "..... "" ".."............ а lot in her job.
6 ln tennis you ......""...." .... ".."..." ..........""..."" ....".... ....." the ball over the net.

Заполните пропуски. Используйте have to или had to +глаголы из рамки:


\_an!_W�- � �-Y __ c han ge

_ go
1 \Л/е "" ."bgd t..9.V1.l.1� k
. . .. home last night. There \vere по buses.
2 lr's lare. 1 .... ... . ......" ..".. ....." ......" "."..".."."...."."....".." no\v. 1'11 see you tomorro\•J.
3 1 \AJent to the supermarket after \vork yesterday. 1 ......" .. ....."".."..."" ....." ." ..". "".."."".".".."... "...". some food.
4 This train doesn't go all the \чау to London. You ..".. ".. . ......... ........... " ..." "..... .."""... ......"" ." ..... " ar Brisrol.
5 \Л/е did an exam yesterday. We .." " ..."..........".........." ....."..."".... "........ "."". ..".... .. six questions our of ren.

Закончите предложения. Некоторые из них должны быть в настоящем времени,

некоторые - в прошедшем.

1 1 have to get up early tomorro\v. . What rime .." q.Q.YQЧ"b.?V.?. .W...g�t..up ...... " .... ".".".. ... .. "". .... " .. .... .."..
. . """ . " " " . ".

2 George had to \Vair а long time. Hov.r long . ....... " . ....... " .. ".".""" . .." .... " ." ..." ."_ """ .. ".".. "....".""""... ".."...."""""".. ?
3 Lisa has to go some\\1here. �­ Where .. .... . . "."."...."."......."""......" .." ..........." .........."...."."".. "............." .........." .....".. "".... ""...... .. 1

4 We had ro рау а lor of money. � Но\ч much ." "... " ........ ." ...... . "" .... "..... ".""".".""." ...... "" ......... ......." ...."" ... "". 1

5 1 have to do some \'Vork. : Wl1at exacrly . . "" .".. · ···------- ·······--····································· ·················

Напишите предложения с don't/doesn't/didn't l1ave to •.• .

1 Why arc you going our? You d o n.�t: .hav�. tQ..g.Q QЧt.""..""""....."..""". "...."..". " .. ". ." ." . .........." ". ""."..... . """ .. " ."... .. "........ ..... .
"". . . """ " ." " . " .

2 Why is Sue wairing? She ................... " " " . .. . . .... " .. . " ." .... ". ... . . ... ....... ."... ". .. . ." .. . . " . ..." .. ... .. . .."....... "......". . " .. . " .. ...
" " . "" .. ."" " "" ". . " " . . " " . .. .. . " ... .. . ." . " "

3 \!Vhy did you ger up early? You " ... ". ". "... """ " .. ."" ."" . "" " ." " " " " "..
. . " .. . . . . . " ...".....".. .." . .... .."" . . ".".." . . .. . . ".
"" " ". " " . . "" . " . ". " " . . . . "" . . . .

4 Why is Paul vJorking so hard? Не " ..."."." ...." " " ....." ....""."...."..... "". "" ..".." " ...м " "" "...... ••••••••• ••••"•••••••••••• " •••••••• ""."•• "" ••••"• ••"••"•• ••""". "" "

5 Why do you \ЛJЭ.Пt to leave now? We " ..." .. .. ..... ..."... ............."........" """""... ... "" . . " " " "". " " ""." .. " .." ". ..."... ........ . . ." . . . "
. . ." " . . ." ". ". . " " .

Выберите правильный вариант. В некоторых предложениях возможны оба варианта

(must или have to)_ В других предложениях правилен только один из них.
1 lr's а fanrasric film. You musr see / have to see it. (оба Аарuонта правильны)
2 Jessica \Von't Ье at \•1ork this aft:ernoon. She mustgo / l1as to gQ to the doctor. (has to go - пра�ильно)
3 You can'r park your саг here for nothing. You mustрау/havetoрау.
4 1 didn't have any money \Л/ith me last night, so 1 mustborrow /hadtoborro\1
· son1e.
5 1 ear roo much chocolate. 1 really must stop/ have to stop.
6 Paul is in а hurry. Не must meer ! has to meet somebody in five minutes.
7 What's \чrong? You musr rell / have ro tell me. 1 \vant to help you.

Напишите несколько предложений о том, что вам (вашим друзьям или членам семьи)
приходится, придётся или пришлось (с)делать.

1 ( every day) .."..J..hgyr;J.Q.t.rqY.?.l..�D"mH�9..�.Y.Ш:Y.4{3y" ___... .... ".". .......... ..........

. . " ........... "... "..... . ..".... "..........
. ..".. ". " ".. . ."
. . . ".

2 (every day) ..." ".... . " ..... " .. . ".." " ." ""." .".......
" . . " " ".. " . . .."...... ........
. " ......".. " ""...." " " .. .""". .".". ....."".
. . .. .... ".... ..... ".....

3 (yesterday) ...".. ". ........... ........ ". "...... ........ . " ... . "". .. . ...... " . .."." "" ."..". .. ""
" " " " " " ." "" " " . " . . .. . . ..... .... .
. "" " . . . ... ".." ······- ..""" .."...... ."." """
4 (tomorro\v) ···-·· " " ....." ... . ". "... ......... .."...".. . "..... . ....... .. ........... .."....." . " .". ". "."
. . . . " " " "" ." "" . ........... ..... ..". ".
" " "" """ " ".

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя have to / doesn't have to ....

1 За втра мне необходимо встать оченh рано. 6 А!Зтобус не пришёл, поэтому
Во сколько= What time
2 Нnм пришJ1ос.ь µ�-�бс.пать вчсрt:�? нам пришлось взять такси.
взять такси = take а taxi
3 По чему Вере пришлось уйти так рано? 7 Мне нужно покупать билет
зонтик= umbrella
4 Моя бабушка вынуждена принимать это в этот музей?
лекарство каждый день. 8 Было солнечно, поэтому мне
S Во сколько ты должна б ыть в офисе? не пришлось брать зонтик.

Would you like .. ? =Хотите/Хочешь .. ? . Would you like
а chocolate?
Would you like ... ? используется, чтобы предложить что-нибудь:
О А: Would you like some coffee? Хочешь кофе?
в: No, thank you.
О д: Would you like а chocolare? Хотите конфету?
в: Yes, please.
О д: What would you like, rea or coffee?
Что ты хочешь - чай или кофе?
в: Теа, please.

Would you like to .. ? используется, чтобы пригласить кого-то:
О Would you lil<e to go for а vvalk? Хотите прогуляться?
О д: Would you like to have lunch \Vith us оп Sunday? Хочешь пообедать с нами. . ? .
в: Yes, l'd love to. Да, с удовольствием. (букв. Я очень хотела бы.)
О What would you like to do this evening? Что ты хочешь делать ...?
_ _
_,,.._..,,_,._"tw 914• + ...-. -- r- ._ .,,._ ...._

l'd like ... - это вежливый способ сказать '1 vvanr'. l'd like =1 would like:
О l'm thirsty. l'd like а drink . .. . Я хочу/ хотела бы попить.
О (в турбюро) l d like some information about horels, please.

Я хочу/ хотел бы получить информацию о гостиницах ...

О l m feeling tired. l'd like to stay at home rhis evening .

.. . Я хочу/ хотела бы остаться дома ".

Would you like .. ? и Do you like ... ?

Would you like ... ?/ l'd like ... Do you like ... ?/ 1 like ."

Would you like .

some tca'?

Would you like some tea? =Хотите чая? Do you like tea? =Вам нравится чай?
О д: Would you like to go to rhe cinema О А: Do you like going ro the cinema?
ronight? Тебе нравится ходить в кино?
Хочешь пойти в кино ... ? в: Yes, 1 go to the cinema а lot.
в: Yes, l'd love ro.

() l'd like an orange, please. О 1 like oranges.

Дайте, пожалуйста, апельсин. Мне нравятся апельсины.
(букв. Я хотела бы .. ) .

О What would you like to do nexr weekend? О Whar do you like ro do at weekends?
Что ты хочешь делать в следующие Что тебе нравится делать по
выходные? выходным?

80 ( like to do и like -ing-+ Раздел 32 .

1 would do someching if " � Раздел 100
Посмотрите на картинки. Напишите, что говорят эти люди. Используйте Would you like ... ?

- ----
r Ш
- ···-·
-- · . _----

.. ... W9Ч.1.�.Y.9..U .!.i.k<З ""



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- · ·�·· -· ···· ······· ·· r
..... ... ". " . ... . .. .. ..""."... .."... .... . 1 ш
" " ". " " ":
. " ". ". ..
":�· 1
.. "" . "".""." ... ·"

" _..



._...,.,. _ ч,..-ч,"_.f'*t>t"••".A'

Что вы скажете Лоре в этих ситуациях? Используйте Would you like to •.• ?

1 You want to go to the cinema tonight. Perhaps Laura will go with you. (go)
You say: . " . Ч llk?..:to.qq_ t9"�h. �.9..!!J.?.tY.1.. g . JQЛ" .."".."""""."""."."...".""."".".. ""..".""".. . ".""." "".""." ".".."".".".."."..""".".""
. ..WoчJ�.YQ
2 You want to play tennis tomorrow. Perhaps Laura will play roo. (play)
You say: """". . "". " .. .
. " "" ." . . "" "" " ""."""""."""" ." " . " " " "" " "" """"""..". " " . ". . .... . " " ..."" .. " " " . . ".
""" . . . . . . . . ".
" "" ". " " ." "" " """. " "" "" " " " " " .." """ "
. .." "" " " " . "

3 You have an extra ticket for а concert next week. Perhaps Laura will come. (соте)
You say: .".". . .. . .
" "" " ". . " . ". "..".. ". . . " " . ". """" """."
"" " . . " " . """ " "" "." " "" ". .. . .
.. . . """" " .. . ... . . .
. ".. " "" "" " ". " """ " . " . " " ". "".." ". ."." ." ".. ".. " " . "" " " .. " " "
" " . " . . " " ". " " .
4 lt' s raining and Laura is going out. She doesn't l1ave an umbrella, but you have one. (borrow)
You say: """. . " " " .".. ". .". """ " ". .""."."". "".. ."""". . "... "..
" ". " " . "" "" """ " "
. ... . . . .
". """ " ""
. ". . " . . ... " .
. " ..
"" .. "". . " . . .
. . .. .. .. " .. .. " ".. ". . . .". "... . . ..". "" ""." ". . ".
" "" " """ """ "" "...

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 'Ооyoulike / Would you like а chocolate?' 'Yes, please.' (Wouldyou like - правильно)
2 'Ооyou like / WouldyoLt likc bananas?' 'Yes, 1 love tl1em.'
3 'Doyoll like / Would vou like ап ice cream?' 'No, thank you.'
4 'What cloyou like / woLtldyou likc со drink?' 'А glass of water, please.'
5 'Doyou like / Wouldyou like to go out for а walk?' 'Not now. Perhaps later.'
6 1 like / l'd like tomatoes, but: 1 don'r ear rhem very oft:en.
7 Wl1at time doyou like / wouldyou like ю have diппег t�1is evening?
8 'Doyou like / Wouldyou like something to eat?' 'No, thanks. l'm not hungry.'
9 'Doyou like / Wouldyou like your ne\v jоЬ?' 'Yes, l'm enjoying it.'
10 l'm tired. 1 like / l'd like t:o go to sleep now.
11 '1 like / l'd like а sandwich, please.' 'Sure. What kind of sandwich?'
12 'What kind of music doyou like / wouldyou like?' 'All kinds.1

ID Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя l'd like, would you like, do you like и т. д.
1 Хотите стакан воды? 6 А: Ты хотела бы посмотреть
рассказать историю =

2 (в кафе) Я хочу два кофе, пожалуйста. фильм в воскресенье?

tell а st:ory
3 Я хотела бы рассказать вам историю. в: Очень хотела бы!
фото с отпуска =

4 Хочешь увидеть мои фото с отпуска? 7 Ты любишь конфеты?

holiday photos
5 Марина хочет путешествовать. 8 Что бы Вы хотели на завтрак?
на завтрак = for breakfast

Когда кому-то говорят что-то сделать, то используют come/lool</go/wait/be и т. д. :
О А: Come here and look at this! Иди сюда и посмотри на это!
в: What is ic:?
О 1 don'c: \vanc: с:о c:alk to you. Go away! . " Уходи!
О l'т noc: ready yet. Please wait for те. . ..Пожалуйста, подождите меня.
О Please Ье quiet. l'т working. Пожалуйста, тихо... .
также в предложениях:
О Have а good holiday! / Have а nice c:ime! / Have а good ftight! / Have fun!
Желаю хорошего отпуска!/ ... хорошо провести время!/ ... хорошего полёта! /Повеселитесь!
О А: Have а chocolac:e. Хотите конфету? (букв. Возьмите конфету.)
в: Oh, thanks.
. ·, . "'""
- - -

в Когда говорят чего-то не делать, то используют don't ... :

О Ве careful! Don't fall. . .. / /е упади!
О Please don't go. Stay here with me. Пожалуйста, не уходи.. ..
О Ве l1ere on Lime. Don't Ье latc. . .. Не опаздывайте.

Когда предлагают сделать что-то вместе, то используют Let's ... . Let's = Let us.

О lt's а nice day. Let's go out.

. . . Давай сходим куда-нибудь.
О Соте on! Let's dance.
.. . аваи потанцуем.

О Аге you ready? Let's go.

Ты готов? Пошли!
О Let's have fish for dinner c:onigl1c:.
Давай поедим рыбу сегодня на ужин.
О д: Shall we go out tonight?
в: No, l'm tired. Let's stay at hоте.
. . . Давай останемся дома.

Отрицательное предложение: Let's not ... .

О lt's cold. Let's not go out. Lec:'s stay at hоте.
...Давай никуда не пойдём. Давай останемся дома.
О Let's not have fish for dinner tonight. Let's have chicken.
Давай не будем есть рыбу ... Давай поедим курицу.

82 (shall we " . ?� Раздел 29

Посмотрите на картинки. Что говорят эти люди? Некоторые предложения должны быть
утвердительными (buy/come и т. д.), а некоторые - отрицательными (don't buy / don't come
и т. д.). Используйте глаголы из рамки:

' Ье buy соте -dfink- drop forget have sit sleep smile 1

- ----- - ." .... ,...______

......D..oo.'k.�.riГJ. �"
1 .....

the\vater! .1
----- 1

i r.
-- ::::.=:.:==::==
� =::-

Gf �m
· -

· ОК. are you ready? .

....... ....... ... " .... ... ! onthecat!


а nicetime!

".................careful "vith that

."... it!

1 Don't 'vvorry. 1"vont ' .

\.. _______ ___.

Закончите предложения. Используйте let's и выражения из рамки:

-ge-fer--a-swi-m- go to а restaurant take а taxi wait а little watchTV

1 Would you like to play rennis? No • .... 1.?..t.:s gq for..� !?.�«.(rn.......... "" . ".." .
.. .... ."" . "
. ..". " "" ". " .
"" . ."

2 Do you \'Vanr ro \valk home? No,."".""" .. " . ". ".. """ .." " ." """ ."""" " "" """ "" "
" " " . . " . . "" ...... .."

3 Shall 1 put а CD on? No, .... ". ."

4 Shall we ear at home? No1·····

5 Would you like to go no\v? No • . ..... .......... . . ...
". ... ....". . ... .
.. .... ........." . .
. "" "" ....""" " "." " ."" .. . .". "". "".." ". "" "." "..." ".."....."..." . .

Напишите ответы на вопросы. Используйте No, don't ... или No, let's not ... .

1 Shall 1 \Vait for you? """."

No don't \vait
.t."." . " . for
" те.
" . "" .. ". .".
"".". " " "". . .." " . ... . .

2 Shall \ve go home no\v? "". No.t .� t � t .gQ hQmQ..Y�:t. "

J · " !1Q _ _ .. ".

3 Shall \"le go out?

4 Do you \Vant: me to close t:he \vindo\v?
5 Shall 1 phone you tonight:?
6 Do you think we should vvait for Andy?
7 Do you want: me to turn оп the light:?
8 Shall vve go Ьу bus?

Переведите предложения на английский язык. трогать = touch

1 Садитесь, пожалуйста. 6 Не забудь своё пальто. говорить о= talk abour

2 Давай посмотрим фильм в воск ре сенье . 7 Расскажи мне о своём дне. готовить = cook

З Не трогай тарелку! Она горячая. 8 Желаю приятного вечера! заказать= order

4 Давай не будем говорить о Гари. 9 Давай не будем готовить

5 Идите до конца улицы и поверните нале в о . сегодня вечером. Давай закажем пиццу.

Дейв несколько лет назад Дейв сейчас

1 work in а supermarket. 1
used to work in а factory.

Dave used to work in а factory. Now he works in а supermarket.

Дейв раньше работал но фабрике. Теперь он работает в супермаркете.

he used to work he works

в прошлом сейчас

Можно также сказать 1 used to work . . / she used to have .. / they used to Ье ... и т. д. :
. .

1 Ье
l/you/we/they work
used to
he/she/it have
play и т. д.

Used to используется, когда сообщают о регулярном действии или о состоянии в прошлом.

На русский язык переводится как "раньше делал/был/имел":
О When 1 was а child, 1 used to like chocolate.
Когда я была ребёнком, мне нравился шоколад.
1 used to have
О 1 used to read а lot of books, but 1 don't read much these days. very long hair.
Я раньше много читал, но теперь я читаю мало.
О Lisa has short l1air now, but it used to Ье very long .
.. . но раньше они были очень длинные.
О They used to live in the same street as u�. so wc used to see them
а lot. But we don't see tl1ern rтшсh these days.
. . . раньше жили ..., поэтому мы часто с ними виделись . ...
О Helen used to have а piano, but she sold it а few years ago.
У Хелен раньше было пианино, но она его продала ...

Отрицательные предложения: 1 didn't use to ....

О When 1 was а child, 1 didn't use to like tomatoes.
В детстве, я не любил помидоры.

Вопросительные предложения: did you use to ... ?

О Where did you use to live before you came here?
Где вы жили до приезда сюда?
. .

с Used to ... используется только в прошедшем времени. Форма 1 use to ... в настоящем времени не
О 1 used to play tennis. These days 1 play golf. (неверно 1 use to play golf)
Я раньше играла в теннис. Теперь я играю в гольф.
О We usually get up early. (неверно We use to get up early)
Мы обычно встаём рано.
Посмотрите на картинки. Заполните пропуски, используя used to •.• .

··-··- -···------···-·-

(Ш Тhisismea
1 !
few years ago. . 1


С8 Сейчас Карен много работает, и у неё почти нет свободного времени. Несколько лет назад всё
было по-другому.
Карен несколько лет назад Карен сейчас

Оо you do any sport? ---Yes, 1 s\vim every day and

1 play volleyball.

Оо you go out much? -�Yes, most evenings.

Оо you play а rтшsical---Yes, the guit<ir.

insпument? .

Do you like reading? - ,

1 vюrk very hard in
Оо you travel much?---Yes, 1 go a...vay t'ЛIO or туjob. 1 don't have ,
three times а year. any free timв.

Напишите предложения о Карен, используя used to....

1 ." �.ь�"ц$..�е..t.Р S.)v.!.m"?.Y.�.r:v .ec:i.Y:"" ""."..""""."".

. .."."". 4 " .. "." """.
"" " ".
. . .. "
.. " ... . . ". """"" "."".
. " "" " """""" "" "". ". .. "".
" " " " " .

2 She . . """. "."""."".""." ."."."..""""" ".."." ""."... """""."""" ""."

. 5 .""""".""". """. " """
" " " """"." " .. ".." "" " """
"" " . . . ""."""""""" " " . " "

3 . . ".""". "".""."""".""".""."" .. """" ... . """"""."""". ... """."".""." "".""."." " " " " "" ". " .". ". " ".."" "" ...
6 .. .. ". . . . " "" . . " ." . " . . . ."".". "."."" .. .. ".. ". . " "" . ""
. . . .

81 Заполните пропуски. Используйте used to или present simple (1 play / he lives и т. д.).
1 1 . " !J ��d t.P p!gy
. " . " . ".". tennis. 1 stopped playing а fe'vv уеагs ago.
2 'Оо you do any sport?' 'Yes, 1�Y""" basketball.'

3 'Оо you have а саг?' 'No, 1 " ... """" """"".. """" """"""."."". """" one, but 1 sold ir:
" "

4 Geoгge "" """."" """."""."" """.." """."."."."".а waiter. Now he's the manager of а hotel.
5 'Оо you go to work Ьу саг?' 'Sometimes, but most days 1 "". ".. """"" "."".""""". .".".""."""".. Ьу train.'
6 When 1 'Nas а child, 1 never """""."."" ."""""".".". "".".""""." """" meat, but 1 eat it now.
7 Магу loves watching TV. She . ". """""""".".."".""."""" "".".""""."" TV every evening.
8 We ".""""... ". """ .". "..""" .".""" """"". "."" near the airport, but \Ve moved to the city сеnпе а few years ago.
9 Normally 1 start \vork at 7 o'clock, so 1 "" .."" """"" """"."""."." ".""."".""" " up very early.
10 What games "."."""."" . . """." """"." you ". "".".".."".".... "" """."". "".""""""". when you were а child?

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя used to. стеснительный = shy

1 Анна раньше была очень стеснительной. 6 Раньше Б ор ис не ел рыбу. играть на гитаре=

2 Вы раньше работали в Туле? Теперь он её любит. play the guitar

З Моя бабушка любила этот фильм. 7 Где вы работали до того,
4 Раньше у меня была собака. Теперь у как стали учителем?
меня кошка. 8 У нас не было большого дома,
5 Моя дочь раньше играла на гитаре. когда мы жили в Лондоне.


There's а man on the roof. There's а пain at 10.30.

На крыше находится мужчина. Есть поезд в 70:30.

единственное число

there is . .. (there's) О There's а Ьig пее in the garden.

В саду есть большое дерево.
(есть/находится/лежит и т. д.)
.1s th ere ....? О There's а good film on TV tonight.
Сегодня вечером по телевизору идёт хороший фильм.
there is not ". (there isn't
О д: Do you have any money?
или there's not)
в: Yes, there's some in my bag. Да, есть у меня в сумке.
О д: Excuse me, is there а hotel near here?
... здесь поблизости есть гостиница?
в: Yes, there is. / No, there isn't. Да, есть:/ Нет, нету.
О We can't go skiing. There isn't any snow.
множественное число Мы не можем пойти кататься на лыжах. Нет снега.

there are . .. О Тhere are some Ьig trees in the garden. В саду есть .. .
(есть/находятся/лежат и т. д.) О There are а lot of accidenrs on this road.
На этой дороге случается много аварий.
are there ... 1
there are not ... (there aren't) О А: Are there any restaurants near here?
·----·------ Здесь поблизости есть . . . ?
в: Yes, there are. / No, tl1ere aren't.

О This restaurant is very quiet. There aren't many people here.

. . . Здесь нем1-юго народу.
О How many players are there in а football team?
Сколько игроков в футбольной команде?

Сравните использование there is и it is:

there is

О д: What's that noise? Что там за шум?
в:lt's а train. (lt that noise) Это поезд.

Тhere's а rrain at 10.30. lt's а fast train. (lt the 10.30 train)

Есть поезд в 10:30. Это скорый поезд.

О There's а lot of salt in this soup. В супе очень много соли.

1 don't like this soup. lt's too salty. (lt this soup)

Мне не нравится этот суп. Он слишком солёный.

86 ( there was / were / has been и т. д. -+ Раздел 39 if и there -+ Раздел 40 some и any -+ Раздел 77
Брокстон - небольшой город. Прочитайте информацию в рамке и напишите предложения
о Брокстоне. Используйте There is/are или There isn't/aren't.

· 1 а castle? No 1 .... ..ТЬ.�r� i.�.tJ.'t. .g"9.�.�t.:!§"" """.. "....."" """"".. """"" . """" .."". """ . " " "". " " " " " "" "

2 any restaurants? Yes (а lot) 2 :ТЬ Q r.� а � � .!9.t..9f.r§.Stq!J.�Лt.?..�........"" ."" ...".....".. ."" " . " .".."""" """ ""
. "". . . п " . . . " " " . " "

3 а hospital? Yes 3 "". . " . "" """ ""."." . "" ." "". .""".." " "". . "" """" ." " " """ """ ....".." ..." " ". ".".""..
. "" . . " " " " .. " """ " " " . - " . .

4 а swimming pool? No 4 ".. ". ."." . ... ....""."" """.. .... . . "". " .... "..... ".". ..".. ."".. .."..."..".... " ." ..
.. . . . " . """ . "" ."." ". "" " "
. " " " ." . " " "

5 any cinemas? Yes (two) 5 .""""".".""""". ." ."""". "..""." " ".. .. .. . ...."..... "" """" " """ " " """" ". ."" "."...""".".
" . " " "" "." ". " " . " .

6 а university? No 6 ""."""".""""."""""."""""."""" "... "" ." " .".". .""""" """"" """."" """" .""""". "" " . " .""
. """" . " ". ". ". "

7 any blg hotels? No 7 """""".". . "." ". " ... " " ".""."" """ """""""" " ". " .""" "".""". "."""" """"".""
" " "" "" "" " . . " " ." ". "" ".

Напишите предложения о вашем городе (или о городе, который вы знаете). Используйте

There is/are или There isn't/aren't.

1 Th�r.� g § � f�w. r��t.:gl.JГg t?.

. "" . I ""." "". " "". . ."."." " ." "."" ""." " " . "." . "" ".." .... ".. ".. " ". .""."". """"" . "" """. ." . " " " " .
" " . _ !J : " "" .. " " " "" " " " " " " " " . " . " " " " . " "

. :� �"�iв p_g.rk�"""""""""""".".""".""""".." " """ """." ""." . ""."" "" """" """""" . ""." . " ."" .".""" . . ". "". """" ".""".""" ". ".""..
2 ""Th. l';; r� " " . . " " . . " " . " . " " ". " "". "

3 . """"""""." " " .""" . " .".". ". " .""""""".".""" " " " "". "" """. .
" " " . " " " "". " . "" ...

5 ". """"".. """" "" " """ """" . "

111 Вставьте there is / there isn't / is tl1ere или there аге / there aren't / are there.
Тhere 't
1 вroxton 1sn 't an о ld town. ""."." ".".". aren
"""". ""."" any о ld Ьш·1d·1ngs.

2 Look! ."" "." .. ". """.. """" ""." ...""".а picture of your brother in the ne\vspaper!

З 'Excuse me, . ". """" "."."" """".""."""."а bank near here?' "" 'Yes, at the end of the street.'
4 "" " " "" " ."". "."." """" "five people in my family: my parents, my two sisters and me.
. " "" " "

5 'Ho\v many students ... "....."""""" .. """"."."""" """" in the class?' Twenry:
6 The road is usually very quiet. ".". """"" """ """ """". "". much traffic.
7 """ """"."""""."""."".".".".а bus from the city сеnпе to rhe airport?' 'Yes, every 20 minutes.'
8 . ". ". .. ""."".""""."."."." any proЫems?' 'No, everything is ОК.'
9 " . . " """ "".". ".""".."""... nowhere to sit down. """" """.". """". """.".".".."" . any chairs.

Напишите предложения с There are .... Используйте слова из рамок.

-seveп­ twenty-six ' ( letters � September the solar system
eight thirty players days the USA -a-week-
fifteen fifty
L planets states а
-rugby team .
the English alphabet

1 Th �r.� g § ��.Y.?r.! d_gys

" "" . . , i.r.i.._g W?�k:"""""."""""... """" .". " . ." .""" . .". """... " " "" "". .""" "" "" ". "" " "" . ".." """". ""."""" "."
I " " " " " " " . " " ". " . " "" "" . " " " " " " "

2 ""."""" . " . " ". .. . ." .... ..".. " "".""". "" """."""".". """."" " """. ". "". "".."" ". .. ." . ".. "... . "" ." . ... .. ". .. .. " . . .."" ""."". " ". ".. .""" ....
. ". . . "" . "" ". .. .. . " "" ". "" " " .. ." . . " . ". . . ... . .. . " .. . . " " ." ".

3 """."". . ."" "" . .". ". . . "" ... .. "."" " .."" . "" " " """ .."" .. "... " . . ..." ." " ." "..". .. " "." "" " " .... " . . .. . ." . .". " " "" " " "". .. "."" "" .. .". ..
. . . " " ." " " " " """ . " " " "" "" . . "" . " " " " . ". . . " " . ". . " ." " . " " " ."" "

4 """"."""" . ." . .." " " . . ..

5 .""."""."".. " " "" ."


Вставьте there's / is there или it's / is it.

1 '"""Th.f;.r:i
� 2""... а train at 10.30. '."".! . . а fast train?' .

2 l'm not going to buy this shirt. "."""""" "".." ".." "." ... "."" too expensive.
З 'Whats \vrong.
· ?' ' ' ..".... " .. ""."."." ...""""" """". someth'1ng 1n my еуе.'
4 "" "".""""".."" ......" "..... ...".а red car outside your house. .".." "".""""."."......""""..".."."". yours?

5 '. """". ""." .. """. """. " ...." . . anything good on TV ronight?' 'Yes, ".."".".......... ".."""......... .".".. .".а programme 1 want
ro see at 8.15.'
6 'What's that building?' ' . """."...... "".". ".. " """". ""а school.' "

7 '". ""."""""".""""."... ""."."."..""а resraurant in this hotel?' 'No, l'm afraid not.'

8 Переведите предложения на английский язык. банкомат= cashpoint

1 В моей комнате есть телевизор. 5 Сколько студентов в вашем классе? холодильник= fridge

2 А: Здесь поблизости есть магазины? 6 В нашем доме три комнаты. яйца= eggs

в: Да, есть. 7 В холодильнике нет яиц. здание= building

3 В нашем городе нет театра. 8 А: Что это за здание? больница= hospital

4 А: Здесь поблизости есть банкомат? в: Это больница.

в: Нет, нету.
there was / there were (прошедшее время)

There is а train every hour.

Каждый час есть поезд.

The t:ime now is 11.15.

There was а пain at 11 01clock.
В 11 часов был поезд.


there is/are (настоящее время) there was/were (прошедшее время)

О There's а good film оп TV tonight:. О There was а good film on TV lasr night.
Сегодня вечером по телевизору uдёт ... Вчера вечером по телевизору шёл ...
О We are яaying at а very Ьig h ot:el. О We scayed at а very Ьig h otel.
There are 550 rooms. There were 550 rooms.
Здесь 550 комнат. Там было 550 комнот.
О ls everyt:hing ОК? Are there any proЫems? О Was everything ОК yesterday? Were there
. .. Есть какие-либо проблемы? any proЫems?
... Были какие-либо проблемы?
О l'm hungry, but there isn't anything to eat. О 1 was hungry \vl1en 1 got home, but there
. . . но есть нечего. wasn't anyt:hing to eat.
... но есть было нечего.
� ,..,
"�/J -.: -
� ��Y'
..,;��� �·
,u�..,...• �
.-._ Ч
J." :? �···.·7�·\\.'. '°"""'"у ·•;•
��.... " _
_ "'"..-...
.,.. -.......�..-.
.. .. ....
...... -�
... -- �--... " � ....
...... �.�--�,.,....,. ....

there has been / there have been (present perfect) = произошло, случилось (к настоящему моменту)

О Look! There's been an accident.

(there's been = there has been)
... Здесь произошла авария.
О This road is very dangerous. There have been
many accidents .
... Здесь произошло много аварий.

Сравните с there was (прошедшее время):

О There was an accident last night
(неверно There has been an accident lasr night.)
Вчера вечером произошла авария.

Подробно о pasc simple и present perfecc смотрите в

Разделе 21.

there will Ье = будет/будут

О Оо you think there will Ье а lot of people at
the party on Saturday?
Как ты думаешь, на вечеринке ... будет
много народу?
О The manager of the c ompany is leaving, s o
there will Ье а new manager s oon .
... поэтому скоро будет новый менеджер.
О l'm going away tomorrow. 1'11 do my packing today
because there won't Ье time tom orrow.
(there won't Ье = there will not Ье)
... потому что завтра не будет времени.

was/were-+ Раздел 11 has/have been -+ Разделы 16-19 will-+ Раздел 28 there is/are-+ Раздел 38
there и it-+ Разделы 38, 40 some и any-+ Раздел 77
Посмотрите на картинки. Сейчас в комнате пусто, а что там было на прошлой неделе? Напишите
предложения с There was ... или There were .... Используйте слова из рамки.

· an armchair а carpet some flowers а sofa .
�«:_ books а cloek- three pictures а small tаЫе.../


1 " ..�y{�� �. cl9ck " . . .. .... . . " " ... " " ..""" "" on the 'Nall near the \vindo\v.
2 """ " """ ". ".""" " " ."" . ".."" _."". "". . ""." "".."" . "...
"" """. ".."...""""""" ."."." ."...."" оп the Aoor.
3 """ . . """"" " . "
" . .. " .."
. ." "
.. . " . "".. " . . .." ..."" ."".". ...."..... " .......... ..."..". .""" .".""" on the \vall near rhe door.
4 ""..- .".""... "..".. ".""" ".""... in the middle of the room.
5 ". .. .. "" ". ". ".. " "... ". ""
. . . ". . . . ".. .. ""
. оп rhe rа Ые.
6 " " . """." ..""."" ".".." .."."." "."""." ."."".. """.". .".. " """." ".""."" ."."" "".. """""."". оп the shelves.
7 """ . . ...".".. "".."."" ."."". . "".. "" """" "."... "."."."". "".." .".""""".""" ."". """".""......." iп rhe corner near the door.
8 " ". .."."....."" "."." .".."...."....".." """" "".""""".".." "."... .""."." ."""". """" "."."."""""." opposite the armchair.

Вставьте there was / there wasn't / was there или there were / there weren't / were there.
1 1 was hungry, but " ". t.b �r� \�?� r.(i " . . anyrhing to ear.
. . " . .

2 vVas everything ОК yesterday? """We�§":th.�r.?. апу proЫems?

3 1 opened the envelope, but it \"las empty."."."" "."." """" .".""" .""..". "".". "." nothing in it.
. . .
4 'Wе stayed ar а very n1ce hote 1'. 'R еа11у1..". "."". ."" """" ."" ..". ."."..."""."а S\v1mm1ng роо 11·

5 'Did you buy any bananas?' 'No, "" .." """". "." .""" """"" .".""" . any in the shop.
6 The \valler was empry.. """. .."".... .""" ..."". ..""".. "". .". any money 1n 1r.
7 "."... "" .. """" ""."" .". .. "."".. .".. many реор1е ас thе meec1ng.7' ' ,
'Nо, very 1ev.r.
8 We didn't visit the museum.."". """. """".. .."." ." .""".. ""."" enough time.
9 l'm sorry l'm late. " . ". ...""""" .."". . ...." .".".........".. . ... а lot of traffic.
10 Twenty years ago .... ............"....... "....". ""...." "..".". "..." many tourists here.Now there аге а lot.

Вставьте there + is / are / was / were / has been / have been / will Ье.
1 . . "Th�r?.W.?$.""." а good film on TV last nighr.

2 ..". "".". "..".". ......." .......". .."...."."."..." 24 hours in а day.

3 .. .... . ... . .." .""."""
. ."".. " ."".".. "...... а party ar tJ1e club last Friday, but 1 didn't go.
4 'Where can 1 get something to eat?' '".. ."."... "".""..".. "." ."...." ......... "..".... а cafe at the end of the street.'
5 'Why are the police outside the bank?' ' ......... ".""" .."...... ...."" ." ..."... """". а robbery:

6 When \Ve arrived at the theatre, ." ......... " ."...." "".............."" "..... . ...."....а long queue oш:side.
7 When you arrive tomorro\v, .".... .........." ."...." .. "..... ""..." . ..".. .".... somebody at the srarion со meet you.
8 Ten years ago ........ . """".........." " ........ ........... ... ....." . 500 children at the school. No\-'/ ......... ...... . ............."".". . "."
. . . . ." " "."
. .. ..

more than а thousand.

9 Last \ .veek 1 \.vent back to the tO\.'IП \Л/here 1 \Vas born. lt 's very different no\'V. .""." ". " . .. . "
. .... .. .. ..
" .. ..... " """" " "
. . . " ".

а lot of changes.
10 1 think everything \vill Ье ОК. 1 don't think "". "."..... """"." "".". . ."... ".. "..".".""".." any proЫems.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. на стоянке= in the саг park

1 На стоянке было много машин. 7 Ресторан был почти пустой. на конференции =

2 В субботу не будет концерта. Было только два человека. at the conference

3 На конферен ц ии будет 200 человек 8 Гостиница была не очень с= since

4 Здесь произошли тр и авар ии с янва ря. хорошая. В нашей КО1\лнате почти= nearly

5 Сколько человек в вашей семье? не было телевизора.

6 На твоей вечеринке будет музыка?

В предложениях, где сообщается время / день недели / расстояние / погода, необходимо использовать it

О What cime is it? Который час?
О lt's half past ten. Половина одиннадцатого.
О lt's late. (Сейчас) поздно.
О lt's time со go home. Время идти домой.

О What day is it? Какой сегодня день?
О lt's Thursday. (Сегодня) четверг.
О lt's 16 March. (Сегодня) 16 марта.
О lt vJas my Ьiпhday yescerday. Вчера был мой день рождения.

О lt's three kilomet:res from our house со the city cencre.
От нашего дома до центра города три километра.
О Ho\v far is it from Nev1 York со Los Ange/es? Как далеко от ... до ... ?
О l t's а long way from here со the station.
Отсюда далеко до станции.
О We can walk home. lt isп'c far. . .. Это недалеко.
В вопросах и отрицаниях используется far (is it far? / it isn't far).
В утвердительных предложениях используется а long way (it's а long way).

О lt's raining. lt isn't raining. ls it snowing?
Идёт дождь. Не идёт дождь. Идёт снег?
,, ��·
11//1//1N.1 111111111
.... О lt rains а lot here. lt didn't rain yesterday. Does it snovJ very often? г
// /, ///.'//////////
1/'f/( 1. 11 //11М Nf.1 1/ Здесь много дождей. Вчера не было дождя. Часто идёт снег? yf
/, //////////////, /;'
lt f l/I'/.
1.//11//lll l l

О lt's \varm/hot/cold/fine/cloudy/windy/sunny/foggy/dark и т. д. �­
(Сейчас) тепло/жарко/холодно/хорошая погода/облочно/ветрено/ !�:.
солнечно/туман/темно и т. д.

О l t's а nice day coday. Сегодня хорошая погода. �
���--""�- � ����:�-
·� - ��
.... . - ���·,,�·
� ���-�
� �
� "i!;'
� '.;�·:�,;V№�

Сравните использование it и there:

О lt rains а lot in wincer. Зимой часто идёт дождь.
There is а lot of rain in wincer. Зимой много дождей.
О lt was very windy. Было очень ветрено.
There was а strong wind yescerday. Вчера был сильный ветер.

lt's nice to ... и т. д.

1 easy / difficult / impossiЬle / dangerous / safe / expeпsive /
lt's to ...
interesting / пiсе / \vonderful / terriЬle и т. д.

О lt's nice to see you again. Рад тебя снова видеть.

О lt's impossiЬle to understand her. Её невозможно понять.
О lt wasn't easy to find your house. Было нелегко найти ваш дом.

Не забудьте использовать it:

О lt's raining again. (неверно ls raining again)
О ls it true chat you're going away? (неверно ls true thac ...)
Это правда, что ты уезжаешь?

90 ( there is -+ Раздел 38
Напишите, какая погода изображена на картинках. Используйте lt's ....

1 ...... l(�"........................................... ....... ...... ... ..... . ...... .........

. "
4 ············ ········ ··············· ······················ .......

2 .................. . ..." ....... .......... .....". ........ . ...... .""

" " " " "" " " " " " 5
3 6

Вставьте it is (it's) или is it.

1 Whar rime ......!.�..i t...... ? .

2 We have to go now..." ................................. very late.

3 ............ .. ... .... ...... ." пuе that Ben can Ау а helicopter?

4 'What day ." ......." ..." . ..." ..." ". today? Tuesday?1 'No, ....... ........ ..... . .." Wednesday.1
5 .. ............ ...... .. . . .. .. ..... ten kilomeпes from rhe airport to tl1e city centre.
. .

6 .. . . ........ ..""
. . ОК to call you at your office?
7 'Do you want to walk со the hotel?1 '1 don't know. How far .. ................................. ?'
8 .. .... .................... Lisa's Ьirrl1day today. Shc's 27.
9 1 don1t believe it! .......... ............... ...... impos5iЬle.

aD Напишите вопросы с How far ... ?

1 (here / the 5tation) Нйv f�.r l��"t.9 .t..b.�.P.t.g.°k.iQ.Of.........". ....... . .. "...... ............. ...... . ..... .... .. ... . ... . . " " " ." . . .

2 (the hotel / the beacl1) Ho"v ............. ".." ." ...." ...."... .... ... ........ ..".. "......." ." ............ .. ..
""" " . " ". .... ......... ... . " ... .. . " ... ........"" . .... ..
" " " . " "" " " . .

3 (New York / Washington) .. ... . ... ." "..... " . ... . ..."........
" " . ." " ". " ". " ." . ."". .".. "" .. " .. . " ... ... " .. . ... ... " ." . . ."" . .. .
"" " "" """ " " " " . " " " " " . " "". .

4 (your hou5e / the airporr) .... .. .. .. ...... .. ... ..". ".."... .. "........
" . " ".
.. .. .. .....".... . .... .. .... ... ".. . .... .. ... . ".."" ."".."........ . ... " ..
" """ "" " " " " " "" " " " " "

Вставьте it или there.

. .
1 Thе weat her 1sn/t 50 n1ce rodау. lt
.." ..""." ,5 с1 oudу. 5 . ""..
. ........ . was а 5torm last nighr. Did you l1ear it?
2 .". Лшr�..."" wa5 а scrong wind yesterday. 6 1 \vas afraid becau5e .." .. ."....... "". was very dark.
3 ........ .........".."1s hot in this room. Open а VJindo\ч. 7 " ........ ........ .'5 o�en cold here, but .."."...........". ". isn't much
4 " " .... .....".".... wa5 а nice day yesterday. .... ...... . .". .." " " " " ra1n.
was warm and 5unny. 8 .. . . ....."...." ....."1s а long -..vay from here to the nearest shop.

Заполните пропуски. Используйте слова и выражения из обеих рамок.

,,,,---- \
--- --.. ···- -·-- -·

...__ '
1 easy dangerous � f work here
�у- ;
it's ! �Hffieuk- nice 1 to i visit different places go out alone 1
\"- impossiЫe interesting ,_.'� \. see you again make friends )
-----··· ... � ..... _..._____
.,. _, ' ··· · ·--
.. -- . ·
-- �--..-'

1 lf you go to bed late, .. .��. cJjfflcц k..t<?..g.�.t:.ц.p"��.r.)Y. .." in the morning.


2 Hello, Jane........" ".. "..."""" ........ "..".. "..""." ."........" ..."".".."".."."".. "" ...... ".".. " ......." ...."............."""... . Но\ч are you?
3 " . " ..." .""."".." .."...." .."""". .......... . "..... ......".. """..."."..".""".""..."". "...... ........................ .There is roo much noi5e.
4 Everybody is very nice а[ \чork . ....".".. "" ........ .... ." .... ..." .. ". . ....... .. ..... ........ .".... ... ..."..... ... . . . ... .." .. .... .... .
" " " " " " """ " " " " . "" " "" "" .
5 1 like travelling . . " . " .....". . " " " . .
" """ .. ..""" " ". ..."." ". "." ."""."" . .." . ... ....... "..." ."..". . ". ".".. . ....
. . " """ " . "" ". " " " " "

6 Some cities are not 5afe. ..... ...................."" ................"................... ""." ...""...".""."......"" ..... ". ""."".. ....... ........ .."". at night.

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1 Здесь солнечно в июле.

2 Как далеко от Москвы до Волгограда?
3 Сей ч а с очень рано.
4 Это правда, что у тебя новая работа?
5 Было очень холодно и было много снега.
6 Очень легко найти этот музей.
7 От моего дома до центра города недалеко.
8 Дорого купить квартиру в Лондоне?

She isn't tired, Ьш: he is. Не likes tea, but she doesn't.
(he is = he is tired) (she doesn't = she doesn't like tea)

В этих примерах необязательно повторять всё предложение полностью ('he is t:iгed', 'she doesn't:
like tea').

Эти глаголы можно использовать таким же образом:

, О 1 haven't got а саг, but: my sister has. ( my sister has got а car)
am/is/are =

was/were У меня нет машш 1ы, а у моей сестры есть.

have/has о л: Please help me.

do/does/did в: l'm sorry. 1 can't. ( = 1 can't help you) Извините. Не могу.

can о А: Are you tiгed?

will в: 1 was, but l'm not novv. Раньше да, а сейчас нет.
might о д: Do you think Laura will come and see us?
must в: She might. Возможно (придёт).
о д: Аге you going now?
в: Yes, l1m afraid 1 must. Да, боюсь, что я должна идти.

В таких случаях кроткие формы 'm/'s/'ve и т. д. не используются.

Необходимо использовать am/is/have и т. д. :
О She isn't: ciгed, but he is. (неверно but l1e's)

Но можно uспоnh.ЗОfють отрииательные краткие формы isn't / haven't / won't и т. д. :

О Му sister has got а car, bLtt 1 haven't. . .. а у меня нет.
О л: Аге you and Jane \vorking tomorrow? Вы сДжейн работаете завтра?
в: 1 am, but Jane isn't. Я да1 аДжейн нет.

После Yes и No можно LICПOЛb�Q�()Пlb 1 am / l'm not и т. д. :

О 1Are you tired?' 'Yes, 1 am. / No, l m not.'

О 'Will Alan Ье here юniorrow?' 'Yes, he will. / No, he won't.'

О А: ls there а bus to the аiгроп? Есть ли аигпобус до (JJponopma?
в: Yes, tl1ere is. / No, tl1eгe isn't. Да, есть./ Нет, нету .

В pгesent simple используется do/does (�Разделы 7-8):

О 1 don't like hot weatheг, but James does. Я не люблю ..., аДжеймс любит.
О Ben woгks hard, Ьш: 1 don't. Бен много работает, а я нет.
О л: Do you enjoy your work? Тебе нравится ... !
в: Yes, 1 do. Да.

В pasc simple используется did (�Раздел 7 3):

О л: Did you and Chгis enjoy rhe film?
в: 1 did, but Chгis didn't. Я да, а Крис нет.
О '1 had а good time.' '1 did too.' . .. '11 тоже':
О 'Did it rain yesterday?' 'No, it didn't.' 'Нет, не шёл.'

92 ( have you? / don't you? и т. д. � Раздел 42 so am 1 / neither am 1 и т. д. � Раздел 43

Закончите предложения, используя только один из глаголов (is/have/can и т. д.).

1 Kate \vasn't hungry, but \•.Je ... \ver�.. . . ......... ........... ......... . 4 1 haven't seen the ftlm, but Tom...... ........... ......... .

2 l'm not married, but my brorher . .... ........ ........ ........ . . 5 Karen \von'r Ье here, but Chris ................. ..... ..... ....... ........ .
3 Ben can't help you, bur 1 ..
.. .. .......... ...................... "......... .." . 6 You vveren't late, but 1....... ........................... ....... ... ........" ......... .

Закончите предложения, используя только глагол в отрицательной форме (isn't/haven't/can't и т. д.).

1 Му siяer can play the piano, but 1 .. . .
.. . ... ... .. ... .... ... . 4 1\/\агk has been to China, but 1 .........."................. ........... .... •

2 Sam is \vorking today, but 1.... . ..... ........." .......................... 5 l'm ready ro go, bur Tom . .. . ...... .. . ........ . .
.. .. . .. ... ..... . ..
.... . .

3 1 \.vas \vorking, bur my friends . . .. . ........... .............. ......"..... . . 6 l've gor а key, but Sarah... " ......... . . ..... ..... "..... ... . " " ..... ......... .. .

D Закончите предложения, используя только do/does/did или don't/doesn't/didn't.

1 1 don'r like hor vvearher, but Sue d9e�.....
2 Sue likes hot vvearher, but 1 qon"t;:......
... .
3 Му mother wears glasses, bur my father.......... . .... .... ....... .... . .

4 You don'r kno\v Paul very vvell, but 1....... . ........ ... ..... ....... ..". .
5 1 didn 'r enjoy the parry. but my friends ..... . " . ... ..." ......

6 1 don't \Vatch TV much, but Peter .... ...... ........ ......... ...... .
7 Kare lives in London, bur her parents.......................... ..... .

8 You had breakfasr this morning, but 1.............. ........ . . .. .

.... .

Закончите предложения. Напишите о себе и о других людях.

1 1 didn't g,Q_.Qµ�Jg_�tлJ.ght, bl:!�.!Jf.f?. .<J.i�........ "

...... . . . ." ........................ ........... .
... ... ........ ..
....... .... . . ..
" . .. ........ . . ...
. ..

2 1 like..... . . ........... .......... .......... " ......... ........... but... ..... "... ......... .............. .. . ........ ...... ". ...... ... ... .. .. . .
. .. .. ... .. ..... .

3 1 don't ........... ...... ...... . ..

....... . . ....... ·····� ........ . . .......... , but.. ....... ..... ......... .. ... ...... . ....... . ......." .... " ..
.. . .... .. " ......" .........

4 l'm ........ . ........ ". . . . .." . .. ............ .

... ..

5 1 haven'r...... ........... . ".... . ....

Вставьте глагол в утвердительной или отрицательной форме.

"ге you t1red?'

. '1... �vas...... еаг1 1ег, Ь ut 1' m not no\•.J.'
· ·

1 'л
2 Steve is happy today, but he ...... ".. .......... .......... ...... yesrerday.
3 The bank isn't open yet, but the shops........... ........... .. . .... .. . .

4 1 haven't got а t:elescope, but 1 kn_o\v somebody \vho ........................ .........

5 1 \vould like t:o help you, but l'm afraid 1.... ....... . .... . . ..... . .. .. . . .

6 1 don't usually go to \vork Ьу саг, but 1 ... ....... . ....... ......... . . yesterday.
7 л: Have you ever been to the United States?
в: No. but Sandra... ..... ........ ............. She \vent there on holiday lasr уеаг.
8 'Do you and Chris watch TV а lot?' '1 ......... ............ ............ ...... , but Chris doesn't.'
9 l've been invited to Sam's \•Jedding, but Kate. ... .. ... . . . . . . ... .
.. .. .... .... ..

10 'Do you rhink S;:нah vvill pass her driving cest?' 'Yes, l'm sure she ·-····· ......... . . ·······- ........ .
/\Ге you go1ng OUt ton1g ht.7'
11 'Л 1 dШl/1 kПU\.У С

• '1 ... . ...... . .. ·········· .. . .

. . .. . . IОГ SLIГC.

Ответьте на вопросы, используя Yes. 1 have. / No, l'm not. и т. д.

1 Аге you American? ... ........ N.P. l'rr.!..r.юt:�... . .... . 6 Du yoL1 like classical 1rшsic?
'2 Have you �01 а' ar? . . ...... .......... ........ .......
.. 7 Will you Ье in Paris toniorю\v?
3 Do you feel ОК? .... ......... .............. . . ... . . ""............
8 l lave you ever broken your arrn?
4 ls it sno\ving? ......".............."..........."... ........ ..... 9 Oi(I you bl[y anything yesrerday?
5 Аге you hungry? . .. . . . . "...... ... 10 Wer e y<>t1 a�ll:1ep ar 3 a. m.?

.... . . ... .. ..... . ..... ....

Переведите предложения на английский язык. занят= busy

1 Ты не занята, а я занят! ходить в спортзал= go to the gym

2 Джессика умеет водить r..·1ашину, а я нет. когда нибудь = ever

3 "Tu1 увидишь Лену заRтf)а?" -

"Нет, не увижу".
li Мне не понраuился концерт, а Тиму nонравилсл.
5 Лола ходит в спортзал, а я нет.
6 "Борис когда-нибудь был в Берлине?" - "Да, был".
7 Я люблю кошек, а мой муж не любит.
8 Я не видел этот фильм, а Алла видела.

Для выражения удивления или заинтересованности часто используются фразы have you? / is it? /
can't he? и т. д. На русский язык они переводятся словами "неужели?; "действительно?; "разве?;
"правда?" и т. д.:

О д: You're late. Вы опоздали.

в: Oh, am 1? l'm sorry. Разве? Извините.
О д: 1 was ill last \veek. Я была больно ...
в: Were you? 1 didn't know that. Неужели? Я этого не знал.
О 'lt's raining again.' 'ls it? l t was sunny ten minutes ago.' .. "Правда? . .." .

О А: There's а proЫem wich the саг. С машиной какая-то проблема.

в: ls there? What's wrong with it? Правда? ...
О 'Bill can't drive.' 'Can't he? 1 didn't know that.' ... "Неужели? ... "
о '1'm not h ungry.' 'Аren't you.1 1 am.' ... "Серьезно.
·· 7 ".,,
О 'Sue isn't ас work today.' 'lsn't she? ls she ill?' ." "Неужели? ..."

В present simple используются do/does, в past simple - did:

О '1 speal< four languages.' 'Do you? Which ones?'
О 'Ben doesn't eat meat.' 'Doesn't he? Does he eat fish?'
О д: Nicola got married lasr \ЛJeek. . .. вышла замуж ...
в: Did she? Really? Что ты говоришь? Правда?
"'""""""_...,_ . ....
" """'--

Разделительные вопросы, или вопросы "с хвостиком1'

Если have you? / is it? / can't she? и т. д.

lt's а beautiful day, isn't it?
используются в конце предложения, то
они образуют разделительные вопросы
(= ... не правда ли?". не так ли? и т. д.).

утвердительное предложение -4 отрицание в "хвостике"

lt's а beautiful day, isn't it? Yes, it's perfect.

Kate lives in London, doesn't she? Yes, that's right:.
You closed the v1indov1, didn't you? Yes, 1 think so.
Those shoes are nice, aren't they? Yes, very nice.
Tom will Ье here soon, won't he? Yes, рrоЬаЫу. ;..

•.\..\; ...,.,·" . ,
9-х-·. -·� '·... �
... ,

отрицательное предложение -4 "хвостик'1 без отрицания

That isn't your саг, is it? No, it's my mother's.

You haven't met my morher, have you? ... не правда ли? No, 1 haven't.
Helen doesn't go out much, does she? ... не так ли? No, she doesn't .
You won't Ье late, will you? No, l'm never late.

94 (1am/1 don't и т. д. _.Раздел 41

Ответьте фразой Do you? / Doesn't she? / Did they? и т. д.

1 1 speak four languages. " DQ.Y9Ц . . . . ......... "...... ? Which ones?

2 1 work in а bank. ........... ........... ......." .............. ? 1 vJork in а bank too.
3 1 didn't go to work yesterday. . ....... "н··········· ............. ........ ? Were you ill?
4 Jane doesn't like me. .......... ."....... ......... " . ...... ? \Л/hу not?
5 You look tired. . ............"..... ".. ............ . .. ? 1 feel fine.
6 Kate phoned те last night. ... ................ . . . .... ..... ........ . ? What did she say?

С111 Ответьте фразой Have you? / Haven't you? / Did she? / Didn't she? и т. д.
1 l've bought а new саг. "." H�Y§ YP U. " ..". ? What make is it?
" . . ". .

2 Tim doesn't eat meat. ... Qpesл::t Q§ . . ".. ? Does he eat fish? . ...

3 l've lost my key. ....... ."......... .. ? When did you /ast have it?
4 Sue can't drive. ......... .............. ? She should learn.
5 1 was born in ltaly. ....... ........... ? 1 didn't kno-vv that.
6 1 didn't sleep -vvell last night. ........ ......... . .......... ? Was the bed uncomfoп:aЬle?
. .
7 There's а filт on TV tonighr. ........ ........ .........". ......... 7. Аre you gorng to watch rt.7
8 l'т not happy. ....... ...." ................. " ......... ? Why not?
9 1 saw Paula lasc week. ....." ... " ..""" . ........... " ...... ? How is she?
10 Maria woгks in а facrory. . ........... ............. ".""."" .... ? What kind of facrory?
11 1 won't Ье here next \Veek. ... ........... .".....". ""."". ? Where will you Ье?
12 The clock isn't \.vorking. . .. . """.""."".." .. "."""". ? lt was working yescerday.
-- �������� - -� -� �
- �

CfD Закончите разделительные вопросы, добавив isn't it? / haven't you? и т. д.

1 lr's а beautiful day, . J.�п'-t(..J�". " ......" " ?
. " Yes, it's perfecc.
2 These ftowers are nice, ". ..................."....."......... ... ? Yes, \vl1at are they?
3 Jane was ас the рагtу, ..... . ......... ""...""."""""" ? Yes, but 1 didn't speak to hег.
4 You've been со Paris, . . .. ... .................... 1 Yes, many tiтes.
5 You speak Geгman, . .". ........... ... ........ ? Yes, but not vегу \AJell.
6 Martin looks tired, ......"...."........ ........ 1 Yes, he \vorks very hard.
7 You'll help те, ..................." ... .. 1 Yes, of course 1 \.Yill.

8 Закончите разделительные вопросы1 добавив is it? / do you? и т. д. или isn't it? / don't you? и т. д.

1 You �1aveп't got а саг, "...h.�V.C..YQ.U" .. ..... """.". ? No, 1 can'r drive.
You aren't tired, " . " . . ? No, 1 reel r1nE;J.

2 " .. "" ."".".. . "." ..". ...".....

3 person, . ... .".

Lisa is а very nice .
1 Yes, everybody likб t1er.
4 You can play the piano, . .." . .... ........ 1 Ycs, bur l'm not very good.
5 You don't kno\v Mike's sisrcr, ? No. l've never теt her.
"............" ..." """.""""""

б Sагаh went to un1vers1ty, .. ......... " .. ". . " . . ... .. ... .. ...
. Yes, she c,tuclied psychology.
7 The nlm wasn't very good, - .......... "? No, it v1as tеггiЫе.
8 Лnna lives near you, "... ....... " ""." """".."... ? That's right. ln the same street.
9 YoL1 won't tell anybody what 1 said, ..... . ···········-········" .
. .......... ? No, of coLirse not.

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя does he? / will they? и т. д.

1 Марина работает в больнице, нс так ли?
в отпуске= on holiday
2 Фильм б111л
классный, правда? ломатьс}i = break down
3 Jrи пирожные отличные, не правда ли?
пирожное= cake
4 "Дэвид болел в отпуске". - "Неужели?"
5 "Анна говорит на французском, немецком и итальянском". - "Правда?"
6 "На этой улице есть очень приятное кафе". - "Действительно?"
7 Инна будет на вечеринке, правда?
8 "Моя машина сломалась". - "Неужели?"

too =тоже not ... either = тоже не ...

l'т not happy.


Тоо и either ставятся в конце предложения.

Тоо используется в утвердительном Either используется в отрицательном

предложении: предложении:
О д: l'm happy. О д: l'm not happy.
о: l 'm happy too. в: l'm not happy either.
Я тоже счастлив. (неверно l'm not ." too)

О д: 1 enjoyed the film. О д: 1 can't cook.

в: 1 enjoyed it too. в: 1 can't either.
Мне он тоже понравился. Я тоже не умею.

so am 1 / neither do 1 и т. д. =и я тоже (11е)

am/is/are ".
was/were .. .
so do/does . . .
did ".
have/has ...
neither сап ."


so am 1 = 1 am too neither ат 1 = l'm not either
so have 1 = 1 have too ( u т. д. ): neither can 1 - 1 can'L (-lithcr (u т. д.):
О l'm workiпg. О 1 haven't goc а key.

А: А:

в: So am 1. Я тоже. в: Neither have 1. У меня тожР. нет.

n А: 1 was late for \VOГk today. О л: Kate can't cook.

о: So was Sam. Сэм тоже?. в: Neither can Tom. Том тоже не умеет.

О А:

1 work in а bank.
So do 1. Я тоже.
О л:

1 won't ( = will not) Ье here tomorrow.
Neither will I. И меня пюже не будет.
О А:

We went to t�1e cinema last night.
Did yoLJ? So did we. ." И мы moN<c..>.
О д:

1 never go to thc cinema.
Neither do 1. Я тоже не хожу.
О д: l'd like to go Lo Australia. Вместо Neither можно использовать Nor:
в: So would 1. Я тоже. О А: l'm not
в: Nor am 1. или Neither am
� ,.._
•� .m<
. �··-,. ��
. ",.,.,,
. ,��'$'(��
, ·kx;;
�"';� �
Запомните: So am 1 (неверно So 1 am), Neither have 1 (неверно Neither 1 have).

96 ( 1am/1 don't и т. д. _.Раздел 41

Вставьте too или either.

1 l'm happy. l'm happy ......t.9Q.... .

2 l'm not hungry. l'm not hungry .... .. . ..... ... .... ....... .... ...... .... .... .

3 l'm go ing out. , l'm go ing out ......... . . . . .. .. ...... . . . ... . ....... .
. . . . . . .

4 lt rained оп Saturday. lt rained on Sund ay ............... ".. ·-························· .

5 Rachel can't drive а саг. She can't ride а blke ............................................... .

6 1 don't like s hopping. 1 don't: like shopping ........................................... .. .

7 Emma's mother is а teacher. ·• Нег fathe r is а teacher ............................... ................ :
, ,. ' · -. ·, "
l' , . • ,,,. ,,. _, 4(�,.r ('• ,,;- ".,, • ' • •? " • ,(

Напишите ответ, используя So ..• 1 (So am 1 / So do 1 / So can 1 и т. д.).

1 1 went to bed late last night. Sodidl.

............. ............................ ............. "'-

2 l'm thirsty.
3 l've jusr eaten.
4 1 need а holiday.
5 1'11 Ье late tomorrow.
6 1 w as very tired this morning.

Напишите ответ, используя Neither ... 1.

7 1 can't go to the рапу.

8 1 didn't ph one Alex last night.
9 1 haven't got any money.
10 l'm not going out tomorrow.

11 1 don't know wl1at to do. �
.. ....
,._.' '______
.. .... �
....,. . .. �,;"
.________ .

Вы разговариваете с Марией. Напишите предложения о себе. По возможности используйте

So ••• 1 или Neither ... 1. Вниматель но прочитайте примеры:

Вы можете ответить: ......В..Q.g.mJ." . . .. "....".... или .

. . ..!.'.m...IJPt.-.......

Вы можете ответить: . . .N.Q.!tJJ.C.l�.d.QJ. .

. или ......!. d..Q:...."""""..
'(1,���\�or�-����-) .. ... .. .

Maria You

1 l'm learning English. "

2 1 can ride а Ьike.
3 l'm noL American.
4 1 like coo king .
5 1 don'i: like cold weather.
6 1 slcpt well last night:.
7 l've never run а ma rathon � .

8 1 don't use my phone much.
9 l'm going ouL tumorrow cveni ng . <

10 1 haven'[ been LO Scotland. �

11 1 didn't watch TV last night. "

12 1 go to the cinema а lot.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. водить = d riv e

1 Ирине понравился концерт, и мне 5 д: Я не умею водить машину.

он тоже понравился. в: Я тоже.
2 Я не была в Лондоне, и Анна тоже 6 У Антона нет машины. У Лили тоже нет.
не была. 7 А: Нам не понравился ресторан.
3 д: Я хотела бы поехать в Испанию. в: Нам тоже.
в: Я тоже. 8 д: Я работаю в Лондоне.
4 Ваш муж - тоже учитель? в: Я тоже.

В отрицательных предложениях используется not (n't):
утвердительная � отрицательная
форма форма

am am not ('m not) о l'm not t:ired.

JS is not (isn't или 's not) о lt isn't (или lt's not) raining.
are are not (aren't или 're not) о They aren't (или Th ey' re not) here.
was was not (wasn't) о Julian wasn't hungry.
\Vere were not (weren't) о The shops weren't open.
have have not (haven't) о 1 haven't finished my work.
has has not (hasn't) о Sue hasn't got а саг.
will will not (won't) о We won't Ье here tomorrow.
can cannot (can't) о George can't drive.
could could not (couldn't) о 1 couldn't sleep last night.
must must not (mustn't)' о 1 mustn't forget to phone Jane.
should should not (shouldn't) о You shouldn't work so hard.
\Vould would not (wouldn't) о 1 wouldn't like to Ье an actor.

l/we/you/they do not (don't)
отрицание в present simple
he/sl1e/it does not (doesn't) work/live/go и т. д.
отрицание в past simple l/they/he/she и т. д. did not (didn't)

утвердительное отрицательное

предложение предложение

1 want to go out. � 1 don't want to go out.

They work hard. � They don't work hard.
Lisa plays the guitar. � Lisa doesn't play the guitar.
Му father likes his job. � Му father doesn't like his job.

1 got up early this morning. � 1 didn't get up early this morning.

They worked hard yesterday. � They didn't work hard yesterday.
We played tennis. � We didn't play tennis.
Emily had dinner with us. � Emily didn't have dinner with us.

Don't ".
Look! � Don't look!
Wait for те. � Don't wait for те.

В некоторых предложениях do является основным глаголом (don't do / doesn't do / didn't do):

Do something! � Don't do anything!
Sue does а lot at weekends. � Sue doesn't do much at weekends.
1 did what you said. � 1 didn't do what you said.

отрицание в present simple-+ Раздел 7 отрицание в рая simple -+ Раздел 13

98 don't look / don't wait и т. д. -+ Раздел Зб Why isn't/don't . ? -+ Раздел 45
D Сделайте эти предложения отрицательными.
1 He's gone away. ."...Н.?. .h.gs_r.(t gQЛ� ?W.gY:................ .. . 4 lt's cold today. ......." " .. . . .. . . "
....... ...... .... ... . .. ......... .. . . .
.... .... .. .. .. ....... . ..

2 They're married. . .......... ............ " ........... . ....... . ... .......................... 5 We'll Ье late. . .... ............ . ..................... .... .... ............................ . ... ....

3 l've had dinner. . . " ." . . .. . . ... . ..

. ........ ...... .
.. . " ............... ..................... 6 You should go. . ........ " ....... " " .. .". " . .
. ... .... ... . . .......... . ". . . " .
.... ... .... . . . . .

Сделайте эти предложения отрицательными. Используйте don't/doesn't/didn't.

1 She saw me. ...... �.b?..r:J.i.dn.'.t..?t;?.. m?.: .... . . . . "........... ".

... ... . . 4 Не lives here. . ." . ............... . "
.... .
..... ....... . .... ... . .... . .. .
... . ...... "" "" .. ..

2 1 like cheese. ................................."......... .......... ............................

. 5 Go away! ......." ........ . .. .. ....... " .
.. . ...... .. .
.. .. ..
.. . . . .................................

3 They understood. . ......................... ........" ................................... 6 1 did the shopping.. ............... ........ . ..... .." ....... .. " ".
... ... ......... . : .. .

Сделайте эти предложения отрицательными.

1 She can S\vim. ....�.b.� 9g.IJ.'.t..��vim.�.. .. .. ......... .. . ".....

... ... ... 6 He'll Ье pleased. . ................ ".. ...... " .... ..... . ........ . . .... ....... " " .... ..

2 They've arrived. .. .............."."."...................... ......... ................... 7 Call me tonight. . " .. . .. ... ...... "" " "..... ... ........ . .......... ............ " .........

3 1 went to the bank. ............."......".".... .......................................

. 8 lt rained yesterday. . .. ." .. .. ...... ... .. ... " .. ......... .. ........... . ......... ..........

4 Не speaks German. . ............ "............".."..........."."......

. . ". 9 1 could hear them.. ....... .......... . . . . . "
... . . . . ..... .... . ... . ..... ....... .. .. " . ..

5 We were angry. "...."........" ......... ."......"""" ...."."" ..."." .." ...... " 10 1 believe you.................."" " . "" . . " " . .. . . . . .... ...... " " "" " " " " "
. .. .. . . ..... .

8 Заполните пропуски, вставив отрицательную форму (isn't/haven't/don't и т. д.).

1 Т11еу aren' t r1ch. Thеу ". .........
...... t. ...... got muc h money.
2 'Would you like something to eat?' 'No, thank you. 1 . . . ."""" .."""."...........". hungry.'
... . .

3 1 .. .. ...... " ".".."............"....". find my glasses. Have you seen them?

4 Steve .. ............................"............. go to the cinema much. Не prefers to watch OVOs at home.
S We can 'Nalk to the sration from here. lt ... "..."." " ....... .."...."" ..". very far.
6 'Where's Jane?' '1 . . "" .".... .........".".".... know. 1
. . .... . "...... ............"."..."..." .. seen her todaY:
7 Ве careful! ..""." ...." ..".......... ....." .. fall!
8 We \Vent to а restaurant last night. 1 "".......".. ... "........ .........". like the food very much.
9 l've been to Japan many times, but: 1 ....... " .... "" .............."....". been to Korea.
10 Julia """" " "............ . "..... .. Ье here comorro\v. She's going a\vay.
. .

11 'Who broke that window?' 'Not me. 1 ....... ." .....""."....................... do it.'
12 We didn't see \vhat happened. We ..... " "" """ ..""..""...".". looking atthe time.
3 Lisa bought а new coat а few days ago, but she ..."...." ............... ..."...... ..... worn it yet.
14 You .."................ .."...... ....."."... drive so fast. lt's dangerous.

Вы задали Гари вопросы. Он на них ответил 'Yes' или 'No'. Напишите о Гари, используя
утвердительные или отрицательные предложения.


Are you married? 1 ......Н.� J� n'"k r.rtg.r.rJ.?..�"...". ..

.. .. ....... " .
. . ... ........... . ....................... ..........

Оо you live in London? Yes. 2 ......J::i�.J.i.Y.�S...iЛ kQ.!1�QП:

.. . .. ........ . .. . ..... . .. . .. . .. . . ... .
.... ... ... ... ..... .... .. ..

Were you born in London? No. 3
Оо you like London? No. 4
Would you like to live iп che country? Yes. 5
Can you drive? , Yes. 6
Have you got а саг? No. 7
Оо you read ne\vspapers? No. } 8
Аге you inrerested in politics? No. .:., 9

Оо you watch TV most evenings? Yes. 10
Did you watch TV last night? !'
\ No. 11
Did you go out last night? _�. Yes. �· 12
� (-
"" ' -���.,.-о/--_.
-х v• �
.., v
r. - '<''Х' �"

Переведите предложения на английский язык. волноватьо1 = \-vorry

1 Не волнуйся. Я не забуду о твоём дне 6 Пожалуйста, не уходи те поверить = believe

рождения. без меня. так сильно = so much
2 Ира не могла поверить новостям. 7 Музеи не были открыты опаздывать на встречу=

3 Вам не следует волноваться так сильно. в понедельник. Ье late for the meeting
4 Я не хотел бы быть учителем. 8 Я не знал, что делать.
5 Мне нельзя опаздывать на встречу.

утвердительное предложение you are You are eating.
вопросительное предложение a re you Аге you eating? What are you eating?

В вопросительных предложениях вспомогательный глагол (is/are/have и т. д.) ставится перед



утвердительное предложение вопросительное предложение

подлежащее + глагол глагол + подлежащее

am late. -7 Am 1 late?
That seat is free. -7 ls that seat free?
She was angry. -7 Whywas she angry?
David has gone. -7 Where has David gone?
You have got а car. -7 Have you got а car?
They will Ье here soon. -7 When will they Ье here?
Paula can sw1m. -7 Can Paula swim?

Запомните: в вопросах подлежащее ставится после вспомогательного глагола.

О Where has David gone? (неверно Where has gone David?)
Куда ушёл Дэвид?
О Are those people wairing for someching? (неверно Are waiting ." ?)
Те люди чего-то ждут?
О When was the telephone invenred? (неверно When was invenred ". ?)
Когда был изобретён телефон?

. :в do " . ? / does . . . ? / did .. . ?

do l/we/you/they
вопросы в present simple
does he/she/it work/live/go и т. д. . .. ?
вопросы в past simple did l/they/he/she и т. д

утвердительное предложение вопросительное предложение

They work hard. -7 Do they work hard?
You watch television. -7 How often do you watch television?
Chris works hard. -7 Does Chris work hard?
She gets up early. -7 What time does she get up?

They worl<ed hard. -7 Did they work hard?

You had dinner. -7 What did you have for dinner?
She got up early. -7 Whar time did she get up?

В некоторых предложениях do является и вспомогательным, и основным глаголом (do you do /

did he do и т. д.):
О What do you usually do at weekends? Что ты ... делаешь по выходным?
О д: What does your brother do? Где работает твой брат? (букв. Что делает".)
в: Не works in а bank.
(] А: 1 broke my finger last week.
в: How did you do that? (неверно How did you that?)
Как это произошло? (букв. Как ты это сделал?)

Why isn,t ... ? / Why don't .. . ? и т. д. (Why +отрицание):

О Where's John? Why isn't he here? . .. Почему его здесь нет?

О Why can't Paula come to the meering tomorrow? Почему ... не сможет прийти ... ?
О Why didn't you phone me lasr night? Почему ты мне не позвонила ... ?

вопросы в present simple .... Раздел 8 вопросы в past simple .... Раздел 13 вопросы 2-3 .... Разделы 46-47
100 what/which/how _., Разделы 48-49
Напишите вопросы.

1 1 сап swim. (and you?) . ..C� n YQ.V ����.!m?."...... ........ . . . ". . . " ". " ... ... .. . . .". .. . ... .. ." . . .... .. . .. . .. . . .." "
. . .. .. . .. ... . .. ... . . ".

2 1 \vork hard. (and Jack?) .....J?.9.CS J?C.�. Y.Y.QI�. biЗrd_? ." ."""" .""" "" "". . . . " . """"" """" . . . .. .". . """ " """
. . " . " ... .

3 1 was lace t:his morning. (and you?)

4 l've got: а key. (and Касе?)
5 1'11 Ье here tomorro\v. (and you?)
6 l'm going out this evening. (and Paul?)
7 1 like my job. (and you?)
8 1 live near here. (and Nicola?)
9 1 enjoyed the film. (and you?)
1 0 1 had а good holiday. (and you?)

8 Вы разговариваете о вождении машины. Напишите полные вопросительные



1 (have /а саг?) ".. Н�у� Y.QJJ g_Qt �"(;.�r?.. .... .. " . """""" """ . . . .. . . . .. . ." . . ."... ............ ... .. ........ . .. . .. ..... .. .. " Yes, 1 have.
2 (use /а lot?) "". "."". ."""" ..".".."""""""". """. " it ..." " " ""."."" " " "" . "" " . . .." ". . ..."". . .. " . " " " "" " ... . . ." ... .". . . Yes, nearly every day.
3 (use /yesterday?) ..""" . " ." . " . ... .. . . ." ." "".
.. ....... .. .. . . .. .. . ... ""....... .. " ." .
." . .. .. . . ... . . .... ... ." . .. . . .... ... . .. .. . . . ...... ... . .. .. .. Yes, to go to work.
4 (enjoy driving?) ". . ". .. .
. .............. .... ....... ........ . . . . . . . .. ". .. . ". " ....
. ... ... " . ".. ".
......... ...... ....... . ... . . . . .... .... .. .. ..... . "" ..... . . .. Not very much.
5 (а good driver?) .. .". . . " . . . .
" "
. . ..
" ." . . ... . "" "" . "".""
. ... .... .. ..... . .. . . . . .
" .." " .". .".. ".
. " . . "". .
" . " . . .. ". . .. ....... """" . 1think1 am.
6 (ever /have /an accidenc?) "." . . " . """ . ." . .. "" .. .
" ." . . . .. " "" " . ".. ".. .
. ........... . . ....... . ....... .. . ..... ........... " . ". . . .... . .. No, never.

Составьте вопросы, соблюдая правильный порядок слов.

1 (has /gone /where /David?) .. "W.ber.�..hc;!_$...D..gY.J.Y.!�.....

" " . " "" ." " " " " .. . . .... " . ". .
.. .. " "." ... " ..... .. . . ........" ... . ....... . ". ... " ... ...... .. . . " ... . . .. .....

2 ( working /Rachel /is /today?) .J$. Rg9..b�J .W.QI.�.i.og..t.9d?Jy? ............" . . . .

.. . .. " . . .. " .. .. " " "".. ". . . . ". .... .." ". ". ....".. .... . .""." ... " . . . .. " ". .. " . ... .. "

3 ( the children /what /are /doing?) What """."""""" "" " " " . " " "" "" .. . " "" .." " ". " " .. ."... " . .. . " " " . . . . . . " . ." " . " . "".. " ". . " ."" . . " . .. . .. . . .. " . .. .. . ... " . .. .

4 (made /is /how /cheese?) .... . .." "... . . .. "" " "" " ..." ... . .
. .. . .. ... .. . . . . . . .. . ..". """ . ". "" . ."
" . . " ." ..... ............ ........... ..... .... .... . ...... .. .. ..... .. . "" ."" . " . " " "

5 (to t:he рапу/coming /is /your sister?) ""."""."""". "". "".. " ."" " . . "" " " ". ". "". " " "" "".. .. . .".. ... . . ." "
. " . .. " . .. .. .."". . "" """"" ". ." " .. ." . . .. . .".. "" ".

6 (you /the truth /tell /don't: /\vhy?) .." """ " " " "". " . " .. . . .. ".. . " " . . . . " . . . ... ." . """" """" """."" """" ""
. " ". .." . . . ... .... ..... " .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. ... . .. .. . . . . . . . ." " ... .

7 (your guests /have /yet /arrived?) ". . ... " ". " . . .... . . ." .. ". . " " . ". " """ " ."""" .."".
.. . ....... " """" ..
. . "" " "" " "" "" . .. . . .. . . .. ... . .... . "" . ." . . " " ... "". " . . . .

8 (leave /what time /your train /does?) ". . " " "" ." .. .. .. . . . . " "" """ . " . .. . "". ..". " " " """ "". . " " "
. . . "". .. .. ..... . . "" ." .. ... . .. . . ....... .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. ....

9 (со \vork /Emily /\Vhy /go /didn't?) " . . .. ."" ".. . . . . ." ". . . . .." . . ."" "" "" "." """ " "" " "" " "" ."" ." .. ... .
. ". . . . .... ." . . . .......... ..". .... . . ... " .. . " .. . . .. "" . " . . .. .. ." "

1О (your саг /in the accident /vvas /damaged?) ...".. " " "" " . " " " " " " " . . " ." . . ." " . ". ."" " . ".. " " . . .. " ." " " " . . .. ....... . . ... .. . .... ... ..... ... .. . . . . ...... .. ....... . . . ..

Закончите вопросительные предложения.

1 1 wanc со go out:. Where �.Q.YQM"�V.�.!I�JQ"go? .""" """ " """" ."" " " . """ " " "" " "" "
" .. " " " "" " . " "" " "

2 Kat:e and Paul aren't going to the party. Why " ar.�n·t.:.Y..h�. y gpin.g? ."""""". . . . .". .. . .. . .. ... " ".. ... . . ...
" " : . .. .."".. .. . ". . . ... .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. ".

3 l'm reading. What ..." "" " " . " """ ... ". " " " .".. " .. .. .. .. "" " " "" """ " " "" ""
. ... " .... .... .. ". ............. . . ........ . . " " " " "

4 Sue \�1ent to bed early. What time .".. ... . .. . . . . . . .... . .. .... . . . . .
" . " . . . " " .. . .
.. " . " .. ...... ....." . . . .. . . .. .... ..... .. . .. . " " . . . .... ...... . ...

5 Му parents are going on holiday. When " . ... " ... . ". ." . "" . " " ". ." .. . ". . . . ". ." "."... ... . ". "..
" . . . . . .. . "" "."" ". " "" " ".. . " .. . . . ....... .. .. .. . . .. ..

6 1 sa\v Tom а fe\v days ago. \Л/here ........ .........." "" "" "" "". """ "" " . " .. . " . "" .. ". """"
........... .. ....... . " .. . . " . . . " .. . " .. . . "

7 1 can't: соте to the party. Why . ""."" ".".""""""""" " """ "." "" " " """" " "" """ " "" """" "" " " .. "" . . .. " " " " . . " . ." .. "

8 Тina has gone a\vay. Where .............. " "" . . .. ... ".. "" . . "."" " " " " " ". . .. .. . ..". "
" . .. .. ..." . .... . " .. " .. . ...... . . .... .... .. .. ..... ..

9 1 need some money. How much . .. ... .. .. ... ... . . .. . . . ......" .

.. . .. .". ....... .. . ....... ... ......... ..... ...... ........" .. . . .. .. .. .. . . ..

10 Angela doesn't like me. Why .....

" .. .. .
. .. .
. " " "... ". " ... "" " "" "" ""."
.... . .. . . .." "." " " ". . " . " "."
.. .... " .. . . " . ".. .. ". ". . . " ..

11 lt rains sometimes. Ho\v often ".""."""". " . . .. ... . "" " "" """ . " " " . " " ...... . .... .. . ........ ... . ..... .. ". . . " . .. " " . ... .....

12 1 did the shopping. When ...." . "" ".. """ "" " " ". """" """" . ".
. . " .". ." . . ... """ .. . . . . ... .. . .

Переведите предложения на английский язык. вчера вечером = lasc night

1 Что сейчас делает Марк? 6 Когда Том придёт сюда?

2 Вы голодны? 7 Почему вы мне не сказали
3 Лара знает Кевина? о вечеринке?
4 Когда ты вчера легла спать? 8 Куда вы ходили вчера вечером?
5 Ты ходила на футбольный матч в субботу?

Silvia saw Paul.

Who saw Paul?

Silvia. (Silvia sa\v him.)

Who did Silvia see?

Paul. (She saw Paul.)

Silvia saw Paul

подлежащее дополнение
1 1
Somebody savv Paul. Silvia sa\V somebody .

Кто-то видел Поло. Сильвия видело кого-то.

1 1
Who sa\v Paul? Who did Silvia see?

Кто видел Пола? Кого видела Сильвия?

Silvia. Paul.

(Сильвия его видела.) (Она видела Пола.)

who - подлежащее who - дополнение �

'*1��' ,;."
:,... �
Paul - дополнение
��' '�� <-..:;��
> •'
� ·�=-
� �� -:
s �iw�··
"' '"'��"'}

Silvia - подлежащее

В этих вопросах who/what - является подлежащим:

О Who lives in rhis house? (неверно Who does live?)
Кто живёт в этом доме?
О What happened? (неверно What did happen?)
Что случилось?
О What's happening? (What's = What is)
Что происходит?
О Who's got my key? (Who's = Who has)
У кого мой ключ? (букв. Кто имеет . . . ?)
В этих вопросах who/what является дополнением:
О Who did you meet yesterday? Кого ты вчера встретила?
О What did Paul say? Что сказал Пол?
О Who are you phoning? Кому вы звоните?
О What was Silvia \Vearing? Во что было одето Сильвия?

О George likes oranges. --) Who likes oranges? - George.
What does Geoгge like? - Oranges.

О Jane won а new саг. --) Who won а new саг? - Jane.
What did Jane win? - А new саг.
. �

с Who (кто?) используется, когда задают вопрос о человеке/людях.

What (что? какой ". ?) используется, когда задают вопрос о неодушевлённых предметах, понятиях и т. д.
О Who is your favourite singer? Кто твой любимый певец?
О What is your favourite song? Какая у тебя любимая песня?

what/which/how-+ Раздел 48
( вопросы-+ Разделы 45, 47 )
Составьте вопросы с who или what. Здесь who/what - подлежащее.

1 Somebody broke the window. � ......W.hQ..PГQ.k.§ t..b.?. ��9�1:1.?......... ....................................................." .. .

.. .. ... ...... . .... . . ............ .... ...............

2 Someth ing fell off t:he shelf. What . ". " ........ ..... ..... . .... ........ ............ ..... ..... ......................... ......................... ............ ..................... ". ··············

3 �
Somebody wants t:o see you. ...... ........................ .......... "..".." ....."..............." ......................................." ........... ."...............".................. me? ,
4 Somebody took my umbrella. �
5 Something made me ill. {
6 Somebody is coming. J .... ..................... ................ "............ ............. ···································· ....................... .. . .......... ......... . ...... ................ .. ...... ;'
, ,,
- -
, ,
- .-
. , --- . ,-
- --
.--,-. - ,-
, - -
� ,· '*·

- �-
- ��

-�,. -

. � ---
. , � ��
, .� -
, ,-

,, �
. -������-
- {,�
� �

� ��:

Составьте вопросы с who/what (подлежащее или дополнение).

1 1 bought: somet:hing. .....W.hg_t �if.t.Y9Ч.PЧYf:. . . . " .... ... .......... ································· "........... .. . ....... ··········· ·· ······-··············· "

2 Somebody lives in this house. ......W.hQ..!�..!n..t. .bJ.� hрц�.?.?.............. . .............. ....... �······ ···· · ······ ········ ...... ..... . ..... ....... .......... . ...... >

3 1 phoned somebody. �
4 Something happened last: night.
•••••••·•·••·•·•·•··• .•••••••••••.••••••••••. .•••••••••••• .•••••••••• •• • •••...•..• • ••.•••• •••.".......... •••••••••••·••••••••••••• •••••••••••·••••••• ••••••• •••••• ••••• • л

5 Somebody knows the answer.

' ,
6 Somebody did t:he washing-up. .......... ············ .... . .." . ............ .. . ................. ........." .." ....... ............... . ........ ······· ···· ········ ····· ." .................. "........... ·:
7 Jane did something.
8 Something woke me up.
9 Somebody saw the accident.
, "
10 1 saw somebody. .
........... .......... " .......... " ...... .
....." ......... .
........... . ... ...... . . ..
... .... .. ..... . . .
........... . ..... ...... ......... ......... . . ..
. . .. .. . ..." .. ."
. ......... "

Somebody has got my pen.
12 This word means something.

Вы хотите узнать недостающую информацию (ХХХХХ). Напишите вопросы с who или what.

1 ХХХХХ yest:erday, but: fortunately

1 lost: ......W.hg�_й.!�.YQ.IJ. IQ.���"" ".......".... .. .........."......".."....... ..."."".................".".. . �
ХХХХХ found it and gave it: back to me. ."...W.h9..foцn.�..!t.?... " . . ....... . .. ... " ........... .... ....... " .. .. ..
. . ............ . . "" "
... . ... ......... . ."......

"" """__,.
.,,.. _
..,.. -..-��-"!"'"""'
-... �
. ;S
· :

2 ХХХХХ phoned me last night:. She wanted


3 1 needed some advice, so 1 asked ХХХХХ.

Не said ХХХХХ.
.. . .�
. .·

4 1 hear that ХХХХХ got married last week.

ХХХХХ t:old me.
. ,�
,М ��-�" �� �" �
' ��
у �.,�
- �������

5 1 metХХХХХ on my way home this

evening. She told me ХХХХХ.

6 Steve and 1 played tennis yesterday. ХХХХХ �

won. After the game we ХХХХХ. .. "
............. ............ ... .." ................ . . . ".
.... ... .. .. ... .
". .. ........ " "
............ ...... ..........

"' .... ................. .... ... ...

."".."" "................"........................."............"."."....."... 1'

7 lt was my blrthday last week and 1 had

some presents. ХХХХХ gave me а book
and Catherine gave me ХХХХХ.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. встреча = meering

1 Что вы делали вчера вечером? 5 Кому ты сказала о встрече? матч= match
2 Кто может мне помочь? 6 Кто тебе сказал о встрече?
3 Что тебе дал Гари? 7 Кто выиграл матч вчера?
4 Кто работает в том офисе? 8 Где вы купили свою машину?

Jessica is talking to somebody.

Who is she talking to?

С кем она разговаривает?

• ,.,_..,..,.
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� <":"\
� �•7�
A<'(•�-·,<-•• -'
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В вопросах, которые начинаются с Who ... ? / What ... ? / Where ... ? / Which ... ?, предлоги
(to/from/with и т. д.) обычно ставятся в конце предложения:
О д: Where are you from? Вы откуда?
в: l'm from Thailand.

О д: Jack was afraid.

в: What \vas he afraid of? Чего он боялся?

U д: Who do these books belong to? Кому принадлежат эти книги?

в: They're mine.

О д: Tom's father is i n hospital.

в: Which hospital is he in? В какой он больнице?

О д: Kate is going on holiday.

в: Who with? / Who is she going with? С кем?/ С кем она едет?

О 'Can we talk?' 'Sure. What do you want to talk about?'

... "Да, конечно. О чём ты хочешь поговорить?"
- -. . .""

. ·в· What's it like? / What are they like? и т. д .

Wha t's it like? = What is it like?

What's it like? =Какой он?/ Что он собой


В вопросе What is it like?, like является предлогом, а не глаголом. (Сравните: 'Do you like your
new house?' и т. д.)

О д: There's а new restaurant in our street.

в: What/s .1t 1·k
1 е.? 1s .1t good7. Г\акои
// он.7 ".
д: 1 don't know. 1 haven't eaten there yet.

О А: What's your new teacher like? Что представляет собой ".?

в: She's very good. We learn а lot.

О д: 1 met Nicola's parents yesterday.

в: Did you? What are they like? ". Какие они?
д: They're very nice.

О А: Did you have а good holiday? What was the weather like? ." Какая была погода?
в: lt \-Vas lovely. lt was sunny every day.

104 ( вопросы -+ Разделы 45-46 what/which/how -+ Раздел 48 предлоги -+ Разделы 103-113

Вы хотите узнать недостающую информацию (ХХХХХ). Напишите вопросы с who или what.

1 (--��- --�����--

The letter is from ХХХХХ ) ( h s t.h 1.?.�r.from.f........... . . " "

." ." W Q. i . . " . � .. . ". ................ .... " ....... ....... . . .. . .
. ... .. ".. . "...... .

2 ( l'm looking for а )

ХХХХХ. ( What ." ..... . . " .. " ........" you .... " . ." . . . . . . .. ." "". .". . . . . ) ... .. . .
. . ". ".. ....... .......... .
. ..... . . ." . .
" . " ....... . .....

3 � went tO the cinema \Vith ххххх) с"."""" .. . " ......... . .... " ........ . "."......"............ . . . . . . " " ) ·········· .... "" "....... "............ ········· ." . .. . . .. . ". .. .. " .. .. ..

4 с The nlm was about ххххх ) (. . . . . . . .". . . .". . .". . . . . . . . .". . .".". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .". . . ". . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..)·
5 с 1 gave the mопеу to ххххх .) с . . .. ... . ." " . . ... . " "
" . .. .. .. .. .. . ." . . ....... . . .". . " . . . . . ..)
". .. .. . . . .. .
. .. ..."..."......... . . .. . . . .... . "" . .. ...".... ."... . ... . . . .. ....... .

6 ( The book was vvritren Ьу ХХ ХХХ.) ( . ........ . . .. ....." . .. .. ............ . . "" " " "
. .. "......"... . ........ .)
............... ...... . ...""......"..... .. . .. . .... . ................. ". ......

Напишите вопросы о людях, изображённых на картинках. Используйте глагол из рамки + предлог:

wait )
- - ----

, go lis ten look -talk- talk _

_ _ ----
----- ··

--··· ·····------- �------

ш ю
veгygood. -

1 W..Ь.9 .i�.$..h�"t.�lk.!.
n g tof.. .. ." " 4 What ................ .......... ... . . .
.. . " .
...... . .. ..... . .. " ....... . ······· ......... " . " "". ... .. ........... . . .... ..... .... . ... .. .... ........ ..........

2 Whar ..... rhey ...................... 5 Whar ....... ................... ........................ ......... ......................................
.. ." . . . ... . .. ..... . . . . . . . . . . "". .
.... ····-··· ....... .. .. . . ......" ... ... .. ........ .

З 'vVhich restaurant ....................... .. . ... .......... ...... . ... . .... . . 6 Wl1ich bus .. . . ......... . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. ..... . . .. . . .
. . ... . ...
.. ....

Напишите вопросы, начинающиеся с Which ••• ?

1 Tom's father is in hospital. .

.. W..bic.Ь. bQ.;?.P,!J� h�. ln?...... .
. .. . . ". . . . . .

2 We scayed at а hotel. ..... ....... ........ ................................ .......... ... you .................. ". ... . " .. . . .
. . .... .... .. . . . .. .. .. .
. .. .... .. .

3 Jack plays for а football team.

4 1 \vent to school in this to\vn.

Вы хотите узнать о другой стране. Задайте вопросы знакомому, который там побывал.
Используйте What is/are ... like?
1 (the roads) Whgt..g r?"t. b.?.. r.Q o.dP.11. k�? . .. . . . . .
" " . ... . .. .
.. . ." .. ................. ......... ........................ ......................... ......... ......... . ......." .. .... ......... ... .. .. .. .... ........ .

2 (the food) ... .......... ......... ................. . . . . . . .

". . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
... . ................. .... . ... . . ....... ........... ......... .......... .................................... ...... . ..... .. . ..."...... ... ". .". . .".... . " . . ....

З {the people) .............................. ....... ... . . . .. . . . . .. . .

. . .. . ".. . . " . . . ." . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."" . . . . .
".... . ...... ". "" " ." .. " .. .. ." .. ..... "....... .. ..... .... ... "." .". "........ . ... . . " .. .. " .. .. . . " .. . . " . . . .." . .. . ... ..

4 (the \veather) ..... .................................. " . .. . .

....... ..... . . .. . .. . .. .. .... ". .. . .
" . . ". .. . .. ... ." ........... ." .. .. .
.. . " ". . .......... .. . ..." . .
.." . ..... .

Задайте вопросы, используя What was/were ... like?

1 Your friend has just come back from holiday. Ask about rhe \veather.
.... VYЬ.@t:.�v�s .t..b.� �v.��t.h�.rJik?.? ... "... ........... . . " ". . . . . .
.. "." ... . .. . .. .. .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .
.. ..
. ".. . .. .. . . . . . ..... .. . ... . . .. . ... .
. .

2 Your friend has just come back from the cinema. Ask about the film.

3 Your friend has jusr finished ап English course. Ask about the lessons.

4 Your friend has just come back from holiday. Ask about the hotel.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. говорить о = calk about

1 О ком вы говорите? 6 Что представляет собой его начальник? начальник = manager
2 На какой улице твой дом? 7 Какая была погода в Риме?
3 С кем Том идёт на вечеринку? 8 Откуда Саша?
4 О чём эта книга? 9 Какую музыку ты обычно слушаешь?
5 Какой поезд вы ждёте?
What + существительное (What colour ... 1 / What kind ... ? и т. д.) = Какого... ? /Какую ... ?и т. д.:
О What colour is your саг? Какого цвета ваша машина?
О What colour are your eyes? Какого цвета твои глаза?
О What size is this shirt? Какого размера ... ?
О What make is your ТV? Какой марки ... ?
О What time is it? Который час?
О What day is it today? Какой сегодня день?
О What kind of job do you want? Какого типа работу ты хочешь?
(или What type of job ... ? / What sort of job ... ?)

What без существительного =Какой ... ? / Что ... ?и т. д. :

О What's your favourite colour? Какой твой любимый цвет?
О What do you 'vvant to do tonight? Что ты хочешь делать сегодня вечером?
." ,'

в Which + существительное =Какой из ...? /Который ...? (о предметах или людях):

О Which train did you catch - rhe 9.50 or the 10.30?
На каком из поездов ты ехала - ... ?
О Which doctor did you see - Doctor Ellis, Doctor Gray or Doctor Hill?
К какому врачу ты ходила - ... ?

Which без существительного используется, когда говорят о предметах или понятиях, но не о людях.
О Which is Ьigger - Canada or Australia? Что больше- ... ? (букв.Какая больше ...)
Когда говорят о людях, то используют who (без существительного):
О Who is raller - Joe or Gary? (неверно Which is taller?) Кто выше- ... ?

What или which?

Which используется в ситуациях, когда выбор ограничен (=какой из имеющихся):

О We can go this way or rhat way.
Which way shall we go? По какой дороге пойдём?
О There are four umbrellas here.
Which is yours? Какой (из них) твой?
? или
? или

What имеет более общее значение:
О What's rhe capital of Argentina? Какой город является столицей Аргентины?
О What sort of music do you like? Какая музыка вам нравится?
О What colour are his eyes? (неверно Which colour?)
Which colour do you prefer, pink or yellow?
Какой цвет ты предпочитаешь- розовый или жёлтый?
О What is the longest river in the \Vorld? Какая река самая длинная в мире?
Which is the longest river - the Mississippi, the Amazon or the Nile?
Какая река самая длинная- Миссисипи, Амазонка или Нил?

How . " ? =Как ". ? /Каким образом ... ?

О How \vas the party last night? Как прошла вечеринка ... ?
О How do you usually go to work? Как вы обычно добираетесь до работы?
В вопросах можно также использовать how + прилагательное/наречие (how tall / how old / how often и т. д.):

often do you use your саг?' 'Every day: К

" ак часто ... ?"
far is it from here to the airport?' 'Five kilometres: "V
"ак далеко ... .
long have they been married?' 'Теn years.' К
" ак долго/давно ... ?"
'How tall are you?' 'l'm 1 metre 70.1 "Какого ты роста?"
old is your mother?' 'She's 45: ur
LКОЛЬКО лет ... .7"
much \.vas your car?1 'А thousand pounds.' ur
LКОЛЬКО стоила ... 7"
Ьig is the house?' 'Not very Ьig.' "Какого размера ... ?"

106 ( вопросы-+ Разделы 45-47 How long does it take?-+ Раздел 49 which one(s) -+ Раздел 76
Напишите вопросы, начинающиеся с What.

1 l've got а new ТV. ( make?) Whg.�"rn�.k� i?...ik.f................................................. ... .

..... . . " . .". . . ... ... ..... ... "..." .. ... ... . ......

2 1 want а job. (kind?) \Цhqt:.k.i.n� . Q.fjQ.t?..4.9.YPU .\�? .................................................................. .


3 1 bought а ne\v sweareг. (colouг?) What "........... . . . . ..

.. . . " . . . .
.... " . . .""
.. . .. " .
. . .. ..... ... .. ..... .... ...... . ... ..... .. ............... . ....... . . .... ... .... ....

4 1 gor up еагlу this morning. (time?) .............""" ... ......... . ....................... ..... .............. ....... ........... ......" ............. .......""""."" get up?

5 1 like music. (type?) . ". ." . " " .. .. .. "

.. ... " " ... . .. . . ...... .. . .. " .
.. . ""... .
...... ... ".... .. ... . . ". ....... " . . ..
. " """ . "
. ". " .... .. ..
". ... " .. ... " .. ... . .....

6 1 want to buy а саг. -. (kind?) .. .......... ". .

." ". ". ............ ............. "" .
. .... ... "........... ".. ........ " ." ."" . . . .. " .
..... . .
". .. . ...... .. . ."".. ............ ....

Допишите вопросы. Используйте Which ••• ?

:r ".. Wh' h waY.
.. .
.. . ...... shall \ve go? l1 ш (. .
......... .......



Вставьте what/which/who.
Whf1t .. .. is that man's name? 7 "................. ...... 15 more expen51ve, meat ог 11s

1 """ . . .
с. h?

2 ..... Wbich ".. \Vay shall we go? Left ог гight?

... 8 .......... . ........... i5 older, Liz or Steve?
3 You can have tea ог coffee. ... ....."............... do you 9 ... . ...... ............. kind of camera do you have?
prefer? 10 А: 1 have thгee camera5.
. .
" ."". dау 1s rt todау.7'
4 ................ 'Fг1.dау.' . " ................. camera do you use mo5t?
в: .. ..

11 ........... "............. natюna1·rty аге you.1


5 This is а nice office. .... ......." .......... de5k is youгs?

. .
6 "." ....".."."."... 15 уоuг '1avourite spoгt.1

Заполните пропуски, используя How + прилагательное или наречие (high/long и т. д.).

1 .""J:i.Q�Y .higb
. is Mount Evere5t?
....... Neaгly 9000 merres.
. .
2 lt'5 about t\A./O kilometгes from here.

."..."""....."""""." "".". 1s rr ro thе sratюn.1

3 ." "".""" ..""."...""" .. is Helen? She'5 26.
4 ""."" .........". ".."". .".." .. do the buse5 гun? Every ten minutes.
5 """.".".""."".".."." ". is the wateг in the pool? Two metres.
6 ".."...."....". " ..". "."...." have you lived here? Nearly thгee уеагs.

Напишите вопросы, начинающиеся с How .•• ?

1 Аге you 1 merre 70? 1.75? 1.80? HP�Y .'t.�11 g[e.YQJJ?".."" . """"." " " " . . . ". . "" ." .." " """"""""" "
". . "." ." .".. " "" " . .. " . " . ".. ... . . . .

2 ls this Ьох one kilogгam? Two? Тhгее? " " . . ."" . " " "" . . " ."" .. . "". .". .... ". " ". . " . "
" . ... .. " .. " " "" " .. .
. .".
" " "" . . . .. . . . .. ". . ".. .. " ". . ".. .. ... ...... . ..... . ... .. .. ..

3 Аге you 20 years old? 22? 25? ......". """. . " . " " . .. .. . " . " .. ... .. . " " . . . . "
. . . ..
. ." ". .. . ". . . .. . .". .. ." . . . . ".. ... .. .... " . ... . .... .. .. ... . . ........ "

4 Did you spend Е20? f 30? ESO? .." .. . .. . . . .. . .. . ". " " " ." " ." . " " ""
.. .. "" " .." " " "
.... .. .. .. ... .... . ...... .. ....... . ." ". .. ." .... . " . ...... ." ... . .. ". .. . .

5 Do you watch TV еvегу day? Once а \veek? Never? ...."" " " """ . " " ""
. "" ..... .. " " .... " . .. ". " ""
" ""... . ..."" " "" . "" "
. " "" " . """""""" ".".

6 ls it 1000 miles fгom Paгis to Moscow? 1500? 2000?

Переведите предложения на английский язык. самый большой= tl1e Ьiggest

1 Какой марки ваша машина? 6 Сколько лет вашему брату? спортзал= gym

2 Какой самый большой город в Бразилии? 7 Как давно Мария работает домашнее животное= pet

З Как часто вы ходите в спортзал? на эту компанию?

4 Какое домашнее животное ты 8 Какой город старше -
предпочитаешь - кошку или собаку? Москва или Петербург?
5 Какого цвета твой новый диван?

How long does it take from ... to ... ?

How long does it take Ьу plane from New Уогk to Washington?

Сколько времени занимает перелёт от Нью-Йорка до

lt takes an hour. Это занимает один час.

How long does it take ... ? = Сколько времени занимает ... ?

lt takes . .. = Это занимает ...

О How long does it take Ьу tгain from London to Manchesteг?
Сколько времени занимает поездка на поезде от ... до . .. ?
О lt takes r.wo houгs Ьу tгain from London to Manchesteг.
Поездка на поезде ... занимает два часа. (букв. Это занимает два часа .. .)
О How long does it take Ьу саг fгom your house to the station?
Как долго добираться на машине от ... ?
О lt takes ten minutes Ьу саг from my house to the station.
Поездка на машине ... занимает десять минут.
. "
. в How long does it take to do something?

takes a week
took а long time
does ! will take three hours
How long did .1t takе to ... 7.
1 lt
to ...
will 1
didn't take long

О How long does it take to cross the Atlantic Ьу ship?

Сколько нужно времени, чтобы пересечь Атлантику на корабле?
О '1 came Ьу train: 'Did you? How long did it take (to get here)?'
"".Сколько времени потребовалось (чтобы сюда доехать)?"
О How long will it take to get from hеге to the hotel?
Сколько времени займёт дорога отсюда до гостиницы?

О lt takes а long time to learn а language. Изучение языка занимает много времени.
О lt doesn't take long to cook an omelette. Не нужно много времени, чтобы приготовить омлет.
О lt won't take long to fix r.he computeг. На ремонт компьютера не потребуется много времени.

How long does it take you to do something?

does you
How long did it take Tom to . . . ?
will r.hem

takes me a week
lt took Tom а long time to ...
will take them tl1гee houгs
1 sr.aгted гeading the book оп Monday.

О How long will it take me to learn to drive?

Сколько времени мне потребуется, чтобы научиться водить машину?
О lt takes Tom 20 minutes to get to woгk in the morning.
Дорога на работу утром занимает у Тома 20 минут. (букв. Это занимает у Тома 20 минут, чтобы ...)
О lt took us an hour to do the shopping. Мы потратили час на покупки.
О Did it take you а long time to find а jоЬ? Вы долго искали работу?
О lt will take me an hour to cook dinneг. Мне потребуется час, чтобы приготовить ужин.
Посмотрите на картинки и напишите вопросы с How long ••• ?

Гш rn rn




1 . ....H.9.�t.!.9.r.!fl.�.9.§.�J�.ke.�§..t?.Y..pJ�.t1.§.fro.m..k9.!J.f!.Qr.1"Й2"Am.�t.§.r�-�.m.�"".......... - . .. " .. . . ....."..

. . " ""
.. ." . . "" .. ... .. .
.. . .. "" ..... .
... ... .. .. .... ... .
" "" " ". .. ". ."

2 ....... .. . . ... . .. .... .

"".. .. ... .. . "......."-........." . . ...
..... ...... ...
---······-"........" . ". .. ·-···········--·····"············-·""."-". ..""-... ".-.""".""..."."_""."".-" ..
. " .."
. .. . .... . . .. . .. .
" "" " " . ."" "" . - ." .

з .....
. ."....""."."....." .... . " . .. . ." ... . . . .... . . . "
."."..." .." ,_ .
.. "."".. " . ..
"" " "".. " ". ."." .
" -
. "" .. "." " ...." "".- " ""....""" ."--."" .".,_
. ." .."........ ""."""..."....."........ """" .. "_."".. """." " . . """ "

4 _ .. ..". ". "

" "." " ........ .. .......... ".. .. "
. ....................". -...
.. ".. " "
.. . .
".. ".................... ".... " ........ .. "..... ". " .."......"" ............." _" .. ".."".". ···-····""............ " . . . .." . .. " . . . ".. .
". " ."
. ". " . . . . ." "... " ""

8 Сколько времени это занимает? Напишите полные предложения.

1 Ау from your city/country to london
.."..J.t..k�K�.�.t\V.9."hPJ.J�.t.Q.fJy.fr9.m"�.t.!J№�.�.�Jon4..9.n�."... ".... . . . . -. .. ". ". ... -" " ".. ." . . ...
. ." " " " . ""
""" . ... ..... . .
... ". .
""" .". . .. ... .... . .
""" """ . "" .. " .

2 Ау from your city/counrry to New York

3 study to Ье а doctor in your country

4 \valk from your home to the nearesr shop

5 get from your home ro the nearesr airport

Напишите вопросы с How (ong did it tal<e ••• ?

1 (Jane found а job.) _.H.9.�V..!.QЛa,�JqJ.t.�g.k�.h�":ftr.цJaJQ.P? .... .. . . .. . ....... . .. . .. ....... .. . ..... " .." ." .-"
" "" . - . . . " . ." ".. . . . "-

2 (1 walked to the sration.) ....."............." ...."....""."...."....." ......"-." ..".......... .. you """ . ... .. . ...... .. " . . ." . . . .... " ... . ..... ... . . ." . .. . "
.... .. . " -." . " " " . . "". " "" "" " . . ." . .

З (Tom painted the bathroom.) ... . . . .. . .. . ...... .... ...... . ..... .. .. . ........ .. . . .. .....
" ... ".". "-"" . . .... " ". ... . . . . ... . "... ... . . . .. .
. .... .."... . "". . " "" ..... ". "
. ".._..... -. . . . .." "". " ... . . " . "....." ...."

4 (1 learnt to ski.) " ..... .. ... . . . . .. ... .. . ... .. . .... .. .........".... . . . . ..

.. .. .. . . " "
. . ". " ."." . . "." . ..
.. . . " " " . .... .
"" ..... ." " " . " ." ...." ".... ." . ..." "" " ....""
. ".""". " . """" " " " """."".

5 (They repaired the саг.) .. . ". ... . . . . .. ..

._""." ..." " .. . . .. . .
" " . ...... . """." . . . ... . . . .. .. .
" " "" ". "
. " """ " .. " .. ""...."
. . ".-." "".. " " ... ."."."."
.. ". . """ ." ". .." " ". ". .. ."...."

Прочитайте описания ситуаций и напишите предложения с lt toolc •.. .

1 1 read а book last week. 1 started reading it on Monday. 1 finished it three days later.
..".J.'k.�oQ.�.§§"q.f.\Y.?..19...r.§�.q..t..ь.�. .eQQ.�.�.. " .. ... . .... . ........ .. .... . . . " "" " " "" ..." " .. "" ."... " " ..
" .. " " . .. .. ...... .
". " .. .... .". " " . ". .
. . " . "." " "" . " .... ".. ....... . . ...
" .." " . " " ... ."

2 We walked home last night. We left at 10 o'clock and we arrived home at 10.20.

З 1 learnt to drive last year. 1 had my nrst driving lesson in January. 1 passed my driving test six months later.

4 Mark drove to london yesterday. Не left home at 7 o'clock and got ro London at 10.

5 lisa began looking for а job а long time ago. She got а job last \Veek.

6 Напишите предложение о себе.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. обучение (здесь) = study

1 Сколько времени занимает перелёт из Москвы до Лондона? сделать ремонт (здесь)= decorate
2 Саше потребовалось два месяца, чтобы найти новую работу. стоянка машин= саг park

З Обучение в университете занимает три года.

4 Поездка на машине от моей квартиры до офиса занимает один час.
5 Нам потребуется три недели, чтобы сделать ремонт гостиной.
6 Приготовление обеда не займёт много времени.
7 Вы долго искали стоянку машин?
8 Сколько времени вам потребовалось, чтобы написать книгу?

Doyou knov1 Вопрос: Where is Laura? Где Лора?
\vhere Laura is'?

но Do you l<пow where Laura is ? Ты знаешь, где Лора?

(неверно Do you kno\v \Vhere is Laura?)

Обратите внимание:
1 know
1 don't kno\v
} where Laura is.
Сап you cell me


Who are those people? но who those people are

How old is Nicola? Do you kпow how old Nicola is
\Л/hat time is it? Сап you tell me 'Nhat time it is
Where сап 1 go? wheгe 1 сап go
How much is this camera? how much this camera is
1 kпow
Wl1en are you going away? \vl1en you're going a\vay
1 don't know
Where have they gone? vvheгe they have gone
1 doп't remember
What was Kate wearing? \vt1at Kate was weaгing

Вопросы с do/does/did (present simple и past simple)

Where does he live ? Где он живёт?

но Do you kпow where he lives ? Вы знаете, где он живёт?
(неверно Do you know where does he live?)


Но\.У do airplanes fty? но Do you know hovv airplaпes fly


What does Jane want? 1 don't kпow what Jапе waпts
Why did she go home? 1 doп't remember \vhy she weпt home
Where did 1 put che key? 1 kпow wheгe 1 put the key

. .
с Вопросы, начинающиеся с ls ... ? / Do ... ? / Сап ... ? и т. д.


ls Jack at home? но Jack is at home

Do you kпow 1
Have they got а саг? if they've got а саг
Сап Ben swim? или Brian сап swim -

Do they live nеаг here? whether they live near here

1 don't kпow
Did апуЬоdу see you? апуЬоdу saw you

В этих предложениях можно использовать if или whether (=ли):

О Do you know if they've got а саг? или Do you know whether they've got а саг?
Вы знаете, есть ли у них машина?
О 1 don'c know if anybody saw me. или 1 don't know whether anybody sa\v me.
Я не знаю, видел ли меня кто-нибудь.

Ответьте на вопросы, используя 1 don't l<now where/when/why ••• и т. д.

1 Have your friends gone home? (where) "J e.Q.IJ.'j(..KПQ�� .w..b.�r?.. tb.�.iY§. gP.r.J.�.:........................ .".... " ." . . . .
. ... .. . . . . ......." . .. ... .

2 ls Kate in her office? (where) 1 don't know"." . " . ." " "" " " " " " ." - " " .. " . . "." . ... "" " . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. .... " ..."." . " ... " . . . ........ .. .. . . . ..

3 ls the castle very old? (how old) ."" ..". " ." .. """" " "" " . . " . . . ".. . . ... . . ." . . "" .. . . . . " .. .... . .. . .. .. .. .. .... .. ... . . .. ......." "..................."....... ..

4 Will Paul Ье here soon? (\vhen) ............................" .. . ".... .. " . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. ." . . . . . .. " . . ...... . . " . ... ... .. .. . ..... " ... ... .... . "........... ..... ..... ........

5 Was he angry because 1 was late? (why) .............................................. ........ . . ." . . . . . . . . . ." " " . . ....... ... . ... .. .. .... ...".. .. . ....... · ···································

6 Has Emily lived here а long time? (how long) .

..... .............".........". .......... ............. ........................ ....."...... ...... ... .... .. ............. ................. ...... i.
С11 Закончите предложения.
1 (How do airplanes f!y?) Do you know .. h.9W.. g.i .r:p!g_n§.�.flY. .. "..."".""""".""" ....""""""""." "........ "........ """. ?
.. " . .. .

2 (Where does Susaп work?) 1 don't know ..." " "" " "" "." """ " ." " . . ." " .. " ... . "" . " " . .. . .. . ."" " ." """""" ". " "" .
. . . . "" . ..." " ."" " . .
. " . . .. .
3 (Whar did Peter say?) Do you remember ......."......... ."... ". .""""""""""""""""""".."""""""""" "".".........". "" .. ? ."

4 (Why did he go home early?) 1 don't know... ".." .

...... " ...... " " "... ". . . ." ." ." ... " . " .. ."... "...... """ . ... " "." . .... ". . . .. .. .. ... . .
.. . . . ... .. ....... . .. .. .. .. . .
5 (What time does the meeriпg begin?) Do you know............. ."..." "....... ..........."."..""""."".".."........... "".... ." ..."".................".".""" ?
6 (How did rhe accident happen?) 1 don't remember. " " ... . . . ... " ... . . "
. .. ... " """ " """ """ .. " " . .. " "". " ." "" . ... ..... " " . " """ " ." " " .
. . . .. . . .

111 Выберите правильный вариант.

1 Do you know what time � / ir is? (Do you know what rime it is? - правильно)
2 Why are you/you are going a\vay?
3 1 don't know where are they/ rhey are goiпg.
4 Сап you tell me \vhere is the museum/ the museum is?
5 Where doyou want/you want to go for your holidays?
6 Do you know what do elephants eat/ elephanrs eat?
7 1 don't kпow how far is ir / ir is from the hotel to t:he st:ation.

8 Напишите вопросы, начинающиеся с Do you know if ••• ?

1 (Have they gor а car?) " .... D..9.Y.Qk! knP.w.. if. t:h�iv.�..gQt.
. .?J"�g.rf"............." . " " """ " " " " . " .. " .
.. . " . .. .. " " .. . ." . .." "" . ..... .".

2 (Are they married?) Do you know" .. . " . " . " . " " "" """. " " " .. . " ." . "" " " . "." " "" . .. " "
..... . . " ... .... ". .. . . ". . . " .. .. " ... " " " " . . . . " . . " . .. " .

3 (Does Sue know Bill?) " . . .. . " ." ". .. ... " ". . ... "
.. . . .. "
. . . "" " ". " ."" ."". """ ""." . " . . " . "
.. . .. ". .... . . ." " ." "
. .... . " ". . . . " ... . ."" .. .... .. .. . . ... ..... . ." ....... ...

4 (Will Gary Ье l1ere tomorrow?) ."""" .. . . ... . "

". . " ... .. ... . .... . .. .. .. ..""" ". " ".." ... .". . ". . . " .
...... " .... ." .. .. . ..... " ." .. ." ." ...... . . . ... ...
.. . . .... . . .. . ... . . ... .. . . .. .. . . .. . .

5 (Did he pass l1is exam?) "." . " " " "

. " .". " """ ".". """" " ". ""
. . ....... " . " .. "" . "" . . . . "." "."." . " """ .. "" .. . ."
" " . " " " . ". ." .". ." . ". . ." . ... .. " . . ." .. " ...

Напишите вопросы, начинающиеся с Do you know ••• ?

1 (What does Laura want:?) . . D.P. Y.Qk!..k.ЛP.W..wbat."�цr.g.Yfg.!J:t.�?." .." .. " . .

. ". . " .. . . " ." . .." """"" " """ ." . ... ..... .. .... " .. . .. .. .. . . . . .

2 (Where is Paula?) Do"". ." ". "" . .. . . . " .... . ". . . . """"". . "."""" . . " . . .
. . ." " . """ . "" " " " ." .
..." "...... . " . ...... . " . .. ..". .. ....... ....." .. .... ..... . . .

3 (ls she working today?) " "" " . "" ""

... " ". ". " " " " " """ " "" " """ " " " ". " "" ". " " "" .""" "" " "
". .. ..... " ". . " " . . . "" "" . . ... " ." " .. ".... . . . . .... . .... .

4 (What time does she srart work?) "" "" .. " . . .. " " . " " " " " " . ." . " " . "
."." .... "... ... . . ... " " " " " " " " """ """ "" "" "
. .. . ..... . .. .. . . . ... ...... ...... .. .. " " . . " . .... " . . ..." . .

5 (Are rhe shops open tomorrow?) ...... . ... .... . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . " .. " " . "" " ... " ... ....... . . . . ." . " " ". ".. "" """ ". . .. . .""
" .. ".. . . . . . . . .... . . . " . ... .. . .. " ." .". . .. " .. . . " ... .. .. .. .

б (Where do Sarah and Jack live?) " " . ". ."

... . . . " ......... . .. .. .. . . . ". " . . . . . . " .. " "
. . ." ... . ".... " " . . ." "
.. . .... . . . . . ... "" "
. .. . ..... .". .. . " .... ....... .. .. ." . .. .. . .. ....... .. . . .. . . . .

7 (Did they go to Jane's party?) ...... " . .. " ... .. ". " . " "". .
. .... " . . " .. . " "" " " " .
" .... ....... " . " . " " ".
......... . . .. ..... . "........ ... ... .. . .... . . ... ". .. .. .. . .. .. . " ". ." . ..

D Закончите вопросы, используя свои собственные идеи.

1 Do you know why ".. �.h� .�ц�.Y.{.g� .!�.�
.. . . .... ".... " ......." ........". . ............." .."."....."""".. ".""........"..""" . .......... .........".......""...... ""............................. 1

2 Do you know what time ......""."".."..."...."."..................

." "".". ".."".."."." ....... "."""""."."."........." ""." "...... ."""""".".""."""."" ..".".""". .....". .." ?
3 Excuse me, сап you tell me where"" ... .... " " ... . " ""
. . . . .... . " .. .. ..." . . . . ." . ""."" . . ". . . .
... . . ... . . . . . . . . . .... ". " """. .... " . ." "" " " ." . . ". ." " . . .
" . . . ... . . . . . ." " " " ?
.. .. . .. . . ..

4 1 don'r know what" ""."" "" . . "" ". . . " " " ...
. .. ..... . .. . .. ... . .. ...... .. ....... ." . ." " . . .. " ""
... . ". . . .... " "." ..... . ..".... ".. "..... . . . . ... . ..... . .""". · - ." ". " " . "" "
. ". .. .. " . .. ..." .. . ." ... " " . ". .
5 Do you know if ."...... ....."..." "."."" "."""".".."..."......."..." "."...... ........."."..."....." ..".""....."".".. ........... ...."" ........."."........ """"""" .....".."..."......" "....." ." ?
6 Do you know how much"."."...."......."...". .""."" ..""".. " ...""......".""........" ....." ".......... ......." "..................... ".....""""" ............"." ....." . .".." .." .."" ....... ?

Переведите предложения на английский язык. пирожное = cake

1 Вы знаете, какая это улица?
2 Я не знаю, кто сделал эти пирожные.
З Вы можете сказать, сколько стоят эти брюки?
4 Я не помню, сколько лет Молли.
5 Вы можете мне сказать, во сколько открывается муз е й ?
6 Ты знаешь, был ли Том в Индии?
7 Я знаю, где живут Кевин и Наташа.
8 Мы не знаем , хочет ли Анна поехать в отпуск с нами.
Ha npownou Heaene Bbl 6b1nu Ha BeYepuHKe. TaM Ce2oaHR Bbl BcmpeL/aemecb c MapKOM u
6blf70 MH020 BOWUX 3HOKOMblX. Born L/mO OHU paccK03blBaeme eMy o BeYepuHKe. Bb1 nepeaaeme
20Bopunu: MapKy mo, Ymo 20Bopunu Bawu 3HOKOMb1e:

C LARE J..� I' . . 0 Clare said that she was enjoying her new job.
-::; m

enjoying my new JO b. )� am
. �was } ... CK030!70, L/mO eu HpOBUmCR ...
IS 0 She said that her father wasn't well.
4 � My father isn't well. ) OHO CK030!70, L/mO ee omeu He3aopoB.

We're going to 0 Sarah and Ben said that they were going to
buy a house. buy a house.
(9 � are�were
... CK030!7U, L/mO OHU co6up01omcR
Kynumb ...

PETER _J_ I have to leave early. ) 0 Peter said that he had to leave early.
. h ... cKa3an, Ymo eMy HY>KHo (6b1no) yumu ...
My sister has
�::} �had 0 He said that his sister had gone to Australia.
gone to Australia. OH cKa3an, Ymo e2o cecmpa yexana ...


� J_ I can't find a job. ) can�could

0 Kate said that she couldn't find a job.
... CKQ3Qf70, L/mO OHO He MO>Kem Hau mu ...


O Steve said that he would phone me.

... CKQ30!7, L/mO OH MHe no3BOHUm.

j I don't like my job .) O Rachel said that she didn't like her job.
do ... CKQ30!70, L/mO eu He HpOBUmCR ...
My son doesn't does
�did } O She said that her son didn't like school.
like school. ... CK030!70, L/mO ee CblHY He HpOBUmCR ...

You look tired. look�looked

O Mike said that I looked tired.

� feel�felt
... CKQ30!7, L/mO R Bbl2!7Raena ...
O I said that I felt fine.
u m. a . u m. a.
';;;V-' (HacmoRU{ee) (npoweawee)
R cKa3ana, L/mo xopowo ce6R YyBcmBoBana.

say u tell= 20Bopumb, CK030mb

say(� said) tell (� told)

O He said that he was tired. O He told me that he was tired.
(HeBepHo He said me) (HeBepHo He told that)
OH cKa3an, Ymo ycman. OH cKa3af7 MHe, Ymo ycman.
0 What did she say to you? (HeBepHo say you) O What did she tell you? (HeBepHo tell to you)
l/mo OHO me6e CK030!70/20BOpU!70? l/mo oHa me6e cKa3ana/20Bopuna?
Hy>KHO 20Bopumb he said to me, I said to Ann u m. a. Hy>KHO 20BOpumb he told me, I told Ann u m. a.
(HeBepHo 'he said me: 'I said Ann'). (HeBepHo 'he told to me', 'I told to Ann').

3 1 1 &iitt' iii . ·g t'I j •1 ± & t 2 e ' r r mimzc w t n wmum mtH msrzz

rht 'f?1 Jt .. t

Mo>KHO cKa3amb:
0 He said that he was tired. unu He said he was tired. (6e3 that)
0 Kate told me that she couldn't find a job. unu Kate told me she couldn't find a job.

112 ( I told you to . .. � Pa3,qen 54

npo4111TaVtTe, 4TO rosopHT 3Tll1 /ll0,Qll1. Han111w111Te npe,Q/lO>KeHll1H, Ha4111Ha l0�111eCH
c He/She/They said (that) ....
1 6
J__1've lost my watch.) J__1 don't feel very well)
...... 1J.e..?.a..ic.� ..h� h0d.lq?.t.hi?.Wa..t.�h.. .... ...............................
. . .

2 7
J__1'm very busy) J__We'll be home late)

3 8
J;_ can't go to the party.) J__1've j ust come back from holiday)

4 9
J__1 have to go out.) J;.'m going to buy a guitar)

5 10
J__1'm learning Russian) J__We haven't got a key)

3aKOH4111Te npe,Q/lO>KeHll1H, 111CnO/lb3YH 111HcpopMa�111IO Ha KapT111HKax.

OJ I'm enjoying
my new job.

(He's gone home.7 NICOLA

1 I met Clare last week. She said ?.h�wa.?. e..tijQying.he.r n�WjQb. ..................... . .. .
. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . .

2 Emma didn't want anything to eat. She said . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . .... ...... .. . ... . . . ... . . .. .

3 I wanted to borrow Mike's ladder, but he said ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .... . . .. . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . .
4 Hannah was invited to the party, but she said ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . .. .. H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .

5 Susan told me she didn't want the picture. She said ................ .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

6 Martin has j ust gone away on holiday. He said . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

7 I was looking for Robert. Nicola said . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. .

8 'Why did David stay at home?' 'He said . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... H .. ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 'Has Mar y gone out?' 'I think so. She said ................................. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .
. . . . . . ... ..
. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .

3a non H111Te nponycK111, 111cno11b3YH say I said 11111111 tell/told.

1 He ? he was tired. 7 The woman ......... she was a reporter.
2 What did she Je.11 . you?
. . . . 8 The woman.................... us she was a reporter.
3 Anna ........ she didn't like Peter. 9 They asked me a lot of questions, but I didn't ................. .

4 Jack. H • • • me that you were ill. them anything.

5 Please don't... .. Dan what happened. 10 They asked me a lot of questions, but I didn't . ....
6 Did Lucy ...... she would be late? anything.

nepeBe,Q111Te npe,Q/lO>KeHll1H Ha aHr/lll1VtCKll1Vt H3blK. cKopo =soon

1 Jlapa cKa3ana, LffO oHa yLH1T HeMe l\KV111i. 5 YTo Mapt11Ha saM cKa3ana?
2 ,0>KepeMV1 cKa3an HaM, 4TO OH He yMeeT nnasaTb. 6 Tbi CKa3aJla, 4TO Tbl He IOJlO,QHa.
3 ToM cKa3aJl MHe, 4TO OH Kynt11 n HOBYfO Mawt11Hy. 7 V1ropb CKa3aJl V1HHe, 4TO OH CKOpo e,QeT B OTnycK.
4 0Ha CKa3aJla, 4TO BCTpeTV1T Hae B a3ponopTy. 8 0Ha HaM CKa3aJla, 4TO HalliTV1 ee ,QOM JlelKO.
В английском языке инфинитив - это начальная формаглагола(work, see, understand и т. д.):
О Do you work? Вы работаете?
О 1 can't see you. Я тебя не вижу.
Иногдаперед инфинитивом стоитto:
О 1 want to work Я хочу работать.
О lt's nice to see you. Рад вас видеть.

work/go/be и т. д. (инфинитив)

С will/can/must и т. д. используется инфинитив:

о Anna will Ье here soon.
о Shall 1 open the window?
} � Разделы28-29

о 1 might phone you later.
о Мау 1 sit here?
} � РазделЗО

о 1 can't meet you tomorrow.
о Could you pass the salt, please?
} �Раздел 31

1 must о lt's late. 1 must go no\v. �Раздел 32

1 should о You shouldn't work so hard. � РазделЗЗ
l would о Would you like some coffee? �Раздел35

С do/does/did также используется инфинитив:

do/does О Do you work? �Разделы 7-8
(present simple) О They don't work very hard.
О Helen doesn't l<now many people.
О How much does it cost?
! did О Whar time did the train leave? �Раздел13
\Jpast simple) О We didn't sleep well.

to work / to go / to Ье и т. д. (to + инфинитив)

1 (l'm) going to
О l'm going to play tennis tomorrow. � Раздел27
О What are you going to do?
(1) have to ... о 1 have to go now. �Раздел 34
о Everybody has to eat.
(1) want to ". о Do you want to go out? �Раздел53
о They don't want to соте with us.
(1) would like to ... о l'd like to talk to you. �Раздел35
о Would you like to go out?
(I) used to ". о Dave used to work in а factory. �Раздел 37

working/going/playing и т. д.

am/is/are + -ing О Please Ье quiet. l'm working. �Разделы4-5, 9, 26

; (present continuous) О Tom isn't working today.
(') What time are you going out?
: was/were + -ing О lt was raining, so we didn't go out. � Разделы 14-15
j (past continuous)
О What were you doing at 11.30 yesterday?

114 ( глаголы + to . "/-ing (1 \Vant to do / 1 enjoy doing)-+ Раздел 53 go и -ing-+ Раздел 56 )

Закончите предложения. Вставьте ••• phone Paul или ••• to phone Paul.
1 1'11 . p..h9.r.l�. .P..�.u1. . .. .... """.... .....""..""."...". ......"".."."....".".
... ... . .. 6 Do you have....... "".". ".""."" ...".""""".."."""....".. "."...."""..... ?
2 l'm going . . � p.hQn.�. F.�HJI . . .. . . . ...................
. .. . .. . ..... ... . ... ....... ... 7 You should ............... " .. . . .. . . .. .. .. " . .. .. .
... .. .. .. . . . .. . ... ... ..... . ..
. .. .. ..... ." . .

3 Can you ................ ".... "."............ "... "..............."."......... "... Paul? 8 1 \Vant...." . "..
..... . . ..... " ....." " " ... ..... . .. . " ." . ."" ."" """
." " " . . " ... ....... "" .

4 Shall 1 . " .. ".... "." ".....".......... "...

.... ........................ "."................... ? 9 1 might .... ".. ... .. .
.. .. . ." " ". . "
... . ..... .... . .......................................... ". ..... . .
5 l'd like . "......... ....."...."""....... ". .... ""... ""............. "".. """"" ......".
. 10 You must ."." . . . .......... .. . ."
. ....... .. ....... ... . .
........ ." . .... . ... . . ..... . .. .. .
. . . ..

Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы из рамки. В некоторых предложениях необходимо

использовать инфинитив (work/go и т. д.), а в других предложениях - форму глагола на
-ing (working/going и т. д.).

, d Jdoing g t/getting � ---· -sl �le;ping- w �tch/ ;;�chi�;j
1 eat/eating go/going stay/staying wear/wearing j'
, fly/flying listen/listening wait/waiting __
_ -w
__ er-kfwor�<-i��

1 Please Ье quiet. l'm . .JvQ.r.�.i.nв.... . .. .

2 1 feel tired roday. 1 didn't . �.1�?.Р,. .. . . very \vell last night.

3 What time do you usually...."."...................."........ ". up in tl1e morning?
4 'Where are you.................. ................... ?' 'То the office.'
5 Did you. ..... .. . . . . "......"... ....... TV last night?
. ....... . . .

6 Look at that plane! lt's.............".... """"".""."""" very lo\v.

7 You can turn off the radio. /'m not "."........" .."..................... ". to it.
8 They didn't .................. . ................ "..... . anything becaLtse they weren'r hungry.
9 Му friends were"""".""... ""......... . "" ...... ..... for me when 1 arrived.
10 'Does Susan al\vays".. .....".".. ........ ........... ".. glasses?' 'No, only for reading:
11 'What are you.."............."......................... tonight?' '/'m .... ..""". ."...."..".. "..."." . at home.'

Поставьте глагол в правильную форму:

инфинитив (worl</go и т. д.) или

to ... (to work / to go и т. д.) или
-ing (worl<ing/going и т. д.)
1 Shall 1" ..9.p�.IJ" .". the windo\.v? (open)
. .

2 lt's late. l l1ave "tQ g.Q""" now. (go) .. ..

3 Amanda isn't. �'{Q(.�.i.og . . this \.Veek. She's on holiday. (\�.rork)

. ..

4 l'm tired. 1 don't \vant "" " . ."""."." ...""". .. out. (go)

5 lr might ....... "........... """""... "........ , so take an umbrella with you. (rain)
6 What time do you have""."... ......""..."""..". . .... " tomorrow morning? (leave)
7 l'm sorry 1 can't """"" ..."""" """" ...... .. you. (help)
8 Му brother is а student. He's ." ......... "."". .... .. "......"..."..". physics. (study)
9 Would you like .".......... "".. .""."" "."" onа пiр round the world? (go)
10 When you saw Maria, whar \vas she "".""""""". ""."..""".".". ? (wear)
1 1 When you go to London, where are you going.."."."""""... ".."""" .."..".? (stay)
12 l'm hungry. 1 must"""..... .....""""..".". ..... somerhing to ear. (have)
13 'Where's Gary?' 'He's""" .".""." ""."..." .".".""а bath.' (have)
14 1 used" " .. """.......""........"."...." а car, but 1 sold ir last year. (have)

15 Не spoke very quietly. 1 couldn't ".".. ""..."" "......."".."...... him. (h ear ) ..

16 You don't look well. 1 don't think you should."".."". . ".." . """"""."" "... to vvork roday. (go)
17 1 don't know what he said. 1 wasn't "".".."... "".""."".""""" ".. to him. (liscen)
18 1 missed the bus and had......" ".""." ....."....... .....".. home. (walk)
19 1 'Nant. .."""""."""."" .".."""." \vhat happened. (know) You must" "..""" ......."" "".."." .... me. (tell)
20 Мау 1 "".... "..."".".." .."" .." .. .... rhis book? (borro\v)

l!IJ Переведите предложения на английский язык. прибывать = arrive

1 Мне закрыть дверь? 5 (в ресторане) Что вы хотите пить ?

2 Бренда раньше работала в банке. 6 Куда бы вы хотели пойти завтра?
3 Когда прибыл ваш поезд? 7 Мы собираемся купить новую машину.
4 В субботу я, возможно, пойду в кино. 8 (по телефону) Я не могу говорить. Я ужинаю.

После этих глаголов используется to + инфинитив (1 want to do):
want plan decide try
hope expect offer forget + to ... (to do / to work / to Ье и т. д.)
need promise refuse learn
О What do you want to do this evening? Что ты хочешь делать сегодня вечером?
О lt's not very late. We don't need to go home yet. . .. Нам пока ещё не нужно идти домой.
О Тina has decided to sell her саг. Тина решило продать свою машину.
О You forgot to switch off the light when you went out. Вы забыли выключить свет, когда ...
О Му brotl1er is learning to drive. . .. учится водить машину.
О 1 tried to read my book, but 1 was too tired. Я пыталась читать книгу, но ...
"_.... ....
_ .... �._ -- - "...,.."" -...._ •-'°"·

После этих глаголов используется форма глагола на -ing (1 enjoy doing):

enjoy stop
suggest + -ing (doing / working / being и т. а_._) ____
mind finish _

О 1 enjoy dancing. (неверно enjoy to dance)

Я люблю танцевать.
О 1 don't mind getting up early.
Я не против того, чтобы рано вставать.
О Has it stopped raining?
Дождь закончился?
О Sonia suggested going to the cinema.
Соня предложила сходить в кино.

. .

'с После этих глаголов можно использовать -ing или to ...

like love start

continue + -ing (doing и т. д.) или to ... (to do и т. д.)
prefer hate begin

О Do you like getting up early? или Do you like to get up early?

Вы любите рано вставать?
О 1 prefer travelling Ьу car. или 1 prefer to travel Ьу car.
Я предпочитаю путешествовать на машине.
О Anna loves dancing. или Anna loves to dance. Анна любит танцевать.
О 1 hate being late. или 1 hate to Ье late. Я ненавижу опаздывать.
О lt started raining. или lt started to rain. Начался дождь.
.... "
. > •t .-. '
.... .. 1С'
...., ��...-
� ..,,...�
· >l-
tlfl ,�

После would like . . и т. д. используется to

. + инфинитив:

would like would love

+ to ". (to do / to worl< / to Ье и т. д.)
would pre1er
с wou ld h are

О Emma would lil<e to meet you. Эмма хочет с Вами познакомиться.

О l'd love to go to Auscralia. (l'd 1 would) =

Мне бы очень хотелось съездить в ...

О А: Would you like to sit down? Вы хотите сесть?
в: No, l d prefer to stand, thank you. Нет, я предпочитаю постоять, ...

О 1 like this apartment. 1 wouldn't like to move.

. . . Я не хочу переезжать.
О 1 live in а small village. l'd hate to live in а Ьig city.
. . . Я бы очень не хотел жить в большом городе. (букв. Я бы ненавидел ...)

116 ( would like-+ Раздел 35 1 want you to ... -+ Раздел 54 go + -ing-+ Раздел 56 предлог+ -ing-+ Раздел 112 )
Поставьте глагол в правильную форму (to ••. или -ing).

1 . (dance)
1 enjoy. ... . 8 The \veather was nice, so 1 suggested
2 What do you want . t.9.d..Q....... . . . . ....... ..................... for а walk Ьу the river. (go)
tonight? (do) 9 Where's Ben? Не promised ......." ..... .. ...
.. . . ... .... ..

3 Вуе! 1 hope "."".. .."" ..."... " .. you again here on time. (Ье)
soon. (see) 10 l'm not in а huпy. 1 don't mind
4 1 learnt ... "."...... """"." when 1 \vas ."..". """."".. "" . (wait)
five years old. (swim) 11 What have you decided """. ...."".."""..."..".. ? (do)
5 Have you finished ". . """".".. . """"" the 12 Dan \vas angry and refused """"".""""."".. "" " . "

kitchen? (clean) to me. (speak)

6 Where's Anna? 1 need "."""..." .."""""...".. .. 13 l'm tired. 1 want .."."""........".."""...." to bed. (go)
l1er something. (ask) 14 1 was very upset and started .""".."..."....""".".".". (cry)
7 Оо you enjoy ".." .."."...."......"""".. other 15 l'm trying "."..""..".."...."........" . (work) Please
countries? (visit) stop ...."... "."...""""".""".. (talk)

Заполните пропуски, поставив глаголы из рамки в правильную форму (to ..• или -ing).
". �-

- --------�

� -ge- go help lose rain read see send wait watch )

-- - - --- -- - ____ ..,,.

1 'Have you ever been to Australia?' 'No, but l'd love . -W..в.9.... ' ... .

2 Amy had а lot to do, so 1 offered ". "."." """" "..".."" her.
3 l'm surprised that you're here. 1 didn't expect "."" ""." ......." .... " ... you.
4 Kate has а lot of books. She enjoys ...... . .. ... ... . . .. ... .. . . . .. . .. . . .. .

5 This ring was my grandmother's. l'd hate "." ...."..".""...."."......"."".."" it.

6 Don't forget ... "..."" ......" . ......" . us а postcard \vhen you're оп holiday.
7 l'm not going out until it stops "." ... "" . . " .. . . .
... . .." . "... " .. .

8 What shall we do this afternoon? Would you like ...."".."".".".".."........." .."...". to the beach?
9 When l'm tired in the evenings, 1 like ." """." "..."."""."""""."."". TV. . .

10 'Shall we go now?' 'No, l'd prefer ."""""."""."..".....""".""".". а few minutes.'


8 Заполните пропуски в ответах на вопросы.

1 Оо you usually get up early? Yes, 1 like . .. t.. Q.й?.t.чp."�? " . . " . . .". . ". . "".. " " ." .."". . " . .. . . . .. . .
.. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .... ... .". .. . .. .. . ... ... . ..

2 Do you ever go to museums? ' Yes, 1 enjoy .......... .................................... ............. . ..... ........................... .. . .." . . . " . "." . .." " " .. .. " .
." . ". . .. . ..... . ".


3 Would you like to go to а ; No, l'm hungry. l'd prefer ........................ . " ...... . .. . . .. . ..... . . . ... " . . "
....... .. ... ..... ..". . . .... "." ...."""" ..... "

museum now? to restaurant.


4 Do you drive а lot? J No, 1 don't like ........................................................................ ".."......"." ". . "
.. .. . .. "
"".......... ". .. ... " ......... .
5 Have you ever been to New York? �
No, but l'd love "."".."""""".".. """.".".""""."""".."".."""."".....".".""""..""."."""".. one day. .
6 Do you o�en travel Ьу train? f Yes, 1 enjoy ..". """ " . " " " """ " ."" ." " ". ".".""" "..." " . .
. . . .. . " . .. "" ." " . .. .
. . . ." . . ." . . . . . . ... . .... ".. . ". .. .. . " ." " " " ... ..... .. .

7 Sl1all we walk l1ome or take а taxi? '

1 don't mind """."..... ""..".""".."."""..".""..".".""."."""" ..""""...... """"...." ..."....... , but а taxi
would Ье quicker.

Закончите предложения, используя to •.• или -ing. Напишите о себе.

1 1 enjoy ..... .." .
" ..
" ....".". . .." ". "" . .... "..... .. .. .
.".". " ... """. ." . ..
." . ..... . .
...... ......"" .... ...... "."... ....." . . ". " ....... "......".... .. ...... .... ." .
....... ".... ....".". . .."" ........... .. " "...... ".. . . ......".. .. . .
.. ......... .......... . .

2 1 don't like ."."." .. ..... . . . " . .""

""... .... "". ." .." " """.""" .. .
"." " "" . ".". " ""."".. " "."".. """""" ." ". "
" . ." ."". """.".. """"" . "
" """"" .. """"""""" " " ". "" ". """". ". ""."""."." """"."
. "" ". .

3 lf it's а nice day tomorrow, l'd like .. " " "" ".. ."". "" " " .""" ... " """ . """"".". " " ." "" "
" " " " "." ""
."""".". " . " " . ".. "" " " " . ."" ". . .""" ""..". . """." ." .""
"." " ". ". ... .. . .. . .. . . . ....

4 When l'm on holiday, 1 like .""""".""".""""."".""."."." . . . ". ". "" """ " ."" " " ." " """. "" """."" " " ". """"".. ."" """"." " " "
. . ." . . ". . . . . . " . ". . .." . . . .. " .. ..... ... . .. ..... .
... ... .... ... .. . .. .....

5 1 don't mind """."" ..""...".....""""".."""."".."""""""."."".""""""""...""".... """, but """ . . . ..... .". " """"."." . " " .
.."""". "" ...." .."""" "." ".".""." "" " " ."" """ "" """. "" " ." .

6 1 wouldn't like .""" ..""".... " "".""""""."" ". " "

"" "." ""."."."" " .."."" " " ." .
". "" " "." .""" " " " .. ""." " """"" ".
. """" ". " ". .""""""." . . """ "" . ". . "" " " " . . . .. "" ." "." " " """. "

Переведите предложения на английский язык. рядом с морем =

1 Том и Анна решили продать свой дом. 5 Я предлагаю пойти в кафе. near the sea

2 Нина не против того, чтобы работать по 6 Я не ожидал увидеть Эмму на встрече.

субботам. 7 Питер пытался найти нас в парке.
З Мы бы очень хотели жить рядом с морем. 8 Было поздно, но Дэвид продолжал
4 Дождь закончился два часа назад. работать.

�Дополнительное упражнение 32 (страница 268) 117

1 want you to ".

The woman wants to go.

Девушка хочет уйти.

The man doesn't want thc woman to go.

Парень не хочет, чтобы девушка уходила.
Не wants her to stay.
011 хочет, чтобы она осталась.

1 want somebody to do something

О 1 want you to Ье happy. (неверно 1 want that you аге happy)

Я хочу, чтобы ты был счастлив.
О They didn't: want anybody to know Lheir secret. Они не хотели, чтобы кто-либо знал . . .
О Do you want me to lend you some money? Ты хочешь, чтобы я одолжила тебе денег?
также с would like:
О Would you like me to lend you some money? Ты хотел бы, чтобы я ... ?

Конструкция глагол+ кто-то + to .. также используется после глаголов ask/tell/advise/expect/
О Sue asl<ed а friend to lend her some money. ... попросила друга одолжить ей .. .
О 1 told you to Ье careful. Я попросил тебя быть осторожной.
О What do you advise me to do? Что ты мне посоветуешь?
О 1 didn't expect them to Ье here. Я не ожидала, что они будут здесь.
О We persuaded Gary to come with us. Мы убедили Гари пойти с нами.
О 1 am teaching my brother to swim. Я учу брата плавать.

. .. .·с· 1 told you to ... / 1 told you not to ...

Don't wait for те.

� Jane told me to wait for her.
Джейн попросила меня её подождать.

make и let

После make и let не используется to:

О He's very funny. Не makes me laugh. (неверно makes me to laugh)
... Он меня смешит. (букв. заставляет смеяться)
О At school our teacher made us work very hard.
... учитель заставлял нас очень много работать.
О 1 didn't have my phone with me, so Sue let me use hers. (неверно let me to use)
... разрешила мне воспользоваться её телефоном.

Let's ... ( = Let us) используют, когда предлагают сделать что-нибудь вместе:
О Соте on! Let's dance. ...Давай потанцуем!
О А: Do you want to go out tonight?
в: No, l'm tired. Lees stay at home. . .. Давай останемся дома.

118 ( Let's ... _. Раздел 36 Не told me that ". -+ Раздел 51

Напишите предложения, начинающиеся с 1 want you ." / 1 don't want you ••. / Do you want me .. . ?

.. .J.w.�nk.Y.9Ц.W CQ.11Je)Y,\�h .m.�............. " ... .. ..""....."

1 (you must come wich me) .. " . ". . ... "." ". . . .. " . "".. " . ""."" . """ .. . . ..."".
.. " " " . "

2 (liscen carefully) 1 want. "".".. "" ."" " ." . ." " " . "" .."" "" " " """."" "" ."" "" ." """" .""
. . " ".""""" "." "" . ." "." ."""
" "" " " " " """ .
. "" " " " .

3 (please don't Ье angry) 1 don't"".". "" " " " ." " . " ". .". . " ." . " " " "" ." " " ." "" . . .."
. . " """ . ." . ".." " ".." "." ."."" " ."." . "". ..". """"
" " " . " . "." "
4 (shall 1 wait for you?) Do you """".""."... ". ... .... ".."
. "." " .""" . ... "."" . ..."" " ".. ".. .. ". . "" "".."" .."." "." "" .""" " " . """"
. " " " "" "" "" " ". """" .
5 (don'c call me tonight) """ " . . ". ."""" ."."."" ""." " " . ".".
" " " " " . .". """. ""."
." " "". """"....". """ ."" ."". .". "."" ." ..."""" """""" "" ""
" . ." """"" .
6 (you musc meet Sarah) .." ." .. ".".." " " " . . " ". ". . " "." ". ..
" . " ." " " . . "" " ". . "" ""
"" " " "". " ".""" " "" """ ". ". " ". "
" ". ."" " "" ". " """." "" . """ """"
. . "

Посмотрите на картинки и закончите предложения.


Ш J'm busy now. -··11&) Don'tphone

Соте back in before 8 o'clock.
ten minutes.


--·---- .....-- - .
· .,,.--.� _____..,

1 Dan persuaded . . n:J§.JQ"g.Q.tQ"t.b?."gJ.r.i�.m.a."""""""""..

" """""""""".." ."" ."" """ " " " .".".."" " " "" ".
" "" " ". " " . "" "" . ". ".
" " "" " " ." "." ."

2 1 wanced to gec to the stacion. А woman told " ." " " """ ..... ""."".. .... "" ......""" " "_ .. """ . """ ."" . "" "" . "" .. "" . "."." ". "... .""
""" ". " " " ".".. "

3 Ben \'v'asn'c well. 1 advised . """"" """" " """." .""" " """ " .""""" """"" " " " . """""""
" " " " ."" " """ " ."" ."
. """ "" """" . """"..."""""
" ". "" "" ."
" "

4 Laura had а loc of luggage. She asked ..... " ." .

"" " " " " " ." .". ".".""
. " ". "" ""."" ." " ". """"" "." .."" . """" " ..""
". ." " " "..." " "".......

5 1 was соо busy to calk со Tom. 1 cold . ....." .. . ." . " " ".."" " "" .. "" " . . " "
" " " "" " " . " " " . . " " """" " "". . "" " . "" .""". " " . ." . ".
" " " " " "
" ". ." ."" "."
6 1 wanted со make а phone call. Paul let "."."."""..." . """ "." ."." .." "".. """ .."""."" .. ".""" ". .... ."" """ .". " ""."" ".""" """" . ""..."" .".."
7 Sue is going to call me later. 1 told "".. . .. " . .. ". . "" . .
" " " . "" ".. " . ."
" " " " "... .. .... .." "
" " ". .." "" """ """." ". ""."". . . . ." .."""." "
"" " " " .." " . "" "

8 Amy's mother taughc ."..". .. ."."".. ...." " . ". " ""."." ". ..
" "" . ". " " "..".."" " ". .".."" "" "" ."". " . . """. .. """." " ..""."""""". .
" " "" " . " " " " """" """""" . " ..""""""

Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы из рамки. В некоторых предложениях необходимо

использовать to (to go / to wait и т. д.); в других предложениях to не используется (go/wait и т. д.) .

l arrive

borrow get -go- go make repeat tell think wait

1 Please scay here. 1 don't want you "..t.Q..gQ"" уес.

2 1 didn't hear whac she said, s o 1 asked l1er ."". """. """". "".". "" it.
З 'Shall we begin?' 'No, let's "... """. """""""".". """"."".". а few minuces.'
4 Аге chey already here? 1 expected chem .. "."."""". """..."""""""". n:щch lacer.
5 Kevin's parencs didn't wanc him . """"... """. ."."" ".""." ..".... married.
6 1 wanc со stay here. You can'c make me "" ".""".""" .. """. "".""".. "" with you.
1 е.?'
7 '1 s that your ь·k ' Н е 1ее me """." """.. """". """" .. """"" 1t.
'Nо, 1c 's J оhns.
· '

8 Rachel can'c come to the рапу. She cold me "." """."".".".""""... "...""" ..." you.
9 Would you like а drink? Would you like me ".. "..""" """""" ..."" """.""" .. " some coffee?
1 О 'Kate doesn't like me.' 'What makes you """ ."""""....."."."".". "".""""" chat?'

Переведите предложения на английский язык. заканчивать работу=

1 Я хочу, чтобы вы пришли на вечеринку. 6 Кто учит тебя водить машину? finish work

2 Мы не ожидали, что фильм нам понравится. 7 Гари попросил детей не разгооаривать в библиотеке.
З Борис убедил друга помочь ему. 8 Мой начальник разрешает мне заканчивать работу
4 Ты хочешь, чтобы я приготовил ужин? рано по пятницам.
5 Давай поедем в отпуск в Испанию. 9 Этот фильм всегда заставляет меня плакать.


Paula wanted а newspapeг, so she
went to the shop.

Why did she go to the shop?

Зачем она зашла в магазин?
То get а ne\vspapeг.
Чтобы купить газету.

She \vent to the shop to get а ne\vspapeг.

Она зашла в магазин, чтобы купить газету.

· -··-

to ... (to get / to see и т. д.) используют, чтобы объяснить причину действия:
О А: Why are you going out?
в: То buy some food. Чтобы купить продукты.
О Catheгine went to the sration to meet hег friend. ... чтобы встретить подругу.
О Sue ruгned оп the television to watch the news. ... чтобы посмотреть новости.
О l'd like со go to Spain to learn Spanish. ... чтобы выучить испанский язык.
money/time to {do something):
О We need some money to buy food.
1 lам нужны деньги, чтобы купить продукты.
О 1 don't have time to watch TV.
У меня нет времени, чтобы смотреть телевизор.

. .,в_,,.1.
,... ,
to ."и for " .

to +глагол for + существителы юе

(to get / to see и т. д.) (for а newspaper / for food и т. д.)

О 1 went to the shop to get а newspaper. О 1 'Nent со the shop for а newspaper.
(неверно fог get)
О Тhеу'ге going to B г azil to see theiг friends. О Тhеу'ге going со Brazil for а holiday.
О We need some money to buy food. О We need some money for food.
. "

wait for =ждать кого-то/что-то

О Please wait for me. ... подождите меня.
О Are you waiting for che bus? Вы ждёте автобус?
wait to (do something) =ждать с целью что-то сделать:
О Huгry up! l'm waiting to go .
. .. Мне нужно уходить. (букв. Жду, чтобы уйти.)
О Аге you waiting to see the doctor?
Вы дожидаетесь приёма у врача?

wait for (somebody/something) to ". =ждать выполнения

какого-либо действия:
О The lights are red. You have со wait for them to change.
. . . Вам придётся подождать, пока он сменится.
О Аге you waiting for the doctor to come?
Вы ждёте врача? (букв. когда приедет врач)
They're waiting for the lights to change.

go to . и go for . .. -+ Раздел 56
" something to eat / nothing to do и т. д. -+ Раздел 80
120 enough + to/for . . . -+ Раздел 92 too + to/for . . . -+ Раздел 93
Напишите предложения с 1 went to .•• . Используйте слова и фразы из обеих рамок.
,,-- -- -

а coffee shop buy some vegetaЫes get some medicine


-the-stat�-вn- J' +
l/ )
1 the chemist the market meet а friend -getаtra•n-tieket-
- ,,,. -- -------

1 . ..J..v�ш1t..tQ..t.h.e.. �t.�t!9.n.tQ.�c.t.g tr.gJ.!1.t..!�.ket.:....... . . .. . . ... .... .. .. .... ... ".. . .... " . .. . ".... .. ".. .... . . ". ..... " ....." . . ..."".. . .. . . .... ... . ....... ... .
. __ . . . " . . . . .. . ..". .. . ."... . .. .

2 1 went ....".".. . .. .. .. " .. ... ... . . . . " . " . ..

" . . . " .. . .. " ." . " " ". .... .. .... . "" .. ... . . ... . . . . .. ... ... ." . . . .
"" """." . " .. " " . " . ". "... .. ... " ...". ".
. """ . .. "" . ... . .. ..... .. . . . ". . ". " ". "" . " " " " . .. .. ···-· ············" . .. . .

3 ................. ".... ". . ..... ..... . ... ..... .. ... ...... . ... " ".. "" ". .... . ... ". . "... . . .. .... ""." . .. . . . ".. .. . . . "..... . ".
. . " . . . . " . " . ...... " ... "". ". . .. .. " . "."." .. . .." " .... "... . .. ... .... ..
" "." . . " . . ". . " . . " " " . ." .. " ". . . ". .. .

Закончите предложения. Используйте фразы из рамки.

� .=- \

. ,,.to get some fresh air to re d the �ewspape to wake him up

\ .
to open this door
to see who it was -t�e-� ) - -- �"

1 1 turned оп the TV .. .. W.Wq�.h.t.h�.. !J§Yt.S ...... " . .".... " ."

. ... ........." . .. "" " . . "... . ...."." "". .." .. "... ." .......... .. . . .". "."".. . ..." ".. ."" .." . "... . " ". .. .. .
" . . . . . " " . " . . " . . " "

2 Alice sat down in an armchair .." ." .. . .. . ..." .... " . " . .... .... .. ... ....... " . "".. .. . . . . ... "." . "".... . .. ... ..... ..........." ..." ". . . ...". " ". "" .."""" ... . .. ".
" .. . . ". .. . "" . " ." " " . .

3 Do 1 need а key .."""." ..."... ........""".".".".. ."".. ". ".....".." ........"." ........". """ .. "..""""" .." """""."."..""".."" ... " ......"" "........ ..............""..........." ........ "...?
4 1 went for а \'lfalk Ьу che river ".... .... . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. .
.. "" " . . .
" " "" ... ... .. .. . .... . . ... ." .. .. . .... . . ".... . ". ".. ... .. . ...... ... "."... . ". ..... ....... .. .
... .. . . .. .. " " . " . " . " ". . . . . .. . "

S 1 knocked оп с�1е door of David's room "".. ."" "". . .

" " " "."" . .. ".. "" . ... ." ." .. "... .... "".
"" " " . . . ..... .".. ." .. ". . " ". . .. . . . . "." .... "". .". . . .. . " " . .. . "

6 The doorbell rang, so 1 looked out of the window ..".... . " . . . " ... . .. ".. ... ..... . .."" ... ... " . ."...... ". . " "" . . .. .. ... .. ".... ". ." " . ."". "". . .
. . . . .. . " . . . "" " "

Закончите предложения (to ••• ). Используйте свои собственные идеи.

1 1 went to the shop ." "t.9..g�t...� n�xY.�pgp�r""..... " " ".. .. ".. ". . . ". . " .. "... . ." . ".. "".. ". "" . "". """" " """ ". ...". . ""... " ."" . . .." . "" """".
" " ." " . " . . " " "" . . . " .

2 l'm very busy. 1 don't have time ""..... "".. . "" """" .. . .... . " . . . ..... .. .. ... ..... . """"" "". . "" """ ".. . "". .""
" " "" .... . " . . ". "."" . .""" "
. . .. . . .." . ." " .. """ ". " "" "" . .. .

3 1 called Amy " ...... .. . .."". . ." .." . .. ."".... . ."" "" . ... ".. .. . . . . .. . ". ".. . . ".. .... "." "" ... " ""
" " . " " . . "" . . ".. . .. ". . .. . ... . .... . "" ". .". . ...... .. " ...". .
" . " . " . " . " " "" ". " . " ". " "" " " " . .. . " .

4 l'm going out " "..... "." . ". " " ". "." ." . ... . " ". ." ".". " "" . ".. . .". .... ."". ". .. ..... . . " . ... . .. .... . ... ." .. ". "" .. .. ... . . ..
"" . " " " " " . " . " . .... ". ........." . . ."" " "".
" " . . " . . ." . " . .. . ... ". . . " "" .

S 1 borrowed some money "". ".... "" .. "". "".. ".. . . " """" . .. " .." ... ".... ". ". ". . ". . ." " ".. . .." ".. "" "."..". . " . . " "... . . " .".
. . "" ....". . ."." . ".
" " " " . " . " " . ". . . " " . " " " " " "

Вставьте to или for.

1 1 'Nent out: ... . tQ" . " get some bread.


2 We went со а restaurant ...."."."..."". have dinner.

3 Robert wants to go со university ""............".. study economics.
4 l'm going to London "......"........"an interview next week .
5 l'm going to London ...... ""...... visit: some friends of mine.
6 Do you have time .. .... . .... .".. а cup of coffee?
. . .

7 1 got up late this morning. 1 didn't: have cime ............... \'lfash .

8 Everybody needs money ...."
9 We didn't have any money .. .".."........ а taxi, so 'vVe walked home.
10 The office is very small. There's space only ... .... ."....... а desk and chair. .. .

11 А: Excuse те. are you waiting ...."....""" Ье served?

в: No, l'm already being served, thanks.

Закончите предложения, используя слова из рамки:

( ".""..__
.,,. ..

�t / t�r ve �

you / tell m:

__ -th
- emj-thaRge-
- -------

__ the film / begin

- --

1 We stopped at the lights and waited ".".fQr.t..b�m.t.9.""."""..... " """ .. .. " . ."" . . ". . " . ..". .... ".. "" . ... . .. . ". ....... . " .. ... ". " .." . " . . " ." . ... . " . . .

2 1 sat: down in the cinema and \ivaited ".." . . " ." . . ". . . . ""."."" . .. "" . "".. " .. .. """. "" ...." .. "." . . . . ""......... . ...... "".. ... " .... ..... .
". " " . . .. " ." ". " ." " . ." " " " " . .

3 We called an ambulance and waited ..... ." " ...." ".. .""."""" " .... ." . "... """ ". "". " "... .."" .. "" ." .... . ".. . ... ". ". . ". " ".. . .. .. ..". ". ..... .. . .. . .
" " " " " " " " . " . . . . . . .

4 'Do you kno\v \'lfhat со do?' 'No, l'm \'lfaiting. "... ". "" "" ". .. . .. "" . . ". . " ". " . . ... ". ". ."... " . . ... . . .. "... . . ." ". . ". .. " . ... . .. ... ... . . ..' .
" " " .".. " " " . . " . " . . . .. ".. ". . "

Переведите предложения на английский язык. Швейцария= S'Nitzerland

1 Вера едет в Швейцарию, чтобы гулять в горах. поступать в университет =

2 Я ходила в магазин, чтобы купить бананы. go to university

3 Тим ездил в Манчестер, чтобы навестить родителей.

4 У нас нет денег на отпуск в этом году.
5 Вы ждёте, чтобы поговорить с менеджером?
6 В следующем году Ким поступает в университет, чтобы изучать испанский язык.
7 Я жду, когда закончится дождь.
8 У меня нет времени, чтобы смотреть телевизор.

. ,
А go to ... =идти/ехать куда-то (go to work / go to London / go to а concert и т. д.)

О What time do you usually go to work? ... идёте на работу?

О l'm going to China next \.Veek. Я еду в Китай ...
О Sophie didn't \Vant со go to the concert. . .. идти но концерт. go to
О А: Where's Тom?
в: He's gone to bed. ... лёг спать. (букв. пошёл в кровать)
О 1 went to the dentist yesterday. Я ходил к стоматологу ."
go to sleep =засыпать:
О was very tired and went to sleep quickly. . .. и заснул быстро.
go home (без to) =идти домой:
О l'm going home now. (неверно going to home)
"._.,. -с..

- ·.
.·. ·в go on ...

holiday ездить в отпуск
о We're going on holiday nexc week.
а rrip отправляться в поездку
о Children often go on school trips.

on а tour ездить на экскурсию

о Workers at the airport have gone on strike.
а crшse ездить в круиз
Рабочие в аэропорту объявили зобаrтовку.
strike объявлять забастовку

. .
. •, с. go for ... =отправляться куда-то с целью ...

а \Valk идти / ходить на прогулку

а run идти но / делать пробежку
go (somewhere) for а swim идти плавать / купаться
1 а drink идти что-нибудь выпить
а meal идти что-нибудь поесть

О 'Where's Emma?' 'She's gone for а walk'

О Do you go for а run every morning?
О 111е water looks nice. l'm going for а swim.
О 1 met Chris in to\.�m. so we went for а coffee.
О Shall \.Ve go out for а meal? 1 know а good rescaurant.

�- . .D go + -ing

Go + -ing используется с названиями многих видов спорта (swimming / sl<iing и т.д.), а также
с shopping (=ходить по магазином).

1 1 shopping
. _ swimming
he 1s go1ng .
fi5 hing
'Ne went
they have gone
she \vants to go t
l _ j og ging и т . д. D
__..._ __ _ __ _ ____,
___ _

О Аге you going shopping this afternoon? -��� �

� �(
1: L�
Ты пойдёшь по магазинам сегодня днём? �
О lt's а nice day. Let's go swimming (или Let's go for а swim.)
... Давай пойдём купаться.
О Richard has а small boat and he often goes sailing
'r J�. \�

... и он часто плавает под парусом.

О 1 went jogging before breakfast tl1is morning.
Я бегала (букв. ходила на пробежку) ...

Где необходимо, вставьте to/on/for.

1 .
l'm going ..... tQ".... . China next \Л/ееk.
2 Richard often goes.. � "" """. sailing. (без предлога)
3 Sue went""". " ..." ..... Mexico last year.
4 Jack goes". .."....." jogging every morning.
S l'm going out "". " ....."".... а walk. Do you want ro come?
6 l'm tired becaL1se 1 went "."... ..".. bed vегу late last night.
7 Mark is going"." "....... holiday".. ".".". ltaly next week.
8 The weather was 'Narm and the river \vas clean, so we went .... ... . ... ".. а sw1m.
9 The taxi drivers \Л/ent......."" .." strike \vhen 1 was in New York.
. .
10 L ec1s go" .........."...... thе c1nema с h'1s even1ng.?
11 lr's late. 1 have со go. "..""...... l1ome now.
12 Would you like to go ..."."......".а tour of the city?

13 Shall 1.v
, e go out....."....."" .." dinner this evening?
14 Му parents are going . "" .."" ".."а cruise this summer.

1,.,ш·иftсп 1 m 1ast s�·шrd;/Ш da�--1 ш -;;; · ;;,опth -Шlater

Посмотрите на картинки и допишите предложения. Используйте go/goes/going/went + -ing.
еvсгу . - 1 ® yestci·day --\


1i п �

1, 1


·� r

�/� 1
l����'"·�·11 ��ILY· .J.JES�- ,._J_�::..�.�--"-�"�.l ��-RAH ,-· -···")
� i
: j О�-�
1 .

-j " _
••• .
. .
. .

1 Richard has а boat. Не о�еп gQ�2..�_gJJ.!!1g "". .


2 Last Saturday Emily went"." ...."" ...". ". " . ......." . " ...." ". "" ".. . .. "" " " "" "." . ". . .. .
3 Dan"." ".. "".".."". ."" ."""... "" ..".".." .."....".""" ...""""." ever y day.
4 Jessica is going on holiday next month. She is ."" . . ...."" . . ..."" ... . .
. "" ". . .... ".. .."... . " ...". .." "" .".". "..." . .
5 Pecer is going out lacer. Не has со" ""."".""".... " . """ """.". .".".". ." ....". " ."" .. ".".." .

6 Sarah """". ".""..."."""....."".""...".."" .."."........." """". a�er work yesterday.

Заполните пропуски, используя слова из рамки. Где необходимо, вставьте to/on/for.

("" --:----
' -a-sw 1m- holiday Portugal shopping sleep ).

а walk home riding ··- skii g� ___ �niversitY-.1

1 The warer looks nice. Let's go .".fQ.r..� .�wi.m".".. .
2 After leaviog school, Тina went "...."".. "." ............. ".".............. "......"" ... "......." ..."".... \h/here sl1e scudied psychology.
3 l'm going " " ........ "..."............"....."....... ...... "..... "....".......... nо\Л/. 1 have t? buy а few things.
. . . .". " .." . . .. ... ... ....

4 1 1.,vas very tired last night. 1 sat down in an armchair and went " . . . .... " " . . . . . . . ...." . ."" . ... .

5 1 wasn't enjoying the рапу, so 1 went: .... "... "."............"........... . ............"." .."." ..".." ..... "".... early.
6 We live near che mount:ains. ln winter we go ".. """"." . .....".""... ".".". ."".". ........ ".. ".". " most weekends.
7 Robert has gotа horse. Не goes... ""..."""....." ."......". ........." ... "...." ..." ..." .... а lot.
8 The weather is nice. Sl1all we go.".". .."...."........." .......". ....""" .. .......... " "... along t:he river?
9 д: Аге you going".."... ........." .""..... . .......... "........ ".......... ..".. soon?
в: Yes, next monrh. We're going."".. "."...". "......... " .......... ....." .. " .."....."......... . We've never been there before.

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя go в нужной форме.

1 В четверг я еду в Лондон. 6 Бен и Ирина уехали кататься на лыжах

2 В прошлом году Джесс ездила в отпуск в Австрии.
в Америку. 7 Вчера учителя объявили забастовку.
3 Я хотела бы погулять в парке. 8 После концерта мы пошли домой.
4 Олег ездит на рыбалку каждые выход н ые. 9 Давайте сходим выпьем кофе.
5 Как часто ты ходишь по магазинам? 10 Завтра я иду к врачу.

get + существительное = получать, покупать, находить и т. д.

/ you get ic �
you don't have someching you have ic

О 1 got an email from Sam chis morning. Я получила имейл от Сэма . ..

О 1 like your sweater. Where did you get it? ... Где ты его купил?
О ls it hard to get а job at the moment? Сейчас трудно найти работу?
О 'ls Lisa here?' 'Yes, 1'11 get her for you.' ... ''До, я её позову':

Get также используется в выражения х get а bus / а train / аtaxi (= ехать на автобусе, поезде и т. д.):
О 'Did you \valk here?' 'No, 1 got the bus .' ... "Нет, я приехал на автобусе':

get hungry / get cold / get tired /1 т. д. (get + прuлагательное) стантшться . .. :

/ �

you get hungry

you're not hungry you are hungry

О lf you don't eat, you get hungry.

Если ты не поешь, то проголодаешься·. (букв. станешь голодным)
О Drink your coffee. lt's getting cold . ... Он остывает.
О l'm sorry your mother is ill. 1 hope she gets better soon. . .. ей скоро станет лучше.
О lt was raining very hard. We didn't have an umbrella, so we got very wet .
.. . поэтому мы сильно промокли. (букв. стали мокрыми)

Get + прилагательное может переводиться на русский я зык с использованием глагола на -ся:

get married =жениться / выходить замуж О Nicola and Frank are getting married soon.
get dressed =одеваться О 1 got up and got dressed quickly.
get lost =заблудиться О We didn't have а map, so we got lost
get angry =рассердиться О Му brother gets angry very casily.
get worse =ухудшаться О The \vearl1er is getting worse .
. -·-:t••"' .... _ .._..._...... .... -"-.

get to а place = добираться куда-то

О 1 usually get to work before 8.30. ... добираюсь на работу . ..
О We left London at 10 o'clock and got to Manchester at 12.45 .
. .. и добрались до Манчестера ...

get here/there (без to)

О How did you get here? Ву bus? Как вы сюда добрались? ... get to
get home (без to) =добираться/ приходить домой
О What time did you get home last n ight?

get in/out/on/off = заходить в/ выходить из транспорта

get in (а саг) get out (of а саг) get оп get off

(а bus /а train /а plane)

О Касе got in (или into) the car and drove away. Кейт села в машину и ...
О А саг stopped and а man got out (но А man got out ofthe car .)
Машина остановилась, и из неё вышел мужчина.
О We got on the bus outside rhe hotel and got off in Cl1urch Street.
Мы сели на автобус ... вышли из автобуса . . .

124 (get to-+ Раздел 108 in/out/on/off-+ Разделы 11 О, 114 get up-+ Раздел 114 get on-+ Приложение 6 )
Закончите предложения. Используйте get/gets и слова из рамки .
--- ---------

a doctor а lot of rain а taxi .,

-my-ema1.- thejob )
а good salary a new laptop а ticl<et some milk your boots )
- "

1 Did you "...e.�t...rOY..�ШgJJ _____ ? 1 sent it а week ago.

2 Where did you. . . . "."......""""""."...."..... """". """".. "...""""""""""""""". ? They're very nice.
. .. ... ..

3 Quick! This man is ill. We need to """.""" ....""".""."" ..."".".." .."...."....""".... """" ""."""""".""" ..

4 1 don't \Vant to \ivalk home. Let's" """ ." "" " . " "" """" . " .""""" " " """ " " ."". ..
" " "" "" " " "" " " "" """" .

5 Tom has an intervie\v tomorro\v. 1 hope he " . . " " """. " " ". ." . """ "" " " ...."".""" ..""".." ..".."... """". "."""""".
" ". "

6 When you go to the shop, сап you " " """" " " ""."" """.""".""""" ."""""."""."""."""""""."."""""".". ?
7 l\re you going to rhe concerc?' 'Yes, if 1 can "." "." "".""."""."""""""."."""""""""""".""""."." """"". ".""" . .'

8 Helen hasа well-paidjob. She .""" "". ." " ". "". " " " ""." "" """""". """" . """". """"."" "."""."".""""" .

9 The wearher is horriЫe here in \vinter. We ".. ".""".".".""""""".""""""."""""."".""".""" """"." ."".""."".". . "

10 l'm going to . ."""".""."""".".""."."." ..""""" .. ".""."."".". ""."". """"". ""." .. The one 1 have is too slow.

Закончите предложения. Используйте getting и слова из рамки:

- ld- darl< late married ready J

1 Drink your coffee. lt's g�1Jne..9.PkJ"".. . ___

2 Turn on the light. lt's.""". .. " . " " "" " . ..... " .". """
. " " " " ." " " ."""" . .
.." " " " " " " "". " " ." " " " " . " """

З 'l'm""""""".""""."."". "."" ".""". """"."""""".""""".""""""""".. next week: 'Really? Congrarulacions!'

4 'Where's Karenr 'She's " "."" "."""..".""""""""".".".""""""""""" ""."" """"" """. ro go our:
5 lt's.. """""."""."".... """."""".""""""" """". "."". "" .."". """""""."". . lt's time со go home.

Закончите предложения. Используйте get/gets/got и слова из рамки:

" -- - ---- - -- --
angry better -hungr-y- lost married old wet
1 lf you don't eat, you"."й?t...Ь.цпgrУ..".".
2 Don't go our in the rain. You'll... " .. " "" """ "" " " ". " . .... ""
." ."" " " . """" .. . " .
"" " " "" . ". ." ". " ." .. " " . . .
"" "

3 Му brother ""."""""" ...."""".".."""".""."""".""""""".." "."." "".". ......" lasc year. His \Vife's name is Sarah.
4 Mark is always very calm. Не never """ "".
" """ . . "" ." "" ". . " . . "
" " "" " " ." """ ". "" "." . " " "."
" ." " ."" " " .

5 We tried to find the horel, but we ."."". ... "". . ." "" " " . " " " " "" """ " ". "
" " """ ." " . """" " " "." """ "
. " " ". . "". " .
6 Everybody wants to яау young, but \"!е all" ".""" " " "" " """ " " "
" """ " .""" . " . .. "
" "" " " "" " """ " " . . """ . ". .
" "

7 Yesterday the \vearher \vasnr

' so good at first, but it ."" """". """.""""""""""".""""""""""""""""""..""..""""."""""
during the day.

Напишите предложения, используя 1 left . и got to . . ... .

1 home / 7 30 � work / 8.15


. "J..!.?f.�"hom. � gt.
. 7 9. Q f-.1л4 .e9k.t.9. Y
. .. � .Qr.� g t. �.:.1..�.
:. . . . . " _ """". "."""""""".""."."""."." .."."."""."""."."."""" ....""""". """"" .""..". """".".""."."" ...
2 London / 10.15 � Bristol / 11.45
1 leR London at 10.15 and """"""""" . . . """" """""" "" """ . "" "" " ." " . " " "." "" .." " "
" " """ "" . " "" .""""" .. "" " " "" " ." . " " " "
" " "" " . " "" " " . ". " . . ". " "
"" .. " " ".

3 the party / 11: 15 � home / midnight

4 Напишите предложение о себе.

1 leR".". " " .
" .". "". . ." .. . " ."."." . " " ".
" " .. " " " """ """ " " " " """ ." "" "" " ". "." "" .
" "" " ".

Вставьте got in / got out of / got оп / got off.

1 Kate" ".g.o�Jn""" the car and drove away.

2 1"""""".""."""""." ""
" " """."."""" ...""."." the bus and walked to my house from the bus scop.
3 lsabel ."".""".".""."""" ".".". """"" ....""""""""" the car, shut the door and went into а shop.
4 1 made а stupid mistake. 1" ". " . "".""""".".".""""".""""."""""."."." the wrong train.

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя get/got/getting.

1 Твой ужин остывает. 5 Вчера я пришла домой очень поздно.

2 Сегодня утром Нина добралась на работу в 6 Где ты купила эту куртку?
11 часов. 7 Где мне нужно выходить из автобуса?
З Вы получили мой имейл? 8 Антон завтра женится.
4 Мы с Салли заблудились в центре города.

Глаголы do и make соответствуют глаголу "делать" в русском языке.

. _"
- А Do - общее слово для действий:
О Whac are you doing cl1is evening? (неверно Whac are you making?)
Что вы делаете сегодня вечером?
О А: Shall 1 open che window?
в: No, it's ОК. 1111 do it. Нет, не надо. Я открою. (букв. Я это сделаю)
О Rachel's job is very boring. Sl1e does che same ching every day.
. . . Оно делает одно и то же каждый день.
О 1 did а loc of things yescerday. Я много всего сделал ...

What do you do? = Кем Вы работаете?

О 'What do you do?' '1 work in а bank.'

Make = производить, создавать и т. д. Например:

She's mal<ing coffee. Не has made а cake. They make umbrellas. lt was made in China.
Она заваривает кофе. Он испёк торт. Они производят Это было сделано в
зонтики. Китае.

Сравните do и make:
О 1 did а lot yesrerday. 1 cleaned my room, 1 wrote some letters and 1 made а cake.
Я сделал много дел . . . Я сделал уборку в ... , написал несколько писем и испёк торт.
О А: Whac do you do in your free time? Sport:? Reading? Hobbles? Чrrю ты делаешь .. .
в: 1 make clothes. 1 make dresses and jackecs. 1 also make coys for my children.
Я шью одежду. Я шью .. Я также делаю игрушки ...

Выражения с do

an exam / а t:esc сдавать экзамен / тест О l'm doing my driving test next week.
а course проходить курс / обучение О John has just: done а training course.
homework выполнять домашнее задание О Our children have со do а loc of homework
housework делать роботу по дому О 1 hace doing housework, especially cleaning.
somebody а favour оказывать услугу О Sue, could you do me а favour?
an exerc1se делать упражнение О 1 go for а run and do exercises every morning.

также в выражениях: do the shopping (делать покупки) / do the washing (стирать бельё) / do the
washing-up (мыть посуду) / do the ironing (гладить бельё) / do the cooking (готовить еду) и т. д. :
О 1 did the washing, but 1 didn' t do the shopping. Я выстирала бельё, но не сделала покупки.

Выражения с make

а mistake допускать ошибку О l'm sorry, 1 made а mistake.

an appointment записываться но приём О 1 need to mal<e an appoin·tment to see che doctor.
а phone call звонить по телефону О Excuse me, 1 have to make а phone call.
а list составлять список О Have you made а shopping list?
а no1se шуметь О lt's late. Don't mal<e а noise.
а bed застилать постель О Somecimes 1 forgec со make my bed in che morning.

Нужно говорить make а film (снимать фильм), но take а photo / take а picture (фотографировать};
О When was this film made? но When 'Nas this photo taken?

126 ( do/does/did (отрицания и вопросы)-+ Разделы 44-45 make somebody do somethiпg-+ Раздел 54
Вставьте make/making/made или do/doing/did/done.

1 'Shall 1 open the windo'N?' 'No, it's ОК. 1'11 "49. " it.'

2 What did you ..................... .................... at the weekend? Did you go a\'Vay?
3 Do you know ho\v to ....."........ ".."... ."""".. """"" bread?
4 Paper is ."" "".." .."" """.""""".". from wood.
5 Richard didn't help me. Не sat in an armchair and ."""""" """"""...."" ".""."". nothing.
6 'What do you ...................... ..........."... ?' 'l'm а doctor.'
7 1 asked you to clean the bathroom. Have you .................... ......"................ it:?
8 'What do they ..... . "...."... ............ ........... in that factory?' 'Shoes.'
9 l'm ......."..."... . ............""......" some coffee. Would you like some?
1 О vVhy are you angry \Vith me? 1 didn't ......"."."....... . .......... " ....... anyching wrong.
11 'Wh at are you .......... .......... ....... ..... . . ......... romorrow аft ernoon.?' '1'm \vork rng.'

Посмотрите на картинки. Что делают эти люди?

/ -· ··-·· ·-- ···-- -- ,

-- --·

1 ... н.�·�. .m.ak.i.ng_g 9.��.Q.:.... "" . ."

... . .... .
.. . .. . .". . ... ...... ..... .. ...... .. . .
6 ...................." . ... .... .. ... " .
. ... ..

2 Тhеу ..." .. ..... . ... . . . " .. . " "" "

.. . . ."" . " " " .."
. .. . "
..... . . ". ..... "" " . ".. " . "". .
7 ......." . . " .. ..... . . . . " .. .
.. " " .. . .. .. . . "..... "" "
. ... . ... . "" . . . . . " ..."." " ..
. . .. . . . . . ........ " .

3 Не ......" . . . .. . . . ..
... . .. " . ." .. " . " "". ... " .
. ....... ".. .. ... ..... ... ..... .. . . ....... . .. . .. ..... . .
4 ......" . ." " " " """ . ."
" .... . ... .. ... .. . .....
5 10 ........." ...... "...
.. ..".......... . . . ". . .. ." . . "....
... . .. .. .... ... . ......" .. . ."
... ... . . .. ..
"...... .... .

Вставьте make или do в правильной форме.

1 1 l1ate . .. house\lvork, especially cleaning.

.... . ."

2 Why do you always ".." .." ."....""".".." ............ che same mistake?
3 'Can you "......."......"......" .......". ".". me а favour?' 'lc depends what it is.'
4 'Have you ..........." ............ ""....".... """ your home\vork?' 'Not yet.'
5 1 need to see the dentist, but 1 haven't ......." ."...."... .............".."" an appointment.
6 l'm " ... ""."..."...."...." . .....".. а
... course in phocography at the moment. lt's very good.
7 The last time 1.".."... ......"".. ..""....."..".. an exam \ЛJas ten years ago.
8 How many phone calls did you ....." ."....."" ."..... ""."" ....". yescerday?
9 When you've finished Exercise 1, you can ."". .."..."... .."..... ..".."" Exercise 2.
1 О There's something wrong \vich the саг. The engine is .
... . ..""... ..."....."" .......... . а strange noise.
11 lt 'Nas а bad mistake. lt was t�1e \vorst mistake l've ever " " .. ... " "
......" . .."" ... " ." . " ". .
. ..

12 Let's "..."..."...... "....."............. . а list of all the chings we have со."."...."..". .""."... ......."." today.

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя do или mal<e. в выходные =ас weekends

1 Моя мама печёт очень вкусные торты. 5 Наша машина была

2 Сколько экзаменов Анна сдавала в произведена во Франции.
прошлом году? 6 Я делаю работу по дому в выхо)'\ные.
З Что ты делаешь в субботу? 7 Когда я говорю по-английски, л делаю много ошибок
4 Дети спят. Не шуи1и! 8 Я могу записаться на пр и ём к стоматшюгу?

have и havegot

1 have (something) или l'vegot (something) =у меня есть (букв. я имею):

С 1 have а ne\v саг. или l'vegot а new саг. У меня есть новая машина.
О Sasha has long haiг. или Sasha hasgot long haiг. У Саши длш IНЫе волосы.
О Do they have any children? или Have theygot any childгen? У них есть дети?
О Tom doesn't have а job. или Tom hasn'tgot а job. У Тома нет работы.
О Ho\v much time do you have? или How much ti m e have yougot? Сколько времени у вас есть?

также в выражениях:

l l1ave } а headachc /(а) roothache /а pain (in my leg и т. д.)

l'vegot а cold / а cough / а sоге throat /а temperature / fiu и т. д.

О 1 have а headache. или l'vegot а headache. У меня болит голова.

О Do you have а cold? или Have you got а cold? У тебя простуда?

В прошедшем времени используются формы 1 had (безgot) / 1 didn't have / Did you have? и т. д.:
О When 1 firsr mer Sasha, she had short haiг. ... у неё были короткие волосы.
О Не didn't have any money because he didn't have а job.
У него не было денег, потому что у него не было роботы.
О Did you have enough time to do eveгyrhing you wanted?
У вас было достаточно времени, чтобы сделать всё, что ... ?

- ; IJ have breakfast / have а shower и т. д.

В этих выражениях have =пить/есть/принимать и т. д. Не используется 'have got'.

bгeakfast / lunch / dinneг О А: Wheгe's Lisa?

а meal / а sandwich / а pizza и т. д. в: She's having lunch. ... Она обедает.

have О 1 don't usually have bгeakfasr. ... не завтракаю.
а cup of coffee ; а glass of milk и т. д.
somerhing ro eat/dгink О 1 had three cups of coffee this moг Я выпила ...
О д: Have а blscuit! Возьмите печенье!
в: Oh, thank you.

В этих выражениях используется только have (неверно have gor):

а bath /а showeг О 1 had а showeг this morning. Я мылся под душем ...
а гest / а holiday / а рагtу О We're having а party next week. You musr come.

а nice time /а good rrip / fun и т. д. Мы устраиваем вечеринку ...

have а \�alk /а s\vim /а game(of rennis и т. д.) О Did you have а good time in Tokyo?
а dream / an accident Ты хорошо провёл время в Токио?

а ЬаЬу О Sandгa has just had а ЬаЬу. . .. родила ребёнко.

а look (ar somerhing) О Can 1 have а look at уоuг magazine?
Можно взглянуть на твой журнал?

Обратите внимание, что для пожеланий используется Have ... ! Например:

Have а nice day! Have а good tгip! Have а good fiight!
Have fun! Have а good time! Have а nice weekend!

.-· . . . с· Сравните
l'm having
Have или havegot а shov1er.

О 1 have / l'vegot а new showeг. \t's vегу good.

У меня есть новый душ . ...

Have (неверно havegot)

О 1 have а shower every moгning.
(неверно l'vegot а showeг еvегу morning)
Я моюсь под душем каждое утро.

О л: Wheгe's Paul?
в: H e's having а showeг. Он моется под душем.

128 ( 1 have /l've got-+ Раздел 10 l've (done) (presenr perfecr)-+ Разделы 16-19 1 have to ... -+Раздел 34 )
Вставьте have или have got в правильной форме.
1 . . .J.fltФ:i::t..hgY�....... time to do the shopping yesrerday. (1 / not / have)
2 ' ......Н.?� Ц?� gQk .... (или ...."D.Q��..Ц?.g..0§.t.Y.§......) а саг?' 'No, she can't drive.' (Lisa / have?)
3 Не can't open the dоог ............................................................. ........... а key. (he / not / have)
4 . ... ........ .......................... .. . -...."....................... а cold last \veek.
. . He's betteг now. (Gary / have)
5 What's wrong? ............................................................ ."..". а headache? (you / have?)
6 \Л/е wanted to go Ьу taxi, but .........................................."..........." ........ .... enough money. (we / not / have)
7 Laura is very busy. .."..............."............"........."......................"..... much free time. (she / not / have)
8 ..........................."...........".................................. any proЫems when you \Vere on holiday? (you / have?)

Что делают эти люди? Напишите предложения, используя слова из рамки:

, --- ... -� ... - -- -- - -

( а bath brea!<fast: а cup of tea dinner а good time а re st )

----·---· · ...----·--·

1 ......Th.�y:.t:?...h;JY.JлgJг.r.?.g.kf?.�k"..................................................... 4 They .".............................. ............... .. ......... .... ... .. ." ..

. " ." " " "" ... .............. .......
. .

2 She ............."... ..................... ....".......... .... "....... ........... .."............. ............."..

5 ..........................".... .................................. ............
. ............ .
.. ." ····· ························

3 Не .................................................................................... ...."..... ............ . .. ...". .

6 ....................... .......... .......""".......................... ... .... . ... . . ............... . ......... ....
" . . " "

Что можно сказать в каждой из этих ситуаций? Используйте have.

1 Emily is going оп holiday. What do you say to her before she goes?
......H.qY.f:..g ..r.t.lY..?.b.QH�.a.y.t....................................................................................................................................................... ..... ... ....... ..". .. .................."...... ...
.. . " " ". .... .
" """ .
2 You meet Clare at the airporr. She has just got off her plane. Ask her about the flight .
."...QJ�.YQ!d ..b.дY.§..�..g9o.�..:ftig_b�?.. ······ ···-······· -············ · ················· ······ ······· ···· ······················· .......... ··········· ·-···-···························· ····· ·· ···-··· ··············- ············· .. "....

3 Tom is going on а long tгip. What do you say to him before he leaves?

4 lt's Monday morning. You are at \voгk. Ask Paula about her \veekend.

5 Paul has just come home after playing tennis with а friend. Ask him about the game.

6 Rachel is going out this evening. What do you say to her before she goes?

7 Mark has just returned from holiday. Ask him about his holiday.

Заполните пропуски. Используйте have/had и слова из рамки.

·- - ---- -

\ �n ���ide nt а g��ss ?f ���� а look а wa_
lk _
_ e_t_h i_ng
a_party-_,_s_om _ e
_ _ to _ _a
__t J �

1 We "....b.g�..§.t.. /?..f!.r.t.Y...... а few '<veeks ago. We invited 50 people.

2 'Shall we ...................................................."............... ......"." ......... ..............." ?' 'No, l'm not hungry.'
3 1 was thirsty, so 1 ···· ···· ·············-· ·········· ·····-····· ............ " ........ ... ............................. ...... ..
. .

4 1 like to get up early and ....... .......... ..".........................................................".............................. before breakfast.

5 Тina is а very good driveг. She has never .................................................."................... ". . .... ..... .. .. ..............".... . .

6 There's something wrong \AJith the engine of my саг. Can you ... ..... ··· ······ ·············· ···-·-········-···· ····· ·········-···········-········· ··· · ········· at it?

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя have или have got. мотоцикл = mocorЬike
1 У Гари ест ь новый мотоцикл. 6 Нина уже родила ребёнка? уже = уес
2 Каждое утро я моюсь под душем. 7 У меня были длинные в олосы ,
в университете = ar universiry

3 Что ты вчера ел на ужин? когда я был в ун иверситете .

4 У моего дедушки было много денег. 8 Я нездорова. У меня простуда.

5 Мой брат в И спании. Он хорошо
проводит время.

подлежащее we you* he she they
дополнение те us you* him her them
--------- ·-

подлежащее допот 1ение

1 1 kпowTom. Tom knows me . me
we We know Tom. Tom knows us. us
you* You know Tom. Tom knows you. you*
he Не knows Tom. Tom knows him. him Он знает !ома./ Том знает его.
she She knows Tom. Tom knows her . her Она знает Тома./ Гам зноеrп РР.
they They know Tom. Tom kno\vs them. them Они знают Тома./ Том знает ux.
______ _, '-·-4·-------'

* You =ты/ Вы (вежливое обращение)/ вы (два и более человек); вам/ вас/ тебе/ тебя и т. д.


подлежащее it they
дополнение it them

О 1 don'r want this book You can have it. Мне не нужна это книга. Ты можешь её взять.
О 1 don'r want thes e books . You сап have them. . .. эти книги ... их взять.
() Kate never drinks milk She doesn't like it . ... не пьёт молоко ... не любит его.
О 1 never go to part i es. 1 don't like them. ". на вечеринки . " не люблю их.
Говоря о предметах, необходимо использовать it. Используйтеhe иshe только о людях:
О This film is boring. 1 don'r like it. (неверно 1 don't like him) Мне он не нравится.
О James isn'r very nice. 1 don't like him. ... Мне он не нравится.

После предлога (for/to/with и т. д.) используетсяme/her/them и т. д. (дополнение):

О This letrer isn'r for me. lt's for you . Это письмо не для меня. Оно для тебя.
О Who is rhar woman? Why are you looking at her? ... Почему ты смотришь на неё?
О We're going to the cinema. Do you wanr ro соте with us? ... Хотите пойти с нами?
О Sue and Kevin are going to the cinema. Do you want to go withthem? ". с ними?
О А: Where's the newspaper?
в: You're sittiпg оп it . Ты сидишь на ней.

give it/them to ... :

О 1 want that book. Please give it to me. . .. Пожолуйсто, дайте её мне.
О Roberr needs these books. Can you give them to him, please?
". Вы можете дать их ему?

130 ( my/his/their и т. д.-+ Раздел 61 Give me that book / Give it to me-+ Раздел 97
Закончите предложения� используя him/her/them.

1 1 don't know those girls. Оо you kno\v .. . . t�.�m. .. .. ? . . . .

2 1 don't know rhat man. Оо you know ............. .........."" ......... ".".... ?
3 1 don't kno\v those people. Do you know ...""....."" "............"...... " ?
4 1 don't know David's wife. Do you know ....................... ........... ..... ?
5 1 don't know Mr Stevens. Оо you know ... " .............. .................... ?
6 1 don't know Sarah's parents. Do you know .. .. .."..................... ........ . ..... ?
7 1 don't kno\v the woman in the Ыасk coat. Do you kno\v . . .. . . . "....................." ?
.. .. . ... . ..

D Заполните пропуски� используя l/me/you/she/her и т . д.

1 1 want to see her, but .. �JJ�"".. doesn't want со see ....!1!§..."
. . . " .. .

1 1

2 They \vant to see me, but ".."." .." ... """"." .." ...". ""." don't want to see ...." . . . ... ". "
.. ".". ". .. ".
. ". .
. .

З She \vants to see him, but ".."........ ..."..".... "..".....".. doesn't want to see "" . . ....".. " .".
.. . .. " ." . " ... .
. . . .

4 We wanc to see them, but ......... "."" .."" ."... . ......... don't want to see ". . . ." . . .. .. .. "".. . . ".
. ...

5 Не wanrs to see us, bur .. . "........ ........ "........"-. don't want to see........... . ..."..
.. " " .. . .
.. .

6 They want to see her, but ........". "......".".......... .... doбn't wanr to see ........ .. .. . .. . ". "
.....". ... . .. . ...... .
7 1 waпt ro see them, but ... "......." ." ............... ".... "". don't want to see ........... " ... . . . . . ...." . . . " . ...... .
.. . ". . . .

8 You want to see her, Ьш: . "" " ............. "...... ............. doesn't v1ant to see .. .........." . " .
. . .. .. ... .. . .. . ..
.. . .. . " .

D Напишите предложения� начинающиеся с l like ••• , 1 don't like ••• или Do you lil<e ... ?

1 1 don't eat tomaroes. .....!..�gnJ..!.i.k�.:t.h�m ... . .

. "

2 George is а very nice man. 1 like ... " " . .... ... . ." . . .. . . . ...
.. ".. . .. . . . ... ... ...... . . " . ..". .. .. .

З This jacket isn't very nice. 1 don't ......... " .... .. . . ". ... . ." . . . ... .. ..... .. . .... ... . . . ..... .. "..

4 This is my new саг. Do "..........................."....................."...."....."......... ?

5 Mrs Clark is поt very friendly. 1 ............... . ". ". . . . . . .. .. . . .. . " . .. . " .
". .. . " .. .. . . .. . . " .... . .

6 These are my new shoes. ." .. ........... "...".". "........"....... .."...."".".... ?

111 Закончите предложения, используя l/me/he/him и т. д.

1 Who is that woman? Why аге you looking ас . . .. "her:- . .... " ?
2 'Do you know that man ?' 'Yes, 1 work with " . " " . . .. .. . "... . ..." ." .. " . .."" :
". . .. .

3 Where are the tickets? 1 can't fiпd ......" . " "" .. .... ". .
. .. .. "...... ".
4 1 сап't find my keys. Where аге ..." ...". ...."......"..." ."..." ?
5 We're going out. You can соте with " .. " ". .". . . . .. " " " " .. .
". .. . .. " ". .

6 l've got а new motorblke. Оо you want со see "." ..."" .. ........" ........"... ... ?
7 Maria likes music. ".. ""."...." .."."" ""...."... plays the piano.
8 1 don't like dogs. l'm afraid of ........ . "" """ ." .. . ". . ."" ... ... .
9 l'm talking to you. Please listen to "."." .. . . . .. " " .."" " .
. ... ". " .. .
.... ..

10 Where is Аnпа? 1 want to talk to ..... .. " .. . . " . . .

... .. .. . . .." ""..... .. .
11 You can have these CDs. 1 don't want ............ .. .. . .. ".... ........ ". ." . ...

12 Му brother l1as а ne-vv job, but .... ........".""....." "...."".. doesn't like ".".."......"...... .........."" ...... ver y much.

Закончите предложения.

1 1 need that book. Can you . g J Y?. J� W. .r.ш.�" . ? ." . . . .

2 Не wants the key. Can you give .. ."..."". ""...". "...".".."".".. ....." ..""..."" ""....".... ?
3 She wants the keys . Can you " .. ...".".. ................""..... ...... ""...." ... " ............" ...."..... ?
4 1 need my bag. Сап you .... .."."."".....""" ......" ..""...... ". "......".. "...... ........" ?
5 They want the money. Can you ....... " ".............".................... """.............." "......"....".... ?
6 We \vant the pictures. Сап you .." .."...."........."..."" ...""." ....... ".....""."".. ........".. """..... ?

Переведите предложения на английский язык. хоро шо = well

1 1'Вы знаете Кевина?" - "Да, я знаю его очень хорошо". неприветлива = unfriendly

2 Я не ем бананы. Я их не люблю.
З Это хорошая книга. Я хочу её прочитать.
4 Тот муж11ина смотрит на тебя. Ты его знаешь?
5 Наташа очень неприветлива. Она мне не нравится.
6 Вечером я иду ни вечеринку. Ты хочешь пойти со мной?
7 "У меня есть ,цля тебя подарок". - "Для меня?"
8 Это Танина сумка. Ты можешь ей её отдать?


your umbrella
зонтик еёзонтик их зонтик

-) my like my house.
we -) our We like our house.
you -) your You like your t1ouse.
he -) his Не likes his house.
she -) her She likes her house.
they -) their They like their house.

it -) its \ Oxford (
= it) is famous for its universiry.

Формы my/your/his и т. д. используются с существительными:

my hands мои руки his new саг его новая машина her parents её родители
our clothes наша одежда your besc fri end твой лучший друг their room их комната i'
�" ·
"""'� �k��� �
$'! �
-=�-���..,. ���·": 14!Y"-<�_.,. "':'
��� �'*' 'd: W)���""�� ·
!'t" '�·""n "��'-""'v.",..!1>" 't\��
. ·.<��:
'" {q;�>.J.�t-.!f,
1•..r,:"' W
� 1:- ��1fc;,,
" i·

." .."
. ".

в· Формы my/your/his и т. д. не изменяются. Сравните с переводом на русский язык:

1 ""i


my l1usband ourson your blke

мой муж наш сын твой/ваш велосипед

my car our daughter yourbook

моя машина ноша дочь твоя/ваша книга

my parencs
мои родители

"""' ""'
w �. - +•""""ilt"
__ __...
� .. -�..._
...__ .._,__�.....,- -,..

Обратите внимание на разницу в использовании its и it's.

� •....,.
._ .. .
, ., __, _
,...., ,._ ___.,.,,_.,.,,,•••-....,..._ -
. ..,.. ,_ ...., .,.._ ._.,,,, � #.<'1�J.1.0W,...,ltt
.... ..... . .

О its Oxford is famous for its university.

. . . известен своим университетом.
О it's ( = it is) 1 like Oxford. lt's а nice place. ( = lt is а nice place.)
. . . Это приятное место.

Обратите внимание, что в английском языке нет прямого эквивалента местоимения "свой'':
О 1 love my city. Я люблю свой город.
О She can't find her keys. Она не может найти свои ключи.
О Ben hates his job. Бен ненавидит свою работу.

131 ( mine/yours. и т. д. -;. Раздел 62 l/me/my/mine-+ Раздел 63

Закончите предложения, следуя образцу.

1 l'm going со wash .. m.Y bf!!J�.2..... ..........

. . ...... . . ... . .... . . 4 He's going со wash ................ " .." ..." . .... .
. .. " ... ..
... . .
........... ...

2 She's going to \vash ... ....................................... " ... hands. 5 Тhеу'ге going со \Vash ................... " . .... .
... ................ ......... . " . .

3 VVe'гe going со 'Nash ....... ." " """"""""

"... ." ...... "". .. .. . .
.... . 6 Аге you going to wash ..............................."."....... . ............... ?

Закончите предложения, следуя образцу.

1 Не . . ..!.i Y�.2.}
. . h!.�.pgп�nt..2............... ........................." . . 5 1....... ..... . . . .. .............".".." ...."..........."....."... ".................. paгencs.
. . . ... ..

2 They live wich ............... "......................"...................... paгencs. 6 John . .."...... . ......... ......................... ................ .". . .... ... .......... . " "" " " " .
." . . . ..

З We ............." ...."."............... .............................................. parencs. 7 Do you live ....... ...................".."............".............................................. ?

4 Maгtina lives .. ..""" "" . ... .. .... .. .
.. .. .
... . . .... ..
. .............. . ...... ." . . . .. . ... .. .
.. 8 Mosc childгen ...... . ..
......... . ....... . . .
.. ... .... . .. . . . .
... .. . . . .. . .. . . ... ... . . . .
. . . . ....



.( 1




�� Вставьте my/our/your/his/her/their/its.
1 Do you like . ..YQцr..".. jоЬ? . . .

2 1 kno'tv Мг Watson, but 1 don't know .............. ............ \vife.

З Alice and Tom live in London. ""........."."" ......... son lives in Australia.
4 We're going to have а party. We're going to invice all ..........""........".".. friends.
5 Anna is going out \Vith .......".... ".".... .. friends this evening.
6 1 like tennis. lt's ...."".........."........ favouгite sport.
7 '/s chac ..........".......... . ... саг?' 'No, 1 don't have а саг.'
8 1 \Vant со contacc Maria. Do you know .....".."............. • number?
9 Do you think most people are happy in ..."."....."".......... jobs?
10 l'm going to wash ...."........" ............. haiг Ьеfоге 1 go out.
11 This is а beautiful tree. ..........................". leaves аге а beautiful colour.
12 John has а brother and а sister. ............. ....."........ brot:her is 25, and ..... ""."........."...... sister is 21.

�lil' Заполните пропуски. Используйте my/his/their и т. д. + слова из рамки:

, coat

homeworl< house �usba � -jеЬ- key пате

1 James doesn с enJOY ."
, .
h'J $JQь
.... .. .
........ " . 1'
. .
t s not vегу 1nterest1ng.
2 1 can't get in. 1 don't have .......... ......" .... . . . . .. .. "....
" ............ . .. ... ... ... ....... ..
.. . .. . ..

З Sally is maгried. " ...."........."...... ...."................"" ..".".." .. "........ ... works in а bank.
4 Please take off "....."."...................""..-.............".......""".... .."...... and sic down.
5 'What are the children doing?' 'They're doing .".". ... ......"" """.. " . ". ""
. ". ..... .. . ....... " ...
. . .""
..... . .
" ...... .'
6 'Do you know that man?' 'Yes, but 1 don'c kno\v . ... . . . ···················-······ ······-····· .................... " .. .
...... ... .'
7 We li\le in Barton Streec. " ...................."""........"" .."""""""" ..........." ..". ".."." is ас the end on the left.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. велосипед = Ьike

1 Это моя сестра Анна. 5 Это Ваша дочь?

2 Вам нравится наша новая машина? 6 Где rвой велосипед?
3 Haш!ll родители в Киеве. 7 Париж известен своими музеями.
4 Тим любит баскетб ол. Это его любимый спорт. 8 Сколько лет их сыну?

. -А

наш ваш

� my -4 mine � my money. lt's mine.

\Ve � our � ours 1 lt's our money. lt's ours.
you � your -4 yours lt's your money. lt's yours.
he � his � his lt's his money. lc's his.
she � her � hers ! lt's her money. lt's hers.
they � their � theirs ! lt's their mo�ey. . l_L's theirs. j

>!< mine = мой /моя/моё/мои; ours = наш / наша/наше/наши и т. д.

."У",,. ""��
.... .. .
-� "
. ..
.. �-".
У, .•\
_ �,
,.,,",--� Ум

· :;о"'"''-'"
.,,.. .... .
"�"'• "У"�·.1',""
-' �-.,,_._,..,...". •�•-; �ftf'l'
.... ... ,
-: •';.
HIJ оо•�"
t.-_, �"\!"V.:al"
l "\• ••н(.
J j\.t-'H.Jll �H �•:-'

. 1в
My/your и т. д. используются с существительными (my hands /your book и т. д.):
_ . ·.


О Му hands are cold. У меня холодные руки. (букв. Мои руки . . .)

О ls this your book? Это твоя книга?
О Helen gave me her umbrella. Хелен дала мне свой зонтик.
О lt's their proЫem, not our proЫem. Это их проблема, а не наша проблема.

Без существительного используются mine/yours и т. д. :

О ls this book mine or yours? Эта книга моя или твоя?
О 1 didn't have an umbrella, so Sarah gave me hers. .. дала мне свой . .

О lt's their proЫem, not ours. Это их проблема, а не наша.

О We \Venr in our car, and they went in theirs. . .. а они поехали на своей.
His можно использовать с существительным или без него:
О А: ls this his camera or hers? Это его фотоаппарат или её?
в: lr's his. Его.

а friend of mine /а friend of his /some friends of yours и т. д. = мой друг/его друг/твои друзья и т. д.
О This is Jenny, а friend of mine. (неверно а friend of me)
Это Дженни, моя подруга.
О Тот was in the restaurant wirh а friend of his. (неверно а friend of him)
... был в ресторане со своим другом.
О Are rhose people friends of yours? (неверно friends of you)
Эти люди - Ваши друзья?

. ..
·о· Whose . . . ? =чей /чья/чьё/чьи
Whosв phonc -
О Whose phone is rhis? Чей это телефон? is this'?
. -�

Чей это кошелёк?

lt's mine.
Whose is this?
Чей/Чьё это?
О Whose shoes are these?
Чьи это ботинки?
Тhеу'ге Jol1n's.
Whose are these?
Чьи/Чьё это?

134 ( my/his/their и т. д. -+ Раздел 61 l/me/my /mine-+ Раздел 63 Kate's camera / my brother's car-+ Разд� 65 )
Закончите предложения, вставив mine/yours и т. д.

1 lt's your money. lt's yQц.rs .......................................... .... . S lt's their house. lt's "....... . . . . ..
......" ... ......... .. ".... .."""..."... . ............ .
2 lt's my bag. lt's ....................... ....... ... . .
.. . ..
.. . . ......... ... . ... ..... . ....... .. .. 6 They're your books. They're . ... . ... .. . ......."..................... ..... . ..
3 lt's our car. lt's .... ........ ···-············· ··························.".. " . ". 7 They're my glasses. They're .".. ........."............. . .
.... .. . . .
.. .. ... ...

4 They're her shoes. They're ..................................................... . 8 lt's his coat. lt's · ··············· · ································ ········· ··-········" ........ .

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 lt's t:l1eir/-tAe+f5- ргоЫеm, not-eыr-/ours. (their и ours - правильно)

2 This is а nice саmега. ls it your/yours?
З That:'s not my/mine umbrella. My/Mine is Ыасk.
4 Whose books аге these? Your/Yours ог my/mine?
5 Cat:herine is going out with her/hers friends tl1is evening.
6 My/Mine room is Ьigger than her/hers.
7 They have two children, but 1 don't know their/rheirs names.
8 Can we use your washing machine? Our/Ours isn't working.

Закончите предложения. Вставьте friend(s) of mine/yours и т. д.

1 .fr!�ш4.Pf.m.!n.�
1 \.Vent to the cinema \�ith а _. . . ......." ......... . "..................................... .......... .. ··-·-·· -····· . .. ..
........ . .
.... .........". .. ""."" ... " " "." ".. .. "". .
2 1 hey went on holiday with some . fr.i.Q d2 .Q.f.t.h�IГ.$........ .............. .............................
. . ". !J . "..... "...."." . .. .
" .. "" .
"". ..."""".. . . .....". .. ....... . ."..
. . ....." ."".. ..

3 St1e's going ouL with а friend ... . . . . . ". .

·····-································." . ...... " . .. .... ......... ...... ....... ......... .... .... ................................ "................. ......... ..
...... . .
.... ...... ... .......-.. . ..

4 We had dinner with some ..................................... "" "". .. ..... .... ..... ....... .... ...... .. .. .. .. .
......... . .......... . . ..
.. . ..... .
................ ". "". . . . . . . . . .
.. ... ......... ........... .. ".

5 1 played tennis 'Vvith а ....... ... ....................". ......... .. .......... ....................... . ...... ........... . ............ .......... ..... ..... .... . . .... . .. ..
.. . ..... . ... .
.. . ........ . .. . .
. . . . ... . "". . ........ .. . ...
.. ....... . .......... ... . . ..

6 Tom is going to meet а ...... ....................................... . . " ". . . . ".""......... "..... .. .".. " . . . .. .
... "." ...... . "... . .. . . . .
.... . ... ... ...... ... . ... ...... .... ............. ....... .... . . . .. .. ".. " .. .. .... .... ...... ..
7 Г)о you know those people? Аге they . ...... . .
...... ... ............ ......... ........ .......... .........................................."................................................................... ?

Посмотрите на картинки. Что говорят эти люди?

/.' ...•.". . .·----··

fШ " ... Wh.o�.�.cдr.. .


1 isthisf
•••••••. ••••• ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••. •



1 ft
1 i.



Переведите предложения на английский язык. решение= decision

1 Их маши� 1а чёрная. Наша красная. 5 Её цом б ольше. чем его.
2 "Чья .ло сумка?" - "Они моя". 6 Пожалуйста, дайте мне э�у книгу. Она мол.
3 Нё:Нё:!Шё:! - твоя подруга? 7 Это её решение, а не н аше.
4 'Это собака Линды?" - "Да, я думаю, что её': 8 Чьи это очки?



· You give me your number, and 1'11 give you mine.
Ты дай мне свой номер, а я дамтебе свой.
� • " " ... - " • - ""tt � )-. ... ___ • r ',
� �,
��� :"!.,"'"
,.. �
"; �
�' '
·' ��

1 ит.д. mеит.д. mуит.д. mine ит. д.

(� Раздел 60) (� rаздел 60) (�Раздел 61) ( � Раздел 62)

1 knowTom. Tom kno\vs me. lt's my car. lt's mine.

WeknowTom. Tom kno\vs us. lt's our car. lt:'s ours.

You know Tom. Tom knows you. lr1s your саг. lt's yours.

Не knows Tom. Tom knows him. lt's his car. lt's his.

-· -·---· ··"··----- ·

She knowsTom. Tom knows her. lt's her саг. lt's hers.

They kno\v Tom. Tom knows them. lt's their саг. lt's theirs.

Изучите эти примеры:

О А: Do you know thar man? Ты знаешь этого мужчину?
в: Yes, 1 know him, but 1 can't remember his name.

Да, я его знаю, но я не помню его имени.

О She was very pleased because we invited her to stay \Vith us at our house .
.. .потому что мы пригласили её погостить в нашем доме. (букв.... с нами в нашем доме)
О А: Where are the children? Have you seen them? . Ты их видела?

в: Yes, they are playing with their friends in the park. Да, они играют со своими друзьями ...

О That's my реп. Can you give it to me, please?

Это моя ручка. Ты можешь дать её мн е, . ? "

О А: ls this your umbrella? Это твой зонтик?

в: No, it's yours. Нет, онтвой.

О Не didn't have an umbrella, so she gave him hers.

У него не было зонтика, поэтому она даiю ему свой.
О l m going out with а friend of mine rhis evening. (неверно а friend of me)

Я встречаюсь со своей подругой сегодня вечером.

136 ( myself/yourself и т. д. -+ Раздел 64 Give me that book / Give it to me � Раздел 97


(GJ Do you kno\.v

that man?


1 Yes, 1 know "... ". ..... "."..".""".."."".." but 1 can't

! remember ."." .. "". " """"".. ..".. " ..... "". . ..". ".. "... .
. ". . " . .""

!i ---- -" " ..... " ______

Doyou know . 1 Ш
tl1ose people?__ ;
- "' . -

Yes, 1 ............ ............ ....................................... , but Yes, 1 . ............"......."....".."""."."..."""...."."..... , bur
\ 1 . .... ...."......... ......... ...... ......... ........................................ ..... " """ ."..".".....". names.

aD Заполните пропуски� следуя образцу.

1 We invited her """ t.Q $.t�Y ��it.b..JJ.;:?..a.t. QU.r..hP�.?. "
" . . .. ... .
2 Не invited us to stay \.vith ...".... ""."........ ".. "....... ."...... "".. " at his house.
3 They invited me to stay \.vith ... ".."..."..." "......." "...... "........"."".........".........".""....".... "."..". ..". l1ouse.
4 1 invited them to stay .".. .. "..".... "......... ".."..."".."...... " ..... "... """......."......."...""...".". ..... house.
5 She invited us to stay ..." ""."""............""...."... "....".. "..."......".."."."..."""...."..""." ".. house.
6 Did you invite him " ...."...." ......... "...."..... "" """". ......". .."...".. "............ ""........""".. house?

Заполните пропуски� следуя образцам.

1 1 gave him ."".mY."" phone number, and " Ь ? �V.с. т�"Ь.!?.

. й . . """. . . .

2 1 gave her . mY .." phone number, and she gave me ...... " .." "."
. "" . . . . " ."". . . ." " ...... " " ..""." " ... . ". . .
". " ..

3 Не gave me hi� phone number, and 1 gave "."""" .". ........ "
-"". "."" . .. . "... " " .. "" " " ... " ......".......... . .
4 We gave them . ."...""...""...."." phone number, and they gave " " " " " "" .. . .. .. . . "
". . ." ... . ". . "....".". . " ."". " . ... "" .

5 She gave him "" ""........ "."...." phone number, and he gave .. " .." ..... "" " """" "" ..... " ...... ... .
.... . . . . ... . ... .. .." . .

6 You gave us."..."............ "..." phone number, and \.Уе gave . ." . " .." . "." ...." . .... . .".. ".. ."". ."... . .. .
.. .... . . " " " . . ..

7 They gave you ""...." ..... """........ phone number, and you gave "". " . ..... " ."
... .... .... .... " .... . " ."... "" . ". """ .
" . " ." .

Вставьте him/her/yours и т. д.
1 Where's Amanda? Have you seen ...... h.�r"... . ?

2 Where are my keys? Where did 1 put ......".. "...... """.. ?

3 This book belongs to Ben. Сап you give it to ..."""........."......... ?
4 We don't see ......".. "......"..."".. ne:ghbours much. They're not at home very often.
5 '1 can't find my phone. Can 1 use . . """ ...""..... ?' .. 'Yes, of course.'
6 We're going to the cinema. Why don't you come with .. .......... "".......".. ?
1 your s1ste_r pass ".."...." ."..". ... exams.1
7 D'd
8 Some people talk about ....."..".."."""...... \.York all the time.
9 last night 1 went out for а meal with а friend of .. . "... ..... " ""." ..... .

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1 Я знаю ·твою сестру, но я не помню её имени. 5 Ваш сын играет с моими детьми в и х комнате.
2 Вы можете дать эту сумю; мне? 6 Где Джеймс? Я думаю, это пальто его.
3 Мои родители собираются навес тить нас 7 Иван сдал все свои экзамены.
в с убботу. 8 Завтра она едет в Лондон. Ты хочешь поехать
4 Он скучный. Он постоянно говорит о своей с ней?
He's looking at himself. They're enjoying themselves.
Он смотрится в зеркало. Они хорошо проводят время. .
�t.; _.,.. ....,.,,.. ..., х ", •1141
__ #,,..,.�
1' �.... "� ,,_�
На русский язык myself/himself и т. д. обычно переводится глаголом на "-ся" или местоимением
"себя"/ "себе" и т. д.

� me ----) myself о 1 looked at myself in the mirror.

he � him --7 himself Я посмотрелась в зеркало. /Я посмотрела на себя в ...

she her herself о Не cut himself with а knife. Он порезался ножом.

----) ----)

yourself о She fell off her Ьike, but she didn't hurt herself.
you ----) you ----) Она упала с велосипеда, но не ушиблась.
we --7 us ----) ourselves с Please help yourself. Пожалуйста, угощайся.

them themselves о Please help yourselves. Пожалуйста, угощайтесь.

they � --7

Обратите внимание, что выражение enjoy myself о бычно переводится как ''хорошо проводить время»:
О We had а good l1oliday. We enjoyed ourselves. ... Мы хорошо провели время.
О They had а nice time. They enjoyed themselves. . .. Они хорошо провели время.


me/him/them и т. д. myself/himself/themselves и т. д.

She is looking ar him . . Не is looking at himself

разные люди один и тот же человек

О You never talk to me. . .. со мной. l..J Sometimes 1 talk to myself . .. сам <. <.обuй.
О 1 didn'r рау for them. ... за них. О They paid for themselves. . .. за себя.
О l'm sorry. Did 1 hurt you? (J Ве careful. Don't hurt yourself.
Извини. Я тебя не ударила? Осторожно. Не ударься. '

��=··.;- ''

'"" "-:;�.

- .. -..
· с.� Ьу myself / Ьу yourself и т. д. = один/ одна /сам/сама и т. д. :
О 1 went on holiday Ьу myself. Я ездил в отпуск один.
О 'Was she wirh friends?' 'No, she was Ьу herself: ... 11Нет, она была одна."
...,�--- . ..." ...

-.·· .
. - - . D.
. '
, each other = друг друга и т. д.
О Kare and Helen аге good friends. They know each other well. ... Они знают друг друга хорошо.
О Paul and 1 live near each other. . .. живём рядом друг с другом.

Сравните each other и -selves:



�.}�:;· .
,W:::f:::'d�rJJ. __
;/ <::->-�
;.zt;:J�A /' \ "' �. SUE
О James and Sue looked at each other. О James and Sue looked at themselves.
.. . посмотрели друг на друга. . .. посмотрели на себя.

.. ·iE Некоторые глаголы на 11-ся" или с "себя" соответствуют обыч11ым глаголам в английском языке (без mys�lf);
О 1 don't feel well today. (неверно 1 don't feel myself) Я плохо себя чувствую.
О Where shall we meet? Где мы встретимся?
О Lie down and have а rest. Ложись и отдохни.

138 ( me/him/them и т. д. -+ Раздел 60

Заполните пропуски, используя myself/yourself и т. д.
1 Не looked at . ... blm.!?.el f. ..... in the mirror.
2 'l m not angry wirh you. l'm angry with ...... ........ .......... ............................ .
3 Karen had а good rime in Australia. She enjoyed ......................................................... .
4 Му friends had а good time in Australia. They enjoyed ......................................................... .
5 1picked up а very hot plate and burnt ..... ..
........ .............. ............ .. .. ........ .
6 Не never thinks about other people. Не only thinks about.......... ".... . . . ..
............... . ...... ... ..... .....

7 1want to kno\.v more about you. Tell me about . . .

........ ........................... ........ .... ....... . (одному человеку)
8 Goodbye! Have а good trip and take care of ·························-······························ ! (двум людям)

Напишите предложения, используя Ьу myself / Ьу yourself и т. д.

1 1went on holiday alone. ......!..�Ng.ri.t. Q.IJ b.9!J.4�.Y..P.Y..!11.Y.�fJ.I.{ .
.. .. . . ···························································-························-···························
2 When 1saw him, he was alone. When 1 saw him, l1e ................................................................................................................................................. .

3 Don't go out alone. Don't ......... .. " . .

.. ...... .""" ..... .. . . . .. . . .
........" " ...... ...." ............. .......... ... .. .... . .. . . .. . .. . ...... .......... . . .. . .. .
...... . ... ...... ... . ... .. . . .. . ..
. .. .. .

4 1went to the cinema alone. 1 ................................................ "......... " ....... . . ..

.. .. ..
..... .. ........ . .. " ... . . "" .
"" . ..." " . " ... """"" .... "" ... . . ..
... ......... . ...".......................

5 Му sister lives alone. Му sister ... " .. . . . . .

.... .. ..... ......... .. ............. .... . ........ . .... .. ....... ... ........... ........ .
.... ..... . . . . . ... . ..
. . ........ ... ........... .... . . ..... .. . ....... .

6 Many peopl e live alone. Many people ............... .................... .................... .. .................... .. ........... ......................................................................

Напишите предложения, используя eacl1 other.

__:::--j-Ш_2 c-a-�- -----,-c �

- -t--�-Ш _
3 ___c_
a -_h e_
r l ·-���--)
__ _

1 : 1 ll
а lot. а lot. }

......Th�Y.!.ik�.§.?9..b.P.t.b.?.r�...................... .


........ . ......... .
. ............ ..... ...... .............. ......... ... .. " ....... . .......

: " ........"........................ "".".... """.""""... " ....................... ". f

1 1
1: (3) i f61

l..O.J �.·

! t

1 gave her а • �
present present. : !.
J cr
• • ' • ._. ' -'т ' . • • . -

•• · · •

••••••• • • • •••·•···•·········•···············••••··••···•····••••·•··••••••••••· 11 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• ..................." ........................."............ .........." ...............". �

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:� .................................. "........""......... ............. .................. /·!
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o- 'f"' '""'''-: Y./'
f " "' Y_
'l;. , ш-
Заполните пропуски. Используйте:
each other или ourselves/yourselves/themselves или us/you/them.
1 Paul and 1live near . §.g9..b P.t.J:шr...... .
.. ... ..

2 Who are those people? Do you know ...... t.h�m ....... ?

.з You can help Tom, and Tom can help you. So you and Тот сап help ........... ...... ........ ................... .
4 There's food in the kitchen. lf you and Chris are hungry, you can help ......................................................... .
5 \Л/е didn't go to Emily's party. She didn't invite ... ......... ........ ................................. .
6 When we go on holiday, we al\vays enjoy ... ........ ........ ........ ................... .
7 Helen and Jane were at school together, but they never see ························-···························· now.
8 Karen and 1 are very good friends. We've known ......................................................... for а long time.
9 'Did you see Sam and Laura at the party?' 'Yes, but 1 didn't speak t:o ......................................................... .'
10 Many people talk to .... ........ ........................................ \tvhen rhey're alone.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. эгоистичен = self1sh

1 "Можно взять яблоко?" - "Угощайся". 5 Вы знаете друг друrс1? упасть= fall down

2 Эмма посмотрела на себя в зеркало. 6 Олег упал и ударился.

3 Моя бабушка живёт одна. 7 Вечеринка была классная. Мы хорошо
4 Ты очень эгоистична. Ты думаешь только провели время.
о себе! 8 Как ты себя чувствуешь сегодня?


Когда говорят о принадлежности чего-то человеf..)'1 то обычно используют -'s:

О 1 stayed at my sister's house. (неверно the house of my sister)
Я жила в доме своей сестры.
О Have you met: Mr Blacl<'s wife? (неверно the wife of Mr Black)
Вы знакомы с женой мистера Блэка?
О Are you going to James's party?
Ты идёшь на вечеринкуДжеймса?
О Paul is а man's name. Paula is а woman's name.
Пол - это мужское имя. Пола - это женское имя.

Существительное после-'s можно опустить:

О Sophie's hair is longer than Kate's. Волосы Софи длиннее, чем волосы Кейт.
О 'Whose umbrella is this?' ' lt's my mother's.' ... "Моей матери':
О 'Where were you last night?' '1 was at Paul's.' ... ''Я был у Пола'�

friend's и friends'

my friend's house = дом моей подруги ту friends' house = дом моих друзей

После слов friend/student/mother и т. д. После слов friends/st:udents/parent:s и т. д.

(единственное число) пишется 's: (множественное число) пишется ' в коние слова:
my mother's саг машина моей матери my parents' саг машина моих родителей
my father's саг машина моего отца

Когда говорят о принадлежности чего-то предмету, месту и т. д., то используют of ... :

О Look at the roof of that building. (неверно that building's roof)

Посмотри на крышу того здания.
О We didn't see the beginning of the film. (неверно the film's beginning)
Мы не видели начало фильма.
О What's the name of this village? " . название этой деревни?
О Do you know the cause of the proЫem? . .. причину проблемы?
О You can sit in the back of the car. ... на заднем сидении машины.
О Madrid is the capital of Spain. Мадрид- столица Испании.

140 ( mine/yours и т. д. -+ Раздел 62 whose .. . ? -+ Раздел 62 -'s (he's / Kate's и т. д.) _.. Приложения 4, 5 )
Посмотрите на родословное дерево и закончите предложения о членах этой семьи.

1 Brian is ......H.?!�.r.(?...................... husband.

2 Sarah is Daniel's ..... .rr.! P..t.b.�.r............ ....... .
З Helen is ........................................... wife.
4 Jaтes is Sarah's ...." .......... . ...... """" "" "... . .

5 Jaтes is ..""........."........"...""....".. uncle.
. :;.:
- :;-;
, 6 Sarah is ."" .."".".. " .."."...." ...""-". wife.
'��� 1 7 Helen is Daniel's """" . ."" """ .... .""""" . . ..
8 Sarah is Jaтes's "".""". "." ......" ". ."""." . . .

9 Paul is .".....".. "".... "..". "...... husband.

10 Paul is Daniel's ... ".."..." " .."..... ..... . . ."... .

Helen and Brian are тarried. 11 Daniel is .. "....... "" ...""......".""....".. nephew.
Гhеу have а son, Jaтes, and а daughter, Sarah.
Sarah is тarried to Paul.
Sarah and Paul have а son, Daniel.
_______ ___,

С8 Посмотрите на картинки и ответьте на вопросы. В вашем ответе должно быть только одно слово.



Whose is this? And this? And this?

1 3 5
.... A.!i9.�:� " . ".."....
. _ ....
• ......... ......... .. ... ." ............
······················ ·········
. ...
2 Whose is this? 4 And these? 6 And these?
............................... " ....... .J.I ..... .... ............ ... ............. 60 ················································

81 В некоторых предложениях допущена ошибка. Где нужно, исправьте ошибку.

1 1 stayed at the house of my sister. ....."mY.�.is�r ·?. ..b.QЧ.$.§......" ... ......." . ........."...... ......... ............" ..........."... ..... ... ..
2 What is the name of this village? ......9К.." .." ... ".".".".".".... ."."..." ..."... .... ..." ."." .."" .... ....".. . .... " " ......... ...... ....... .. ....
. . .

3 Do you like the colour of this coat?

4 Do you have the phone nuтber of Siтon?
5 Thejob of ту brother is very interesting.
6 Write your name at the top of the page.
7 For те, the тorning is the best part of the day.
8 The favourite colour of Paula is Ыuе.
9 When is the Ьirthday of your тother? ....." ..".........." ..."." .. ." .." .." ..." .."". "
..." ." ... " .." ."" """..." .. "."..... .." .." .". ."...." . .
. .

10 The house of туparents isn't very Ьig. ."......."..." . .........."....."" ......." "" . " .... . . ........" ." ........ . """"" . .""".." ."".."" """..
11 The walls of this house are very thin. .."" . .."......" ...... ...."....... ."""".""""""".... ."".". " ... ""." . "" ." ...."" .. ..... . "." .

12 The car stopped at the end of the streer. "" "" ."" " .. ". "". ...."". .""" " .. ......"." ....""".-...." .
. ......" . ..""..".." .."..... "....."....." .
13 Аге you going t o the party of Silvia next week? "." ..... ..." .....""".".." .""..".."..""".". ...."".........."" ....."..." .".".".. "."".."" ." ". .". ..."" .".".
14 The тanager of the hotel is not here at the moment ""."."""""" ..."""". ......"" ." . ." ...... .".."" .... .."" .."" ........." .." .. .. "....".." ."" ." ". ." ...". . .

aD Переведите предложения на английский язык. умный = clever

1 Сашина кошка очень умная . 5 Сколько лет дочери Тома?
2 Ты и11f5111ь на вечеринку Бена? 6 Вам нужно сходить в офис начальника.
З Это не мол машина. Это машина моей сестры. 7 Вы знаете название этой улицы?
4 "Чьи это книги?" - "Они Наташины". 8 Лима - столица Перу.

He's got а camera. She's waiting for а raxi. lt's а beautiful day.
У него есть фотоаппарат. Она ждёт такси. Сегодня прекрасный день.

Используйте а . .., если можно сказать "один"/ "какой-то" предмет или человек.
//а русский пзык а ... не переводится:
О Rachel works in а bank (неверно in bank)
... работает в банке.
О Can 1 ask а question? (неверно ask quesrion)
. . . задать вопрос?
О 1 don't have а job at the moment. У меня нет работы ...
О There's а woman at the bus srop. На автобусной остановке стоигп женщина.

Перед a/e/i/o/u используйте an (неверно а):

О Do you \"lant an apple or а banana? ".яблоко или банан?
О l'm going to buy а hat and an umbrella. . .. шляпу и зонтик.
О There was an interesting programme on TV last night. " . была интересная передача.

также an hour (h не произносится: an)(our)

но а university (произносится /ju:n11vз:s�ti/)
а European country (произносится /ju�r�'pi:�n/)

another ( = an + other) пишется слитно:

О Can 1 have another cup of coffee? . " ещё одну чашку кофе?

. �

�· ·с
Используйте a/an ..., если хотите сказать, кем является человек или чем является предмет. Например:
О The sun is а star. Солнце - это звезда.
О Football is а game. Футбол - это игра.
О Dallas is а city in Texas. Даллас - это город ...
О А mouse is an animal. lt's а small animal.
Мышь - это животное. Это маленькое животное.
О Joe is а very nice person. Джо - очень приятный человек.

Используйте a/an . .. перед названием профессии и т. д. :

О д: What's your jоЬ? Кто вы по профессии?
в: l'm а dentist. (неверно l'm dencist)
О А: What does Mark do?
в: He's an engineer. Он инженер.
О Would you like to Ье а teacher? Ты хочешь быть учителем?
О Beethoven \vas а composer. . .. был композитором.
О Picasso was а famous painter.
. . . был знаменитым художником.
О Аге you а student?

141 (а саг/ some money (исчисляемые/неисчисляемые) __.Разделы 68-69 а и the-+ Раздел 70 )

С11 Вставьте или an. а

1 . ....qЛ.. ... old book . 4 .. . . "......... a1rport

. 7 ""............... university
2 .. " """ .... "." window 5 " """"" . new airport 8 ""......""..... hour
3 . " " ".." .. horse
"" ." 6 . ."." ....". organisation 9 . "."."."" .... economic proЬlem

Чем являются эти предметы? Используйте слова из рамки.

blrd fruit mountain river musical instrument

flower game planet tool vegetaЫe

1 А duck is .. .. g.. Pir4."."."......". "." . . . . . ... . . .. .... . . . " .

.. "" . . . . . . " . . "." .. ." .. " . 6 Saturn is "" " "" """" """. "" " " ". " ."""."""""""""".""""." .."..
." "." " " . " . "

2 А carrot is ".".". . " " " ". . . ." . ... " . "" . "" " "
.. "" . . . ...." .. ..
" .. . .. .. .." ".". .. " " " " 7 А banana is ." "". "" " " " ". ."" .. ". " " " ." ". " " "
... " . . . ". . " " "" " " "" " "" "" ." . ".
3 Tennis is"""".. "" " " "" " " "" " " " . . . " "" " " "
"" ."" " . "" " " " " " " " " "" " " . . . . 8 The Amazon is " " " " " .. "" "" "" "" ". ". ". " "." " .
" " . " . " . ."." .. ".". " . " ."" . .
4 А hammer is ".""""""."""". " . " ". ". " " . . ." . ". . " . " . " . . . 9 А rose is "" "" "". ". """"" " ". ". "." " . . "."" """ . "" """ " .
"" ... " " ." "" .
"" " . " " ..
5 Everest is "." . " . "" . " """""." . "" . ".". """ " ". " "".""" ". "" " ".
" " " " . . .. . . " . . 10 А trumpet is. "."""" . ". ". "". """""""". . " "" """""" ."" "
" " . . .. " ". " .
- Кто они по профессии? �акончите пред�о�: ия, используя слова из рамки. �
_ _
architect -dentist- shop assistant photographer
electrician nurse taxi driver

/ '
"ш \



1 ;?. h�:?."fJ ��л�i�t.:

."" . . "". "". . "
" :. ." .... " "
5 ".. . "" .".

2 He's"". """ " " """" " "" ""

"" ". . ...".. ""."". """." ...
"" . . ".".".". . ..... "
6 . " .. """ ···-···

3 She .." """ "" "" " ". """" ".""" "."." ."""". "".. "".."""..".
. . """." _ ."
7 " . """ "". "" """ . "". "" " " """"" """"" "" " ".". """ .
. ". " . " ." . " . . . . " " "

4 . ".".". .""."""""""."" "" .." . . . ."."".". ..""" """ ··'""' "."". """" .. 8 And you? l1m ."" ." " " " "" " "" ". ". ". " . " "". . ". """. . . . . " " . ... " " "" " "

CD Напишите предложения, используя слова и фразы из обеих рамок.

Где необходимо, также используйте a/an.
...-- - -----·

+v.юnиo-asl<-you­ Rebecca worl<s in r. old house artist \

Tom never wears Jane wants to learn .
party -questton-
1 can't ride Mike lives in bookshop foreign language
Му brother is This evening l'm going to � hat ___
__ blke �__ _
_ _. ,/

1 ! �Yg.!T�"t9 q.�k.YQM"� .qц��t.!9t:1:""".""" " """ " """"" "" " "" """ "
. " ". . . . "" " . "". ". "" . ." ". """". " "." "". "
" " """""." "". " "" " "" . .
. . . "" ". " " ".. . . . " "

2 """""""."""". . " "" ". " " " ". .. . . ". . " ." " "" " "" ".. " """ ""
" . ".. . " " """ " "" """ "" " .
" " " " ." " """ " . ""

5 ."""""."".""".""""""" .. """" .

6 "."". . ".. ". .

. ".". "" . . . .
. "." . " """. . "" ." ""."

7 """"" " " " " " " ". " " " ". " ." " "" ". . " . .
"" " ". " " " " " "" "" " ." "." ." .

CD Переведите предложения на английский язык. приQетливый = friendly

1 Хелен рабо 1ает в магазине. 5 Хотите ещё одну чашку чал?
2 У Антона не 1 машины. 6 Новгород - это город (3 России .

3 Н аташа - очень приветливый человек. 7 Мне нужн о купить псзльто.

4 Моя сестра хочет быть врачом. 8 БулгпкоА был знаменитым русским п исателем .

Форма множественного число существительных обычно
оканчивается на -s:
еди1 IСтвенное число � множественное число
а Aower � some flowers

Правописание(� Приложение 5):


-s / -sh / -ch / -х� -es bus --? buses dish --? dishes
church--? churches Ьох--? boxes
также porato � potatoes tomaco --? romatoes

-у� -ies ЬаЬу --? bables dictionary � dictionaries party � parties

но -ау / -еу / -оу� -ys day--7 days monkey � mon keys Ьоу � boys
-f / -fe � -ves shelf --? shelves knife � knives wife � wives

Эти слова используются только во множественном числе: .


scissors glasses trousers jeans shorts tights

О Do you wear glasses? Вы носите очки?

О Where are the scissors? 1 need them. Где ножницы? Они мне нужны.
Можно также сказать а pair of scissors /а pair of trousers / а pair of pyjamas и т. д.:
О 1 need а nе\ч pair of jeans. или 1 need some new jeans. (неверно а new jeans)
... пара джинсов. / ... джинсы.

. . -

' . . с
•' ,
: У некоторых существительных форма множественного числа не оканчивается на -s:

this man(муr.<чина) � these men one foot(ступня) � t\vo feet chat sheep (овцсу � those sheep
а woman (женщина) --? some women а tooth (зуб) � all my teeth а fish(рыба) � а lot of fish
а ·child (ребёнок) � many children а mouse (мышь) --? some mice

также а person � two people / some people /а lot of people и т. д.:

О She's а nice person. Она приятный человек.
но О They are nice people. (неверно nice persons)
Они приятные люди.

People - существительное множественного числа, поэтому необходимо говорить people are /

people have и т. д. :
О А lot of people speak English. (неверно speaks)
Многие люди говорят по-английски.
О 1 like the people here. They are very friendly. (неверно peoples)
Мне нравятся здешние люди. Они очень приветливы.

В английском нзыке police - существительное множественного числа:

О Тhе police want to talk со anybody \vho saw the accidcnt. (неверно The policc wanrs)
Полиция хочет говорить с любым, кто видел аварию.

Напишите форму множественного числа.

1 Aower "....fl.9.�:\'�.r?. ...... " ..... ".. 5 umbrella ............. ..... ..... ..... ..... . ....... . 9 family
2 boat """"" " " """." " "
. " "... ..."" 6 address .""""""""" " " """. .. . . .." " .... 10 foot
3 woman . """" ......"""". ."""". ...... 7 knife ...... . .
. ... ... " . "". . .". "". .. . 11 holiday
4 c1ty . .""""..... """""".. """"..""" 8 sandwich ............... """ " ."" "" " " ""." ". ·12 rюtato

Посмотрите на картинки и заполните пропуски в предложениях.

----·---- ------- -·;·-····-�



1 lliere are a lol of . ..?..h��P" . . .... .. in rhe field.

. ...
4 Lucy has rwo """.""" .. ." .. "". """ .. " . . . .
2 Gary is·cleaning his ..... " "" .. ." .
.. . . .... " """ ".. . 5 Тhere are а lot of """"."".""" .." .. ".... in Ltн: river.
3 Тhere are three """"""""".""""""""". at the bus stop. 6 ll1e ""......""." .... """ ..."."". are falling trom the rree.

В некоторых предложениях допущены ошибки. Где нужно, исправьте ошибки.

1 l'm going to buy some Aowers. "" "Q.� """

" ".""".""." """ "". " "" "" ....". ...."•. •... "" ••. ".".""""""".".. ". .
. "•."

2 1 need �· "" .. !"!1@.�g"�"Ш��!.r"Qfjeans" . или .. ...

."...! .!1�.�.g �Q!Il§Лf!..\Yj?.�Л§.�.... ." "

. .. ".. . "...." ..". " .. . ". ..
" . ." " . "... " . ".. ".""". "....... " ". .
. . .. .

3 lt's а lovely park \vith а lot of beautiful tree.

4 There was а woman in the саг with two mens.
5 Sheep eat grass.
6 David is married and has three childs.
7 Most of ту friend are srudent.
8 Не put on his pyjama and went to bed.
9 We 'vvent fishing, but we didn't catch many fish.
10 Do you kno\v many persons in this town?
11 1 like your trouser. Where did you get it?
12 The tovvn centre is usually full of tourist.
13 1 don't like mice. l'm scared of them.
14 This scissor isn't very sharp.

Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант.

1 lt's а nice place. Many people . . gQ. "" ". ". there оп holiday. go или goes?
2 Some people "."""""""""". "..".. ". al\vays late. is или are?
3 Тhе ne\v city hall is not а beautiful building.
Most people "."."""".""."..".....".... like it. don't или doesn't?
4 А lot of people ... "..."" """ .. .""". ...". TVevery day. watch или watches?
5 Three people "". ."." """ .."..... injured in the accident. was или were?
6 How many people ". "".. ". ...... in that l1ouse? live или lives?
7 ".. ".. ".. .."......".".. the police know the cause of the explosion?
".". Do или Does?
8 The police .""". """" .""" .""". looking for the stolen саг. is или are?
9 1 need my glasses, but 1 can't find "" .... " "". ".. " " " "" . it или them?
1 О l'm going to buy ............. ........................ new jeans today. auлusome?

CllJ Переведите предложения на английский язык. футболка= T-shirt

1 Люси всегда носит джинсы и футболки. 5 Дети почистили зуб ы ?
2 Ты люби111ь п омидоры? 6 Почему полиция хоч�т поговорить с Томом?
З Я не могу найти свою пижаму. 7 Анна не л ю бит знакомиться с новыми людьми.
4 У меня есть два анг11ийских словаря. 8 В моём офисе четыре жен щи ны и два мужчины.

Существительные делятся на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые.

Исчисляемые существитР.льные

Например: (а) car (а) man (а) bottle (а) house (а) key (an) idea (an) accident

С этими сущестиительными можно использовать one/two/three и т. д. (их можно пересчитать):

· -· 1
1 l
.' 1


one bottle two bottles three men foLtr houses

Исчисляемые существительные имеют две формы - единственного число и м1-южественного числа:

единстве� 1ное число 1 а car thecar mycar и т. д_

множественное число 1 cars twocars the cars some cars manycars и т. д.

О l've got а са1·. У меня есть машина.

CJ Nevv cars агс very expensive. Новые машины очень дорогие.
Г) There aren't many cars in the car park. На стоянке немного маи..юн.

Перед существительными в единственном числе (car/bottle/key и т. д.) стивится a/an (�Раздел 66)
или the/this/that/my и т. д. :
CJ We can't get into the house without а key. (неверно wirhout key)
Мы не можем попасть в дом без ключа.

Неисчисляемые существительные

1-/апример: water air rice salt plastic money music tennis

water [i-

!'', '
water salt money music
С этими существительными one/two/three и т. д. не используются: -ene\Natef- t·.vomusies-

Неисчисляемые существительные имеют только одну форму:

money the money mymoney some money much money и т. д.

О l've got some money. У меня есть деньги.

:-.] There isn't much money in the Ьох. В коробке немного денег.
Г.J Money isn't everything. Деньги - это не всё.

Перед неисчисляемыми существительными a/an не ставится:

';.(money )( music )( water
Но можно сказать а piece of ... / а bottle of . . . и т. д. + неисчисляемое существительное:

а bottle of vvat:er а carton of milk а bar of chocolace

бутылка воды пакет молока плитка шоколада
а piece of cheese а bottle of регrume а piece of music
кусок сыра флакон духов музыкальное произведение
а bowl of rice а cup of coffee а ga m e of rennis
миска риса чашка кофе партия в теннис

Обратите внимание: а piece of cheese (неверноа piece cheese) и т. д.

146 ( a/an -+ Раздел 66 исчисляемые/неисчисляемыс 2 -З- Раздел 69

Что изображено на картинках? Некоторые существительные исчисляемые, а некоторые -
неисчисляемые. Где необходимо, вставьте a/an. Используйте слова из рамки.

bucket envelope money sand toothbrush wallet

egg jug -sa-lt- -speen- toothpaste \Vater


- ---- ····-- --·· -
· ·
· ·· ·

1 G) \

.Ш t
lt's . . �.�!k....... . . ....".".......". . lt's "..Л. §pQ.on
- ··
· ···· ·---··
· ·
· ··
· ·
1 ··-.

'Ш !�

1 1'
.. ... . . . ... . . ...... . ." . . . . . \ . .. .. .

lt's . .
. ... . .. .

---- ···--····
. .. . .".. .
. . . . .

·-----" -- ··---·····
· .!.
1r's .
...... . .... . .. . . . .
. . . � . . ... .
. .. . ! lt's. ..... ..... "
...". .. .. . .. ... .i

: @ �·1
1 (ijJ
."• .-1 "
.,.,..- ,,18-

Г7- f
j ' �"
ttv.,,.. ·.

....... .

....... l(

. .
1 .,_
\lt:'s ...
.,__.,,.. •••""""-.·'\--·•�....
............"....... ! lt's ."... . "........ ."........ ..........

............ . lt's .""" . . ... . .. .. ... ...
. .. ... . . .. . ... .
.. )
._" .. _.
....,. -,",--.,.у�--�--_,,..• ;•• -� �- ....,,. -,,,._
__ ___,,,_
_ _ ,
- _ . " , ",_,_ ,1"71
(Y F"�-- ...... -·
= ·-
· "
_, ._.. _, _ ,..,,,..,,

ID В некоторых предложениях пропущено a/an. Где необходимо, вставьте a/an.

1 1 dоп' have watc h. �vatrh. . .. .... 9 Jama1ca 1s ·1s1 an d. .... ...... .. . . "". . . .... ..
. . .
· ·

. ."
t а"......
........ . �.. . ..... .. . .

2 Do you like cheese? .....Q.K . . .. .."...... 10 1 don't need key..". ........ . . . ..

.. .......... . . ...... ...

З 1 пever wear hat. .. ......."........ ....... ........ 11 Fverybody needs food. ....... ....... . .. . .. . ...

. " . ."
. . .

4 Are you \ooking for jоЬ? . .."..".." ....... ".. 12 l've got: good idea. . .. . ." . "" ...
.. ....

.... .. . . . .. . . .
5 Kate doesn't eat meat. ... ........ ....... ...... 13 Сап you drive саг? .. . ....".

. . ... ..
. .. ......

6 Kate ears арр\е every day. 14 Do you waпt cup of coffee? .... ................" .
". . .
. ............ ". . . ..
7 l'm going to рапу tonight. .....". "..... ........ ..... . 15 1 doп' t like coffee without milk. ...
. . ." " ."
" . . ".
. . . . .......... ..

8 Music is wonderful thing. . ........".... ........ ....." ... 16 Don't go out 'Nithour umbrella . ........... .... . . .. . ... .......

Что изображено на картинках? В каждом предложении используйте а ••. of .•. + слова из обеих

bar cup loaf bread -mill<­ tea

bowl glass piece i + chocolate paper water

-c-ar-een- jar р1есе honey soup wood

1 .. . й.��.r.t.o n of.!J1i!k.... 4 ...." ... .
. . .. ... .. .. ... . . .. .. .. "
. "
. ... " . " " . . . . " .... 7 ·
· ·
· ···· . .." . ... ....

2 .. " " ... .. .. . 8 ................" ... .. . .. .. . ..

. . .. .
" " " ..."

.. .
..... ........... 5 ." . .. . . ...." .

3 ." . . .. . .. " ..... . . .. ". ......"......". . ·········· -··· 6 ...... ............."...... . ...
.." . .. ..... . . " . .. ..
." . . . 9 .". .. .. ""." .. . . . ....
. . .... . . . .."... ..

ID Переведите предложения на английский язык. духи = perfume

1 В холодильнике у нас еаь молоко и шесть яи1 1. 5 Президент прибыл в большом прибыть= arrive

2 11Хотите чашку чая?" - "Нет. Я не люблю чий': чёрном автомобиле.

З Пожалуйста купи бутылку воды и плитку , 6 Это моё любимое музыкальное пrюизведение.
шоколада. 7 "Где мои деньги?" - "Они на столе':
4 Нп день рождения я rюnучила духи и книги. 8 На обед я съела миску cynu и немного хлеба.

a/an и some

a/an +исчисляемые существительные в единственном числе (car/apple/shoe и т. д.):

О 1 need а new car. Мне нужна новая м оши1 ю.
О Would you likeап apple? Ты хочешь яблоко?
some* (= неопределённое число) +исчисляемые существительные
во множестое11ном числе (cars/apples/shoes и т. д.):
О 1 need some new shoes. Мне нужны новые туфли.
CJ Would you like some apples? Ты хочешь яблок?

some* (=некоторое количество) + неисчисляемые существительные (water/money/music и т. д.):

О 1 need some money. М11е нужны деньги.
О Would you like some cheese? Хотите сыро? some cheese ит1
(или Would you like а piece of cheese? . .. кусочек сыра?) '1 picce of cheese

* Some часто не переводится на русский язык.

Сравните использованиеа и some:

(J Nicola bought а hat, some shoes and some perfume. . . . купила шлнпу, туфли и духи.
О 1 read а newspaper, made some phone calls, and liяened to some music.
Я прочитал газету, сделал несколько телефонных звонков и послушал музыку.

Многие существительные могут использоваться как исчисляемые и как неисчиrляемые. 1-lапример:

�'111 а ".а f·


-�· �:: ·�

. .
или ('�
a cake some cakes some cake или а chicken some chickens some chicken '

а piece of cake а piece of cl1icken

,,,. .,.
� .,.-J'l�h':���V�:
' � �
��� ���{,�Y.(."4;"-
� ....
� .��� �
.... . "")"
�.lt. ".('/J'.
J' �/lf,'V�-·�п;
�. o-.w�µ,
� � ...
��"""""! �""''f"':��·"";"�.... ".�
.,. ·J(ю .... �/tl"'l'-�""tW'//f'�
, U" 7
t " "'

Сравните а paper ( = газета)·и some paper:

О 1 want: somet:hing t:o read. l'm going to buy а paper. ... Я куплю газету.
но О 1 want: to make а shopping list:. 1 need some paper /а piece of paper. (неверно а paper)
... Мне нужна бумага /листик бумаги.

с Обратите внимание на использование этих слов:

advice furniture hair information knowledge news weather work

Эти существительные обычно неисчисляемые, поэтому перед ними не ставится a/an ...
(аfurniture, anaElviee-). Их не используют во множественном числе (advices, knew�eclges- и т. д.).
О Can 1 t:alk to you? 1 need some advice. (неверно an advice) ".Мне нужен совет.
О They've got some nice furniture in their house. (неверно а furnit:ure) . есть красивая мебель. . .

О Silvia has very long hair. (неверно hairs) У .. очень длинные волосы. .

О Where can 1 get some information about: hotels here? (неверно an information)
... получить информацию о ... ?
О Му job requires а lot of specialist knowledge. (неверно knowledges)
Моя работа требует много специальных знаний.
О А: l've just had some news about Tina. " . новости о Тине.
в: ls it good or bad? (неверно Are they) Они хорошие или плохие?
О lt's nice weather today. (неверно а nice weather) ".хорошая погода.
О А: Do you like your jоЬ? Ты любишь свою работу?
о: Yes, bur it's hard work (неверно а hard work) До, но там нужно много работать.

Можно сказать а job, но нельзя сказать а work:

О l've got а new job. (неверно а new work) У меня новая работа.
С) 1 can't go out ronighc l've got to do some work (неверно а work)
... мне нужно поработать (букв. сделать кое-какую работу).

( исчисляемые/неисчисляемые 1 _. Раздел 68 some и any-+ Раздел 77

- Что изображено на этих картинках? Используйте а или some.
т """

� ·-·-- ·-------- - ··········--· ·····---···········-········-·-·---· --··-·----- ..... -·······-··

j 1 lш 1
1 1

1 .. Е?.9.111� p.erfume, � fiat апd som� �.hQ?S....... ......... ...... ................. ............. ................ .... .... . ... .... .. .... " ... .. ........ .. .... .... ...... ..... ..... ... ..... .........
. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .

3 .". . ... ".. .. . .. ... .... .... ... " ... ... .. . .......
.. . . . ... . . . .

4 .... ·· · ······ ·· .......... ......... . .. ..

C!IJ Напишите предложения, начинающиеся с Would you like а ... ? или Would you like some ... ?
/ .----··--·--

-�· ····-··----·-· ·--··

;ш Ы 1®

1: ·
1 : ,�
\.......,,...... .... "............

1 .... W.Q!). ld. YQЧ 1.ik�..SQ.m,� �h.?.(?S.?.f".. ""....." ".. ". ."...." ".. .. .
" . . . . . " " " "" " 4 ....."....."" ....."........ "" ............""............................................. ........... .......... ..... 7

2 Would you like ..........."." ......" ".." "...". ""...... "" .."" .".".." . ? 5 ...." ". .. ...
. . . ....... .. ... .. ... .. " ."....:... .. .. ". .."... ". """"". ..
.. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . "."."" "."""" " ......"""" ?
3 Would ".. ""...." ".... " ........ ...."."." ........." ....."."". ."........ ""....".... " .... ? 6 ••••• •••••н•••"• ••••••••••"••••••••••••••••••••••••оо••••••••••••••••••••••••••••"'''''''''''' 'н•••""'''''"'"'"''"''1""'"

- Вставьте a/an или some.

1 1 read" J�". "book and listened to ... ..;;.Qm� . ." music. . .. .

2 1 need .."""". .". . money. 1 want tobuy ".................. food.

3 We met .................. interesting people at the party.
4 l'm going to open .." ....... window to get ........".......... fresh air.
5 Rachel didn1t eat much for lunch - only ..............".." apple and ..."."..".. "....bread.
6 We live in "..".............blg house. There's ."".".""...".. nice garden with ""................ beautiful trees.
7 l'm going to make а tаЫе. First 1 need ."................. wood.
8 Liяen to me carefully. l'm going to give you ".. "....... ""... advice.
9 1 want to make а list of things to do. 1 need ""."............. paper and ..."""".."..... pen.

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 l'm going tobuy some new shoe/shoes. (shoes - правильно)

2 Mark has brown eye/eyes.
3 Paula has shoп Ыасk hair/hairs.
4 The tour guide gave us some information/informat:ions abouc tl1e cicy.
5 We're going to buy some new chair /chairs.
6 We're going to buy some new furniture/furnitures.
7 lt's hard ro find а work/iob
ar the momenL.
8 We had wonderful weather / а wonderful weather when we were оп holiday.

С8 Переведите предложения на английский язык. сп альня = bedroom

1 Мне нужен совет об автомобилях. 5 У Нины есть работа? слушать= listen to

2 Хот и те немного торта? 6 У Мар и н ы длинные чёрные

з Мы ку пи ли новую мебель для нашей волосы и красивые глаза.
спал1->ни. 7 Борису нужна информаци� об Англии.
4 Я собираюсь купить туфли и платье. 8 Салли читает книгу и слу111ает музыку.

a/an the
- . -
2 3 11
. · -----

Сап you opcn

а windovl?

Здесь есть три окно. 1 Здесь есть только ойни икни.
а \\findo\v =любое из этих трёх окон 1 the window = именно это окно

(] \'ve got: а car. О l'm going t:o clean the саг tomorro\�.
(Одна из многих существующих машин.) (=СВОЮ MQLUUHy)
( ) Can 1 ask а question? О Сап you repeat: the question, please?
(Может быть много вопросов. (= тот вопрос, кuпюрый Аы �одоли)
Можно задать какой-то один вопрос?) О \Л/е enjoyed OLtr holiday. Тhе hotel was
CJ ls t:l1ere а hotel near here? very nice.
(Существует много гостиниц. (= нaLUa гостиница)
Поблизости есть какая-нибудь?)
U Paris is an interesting city. О Paris is the capital of France. (Во Франции
(Париж -одш 1 из многих есть только одна столица.)
интересных городов.) О Lisa is the youngest student in l1er class.
О Lis a is а student. (В классе есть только одна саман юная
(Лиза - одна из многих студенток.) студентка.)

A/the 11е переводятся на русский язык а window / the window = окно

Сравните а и the:

_ [; 1 bought а jacket and а shirt . Тhе jacket was cheap, but the shirt was expens1ve.

(=тот пиджак и та рубашка, которые я купил)

'"" .

". "в The используется, если понятно, о ком или о чём идёт речь. Например:

the door / the ceiling / the floor / [he carpet / the light и т. д. (в комнате)
the roof / the garden / the kitchen / the bathroom и т. д. (f3 доме)
the centre / the station / the airport / the town hall и т. д. (в городе)

С 'Where's Тот? 'ln the kitchen: the ceiling

(= 1 ю кухне этого дома или этой квартиры)
С Turn off the light and close the door.
(-свет и дверь в этой комнате)
О Do you live far from the centre?
(=от центра твоего города)
О l'd like to speak ro the manager, please.
( с менеджером этого магазина)

t:he ftoor
150 ( a/an � Раздел 66 the 4 Разделы 71-74
8 Вставьте a/an или the.
1 We enjoyed our trip. ...."Th§" ." l1ot:el was very nice.

2 'Can 1 ask ? .."" question?'

."""". 'Sure. What do you \Vant со know?'
3 You look very tired. You need "" ""."""". holiday.
' 1iom1•. 'Нe's 1n """. .."." .. gar den.'
4 'WI·ier�s
5 Eve is ." ""."""""" interesting person. You should meet l1er.
6 д: Cxcuse me, сап yoL1 rell me how to ge[ Lu " " """ "."""." city centre?
в: Yes, go straight on and then t:()ke "."."."".""."" nexr turning left.
7 л: Shall we go out for "" ......""""" meal this eveniпg?
в: Yes, that's ."."."""." "". good idea.
8 lt's ".".""."""". nice moming. Let's go for .." .... """"."". \Valk.
9 Amanda is " ""." """. sшdent. When she frnishes her studies, she wants со Ье "... ".....""..". journaliя. She lives
\.'Vitl1 Lw<.> friends in "." .."""""."." apartment пеаг ".. " """"."" college where she is studying." ".. ..""". apartment is
sn1all, but she likes it.
·10 Perer and Mary l1ave two children, . ."""". buy and . ".."..""".. girl. ."..".."""""".. Ьоу is seven years old, апd
""." "." "". girl is three. Perer works in """"."."." ". factory. Магу doesn't l1ave ". """" job at tl1e rnumenr.

8 Допишите
предложения. Используйте или the +слова из рамки:
- ...,. - - ----
--· -- •- ФI•• _. ,_ _---••� ••• • ••••<i• •• • •---•----.- -·-

. airport cup dictionary

-- ..... .
-Eleer- floor picture ;
-- ·-- -··---··-·····-; · - �···--- __
,.., . -- ----·-� ""

Can 1 have"""""""."""""".
of coffee, please?

Why are you sitting

on """ " ?
".""""" . .... """"" .. "." ""

1 Сап you open "." Jb � rJ.QPr

. . "".". , please? 4 That's. ".."""""." . nice ..". """"""""" .""""". - 1 like it.
2 How far is it to . ".""."..""""""".""" ? 5 Can you pass me "".""" ". ."".""""". , please?
. .
З Сап 1 have ."""""."" ". . ""."". of coffee, please? 6 Whу аге you s1tt1ng оп"".""."".".""""""""." 7.

·Исправьте ошибки в предложении. Где необходимо, используйте a/an или the.

1 Don't forget to � 1Nl1en you go our. "" "t. L.rn"Pff t. h § !.i.g ) тi; " "
.� . " " " "." ."". "". ." """""."""
"" . " "" " """ """" "" .

2 Enjoy your trip, and don't forget to send те postcard. . . "" """" ""." "" """"" "."""""" "." """"" "" . . "" .""" """".""""""
" ." " " " .. " . ". .

З What is name of this village? "." """""."""."". "" ..."" """"""" """
. . " . ." .""" " " "."""."".""" "" . " " . " .

4 Canada is very Ыg counпy. .""."." """" ".".""" "" "" ."" "" """" " " "".""." """" . ." .""""" ."" "
. " . . . . " " " .

5 Whar is largest city in Canada? " "" """ """"."". """ ." """"."""."...
.. """"" """". " ." ""..""""".""" . ""
. . . .

6 1 like this room, but 1 don't like colour of carpet. " . . """ ...".. """ """."""" """"" """"" "" ""
" " . ""."""..".".""""""" """
" . . . . .

7 �ге you ОК?' 'No, l've got headache.' """""""""." " ." """"" ".."" " " .""". ".""...
" " " " ." " """""" ".""""" ".".""".
" " . . .

8 We liv� in old house near station. """"""." ."" ""." """ .". " ""."" ""."."""".". " "" """"" ..
. . """""" "" "
. . . . . .

9 What is паmе or direcror of film we savv last night?

Переведите предложения на английский язык. (4) в (здесь) = to

·1 У меня есть вопрос. 5 Какой самый старый город R Англии? автор= author

2 Ташкент - столица Узбекистана. 6 Они живут R ново й квартире� центре.

3 Это очень интересный город. 7 "Где дети?" - "Они в саду':
4 Нам нужно такси� аэропорт. 8 Это очень xopowan кни1 а. Я знаю ивтора.

The иr.пользуется, когда нсно, о ком или о чём идёт речь:
О What is the name of this street? Как называется эта улица? (букв. Каково название".)
О Who is the best player in your ream? Кто лучший игрок в вашей команде?
О Can you tell me the time, plcase? Вы не подскажете время?
О Му office is оп the top floor. (= the top floor of the building) . .. на верхнем этаже.

Обратите внимание:
О Do you live near the city centre? (неверно near city centre)
Ты жuвёшь рядом с центром города?
О Excuse 111е, wl1ere is the nearest bank? (неверно where is nearest ...)
Извините, где ближайший банк?

the same .. . = тот же, одинаковый

О We live in the same street. (неверно in same street:) Мы живём на одной и той же улице.
:::) л: Are rhese t\'v'O books different?
в: No, they're the same. (неверно they're same) Нет, они одинО1<0оые.

с Обратите внимание но другие употребления the:

the sun (солнце)/ the moon (луна)/ the world (мир)/ the sl<y (небо)/ the sea (море)/
the country (за городом)
О The sky is Ыuе апd the sun is shining. / /ебо голубое, и сот ще светит.
U Do you live in а rown or in the country? ... в городе или за городом?
the police / the fire brigade (пожарная брисада) / the army - этого города, этой страны и т. д.
О Му brother is а soldier. He's in the army. ". Он в армии.
О What do you think of the police? Do they do а good jоЬ? . . . о полиции?".

the top / the end / the middle / the left и т. д. tl1e top
О Write your name at the top of the page. . .. наверху страницы.
О Му house is ar the end of the street. . .. в конце улицы. the
the left the right
О The tаЫе is in the middle of the room. . .. в середине комнаты. d
mi dle
Q Do you drive on the right or on the left in your country?
В вашей стране ездят по правой или по левой стороне?
the bottom
(play) the piano / the guitar / the trumpet и т. д. (музыкальные инструменты) •• 1

О Sasha is learning to play the piano. Саша учится играть на пианино. �( PI)

the radio
О 1 1 iscen со the radio а lot Я часто слушаю радио.

the internet
О What do you use the internet for? Для чего ты используешь интернет?

The не используется перед:

television / TV
О 1 watch TV а lot. Я часто смотрю телевизор.
О What's on television ronight? Что идёт по телевизору ... ?
но Сап you rurn off the TV? Ты можешь выключить телевизор(= прибор)?

breakfast / lunch / dinner

О What did you have for breakfast? ·(неверно the breakfast) .. . на завтрак?
О Dinner is ready! Ужин готов!

next (следующий)/ last (прошлый) + week/month/year/summer/Monday и т. д.

О l'm nor working next week (неверно the next week) . . на следующей неделе.


О Did you have а holiday last summer? (неверно the last summer) ". прошлым летом?
� v-... "
»: «
i �·�)J)"'
•••• '!:
� H t n�r. trи-1,".":•'!''·
< ;·
� (,

151 ( a/an и the -i- Раздел 70 the-+- Разделы 72-74 tl1e oldest / the most expensivc и т. д. -t Ра3дел 91
D Где необходимо, вставьте thc. Напротив правильных предложений напишите ОК.
1 \f\/hat is name of this street? ".". t h?.""
. ." """ .. "
. .". " " """ .. "
. ". ". ". .". " " . . "" "" ." . " "" .""
." . "".""

2 What's on TV tonight? . " ОК.

.. ._". ...... ""... .".._"""" .".".".... """". ..""" . . " ."".". . ""
". ".". """"" " ."."".

3 Our apartment is on second ffoor. .""""." " """ . " " . ." . "" " """ "" "
" . """"" " " ""." ."""" " " " ""
. ." " """ . ".""""""""" "
4 \Nould you like to go to moon? ". " " . .
... . .. ". " " " ".
." "" " ".""" " .
... "." .. "."" . . " "."""". " ..
". ."". " """"" . " " "" "
. ." "" " "".

5 Which is best hotel in tl1is tovvn? """. """" " ". ."" ""."" "" "" . """". "" .""" " "" ."""" "". . " "" .." " """""."."." " "
6 What time is lunch? " " " "" ". . "." "
..". "" ". " . """"""" ." " ". . . .. . . . "
"" . "" . . " ..". .. .."
. . "........"".. " ... ." . ". " " ." ""

7 How far is it to city centre?

8 We're going a\•vay at cnd of Мау.
9 Wl1at are you doing next \veekend?
10 1 didn't like her nrst time 1 met her.
11 l'm goir1g out afrer dinner.
12 lt's easy ro get information from internet.
13 Му sister got married lasr month.
14 Му dictionary is on сор shelf on rigl1t.
15 \Ne live in country about ten miles from nearesr town.

Закончите предложения. Используйте the same + слова из рамки:

age colour proЫem time i

--··." - ·-- ··---� -

1 1 li v e in North Street and you live in North Street. We live in ." t. h e. � � ШQ.5tr.��t.
. " . -.""". ""." " """"""" " " "" ". "". "." ."" . "

2 1 arrived at 8.30 and you arrived at 8.30. We arrived ar ."." ."""."".""".""""_" """. """ "".. .. .
" ." ... " " ...... ... """ " " " " "
". " " " "- . """" ." . .

3 James is 25 and Sue is 25. James and Sue аге ". . . ... . ".
. ..... ""." . ." "
.." " ."."" . " " "."... ......".."....�." ". " ".
" """ .". .. . "" . ...... .
. . ..- ." . . .. .... " " ." ". .

4 Му shirr is dark Ыuе and so is my jacket. 1\Лу shirt and jacket аге ."""". "." " "" "
"" "" " ......"" ". . " .
"... .. . . ."..".. " "."" . ."." .
.. . ." .. " ". . .

5 1 have no money and you have no money. We have .. ". " . ..

. . . ." "." ..." "
" "" "..." . . " .
. . . .". " . ""
"" " . """"" " ." . ." " ""
"" " """ "

Посмотрите на картинки и закончите предложения. Где необходимо, вставьте the.

rш·---- 1 ш--···-·-·· i ш ·······

• -.-- �

1j �.......

1 """ IhQ ?.цn. ."" "".""""""" is shining.

" . 4 He's \Natching """ . ."." """ " .. "" " ".""" " " " .
".. .

2 She's playing .."."." """ .".".".."."" """""..

" 5 They're svvimming in """"." "" . """"". "".". " "" "
. ... " . .

3 They're having . "".". ".

.". "
". . " ." . "
""." "" " ". 6 Tom's name is at "."""."""" """"""""". """""." of the list.

Заполните пропуски, используя слова из рамки. Где необходимо, также вставьте the.

-- ----
-dinner- police lunch middle name

1 We had """d.iл.n.�r."" ar а resraurant last night.

2 We stayed at а very nice horel, but 1 don't remember "" """"""""."""""..."""""". """"""..".".. "

3 " " """. "".."".""".""""."-"" ..""." . ""."" is very clear tonight. You сап see all the srars.
4 Sometimes there are some good films оп. """.". """"."."""." ""."".."""""" """"""". late at night.
5 Somebody was rrying to break into the shop, so 1 called "..".. "."""". ""."." ".". """"."... """""".. ..

6 Tokyo is ."."".""". """" """"."""".". ."..""""""". of Japan.

7 '\Nhat did you l1ave for "" .." .." .."""."".""".""."" ""."""""""" ?' 'А salad.'
8 1 \voke up in """..
""."" . """"""."......
""..""".""" of rhe night.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. звони в= call

1 Кто самый старый в вашей семье? 5 Мы с Салли ходили в uдну проводить время = spend time
2 Тим и Фиона живут в центре Лондона. и ту же школу.
3 Анна, звони в полицию! 6 Я хuтела бы жит1") за городом .
4 Моя доць проводит слишком много 7 Что ты дела еш ь на следующей неделе?
времени в интер н ете. 8 Мы ели яй ца на завтрак.

В этих выражениях the не используется:

(go) to work, (Ье) at work start work finish worl<

() Вуе! l'm going to worl< now. (неверно to the work) Пока! Сейчас я иду на работу.
() 1 finish work at 5 o'clock every day. Я заканчиваю работать в ... (букв. заканчиваю работ у )
(go) t o school, (Ье) a t school, start school, leave school и т. д.
() What did you learn at school today? (неверно at the school)
Что ты сегодня узнал в школе?
(] Some children don't like school. Некоторые дети не любf1т школу.
(go) to university/college, (Ье) at university/college
(.) Helen wants to go to university when she leaves school.
. . . хочет поступить в университет после окончания школы.
О What did you study at college? Что вы изучали 8 колледже?
(Ье) in hospital
(go) to hospital,
[) Jack had an accident. Не had to go to hospital. . .. Ему пришлось ехать в больницу.
(go) to prison, (Ье) in prison
U Why is he in prison? What did he do? Почему он в тюрьме? ...
(go) to church, (Ье) in/at church
О David usually goes to church on Sundays. ". ходит в церковь ".
(go) to bed, (Ье) in bed
CJ l'm tired. l'm going to bed. (неверно to the bed)
...Я ложусь спать. (букв . ... иду в кровать.)
(J д: Where's Alice?
в: She's in bed. Она в кровати.

(go) home, (Ье) at home и т. д.

[) l'm tired. l'm going home. (неверно ro home) ".Я иду домой.
U Аге you going out conighr, or are you staying at home? ... или остаётесь дома? ·


. ."_"5- В этих выражениях необходимо использовать the:

(go to) the cinema / the theatre / the bank / the post office / the station / the airport / the city centre
С) 1 never go to the theatre, but 1 go to the cinema а lot.
Я никогда не хожу в театр, но я часто хожу в кино.
С) А: Аге you going to the banl<? Ты идёшь в банк?

в: No, to the post office. Нет, но почту.
О The number 5 bus goes to the airport; the number 8 goes to the city centre.
Автобус номер 5 идёт в аэропорт; номер 8 идёт в центр города.

(go to) the doctor, the dentist

() You're not well. Why don't you go to the doctor? ... Почему ты не сходишь к врачу?
() 1 have to go to the dentist. Мне нужно идти к стоматологу.

154 ( the-+ Разделы 70-71, 73-74 in/at-+ Разделы 106-107 to/in/at-+ Раздел 108 (at) home-+ Раздел 108 )
D Где находятся эти люди? Закончите предложения. Где необходимо, используйте the.

1 нe 's 1n ......."""""" .
""" . """""""" """"... "". " . 3 She's in ."" " " "" " " .
". . "" " 5 They're at . "" ." "" " .."".""""""".".""...

2 They're at .""" . . ."". ."" . .". " . . .

" ". . """ . ." . ..
" " " " 4 She's at ".""".""" " ." ".". "" " " 6 He's iп . """"" " """""" "" . . . ""."".. ""." """. .

8 Заполните пропуски, используя слова из рамки. Где необходимо,

" � --·
также вставьте the.
. -Ьank- bed -Ehurc-R- home post office school station

1 1 need to change some mопеу. 1 have to go to t..b.�. b�HJ.k" . .

2 David usually goes to " " ". gb цr.� h . . on Sundays .

З lп Britaiп, childreп go to .. . .""". "..". "".". """. """" .""." . "from the age of five.
4 There were а lot of people at "". ".""..""""" """". """"" .""""". """. waiting for the train.
5 We went to their house, but they wereп't at .""".". . """ """. " . " " "". ".
""". "".".". .""". " . .

6 l'm going со"" """". "".". . ".".". """ .. """".""""."." по\v. Goodпight!
7 1,m go1ng to "." ."""". ""
" .
" "
" ""
" ".".. """" "."."" to get some stamps.

Закончите предложения. Где необходимо, используйте the.

1 lf you waпt to catch а plane, you ""�"f:!i.rp.Q.rt(.."."" """.""."""" . . " . ." "." " """ """" " "". . "..". """ . "" " ."
" .""" " "".""" " .."

2 lf you want ro see а film, you go to "". . . .. " . . ". " ." . .. .
""" -
" ".""""" " . " """"" " " ". " ........ """" . "" . . .
" ". . .."" " " " """"" ." ". """ "". . .
".. .. . .

3 lf you are tired and you want to sleep, you.""" . . ". " . " . "" " . " . "
" " "" """ " . """" "" " . " ". .. """.. .. "." ." """. .
" "" . . "." " "" " ..
"" " ". . .
"" " "" " . ."
"" "" . .
". .

4 lf you rob а bank and the police catch you, you " "" " " . ". " " . ..." "" " "." . .. """." " " ".""""" . " "" "" . """. . ." " " "" """"" ". . . . " .
" " " " "".

5 lf you have а proЫem with your teeth, you .""".""." . " . . "" """ " "."" ."""" . """". " ""." """ """ " """"" .."" . .. .
" ". "" "." "."" "" " """" .

6 lf you \'v'ant to study after you leave school, you ".""""."""""." " """" ."" """ ""."." """ ". . " ". ".. "" """.м""" """. """.""""""""" """""""" " .

7 lf you are badly injured in an accideпt, you ."""."""""""".". " """ . """" "" """ " . " "" " ".
"" . " ". " " . ." " "." "." " " .. " ""." "." . " ."". """""" "." . "" .

D В некоторых предложениях допущена ошибка. Где нужно, исправьте ошибку.

1 We went � last night. W."kOQ"ЙO :n� . "" . . . . ." ."". . . Ш """"""". """."." " ". " " " "". " """ " "" " """. """ "

2 1 fiпisl1 work at 5 o'clock every day. Q К. . . . " """ . " """." " "" . """" "" . ".""""". """." . " " .. ."" """ """"""""""""""" "" .

З Lisa wasn't feeling well yesterday, so she went to doctor. . . ". "" " " . ."" " " . . . . . """ " ". """" """ " . "". . " "" " """ " " """ "" """ " """" "" "" "" " "" "

4 1 wasn't feeling well this morniпg, so 1 stayed iп bed. "". . . " . . " ". . . . ."". "". . """." "". " """" . " ."" """" """"" """."" " " """""". ""."

5 Why is Angela always late for work? "" " ." " " . "" " " . . "
""" " ". ." ""." """" " """" "."""" " """"" """""."""" """ "" "" ".

6 'Where аге your children?' 'They're at school .' """.". " . . .. "."." "" " """"".""""" """" """"" .. " """" " "

7 We have no money in bank. "." . . . . "" . .. " " "" " """". ". " "" " "" " "" " . """ ". """"" . """" """"

8 When 1 was younger, 1 weпt to church every Sunday. "."" . " " " . . . " """"" " "" "" . "". "" ."""""" . """" """.. """.""" "" "".. " """" "." " ." ".

9 What time do you usually get home from work? """ . . ". " . ." " . . " . "" """" . """". " " "". " " """" " ""." " " "" " """""" "" "." . """" """"

10 Do you live far from city сепсrе? """ ." """. """""""""" """""".""" """"" """"" """ ". """"""" """."" "". . .
"" """.

11 'Where shall we meet?' 'At station.' .""" . " """ ."

" " " ". " ."" " "" "
"""" " " "". . """ . .." "" " ." " " """" ". "". " ". " "." ". . " ".

12 James is ill. He's in hospital. """. """."" """""" .

"""". " "."" ". . " """". .. " . .
"" " " " "" "" "".""." "" . " "" "" " """ . """

13 Kate takes her childreп to school every day. "."." . " ... . " """ "" """"" ." "" .
"" "" ." "
. . ".""" . . "" . " "" "" " """"" . " . """ . . " " """ . ".

14 Would you like to go to universiry? ".""""""""""""" .

..""" ." ... "" """""""""""" "". " ". """ . "".". " "."" .
"" """ " "".

15 Would you like to go to thearre this evening? ".".""""""."""."".""".." . "" """"" " """"""" " .
" ..""" """" . """". "" " """ " .
." "

8 Переведите предложения на английский язык. от". до= from . . . ro

1 "Где дети?11 - "Они в кровати11• 6 Мой отец болен. Он должен по пятницам= оп Fridays

2 Мы идём в кино завтра вечером. ехать в больницу.

З Вчера моя дочь не ходила в школу. 7 Какой автобус идёт от центра
4 До свидания. Сейчас я иду домой. города до аэропорта?
5 Почему ты хочешь поступить в 8 По пятницам Борис 'не ходит
ун иверситет? на работу.

Тhе не используется, когда говорят об общих понятиях:
С1 1 like music, especially classical music. (неверно the music ... the c\assical music)
Я люблю музыку, особенно классическую музыку.
О We don't eat meat very often. (неверно the meat)
Мы не едим мясо часто.
О Life is not possiЬ\e without water. (неверно The life ... the water)
Жизнь невозможна без воды.
О 1 hate exams. (неверно the exams)
Я ненавижу экзамены.
[j ls there а shop near here that sells newspapers?
Здесь поблизости есть магазин, где продаются газеты?

The не используется с названиями игр и видов спорта:

О Му favourite sporcs are football and skiing. (неверно the football ... the skiing)
Мои любимые виды спорта - футбол и лыжи.

The не используется с названиями языков и учебных предметов (history/physics/blology и т. д.):

О Do you think English is difficult? (неверно the English)
Как ты думаешь, английский язык сложный?
[) Tom's brother is srudying physics and chemistry .
. . . изучает физику и химию.

flowers или the flowers?


О Flowers are beautiful. О 1 love this garden. Theflowers

are beautiful.
( цветы вообще)
= The flowers are beaш:iful.
( = цветы в этом саду)

� 1 don't like cold weather. О Тhе weather isn't very good

( холодную погоду
= today.
вообще) ( погода сегодня)

� We don'r eat fish very ofren. О We had а grear meal last night.
( = рыбу вообще) Тhе fish was excellent.
(:;:та рыба, которую мы ели)

� Аге you interested in О Do you kno\� much about the

history? history of your country?
( = интересуешься ( = об истории твоей страны)
историей вообще?)

156 ( the-+ Разделы 70-72, 74 )

Как вы к этому относитесь?
,- - _.
_ __,,,__-·
- -
- --- -
· ----·-·----· ----
blg cities computer games exams jazz parties
�. chocolate dogs housework museums tennis
..... ",_. . �·· ···�· --····-- --....---------···------·-· ·----· · ·· ------ -�···-,,.
� J

Выберите семь слов из рамки и напишите предложения с:

1 lil<e ... 1 don't like ... l love .. . или 1 hate ..•

.......1.JJ.?�..�?5�.r.ш�." . или . ..!..11�.е exam.�:..(v. m.Jl..J.

. .... .......... . ... .

2 ."". . .
.. ... .............

4 ....... " ...."...... .

7 .. ..................... " .......... ..
. "... .... . . .. ..
" ... .. . ........... . .
"..... ..... .
.".. ..... ".. ......". .
......... . .
. " ." ..."........ " . . .. .
. ........ ". . ..... .." .... " ... ... .
...... .. ".... ..... .
. ........ ""... . . . .
..... . ............... . . "... ..." ... ... .. .. . ..

8 .
.......................... ... ................................... ························· .................................."... ............ ......... . .
........... ...... ...... .... .. ...... . ".. . . . . . . . .. . . .. .
.... . .... ... . ....... ... ..... ....... .. . .. .... .. . .. ........ . ... . . ..
. ..

Вы этим интересуетесь? Напишите предложения, используя фразы из рамки:

•>-· - ·------------ -

( l'm (very) interested in 1 l<now lot about 1 don't l<now much about
i.. l'm not interested in ."

1 l<now

а little about

... 1 don't know anything about


----- -- - -- -·· _ _ __ __.,,

1 (history) ...... !)r:i Y.f1.ГY. !ri��r.?..�t.?...� ir:t b.!?.�ГY.:.......

.. . . ... ............ ....... .... ··································· ....................... " ............ .................. . . . .. ....... . .."..._... ..... .
2 (politics) 1..... "...... " . . "." ........... "........... ... " .........•.."..... .. .. . ..... .........•..... ... .. " .........".......• " ".... . ........ " .......".............. .
................••.... ..... " .. " " ... .
.... "........ ". ... ..
3 (sport)
4 (art)
5 (astronomy)
6 (economics) •••ОООООООоОоО ооо оо••О ОООООО••ооО•ооОО О ОООООО•о•00ООо ОооОо040000000000оООООООООоооооо оо•оооО0100оОО•о••••••О -ООО•о ••ОООООООООООО ООООО•оо•••••а ."о"оО••О•Ооо•ООоОО•••••О•оо00000 00 00 000••" ОО•оо+ооооОООО +ОООООО ООО+ " ООО 000 ." ОО•ОООО

8 Выберите правильный вариант.

1 Му favourite sporc is football / rl1efootball правильно) . (football -

2 1 like this l1otel. -Reeffi5-/ The rooms are very nice. (The rooms правильно) -

3 Everybody needs friends/ the friends.

4 Jane doesn't go со parries / с\1е paпies very often.
5 1 went shopping this morning. Shops / The shops were very busy.
6 'Wl1ere's milk / che milk?' 'lt's in the fridge.'
7 1 don't like milk / the milk. 1 never drink it.
8 'Do you do any sporrs?' 'Yes, 1 play basketball / the basketball.'
9 An architect is а person v1ho designs buildings / the buildings.
10 We went for а swim in the river. Water / The water was very cold.
11 1 don't like swimming in cold water / the cold water.
12 Excuse me, can you pass salt / the salt, please?
13 1 like this rown. 1 like people / the people here.
14 VegetaЬles / The vegetaЫes are good for you.
15 H0t1ses/ The houses in this street are all the same.
16 1 can't sing chis song. 1 don't know words/ the words.
17 1 enjoy taking pictures / che piccures. lt's my hobby.
18 Do you want to see picrures / the picrures that 1 co·ok when 1 \ЛJas on holiday?
19 English / The English is used а lot in international business / the international business.
20 Мопеу/ The money doesn't always bring happiness / the happiness.

D Переведите предложения на английский язык. работа по дому = house\ЛJork

1 Бен ненавидит работу по дому. предмет = subject

2 Анна любит фильмы, но она не любит книги. выращивать= gro\•1

3 Мой любимый предмет - биология.

4 Вчера мы ходили на концерт. Музыка была замечательная.
5 Вы оыращиваете цветы в своём саду?
6 Мы ездили в Париж. Музеи были очень интересные.
7 Эд интересуется политикой.
8 Я говорю по-французски, но я не знаю историю Франции.

Континенты, страны, штаты, острова, города и т. д.

С географическими названиями the обыч1 ю не используется:

Cl Russia is а very large coL1ntry. (неверно the Russia)
О Cairo is the capital or Egypt. Каир - столица Египта.
С1 l<ronstadt is а small island near St. Petersburg.
Кронштадт - это маленький остров ...
С1 Peru is in South America. Перу находится в Южной Америке.

Но the +названия, включающие слова "федерация"/''рсспублика"/"штат"/"королевство':·

tl1e RL1ssian Federation the Czech RepuЬlic
the United States of America (the USA) the Uniced Kingdom (the UK)
•).•)/'"#')А•'° ........ -------�1>- ....
._ .. ......_,., " ,

·- .. . -·
. . в· the -s (географические названия во множестве� 11 юм числе)
the +названия стран/островов/гор во множественном числе
the Necherlands Нидерланды the Philippines Филиппины
the Canary lslands Канарские острова the Urals Уральские горы

. """' _".,,-

с Моря, реки и т. д.

the +названия океанов/морей/рек/каналов:

the Aclantic (Ocean) Атлантический океан the Volga (River) (река) Волга
the Mediterranean (Sea) Средиземное море the Ladoga Canal Ладожский канал
the Amazon (река) Амазонка the Black Sea Чёрное море

Но названия отдельных озёр используются без the:

Lake Baikal (неверно che Lake Baikal) озеро Байкал
Lake Geneva r'Кеневское озеро

. . ·-о Названия улиц, зданий и т. д.

С названиями улиц, площадей и т. д. the обычно не используется:

() Kevin lives in Newton Street.
О Where is Nevsky Prospect, please?
О Red Square is in Mosco\v.
С названиями аэропортов, вокзалов и многих учреждений the не используется:
Pulkovo Airport l<ursk Station Westminster АЬЬеу
London Zoo Edinburgh Castle

Cambridge University, Moscow State University и т. д.

Но обычно the + названия гостиниц, музеев, театров, кинотеатров и т. д. :

the Kosmos Hotel the Hermitage (MuseLJm)
the Tretyakov Gallery the Bolshoi (1l1eatre)

Обратите внимание, что нужно говорить the Kremlin:

О The museum is near the Kremlin. (неверно near Kremlin)

the ... of ".

the +конструкции с . .. of ... :

the Museum of Bread the Great Wall of China
the University of California the Tower of London

Нужно говорить the north / the south / the east / the west (of ... ):
О l've been со the north of ltaly, but not со the south.
Я была на севере Италии, а не на юге.

158 (the _.Разделы 70-73 )

Посмотрите на карту и допишите предложенил. Используйте информацию из рамки.
Где необходимо, вставьте The.

1... .. ��.�r.9 ". """"" ."."""""""". ." "... """... ".". ".". is the capital of Egypt.
. Alps
2 "IЬ�"Atl.g,n:�!f. . " "..... "........"."...."...".". ."""".. is betwcen А(гiса and America. Amazon
3 . "" """"".. """"
". ... "...". """". """."" is а counrry in noпl1ern Europe. Andes
4 "" "" ...". ".""."..".." ."."" ....."" ""."......." ..... " . .".. is а river in South America.
. Asia
5 " "....." ""......."...." ..."". "....". ..". ." ""..." ""... "."."... " is the largest continent in the \Varld. -МooetE­
6 ....." ....... ...."..."....... ."""""""". ...
. """""". .."". .."...... is the largest ocean. Bahamas
7 ""." ".". . ". " .
. " .
" ". ". ..
" . " ."._ . ". ""." ""." "" is а river in Europe.
"" Bangkok
8 "" ""." .".""."..."." "...."."....." ." ....". ..."." ."... "."..... is а country in East Africa. -taiю­
9 " .. ... ". ""."" ..".".. "..."". ""..
" ....".... "."... """" .."."" is bet\veen Canada and Mexico. Jamaica
10 ."". ""."" "...""""."". ."""" .".."" """""."" are mountains in South America. Kenya
11 ." "." ."..".".".".". """.....""". "... """...."" ....."........"" is the capital of Thailand. Pacific
12 . "" . "."."..""". "."." "".". """" ""."." """" """" .". are mounrains in central Europe. Red Sea
13 "" . "" . """" """". """". """" ".""". ".. ". "".".. """" " is bet\veen Saudi AraЬia and Africa. Rhine
14 . ".. """ "."."".""""" ""."." .""" """"." """. """" """.. is ап island in the Caribbean. Sweden
15 . . """. """." """""".."" ."".". . """. " ."""... """" are а group of islands near Florida. Unired States

Где необходимо, вставьте the. Напротив правильных предложений напишите ОК.

1 Kevin lives in Nevvton Street. .. " . Q.K.."" " """" "" . " . "". " " . "". . """
. .
" " " " . . " "" . """. ." "" ". ."

2 We \ЛJent: to see an орега �- . " ". ;;t � :t:be .f2P.l.?..b.9i Th.(3.?J.t:re ."""."""."."
. "" """. " .. .". "
" .

3 Have you ever been to China? """"._"""" . ". ."" " _"."." ." .." . """ """ ". "".".. .. "
" ". . . .. " . " . """ . "

4 Have you ever been to Philippines? """."."".. ."" ... ... .." "
. ". " "" ". .. . ... " .. .. . "" . .
" ". " . " " . .. . .. ... "

5 Have you ever been to south of France? ."."." ". . " . ". ... . . " "" " . . ...... "" ".
" ... "... . . " """ . ".. .. . . " ... " . " "

6 Сап you tell me 'Nhere Regal Cinema is? ."""... "." " ".." "
". .. . . ."" ". " . " . .. .".. . "" . . " " "
. """ . " "" "" . . . ... . .. ... . .

7 Сап you tell me v1here Bond Srreet is? ."". "" "".""" ..... "" .""."" . " " """ ". " . ."" "". "".""
." . ".". " "" " " . "" " "

8 Сап you tell me \vhere Museum of Art is? ".""." ." " "." ."."
. "" "". ." . " " . ." " ." " "" " "" .
.. . . ." " . " " "" " ." " " "". "" .

9 Europe is blgger than Ausrralia. """ .. . . ." " . ". ." " ." ." "..
" ." ." """""." ".. "" ."""""""". .
" . " .". . " """ " ."

10 Belgium is smaller than Netherlands. .. ".. " ". ." .. .." .""."."."""". " .". "". . ..". ". "" . ."". " "." . . .""
. ." .. . " . . . . .. "

11 Whicl1 river is longer - Mississippi ог Nile? """." " . "" . " ""."" "" ."" " " " . . " ""." " " ."""".. . ."
" """" . . " . " " " " " " . . "

12 Did you go ro Tretyakov Gallery when you \vere in Moscow? ." "".". ". " " ."""
." ""."" """" """"" "".". ".." " " """
"" " " " "" " " " . . .

13 We st:ayed ar Park Horel in Hudson Road. .".". """""."" . " """""" """" ."."". """""" " . "" " """ " . "
. . .. . " "" ""

14 Ho\v far is it from Trafalgar Square to Wat:erloo Station? """ . . ""." """ . . "". . " . ". " """ " . ""." . "" " " " . "
. . " " " . " " . " . "" . " " " "" "

15 Rocky Mountains are in North America. ... . " " " . . .". ". " "".." " . " " "" "
,_" "" ."""". __" ". " .. "" ". . .""" . " "" .

16 Texas is famous for oil and cov'1boys. "."". "" "". . ". " .". . " "". " . . . .. . """""" " ". . " "
. "" . . . . .." "" . "" . . " "

17 1 t1ope to go ro United States next year. ."."""""."" . . " """" " ."." ". "" .". .. " "."."
"" .. "... " ." " " "" " . "

18 Магу comes from west of lreland. """ """"" . " "". . "" """ ."""" "".
." " "" "".". ".. "..
" " ". . " " "" . " .

19 Alan is а student at 1V\anchesrer University. "" .. . ".. ." """ " . "..." "."" . ."" "" "" """." " " "" . ". .
" " " . . . . " . " " .

20 Panama Canal joins Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. .."."" .. """.".. " "" ".".." ""." " ." ." . . " "
" ." ". . " . . " . " " . """ "" "" . ".

Переведите предложения на английский язык. порт= port

1 Роттердам - это большой порт в Нидерландах. курорт = resorr

2 Я хочу сходить в Большой Театр.

3 Волга - самая длинная река в России?
'i Сочи - это популярный курорт на Чёрном море.
5 Марк из Ричмонда. Это город на севере Англии.
6 Гордон работает в гостинице Гранд в Лондоне.
7 Вы хотите увидеть Лондонский Тауэр?
8 Ни на хочет жить в Соединённых Штатах и учиться в Гарварде.

�Дополнительные упражнения 33-34 (страница 269-70) 159

this =этот/эта/это these =эти that =тот/та/то those =те

Г)о you like These flowers Whoare

tl1is picture? areforyou. those people?

this this picrure tl1at that picture


Слова this/that/these/those можно использовать с существительным (this picture / those girls и т. д.)
или без существительного:

О This hotel is expensive, but it's very nice. Эта гостиница ...
О А: Who's that girl? Кто та девушка?
в: 1 don't know. с существительным

О Do you like these shoes? 1 bought them last week. . .. эти туфли .. .
О Those apples look nice. Сап 1 have one? Те яблоки".
О This is а nice hotel, but it's very expensive. Это хорошая гостиница, но . . .
О А: Excuse me, is this your bag? ". это Ваша сумка?
в: Oh yes, thank you. без существительного
О Who's that? (=Who is that person?) Кто_ это?
С) Which shoes do you prefer - these or tl1ose? ... - эти или те?

That может указывать на то, что произошло:

О А: l'm sorry 1 forgot to phone you. ... я забыл тебе позвонить.
в: That's all right. Это не проблема.
О That was а great party. Thank you very much. Это была классная вечеринка ".
That может указывать на то, что только что сказал собеседник:
О А: You're а teacher, aren't you? Вы учитель, не так ли?
в: Yes, that's right. Да, это так.
О А: Martin has а new job.
в: Really? 1 didn't know that. Правда? Я этого не знала.
О д:. l'm going on holiday next week.
в: Oh, that's nice. О, этоздорово.

This is ... и is that ... ? используют в разговоре по телефону:

О Hi Sarah, this is David.
(this =говорящий)
О ls that Sarah? Hi Sarah,
(that =другой человек) this is David.
,.,, ." ' ·""' ,.. . " ·-"

This is ... используют, когда людей представляют друг другу.

О А: Ben, this is Chris. Бен, это Крис.
в: Hello, Chris - nice to meet you.
с: Hi.
Ben. this
isChris. :;


160 (this one / that one-+ Раздел 76 )

Заполните пропуски. Используйте this/that/these/those + слова из рамки:

�- Ьirds
house plates postcards seat -shees- .1

- ..

1 ---·-

Doyou like 'Ш Wl10 lives in ...... . .

.... ·····-··

......�tJ.��.�-�h.9.�� . . . ? . ..

Look at ................ ........... . :ш

1 Excuse n1e, is
........................................... free?
..,...___,.�� ���._"·..._
....... '
..., . -
• " \. У"'У
. ,,./,/'"" ,

· �d-

Напишите вопросительные предложения: ls this/that your ... ? или Are these/those your ••• ?

; " .. .. . .... . . . . . . . . . ·····-- ····-····- -- -т�ij!::====�-::;--:=====::- ·

..........J�:?.:.�.�..i :?...... "..."
:ш ·······-····---···················· t 1 (3) . .. . . . ... . .... .. . . ... . . .. . .. ... . . ..... .. .. . . .. .. _i ш . " ... ..""". . . ..""".". . _).
" " ." ."
. . ... . .. ..

"••• "
• •
\ ,
••••• • •••••••••••••• •••

••• • ""•• . ••• " ••••" . . •

......Y.Q.U..rJ�gfJf........ : i

1 �--!"'1 ----



, /

Заполните проnуо�и. Используйте this is или that's или that.

1 д: l'm sorry l'm lat�. S д: Beth plays tl1e рiапо very well.
.. ... . .";........ а11 rrg
... ...... . · 11t. в. · Does sh е.? 1 d'd
1 n r know ' ....... ........... ... . ...... .............. ........ .

2 д: 1 can't comc to thc party tomorrow. 6 Мшk т��� Рии/\ �i�t.ш, Ht�ltm.
в: Oh, . . . .. .
. ... . а pity. Wl1y not?
...... .... . . . .. ... .. ........ .. .
. PAUL: Mark,. ..
.. ......... .. ....... .
... . .. .. ....... ..
.. ....... 111у sister, Helen.
3 оп thc phone мдпк: Hi, H�lt:!n.
�tJE: Hello, Jane. StJe. 7 А: l'm sorry 1 was angry yesterday.
JANE: Oh, hi Sue. How are you? в: . . .. . .. ... .. .. .
. ... .. .
... . . .
... ... . ... ... .. .
.. .... ОК. Forgec ic!
4 А: You're lazy. 8 л: Уоu'ге а friend of Tom's, aren'c you?
R: not true! в: Yes, .................................................. right.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. футболка= T,shirt

1 Эта книга очень инте ресная. 5 Привет, Том. Это Наташа. не так ли = aren't you

2 Эти цветы прекрасны! Спасибо! 6 "Вы Бен, не так ли?" - "Да, это так".
3 Тот мальчик в красной футболке - 7 "Извините, я опоздал". - "Это не пр облема".
ваш сын? 8 (по телефону) Зд равствуйте, это Молли .

4 Кто те люди у окна? Это Джессика?

These chocolarcs arc good. Would you like one ? Ты хочешь?
Would yuu like one? 1
= Would you like а chocolate ? Ты хочешь ко11фету?

one = a/an ... (а cl1ocolate / а11 apple и т. д.)

(] 1 nccd а реп. Do you huv� опе? Мне нужна ру11ка. У тебя есть?
CJ л: ls there а banl< near here ? Здесь рядом есть банк?
в: Yes, there's опе at the end of th is streer. ,Ца, есть в конце этой улицы.

В русском языке 1ют Jквивалента 'опе' в этом з начении. Существительное может быть ипущенu, r:u1u
смысл ясен из контекста.

<··· ,..
".,._r•""� ,1-
,, ..

one uones

one (единственное число) ones (множественное число)


du yuu v1апс?

Wl1icl1 опе� = Wl1ich hat? Whk:h ones? = Wl1ich flowers?

one = hat/car/girl и т.д. ones = flowers/cars/girls и т.д.
that one =этот, эrтю, rnom и т. д.
this one / these/those или tl1ese oa1es
/ tl1ose 011es = .:Jmu, те :�-f
О Which car is yours? This one or that one? О Which flowers do you wan(? Тhese or those? ·

Какая машина твоя? Эта или та? или Thcsc oncs or those ones?
Какие иветы Вы хотите? Эти или те?

the one ... =тот, который; та, которая ... и т. д.
Whicl1 hotel did y o u яау a r?
the ones . .. = те, которые ...
Wl1icl1 books are yours?

А: О А: !·

6: The one opposi(c (hc яa(ion. R: 111е ones оп tl1e tаЫе. �­

8 той, которая напротив ... Те, которu1е лежот 1 ю иrю11е. f
О 1 found th is key. ls it th e one you lost? О 1 tound (hese l<eys. Аге rhcy thc oncs yoL1
. . . ключ. Это тот, который ты lost? r\
потернпо? ". ключи. Это те, когrюµыс: mы ". �
tl1e ... one the ". ones �
U 1 (\on'L likf:' t tн.1 1 Jlilt k coat, lю( 1 like tl1e CJ 1 don't like the red shoes, but 1 like the green
brown one. ones.
. . . чёрное пальто, но нравится . . . t<µOn thlt' туфли, НО нравятся зеленые.
кори• 1невое. О Don't buy those apples. Buy the other ones.
CJ Don't Ьну tt,at camera. Buy the other опе. Не покупай те яблоки. J<ynu другие.
. . . тот фотооrтарат. Купи другой.

a/an ". one some ... ones

О This cup is dir(y. Can 1 havc а clean one? О These cups are dirry. Сап we have some
Эта чаtака грязная. Можно м11с чистую? clean ones?
О 1 har Ьiscuit was nice. l'm going со have Эти чашки гряз11ые. Можно нам чистые?
another one. О Му shoes are very old. l'm going to buy some
То печенье было вкусное. Я съем ещё new ones.
одно. Мои туфли . . . Я собираюсь купить новые

162 ( which ... ? -+ Раздел 48 another -+ Раздел 66 this/that -+ Раздел 75

AHHa 3a,Qana 6eHy HecKOJlbKO sonpocos. Ham'1w111Te OTBeTbl 6eHa, 111cno11b3Yfl 111H<l>opMa'-'111'° 1113 paMKll1.
B OTBeTax 111cno11b3YLllTe one (sMecTo a/an ... ) .
Ben doesn't need a car Ben has just had a cup of coffee there's a chemist in Mill Road
Ben is going to get a bike Ben doesn't have a pen Ben doesn't have an umbrella

1 A: Can you lend me a pen? s: I' m sorry, .....Jdp.r(f:::.hgV<3. ........... ........................ .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .
. . . . ..... . .... . ... . ... . . . .... . . . . . . . . . .

2 A: Would you like to have a car? B: No, I don't . ......................................... ......... ...... ............... .. ..... ......... ........ ..... . ..... ...................... .
3 A: Do you have a bike? B: No, but .......................... ................ ........................................................................................... .............. .
4 A: Can you lend me an umbrella? B: I' m sorry, but ........................................................................................................................ ..

5 A: Would you like a cup of coffee? B: No, thank you................ .. ....... . .... .... . .. . .. . . .. .. .... . .. .... . ........ ............. .... .
. .
. .. . . . . .. ... . .

6 A: Is there a chemist near here? B: Yes... .................................................. .................................. . ............ .......... ................... ......
. .. .

3aKOH4111Te npe,Q110>1<eH111.fl. Vlcno11b3YLllTe a/an ... one + c11osa 1113 paMKll1.

( better big clean different new old )

1 This cup is dirty. Can I have a c.l.e;:;:;in on� .
.. . .... ........ ...... .. . . . .. . .. .... . . . .... ......................................... . ........ . ...................... 1
.. . . . . . . . . . . .

2 I' m going to sell my car and buy . .. ...... . ... . . .. . . ......... ... . ....... ...... . .... ...... . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . ...... ... .. ........ . .. . ....... .. . . . .. . .
... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . ... . . .. . . ... . . . .

3 That's not a very good photo, but this is.......... . .. . . . ... . . . . ... . ........ .... ............ ....... ............................. . .. ... . . . .. . . .... . ....
. ... . . . . . . ...

4 I want today's newspaper. This is................. ...... .................................... ..... ................................ ............................................................ ........ ... ...... .
5 This box is too small. I need . . ...... ........ . . . . . .. . . . . . . ............... ... ... . .. . .. . ....... .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ... ...... . . . . . . ....... . .......................... .
6 Why do we always go to the same restaurant? Let's go to .............................. . . ... ......................... ..................... . ....

AHHa pa3rosap111saeT c 5eHoM. 3aKOH4111Te ,Q111a11or111, 111cno11b3Y.fl 111Me10�y10c.fl 111H<l>opMa'-'111'° +


1 Anna stayed at a hotel. It was opposite the 6 Anna is looking at a picture. It's on the wall.
station. A: That's an interesting picture.
A: We stayed at a hotel. B: . . .... . . . .... ... .. . ................. . .
...... . ..... .. ......... .............. .. .. ?
.. .. . . . ...... .. . . .. . ....... . . . . . . .

B: ...... Wh.i9.h .9n.e.. . .. . . . .. .. .. . . ... ...... . .

. . · · · · · ······················ . . . .. . . . . . . . .. ... ..
7 A: ................ ........................................ ......................................
A: ..... Jhe::.Pne...9pp.9?<3. ..t.he...?.1:g:\;JQ.1'.1.'.... ............... .

2 Anna sees some shoes in a shop window. 7 Anna sees a girl in a group of people. She's tall
They're green. with long hair.
A: 1 l'ike those shoes. A: Do you know that girl?
B: .. .
Which.. . .............. ...... .. . . ...................... .... . ... ..... .. .... .... .. ... . . . . . . . ... . . .. .
7 B: ....... ................................... ..................... ................................................ 7

A: The.............................................................................................................. A: ........... .................................... ................................. ........................... .

3 Anna is looking at a house. It has a red door. 8 Anna is looking at some flowers in the garden.
A: That's a nice house. They're yellow
B: .................. . . . . . ... . .. . . ........ ........... ..
. . .. ......................................................... 7 A: Those Aowers are beautiful.
A: . . . ..
. . . . ..... .................... .. With. .....................................................
...... .. . . . .. . . B: ........................................................................ ....................... .

A: ........................................................................ ....................... ......................

4 Anna is looking at some CDs. They're on the top 9 Anna is looking at a man in a restaurant. He has
she!f. a moustache and glasses.
A: Are those your CDs? A: Who's that man?
B: . ... .............
. . .. ................................................ ........................................... 7 B: ......................................................................... ...................................... 7

A: .............................. ....................................... ............................................... . A: ........................................................................ .............................................. .

5 Anna is looking at a jacket in a shop. It's black. 10 Anna took some photos at the party last week.
A: Do you like that jacket? A: Did I show you my photos?
B: .................... .. ........ ... .
..... .. . .......... . ...... ... . ................ ... . ...... 7.
... .... . ... . . . B: ......... ... .... ...
. . . . . ... .............................. .. . .. .. ...... ..................... ...... .. ....... ?
. . ... . . . . .. . .

A: .................... . . A: ................................ ...................................................................................... .

nepeBe,Qll1Te npe,QJlO>KeHll1.fl Ha aHrnll1LllCKll1Lll .fl3blK, 111CnOJlb3Y.fl one/ones. xonOAV1nbHV1K =fridge

1 Haw xonO,QV1nbHV1K OYeHb CTapblill. ,[\aBaill KynviM HOBblill. nvipo>i<oK = pie

2 "MHe HpaB.RTC.R Te L,.\BeTbl ·: - "KaKV1e?" Aa>i<e nyywe =even better

3 R He xoYy 3TO cviHee nnaTbe. R Kynmo KpacHoe. OYeHb BKYCHblill =delicious

4 KapeH TOnbKO YTO vicneKna 3TV1 nvipmKKV1. XoTviTe? HanpOTV1B =opposite

5 Ero nepBa.R KHvira 6b1na xopoweill, HO ero HOBa.R - ga>i<e nyYwe.

6 KoHcpeTa 6b1na oYeHb BKycHa.R. Mo>i<Ho MHe ell.\e ogHy?
7 MHe HpaB.RTC.R TBOV1 Tycpnvi. 3To Te, KOTOpble Tbl Kynvina B JlOH,QOHe?
8 "3,qecb p.R,QOM eCTb aBT06ycHa.R OCTaHOBKa?" - ",[\a, eCTb HanpOTV1B napKa".
some any 1 don't have
1 havcsome
money. any rnoпey.

В отрицательных предложениях используйте


some: any:
О l'rп guiпg ю buy some clorhes. () l'm no t going to buy any clorhes.

������: �;i�����r�:::: �:r��������ь��:����: ���:

В холодильнике есть лёд.
В холодильнике нет молока.
О We made some miscakes. О We didn't make any mistakes. i.�-
Мы сов ер шили ошибки. Мы не совершили ошибок. �
Some 1дс>сь оз1 ючост ''1 1екоторо е количество" Not ... any здесь означает /Jнисколько" или f;·
или "кокой-то':
."' -,-.�-:-:<-"',�e-t��·"�Фo!-",..,'1fXt#�':'r-''������--,,_._�_..,.'7"" , ..---;--.i; -<-<

. �
:tt�"f'Nf� "tn
1•� ,

Some и any часто не переводятся на русский язык.

1• •• •
• '
any и some в вопросительных предложениях l1ave :
Do yoL1
any mопеу? ;�
В вопросах обыч1 ю (но не всегда) используется any (неверно some):
О ls tl1ere any ice in tl1e fridge? В холоди льн ике есть лёд? . . . ·· ···

(букв. сколько-нибудь льда)

:-J Does he have any friends? У него есть друзья? (букв. какие-нибуд ь дру�пп)
'] Do you need any help? Вам нужна помощь? (букв. кокая-нибудь помощь)
Когда что-нибудь предлагают (Would you like . ?), то используют some "

(1-1евr.рно any):
А: Would you like some coffee? Xornumc 1<0фс?
в: Yes, please.

Когда о чём нибудь просят (Can 1 have " . 1 и т. д.), то также

исполыуюm some:
� д: Сап 1 have some soup, please? Можно м н супа . "? е
в: Yes. Help yourself. Would you Шее ·
:J л: Ст ущ1 leпcl mr::s some moncy? Можешь одолжити мне денег? some coffee?
,. . "

в: Sure. How much do you need?

sоше и any без существительного

�J 1 didn'r rakc апу picrurcs, Ьш Jessica took some. Я не сделал снимков, а Джессuка сделала.
J You can have some coff�P, btJt 1 <i on't want any. . .. а я 1 и? хочу.
'] l've juя made some coffee. Would you like �ome? . Ты хочешь? "

'] 'Wh ere's your lщ;��а�е?' '1 don't have any.' ... "У меня его нет . "

·:J 'Лrс rhcrc апу Ьiscuics?' 'Yes, chere are some in che kicchen: .. . ''Да, на кухне есть".

something / somebody (или someone) anytblng / anybody (или anyone)

О She said something. (J Sh e didn't say anything.
Она что-то скозала. Она ничего не сказала.
О 1 saw somebody (или someone) . О 1 didn't see anybody (или anyone).
О Would you like something to eat? О Аге you doing anything tonight?

164 ( а и some-+ Раздел 69 somebody/anything и т. д. -+ Раздел 80

Вставьте some или any.
1 1 bought ...�от�. cheese, but 1 didn't buy . anY.... "
. . bread.
2 ln rhe middle or Lhe room there 'vv a s а tаЫе and ......." "" " chairs .

3 Thcrc aren't" " " " . ." " s� 1 ops in this part of town
" . .

4 Gary and Alice duп'L have """. ""..."" """". children.

5 Do you have """" " "" . """."." brotl1ers or sistcrs?

6 Thcrc аге " " " "".". ."... beauLiful Ao\vers i11 the garden.
" .

7 Do you know "."""..""""""""" good l1orels in London?

8 'Would you like"".""""""". """"tea?' 'Yes, please.'
9 When we wcrc оп ho lida y, we visiLed """" ""."." "iпteresting places. .

1 О Don't buy "" " .. "".."""."".." rice. \Л/е don't need ". " ." . " "" ". . "" .

11 1 went: our ro buy """"".".""""" "" banaпas, bL1t t l1 e y didn't l"'l ave "". in rhe shu p.
12 l'm thirsr y Сап 1 have """"" ""."" """ \Vater, plcase?

Закончите предложения. Используйте some или any +слова из рамки.

air cheese help milk questions ,
batteries friends languages pictures _
�hampeo- )
1 1 \Vant ro wash my hair. ls tt1ere ". "...g.ny. �hrJ.rYIPP..O. "" ? . . ."

2 The police \Vanc со calk со you. The y 'vvanL to ask you "" " " ." . . . . "" . . " . " .. .. . " . ". " . ..
. .. " " "" "" " "" """ "" "" "" . .
". ". . " " .

3 1 hacJ гт1у camera, but 1 didn't take "" " . "

. " . ..... ... ." . . " .. . . . " " " ..".."" "" ." " " ." ."" .
.. ....... . . . . " .... ..... . ... .

4 Do уон speak .".. .."""". ".." .. foreign . . . . "....... "...... " ........ . ....................... "" ..... . ......
. ."?
5 Yesrerday cvcnin� 1 went to а restaurant \ivith """"""""""""".""""""."."" " . ..
. "...." ". ...... "....... of mine.
6 Can l l"\ave ..... "." .".". " " ... ". "."."....iп r 11 y coffee, please?
"....". ... " .. ".. ".......... "....."""""".".. .
7 The radio isn't working. ll1ere arcn'r " . " ".."" """."""""""... ".".".""....."" 1n lt:.
.. ..

8 lt's hor in rhis offic�. l'm going out for ..." " " " .. .... ..... ". " . "" " fresh ".".."" .""""" ""." "" "" """" """" " """ ""
..... " . .. . .

9 д: Would you like . .""".""".""." "...""""""" "."."" ""... ".". 1

в: No, tlыnk you. l've l"\ad enough to eat.

10 1 can do this job alone. 1 cloп'L r1eed .". "" . . . . """ "".". "."." "" ."" "" " " """" """""" """"
" . .. " ". . " . . .

Закончите предложения. Используйте some или any.

·1 ·
1 n't takе any p1ccures,
К ate d'd Ьш:. "" " 1-rлoksorne
\':У.. " • (1/ta k)
2 'Wl1ere's your luggage?' '"
. .
1"�or]:� �lg.Y.:?."�Il.Y.. "" . ' ( l/ not/ h ave)

З 'Do you nccd any mоп�у?' 'No, t l1a nk you . """". ". """ """ " " " . " . " ". .' (l/have)
"" " " """"."." ." ."" " "" ""
. .. ". . . . . " .

4 'Сап you le nd me some money?' Tm sorry, Ьнr ".." . ". " "." """
. . " """ " """ . ." " " " " .' ( 1 /not/ have)
" " . ". " . " " "" .

5 l l1e юrnatoes in the shop didn't look very good, so " " " "" """". """""" "" " """" .. .""" " ". . " . . (l/not/buy)
6 Therc were sum� п1l� oraп ges 111 tl1e sl1op, so """". """." ... "". . " """." ".".""".""""."".""".".". (1/bLty)
7 'How rnuch coffee did you drin k yest:erday?' """""" "" ". """"..""""""" .."""." ."""".""""""".""""".. """." ' (l/nnt/drink) '" "

Вставьте something/somebody или aпything/anybody.

1 А woman sropprd mE-> ;н1u1 �.il1u1 · •

• �omc
"."�" � "" , Ь ut 1 d'd
"t h/nл
"" :. ' 1 n 't un derstan d.
". ·

. " .

2 'Whats wron�.?' ' """" """" """.."".

'Th eres 1r1 my �уе.
, "

З LJo you kno'.v ". """"" """".". "..". about politics?

'i 1 went to the shup, buL 1 d1dп't buy. """. """. ."""" ." " . " .". . .
. .

5 . ._." . . ". l1as broke11 thc \"lindow.

. 1 duп'L kr10\v who.
6 There isn't ."".".""""""""""... "."" .""". in 1.h� l1cзg. IL's e111pty.
7 l'm lookin� for my keys. Has "".""""."."""..".."." ""."." .."""".". seen rhem?
8 Would you like ""..."" .. ""...." ."..". tn d rin k?
9 1 did n 't eat "" """ " "" " bec aL1se 1 wasn't hungry.
. . " .

·ю This is а secret. rlease don't ccll .."""""" " "" " " ." " "" . .. " . ".

Переведите предложения на английский язык� используя some/any.

1 В шкафчике есть кофе. 6 Ты знаешь кого-нибудь,

2 У нас нет nиц. кто живёт в Манчестере? шкафчик = cupboard
3 Мохно мне торта? 7 Завтра вечером мы ничего не делаем. сказать = rell
4 Послушай! Кто-то поёт 8 Я видела красивые картины в том музее.
твою любимую песню. 9 Я заварила чай. Ты хочешь?
5 Я хочу тебе что-то сказать.


The сиг pиrk is empty. Стат 11<0 пусто.
There aren't any cars. } -r.
1ам нет машин.
Th еге are по cars.

How rлапу cars ar� Lt1�r� ir1 Ltн� ctJr ригk?

None. Нисколько.
,.,., , .
"• .
•••• • • , ..,.,.н•vч..,,.. ,...,:,•1, ", .,.��"·>r'"'�·""""
••• �. ,
·· ..,
. ,•...
11 " 'J'.J.
·� •.
. ..,
..,' ....
" "''��'tY::!'t'-�-·....
" ..,
- .. � ��-"""
� -· :i y'·
�..-v �
- :
;· �z:r
-•7'rf:"-"r m��e;f!t.'К'fr.-r-��
. �'."·'

Можно использовать поt (-п't) + any:

О There aren't any cars in the car park. На стоянке нет машин.
О Tracey and Jack don't have any cl1ildren. У . . . нет детей.
О You can have some coffee, but 1 doп't want any. . .. а я не хочу.
Можно использовать no +существительное (по cars / no gardeп и т. д.).
No . .. = поt апу или not а:
() Тhеге а ге по cars in rhe саг park. ( rhcrc arcn't апу cars) =

О We l1ave no coffee. ( we don't have any coffee) =

О lt1s а nice house, but there's по gardeп. ( there isn't а garden) =


No . .. часто используется после have·и there is/are.

Глагол в отрицательной форме + апу = глагол в утвердитепьrюй форме ·t- по

Q They don't l1ave any cl1ildre11. или Т\1еу l1ave ПО cl1ildr·eп. (неверно n1ey UOП1I. �ltJVe ПО childгen)
у l IUX 1 IСГТ/ дс:rпсй.
О There isп't any sugar in your coffee. или There's no sugar in your coffee.
В твоём кофе нет сахара.

. ··_ :
· . .� - в.
no и none

Исrюльзуйте по + существительное (по mопеу / по children и т. д.):

С) We tыve no money. У нас нет денег.
Cl Everything was ОК. Th ere were по proЫems. . " Проблем 11е было.

Исполь3уйте none 6е1 сущеrтtютr.льного:

О л: How much money do you have?
в: Nопе. Нисколько (нР.т).
О А: Were t:here any proЫems?
А: No, попе. Нет, 1 ю бьи ю.

,. _;
. �:...�_.
..... ·.- ·"_. :
none и no-one

попе =нисколько
no-one =никто, никого и т.д.

Nопе можно uспользовоть в отвеrп но вопросы How much? / How many? (о предметах или людях):
О А: How much money do you have?
в: Nопе. Нисколько.
() д: How many people did you meet? Скш1ько человек ты встретил?
в: Nопе. Ни одного.

No-one можно использовать в ответ на вопрос Who? :

О А: Who did you m eet? Кого Вы встретили?/ С кем ты поз накоми лся?
в: No-one. или Nobody. Никого. /Ни с кем.

отрuцотельные предложения _. Раздел 44 some и any _. Раздел 77

166 anybody/nobody/nothing и т. д. _. Разделы 79-80
8 Перепишите эти предложения, используя по.

1 We don't have any money. . .....Vv'?.. .hav.�.ЛQ..mor:i.�y. ... .. .. . ... ..... . .. . . . .

. . " . ....... .. . . ."... ... .. .
.. ... " . . . . . . ..... . .. ..
. ..

2 There areп't any sl1ops near here. There are . ... " .. . ".. . .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. . . . ...
.. . .. . . . . . .. ..". .
. . ". .. ". . .... . ... .. .. .. . .... .. . . .. . ..
. . . " . . . . . .. . . . .... . ..
. . ....

.3 Carla doesп't l1ave any free ti111e. ....." ." ...... "....... ........... "... ." . . " ". " .. " .
. .. .
. ... .. . ... "" .. .
. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .
. .. . . . . . . .." ....." .. .. . . .. .
. . ." . ......" . . ... ." .. ".....

4 There isn t а light in tl1is room.

' .. ..... ..... .. .. .. ..... .. . .. .
. . . . ... . . .. . .
..... .
.."... . ". ...... ......." . . . ..
. "...... ....." "......... . ...... .. .. .
"... ... . ....... . " . .
. ..

Перепишите эти предложения1 используя any.

5 We have по money. We dur(t. have (;lrty rrюrrey.

6 Ther e's по milk in rhc frid8c. ..... ........ ........ .. ...... ..... . .....
. . . .... .. .. .. . .... . .. . .. .
.. . .. . ... ..
. . ... . ..
. . . ....... . .. . . .

7 111ere are no buses today . " " . "

"..... " " . " . " ."
...... ..... ...".. " . ... ... . .. " ... "... ." .." .. ".. . " ..." .. "" " .. . . "... " ... ..." .
". .."" . .. " ...."" .. .
. . ".

8 Tom l1as no bror/1er s or sisters. "... . "......" .. .......... . ... .......". .......... "...... " ............. .......... .......... . .......... . ........ . ............ "....... .......... .......... .. ......

8D Вставьте по или апу.

1 Т1 а
no "sugar rn your со11ее.
111ere s ............

2 Му b ro ther is married. but he does n't have .... . .. .

.. . . chil d re n .

3 Sue doesn't speak "........ foreign lang u ages .

4 l'm afraid there's ...... "......... ". coffee. Would you like some tea?
5 'Look at those Ьirds!' 'Birds? Where? 1 can't see .. . . . .. Ьirds ' . .. . .." .
6 'Оо you know where Jessica is?' 'No, 1 have ..... ".......... idea.'

Вставьте по, апу или попе.

7 111ere aren't .................... pictures on tl1e wall.

8 The vvearher was cold, bur rhere was ... " .. ...... w ind. "

9 1 \Va n rcd ш buy somc oranges bu t they didn't have , " " " "" in rhe shop.
10 Eve1·yrl1iпg was сопесt. 111е1·е were ... " .... п1ista kes .

·1 ·1 'Hovv much luggage do you have?' " ..

. ..... . . . . ..
" . .
12 'Hovv mucl1 luggage do you l1ave? ' 11 doп't have ...." ....." ... . '

CD Законч�т� п?:�л�же���· �сnользуй:е any или."�о: л �

� о _а из рамки.
_ - _ -
difference friends furniture heating idea
money -рюЫеms- questions queue

1 Every thing was ОК. There \Nere no probl�m!?

2 Jack and Emily \vould like (О RO on holiday, bur rhey have " ... . .. .. . ..... .. .. ... " . . . . " ". " . ". ".. " .." . ". """
. . ."" ". " .." ." . .. . .
. ... ."

З l'm not goi ng ro ansvver . . .

4 He's always alone. Не l1as ." ... "
. ... ". ........... .... " ... . "...... " ...... " " " .. " " "
.. " " . " """ " . ." ..
5 TT1t:'re i� ..."." ... .......... .."""......"." ... ......... ...""". " ...."" .... """... ........". betwee11 tl1ese t\\IO 111acl 1i п es 111ey're exactly tl1e sam e . .

6 The re wasn'r ... ".". in the room. lr was completely empry.

7 'L)o you knovv h ow tt1e acciden t happeпed?' 'No, 1 l1ave "" """ " " " . " " " """ " "". . . "" .. ... " ..""
" "" " . ." "" "" . . " """"". . """. :
8 Тhе l10L1se is cold bccaL1sc there isn't .. . ..." . ..

9 W e didn't have to wait со get our train tickets. Тhere \.vas "" .. . . . .. .. . . .. . " ... " . . .. " "." . ... .. ." ... ... .. ".." . ".. . .. " . . "... . ".
... .. .. ... ... " ... . .... " .

- Дайте краткие ответы (одно или два слова) на эти вопросы. Где необходимо, используйте none.
1 Hov.t mar1y leLLers d1d you wпre yeяerday? .." . .Т�f.9! " или A..19.t:! . или .N.QПP.: ..
... .. ..

2 How 111апу siste rs do yoL! have? ".. ". . .

З l lov.; much coffee did you d rink yes terday? .... "......".. . . "...... .."" ". .." " "" . " "
" . ." " .. "" ". .. . .. .. . " ". . ... "" .

4 How mапу phoros l1ave you taken today? ... . "" . " ... . . "". . ."
" " . . ." . " "" . . . ."

S Но\ч m any legs do es а sn ake have? . " " " """ . ." . " ... . .... " . . " ""... ... " . .. """ " .

8 Переведите предложения на английский язык. багаж= luggage

1 У Меган нет детей.

2 "Кто встретил тебя в аэропорту?" - "Никто".
З "Сколько сахара в моём чае?" - "Нисколько".
Li В холодильнике нет апельсинового сока.
5 Извините, сегодня у меня нет свободного времени.
6 У нас не было багажа.
7 Студенты нс задали никаких вопросов.
8 Вчера мы не потратили денег.

not + anybody/anyone } никто, никого и т. д.
not � anything } ничто, ничего и т. д.
noь оdу/no-one noth1ng
(о людях) (и предмеrпах)

О There isn't
{ anybody } in the room. О Th ere isn't anything in the bag.
В сумке ничего нет.

{ }
В комнате никого нет.
о . nobody
There 1s i n the room. О Thcrc is nothing in the bag.
В сумке ничего нет.
В комнате никого нет.

О А: Who is in the room? О д� What's in rhe bag?

в: Nobody. / No-one. Никого. в: Notl1ing
-body и -one одинаковы по значению:
anybody = anyone nobody = no-one

·-·. .
". .

, - _..-..,,_в
. .

not + anybody/anyone not+ anything

О 1 don't know anybody (или anyone) l1ere. О 1 can't remember anything.
Я здесь никого не знаю. Я не могу ничего вспомнить.

nobody = not + anybody

notl1ing = not + anytl1ing
no-one = not + anyone
О 1'111 lonely. 1 l1ave nobody Lo talk to. (J She said nothing.
( = 1 don't have anybody) ( = She didn't say anything.)
... Мне не с кем поговорить. Она ничего не сказала.
О Тhе house is empty. There is no-one in it. О There's nothing to eat.
(= There isn't anyone in it.) ( = Т11еге isn't anything to eat .)
... В нём никого 1-и:т. Есть нечего.

Слова nobody/no-one/nothing можно использовать в начале предложения или отдельно в качестве

ответа на вопрос:

n Тhе house is empty. Nobody lives there. Q Nothing happened.

... Никто там не живёт.
А: W�ю clicl yuu speak to? о
Ничего не произошло.
д: What did you say?
С кем ты разговаривал ? Что ты сказал?
в: No-one. Ни с кем. в: Nothing. Ничего.

.... ..,. >-!'l,...
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: ".·..
. ·,·_-
" .· �о·
.... ' Заполлните: глагол в отрицательной форме + anybody/anyone/anything
глагол в утвердительной форме+ nobody/no-one/nothing

[) Не d o esn't know anything (неверно Не doesn'r know nothing)

[) Don't tell anybody. (неверно Don't tell nobody)
[J Th ere is nothing ro do in this cown. (неверно There isn't nothing)

168 ( some и any-+ Раздел 77 any и no-+ Раздел 78 somebody/anything/nowhere и т. д. -+ Раздел 80

81 Перепишите эти предложения, используя nobody/no-one или nothing.
1 There isn't anything in the bag. . ..Тh�r.:�:€?..ЛQ.�Ы.ng in..tb.�.J?�чa.\ ................. ....... ........
. " " ..... .. . ... ".. . . .. . . . .
.... .. ... ... . ...... ...... . . .
.......... .... ......

2 There isn't anybody in the office. There's ... ...." . . . .... . . . .. . .

. . .. .. . ...... ... ...... .. . . .
...... .... . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . .. . ... ........ . .. .
.... .. . ..... . "
.......................... . ..
... . ... ".. ...........". ...

3 1 don't have anything to do. 1 .................................. .. .............................................................. ......"................ . ... . .." . " . ... .
....... .. . ...... ". ..... . ... .. .... ........

4 "Тt1ere isn'r anyrhing on TV. .. .. . . . .

.... .
.. . .. ... ... . .... . ..
...... .... ". .. .......... .. .. . . .......... ..... ... . . ..... . .... . ." .
.. .... ................ . . .. ..
. ... . . .. . .
.......... . .. . ....... . .. . . . .......... .. .... .

5 There \Vasп't anyune ar home. .......... . . . ... . ... . . . . . ..

.. .... ............. . . .. . ... . . . ." ... . ......... . .............. " ." . ". "
.. .... .. ... . . .. . . . . . .
...... .... .. ..." . . ." . .
.. .... . ........." .. . ...... . ..........

6 \f\/e didn't find anything. . . ." . .. . . . . . . . . . .

..... .. .. ..." ...... ... . . ....... ....... ... .... . ... ... ..." "..... ." . " . .. .
.. . .... ....... .... . ." ... . . ". "." . .
... ..... ........... .. ..... ..... .." ..... .....

fll Перепишите эти предложения, используя anybody/anyone или anything.

1 Тhere's nothing in the bag. ......J.n�r.�.J.�tJ.'Jf..g.t1YЙ1!.ng .!.o t.b.G .e�g.�......................"" " """" . .". . ."
.. . . . ............." . ...."....."..... ".".. ... .

2 There was nobody on tl1e bus. There wasn't ................ " " . . . ... . . ." . "". ". . ... .. ....... "..... ......... ..... ... . . .. .. . . ... ...... ... . " ... " ...".".. ............ .......

3 l l1ave not:hing to read. " . ". "

.... ""................ .. . ". . " . .. " .. .. . . .
...... ........... ... ..... .. ...... ... .".. ...... .... ....... "." .".. ""...... . "... ...... ................... ............

4 1 liav� no-one to help me. ........". .. . ""

".. .... . . . . . " " "" .
.. ... ....... ..... ............ . .. . . .
.. " ."" . .."" . ........ .. .. ....." ............... . ... ......... ..... .......... . .. .... ... . .".. ".... .

S She heard nott1ing. . ". . . "" " .

..... ."
... ... .. . . .
. .. .. . . . . .
........ .. ... ... . .. . .
.. .. . . "" . . .
....... ..... ......... ..... . ... ... .. ......." .. .. . ... . .. ..". . ............ .. . .... .. ..... ..

6 We l1ave nothing for dinner. . . . ." " " " " ".. . ." . "
... ....... .... .. . . .. . " . . . .. ...
. . .... . . . . . . "" " . . .. .. .. ". . .
.. . . . ... . ....... ....... ... " .... . .. ..... ." .". " . ..... " . . . ....... ... ..." .. . ...... . .. ..

Ответьте на вопросы, используя только nobody/no-one или nothing.

1а What: did you say? N.9t.JJ.!!1!1:. ."...................... . .
. .. . Sa Wl10 knows t:he answer? ........" .. .
... . ... ..... .......... . ............. .. ". .

2а Who saw you? . N.Qf?P�Y:." . . "" ."................. ".................

. .... .. .. ..... ба What did you buy? .... " . . .. . . .
" ..... .. .. ... .... . .". ....... . .. . . . ..
.. . ..... ... "" ... .

За Whar do you want? .. .. . . ... . . .. .. .... ""......... . .................""·-··· . ... .. ... .. 7а Wt1at happened? ........................................ . .............................. . ... . .
4а Wl10 did you meer? . . . . . . . . ..................... . ... . ....... ..... .. ...... . . .............. 8а Who was late? ......................" . . .. . . . . . ........ .. .......... ..... .. ... .. ....... .... .. . .. . . ..

Теперь ответьте на те же вопросы полными предложениями.

Используйте nobody/no-one/notl1ing или anybody/anyone/anything:
1ь .J..d.i.�.r:({( Y.�Y..�.r.J�.h.i.nв�........
.. .. .. "" . . . . . .
." .. ...... ...... . . .. . . . . ..
.. ... ... ...... ....... ...... ... ....... .... .. .. ....... ... .. ...... .....

2Ь . NnbQ.�y_)2f:!WJt1�"............... .
... ".." .. "" . . . . . " . . . . . .. " "
........ ......... .... .. . . ... ........ . ... "" ...... . ..... " " .. ".."........ ...

ЗЬ 1 don't................ . . .." .. .. .. .... ...... .... . ...... . . .. ." . "

... ...... ... . "... . .. . ". . .. .
... ......................... . " ...... .... . . ....... ..... . . .............

4Ь 1 . .............." .. . . .. ...... .. ...... ...... .. ..... .. . . . . .. . . .

...... .... ".. ...... ....... .. . . . . . .. .. . .
.... . ...... .. ..... .. . ....... . .." ...... ... ...... .... .. .. ........ ... . ..

sb ..." .......".............. "".. .."....."..."....................".......... .........".".................." ..................".". rhe answer.

бЬ ..................................................... ............ .. ................. ".. . . .. . . .
....... . . .. ... ........ . ...... ...... ...... .. . .. .... ........... . ... ......... . . . .. .

7Ь .................... ............ . . . . ... . .. ." .

" . ..... ........ ........ ... . .. . ........... .. .
... ............. .... .. . .. .. .
.. ... ..... ...... . . .
.. .." . ............. " ........ .. ..
8Ь "" . " . . . . . " ... .
..." .... . .. " " . ." . . . .
. ....... .". . .... ......... ... .. ". ... ".... .. . .. ....... . .
..."... ." . .. " ..... .. ..... ".
.. ..... ". ....... . . .. .. ... ".......

D Заполните пропуски. Используйте nobody/no-one/nothing или anybody/anyone/anything:

1 That house is empty. .........".N.PJ?.PeY........ . lives tl1ere.
2 Jack has а bad memory. Не can't remember ". �mY"t.b.iлg".... . ...... " ...

3 Ве quiet! Don't say ..................... . . . . " . . .. . .. . ". .. .. ... .. . ..... . "" ..... ."

4 1 didn't know about: the meeting. . ........"................................................."... told me.

5 'What did you have to eat?' ' ........ "."..................................." ............... 1 wasn't hungгy:
6 1 didri't eat ................"""..."".................. .."".. 1 wasп't t1ungry.
7 Helen was sitting аlоп�. Shc wasn't with .. "........ .. ·
.................." ". .
R l'm afraid 1 can't help you. ТJ1ere's . ..
.. ........... .. . . "............................. 1 са11 do.
... .. .

9 1 don't know ...... ............ ...... ..............."".......... about car engiпes.

·ю The n1useum is free. lt doesn't cosr "".............."" ...................."....................... to go in.
11 1 heard а knock оп the doo� but when 1 opened it, t�1ere '.vas ..........." .."........... ."....." . ....................... there.
1 '2 l11e l1oa�1 reccptionist spoke very fast. 1 didn't understand ...... .. . .. . . .. . ..".. ........... . ........ ... .. ...... ......

13 'Whar are you doing ronigl1t?' ............ ".......""".......".""........ .." ... Why?'
14 Sopl1i� �1as gone away....." ........" ........... .............. ......." ...... knows \vhere she is. Sl1e didn't tell
. ............................."....... ." .......... where she was going.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. рассказ ат ь = say

1 Дома ни1�ого нет.

2 Сейчас мы ничеrо не можем сделать.
З Я ничего не рассказала о Гари.
4 Никто не знает, кто живёт в том доме.
5 В холодильнике ничего нет.
6 Я ничего не знаю о компьютерах.
7 "Ты видела кого-нибудь в парке?" - "Нет, никого".
8 Никто не сказал мне о еечеринке.

? ?

? • ?


Somebody (или Someone) She has something 1n her Tom lives somewhere near
has b roken the vvindo\11. mour:h. London.

somebody/someone something somewhere

кто-то1 кого-то и т.д. что-то1 чего-то и т.д. где-то1 куда-то

в люди (-body или -one)

somebody или someone С There is somebody (или someone) at the door. Кто-то пришел.
anybody или anyone
О ls there anybody (или anyone) ar: the door? Кто-то �rиш�л?
О There isn't anybody (или anyone) ar: tt1e Joor. Никт о не пришел.
nobody или no-one О There is nobody (или по-опс) ar: rhe door. Никто не пришел.

-body и -on e одинаковы по Зh'ачению. somebody = someone, nobody = no-one и т. д.

предметы (-thing)

something о Lucy said something, but 1 didn't undersr:aпd wt1ёЗL �tн:• said. Люси что-то сказала1 но . . .
о Аге you doing anything а1 r�1e \vcckend? ... что-нибудь делаете ...
о 1 vvas angry, bur 1 did n't say anything. . . . ничего не сказал.
nothing о 'What did you say?' 'Notl1ing.' ... "Ничего�

места (-where)

son1ewhere о Ruth's parenrs live somewhere in the sourh of England. . .. гдс>-гrю на юге . . .

о Did you go anywhere last weekend? . . куйо-11ибудь ...

an ywhere
о l'm sraying here. l'rn not go i ng anywhere. . .. Я никуnп не пойду.
nowhere о 1 don't like this town. Т11еге is nowhere ro go. . " некуда сходить.
' ,,, ·-· ...
sometl1ing/anybody и т. д. +прилагательное (Ьig/cheap/interesting и т. д. )
О ГJid you meet anybody interesting ar: the party?
... кого-нибудь интерео юго . . .

О Wc always go ro tl1e same place. Ler's go somewhere different

... Давай съР..�дим в какое-нибудь другое меспю. (букв. куда-нибудь)
О А: What's rhar leпer?
в: lt's nothing important. Hul/eгo важного.

something/anybody и т. д. + to ...
О l'm hungry. 1 want: something to eat. . .. Я хочу что -нибудь поесть.
О Tony doesn'r have anybody to talk to. Тони не с кем поговорить.
О There is nowhere to eat in this vi llage. В этой деревне негде поесть.

1 some и any-+ Раздел 77 any и no-+ Раздел 78
"'"evcrything/-body/-\vhere-+ Раздел 81
anybody/nothing и т. д. -+ Раздел 79
Вставьте somebody (или someone) / something / somewhere.

1 Lucy said .. sum�thi.JJй"........ . wi1ac did she say?

2 l've /ost .... ...." .. ."" ... " ."""" .
" What have you lost?
3 Sue and Tom wen r .... Where did they go?
4 l'n1 goin g ro phone .. Who arc you going to phone? ··

Ответьте на вопросы, использу я только 11obody (или no-one) / nothing / nowhere.

1а What did you say? N ot�J.iл e.!........." "... . .." ."... ..... ...... . ...." . ..

2а Where are you goin g?

За What do you \vant?
4а Who are you looking for?
---�---- ....-
... - ".
. . "

Теперь ответьте на те же вопросы полными предложениями.

Используйте not + anybody/anything/anywherc.

11) .!..d.iJл:t...?gY �ri)d�. hlng.!". . .. . ......""..."... ..... . .

. ..
" � "" ЗЬ
2Ь l'm not " .... .". "" ..... ..... . .". " " .".""." .. " ... ...." ...." .... . .... ". .
" 4Ь " ".... ." .. ...... ....... . ....""

Вставьте somebody/anything/nowhere и т. д.

1 lc's dark. 1 can't see ar1y:kblng""."".. .." . "

2 Тот live s "".. e.Qr.t1.�.W.!J.?..r�."""... near London.

3 Do you know ." ...... .. .. ...... ..".."..""...."..""..... "... about compшers?
4 'Listen!' 1What? 1 can't hea r ." ...". ."... .. .. ."". ...""". .. .. ..... . . .
. . .

_ 'Whас are you d01ng 11ere.7' '1' m \-vaюn g r0r .".""" " ."" ." .". " "" "."."." """". """ .
6 We need to talk. Thcre's "."". ""."".""."""."."". "" .."...."...... 1 \vant to tell you.
7 'Did . ".."." ."".""" """".".""."""" see thc accident?' 'No, "."." .."." " """" " """.
8 We werer1'r ht1ngry, so we didn't eat "" " ".. """
"" " """ " ." ....... "" .". "." ..".." .

9 'What's going to happcn?' '1 don't: knov1. .. ....." ......""."."." ..". ."" .."" ..""" . .. kr10\Ns.'
10 100 you know "."".."..".."" ." "..""" ".".." ... ""."" in raris?' 'Yes, а few p�ople:
11 'What's in tl1at rupboard?' "."" .""... ""..." """.." . """"".. """"". . lt's empry:
12 l'm looking for my glasses. 1 сап 'r ftпd them ".... .. ..... .. .."." ." ."." . .." .""" .... ." .. .
" "

13 1 don't li ke cold \.vearher. 1 wanc to live ".... """...""".".. ..."........"."""""""" warm.

14 l s there ...... "..."".. """""".".."" "...... ."".... "".. inrcresting on TV tonigl1t?
15 Have you ever met . ."".... "............."".."""."."." ..."...". fапюu�?

8 Закончите
предложения, используя словfJ из обеих рамок.
. "...... "."_ .."."" ·--·-·" -··-·
f. --

, something anything nothing 1• 1
1 do eat park sit \.
1 sometl1ing anywhere nowhere 1 1 drink 1
-g&- read stay
, somewhcre -nowher-e- ; �'�.. /J
. . " . ------···-- � - " --�---- · --

1 W1:: don't go out very much because there's . ."no\v.b.�r�..i..Q 6.Q""...".."" . . ... ." .." " .... . " "

2 111ere isn't any food ir1 the house. \fl./e don'r have " .. "".. "" . .. . .. ." "." .." ...
" ".."." .. ...".." " ..""".." ""." .." . . . ."" .

3 l'm bored. l've got "" ....". ..".".. . . ." "" ..." ."."." .... ... ..
" " .." ... ." ." .." ."." "
" " ..

4 'Why are yot1 standing?' 'Because there isn't .. ... ".". " "."."""." .". ." .. .".. " " " . ... .."." ..".".""." ..""..." """. .. .

S 1WoL1ld you like "...." .....".""""".". ... ."..."... ".""."""..."". ..."..". """."." 7' 'Yes, please - а glass of water.'
6 lf you're going to ct1e city centre, take rhc bus. Don't: drive because rhcrc's "... "...."". . " """. "." ." ". ." .

7 1 want ". " ..".."" ....."".""."."".""""" ............."....".."."".." ... l'm going ro buy а magazine.
� 1 n eed ""..."..""."........""..."."."" .."""" """"" "....""........... """."".." in London. Сап you recommend а hotel?

8 Переведите предложения на английский язык. здесь рядом = nea r here

1 Вы что-ниGудь делаете в субботу? 5 Я 11с вид ела ничего необычного. необычное = uпusual

2 Ты знаешь кого-нибудь, кто говорит 6 �ы хотите что- нибудь попить?

1 ю испа н с к и
- ? 7 Игорь живёт где-то рядом с
3 Здесь рядом негде поесть. Новгородом.
4 Вы ездили куда-нибудь прошлым летом? 8 Вы делали что-нибудь интересное в Англии?


Every l1ouse i n Ltн� sпeer is rhe same.

every house in the streer =

all the houses in the street

каждый дом на улице =

все дома но улице

ИсполtJзуйте every + существительное в единственном числе ( every l1ouse / every country и т. д. ):

CJ Sarah has been to every country in Europe. . " в каждой стране .. .

() Every summer we l1ave а holiday Ьу the sea. Каждое лето ...

(.) She looks different every time 1 scc her. Она выглндит по-другому каждый раз, как ...

После every ... используется г;югол в единственном числе-.

CJ Every house in the streeL is rhe same. (неверно are the sa1·1"'1e)
Каждый дом но улице ...
(_) Every country has а national flag. (неверно have)
У каждой страны есть ...

Срт�нитс every и all:

U Every student in (hc class passed the exam. CJ All the students in the class passed tl1e
Каждый студент ... exam. Все студенты ...
�J Every country has а na(ional ftag. О All countries have а national Паg.
У каждой страны ... У всех стран .. .

- � -

в every day и all day

every day = каждый iJc11ь all day = иссь день

ho\v often? how long7
begin11i11y Pndot
of the day Ht�day

11------Л LL DA У ----1-_.

О lt rained every day last week. [) lt rained all day yesн�rclay.

Дождь шёл каждый денh ... Дождь шiin U(.'С..Ь дени ".
О Ben \Vi1LLtн�s TV tor abour t\\/O h()t1rs (J On Monday, 1 watrhed TV all evening.
every evening ... каждый вечер. ... весь RРчеµ.

также every morning/night/summer и т. д. тою.'<е all morning/night/summer и т. д.

' " --
,_ , #-"::
•· -.
.:,,""••••'f• ,.,
•:�·-... ,t��1:)••-- ._,.,.ft"�•· �'7'N- """
"' ·�J•• •#.IL�-' _...�
... ......._. • te ""' "

с everybody (или everyone) / everything / everywhere

everybody or everyone ( ) Everybody (или Everyone) needs frieп ds.

все Всем нужны йруJьн.
everything О Do you have everything you nced?
всё У тебя есть всё, что нужно?
everywhere О 1 l osL my \Va(ch. l've looked everywhere for it.
везде . . . Я 11езде их искала.

После everybody/everyone/everything используйте глагол в единственном числе:

С Everybody has proЫems. (неверно Everybody have)

171 (all � Раздел 82 )

Заполните пропуски. Используйте every +слова из рамки:
-- ---
day room
--· ------·
time word )
1 ... .. E:Y.QrY..�t:JJ.4e..r.iJ... .... ... in rhe class passed the exam.
2 Му job is very boring. .. ........... ......... ....... ..... ...........""".. ......... is the same.
3 Касе is а very good rennis player. Wl1en Wf:! play, shc wins .... ." ..... " ...." ..... .. ... .
4 ."""". """" """."".""""".""""." """". "...". "". in the hntel has free \Vi-fi ar1d а minibar.
5 'Did you urн.l�rsrand w h at she said?' 'Most of it, bLtt not """..""" .. ." ."" " . .. ......... "" .." " ""." " """. .

Заполните пропуски. Используйте every day или all day.

1 ..f.11.!..d.'-�Y."... ". .
Yeяerday it rained ". ""
2 1 buy а ne wspaper """.. ".".......".""..... ".""""..""". """".". """, but some times 1 don't read it.
3 l'm not going out tomorro\.v. 1'11 Ье ас home .".. "". ".."" .""""" .". " .""""".. ""....
... ... . .. . .
4 1 usually drink about four cups of coffee "".""...."... ."... ... .... ..." .. ... ...
" .. .
5 Paula was ill yesrerday, so she stayed in bed " ."""""""."". ."""". ...... ""."""." ...." ." . .. .
6 l'm cired rюw because l've been working hard .. ."".". ..."...... . ....... ..". "... "........ .. "......
7 Last: year we \Nent: со the seaside for а week, and it rained .... . ... .... ..
. ... . ..... ....... . " .. ... .... ......" .." .... . "

С11 Вставьте every или all.

1 Bill watches TV for about t\vo hours . .. ... C.Y.f;..r:Y........ evening.
2 Julia gers up at 6.30 ... .... ...... . " .." morning.

3 The weather was nice yesterday. so we sat outside .....". ".. ".. .... a fternoon .
4 l'm going away on Monday. 1'11 Ье avJay .. "" \veek
""".""." .... . .

� 'How ofLeri do you go skiing?' . . усаг. Usually ir1 March.'

6 А: Were you at l1ome а1 10 o'clo ck yesrerday?
в: Уб, 1 was ас l1ome "...... "...... ... morning. 1 went OlJt after luncl1.
7 Му si stcr loves new cars. She buys one "". "" yE:1ar.
R 1 '1aw S am ас che party, but he didn't speak to те ".. ...... ."". evening .

9 We go away on holiday for t\vo ur thr ce \.veeks . .."." ... ..... . " .". su m mer. "

Вставьте everybody/everything/everywherc.

1 .....Evc.1-y�ody.... needs friends.

2 Chris kno\.vs .".. ..... ............"".. ......... ..... ... abouc computers.
3 1 like che people l1ere. . ....................... "." .... ."."... ........" is vcry frieпdly.
li 1 his is а nice hotel. lt's comfortaЫe and ...".. .".."" .......... ...".. .."........."".".""""... is very clean.
5 Kevin 11ever uses his саг. Не goes ." ." "". ""."".""."".. "".".".."."... Ьу motorcycle.
6 Let's get so111et:l1i11g Lu t:'at. ...."...."".""."".""..""""" " . ...."."......".. is huпgry.
7 SL1t:>'s housc is full of books. There are books .. ... ... ..... . ... ." ."..." " " " "." ...
. . " " . .. .
8 You are right. ..........".. ".". ""....."."....... "... ""..". уо1..1 say is true.

Заполните пропуски, вставив только по одному слову.

·1 Evcrybody . .. ... Ьл.;. .. pruЫems.


2 Аге you ready yet? Everybody ... ... "....". waicing for you.
З 111е house is empry. Evcryone ".."".""."""".... "."... gone out.
4 Gi'J ry is vcry popular. Everybody .. ....." ".." ... .... .... .. l1i rп.
5 111is town is complet:ely differer1L rюw. Everything ....... . ...... changed.
6 1 3or home very late last night. 1 came iп quieLly because everyone .". ".." .....".... ..." ".. asleep.
7 Everybody ................ . miscakes!
8 д: "" ".". ""."...".".... ." .. everything clear? ..... . "." ."...... """.. " everybody know \vhat tn do?
в: Yes, we ull undcrstand.

D Переведите предложения на английский язык. деревня= village

1 Роберт и Полли ездят в Португалию 5 Алан всегда всё знает.

каждое лето. 6 Каждое утро я пью чашку кофе.
2 В моём офисе мне все нравятся. 7 Шёл дождь. поэтому мы были дома весь день.
З Было солнечно все выходные. 8 Все магазины в деревне были закрыты.
4 Я везде искал свой паспорт.

А Сра вните:

children/money/books и т. д. (вообще?): the children / the money / these books и т. д.:

CJ Children like playing. О Where аге the childreп?
Дети любят играть. 1 де дети?(= наши дети)
О Money i sn'r everything. О 1 wanr со buy а car. but 1 don 't have the money.
Д<!t rьги это не всё. . .. но у меня нет денег.
О 1 enjoy reading books. О Have you read these books·!
Мне нравится читать книги. Ты читал эти книси?
О Evcrybody needs friends. О 1 o�en go ouL \viL�1 ту friends.
Всем r rужны друзья. �
,1 r��·,
". " ...,.�-.."'
Ч 1
1n�'!'-Ч W,r� "
.... •r.-
.м _.�� · ....,,_'-
, ..
... со своими друзьями.
.- :.'�" •• ... '":V
. .. "•"
'�...., �"
Jt. "' ·�
_, !f
•t:• ,.,JЬ&
.... '"" >?'
...., :.-:@"_
__ -1!�"�
.... .._--..t'
-С' ,...
... .... .. . _,,
� ..J: .
� .. ..
"""� ••·•6 ���,� ,,..,,.".".;J........."
. ....
_ ...
�' � ....,.
" ... �
, � 1. ,.


. . _: .в-
. - . most / most of ... , some / some of . .. /1 т. д.


all most some апу no / none / not + апу


most/some и т. д. + существительное most of / some of и п1. й.-1- the/this/my ... и т. д.

cities ..
all (of)
the ".
some -ее�
tl1is/tl1at . . .
these/those ...
money апу my/your ... и т. д.
! попе

О Most children like play111g.

(- дети вообще)
Большинство детей любят играть.
() Most of the childr en at tl1is school ar�
under 1 1 years old.
БолыJJш 1стио детей в этой школе."
О 1 don'r \Vant апу mопеу. t
Н 11е хочу никаких денег.
О 1 сfоп'1 w<lnr any of chis money.
Я не хочу нискоJrы<v lJЗ �тих денег.
rJ Some books are better thaп otl1ers. �i1
О Some of these books are very old.
Некоторые книги лучше друг их.
Некоторые из этих книг . .. jf.
О Не �1as по f ri eпds У 11сго нет друзей. (] None of my frieпds li ve пРаr те. t·

О АН cities l1ave ct1e �;нтн:' proЫcms. Никrrю из моих друзей ... �

У всех городов одNи и те же проблемы.
Можно сказать all the . .. ит1 illl of the . .. �
. . Uf
Не исполизуйте of в этих прейлож<!NUНХ:
О All the students in our class passed the еха111.
( J Most people drive too fast. (или All of the students ... ) Все студенты .

(неверно Most of people)

О Aniy lias lived in 1 ondon all he r life.
О Some blrds Lilrt t fly. (шш . all of her life.) .. всю свою жизнь.
.. .

(неверно 501-ne of blrds)

....... ..,.,4."� .......

�-" ... ......"-�...

all of it / most of them / no11e of us и m. д.

О YatJ сап have some of this cake, but not all of it.
it ... часть этого торта, но не весь торт.
them О д: Do you kno\v those people?
some of
us в: Most of them, bu t not all of them. Большинство из них, но не всех.
you О Some of us are going out tonight. Why don't you come with us? Некоторые из нас . .

О 1 have а lot of books, but 1 haven't read апу of them. ... ни одной из них.
О А: Ho\v many of these books have you read?
в: None of them. Ни одной из них.

the ... (children / the children и т. д.) �Раздел 73 some и any �Раздел 77 no/none/any �Раздел 78
174 all и every �Раздел 81
Допишите предложения. Используйте слова из скобок (some/most и т . д.). Где необходимо, также
вставьте of (some of / most of и т. д.).

1 ... ...Mpst children like playing. (most)

2 ... ..$.o
. m.e.Q.f. .. .. r:his money is yours. (some)
3 . .. ...... ........ ......... ..... people never sLUp t:alking. (some)
4 .. .... ... ......" ......... .......
. the shops in the city cenr:re close ar 6.30. (most)
5 ..".. ........ ....... .....". ...... reoplc have mobil� phones these days. (most)
6 1 don't like "....... . .......". "."." ". tl1e pictures in the living room. (апу)
7 He s lu�t "".. ""." ......... """... ""..". ..... his moncy. (all)

8 " . .. "..". .... "

"" " ту friends are niarried. (попе)
" " " """. ". ""

9 Do you know ."............."..... . "... ...... tl1e peoplt: in chis picrure? (any)
10 .""". "."""""".". """ "...... ". blrds can Ау. (most)
11 1 enjoyed ... .."" ".... " ."."" ........ " .... the film, bL1t 1 di dn't like rhe endiпg. (most)
12 ... .... .". . ".... ...".
. ...........
. "" ... sports аге very dangerous. (some)
13 We can't find anywhere со stay. """""" ...." ... " ... ".""" . ...... the hotels аге full. (all)
14 You must have """""." ....... .."" ... "........"... this cheese. lt's delicious. (some)
15 The wearher was bad \vhen 'Ne 'v'tere on holiday. lt rained .".."... ".."". ".. ".. ...... ...""" " the time. (most)

Посмотрите на картинки и ответьте на вопросы. Используйте: all/most/some/none + of tl1em / of it


1 (-1)


1 Hovv many of che people are women? ... . M.Qst of t�J.�!1'1:......... ........... ..... ... .. ... ..... """... ....""" .. ...
" " " . " ........... ."" ""
. " "

2 How many of the boxes аге on tl1e Lable? "" .. """"." .."" ..".""."" .. ".." ....._. . .......... ..... .......
........... . ". """". "" " ....." ....
" " " " ". ""

3 Hovv many of the men аге \Vearing hats? . .... .... . " " . ........
" . . . . ........... ... . ". .. ... ..""." .. .. .
. " "" " "". ..." .".
".. ". -······· "

4 How many of the windo\.vs are op�n? ... ... ...." . " ""... ... . " .."...... ..... ... .......... ....
.. . "" .. " . " ........ ..... ... ... .."" " "" """ . " " "" """ _.

5 Hovv many of the people are scanding? " """. " ".". ...... "" ..........
" " "...... .......... .... . ... ..... ..." """" . . "" " .. ......... "......
" " " " .. " ""

6 Ho'vv mLtch of che money is Ben's? ....... "......". . ....... . ". """... ....... ... . ... ".." . ". ".... .
" " " . "" "
.. " " ....... . ""
" " " " " .

8 В некоторых предложениях допущена ошибка. Где нужно, исправьте ошибку.

1 Мо� like playing. .. " M.9.��"�.! 1i.!en;m
" ... "... .
" . " "" "" .

2 All the stud ents failed the ехап1. ОК..................... .."..... . .......... " .. . """ " " " .. .........
" " " "". .

3 Some of people wor k t < ю hard.

'1 Sоп1� or ( /Ltrsti on s in the exam 'лtere very easy.
5 1 haven't seen any of those реор\е ь�rort'.
б All of insects /1ave srx lt:gs.
7 Have yuu rcad all rl1ese books?
8 Most of stuc.J�пrc; in o Ltr class are very nice.
9 Мо�с of my friends are going to the рагсу.
10 l m very tirerJ rhis morning - 1 was awake most of 11igl1t.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. паук = spider

1 5ольшинстRо людей не любят пауков. на экзамене= in the exam

2 }l 1 ю11ю10 большинство вопросов Н() экзамене.

3 Hcl\oтopu1e люди не едят мRсо.
4 Вчера мы познакомились с некоторыми Аниными друзьями.
5 Никто из нас не говорит по-итальянски.
6 Я не смотрел ни один из этих фильмов.
7 "Вы знаете этих людей?" - "Большинство из них . "

8 "Кто ХО1'ИЛ на вечеринку?" - "Мы все".

А both/either/neither используются, когда говорят о двух людях или предметах:

+ 7•
или 1

both either neither (not + either)

оба/обе или ... или ни тот ни другой

О Rebecca has t\Л/О children. Both аге students. . .. Оба студенты.

() Would you like s\veets ог an ice cream? You can have either.
... Ты можешь взять или то, или другое.
О д: Do you want to go со the cinema or the theatre?
в: Neither. 1 want со scay ас home. Ни то ни другое. Я хочу остаться дома.

Сравните, как употребляются either и neither:

О 'Would you like tea or coffee?'

{ 'Either. 1 don't mind: "Или то, или другое. Мне всё равно':
'1 don't \Vant either.' "Я не хочу ни то ни другое':
'Neither: "Ни то ни другое':

both/either/neither +существительное

both +существительное во множественном числе both windows/books/children и т. д.

eit er
} +существитепьное в единственном числе
window/book/child и т. д.

О Last ye ar 1 \vent со Paris and Rome. l liked both cities very mucl1.
... Мне очень � онравились оба города.
О First 1 worked in an office, and laLer in а shop. Neither job \vas very interesring .
.. . Ни одна из этих работ не была особенно интересной.
О There аге t\\/O \vays from here со the stat:ion. You can go either way.
Есть два пути ... Вы можете пойти любым путём.

both of ... / either of ... / neither of ...

both (of) 1 the ...

either 1 these/those ...

neither my/your/Paul's ... и т. д.

(J Neither of my parents went to university.

Ни один из моих родителей не учился в у1 шверситете.
О 1 haven't read either of these boolcs.
Я не читала ни одну из этих книг.

Можно сказать both of the/those/my ... или both the/those/my .. . (с или без of):
О l like both of rhose pictures. или
J like both rhose picrures.
О Both of Paul's sist:ers are married. или
Both Paul's siяers аге married.
но (J Neither of Paul's sisters is married. (неверно Neither Paul's sisters)

both of them / neither of us и т. д. =оба (обе) из них, ни один (одна) из нас

both them О Paul has two sisters. Both of them аге married. ... Обе замужем.
either of us О Sue and 1 didn't eat anything. Neither of us was hungry.
neither you ... Ни одна из нас не была голодна.
О Who аге those two people? 1 don't know either of them.
. . . Я не знаю ни одного из них.

176 ( 1 can't either / neither can 1 4 Раздел 43 )

Вставьте both/either/neither. Где необходимо, также используйте of.
1 Last уеа г 1 went to Paris and Rome. 1 liked ...Jю
: kb. ... .. cicies very much.
2 There wеге cwo p1ccuгes on thе wa11. 1 d"d
1 n'с 1·k ..... ........ rof
1 е ..... eithe .... "... t hem.


З lt \vas а good football match. ................... ..... . ........ .. teams played well.
4 lc -vvasn't а good rootball macch..".......... ........ .."............"....... team played well.
5 'ls your fricnd English or Ameгican?' '........ ..................."......." "... ...... Sl1e's Australian.'
6 We went away for cwo days, hut thc \veatl1er wasn't good. lt rained . . " .. ...""."".""" "".". ."". days. . .. .

7 А: 1 bought t\VO ne\vspapers. Which one do you want:?

R: . ...
. """""".""." """"".""".. ...... . lr doesп't maпer which one.
8 1 invited Sam аГ1d Chris со rl1e party, but ". ""."."."".. .. . . ... "...". ."" .. .. the m
. сап1е.

9 ' Do you go со vvork Ьу саг or Ьу bus?' '"". """"" """ ..""" .".""""""". 1 alwиys walk.'
10 'Which j acket do you prefer, this one or that one?' '1 don't like ""...."".".."."... "......... " ........ them.'
11 'Do you work or агс you а student?' ' ..... ...".". "."...... ..... ". ........... " . 1 work and l'm а st udent too.'
12 Му f1·iend and 1 went ro rhe cinema, but .... "."""....... " ........."............. us liked tl1e film. lt was really bad.
13 Helen has t\vo sisters and а brot�1er. ......... ..."..... ....... . ...... ........ .. sisteгs are married.
14 Helen has two sisters and а brother. l've met her brother, but 1 haven't met ........""... "..... ........""".". her sisters.

Посмотрите на картинки и допишите предложения. Используйте Both ... или Neither ••. .

1Ш 1 (G1 \

11 AN�:.�\ 1
1 27+18=47 i
t/+58�77 1


_ _ _•
" ••
_. ",_..�--- --·..-•'1tl'#r··�··rr�•1rnr.-:'�• ·�-··••·-"•·--··· ·�·-- ...
1 BQtb..9.ЧP.�.g.r?...................." . ".
.. ." .
....... ..... " ....... .. ernpty. 4 ... .....
" ....... " . ."
. ".."" . """ "" " "
.. . .
...... ...""""...".""""""""" beards.
2 ." .."..."."...".... .............. ........ ...... . ...... "....." ........... are open. 5 ...... ." ....." .....".". ....."""""""""".""". to tl1e airport.
3 ...... wearing а hat. 6 .......""........".... """"""""""". ."""". """"" correc1 .

Парень и девушка одинаково ответили на вопросы. Напишите предложения, используя

Botl1/Neither of tl1em ....

·1 Аге yoL1 1narтied? No No 1 "".. №�.!t.fier· of �t! �Ш..!.!г. 111 flr rl � � t "" ." """"".. ""." ""

. . . . ".... " . . .

2 Huw old are you? 21 21 / ..... f.:S9.t..b"Qf.t..JJ �.t!.J"g�"2.J":""". ""........" .... .... .. .".."".
.. .

3 Are you а sшdenr? Yes Yes -� """""."""""" students.
4 Du you have а car? No № ... а саг.
5 Where do you live? London London -

6 L)o you like cooking? Yes Yes 6

7 Can you play the piano? No No 7
8 Do you eat scafood? Yes Yes 8
9 Аге you inteгested in sport? No No 9

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1 У меня двое детей. Оба ходят в школу. 5 А: Ты знаешь Джеймса и Сашу?

2 У меня есть две сестры. Ни одна из них не в: Да, они оба очень приятные.
живёт в России. 6 А: Где Анна и Тина?
3 А: Вы предпочитаете Лондон или Нью-Йорк? о: Я не знаю. Я не видела ни одну из них.
о: Мне нравятся оба города. 7 Ни один из моих родителей не говорит
4 л: Вы хотите сока или воды? по-английски.
в: Или то или другое. Мне всё равно. 8 Они оба говорят по-немецки.

/ . .'

"/� ·/ .


а lot of food not much food а lot of books not many books
м1-югоеды нем1-1ого еды м11ого к11иг немного ю шг

Much (много) используется с неисчисляемыми Many (много) используется с

существительными существительными во множественном числе
(much food / much money и т. д.): (many books / many people и т. д.):

·:J Did you buy much food? О Did you buy many books?
;::J We doп't l1зve much luggage. О We doп't kпow many people.
:.J А: Do you l1ave any money·� О А: Did you take any photos·!
в: 1 have some, bur not much. в: 1 rook some, bur not many.

How m"tch " . ? = Сколько . ?

" How many ... ? = Скол ько ... ?
� How much money do you want? О How many photos di d you take?

А lot of (= много) используется кок с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительни1ми:

.:J We bougl1r а lot of food. U We boL1gl1r а lot of books.
(] raula doesn'i: have а lot of free time. О Did i:hey ask а lot of questions?

Мож.чо сказать:
:1 There is а lot of food/money/water ... О There are а lot of trees/sl1ops/people ...
(глагол в единственном числе} (глагол во множественном числе}
l) А lot: ot people speal< Engl i sh.
(неверно speaks)

·- " .
' в Much исrюJ1ьзуеrпс.н и uunpuc.urm:11ы 1ых и ornpuцamcJ1ыiыx прr.:дJ1оже/-fuнх:
Ci Do you drink much coffee?
(J 1 don't: dri nk much coffee.
В утвердительных предложениях much обычно не используется:
Ci 1 drink а lot of coffee. (неверно 1 dппk nшcl1 coffee)
С; д: Do you drink much coffee?
в: Yes, а lot. (неверно Yes, mL1cl1)

Many 11 а lot of используются во всех типах предложений (утвердительных/отрицательных/

С) We have many friends / а lot of friends.
Ci We don'c t1ave many friends / а lot of friends.
С Do you have many friends / а lot of friends?

Much и а lot можно использовать без существительного:

С: Amy spoke ro me, but she didn'r say much.
. . . говорила со мной, но мало что сказала. (букв. не сказало много)
С А: Do you watch TV much? Вы часто (букв. много) смотрите телевизор?
в: No, not much. Нет, нечасто.
С We like films, so we go to the cinema а lot. (неверно go to the cinema much)
.. . поэтому мы часто (букв. много) ходим в кино.
С 1 don't like him very much. Он мне не особенно нравится.
С" 1 don't have much money. У меня мало денег.

178 ( исчисляемые/неисчисляемые-+ Разделы 68-69 )

Вставьте much или many.

1 Did you buy .......11JЧ9.Ь ........ .... food?

2 There aren't ""." ..... """ ""..... hotels in this town.
3 \Л/е don1t have . .. ... "" .".." ..""". ".. репоl. We need ro srop and get some.
. . .

4 Were there "."" ....". "...". ".." ... people on the rrain?
5 Did ...."" ...." ... "......."....".... students fail the exam?
6 Paula doesn't have ............." .."....... ".".. "". money.
7 1 wasn'r hungry, so 1 didn c ear ..." ." . . ." .. .......
' . . " ... .

8 1 don'r know wl1ere Gary lives chese days. 1 haven't seen him for " .. "..".... ""... ". "."". years. .

Вставьте How much или How many.

9 ". "..."" """. "". "."" . ."".""""" ..""."."".."...."." people are c.лming со rhe рапу?
10 ""..""" "..""...."...."" ""."." ". .... .".. milk do yoLt want in your coffee?
11 . ".....".. ""."".".".....""""....."....
" "... ""." . bread did you buy?
12 ." " ...."" ""." ..... "."..".." ........"".".".". " ...". ". players аге rherc in а foocball ream?

Закончите предложения. Используйте much или many +слова из рамки:

-books- countries luggage people time times

·1 1 don't read very 111ucl1. 1 dоп'г l1avc> ma11yJ1q.Qks.".....

2 l lurry up! We doп't have ".". "" .. " ".... " ." .. ". ... ." ." " ." " " . "
. .. . ... . ... ..... " " ... ... .. .
. .

З Do you rravel а lot? Have you been to " . ..." . ........... ."....................... "." ...... "..""....."......"."." ?
4 Тina hasn't lived here very long, so she doesn'c know .." " " "" . """ "" ".... . "" ..... ". ". """". . "" ". . .... .. " " ... .. ... .. . ... ...... " . .

5 ' Du yuu have ... ... . ..... "...... " ... "."." ."."."." .."."... ".."" .." .""""". "..". 7' 'No, only this bag.'
6 1 knovv Tokyo well. l've been tl1ere "."." "" ."".
.. " . .. " ." "" " . .... ....... " . .." "
. . .. ." " . "
. . .. . """ " " "." .
. " .. .. .... . .

CD Закончите предложения. - - --
- .
а lot of + с лова из рамки:

accidents -Ьooks- fun interesting things traffic .

1 1 like reading. 1 l1ave а l�°t._Qf Р9.9�?..... . ...."" . "

..". . " .... " .. " . " . . .. .
... "... "" . .". " . . "." " . "
.... . . """ ". """""" ... . ... ...
... .
.. ....

2 We enjoyed our visit to tl1e museшп. We saw ". . .

. ... ".... " ... " .." " . "" " "
... . .. ... . .. . .". .". " .. .
. ." " . .. .. ." ". .. . ....... "" . "
.. ... ...... . .. .. "" .. " " . . ....... . .

3 This road is very dangerous. There аге .....". " " . . .... .. .. .. . .
. .. . . " .." . . . " .. . ." " ..". ."...".. .. .
." " ... . ." " .. .. " . ." "
" .. "". ..... . . . . . . . .. .. " .

4 We enjoyed ош huliday . Wc had .......... ........... ......... ...... " . .".". " "..... ." ..
". .. .. ... ."" " " ... """ " ." .. ."" ... . ." . .. " ."
.... " " . .. . . .". " ..

5 lt rook me а long time to drive here. There was ". "." ."....." "...... .."..". "....".. ··-··· " ". ". ."" . ." " ". . . .. . "" . ...". .. .. .. .

aD В некоторых из этих предложений much использовано не совсем верно. Измените предложения

или напишите ОК

·1 Do you drink mL1cl1 coffee? ......Q.К. . . . .. .. .......... " ...........................................". . . . ... ... . ..
2 1 drink muct1 сеа. ."..л..!o.t..9.f t.9.f? ."
3 lt was (') rold winrer. Wc had much snow.
4 Thcrc wasn't mцchsnow last winter.
5 lt costs 11"\uch money Lo travel around rhe world.
6 We l1ad а с.Jн�ар huliday. lr didn't cosc mцch.
7 Do you know mL1ch about con1puters?
8 'Do you havc any luggage?' 'Yesl much.'

8J Напишите предложения об этих людях. Используйте much и а lot.

1 James loves films. (go to the cinema) ... IJ.�.e,Q§�J.Q.tQ§..�iП�J:1'1q � lot. . ." .. " " " .. . ...... . ......." ... ." . . .. .. .... ....

2 Nicola tl1inks TV is boring. (watch TV) ... S..h� <Jg��л::t(...vf.� � h..IV тчсЬ.:.".. " .. . .. ." ."" " " ...". . .. ..".. .." . . .." . ...

З Tina is а good rennis player. (play teпnis) Sh�"...... .... . ... .. . "" " . " . ." "
".. . . " . ." . .
.. .." "" . .... ...... . ...... . .. ... " . ..... .. "

4 Mark doesn'L like uriving. (use his саг ) Не "..." . " " "" . . ." " ." .. ." ... ". . . . " . .. " . ..
.. . " . "" """" . .... .. . .."".. . .. .. .. .. .". . ..... . ......... ...

5 Paul spends most of th e time at home. (go out)

6 Sue has been all over rhe world. (rravel)

Переведите предложения на английский язык. DVD�диски = DVDs

1 У нас есть много DVD-дисков. 6 д: Тыешь много шоколада? на конференции=

2 На конференции было много человек? в: Нет, немного. at rhe conference

З Ирина много читает. У неё есть много книг . 7 Сандра любит Испанию.
4 Сколько еды нам нужно для вечеринки? Она много туда ездит.
5 Сколько студентов в вашем классе? 8 Извин и те, сегодня у меня мало времени.

(а) little + неисчисляел4ое существительное: (а) few + существительное во множественном

(а) little water (а) few books

(а) little time (а) few questions
(а) little money (а) few people
(а) little soup (а) few days

а little water
немного воды

.. .·. . ---"-. -. в-
. _·.. �

а little =немного а few - несколько

О She didn't eat anything, but sl1e drank О Fxcuse те, 1 havc ro make а few phone
а little water. calls .
... но она выпила неtv1ного воды. ... несколько телефонных звонков.
О 1 sp eak а little Spanish. О 1 speak а few words of Span ish .

Я немного говорю по-испански. . .. нескоJ1ы<0 июи rю-испански.

О А Can you speak Spaпisl1·� U А: shops near here?
Лrе r�1t>re any
в: А little. Немного. в: Уб, а few. Да, 1-Jе(.КШJько.

О yYe're going a\vay for а few days.

Мы уезжаем на нР.ско лhкп дней.

-- .

. · . .

. '

�little (без а)= мало / почти нr.т )(few (licз а)= мшю / rючти нет

о Th ere was little food in 1 �le rгiclge. О There were few people in the theatre.
lt vvas n ear l y empty. lr was ncarly cmpry.
В холодильнике было мало еды ... В театре было мало зрителей . . .
(букв. мало чР.ло11Рк)
very few =совсем/очень м ало
very little=совсем/очень мало
О Your English is very good. You make
О Dan is very thin because he eacs
very few mistal<es.
very little.
. .. Вы делаете совсем мало ошибок.
... потому что он ест очень мало.

." . - .
о· -
Сравните little и а little: Сравните few и а few:

[) They have а little money, so thcy rc not ' О 1 have а few friends, so l'm not lonely.
рш1r. У меня есть несколько друзей, rюзrrюму
У них есть немного денег, поэтому они я не одинок.
не бедные. О 1 have few friends.
\'m sad and l'm lonely.
О They have little money. They are very poor. Мне грустно, и я одинок. У меня почти
У 11их мола дс1 юг. Они очень бедные. нет друзей.

1 have а 1 have little 1 havea few 1 havefew

little money. money. friends. friends.

- - - -

180 ( исчисляемые/неисчисляемые _. Разделы 68-69

С11 Ответьте на вопросы, используя а little или а few.
1 'Do you have any money?' 'Yes, .. �..1.!:ttlf}.""
. .'
2 'Do you have any en velopes?' 'Yes, ". . ." . "" . .."" " . . .. .'
. .. .. ... . . "

3 '0о you \vanr sugar 1n your соffiее.7' 'v

1es, . . . ... "."." .. "".". "...".""...."."."" . .". • р 1 ease.'
4 'Did you rake any photos \vhen you \.Yere оп holiday?' 'Yes, . ..""".""." ...""".".""" "".""""".." .'

5 'Does your friend speak Eпglish?' 'Yes, "." ." "" . "." " . .""
.." . " .' "" " . .. " ".".." .

6 'Are rhere any good resraurants in rhis rown?' 'Yes, "." . " " " " . "" . " " "" " ." . " .'
. ... .. . . . . .... . . .. . ..

С11 Используйте little или few

а а + слова из рамки:
-·-· --. --- '
( chairs days fresh air friends milk Russian times
--year-s )
1 Mark speaks ltalian v1ell. Не lived in ltaly for ."" � ..fQ�YY.Q?r.� " . .
". . "".

2 Сап 1 have ...""""..""."""""".. """"" .. """..."."."""""""" ."""" "".". ".... in my coffee, please?
3 'When did Amy go a\vay?' • .. "" ..."..""" ."... ".. "".". ."."". ".."" "..". .......... ".""" ..".". ago.'
4 'Do you speak any foreign languages?' '1 сап speak "."." " ."..". " . " ." " .. .."
" ." ."" . .. "" .."." " . " ." . .' " . . . . .... . ."
.. .... . . . .. . ." . . "

5 :Аге you going out alone?' 'No, l'm going with .."" """ " " " " " """ .""""."" """" "" ". """ ." ."" : . " .. " . ... " . . ... " "." .

6 'Have you ever been ro Mexico?' 'Yes, "". " ."" .."". ". " .".""" " """" """" " " """ """" .... .' . . ... . .. . "" " "

7 There \.Yasn't much furnirure in the room - jLJSt а tаЫе and . "". . "" .." .".."" """"" ."""." """"" """.."" "."."" ".. "." ".. "

8 l'm going out for а \valk. 1 need ""..." .. "" .." . " " "". " ". ". """ "."."" "" " " """ " ".".".". .
. . . . .. " . . ". . ." " ". "

Закончите предложения. Используйте very little или very few + слова из рамки:
..-------- ----·-- --- - ------
( coffee h o tels _ p_ e_ o_p _le _ __ ra
_i_n __ t_i_
m _.e ___
work )
1 Your English is very good. You make "" V?.ГУ ·fвv� mistakes ...

2 1 drink .."."""."".""""." """""" """." ""."" "".""" "".."".""".". "..". 1 prefer rea.

З Thc wearher here is very dry in summer. There is . " " " " ".."."""""""."""""."""""""."""."""".
. . . "

4 lr's difhcult: ro hnd а place ro яау in this tO\NП. There аге. .

S Hurry up. We have ". " . . "."." "".". .... ". "._

б The tO\VП is very quiet at nighr . ..."." ."".".".""".."".""" "....." "....." ...."" ".." .." .... "" .. go out.
7 Some people in rhe office аге very lazy. They do ".".""" "".. ..."" "" .." ."" .. "" ""."" ." " .. ." " " " " "" " ".""" .... ." " .
. ". " .

CD Вставьте little / а little или few / а few.

1 Т11еrе \.Yas .. ". " ".." "J!Jt.! 9. " .."" ""... food in the (ridge. lt \.Vas nearly empty.

2 '\Л/hen did Sarah go out?' '"" "".."" "."". ".""" minutes ago.'
3 1 can't decide no\v. 1 need " ""..."""." ".""" ". time to think about it.
4 There \vas """..". "".."" """".. " rraffic, so arrived earlier than \ve expecred.
5 The bus service isn' t very good at nighr - there are ..."..""."..""."."." ..."..."".."". buses after 9 o'clock.
6 'Would you like some soup?' 'Yes, "." """"" """"""""""...""., please.'
7 l'd like t:o practise my English тоге, but 1 have "."".""""."" .."""."" ...".".."" opporrunity.

CIJ В некоторых предложениях допущена ошибка. Где нужно, исправьте ошибку. Напротив
правильных предложений напишите ОК.

1 We're going a\vay .fo[[e�v_qa� nexr week. ".. "fQC.f:! ..f��y .ggyf?..".."" . " ."..". " "" . " ." . " ""." . ". .. " " ." . " . . .. .. . . . ..... . . .. . . . ..

2 Everybody needs little luck.

3 1 can't talk to you nu'tN - 1 have few things ro do.
4 1 eat very little n1eat - 1 don't like it very mucl1.
S Excuse me, са п 1 ask you fe\v questions?
6 There \vere little people on the bus - it was nearly empty. ."""".""""""". """" "" """" . . .

7 Mark is а very private person. Fe\v people knovv him \.Yell. . " """" " "" ." ..".."" "" ."
. . " " .

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1 Марина несколько лет жила в Лондоне.

2 "Хотите кофе?" - "Немного, пожалуйста':
3 Ночью на дороге совсем мало машин.
4 Мне нужно немного времени, чтобы закончить эту работу.
5 Я знаю совсем мало людей в этом городе.
6 У меня есть несколько идей. Ты хочешь их услышать?
7 Боб знает очень мало о политике.
8 Я ем совсеr-.л мало рь1бы. Она очень дорогая.

прилагательное+ существительное (nice day / Ыuе eyes и т. д.)

прилагательное+ существительное

. lt:'s а nice day today. ... хороший день.

Laura has brown eyes. ... карие глаза.
There's а very old bridge in this village. . .. старый мост.
Do you l ke ltalian food? ... uтальЯI /Скую кухню! (букв. пищу)
1 dun't speak апу foreign languages. ... ни на каких иное.тронных пзь11шх.

агс so m e beaut��ul yellow flowers in the garden. . .. красивые жёлтые цветы.

Окончание прилагательного никогда 11е меняется:

О This is а beautiful flower. Это красивый цветок.
О These are beautiful flowers. Это красивые цветы.

(J Where is your new car? ... ноиоя машина?

О Have уон see n my new car? ... новую машину?

Ье (am/is/was и т. д.) + n(Jшюгательное

О The weather is nic:e юdау. Погода хорошая crгoiJ11я.

О These nu\•Jers are very beautiful. Эти цаеты очР.нь красивы.
CJ l'm hungry. Сап l l1ave somcching to eat? Я голодна....
Q The film wasn't very good. lt was boring
Фильм мне не понравилrл. 011 был скучным.

Обратите Rнимание, что в 11екоторых случаях Ье + прилагатепhное

nР.реводится но руе<:кий язык с испопьзовонием других конструкций
(-) Раздел 3):
:i l'm scared of dogs. Я боюсь соба1<.
:J Аге you tired? Ты уrтала?
(J Please Ье quiet. l'n1 rei1(\ing. Пожалуйста, тихо . . . .

look/feel/smell/taste/sound + приласательное

(.J д: You look tired. Ты выгпяйишь уставшим.

в: Yes, 1 feel tired. Да, я чувствую себя уставшим.
С ) Joe told me about his new job. lt sounds very interesting.
... Это звучит очень uнmep(!CI ю.
О l'm rшt going to eat rhis fisl1. lt doesn't smell good.
.. . Она плохо паю 1с.:т. (букв. нР пахнет хорошо)
[) This sauce tastes really good. Этот соус очень вкусный.


r:1: are


els tired. They look happy. lr smells good.

looks sound tastes
I i

1 scared, tired и т. д. � Раздел З get + прилогательноr: (get hungry/tired) и т. д. -+ Раздел 57

182 1 something/anybody + прилагательное� Раздел 80
Составьте предложения, собл юдая правильный порядок слов.
1 (new / live in / house / they / а) .....Th.�y..!п.q. !1.��Y h9.UP..?........ .....................
. .. . .. . ... . ...................... . ....... . .. ... .. .. . . . ....

2 (like / jacker/ 1 / thar / green) 1 .. . ...

.. .. .. ..... . ..... ........ ............ ............ ............ ............... ...... . ··················
··········· ····· ··- .... ............. .

3 (m us ic / like / do / classical / you?) Оо ........... ............................................. . .. . . . .. .. ... .. .. ... ... . ... ... " ... ". .... ..
. ... ....... .... ..... . . .. ... .. ...... .. . . .. .
... . ..

4 (t1ad / wonderfu l/а/ 1 / holiday) .. .. ." . . .

. .. . . . . .
.. . " . ..... ... . .. . . .... ... " . " . . . . . . .. " . . . . .
............... ............ ... ................... . ... . .... .. . . . .. . .. .. . . .. ... . .................

5 (went ro / restaurant /а/ Japanese / we) ........" . . . . . . .. . . . . .

.. . . ..... ... . ... . . ..
... . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . ..
.... ...... .. ... ....... . ... ... . .". .. ... . ...... . ..... ........ . .. .. . ... . .... . .... ... " .. .

Слова в рамке - прилагательные (Ыacl</foreign и т. д.) и существительные (air/job и т. д.).

Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя в каждом из них одно прилагательное
и одно существительное.

' air clouds -foreigп- holiday job

, Ыасk dangerous fresh hot knife
"..• --· -".
." ..
. ..
..."" ·-·- -

Do you sp�ak any�ngua.g�-� ?


1 " .... ...

2 Look aL t hos c ............ ............. ..... ....................... "....."............. .......... .......... . lt's going ro rai n.
3 Sue works very l1ard, and she's very tired. Sl1e needs а""............ .......... . . .. . . " .. . .. .".. . ... . ... ".. ". .. . .... . . ..... .... . .. .." . .. . . ..
4 1 would like ro have а sl10\ver, bl!t there's по ..................... . .. . .. .. . " . . . . . "" .... . . . ..... ... .. ........ . ... .. . ..... .. . . . .... .... .. .... . .

5 Can yo u open the window? We nccd some .... .. .. . "" .. . . . . ... .. ... . .... ... .......... .. ". .... ..... . . .. . ...." ... ......... ..

6 1 need а ... " ......" ... ". CLtt these onions.

"" ... " ..."......"" ..".... .........
. " .............. " .... ro

7 Fire-(1ghring is а..... .... . ..". .

..... ..... ... .. " .. ..

Что говорят эти люди? Используйте слова из обеих рамок.

/ feel(�)--·-lo�l<(s)'
t lool<{s) smell(s)
���d� .,I
t��te(sJ.. _) +
( �"\WТ
. --·




-_-·_· ·-- ,-® · ·




· --- ·· . . "•.
_ ··

. " " - })

_ ·

(Ш 1m

-= ·


- -- - -
··· ____

lt ..............
i • " ' ,.. 1 • "--"' i
t ·

гш ·
- · ·


. � ---, ш · 1 --
- ---!
_ _
You . . " ........ ... . " .."........... ....... ! lt " . .
1 . .. ... """


У Анны и Бена разные мнения. Закончите реплики Бена. Используйте feel/look и т. д.

Anna " Ben

1 You look Lired. IJo Р 1 . d.9n't..f�e.l. t.i.r.?q."...........

.. . . (feel)
2 Тhis is а new coat.
, ls it? lt doesn't ..... . .. . .. . .. . . . . ... . . . ..
" ...... .......... .. .... . . . ..... .... ..." "........ . ". ... ". .............. " .... .... . ...... .

3 l'rп America11. .

Аге you? YoLt . ......... . .. ". ." ....... ..... .. .. . "........ ........... "."..................... .. ................... . ...... ........" . (sound)
Do 1? 1 ... .. . . . .. .. " ". .. . .. .. . . . ..
lj You look cold. " . . .... ."".. " . . ..... .. ... . . ..... .... . .. "... .. "". . ..... .. .... . .. ... . ...
.... . . ". . . "." . .. .. ". . (feel)
5 These bags are heavy. Are rhey ? They .... . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . " .. . .. . ..." " . ..
" ... . .. ... " .. .. " .. . .. " . . .. . " . .. . ....... "........... .. . . .
. . . . .
... ..." . .. .... . . (look)
Тharsouplooksgood. �

6 МауЬе, buc ic . .. . .... . .... .. . " " .. . . .. " ..... . . .. .. . "" ." ... .... . . . "". .. . .. ........ . .."" . .
. " .
... . .... ....... ...." . . . . . . ".. . . . . .". (taste)
... "
, .• .'-
.; ... · ' "' ' ' '

Переведите предложения на английский я з ык.

1 Вчера я смотрела очень интересный фильм. 5 Ужин пахнет замечательно!
2 Пожалуйста, тихо. Том спит. 6 Не ходи туда. Это onrlcнo.
3 В вашем саду много красивых цветов! 7 Моя работа не очень трудная.
4 Тебе нравится индийская пища? 8 Я рада, что Салли и Том счастливы вместе.

.- ... . .
' � . .
. ''.: . .
... .
. \.•,

Не асе his dinner vcry quickly.

� �
Suddenly the shelf fell dowri.
Он cъeJf С(:ЮЙ ужин очень быстро. Неожиданно полка упала.

Quic kly и suddenly - наречия. Наречие абычно образуется прибавлением -ly к прила?.атепьному:

прилагательное quick bad sudden careful heavy

быстрый плохой неожиданный осторожный тяжёлы й
наречие quickly badly suddenly carefully heavily
быстро плохо неожиданно осторожно тяжело/сильно и т.д.

Правописание(-) Приложение 5): easy-) easily heavy-) heavily

'ЧК«• ....f
... t
''ttff d '•..C.��' f -"""'-'"••_
__...._. _.

-- "
- .
в·· - ·
НарРчuе укозываl!rп 1 ю то, каким образом выполняется действие:

; The train stopped suddenly. Поезд остановился внезапно.


..] 1 opened the door slowly. Я открыло доерь медленно.

:J Plcasc listen carefully. ... слушайте внимательно.
:J 1 understand you perfectly. Я отлично тебя понимаю.
lc's raining f1 eavily.
Сраш 1ume:
прилагательное наре чие
О Sasha is very qu i et. О Sasha speaks very quietly. (неАерно speaks vcry q uie() $:
Саша очень тихая. Саша говорит 011ень тихо. f.
О Ве careful!
Будьте осторожны!
О listen carefully! (неверно liяen careful)
Слушойrпе внимиrт:льно! t
О lt was а bad game. О Ош team p layed badly. (неверно played bad)
Это была тюхин игра. Наша команда играла плохо.
О 1 felt nervous. Я 1 юрв1-1ичал. О 1 waited nervously. Я ждал нервно. ;·
, ..".""""..,,,
""' ,.,.,,,""""-;"" j
(букв.чувствоиил себя нервным)
�·. 'l7 "'..�?:/<��-= =·�)1>......-""""'? •··�. ...".•"". "

. hard fast late early

. .·J.:
� �
�:. .
-" с: '
Эти слова могут быть и прилагательными и наречиями:

О Sasha1s job is very hard. О Sasha work s very hard. (неверно hardly)
С.ашина работа очень трудная. Саша работает очень много.
( ) Ben is а fast runner. О Ben сап run fast.
Бен - быстрый бегун. Бс11 может бегать быстро.
О The hus was late/early. О 1 went со bed late/early.
Автобус опоздал / пришёл рано. Я легла спать поздно/рано.


Прилагательному good (хороший) соответствует наречие well(хорошо):

О Your English is very good. О You speak English very well . (неверно very good)
У Вас очень хороший английский.
О lt \"las а good game. О
Вы говорите по-английски очень хорошо.
Our team played well. [�.:
Это была хорошая игра. Наша команда играла хорошо.

. ...,.
".. �---� --··.· "". ����... ::-··��·
Но well также может быть прилагательным (=здоров, в хорошем состоянии):
О 'How are you?' 'l'm very well, thank you. And you?' ... 'У меня всё в порядке ... "

184 ( прилагательные_. Раздел 86

С8 Посмотрите на картинки и закончите предложения. Вставьте наречия из рамки:

· --... --

1. angrily

badly dangerously fast -heavily- quietly ;

· --

. --- - - �-----···-- --------·-- - _, -- � .
.-- ...... _.._- �

1 lt's ra1пiпg ... h.c� . . .. "" " " .""" """. """"" """"" """""""".. 4 She shoLLred at те ." "" .."""."" """""."" """""" """"""". """"""....
2 Не sings very ""."" """""" """""".."""." """""" """"" """."".""". S She can run very """. "" "" " """ " """"".
"" "". .

3 lhey came in ."""""""""""""."""".""""". """"." ..

""" """ . . ".
6 Нс was driving """."."""""".".""""" """"""""""" "."""""."."" """." "" " .. .

Закончите предложения. Используйте слова из обеих рамок. ·-


-- .- ,,.

,. - - . . - ·-- -
- ·- - -

-c�1·r-eft1lly- clearly hard well.)


come l<now sleep win

1 + i.

\_ explain -lfшn- think work ; 1, carefully easily quickly well )

. ··-·... . ,,; . .,..",,....,._.,"-""-. . ·- ···-····-·· ..." .. ........ " - .. " -· · - · · ··
- ·
· ··-
· -· . . ··-· -·

1 l'm goi11g ro tell yo u something very important, so rlei1�e l lstвr1 car·efully

2 They .""" """" ."."."" ..."".."""."""".""."."."."."""".. ".""."". At the end of the day they're always tired.
3 l'1n tired this mo rning. 1 didn't . " """"" .".�"." .""" lasr nighr.
4 You play tennis much bet:ter rhan me. When we play, ушJ a l-vvay s " """ "" . " ." """ """ . "." """ "" .
..""" ""."" ""
""". .
5 " " " . "." "."."""."""""."""""". "".""" """. """.. before you ans\'Ver the qLtestion.
6 l'v� rп�t A lice а fe\.Y t:imes, but: 1 don't: "" " """ " .
" " " ". " """"". " "" """ ".". l1 er ve ry . "" """ . .
". "" ."" ."" " . """
" " ""
" " .

7 Our teac\1er does11't . .". " things very " .. """ """""".""" .""""
. """. " .. We never understand l1im.
8 Неlеп! 1 nee d your l1e lp. "."""""" "."."""".""""".""""".. "."."."""".""" ..""""."""""."."."".." !

С11 Выберите правильный вариант .

1 Dor1'L �ut so �\:liEk-/quick ly. lt's noc good tor you. (quickly -
2 W\1y are you ;mgry/;ingrily? 1 haven't done anything.
3 Can yoLt speak slow/slo\vly, please?
4 Come on, Dave! Why are you always so slow/slowly?
) Sam is а very careful/carefully driver.
6 Amy is stu dying hard/hardlv tor her examiпatioпs.
7 'Wl1ere's Аnпа?' 'Sl1e -vvas t1ere, buL st1e left suddeп/suddenly.'
8 Please Ье QLJiet/QLJ ierly. l'm s tudying.
9 Sonie cor11par1ies рау (l1e1r workers v�ry bad/badly.
10 Those 01·a11ges look 11ice/n icely. Сап l l1ave опе?
11 1 uoГ1't. rerт1ember mLкh аЬош chc accidcnc. Every ching happened quick/quickly.

Вставьте good или well.

·1 Your C nglish is very """ J�P�?.g ."". You spea k it very

. ". . ""
2 Jack1e did ve r y """". "" iп hcir exams.

З The party was very " "" . " """""""."""" """.. 1 eпjoyed it ve ry much.." "

4 Murk lti.l� а di ffrcul t job, buc he docs ic """"."""."""""."."""."."."" .

5 How are yoLtr parents? Are rl1 ey """""". """"" """"". "."."?
6 Did you have а """ " .".""" "" .""
" """ """ holiday? Was the
. . \.Yei1ther 7

CIJ Переведите предложения на английский язык. веди машину= drive

1 Завтра мне нужно ра но вс та вать.

2 Идёт дождь. Пожалуйста, веди машину медленно и осторожно.
3 Тарелка горячая. Будь осторожн а .

4 Джеймс говорит по-английски очень быстро.

5 Моя дочь ложится сп а ть очень поздно.
6 Анна очень хорошо поёт.
7 Поч ему ты неожиданно остановилась?
8 Вы хорошо знаете Марину?

-- -
C_ l'm}Г

.А. l1eavy heavier expens1ve more expensive t·r
старый старше тяжёлый тяжелее дорогие дороже �

Слова older / heavier / more expensive - прилагательные в сравнительной степени.
Сравнительная степень образуется при помощи-еr (older) или more ... (more expensive).
-- ----

в older/heavier и т. д.

Короткие слова (1 слог) � -er:

old � older (старше) slow � slower (медленнее) cheap -7 cheaper (дешевле)
nice -7 nicer (приятнее} late -7 later (позже) Ьig -7 blgger (больше)

Правописание(� Приложение 5): blg � Ьigger hot -7 hotter thin -7 thinner

Слова, оканчивающиеся на -у -7 -ier:

easy -7 easier heavy -7 l1eavier early -7 earlier
... ,,...
... .

О Rome is old, but Athens is older. (неверно more old) . .. древний ... древнее.
О ls it cheaper to go Ьу саг or Ьу train? (неверно more cheap) . . . дешевле ."
О Helen wants а blgger car. ... машину побольше.
О This coat is ОК, but 1 think the other one is nicer. . .. красивее.
О Don't take the bus. lt's easier to take а taxi. (неверно more easy) . проще".
. .

fur -7 further:
О д: How far is it to the station? А mile? Как далеко ... ?
в: No, it's further. About two miles. Нет, дальше .. .
- --

. с. more ...

Длинные слова(2/З/4слога} -7 more ... :

careful -7 more careful (осторожнее) polite -7 more polite (более вежливый)

� ��siv�
e p -7 more expensive (дороже) v� � nt��esc:g -:. m�r� interes�ing (и�'�ер�с:�� "-·�·")
. ,,
П You musc Ье more careful. Ты должен быть осторожнее.
CJ 1 don't like my j ob. 1 want to do somerhing more interesting
. . . что-нибудь более интсрес1-1ое.
О ls it more expensive со go Ьу саг or Ьу train? Что дороже- ехать на ... или .. .?
_... .

· - .�ь
. better и worse

good/well � better bad � worse

хороший лучше плохой хуже
; - " "...."� " ..
". ' �"

О The weather wasn't very good yesterday, but: it's better today.
Вчера погода не была хорошей, но сегодня она лучше.
О д: Do you feel better today? Вы чувствуете себя лучше . .. ?
в: No, 1 feel worse. Нет, ... хуже.
О Which is worse - а headache Qr а toothache? Что хуже - ... ?

186 ( older than ... / more expensive than ... _. Раздел 89 the oldest / the most expensive _. Раздел 91
Посмотрите на картинки и напишите форму сравнительной степени
(older / more interesting и т. д.).

(Ш h ca vy
/- -·

(3) slow .
1 tortoise 1

1 �•'

. -�­
�� . 1i
1 snail
. f Q gY.i � r
J. .. "
.... " . "".. " ... . .. . . ... . . ." ... .".. "........ ......""..".."......" ""..".".".." ..""".... 1 .. """.". .". .".""". ."". . . ""."". """.""" 1i
·1 ш
@) expensive high -:--
ffi) -d-�-�- ge-

i1 Л� f
: 4000т i
.......". . �=: ·· ··" "" , .."...... ......."................. ........... ··········· ·················· /t
. --·"'

Напишите форму сравнительной степени.

1 old " " " . . " . " ."

Q.l.q ?r. " " 6 good
." .. . ... .". . . . . . " . " .
"". . " "." ".. ...". .. " ". ."""". ." .. . . .. ". ". . ..

2 strong " " 7 large

" . . . " . . . .. ..
. ... .. . ".. " ". """. ." ".. .. . .".". . .". ... ".""" " ..... ". ..

3 happy """"". .." " " ...". . . ..... . 8 serюus

"" .. ". . ." ." "" " " ". " . . " " ". .
". . " .. ""." .... "" ..." . ." ". ". ".. """

4 modern ..." ..". " .. " " . "." . " ".". .." "." .""" "".. . . . " 9 pretty
5 1mpoп:ant 10 CГO\ЛJded

Напишите противоположное по значению слово.

1 younger QJ� Qr " ". . . . "" .". .. . ... .. . . . 4 better

" "" " " . " " . " "" " " " ."
".". . """. ... .. .... ". ". " " " " " .".. ." . "... .""

2 colder . . . . " 5 nearer

" " ""
. ." .. ". " .. " . """ " " " ".""" ". "" .. .".." . .""

3 ch eaper .
". . "". . ".... " ." . ". ." . . ."
". ." "". ."" ""... ... . ".". " " . .". .""""". ". . 6 eas1er

Закончите предложения. Используйте прилагательное в сравнительной степени.

1 не1 en•s car 1sn•t very ь·1g. shе \vants а " ...ьJeger ".". one.

.. ".mQr?Jr.Jt?."". .
· " ..

2 Му job isn't very inreresting. 1 wa nt to do something

." " . . ". .

3 You're nor very tall. Your brother is""".""""." " . . ".. " ". . ""..

. . " ."" . . ..
"". "". " ". " """"." .""" . . . .. .."

4 David doesn't work very hard 1 work .""""" . . .." " ".. " . .". "" .. " """ ." . . ". "" . " .

5 Му chair isn't very cnmfortaЫe. Yours is.. " "" .. . "" . . " "" .. .

" "" . "


.. " .
". . .". . ".""" ." . .". "" " . "" ". ."" ." .

6 Your idea isn'r very goud. Му idea is"" " " " " " "" " .
" " .. " .
... ." .". . ." " . . "" "".". "". . . . . "" .

7 These Aowcrs are n t very 11ice. Tne Ыuе ones arc .""."". . " ." " "

. ". "
' ."" .. ."" . ".. . "." . . ". .." ... .. ." .

8 Му bag isп'r vcry heavy. Your bag i� .. • ...".".""."".".. . " """" ..

" ." """""" """.".""...... "."..""
". . ." ". .. . " . ". ." "" . ". ...

9 l'm nor very intcre$ted in art. l'm " "" ". ". """." "." .. __ . in history.
1 о lt i�n't very wrirm today IL was .".."...... " ""...." "" .." "".".".".""". ". ...."" """"." yesterday.

" " .. ."


11 These toma toes don't taste very good. ТТ1е other ones tasted " . " "" " .". ""."" " .
. . . """ """ " " " ".. "" ". "".. . . . ."... .". . .

1 / Brirain isr1't very blg. France is" " """ ." ." ". " ..
." "" " ". ". . " . " " .
.... .." " ...." ".".. "."._.. """"." . "" "" .

13 Lundon isn't very beauriful. Paris is .. " " " " .. "

. ."".".."
.. . """"" . ." " "" ." " . . . . " " .

14 111is knifc isn'r very sharp. Do you have а""""" """ "" .."""""""""""."" ""."" . .".. one?
" . . . . .." " ". ". "
.. . .

15 People today areп't v�ry polite. ln the past tli�y were""."." .."". " " .
" . . .. . . " " .. . "
". " " " .." . .". "" "". .." "... .. " ".

16 The wearher 1sn't t:oo bad today. Often it is much .. " ". " " . " " ". " .. .. " ". . .." ".. " " " """" ""." " ". ..
". .

Переведите предложения на английский язык. ещё = even

1 Я не люблю футбол. Баскетбол интереснее. 5 Мой отец высокий, но я выше. Что (здесь)= \Л/hicl1
2 Кто старше - ты или твой брат? 6 Москва не очень краlивая. полезный = healtl1y

3 Книга плохая, но фильм ещё хуже. Петербург красивее.

4 Наша квартира маленькё:lя. Нам нужна 7 Что дешевле - мясо или рыба?
квартира побольше. 8 Пицца не очень полезна. Салат полезнее.


.; r·
' \{
.. " .•
She's taller than him. The Europa Hotel is more expensive than rhe Grand. �
°.�. �=�
�-=-� --�- ����--���::_ �
� �°!�� :_
гост и нд
После прилагательных в сравнительной степени используется than
(older than . .. / more expensive than .. . и т. д.):
О Atheпs is older than Rome. (неверно Atheпs is older Rome.)
Афины древнее Рима.
О Аге oraпges more expensive than bananas? Апельсины дороже, чем бананы?
О lt's easier со take а taxi than со take the bus. Проще доехать на такси, чем на автобусе.
о д: How are you today?
в: Not bad. Better than yesrerday. ... Лучше, чем вчера.
О The resrauraпt is more crowded than usual. . " более переполнен, чем обычно.

Обычно говорят: than me / thaп him / than her / than us / thaп them.
Можно сказать:
О 1 сап run faster than him. или 1 сап ruп faster than he сап.
О You are а better singer than me. или You are а better singer than 1 am.
О 1 got up earlier than her. или 1 got up earlier than she did.

с more/less than ". =больше/меньше (чем)".
- less than an hour.

О The film was very short MORETHANSO
... - меньше часа.
О They have more money than they пееd.
У них больше денег, чем им нужно.
О А: How much did your shoes cost? Е60?
в: No, more than that. Нет, дороже.
О You go out more than me. LESSTHAN 50
Ты ходишь развлекаться чаще меня.

·. о· а Ыt older / much older и т. д.

Вох А is а blt blgger than Вох В .

... немного больи.ю ...

Ьigger О Сапаdа is much blgger than France. . .. намного больше ...

а blt Sue is а blt older than Joe - she's 25 апd he's 24.
older О
(немного) ... немного старше ...
better than ".
much The hotel \vas much more expensive than 1 expected.
more difficult О
(намного) ... намного дороже ...
more expens1ve
О You go out much more thaп me. . .. намного чаще ...

188 ( old � older, expensive � more expensive � Раздел 88 not as ". as � Раздел 90
Напишите предложения о Кейт и Бене. Используйте than.

1 l'm 26. ) 1 l'm 24.

2 l'm not а very good swimmer. 2 l'm а very good swimmer.

З l'm 1 metre68 tall. 3 l'm 1merre63tall.

4 1 start work at 8 o'clock. 4 1 start work at 8.30.
5 1 don't work very hard. 5 1 work very hard.
6 1 don't have much money. 6 1 have а lot of money.
7 l'm а very good driver. 7 l'm not а very good driver.
8 l'm not very patient. 8 l'm very patient.
9 l'm not а very good dancer. 9 l'm а good dancer.
10 l'm vегу intelligent. 10 l'm not very intelligent.
11 1 speak French very 'Nell. 11 1 don't speak French very \vell. �-

12 1 don't go to the cinema very much. 12 1 go to the cinema а lot. '

,- --�. ,
- . .-
�-- ,.-
, ..-, .
---- ��'�

1 Касе . ...l.�.Plй.�.r..t..hrJn ��n"

.. .. . " ..."""."."". """"""""""."" "" ...
.. 7 Kate is а".""".""".""".".. " "."""" " """. "" "" ""."".""."." .""." """." " ." .. """"."• •

2 Ben . ..J.� _ g.Jz�tt..�.r "�V.{.im.m.?..r"t.h.?D"K�t..�"""""""". ..

" ""." . 8 Ben"""""""""."." """".""""""" """"."."""""""""."""."""". ""...""""""" .
3 Kate is."." ... " .. .. .. "."." " "".. . .
"" "" "" . "" ." " "". ."."" " "" ."" """ "" " " "" . ." .
" " 9 Ben" .." " " . "
"" ". ."" " " "." ". "" " ""." " "..""""." ".""". "."" .. "."
. " " " "" "" ." .
" "" .
4 �ate starts """"""""""".""""""""."""""."""." ."""" ...""."""" """ Ben. 1О Kate"""""". "".""""."."""" """"""."".""" """"""""""". """."""""""". .
5 Ben ""."". """"..""""""""""" """."".""".".."""" "".""".""""" ".""""." . 11 Kate"""""""."" .""""."""".."" """""."."". "". """."""""."."" "."""""""."" .
6 Ben has."""""" "".."""."""""."""".""""."."""". ..".""".... "."."""".""""" . 12 Ben"."."""""".".".".""""."."".""."""."".""" ." " """"""" " "" "."" " "" "" """" ." ."

Закончите предложения. Используйте than.

1 Не isn't very tall. You're t..�.!.l.?. ct.bfi1.r:J b ir или ""."" . " n"""" """" °kgJ. �r thgJ!"h�..1$.""."..
! .

2 She isn't very old. You're ""."" " ". ".". . . " ." " "" "" """. "" " " " """ " """" " ."" " "."" " ." " " ""." " ."" """ " """" " " "" " " . . . . "."
" "" " " "" ."." . "" ." " ".
" " ". "" " "" " ." . ." .

3 1 don't work very hard. You \.vork "" "" ." " "".""".".""""" """"."".""""". """.""".""""." ".".""""""""""""""""."""""..""""""""""."."""."."."."""".
4 Не doesn't watcl1 TV very much. You. " "" " . "".
". " " " """ . "" " "" . "" . """" "" "" "" "" "." " " " " "" .""""" " " " "" ." "" "" " " " "" " ." . .
"" ". " " . "" "". """ """ .
5 l'm not � very good cook. You """"."".""" . . . " " " "" "". "" . "." "" ." ." "." "" ."" ." .
"" "" """." " " . " ""."" . """ . . "
" " "." "." " """
" " " "" " "". " . "
"" ."" . "" """ . "" .
.6 We don't know many people. You""." " "" . . "" " ." " " "" "" " " " " "" " .". " . "" . """ " "" "" " " " " """"." ." " " ."."" " "
." """ "". "" ". ".". """ . "." "" " " "" . " ." " . .
" "

7 They don't have much money. You" """""""""" . .""" "" "" " " ."." " ""." ". " "" ".""." " """. """ . "
"" . """" " .""" "" "." " " """ " . """ " " """ .. ."" . "
"" """ . .
8 1 can't run very fast. You can "."."."".". . ".." "" ".""." ". """ "" " " " "." . . ". . " ".
""" " " "" " " " ." . ." ". . " " "
". " . "" ." "" " "" "" " "" " . .."
. " " "" " .
" """ " "." .. .. . .
. "". ". " ". ."

9 Sl1e hasn't been here very long. You." .""""".. """.". """"."""""."""""".""""."."""""."."" . ."""."""" ".""""""."."" ."."."..""."."."""."""""".""". .
10 They didn't get up very early. You"" " """ " " " .""
"" """". . ."" " " " ."""" " "" . "." "." . "". ". " ."."." . "" ".""" " "" . . .
"" ". " "" . " . ".
" "" " "." " . " " " " "" """ . .
11 Не \.vasn't very surprised. You .. ""."..." "" "."."".." "." ."".".. ..."" " " "" "." ". """." "."""" "."""."."." """ ""."""""".""""."."."." " "" .." " . " "."."." """ "" ." "" . ...

Закончите предложения. Используйте а blt или much +сравнительная степень (older/better и т. д.).
·1 Emma is 25. Joe is 24У2.
Em ma � � "И � u l.��. r. t.bgJ!" J.9.�"""".
"".J " � .

2 Jack's motl1e1· is 52. His farher is 69.

Jack's mother""""""""" . . ." ". " .."" """" """ " """""""" "" ." """ "" . " """ " "" " " .
3 Му camera cosL f120. Yours cost ЕЛ2.
Му carnera " " """""""""." .
. """"." . " " "" """" " "" " .
" " "" " "" " "" .. ". " " "
" "

4 Yesterday 1 r�lt rcrriЫe. Today 1 feel ОК.

1 feel"" """ " .
" "
." " .
".""." ". . ". . " " ." " ""
" " ." """". "
" """." "" " " """" "" "" ."". " " "" " " " """ " "" " " " """ "" " "." " ." . . " " " """". " ." . "" . ." """ " " ". "" " "" " . " "."." " .
S loday the tempcrature is 12 de gre es Yesterday it was 10 degrees. .

lt's."""""" . " . "" .

"""" " " ". . " .
"" . ."."" . ""
" ."" ".". ..". ." """ " "" "" "" " " "" "" " ""." " """ " """ """". ""."" ""." "" ". " "." .. """"."" . " ". " ." " ."
" ."." " ". " ." . . "
" """ " """" ..
6 Sarah is an excellent tennis player. l'm not very good.
Sarah". "" " " """" " "" "
" ". "" .""" "" . " "
" " . ". ". "
" ". " " "" . "." "" ". " "" . """ "" . ." ."" " "
". "" " ." ". " " ."" "" ""
" " " """" """" . "" . .
"" " """" ."" " .. " " "." "". " "
" ." " """ " "."" " .

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1 Чёрные туфли дороже коричневых туф ель. 6 Собаки умнее кошек. умный = intelligent

2 У моих родителей дом больше, чем у нас. 7 Кинотеатр менее переполнен, чем обычно.
3 Сегодня значительно теплее, чем вчера. 8 Кембридж мне нравится намного больше
4 Тим немного старше, чем его сестра. Лондона.
5 Эта книга очень длинная. Она больше 600 страниц.

О Rome is not as old as Athens.
Рим не Г!)акой древний, как Афины.
О The Grand Hotel isn't as expensive as the Europa.
Гостиница "Гранд"не токая дорогая, как "Европа':
О 1 don't play tennis as often as you.
Я не играю в теннис так же часто, как ты.
С) The \veat:her is better than it \vas yesterday. lt isn't as cold. . .. Не так холодно.
•j> • " ....
,.,., - ... .
....,,.; ,
. _. _." _ .....,,......-
-· "
••� •••••• "

. . . в· not as much as . .. / not as many as . .. = не так много, как ."

О 1 don1t have as much money as you.
У меня денег не так много, как у тебя.
О 1 don't kno\v as many people as you.
Я не знаю так много людей, как ты.
О 1 don't go out: as much as you.
Я не хожу развлекаться так часто, как ты.

Сравните not as ... as и than:

О Rome is not as old as At:hens.

At:hens 1s older than Rome.

О Tennis isn't as popular as football. Теннис не такой популярный, как футбол.

Football is more popular than tennis. Футбол более популярен, чем теннис.

О 1 don't go out as much as you. Я не xolf\y развлекаться так часто, как ты.
You go out more than me. Ты ходишь развлекаться чаще меня.

. . . -·

D Обычно говоµнт: as me / as him / а� her и т. д.

Можно сказать:
О She's not as old as him. или Shc's not as old as he is.
О You doп't \vork as hard as me. или You doп't \vork as hard as 1 do.

the same as ... = .

такой же, кок .. / тот же, что и ...
О The weather today is the same as yesterday.
Погода сегодил токая же, кок вчера.
О Му hair is the same colour as yours.
Мои волосы такого же цвета, как твои.
О 1 arrived at the same time as Tom.
Я приехало в то же время, что и Том.

190 ( much/many _.Раздел 84 older than ... / more expensive than . . . _.Раздел 89 )
Посмотрите на картинки и напишите предложения об А, В и С.
---· ·--- .... ··· --··--1,--· ·-
· ·-- · �


1 1Ш i

.. --·-·-····----
с i·
-· · ··· ----l
·· ········- ·
---�- ---·

1 don't \�юrk lwork t


А 1
'------· ---- - -�
. 1 " j

- . • -

." .,,,_,.
... ... - ••" ....,. __.",.,,..." ...
-.� � "_
... ... .... ...___ �

1 is . ".. b.[gg�r.t..h�n. .(;, �.ч"J(. . o.Qt:. a.�..e!g. g.�" f?.""". """"". "" " ". "" ".. ""
. " " . . " """"" .. " " " "" "" "".
"" "" . . . " " " ". """ """ "" "."" ." """" "". ""
" " " . .
2 is "" " " """" ""
. . . .".""""..""""""."""""" ".""." "".""""."". В, but not """""". "".""""".."""."""". ""."."""""" "".""""".". .""".".. """."""""" """ С.

3 С is "."". """ "" " """"" " ""."""""""""

is ".""""" .."". """""" """""""""". """"".

В �1as got " """ """" ... "
""""" """"."""""".

""""."" А, but"" ""." """ " "". ""..""" """"""""""""""""". "."""".""""".".""""" """""" ..
""""." . , but" """" ""
." "

"" " """."".""".. ".""""""""""""..." """""""""."" ."""." "."."" "."".


""""".""""""" """"" """."."""".".""""""" """"""""."". ."""."."."."""""."."." """""""". ".""""""". ".".".."."""."""".".". """"".".

6 С vvorks """"." """""" "..." "" "
. ." "" "" ."".
"" " . """"." "".""" " """
. " " " "" """." " """"
" .. "" ""."""" .""" "" " ". "
" " " "" "" ". " " """". ." """ "" ". """."" "". .

Напишите предложения, используя a s ... as ....

1 Athens is older tl1an Rome. Rome ."."J.�r.J.'ir..f?!S"9.k�.?? A�h§Ilf?.""""" ". " "" .". "" " " "" """." " "" ". " " . . " ."." "". """"""". . "

2 Му ruom is Ьigger than y ours. Your room isn't ".".".". " " ." ." "" "
" . . """""" ""." "" "" ".". " " ".. . " " """. "" ""
"." "" """" . " .
3 You got up earlier than me. 1 didn't """."." ""."". " " ".". " "" .. . """ "."""" ." " . " """ ". "" "". " ." "" " " " " ".
" ."" . ." """" . . . "" " " "" " " .
4 We play ed better than tl1em. They ." "" .". ".. "." ." . . " "" .
" - " """" """" " . " " " "" ".
" . " " ""." """""""".. "". "" """ " "" . . " " " " .

5 l've been here longer than you. YoL1 .." """" . """ "" .
" . "" "" ".. ". " " ". "" "" " .
. "" ". " . "" . " "" " ."".
" " """. " ." . " " " " ". " " "" " " .
6 She's n1ore nervous than hin1. Не"."".""."""." ".."." " ." . ." . " ."". . ." "
" " "" "" " " .""" "... "" " ""
" """ "" """. " " " " "
" " " "" " "" " " .

Вставьте в пропуски as или than.

1 Athens is older ." " ". 1�h� n .. . . " " Rome. 5 Joe isn't as intellig�nc """. ""."""" """. . "". l1e Lt1inks.
2 1 don't \Vatcl1 TV as mllch "" """" """" ."""""" yoll. " 6 Belgiuп1 i� smaller """."" .. """ """. Swiczerland.
3 You eat more "" "" "" ." " .. . .".". те.
" "" 7 Brilzil isn't as Ьig """" """ "".. "."" .. Canada.
Lt l'm more tired today " .". "". "."""""""". 1 \ivas yesterdiЗy. 8 1 can't wait longe r ".""""".
. ".""" "" an l1our.

CD Закончите предложения о Джулии, Энди и Лоре. Используйте the same age / tl1e samc street и т. д.

l'm ?.2. f'm24. l'm24.

1 livc it1 Hill 5trtюt. l llvo ln B�ke1A Stп�et·
: l livв lr1 Hill Strcct.
lgot1Jpat7.15. 1 got LJpat 7.15. 1 got up a·t; 7.45.
1 doм't lыve а cor. Му c�r 16 dark Ыuе. 1 have а car. lt's dark t;lue.
.. .. -.:
-- -. .-
__, ...--

Julia A11dy Laura

1 (age ) An�y,J�"t.t!.�"g;a 11.1.�.Л.gР."а s".�.�щ.r.g"" "."". "" " """" " " """ ".".." . " "" "" "".""" """ .. . " ""."
" """.". " " "" " " ." " ""
". " . " "" "" " . .

2 (sr:reet) Julia lives.. "" """" . .."" " ". "" "" ".
"" . " .." "" " "" ."""" ". " """. . .". ."" """.
"" " " """ " "" """ " ..""" """" " ". " " " ". .
"" " " " " " " " " " ". ". "

3 (time) Julia gor up """"" "". " " ". ""."""" ". """ .. "" ".." " " .." ""." ".."" " ..."" ". . " "" " " ." """ """ "" . "" ""."". "." "." ".. .
" . " " " .".." ". "" " " " . "" " " .

" (colour) Andy's""."""""" .""."".""".. ." .. """ "" ."."" "" "" " """." " ". ."""""" . " .". "" ." " " "" ". """. " .. " " . " .. " """" . " ." . """ ". .
. " " " " " " " " ." " " " "" . . " .

fD Переведите предложения на английский язык. вставать= get up

1 Антон высокий, но он не такой высокий, 6 Я не ем так много конфет, как ты. ожидать = ехресс

как его брат. 7 У Линды не так много кошек, как у конфета = sweet
2 Я встал в то же время, что и ты. её тёти .

3 Вы ходили в ту же школу, что и я? 8 Его новые фильмы не такие хорошие,

4 Ужин не был таким дорогим, как я ожидал. как его старые фильмы.
5 Дерево в нашем саду выше нашего дома.

(Per room per night)
Europa Hotel f150 Grosvenor f110

Grand Hotel f130 Bennets f100

Royal f120 Carlton f98

Astoria f115 Star f85 "


Palace f115 Station f75 �

Вох А is Ьigger than Вох В.

Вох А is Ьigger than all the ocher boxes.

The Europa Hotel is more expensive than the Grand.

The Europa Hotel is more expensive than all the other hotels
Коробка А больше других коробок. in the ci cy. ... дороже, чем все другие гостиницы в городе. t
Вох А is the Ьiggest Ьох. The Europa Hotel is the most expensive hotel in the city.
Коробка А - самая большая коробка. Гостиница "Европа" - самая дорогая гостиница в городе.
·""\'·:.f'1-,.•;�>>���-''J."t-$.��")�;.#-'-.""" �"1'\�"�����'S�'"'nv.-.."">�"':�
� . �#1���.у.,.-:r:r��f"�,
; · ��t"r :"
- >. ���..-r--�,� ·
: ''
! "Q 1/ff.�.,._'
':' '

Bigger / more expensive и т. д. - прилагательные в сравнительной степени (-? Раздел 88).

Biggest / most expensive и т. д. - прилагательные в превосходной степени.

Превосходная степе1iь образустсн при помощи -est (oldest) или most ... (most expensive).

. ·
. . . . в
Прилагательные, состоящие из одного слога (old/cheap/nice и т. д)
. -? the -est:
old---) the oldest cf1eap � the cheapest пiсе � the nicest
но good � tl1e best bad � the worst
Правописание(---) Приложение 5): Ьig ---) rhE:' Ьiggesr. f1ot � [he l1ottest

Прuлагатель11ые, оканчивающиеся на -у (easy/heavy и т. д.) � the -iest:

easy � the easiest heavy ---) the heaviest рrепу � the prettiest

/{линные прилагательные (careful/expensive/interesting и т. д.) � the most ".:

careful � the most careful inrereяing ---) the most interesting

.. С. Обратите внимание: the oldest ... / the most expensive ... и т. д. (артикль the обязателен)
О The church is very old. lt1s the oldest bui\ding in the town.
.. . Это самое старое здание в городе.
О What is the longest river in the world?
Какая река самая длинная в мире?
О Money is important, but it isn't the most important thing in life.
. . . но не самая важная вещь в мире.
n Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?
". где ближайший банк?
-. о/·� Словосочет_ония the oldest / the best / the most expensive и т. д. можно использовать без
О Luke is а good player, but he isn't: the best in the team.
. . . но он не лучший в команде.

- . . . .
Е'' Превосходная степень + l've ever ... / you've ever ... и т. д. :
О The film was very bad. 1 think it:'s the worst film l've ever seen.
. . . Я думаю, это был худший фильм, который я когда-либо видела.
О What: is the most unusual thing you've ever done?
... самая необычная вещь, ... вы когда-либо делали?

192 ( presen[ perfecr + ever·-t Раздел 18 older / more expensive " Разделы 88-89
Напишите предложения� используя прилагательные в сравнительной (older и т. д.) и
превосходной степени (the oldest и т. д.).

(A/D) ""..A..!P..P..!gg�r. ·�.0. gЛ. .12".............................." ." . . . . . . ... .. .. . . . . .
. . ... . .. . . . . .".... ... .

(А) .
"....t.\.iP.J.b.� t?.!g,gQ.;?t.".................... " " "
. " " .. ... ....... . . ..." . ...... . .

(В) ...... 12 !� t-.b.� �m@.!).�_�t:�......................................".. ... .. .. . "

.. .. .. .. .
. . . . .
.. ... "..........

(С/А) С is ".........."...................."...." ........"." ...."..."" ..."""......".".".... "...."""" ..... А.

(D) D is .......... ...... " ....... .

.......... . ............. .. . . " . " "" .. . ."
. . ".. "... .. .. ... . .
" ."." "". .. . .... .. .

(В) В.... """."" ." . ........... .. . .." ....""""" ..". . . . . ..

" . . . .. . ........ ...................... " ...... .

1 young/old
(О/С) О .. .
. . . ..... ... .. ..... . .
.. .. . .. .
. .. ... ". . ... ... ... . . . " "" . . ". . .. . . . . ... "
... .. . . ..... . . .. . .
. . . " .. . ......... . ." .... . . ..

(В) ..
. ....... """ . .
............................ ....... ... "................. " . " " " ............... . ......... . ... ...... . .......

(С) .......... . ". ". ". .."..... """" . """""" " " ""
." ""
" ".. . . " " "" " . ... ...". . . .. ........ ." . ". "". .". . " ......

4 expensive/cheap
(О/А) " . . .".. . "" . . "
. ... .. .".. . .. ." ".
.. ...... ." " ."...""
.. . ....... ".... "............. ".... .. ." ."
... " .. "..... " . . ..
. . . ... "
(С) ." . ....."........ ".. ".. ".... ".. ".. "........................... .............. ......................................... . .....

(А) " " ...... """..." .....•....... " .. . .". . . ".

.". . ". .. .
.... . ..... ...... .."....... " ...." . .... . .... .....................

5 good/bad
(А/С) .." .. . . . . . . "" "
. ............. ............. .. . . . ...... ............... ...................................

(А) ......" . " . . . ..""" "" """ "".."".."" .."". "" ". . .
. .. .. ""
.. .. " .. . ... ". . . . . . " .. .... " ..... ". " .

(D) "."" ." "" ". ..." """.""" .. .. ". . ..

. . . . "" . .. ." .. . .. . . . ... . .. . ... . ... . .
.............. ............

Заполните пропуски. Используйте прилагательные в превосходной степени (the oldest и т. д.).

1 This building is very old. lr's " tJJ.$. Q.ld..c.P.t. Q!JJ.!d.iпв in the to\�n. .." .. . ........

2 lt was а very happy day. lt was . ".".......... "............"""."..... "...."" ...."........" ....... . .............. of my life.

З lt's а very good film. lt's " .............

" ....... . . "...."..."." .."" .... "."" ... l've ever seen.
4 She's а very popular singer. She's " """ "..".."."""""""""..."."..."...".. "...... . . iri t�1e coш1try.
5 lt wa s а very bad mistake. lt was .."..." ......" """. ........." ..""...."."""""."""""".""".."" .. l'vc cvcr made.
6 lt's а very pretty villa ge. lt's ....." ...."""."."".."""..........."."...."" ...."...""............ "... .. l've ever seen.
7 lc was а very cold day. lt was ...."""...."....""..."... "......" .." ....." ."."."..... "."." .."""""""" of the year.
8 He's а very boring person. Hc's ........ .... " "."...... ".......... "..................".........". l've e ver met.

81 Напишите предложения с прилагательными в превосходной степени (the longest и т. д.).

Используйте слова и з всех рамок.
� r.h -....___ .,-'' -
,,.-- - · · - - ···-- �
- -п

-, ( Africa �
-Sydney- Alasl<a 1 high ) country Sou h

( -r1ver

1 1 j -Australia the world

Everest the Nile ! large city state ·

\..� ���.!__.}_�- �!�.��- �-����../ , mountain planet ) \,.��.е USA tl1: solar system
1 " f2Y4r.t.§.Y. !;.iJh� .�rgP.?.k q!:ty.Jл.Aµ.��r.�Jia... " .. ..
.". . . . J . .. . 4 ......"... ... . .. . " ... . . " ." .. .
. . . " "" " . . " .
... ."... ..... . . . ..... .."...... " ....". . ....... . .. .......... . ..".." "
2 .. . . . .. . .
[verest ............................ " . ... . . . "".. .. ". ". . ". .. . "" "" . . "
. ". .. .. .... . . ..... . ..... .. 5 .............................. .................................................." . . ... ..... .. ... . . . " .. ... .. .. .. .
.. .. ... .. . ..

3 " . . .
............... . . . ... . . .. . .
. . .. .. ..... . ... ........ . .. . . " ."
............................ . .... ......... ...... .......... . 6 ......... "........ " .........

Переведите предложения на английский язык. Какая (здесь)= Which

1 Футбол - самый популярный спорт в мире. заказать= order

2 Это худшая книга, которую я когда-либо читал. блюдо= dish

на экзамене= in the exam
З Давай зайдём в ближайший супермакет.
4 Гари заказал самое дорогое блюдо в ресторане.
5 Какая страна самая жаркая: Франция, Испания или Италия?
6 Я думаю, что это лучший итальянский ресторан в Лондоне.
7 Люси - самый интересный человек. которого я знаю.
8 Вопрос 2 был самым простым на экзамене.
l've only got ftvв pound� -
tюt enough for а taxi.

She isn't going со take а raxi. Не can'c reach che shelf.

She doesn't have enough money. Не isn't tall enough.
У неё недостаточно денег. Он недостаточно высокий.

enough +существительное (enough money / enough people и т.д.)

О А: ls chere enough milk in your coffee? В твоём кофе достаточно молока?
в: Yes, rhank you.
О We wanced со play foocball, but we didn't have enough players.
... но у нос было недостаточно игроков.
О Why don't you buy а саг? You've goc enough money.
. . . У тебя достаточно денег.

enough без существительного

О l've gor some money, but noc enough со buy а саг.
... но недостаточно, чтобы купить машину.
О А: Would you like some more со ear?
о: No, thanks. l've had enough. Нет, спасибо. Я сыт. (букв.съел достаточно)
О You're al\vays ас home. You don't go out enough.
.. . Ты мало появляешься в обществе.(букв .... ты не выходишь из дома достаточно)

прилагательное+ enough (good enough / tall enough и т.д.)

О л: Shall we sit outside?
в: No, it isn't warm enough. (неверно enough warm) ".недостаточно тепло.
О Can you hear the radio? ls it loud enough for you? ." достаточно громко". ?
О Oon't buy that coat. lr's nice, but it isn't long enough. ... оно недостаточно длинное.
enough +существительное но прилагательное +enough

enough money tall enou g h

enough time good enough
enough people old enough
. . . .


D Можно сказать:

enough for somebody/something

О This pullover isn't blg enough for me.
Этот свитер мне мал. (букв.недостаточно большой)
О 1 don'r have enough money for а пеw car.
Умс' 1я недостаточно денег на новую мишину.

enough to do somcrhing О 1 don't have enough money to buy а new car.

У меня недостаточно денег, чтобы купить ...
О ls your English good enougl1 to have а conversation?
Твой английский достаточно хорош, чтобы вести беседу?

enough for somebody/something О There aren't enough chairs for everybody to sit down.
to do something Здесь недостаточно стульев, чтобы все могли сесть.

194 ( to . и for ... -+ Раздел 55

. . too _. Раздел 93
Посмотрите на картинки и закончите предложения. Используйте enough + слова из рамки:
----·· ·--· ---· ··--- -------

chairs -meney- paint wind .

. ---- --- - · -- ···-- - -···-· - _"

1 She doesn't: have .. .

. .. ?..IJ.Qцgh .m.Q.П�.Y" .....
. . ... ... ..."......."....... ".... . 3 She doesn't: have .... " " " .. " ..... " ". " . " .
. " . .. " "" .. .. "." . "" . .. ".
" . . ". ... ". ." " . ". ".". .

2 There aren't .. . ......................... .. ...... ............. :.........."."....."..""".".."".""".". 4 There isn't .." . . .... " ". ..
".. " . . " . " . "" . ." ."
... ". . .. " " .. ". " """
. .." " " .
" .." .. " " ". .

8 Посмотрите на картинки и закончите предложения. Используйте прилагательные из

рамки + enough:

, blg long
---· - - -strong - ".. .··-·-· . - "". /

" -
(Ш !Ш

1 Не ".."!�r.J1.t§.!J§rJ Qцgh
. . "". . ." ".. " . " ."..
". . . " ..." " " ." . . " "" ." " "" ." .
. . " ". " .. 3 His legs aren't ." " .... ...... . ...... . .

2 Thecar."."... ..... .. "" .. " ."" ." "" ." " "
" " "
". .. ..
.. . " . . 4 Не".." ". . " "...... ." .. . ..... " " "". " .. .. "." .. " ."." . .
" . .. . . . ...".. . . . "" " .
". . " . ... """. . . . ".."" .
. . " . . .

D Закончите предложения.
Используйте enough
+ слова из рам1{и:

· -- · - ... " - " - ··- · --
- -- ------·------ ···' --·....

. blg
. ... .. "..."..·
·· · ... -
� - ·.
... ....--..-,..._ .�...
- ·--.·· · ···"'" • ·
-mШЕ- ····-.··
".... .." ... " " . . . . . . . . .
. .. . ·- --···· -- -----· ---�
··-- -
-- -- -- -·-
- ---
time tired
- -

1 'ls tl1ere ....�Ш"m!.I.� .

.. .... in your coffee?' 'Yes, thank you.'
2 Can you hcar chc radio? ls it " п.цd. � tJQЧg h ". for yotJ? .. . .! . . . ..

3 Не can leave school if he wants - he's " .".. " """ " . . ". " " ". ".". " "
. .. " " . "" " "" ". " "" "" ".
" " "." "."" "" " .

4 Wl1e11 1 visiced Rоп1е, 1 didn'r l1ave .." ......."". ".".".. "".".. ."..".. ". . ".. "." ............ ............... to see all the things 1 wanted to see.
5 This house isn't ".""".".""""""""""""." ... ""." " " " " . "
" ".. ." """ .." . .. " .. . . for а large family.

6 Tina is very thin. She doesn't .. . " .. ".. .

..".. ... ..... . " . .

7 Му orГite i� very srтli)ll. l l1ere isп'r ." " . .." .. . " ". . . . .. .. .. " " ..... . .. . ... . ..... ... .. . ..... .. ......... ... ..... . ... .... . .

8 lt's late, but 1 don't want to go to bed now. l'm noc """""".""""."."" """ .. " "...... . . . .... ".... . . . ..... . ... .. .

9 Lisa isn't а very good tennis player bec()use she doesn't ... . " " . . ".... . ..". ... . . . ... .... .. .... .. ..... .... ." .. " ."" . "
.. .... . . . .

С8 Заполните пропуски. Используйте enough +слова в скобках: -------

1 We do11't l1ave " .". �r::in.Jgh

. 1 .. ma.o�Y..:!(Q �!Ш. .. ."..... ". "... ".... .. " . " " ". ".""". """""".""""""...."""""..""""."" ..". а rн�w tar. (rпurн�y/buy)
2 This kr1ife isn't " " " " .""".". "." .."".".""."........................"....... "....."..... "".....""". . "".."...
" "..".". .."...".". ..."..." . .......... .". romatoes. (sharp/cut)
З Тhе water wasn't ..... ...... ".. .."..". ."...... "... . ..""". ".. ".. . "."......................"."" ......"...""."." sw1mm1ng. (warm/go)
4 Оо we have ..... ........ ... .. . ..."." .... ".. "...." "........ ."......"............. sandwiches? (bread/make)
S We played wcll, bLtt not ............ ...... " .... . ... .. . . . ....... ......" .... the gam e. (wel l /wi n)
6 1 don't l1ave . .. ".м "" "."
. . "•• ""• ••••••• • ••••••"• ••••" " "• • "•••"" .""••""".""••••"" ••"•••••••••••" ••"••••••••••••••• "•••••• " . "......... •••••• " "" ••• newspapers. ( time /read)

- Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1 У Бориса дuс1а ючно .ценег на билет. 5 Саша учит немецкий, но она упражняться = p rac t ise

2 Кевин недостаточно взрослый, чтобы упражняе-rся недостаточно. отч ёт = repor t

водить машину. 6 Этот ресторан достаточно

3 Моё старое пальто было недостаточно хороший для твоей вечеринки?
тёплым для зимы. 7 Я не могу закончить отчёт сегодня.
4 Мы хотим купить дом. Наша квартира У меня недостаточно времени.
недостаточно большая. 8 У нас достаточно кофе, но недостаточно чашек.

.'.·. -_ ..
1 •
. д-
• ,

-. .
. -. ...в too +прилагательное / наречие (too blg / too hard и т. д.)
lt's too loud. :
. - .

О Can you t:urn the music down? lt's too loud.

/J ·

� · ·-$
, ·"'', .

J- ·-
. .

!� >.
Вы можете сделать музыку потише? Она слишком громко играет
- �,.'�
- -��
О 1 can't work. l'm too tired.
J _ J�
Я не могу работать. Я слишком устал.
О 1 think you work too hard. 1' f:·
��(�-�,.-J.@ .·15

Я думаю, ты работаешь слишком много.

_.-- ··- too much / too many = слишком много:

О 1 don't like the weather here. There is too much rain.
. .. слишком часто идёт дождь. (букв. слишком много дождя)
О Let's go to another rcstaurant. There аге too mапу people here_ . Здесь слишком много народу. . .

О Emily studies all the time. 1 rl1ink sl1e studies too much. . .. занимается слишком много.
О Traffic is а proЫem in this rown. There are too many cars. ... Здесь слишком много машин.

Сравните too и not enougl1:

О ThP. hat i� too Ьig for l1im. ... велика ".

(l ll1e music is too loud. Can you turn it down? . . . слишком громко играет . . .
О There's too much sugar in my coffcc. . .. и1иш1юм м11ого сахара ".
О 1 don't feel very well. 1 ate too much. ". слишком много.

too blg велик(-а/-о/-и)

-------�"·-� ------- ·

• О Т11е l1at isn't blg enough for him. ... ему мала. (букв. недостаточно большая) ��·
" (J The m usic isn't loud enough. Can you turn it up? ... . . . �1
недостаточно громко играет
Л�� О 111ere's поt enough sugar in my coffee. . .. недостаточно r.axann . .. �

//J)� 'i��\,-i�
О You're very thin. You don't eat enough.
. . Ты ешь слишком мало \1
.l' недостаточно).
not Ьig enough мал(-а/-о/-ы) }
� �.�t;,
. .�\
" \P
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� �
\ к: '"':.�
0 :-- .

� �"�� '?

� "
�: :
��� '\
' ��
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� ·
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l jl�
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A I Cc 'l(",ot.# 1l " �.t)ou 11.-,• • rW,N1<1•n 1 1• 1....1l•#rn•111••JN•11h1_,,-,,�,-fl111##'111>l1нl1n11•l1п;.,t ч•#• •�Л·,;_.._.. J.w.г___.,_.....,_,_._._, _,, �,;��4 0/.a..!.i Nof.l: ._k 10.� •-'o#i:i'"l•••..ft:lll"ooJ•l1'''• • ••• fl'r�?1'f'"l'lol \ l: •i'",l#
• t�#Al, Ali •' /'�• t

.. -:--

• .·: 1 " Можно сказать:
"·· '. .
-- - ·..... .

О These shoes are too Ьig for me. . .. мне велики.

too ... for somebody/something
О lr's а small house too small for а (arge family.
. .. - слишком маленький для большой семьи.

too ". to do somerhing О l'm too tired to go out. (неверно for go out)
Я слишком устал, чтобы куда-то идти.

too ... for somebody to do О l t's too cold to sit outside.

something Слишком холодно, чтобы сидеть на улице.
О She speaks too fast for me to understand.
". слишком быстро, чтобы я могла её понять.

196 ( to " . и for .

. . -+ Раздел 55 much/many _. Раздел 84 enough _. Раздел 92
Посмотрите на картинки и закончите предложения. Используйте too +слова из рамки:

blg crowded
-�--- - - .----- - -- --·�·�-· �- - , � - - " - · - · · · · ····
fast heavy
-leud- low )

1 Тhе music is . .. t..OQ 1.Qu.e..................... . . . . . . .... . .. . . .

. .. .. ". . ... ... .... .... ..... .... ....... . 4 She's driving ."... ".". ...... ..... "."........................... .............. .................. . " .. .
.. .. ... .. .
2 Тhе Ьох is ." .. . . " . ... ... . " . . .. ". . .. ... " " . " "" . .".. " . " ." .. . .
. . .. .. ... ... .. . .. . .. .. . ... ..... . ... . .. .. . .. . . 5 His jacket is ........................................ "... ............. ..... ." .... . . . ". "
.. " "
......" .. " "...

3 Тhе net is " .. ." . . .. . ".

·········-························"..........."............. .. . ..... "... . ......... ...... . 6 Тhе museum is .......... ".. ..... . ." .. ."..... .. .
.. .
............. .............. " . ." ". . .
.. . . ... . ... ..."..

llJ Вставьте too / too much / too many или enough.

1 You're always at home . You don't go out . .?tl.Q_цg_h".".. .. ..

2 1 don' t 1·k ' "...too

1 е th е weat her here. Тheres " ...."much
" ... ."." rain.

3 1 can't wait for them. 1 don't have ....... "".". """ """ ......"" time.
4 There was no\vhere to sit on the beach. There were ...".".."........""." ......"..".....".."....."people.
5 You're always tired. 1 rhink you \vork "."." ".. ".....".".".. ".. "...... ".....""...hard.
6 'Did you have """..."" """." ."...". . ...." .... ". to eat?' 'Yes, thank you:
7 You drink . "." ."""". "".."" .""". "........""".coffee. lt's not good for you.
8 You don't eat . " ..." ."..." " ... ". ." ..... "..".........vegetaЬles. You should eat more.
9 1 don't like the weather here . lt's ..."..""."."""".""...".."....."...".."""cold .
10 Our team didn't play well. We made ""......."." ....."........" ..""."..".."..."..mistakes.
11 'Would you like some milk in your tea?' 'Yes, but not ..." . . . " .. . . " . . ... .. . . . . .. . .. . .". .. .. " ". " '.

f8 Закончите предложения. Используйте too или enough +слова в скобках: -------.

1 1 couldn't work. 1 ..jYg_�"tQQ_:k.i.r:-§0." . .

.. . ..... "....."....."...."........" ........." ........"""." ........"."......."" .... ".......".." ....""...".... .".."" "..." .." ". (tired)
2 Can you turn the radio up, please? lt .."..i.�r.(:t�:.!Q.ЩJ.§ЛQЧgJ1." . "" ..."."."."."..."". ".."" ......."." " ..."" " ....". .""... (loud) . ...

3 1 don't want to walk home . lt's ."........ "."....."... ""."......" .........."...."."...." ""...... ."..""." "".."" ."..". ""....".. ""..."""."....".".."... (far)
4 Don't buy anything in thar shop. lt ......."."......."...........".."....".."."..................""........."... ......"." "... "." """.".. ..".."" ."...... .. ..". (expe11sive)
5 You can't put all your things in this bag. lt ." ........." ...........""......."....".......""........."" ""...."..
. ....".." . ."..."" ......... ." .....". . ... (blg)
6 1 couldn't do the exercise. lt ...."" ....................".".........." ........................" ....... "."".....". "...."." ....... " ..".".. ".".... ."."". """"...".".. (difficult)
7 Your \vork needs со Ье betrer . lt ......" ..." ........."........"."... ......" ........ "." ".". ...."... ".. . (good)
8 1 can't talk to you now. 1 .."....""... .....""""".....".....""." ..........."..........""........"........." ... "....." ....."."..."" .."......" ........... ""."..... "."........"......... (busy)
9 1 tl1ou�/1t t/1e film \VaS /·юring . lt. .. ".." " ...... ····-··· . . . . .. . .""."." ...".""""..""".""..""" ..""....." "....."...."......." . ... . (long)
.. . .... . .

8 Закончите предложения. Используйте too (+прилагательное)+to ....

1 not going out / cold)
(l'm lt's.... �ЧР �!.Pk� .��.?.�юлч.�".." "" ."""" " " " . ." " " " "
. . " .. .. .. " .. . .
. .. . . . . .. " .." .. " ....... ." ............ .. . . . " . ....

2 (l'in поt going to bed / early) lt's. ". "" "" " . .
". . ... . . .. " . " . . . . ." . .."" "".. " " . .

3 ( rhcy'rc nor gccring marricd / young) Тhey're .. . ". ".." " "... "" "".."" . ". .."" . " . ." "" ."" . "" ... " .." .
.. .." .... .... " . . . .. . " .
. . . .. . ..... . . .... ....... . . .... ............. . .. .. .

4 (nobody goes out at night / dangerous) lt's . . " . . .. " . . .." . . . " . " " . " .
. ...... ... . ... ...... . . .. . .. . ". . . . . . . . .
". ....... . ... ... .. . .. .. ......... . .................. ..... .......... .... ... ..... .. . ...

S (don't pl1one Sue ПО\V / late) lr's ···············-···················'". " " .... ""... " .................... " .. "................................................. - ··········-················ · .

6 (1 didn't: say anything / surprised) 1 was .. " ""

. "..... "" "" """" ".. . " ..." .". ... .." . . ..
." .". . . .. .. .. .. .. ... . ..... "" . . "" ."" " "" ." ." . "" " .". . . " ."".
. .. . .. . . .. ... .. .. .. " .

CD Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя too. летом = in summer

1 Эти джинсы мне малы.

2 Мне не понравился фильм Он был слишком дли� 111ый.

З Вчера я вы пи л слишком много кофе.

4 Алина всегда устаёт. Она работает слишком много.
5 Мы хотели купить тот компьютер, но он был слишком дорогой.
6 Летом здесь слишком много туристо в .
7 Вчера было слишком жарко, чтобы идти на пляж
8 "В твоём чае слишком много молока?" - "Нет, недостаточно!"

В английском языке фиксированный порядок слов.
Каждое слово должно стоять на определённом месте.


Yegor caught а blg fish.

{ Егор поймал большую рыбу.
Егор большую рыбу поймал.
Поймал Егор большую рыбу.

подлежащее + глагол + дополнение

Anna � bought some new shoes yeяerday. Анна купила новые туфли вчера.
1 1 1
подлежащее глагол дополнение

Подлежащее (Anna) ставится перед глаголом (bought).

Сразу после глагола (bought) обычно ставится дополнение

(some new shoes). Нужно говорить:

О Anna bought some new shoes yesrerday.

(неверно An na bought yesterday some nevv shoes)


(подлежащее) (дополнение)
Л��� f'•r..-"�t••J•p1;" ,"".,-,.:_,�.ц,.......- �
• ·;
" ." �·4 �� ��,.
_."ll �':'�'
.., \ ••• ·.,..��':-�� ·�н·}- �
подлежащее +глагол + дополнение?

Anton speal<s English very \vell. Антон очень хорошо говорит по-английски.
1 like ltalian food very much. Л очень люблю ита11ьн11скую еду.
Did you watch TV all evening? Вы весь вечер смотрели телевизор?
1 isa phones her mother every day. Лиза каждый день звонит с:воf.!й матери.
\Ne invited а lot of people t:o the party. Мы пригласили на вечеринку много народу.
1 opened the door slowly. Я медленно открыла дверь.
l'm going со borrow some money from а friend. Я одолжу у подруги денег.

-с место и время

'vVe went to а p�rty last night

1 1 �-
куда? когда?
Место действия (wt1ere?) обычно ставится перед временем дейсmАия (wl1en?): \:
О We went: to а party last night. (неверно We went last 11igt1t L<> а рапу)

Мы ходили на вечеринку вчера вечером. f·
. !'t
� rt
11n�"" H,__,�-
,,., "� »�
· ·" ·t,.nl'l>"'JJ!bl" �NU�.#f 1-•С-""1: ""t"-· ·' ?��l
./V� ��� �"
� ··�> ';;:;:9 tBJ'tpj���-�f.'Y���j���
место + время
(где? куда?) (когда? как долго? как часто?)

Lisa vvalks to work every day. Каждый день Лиза ходит на работу пешком.
Will you Ье at home this evening? Сегодня вечером вы будете дома?
1 usually go to bed early. Обычно я рано ложусь спать.
We arrived at the airport at 7 o'clock. Мы прибыли в аэропорт в 7 часов.
They've lived in the same house for 20 years. Они 20 лет живут в том же самом доме.
Joe has been in hospital since June. Джо лежит в больнице с июня.

198 ( rюрядок слов в вопросах� Разделы 45-47 always/usually/often и т. д. � Раздел 95

В некоторых предложениях допущена ошибка. Где нужно, исправьте ошибку.

1 Did you watch �? .." ..D.J.q.Y,QЧ..W.g:f&h..ТV a..!1

. "�v�n.i.og?..".""".""""""".. . .. " .. .. "" .. .. "" """. "" "" "" " " "

2 Sue bought some new shoes yesterday. """9.15""."""""."""""" """" """ "" "" .. .." ."""""" """""" """"""".."""""" . " . " " "" " " """"" ""

3 1 like very much this picture. """""""". . ."" " ." " " . ."" " . " ". " " .
" " .". . ... ". """"" . ."."""""
"" ""." "" " "" """ " "" " " " " "" " "" "" " " " "

4 Tom sraпed last week his new job. ".. ...... ..... " " . """""" .. " "
" " " " . """ "" ."" "...""" .""" """". ". " .. . .. " " " .
" " "" " """ " " "" " " " " "" . " " " " "

5 1 want to speak English Auently. . . . ."""""" "" . "".". . "" """" . """ " " " " " "" """"..""""""" ." "". . ... "".
"" " "" " " """ " " "" " " " " " "" "" ".

6 Jessica bought for her friend а present. """""".." " " ... . """" ." "."" . . .".."" ..""""""". ." " ".".""" ."" ... . ". . . .".""" ." . ......"" .
" " . .. " """ " " . " " "

7 1 drink every day three cups of coffee. """"."".."" " ". . " . .". . ." " . ". " . " " . "" .."
." " " "" . ."."". """" "". ....
" " """ " " " """ "" " "" " " " ." " " " ." """

8 Don't eat your dinner too quickly! """. ".""" "".."" ..""""""""""" .". ."" ..." """" .. """."" .." ". """" . "."" .""..""""" ."".
" . "" " " "" " "" " "

9 1 borrowed from my brother fi�y pounds. """.. "" ""." . ".." " "" " """ "..." ".".... "" " """" " .. ."."" .." "..""." " . .
" " "" " " .. " .."
"" " "" " . " .".. " "" . "" " ."

Составьте предложения, соблюдая правильный порядок слов.

1 ( rhe door / opened / 1 / slowly) ".. ..J..Qp.�ned"t.h.�.d.9.Qr.f?..!Q.W.!Y.·"""""".""".."""""" ." .". """ """". " . " .." . " " " " " . " "" "

2 (а new phone / l / last week / got) 1".. ." .."....""""" .." .. ." . . " ... "
"" " .." "" ."" " . "" ."" .""" .""""" .. """""." .
" "." " " " ." """". " " " " "" " "

3 (finished / Paul / quickly / his work) ."."..". " . " " . " ." . . " . " " ." " .
" " " .
" ." "" "" """.""".""" ...""" ...""" "
"" . " """" . "" " .. ." " . """ " """" " " " " "

4 (Emily / very well / French / doesn1t speak) """""""""""""""" ..""""" " " .." """""""""" """" " .. . """ "" " .. ."""" ."""""" .
" " " " " " "" "" " "" " " " "

5 (а lot of shopping / did / 11 yesterday) ."... .". . ".

" . " ." .. ."."". " " ." """"." "". "" . " ""." """""."""" ..""""""" ."" .""""""""".
"" " " " " "" " "" . " " "

6 (London / do you know / well?) .""."". " " " " . ". " """ . ... " " """"" . ."""""."".. "".
" """""""." . " " "".
. "".". " "" "" "" "" ." " " ". """ " "" "" " "

7 (we / enjoyed / very much / the parry) ."""".""""""."".""""""""""""""."""""""""". """" " ." . .. . "". ."" " .". .. ." ." "" ".""" . " "" " "" ." " "

8 (the ргоЫеm / carefully / 1 / explained) . "" ..". ."""" ." """""" .""" ""."".. .".
" "".".".""" .".""" ."."" " """ " "" " " """""" ." .""
" . " " " "" ". " " " "

9 (we / at the airport / some friends / met) ".. . " " " " .". . . ." ." ."
" "" "" .. "" " ." . """.. . .""" . """ ...."""". .""" . "."". """ .".". .".
" " "" " " """ """"" " " " " ".

10 (did you buy / in England / that jacket?) ".""".""""""""".""" . ."" ..".....". " " . """""" .""" .. " "" ". ..""" .."""""" .." " " . .
. " " " " """"" " " " "" "

11 (every day / do / the same rhing / we) """.""""""."."""."". "" . ". """""" """"" "".""" "" """."."". .""""" . "" .. "
. """"" """ "" " " " "" " . "" "

12 (football / don't like / very much / 1) "" .. ." " " " . . " ."" . . " " . . """ .". """"" """"."" ""."" .."""" ..". """"..
" .. "" "" "" """ """ "" .""" "" . "" " " " " "

Составьте предложения, соблюдая правильный порядок слов.

1 (to work / every day / walks / Lisa) """hJ.flq)�q!.k.�.W"W.Q.rk.§.very.d.�Y""""""""""""""""""""... """"""""". " "" ... " " "

2 (at the hotel / 1 / early / arrived) 1"" ..."". .""""". "" " " . . " ". . """.".. "." .. .." ".."" .""""""""".."." ....."". . . " . """""
. " """ "" " " " " " " " " "

3 (goes / every year / to ltaly / Julia) Julia """"""" .."""""""""" .""" . .. .""" . " .... . " "" . . " ". ." . . . ... ""."" " " " " . """ " " " """ "" "" ". " "" " "

4 (we / since 1998 / here / have lived) We ""."""""""""""""""".""". """" ". """ . """ ". " . " " . ."""""""" . ""."" " " " " " " """" " " "" "" "

5 (in London / Sue / in 1990 / was born) Sue .".. " " .". " "".". """ . ." ."."" """"" .."" .""" "" """ ." """ ." "".. ."""". """.
"" "" " " "" " " " "" " " " "

6 (didn't go / yesterday / Paul / to work) Paul ." " """" .""" .""." . """"" .""." "."""" . """ ."" ".""" " " ".". ". "". " .""." """."""""""" ". """""

7 (to а wedding / last weekend / went / Helen)

Helen ..."" . " " " " ."""""."""""""" . "..." .
"""" ."""."."""""""" ."." " ."""" """. . " . " .
""" . .. " .. . "" " ..""""."".""" .".."""""" " .." "" ."..."".." .. ."" ..
. ." . " " . . .. . ."" ... "".".. ."

8 (1 / in bed / this morning / my breakfast / had)

1 ...." .. ..."""""""" "" "..". " " . ".""
" " " . """ .""" """"". " .""" ." . ""." " . . "" . " . . """ """."...""""" .. """ . """" "" .""" .."" .""""" .""""
"" "" "" "." " "" ." "" " " " " " "" ".".
9 (in September / Amy / to university / is going)
Amy . ... . .... . . ..." .... .".". .... .....""." .. ......". ... .. .... ... ...... ..... ......".."."." ."." .."." .".." .". ".." .. .... . . ."
" " . . . ." " . ...... ".". " ... .....
"" .. .... " " " . . ". .. .. ""... . ". ..".".". ...
.". ..." " ...... ." ...... .
". " "" " "

10 (1 /а beautiful blrd / tl1is morning / in the garden / saw)

1 .... ."" . ."..... ." . . ......."." .. "..... ....... . ."...". .... . . ..." .... ." ." .. . . .." " . . .. .. " . . .. "" .. . .." . . .. " .. ... .. . ... ..... ...... .. . ."."" .. .."."" . ....". . . . ...". .. .. ........ ...
" . " ". .. " ". "." . ." . " " . ... . ... . . " . . .. . " " . "... ."... . "". . " .. . " .. " . " " . .

11 (many times / have been / my parenrs / to the United States)

Му"."."."".....". ...... .. " ." " "" ." " "" "".. .......
""" "" ."" "" " """. .. "" .. "."..
" " . " ... .. .."...""."""." . .." "" . " "" ."" "
" " ."
"" ." ."" . "" "" ""." "" " " "" """." ".".""" " "" ."

12 (my uп1brella / l / la�t r1ight / left / in the restauranr)

1""."""""""""""". """ ."" " " "" .
""""""""""•• . """ " "."".""• •""••

13 (tu the cinema / comorrow evening / are you going)

Аге....... ........... .......... ....... " ....... "." .."..".".....".."""..........".".....".....".."".........""."."......"..........""" .... """..........." .." ............ "..."."......"....?
14 (the children / 1 / took / rhis morning / to school)
1."". "". . " "" ". " "" " " """" . """. ..... ".."".
" " " " " "".." .""""" ". "".."" """.
" " " .".""".". .""..""" """" ." . """ ..
" " . "

Переведите предложения на английский язык. ходить в спортзал= go to the gym

1 Мне очень нравится эта книга. от ве сти = ta ke
2 Роберт хопит в спортзал каждый день.
З Сегодня я обедала в j:)Р("Торане.
4 Салли десять лет работала в банке.
5 Ты можешь завтра отвести детей в кино?
6 Поезд прибыл в Кембридж в семь часов.
7 Я не очень хорошо знаю Марину.
8 Франк родился в Ныо-йорке в 1994 году.

Эти слова (always/never и т. д.) обычно ставятся рядом с глаголом в середине предложения:

always всегда ever когда-нибудь also также, тоже all все

usually обычно never никогда just только что both оба, обе
often часто rarely редко already уже
sometimes иногда seldom редко still всё ещё

Сравните порядок слов в английском и в русском языке:

О Му brother never speaks to me. Мой брат никогда со мной не разговаривает.
О She's always late. Она всегда опаздывает.
О Do you often go to restaurants? Вы часто ходите в ресторан?
О 1 sometimes eat roo much. (или Sometimes 1 eat too much.)
Иногда я слишком много ем.
О д: Don't forget to phone Laura.
в: l've already phoned her. Я ей уже позвонил.
О 1 have three sisters. Th ey re all married. ...Все они замужем.

·_ .- . . в Always/never и т.д. ставятся перед глаголом:


always go О 1 always drink coffee in the morning. (неверно 1 drink coffee always)
often play По утрам я всегда пью кофе.
never· have О Helen often goes to London. Хелен часто ездит, в Лондон.
uт.д. и т.д. О You sometimes look unhappy. Иногда ты вьiглядишь недовольным.
О They usually have dinner at 7 o'clock. Обычно о.ни ужинают в . "

О We rarely watch ТV. или We seldom watch TV.

Мы редко смотрим телевизор.
О Richard is а good footballer. Не also plays rennis and volleyball�
. " Он также играет в теннис и волейбол.
О 1 have three sisters. Тhеу all live in London. ... Все 011и живут в ...

Но always/never и т. д. ставятся после am/is/are/was/were:

am о 1 am always tircd. (неверно 1 always am tired)


IS Я постоянно устаю.
are (] They are never at h om e duriпg Lt1e day. Они никогда не быиоют дома .. .

was о lt is usually very cold here in winter.
и т. д. Зимой здесь о бычно очень холодно.
. - u Wt1en 1 was а child, 1 was often late. (or school.
. .. я часrтю оrю.1дывала в школу.
о А: Where's Laura?
в: She's stlll in bed. Она всё ещё в кровати.
о 1 have t\Л/О brothers. They're both doctors. ... Они оба врачи.

. ."_
. .·с_:. Always/never и т. iJ. обычно ставятся между двумя глаголами (have ... been / сап . .. find и т. д.):

lnагол 1 глагол 2

will go О 1 will always remember you. Я тебя всегда буду помнить.

са11 find О lt doesn't often rain l1ere. Здесь дождь идёт 1 ючасто.
always О Do you usually go to work Ьу car?
do remember
ohen Вы обычно ездите на работу .. . ?
и т.д. ит.д.
never О 1 can never find my keys. Я никогда не могу найти ...
l1ave gone
и т.д. О Have you ever been to Egypt? Вы когда-нибудь были в Египте?
l1as been
О д: Where's Laura?
и т.д.
в: She's just gone out. (She's = She has) Она только что вышла.
О Му friends have all gone to the cinema. Вс.е мои друзья ушли в кино.

1 always/never + presenr simple-+ Раздел 6 just/already + presenr perfect-+ Раздел 17 all �Разделы 81-82
200 both �Раздел 83 still -+ Раздел 96 )
.... �
Прочитайте ответы Бена на вопросы. Напишите предложения о Бене, используя
often/never и т. д.

1 Do you еvег play tennis? ··.

,,. Yes, often. ; ......J2.�r.J Q.ft.�л pJgy� t.�nni.$.�............................................... ...................
�. �
.. .. .. .

2 Do you get up early? \: Yes, a\\.vays. � Не ...... . . . " " ." . . ." " . . . "" ." . . "

" .. .. ".. .. " .." . ...." ". " " ..... . " "..... . ". . .... "....." ....". ..... . ......."

3 Аге you еvег late fог work? � No, never. f Не
::: <
................................. . ..................... .............. ............................. ..... ...... ... ........ ........


4 Do you еvег get angгy? �,;;: Sometimes. �;... .. .. . " . .. " ...... .. " " .. .. . ...
................ ......." .. .... . . . " ........ . . ". . .. . "....... ... .... ...... ...... ...... ......... ....... ....

5 Do you еvег go S\vimming? Rаге\у. �-� . .. ". ." . "." . .. ... . . .. . " . . . ".

' ... . . " .... ... ".. ....." . "" . .. ... .... . . ... ....... ... .... ........ .... ... . ........ .......... . ..

6 Аге you at home in the evenings? Yes, usually. -�

·-···· ···························· ············· ····· ··················· ·························· ············ .....................

111 Напишите предложения, используя never/always/usually и т. д.

1 Му brotheг speaks to me. (neveг) . . MYJ?.r9.t.h.�r.!1§.Y.?..r $.p.�g,.k.�.:t.Q.n:J.f;!"..... ." ."
. ... " . . . ". ..... ...".... ." ......." ........... "............ ... ......... ......" .

2 Susan is polite. (al\vays) Susan ..................... ............. " . . .. . . ." " " " . " " ." . . ....... .. . """ . . ".
.... ... .. ..".. .. . ..... ........... . ".. ..... ... .. .... .. . . ... .. ......... ..... ". ... . .... ....." .. .. "..... .

3 1 finish woгk at 5 o'c\ock. (usually) 1 ....... " " " " "". " " . "" " "" . . " " " " .. . . . . . .
........... ...... . " ... ..
....." .
... " .. . .. . ....."" .. ... ".... . ...... .. .. " ..". . .... " . ....... "" .......... ........ "..

4 Sarah J1as started а new job. Uust) Sarah ......" ." ". "" . " " . ." " . " . . "" "" ... ....... . .
... """ "". . .
"" .. ..... .. . ....... ...... ...... ..... ..... . .... " .. ".. .... .. ......... . .... ......... . .... .......

5 1 go ro bed before midnight. (гагеlу) " . " . "" . " ."" " ." " "
............ ........ " """ . " .
...... . ..
.. .... . ..... . ".""
.." ." ........... . ". . ..... ..... ....." ". .. . ....... " ... ..." .................... ...

6 The bus isn't lare. ( usually) ......................................." . . " . " " " . . . . ". ". . "" . ".
.. .... .. . . .. "" . .. " . ".
" ........."........ ........"... ... ... . . ... . . . " .... . . . . ... ". . . " .. .."" ...... . ....... .... .". .. .... . " ."

7 1 don't eat fish. (often) .. ". " .." " ." """ . . . " "" ". .
" ......."" .. .. ... . ... . . .. ... . . . "" . . " " "
..... . . ". .. " """ .
. .. ..... ". "" .... ....... .................. .... ...... ..... ......... . .... .... .... .... " .... .. . ............ .... . .

8 1 will foгget what you said. (neveг) .... ....""" . . . . " ." . . . .""."" . " """ . ." . . "
.. .. .......... ................ ................. ................... . .... ... .. .. . .. ...... . .. " .. ...." . ............. . ..... ..... ....

9 Have you lost your passport? (еvег) ......" . .: . . .. . " ... ..

. ............ . "" . " . . """ . " . """
. ............ .... ... ............ .. .....".. ......... . . ....... ........ "... . . .... . ." . .. ." " ...." . ".. ...... ......

10 Do you work in the same place? (still) .................................... " . . . . """ " . "" . . "" " . " . . " ..
................. ... . . ............... . . . "......... .. " . . " ..... ." .. .. .... ........ . ... . ... ....... ..

11 They stay in the same hotel. (al\vays) "." . . . ". . . . " " " .... . "."" " " . . ." . "
.. .. ... ........... " .
. ... " . ". " "
...... ...... ...... .. . .. ....... . . . . .. .."..... .. ... ...... ........ ......" ...... ........ . .. ... .....

12 Jane doesn't work on Saturdays. (usually) ......"" ". "" " . " " . . . . " . . . .. . . . "" " """" .
.... ....... .... ... " .......... .. .... "............ ... . ..... ... .. ..... ........ ........ .... . ." " .. ..... " . .. "

13 ls Тina \1еге? (already) .." . "" .... ...... . "" . " " . "" . . " . """."" """ . . .. """ .
.......................... .............. ........" " ." . .. . . .......... . .... ..... ....... . ". ...... .. .. ..... . . .. ... .. ........... . ................ .....

14 Whac do you have for breakrasc? (usually) ........." "" ."" " ".. " """ .. ".. .. " ... """ " " .. ""
" . . "... ............. .. .. ........... ..... ........"...... . ..... . .. .. ... ...... " . ..... ......

15 1 сап remembeг his name. (neveг) " . .. ...... """ . " ........... . " " ...."............ . " ." .." ..... " ." . . " " ............ .. "" . ................" . ."". "" .." ."..... "... .... ". . ." " .
.... . ..

Напишите предложения, используя also.

1 Do you play ruocball? (tennis) ......Y�s, 9.nd . gJ;;Q. J;?. aY. :!!.�n.п!?
. .J . . . ! . . .
. .. ....... . .
....... ...... ..... . " " .... ""." . ... ......... . ..
..... ... ".. ......

2 Г)u you speak ltalian? (Freпch) Yes, ап(J 1 .........."""""""" . . " "...... . ......... ..
.. ....... ... " " ""
"" .... . ."". "" .
.. ". "".... . . .. . """
. " ..

3 Are yoLt tired? (hungry) Yes, and .". .."" " " ." . . ...
.... .. . ..
... . ......... ... ... . . ". . """
. " "" ..... . ......................... .. ..... ". . .."

4 Have you been to Enвland? (lreland) Ycs, .... ".". . " "" . "
-. .. . "" ... .. .... ...... . . . " " . "" . ".
.. " .... ... . ". . .... ".... "" . . ........ .. . . .

5 Did you buy any clott1es? (some books)

Напишите предложения, используя both и all.

l't'l1 tt1�rried. 1 v1as born ln l:::11gl'1t1d. �

l llvв ln No\-v York.

\lUram.Ш!�I l livв ln l_ondon

1 play football.
l'm а etudвnt.

. .._.

1 .. .".1J:.щy.�Q1f.!1.l!Y.@..!n.Jp r1d.Qr.J" ."" " "" ..". . . ..... ......... .

......... .... . 2 They .......""""..." ..........."".."........... ....."....."."" ....."....... ... married.
They .""" ..."."."...""".." .."....................." .................".....""""".".... football. They ".." ...........".""................."..".. ..".."""......""....".... ". England.
......... ..""."" .. ......."...""...." .....".........."".....""........"...." ..........." ...... students.
"..." ...." .........".."............ ............. cars.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. (2) н а работу= for work

1 Я ред �о хожу в театр. за границу= abroad

6 Джесс здесь нет. Она только
2 Бен часто опаздывает на работу. ездить на велосипеде=
что ушла в супермаркет.
3 Вы когда-нибудь ездили за границу? 7 Иногда я езжу на работу cycle
4 Я никогда не забуду наш отпуск в Берлине. на велосипеде.
5 Обычно мы не встаём рано. 8 У меня есть две сестры. Они обе живут в России.

. .- -"-
·д still

li 1 111,'
ап hour ago now

f Т/rj
� �,
The rain ,, ,
i:Л' 1/;:�1
)-�j '/lj};� 1:1/11,
),, hasn't stopped

f z 1


An hour ago it
�jJ 1:11/7,
was raining.
Час назад шёл дождь.

still = всё ещё:

О 1 had а lot со еас, but \'m still hungry. Я много съел, но я всё ещё голоден.
О д: Did you sell your саг?
в: No, l've still goc it. Нет, она всё ещё у меня.
О д: Оо you still live in Barcelona? Вы всё ещё живёте в Барселоне?
в: No, 1 live in Madrid now.

20 minutes ago now
Where's Ben? He's very late.


Twenty minutes ago they were They are still waiting for Ben.
waiting for Ben. Ben hasn't come yet.
Бен ещё не пришёл.

yet = ещё (в отриuаниях) / у)щ! (в вопросах)

Yet употребляется в отрицаниях (Не hasn't соте yet.) и вопросах (Has he come yet?).
Yet обычно ставится в конце предложения.
О д: Where's Ernma?
в: She isn't here yet. Её ещё нет.
О л: What are you doing this evening?
в: 1 don't know yet. Я ещё не зною.
Cl л: Are you ready to go to tl1e party yet? Ты уже готоrю идти на вечеринку?
в: Not yet. ln а minш:e. Ещё нет....
О д: Have you finisl1ed with t�1e newspaper yet? Ть1 уже закончил".?
в: No, l'm srill reading it.

Сравните yet и still:

С) She hasn't gone yet. = She's still here. (неверно She's yet here)
Она ещё не ушла. = Она всё ещё здесь.
О 1 haven't finished eating yet. = l'm still eating.
Я ещё не закончил есть. = Я всё ещё ем.

already =уже (раньше, чем ожидалось):

О д: What time is Joe coming?
в: He's already here. (неверно He's yet here) Он уже здесь.
О А: l'm going t:o tell you what happened.
в: That's not necessary. 1 already know. . .. Яуже знаю.
О Sarah isn't coming to cl1e cinema with us. Sl1e has already seen the film. " . Она уже видела фильм.

202 (already/yet + presenr perfect-+ Раздел 17 порядок слов (still/already)-+ Раздел 95 )

Вы встречаете Тину. Последний раз вы её видели два года назад. Задайте ей вопросы,
используя still.

1 . DQ..YQ!J $.t.llJ .p..l.�y.:t;;��.p.ig.rJQ.f.. " . "

.... . .. . .. . .. .................. .. . .. ........ ..

1 2 Doyou .................. ........ .." " " " .. .. ..... . .. . . . .". . . ............... ... ... .. " ... . .. .... ... . . . ..

3 Аге"...................... . . ... . ".. ". . . . . . . . .
�� motorЬike.
".. .. """ ." . . " """ . . ..... .. ... .. ..... ......... "..... "..

"_ ·-
- __
__ )'..,
_ ....
" 4 " . .. . . . " . . .. .
".". . .
".. " . " ... . .".. ... "
.. " .. .. ......... ............................... .. .... ... ... " .. .... .. .....

1 goto the
cinema а lot.

Напишите по три предложения о каждой ситуации. Сначала внимательно прочитайте примеры.

раньше сейчас
(раньше) .. .11IrзY..Wf;r.� ..w.�J.t. !ng .fQr.t..h�J��.$ ...... " . . . . . " .. ... . . . " ". . . ..... . . ... .

(st:il l) .... Tb.�Y..m::�.;?.t..i.l! 1t.a� it.i.o.g...." . " . ". .. . . .. . .. ... ... .. . ... ..... ......... .... ..... . ...... ..

(yet) ......т.ь.� �ч� .hg.�.r.(t"�om.�.Y§.k.:........... .........................................

. .

(раньше) He was .... .. "" . . . . . ..
" .. ..... . " . "" "... . .. .
....... . .......... ..... .. . " .. .. . .. . """ " . ." ." .. . "

(still) Не ... . "...................... ............ . ....... ....... . ..... " . ..

..... ...... . . . ". . ...... . ... ... .... ....

(yet) ."......"" "... "."... ".."....... "."" .......... "....................."........"................" yet.

(раньше) " "...." .........................................."...." ..."".......... ............. ase
She ... l ep.

(раньше) The?y ..........." . .""". .. ". . " " " ... .. . . ... ... . ......... ". ........ . . ... ........ ... .. .

Напишите вопросы, используя yet.

1 You and Sue are goin8 ош:: rogerher. You a re waitin g for l1er to ge1 rt'a(\y. Pcrhaps s he is ready now.
You ask 1l er: ."."/\re yoц..r.�a.dy.y?.t.f."""."...." .. . " . " . "" " . . . . . . . ". ." . .
................ ... ."....... .
.....". .. . "
... ............. .. . " "". . .. . . .... ......... .."..... .. ". .. ..

1 You ar c wairin g for Heleri со ar rive. Sl1e \.vasn't here ren minLttes a go Pe r �1aps she is here now. .

Yu u as k somebody: . ........ "....... ......... Неlеп ........

... . ...... . . ." . . " . . . ................... ...".. . .............. ........ . ". . ".. ....... .. ........." ......."

3 Anna did an exam and is wairiпg fur th c rcsulrs. rerhaps she has her resu l ts now.
You ask �1ег: ." . . ". . .. . ..
... . . ". . . ".
.. . ..... . ..
.. ". . .." .. "" " .". . ...
.. "... . you . " . "
.. . . . " . .. ..
... ... .. ... ............ ..... .. .. ......... . """"... "........ " ". . . "." .... . " ......... . ......... ... ...... .. ..

4 А fe\AJ days ago yuu spoke toTom. Не wasn t su re where со go on huliday. Pe rhaps lie has decided now.
You ask him: " .. . ..
. .. . .......... .. . . . ... .. ... "" . .. ...... . . . . .."
. ... . ".. "... .. . .
. ........ ".. ....... ........ .... .." "" .. ... . .
. . ..... . ... ..". .. ... . ....... ..
. .. .
....... .. ........ " ....... . ....... .. " .
. . .

Закончите предложения. Используйте already.

·1 Wlыt t irп(:! is Joc comin g ? ·
.. H f!.:��лlгш�<!JY . l1ere.
."." . . ." ...

2 Do t:hey waпt LO see che film? No,. t� 1�y·v.�.лlr�J��Y �.с..с.п . i L .

3 1 tыve со sccJulia before she goes. lt's too lace. St1� ... ... ........... "." ." " . ... """ .. ". ."..... ....

4 Doyou need а р еп ? '! No1 thanks. 1"" . . . ... . " ."............."......"... one.
. ...... ... . .......

5 Sha ll 1 рау the Ьi ll ? No. it's ОК. 1 " . . .. .... . "

.... . .. " ". . "... . ....... ..... .... .." ...

6 Shall 1 rel l ra ul about the meeting? :. No, h e . .........."........""..".."".."...... "."... 1 rod

l him.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. Заходите! = Соте in !

1 Супермаркет всё ещё 01крыт? 5 А: Куда вы поедете летом?
Нам нужно молоко. в: Мы ещё не решили.
2 Вы уже прочитали её новую книгу? 6 Ты всё ещё работаешь в больнице?
3 Заходите! Игорь и Вера уже здесь. 7 "Я помою машину?11 - "Я уже это сделала11•
4 Почему Алина всё ещё на работе? 8 "Нина нашла новую работу?" - "Ещё нет .

give (давать/дарить) lend (одалживать) pass (передавать)
send (отправлять) show (показывать}

После этих глаголов (give/lend и т. д.) можно использовать

две конструкции:

give some.thing to somebody

О 1 gave the keys to Sarah. Я дал ключи Саре.

give somebody something

. .

в. give something to somebody

something to somebody
(что-то) (кому-то)
Тhat's my book. Give it to me . Дай еёмне.
These аге Sue's keys. Сап you give them to her? Ты можешь дать их ей?
Can you g1ve these flowers to your mother? ." подарить эти цветы
своей маме?
1 lent mycar to а friend of mine. Я одолжил свою машину другу.
Did you send the money to Laura? Ты отправил деньги Лоре?
\Л/е'vе seen these photos. You showed them to us.
- ... Ты показывала их нам.

give somebody something

somebody sometl1i ng
(кому-то) (что-то)
Give me that lкюk. lt's mine. Дай мне ту книгу. ".
Тот gave his 1rюther some Пu\ЛJers. Том подарил своей маме
1 lent Joe some money. Я одолжил Джо деныи.
How much money did yuLt lend him? Сколько денег mы одолж�IЛ ему?
1 sent you an email. Did you get it? Я отправил Вам uмейл""
Nicola showed her holiday photos.

l!S ... показало нам свои QJoтo ...

Can you pass me the salt, please? ... nr!редать мне соль . . ?.

Можно та1<же сказать 'buy/get somebody something':

О 1 bought my mother some flowers. ( 1 bought some ftowers for my mother.)

Я купил своей маме цветы.

О l'm going to the shop. Can 1 get you a nything? ( get anyching for you)

... Тебе что-нибудь купить?

Можно сказать:
О 1 gave rl1e keys to Sarah.
и 1 gave Saral1 the keys.
(но неверно 1 gave to Sarah the keys)

О That1s my book. Can you give it to me?

и Can you give me that book?
(но неверно Can you give to me that book?)

С it и them предпочтительна первая конструкция (give something to somebody):

О 1 gave it to her. (неверно 1 gave her it)
О Неге are the keys. Give them to your father. (неверно Give your father them)

104 ( it/him/them и т. д. -+ Раздел 60

У Марка были ненужные вещи. Он раздал их разным людям.



Напишите предложения, начинающиеся с Не gave •.• .

1 What did Mark do with the armchair? H.�.6.gY.�..!t."t.9..h.i.� �r.Qt..bш:�.................."" . ... .. . .... " . . . . . . .. . .
...... .. ... . . . . ... . . . . . ..". ...... .. .. .".......... ... .. .

2 What did he do with the tennis racket? Не gave .... "" . . " . .... ." .... . . . ." . .... . . . ". . . .
......... ... .."... ...... .. .
. . ...... .... .. . . . . ........ . . . . .. .......................... . . ...... .... ..
3 What happened to the books? Не ......... " . " . . ". .. . . . . "".. .
....." .............. ......... .. .
.. ... .. .. .
.... .... ...... .. . .. . .. ............... . .... ............. ... ". . . . ...... ........ . .

4 What about the lamp? ....".... . . ... . . .. . .. . . . .

.. .. . . .. . . .. . " . .. . .. " . . . . . ....... . ". .... . . ..... . . .. ..
. . .. . ... . ....... ....... ... . . .. . ... .. ..... .... "... . ... ... ........ . " .. .. .. . . ".... .... ..

5 What did he do with the pictures? . .. . . . ". ". . . . .

....................................................... ...... ..................... ....." .... .. ... . ... .. .. .. . .. . .......... . .... .... ........ ............ . ..... . .
6 And the ladder?

Вы подарили друзьям подарки. Это предметы, изображённые на картинках. Напишите по

одному предложению о каждой картинке.

/ ·
'Ш PAUL (1) )OANNA ! (] RICl-fARD

/ • • ;i
·,� '��
. .·4 ·.


1 "".,Y.Q .P.aц.l. � l?.9.9�1.............

. . .. ". ". ".. " " ..
" ... .... . 4 ...................." . . ..... . .. ......., . .". " .""...... "". ... ......
. .. .. .
...... ............. . .... . .. ..
.. " ".. .. ............ .
2 1 gave ........... . ..
.............. ... " ." "" ".
. . .
.. ...... ......... .... ..................""..."."".. 5
3 ··························· ............. " " " "... "" ..... . . . ..
.... .. .
........ .. 6

Напишите предложения, начинающиеся с Саа1 you give me ..• ? / Can you pass me ... ? и т. д.
1 (you want the salt) (pass) ......C.gJ1.Y,QJJ p@ �.� .m.Q th� ��.!й�' ....... .
.. . . .. ". . ...... . . .. .... ... ... .. . . ... . . .... .. .
.."". ...... ".. . . ....... . ....... .. ....

2 (you пееd ап umbrclla) (lend) Can you .. .. . . . ..". ...

... ...................... .. ........ ".. . .. . ....... ................... ... . .. " . " ". .
. . . .... ".. ... .
......... ..
.. .. ..

3 (you want my address) (give) Сап ................................"""...................... yoLtr . .

... ......... .."" . . . . "... ... .
. ... . . . . .... . ........ ... .
.. ...." ." .
. . ...

4 (you need twenty pounds) (leпd) ...................." .. ." . . "" . .

.... .... . ... .... ....
.. ..... ........ . ... ... ... " . " . ..
.... . .. ......... . . ... ". . . ". . . .. .
.. .. .. .. ".
. ... . . ..... . . " . .. ... .. .

5 (you want more intormatioп) (send) ."." . .

. .... .. ...... .... - .. . . . . . ..
. ....... ... ...... . .. . . .
" " ...... ................ . . . . . . ".... . . . . . . . .
.. . . .... .... ..
" .... . . . .. ... .. .. ........... .. ..

6 (you want to see the lerrer) (show) .............. " " .. ..

..... ." .... . ..
. ........... ....... . . . ...
.. . . ". " "
" .... "... . .. ... . . .. . .. . . . . ". " .
".. .. . . .. ... . . ..... . ...... .... "..... .

8 Выберите правильный вариант.

1 1gavetoSarah-ffi ekeys. / 1 gave Sarat1 chc keys. (1 gave Sarat1 the keys правильно) -

2 1'11 lend royou some money if you want. / 1'11 leпd you some money if you waпt.
3 Did you send the Ьill me? / Did you send the blll to me?
4 1 \Vant to bLJy for you а present. / 1 want to buyyou а presenr.
5 Can you pass to me the sugar, please? / Can you pass me the sugщ, please?
6 This is Lisa's bag. Сап you give it to her? / Сап you give her it?
7 1 showed to the policeman my ideпtity card. / 1 showed thepoliceman my identity card.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. велосипед= Ьike

1 Пожалуйста, покажите мне Ваш паспорт. 6 Я купил Марку подарок. одолжить = lend
2 Гари подарил Анне цветы. 7 Передай мне ту чашку, кошелёк = wallet
З Когда Вы отправили мне этот имейл? пожалуйста.
4 Алану был не нужен его старый велосипед, 8 А: Я потеряла кошелёк.
поэтому он отдал его своему брату. в: Я могу дать тебе денег .

5 Где моя кн ига ? Я одолжил её тебе вчера.

and =и/а but = но or = или so = поэтому because = потому что

Приведённые выше слова (союзы) используются для соединения двух и более простых предложений
в одно сложное-.

предложение А Тhе car stopped. Т The driver got out. предложение Б

n1e car scopped and the driver got out.


предложение А предложение Б

We stayed at home and (we)"' watched television. * Повторять 'we' и 'she'

Му sister is married and (she)* lives in London.

Не doesn't like her, and she doesn'r like him.

1 bought а sand....vich, but 1 didn'r eat it.

lt's а nice house, but it doesn't have а garden.

LOo you want to go out, or аге you too tired?

При перечислении ставится запятая (,). Перед последним словом (группой слов) в списке ставится and:
О 1 got home, had something to eat, sat down in an armchair and fell asleep.
� � �
Я пришёл домой, поел, сел в кресло и заснул.
О Karen is at work, Anna has gone shopping and Chris is playing football.
Карен на работе, Анна ушла в магазин, а Крис играет в футбол.
- �• ,.. �.L.

с so =поэтому

предложение А предложение Б
lr was very hot. so 1 opened the window.

Joe does а lot or sporr, 50 he's very fit.

l hey don'r like travelling, so they l1aven't been со many places.

because = потому что

предложение А предлож.ение Б

1 opened the window because it was very hot.

Joe can't come to the parry because t1e's going away.

Lisa is hungry because she didn't have breakfast.

Because в начале предложения = Поскольку:

О Because it was very hot, 1 opened the window.
Поскольку было очень жарко, я открыл окно.

В этих предложениях больше одного союза:

О lt was late and 1 was tired, so 1 went to bed.
Было поздно, и я была уставшей, поэтому я легла спать.
О 1 always enjoy visiting London, but 1 wouldn'r like to live there because it's too Ьig.
Я всегда с удовольствием посещаю Лондон, но я не хотел бы там жить, потому что он ...

106 ( when/while/before и т. д. -+ Раздел 99

Напишите предложения. Используйте информацию из рамок + and/but/or.

-1 stayedathome. 1 didn't have your number.

1beughtаsandv1ielт.­ Shall 1 wait: here?
I went to the window. 1didn'teatit.
1 wanted ro phon e you. 1\vent Ьу bus this morning.
1jumped into the river. 1watchedTV.
1 usually drive to work. 1 swam to the other side.
Do you want me ro come with you? 1 looked o ut.

1 ......I �.t-E.y�g--��.b.Qm§..g_r.tg_J�(.gt9_h?4.JY. ..".. ".. ... . . .".".. " .".. .. ." .. " ". ."." ...."."..." .. ." ." .. ".".. " . ".".". ..."."".." . . ."" . ... .... .." .
. " " .. ... .. ...." ." . .
"." " . . . . . . . . .." . . . ". " ". . .

2 "".J P.щэ.Ь.t ?."?.g.r.J4Wi9.b1..eчt c!k�n.:1(."�_gtJ�"""...."""".""" .."". """". .. .. ."" ". """" """ ..". .."".""". ." .. ". . " """ . " " .. """ " ".. .""".. """ " ..
"!?. .. . .! " . " . " .. . . .. " " " " . . " .

3 1"""""".." " "." .. ."""" "". ".. "" . """

" " ." ." "" .". .. " .". ... .. ".""... ." "" ... " ".. ... ". "".. ..". ... ... .."". """." .".. ....". .".. "". . ". .... . """"" " ." ..."" .. """"".
". " . " ".. .. . " . .. . . " . . . " . . " """" " . "

4 ."".". ""."" " "". "" "".. .. ."""" ... "" . "" " ."."""" . "". ."" ." ... "" "".. "" ". . ." "" .""
. "". "... " . """ " " . " "" . .." ".. ...". ""... "." . """" "".. .""""""" "..
" " . . ". " " " " " . " ." " . . "". " "" " "" . " " """

5 """"""""""""."""".""".""."". " .." " "".""" "" . "" "" .".."" .""" " ." . ". ."" """ ""
" " . ""." " ..""""..""""" .".." """"" . ". " " " "" ".". ." ""....""
. ." " . . "" . " . " "" ."" " " " " . . " . ". " " ..

7 .""." . . " ". ".
. . " """ . "". ." "" ...". . " .. "." ."" "" .. . "" """"""" ". . ."". "" ". .".. ". ."". " .""..""....". ....
" ." " . . . . .. " .. . . . " . " " " """" "."... ....." "... "." .". . ."" .".. "."".. " ".""
" " " " " .

Посмотрите на картинки и закончите предложения. Используйте and/but/so/because.



1 lr was very hot, ""..!jJJ."Ь.�"Qpen�.d..J(.!J.�. . W..iJJ�Q.W.-.". "".".". "". """ .." "". . ""."". . ". " " " . . . .. " .."" "." " "" "" " " " " " "" " " .""" " ... . " "" "

2 They couldn't play rcnnis " . """" " """ . """" . . . . .. " . " . " ".. """". """ . " " ." "" "."." "" .... "" " """. ."." . " " """""
" . " . " . " " """ " " " " . " "" " . " " "" " " ""

З They went ro the museum, .""" """ ""." " "" " . """ . " . """""" "" " ." """."" ".""". . ". . .""""""" ... ." ."".. .""" ."""" .
"". "" " " "" " " "". " . " . . . " " " " " "" " . "

4 Ben wasn't hungry, "". . "" ."" .""" " "" ." ". " "." " ". .". """.. ""." """" " "" "."""". " "
" """" " """". . """. "". .".
" . " . . " " . " " " . . " " "" ". """ " " " . ""

5 /-lelen \vas late """""""""." "." " " """ " """ """ """"""""."""".". " "" " "". . " " ." """ "" " "
" . " """" "" "". " "". " " ." "."" "."".
" . " " " " ".. " ".". " " " " " " " " " . "

6 SLte saic.1 .".."" .."""""". ".".. . " .

Напишите предложения о том1 что вы делали вчера. Используйте and/but и т. д.

1 (2nd) ". J.r.i"t.:h�"�V.�D..!og 1 st�y�g"g_t.:.bPm.? §.Qg .?..t.!:ldl_�_g"" """""..".""".". """"""""".". ".."""""". """".""""""".. "".""""""""
2 (because) . �Y..nt to"P.�4.Y.�ГY..�? ��9.gЧ?..�.1.V.{.g� t.Jг�.4..""""" ."" " .."" ".""" ". .. . .".""" " . "".". "" "". """.""" ..
" ."J . ? . "" " " " .". " "" ." " " ". "

3 (but) ". . "".""""" " ."". """ ."""" "" ".. .."" "". ."." .. " """" "..." ..".".". " .".". " " .""""."" . "" .""."" ."." ."".. . . " " .. ""."".." "
." " . ." .. . ." " . " . ... " " " " " ." " " " " " " "" " .. " "

4 (and) " . "." " """" " . ."."" .." " "".." " .." " " "." "". "" "".. " ".""""". """ "" "." """"" ." ". "" ."" "" """"" "."""".. """" . " " " "" "
. . . .. " " "" " .. " " . " " . " " " . " " " . " " . " " "

5 (so) ".""""""""." """"" " "". " . ""." """""""""". "" .."" . ."..." ""..".".".. " . . " """" .. . ."" " """" ." . ".""." . " . " .""" "".." ".""".". .
" "" . " " " . . . " . "" " " . " " " . "" " " " "

6 (because) .""...""" . . """ " " .. ."""" """ . . " "" . " "."" "" """. """" "".""" """" . ""." . """". "". "" .""""". """"""""". ". ." ." .. . .. "
". . . " "" . "" """ . " .. "" .. " " " " . " .". . . " " . ."

устроить пипник picnic

Переведите предложения на английский язык.
= have а
1 Вчера мы ходили в парк и устроили там пикник.
пропустить= miss
2 Я хотела посмотреть этот фильм, но у меня не было времени.
выглядеть= look
3 Вы хотите поиграть в теннис сегодня вечером или вы заняты?
сыро= wet
4 Лара была больна, и поэтому она пропустила концерт.
5 Я иду спать, потому что я очень устала.
6 Джеймс выглядит недовольным, но я не знаю почему.
7 Было холодно и сыро, поэтому мы остались дома.
8 Я попросила Сашу перевести письмо, потому что она говорит по-немецки.
when =когда

When 1 went out1 it was raining. Когда я вышел на улицу, шёл дождь.

Это предложение состоит из двух частей:

when 1 went out + it was raining

Можно сказать:
О When 1 went out, it was raining. или
lt was raining when 1 went out.

Если when . .. стоит в начале предложения, то ставится запятая (,):

Helen was 25 when she got married.
Хелен было 25 лет, когда она вышла замуж.
When Helen got married, she was 25.

в. When 1 am ... / When 1 go . .. и т. д.


На следующей неделе Сара едет в Нью-Йорк. 1'11 Ье in Mexico : l

У неё есть подруга Лиза, которая живёт в Нью-Йорке.
whвn you're here. • t:�
-- -
- -'�- ��
�-��. '.
Но Лиза тоже уезжает - в Мексику.
- �

' • �k
Поэтому в Нью-Йорке они не встретятся.
� ,�\.\ �;,�
Lisa will Ье in Mexico when Sarah is in New York. .;) �*'",
Действие произойдёт в будущем (next weel<), но нужно говорить: SAHAH · us; 1
..,;,:,�:�:� ,:���;��=:.:;.���;=:���� � ·--�· � ·_;
8 предложениях со значе11исм будущего после when используется настоящее время (1 am / 1 go 11 т. д.).
Сравните с переводом на русский язык:
О Wl1en 1 get home this evening, l'm going со have а stюwer.
(неверно When 1 'wvill get l10111e)
Когда н приду домой �егодня вечером, я приму душ.
О 1 can'c ralk to you now. 1'11 talk to you later when 1 have more time.
. . . Я поговорю с тобой позже, когда у меня будет больше врС!мени.

В предложениях со значением будущего после before/while/after/until также используется настоящее

время. Сравните с переводом t-1a русский язык.:
О Please close rhe windo\ч before you go out.
(неверно before you will go)
Пожалуйста, закрой окно перед тем как ты уйдёшь.
О Rachel is going to stay in our ftat while we are away.
(неверно while we will Ье)
Рейчел поживёт в нашей квартире, пока мы будем в отъезде.
О 1'11 \vait here until you соте back.
(неверно until you will come back)
Я подожду здесь, пока ты не вернёшься.

if =если

О lf you're tired, go to bed. Если ты устал, ложись спать.

О ls it ОК if 1 use your phone? Можно воспользоваться вашим телефоном?
В предложениях со значением будущего после if используется настоящее время (неверно will).
Сравните с переводом на русский язык:
О lf you see Ann tomorrow, can you ask her to call me? Если увидишь Энн завтра ... ?
О lf l'm late this evening, don'r wait for me. Если сегодня вечером я задержусь, ...
О What shall we do if it rains? Что мы будем делать, если пойдёт дождь?
О lf 1 don't feel well tomorrow, 1'11 stay at home. Если я буду плохо себя чувствовать завтра, ...

208 ( until -Э- Раздел 104 before/\vhile/after -Э- Раздел 105 if 1 had " .. if we went ... , etc. _. Раздел 100
Напишите предложения, начинающиеся с when. Используйте информацию из обеих рамок.

� 1 turned off the TV

l'm tired 1 always go со the same place
1 knocked on the door there were no rooms
When+ +
1 go on holiday itwasraining
the programme ended there was no answer
1 got to the hotel 1 like to watch TV

1 W.h�n. !. ��§n.t. .Qц�.!..!t w.g?пg"..... . ..... . ..

... ... . . . .. " . ..... ... .... .... . ...... . ......................... ..... . ....... ... . .. ............... ..... .
. ............................. ". .
......... ............. .. . ... .. .. . ....
...... .... . .. ..

2 ... ......" " "

..... .............." .. ". .
...."....... .............................. ..... ..... ........ ... .." ....... " . .. .. ... . . ... .. . .. .. .
.... .... ............ .". . ....... . .. ... . . ." . .. .. ... .. ..... . .. .. . ............................ .. . .. ................. . .
... ............... ...

3 ........... . . . ..... . . . ... .. . . .... . . . .

"". .. . ......... ... ... .
... ... .. .... .. .. ... . " .. . . ... ...... .......... ........ ....... . . ... .. . ... . ... .... . .. .. . ..
. ..... " .. . . .. .... .. .. . ........................ ...... ".... . . .............. .......... ................". .. .. .. .. . .
.. . .. ." .. .........

4 .. . " ........... "................. "............" " .......... ... . ............ .......... ............ ......... "..... .... ............ ... .... ..... . ................. ... . ...."......... ".................. ............ ........................ . .......... .... ····················

6 .. . . . .. .
... ... ........ . . ......................... ············ ································································ ........... ..... ................" .. . . . .
. ... ... .. .. ......... . . . . ............ ......... .. .
..... ......"............ .. .. .......... .. .. . . . .. .. ..
.. .. .. ". ........ .

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 -kffiy-/1'11 stay here until you соте 1 you'llсоте back. (1'11 stay и you соте -
2 l'm going to bed when 1finish/1'11 finish my work.
3 We must do something before it's 1 it will Ье too late.
4 Helen is going away soon. l'm/1'11 Ье very sad when she leaves/she'll leave.
5 Don't go out yet. Wait until the rain stops/will stop.
6 We come/We'll come and visit you when we're/ we'll Ье in England again.
7 When 1 come to see you tomorrow, 1 bring/ 1'11 bring our holiday photos.
8 l'm going to Paris next \Veek. 1 hope to see some friends of m.ine while l'm/1'11 Ье there.
9 Ler's go out for а walk before it gets/it will get dark.
10 l'm not ready yet. 1 rell/1'11 tell you when l'm/1'11 Ье ready.

flJ Напишите предложения, начинающиеся с if. Используйте информацию из обеих рамок.

-yeudon'thurry you can have them
you pass the exam you'll get а certificate
you fail the exam -уеt:Н№еlate
lf + +
you don't want this magazine 1'11 Lhruw it away
you want those pictures we сап talk later
you're lш�у rюw you can do it again

1 !f.yQц d.Q!1�:k:.11YITYAY..QU1\ .��,.�!... " ......". .. .

..... .. . "" .. . ...................... " .. . . . . .. .. ."........... " .............

2 lf you pass .................... ... .. . . . . .. .

" ... """ .. """"." "."" "" "" " . " . .
. "".".... .......... . ...... . "" ..................".. " .." " .. .. . . . " .
. . . . .
........ .... ". ..."...... .... ". . " .." ... .. .. "" .. " " """. . " . . . """

3 lf ...... " ". ".

..." .. . ." " ".. .. .. .. .
.. """ " "" .
""."""" " " .
.. " " . ". .". ..... .. ....... ..... .. "... ".. . .... ." .." " ......... " "......... ""...... . .". . ."... " . ... . . . .. . ""
. " .." "" . ". "". ..."""" . ... . ... .
" ". "" ... " .. "" " " ""
.... .

4 .. . .. .. ". . ............................. . ...................................... ............... .......... ....... .... ". .... .................... ... .... . . . . .... .......... ." . .. .. .. . . ." .. . .... .. .
.. . .. "" .. . " ". . . . .. . " ......................................" " ... .

5 ........................ . .. . ... .
" .. . .. .. ..........."................

6 ..... "" ..."... .

Закончите предложения, используя свои собственные идеи.

1 Can you close the window beforc ." " YQЧ f1Q..QLJ.1{. " ......"..."................"..........
. . .... " "....".."......."..............." ......... " ......... "."......" ...""."...."."..... ?
2 What are you going to do when " ......................... "" .. ".... . .. . ....... """"""" ..... " .. "."."....... ".".. ""...".. "....".."....... ".... "".""".... ""....". ..................... "." .. ?

3 1'11 wait for you while .......... "..... .. .

.. ..... ......". . . " ..........."..... .. . " .... .. ..."............... " .
....... ..... "." "" " ." ."". ....".. " ........ . ..
. .. ...... . . ..
. ... " " . ".. " ..... ".. ..
" .
......... .... ... .... ". "." .
4 We сап go to rhe·beach tomorrow if. . .
........ ...... .".... ".... "" ". "" "" " ""
... . . .".......... " . ......"..""".... . . .. .
.. .. . "." .. . " ". . .. . . ......... " .... . ...".. " ""
." ..... " "..". " " .. ....." .
5 When 1 start my new job, .... ".. .......... ...
.. .. ". "" ".... " . .. . " .
" .." .............." " . . ".... " .....". . . " . .. . .. ....
... " "." . " " . "..". .".. . .. . .... " ......"........". . " ". "" ..
.. ... " " .
." . ... .........". "....." .
6 lf 1 have rime tomorrow, ... . ". .
... "... ...... ...... " .. .........."......." "........ ." " . .. .."." .... " .... ".. ....... " "
. " .................... " ............"..... " .
....."...". .. ...................... ".. "" " .. "... . . .... ....... .
7 Will you Ье here when ..""""...."."."...."....... " ...... "". "...... ".................."" .........""................"" .."........" ........."" .."."." .....""".".""......". . ".".............".................. ?

8 Tina won't pass her exams if ................. . ." ".. ............ " .......... " .
....... ....... .......... ".."........ " .."..... .............. " .... """ .
...."....... ... . .. . . " ..". "" "". ".. . ..
.... .. ..". . .".. ........ ". " ".."

Переведите предложения на английский язык. присма тривать за = look afrer

1 Ты можешь закрыть окно, если тебе холодно. добраться = ger
2 Когда будешь говорить с Ричардом, спроси его о его новой работе. получить визу = get а visa

З Если мы поедем в Мадрид, мы навестим НiЭШИХ друзей. сдать= pass

4 Мы присмотрим за вашей кошкой, пока вы будете во Франции.
5 Не забудь позвонить мне, когда доберёшься домой.
6 Я могу поговорить с Тимом завтра, если он занят сегодня.
7 Бену нужно было получить визу, перед тем как он поехал в Китай.
8 Если ты не будешь учиться, ты не сдашь экзамен.
._, "... .
-. . -д=-
.. .
Dan likes spoгts сагs, but l1e doesn't have one.
Не doesn't have enough money.

lf he had the money, he would buy а sports саг.

Если бы у него были деньги, он купил бы спортивную машину.

Обычно had используется в прошедшем времени, но это

предложение не относится к прошедшему времени. lf he
had tl1e money = если бы у него были деньги сейчас (но их у него нет).

г- ! 1 had / knew / lived (и т. д.) ... ,

didn't l1ave / didn't know (и т. д.) ... ,
would ...
wouldn't . ..
1 lf you 1 you
\ (и т. д.)
were ...
could ...

,и т. д)
could ".
couldn,t ".

Можно сказать:
CJ lf he had the money, he would buy а саг. Если бы у него были деньги, он бы купил машину.
или Не \'Vould buy а саг if he had the money. Он бы купил машину, если бы ...

l'd / she'd / they'd и т. д. = 1 would / she would / they would и т. д. :

О 1 don't know the answer. lf 1 knew the answeг, l'd tell you.
... Если бы я знал ответ, я бы тебе сказал.
О lt's raining, so wе'ге not going out. We d get wet if we went out.

. .. tЛы бы промокли, если бы вышли на улицу.

О Jane lives in а city. She likes cities. She wouldn't Ье happy if she lived in the countгy.
.. . Она не была бы счастливо, если бы жила за городом.
О lf you didn't have а job, what would you do?
Если бы у тебя не было работы, что бы ты делала?
(] l'm sorry.I can't help you. l d help you if 1 could. ... Я бы вам помог, если бы я мог.

О lf we had а саг, we could travel more.

Если бы у нас была машина, мы могли бы больше путешествовать.

lf (1) was/were ...

Можно сказать: if 1/he/she/it was или

if l/he/sl1e/it were

r.J lt would Ье nice if the weather was better.

(или." if the weather were better)
Было бы хорошо, если бы погода была лучше.
О What would Tom do if he were here? (или . .. if he \Vas here)
Что бы сделал Том, если бы он был здесь?
О lt's not а very nice place. 1 wouldn'r go there if 1 were you. (или ... if 1 was you)
... Но твоём месте я бы туда не ездила.


if 1 have / if it is и т. д. if 1 had / if it was и т. д. t.:.
CJ 1 must go and see Helen. О 1 must go and see Helen. f(
lf l l1ave time, 1 will go today. lf 1 had time, 1 would go today. ��;

Если у меня будет время, я схожу ... Если бы у меня было время, я бы сходил ... ш.�;.
CJ 1 like that jacket. О 1 like this jacket, but it's vегу expensive. ir"
1'11 buy it if it isn't roo expensive. l'd buy it if it wasn't so expensive. �-�
Я его куплю, если он не слишком ... Я бы его купил, если бы он не был ... �
О 1'11 help you if 1 сап.
Я тебе помогу, если смогу.
О l d help you if 1 could, but 1 can't.

Я бы тебе помог, если бы я мог, но . .. 1�f:


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210 ( if we go / if 1 have / if 1 сап и т. д. -+ Раздел 99

Wlillill Заполните пропуски в предложениях.

1 1 don't know the answer. lf l ."......JtJ.�Yt"""." .. the answer, l'd tell you.
. .

2 1 hav·eа car. 1 couldn't travel very mucl1 if1". �Jdn.:1�"b.�Y.§ а саг. " """"

3 1 doп't want to go out. lf 1 ..".. ..".". """""""."""" """"".""""" """""""""""". to go out, l'd go.

4 We don't haveа key. lf we " " " ..." "".""""""." "."."" .""."."."""". "."""""""".а key, we could get into the house.
5 l'm not hungry. 1 \vould have something to eat if 1". "..""."""."""". ."...".""""""" ...."""" """."."".".."" hungry. .

6 Sue enjoys her work. She wouldn't do it if she .""".".... """""".""""." """""".""."".".".."" "."."".""" it.
7 Не can't speak any foreign languages. lf he .."""""".".""". . "".. """""""" "".. "."""".".."""""."""" speak а foreign language,
perl1aps he would get а betcer job.
8 You don't пу hard enough. lf you ."".". "...."" .."""."" "".""""".""""""""" """."".""."". harder, you would have more success.
9 1 haveа lot to do today. lf1.."" "".""..""."". "".""".""."". ""."".""""."""".""" "" so much to do, we could go out.

8 Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.

1 lf " . .Ь.� .b.
g 4."""" che money, he would buyа fast саг. (he/have)
" "

2 Jane l1kes 1·1v1ng

· 1n · а c1ty.
· S he wouldn
".""."".""." ".....Ьв
..."." 't "" ".""".. hарру 'f
1 sh е11ve
· d ·1n rh е counrry. (sh е/nor/Ье)
3 lf 1 wanted to learn ltalian, ".. "..""""..."..."."""" """""".""""" "".""""""".." """" to ltaly. (l/go)
4 1 haven't told Helen what happened. She'd Ье angry if .".""""" "".".""""""". "".""".""""."""""" .. ".".".""" . . (she/know)
5 lf ..."
" ".".""""..".".".""."".. """ ..""""."" . "..."".""""."а map.1 could sho\\/ you where 1 live. (\ve/have)
6 Wha: \vould you do if ...". """".""""...".""."".."""""."."".". """"."""."".".а lot of money? (you/win)
7 lr's not а very good hotel. .".."."".".". ""."""""."".."".""" """".".""""" """"". there if 1 were you. (l/not/stay)
8 lf """ """" .. """". .""".""".""""."."."" """"""".""".. . nearer London, we would go there more often. (we/live)
9 lt's а shame you have to go now. """""""""".""""". """""."""""." ."""".""."."" """"" nice if you had more time. (it/be)
10 l'm not going to take the job. l'd take it if .." """""."""""".""""" """".".."""." .""."""""".""""" better. (the salary/be)
11 1 dor't know anything about cars. lf the саг broke do\vn, .".. """......."" . .""".""""""" ".".""""""."".".."". "."" what со do.
12 lf yoLt could change one thing in the world, what """".". ".".".".""".". ."".".""."""."""""..""""."""". ? (you/change)

Wilrlil Закончите предложения. Используйте информацию из рамки + глагол в правильной форме.

,,--- _,..". - --
-· "·-----······
· ·

- -"

( we (have) а blgger house

! we (buy) Ыgger house
а the air (Ье) cleaner 1
1 we (have) some pictures
\ every day (Ье) the same
оп the wall 1 (watch) it
•..._ __. " ....,...___,,.,...-"._·---··v-------·••••--""• ••••""'·-''
1 (Ье) bored )
1 l'd buy t:hat: jacket if "." Jt w.�!?. � !?.J:t: 9.he�.p� r.
" � - " " . . """""""""""." .""""".""" """." .."" " "" . " " " . ""
" "". "" ."" ". ... " . . ""
. "." " " """ " ".""""". �"" .

2 lf [here was а good film on TV toпigt1r, " . ""."."" . .

"""" """ " .. . ". " . . "". .. ""."."""
" ." .. " . " .". . " "" . " " .
." " "" " ". " . . ." ."".".. "" . " ". . .
"" " " " """ "

3 This room would Ье nicer if . " """ """."."." "."..""."."."".".""".""".".""". ."""".. "".""""".""." . .""."""""""""""""".".""".." .".""""""""""""" .."""".
4 lf there wasn't so mucl1 rraffic, .."""." " "" " "" ". "."" . "". .."""""".. "" """."."" ."""."" ".. ""."."".""""""""."" ... """ .""" """."" ".""""".."" . . """"""""""".

5 Life would Ье boring if """"""."".". "" " " " . "" .

" "" ". . " . " ". """" " .. " "" ". "" " . . ."
"."" " . . "" "" " "" """. " " " ." """ " ."
" .. " "" " .. ." " . ""
. " " "
. " "". .""" . . . "" . .
6 lf 1 had nothing to do, """.""""".""."".""". ".""" ".. """ . " "" .". "" "." " ".
. "" . """ . "
" . " "."" """"." " ." " " "" ."
"" " " " "" """""" " " " . . " . .. " " . ""
". " " ."" " " " "" " "" "" .
7 We could invite all our friends to stay if " " .. . "
"" "" " .. "" . "" " " """""""" " """"" """ ... . "
." "". " " "" """".".". " "". " """ "" ".""" ." " "."" " " ..
8 lf we l1ad more money, ...". .. " ""." . . ". "" ."" " . ". . "" "" " . " "" "" " "." . ". " " ". """ .. .
" " " "". ". ." "" . ". " ..
" " " """ " " "" " "" . ". " " " "" "
"". " "
"".". ." "" " "." "" . "" .". .

Wili/11 Закончите предложения, используя свои собственные идеи.

1 l'd Ье l1appier if "" J 9.Q U d !3�t."g bmr.�r.jQ�

. . ! . " .".".". """ .""."".""""".""""""" .".""".""".".".""".". ""..."""""."""""".." """""."".""""...
"J lf 1 collld go anywhere in tl1e \•Jorlcl, """". ". " """ " " " ." ". ...."" .""".""."."".""."".. ". "." ." ""."." " """ """""." ". "" """."""""".""""" "". """""" .

З 1 wouldn't Ье very happy if ."""""".". "" ..

"."" .. ." " "." " """."" . ".""""""" " ."."" "" ""." . ."" " " "". "."." " " ".". """.. . ".". " ." "" " . "" "."..
" "" .. "" """ " "" .

4 l'd buy ."".""".""...""."""""""".""""".""".""...""."""" .."" if . " .""" "".""" ...". ".""""." ""..""."""."".. "".".""
""."""""""" "" " "." . ".
.. " .". " " ."
". """"" """ "" "" .
5 lf1 sav.: an accident in tl1e street, "."."""""."."".""""."""..""...""."" ..."""."""""". "".""."""""."""".""""""."""""""."""".."""""""" ."""""." ..."""..
6 The world would Ьеа better place if ""." . ". . " "" "" " " ." .""" . " " "" . """" " """ " """ ""
"" " . "" " " " ".. ."" " " ""." " ". . . """" "" ."" "" " " ."" " """ "" " ." """ ..

8 Переведите предложения на английский язык. выиграть = win

1 Анна была бы счастливее, если бы ей нравилась её работа.

2 Мы пошли бы на концерт, если бы у нас были билеты.
З Если бы я знал его имя, я бы тебе сказал.
4 Бен б1>1 много путешествовал, если бы у него были деньги.
5 На твоём месте я бы остановился в гостинице "Гранд".
6 Наша жизнь была бы более интересной, если бы мы жили в Лондоне.
7 Если т =>1 голодна, мы можем пообедать сейчас.
8 Что бы вы сделали, если бы вы выиграли много денег?

1 met: а woman. She сап speak six languages.
! ___________________ . 2 предложения ·------------------_ ;
г·-------· -··-·--- ·-· 7 предложение . ---- ............"". "
1 met: а woman who can speak six languages.
Я встретил женщину, которая умеет
говорить на шести языках.

Jack was \vearing а hat:. lt \vas too Ьig for him

: i
: 2 предложения ·--------------------)

it� that или which

г·---------------------· 7 предложение ·---------------------- 1

J ack was wearing а hat that was t:oo Ьig for him:
Jack was \vearing а hat which was too Ьig for him.
На Джеке была (надета) шляпа, которая была
ему велика.

who = кто, который (-ая/-ое/-ые) - о людях (неверно о предметах):

А tl1ief is аperson who srcals i:hings. . .. человек, который ворует.
Do you know anybody who can play the piano? ... кого-нибудь, кто умеет . . . ?
Theman who phoned didn't give his name. Мужчина, который звонил . _ .

Thepeople who work in the office are very friendly. Люди, которые работают ...

that = который (-ая/-ое/-ые) - о людях и о предметах:

Ап airplane is аmachine that Aies. ... машина, которая летает.

Emma lives in а house that is 400 years old. . .. в доме, которому ...

Thepeople that work in t:he office аге very friendly. Люди, которые работают ...

Говоря о людях, мож но использовать that, но чаще используется who.

which =который (-ая/-ое/-ые) - о предметах (неверно о людях):

-An airplane is аmachine whicl1 Aies. (неверно а machinc \-vho ". )

Emma lives in а house which is 400 years old .
. ·
- ---- -----·

Which не используется в отношении людей:

О Do you remember the woman who was playing the piano at the parry? (неверно the woman \vhich .. . )
Вы помните женщину, которая играла на пианино ... ?

who и which в вопросах _.Разделы 46, 48

212 the people we met (относительные придаточные предложения 2) _.Раздел 102
aD Используя слова и фразы и з обеих рамок� напишите предложения по образцу:
А ••. is а person who ••• • Если необходимо, воспользуйтесь словарём.

-a-t� а dentist doesn't tell the cгuth is ill in l1ospital

а butcheг а fool 1 takes саге of уоuг teeth stealsthings
а musюan а �enius 1 is vегу intelligent does scupid things
а pat1ent а l1ar playsа musical instгument sells meat

1 . A"t..b.\§f.i.�. а .p�r.�9.r.!.Yxh.9..�.'t.§gJ.�.t..hir:i.g�:..... . . . . .... ....... .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .... .. ." . .. . . " . .. . " ..... . .. . .

"" """ ." ." " ." " "". "" . """" . """ " . " " " " " "" " " """" "" " ". " """" "".. " . ""

2 А butcher isа peгson .".."...."""."".".."" .".""""""""""..".""" "."""""""".""""""" """""""""".". ."."."""""""..""."".. "".....".""""".. """"".".""."."""""".."".

3 А musician """"" .. . . ." " """" . " .. " . " ..

"" " " " . . "". ". . . " ". "" "" " " "
""" """""" " """"" . ". "
"""."" " " ". . ..
" "" """"" "" """ . . " "" " " "" """ " "" " ."" """ " " """ " """""" "" " "" " "

4 "". """ .
" " " " "
" " "."" "" "" . """ . . "" " . . " .
"""""""""" " "" " ". .. . .. . .. . .
." .
""" """" "" . ....
"" . "" " "." "" "" ".""" "" "" " " """" " " "" " " "" " " """""" . "" "" """ "" " " """"" " """"" " " " " """

7 ". . ."." .."" .."...." .".""" ... "."""". ...."."... """"""."" ...." . . ".."" ..... " ......... "" ............" . ." .... """ ..".... """" ..... ".."" . ..."." .... " . . "."." . .. "...." .... "."." ..."."".". ". . . ."" ..".".. ""... •""""" . "

Wli8llliil' Составьте одно предложение из двух предложений в скобках.

1 (А man phoned. Не didn't give his name.)
..". Th.�.n:J.g.t:l \Y.b.9.. Pb.9D�4.g_�g.r.(t..gJ.Y?."!Jg.m§. ." ......... . ... . . . . . . . . . ..." . . . ." ...
. .. ... . . . .. . ......... . . " " " ... .. . .."" .. .
. """ . "." " "" " "" " . . . " " .." ""." " " . " "" .. " " . "" ." " ." .

2 (А \ivoman opened the dоог. She was wearing а yellow dгess.)

The woman " " " . ."" ."" " .. """"""""".""". """"" """"""".".""".. ""..."""""..."" """""""""""""."""""""""""""".."".. "".а yellow dгess.
" " "" "" " """" " ""

3 (Some students took the exam. Most of them passed.)

Most of the students ..." .... ".. ..... . ." . . ... .. . . . . . ...... " .. ." .. .. ... . .. ... .... .. " ..... . ." ........ ..... . ." . ............ ... .." ... ." .... ....... .. " .. .
" .. " " . . "." " " " . ." " ." " ". "" . ". " "" " . "." " " " " ".. . . ." ." .. "" " " .

4 (А policeman stopped оuг саг. Не \vasn't vегу friendly.)

The .. .. ... .............. ... .. . ... . ." ..". . . .... ." " . . ...... . .... .. .. ... .... . .. ....... .. .. . ..... . ... .... .". . .... ... .. . .... .". .. .... ... .. ... . .... . .. .... ........... .
" "" " ." " " " " . . " ... " .. . " . " " . " .. .. " " " ". . " " . " .. " . "" ." . " " " " .. . "" " """ " "

lllilli� Вставьте who или which.

1 1 rret а woman "" . " """". �У.Ь.9 "" """ """"." " can speak six languages.
2 Wl1aL's the name of the man ."."""""""""""". ."" .""""." has just started woгk in your office?
З W/1at1s the name of tl1e гiver ".".""""""""".". """." ..""""." flows through the cown?
4 W/1еге is the pictuгe """"""""""".." """"""".".""""" was l1anging on the \vall?
5 Do you know anybody """."" .""."""""""""."."".""""". wants to buyа саг?
6 YoLt always ask questions "."."""""""". "." """"". """".аге difficulc to answer.
7 1 havc а friend " """""""."""""""""""." .. """" is very good at repairing cars.
8 1 Lt1ink cverybody .."".""."""""""" ..""." .. "".""" went со the party enjoyed it very much.
9 Wl1y does he always wear clothes ""."""."."" """.""."""".""""""". are too sma\I for him?

lilllll' В некоторых предложениях допущена ошибка. Где нужно/ исправьте ошибку.

1 А tl1ief is �l1Jд1 steal� things. " "" g:i P.�.r9..Q.r:J"W..b.Q"�t.�g.1.$.""". "". . "" "" "" "" " "" " ". " "" """ " .". ".
" ""

2 An airplane is а machine that flies. " ". ОК . """ " " " " " ". " " "" """"""""".""".". """ "" """""" " " " " """"" " " "" . .. . "

З А coffee maker isа machine \"lho makes coffee. "" "" " .
" " "" "" " " " " " " . . " .
" " """" " """ "" """ . . " """""""" " " "" """ " .. ." "" . """"

4 What's l1appened to the money that was on the саЫе? """ " """ "" ". " "" """ .. " " """ . "" " "" ."""" " """ """"" " "" " . . " """ " " "" """" " "

5 1 don't like people which never stop ralking. """""""" .. " "" """"" . .""""" "" " " "" "." .". .. " "..
"" """"""""" " ." . "" " " ."
." " " ""

6 1 know somebody that can l1elp yotJ. ""."""" """ . " " . . "" " " " "" ." . "" """"" .. . "" ." "". "." . .
"" " " """ " "" "" ..
7 1 kпow somebody \vho works in rhat s�юр. """""""".""""." "" . ". "" .. . """ " " "" .
" "" " ..." " ""."" " " " ."" "" ".". """" .. "

8 Correct the sentences who are \vrong. " .

" """"" ". " .
" " "" """ " " " " . ..
" """""" " "" ." "." " .""" " . .""" " ."
"" . .

9 Му пeighlJolJr bought а саг who cost f.40,000. ""."""""."" ".. " """ .. " ..
" " " """ ". . . " .. " """
. " " .""" """ "" """ " ". " """ " .

lllilli� Переведите предложения на английский язык. по соседству = next door

в течение = for
1 Люди, которые живут по соседству1 очень шум11ые.
2 У меня есть друг, который жил в Токио в течение 5 лет. течь через= flow through

З Вы знаете кого-нибудь� кто говорит по-итальянски? стстья = article

4 Нева - это река, которая течёт через Петербург. (8) на= for

5 Ты видела книгу, которая была на столе?

6 Жу�:;налист- это человек1 который пишет статьи.
7 Это та девушка, которая украла твой кошелёк?
8 Карен работает на компанию, которая производит компьютеры.

The man is carrying а bag.
lt's very heavy. 2 предложения

:--------------------· 7 предложение ·------------------:
; :
Тhе bag (that) he is carrying is very heavy.
Сумка, которую он несёт, очень тяжёлая.

Kate won some money. }

What is she going to do \Vith it:?

... ..... -- -----·· -------·········

· 1 предложение ···-- -- " ... -. ....., - .
.---- . ----- - "" " ''

What is Kat:e going to do wit:h the money (that) she won?

Что Кейт собирается делать с деньгами, которые
она выиграла?

Можно сказать:
О The bag that he is carrying " . или ll1e bag he is carrying ." (с или без that)
О . " the money that Kare \VOn? или ... t:he money Kat:e won?

Если that/who/which является дополнением, то его необязательно использовать (можно опустить):

подлежащее глагол дополнение

1t1e man \vas carrying а bag --7 the bag (that) the man was carrying
Kat:e won sоп1е money � the money ( that) l<ate wo11
You wanted some book � the books (йiaL) you wa11ted
We met so111e people --7 the people (wl10) we met

О Did you find the books you wanted? (или . tl1e books that you wanted?)
Ты нашёл книги, которые ты хотел?
О The people we met were very friendly. (или Тhе people who \Ve met ...)
Люди, с которыми мы познакомились, ".
О Everything 1 said was true. (или Everything that 1 said ... ) Всё, что я сказала, было правдой.

Обратите внимание:
О The film we saw was very good. (неверно The film we saw it was ... )
Фильм, который мы посмотрели, был очень хорошим.
. .
...' в· После глагола может стоять предлог (to/in/at и т. д .):

Eve is tall<ing to а man. --7 Do you know the man Eve is tall<ing to?
Вы знаете мужчину, с которым говорит Ив?
We stayed at а hotel. --7 The hotel we stayed at was near the sration.
Гостиница, в 1<оmорой мы жили, была ."
1 told you about some books. --7 These are the books 1 told you about.
Это те книги, о которых я тебе говорила.

Обратите внимание:
... the books 1 told you about. (неверно the books 1 told you about them)

Можно сказать "(место) where ... ":

О Тhе hotel where we srayed was near the st:ation. ( = The hotel we stayed at ..) .
Гостиница, где мы жили, ...

'. . .
.с: Если who/that/which является подлежащим, то его необходимо использовать(� Раздел 107):
О 1 met а woman who can speak six languages. (who - подлежащее)
О Jack was wearing а hat that was too Ьig for him. (that- подлежащее)

214 ( а person who " . , а thing that/whicl1 " . (относительные придаточные предложени� 1)-+ Раздел 101 )
llililil� Составьте одно предложение из двух.

1 (Helen took some pictures. Have you seen them?)

.... Н.gV�.YQ.Y �.?.?.n .t.b. � pi�u.r.?.? Н..?.!.�11.й?.Р�.f
. .. " ··········· .......... ..... .. ..... . ..... . .... . ..... ..... ....... .. . ......... ............ .......... ................................".......... .. .. .
. .
.. . . ... .
2 (You gave me а pen. l've lost it.)
l've lost the .
..... " .... ............ ···········-····-···· ·····-···········-··········-··· · ····-·······"............."...... .. . .
" """ ." ........ "....." .. ......... .."......" . "........... "." ..." ...... " . ".. .". . . . "
." ." ".... ....."......._
. ...

3 (Sue is \vearing а jacket. 1 like it.)

1 like the ... . . . . " " . . . .
"... ... . ..
. ...... . ....... ......"... ..... ".. ...."" " ....... .. " ....... " ". . . . ".". . ....." ."" . ..... . .
- ...." .. ..
. "." . " .. . .. . " .." . .. .. .""" ". . . .. "
. ........ . .
". " ..... "...... " . . ."...." ..........." " .
. "...... - ......... " .....

4 (1 gave you some fto\vers. Where are they?)

Where are the .".... ".. ""..........."....."... ".............."...... "... "."............."."...."....".... "............".... "....."".." ............... "."".... ".."".."".... "-.."....".."".........".."......."....""........ .. ?
5 (Не told us а story. 1 didn't believe ic.)
1 ...... . .. .. .
"....... .. . ... """ . "".. "" .
" .".. " ..." ... . " ................"...."....." . . ........" ... ".. " .." ............ ". " . . . ""..... "..." ....".. "
. " .... ".. "
. " . . ." ... .. " ."
" ."." ." .."... - " . ... ... .." .. ". ..
.". . " . .".... " . .. ..."..."_ ... ". ..
. .. .

6 (You bought some oranges. Ho\v much were they?)

НO\V .. """. . " ... ..
." . . "."
. .. . .
" "".. " .. ." .. ".. " ." ... " . "."..."" ..... . ". . . . .
" .. ". " .. ". .. " . "". ...... ". . ." . ."
.. .. .
....... . .... ..".."".. . . " ". "". " " ". "" ..."..."."... .....
• " ........-"."..... "...."".... "... .... "..... ""."..". ?

8 Составьте одно предложение из двух.

1 (1 'Nas carrying а bag. lt was very heavy.)
.. _ Y..f/1.r:y,. b.�g.Y.Y�...... . . . . . " . . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .
""..IЬ.� Qg.gJ.w.g_� 9.g.r�J.og.Jv.g� .. .. . " .." " ""
. .. . " " "" " .. " " ". .. " ... " " ." " " . . .. " . . . "..." . .. ..
. . "... " . " "."" .... ".. "" ....".. . "..... .." . . "."..." ." ..

2 (You cooked а meal. lt was excellent.)

The .. . .... . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . ....... . . . . ... . . . .. .
"..". " . "... " .. " .." . " .. " " ". .. . . . . .. ..
". .. . . ... . .. . .
.. " " ." ".. .
.. "" ... .... ... " .. "" " " . ." " ..." " .. " . .. " . ".. . " " ... . . """... ". ...... "...... ".. ".... """" .... " . . ."....." .. . .. "." . " " "..
.... . ..

3 (l'm wearing shoes. They aren't very comforraЫe.)

The shoes .. .. . . . . . .. . . "
" .. " .... " . . " . " .
."." .
...... .... " ... " .
. ...... .. .... . ." ."
.." ...." ..... " . ." ." .". . ." ""
.. ". .. "....".......". ." "....... . "........- ...... ".... "......" ...... "......... .......... ............ .......... ...... ... ......

4 (We invired some people со dinner. They didn'r come.)

The .................. " " . ........." ..... .... .. "...... ...... ............. ..... ........ . ....... .... ... . ... ... . .......... . . .......... . .......... ....... " . .
... ... ..
. .... . .
." . .
..... .. . . ..... . . .... ....... "."........". . . ... "."" .. " ......... """..... ..... ".. .

Wilili� Вы задаёте другу вопросы. Закончите предложения.

1 Your friend srayed ас а hotel. You ask:

Whar's the name of "..t..b.r:;. b.Qt4!.YQU.r:?.t.aY.�rJ.. a.1f. ..... . . ".. " ............ ""......... ".... ".... ".......... ".." " .... ".... ".... "..... "...................... ".................. "................ " " ... ?

2 Your friend was talking to some people. You ask:

Who are the people .... "... ".......... ".... ".... ".. "." ......." ............"." ......... "....... "" .......... "...... " ............... ""..." .... ""...................... "."."..... """" ........." ....... "" .. ".".. ".."" .... ".. ?

3 Your friend \Vas looking for some keys. You ask:

Did you find the ...... . ..."......... "......................."................ .........-..........".........................." .
. .........".............."..........."."...."... ".. "........."......... "...... "................"......... �

4 Your friend is going to а party. You ask:

Where is the .. . " ... ....... ........ ... ".... ......... .......... .......... ."....... ........". ...........". . " ....". "....."......" ..".......""....."..............." ........ ""."........ "............... ?

5 Your friend was talking a l)O U L а Г1lm. You ask�

What's the name of ." .....".... "....".. ... """" ".." ... " .."".. ". ".".. """. " ."... " ....." .. .... ...... .............. ······•4•••······

6 Your friend is listening to some music. You ask:

What's that ........".........."........... "...".....".......... ".." ...."...."............... """"."..".....""......... "........... ".".."..... "..."...".".......... "...... "....-".. "...".".. "....."..."....""."".... ""."."."... ?
7 Your friend applied for а job. You ask:
Did you get .... "..." ...................... "..........".... "_"""..... " ..
" ...... . . .. .
" . .... " .. .... .
. ......" . . ... ". . . "... . .." ... . . .
. " .". ". . . ".- . . .. . ..
. . ". .".. "...""... "......""........... "-....". . ". "".. ""_._" .... ".."". ".. ?

W'illl Закончите вопросы, используя where.

1 John stayed at а hotel. You ask him:

. t.?!"�v"b.?. r?. .YQ.ц �t��Y?.4.
Did you like ......t..b.� b9 .. . .. . ..."."............ "...."..... "..."". . ." .... "". . . "... """........... ". . ." .....".... "........ .." ... ""....".".".... ".......--"········-······".. ?
2 Sue had dinner in а restaurant. You ask her:
What's the name of the restaurant ."......"""....._
.. .... ..." "." ...... "."."....." ...... ....."".".......... .. "."" ... ."".." ..." .""..... ........." -····

3 Sarah lives in а village. You ask her:

How big is the ....... ".......".. "......"... "...""... "...""............"..."..."... "...... ".... """......".."........".."........ ""......"..............."........................... . ...... " ...... .."......."..... .................. ?
4 Richard works in а factory. You ask him:
Where exactly is ....... " ". ." ...." ...." _. .... . ." ."
....... .."...." ......-" . . . . . . .""....... "" ........."" ........ ·---· ······-·········--···········" .... "."".." ............... ""........ "........""..".".................-... ?

W'ilil Переведите предложения на английский язык. сдавать= do

1 Мне понравилось платье, которое ты вчера надевала. шоу= show

2 Ты посмотрел ф ильм , который я тебе дал?

З Тест, который Бен вчера сдавал, был несложным.
4 Марина купила туфли, которые она хотела?
5 Как была вечеринка, на которую ты ходил в субботу?
6 У меня есть друг, который умеет говорить на четырёх языках.
7 Моим родителям не понравилось шоу, которое они смотрели в Лондоне.
8 Это те люди. о которых я тебе говорил.

at + точное время
О 1 start work at 8 o'clock
8 o'clock
Я начинаю работать в 8 часов.
at 10.30
midnight и т.д. О The shops close at s.зо.
Магазины закрываются в !:J:ЗО.

оп + день недели / дата

О Вуе! 1111 see you on Friday.

- ;ь� �:� оп
Sunday(s) / Monday(s) и т.д.
25 April / 6 June и т.д.
Пока! Увидимся в пятницу.

New Year1s Day и т.д. О What do you usually do on Sundays?

. .. делаешь по воскресеньям?
. ·

О Тhе соnсеп: is on 22 November.

Концерт - 22 ноября.
iп + месяц /год/время года и т. д.
О l1m going on holiday iп October. . .. в октябре.
April/June и т.д.
in summer /spring и т. д. О The park is beautiful iп spriпg. ...весной.
О Emma was born in 1995. ".в 7995 году.
2013/1988 и т.д.

.· _· . в Обратите внимание:

at the weekend =
на выходных/ по выходным о Are you going away at the weekend?

at night - ночью / по ночам Вы куда-нибудь уезжаете на выходных?

at Christmas =
но/в Рождество о 1 can't sleep at пight Я не могу спать по ночам.
at Easter - на Пасху о Where will you Ье at Christmas? (но оп Christmas Day)

at the end of - в конце." Где вы будете на Рождество?

at the moment - сейчас / в настоящий о l'm going on t1oliday at the епd of October.

момент ... в конце октября.

о Are you busy at the momeпt?
Ты занята сейчас?

iп the morning - утром /по утрам О 1 always feel good in the mor11ing.

in the afternoon - днём Я всегда чувствую себя хорошо по утрам.

in the evening - вечером / по вечерам О Do you often go out iп the eveпing?

Вы часто куда-нибудь ходите по вечерам?
оп Мопdау morning / on Tuesday afternooп /оп Friday eveпing /оп Saturday night и т. д.:
О l1 m meeting Jackie on Monday morпiпg. ". в понедельник утром.
О Are you doing anything оп Saturday пight? . " в субботу вечером?

Аt/оп/iп не используются перед этими словосочетаниями:

this ... (this morning / this week и т. д. ) О Are you going out this evening? .. .сегодня вечером?

Jast ... (last дugust / last weel< и т.д.) О We go on holiday every summer. Last summer we went
пехt ... (next Monday / next week и т. д.) to Сапаdа. ".каждое лето. Прошлым летом ."

every ... (every day / every week и т. д.) О l'm leaving next Мопdау. (неверно on next Monday)
Я уезжаю в следующий понедельник.

Е· in five minutes / in а few days / in six weeks / in two years и т.д.

. '
. . .· .· ..

О Hurry! Тhе train leaves in five minutes.

��� ,.,\&


(:�. �,
• ''.�-:-1\
• '
r� -' - / "" Поторопись! Поезд уходит через пять минут.
- �-

�. ..·
щ� /


О Вуе! 1'11 see you in а few days.


Пака! Увидимся через несколько дней.

now in five minutes

216 (in/on/at (предлоги места)� Разделы 106-107 )

8 Вставьте at/on/in.
·1 . " ......" Q.t1 . " . 6 June
. ... 7 ......................." .. 24 September 13 .... ".""."...."".".Friday morning
2 . ..
.... ... .Jn. . the evening
...... ... 8 . . "......................" .Тhursday 14 . .."."""........". Saturday nighr
3 . ...
. .. . .
...... .. ............ half pasr two 9 . .. .. . ... . ."........ 11.45
. .. . . . .. 15 .. .""." ...................night
4 .. . . . . .. .. Wednesday
. . .... . ... ... . . .... 10 ............................. Christmas Day 16 ...""""........" ........the end of the day
5 . ..... ............... .. 2007
.. 11 ... . . .. .. . . ".. .. Christmas
.. . .... 17 ............ .......... "..."the weekend
6 .... .. "".. ........
. September 12 ........... "........... the morning 18 ...".....................".winter

СШ Вставьте at/on/in.
1 Вуе! See you ...... .. Q.r.!
... ........ ". Friday. 11 1 ofteп go away ....."."..............the weekend.
7 Wl1ere were you " " "..................... 28 February? . . 12 l'm starcing my new job .... ."........ ..""".".. 3 July.
3 1 got up . ........". "............ 8 o'clock this morning. 13 We often go ro the beach ......".".".""" ........summer.
4 1 like getting up early ..... ".."..... " .........the morning. 14 George isn't here ..."" ..........." ..."....the moment.
5 Му sister got married ........" . . . .. . М ау. .. . .. ... . .. . 15 Jane's blrthday is ."............."..... ..". December.
6 Jessica and 1 ftrst met . .".".""........".. 2006. " 16 Do you work ..""..."" ......"." ..". Saturdays?
7 Did you go out .........."...."."... ..Tuesday? 17 Тhе company started . ".. .................... 1999. ...

8 Did you go out ..........."....."".". Tuesday evening? 18 1 like to look at the stars ......."........"."""..night.
9 Do you often go out .... ""..."."...".." the evening? 19 1'11 send you the money . ............"........... the end of
10 Let's meet "....""......" 7.30 tomorrow evening.
........... the month.

В» Прочитайте о планах Лизы на следующую неделю и закончит� предложения.


1 Lisa is going to the cinema ".... Q.r.l.�l.��J!���Ф�Y..�Y.§ .. " ...... .. . ." ... .." ... .
. . .. .. .. ...." "" " .. . . . . " "
.... .. . . .. . ... . ...... .. . . . . . .
.... . . .. . .. .. ..... . . . . "" .. . .. . "." .. " . .
. .. . ... .. .... .

2 She l1as to phone Chris ""." ... " .. . ... .. . ". . .. .. .. .. . ." ........ "" ....... " ". " . . .." ""
... ... . ... ......... " "" "
... .. ." . ..... .. ." . . . . ...... .. . . . . . "" . . "". . . . . . . .... " . . "" .. "
". . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . ... .. . . ........ " " "" .
. ... .

3 She isn't doing anything special ." "." .. .... . . .............. ... . .. "
. ........... " ."
.... ".... ... . .. ............... ... .. ". " .. . ".. . " . . . . "
. .... ... . . . .. .. . . . . . ". . .. .
.." ... ... .. .... . " ... .. .... . " " . ..
..... . ...... .. "
.. . .

4 She's got а driving lesson ........" ............. ......... .. .. ." . . .

.................. .. .... ............ .. " .
. .. ..... ..... . . .. . " " .. .. " . . . . . . .
...... .... . . .... . . . ... . .... . .. . .. .. " "" " ..
.... . . .. ......".. " .
... ....... . . .. ... .. ". . ......

5 She's going to а party " .. .. " .. . . " . "" . " ... ... " .." " " ... "" ... ." """ "" ""
. .... " .. .. " " " " " . " . ". . "" . .. .. ." ... .. ... .. " " " ".. .
.... . ." .. . . " . . .. .. .. . ... . .. " . .......... ..... ."... . .. .. .... . .. ..... . " ... " ... .. . .. . . ..

6 She's meeting Sam .. " "" "". . . ." . . " " .. . " . " ..
.. . . "". . " . . . . . . ".. . " " " .." "
.... .. . ..... . . . . .......... " .
......... ........ . .. .. . ...... ".. ............. .. . .. ... ...... ...... ... .. ... ..... ..... . .... . ...... .......................... .... .

llliiliМJI Наnишите nредложения, исnользуя in ••• .

1 lt's 8.25 now. The train leaves at 8.30. ......Th.�.trg.!n ..!§.gy��.i.n.fiv.� .m.!n.цt§.� ............ " . . .. . . .................... .... . .. .... ........ ............

2 lt's Monday today. 1'11 call you on Thursday. 1111 . . .. "..........""..." ....... .........."....................." ..."."................"..........."" ....."."" ..""days.
... .. ......

3 Today is 14 June. Му exam is on 28 June. Му . . .... ..".............. .................... .. ". .

..... ..... .............. .........." . ". ."" . ......... ... .""." ........ . ........... . . . ..... . .. .

4 lt's 3 o'clock now . Tom will Ье here at 3.30. Tom ....." ". ". .. " . ." . .." ".. ".. . . . . . .
..... .. . " .. ..... ..... . .. ". .. .. . . . .... . .. .. . ............ .. . . ......... ... .. ..... ...... ........... ........ ..

llililliliil' Где необходимо, вставьте at/on/in. Не1<оторые предложения не требуют добавления предлога.
1,111 go111g . . .n11 .

1 "....."......." Fr1'd ау.

.... .... 7 WI1at аге you d 01ng .".." е weekend ?
2 l'm going ".".....:: Friday. (правильно) 8 1 phone Robert ...................... .....every Sunday.
3 1 always feel tired .............. "" ..........the evening. 9 Sl1all we play tennis .... Sunday?
4 Will you Ье at home ........................ "...this evening? 10 1 can1t go to the party ...................." " .... Sunday.
5 We went to France "......................". last summer. 11 l1m going out. 1'11 Ье back ......... ".an l1our.
6 Laura was born "..........".......... 1997. ..... 12 1 don't often go out ....".............. " ...night.

Wiii' Переведите предложения на английский язык. взлетать (здесь)= leave

1 Я родился в 1997 году. 6 Футбольный матч -
14 марта. библио те к а = library
2 Вы свободны сегодня днём? 7 Мы встречаемся с нашими матч= match
3 Наш самолёт взлетает через 30 минут. друзьями в пятницу вечером. ужасный = terriЫe
4 Библиотека открывается в 10 часов? 8 Погода в настоящий момент
5 Салли едет в Америку в конце января. ужасная.

from ". to ". = от ." до/с ". до/с ." по

О We lived in Japan from 2003 to 201 О. ... с 2003 до 207 О года.

from Monday to Friday
О. 1 work from Monday to Friday. ... с понедельника по пятницу.
Можно также сказать from ... until ... ( от ... до/с ... до):
Monday Friday
О We lived in Japan from 2003 until 2010.
... с 2003 до 207 О года.

: . ·�в·
' until ... = до/до тех пор (пока не)

Friday О They're goi ng away toтorrow.

They'll Ье away until Friday. until Friday
until Их не будет до пятницы.
З o'clock
1 соте back О 1 wenc ro bed early, buc 1 wasn'c tired.
1 read а book until 3 o'clock Я читала книгу до трёх часов.
О Wait here until 1 соте back Ждите здесь, пока я не вернусь.

Можно также использовать till (= until):

О Wait here till I соте back.

О 'How long will you Ье away?' 'Until Monday: ... 'llo понедельника1:
О 'When are you coming back?' 'On Monday.' .. . 118 понедельник':. ·

since +указание на время в прошлом =с ...

Since используется с presenr perfect (have been/ have done и т. д.):

Monday О Joe is in hospital. Не has been in

since Monday
1998 hospital since Monday.
since ... Он в больнице с понедельника.
( и сейчас там находится) Monday now
1 arrived =

О Sue and Dave have been married

since 1998.
... женаты с 7 998. (= до сих пор женаты)
О lt has been raining since 1 arrived.
Дождь идёт с того момента, как я приехал.
О We lived in Japan from 2003 to 201 О. ... с 2003 по 207 О год.
We lived in Japan until 2010. . .. до2010года.
О Now we live in Canada. We came ro Canada in 201О. . .. в 201 О году.
We have lived in Canada since 201О. Мы живём в ... с 201 О года.

С указанием периода продолжения действия (three days/ten years и т. д.) используется for (неверно since):
О Joe has been in hospital for three days. (неверно since three days)
Джо в больнице уже три дня.

for + период времени = на/в течение ...

three days о Gary stayed wirh us for three days.

Гари жил у нас в течение трёх дней.
for three days
ren years
ftve minutes о l'm going away for а few weeks. Sunday Monday Tuesday
а long time Я уезжаю на несколько недель.
о l'т going away for the weekend.
Я уезжаю на выходные.
о They've been married for ten years.
Они женаты десять лет. (букв . ... в течение десяти лет)

218 ( present perfecr + for/since-+ Раздел 20 present perfect (1 have lived) и past �imple (l lived) �Раздел 21 )
Прочитайте информацию и закончите предложения. Используйте from to / until / since.


1 liV{� in Fngland ПО\Ч. t l1ve in S'wvitLerland 1 \.vork in а horel 110\v. 1'111 а joumLilist nnw.
1 lived in Canada ПО\.V. 1 worked in а resraurant 1 'wVёlS а reacher
before. 1 l ivetl in Frnncc before. before. before.
1 са111е to England in 1 came to sv"itzerland in 1 srarted 'wvork in the 1 starred \vor k as а
7009. 2011. hotel iп 2012. journalist in 2008.
- . -- - - " -. - -.
- · ... . ..

1 (Al ex /Canada /2001 � 2009) Alex lived .. ip.Gщ:ч;!.d.rJ .fr.pm_ 2QQJ..:1(.Q.. 2.QQ;). .. . -· ····················· ·····-··· .. .

2 (Alex / Сапаdа / -7 2009) Alex lived in Canada . . ".". ...... """................... 2009.
·················· ·-···· ·· ··········-··· .... . ....

З (Alex /England / 2009 4) Alex has lived in England ......... " " ... .. "" .. . ... ".. . .. . . .. . .."
.. .. . .
..... ... . .. ." .. ... .. .. . " . " ..... .......

4 (Karen /France /� 2011) Karen lived in ...... .. .. " . "" . " . """""" . ."
. ............. . . ".. "". " .... ." .. ...... " "" ". .. . .. .... . . " . """

5 (Karen / Switzerland /2011 �) Karen has lived in ".... " . " """ ". .. . .. " .". . ."." . . .. ". ...
. ". ... . " . . .
....... . . . .... ... . . . " . . .. . . ............. .....

6 (Clare /а restaurant /2010 -7 2012) Clare \Vorkecl " ".. " "".".. ........ .... .... .... ..... ...
. ." . 2010 " " .. . " . "." " . . .. .. . ... . . "" ".". " .. .... .. .. ... ....... .

7 (C1are /а hotel /2012 4) Clare has \vorked ..." . " "" " " . . " "" . ."... .. . ..... " " "" " " ".. . . .
.... .. "" .. . " " .. ............... .... .... . . .".". " "". " " .. " .

8 (Adarn /а teacher /2002 4 2008) Adam was a .""""""""" .. " ." ". .. " " . . .. " . .".... " ... " . .
. . . "." .. . " . . .. .
.. " ....... ....... ..... .. .... ....."" ... . . " """ ". . . . . .. ...

9 (Adam /а journalist /2008 4) Adam ha� been " " " " .
... "."...."......" .. " .".""" " ..
........ ........ . ......... ..... ...... ..... .... .. .". "" """ .. . .

Теперь напишите предложения, используя for.

10 (Alex /CanacJa) " A.1 ��..l ved i�! G.�m.���..fQ r elght:.Y.�?;!I.;?."...........
.". . ! .. ... . . ..... .......... . " . ... .. . . .... .""... " "."" "".. . "
" " . ....... .. .

11 (А1ех /[ngland) Alex has lived in England . ... . ". . . .. .."... .......... _ ___..... "" .. ... " " " . ".. .. ... .. .." . .. ... ... " " . . -."" . . . . . .. . ... ... . . ." .

12 (K,1ren /Switzerland) Karen has ...... .. " " ".. "". . """ ".
" .. ... . . . - - . . . . " ". ... ..". .. .... ..." . ...... . . - ".. " " " ..." "" " ..
. " " " . ........ ..." . . ." .. .... . . "" . .

13 (Care /а restaurant) Clare \'v'orked .-"" . "·-··· ....... .....

. ... . ...." . . """..."........" .... ···---····-······ .... " ... ."
.. -. .... .. "" .." " " . ". " . " " ." " .....".. ... .
14 (Clare /hotel) Clare ····-· .. ............. """".".".."""......... .." ............ " ... . ....... .... _ ..... " .... "" "" ""
. . "" .".... ."" . .. ". ... ....... "" " . ... " .

15 (Adam /а teacher) Adam . . ." . .. . ... .

..... ... " .""
_. . . . . . " " .. .
..... . . . . "". .. .."" . . . ..
.. ......." . "" " " ... ..... .. _....."... .. ...... .. ... .... . .... "...." " . " ". . .... " . ...

16 (Adam /а journalist) Adam.. ......... . .. . . .. "

". . "" . ." . " . " . . " .. .. " " .. " . . . . . . ..
...... " . " . "" " ...... ". . ..... . .. ....... ..... . "". ." . " .. .. .... .. . . .. .... .. ..... . " . . """
... . ..... .

ВJ Вставьте until/since/for.
1 Sue and Dave have been married " ."" � (!J.9. �.."" . 1998.
. .

2 1 was tired this morning. 1 stayed in bed . . """ ..." ...." "..."...""."""."...." ...""" ...... 10 o'clock.
.. .

3 We waited for Sue ."......". ....".....""""".. "...... ""........"".......... half an hour, but she didn't come.
4 'Have you just arrived?' 'No, l've been here ".""" ..."..."...""...." "........ ."."""............. .... half pasr seven.'
5 ,Huw long did you stay at the party last night?' '" ..".."".. "....... .".......... "".".......""... "."""." midnight.'
6 Da11 and 1 are good friends. We have known each orher .. ..... "" .........."."""....... ".................."·-··· ... ten years.
7 l'm tired. l'm going to lie do\vn ........ ..." ......... ".""...""... .......""..""... ......"а fe\v minutes.
8 Don't open the door of the rrain . ...".".... ""...".. ..........."""". .......... .. the train stops.
9 This is my t1ouse. l've lived here ... . . .. . " " " . "" . " . . " 1 \.vas s�ven ycars old.
.. .... . " " " " . . ... .. ........"

10 Jack has gопе а\ЛJау. H e ' ll Ьс away . .. . . .."..""........"""......... Wednesday.

.... ... _ . ... . ....

1 ·1 Ncxt \Veek l'm going to Paris " .... . .. ...".. ".".... ".."""."...".."" . three days.
12 1 usually finish work ar 5.30, but sometimes 1 \vork ""..-........ "............"........................-............... six.
13 ,Hovv long have you knov1n Anna?' '. . .........""."".. "...... .... "... """"".".....". \ve were a t school rogether:
1/i Where have you been? l've been waiting for you .... "...."""."""............ ....."......................"". t't1enty minutes.

Переведите предложения на английский язык. переехать= move

1 Вчера я спала до 11 часов. получить= get
6 Наша машина у нас с 2011 года.
2 Джеймс болеет со вторника. 7 Я жил в Кембридже до тех пор,
3 Я собираюсь путешествовать в течение пока не получил работу в Лондоне.
трёх месяцев.
8 Тим и Лара женаты в течение
4 Ан1-а работала в Москве с 2003 по 2007 год. 2Олет.
5 В 2007 году Анна переехала в Англию.

- . А before =до/перед during =во время after =после

before = перед тем как whie

l = пока after = после того как

:��- . с during while и for

С существительным используется during ( during the film = во время фильма).

С глаголом используется while (while l'm reading =пока я читаю):
О We didn1t speak durig
n the mea l. Мы не разговаривали во время еды.
но We didn1t speak whie
l we were eating. (неверно during we were eating) ... пока мы ели.

Если указан период времени (three days / two hours /а year и т. д.), то используется for:
О We played tennis for two hours. (неверно during two hours)
Мы играли в теннис в течение двух часов.
О 1 lived i11 London for а year. (неверн() during а year) Я прож.ила в J lондоне год.

.. .

D После before и after можно использовать две конструкции:

О 1 always have brea fa

k st

b e ore going to wor k. ..
. перед тем как идти на работу.
be1ore go
l to wor .k

After doing the shopping,

} they wenc home . Сделав покупки, они пошли домои.
О 1 th е sh opp1ng,
Aft er th еу d.d

Нужно говорить n (неверно before to go), after doig

before goig n (неверно after to do) и т. д.:
О Before eating the apple, 1 washed it carefully. (неверно before to еас)
Перед тем как съесть яблоко; ...
О 1 started wor k after readig
n the newspaper. (неверно after to read)
Я приступил к работе после того, как прочитал газету.

220 ( past cont:inuous (1 was -ing) -+ Разделы 14-15 for-+ Раздел 104 предлог + -ing-+ Раздел 112
8 rЗакончите предложения. Используйте информацию из обеих рамок.
�··· --·--·

( lun h-----····- �he ��- the went t�-Aus ��li;

c y '\
after during . + 1
before while
the concert .me-exam- you're waiting f
i : the course the night
\ "-- -
••,./ ·-··---. --· •• -··- ---··"·-·-••••·--�v··-·-

1 l:v�rybody was nervous "..P§.fQ.r.f.!..:k.h.� .§?:S�m........ . ..". . . " " . . .. . " " . .. . . .-" " " ..-"." . . . " .."" "". ." " .. " .""""" . " . ". " . . . . .. " . ".""." " """""." " " ." .

2 1 вч1аllу work four hours in tl1e nшrning, and anot:her three /1ours .. . "" " """" . . ... .". . " ." ... "." " ."" . """ " "."" . . . "" ...""".".."" . "" ." " ". " "

З The film was really bori og. Wc left .".""". ". .. .. " "" " " "" . " ....." . "" ."" " " . " . . .. "
" " "" "." "". " """. " " ".... " . " " ."""" .""" " " "" "" .. """" ." . "

4 Anna wenr to evening classes to lcarn German. She leamt а lot ..... "" ... "" " ."" .... . " "" . " . "."." """" .""" . ". ". """ " " " "."". "" . """ " ..".

5 М�· aunt and uпcle lived in London " . ". """ .". "" " " .. . " "" . . ... "" " " ."" "" " . . "
" " "" " " . " ..." .
". _""" ". ." .". "".""."""" ...". " . .. . " "" " " " ." "" .."..".. ." "

6 л: Sornebndy broke а window " " . "."""" . " """.".""."".""".".""."" ".". """""".""." ..... "". .".. ""."""".".""". Did you hea1· aпything?
" " ""

в: �о. 1 was asleep all the riine.

7 Would you like to siL down "" "" " ." "" . "". ." " ?
"" "." .. " " . " "... ""."""""".""""."."""" ..""... "."."""""""."".""."""."""""""".""."" "" ... .""

R д: Аге you going home """""" """""""".".""".""".. .." .".""""""."""."""".".""."""""".""."...."".

"" """.""."""""".""".""."."."""."""" ... ""." .. ?
в: Yes, 1 havc to get up early to111orrow.

illililli� Вставьте durit1g/while/for.

1 We didn't: speak . ...".. t.v�!.1�" . ".."" w� were eating.
.. .

2 w� didn't speak . dur::i.пe.."" .... tl1e meal.

". .

З Gаг у called ""."".""""" ""...".".""..."." .." .. you were ош:.

4 Ату weпL to ltaly and stayed in Rome ".""""."".""." . ..""."."""."..""". nve days.
5 1 didn'r check my email """". """..."""""."....... "."""" 1 was away.
6 The students looked very bored "."""."."...".""".""."".""".".""."" the lesson.
7 1 fell out of bed "". ....."..""..."."""...."."""".."" 1 was asleep.

8 Last night 1 wat:ched TV .."....". "".""""."""."".""""""". three hours.


9 1 dor1't usually warch TV .."...".""""."." ..".""."""."""..."". the day. "

1О Оо you ever watch TV " .."" ... ".. "."."".""".."""""""""". you arc having dinner?

_." Заполните nропуски1 используя -ing (doing, having и т. д.).

1 After ""..."" � Q!r.J�
. """"." the shopping, tl1ey went home.
2 1 felt sick aftcr "...".".""."." ..".."... ." .."""":"." too much chocolate.
3 l'm AOing to ask you а question. Think carefully b�fore " . .."."".""" ." " ...-"."."" .. it.
4 1 felt awful when 1 got up Lhis morning. 1 felt better after ". "" " " .."""""""".""" """...... а sl1ower.
5 After .".""."....... .".""."""."...". my work, 1 left tl1e officc and went home.
6 Before . .".".."."".""""... "".""."""""" to а (oreign country, iL's good to tгу and le�rn а littl e of the la11guage.

8 Напишите предложения, используя befo1·e + -i11g и a�er +

1 l11ey dicJ the shopping. Then they wenL home.
Afte" .." .d. Q./.r.!GJ. t.b r;.. §hqpping,. tb.C?.Y. .W.mJ:�.b.Qm§"."."".......... " ...
. . . . . . . "" " .
"... . . .
.. """ ." """". .. . " .
." . . . . ..
" "" . .. "" ... . ... ... .
..." . .. "
".. ". . ".. . ... ."
"" . . "". . . ". ".
2 Jol1n l�ft school. Then he worked in а bookshop for two years.
John workcd ".".""""". "". . . " . . "" "
. . . .
" " "". . . "" " . . . . " """.". "" . . . . .
. . " """" . . .""." " . . ." ". . ". . . .."
" " . " ." " .. " " ". .. "" .. ". " .
""." """"" "". . " ." " .""." "
. ".". " "" " " " .
. """ ." .. ...
З 1 read ruг а fcw minutes. Then 1 went to sleep.
Befoi е ." " .. .. . . " . ." " ..." . ". ".. ." . . . . .. . " .." . . ". .. .. . " " . ... . " . " " ..
""."" ." " "."."....." . " . . .. " .." " ". " " .. .. " . ." . "" ." . "" " .... " .. . . " " . ..". "." "".. . .. " . .. . ."
. .. ."" . .. ". "".. ..
... . .. " . .. . "" .
". " . ."" .. .." "

4 We \.•1alked for three hours. We were very tired.

After .""""... ."... . " .. " " . "" " . "". ."."".." " " . .. " . ... ..
. " . . ." "."" " ." . .. . .
." " . . """" .. .. . .
. ." " . .. . " " ".. . .
". .. . " """ . . "

') 1 f:\t s have а cup of coffee. Т11еn we'll go our.
Let's """"""." """."" " " . . ... ".
" ". . . . ." ". " "" .
".". " """ """ " "". " .".
" "". .."""."" . .

Переведите предложения на английский язык. собеседование= interview

покормил = fed
1 Мы поужинали перед концертом.
чувствовать себя лучше= feel better
2 Я ед€' лал поку11ки, пока Эмма была на работе.
1 После матча в центре города было много народу.
li Сашi.1 очень нервничала перед собеседованием.
5 Во время отпускtl я прочитала три книги.
6 Мы ждали автобуса 40 минут.
7 П ерец тем как идти спать я покормил кошку. ,
8 Я почувствовала себя лучше после чашки чая.

С ) 'Where's David?' 'ln the liviпg room. / ln the garden. / ln London.'
. .. "В гостиной. / В саду. / /3 J /ондоне."
О Wl1at's in that Ьох / in that bag / in that cupboard?
Что в той коробке / в той сумке / в том шкафчике?
О Rachel works in а shop / in а bank / in а cafe. Рейчел работает в магазине/ в банке / в кафе.
О 1 \vent for а swim in the river / in the pool / in the sea. Я поплавала в реке / в бассейне / в море.
О 1 live in а blg city, but l'd like to live in the country. Я живу в большом городе, ...
Иногда in переводится на русский язык при помощи предлога "на":
О ls Sarah in the kitchen? Сара на кухне?
О Milan is in the north of ltaly. Naples is in the south.
Милан находится на севере Италии. Неаполь - на юге.

... at

At обычно переводится но русский язык при помощи у/за/в/на:

() Thc саг is \Vaiting at the traffic lights. Машина стоит (букв. ждёт) у светофора.
О There's somebody at the door. Кто-то пришёл. (букв. У двери кто-то есть)
U There's somebody at the bus stop. at the top ( of the page)
На автобусной остановке кто-то стоит. -- --
-- -- f--- -- - -
-- -----

О Vicky is working at her desk Вики работает за своим столом. -

--- -
t� --
-- -

- ==-- � ----
---- -
Нужно говорить at the top / at the bottom / at the end (of ...):
--- -- --� -=
---- i ----
О Write your name at the top of the page. . .. наверху страницы. ==---==:-= f �-=

О Му house is at the end of the street. . .. в конце улицы. at the botrom (of rhe page)

.'. с оп =на

О There are some books on the shelf and some pictures оп the wall. ... на полке ... на стене.
О There are а lot of apples on those trees. На тех деревьях ...
О Don't sit оп the grass. lr's \Vet. Не садись на траву. ...
О There is а stamp on the envelope. На конверте ...

on а horse (на лошади) / on а blke (на велосипеде) / оп а motorblke (на мотоцикле):

О Who is that young man on the motorblke? Кто тот парень на мотоцикле?

the top / the bottom-+ Раздел 71 at/on/in (предлоги времени)-+ Раздел 103
2.2.2 Р
in/at/on (предлоги места)-+ аздел 107
Wiillifll• Посмотрите на картинки и ответьте на вопросы. Используйте in/at/on.

(1) (the v1all)

1··-- i

1 3) (the bus srop) ТШ ( the balcony)


1 . " _ __

Г12) (the \�i �dow)

_____ ___

1 Where is he? ..J.o .t..h?."k!k9..ti�n.:" . """"".""". " ".." ".""." 7 Where аге they standing? ........." . """. . .. . . . ". . " , ..
."... ..
. ... . .... " " .. .. ..... " . ..

Where are the shoes? .... .. .." " . . 8 Where 1s s h е S\v1mm1ng.

2 " .. . ." ".. """_"""". ".""."."..

. . 7 ". " . " . ". " " " . "" .. " .. ... ... . ..... .. ... .. . ......... ..

3 Where is the pen? " ... ".................. ....." .....".

. "... ".".."... ....
" ."....... 9 \Л/hеге is he standing? .......... . " . .. ... . .. "
. .. . ".. . .. ... . . .." ..." .
. . . ..... .. .

4 Where is the clock? ..".... "..............."..""..... ....... ......".."."..... " 10 Where is the spider? ..."." .. "" . "" . .. ... " . "..""
. " ..... .. .. .. ..... . .. .. . ." .. ... .

. .
5 Where is the bus? ." .." . "....... ................ .. ".".... .".".." ".......... 11 Whеге 1s hе s1tt1ng.
"... . 7 ". . . .. .. . ."
. . .
. ...... " "" . . . . ..... " . .. " . ..."" . .. .. .
. ""... .. . "

6 Where are the horses? 12 Where is she sitting? .." . .. ". . .. . "
.. .... ".. ". .. .. . ".... . " . ". . . ...."
" . ".. " . ........

Willlfl# Вставьте in/at/on.

1 Don't s1t оп ....... t h е grass. 1'
. ."""."." t s \Vet. 8 Му sister lives ... .............". Brussels.
2 What do you have ...."" ..."." ... your bag? 9 There's а small park ..."..".." ..... the сор of the hill.
З Look! There's а man ....""..."....... the roof. 10 1think1 heard the doorbell. There's somebody
What's he doing? .. .........."... the door.
4 There аге а lot of fish "...." ...."". this river. 11 Munich is а large city ".."."" ..." .... the south of Germany.
5 Our house is number 45 - the number is 12 There are а fe\v shops .."" ......"".". the end of the street.
.."".. ".. ... the door. 13 \t's difficult to carry а lot of things ".""."
. ....... а blke. .

6 'ls the hospiral near here?' 'Yes, turn le� 14 1 looked at the list of names. Му name was .....". ." ."" ....

"."."". ....... the rraffic lights: Lt1� borrom.

7 lt's difficLtlt to park ...".""". the centre of 15 There is а mirror ...." .......""... the wall ... "...."..." .. the living
town. lt's berrer to take the bus. room.

мw Переведите предложения на английский язык. холм= hill

1 На верху холма находится старый дом. курорт = resort

2 ·тде дети? " -11В гостиной1:

3 Не ходите по траве.
4 Я вижу большого паука на стене.
5 Вы живёте в городе или в деревне?
6 У светофора поверните направо.
7 Давай пообедаем на балконе.
8 Сочи - популярный курорт на юге России.

in =в/на

iп bed = в кровати О 'Where's Kate?' 'She's in bed.:

in hospital =в больнице О David's futt1er is ill. He's iп hospital.
in the sky =в/на небе О 1 like со look ас the stars in the sky at night.
in the \.Vorld =в мире О What's the largest city in the wo�ld?
in а ne\vspaper / iп а book = в газете/ в к ниге О 1 read about the accident in the пewspaper.

iп а photo(graph) / in а picture =на фото / на картинке О You look sad iп this picture.
iп а саг/ iп а taxi =в/на ма шине/ в/на та к си О Did you соте here in your car?
in the middle (of ... ) =в середине/ в цент ре О There's а Ыg tree in the middle of the garden.

:.. ,
. ,
. ·: .-в-. at =у/в/на

at home =дома О Will you Ье at home this evening?

at work / at school О 'Where's Kate?' 'She's at work'
=на ра боте/ в ш коле
at university / at college О Helen is studying law at university.
= в у ниверситете/ в кол ледже
at the station / at the airport О 1'11 meet you at the statioп, ОК?
=на вокза ле/ в аэропорту
at Lisa's (house) / at my sist:er's (house) и т. д. О д: Where were you yesrerday?
=(дома) у Лизы / (дома) у .�лоей сест р ы и т. д. в: At my sister's�
at the doctor's / at the hairdresser's и т. д. О 1 saw Tom at the doctor's.
=у доктора/ в парикмахерской и т. д.
at а concert / at а party / at а football match и т. д. О There weren't many people at the party.
=на кон церте/ на вечеринке/ на фут больном мат чеи т. д.

С назва ниями зданий (hotels, restaurants и т. д.), как п ра вило, можноис пользовать in или at
О We stayed at а nice hotel. или We stayed in а nice hotel.

Мы жили в хорошей гостинице.

оп =но/в

�i�: .



�". �ts.\������'\
� .

on а bus
� t>
. �·
on the

. "R
ftrst �oor
. �"f!SJ>�1!;"!P..
�'" �� .':""
� .,._,-к11
" r:
оп the way from А to

- �i
. ;
��� ;:!-�
· �
� 'l
� �

оп а bus / on а rrain / on а plane / on а ship О Did you соте here on the bus?
но/в а втобусе/ на/в поез де/ на/в самолёте / на кораб ле
on the ground floor / on the first floor и т. д. О The office is оп the first floor:
на первом этаже/ на втором этажеи т. д.
on the way ( to . ) / on the way home О 1 met Anna on the way to work /

на пути (в ...)/ по дороге домой оп the way home.

224 ( in/at/on (предлоги места) -+ Раздел 1 Об to/in/at-+ Раздел 108 on the left/right-+ Раздел 109
llillil� Посмотрите на картинки и ответьте на вопросы. Используйте in/at/011.

1 rn (bed) @ (а ship) --')

�r t


r t

1 'Nhere is she? ... ". !л bQg,pJ.t:g.I �

" . . .""".""""".""""""."."""".""".. """" 7 Where is Steve? ................................ ····-···-..·

2 \Nhere аге they? " "" "".....""""....""."""....""""... ".."". """" """"

" . 8 Where is tlie restaurant? """ ". " .."""..".."""""."".."..""..""".. ""
З Where is he? """. .""" " "." """ " "
" ." "" "."" " """"" "
" " " " " "" ""
" " " .""
. . " 9 Where is sl1e? " .. " " "".
" ." " . " " " " ".. ". . . ." .. ""
". . . "" .". . "" . . "" "" . .. . .." . . "
"" " . "

4 Wl1ere are tl1ey? . ""."""""""". ""..."""."""."."."".. """.. """".." """.". 1о Where arC' thcy?
5 Wl1ere are tlie stars? ""."""..""."""..""."."..."."""....""""""" ."""..". 11 Where arc thcy·?
6 Wl1ere аге they? ".."..""""." ..""""..""""..""""""."".".""""""".".."""". 12 Where are they?

8 Вставьте in/at/on.
1 1-1 е 1en 1s study1ng at
· 1 aw """""".""." un 1vers·1 t y.
· ·

2 Гhere was а Ьig tаЫе ".""""".."". the middle of rhe room.

3 \Nha t is the longest river "."""""""". the world?
4 \Л/еrе there many people """""""""" rhe concert last night?
5 "Nill you Ье ."""" ......"". l1ome tomorrow aft�rnoon?
6 \Л/h о is the man ."."""""""" this photo? Do you know him?
7 'Nhere are your children? Аге they ""..""""""" school?
8 Gary is coming Ьу train. l'm going to meet him .". """"..... the station.
9 Charlie is """""""".". hospital. Не had an operation yesterday.
10 1-low many pages are rhere . """ rhis book?
1 ·1 'No, 1 liad sometl1i11g to eat "" " "
'Are you hungry afrer your joumey?' .
" "" "" . йн� train.'
12 l'm sorry l'm late. Му саг broke down """".""""." the way here.
13 'ls Tom here?' 'No1 he's "". .. l1is frie11d's l1ouse.'
14 Don't believe everything you see """""""".". the newspaper!
15 1 walked to work, but 1 ca me home "" . . . ..
" " . " .." thc bus.

w•• Переведите предложения на английский язык. верхний этаж= top Roor

1 11 сюда приехала на такси. 5 Я думаю, я потеряла свой
2 "Джеймс дома?'' - "Нет, он на работе'� телефон по дороге в школу.
3 Кто самый богатый человек в мире? 6 Это твой дедушка на фото?
4 Я не жила в гостинице. Я жила у 7 Наша квартира находится на верхнем этаже.
своего брата. 8 Я видел Бена на вечеринке.

to in/at (--) Раздепь1 106-107)
go/coirte/return/walk (и т. д.) to ." ' be/stay/do something (u т. д.) in ...
(после глаголоА nпижения)


О We re going to London оп Sunday.

' О Picc adilly Circus is in Londo".
Мы едем в ЛoнiJur r а аоскресенье. Площадь Пикадu;111и 1 /Qходится в Лондоне.
О 1 want to go to ltaly next year. U Му brotl1er lives in ltaly.
Я хочу поехать в Италию .. . Мой брат живёт в Итатш.
О We walked rrom my house to tl1e centre О Т11е main sl1ops are in the centre of towп.
oftown. Основные магазины находятся в центре
Мы прошли пешком от моего дома до города.
центра города.
О What time do you go to bed? О 1 like reading in bed.
Когда ты ложишься спать? Я люблю читать в кровати.
(букв. идёшь в кровать)
be/stay/do sometl1ing (и т. д.) at ...

О The bus is going to the airport.

Автобус uдi!m в аэропорт.
С) Karen didn't go to worl< yesterday.
Rчера Карен не ходила на работу.
О 1 went to а party last nighr.
Вчера вечером я ходил на вечеринку.
О You must come to our house.
nы должнtА прийти к нам домой.


go/come/walk (и т. д.) home (без to) =домой: be/stay/do something (и т. д.) at home =дома:
О l m tired. l'm going home.
' О l'm staying at home tonight.
(неверно to home) О Dan doesn't work in an office.
О Did you walk home? Не works at home.

arrive и get =прибывать/добираться/приезжать и т. д.

arrive in +страна/город (arrive in ltaly / arrive in Paris и т. д.):

О Тhеу arrived in Russia last \Veek. (н?верно arrived to Russia)
Они прибыли в Россию ...

arrive at +любые другие места назначения (arrive at the station / arrive at worlc и т. д.):
О What time did you arrive at the hotel? (неверно arrive to the hotel)
Когда вы приехали в гостиницу?

get to +любые места назначения:

О What time did you get to the hotel? ... добрались до гостиницы?
О What time did you get to Paris? ... прилетели в Париж?
get l1ome / arrive home (без предлога):
О 1 was tired when 1 got home. или 1 was tired \'Vhen 1 arrived home. ... когда я добралась домой.

226 ( been to-+ Раздел 18 get (to ... ) -+ Раздел 57 in/at-+ Разделы 106-107
Вставьте to или in.
" ...
1 1 like reading ....Jn". ...... bed.
.. 5 1 was tired, so 1 stayed ".........."" bed late.
2 V./e're going _,__ ,."""".. ltaly next month. 6 What time do you usually go ."" ..._
. bed?
З SLte is оп holiday .. ltaly at tl1e momeпc. 7 Ooes this bus g() ..."."--" the centre?
4 l t1ave Lo go .. "........... .. the hospital tomorrow. 8 \Л/ould you like to live ."..... """".." anotl1er country?

li1liii• Где необходимо, вставьте to или at. Одно из предложений не требует добавления предлога.
1 Paula didn'r во t.o \vork yesterday.
2 l'1n tired. l'm going .. """::::"."... home. (правильно)
3 Tina is пос vcry \-vell. S�1e �ias gone .. "." "..".". the doctor.
4 Vv'ot1\cJ you like to come . -...""" ... а pilrLy 011 Saturday?
. .

S '1� L'1sa "" ""..."" h om�.7'

" ' gone .""""""""". wor k'
'Nо, s11es '.
6 Tl1ere vvere 20,000 people .".""......"". the football matcl1.
7 v\/hy did you go "..-... """ home early last night?
8 А Ьоу jumped into the river and S\vam """. . .. "." the other side.
9 Тhere were а lot of people \Vaiting .""."."......... the bus stop.
1 О V·./e had а good meal .." . ..... а restaurant, and then we \-vent back _. ..".".""... the hotel.

lllllliili- Где необходимо, вставьте to, at или in. Одно из предложений не требует добавления предлога.
. . .
1 1.т not go1ng out t h1s аfternooп. r·m staying ...."""""-....
at h ome.
2 Vve're going """..-...".... а concert tomorrow evening.
3 1 \Чent ". . " " ." New York last year.
4 � low long did you stay "". "." .. New York?
5 Next year \ve hope t:o go .... """""".". Canada to visit: some friends.
. .
6 Dо you \vant to go ."""."""""" thе c1nema th1s even1ng. . 7

7 Г)id you park your car -······-·-"" the station?

8 After the accident three people \vere taken ". """"""" hospital.
9 How oRen do you go "."." .....".".. the dentist?
10 'ls Sarah here?' 'No, she's .." .."..... Helen's:
11 f"Лу house is .."""."" "." t:he end of the srreet on the le�.
12 1 v1ent ... """"."""" 1\1\aria's house, but she wasп't """" ...... " ". home.
13 '7here were no taxis, so v1e had to \ЛJalk ....".""."""" home.
1 4 '"Nhо d"d
· . thе party.7' '/ d"d
1 you meet .. "........." 1 n 't go ""."...". che party.'

••• Где необходимо, вставьте to, at или in. Некоторые предложения не требуют добавления

1 '-:Vhat time do you usually get .""""""...." work? 4 When did you arrive """.. """."" London?
2 'Nhat: time do you usuaJly get ".. . .."." home? 5 \Л/hat time does the train get "."".""..""" Paris?
3 "Nhat time did you arrive """.".. """". the party? 6 We arrived " .."""""".". home very \ate.

18 Закончите предложения о себе. Используйте to/in/at.

1 At З o'clock this morning 1 vvas ..Jn �.�е."....."". " " .... " ".. " " "" "" . . "."."". "".. .. "". .. "... ..""" "" .. " .. "
" .. " . " . " " "" " " " " """ " .. ." .."" "
". . "

2 ·resterday 1 \'v'ent ." .. """".". . . .".".

" .. . " .""". .". .." ". "."."
". . . ." " ." "" "" """
" " " "" " ." ". ....
." .."" ... "." ." " . "....
" " "" " . ." ". ."..."" "." "".""." . "
" "" . "..."" " .

3 At: 11 o'clock yesterday morning 1 \vas ."" "" """ " . ". . " . " . .. .. " " " .. " "."." ."" .
" . . . .. . . " -""" . .."" ..... "". " ." " " ..
". """ """".". " .. "" " " .." .".. . .

4 One day l'd like to go .. ""."". " .....". ··-··" .""" " ".. """.".. .". " " " " ".. . ". . . ". ... ".. ". ..
. . " " " . . " ". ... "....... "" ""... . " ".." "" .. ... " "" .. . ".. "
" . "" " " ". ." " "" .. .

S 1 don't likc goiпg .""" " ...

-". .. ." . .. . ." " ..""...
" " " " " ". . "."... " "".. "" """ "."."".." .
. " ." ." " . " .....". .. . .. . " " .."". .." ". ." "." " . "" "".".
" "." . "" " .. ". " .." . "

6 At 9 o'clock yesterday evening 1 \vas " " .."".." """ .."". " ".. . "".... . ." " ." " " """ ." .... -""... .""..""" ." ...."" .. "".." .."".."." .."""". ""...." ····-···

._." Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1 Этот автобус идёт в Кембридж?
2 Когда я езжу в Лондон, я останавливаюсь у своей сестры.
3 Давай сходим в кафе. Я голоден.
4 Завтра я не иду в школу.
5 Анна приехала в ресторан в 7 часов.
6 Я люблю смотреть телевизор в кровати.
7 Пока. Сейчас я иду домой.
8 Где вы предпочитаете работать - в офисе или дома?

next to / beside =рядом с between =между in front of =перед behind =за/позади

Anna is next to Ben. или Anna is beside Ben.

Bcn is between Anna and Carol.
ЛNNЛ Dan is in front of BP.n.
Ed is behind Ben.


Anna is on the le�. Анна слеtи.

Carol i� оп the right. К:;рvл справа.
Ben is in the middle (of the group).
Бен в середине / в центре (группы).

opposite =напротив in front of = перед

Alice is sitting in front of Brian.

Alice is sitting opposite Chris.
Chris is sitting opposite Alice.

Ьу =у/ рядом с

r.J Who is that man 5r.anding Ьу the window? . . . уокна?

CJ Our �1ouse is Ьу the sea. . "у моря / рядом с морем.
О lf you feel cold, why (Jon't you sir Ьу the fire? . . . у камина?

1 - . .

D und er = no д

. � � ,' "', .�
� :<\·� .

�":"", .. . ....,
. ...

- 1" -�1�
О Тhе cat is under the tаЫе.
О Тhе girl is standing under а tree.
� �" О l'm wearing а jacket under my coat.
[Ь. �
У меня надет пиджак под пальто.

under the tаЫе under а tree

above =выше/над below =ниже/под

А А is above the line. Тhе pictures аге above tl1e shelves.

А выше линии. Картины над полками.

В is below the line. The shelves аге below the pictures.

в В ниже линии. Полки под картинами.

218 ( up/over/through и т. д. -+ Раздел 11 О Ьу-+ Раздел 111

Где эти л�оди находятся по отношению друг к другу? Заполните пропуски в предложениях.

1 Carl is srandiпg ""..!?.oblr1.g .."" Frank.


2 Fraпk is sitting ..... "......... . ...."...."... Emma.

3 E111rna is sitting "" " ".."...."......
" . ..... Becky.
4 E111ma is sitring .. . ...... """.. . ........Daniela and Frank.
. .

) Daniela is sittiпg . ... . . . .... . . .. . .. ".." . Emrпa.

... ..

6 Frank is sitting . ..."".........................." Carl.

7 Alan is standing ... ..""."..... ........... Daniela.
8 Alan is standing ..".""..... "....." ......." left.
9 Becky is staпding ". . ".. "".".""........".. П1iddle.

Посмотрите на картинки и заполните nропус1<и в предложениях.

1 Тhе cat is . .... чn.g�.r . ".. the tаЫе.

. 7 The switch is ..".. " ....".".."........... ".. the \-vindow.
2 fhere is а Ьig tree ........."....."". ."""."" the house. 8 The cupboard is ".""""... """..".........."" the sink.
3 Гhе plane is Aying .......".... ....".. ."."....... tl1e clouds. 9 There are some sl1oes ...." "..."...".."""........ the bed.
4 She is standing "....".".""...... .. ""." ". the piano. 10 The plant is ..."." .. """ .........".." ..." the piano.
5 The cinema is .".....". ..""..."..."" " the right. 11 Paul is sitting .. " .."...." ....."... .......... Fiona.
6 She's standing " ..." ".. ""....."".. .." the fridge. 12 ln Britain people drive ...""." ............... "."." ..." the left.

Напишите предложения no 1<артинке.

. ш ��Ш.�
1 ( next to) . . JJ: ... .. 1.$.Л.��� .�QQ.�.�hPP:"....."" . "." . " . . "".. "..
.. . . .. .. . ..

PAUL1S OFFICE THEATRE 2 (in front of) The .. """ .".".."." ""..""".... ".."."......"""""...".. "...... in front of

З (opposite) " ".. ." . .. .. .. """ " . .."". " ". .. " ""." "" . ... " . .. ".. . "
. . " . ... " .. " .. . . . ". ... ... .. . " ."". ... . . ." .. ." " ."

4 (next to) .". ".. ........ " . ............ ....... .. . ... . ". ....
"..............."...... ........ .... .......... "....... ... .. . . . ... . . "" . "
. .

5 (above) ...." " ". . ." .

6 (berween)

С8 Переведите предложения на английский язык. диван= sofa

1 Стол находится в середине комна1 ы. 5 Я хочу сипеть у окна.
2 "lде моя сумка?" - "Под стулом': 6 Хорошее фото! Кто эта девушка справа?
З Наша квартира находится над магазином. 7 Перед музеем есть дВТобусная остановка.
4 Твоя кошка всегда спит за диваном? 8 Дом Анны находится напротив парка.

О Jane is going to France nexr week. ... во Францию ...
О We walked from rhe horel to the station. . " от ". до . ..

[j А lot or Er1glish words come from Latin.

. .. заимстсюваt 1ы из латинского Я3ыка.

О We jumped into tl1e wat�r. . .. и иоду.

О А man came out of rhe house and got into а саг.
. . . выше11 из дома и сел в машину.
О Why аге you lookiпg out of che window?
... смотришь в (Жно? (букв. из окна)
О 1 took ttн� old baпeries out of the radio. ... из радио.

Обычно говорят put something in ... (неверно inro):

О 1 put new batteries in the radio. Я Rсmавил ... в радио.

О Don't put your feet on the tаЫе. " . на стол.

О Please take your feet off the tаЫе. ... со стола.
О l'm going to hang some pictures оп the wall. . .. на стену.
О Ве careful! Don't fall off your blke.
... Не упади с велосипеда.
О We got оп the bus in Princes Street .
Мы сели на автобус но ...

О We \valked up the hill со the house. down

Мы поднялись вверх по холму к дому. вниз/с
О Ве careful! Don't fall down the stairs
� ·

. . . Не упади с лестницы.

О The plane Aew over the mountains. .. над горами. .

О 1 jumped over the wall into the garden. ". через ...
О Some people say it is unlucky to walk uпder а ladder. under
... проходить под лестницей.

through О А blrd flew into the room through а \Vindow. ... через " . round
сквозь/через О The old road goes through the village. . .. через деревню. вокруг/за/по

О The new road goes rouпd the village . . "вокруг".

О The bus srop is just round the corner. ". за углом.

О 1 walked round the rown and took some phoros.
Я прошёлся по городу и ...

Можно также сказать around ( round):


О We walked around the town. round the town

по городу

along О 1 was \valking along Ltн:� road with my dog. . .. по дороге . . .

по/вдоль n Let's go for а \valk along the river. ... вдоль реки.
U ТТ1� dog swam across the river.
... переплыла (через) реку.

О 11iey walked past me wirhout speaking.

Они прошли мими меня, не разговаривая.
О д: Excuse me, l1ow do 1 get to rhe hospiral? clnema
в: Go along this road, past the cinema, uпcler
the bridge and the hospital is on the left.
... мимо кинотеатра, под мистом, и
больница будет слева.

get in/on и т. д. -+ Раздел 57 in/on-+ Разделы 106-107 to-+ Раздел 108

230 fall off / run away и т. д.-+ Раздел 114
••• У вас спросили дорогу, и вы объясняете, каt{
Excusвme. ·

добраться до места назначения. Посмотрите \vf1ere is . . . ?

на картинки и напишите предложения,
начинающиеся с Go ••• .


: : : t.ь��.ь�.�d;::: : .: the hridge.
1 (§) �

1 The dog swam .. a.9rQ.$$. .. ".... the rivcr.

.... .... 6 Suddenly а саг came .................. ...".... .."" the corner.
2 А book fell .. ". " . . Lhe shclf.
.. " ..... .................. .. . ....... 7 They drove ........ ...... """"."............... rhe village.
З А plane Aew . ........... "....".............. ......... tl"le village. 8 Тhеу gor ......... ............. .......... .... che train.
4 А woman got ..""".... ." .... ..".......".. "". the car. 9 Тhе moon cravels .... .".. ".............. "".." che eartl1.
5 А girl ran ". .........."" ..........".....:.... che road. 10 -n1ey goc .... "". .. . ..... che house
..._."..... . . ...... ."....... ......... а window.

Walli� Заполните пропуски в предложениях. Используйте over/from/into и т. д.

1 1 looked .......""... ................. rhc window and \vatcl1ed Ltн� people in the �treer.
2 Му l1ouse 1� very near l1ere. lr's jusr ..... . ........ ""... . ...""" the corne.r.

з 'Where s my р 11one.7' IV
1oLt put 1t ....... ... ...... ........ .. your ag.
• 1

4 How far is iL "".. ..

. .... "."...". l1er� "".... "".""...."............ thP airport?

5 We walkec.1 ...."........... "".... the museum for an hour and saw а lot of interesting things.
6 You can put your c:oar "....""""."""......... . the back or rhe chair.
7 ln te11nis, you have to l1it L�1e. ball .."... """" .."."... .. .. the net.
8 Silvia rook а key """""."......... "..".... l1er bag and opened rhe door.

w•• Переведите предложения на английский язык. туннель = шnnel

1 За углом есть магазин. 5 Дорога в аэропорт идёт
2 Вечером они гуляли по пляжу. через туннель.
З Мы сбежали с холма. 6 Идите мимо музея и поверните налево.
4 Джеймс вышел из своей машины 7 Вчера я упал с л�стницы.
и зашёл в банк. 8 Чёрная кошка перебежала через дорогу.


on holiday =в отпуск(е) / на отдых(е) О Jane isn't at work this week. She's on holiday.
оп television / оп TV = по телевизору О We watched the news on TV.
оп the radio =по радио О We listened to the news оп the radio.
оп the phone =по телефону О 1 spoke to Rachel оп the phone l ast night.
on fire =пожар (б укв в огне) . О The house is оп fire! Call tl1e fire brigade. В доме пожар! ...
on time = вовремя
__ _____ _ __
_ _ _____ ___. О 'Was tl1e train late?' 'No, it was on.time:

. ·, ..· � at

at (the age of) 21/ at50kilometres an hour / at 100degrees и т. д.:

О Lisa got marrie d at 21. (или ... at the age of 21.)
. в 2 7 год. (или .. в возрасте 2 7
. . . года.)
О А саг uses more p etrol at 120lcilometres ап hour than at 90.
Машина расходует больше бензина на скорости 7 20 км/ч чем на скорости 90 км/ч. ,
О Water bo ils at 100degrees Celsius.Вода закиnаС'т при 7 00 градусах Цельсия.

- ..·с
. '
Ьу bybus
Ьу car / Ьу bus / Ьу plane / Ьу blke и т. д. :
L) Do you likc пavclling Ьу train? ". ездиrпь на поезде?
О Jane usually goes to work Ьу blke.. . . на велосипеде.
но оп foot
U You can'r ger rhere Ьу car. YoLt havc ro go оп foot.
/уда не добраться 1-ю машш 1е. /Зам npuдf!mcн Llдmu п�шким.

а book Ьу " ./ а . .
painring Ьу . /а piccc of m Ltsic Ьу ." и т. д. :
О Have you read any books Ьу Charles Dicke n s?
Ты читал какие-либо книги Чарльза Диккенса?
О Who is that painting Ьу? Picasso?
Чья это картина? ( кто автор)".

Ьу после naccueNыx ко1 ктрукций (-> Разд�л 22):

О 1 was bltten Ьу а dog. Меня укусила собака. (бука . Я б"1л укушен собакой.)


Обычно with пе реводитс я на русский язык как предлог "с�

но могут быть и iJpy�ue вapuaNmъ1:

О 1 went on h oliday with а friend of mine. " . со своим другом.

О Do you know that man with tl1e beard? . .
. с бородой?

О l'd like ro h ave а house withа hig gardeп . . .. с большим садом.

О 1 cur the paper with а pair of scissors.
a_man awoman
Я разрезал бумагу ножницами.
with а beard with glas�es
witl1out - без
О Do you likc yoLtr coffcc with or without mill<? . . с молоко м
. или без?
О Wait for me. Please don't go without me. .. бР..1 меня.

. . �' -
- �
about =о

talk/speak/think/hear/know about ...:

О So me people talk about their work all the time. . .. говорят о своей ра боте ...
О 1 don't know much about cars. Я мало что знаю о машинах.

а book /а question /а programme / information (и т. д.) about .":

О Т11еге wasа programme about vo lc anoes on TV last night. Did you see it?
... передача о вулканах... · ·

232 ( Ьу-+ Разделы 22, 64, 109 at/on -+ Разделы 103, 106-107 -
предлог+ ing -+ Раздел 112
--� Зак о нч и те предложения, используя on + слова из рамки:

{ holiday . tl1.:__� _Rh�ne-- �hcЕ

!Е_ЙG- TV ti m_�
1 We heard the new� . ..."9.n.t. b.Q.Гдd.!.9. .
2 Please don'r Ьс late. Try to Ье here . . . . " . "" . " " " " . "" " "
" "". .... . " "" " "" " " "". .."

1 1 w on't Ье herc next week. l'm goi11g . .. " " ". . . .... .. . ." . . ". " .. " . " .".
" " " " """ " " ... "" . ."

4 'Did you see Linda?' 'No, but: 1 talked со her " . . ... .. . ........ . .. "..
.... . . .... "
" .." -. "." . " ". "
" " "" . .'

5 'What's "...""""..""""""""".. "".". """."""."."""."""" this evcning?1

... 'Nothing rhat 1 want со waLcl1.'

w• Посмотрите на к арти нк и . Заполните пропуски, используя at/by/with и т. д.

--·--- "·-------·---".


- · ·- -·j ·-- · ·· - ----

- - --
- - - -


! ---;---

1 1 (·tJL l\1е paper . \Vi·\�- �1 . pa1r оf SCISSOГS.

. 6 She's listening ro snme music """""""."" Mozart.

".. "" "". "". .. а

2 She usually goes t o work саг "".... ".".""" . 7 The plaoe is Aying " " " "" ". " " 600 mi les an hour.

3 Who is rhe wотап ." ....."""" short hair? " "

8 Тhеу'ге """"" ......". holiday.
4 Thc>y аге talking .""""".""". the weather. 9 Do yoL1 know ttн:. mап ".".".""""". sunglasses?
S Л1е саг is ."""""" ."." fire. 10 He's reading а book """.."""""" grammar ""."."... Vera Р. B�ill.

"� За полните пропуски, используя at/by/with и т. д.

1 ln tennis, you hit the ball . ..""""".."а rackt:Jt " .

2 lt's cold today. Don't go ош а coa t. """".

3 Hamlet, Otl1e/lo and Macbeth are plays ". William Shakespeare.

4 Do you krюw aпytl1ing ".. . ". computers?
') Му grandmother died . .... .." .."""". the age of 9R.
6 How loпg does it take from New York to Los An geles ".."..."".." pla11e?
7 1 di dn'r go to the roocball match, bur 1 watched it . .."".."..... TV. " "

8 Му house is the one ........"........ the red door on the rig ht

" .

9 The se trains are very fast. They can travel ."".".."....... " very high speeds.
1О 1 don't use my саг very often. 1 prefer to go ""."........"." blke.
11 Can you give me some information ."""."""""" hotels in this town?
·12 1 was arresrecl "" " .."...".. two policemen and taken to thc police station.
13 n1e buses here are very good. Thcy're nearly a/\vays " ". ..."""" time. ""

1 li Whar would yo u like со drink """"". your meal?

·1 S We travelled from Paris to Moscow " .."." пa in. "".

'16 The museum has some paintings "" " " . Rembrandt. " ." "" "

а Переведите предложения на англиЙСl{ИЙ язык. новости = the ne ws

1 Я никогда не смотрю новости по телевизору. 5 Кто эта женщина с длинными
2 Это вс:�жния остреча. Мне нужно там быть волосами и в очках?
вовремя. 6 Ты можешь водить машину в возрасте 18 лет.
3 "Как ты сюда добираласьr' - "Пешком': 7 Мне не нравятся книги этого писателя.
4 Вы слышали о Бене и Эмме? Они собираются 8 Я болею, поэтому Борис идёт на вечеринку
пожениться. без меня.

full of ." , married to ". и т. д. (прилагательное+ предлог)

fed upwith ". о l'm fed upwith my job. 1 want to do something differenr..
сыт по горло /надоело Я сыт по горло своей работой ...
full of ". о Thc room was full of people.
полон (кого-то/чего-то) В комнате было пот-ю народу.
married to ... о Laura is married to а dentist.
женат на / замужем за Лора замужем за стоматологом.
nice/l<ind of somebody ... о lt was kind of you to help us. Thank you very much.
мило с чьей-то стороны Было мило с вашей стороны нам помочь ...
nice/kind to somebody о David is very friend�y. He's always very nice to me.
добр (по отношению) к ... ... Он всегда очень добр ко мне.

good at ... , interested in ...

Некоторые сочетания "Ье + прилагательное" переводятся на русский язык глаголом:

Ье angrywith somebody О Why are you angrywith me? What have 1 done?
сердиться на Почему ты на меня сердишься? ...
Ье angry about something О Аге you angry about last night?
сердиться за/из-за Ть1 сердишься из-за того, что произошло вчера вечером?
Ье different from/to ... О Lisa is very different from (или to) her sister.
OПlJIUЧf1171hCЯ от Лиза очс11ь отпичается от её сестры.
Ье good at ... О Лге yuu good at maths?
хорошо получается / разбиратися о Ты хорошо раз6ириешься в математике?
Ьс interested in ... С) 1'111 not interested in sport.
интересоваться Я не интересуюсь спорrпом.
Ье scared of ... / afraid of ... О Are you scared of dogs? или Лrf! you afraid of dogs?
бояться 1 ы боишься собак?
Ье sorry about а sicuarion О l'm atraid 1 can t help you. l'm sorry about that.
сожалеть о .. . л сожалею об эпюм.
Ье sorry for/about doing something О l'm sorry for/about not phoning you yesterday.
сожа11еть о (или l'm sorry 1 clidn'E pl1one you)
Извини (букв. сожалею), что 1 и! позвонил тебе вчера.
be/feel sorry for surпebody О 1 feel sorry for rhcm. Тhе.у are in а very difhcult situatiuп.
жалеть Мне ихжаль....

of/at/for (и т. д.) + -ing

Если после предлога (of/at/for и т. д.) стоит глагол, то это должна быть форма на -ing:
. -·

l'm not ver у good at telling stories. Я не очень хорошо рассказываю ...
Arc you fed up with doing the �ame tl1ing every day? 1ебе надоело делать одно и то же ... ?
l'm �orry for nor phoning you yesterday. Извини, что не позвонил тебе ...
Thank you for l1elping me. Спасибо, что ты м1 ю помог.
Mark is thinking of buying newcar. Марк думает о покупке ...
Tom leftwithout

goodbye. Том ушёл не попрощавшись.

After doing rhe shopping, they v1ent home. Сделав покупки, ...

234 ( before/after -ing � Раздел 105 think about/of � Раздел 11 З


1 He's scared ."". Qf .... . dogs.

... 4 St)e's very good "" "" lang uag es. ..""."" .

2 Sh e' s interested """.".".. science. 5 He's fed Ltp "...... the weather.
3 She's married .".""."""."" а foorballer. 6 А: Can 1 help you?
в: Thanks, that's very kind ."""""."."." you.

Мiiil• Вставьте in/of/with и т. д.

1 l'm nor interested .".....iл"...... sport.
2 l'm not very good . .. "". ". " "."". " " . sporr.
. "

3 1 like Sarah. Sl1e's always very kind ".."."""."...""".".те.

4 l'm sorry .".".""""".""""". your broken window. lt was an accideпt.
5 He's very brave. Не isп't scared "..."........"............ anything.
6 lt was ve r y nice .".. Jane to let LtS stay in her a pa rtment.
7 Life today is very differeпt ."".....".."...".....". liCe 50 years agu.
8 лгс уон 1nrcrcsrcd .. .. .. "...... ро 1·1t1cs.,
. . .

... . . ...... ..

9 1 feel sorry her, but 1 can't hclp her .

1 О Chris was angry" . ...

" " ". . wha r l1app ened.
11 These boxes are very heavy. They are full ..... . " .... .........." .. ". books.
·12 l'm sorry "".. "... ""."". "." getting angry" . " ".""" you y esrerday. "." ..

Wlil� Закончите предложения, следуя образцу.

·1 l'm not very . йРП�)� �JА.?..Ш �1 (� . . .. """. storles. (good/tell)
2 1 want ed to go to tl1e ciпerna, but Paula wasп'L " " ...
. . ".." " . (interesred/Eo)
З Suc i sn't vcry "....""."""""""""."..""".".."""""."""".""... """.""".".".. up in tl1e morniпg. (good/get)
4 LeL's go! l'rп .. ""." . (fect Llp / wait)
5 l'm " ". "." "" " "" " " " "
". .". "". " "."""." .... ".""".... "" .. "" ..."....... you up in th e middle of the night. (s orry/wake)
6 Surry l'm lare! . .... ...... " ..."..." .."""" ..."""." .....""......"""."" ..".."...".... (thank yoLt / wait)

Clllt Закончите предложения, используя witl1out -ing.

1 (Tom left / he didn't say goodbye) Тот lвft without saying goodpyв. .. ."
. ." ... .. . .
. ... .. . ."
. ..". " ""." "."" " " " ". "
... ".. " .. ..." .. "

2 �SLtc walkcd pasr mc / she didn't speak)

Sue walked """"." .. . . . . . .. " " " " .. ." "...... ... .. ". . . . . "" ". "..""." . . . . . ". ... ." "." . . . . ""."" .. . " . "
.... """." ..... ." ...... " " ..... " " ...." ..... " " ". .
.". ..... " .. ..." "" .. ....... "" ." . . . " " . " ... . . ." "" . .... ...... "" . ......" "

3 (Don ' t do any thing / ask me fi rst)

о 1
ont .. . " . " " " . . . "" " " " " .
" ... .. .." . " " .. " .." ." .. . .. .... ...... "" . " ." . " . . " " . " " ""
.. ... " ... " " ... "" "" ......"" "". ..". "
." . "."" . . . "" .. . .. ". " ..

4 (1 went out / 1 didn�t lock the door)

1 ···· ····· .......... ........... ........... ..... .......... ............................................................................ .......""....... ..." ... . . . ... .. . .... .... .. . .. . ... ...... . ..... .... .. .... . . .. . . .... .
. " ..... . . ... " " .. " . .. . " ".... . "" .... . "

--� Напишите предложения о себе.

·1 (interested) ... "Jrn in. �.r.�s1�� i�! .�pqr.�- .....
.. . " "" " .... ..."." . .... "
" ... .
.. ...". " ."
... " .. ...""" ......... "" .".."" .." .....". " . "" . . "" . " .
... .... .. .. ... .. .... " . "" .. "" " .

2 (scared) . . ." ." . . . " . .

l'm ...... " " . " "" ." . ". . .. .". .." .... ... . . . ." . .. .... " ... . ..
. .. ." .... .. ...... ." . . ." " . ." . . " " . . . " " ." " " .. " " ." . ." "" .. . " .. ".
. . ." ... ." .. .... ". . .. ." . ... . .. . .. " . .... . .. . . . . . . . " .. . ....". " . ." " . . ".

3 ( not very good) l'm not ........... . "" " ".

" ... ". "".. " .. " " "" .. .. " .. " " " .. "...... " " " . "" ""
. . . .. .""." .. " " .
"." ". ....""". . . ." ""." " ."" . "."".". .. .. " ." "" . ." ....."." .." . .. "" ... . " ..
. ... ." .. . . " .."". . .
4 (no t interest e d) .. . .. . .. ... .. . "." " . .
.. " . "" ". . """ ... " . . .. . ....... "" . "" "" "" " . " . " ". "" "" . . ". " "" .""" . . . " . . "
. . . . ". . ". . .... . . .. " .... .." ... " ". .. " """."."" " ... .. "". ... ... "" ..." ..
. ..." .. " "" .".". " "
". " ... .

5 (fed up) .".". . " . . . . . " . ". " .

. ... .... .... .. ." .. . .. . ". " . ..........." ..... .. ". " .........." .. .. . " "
" ... .... .........." ". . .......... " . " .
... ." .. ... ". " .. ... .....".. . . . . . .. .
". .. . ...." . . "".. .. . """ ... . . ". . "" .. . ... ".. .
..... ." .. ." .

Мililli"• Переведите предложения на ан гл и йски й язык, используя выражения на странице сл е ва.

·1 Я не боюсь nау1�ов. 7 Мне нравится, когда в паук= spider
2 Сандра интересуется российской историей. нашем доме полно друзей! покинуть= leave
З Мы думаем о том) чтобы покинуть Лон11он. 8 Мне было жаль Бориса, потерять= lose
4 Анжела очень хорошо играет на гитаре. потому что он потерял шум= no1se
5 Москва отличается от Петербурга. свою работу.
6 Сал ли очень сердилась на свою сестру. 9 Мне надоел этот шуN1!

После некоторых глаголов в английсt<ом языке необходимо использовать определённые предлоги. Обратите
внимание, что при переводе на руссt<ий язык один и тот же предлог может переводиться по-разному.

ask (somebody) for ... О Don't ask me for money. 1 don't t1ave any.
просить (кого-либо) о l le просите у меня денег... .
belongto ... О This house doesn't belongto me.
принадлежать Этот дом мне не прш юдлежит.
happen to . .. О 1 can't find my phone. What's happened to it?
случиться с • " Что с ним случилось?
listen to ". О listen to this mu�ic. lt's great.
слушать Послушай эту му�ыку....
talk to som�body (about ) О Did you talk to John about the problem?


speak to someb ody (about ... ) 7 ы говорил с Джоном об Jтой проблеме?

говорить с кем-либо (о) О l'd like to speak to the manager, please.
Я хотел бы поговорить с менеджером.
thank somebody for ... О Thank you very muct1 for yo u r help.
благодарить кого-либо за Большое спасибо за вашу помощь.
think about . . . или think of .. . О Не never thinks about (или of) other people.
думать о Он никогда не думает о других людях.
О Mark is thinkingof (или about) buying а саг.
Марк думает о покуrке машины.
wait for .. . U Wait for me. l'm nearly ready.
ждать Подождите меня ...

Обратите в1 юмание, что выражеНLIЯ' call/pl1one/text/email исппльзуются без предлога:

(] 1 have to phone my parents today. (невер1ю p�1one to my parenrs)
Мне нужно по�вонитъ рQдuтелям сегодня.
О Shall I text you or email you?
Тебе отправить смс 1ти имейл?

:� - ·;в·
. . loolc at / look for / look after

lookat " . (J Hc's lookingat his watch. �..

смотреть 011 смотрит на чаr.ы.
на ... О Look at thcsc Aov1ers! Тhey're beautitul_
Посмотрите на эти цвС?ты! . ..
С) Why аге you lookingat me like that?
look for ".
Почему ть1 та1( на меня смотришъ?
О She's losr her key. Sl1e's lookingfor it. �R•;

.. . Она его ищет.
О l'm lookingfor Saral1. Have you seen hcr?


lool< a�er ." О Wtien Emily is at \vork а friend of hers looks after her children. f
присмотрш:ють за ." / ... подруга присматривает за ei! детьми.
заботиться о ". и т. д. О Dun't lose this book. Lool< after it.
... Обращайся с ней аккуратно. (букв. Позаботься о ней) J�
""t�;"{� � �
iiillll �·� w-.J\�?; �
� ,
.- 1\.
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. "
. с depend on

О д: Оо you like earing in resraurants?

в: Sometimes. lr depends оп the restaurant. (неверно it depends from)
... Это зависит от ресторана.

Выражения it depends what/where/how (и т. д.) используются с предлогом оп или без него:

О д: Оо you want со соте out with us?
в: lt depends where you're going. или /t depends on where you're going.
.. . Это зависит от тог.о, куда вы идёте.

236 ( wait -+ Раздел 55 предлог + -ing-+ Раздел 112


(' JJ

1 Sl1e's looking �t....... l1er watch.

....." 4 Paul is talking ..... ............... Janc.
2 He's li srening "."............... the radio. 5 They're looking .................... а pictL1re.
3 They're waiting .................... а taxi. 6 Sue is looking ................... Тот .

....., Заполните пропуски, используя to/for/about и т. д. Два предложения не требуют добавления


1 Thank you very тuch . ...fQr. .. .. your help.

.. . .

2 111is isn't ту umbrella. lt belongs .................... а fr ien d of тine.

3 1 sa\v Steve, but 1 d i dn't speak ..................... hiт.
4 Don't forget to phone .................... your mother tonight .
5 Thank you .................... the present. lt was lovely.
6 What happened ................... Ella last night? Why didn't she соте ro rhe party?
7 Wе'ге thinking ""......"........ going ro Ausrralia nexr year.
8 We asked tl1e waiter .................... coffee, but he brought us tea.
9 'Do you like readi ng books?' 'lt depends .................... tl1e book.1
10 John was talking, but nobody was listening .................... whar he was saying .
11 We waited ... .."......... Karen until ? o'clock, bur she didn'r соте.
. .

12 1 rcxrcd ................... Lisa ro tell her 1 woLtld Ье late.

13 He' s alone all day. Не never talks ..."............... anybody.
14 'How much does it cost to stay at this hotel?' 'lt depends . ....... the type of room.'
·15 Catherine is thinking .................... cl1anging l1er job.

Е) В став ьте at/for/after.

1 1 looked ............................. the letter, but 1 didn't геаd it carefully.
2 When you аге ill, you need somebody to look ....".........." ........... you.
3 Excuse те, l'm looking .......".................... Hill Sпeet. ls it n ea r here?
4 Вуе! Have а great l1oliday and look ···························- yourself.
5 1 wariL Lu take а pi cture uf yo u Pleasc look ....................."...... the camera and smile.

6 Ben is looking ............................. а job. Не wants to work in а hotel.

Ответьте на запросы. Начните предложения с Jt depends •.. .

1 Do you want to go out witl1 us? lt ...... .l.t.d�pf;;r.J.�;?..W.J1�.r.�.Y.QJJ)�i:;...gQ.i.!1f!�........................................................................................ �·

2 Do you likc eating in resrauranrs? � ...... 1.�.fA�p?.!:J.g�.9.!1.:!!.h�..r.�.�:J;a.!AE�.IJ.°!!.:........................................................................................ �"
... .. ... .... ....... .... . .. . ... . . .... ... .......". .... ... . �

3 Do you enjoy watching TV? �>:. IL UP.ГJP.ncJs . . ....... . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. .

4 Сап you do so1netl1iпg for те? 1� \(

5 Are you going away this wcckcnd? i ......................".......................................................................................................................................................

6 Can you lend те some тоnеу? :�

. �
,. . -
-� -
. -
- -W
i �-


-· \".- ,
. �
�� -
. #·

-� Переведите предложения на ан гли й с ки й язык, используя выражения на странице слева.

1 Посмотри на Анну! Что она деJ1ае1? 6 Пuж<туйсlё), поблагодари Нину
замечательный = lovely
2 Я позвоню тебе завтра. за её замеча1еньный торт.
парень= boyfriend
3 Я подожду тебя здесь. 7 Что ты думаешь о моём парне?
выход= exit
4 л: Ты любишь ходить в кино? 8 Извините. Я ищу выход.
в: И н огда . Это зависит от фильма:· 9 Эта сумка принадлежит Лене?
5 Когда мы ездили в отпуск, наш сосед 10 д: Вы любите рыбу?
присматривал за нашей кошкой. в: Это зависит от того, как вы её приготовите.

Phrasal verb (фр азовый глагол) -это глагол (go/lool</be и т. д.) + in/out/up/down и т. д.


!:,,,,.. 1

�{ 1J :&.;· :; �1c·;
.�-��\ ��\
�."." .

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�".'. ..:�� '-\
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С) 1 waiLed ourside tl1e sl1op. 1 didn1t go in. О 1 went to thc window ancl lool<ed out.
. . . Я не заходил Анутрь. я подошла к окну и посмотрела НQµужу.
О Sarah opened the door of the car апd got in. О The car sropped and а woman got Ottt.
( into tl1e саг) " . и села в неё.
= ( out of thc саг) . . . вышла из неё.

оп off FALL OFF

(J The bus came, апd 1 got оп. О Ве careful! Don't fall off.
Подошёл шзтобус, и я в него села. ... Не упади.
!---·--- --··-·· ··--!---
up down

t i
О Не stood up and left the room. о n1e picture fell dowa1.
Ои вс.тал и вышР.л ". Картина упала.
(stand up =вставать из положения сидя) О Would yo�1 l i kc со sit down?
() 1 usually get early. . .. иитюю f.IOHo. Вы хотите сесть?
(get up - вставать утром с постели) О Lie down оп 1J1e Aoor.
О We lool<ed up at the stars in the sky. J lожитР.сь на пол.
Мы посмuтрели ВRР{Ж ".

awayuлuoff back
. ...


О The thief ran away. (или". a·an off) О Go away апd doп't come back!
Вор убежал. Ух()дU и не во:lвращайся!
О Emma got into thc саг апсt drove away. О We went out for dinner and then went bacl<
(или." drove off) ro ош �1otel.
Эмма се?по R машину и уехала. ... а затем вернулись в гостиницу.

Ье away отсутствовать, go away уР3жать

= :::: Ье back = возвращиться
О Tom l1as gone away for а few days. О Tom is away. He'll Ье back on Monday.
Том уехал но неско лько дней. lомо нР.m. Он вернётся в понедельник.
. ----·--!---- -···--··· _

over round (или around)

�· -.
� l



О 111е wall wasп't very high, 5() we climbed О Somebody shouted ту name, so 1 looked
over. . .. перелезли через неё. round (или around).
О Turn over and look at the nexr page. ". поэтому f1 оглянулся.
Переверни страницу и посмотри на О We went for а long walk. After ап hour we
следующую. turned round (или around) and went back.
. . . развернулись и пошли обратно.

1 get-+ Раздел 57 put оп / take off и т. д. (фразовые глаголы)-+ Раздел 115
список фразовых глаголов -+ Прило>15ение 6 �)
--� Посмотрите на картинки и закончите предложения. Используйте глаголы
из рамки + in/out/up и т. д.
, -�..-....-�....-..- .. --····· -".._.,._______ . ... . ... .. ..
... _ "_ .. --· · · -..--.. -·----·- -· -�
· -··- ·
- -�

(_�ot got -leelred-_�ol<ed rode _:_at tur_!13'!_ went 1

1 1 \!ve nt to the \vin do\V and .....J.9.9..��.4.9..IJ.t................................ S 1 said hello, and he ... .................................. ........................... ................... .

2 The door was open, so we . .......... 6 111е bus stopped, and she
........... ···· ··-···················· . .
..... ...... ···········-······················ ············ ············· ···- .

З Не heard а p lane, so he . 7 There \vas а free seat, so she " . " " ." . . " .. " "" .. ". ." ". .
·············-····"················ ····································· .. . . .. ... . .. . . .. . " ..

4 She got on hег Ьike and . . .." ......""." ..".......".. "."......""....... .".".. 8 А саг stopped, and two men .... ... ". "" . .. . .. . "" . . .. . . " . .. .
.. .... . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. -

WW Вставьте out/away/back и т. д.
1 'W/1at /1appe ned со с/1е pictuгe on tl1e \vall?' 'lt fell ... ..�.Q.�Y.!J....... : .

2 Wa it а miп ute. Don't go ........"....................."...... 1 want со ask you sometl1ing.

З 1 isa heard а noise behind her, so she looked ....... ................. ........ . ro see "1vhat it was.
11l'm goiпg .............................. ....... no\N to do some sl1opping. 1'11 Ье ......... ....... .. ... . .... ....... ас � o'clock. .

5 l'm feeling very tired. l'm going to lie ...... ".............................. on the sofa.
6 When you have read this page, turn ... ........ ....... ........ ..... and read the other side.
7 Mark is from C«nacla. Ht:' livt:'S in 1 ошlоп по\v, b1Jt �1� wa пr '> to go to Ca nric la .

R We dori'L l1i1ve а key со r l1e l1ouse, so we сап't get ...................................... .

9 1 \vas very tired rhis morning. 1 couldn't get ......................" " "" ... ". .. .

1 о А: When are you going "...".""""""."."."....."" ?

В; On tl1e Stl1. And l'm COtili11g """".".. ."" " ." . 0 11 t he 24th . " " """""

С11) Перед тем как выполнить упражнение. изучите глаголы в Приложении б (страница 250).
Зi.iполните пропус1�и1 используя глаголь� из рам1�и + on/ off/up и т. д. Где необходимо� поставьте
глагол в правильную форму.
" " . . "
i ь;��i�"·"- ··- i�'ri''"' .. gi·�� ..�"h�id "v." "-�µ;�'i� •'-·- �--��;. �1,; ·�\· +

! on/off/up/down/over
\ carry get go slow tal<e )
.... .... ... ...

1 1 wenc to sleep ас 10 o'clock and . ..W9.��-Ч/?.... .. . ar 8 o'clock the nexr moгning.. . . "

2 'lr's rimc go.' minшe. l'm nor reacly yt:'r.'


ю а

1 The train .................. ..щ••"• "."••••••••""."••••"•• ""• •""""."." "•••"" ••

••• ". and finally stop pe d. . .

4 1 like flying bur l'm always neгvous \vhen rhe plane ........ ... .........
- .. .... ....... .. .......... . ........... .. ,
... ................... . " .
... ..... . .

5 How аге your childrcn? How агс they . . "."""."... "" ....""."......"... "."""...." ...."... ""...""."""""". at school?

6 l t s difficult to hear you. Can you "

' "...... ."..". .."."." ........ ......" ... ."."...... ...." ........ а little?
7 . . " . . .
l l1is саг is n t vегу good. lt has .......... ........... . . . .. .. . ." ... . .. ." . ..... .".. . . .. .. ... ... ... many times.
' " " . . . " . .

When bables try to walk, they sometimes "."".. . . ". "". ..""... "... ." ". .... """. . ."""."... " """.. ". ... .

8 " . . "
. " . . "

9 1 he horel isn't far from her e. lf you . " ..... "..""."" .""...""..""""".."".."...."""""" ..""""... along this r oa d you' ll see it: on the le�.
. ,

10 1 tried ro find а job, but 1" .... . ........ ........ "............. . """" "... ". ...... lt was i m possiЫe .

. ..

11 The fire ala rm . and everyone had to leave the building.

................................ ........... . ............. ·····-········ ···········-······

8 Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя выражения на странице слева и

в Приложении б. ·

ПОЗДНО= 1 ate
1 Сейчас я ухожу, но я RPpнyrn R т р и ч;ка. S Пожалуйста, помелпеннеР..

присмотреть за= look after

2 Пожалуйста, проходите и садитесь. Ты говоришь очень быстро.
з В воскресенье я встала очень поздно. 6 Такси остановилось, и Том вышел.
4 Ты можешь присмотреть за моей кошкой? 7 Поторопись! Фильм начинается через пять минут.
Я уезжаю на следующей неделе. 8 Мы вас не слышим. Вы можете говорить громче?
Некоторые фразовые глаголы (put оп/ take off и т. д.) могут иметь дополнение. Например:

глагол дополнение глагол

put оп your coat take off


" .

Можно сказать: Мож1 ю ска:.ють:

put оп your соас tal<e off your shoes
или put your coat оп или take your shoes off
надевать пальто снимать ботинки

Но it/them (местоимение) всегда ставится перед on/off и т. д. :

pL1t it o n (HeRef?HO pUt ОП it) takc them off (неRерно take о(Г the m)

О lt was co\d, so 1 put on my coat . О l' m going to take off my sh oe s.

или .. . 1 put my co at оп. или . .. tal<e my sh oes off.
О Here 's your coat. Put it оп. О Your shoes аге dirty. Take them off.
... Надень его. . .. Сними их.

Некоторые другие фразовые глаголы + дополнение:

turп оп/ turп off (\ighcs, machines. taps и т. д.)

включать/выключать (с.иит, приборы, краны 11 т. д.):

О l t was dark, so 1 turпed оп rhe lig�11.

или ... 1 turпed tht:' lig t н оп.
". rюJmoмy 11 включuл свет.
О 1 don't want to waLct1 this progranime.
You can tui·n it off. Ты можешь её выключить. ·�

Можно также использииить switch оп / switch off (ligl1ts, macl1ines и т. д.);

О 1 switched оп che lig�н amJ switched off rl1e television. Я включил свет и выключил телевизор.
pickup =брать/поднимать
put dowп = класть/ставить

О 111ose are n1y keys on the floor.

Can you pick them up for me?
.. . Ты можешь их подннть?
(_) 1 stopp�d readiпg and put my b ook down.
или . . . put down my book.
. . . и положила ю шгу.

briпg back = приносить/прt�возuть обратно

О You сап take my umbre\la, but please bring lt back ... npu11ec.u есо обратно.

take back = относить обратно, возвращать

О 1 took my new sweater back to t�1e stiop. � ТАКЕ
lt \vas too small for те.
. ,.
Я отнёс новый свитер обратно в магазин. ... ,
give back = отдавать обратно
() l've got Ract1el's keys. 1 have to give tl1em back to her.
. . . Я должна отдать их ей обратно.
put back = класть обратно
О 1 read the letter and then put it back in the envelope.
. . . и положил его обратно в конверт.

go in / fall off и т. д. (фразовые глаголы 1) �Раздел 114

240 список фразовых глаголов + дополнение� Приложение 7
w•� П осмотрите на картинки. Что сделали эти люди?

1 не �.1,JrJ.1.<:;:q.. Q.r.!.:t:Ь.P...!kah:k... . . " . .....".. .. .. .... ... . . ... . . .. . ...... . . 4 She" .. ..." .. ... ....
. ..." "" . " ."" .
." .
. .. .. ... " "" "" . ""
" "" .. .
"" "" . ". .
2 She . ..
. ....... .. . .. .
....... . . .. ..... .
···-········-·······."" .............. .... . ".. . . 5 Нс."....""""" """" " ... ". .. ..... . . . .. . .
.. " """ .""" """ "" ". """ . . .

З Не._ .... ........... . ............ ......... .............. """" .. . . .. ..".. "...... .

" . ... " 6 She"........." ...... ." . .. ""
. . ... .. " . . ... . " "
. . .. " """. " " ". "
" " . .
.. ..

•lillll• Эти предложения можно составить тремя различными способами. Заполните таблицу •

1 1 turned on the radio. .....J..1!.ч.rп�4.t..b�J9dio оп. ... ""."...""."" . .....J tur.nedJt.: QXJ.:"".." .". " ." ."" " " " . " " "" " ". .. "

2 Не pu t оп his jacker. Нс"""".." "" . " """" ". ... .

" " " . . " .
." . . Не"""......"." ... . ".
" .. . .... " " " ".. ..
.. ". . . . "" """
. .. .

3 She .... . " " " " " " ""." . . . .

" " " "" .. .. " . ... . .
. . "
.... . S�1e took her glasses off.

4 1 picke<.1 up the phone.

s 1 hey gave back tl1e key.

6 We turned rhe l igh ts off.

Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы из рамки + it / tl1em.
( bring bacl<
... . --
picl;· �
switclt off
.,. . _·
-· ......., - -
; .
_ . ...
_ _ ,,,,.
.. .. ..._ .
Ьа�i�-·· · т���·�·-(Ч�)
-·--- · -·

1 1 w a n ted to warch something on TV, so 1 turneq.J�.9.1.'J.". . ....

2 Му ne•N lamp doesn't work. l'm going to .... ..".........."..".."..."".""""".""......."........".. to tl 1 e �tюр.

3 There \vere some gloves on the floor, so 1." ".. .... . ".."".......""""""".""....".".... ........... .." апd рш 1 t1em on the tаЫе.
4 The heating was on bu t it was too w arm, so 1 " . .. . " ""
. " ... . """ ..
" "".""". " . " . "... " " .." .
".. . .".. . . .... .. . .. .
� Thank y o ll for lendi ng me these books. 1 \VOll01 rorgcr tO """"""""". . . . ..
" ... . " .................. .... " ........ .. . ...

С18 Перед тем ка1< выполнить упражнение, изучите глаголы в Приложении 7 (страница 251).
Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы из рамки. Где необходимо, та1f\же испол ьзуйте it/tl1em/me.
(.fii'ii�" "�. "�;.:,eel��n- looi"�� ·- show round ··�М.,:i�-·�
give up l<nock over put out throw away try on )
_."... ..... -··....,,.,,
�, " ,,,
_ �.-". " , . ,
,_,,.,,_ _. _
_ ____".
.... ". --···"-- .
.-.... -.._,-.,.. � " .,... .
,,., .....,,, " �

·1 They .."!9..ckcd а lor of houses ."".�Q.�'Ш ... \vl1eп tlн�y

. "" bLJilr rhe new road .

2 Тhat music is ver y luud. Сап you · ."" . � IJ rn.J.t. Ф.?XШ. . " !
. . ..

3 1 ..... . ...".. .."......"""""".."...."".".. . ........... а glass and hroke ir.

4 'What does this word niear1?' 'Why don't you .."".".""...."."............."... .... . ........""".... ".... ?'
5 1 w an t to keep these magazir1es. Please do11't . . . . .. . " .. . ...... . . . ... . ... ...... . ... . .."".. .. ... .. "" "

6 1 . ." "............"...
. . ..""...."-.".""".""""..."". а pa i r of sl1oes in Llн� shop, but 1 didn't buy them .

7 1 v isitcd а scho o l last week. One of tl1e Lei1chcrs .." ". ." . " "" " .". .. .. "" " .. " " . . " . ... ... "" " .. .... . .. . ....... .. . . .. ..

8 ' Do you play the piano?' 'No, 1 яar ted to learn but 1 ..".......".........."- ..."".........."..."......"""".. a�er а moпtl1: . . ........

9 Somebody gave me а form and told me to ."." . . . .." . .. " . . "" ... .." . ........ " ...... ..". .. ".... .. . ..... .... . ...

10 Smoking isn't allowed here. Please .......... .. ""...."".. """... .""". your cigarette .........................." "." " ." . .... " .. ..

•lillli• Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя выражения на странице слева.

1 СнимайтР. обувь и заходите. 5 Мне 11ужно отнести эти книги
обувь shoes
2 Я уронил свою ручку. Ты можешь её обратно в библиотеку.

поднять? уронить= drop

6 БыJ10 темно, когда я пришёл
3 Извините. Где я могу примерить это домой, поэтому я включил свет.
фотоаппарат = camera
платье? 7 Ваша сумка тяжёлая? Вы можете
4 Я могу дать тебе свой фотоаппарат, но, поставить её сюда.
пожалуйста, отдай его мне обратно завтра . 8 Ты можешь выкинуть этот зонтик. Он сломан.

8J Настоящее и прошедшее время
актив пассив

present о We make butteг fгom milk. о Butteг is made fгom milk.

simple о Somebody cleans these гooms о Тhese гooms are cleaned еvегу day.
еvегу day.

о People neveг invite me to paгties. о 1 am neveг invited to paгties.

о How do they make Ьuпег? о How is Ьuпег made?

past о Somebody stole my саг last week. о Му саг was stolen last week.
simple о Somebody stole my keys yesteгday. о Му keys were stolen yesteгday.

о Тhеу didn't invite me to the рагtу. о 1 wasn't invited to the рагtу.

о When did they build these houses? о When were these houses built?

present о They are building а new аiгрогt at о А new aiгporr is being built at the
continuous the moment. ( = it isn't finished) moment.

They are building some new houses Some new houses are being built

о о
nеаг the гivег. near the гiver.

past о When 1 was here а few years ago/ о When 1 was hеге а few years ago/ а
continuous they were building а new аiгрогt. new аiгрогt was being built.

' ( = it wasn't finished at that time)


present о Look! Тhеу have painted the dоог. о Look! The dоог has been painted.
perfect о Тhese shirrs are clean. Somebody о These shiгts аге clean. They have
has washed them. been washed.

о Somebody has stolen my car. о Му car has been stolen.

past о Tina said that somebody had stolen о Tina said that hег саг had been
perfect hег саг. stolen.

will /сап/ must / have to и т.д.

актив пассив

о Somebody will clean the office tomoггow. о The office will Ье cleaned tomoггow.
о Somebody must clean the office. о The office must Ье cleaned.
о 1 think they'll invite you со che рагtу. о 1 chink you'll Ье invited со the рагtу.

о They can't repair my watch. о Му watch can't Ье repaired.

о You should wash chis sweateг Ьу hand. о This sweateг should Ье washed Ьу hand.

о They are going to build а new airpoгt. о А new airpoгt is going to Ье built.
о Somebody has to wash these clothes. о These cloches have to Ье washed.
о They had to take the injured man со о The injuгed man had to Ье taken to
hospital. hospital.

Приложение 2
,,· "

Список неправильных глаголов (�Раздел 25)

1 инфинитив past siтple past participle инфинитив past siтple past participle
Ье быть \Vas/were been lie леN<ать lay l <I in
beat бить beat beaten light зажигать lit lit
11 become становиться became become lose терять lost lost
begin начинать(ся) began begun make делать made made
Ьite кусать(ся) Ыt Ьitte11 mean значить meant meant
11 Ыоw
broke11 '
paid paid

l bring
read [/ri:d/] *
put put
read [/red/] * rcad [/red/] *
buy покупать bought bought ride ездить(верхом) rode ridden
catch ловить caugl1t caught ring звонить rang rung
1 choose выбирать chose chosen rise подниматься rose risen
соте приходить came соте run бегать ran run
cost стоить cost cost say говорить/сказать said said
cut резать cut cut see видеть saw secn
do делать did done sell продавать sold sold
draw рисовать d rew d raw n send посылать sent sent
drink пить dranl< drunk shine светить sho11e shone
drive водить (машину) drovc driven shoot стрелять S�10t sl1ot
1 eat есть ate eaten show показывать showed shown
� fall падать fell falle11 �
s ut закрывать(ся) shut shut
1 feel чувствовать(себя) felt felt I s1ng петь sang simg
1 fight драться fougl1t fo�tght sit сидеть sat sat
find находить found found sleep спать slept slept
fly летать Aew ПО\VП speak говорить spoke spol<en
forget забывать forgot forgotten spend тратить spent spent
get получать got got 1 stand стоять stoo d stood
give давать gave given steal воровать stole stolen
go ходить/ездить \Yent gone swim плавать swam S\VUIЛ

grow расти grew grown take брать took tal<en

hang вешать lн.tns hung teach обучать taught ta\.tgl1t
have иметь had had tear разрывать tore torn
hear слышать l 1 eard heard tell говорить tol d told
hide прятать(ся) hi d hidden think думать thought thought
1 hit ударять hit l1it throw кидать threw thrown
1 hold держать held held understand понимать understood u11derstood

' hurt
причинять боль
11 wake просыпаться/
woke wol<en

know знать l<new l<nown wear носить одежду wore worn

1 leave покидать/уходить left le� win побеждать won wоп
lend одалживать le11t lent write писать wrote written
let позволять let let
* произношение

Некоторые глаголы могут быть одновременно правильными (-ed) и неправильными (-t):

1 инфинитив ; past simple/past participle 1 1 инфинитив 1 past simple/past participl �

burn жечь
dream мечтать/видеть
burned или bu rnt
dreamed или dreamt
1 learn учить что-либо
smell пахнуть/нюхать
learned или learnt
smelled или smelt

Формы past simple и past participle совпадают: Формы past simple и past participle различаются:

11 cost -7 cost let -7 let
break -7 broke broken
cut -7 cut put -7 put choose -7 chose chosen
hit -7 hit shut -7 shut speak -7 spoke spoken
� rt U -7 hurt
steal -7 stole stolen
wake -7 woke woken

lend -7
lent lose -7
send -7
sent shoot -7 shot drive -7 drove driven
spend -7
spent get -7
got ride -7
rode ridden
build -7 built light -7
lit r1se -7 rose risen
sit -7 sat write -7 wrote written
burn -7 burnt
learn -7 learnt keep -7 kept beat -7 beat beaten
smell -7 smelt sleep -7 slept Ьite -7 Ьit bltten
hide -7 hid hidden
feel -7 felt
leave -7 left
meet -7 met 3
eat -7
ate eaten
dream -7 dreamt /dremt/* fall -7 fell fallen
mean -7 meant/ment/* forget -7
forgot forgotten
-7 gave g1ven
see -7
saw seen
1 bring -7 brought /Ьr'J:t/* take -7 took taken
buy -7 bought /Ь'J:t/*
fight -7 fought /f'Jt: /* - - -

think -7 thought /0-:J:t/* Ы оw -7

Ыеw Ыown
grow -7 grew grown
catch -7 caught/k'Jt: /*
know -7 knew known
1 teach -7 taught/t'Jt: /*
throw -7
threw thrown
Ау -7 flew flown
4 draw -7 drew drawn
sell -7
show -7
showed shown
tell -7 told

Гfind -7 found 5

begin -7 began begun

have -7 had
drink -7 drank drunk
hear -7 heard
sw1m -7 swam swum
hold -7 held
read -7 read/red/* r1ng -7 rang rung
say -7 said/sed/* s1ng -7 sang sung

-7 run -7 ran run

рау paid
make -7 made

stand -7 stood соте -7 came come
understand -7 understood become -7 became become


Приложение 4
Краткие формы (he's / l'd / don't и т. д.)
В разговорном английском 1 am обычно произносится как одно слово. На письме это
передаётся краткой формой l'm:

1 am --7 l'm u l'm feeling t:iгed t:his moгning.

it is --7 it's о 'Do you like t:his jacket:?' 'Yes, it's nice.'
they have --7 they've о ' Wheгe аге your fгiends?' 'Тhеу' ve gone home.'
и т.д.

При написании кратких форм используется '(апостроф):

1 Xm --7 l'm he)$ --7 he's you ]::Щvе --7 you've she )н!ll --7 she'll

111 С местоимениями l/he/she и т.д. можно использовать следующие формы:

am --7 'm l'm

IS --7 's he's she's it's
аге --7 're we're you're they're
have --7 've l've we've you've they've
has --7 's he's she's it's
had --7 'd l'd he'd she'd we'd you'd they'd
will --7 '11 1'11 he'll she'll we'll you'll they'll
would --7 'd l'd he'd she'd we'd you'd they'd

о l've got: some new shoes.

о We'll рrоЬаЫу go out: t:his evening.
о lt:'s 10 o'clock. You're lat:e again.
's = is или has:
О She's going ош t:his evening. (she's going = she is going)
О She's gone out:. (she's gone = she has gone)

'd = would или had:

lJ А: What: would you like t:o eat:?
В: l'd like а salad, please. (l'd like = 1 would like)
О 1 told t:he police that l'd lost my passpoгt. (l'd lost = 1 had lost)

'm/'s/'d и т.д. не используются в конце предложения (---7 Раздел 41):

О /\ге you tiгed?' 'Yes, 1 am.' (неверно Yes, l'm.)
О She isn't tiгed, but he is. (неверно he's)

- Краткие формы используются с местоимениями l/you/he/she и т. д. Их можно также

использовать (особенно 's) с другими словами:
О Who's уоuг favourite singeг? ( who is)

О What's the time? ( what is)


О ( t:heгe is)
Тhere's а Ьig tгее in the gaгden. =

О Му sister's woгking in London. ( my sisteг is woгking)=

О Paul's gone out. ( = Paul has gone out)

О What colour's your саг? ( What: colouг is your саг?)

Приложение 4

- Краткие отрицательные формы {�Раздел 44):

isn't (= is not) don't (= do not) can't (= cannoc)
aren't ( are nor)
= doesn't ( does noc)
= couldn't ( could nor)

wasn't (= was not) didn't (= did not) won't (= will not)

weren't ( were not)
= wouldn't ( would not)

hasn't (= has noc) shouldn't (= should nor)

haven't ( have not)
= mustn't ( musr nor)

hadn't (= had noc)

С We went to her house, but she wasn't at home.

С 'Where's David?' don't know. 1 haven't seen him.'
С You work all the time. You shouldn't work so hard.
О 1 won't Ье here tomorrow. ( 1 will not)

's (апостроф + }
's может иметь разные значения:
( 1) 'sis или has ( � секция 4.2 данного Приложения)

О lc's raining. (= lt is raining)

О lt's stopped raining. (= lt has scopped)

(2) let's = let us (�Разделы 36, 54)

lt's а lovely day. Let's go out. (= Let us go out.)

(3) Kate's camera =фотоаппарат Кейт

my brother's саг = машина моего брата
the manager's office =офис начальника(цы) и т.д.
(�Раздел 65}

_,Kate's camera was very expensive. (Kate's camera her camera)I=

О Kate's а very good photographer. (Kate's = Kate is)

О Kate's got а new camera. (Kate's got: Kate has got)

Слова на -s и -es ( Ьirds/watches и т.д.)
существительное+ s (множественное число) (--7 Раздел 67}
Ьird --7 Ьirds mistake --7 mistakes hotel --7 hotels

глагол+ s (h e/s h e/it - s ) (--7 Раздел б}

think --7 thinks live --7 lives remember --7 remembers

+ es после -s / -sh / -ch / -х
bu s --7 buses pass --7 passes address --7 addresses
dish --7 dishes wash --7 washes nnish --7 nnishes
watch --7 watches teach --7 teaches sandwich --7 sandwiches
Ьох --7 boxes

potato --7 potatoes tomato --7 tomatoes
do --7 does go --7 goes

"f / "fe -1 "ves

shelf -1 shelves knife -1 knives but roof-1 roofs

Слова, оканчивающиеся на -у (ЬаЬу --7 bables / srudy --7 studied и т.д.)

-у --7 -ies
study --7 srudies (неверно studys) family --7 fa m i l ies (неверно familys)
srory --7 srories cit y --7 ciries ЬаЬу --7 bables
rry --7 tries marry --7 marries Ау --7 Aies
-у --7 -ied (--7 Раздел 12)
study --7 scudied (неверно studyed)
rry --7 tried marry --7 married сору --7 copied

-у --7 -ier/-iest (--7 Разделы 88, 91)

easy --7 easier/easiest (неверно easyer/easyesr)
happy --7 happier/happiest lucky --7 luckier/luckiest
heavy --7 heavier/heaviest funny --7 funnier/funniest
-у --7 -ily (--7 Раздел 87)
easy --7 easily (неверно easyly)
happy --7 happily heavy --7 heavily lucky --7 luckily

у не меняется на i, если слово оканчивается на -ay/-ey/-oy/-uy:

holiday --7 holidays (неверно holidaies)
enjoy --7 enjoys/enjoyed stay --7 stays/stayed buy --7 buys key --7 keys

say --7 said рау --7 paid (неправильные глаголы)

Приложение 5

" -1ng

Глаголы, оканчивающиеся на -е (make/write/drive etc.) � -�ng:

make � making write � wri tin g соте � coming dance � dancing

Глаголы, оканчивающиеся на -ie � -ying:

lie � lying die � dy i n g tie � rying

- stop � stopped, Ьig � Ь igg er и т.д.

Гласные и согласные:
Гласные буквы: а е о u
Согласные буквы: Ь с d f g k m n р r s t w у

Слово может оканчиваться на "гласная+ согласная". Например: stop, Ьig, g et .

В таких случаях p/g/t - " " "
и т.д. перед ing / ed / e r/ e st меняется на pp/gg/tt и т.д.


г +с Г =гласная буква
s юр ST О Р р � рр Stopp1ng яорреd С= согласная буква
run R U N n � nn r u nnin g
get G Е т t � tt ge tting
sw1m sw IM m � mm sw1mm1ng
Ьig в 1 G g � gg Ьi gge r Ь igge я
hot н о т t � tt ho tte r ho ttest
thin тн 1 N n � nn th inne r th inn est

Изменений нет в следующих случаях:

(1 )если слово оканчивается на две согласные (С+С):
help НЕ L Р helping helped
work WO R К working worked
fast FA S Т fa ster f a stest

(2)если слово оканчивается на две гласные+одну согласную (Г +Г +С):

need N Е Е D ne ed ing needed
wa1t W А 1 Т wai ting waited
cheap СН Е А Р cheaper cheapest

{З) в более длинных словах (два слога и более), если последний слог безударный:

happen НАР-реп � happening/happened (неверно happenned)
visit VIS-it visiting/visited
remember re-MEM-ber remembering/remem bered

prefer pre-FER (ударение на последний слог) � preferring/preferred
begin be-GIN (ударение на последний слог) � beginning

(4) если слово оканчивается на �у или"w. (В конце слова у иw не считаются согласными буквами.)
enjoy � enjoying/enjoyed snow � snowing/snowed few � fewer/fewest

Приложение 6
Фразовые глаголы {take off / give up и т. д.)
Ниже приведены некоторые часто употребимые в речи фразовые глаголы (� Раздел 7 14).

on carry on = продолжать(ся)
О Don't stop working. Сапу on. . .. Продолжай.
О л: Excuse те, \l\/here is the scacion?
в: Carry on along chis road and curn right: at the lights. Продолжайте идти по этой дороге ...
также go on (=продолжать)/ walk оп (=продолжать идти)/ drive on (=продолжать ехать) и т. д.
О Don't stop here. Drive оп. . .. Проезжайте.
Hold on а
соте оп = давай minute.
О Come on! Everybody is \ЛJaiting for you. Давай! Все тебя ждут.
get on = справляться/ делать успехи (1 ю работе, в школе, на экзамене и т. д.)
О Ho\N was your exam? How did you get on? ".Кок ты справилась?
hold on = подожди(те)
О Can you hold on а minute? Подождите минутку.
off take off =взлетать (о самолёте) ТАКЕ OFF

:] The plane took off 20 minuces lace, buc arrived on time.

Самолёт взлетел с опозданием на 20 мш;ут, но".

out go out =выходить из дома (чтобы равлечься)

О А: Are you doing anything tonight:?
в: Yes, l'm goiпg out witl1 some friends. Да, мы с друзьями идём развлечься.

up give u p = отказываться от дальнейших попыток/сдаваться GROW ИР

О 1 know it's difficult, but don'c give up.
Я знаю, что это трудно, но не сдавайся.

grow up =вырастать/взрослеть
О What does your son \vant to do when he grows up?
.. . когда вырастет?

hurry up =торопиться
О Hurry up! We don't have much cime. Поторопись! ".
speak up =говорить громче
О 1 can'c hear you. Сап you speak up, please?
... Пожалуйста, говорите громче.

wake up =просыпаться
О 1 oft:en wake up in che middle of the night.
Я часто просыпаюсь ...

wash up =мыть посуду (после еды)

О Do you want те со wash up? (или". to do the washing-up?)
Ты хочешь, чтобы я вымыл посуду?

down slow down =делать что-либо медленнее

О You're driving too fast. Slow down! .. . Поезжай помедленнее!
brea1< down =ломаться (о машинах, приборах и т. д.) :; .
О Sue was very late because her car broke down. it ''•-ф-J
. . . пото1111у что у неё слом о лось машигю. BREAK DOWN

over fall over =падать

О 1 fell over because my sl1oes were соо Ьig for me.
Я упала, потому что ...


Приложение 7 Фразовые глаголы + дополнение
(put out а fire / give up your job и т. д.)
Ниже приведены некоторые часто употребимые в речи фразовые глаголы + дополнение (--7 Раздел 1 7 5).

in/out fill in / fill out а form =заполнять бланк

О Can you fill in this form, please? или
Can you fill out this form, please?

out put out а fire, а cigarette и т. д. =тушить огонь, сигарету и т. д.

О The fire brigade arrived and put the fire out. РИТ ОИТ

Прибыли пожарные и потушили ого11ь.

cross out а mistake, а word и т. д. =зачёркивать ошибку,

вычёркивать слово и т. д. CROSS OUT

О lf you make а miscake, cross it out Если сделаете ошибку, зачеркните её.

on try on clothes =пршлерять одежду

О (в магазине) This is а nice jacket. Shall 1 try it on? ... Мне его примерить?

up give up something =бросать что-либо, переставать что-то делать

О Sue gave up her job when her ЬаЬу was born. ". перестала работать".
О 'Аге you still learning ltalian?' 'No, 1 gave it up.' ... "Нет, я бросила'�

look up а word in а diccionary и т. д. =смотреть значеиие слова в словаре

О 1 didn't knO\"I the meaпing of the word, so 1 looked it up in а dictioпary.
. . . поэтому я посмотрел в словоре.

turn up the TV, radio, music, heating и т. д. =увеличивать (звук, мощность и т. д.)
� Сап you turn the radio up? 1 can 'c hear ic. Ты можешь сделать радио погро1.дче? ".

wake up somebody w\10 is sleeping = будить кого-то

О 1 have со get up early comorro\v. Сап you wake me up ас 6.30?
.. Ты можешь разбудить меня в 6:30?

down knock down а buildiпg =сносить здание

:) They are going to knock down che school and build а ne\"I one.
Они собираются снести школу и ...

turn down rt1e TV. radio, music, heating и т. д. = уменьшать

(з вук мощность и т. д.)
The music is соо loud. Сап you turn it down? DOWN
... Ты можешь сделать её потише?

over knock over а cup, а glass, а person и т. д. =опрокидывать

чашку, стакан /сбивать человеко и т. д.
О Ве careful. Doп't knock your cup over.
О There was an accideпt ас che end of che road.
А man was knocked over Ьу а саг. KNOCK OVER или
(или А man was knocked down Ьу а car.)
.. Машино сбило человека.

away throw away rubЬish, things you dоп'с waпt = выбрасывать мусор, ненужные вещи
О These apples аге bad. Shall 1 throw them away? . " Мне их выбросить?
О Don't throw away chat picture. 1 wапс it. Не выкидывай эту картину. ...

put something away =убирать что-либо на место

О Afcer they finished playing, che childreп put their toys away.
.. . дети убрали на место свои игрушки. THROWAWAY

back рау somebody back =возвращать кому-то деньги/долг

О Thank you for lending me the money. 1'11 рау you back пехt week.
. . . Я тебе их верну на следующей неделе.

round/ show somebody round/around =показывать какое-то место, проводить по ...

around О We visiced а faccory last week. The manager showed us round. . .. провёл нас (по фабрике).

Список упражнений:

1-2 am/is/are Разделы 1-3

З presenc continuous Разделы 4-5

4 presenc simple Разделы 6-8
5-7 present simple, am/is/are и have (got) Разделы 1-3, 6-8, 10
8-9 presenc continuoL1s и present simple Разделы 4-9

10-13 was/were и past simple Разделы 11-13

14 pasc simple и pasc concinuous Разделы 12-15

15 настоящее и прошедшее время Разделы 4-15

16-18 presenc perfecc Разделы 16-20

19-22 presenc perfecc и past simple Разделы 19-21
23 настоящее время, прошедшее врелl/Я и present perfecc Разделы 4-21
24-27 пассивные конструкции Разделы 22-23

28 будущее время Разделы 26-29

29 прошедшее, настоящее и будущее время Разделы 4-21, 26-29

30-31 прошедшее, настоящее и будущее время Ра�делы 4-23, 26-29, 53, SS, 99, 105
32 -ing и to ... Разделы 52-56,105,112
33-34 а и the Разделы 66, 70-74
35 предлоги Разделы 103-108, 111

Разделы 1-3

Напишите предложения по картинкам. Используйте слова из обеих рамок+ is/isn't/are/aren't.


GARY �,, @

vv "S
v on the саЫе 1 ."...Th�. .YY.i.tJ.�.Q�Y.�.. .f1Г�...Q.p�.tJ..
-Ьi5а- hungry 2 ......h.i.�g"J.�11.'t .h.?p..p.y. """" . ...
" "

Kate asleep 3 Kate "". . "

." ."." . """ " . "" . . """. . .

The children epen 4

Gary full 5
The books near the scation 6
The hocel а doctor 7
The bus �у- 8

Дополнительные упражнения

За полните пропуски.

1 'Аге you hungry?' 'No, Ьш: .. !.'т ...... thirsty.'


HO\'v' are
2 ' ."................ ".............. your parents.?' 'Thеу're fi ne.
3 '/s Anna at home?' 'No, ....".".""..".... "."""""". "."....". at work.'
4 .". .. ... .. ..................
.. . . . ........."...". ту keys?' 'On your desk.'
5 Where is Paul from? "."".".". ".."...."..""""......"."..... American or British?
6 " ...." ""....."......" ""...". """"".".. very hot today. The temperature is 38 degrees.
7 f\re you а teacher?' 'No," .."."....".""......."" "...."""."...." а student.'
8 " ""..""""""" ""."."."" ......""."."" your umbrella?' 'Green.'
9 Where's your саг? "."".." .""."".""."..".."". "........". in the car park?
10 ".."."....".. """" ."."."""... ""."".." tired?' 'No, l'm fine.'
11 'These shoes are nice. How ..."..... "....".".. """. . "..".. "..."..."." ?' 'Sixty pounds.'

Разделы 4-5

Напишите предложения, используя слова в скобках.

1 д: Where are your parents?

В: ..". Th.�Y.'.r§"W.�:k.Y..�ir.Jfl.JY."....... " " . ... .. ..... .... .. .. .. .. ... .... ..." ..... .......". ...
" . " . . ... " . .. " . . " . (they/ watch/TV)
2 д: Paula is going out.
в: .......W.. h §.r.�:P...P..h�.29.!r.J.a?.......... .." .... .."... .............."... .... . ........... ............. .. ..
" " . . " ... .. (where/she/ go?)
3 д: Where's David?
В: .......... .. .. ."......." ..... ". .. " ." . . ."".. . ....."..... .
. ". . . " . . . ..... . .. .. " . .. ...
. ". ." ..... ... . "...... . ... ....... ......
. .. .. .. ..". .... . (he/ have/а shower)
4 А:"" ..""""" ... ".."...".... "."" "".."""""...."."."."".. "......""."."."""""."".. .""..."".. ""..""....".. ? (the children/play?)
в: No, they're asleep.
5 А:"."... . "....................
. ."".."...."....."........... " .""."."....""." ........". "...."".""".....""....... .. ? (it/ rain?)
в: No, not at the moment.
6 д: Wl1ere are Sue and Steve?
в: ........................".."". .". .. ... .. ...". .. ."."". . .. ."..."".... . .... """". .. ..... ... ... . . ." ".. "...
. .. . .. . " . .. ... . ... . . . ".. . " . (they/соте/now)
7 А: ............ ..... ""...... ................".....""".. ". ...."".".......".."""..... . "."""......... ".""" ..." .." ?
.. ('.vhy/ you/ stand/ here?)
в: "..""..".... ... , ".." "... "....".. .. .... ."
. . " . . . " ....."....."""."
" " . " ".
. "" """.."....... . . ." .. . "" ...
" " . . . "" (11 wait/ for somebody)

.'present slinpie .
(1 work / she d�esn�t work / do you work? и m. д) Разделы 6-8

Заполните пропуски. Используйте present simple.

1 ;?.Ч§ gJW�Y?. g§t.?. .. to work early.

".". " . " "" (Sue/ always/ get)
2 W.� f! Q.IJ.t: Wg. �9. h TV very often.
. "." " .' . . " " (we/ not / watch)
З How often g Q YQЧ"W.��b ." your hair? ." ". . " ". (you/ wash)
4 1 want to go со the cinema, but "......".. ".".." ""................"...""". """"."...."..."........" ....""."."...".. to go. (Sam/ not/ want)
5 """" ." " " ."" . "".""..""".""."""" .. """."""..."... "...".."...... .""..".. to go out tonight? (you/ want)
6 .. "..".." ... "". "".."".""...""""" .... ""."".""......"."..".. .."""............ near here?
. (Helen/ live)
7 . "".."..... ""."""..""". """" ".."""."..".."."".".. .".".".""""."."."... а lot of people.
. (Sarah/know)
8 1 enjoy travelling, but ..""".."..".."". "".." ......."".....".".."""". ".."" ..."."""......"" "...."" very much. (1/ not/travel)
9 What time ."..""""".. ..."" "".".."""..."".""". .".."""........ "....."... ."". " "." in the morning? (you/ usually/ get up)
10 Му parents are usually at home in the evening .
.".." .."""."... ".".".""..""...... ."""""."....""...."".. ".."" ...".."" ..".".... very often. (they/ not/ go out)
11 .""........"".........".""". ""."."."....."."."""" "."". ......."........."..".""" work at five o'clock. (Tom/ always/ finish)
12 А: Wl1at"......... """"..."..........."..".. """"......"........""...""..." .........."......... ? (Jessica/do)
в: ......".."....""". "".."""...."."""...... . ."" ..".""..".."..."..".""..." . "..... in а hotel. (she/ work)

Дополнительные упражнения

Разделы 1-3,6-8,10

Прочитайте вопросы и ответы/ которые дала Клэр. Затем напишите предложения о Клэр .

1 Аге you тarried? "

1 ...... $..h�. .!�.r(
. �.m.�н::r.!ш�.: ......."............ ........ "..""... "" ...... ".".." "."

2 Do you live in London? � Yes.

Clare 2 ......$..h�. .!ivfз..�.J.n. Lm1dm:i... . ... ......... ........ .... ... ... .. "........ ...... . .. ... ..
. �

3 Аге you а student? � Yes. '. 3


> '
No. �
4 Have you got а саг? ·

':- '
5 Do you go out а lot? � Yes. ,
6 Have you got: а lot: of fгiends? Yes. 6
7 Do you like London? ,
No. 7
8 Do you like dancing? 8
9 Аге you int:eгested in spoгt? 9

Допишите вопросы.

1 . .. W.hg.t�;?.ypцr_лprn�"".".".."" ."..."....".......................".. "..................... ?

. Ben.
".. .............................."............ .........." ......................................" .............. таггiеd? Yes, 1 am.
Where "."... "".". """" ""." """."" ".""" ""."" "".".." .".."".." ?
ln Barton Road. f


."..."........... .........." ...." .."" ."......... .......... ............" "...."" any children? Yes. а daughter. · .r�
How ."..... ......... "."." ".""" "."" ........". ".."" ".".." "."..." ..""." .". ? � She's three.
� ..:;<,..
��===��===�=���=�� ,�.

2 .".""" ."." ? � l'm29.

" ;·
································································· · ············ ································-······· ··················-·
1 1 woгk in а superтarket. r�
..".. """...".".".."..."."....... ""."".".".".."." ..""..... "..................."........."... уоuг job? �- No, 1 hate it. % .·

.......................".........." ..........".........."........"..........." ...."". ......." ......"". ." а саг.7 '


Yes, 1 have.
................""".".."."....."....."..........."..........."........................... to work Ьу саг? No, 1 usually go Ьу bus .
'), ...--.: .. ' " '"....'
. "� .

з ......W.hQ. .!.�..t..b.i.�...m.g.IJ... . ........"............."..".. "................................."."............ ? That's ту brother.

···· ··· ·· ·············· ······· ··· ·· · ······ ··· ····--······················-····· ····················-····---··· ·�·····-···· · ···· ·········-·
?. Michael.
... ..." ."..... ""." ....."..".."".. ""." ""..." .""..."".""".".""......"..""..".""..."""...". ...".."".. .
. .
? He's а travel agent.
.."."."."....""..""...."".."""".".".""..."".."""""...."" ..."""."".""" ...." in London? No, in Manchest:er.

Составьте предложения из этих слов. Все предложения в настоящем времени.

1 Sarah often /tennis . ..... $..?r.�h ..Q@.tJ" pJ.gY�..t.f11!.r.1!.?.- ".... . "."." . "..." "".." "..."" ..".." "". ..". . ......." "".". ".. ...." """.. ".. .

2 ту parents /а new саг .. ." .t.�"h.g.Y?йQ:t..g..!J�W..9.�r:..... ...." """. .".. " . . ""...". """" """". "".." ."""" . ".. .". .. .
"" " . ." "" "

3 ту shoes /dirty ".".MY..?.h.Q�§.дr.?."�Hrt.Y:.."..". ....." .. ..."". .".. "....... ....."."....""..". .."".""....."...".... ". ."."..".. .. .... ... ... ."."."... . ".".. ". ".
" "

4 Sonia /32 years old Sonia " . ."""."..."""."....". .... "".""""..". .. ..".....""""". "" .."."..". ."."" . ". ... ..".."..".....""""." ... ".".."... """ ..".. " ".."" ""."" . .".
" . " "

5 1 /two sisteгs ..........."... ... ." ... .. .. ."". ... ...... ... . ... ."..."... .. .. .... ...."..". ." ..."... . . ......". .. ....... ... . ... ..... ... ."."... . ....".... .. . ..... ... . ... .".... ... . ..... ... .. ......".. .... .
. " . . .. . . . .

6 we often /TV in the evening " . """."... "."".... ."."".." .. "" .. "" ."".."".." .".."." ..".".."." ."."...."" ."." . ..."." ... . .."". ".".".".".. .. "...."" ..".."." .""""".. . .".."". ..".."."..".
7 Amy never /а hat ..."". . ". . "" """.. . .". ....". .. .".."".. "".. " .."" ".""."". ... ". ..". ..".. "".".". ."..."".""" ".".. """.. . ."" "".. .."."" "... ".. . ". ...". . ."."".." ...."..
" " " . " "

8 а bicycle / two wheels ". .."" """""""".. .""." ".. .""".". .. .."".. . ..""."... . ""."".. .".."." ". ..."" . .". ."". .""" . .""".... .. """ . "..."". .""....". ."".. " .""".... ..
" " . " " " " " " " "

9 these Aowers / beautiful "." .. .. .... ".....". .... " "".."."".".."" ""."... . ." ..."" .."...." ..".. .."" ..".." ." .""""...".. .."..". .." ".. ."." ...."."".""." " " .. . .." ....... .".
. " " " " . " " " " . " " .

10 Ет mа /Gerтan very well

Дополнительные упражнения

Разделы 4-9

Допишите предложения.

ш CIJ ...... Po..Y.9..� . 9.!1�.r.� g.Q........

ш What .................. "... .. . ...".... ."..". "
. . .... "

Please Ье quier. (you/often/go) to the ".....".."....."....""."".." (you/cook)?

"....J.:!n..�Q.r.:�.(!J.6..""" (l/work). cinema?

(i) Jack ... "."." .." .....".".."."..... (play)

� ..
rn ""..".".".�""••••".• " .........",."""." (1 /go)
@ ."....�."".. . ".."..." ....... "".."" .. (it/rain).

the piano very well. now. Goodbye! Can 1 take this umbrella?

ею Excuse me, ............. ............. .. ....

"- .. " What's this word? How
(l/not/watch) ТУ very much. ...... ..
" ..... . ". (we/look) for
"......... � . .

the museum. (you/pronounce) it?

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 '-A-reyet:t-speakiAg / Do you speak English?' 'Yes, а lit:tle: (Do you speak правильно) -

2 Sometimes vve're going / we go away at \veekends.

3 lt:'s а nice day today. The sun is sl1ining/ shines.
4 (Вы встречаете Кейт на улице.) Hello, Kate. Where are you going/ do you go?
5 How often are you going / do you go on holiday?
6 Emily is а writer. She's writing/ She writes books for children.
7 l'm never read ing/ 1 never read newspapers.
8 'Where are Mark and Laura?' 'They're watд1ing/ They wat:ch TV in the living room.'
9 Helen is in her office. She's talking/ She ca/ks to somebody.
10 \Л/hat time are yoLJ usually l1aving/do you usually have dinner?
11 Joe isn't at home ас t:he moment:. He's visiting/ Не visits some friends.
12 'Would you like some сеа?' 'No, tl1ank you. l'm not: drinking/ 1 don't drink tea.'

Дополнительные упражнения

.- . - . - . - ......

· was/were и past simple (1 worked / did you work? и т. д) Разделы 11-13

Заполните пропуски, используя только по одному слову.

1 1 got up early and ....Ь�.4...... а shower.

2 Тот was tired last night, so he ."......... " ..". ............."............... to bed early.
З 1. """." ."...." ".""""." .."" ......... this key on the Аоог. ls it yours?
4 Kate got тarried when she " "..............."" .....".""..".""........ 23. .

5 Helen is learning to drive. Sl1e ... ."""... ".."..."".".".. ."..""""".... her first lesson yesterday.
6 Tve got а new job.' 'Yes, 1 know. David ."...". "."."" ".."".""""""""."" " те:
7 'Where did you buy that book?' 'lt was а present. Amy ."."." .."""" "...." ..""".""""..."" "" it to те.'
8 We .... """."."..."."""".."" .." """"....".. hungry, so we had soтething to ear.
9 'Did you enjoy the filт?' 'Yes, 1 .
... .""...""......".....".• " "." """"." it was very good:
. .

10 'Did Andy соте to your party?' 'No, we . ""."" ."""""".""."""""- """". hiт, but he didn't соте.'

Прочитайте вопросы и ответы, которые дал Джо. Напишите предложения о Джо в детстве.

When you were а child ".

Were you tall? No. 1 ...... н.�.w..?�11:t. t:gJ_!:..." " .. ... .. ........... .. .
................ " ... ...... .... . ... ..... .. . ..
. ...................... .... . .. . ... ..............

Did you like school? Yes. 2 ...... H.�.J.i.k?.g �.�Ь.99.1.:.............. .."" .. " """"" " .
.. . .. .... ...... " ... .. ...... """ .. ............ " ... . .
. . . . ... "." "...
. .

Were you good at sport? Yes. 3 Не " " ....... " . " """ .. ". ." .. ". ". .. " . . . " "" .. """ "" . ". " .. " "."""
... .... .. . .. ......... .... . . ...... .. ... . ... . . .. ...... . .. ..... ..... . . .....

Did you play football? Yes. 4

Did you work hard at school? No. 5
Did you have а lor of friends? Yes.
Did you have а blke? No. 7
Were you а quiet child? 8
"' ... ......<(.,'" .-·

Допишите вопросы.

1 " ....D.kJYQЧ"hg.Y�."." а nice holiday? . Yes, it 'vvas great, thanks.

? " W.h �.r.?."<JJ 4 Y9Ц fi9. .. ". ?
. . . . . То Aтsterdaт.
3 """"" "...."......." "..""" ....."""""""""."""... "".... ....".""..""".." ..."". there?
. Five days.
4 """..."".."..".." ........... " ..........."".".."." ............. "."."""........ Aтscerdaт? Yes, very тucl1.
5 . "" "..".....""""..."...... ......................."............. ...................................... ...."...... ?
. 1 have friends in Aтsterdaт, so 1 stayed with theт.
6 . "..."..................... .................."..." ................... .......".......""." ......... good?
... .. ·' Yes, it was warт and sunny.
7 . ""................. "...............""..".".".."....."..""..........."..""".................. back? ,
... .. Yesterday.
• '
_,... "'\ ....
,..,. ...,.._.
'\А ,,. "
•"'; ...
• . . о· ..,._
• • .,....._.,.
").. .. . ------
.,... ------..--;

Поставьте глагол в правильную форму (утвердительную, отрицательную или вопросительную).

·1 lt was а good party. ......J..?.DjQy?.g. "" ..... it. (1 / enjoy)

2 ' "D.J�.YQЧ.taQ . ..". the shopping?' (you / do) 'No, l ...... g.!gn�..hg.V� ... " .. tiтe.' {1 / have)
3 'Did you phone Аdат?' 'No, l'т afraid .............. ....."."................... . ........ ............................... "...." .' ( 1 / forget)
4 1 like your ne\.v watch. Where .. ..." .........."".. ......... ......................."....."......... ................".... it? (you / get)
5 1 saw Lucy at the parry, but ...... . . . . ."...... "..... ..."" .........."..".... " ......
.. . . . . ............ .............. со her. (1 / speak)
6 л: ..... . ..... " ."..... " ............................... " .................".""."......... а nice weekend? (you
. ... . / have)
в: Yes, 1 went to stay with sоте friends of тine.
7 Paul wasn't well yesterday, so .... ."."."...... ....... ."... ... со work. (he
. " .."...""".. "....................................
.. ." / go)
8 'ls Магу here?' 'Yes, ....... .............................." " .." ... .......... "......... ...... ............... five тinutes ago.' (she / arrive)
9 Where ......"...."..."....................... ................................. ..... ... . before he тoved here? (RоЬеп / live)
........ ..........

10 The restaurant wasn't expensive .......".. ......"......... "............ ..".... ..............................." ..........."" ver y тuch. (the теаl / cost)

Дополнительные упражнения

Разделы 12-15

Good mornin �

lt"" �.§.§"!::§.!.�.!!J.g""." (rain) when we

When 1 arrived at the office, Lisa and Paul

.."..��-�-�. "... (go) out.

".".."..".."."."..""."."""'""."." ..".. ""."" .."" (work) at their desks .

1.,..""."""." .."... "..""""" ..".. ".. "."... (open) the window The doorbel 1 .""""."."uo"••. "
."••"•• "••"""""..,".". ( ring) when
because it was hot. Sue . ... "..".п"."•• "••" ••" "••••••••" ••• ""•••" ••• (cook).



1"." . "".... (hear)

............". . . . . . ". . . . . . " . . .".".._. а noise outside, Тот .. . """."......"......"."".. """.".."".""""..""".."..."".".".".. (look)
so 1"." ..."."".."............."......""." ...".".. (look) out of the out of the window when the accident
window. 1 "." "
"••• "" "
.".•" .. " ."•••"." .•""••. " "."".""
..• ""
..••. " •.•••.".. " . . " (happen).
.. " •. "



Richard had а book in his hand, but he Catherine bought а magazine, but she
1"" . " .."".... ".""".""... "".." .. """."."...""""..."."".".. (not/read) it. Не
. """""""."."."..""""...""".".."..""."""" ..."."""" .. ""."".. ". (not/read) it.
..".."......."".""........".... "....".." .."......."."... "....."..."............" (watch) TV. She didn't have time.

1 ...""........"...."....... """ ..................... (finish) my meal, 1""".""."""."."..." ...."."".-"."""." .. (see) Kate this morning.
.""."...".."..........."."."..."."".""...... (рау) the Ьill and 1 ..".."." ..."".".""".."......" ......".."..". (walk) along the street
\ .""."""""". .".. """... """""..""""" (leave) the restaurant.
" and she "."..".. """"""" ..".""."."""".""""" (wait) for the bus.

Дополнительные упражнения

Разделы 4-15

Заполните пропуски, используя одну из этих форм:

present simple (1 work/drive и т. д.) present continuous (1 am working/driving и т. д.)

past simple (1 worked/drove и т. д.) pasr continuous (1 was working/driving и т. д.)

1 You can шrn off the television. 1 :m.n.9t.Yfg_k9..b.!пg (not/\Natch) it.

. ..... ......

2 Last night Jenny ".. ..fell ...... (fall) asleep while she ... W.!?.1.�.П�.afl.!n.g . (read). .. ... .

3 Listen! Somebody . ........ "...." ."""."". """"" """"". . "...... (play) rhe piano.
4 'Have you got my key?' 'No, 1 . . .." "."......
.. . ......".. ."..." "."... ...."".. "". (give) it back to you.'
5 David is very lazy. Не """" """.. " """." ..".." ""...." "..".... ". (not/like) hard work.
6 Where ......"" """. ..".".". "".". ""."". ""..". ". (your parents / go) for their holidays last year?
7 1 . .." ..." ......... .. "... " .."......... . ".""" ."..."." "".". (see) Laura yesterday. She
. "."." """"" """. """" """"" """". . (drive) her
new car.
8 д: ."" """ "" """"""."""""" "" """" "" """" .. """""". (you/watch) TV much?
". . . "

в: No, 1 haven't got а TV

9 А: What ...."""""""""".. "".".."""".""""""".. """""".. ".".""" (you/do) at 6 o'clock last Sunday morning?
в: 1 was in bed asleep.
10 Andy isn't at: home very mucl1. Не."."".""""."" """".. ""."".".""""..""""""..""""."".. (go) away а lot.

11 1""""""""".""""""""""."""""""""."""""."""""""" (пу) ro find а job at: t:he moment:. lt:'s not: easy.
12 l'm tired t:his morning. 1 ......................... ........ ........... ...................... ............. ....... (not/sleep) very well last night.

Разделы 16-20

Посмотрите на картинки и допишите предложения. Используйте present perfect.

5 minutes later

N о, ."""b.��§J.�.§t.:." .. 1 don't know.

� l ... "Y�"r.!�Y�.r."§��n"."" him before.

.".". gQ. IJ � 9.Ч�

. . " """. . .

-- •--

Аге you st:ill watching the film? l'm looking

for ту glasses.

Неге rhey аге!

1".""." .".."."""".".." ...".."."""".".. them!

Дополнительные упражнения

Bookshop (О) l'm looking for Jessica.

........."......"." .. "."... "."".".. ".."." .." her?

Yes, she was here

а few minutes ago.

0 ." .." ..."."..." .. """.""....." .."..""" .. ". to Sweden?

Paul was asleep in the armchair.

Не .
. .... .. . ... . .. ... ... ." ..........".."..."".. up.
"... � . . ... .. .. .. . ..

The weather is horriЬle here.

Yes, we .-" ." . ..... .
...-..".......... . ...
.. .. ........".. . ...
lt ···-··-··············""'"···········"··•·•»••··�··

each other for а long time. all day.

Дополнительные упражнения

8 Заполните пропуски� используя одно� два или три слова.

1 Mark and Sarah are married. They "....h.g,Y.�"��?..IJ.".. married for five years. ..

2 David has been watching TV . .. �.!!:19..� ...... 5 o'clock. . ..

3 Joe is at work. Не .... . ..... .

..... .. ....... .
................ .......... .. . . . ... .
.... ..................... at work since 8.30.
4 'Have you just arrived in London?' 'No, l've been here ........................ ....................................... ".........."...... five days:
5 l've known Helen .................................................................................... we were at school together.
6 'Му brother lives in Los Angeles.' 'Really? How long ................................................... ......................" ..."..... there?'
7 George has had the same job .
. ......... . .
.... ................................ .. ......"..........""........". 20 years.
8 Some friends of ours are staying with us at the moment. They ..................................................................."................ here
since Monday.

Закончите предложения. Напишите о себе.

. ..
1 l've never . . rirarJ.�!J..g..Ь.9.rP.�: .
. ... ....

2 l've ..... .J?..��ri..t.9 �.Qr!�QЛ

.. ...... many times.
3 l've just ..................." .. .. ..
. . .
..... ... ................... . . .. ..... . . .
......... ........... ............ ............... ........... .. "
.................... .... " "
..... . . . . . .. . ".""
... ....... ... ... ..... .. . .. . "".." .. .
....... ..... .. ... ......... .. . .." .
. . . ..
......... .. ....

4 l've .
.... ...."... ........................... ................................................ ...................................... ...................... .. ".......... "....... (once / twice /а few times / many times)
5 1 haven't .................."................................................................................................................................... ....."....................."................................................................... ........ yet.
6 l've never ......................................................................" ".
................... .
...... .......... ....... ..... . .. . . .." ..
. .. . .
........ ........... .
.............. .. .. .
.. ... .... ..
. ... . ".
.... . .......... ."" . .... ............ .. . .
...... . ............. .... ...
7 11ve ......................"........................"............................"......".................. "".". s1nce ." ... . " .. . " " . ".". ". " . " "" " ." " . " . . " " " " . " ".

. . ... .. . .. . . . . . ..." . . ..... ....... . .... .. .. ........ . .. ... . . .. ...... .. . .... .......... .... .. ...

8 l've ."."."...... "..""""" ........."""..""""..... ......"""""......... """"." ...."".....".. for ."" . . ......." . . . " . . . . ." " . " .. . .
.. .. .." . .. . ..... . ... . .. ....... .. . .......... ".. .
. . .. ............... " " . " " " " "" " """ . . .
..... . .. ... . . ." .. . .. " .

-� ,.,�� -.-- . .
� present perfect ( 1 have done и m. д) и past simple (1 did и т. д) Разделы 19-21

- Present perfect или past simple? Допишите предложения (утвердительные или отрицательные).
1 д: Do you like London?
в: 1 don't know. 1 . .h.gY.�n.·:t..!?.§.�r!. ..". there.

2 д: Have you see11 Kate?

в: Yes, 1 ... "•. �gW. . her five minutes ago.
.... .

3 А: That's а nice sweater. ls it new?

в: Yes, 1 . . ""..."...........".........."................""....."........ it last week.
... . .

4 д: Аге you tired this morning?

в: Yes, 1 . ......"""•. " " "...............".".".""."...... ""."...".". to bed late last night.
. .

5 д: Do you want this newspaper, or can 1 have it?

в: You can have it. 1 . it. .............. ................................................ .... .........

6 д: Are you enjoying your new jоЬ?

в: 1 ......... .............." .................................................•. yet. Му first day is next Monday.
7 д: The weather isn't very nice today, is it?
в: No, but it ....................... "................................................... nice yesterday.
8 д: Was Helen at the party оп Saturday?
в: 1 don't think so. 1 ... . ".........."...................................................". her there.

9 А: ls your son still at school?

в: No, he ."...."... "................"".......................................... school two years ago.
10 д: ls Silvia married?
в: Yes, she ...................."."...................."............... ".."........ married for five years.
11 А: Have you heard of George Washington?
в: Of course. Не ...... """.".........."." ............... ".".................. "".... the first President of the United States.
12 А: How long does it take to make а pizza?
в: 1 don't know. 1 .. "...........".............".".".."""....."....."................ а pizza.

Дополнительные упражнения

8 Напишите предложения, используя present perfect или past simple.

1 д: Have you been to Thailand?

в: Yes, . J.w�n.t..t.h�.r.? lgP.t..Y?.f!C...
... .. (1 / go / there / last year)
2 д: Do you like London?
в: 1 don't know. . .... .!\:'?. !J§.Y.?r...e?f;..11.t. h?r�:...... (1 / never / there)
3 А: \;Vhat time is Pau\ going out?
в: " .... ...."."." .....".".... ""...."."" ..".... "."...".. .""." .. ."..""" ..".. ""...........""."""" .....""" ........"........" ....... ......".. ..............."...."...................." ... (he / already / go)
4 д: l· \as Catherine gone home?
в: '(es, ......". ....."".. ."........."".."""" ..."............."......"... ...."..... "..."..........."......".....""........" ..""."."...""."" ......"."". "......".. ... (she / leave / at 4 o'clock)
5 д: New York is my favourite city.
в: 1� it? "." .... ........... ...........................".".."..........".... ...."..... ........................"..."...." ..." .. ...".."........"".. .......... ? (ho\v many times / you / there?)
6 А: V•/hat are you doing this weekend?
в: 1 don't know. ........." ..."."... .......... ....." ....................................".......................... ."........ ....."..... ......"... ......." ... . ........."... (1 / not / decide / yet)
7 д: 1 can't find my address book. Have you seen it?
в: . .."......".............."...".........""........................" ..."...... ".....".. ......... .......... ....."."".......""...."........""........................" ..".. (it / оп the tаЫе / last night)
8 д: Do you know the Japanese restaurant in Leeson Street?
в: Y(:'s, ......" . .. .. . .
.. .
. ........... ... " . . . .. . .
... . . ... . .. ."... .... . ..
. "..... ........... ...................................... "........."""...." .."........ .""...... ""..".... .. (1 / eat / there а few times)
9 д: Paula and Sue are here.
в: Are they? ........................."................................ ........... ........". ..."........................................."." ........."......................... ? (what time / they / arrive?)

D Present perfect или past simple? Допишите предложения.

1 д: . Hg, y� yQч �ш�ri .

. _ .. . to France?
в: Yes, many times.
д: \:\lhen "............." ......".... ...".". ..".."..... the last time?
в: Тwo years ago.

2 д: ls this your саг?

в: Уб, it is.
д: How long ............. ..............."..."...... .......... ......".".. . it?
в: lt's new. 1 ................................ .." ...... ......... ................ it yesterday.

3 л: Where do you live?

в: ln Harold Street.
д: How long ............"............." ......" ..."....". .."..... ."...." .......".......... there?
в: Five years. Before that " . " """" " .... .. . . ... . . .. .. .
.. .. "" . " ." . . ."
.. " .. .. . . .... ..

in :V\ill Road.
д: How long """.... ""."" ."""". "...""" ""....""." ..." .. ""... in Mill Road?
в: About three years.

4 д: What do you do?

в: 1 work in а shop.
А: Но\лt long """ """"" . .."""" " ..""" . "" ...."".""""""" ...." ."""" there?
в: Nearly two years.
д: W/1at . ".""" .. ." .."". .."""" ....""""."............... before that?
. ...

в: 1 .
... . . . ..................................".... ........ . ... а taxi driver.

Дополнительные упражнения

Напишите предложения о себе.

·1 (yesrerday тorning) .... ..J..�v?.�..!gW..fQr.)�Pr.�.Y�.� �e.rg.�y.mQr.IJ.!!J.g:................................................................................................ ......... .

2 (last night) ....... ............................. . .... . .... ........... . ... .. ...... . .... ........ . ........ ... ........... ........... . .... ...... ..... . .... ...................... ............... ....... . ....... .... . .... ........ ... .

3 (yesterday afternoon) ............................................... " ............. .. ................. . ...... . .. . ... . "....... .. . ... . .
... . ......... .
.. . " ... .
.. .. ... ... .... .. ...... . .. " . ..
.... .. ...... ". ... ..�." .. . .". ..
" . . ..........

4 ( ... days ago) ." .

.. " ..................." .. . ............... "" ....." .
" .
" " .
....... ............. ...... .... .. ".. . " " ... "........ . "... " . ..... ....... ... ......... .. " ..... . ......... . . " " . ..... ........ . . .......... .... .

5 (last week) ..... """""" " ... . ". ". " " "
..... "" "" " "" . " .. " ... " "" .... """ ". .... . .. .... ............ "" "" .
. " . . ". "" . " .""" " " """"""
".. .. " .. "........ "" ... ". .." " " ""
. .... " .... " ...

6 (last year) ."."" . ..... " " " " "" """ " " "" "
.. " . ..... . .. . ." . " "" ". "
.... " "" " .. .. "" " ." ..... " " "" ." " ""
.. " .. " ..." ........ " " . . . ...". ." .
. " .. " " ..
... ." " .. .
" ... .
"" .. . . . .." .
" .... ......" . " ...

Разделы 4-21

Выберите правильный вариант.

1 ' .."...1.f?."$.ч� W.Qrkin2?.. ".. .CC.} ' 'No, she's on holiday.'
.. . ...

А Does Sue work? В ls working Sue? С ls Sue working? D Does work Sue?

2 'Where .
". ..
.."". .""".. " .
."" ........"." ....
.......".... "". """."" ...". ?' 'ln а village near london.'
А lives your uncle В does your uncle live С your uncle lives Ddoes live your uncle

З 1 speak ltalian, but ".." .. . ..""."..""""" .""..".... ....""" ....""." "..." ...""...". French.
А 1 speak not В l'т not speaking С 1 doesn't speak D 1 don't speak

4 'Where's Тот?' '

"" "...... ... .."."."". .... """.." ... "... ........"........... ."........ ". а shower ar the тотеnt.'
А He's having В Не have С Не has D Не has had

5 Why "."......."". ........"..........". .."."."....."""..""...."... ............. angry with те yesterday?

А were you В was you С you were D have you been

6 Му favourite film is Cleo's Dream. .. .................... ......."..........."....."........."...""..".....". ..". it four tiтes.


А l'т see1ng В 1 see С 1 was seeing D l've seen

7 1."" . . .... ... ..... . "...................."" ................... ""."""."...... our last night. 1 was too tired.

А don't go В didn't went С didn't go D haven't gone

8 Тina is froт Chicago. She ...................... "...".............. .."................. .."..... "... "....".. there all her life.
А is living В l1as lived С lives D lived

9 Му friend . ..... "..."..."... .....................".."........ ....""........... ..". for те when 1 arrived.

А waited В has \.vaited С was waiting D has been waiting

10 'How long .."......... """.." ".."...""....... ""." ..... . "".".."""." "".."" Englisl1?' 'Six monchs.'
А do you learn В are you learning С you are learning D have you been learning

11 Paul is Canadian, buc he lives in France. Не has been there " ..""" " "..."" . . ".. "
. . " "" " .. . . . " ... """ "" "" ......" .. "
. " .. . .. "" .

А for three years В since three years С three years ago D during three years

1 2 'What riтe ""..""".. .."...""..""" ......."..........."....."...." .."...........".... ?' 'About a n hour ago.'
А has lisa phoned В Lisa has phoned С did Lisa phone Dis lisa phoning

13 What ""...... ."..."."............. ."."."..............""....".. ................." when you sa\v her?

А did Sue wear В was Sue wearing С has Sue worn Dwas wearing Sue

14 'Сап you drive?' 'No, " . ... "" .........."."".."." ... "..
"...."."."......... ..................... а car, but 1 want ro learn.'
А 1 never drive В l'т never driving С l've never driven D1 was never driving

15 1 saw Helen at the station when 1 was going со work this morning, but she
......"".."............... ....".........".........................""........"".. .. те.
А didn't see В don't see С hasn't seen Ddidn't saw

Дополнительные упражнения

Units 22-23, Приложение

пассивные конструкции

Заполните пропуски.

/�--------·-----· -· --·-.,

1 Ш



. . l?.�Jlt...... (build) 20 years ago.

ThE:Se houses ..)Y�.r?.
· Before that there was а cinema here, but the
building ..." """"." """""""""". ""..."". ""(damage) in а fire
ancl had to ". """""."""". "".. " """"""". (knock down).

� ('
This is а Ьicycle factory. Bicycles " .. ""."""""""..""" "

Thi� street ... ".. "" ".. "".""""" .. "...." "" .. (call) Wilton ."".."" """.."".. .... "... "....."""."""...(make) here since 1971. 1
Strt>et. lt used to """". """." ...... ". .. """" ".". . (call)
1 James Street, but the name . """.""""." ""."
lt's the largest Ьicycle factory in the country.
"".. """"."" Thousands of Ьicycles ." . ""..".. ".."".."...".... """"""""""""... f
1 (change) а few years ago. (produce) here every year. . --/!
" ..
. -.- "

.,. ...,,.. � :-=
,... ..
-- -
-.. ·-
· · · ·--�-....
-- ... ".
." �" -----'"('!·O.• --�-...-'t"···--.:.-.-�--- ....-
... ... - . _,__

18 Заполните пропуски.
1 \11/е ." Y1er§..i.1J.Y.i�.d. "(invite) to the parry, but \Ve didn't go.
2 The museum is very popular. Every year it "...."."..".."""" """". """"". """" (visit) Ьу thousands of people.
3 M2.ny buildings ".. "" .""."" """"..." ..."" """.. "" (damage) in the scorm last \Чееk.
4 А 1"\e\v road is going to "" "" "... """." "."".". _ " ".."" "..."". (build) next year.
5 'Wl1ere's your jacket?' 'lr ...". ..""". "."""""" """"".. ".."."".. "... (clean). lt will Ье ready tomorrow.'
6 She's famous now, buc in а few years �1er name \Nill .."""".""""""."""""""" ."".. """"""".. (forgec).
7 '9iall 1 do the washing-up?' 'No, it ." """"""""""". """.."."""".""..."".. (already/do).'
8 Milk should "" ..."" """"".."""""" """"" ""..." (keep) in а fridge.
9 ..".." .. "."" "".. "". " """"... """."" ". (you/ever/Ьite) Ьу а snake?
10 Му bag .""..""""."..."."""""..""... "..".."." .""""(steal) from my car yescerday afternoon.

Напишите новое предложение с таким же значением.

1 Somebody has stolen my keys. " MY..k.�Yf?. hgY� e(1.�.М f?.k.Q 1�o
". " " . ". "
. . """"" "" . "... " . "
.. "".".." """"".".." " """ ".
"" "" " ." " " ." """
" " "

2 Somebody stole my car last \Чееk. Му car """""" """. . "" "" """ ." .. "" ."".."" "".....""." "." "... "". . """.... ""." . "..." "." ..." "" . "
" " " " . " . " " " .

3 Somebody has eaten а\\ the baпanas. All the ."". ..." "". " "."" ."...... ."...."".."".."".. ". "" "...... ." ".""". ". ""... ".."" ."". . " " " """
" . . " . " ". " "" " " "

4 Somebody will repair che machine. The ""..... ".... . ."" . .. "...... " ." .". ....."......."
" " " . ." """ . "" . " . .. .".... .. . """"""""..... ... .
" " " ". " . " "
" . " "" . ""

5 Somebody is watching us. We .. .. . ".."" ".".."." " ...""" " .......".." ".". "..." .. """"...". ....."." .."". "" """"..
".." "."""""" ·--···" ." " . "

6 Somebody has to do the housevvork. 111е ." . " ... .. "."". " "."" ... " ... ". .."."". " .. ..".." . """""" "" ." " ".."." " .. ".." . ..."". ."""" .
" "" " "." " " " " "". " " " " . .

Дополнительные упражнения

118 Активная или пассивная конструкция? Заполните пропуски.

1 They .. ...g.r§..P.цH4!n.g...." (build) а new airport at the moment.

2 1 can't find my bag. 1 think it "" ...b.a!?."P?..�m"�t.Q!§.JJ.".... (steal).

3 1 can't find my bag. Somebody "..."." """"...""""""".."."..""""""""""""""".""" .."""." (take) it!
4 'How did you fall?' 'Somebody "" """"".""""""""""""""""".""""""""""""""""""""". (push) me.'
5 'How did you fall?' '1."". """". """"" """". ."""".."""""""""""".""""""". (pusl1).1
6 Му warch is broken. lt """"" """""." """"""""".""".:"""".."""""""""""""""" (repair) at the moment.
7 Who ".. . .. " " " . " " "" . """.. . "" "" . .
". " """ " "" """.�"""""""""""". (invent) the camera?
8 When ". """""" """"" ."""""""""""."".. """""""""""""" ..""..".."""""".""."""..""""""."""". (the camera/invent)?
9 These shirts are сlеап поw. They ._."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" . .. ""..""""""."" (wash).
10 These shirts аге сlеап поw. 1"""""""""""""""""."""""""""""""""""""""""""."""". (wash) them.
11 The letter was for me, so why """""""""""""""".""""""."""""""""""""""."" .""""". (they/seпd) it to you?
12 The information will .."".."""".""""..".""""".""""""""""""""""""..""""".."" (send) to you as soon as possiЫe.

Разделы 26-29

Выберите наиболее подходящий вариант.

1 """W?.�r§"0g.Y..!D.g.(t2)""" а party next Sunday. 1 hope you сап come.

А We have В We're having С We'll have

2 Do you know about Karen? ".""""""."" "".. ".. """"" """."""""".""""""."""."""". her job. She told me last week.
А She leaves В She's goiпg to leave С She'll leave

З There1s а programme оп ТV rhat 1 want to watch. "."" """"".""""""""""."""""."""".."""""""""""""""" in

five miпutes.
А lt starts В lt's staпing С lt will start

4 The weather is nice nowl but 1 think "".". """"". ..""""".. ".""""""""""""""""""""""""". later.
А it raiпs В it's raining С it will rain

5 'What """"."""."""."""."""".".""""".. """"""""""""""""""."" next weekeпd?1 'Nothing. l've got no plans.'

А do you do В are you doing С will you do

6 'Wheп you see Тiпа, can you ask her to phone me?' 'ОК1 """"""""""""""""""""."".""""""""""" . """". "."""." her.'
А 1 ask В l'm going to ask С 1111 ask

7 'What would you like to drink, tea ог coffee?' '""". "."""". """""" """"""""""""""""".""".""."""""". teal please.'
А 1 have В l'm going to have С 1'11 have

8 Don't take that magazine away. " ..""""".""..."..."""""".""""" ..""."" ..""""""""".".."""". it.
А 1 read В l'm going to read С 11' 1 read

9 Rachel is ill, so "".""""""""""""""""".""""""""""""""""""""""." "... to the party tomorrow night.

А she doesn't come В she isn't coming С she won't come

10 1 want to meet Sarah at the st:ation. What t:ime ."""".""."".""". "."""" """"" .""..".."."..."""."""".. """. ?
А does her train arrive В is her train going to arrive С is her train arrivi ng

11 'Will you Ье at home t:omorrovv evening?' 'No. ."." " . " ". """"""."""
""" .. "" " ."""""""""."""""".".. " .'

А 1 go out В l'm going out С 1' 11 go out

12 '" . """""" ""."" """"" """""...".".".".".""""""".""""" you tomorrow?' 'Yes, ОК.1

А Do 1 phone В Am 1 going to phone С Shall 1 phone

Дополнительные упражнения

. """ - "

, прошедшее, настоящее и будущее время Разделы4-21,26-29

Допишите предложения.

1 д: ".... DJ. .� YQ.Ч.gQ ..(you/go) ош: last: night?

В: No, "."."........."...". ""..".." .."."..." .........".........." (l/stay) at home.
А: What ...." ........... ...""..." ......."... "".."...."".."" ..." ..."...(you/do)?
В: .. .... "....................."" .........".....""."....."......"... "...(l/watch) TV.

д: ".."". ""....""" ."" ...""."."""" ."""".." ......""... .(you/go) ouc comorrow night?
В: Yes, . .......".".... ........."".."...""......".........".".."" ...." ..".(l/go) to the cinema.
д: Which film . "......"."..""...". "....."""".. "" "......".""".".."" (you/see)?
В: "... ". ".........".""..". " ......"."".".. .."......... "."." (l/not/know). ...."."". ""....." ..""..""-""."."... ...""""""..."." (l/not/decide) yet.

2 А: Аге you оп holiday here?

в: Yes, we аге.
д: How long .".."".""."."".".""."""" "."""".".""". "."""""".(you/be) here?
в: "".""""."".". .""."".". ."."".""".."."." ."."..".".(we/arrive) yesterday.
А: And how long """" "".."."". """"".""""". "."."".". """... ""..(you/stay)?
в: Until the end of next week.
А: And """"""""".""". """"""""."".". """."..""."."" (you/like) it here?
в: Yes, """."""""..."." ."""""...""""." "".."...."""."" .(we/have) а wonderful time.

З А: .."...".".""""""".""...."".""."."".".".""."" ".""" (l/go) out \.vit:h Chris and Steve t:his evening.
" """."""""".".."".".."."""."...""."..."...."" "".(youNvant) to come with us?
в: Yes, where ""."..""""".... .""...".""."".". """""". ".""" "(you/go)?
А: То the ltalian rest:aurant in North Street . ........ """."""."" ..". """""""""."". """."".""". (you/ever/eat) there?
в: Yes, .""".."" """.".""""."."".""...." ... ""."".".".".". (1/Ье) there two ог three times. ln fact: 1
"."."."."".".. ".""."."..".".."" .""".""" "..""""".(go) there last night, but l'd love to go again!

4 д: . ""."" ..""".""""""....."" """"."""".. ""." "".".""" (1/lose) my glasses again.

""."". "".""."""""""" "."..""."""."""""".".""(you/see) them?
в: .. ".." .."""""."""..."".""."""" .. """"". """".""""".(you/wear) them
when .""."........."""""" ..""""". .""""."""."""." "".""."".(//соте) in.
д: Well, ""."." .....".. ".""."""."..."" """""""""""." """".(l/not/wear)
them now, so \\lhere are they?
в: ". ""..""""."...""." .."""""""""."" """""."."""".(you/look) in the kitchen?
д: No, "."""....."." ..""""""..""". "..."-""..... """ """.".(l/go) and look now.

Дополнительные упражнения

Разделы4-23,26-29,53,55,99, 105

Рейчел рассказывает о своей лучшей подруге, Кэролин. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.

Carolyn is ту best friend. 1 remember very well the first time

(1) "..." .""". ........." ........................................... (\чe/meet). lt was our first day at secondary
school, and (2) ... ....... . .......... . . ............. .......... ........................ ..... (we/sit) next to each other for
the first lesson. (з) . ........... ............. . ............ ....... ............. .. ... ...... ... ... (we/not/know) any other
students in our class, and so (4) ..........."......" .."."................"...."...."....."....".". (we/become)
friends. We found that (s) ......... .. ......................... ....... . .......... .. ........... .. ... .. (we/like) the same
things, especially music and sporr, and so (6) ............ "............ ......... ... ...... ... ...... ...... . . .....

(we/spend) а lot of time together.

(7) ......... "....................... ......... ....... ........ ...... (we/leave) scl1ool five years ago, but
Rachel (8) .... ................ ...... ...... ............ ..... ... .....•..� ....... (we/meet) as often as we can. For the last
six months Carolyn (9) .... " ................ ..........................".................. (Ье) in Mexico - at
the moment (10) .......... ........ ......... .....".. ............."....."........ (sl1e/work) in а school as а
teaching assistant. (11) .
...... ... ....... . ......................................"..."..... (she/come) back to
England next month, and when (12) ......... ......... ....................................................... (she/come)
back, (13) .. ... . ............. ......... ... ... . ..... ... . ...... .. ........ ....... . (we/have) lots of things to talk about. ,
(14) ........... . ..... .............................................•..... ....... (it/be) really nice to see her again.

D Ник и его друг Джон совершают кругосветное путешествие. Прочитайте имейлы Ника и его
родителей и поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.

Dear Mum and Dad

We're in Los Angeles, the first stop on our round-the�world trip!

(1) ... W.�..g.r.r.i.Y.�d. ....... (we/arrive) here yesterday, and nо\л;
(2) ... ... ... ... . . .. . . . . .. .. . ... .. ..... ..... ................... . ...... ..... (we/stay) at а hotel near the airport.
The ftight was twelve hours, but (з) ......... .......................................................... .

(we/enjoy) it. (4) (we/watch) some films and

.................... . ... ........ ........ ...... . .... ...... .. .. .....

(5) .. · ······························· ·······················-·········· .. (sleep) а few hours, which is unusual for me -

usually (6) .. ..... ........... .. .... .. .. .. ...... .. . . . ... . ... . ... ......... ....... (l/not/sleep) well on planes.
Today is а rest day for us and (7) .. ....... ......... . . .. ...... . . ....... . .. . .. .. . .. ... . . ...... . .... .. . (we/not/do)
anything special, but tomorrow (8) ......... ....... ........ ..................................... (we/go) ...

to Hollywood (9) . . ............ .. . .. . . . ........ ......... ..... ........... ........... ..... ... (see) the film studios.
(10) ....... ........ ........................ ......... .... ......... .... .. ... (we/not/decide) yet what to do a�er
Los Angeles. Jon (11) .......................................................... ........ .... (want) со drive up the coast
to San Francisco, but l'd prefer (12) ........................ ........ ........ ............................ (go) south to
San Diego.
1 hope all is well with you - (13) "........."..."...... "....................... ......... . ...... .. (l/send) you

another email next week.


Дополнительные упражнения

Dear Nick

Thanks for your mail. lt's good to hear that (14) . ..".................... "....." ............."...... .....""..(you/have) а good time.
... .

We're fine - Ellie and Jo (15). "" "......."."....".. "..."....."........."".............."(work) hard for their exams next montl1.

Dad has been busy at work and last week (16).. ... " "..""... "".. "..."""". """"".."""". "."..(he/have) а lot of important
.. .

meetings. He's а little tired - 1 think (17)" "".""....""." ... ."".""""." .."."".""...""".""".(he/need) а good holiday.
Кеер in юuch!



Месяц спустя."

Hi Mum and Dad

(1з) "."""""""".""." ""."".""""" ".". (we/be) in California for а month no\V. (19)
" ."" "..."""""."."."""". ."""."""...(we/get)
back to Los Angeles yesterday after (20) ...."....""".""....""""..."".".. "......" """""".".(see) many wonderful places.
1 think the place (21) ..."..."."".".."... " ."""."""."..".."..""""" ...".(l/like) most \vas Yosemite National Park -
it's beautiful there and (22)."...""."".""""""..... .".""."""."". . "....".""..(we/go) cycling а lot. The day before
(23) .""."."." " ."".•"""""""" . "....".""......... .".."".(\ЛJe/leave), Jon (24) . ". ""....".. "..""""."""... """"..."......."..".".(have) an accident on
". "

his Ьike. Luckily (25) . ". "" ."". "" " " """" "" . " "...".""""" ..""""""(he/not/injure), but the Ьike
" " "

(26) "".".".""".." " "" ... " " "....." "" . ."
" "" " " " . " " ." ". (damage).

(27)" .".". """"" ". . """. "" ..""""".""""".".(we/change) our travel plans since my last message: no\v
" " " " " "

(28) .""".•" ..."".""".."""""."""." """."."""""... . ".(we/leave) for Hawaii on Monday(not Tuesday).

(29)"" ""."."".
. """ .".."" ..""."" ......" ""."""""...... (we/sray) there for а \tVeek before (зо) "" ".".."."""".." "..."."."" ..".......""" .."".""".(Ау)
to New Zealand. (31) . ...."."."""..." """"."""".". "."".""."."""""(that/be) differenr, l'm sure!

All the best to Ellie and Jo for their exams.



Hi Nick

Have а good time in Hawaii! Ellie and Jo (32) "...."".""".""""" ".."."".""."." ".""""."." (finish) their exams yesterday -

(33)"" "... """..."".."".""." .....".""""."..." .."......".(l/let) you know when (34)

". """ " " " . ."".""".".... ". ".... """"""""...". (we/get) the
" "" "


We're all ОК. Dad and 1 (35) . .". ". " " ". ""." ." ".".""""" ..." """""""..""" "."."."."".""."""""""".(look) forward to our holiday
next month. (36) "" "" """"" ... "."."."""."""".""". "..."""""""" (we/go) to ltaly for two \Л/eeks -
(37) " " " .."". """..."". "..."."".""."" "".. ".".(we/send) you ап email from rhere.
" " " "

Take саге!



Дополнительные упражнения


- Выберите правильный вариант.

1 Don't forget "...JP.. �w..i.t.9.b .(f?)..... . off the light before you go out.
. .

А switch В to switcl1 С switching

2 lt's late. 1 must :... now.

.... ............. .................................................... .. .

Ago Bto go Cgoing

3 l'm sorry, but 1 don't have time ............... ......... ......... ......... "........"....."....... to you now.
А for talking В t:o talk С talking

4 Gary is always in the kitcheп. Не enjoys ................." ". " . " ."."" ."" ."" .... . """" . . . . . ... .. . " .

А cook В to cook С cooking

5 We've decided ......".""...... "...".. "..........".. """""....."..... ...... away for а few days.
А go В to go С going

6 You're making too much noise. Can you please stop "......".............." ......." ............."........".........."".. ?
А shout В to shout С shouting

7 Would you like .....""..."....".".... "...".. "."...."........ ""..."."".".". and eat with us on Sunday?
А соте В to come С coming

8 That bag is too heavy for you. Let me ".."....."..""...."...."... "".""...."............. ".......".. you.
А help В со help С helping

9 There's а swimming pool near my house. 1 go ........ "."...".. "................................... "."."........ every day.
А to swim В to swimming С swimming

1 О 1 need to go shopping ." ......."............".................. .. ".".. ....... "...".... some food.

А to buy В for buy С for buying

11 l'd love . . ..... . . ............"".."."...."........." ...........""...... а car like yours.

А have В to have С having

12 Could you "....... "".. ""..."" ........... "..."...""""""... """...... " me with this bag, please?
А help В to help С helping

13 1 don't mind .".."...""".."..."."............. ".......... ".."..... ".......... here, but l'd prefer to sit Ьу t:he window.
А sit: В to sit С sitcing

14 Do you want " ........" ."""".."......... "........."........."......... ".... you?

А that 1 help В me to help С me helping

15 You should think carefully before ..""."...... "...".""...".. ......... .""."... "".......... ". an imporrant decision.
А make В со make С making

16 1 wasn't feeling very well, but tl1e medicine made me .."....... .......... ............."....................".......... "". better.
А feel В to feel С feeling

17 Shall 1 phone the restaurant ......"...."....."."" ........."...."...."...... ......." ".... а tаЫе?

А for reserve В for reserving С to reserve

18 Tom looked at me without ...".. "..." ...... "..."..""........""....."......... "."" ...... anything.
А say В saying С to say

Дополнительные упражнения

authe Разделы65,69-73

Закончите предложения.

Ш Can you pass ...". 1:.b.� "§!:!g. § .r. ""." , please? Do you have ".............""..""""".""....".."" ?

1 don't feel very well.

1 don't want to go to

AononH111TenbHb1e ynpa>KHeH111R

r.qe Heo6xo.qlt1MO, BCTaBbTe a/an lttllltt the. Ec11ltt a/an/the He HY>KHbl, nocTaBbTe npo4epK ( ). -

1 Who is . . . the. . . . . best player in your team?

2 I don't watch . � . . .. TV very often.
3 'Is there .... .�L .... bank near here?'
. 'Yes, at ... the..
. ..... end of this street.'
4 I can't ride .................... horse.
5 .. ................ sky is very clear tonight.
6 Do you live here, or are you .... tourist?
7 What did you have for .................... lunch?
8 Who was .................... first President of .............. ..... United States?
9 I'm not feeling very good. I've got .................... headache.
1 0 I'm sorry, but I've forgotten your name. I can never remember ............ ...... names.
11 What time is .................... next train to London?
12 Kate doesn't often send .................... emails. She prefers to call people.
1 3 'WhereIs sue7'
. 'SheIs •in ... ........... .. garden.

14 Excuse me, I'm looking for .................... Majestic Hotel. Is it near here?
1 5 Gary was ill .................... last week, so he didn't go to .................... work.
1 6 Everest is .................... highest mountain in .................... world.
17 I usually listen to .................... radio while I'm having .................... breakfast.
1 8 I like .................... sport. My favourite sport is .................... basketball.
19 Emily is .................... doctor. Her husband is .................... art teacher.
20 My apartment is on .................... second Aoor. Turn left at ................. . top of ............. stairs, and it's on ........ right.
21 After .................... dinner, we watched .................... TV.
22 Last year we had .................... wonderful holiday in ...... south of .. ........ ...... France.

. Pa3Aenb1103-108,111

BcTaBbTe Heo6xo.qlt1Mbliil npe.q11or (in/fdr/by lit T. .q. ) .

1 HI . stud.
e en 1s y1ngI aw ....................
at · ·
2 What is the longest river .................... Europe?
3 Is there anything .................... TV this evening? ·

4 We arrived .................... the hotel after midnight.

5 'Where's Mark?' 'He's .... .............. holiday.'
6 Tom hasn't got up yet. He's still .................... bed.
7 Lisa is away. She's been away ...... ....... Monday.
8 The next meeting is ................. . 15 April. ..

9 I usually go to work ........... ....... car.

1 0 There's too much sugar .................... my coffee.
11 Joe lived in London .................... six months. He didn't like it very much.
1 2 Were there a lo.t of people .................... the party?
1 3 What are you doing .................... the moment? Are you working?
1 4 I don't know any of the people .................... this photo.
1 5 The train was very slow. It stopped ........ every station.
16 I like this room. I like the pictures .......... ........ the walls.
17 'Did you buy that picture?' 'No, it was given to me .................... a fri.end of mine.'
18 I'm going away ......... a few days. I'll be back .................... Thursday.
1 9 Silvia has gone ................... Italy. She's .................... Milan at the moment.
20 Emma left school .................... sixteen and got a job .. . .............. a shop. .
Если вы не уверены/ какие разделы вам следует изучить, используйте это Руководство по изучению

В упражнениях необходимо выбрать правильный ответ (А1 В, С и т. д.). В НЕКОТОРЫХ СЛУЧАЯХ


Если вы не знаете (или не уверены), какой ответ является правильным, изучите раздел(ы), указанные
справа. Правильное предложение вы найдёте в соответствующем разделе.

Ключи к Руководству смотрите на странице 314.

·есi1 1А - В Ы:"НЕ;УВ ЕРЕНЫ
' . .• " .
" ,J
. -• ·.• • • - - ' -. ИЗУЧИТЕ
Настоящее время

1.1 ............"......"...................."..... """ good fгiends.

А Anna and 1 am В Anna and 1 аге CAnna and 1 D Anna and 1 Ье

1.2 Those people """"""".""" ... "..... "

-··· " """" Ameгican.
А isn'r В don't С not D aгen't

1.3 . ."". ".". ". "..""""""""""""""". ?' 'No, she's our.'

А ls ar home уоuг morheг В Does уоuг morheг ас home
С ls your motheг at home D Аге уоuг morheг at home

1.4 'What colour .""""".""..""."" .."""" . .. ....".....?'

.. . 'Red.'
Ayour саг is В your саг С is уоuг саг D has your саг

1.5 Why """"""""""""".".."""".. "".".".". of dogs?

А has John scaгed В does John scared С John scared D is John scared

1.6 Му brother and 1"""""."""." ".". """""."""".". interested in sport.

А isn't В aren't С not D don't

1.7 .""" """.".""."""."""""""".""""" / but l'm not hungry.

А l'm riгed В l l1ave tired С 1 riгed D l'm not

1.8 Look, rhere's Saгah. ""." ".... """". "."""."" .."."".а brown coat.
А She wearing В She has \veaгing С She is weaгing D She's weaгing

1.9 You can turn off the television. .""""". """". """" ".."" "."""" it.
А l'n1 not watch В l'm not warching С 1 not watching D 1 don't watching

1.10 """""""""""." ..""".."" """.""."".соdау.?' 'N о, 1es

1 ' at h ome.'
А ls working Веп В ls \vork Ben С ls Ben work D ls Ben \vorking

1.11 Look, there's Emily! """"".. ". """." ""."...".".""""""

А Where she is going? В Wheгe she go? С Wl1ere's she going? D 'vVhere she going?

1.12 The earth ""."". """ . """.""""" ..."".. """". _ round the sun.
А going В go С goes D does go Е is go

1.13 We .".""""""""""""""""..""."""""". a-vvay at weekends.

А often go В go ofren С ofren going D are often go

1.14 We ."".""." ..." "..".." """""""""""". TV very ofren.

А not watch В doesn't vvatch С don't watch D don't watching Е watch not

1.15 '.".""."""."." .. " .""."".. "".""."""" play the guitaг?' 'Yes, but l'm not vегу good.'
А Do you В Are you С Does you D Do you Е You

1.16 1 don't understand this sentence. Wl1at " "". """".."""" .""". ?

А mean this word В means this word С does mean this word
D does this word mean Е this woгd means

1.17 Please Ье quiet.

А 1 working. В 1 work. С l1m working. D l'm woгk.

Руководство по изучению грамматики

1.18 Tom .." .................. "" ".""""."""""""".а shower every morning.

А has В having С is having D have

1.19 What ".""""".". """". """"".""."."""". at: \.veekends?

А do you usually В are you usually doing Саге you usually do
D do you usually do Е you do usually

1.20 Sarah isn't: feeling well. "" """" ..""""""""""""""".""".а headacl1e.


А She have В She have got СShe has D She's got

1.21 They .""""""."""""""""""""".""".""". any children.

А don't have В doesn't have С no have D haven't got Е hasn't got:

Прошедшее время

2.1 The weather "".. """."""""""."."".""""". ".". last vveek.

А is good В was good С were good D good Е had good

2.2 Why "".""""""""""""""" . ""."."""". late rhis morning?

А you was В did you С \.vas you D you were Е \Vere you

2.3 Terry ". """""""""""."""" "".""" """".in а bank from 2005 t:o 2011.
А work В working С works D worked Е was work

2.4 Caroline .""""""""""". """""""""""."""" to t:he cinema three times last week.
А go В went: С goes D got Е was

2.5 1 "....".." """..."".".""""".". """. TV yest:erday.


А didn't wat:ch В didn't watched С wasn't: watched

D don't watch Е didn't watching

2.6 'How "."".""""""""""""" . ."" " """." "" ? ' '1 don't know. l ·didn't see it:
А happened the accident В did happen the accident С does the accidenr happen
D did the accidenr happen Е the accident happened

2.7 What .""""".""""."""." """""..".".""".at 11.30 yesterday?

А were you doing В was you doing С you were doing
D were you do Е you \Vas doing

2.8 Jack was reading а book when his phone "."."""""".""""""" "" """ " "".
. ""

А ringing В ring С rang D was ringing Е \vas ring

2.9 1 saw Lucy and Steve this morning . They """""""."."""""" """" """.".""."at: the bus stop.
А waiting В waited С were waiting D was waiting Е were waited

Present perfect

3.1 'Where's Rebecca ?' ·"""." "" . """ ." "" " "" "
" """" "" "" to bed.'
А She is gone В She has gone СShe goes D She have gone Е She's gone

3.2 �re Laura and Paul here?' 'No, they """"" " """ """" ""
""" ". . "
" " "". ":
А don't arrive yet В have already arrived С haven't already arrived
D haven't arrived yet

3.3 Му sister .". ".""""."""""""."." """" """" Ьу plane.

А has never travel В has never travelled С is never travelled
D has never been travelled Е have never t:ravelled

3.4 """".""" """"""."".""""."""."""that woman before, but 1 can't remember where.

А 1 see В 1 seen С l've saw D l've seen Е l've seeing

3.5 'Ho\.v long """.""".".""""." """" "".""."."."married?' 'Since 2007.'

А you аге В you have been С has you been D are you Е have you been

Руководство по изучению грамматики

3.6 'Do you know Lisa?' 'Yes, ..... "........... " ............... ".....".."."...... her for а long time.�
А 1 knew В l've known С 1 know D 1 am knowing

3.7 Richard has been in Canada ...." .... . .. .... .. .. . ..." . .... . . . .. . . .. ... .. ... . ..... .. .
А for six months В since six months С six months ago D in six months

3.8 'When did Tom go out?' .." . . ". ."... .. ......

. . " . . .. .
.. .. .... . ............... .

А For ten minш:es. В Since ten minutes. С Ten minutes ago. D ln ten minutes.

3.9 We ................................................."...... а holiday last year.

А don'i: have В haven't had С hasn'i: had D didn't have Е didn't had

3.10 Where .. .. . ... . .. .. ... .""......""......... оп Sunday ahernoon? 1 couldn't find you.
. .. ... . .. ... . .. ..

А you were В you have been С was you D have you been Е were you

Пассивные конструкции

4.1 This house . ........ ." ...................................."....... 100 years ago.

А is built В is building С was building D was built Ebuilt

4.2 We ......................................................... to the party last week.

А didn't invite В didn't invited С weren't invited
D wasn't invited Е haven't been invited

4.3 'Where ......................................................... born?' 'ln Cairo.'

А you are В you were С was you D are you Е were you

4.4 Му саг is at the garage. lt ......................................................... .

А is being repaired В is repairing С have been repaired D repaired Е repairs

4.5 1 can't find my keys. 1 think ............... . . .. .... . .... ... . ... .. .. . " . ... . . . . . .. ... . .

А they've been stolen В they аге stolen С they've stolen D they're being stolen

Формы глагола

5.1 lt ......................."..............." ............. , so we didn't need an umbrella.

А wasn't rained В wasn't rain С didn't raining D wasn't raining

5.2 Somebody ......................................................... this window.

А has broke В has broken С has breaked D has Ьгеаk

Будущее время

6.1 Andгew ........"................".........."................. tennis tomorrow.

А is playing В play С plays D is play

6.2 .... .................................................. out tonight?

А Аге you going В Аге you go С Do you go DGo you Е Do you going

6.3 'What time is the concert tonight?' 'lt ........."...............".."......"".........."... at 7.ЗО:

А is start В is starting С starts D start Е starting

6.4 Wl1at ......................................................... to the wedding next week?

А аге you wearing В are you going to wear С do you wear D you аге going to wear

6.5 1 think Kelly ......................................................... the exam.

А passes В will pass С will Ье pass D will passing

6.6 .. . .................................................. to the cinema on Saturday. Do you want to come with us?
А We go В We'll go С We're going D We will going

6.7 you tomorrow, ОК?' 'ОК, Ьуе.'

А 1 phone В 1 phoning С l'm phoning D 1'11 phone

6.8 tomorrow, so 1 can't meet you.

А 1 work В 1'11 work С l'm working D 1'11 working

Руководство по изучению грамматики

6.9 lt1s а nice day. ........"......"... "............... ......... fог а walk?

А Оо we go В Shall \Л/е go С Аге \Ve go DWe go Е Go \ЛJе

Модальные глаголы, повелительное наклонение и т. д.

7.1 . . . ... .. ......".

. . ...........................".... (О (he cinema chis evening, but l'm not suгe.
А 1'11 go В l'm going С 1 may go D 1 might go

7.2 .................. ....... "......... "........". ��еге?' 'Yes, of course.'

А Can 1 sit В Do 1 sit С Мау 1 sit D Can 1 со si(

7.3 l'm having а раг(у next week, Ьш Paul and Rachel . ..... . . . """._ " ."
...... . .
" " . ". ...
. . " ..
А can't come В can'c to come С can't coming D couldn't come

7.4 Before Магiа came to Bгitain, sl1e .................. .................... ."......... undeгstand mucl1 English.
А can В can't С no( Dcouldn't Е doesn't

7.5 We ."......"..."" .""."" """. "."""" ".. walk home last nigh(. Тhеге wеге no buses.
А have to В had to С must Dmus( to Е must l1ave

7.6 1."." . ".".. "" ."""".""..". ".."" "... go уес. 1 сап stay а litcle longer.

А must В mustn't С must пос D don't need Е don't need to

7.7 lt's а good film. You """" ".."".. """ "..... ""."".. ". go and see it.
А sl1ould to В ought to С ought Dshould Е need

7.8 What time ........"...... ."."...."""... """" ..."... go to the dentist tomorrovv?
А you must В you l1ave to С l1ave you to D do you have со

7.9 We ........... ................. ................... vvait long for the bus - it came in а few miпutes.
А don't have со В hadn't to С didn'c have to Ddidn't had to Е mustn't

7.10 .... some coffee?' 'No, thank you.'

А Аге you liking В You like С Would you like D Do you like

7.11 Please ····-··· .... .......

.... .. .......". ....... . Stay here \Vith me.
А don't go В you no go С go not D you don't go

7.12 Dave .................. . .......... ........ . ........... ...... in а factory. Now he works in а supeгmaгket.
А working В woгks С worked D use to \vork Е used to work

There и it

8.1 Excuse me, ....... "."..... ... "... " ....... ....... ........ а hocel near here?
А has there В is there С there is D is it

8.2 ........ ....... ................................. а lot of accidents on chis road. lt's very dangeгous.
А Have В lc l1as С Тhеге l1ave D They are Е There are

8.3 1 was hungry when 1 goc home, but . .................. ".... "............ .......... anything to eat.
А there wasn't В there \Veren't С it wasп't D there l1asn't been

8.4 """. "".""""""". ""."""""."" """ three kilometгes fгom оuг house to tl1e city centre.
А lt's В lt has С Тhеге is D There аге
85 ."" """.. ....".. ". ."""..""".. """.. ". true th ас you' ге go1ng a-vvay ?.
А ls there В ls it С ls D Аге you

Вспомогательные глаголы

9.1 l l1aven't got а car, buc my sister """. " " . ". "
.. ". " ." " .. """ . .. . . .
"" "" ..

А have В is С has Dhasn't Е has got

9.2 1 don't like 110( wearheг, but James """" . . .............. ... . .. ...
.... ......... .. .
А does В doesn't С do Ddoes like Е likes

Руководство по изучению грамматики

9.3 'Nicola got married last week.' ......" ....... ......"......""." ....... "....." Really?'
А ls she? В Gor she? С Did she? D Has she?

9.4 You haven't met ту morher, ".........."" .. "..."". .."... "" ..".".".. ?
А haven't you В l1ave you С did you D you have Е you haven'r

9.5 Ben doesn't watch TV. Не doesn't геаd newspapers "" .." ...... "......."...." .. ..........."...". .
. .

А too В either С neither D never

9.6 'l'd like to go to Ausrralia.'

А So do 1. В So am 1. CSo would 1. D Neither do 1. Е So 1 \vould.

9.7 Sue ". ."" ... "..." ...."...... ".""""" .." much at weekends.
А don't В doesn't С don't do D doesn't do

Вопросительные предложения

10.1 When .... "..".".."."". "..."..".""".."".... ?' 'l'т nor sure. More than 100 years ago.'
А did the telephone invent В has tl1e telephone invented С was invented the telephone
D was the relephone invenced Е rl1e celepl1one 'Nas invented

10.2 '1 broke my finger last week.' 'Ho\v ..."....... """ .....".".. "."""""""."" that?'
А did you В yoL1 did С you did do D did you do

10.3 Why ."..... ""...".."".." ..... " . .."....".... те last night? 1 was waiting for you to phone.
А didn't you phone В you not phone С you don't phone D you didn't phone

10.4 'Who ".... .."................ """"""..."". ".". in this house?' '1 don't know.'
А lives В does live С does lives D living

10.5 Whac ...... ......." .......... " ........"...... "". when you told him rhe scory?
А said Paul В did Paul say С Paul said D did Paul said

10.6 'Тom's father is in hospital.' '""""." ." """" ".""". """ """".
. "

А ln 'Nhich hospital he is? В ln which hospiral he is in?

С Which hospital he is in? D Which hospiral is he in?

10.7 Did you have а good holiday?

А How was the weatl1er like? В What was rhe weatl1er like?
С What the weather \vas like? D Was the weather like?

10.8 """". "."" """"""""." .""""" raller - Joe ог Gary?

А Who is В What is С Which is D Who has

10.9 There are four umbrellas here. . "".." ...".."........" ""."""""." is yours?
А What В Who С \Л/hich D How Е Which one

10.10 How long ."."".".""" ."...".""..". ....."... ".. со cross the Atlantic Ьу ship?
А is it В does it need С does it take D does ir want

10.11 1 don't remember whar" ...""" .." ...... ".."........".. . ....... at the parry.
А Kate was wearing В was wearing Kate С was Kate \lvearing

10.12 'Do you know ...... ""........".......""."..........."..... ?' 'Yes, 1 think so.'
А if Jack is at home В is Jack at home
С whether Jack is ас hоте D that Jack is at l1ome

Косвенная речь

11.1 1 saw Steve а week ago. Не said that "...".."""..".. "" .""""".""". . ........ me, but he didn't.
А l1e phone В he phones С he'll phone
D he's going to phone Е he would phone

11.2 'Why did Тiт go со bed so early?' 'Не ....... " ...." " ....". ....""... "...."......... .'
. ."

А said he \Vas tired В said tl1at he was tired С said те he \'Vas tired
D told me he was tired Е told that l1e was tired

Руководство по изучению грамматики

-inguto ...

12.1 You shouldn't ...................... .................................. so hard.

А working В work С to work D worked

12.2 lt's late. 1 ....... . .

.. .... . ....... .... .. ." ........................ now.

А must to go В have go С have to going D have to go

12.3 Tina has decided ............... ......... ................... .............. her саг.
А sell В to sell С selling D to selling

12.4 1 don't mind ".."........... "... "............."""""""""" early.

А get up В со get up С getting up D to getting up

12.5 Do you like """."."""""""""""".""""""..."..." early?

А get up В to get up С getting up D to getting up

12.6 Do you want """..""""""."".."".."""""""""""" you some money?

А me lend В me lending С me to lend D that 1 lend

12.7 He's very funny. Не makes """""""""."""" .. . " ...."" .. ...... " "" " . .

А me laugh В me laughing С me to laugh D that 1 laugh

12.8 Paula went to the shop """" " .

"" ""." " .."""".."...""............а newspaper.

А for get В for to get С for getting D to get Е get

Go, get, do, make и have

13.1 1es а nice day. Let's go ..... ""." . . .

. " "..." ." " " ".. """ " "."
"" .." .

А for а swim В onа swim С to swimming D swimming

13.2 l'm sorry your mother is ill. 1 hope she "..... ".""""""""""""""""""""""". better soon.
А has В makes С gets D goes

13.3 Kate """."""""""""".".""""""""""""" the саг and drove away.

А went into В went in С got in D got into

13.4 'Shall 1 open the window?' 'No, it's ОК. 1'11 . . .".."" """"" ".".... ".......""""..." it.'
.. .

А do В make С get D open

13.5 l'm sorry, 1 """""".""""."""."""""""."""""".а mistake.

А did В made С got D had


"".""""""""..""""".".""""""""""а good •

t1me 1n liоkуо.7' 1 es,

.1t was great. /

А Have you В Had you С Do you have D Did you have

Местоимения и указание но принадлежность

14.1 1 don't want this book. You сап have ."""""""""""."""."""""" ... ""
". .. ..

А it В them С her D him

14.2 Sue and Kevinаге going to the cinema. Do you want to go with . """" "" ..".""""""""""""".""""" ?
А her В they С them D him

14.3 1 know Amy, but 1 don't know ."""""""."""".""""."""""".""""" husband.

А their В his С she D her

14.4 Oxford is famous for ""..""""."""""."""".""".""""""". university.

А his В its С it's D their

14 .5 1 didn't have an umbrella, so Sarah gave me """"""""""""""""."""""""""""".

А her В hers С her umbrella D she's

14.6 1 went out to meetа friend of ." .. " ".. " """"""""".""".".""""""". .
А mine В my С me D1 Е myself

Руководство по изучению грамматики

14.7 We had а good holiday. We enjoyed ......... ... . ... ................ ... .. ...... . . . .... ...... .

А us В our С ours D ourself Е ourselves

14.8 Kate and Helen are good fгiends. They know .. ""." ...." ......"..".."....... " ................ well.
А each other В them С tJ1emselves D tl1eirselves

14.9 Have you met ..." "" "" . . " . .

.. .... .. . ..... ... . . ...... " ....... " . .

А the wife of Мг Black В Мг Black wife С tl1e wife Mr Black

D Mr Black's wife Е the Мг Black's wife

14.10 Have you seen ....."....."......" ......."........."........". ?

А the car of my parenrs В my parent's саг С my parents' саг D my parenrs саг


15.1 l'm going to buy ........." ... " " .. .... ...
. . .. .. ... ....".. ." ".". . .

А hat and umbгella В а l1at and а umbгella

С а hat and an umbrel\a D an hat and an umbrella

15.2 'Whar's your jоЬ?' """. " . . "... "

. . . .".. . .... ."... .. . . . .
. . . .. ... .. ...

А 1 dentist. В l'm а dentist. С l'm dentist. D 1 do dentist..

15.3 l'm going shopping. 1 need ..". . " . . .. . . .. ..... .... " . ."
.. . ...... ... ." ." .
. .

А some ne•N jeans В а new jeans С а new раiг of jeans D а new раiг jeans

15.4 1 like the people here. .... " ........ "....... ".......... "........."" very friendly.
А She is В They аге С They is D lt is Е Не is

15.5 'vVe can't get into rhe house without ". " . " " .. . .. ... .. . .". ... . .. .... ... . .
. . .
... ..." . ". .

А some key В а key С key

15.6 Where can 1 get ...... "......"...."".... ".."........ ""...".." about hotels here?
А some information В some informations С an infoгmarion

15.7 \Л/е enjoyed our holiday. ....."""......."......... ......"..." .......".". \�as very nice.
А Hotel В А horel С An horel D l11e hotel

15.8 Му house is ас ..". . " " . .... . ..... ..... ". " " " .. . ".
... . .... . ... . .

А end of srreet В end of rhe srreet С rl1e end of the street D rhe end of stгeet

15.9 What did you have for ............""........ " .""........... "."."..." ?
А rhe breakfast В breakfast С а breakfast

15.10 1 finish ....... ""...... .......... . "."..... "..". .". ar 5 o'clock every day.
А tl1e work В work С а work

15.11 l'm tired. l'm going ."." ......". " .. . " "
. . .. .. ..... " . . " "."
.". .. .". .

А in bed В in rhe bed С to а bed D со the bed Е to bed

15.12 We don't eat " ."..."."..."."..."..".. "................" very often.

А the meat В some meat С а meat D meat

15.13 .... "..."" " .....""....... .."."............ rs rn Mosco-vv.

А The Red Square В Red Square

15.14 Му friends are staying at """. "" .. . .... " ... " . "."
. . " . ... .
. ... .." . " .

А the Kosmos Hotel В Kosmos Hotel

Определяющие слова и местоимения

16.1 'l'm going on holiday nexr week.' 'Oli, ."."."."..... ".."...." ."........."....... ". nice.'
А ir1s В this is С that's

16.2 'ls theгe а bank near here?' 'Yes, there's ".... "...."....... "....".. ".... "..."".". ... ar the end of this srreet.'
А some В it С one D а one

Руководство по изучению грамматики

16.3 This cup is dirty. Can 1 have ........... ."... "............................. ........ ?
А clean one В а clean one С clean D а clean

16.4 l'm going shopping. l'm going to buy ..............".....".............................. clotl1es.

Aany Bsome

16.5 'Where's your luggage?' '1 don't have ................................... " . ... .. .
"..... ... .'

А one В some С any

16.6 Tracey and Jack ........ ....... ....... ..................... " . "

А have no children В don't have по children

С don't l1ave any children D have any children

16.7 'How much money do you have?'

А No. В No-one. С Any. D None.

16.8 There is ."" ..."........"".."" """.. ". ....." " .. in the room. lt's empty.
А anybody В nobody С anyone D no-one

16.9 'What did you say?' . ........ . .. . . .... .. .

" .. . ". " . ..... .. " . ".
.. . . .

А Nothing. В Nobody. С Anything. D Not anything.

16.10 l'm hungry. 1 want ....... ".... . . . . .. . . ... . ... . . .

.. .. . . .... .. . " .. .

А something for eat В somethiпg to eat С something for eating

16.11 Ben watches TV for about two hours .............. . . .. . " . . . .... .. .
........ ... . ·-··· ..... .

А all evening В all evenings С all the evenings D every evenings Е every evening

16.12 ..................... .................................... friends.

А Everybody need В Everybody needs С Everyone need D Everyone needs

16.13 ..... . . . .... .. . .."...................... children like playing.

... .. ... .. .. ..

А Most В Т11е mоя С Most of D Тhе most of

16.14 1 like ................"............"................" ..... those pictures.

А both В both of С either D either of

16.15 1 haven't read ............................."..... ...... ........ these books.

А neither В neither of С either D either of

16.16 Have you got "............................ ".................. ... friends?

А а lot of В much С many D much of Е many of

16.17 We like films, so we go to the cinema ............ . .. ... .. .. .. . .. ... ". . .. . ." . . . . .. . ..
""" " .

А а lot of В much С many D а lot

16.18 Тhеге were ....................................................... people in the theatre. lt was nearly empty.
А а little В few С little D а few of

16.19 Тhеу have .............................................. ........ money, so ·rhey're not poor.

А а little В а few С few D little Е little of

Прилагательные и наречия

17.1 1 don't speak any .. ".." ... . .. . . ... . .

" . .. " ... .. " .......... ". .. .."" . .

А foreign languages В languages foreign С languages foreigns

17.2 Не ate his dinner very ............................ .. " ..... .. ....... . .. .. ....

А quick В quicker С quickly

17.3 You speak English very .......................... .. .. . .... ..... " . . " " ....... .
А good В Auent С well D slow

17.4 Helen wants " ... ." ...."".. .. . .. ... . . ..... .... .
. " . . . . .. .. . ... . .

А а more Ьig саг В а car more Ьig С а саг Ьigger D а Ьigger саг

Руководство по изучению грамматики

17.5 'Do you feel bett:er today?' 'No, 1 feel ... ........ " " "". ". ...
.... ...
". " .. . .
" .

А good В worse С more bad О more worse

17.6 At:hens is older ...... "...."."......... ".........."....... """". Rome.

А as В i:han С thai: D of

17.7 1 can run faster """""""""".""""" """"" """" "" .

А than him В that he can С than he can D as he can Eas he

17.8 Tennis isn't. """.". ."".". """.. """"

" " .""" football.
А popular as В popular t:han С as popular than
D so popular that Е as popular as

17.9 The weather today is the same " ..". """" .""" . ."."" ".." .. yesterday.
А as В t:hat С than D like

17.10 The Europa Hotel is."""""""".""""""..""."....".""" ... in the city.

А the more expensive hotel В the most expensive hotel
С the hotel most expensive О the hotel the more expensive Е the hotel more expensive

17.11 ll1e film was very bad. 1 think it's t:he " ...." .. ......... .." .." .....".. ..... " film l've ever seen.
А worse В baddest С most bad О worst Е more worse

17.12 Why don't you buy а car? You've got. " . . . .... "" .."".
. " .. . " "

А enough money В money enough С enough of money

17.13 ls your English " "" """""""."" ". "...""."" "".""."". а conversation?
А enough good to have В good enough for have
С enough good for D good enough to have

17.14 l'm ".." .. """"".."""." .."".""."."."....". out.

А too tired for go В too much tired for going
С too tired to go D too much tired to go

Порядок слов

18.1 Sue . . "".".""."."."."""""."."."".""""." . They're very nice.

А bougl1t yesrerday some new shoes В bought some new shoes yesterday
С yesrerday bought some new shoes

18.2 "" """"""."."""".""" .." ..""". coffee i n i:he morning.

"" "

А 1 drink always В Always 1 drink С 1 always drink

18.З ..." ." " .."""""..""""....."" ..."..".. during the day.

А They are at home never В They are never at home
С They never are at l1ome D Never they are at home

18.4 1Where's Emma?' 1She"""""""""""".""""".""""""""".".

А isn't here yet В isn't here already С isn't here srill

18.5 1 locked the door and 1 gave.. ".""""""""."" ..""""""."""".""." .

А Sarah i:he keys В to Sarah the keys С the keys Sarah D the keys to Sarah

Союзы и сложные предложения

19.1 1 can't talk to you now. 1'11 talk to you later when""".".."""""""""".""""."."""." "" more time.
А 1'11 have В 1 had С 1 l1ave D l'm going i:o have

19.2 ..."." "."" ..."..."""" .."".""".""."" late tl1is evening, don't wait for me.
А lf l'm В lf 1'11 Ье С When l'm D When 1'11 Ье

19.3 1 don't know the answer. lf 1"""."".""."."".""""."."".."" ..""." the answer, l'd tell you.

А know В would know С have known D knew

Руководство по изучению грамматики

19.4 1 like this jacket. ."......." ..."" ................. ................. it if it wasn't so expeпsive.
А 1 buy В 1'11 buy С 1 bought Dl'd bought Е l'd buy

19.5 Emma lives in а house .......... ........ ........ .............. ............. is 400 years old.
А who В that С which D ic Е what

19.6 The people ............. ................... ................... . work in the office are very frieпdly.
А who В that С they Dwhich Е what

19.7 Did you Ппd the book .... """ ...... ....""....".................. ... ?
А wl10 you wanted В chat you wanced С what you wanted
D you waпted Е you \'Vanted ic

19.8 1 mec ". .. .

.. .. .......................................... сап speak six languages.
А а woman \\lho В а woman which С а woman Dа woman she


20.1 Вуе! 1'11 see you .... ". .... . . .

. ... . ". .
. .. .. ...
....... . ."..
.... .

А until Friday В at Friday С in Friday D on Friday

20.2 Hurry! The crain leaves ....".......... "............ ".................". flve minutes.
А at В on С from Dafcer Е in

20.3 'Но\\1 long will you Ье away?' ' ......................"" ........................."Мопdау:

А Оп В То С Uncil DTill Е Since

20.4 We played ceпnis yescerday. We played .....". ." .....""......."....."" ..".............. cwo hours.
А in В for С siпce D during

20.5 1 always have breakfast before .............."..".......... ...." ............" .... со work.
Al go Bgo Cto go Dgoing

20.6 Write your name ...".. ..............." .................... ....... che сор of che page.
А ас В on С in D со

20.7 ll1ere are а lot of apples ........ ........."........ . ........................ those trees.
А at В on С iп Dсо

20.8 Whac's the largesc city ..... "..".... ......". "......"" ....... ....... the world?
А at В оп С iп Dof

20.9 The office is .................. . ................ .........".... the flrst Aoor.

А at В оп С in Dсо

20.10 1 mec а lot of people ........... .................. ...."............ .. che parcy.

А оп В to С in Dас

20.11 1 want со go ......." ..""." ....".......... " .."."....... lcaly nexc year.
А ас В on С in Dсо

20.12 What time did you arrive ................" ." ..""....."..."...."........ the l1otel?
А ас В on С in Dсо

20.13 'Where is David in this picture?' 'He's . .................." ......"......"................ Ben.'

А at front of В in the front of С in fronc of Din fronc from

20.14 1 jumped ........"....."."... ......."."..... .."...." the \vall inco the garden.
А on В through С across D over Е above

20.15 Jane isn't at work this \veek. She's ...." ...... ........ .......... " ................ holiday.
А on В in С for Dto Е ас

20.16 Do you like cravelling "....... ... "."....."..... ......... ....".... ?

А \Vitl1 crain В \Л1itl1 the crain С in train D on crain Е Ьу train

Руководство по изучению грамматики

20.17 l'm not very good ..... "." ..".........."........"........"..."...... telling stories.
А on В with С at D in Е for

20.18 Тот lefc without ""."""""....""""."""""""."."".""" goodbye.

А say В saying С to say D that he said

20.19 1 have to phone .""....""."..."".." .... """.".. "."".. """ today.

А with my parents В to my parents С at my parents D my parents

20.20 'Do yoL1 like eating in restaurants?' 'lt depends .."........ " ..."...." ..."......"."...."."....". the restaurant.'
А in В at С of D on Е over

Фразовые глаголы

21.1 Тhе car stopped and а woman got ." ."" """"" ". ". .. ". ""."""".".. " . . . . . .. . .

А off В down С out D out of

21.2 lt was cold, so 1 . . . .. . . . ." ........"." ...."." ..." ................... •

А put on my coat В put my coat on С put the coat on me D put me the coat on

21.3 l've goc Rachel's keys. 1 have to ...." ... ".".".".".."......".""........""..... to her.
А give back В give them back С give back them D give it back

З They're /,They are
1.1 2.1
4 lt's / lr is
2 they' re 2 F 6 Е
5 He's /Не is
3 it isn't / it's not 3 н 7 в
6 are rhey
4 that's 4 с 8 1
7 l'm / 1 am
5 l'm not 5 А 9 о
8 ls she
6 you aren't / yo u' re nor
2.2 9 Are you
1.2 3 ls your job inreгesring? 10 lr's / lr is
2 'm/am 6 are 4 Аге rhese seats free? 11 is he
з is 7 is ... are S Wheгe аге you from?
4 аге 8 'm/am ... is 6 Аге yoL1 а sшdent?
2 l'm / 1 am tired. или l'm nor / 1 am
5 's/is 7 ls t:he station near hеге?
nor tired.
8 Are your children at school?
1.3 3 l'm / 1 am in а l1 ur ry. или l'm not /
9 Why are you s ad?
2 l'm / 1 am 1 am no t in а hurry.
3 He's /Не is 2.3 4 l'm / 1 am scared of dogs. или l'm
4 (hey're / they a re 2 \.Yhere's / Wl1 e гe is not / 1 am not scared of dogs.
5 She's / She is 3 Ho•.v old are 5 l'm / 1 am well. или l'm not / 1 am
6 She's / She is 4 How much are not \"lell.
7 Hcre's / Неге is 5 Whar's ! 'vVhat is 6 l'm / 1 am inteгesred in hisrory. или
6 'vVho's / Who is l'm not / 1 am not inrerested in
7 What colour аге hisюry.
Возможные ответы:
7 l'm / 1 am maггied. или /'m nor /
1 Му name is Robeгr. 2.4
1 am nor married.
2 l'm 25. 2 Аге yoL1 American7
З l'm from Ausпali a. 3 HO\'V old are you? 3.4
4 l'm а gardener. 4 Аге you а teacher? 1 lc's / lr is dark in my room.
5 Му favourire colours are Ыасk and 5 Whar's / \.Yhar is your favourire 2 Anna isn't / is not married.
\Vhite. sport? 3 l'm nщ / 1 am nor inreresred in
6 Му favou rir e sроп is reпnis. 6 ls your wife а lavvyer? m usic.
7 Where's / Where is she from? 4 Му son is scared of cats.
8 Whar's / Whar is hег name? 5 lt's / lt is very cold юd ау
2 They're / They are huпgry.

9 Ho1.v old is she ? 6 How m uc l1 is this hat?

3 He s / Не is sпong.

7 l'm nor / 1 am r1or 1,vell.

4 She's / Sl1e is happy. 2.5
8 Are you tired?
5 He's /Не is sad. 2 Yes, 1 am. или No, l'm noc.
6 She's / She is angry. 3 Yes, he is. ш1и No, l1e isn't. / No,
he's noc
4 Ycs, rhey are. или No, rl1ey aren'r. / 4.1
2 Му hands аге cold. или
No, they' re пос 2 's/is \Naiting
Му hands aгen't/are nor cold.
5 Yes, ir is. или No, it isn'r. / No, ir's З 'ге/аге playing
3 Brazil is а vегу blg сош1пу.
nor. 4 He's /Не is lyiпg
4 Diamonds aren'r/are nor cheap.
6 Yes, 1 am. или No, l'm nor. 5 Тhсу' ге / Т11еу are having
5 M insk isn't / is nor in Russia.
7 l'm / 1 am hungгy. или l'm поr /
6 She's / She is siпing
1 am not hungry. 1 Аге yoL1 English? 4.2
8 l'm / 1 am а good swimmer. или 2 ls уош brorher at home? 2 's/is cooking
l'm nor / 1 am nor а good swimmer. 3 Where are Marina and Tom? 3 ' ге/аrе sranding
9 l'm / 1 am а good danceг. или 4 How old are you? 4 's/is swimming
l'm гюr / 1 am not а good dancer. 5 Whar's / What is your name? 5 'rе/аге staying
6 'vVhere's / Wl1ere is Ben from? 6 's/is l1aving
7 Where's / Where is my pl юne? 7 're/are building
1 Anna is а sшdenr.
8 Whar colouг аге your eyes? 8 'm/am going
2 Tom and lriпa are teache rs.
9 Who's / Who is thar Ьоу?
3 Linda is 18 (years old). 4.3
10 Wl1y are you hеге?
4 Ben isn'r / is nor American. 3 She s / She is siпing on Lhe Aoor.

He's / Не is Canadian. 4 She isn't / She's not reading а book.

S Неге's /Не ге is your pa ss port. 5 Sl1e isn'r / She's пос playing rhe
6 Му favourite colouг is green. 3.1 piano.
7 Look! Неге's /Неге is B en. или 2 Тhеу'ге / They аге tiгed. 6 She 's / She is laugl1ing.
There's / Тhеге is Ben. 3 He's /Не is scared. 7 Sl1e's / She is wearing а har.
8 lr 's not / lr isn'r / lt is nor lare. 4 ll1e shop is closed. 8 Sh e isn'r / She's nor dr i n k ing coffee.
9 Му glasses аге on rhe rаЫе. 5 Тhеу'ге / They are asleep.
10 l'm / 1 am (гоm Moscow. 6 The bus is late.
2 l'm readi ng а пе\vsрарег. или l'm
7 She's / She is in а hurгy.
nor гead ing а newspaper.
8 ll1ey're / Th ey аге cold.
З l'm sirting оп а cha i r. или l'm not
siп:ing оп а chair.

Ключи к упражнениям

4 l'm eacing. или l'm nor eacing. РАЗДЕЛ G 7.3

5 l'm \.vearing shoes. или l'm поt Возможные ответы:
v1earing shoes. 2 1 never go to rhe rhearre.
2 thinks 5 has
6 l'm learпing Eпglish. 3 1 doп't гide а Ьik� vегу often.
3 fties 6 finishes
7 l'm listening ю music. или l'm not 4 1 never ear in restauranrs.
4 dances
listening ю music. 5 1 often cravel Ьу train.
9 The sun is shining. или Тhе sun 6.2
isn't shining. 2 live 5 They go
2 doesn't use
10 lc's raining. или lc isn't raining. / 3 She ears 6 Не sleeps
3 don'rgo
lr's nor raining. 4 Не plays
4 doesn'r \Near
4. 5 6.3 5 don't kПO\V
1 Look! Веп is dancing wirh Sandra. 2 open 7 coscs 6 doesn't cosr
2 'Where аге Anna and Lara?' 3 closes 8 COSt 7 don't see
'Тhеу'ге / ТТ1еу are watching TV/ 4 reaches 9 boils
relevision.' 5 meet 10 like ... likes
3 don'r knovv
3 Hurry up! The tгain is coming. 6 \vashes
Lj doesn't talk
4 Sasha is wearing а green dгess.
6.4 5 dгinks
5 'Wl1ere's Tom?' 'He's /Не is cooking
2 1 neveг go to rhe ciпema. 6 don'r believe
(che) dinner.'
3 Maп:ina al\.vays works haгd. 7 like
6 Kevin isn'r / is not woгking roday.
4 Childreп usually like cl1ocolare. 8 doesn't ear
He's / Не is ill.
5 Jackie always enjoys parries.
7 We're / We are having/eatiпg lunch 7.6
6 1 often forget people's names.
(now). Аге you huпgгy? 1 1 like/love yoghurt Ьш 1 don't / do
7 Sam never warches TV.
8 The wearheг is bad. lt's / lt is raining. nor like milk.
8 We usually have dinпer at 7.30.
2 We don'r / do not \vatch foorball
9 Kate always wears пiсе clothes.
РАЗДЕЛ 5 very о�еп.
6.5 3 Му parenrs don't / do not speak
Возможные ответы: English.
2 Аге you going now?
2 1 sometimes геаd in bed. 4 Peter doesn'r / does поt work in
3 ls it raining?
3 1 often ger up before 7 o'clock. rl1e evenings.
4 Аге you enjoyiпg the film?
4 1 never go ro vvork Ьу bus. 5 1 don't / do not know this/that
5 ls that clock working?
5 1 usually drink two cups of coffee in man.
6 Are you waitiпg for а bus?
rhe morпing. 6 Boris eacs meat but he doesп't /
5.2 does поt eat fish.
2 Wt1ere is she going? 7 Му brother doesп'r / does not like
1 1 live iп Moscow.
3 Wharare you eatiпg? his job.
2 Liпda usually gets up at 7 o'clock.
4 Why аге you cryiпg? 8 Emma апd Аппа doп't / do not
3 We sometimes go ro rhe park.
5 What аге they lookiпg ас? ger up early on Sundays. или Оп
4 Му siяer loves chocolate.
6 Why is he laughing? Sundays ..
5 1 never warch TV/televisioп.

5.3 6 Му friends ofcen go t:o rhe cinema.

3 Аге you listeniпg to me? 7 1 like/love caviar but it cosrs а lot of
4 Where аге your frieпds goiпg? money. / ... it's expeпsive. 8.1
5 Аге your pareпcs wacchiпg TV? 8 Anron speaks English well. 2 Do you play renпis?
6 Whar is Jessica cooking? 9 1 always srart \vork at 9 o'clock. 3 Does Lucy live near here?
7 Why are you looking at me? 10 Cars eat fish. 4 Do Tom's friends play tennis? / Do
8 ls the bus coming? his frieпds play renпis? / Do cl1ey
РАЗДЕЛ 7 play reпnis?
5 Does your brocher speak English? /
2 Yes, 1 am. или No, l'm пос. 7.1
Does he speak Eпglisl1?
3 Yes, 1 am. или No, l'm пос. 2 Anna doesn't play the piano very
6 Do you do yoga every morning?
4 Yes, ic is. или No, ic isп't. / well.
7 Does PaL1I go оп holiday а lot? /
No, it's пос. 3 They doп't know my phone
Does he go оп holiday а lor? или
5 Yes, 1 am. или No, l'm поt. number.
Does Paul go оп l1oliday much? /
6 Yes, 1 am. или No, l'm пос. 4 We don't work very hard.
Does he go оп holiday much?
5 Не doesп't have а barh cvery day.
5.5 8 Do you waпt ro Ье famous?
6 You don'c do the same thiпg every
1 What аге you warcl1ing? 9 Does Anna work hard? / Does she
2 Аге you l1aving dinner поw? work hard?
3 ls it raiпing поw? 7.2
4 Are your pareпcs \vorking today? 2 Касе doesп'c like classical music.
3 How often do you watcl1 TV?
5 What is Boris reading? 1 like (или 1 don't like) classical
4 Whac do you \vanr for diппer?
6 Why is Jessica crying? music.
5 Do you like foocball?
7 Where аге you going поw? 3 Веп and Sophie don't like boxing.
6 Does your brother like football?
8 What is Saпdra cooking? Kare likes boxing.
7 What do you do iп your free cime?
9 Аге you waiting for me? 1 like (или 1 don'c like) boxing.
8 Where does your siscer work?
10 'What are Ben and Tom doing?' 4 Ben and Sophie like horror movies.
9 Do you always have breakfast?
'They аге / Тhеу'ге playing iп the Kate doesn'r like horror movies.
10 What does this woгd mеап?
park.' 1 like (или 1 don't like) horror
11 Does it sпo\.v hcre iп wiпter?
12 What cime do you usually go ro

Ключи к упражнениям

13 How much does ir соя ro phone 4 л: Hello/Hi. Where are you going? РАЗДЕЛ 11
NewYork? в: l'm / 1 am going home.
14 Whar do you usually l1ave for 5 Where does Sasha соте from? или
2 Jack and Kare were at/in the cinema.
breakfast:? Where is Sasha from?
3 Sue was at the station.
6 l'm nor / 1 am nor working roday.
8.3 4 Мг and Mrs Hall were in/at а
7 Why are you crying?
2 Do you enjoy / Do you like rescaurant.
8 Do you know rhis/rhar woman?
3 do you srart 5 Ben was on tt1e beach / on а beacl1 /
9 1 drink/have coffee every morning.
4 Do you work at the beach / ar the seaside.
10 How ofren do you go ro London?
5 do you go 6 (Возможный ответ) 1 was at
6 does he do work.
7 does l1e reach
8 Does he enjoy / Does he like 10.1
2 is ... was 6 're/are
3 He's gor а new job.
8.4 3 'm/am 7 Was
2 Yes, 1 do. или No, 1 don'r.
4 Have you gor an umbrella?
4 was 8 was
5 We've gor а lot of work to do.
3 Yes, 1 do. или No, 1 don'r. 5 were 9 are ". were
4 Yes, ir does. или No. it doesn't.
6 1 haven't got your pl1one number.
7 Has your farher gor а саг? 11.3
5 Yes, 1 do. или No, 1 do11't.
8 How much money have we gor? 2 wasn'c ... was
8.5 3 \vas ... were
1 Do you like coffee? 4 'Were Kate and Ben ar the parry?'
2 1 don't have many clorl1es.
2 Does Ben speak Russian? 'Kate was there, but Ben wasn't:
3 Does Tom l1ave а brother?
3 Where do you live? или 'Kare wasn't there, but Ben
4 Do your parenrs live in Moscow?
4 How many children do rhey have?
5 Do you have any quesrions?
5 Whar do you usually have/eat for 5 \vere
6 Sam doesn'r l1ave а job.
6 \Veren'r ... were
6 Where does your brorl1er work? 10.3
7 How ofren do you warch frlms? 2 He's got а Ьike. или Не has а Ьike.
2 Was your exam difficult?
8 Where do you usually go on 3 Не hasn't got а dog. или
3 Where were Sue and Chris last
Не doesn'r have а dog.
9 Do you always ger up early? 4 He's goc а moЬile phone. или
4 How much was your new camera?
Не has а mobile phone.
РАЗДЕЛ 9 5 Why were you angry yesrerday?
5 Не hasn'r gor а warch. или
6 Was rhe wearher nice last week?
Не doesn't have а watch.
6 He's got two brothers and а sisrer. 11.S
2 No, she isn'r.
или Не has t\VO brorhers and а 1 1 was in Cambridge last \Neek. или
Yes, she does.
sister. Last week ...
She's playing rhe piano.
7 l've gor а dog. или 1 haven't got а 2 Was lrina in rhe office this morning?
3 Yes, he does.
dog. 3 Were Anna and Liz at the party?
Yes, he is.
8 l've got а Ьike. или 1 haven'r gor а 4 The exam \Vasn'r / was nor difficulr.
He's cleaning а window.
Ьike. 5 How much was your new bag?
4 No, tl1ey aren'r.
9 (Возможный ответ) l've gor а 6 The wearher was cold but sunny.
Yes, rl1ey do.
brother and а sister. 7 Му parenrs were abroad last
They reach.
summer. или Lasc summer "

9.2 8 Where were you last nighr? /

3 has 6 don'r have
2 don't 6 do ... yesrerday evening?
4 don'r have 7 doesn't l1ave
3 are 7 does
5 have
4 does 8 doesn'r РАЗДЕЛ 12
5 's/is ... don'r 10.5
2 's gor / has gor а lor of friends
9.3 2 opened
3 hasn'r gor а key
4 is singing 3 яarted ... frnished
4 haven't got much time
5 She wanrs 4 wanted
5 has gor six legs
6 do you use 5 happened
6 haven'r gor а job
7 you're sirring 6 rained
8 1 don'r understand 10.6 7 enjoyed ... srayed
9 l'm going ... Аге you coming 1 1 have а Ьig/large family. или 8 died
10 does your farher finish l've got ...
11 l'm nor lisrening 2 Do you l1ave а headache? или
2 saw 8 rhoughr
12 He's / Не is cooking Have you gor ...
3 played 9 copied
doesn'r usually drive ... usually walks 3 1 don't have а phone. или
4 paid 10 kne\•1
14 doesn'r like ... She prefers 1 l1aven't gor ...
5 visited 11 put
4 Anna has а cat and а dog. или
9.4 6 boughr 12 spoke
Anna has got ...
1 Anron! Your phone is ringing. 7 \Venr
S Тom has green eyes. или
2 1 play football every Sunday. или
Тот has goc ...
Every Sunday ...
6 Do you have а Ьike? или
3 А: Whar is Nina doing?
Have you gor".
в: She's / She is cooking/preparing
7 Do you have а house ог а flat? или
Have you got ...
8 Му friends have а new саг. или

Му friends have got ...

Ключи к упражнениям

12.3 7 Did you have а nice time 6 Lая summer Emma and Tom were
2 goE 9 checked 8 did it happen / did that happen living in America.
3 had 10 had 7 д: Whar were you doing ar rl1e
4 lefc 11 waired airporr?
2 bought
5 drove 12 departed в: 1 was \vaiting for lrina.
3 Did it rain
6 goc 13 arrived 8 Today Anton is wearing а suir, but
4 didn't stay
7 parked 14 rook yesterday he was wearing jeans.
5 opened
8 \valked
6 didn'c have
12.4 7 did you do
2 lоя her keys 8 didn't know 15.1
3 met her friends 1 happened . " was painting ". fell
" bought а newspaper
1 Did you see Anna yesterday? 2 arrived ". gor ." were wairing
5 wenE to tl1e cinema 3 was walking ". met ." was going ".
2 Did you learn/study English ас
6 асе an orange was carrying ... sюpped
7 l1ad а shower 15.2
3 1 did not/didn't play football on
8 came (ю see us) Sunday. или On Sunday ... 2 was sшdying
12.S 4 Where did Tom and Liz go on 3 Did Paul call ". called . " was having
Во.зможr1ые ответы: holiday? 4 didn'r go
2 1 goc up late yesterday. 5 What did you do last weekend? S were you driving ... sюpped ".
3 1 mer some friends аЕ lunchtime. 6 Did you sleep well? wasn't dгiving
'i 1 went со the supermarket. 7 How did you lose your passport? 6 Did your ream win ". didn't play
5 1 phoned а lot of people. 8 We saw/watched a/the ftlm but we 7 did you break ... were playing . "
6 1 losr my keys. didn'r / did not like/enjoy it. kicked ". hit
8 Did you see ... was 'Yvearing
12.6 РАЗДЕЛ 14 9 were you doing
1 1 worked all day yesterday. или
10 lost ... did you get ." climbed
Yeяerday ... 14.1
2 1 sraпed (ю) work ас 9 (o'clock) and 2 Jack and Kate wеге at the cinema. 15.З
(1) ftnished at 7 (o'clock). They were watching а film. 1 Sandra was cooking dinner, when
3 Sasha wenr ю Paris last year. или 3 Tom was in his саг. Не was driving. we got/came home.
Last year ... 4 Tracey was at rhe station. She was 2 1 was walking/going to work when 1
4 We played tennis yesrerday evening. wairing for а tгain. met Natasha.
или Yesterday evening ". 5 Мг and Мгs Hall \vеге in the park. 3 They weren't / wеге пос working.
5 Му friends visited me last week. They wеге \valking. They were chatting.
или Lasr 'Yveek ... 6 (Возможный ответ) 1 was in а 4 1 was 'Yvorking at rhree o'clock
6 1 read а very interesring book at Ehe cafe. 1 was having а dгink with some yesteгday afternoon. или At rhree
weekend. или At the weekend ... friends. o'clock yescerday afternoon 1 was
7 Boris bought а motorblke when he working.
\vas 17 (year s old). 5 lt wasn't/was nor raining, so we had
2 she was playing rennis
lunch in the garden.
3 she 'Nas гeading a/the paper/
РАЗДЕЛ 13 6 When 1 enrered the room, Anna and
Rodrigo were speaking Spanish.
13.1 4 she was cooking (lunch)
7 1 was/relt very rited yesterday, so
2 didn't \VOГk 5 she was having breakfasc 6 sl1e was
1 went ю bed at 9 (o'clock). или
3 didn't go cleaning the kitchen
Yesterday, 1
4 didn't have
• • •

14.З 8 When Sasha called/phoned/гang,

5 didn't do
2 Whar were you doing Anna was warching ТV.
13.2 3 Was it raining
2 Oid you enjoy the party? 4 Why was Sue driving РАЗДЕЛ 16
3 Oid you have а good holiday? 5 Was Тom '-tveaгing
4 Did you finish \•юrk early?
14.4 2 She has / She's closed the door.
5 Did you sleep \-vell last night?
2 Не was carrying а bag. 3 111еу have / They've gone to bed.
13.З З Не wasn't going со the dentist. 4 lr has / lt's sropped гaining.
2 1 got up before 7 o'clock. или 4 Не was eating ап ice cream. 5 Не has / He's had а shower.
1 didn't ger up before 7 o'clock. 5 Не wasn't carrying an umbrella. 6 The picture has fallen down.
3 1 had а shower. или 1 didn't l1ave а 6 Не wasn't going home.
7 16.2
shower. Не was wearing а har.
2 've bought / have bought
4 1 bought а magazine. или 1 didn't 8 Не wasn't гiding а Ьicycle.
3 's gone / l1as gone
buy а magazine.
14.S 4 Have you seen
S 1 ate mear. или 1 didn'r eat meat. 1 Today ar 7.30 1 was washing my саг. 5 l1as broken
6 1 went со bed before 10.30. или 2 Yesrerday 1 was working in the 6 've told / have rold
1 didn't go ю bed before 10.30. garden at midday. 7 has raken
13.4 З What were you doing at 10.30 rt1is 8 haven'r seen
2 did you arrive morning? Were you \Vorking? 9 has she gone
3 Did you win 4 lt \vas warm and it wasn'r / was nor 10 've forgotten / h� ·е forgotren
4 did you go raining this morning. 11 's invired / has invired
5 did it соя 5 Why \vere you singing ar 3 o'clock in 12 Have you decided
6 Did you go to bed late the morning? 1З haven't ёold
1lt 've finished / have finished
Ключи к упражнениям

16.3 18.2 19.3

1 Аппа has gone со bed. Не/сп: 2 She has lived in \l\/ales all her life.
2 Kim isn'r / is поr at \•югk. Sh e s /
' 2 Sl1e's/She has been ю Australia 3 They have been оп holiday sincc
S1"1e lias gопе on holiday. о псе. Sunday.
3 /'ve / 1 have losr my credir card. 3 Sl1e's/She tias never won а race. 1/ The suп has bec>n sh iпing all d ay.
4 We've / \1\1с liave bo ugh r а ne\•1 4 She's/She has flovm in а h elico p re r S She has been \Vaiting fo r rеп
sofa. а re\•J rimes. m1nures.
5 Where is Gary? Have you sесп him? Вы (воз/vrожные ответы): 6 Не l1as had а beard since he VJa s 20.
6 /'m / 1 am busy. 1 haven'r / l1ave noc 5 l' ve / 1 hav e never been ю N e\11
fiпish ed my \чork. York.
2 1 kПО\'/
7 /'v e / 1 have mer rhis mап before, 6 /'ve / 1 have played tennis тапу
3 l'v<:> kпown
buc l've / 1 have forgorr en his name. rimes.
'i have you Ьееп VJairiпg
8 Look! Someone l1as brokeп rhe 7 /'ve / 1 h ave пever d r iv eп а lorry.
5 \vorks
windo\•J! 8 /'ve f / have been latC' for \VOГk а re\V
6 She has been read ir1 g
7 l1ave you lived
18.3 8 l've had
17.1 2-6 9 is . Не has been

2 He s / Не has JU st gor up. She's / She has dопе а lo r of i пte restiпg


3 They've / Tl1ey have jusc bough: а r hing s.

1 \Л/е'vе / We have lived in tf11s fiouse
car She's / She has travelled all over rlie
since 2008. или 'vVe've / We hav e
4 Т11е race has jusr яarred. \ ю rld. или She's / She lias been all
Ьееп living in rhis house .


over the \1/0rld.

17.2 2 Ho\•J long h ave you Ьееп frien ds
She's / Sl1c l1as been married three
2 rhey\1e / rhc y have already sееп ir. \-vith Lara?
3 l've / 1 liave alread y phoned him. 3 The children have been v1atchiпg
She's / She has \Nriпc11 rеп books.
t/ He's /Не has already gone (а\•1ау ). TV siп ce six o'clock.
She's / Shc has met а lot of inreresci ng
5 /' ve / 1 havc alread>' read it. 4 Sally has kпо\чn Ben for а long time.
6 She's / She lias alread y starred (ir). 5 lt's / lt has been sпo\vir1g all
18.4 morning.
2 been 6 gопе 6 Has Sasha been studying/learning
2 The bus has just: gопе.
3 gone 7 gоп е Spaп is h for а long time?
3 The пain hasп'r left ye r .
4 Ьееп 8 been 7 l'm / 1 ат ill. l've / 1 have speпr all
4 Не hasn't opened ir yet.
5 Ьееп day in bed.
5 niey've / They have jusr fiпished
rheir diппer. 18.5
8 How long have Keviп and Alla Ьееп
6 lr s / lt l1as jusr sropped raiпing.
' 1 HJ ve you ever Ьееп to Brazil?
2 /' ve / 1 have never sееп а п el c>p ha nt.
17.4 РАЗДЕЛ 20
3 Mark has never been married.
2 Have you met уоuг пе\1,� nci gli bo u rs
4 Му parenrs have been to ltaly four 20.1
rimcs. 3 for 6 for
3 Have you paid your electricity Ыll
S Have you ever еаrеп l пd ian food? 4 since 7 for
6 Vicшr has \Vrircen six books. S since 8 rог ... siпce
4 Has Tom/he sold l1is саг yer?
7 'vVhere has Sally gone? 1 сап'r/
17.5 саппоr ftnd l1er.
Апrоп апd Marina liave just boughr
Возможные ответы:
8 Ho\-v тапу times have you seen/
а 11ow lюuse.
2 А year a go.
v.;arched this film?
3 А fev1 w eeks ago.
2 Has Saпdra called hcr morher yer?
РАЗДЕЛ 19 4 T\vo liours ago.
3 'ls James hcre?' 'No, t1e's / he has
S Six moпths ago.
alread y goпe /lerr:
4 А: Do you like rhis book? 20.3
3 liavc been
в: 1 doп'r / do поr kno\1i1. 3 rог 20 year s
4 has been
haven't / have nor read it: yer:. 4 20 years ago
S have lived / have been liviпg
S 'Don'r forget Lo close the \.vindovJs.' 5 an fiour ago
6 has \ юrked / has Ьееп \•юrkiпg
Tve already closed rliem.' а re\•/ days ago

7 has �iad
6 l've / 1 havc JUst finished dinner. 7 for six moпrhs
8 have been learn1пg
8 for а long time
РАЗДЕЛ 18 19.2
2 HO\'il loп g have they Ьееп rh ere ?
18.1 2 Jack has been here since Tuesday.
или . .. been iп Brazil ?
3 Have you ever been ro Ausrralia? 3 lr's been ra1пing for an hour.
4 Have you ever losr your passporr?
3 Ho\•J loпg l1avc you kno,Nn her?
4 l' ve knO\VП Sue siпce 2008.
или . kno\vn Amy?
S Have you e ver АО\'VП in а helicoprer? 5 Claire апd Мап l1ave been married

4 HO\V long has she been learпiпg

6 H ave you ever \.VOn J race? for six n1onrhs.
7 Have you ever been to Nevv York? 6 Laura lias been study i ng n1ediciпe
5 Ho\.11 loпg l1as lie lived in Сапаdа? /
8 Have you ever driven а bus? (at Lrniversiry) for threc years.
Ho\11 long lias he been living ... ?
9 Have you eve r brokeп уоuг leg? 7 David has playcd / David has been
6 Ho\.v long have you been а reac her?
playiпg rhe p ia no since he vi1as
7 Ho\.v loпg has ir been rainiпg?
seven years old.

Ключи к упражнениям

20.5 3 l've / l l1ave losr my passporr. Have РАЗДЕЛ 23

Возлюжные ответы: you seen it?
1 l've lived in ... all my life. 4 Sast1a isn't / is not at home. She's /
l've been in the same job for ten
2 А bridge is being built.
2 She has gone to rhe cinema.
years. Karen \�1ent ю rl1e supermarker an
3 The \•1indo-.vs аге being cleaned.
l've been learning English for six 4 Thc grass is being cut.
З l1our ago.
months. 6 Whe n did you buy your саг? 23.2
4 l've known Chris for а long time. 7 Have yoL1 ever driven а bus? 3 The \vindo\•1 has been broken.
S l've had а l1eadache since 1 got up 8 Му sister has \vriпen а lot of / mar1y 4 The roof is being repaired.
this moming. songs. Last week she \vrore а nev1 5 The саг has been damaged.

song. 6 Tl1e houses are being knocked

1 Тот has worked / has been dovvn.

РАЗДЕЛ 22 7 The trees have been сш do\чn.
\vorking in this office since 2011
2 1 arrived in / came to Londoп three 8 They have been invited ro а party.
days ago. З Glass is made from sand. 23.З
3 д: Но\•/ long have you kno"vn lra? 4 The \vindovvs are cleaned every two 3 l1as been repai red
в:10 уеагs. weeks. 4 was repaired
4 l've / 1 have been waiting l1ere 5 This room isn't used very mucl1. 5 arc made
rог а long time. или l've / 1 have 6 Аге 'Ne allo\ved to park l1ere? 6 were they built
waired . . 7 НО\.У is rl1is word pronounced? 7 ls the phorocopier being used или
5 We've / We have lived / in 9 The house \л;аs painred lая month. ls anybody using the phorocopier
Cambridge for five years. или 10 Му phone \vas srolen а fe\v days 8 are they called
We've / We have becn living ... ago. 9 \vere srolen
6 Tim l1as played / has been playing 11 Three people \Vere injured in rhe 10 was damaged ... hasn't been
rl1e guitar since l1e was rеп. accidenc. repaired
7 д: Whe11 did you lasr go ю а 12 Wt1en v1as rl1is bridge built?
cor1cert? 13 1 \vasn't woken up Ьу the noise.
·1 4 1 This S\Nimming роо\ is orteП used
в: Six moп rhs ago. Но\'1 \vere these \vindo-.vs broken?
Ьу our students. / ... is used а Jot Ьу
8 l've / 1 have had а саг since last 15 Were you invited to Jon's рапу last
our srudents.
ОсюЬег. vveek?
2 Му house has just been painted.

РАЗДЕЛ 21 22.2 3 'Where's / Where is your TV?'

2 Foorball is played in mosr .. . 'lr's / lt is being repaired.'
21.1 3 Why was the letter sent ro ...? 4 Т11еsе shoes are very diпy. \Л/hen
2 1 srarted ( t) 4 she \Vent (away) 4 ... v·vhere filn1s are made. -.vere they (last) c/eaned?
З tl1ey arrived 5 1 \>VОГе it 5 Wt1ere were you Ьог11? 5 Sasha. has my dress been ironed?

6 Но\•1 many languages are 6 А new cinema is being built in

1 finished spoken ."? my LOvvn. или ln my to\vn а nevv

7 ... bur norl1ing was stolen. cinema is being builr.
4 ок
8 When was rhe Ьicycle invented? 7 д: Wl1ere is your ne\'I Ьike?
S did you finish
6 ок в: lt's / lt has been stolen.
(Steve's grandmotl1er) died
8 Look at this/rhat Ьird! What's /
7 З is made
What is it called?
8 Wl1ere were you / Wt1ere did you go 4 \vere damagcd
S was given
21.З РАЗДЕЛ 24
6 аге sho\vn
3 played
7 v1ere invited 24.1
4 did you go
S Have you ever rnet
8 was made 3 are 7 do
6 wasn't 9 \Vas srolen ... was found 4 Does 8 ls

7 's/has visited 22.4

5 Do 9 does
6 ls 10 Аге
8 swirched 2 Sarah was born in Manchcsrer.
9 lived 3 Нег parents \Vere born in lreland. 24.2
1 О haven't Ьееп 4 1 -.vas born in ... 2 don't 6 doesn't
5 Му mother vJas born in ... 3 'm/am not 7 m/am nor
21.4 '

2 Have you se en ... vvent ... haven't 4 isr1't 8 aren'r / 're not
seen 5 dor1t
1 Му parenrs \vere born in America.
3 has \vorked / h as been vvorking ... 2 Ne\v rechпologies are invented 24.З
was .. . worked ... didn't enjoy every day. 2 Did 7 'Nere
4 've/have sееп ... 've/have never 3 Bread is made rrom floш. 3 \vere 8 Has
spoke п ... 1 lave you ever spoken ... 4 Ho\v many cars are made in 4 vvas 9 did
met Germany every year? 5 Has 10 f1ave
5 This airpoп was built in 1970. 6 did
6 Where \vas Marina born?
1 1 love this museum. l've / 1 have 24.4
7 Му phone \•1asn'r / was not srolen.
been here many times. 2 was 6 've/have
1 losr it.
2 1 \�1ent to а nice/good restaurant 3 Have 7 is
8 This book \vas vпitten Ьу my friend.
yes rerday. / Yesrerday ... 4 are 8 \Л/аS
или . . Ьу а rriend of n1ine.
5 were 9 l1as

Ключи к упражнениям

24.5 25.5 РАЗДЕЛ 27

3 earen 8 understand 1 Lara studied Russian at university.
4 enjoying 9 listening 2 When was your house built?
5 damaged 2 l'm going to have а bath.
10 pronounced 3 Where is James? 1 haven't / have
з l'm going to buy а car.
6 use 11 open not seen him roday.
4 We're going to play football.
7 gone 4 Аге you hungry? l've / 1 have made
you а sandwich. 27.2
5 Look! l've / 1 have bought you а 3 'm/am going to walk
1 'What are you doing?'
present! 4 's/is going to stay
'l'm writing an email.'
6 Sally broke her arm when/while she 5 'm/am going to eat
2 What \.vas Ben doing when you
was on holiday. 6 're/are going со give
came/arrived/gor home?
7 French and English are spoken in 7 's/is going to lie down
3 Have you seen my new bag?
Canada. или They speak French 8 Аге you going со watch
4 'W1'1еге does Emma live?'
and English ... 9 is Rachel going to do
'1 don't / do not kno\v:
8 We watched а (football) march on
5 Did you like your presents? 27.3
Saturday. Ош team won. или
б How was this window broken? 2 The shelf is going со fall (down).
On Saturday ...
7 Тim has been to America bur he з The саг is going to turn (right).
9 When we lived on а farm, 1 had а
hasn't / has nor been to Canada. 4 He's /Не is going to kick the ball.
8 These TVs аге made in China.
10 1 found а phone near my house 27.4
9 Gary doesn't: ear meat. He's / Не is а
yesterday. или Yesrerday . . . Возможные ответы:
1 l'm going to phone Maria this
10 l've / 1 have finished vvork and now
РАЗДЕЛ 26 even1ng.
l'm / 1 am reading.
2 l'm going to get up early tomorrow.
3 l'm goiпg со buy some shoes
2 Ric\1ard is goiпg to rhe ciпema.
3 Rachel is meeting Dave.
4 Кагеn is having lunch with Will. 27.5
3 gor 10 happened
5 Tom and Sue are going to а parry. 1 We're / We аге goiпg to have
4 brought 11 heard
s paid 12 put 26.2
2 l'm / 1 am not going to buy а new
6 enjoyed 13 caught 2 Аге you working next week?
7 bougnt 14 warched 3 What are you doing tomoгrow
з What are you going to wear
8 sat 15 undersюod evening?
9 left 4 What time аге your friends coming?
4 What is Angela going ro do after
5 \Л/hen is Lisa going on holiday?
25.2 university?
2 began begun 26.3 5 Hurry up! We're / We аге going со
з ate eaten Возможные ответы: Ье late.
4 dгank drunk 3 l'm going away at t:he 1Neekend. 6 lt's / lt is vегу co\d. lt's / lt is going
5 drove dгiven 4 l'm playing basketball tomorrow. со snow.
6 spoke spoken 5 l'm meeting а friend this evening. 7 Vlad and lrina аге going to sell their
7 1Nrot:e wгitten 6 l'm going to the cinema on house.
8 came come Тhursday eveniпg. 8 What аге you going to do at the
9 knew kПО\.УП v1eekend?
10 юоk taken
3 She's getting
11 went one РАЗДЕЛ 2 8
4 are going . " are they going
12 gave given
5 finishes 28.1
13 rhrew thrown
6 l'm not going 2 she'll Ье 5 she's
14 forgot forgorren
7 l'm going ... We're meeting З she was 6 she was
25.3 8 are you getting ... leaves 4 she'll Ье 7 she'll Ье
3 slept 10 built 9 Аге you coming ... does the film
4 saw 11 learnt/learned begin
Возможные ответы:
5 rained 12 ridden 10 are you doing ... l'm working
2 1'11 Ье at: home.
6 lost ... seen 13 kПО\..УП
26.5 3 1'11 рrоЬаЬ\у Ье in bed.
7 srolen 14 fell ... hurt:
1 We are flying ro Paris on Monday. 4 1'11 Ье at work.
8 wenr 15 ran ... run
или On Monday ." 5 1 don't know where 1'11 Ье.
9 finished
2 Аге you going on holiday in August?
25.4 3 l'm / 1 am not woгking tomoгro\.Y.
2 '11/will 5 '11/will
2 rold 8 spoken 4 Are you going to the party tonight?
3 won't 6 '11/will
3 won 9 cost 5 What time / When does your bus
4 won't 7 won't
4 met 10 dгiven arrive?
5 woken up 11 sold 6 Тhе film starrs at 5 (o'clock) and 28.4

6 swam 12 f\e\.Y finishes at 7 (o'clock). 3 1 think we'll win the game.

7 thought 7 Nina is meeting Anna on Tuesday. 4 1 don't think 1'11 Ье here tomorrow.
или On Тuesday ... 5 1 think Sue will like her present.
8 ls Boгis coming on Sunday? 6 1 don't think they'll get maггied.
7 1 don't think you'll enjoy the film.

Ключи к упражнениям

28.S РАЗДЕЛ 30 31.4

2 are you doing 6 will phone 2 Can/Could you pass r�1e salr
3 They're going 7 He's working (please)?
2 1 might see you romoгrow.
4 will lend 8 Will you 3 Can/Could 1 have these posrcaгds
3 Sarah might forget to рhопе.
5 l'm going 9 aгe coming (please)?
4 lt might snow юdау.
4 Can/Could you шrп off rhe radio
28.6 5 1 might Ье lare tonigl1t.
1 1'11 / 1 will Ье in Moscow tomorrow 6 Mark might поt Ье here пехr week.
5 Can/Could 1 borrow your
ar 5 (o'clock). или Tomorrow at 5 7 1 might пос have time to go our.
пеwsрарег (please)?
(o'clock) ...
2 1 think you'll / you will like the/
30.2 6 Caп/Could 1 use your реп (please)?
2 1 might go away.
your presenr/gifr. 31.5
3 1 mighr see her оп Мопdау.
З Diana will рrоЬаЫу come/be home 1 Natasha сап speak German.
4 1 might l1ave fish.
soon. 2 1 can'r/caппot sleep ar night.
4 l'm / 1 am sure you'll / you will 5 1 mighr ger/rake а raxi. или . " go
3 1 can'r/cannot tind ту keys. Сап/
Ьу raxi.
have а good cime. Could you help me?
1 don't think (that) Jessica will Ье 6 1 mighr buy/ger а пеw car.
5 4 Vlad couldп't / could поt come to
late. 30.3 woгk yesteгday. или Yesrerday ...
6 Whar are you doing on Saturday? 3 Не mighr get up еагlу. 5 Their daugl1ter is vегу clever. She
7 Oleg won'r / will поr Ье at work оп 'iНе isп't / He's not working could read when she was thгee! /
Fгiday. или Оп Friday ... romorrow. ... three уеагs old!
8 Victoг is going to а footbal\ march S Не mighr Ье ar home tomorrow 6 Сап 1 charge my phone hеге?
юmorrow. He's already got а ricket. morniпg. 7 Cou/d/Can 1 speak to the manager,
или Tomorrow ... 6 Не might watch TV. please? или Could/Can 1 please
7 He's going out in rhe afrerпoon. speak to the maпager?
РАЗДЕЛ 29 8 Не might go shoppiпg. 8 Sometimes 1 caп'r/caпnor
understand my childгen.
29.1 30.4
2 1'11 eat 5 1'11 sray Возможные ответы:
3 1'11 sit 6 1'11 show 1 1 mighr buy some new clot:hes.
4 1'11 do 2 1 mighr go our with some friends. 32.1
3 1 might have ап egg fог bгeakfast. 2 must meet 5 musr go
3 must wash 6 must win
2 1 thiпk 1'11 have 30.S
4 musr learn 7 must Ье
3 1 don't think 1'11 play 1 We might/may see you tomorrow.
4 1 rhink 1'11 buy 2 Marina is ill. She might/may sray ar 32.2
5 1 don'r thiпk 1'11 buy home. 2 1 musr 5 1 had to
3 А: Аге you going ro rhe party? 3 1 had to 6 1 had ro
в: 1 might/may (go). 4 1 must 7 1 must
2 l'lldo
4 l'm / 1 am rired. 1 might/may nor go
3 1 warch 32.3
ro the gym.
4 l'll go 2 don't need ro rush
5 May/Can 1 help you?
5 is going ro buy 3 mustn't lose
6 lt mighr/may snow on Saturday.
6 l'll give 4 don't need to wait
7 1 might/may go to Fiпlaпd at Ne\v
7 Аге you doing ... l'm going 5 mustn'r foгger
8 l'm workiпg 6 don't пееd to phone
8 1 might/may поr Ье ar work
29.4 romorrow. 32.4
2 Shall 1 t:urn off rl1e TV? 2 ( 4 в
3 Shall 1 make some sandv1iches? РАЗДЕЛ 31 3 А S D
4 Shall 1 rurn оп rhe lighr?
31.1 32.S
29.5 2 Can you ski? 3 don'r пееd to 7 must
2 wheгe shall we go? 3 Сап you play chess? 4 had ro 8 had ro
3 what shall we buy? 4 Сап you run ren kilometres? 5 musr 9 don't пееd to
4 who shall \Ve invire? 5 Сап you drive (а саг)? 6 musrn't 10 mustn't:

29.G 6 Сап you ride (а horse)? 32.6

1 1'11 / 1 will bring/ger you а chair. 7 1 can/caп't swim. 1 1 musr phone/call/гing my morheг.
2 1 don't think we'll / we will go оп 8 1 сап/сап'r ski. lr's / lr is hег Ьirthday today.
holiday this year. 9 1 can/caп'r play chess. 2 lt's / lt is an imporrant meering. You
3 l'm / 1 am hungry. 1 thiпk 1'11 / 1 will 10 1 can/can't run tеп kilomerres. musrn'r / musr поt Ье lare!
make а sandwich. 11 1 caп/can'r drive {а саг). 3 You musr read her пеw book!
4 ls it raining? Shall 1 t:ake an umbrella? 12 1 сап/сап't ride (а horse). 4 We don't need to / don'r have to
5 Shall we go to rhe park? 31.2 buy Тот а presenr/gift.
6 1'11 / 1 will phone/call/riпg Nina this 2 сап see 4 сап't fiпd 5 1 had со get up very early today. или
eveпiпg. или .. iп rhe eveniпg.

3 can't hеаг 5 сап speak Today ...

7 What time shall we meer 6 You must Ье quiet in the liЬгагу.
tomorrow? 7 We musrn't: / musr not rell Nina
2 couldn't ear
8 д: Аге you free оп Saturday? about rhe рагtу. lt's / lt is а surpгise!
3 can't decide
в: No, l'm / 1 am goiпg ro а parry. 8 1 musr сlеап my shoes. They're /
4 couldп't find
They аге dirty.
5 can't go
6 couldп'r go

Ключи к упражнениям

РАЗДЕЛ 33 34.3 35.4

2 did he have со vvait 1 Would you like а glass of vvacer?
з does she have со go 2 (in а cafe) l d / 1\vould like rwo

2 You should go
4 did you have to рау coffees, please.
3 You should eat
s do you have ro do 3 l'd / 1vюuld like со rell you а scory.
4 you should visit
4 Would you like to see my holiday
5 you should \vear 34.4
б You should cake 2 doesn't have со wait.
5 Marina 'vvould like со rravel.
3 didn'r liave со geL up early.
33.2 6 л: \!\/ould you like со warch/see а
4 doesn't have со vvork (so) l1ard.
2 Не slюuldn't еас so much. film on Sunday?
s don'r have to leave ПО\•1.
3 She shouldn'c \Vork so hard. в: l'd / 1 \•юuld love со!
4 не shouldn't: drive so fasr. 34.5 7 Do you like chocolares/sweets?
З have to рау 8 Whar would you like for breakfast?
4 had со borrovv
2 Do yoLt chink 1 should learn (ю
5 must sюр или l1ave со яор РАЗДЕЛ 36
(оба варuонта правильны)
3 Оо you t:hink1should get anot:her 36.1
6 has ю meer
job? З Don'r buy
. . 7 musr rell или have ro cell
4 Оо you think 1should1nv1ce Gary 4 Smile
(обо варианта правильны)
(ro rhe party)? 5 Don't sir
34.6 6 Have
2 1have to go со vvork every day. 7 Don't forger
3 1 chink you should sell it.
3 1 had со go to che deпrist yesterday. 8 Sleep
4 1 rhink she sl1ould have а holiday.
4 1 have ro go shopping comorrovv. Ве ... Don't: drop
5 1 con't chink chey sl·юuld get 9

married. 34.7 36.2

6 1 don't think you should go ю vvork. 1 1have to get up very early 2 ler's cake а taxi
7 1 rhink he should go to the doccor. tomOПO\V. З let's \•1atch TV
8 1 don r rhink \Ve should sray there.
2 Did you have со vюrk yesrerday? 4 let's go со а resrauranr
3 Why did Vera liave со leave so early? s ler's vvair а liпle
4 Му grandmocher/grandma has со
Возможные ответы: 36.З
cake rhis medicine every day.
2 1 rhink everybody should have з о, lec's not go out.
5 vVhat cime do you have to Ье at/iп
enough food. 4 No. don't close rhe \•1indo'.-v.
rhe office?
3 1rhink people should drive more 5 No, don'r phone me ( ronighr).
6 The bus didп'r / did пос come, so
carefully. 6 No, lec's nor wait for Andy.
we had со rake а taxi.
4 1 don't chink the police should сапу 7 No. don'c turn on the lighr.
7 Do 1 have ro buy а ricket (or rliis
gun� 8 No, ler's not go Ьу bus.
. museum?
5 1t:hink1 should rake more ехеюsе.
g. lt was sunny, so 1 didn't / did not 36.4
33.6 have со take an umbrella. Please sir do\vn. или Sir dovm,
1 You should try rhis cake. please.
2 Boris shouldп't / should not: \vork РАЗДЕЛ 35
2 Ler's \Vatch а (1lm on Sunday.
so much/hard. 3 Don'r юuch the plare! lt's / lr is hoc.
3 When do you cl1ink \ve should give 4 Let's nor ralk about Gary.
2 vVould you like an apple?
Тот his present? 5 Go to the end of rhe streec and rurn
з Would you like some coffee? /
4 lt:'s / lc is lace апd you should go to left.
... а cup of coffee?
bed. 6 Don'r forget you r coar.
4 Would you like some cheese? /
5 Оо you rhink \•.Je should buy а nevv 7 Tell me abour your day.
. . . а piece of cheese?
саг? в Have а nice/good evening!
5 \!\/ould you like а sand\vich?
6 Sasha shouldn'r / should not еас so 9 Ler's nor cook tonight. Ler's order
6 \!\/ould you like some cake? /
much chocolare. а pizza.
. . . а piece of cake?
7 1 rhink 1 should go for а walk.
8 1 don't thir1k you should swim in the 35.2 РАЗДЕЛ 37
river. 2 'Nould you like со play tennis
2 не used со play (oorball.
РАЗДЕЛЗ4 3 \Nould you like со come ro а
concert nexr week? 3 She used ro Ье а taxi driver.
34.1 4 They used ro live in rhe councry.
4 Would you like ro borrO\V my
2 have ro do 5 Не used со vvear glasses.
з has ю read 6 This building used ro Ье а hocel.
4 have со speak 35.3
s has со cravel 2 Do you like
З Would you like 2-6
6 have to hit
4 \•юuld you like She used со play volleyball.
34.2 She used ro go out most evenings. /
5 \!\/ould you like
2 have to go She used со go out а lor.
6 1like
З had ro buy She used со play che guitar.
7 vvould you like
4 have со change She used ro read а lor. / She used со
в Would you like
5 had to ansvver like reading.
9 Do you like
10 l'd like She used to go а\л;ау rwo ог three times

11 l'd like а year. / She used ro пavel а lor.

12 do you like

Ключи к упражнениям

37.3 38.6 РАЗДЕЛ 40

3 used ro have 1 There's / Tnere 1s а ТУ in my room.
4 used to Ье 2 д: Аге rhere {any) shops near here?
2 lt's cold.
5 go пavel в: Yes, (here are.
3 lt's v1indy.
6 used ro eat 3 There's / There is no thea пe in our
4 lt's sunny/fine. или lr's а nice day.
7 warches rovm. или There isn't а theaпe ...
8 used ro live 4 л: ls there а cas h poin r near here?
5 lt's SПO'Ning.
6 lt's cloudy.
9 get в: No, there isn't / is not.
10 did you use ro play 5 How many sшdents are there iп 40.2
your class? 2 lr's / lt is
6 There are three rooms in our house. 3 ls it
1 Anna used ro Ье very sl1y.
7 There aren't any eggs in the fridge. 4 is it . it' s / it is
2 Did you use to vюrk in Tula? "

8 А: What's / What is that/this 5 lr's / lt is

3 Му grandmother/grandma used to
bui ld ing ? 6 ls it
love this nlm.
в: lt's / lt is а hospiral. 7 is it
4 1 used ro have а dog. Nov1 l l1 ave а
8 lt's / lt is
РАЗДЕЛ 39 9 lt's / lt is
5 Му daugl1ter used ro play the guitar.
6 Boris didn't use to eat nsh. Не loves 39.1 40.3
it now. 2 There was а carper 2 Hov1 far is it from the hotel ro the
7 vVhere did you use to \-VOrk before 3 There v1ere three pictures beach?
you became а reacher? 4 There v1as а small tаЫе 3 Hov1 far is it from New York to
8 \Л/е didn't use ro have а Ьig house 5 111ere vvere some Aowers \l\'as/1ington?
when we l1ved in London. 6 There \vere some books 4 НО\'./ far is it from your house to the
7 There \•1as ап armc�1air ai rport?
РАЗДЕЛ 38 8 There \•1as а sofa
38.1 39.2 3 lt
3 There's / There is а lюspital. 3 There v1as 4 lt ... lt
4 There isr1'r а swimming pool. 4 Was tl1ere 5 There
5 Т11еrе are rwo cinemas. 5 there \-veren'r 6 it
6 ll1erc isn't а university. 6 There v1asn't 7 lt ... there
7 There a1·en'r any Ьig horels. 7 Were tl1ere 8 lt
8 There wasn't
38.2 40.S
9 ll1ere 1,vas
Rозможные ответы: 2 lt's nice to see you again.
10 there \.veren't
3 There is а un i versity in ... 3 lt's impossiЫe ro vvork here.
4 There are а lot of Ьig sho ps. 39.3 4 lt's easy to make friends.
5 There isп 'r an airporr. 2 There are ) tr's inreresting ro visit d i fferent
6 There aren't many (actories. 3 There v1as places.
4 n1ere's / There IS 6 lt's dangerous to go out alone
5 There's been / There has been или
2 There's / There 1s 40.6

1 There \.vas
3 1s tnere 1 lr's / lt is sunny here in July.
6 there \.vas
4 Т11егс аге 2 How (ar is it from Moscow со
7 there v111! Ье
5 are tl1ere Volgograd?
8 there were ... there агс
6 There is11't 3 lt's / lt is very early nO\'t/.
9 There l1ave been
7 ls rhere 4 ls it tr u e tf1ac you have а nevv job? /
10 rhere will Ье или rhere are
8 Are rhere ... you've got а 11ev1 job?
9 There's / There is ... 39.4 5· lt \Nas very cold and there was а lot
There aren't 1 There v1ere а loc of / many cars in of snow.
the саг par k. 6 lr's / lt is very easy to find this
2 ll1ere \.Von'r Ье а concerr on museum.
Saturday. или There \•1111 Ье no 7 \t's not / lt isn'r far from my house
There are eight planets in the solar
concerr ... ю the юvт cenrre.
3 There will Ье 200 people at rl1e 8 ls ir expensive to buy а flar iп
There аге firteen pl ayers in а rugby
conference. London?
4 There l1ave been tl1ree accidenLs
There are t\�1enty-s1x letters in rhe
si nce J anuary. РАЗДЕЛ 41
English alpl1abet.
5 Но\•1 many people are there in your
There are th1пy days in Se prember. 41.1
There are fifry srates in rhe USA. 2 is
6 Will there Ье music ar your party?
38.5 3 сап
7 The restaurant \l\fas nearly empry.
2 lr's
" l1as
There v1ere only (WO people.
3 Т11ere's 5 1,vill
8 The lюrel \.vasn't very good. Т11еrе
6 was
" There's ... ls ir wasn'r а TV in our room. или
5 ls rl1ere ... there s '
There v1as no TV... 41.2
6 lr's 2 'm not
7 ls rhere 3 weren't
4 haven't
5 isn'r
6 hasn't

Ключи к упражнениям

41.З 42.5 РАЗДЕЛ 44

3 doesn't 6 does 1 Marina works in а hospiral, doesn'(
4 do 7 don't she?
5 did 8 didn'r 2 lr was а great film, wasn't it? или
2 They aren't / l11еу'ге not married.
3 1 haven't had dinner.
The film was great, ...
4 lt isn't cold roday.
3 These cakes аге lovely/excellenc/
Возможные ответы:
great, aren'r rhey? 5 We won't Ье lare.
2 1 like sport, but my sisrer doesn't.
4 'David was ill on holiday: 'Was he?' 6 You shouldn't go.
3 1 don't ear meat, but Jessica does.
5 �nna speaks French, German and 44.2
4 l'm American, but my husband isn't.
ltalian.' 'Does she?' 2 1 doп't like cheese.
5 1 liaven'r been ro Japan, but Jessica
6 'There's / There is а very nice cafe in 3 They didn'r understand.
this srreer: '\s there?' " Не doesn't live here.
41.5 7 lnna will Ье at the party, won't she? 5 Don't go away!
2 wasn't 7 has 8 'Му саг has broken down.' 'Has it?' 6 1 didn'r do the shopping.
3 are 8 do или 'Му саг broke down.' 'Did it?'
4 has 9 hasn't
5 can't 10 will РАЗДЕЛ 43
2 They haven't arrived.

6 did 11 might 3 1 didn't go ю the bank.

43.1 4 Не doesn't speak German.
41.G either
2 5 either 5 We \veren't angry.
2 Yes, 1 have. или No, 1 haven't.
3 too 6 either 6 Не won't Ье pleased.
3 Yes, 1 do. или No, 1 don't. 4 too 7 (00 7 Don't call me tonight.
4 Yes, it is. или No, it isn't.
8 lt didn't rain yesrerday.
5 Yes, 1 am. или No, l'm not. 9 1 couldn't hear tl1em.
2 So am 1.
6 Yes, 1 do. или No, 1 don't.
10 1 don't believe you.
7 Yes, 1 will. или No, 1 won't. 3 So have 1.

8 Yes, 1 have. или No, 1 haven't.

4 So do l. 44.4
9 Yes, 1 did. или No, 1 didn't. 5 So will l. 2 т not / am пос
6 So was 1. 3 can't
10 Yes, 1 was. или No, 1 wasn't.
7 Neither сап 1. 4 doesn't
8 Neither did 1. 5 isn't / 's пос
1 You aren't / are пос busy, but 1 am!
9 Neither have 1. 6 don't ... haveп't
2 Jessica сап drive (а car), bur 1 can't. 10 Neither am 1. 7 Don't
3 'Will you see Lena tomorrowr 11 Neither do 1. 8 didn't
'No, 1 won't.'
9 haven't
4 1 didn't / did not like the concert, 10 won't
but Тim did.
1 So am 1.
11 didn't
2 So сап 1. или 1 can't.
5 Lola goes со the gym, but 1 don't.
12 \.veren't
3 Neither am 1. или 1 am.
6 ·наs Boris ever Ьееп ro Berlin?'
13 hasn't
4 So do 1. или 1 don't.
'Yes, he has.'
14 shouldn't / mustn't
7 1 love cats, but my husband doesn'r. 5 Neither do 1. или 1 do.
6 So did 1. или 1 didn'r. 44.5
8 1 haven't / have not seen this/thar
film, but Alla has.
7 Neither have 1. или 1 have. 3 Не wasn't born in London.
8 Neither do 1. или 1 do. 4 Не doesn't like London.
РАЗДЕЛ 42 9 So am 1. или l'm not. 5 He'd like со live in the country.
10 Neither have 1. или 1 have. 6 Не сап drive.
42.1 11 Neither did 1. или 1 did. 7 Не hasn't got а саг. или Не doesn't
2 Do you? 5 Do l? 12 So do 1. или 1 don't. have а саг.
3 Didn'r you? 6 Did she? 8 Не doesn'r read ne·Nspapers.
4 Doesn'r she?
9 Не isn't interesred in politics.
1 lrina liked the concerr, and 1 liked it
42.2 10 Не �1atches TV most evenings.
too. / ... and so did 1.
3 Have you? 8 Aren't you? 11 Не didn't vvatch TV last night.
2 1 haven't / have not been ю
4 Can't she? 9 Did you? 12 Не \.venr ош last night.
London, and Anna hasn't / has
5 Were you? 10 Does she? not either. или . .. and neither has 44.G
6 Didn't you? 11 Won't you? Anna. 1 Don't worry. 1 \.von't forget (аЬош)
7 ls there? 12 lsn't it? 3 л: l'd / 1 would like ю go ro Spain. your Ьirrhday.
42.3 в: 1 would too. или So would 1. 2 lra couldn't / could nor believe the
2 aren'r rhey 5 don't you " ls your husband а teacher too? пews.
3 wasn't she 6 doesn'r he 5 л: 1 can't/cannot drive (а car). 3 You shouldn'r / should not worry
4 haven't you 7 won't you в: 1 can't eirher. или Neither сап 1. so much.
6 Anron doesn't / does пос have а 4 1 \vouldn'r / would nor like ro Ье а
саг. Lily doesn't / does not eicher. reacher.
2 are you 6 didn't she
или Neirher does Lily. 5 1 musrn't / musr nor Ье lare for the
3 isn't she 7 was ir
7 л: We didn'r / did not like rhe meer1ng.
4 can't you 8 doesn'c she
restaurant. 6 Please don't leave/go \Vithour me.
5 do you 9 will you
в: We didn'r either. или Neither 7 The museums weren't / were
did we. пос open оп Monday. или On
8 л: 1 work in London. Monday ...
в: 1 do roo. или So do 1. 8 1 didn't / did not know what to do.

Ключи к упражнениям

РАЗДЕЛ 45 8 What woke you up? 4 What i s this book about?

9 Who saw the accident? 5 What/Which train are you waiting
f 10 Who did you see? for?
3 \f\/еге you late tl1is morning?
11 Who has got your pen? / Who's got 6 What is his manager like?
4 Has Касс got а key? или Does Kate
your pen? или Who has gor i t? / 7 What: was the weather like in Rome?
have а key?
\Л/ho' s got it? 8 Where is Sasha from?
5 v\lill you Ье l1еге rornorrow?
• 12 \Л/haL does chis word mean? / Whar 9 What music do you usually lisren
6 ls Paul going our this evening?
does it mea11? t:o?
7 Do you like your jоЬ?
8 Does icola live 11ear here? 46.З
9 Did yoLr enjoy rl1e lilm? 2 VVho phoned you?
10 Did yoLr l1ave а good holiday? What did she wanr? 48.1
3 Who did yoLt ask? 3 What colour is it?
Wl1ar did he say? 4 What time did you get up?
2 Do yoLt use it а lot?
4 Who gor maггied? 5 What суре of music do you like?
3 Did you use it yesterday?
\Л/hо told you? 6 What kind of саг do you wanr (ro
4 Do you enjoy driving?
5 Who did yoL1 meet? buy)?
5 Are yoL1 а good driver?
Wl1at did she tell you?
6 На\1е you evcr· l1ad an accident:? 48.2
6 Whowon?
2 Which coat
45.3 'vVhac did you do (a(ter the game)?
3 Which lilm/movie
3 \f\/l1ar аге rhe children doing? 7 Who gave you a/the book?
4 Which bus
4 How is cheese made? Whar did Cacheгine give you?
5 ls your �iяer coming to the party? 48.3
6 vVhy doп't you tell the truth? 3 Which
1 \Л/hас did you do / were you doing
7 Have your guests arrived yer? 4 What
last nigl1t?
8 vVhat t:ime does your rгain leave? 5 \Nhich
2 \Л/hо сап help me?
9 VVhy didn't Emily go ю work? 6 \Л/hat
3 What did Gary give you?
10 VVas уош саг damaged in tl1e 7 Wl1ich
4 Who woгks in that office?
accicle n L? 8 Who
5 Who dicl yoL1 tell about cl1e
9 vVhat
45.4 meeting?
10 Whicl1
3 \l\/hat: ar·e you reading? 6 Wl10 told you about the meet:iпg?
11 What
4 Wl1ar ti rne did she go (to bed)? 7 Wl10 won Lhe matcl1 yesrerda y?
5 When аге t:hey goiпg (on holiday)? 8 \Л/h ere did you buy your саг? 48.4
6 Wher·e ciid you see him? 2 How far
7 Why са п t you come (со t:he рапу)?
РАЗДЕЛ 47 3 HO\h/ old
8 VVheгe l1as she gone? 4 Но'"' often
9 How much (mопеу) do you need? 5 How deep
2 'vVhat аге you looking for?
10 \Nl1y does11'r she like you? 6 How long
3 VVho did you go ro the ci nema
11 HO'N often does it rain? 48.5
wi Lh ?
'12 When did you do it? / ... the 2 How heavy is this Ьох?
4 Whar/Wl10 was the film abour?
shopping? 3 Hovv old are you?
5 \Л/110 did you give rhe mопеу ro?
45.5 6 \Л/hо vvas the book written Ьу? 4 How much did you spend?
1 'vVhat is M ar k doing now? 5 How oft:en do you warcl1 TV?
2 Аге yoLt hLtngry? 6 How far is it from P ar is to Moscow?
2 What are rl1cy looking at?
3 Does Lага kпovv Kevin? 48.6
З Wl1icl1 r·estaшant is he going ro?
4 VVl1e11 d1d yoLt go to bed yesteгday? .1 What make is your car?
4 vVhat аге they ralking about?
5 Did you go to tl1e (fo orball ) match 2 'vVl1ar's / What is / \Л/hich is the
5 VVh at is she listening to?
on Sat:шday? blggest city in Brazil?
6 Wl1ich bus are they wait:ing fог?
6 \Л/l1en \Ntll Torn come (hеге)? 3 Но\1'1 oft:en do you go to the gym?
7 \f\/l1y didn't you tel l me abour tl1e 47.3
4 Which pet do you pгefer - а car or
рану? 2 \Л/l1ich hotel did you sray at?
а dog?
8 vVheгe did you go last night? 3 \Nhich (football) ream does he play
5 What colour is your nevv sofa?
6 Hovv old is your brother?
РАЗДЕЛ 46 4 Which school did you go to?
7 Но\11 long has Maria 'v'юrked for this

46.1 47.4 company?

2 Whar fell o(f the shelf? 2 'vVhat is rhe food like? 8 vVhich ciry is older - Moscow ог
3 \Nh o \.Vancs со see me? 3 'vVhat are tl1e people like? Petersburg?
4 \Л/hо took your L1mbгella? / Wl10 4 What is Lh e weat:her likc?
took ir:? 47.5
5 W ha t m;зde you ill? 2 \Л/hat: was tl1e li l m like? 49.1
6 Wl10 is / Wl10's coming? З Wl1at were the lesso11s likc? 2 Hovv long does it take Ьу car from
46.2 4 \Л/hat was the horel like? Mila11 ro Rome?
3 Who dicl you рhопе? 47.6
З How long does it take Ьу traiп from
4 What haopened last nigl 1t? Pa ris to Geneva?
1 Who are you talking about?
5 Who kno\•VS rhe answer? 2 vVhat/\f\/hich street is your house
4 How long does it t:ake Ьу bus from
6 \Л/110 did the washing-up? in/on? rhe city centre ro che aiгporr?
7 \Л/hai: did Jane do? / 'vVhat did she 3 Who is Тom going LO the рагtу
do? with?

Ключи к упражнениям

49.2 50.3 6 She said (thar) sl1e didn't feel very

ВозмоЛ<ные ответы: 2 are you \Vell.
2 lt rakes ... hours ro fty from ... ю 3 they аге 7 They said (thar) rhey would Ье
Nevv York. 4 the museum is home late. / ... rhey'd Ье ...
3 lt takes ... years ю study to Ье а 5 do you 1,.vant 8 She said (that) she had just come
docюr in ... . 6 elephants ear back from holiday. / ... she'd jusr
4 lr rakes ... ю 'Nalk from my home ro 7 it is соте back ...
the nearest shop. 9 She said (that) she was going to buy
5 lt takes ... to ger from my home ro а guirar.
2 Do you know if/\vhetheг rhey аге
the nearest airport. 10 They said (that) they hadn't got а
key. / They said (that) they didn't
49.3 3 Do yoLt know if/1,.vhether Sue knovvs
have а key.
2 How long did ir take you to walk ro Bill?
rhe station? 4 Do you kno\v if/whetl1eг Gary will 51.2
3 How long did it rake him ю paint Ье here tomoгrow? 2 She said (that) she wasn't hungry.
the barhroom? 5 Do you know if/whether he passed 3 he said (that) he needed it.
4 How long did it rake you to learn ro his exam? 4 she said (rhat) sl1e didn't \чant to go.
ski? 5 She said (that) 1 could have ir.
5 How long did ir rake them ro repair 6 Не said (that) he vvould send me а
2 Оо you know vvheгe Paula is?
the саг? postcard. / ... he'd send ...
3 Do you know if/wherheг she is
7 Nicola sзid (that) he had gопе
49.4 v'/Orking today? / ... she's working
home. / ... he'd gone home.
2 lt rook us 20 minures ro walk home. today?
8 Не said (t:hat) he wanred ro watch
/ .. ю ger home. 4 Do you knovv vvhat time she starts
3 lt rook me six monrhs to learn ю work?
9 She said (rhat) she was going to the
drive. 5 Do you know ifNvherher the shops
4 lt rook Mark/him rhree hours to are open tomorro\.v?
drive to London. / ... to get ro 6 Do you know where Sarah and Jack 51.3
London. live? 3 said 7 said
5 lt шоk Lisa/heг а long time ю find а 7 Do you know if/whetheг tf1ey went 4 told 8 told
job. / ... ю ger а job. to Jane's рапу? 5 rell 9 rell
6 lr rook me . . LO ... 6 say ·10 say

49.5 Возможные ответы: 51.4

1 How long does it rake ю Ау from 2 Do you kno\v what time the bus 1 Lara said (thar) she was learning
Moscow ro London? leaves? German.
2 lt rook Sasha t\VO months to find а 3 Excuse me, can you tell me wheгe 2 Jeremy rold us (that) he couldn't /
ne\v job. the station is? could nor S\чim.
3 lt takes three уеагs ю sшdy at 4 1 don't know vvhat l'm going to do 3 Tom told me (rhat) he'd / he had
uпiversiry. this evening. boughr а new саг. или . .. he
4 lt takes an hour Ьу саг from my fiar 5 Оо you kno\v if rhere's а restaurant boughr а new саг.
ro the/my office. near here? 4 She said (that) she would meer us ar
5 lt will take us three vveeks to 6 Do you know how much it costs to the airport.
decoгate rhe living room. renr а саг? 5 What did Marina tell you? / ... say
6 lt won't take long ю make/cook/ ro you?
рrераге lunch. или lt won't rake а 6 You said ( that) you weren't / were
1 Do you know wl1at/\.vhicl1 screet
long time ... not hungry.
this is?
7 Did ir take you а long time to find 7 lgor cold lnna (rhat) he was going
2 1 don't / do not know who made/
the саг рагk? или Did it take you on holiday sооп.
baked these cakes.
long ю ... 8 She told us (t:hat) it was easy to find
З Can you tell me how much these
8 How long did it take you to \чrite her house.
rrouseгs aгe/cosr?
the/your book?
4 1 don't / do not remember ho\.v old
Molly is.
5 Сап you tell me what time the 52.1
50.1 museum opens? 3 phone
2 1 don't know where she is. 6 Do you know if/whetheг Tom has 4 phone Paul
3 1 don't know how old it is. been to lndia? 5 to phone Paul
4 1 don't know when he'll Ье here. 7 1 know where Kevin and Natasha 6 to pl1one Paul
5 1 don't know vvhy he vvas angry. live. 7 phone Paul
6 1 don'r know how long she has lived 8 We don't / do nor know if/whether 8 to phone Paul
here. Anna \.vants to go on holiday with 9 phone Paul
us. 10 phone Paul
2 wheгe Susan works 52.2
3 whar Peter said 3 get: 8 eat
4 why he went home еагlу 51.1 4 going 9 waiting
S what time the meeting begins 2 She said (that) sl1e was very busy. 5 watch 10 wear
6 how the accident happened 3 She said (rhat) she couldn't go ro 6 Aying 11 doing ...
the party. 7 lisrening staying
4 Не said (thar) he had ro go out.
5 Не said (rhar) he vvas learning

Ключи к упражнениям

52.3 5 1 don'r mind rravelling alone. but 1 РАЗДЕЛ 55

4 togo 13 having prefer to travel 1,.vith somebody.
5 ra1n 14 to have 6 1 \Nouldn't like юlive iп а Ьig city.
6 to leave 15 hear
53.5 1 went со а coffee shop со meet а
7 help 16 go
1 Tom and Anna decided / l1ave friend.
8 sшdying 17 listeniпg
decided юsell their tюuse. 1 \чепt со the chemist to get some
9 rogo 18 юwalk
2 Nina doesn't / does поt mind medicine.
10 1,.vearing 19 ro know ... tell
\vorking on Sarurdays. 1 \чent ro the market to buy some
11 to stay tell 20 borrow
З vVe'd / We \vould love ro live near vegeraЫes.
12 have
rhe sea.
52.4 4 lr sropped raining t\VO hours ago.
1 Shall 1 close the door? 5 1 suggesr going to а cafe. 2 со read the ne\vspaper
2 Brenda used to work in а bank. З to open rhis door
6 1 didп't expect to see Emma at tf1e
4 юge( some fresh air
З When did your паiп arrive? или meeting.
What rimc ". 5 to wake him up
7 Perer rried to find us in the park.
4 1 might/may go ro rhe cinema оп 6 ro see \vho it \vas
8 lt \Vas late but David continued
Sarurday. 1JЛu Оп Saturday ... working / to \vork. 55.3
5 (in а restaurant) 'Nhar would you Возможные ответы:
like to drink? РАЗДЕЛ 54 2 ro ralk to you по\v
6 Where \vould you like ro go З ro rell her about the party
tomorrow? 4 to do some shopping
2 1 vvanr you юlisten carefully.
7 We're / vVe are going ro buy а пеw 5 to buy а motorЬike
3 1 don'r \чant you ro Ье angry.
4 Do you \vant me to wait for you? 55.4
8 (оп the рhопе) 1 can'r talk. l'm
5 1 don'r v1ant you со call me tonighr. 2 ro 7 [О
l1aving dirner.
6 1 'Nant you ro meet Sarah. 3 ro 8 to
4 for 9 for
РАЗДЕЛ 53 54.2
5 ro 10 for
2 А \Voman told me со rurn le� after
53.1 6 for 11 to
rhe bridge.
3 to see
З 1 advised f1im ro go to rhe docror. 55.5
4 ro s1,.v1m
4 She asked me to help her. 2 for the film to begin
5 cleaning
5 1 told him ro come back in ten З for ir to arrive
6 со ask
minutes. 4 Гог you ro (ell me
7 visiting
6 Paul let me use his phone.
8 going 55.6
7 1 rold her not to phone before 8
9 ro Ье 1 Vera is going to Switzerland to walk
o'clock. / ." not ro call (me) before 8
10 waitiпg in rhe mounrains.
11 to do 2 1 went: to the shop to buy(some)
8 Amy's morher taught her to play
12 ro speak bananas.
rl1e piano.
13 to go 3 Tim weпt to Manchester to visit his
14 crying / to cry 54.3 parenrs.
15 ro 1,.�югk . " talking 2 to repeat 4 We don'r / do nor have(any)
3 'Nait mопеу for а holiday this year. или
4 ro arrive We haven't got(any) money for ".
2 to help
5 to ger 5 Аге you waiting ro speak/talk to rhe
3 to see
6 go maпager?
4 reading
7 borro'.v 6 Next year, Kim is going to university
5 to lose
8 ro rell to study Spanish.
6 юsend
9 to make(или to ger) 7 l'm / 1 am waitiпg for rhe rain (О
7 raining
10 rhink stop.
8 ro go
8 1 don't / do not have time to
9 \varching ! ro \varch 54.4
1 1 \чanr you ro come со the party.
watcl1 TV. или l /1aveп't got rime со
10 со wair
2 \f\/e didn'r/did поr expecr ro епjоу/
like the film.
2 goiпg юn1useums UNIT 56
З Boris persuaded his friend to help
3 to go
l1im. 56.1
4 driving / юdrive
4 Would you like / Do you \vanr me 3 to
5 ro go(rhere)
to cook diппег? 4 - (без предлога)
6 travelling Ьу train
5 Lct's go оп holiday to Spain. 5 for
7 walking
6 Who is (eaching you to drive (а б to
53.4 саг)? 7 on ". ro
Возмож11ые ответы: 7 Gary told tl1e children пос to talk/ 8 for
1 1 enjoy cooking. cl1ar in rhe library. 9 оп
2 1 don't like srudying. 8 Му maпager lets me finish work 10 to
3 lf it's а nice day romorro1,.v, l'd like to early оп Fridays. 11 - (без предлога)
have а picnic Ьу rhe lake. 9 This film al\vays makes me cry. 12 on
4 Wheп l'm on holiday, 1 like ro do 13 for
very little. 14 on

Ключи к упражнениям

56.2 57.5 UNIТ 59

2 went fisl1ing 2 gor off
3 goes swimming 3 got out of
4 going skiing 4 got оп 3 Не doesп't have / Не hasn't got
4 Gary had
5 go shopping
57.6 5 Оо you have / Have you got:
6 went jogging
1 Your dinner is getriпg cold. 6 we didn't have
56.3 2 This morniпg Niпa got to work at 7 She doesn't have / She hasn't got
2 to university 11. / ... at 11 o'clock. 8 Did you have
3 shopping 3 Did you ger my email?
4 to sleep 4 Sally and 1 got lost iп rhe city сеnпе.
1 got home very late last night. или
2 She's / She is having а cup of сеа.
5 home 5
6 skiing Lasr night ".
3 He's /Не is having а rest.
4 They're / They are having а good
7 riding 6 Where did you get rhis/that jacket?
8 for а walk 7 W�1ere do 1 need ю / do 1 have to /
5 They're / They are having dinner.
9 on holiday ... t0 Portugal should 1 get off the bus?
6 He's / Не is having а bath.
8 Anron is getting married tomorrow.
1 l'm going ю London on Thursday.
UNIT 58 3 Have а nice/good trip!
или Оп Thursday . "

4 Did you have а nice/g-ood weekeпd?

2 Jess went оп holiday t0 America last 58.1
year. или Lasr year ... 2 do 7 done
5 Did you have а nice/good game (of
3 l'd like / 1 \-vould like to go for а walk 3 make 8 make
n rhe park. made
6 Have а nice/good t:ime! или Have а
4 9 making
4 Oleg goes fishing every \-veekend. 5 did 10 do
nice/good evening! или Have fun!
7 Did you have а nice/good holiday?
или Every weekend ... 6 do 11 doing
5 How often do you go shopping? 59.4
6 Ben and lrina have gone skiing in 2 have something to еас
2 They're / They аге doing (their)
Ausпia. 3 had а glass of water
7 The teachers weпt оп srrike 4 have а v1alk
3 He's / Не is doing the shopping.
yesterday. или Yesterday, ... 5 had an accident
или Не is shopping.
8 We went home after rl1e concert. 6 have а look
4 She's / She is making а jacket.
или After rhe concert, ...
5 They're / They аге doing an exam. 59.5
9 Let's go for coffee / а coffee.
(или". taking ап exam.) 1 Gary has а new motorЬike. или
10 l'm going ro rhe docror's romorro\-v.
6 He's /Не is making rhe/his bed. Gary has got а ...
/ ... t0 rl1e docror romorrow. или
7 She's / She is doing the washing­ 2 1 have а shower every morning. или
Tomorro\-v ."
up. или She is washing up. / She is Every morning . "

doing rhe dishes. / She is washing 3 What did you have for dinner last
the dishes. night / yesterday?
57.1 8 He's / Не is making а (shopping) 4 Му grandfather had а lot of money.
2 ger your boors list. или Му grandfather used t0 have ...
3 ger а dосюг 9 They're / They are making а film. 5 Му brother's / brother is in Spain.
4 ger а raxi 10 He's /Не is taking а picture/photo/ He's /Не is having а good time.
5 gets the job phorograph. 6 Has Nina had her/the ЬаЬу уес?
6 get some milk 7 1 had long hair when 1 was at
7 ger а ricket university.
2 make 8 make
8 gets а good salary 8 l'm unwell / not well. l've got / 1
3 do 9 do
9 get а lot of rain have а cold.
4 done 10 makiпg
1О ger а ne\-v laptop
S made 11 made
57.2 6 doiпg 12 make ". do
2 gerting dark 7 did 60.1
З gecting married 2 him 5 him
4 gerring ready 3 them 6 them
1 Му mother/mum makes very nice/
5 gett:ing late 4 her 7 her
rasty cakes.
57.3 2 How many exams did Anna do last 60.2
2 ger \-vet уеаг? 2 1 ". them 6 she ... them
3 gor married 3 \.Yhat аге you doing on Saшrday? 3 he ." her 7 rhey ... me
4 gets angry 4 The children are asleep/sleeping. 4 they ". us 8 she ". you
5 got lost Don't make а noise! 5 we ". him
6 get old 5 Our саг was made in France.
7 got better 6 1 do (the) housework ас weekends.
2 1 like him.
7 When 1 speak English, 1 make mапу
57.4 3 1 don't like it.
/ а lot of mistakes.
2 got ю Brisrol at 11.45. 4 Оо you like it:?
8 Сап 1 make an appointment t0 see
3 1 left rhe party at 11.15 and got 5 1 don't like her.
the den tiя?
home at midnight. 6 Оо you like them?
4 (Возможный ответ) 1 left home
ас 8.30 and gor ю rhe airporr at 10

Ключи к упражнениям

60.4 61.6 63.3

2 hiт 8 сhет 1 Тhis is my sister, Anna. 2 1 gave her my phone пuтЬег, and
3 chem 9 me 2 Do you like our ne\v саг? she gave те hers.
4 chey 10 her 3 Our рагепсs are in Kiev. 3 Не gave me his phone number, and
5 us 11 сhет 4 Tim loves basketball. lt's / lt is his 1 gave him mine.
6 it 12 he ... it favourite sport. 4 We gave theт our phone number,
7 She 5 ls this your daughter? and they gave us theirs.
6 Where is your blke? 5 She gave hiт her рhопе nuтber.
7 Paris is famous for its museums. and he gave her his.
2 Can you give it to him?
8 Ho\v old is their sоп? 6 You gave us your phone nuтber,
3 Can you give theт to her?
and \ve gave you ours.
4 Can you give ic to те?
UNIT 62 7 They gave you their phone number,
5 Can you give it: to theт?
and you gave them yours.
6 Can you give them ю us? 62.1
60.6 2 mine 6 yours 63.4
3 ours 7 т1nе 2 chem 6 us
1 'Do you know Kevin?' 'Yes, 1 know
him very vve!!:
4 hers 8 his 3 hiт 7 her
5 theirs 4 our 8 t:heir
2 1 don't / do not eat bananas.
1 don't / do not like theт. 5 yours 9 тine
3 lc's / lt is а good book. 1 \vant ю 2 yours 6 Му ... hers 63.5
read it. 3 my . .. Мiпе 7 their 1 1 kno\v your siscer, but 1 caп't:/doп't
4 That man is looking at you. Do you 4 Yours ... mine 8 Ours reтember her паmе.
know him? 5 hег 2 Сап you give that bag to me?
5 Natasha is very unfriendly. 1 don't 3 Му parent:s are going to visit us оп
like her. Saturday.
3 of hers
6 l'т going to a/the party tonight:. 4 He's boring. Не al\vays talks about
4 friends of ours
Do you want to соте with me? his jobNюrk.
5 frieпd of mine
7 'l've got / 1 have got / 1 have а 5 Your son is playiпg \Vit:h ту children
6 friend of his
present: for you.' 'For me?' iп cheiг room.
7 fгiends of yours
8 This is Tanya's bag. Can you give it: 6 Where is James? 1 chiпk chis coat: is
to her? 62.4 his.
2 Whose camera is this? 7 lvan passed all his exams.
UNIТ 61 lt's hers. 8 She's goiпg to London coтorrovv.
3 Whose gloves аге these? Do you wanc to соте/gо wich her?
Тhеу'ге тine.
2 her hands
4 vVhose hat is this? lt's his. UNIТ 64
3 our hands
5 Whose mопеу is this?
4 his hands 64.1
lt's yours.
5 their hands 2 тyself 6 hiтself
6 Whose books аге these?
6 your hands 3 herself 7 yourself
Тhеу'ге ours.
61.2 4 theтselves 8 yourselves
62.5 5 myself
2 They live wit:h their parents.
1 Their саг is Ыасk. Ours is red.
3 We live 1Nit:h our parents. 64.2
2 'Whose bag is this?' 'lt's mine.'
4 Marrina lives 1Nith her parents. 2 When 1 saw him, he was Ьу himself.
3 ls Natasha а friend of yours?
5 1 live with my parent:s. 3 Don't go out Ьу yourself.
4 'ls this Linda's dog?' 'Yes, 1 think it's
6 Johп lives vJit:h his parents. 4 1 went to the cinema Ьу myself.
7 Do you live with your pareпts? 5 Му sister lives Ьу herself.
5 Нег house is blgger than his.
8 Most childreп live \Vith their 6 Мапу people live Ьу themselves.
6 Please give те that book. lt's mine.
7 lt's hег decision, not ours. 64.3
61.3 8 Whose glasses аге these? 2 Тhеу can'c see each other.
2 their 6 their 3 They call each other а lot.
3 his 7 her UNIT 63 4 TheY. don't know each other.
4 his 8 their 5 They're / They are sit:t:ing nexc ю
5 her each other.
2 Yes, 1 kno1vV her, but 1 can't
61.4 6 They gave each other presents /
геmеmЬег h er name.
а preseпt.
2 his 8 her 3 Yes, 1 know them, but 1 can't
3 Their 9 their remember their names. 64.4
4 our 10 my 4 Yes, 1 know you, but 1 can't 3 each oth er
5 her 11 lts remember your name. 4 yourselves
6 my 12 His ... his 5 us
7 your 6 ourselves
2 Не invired us to stay \vith him ar his
61.5 7 each other
8 each other
2 my key 3 Тhеу invited те to stay with them
3 Нег husband 9 them
at their house.
10 rhemselves
4 your coat 4 1 invited them to stay with me at
5 t:heir hoтework my house.
6 his name 5 She iпvited us to sray with her at
7 Our house her house.
6 Did you invite hiт to stay with you
at your house?
Ключи к упражнениям

64.5 66.2 67.4

1 'Can 1 have/take an apple?' 'Help 2 а vegetaЫe 2 are 7 Оо
yourself.' З а game 3 don1t 8 are
2 Emma looked а( heгself in the 4 а roo1 4 warch 9 rhem
m1rroг. 5 а mounrain 5 \ve re 10 some
З Му gгandmotheг lives Ьу l1eгself. 6 а planet 6 live
4 You аге vегу selfish. You only (hiпk 7 а fruit
аЬош yourselft 8 а river
1 Lucy alvvays \\'ears jeans and
5 Оо you know each otheг? 9 а fiower
6 Oleg fell do\vn and hur( himself 10 а musical insrrument:
2 Do you like romaroes?
7 The рагrу was gгeat. \/\/е enjoyed
66.3 З 1 ca n'r find my pyjamas.
2 He's а shop assisrant. 4 1 have / 1 have gor two English
8 How do you feel (oday?
З She's an aгchitect . dictionaries.
4 He1s а raxi driveг. 5 Have t:he children cleaned rheiг
5 He's an elecпician. reeth? или Did rhe children clean
65.1 6 She's а pho tog rapheг . their teeth?
3 Неlеп is Brian's wife. 7 She's а nurse. 6 Wl1y do rl1e police \Vant ro talk ro
4 James is Sarah's brother. 8 l'm a/an ... Tom?
5 James is Daniel's uncle. 7 Anna doesn't like meeting / ro
6 Saгah is Paul's \AJife. meet new people.
7 Helen is Oaniel's grandmother. 8 There are four \NOmen and two men
Тот neveг 1rvears а hat.
8 Sarah is James's sister. in my office.
1 can'r ride а blke.
9 Paul is Sarah's husband.
Му brother is an aгrist.
1О Paul is Daniel's father.
Rebecca works in а bookshop.
11 Daniel is James's nephew. UNIT68
Jane \.vancs to learn а foreign language.
65.2 Mike lives in an old house. 68.1
2 Andy's This evening l'm goi11g to а party. 3 ajug
3 Oave's 4 VJater
4 Jane's 5 tootl1paste
1 Неlеп works in а shop.
5 Rachel's 6 а roothbrush
2 Anton doesn't have / hasn't got а
6 Alice's 7 an egg
8 money
65.3 3 Narasha is а very frieпdly person.
3 ок 4 Му sister wants to Ье а doctor. 9 а wallet
10 sand
4 Simon's phone number 5 Would you like / Оо you want
11 а bucker
5 Му brother's job another cup of rea?
12 an envelope
6 ок 6 Novgorod is а rown/city in Russia.
7 ок 7 1 need to / have ю buy а coat. 68.2
8 Paula's favourite colour 8 Bulgakov \Vas а famous Russian 3 ... а hat:.
9 your mother's blrthday \vriter. 4 ... a J Oь1.
10 Му parents' house 5 ок
11 ок UNIT67 6 .. an apple . . .

12 ок 7 . . а part:y ...

13 Silvia's party 8 . . а wondeгful rhing.

2 boars 8 sand\viches

14 ок 9 .. an island.
3 \Nomen 9 families

.10 ... а key.

65.4 4 cities 10 feet
11 ок
1 Sasha's cat is very clever. 5 umbгellas 11 holidays
12 ... а good idea.
2 Аге you going to Веп's рапу? 6 addгesses 12 potaroes
13 . . а саг?
3 Thar's / That is / lt's / lt is nor my 7 knives

14 . . а cup of coffee?
саг. lt's / lt is my siяer's (саг).

67.2 15 ок
4 '\Л/hose books аге these?' 'They're
2 teet/1 5 fish 16 . . an umbrella.

3 people 6 leaves
5 Hov" old is Tom's daughter? 68.3
4 children
6 You need to / l1ave to / should go 2 а piece of \.vood
to rhc manager's office. 67.3 З а glass of \.Vater
7 Do you kno\ч tl1e name of rl1is 3 ... with а lor of beauriful trees. 4 а bar of chocolate
sпeer? 4 ... with t\VO men. 5 а cup of tea
8 Lima is the capiral of Peru. 5 ок 6 а piece of рарег
6 ... three children. 7 а Ьо\чl of soup
UNITGG 7 Most of my friends are students. 8 а loaf of bread
8 Не put оп his pyjamas ... 9 а jar of honey
9 ок
2 а 6 an 68.4
10 Do you know many people ...
3 а 7 а 1 We have / We've gor some milk
11 1 li ke your trousers. Where did you
4 an 8 an and six eggs in rhe fгidge.
get them?
5 а 9 an 2 'Do you want а cup of rea?'
12 ... full of tourists.
'No. 1 don'r like t:ea.'
13 ок
З Please buy/get а bottle of wateг and
14 These scissors aren't ...
а Ьаr of chocolare.

Ключи к упражнениям

4 1 gor/received some perfume апd UNIT70 71.2

some books for my blrthday. или 2 the same time
For my blrtllday ." 3 the same age
3 а
5 The President arrived iп аblg Ыасk 4 rhe same colour
4 the
саг. 5 rt1e same proЫem
5 an
6 This is my favourite piece of music.
6 rhe ... tl1e 71.3
или That is / That's .. . или lt is / 2 the guitar
7 а". а
lt's ".
8 а." а 3 breakfast
7 'Where is / \.Vhere's my money?'
9 . "а sшdent ".а journalisr " . an 4 relevision/TV
'lr's / lr is оп rl1e tаЫе.'
apartmenr пеаг the college ." The 5 the sea
8 1 had аbowl of soup and some
aparrmenr is . " 6 the Ьопоm
bread for luncll. или For lunch ".
10 ". t\vo children, а Ьоу апd а girl. 71.4
UNIT 69 The Ьоу is seven years old, and the 2 the name
girl is rhree ". in а factory ". doesn't 3 The sky
69.1 have ajob ." 4 TV
2 1 bought аncwspaper (илu·а раре г),
70.2 5 the police
some Ao\Ners (или а buпch of
2 the airport 6 the capit:al
Aowers) and ареп.
3 а cup 7 lunch
3 1 bought some bananas, some eggs
4 а пiсе picrure 8 the middle
and some bread (или а loaf of
5 the dicrionary 71.5
6 the noor 1 Who is rhe oldesr iп your family?
4 1 bought some toothpaste, some
soap (или аbar of soap) and а 70.3 2 Tim and Fiona live in rhe centre of

comb. 2 ". send те а posrcard. London.

3 What is the пате of . 3 Anna, call/phone the police!
. .

. . а very blg counr:ry. 4 Му daughrer spends roo much t:ime

2 Would you like some coffee?

5 What is the largesr ... on the internet.

(или." аcup of coffee?) 5 Sally and 1 went со rhe same school.
6 ... the colour of the carper.
3 Would you like а Ьiscuit?
7 . .а headache. 6 l'd like to live in the country.
4 Would you like some bread?

8 . an old house near the sration. 7 vVhat ае г you doing пехr vveek?
(или . . аpiece of bread? / аslice of

8 We had/ate (some) eggs for


9 the name of the direcror of the


film ". breakfasr.

5 Would you like аchocolate?
6 Would you like some cake? 70.4 UNIT72
(или." а piece of cake?) 1 1 have аqueяion. или 1 have gor .. .

2 Tashkent is rl1e capital of 72.1

Uzbekistan. 2 the cinema
2 some ... some
3 lr's а very interesting city. 3 hospital
3 some
4 We need аraxi to rhe airport. 4 the airporr
4 а." some
5 What's / Which is the oldest city/ 5 home
5 an ". some
to\vn in England? 6 prison
6 а." а." some
6 They live in аnevv Aar/apartment in 72.2
7 some
the cenrre. З school
8 some
7 'Where are rhe children?' 'They're 4 the sration
9 some ".а
in tl1e garden.' 5 home
69.Ч 8 That is / Thar's аvery good book. 6 bed ·

2 eyes 1 know the author. или lr is / lt's ". 7 the post office
3 hair
4 information UNIT 71 72.3
5 chairs 2 the cinema
71.1 3 go ro bed
6 furniture
3 . the second f!оог. 4 go to prison
7 job

4 ." the moon? 5 go ro the dencist

8 1.voпderful 111eather
5 " . the best l1otel in this town? 6 go ro universit:y/college
69.5 6 ок 7 go to hospital / are taken to
1 1 need some advice abour cars. 7 the city centre.
2 Would you like some cake? 8 ... the end of Мау. • В американском английском:
3 'Ne boughr some пеw furniture for 9 ок 'go to the l1ospira1: 'аге raken to
our bedroom. 10 ... the first rime 1 mer her. the hospit:al'.
4 l'm going ю buy some shoes and 11 ок
аdress. 72.4
12 /t's easy ro get information from the
5 Does Nina have аjob? или Has 3 the doctor
4 ок
Nina got аjоЬ? 13 ок
6 Магiпа l1as long Ыасk hair and 5 ок
14 " . оп the top shelf on the righr.
beautiful eyes. ш1и Marina has 6 ок
15 " . in the country about: rеп miles
got ." 7 the bank
from the nearesr rown.
7 Boris needs some information about 8 ок
England. 9 ок
8 Sally is reading а book and listeni пg 1 О the city cenrre
to music. / ". to some music. 11 the station

Ключи к упражнениям

12 окх 73.4 7 Would you like to see rl1e Тоwег

• В американском английском: 1 Ben hates housework. of London? или Do you \Vaпt to
'in the hospiral'. 2 Anna loves films but she doesn'r like see . ..
13 ок books. 8 Nina waпrs to live in the Uпited
14 ок З Му favourite subjecr is Ьiology. States and study at Harvaгd.
15 the thearre 4 We wenr ю а conceгt yesrerday.
Т11е music was great. или Yesrerday UNIT75
we wenr ...
1 'Where are the childreп?' 'They аге 75.1
5 Do you grow flowers in your
1 Тhеу'ге in bed.' 2 that house
2 We're going to rhe cinema 3 t:hese postcaгds
6 We wenr ro Paris. The museums
romorrow ever1ing. или Tomorrow 4 those Ьiгds
were vегу inreresting.
evening ... 5 this seat
7 Ed is interested in politics.
З Му daughrer didn't go ro school 6 These plares
8 1 speak French, but 1 don't know tl1e
yesterday. или Yesterday ...
hisrory of Fгancc. 75.2
4 Goodbye. l'm / 1 am going home
2 ls that your umbгella?
UNJT 74 3 ls this your book?
5 Why do you \vanr to go ю
4 Аге those your books?
Ltniversiry? 74.1
5 ls thar your Ысус\е/Ьikе?
6 Му father is ill. Не has to go to 3 Sweden
6 Аге these your keys?
hospital. или ... needs ro go 4 TheAmazon
7 Аге rhose your keys?
ro hospiral. или .. must go ro S Asia
8 ls rhis your watch?

l1ospiral. 6 The Pacinc

9 Аге rhose your glasses?
7 \Nhicl1 bus goes from the city cenrre 7 The Rhinc
10 Аге rhese your gloves?
со rhe airport? 8 Kenya
8 Boris doesn't go to work оп Fridays. 9 The United States 75.3
или On Fridays ... 10 TheAпdes 2 rhat's 6 this is
11 Bangkok З This is 7 Thar's
UNIT73 12 The Alps 4 That's 8 thar's
13 The Red Sea 5 rhar
14 Jamaica 75.4
Возможные ответы:
15 The Bahamas 1 This book is vегу inreresting.
2 1 don'r like dogs.
3 1 hare museums. 74.2 2 These fioweгs аге beautiful! Thank
4 1 love Ьig cities. 3 ок you!
5 1 don't like rennis. li the Philippines З ls rhat Ьоу iп rl1e геd T-shirr your
6 1 love clюcolare. 5 the soщh of France sоп?
7 1 don'r like compurer games. 6 the Rega\ Cinema 4 Who are rl1ose people by/near rhe
8 1 l1are paпies. 7 ок windovJ?
8 the Museum of Art 5 Hi/Hello, Tom. This is Natasha.
9 ок 6 'You're Ben, areп't you?' 'Yes, rhat's
Возможные ответы:
10 Belgium is smaller rhan the righr.'
2 l'm not inrerested in politics.
Nerheгlands. 7 'Sorry, l'm late.' 'Thar's all right:.' или
3 l'm interesred in sport.
11 the Mississippi . .. the Nile 'That's not а proЫem.'
4 1 don't know much abour ап:.
12 the Natioпal Galleгy 8 (оп the phone) Hello, this is Molly.
5 1 don't know anyrhing about
13 the Рагk Horel in Hudson Road ls rhat Jessica?
14 ок
6 1 kno\.Y а little abour economics. UNIT76
15 The Rocky Mounrains are iп Norrh
73.3 America. 76.1
3 friends 16 ок 2 1 doп't need one
4 paпies 17 the United States 3 l'm going to get one
5 The shops 18 the wея of lгeland 4 1 don't have one / 1 haven't got one
6 the milk 19 ок 5 l've just had one
7 milk 20 The Рапаmа Canal joins the Atlanric 6 there's опе in Mill Road
8 basketball Ocean and the Pacific Осеап.
9 buildings 76.2
74.3 2 а new one
1 О The vvater
1 Rot:terdam is а big роrт iп the 3 а better one
11 cold \vater
Nerheгlands. 4 an old one
12 the salt
2 l'd like / 1 want ro go ro rhe Bolstюi 5 а Ыg one
13 the people
Thearre. 6 а different one
14 VegetaЫes
3 ls the Volga the longesr riveг in
15 The houses 76.3
16 the \.YOrds 2 Whicl1 ones?
4 Sochi is а рорu\аг resorr оп rl1e
17 p1ctures The green ones.
Black Sea.
18 the pictures з wt1ich one?
5 Магk is from Richmoпd. lr's а tovvn
19 English ... internarional business The опе wirh a/the геd door.
in tl1e пorrh of England.
20 Money .. . happiness 4 Which опеs?
6 Gordon \vorks in/at rhe Grand
The опеs оп rhe top shelf.
Horel in London.
5 Which one?
The Ыасk one.

Ключи к упражнениям

6 Which one? 77.5 5 Sorry, 1 have no free time юdау. или

The one on rhe wall. 1 There's some coffee in Lhe . .. l've gor no free time roday. или
7 Which one? cupboard. " . 1 doп't l1ave any " . или " . 1
The rall one 'Yvirh long hair. 2 We don'r have / haveп't got any l1aven't got any .. .
8 Which опеs? eggs. 6 We had no luggage. или We didn't
The yellow ones. 3 Can 1 have some cake? have any luggage.
9 Which one? 4 Listen! Somebody's / Somebody 7 The students asked no questions.
The one wirh a/rhe moustache and is singing your favourite song. или или .. . didn't ask any questions.
glasses. Somcone's / Someone is ... 8 We spent по mопеу yesterday.
10 Which ones? 5 1 want / l'd like to rell you или . .. didn't spend any money
The ones 1 took ar the party last something. yesterday.
v1eek. 6 Do you know anybody/anyone
\vho lives in Mancl1eяer? или UNIТ 79
. anybody/anyone living in
1 Our fridge is very old. Ler's buy/ger 79.1

а пеw опе. 2 There's nobody in tl1e office.
7 We're nor doing anyrhing tomorrow
2 '1 like rhose ftowers: 'Which опеs?' 3 1 have nothing ro do. / l've got
evening. или Tomorrow evening ".
3 1 don't v1anr this Ыuе dress. l'm nothing ro do.
8 1 saw some beaurif ul paiпtings/
going ro buy/ger the red one. или 4 There's nothing on TV.
pictures in/at rhat museum .
. " 1'11 buy/ger rhe red опе. 5 There \vas no-one at home.
9 l've made some tea. Would you like
4 Karen has just madc/baked rhese 6 We found norhing.
some? или ... Do you want some?
pies. Would you like one?
5 His firя book \AJas good, but his new
UNIT78 2 There wasn'r anybody on the bus.
one is even bcrrer.
3 1 don't have anything ю read /
6 The chocolare was delicious. 78.1
1 haven'r got anyrl1ing ro read.
Can 1 have another one? 2 There are no shops near l1ere.
4 1 don'r l1ave anyone to l1elp me. /
7 1 like your shoes. Аге rhey the опеs 3 Carla has no free time. / Carla has
1 haven't gor anyone to help me.
you boughr iп London? got no free time.
5 Sl1e didn'r hear anythiпg.
8 'ls there а bus scop near here?' 4 There is по lighr in this room.
б We don't have anything for dinner. /
'Yes, tl1ere's one opposirc rf1e park.' 6 There isn't апу milk in the fridge.
We l1aven't got anyrhing for dinner.
7 There aren't any buses today.
UNIT 77 8 Тom docsn't have any brothers or 79.З
siяers. / Тom hasn't got any brorhers За Nothing.
or sisters. 4а Nobody./No-one.
2 some 8 some
Sa Nobody./No-one.
3 any 9 some 78.2
ба Norhing.
4 апу 10 any ... any 2 апу 8 no
7а Nothiпg.
5 any 11 some ... any 3 any 9 any
8а Nobody./No-one.
6 some 12 some Li по 10 no
ЗЬ 1 don't want aпyrhing.
7 any 5 any 11 None
4Ь 1 didn't meet anybody/anyone.
6 no 12 any
77.2 Sb Nobody/No-one knows the
7 any
2 some quesrioпs answer.
3 any pictures 78.З бЬ 1 didn'r buy anyrhing.
4 апу foreigп languages 2 no money 7Ь Not�1iпg happened.
5 some frieпds 3 апу quesrions 8Ь Nobody/No-one was lare.
6 some milk 4 по frieпds
7 any batterics 5 no difference
3 anyrl1ing
8 some fresh air 6 any furniture
4 Nobody/No-one
9 some cheese 7 по idca
5 Nothing
10 any l1elp 8 any heating
6 anyrhing
9 no queue
77.3 7 anybody/anyone
3 1 have some / l've got some 78.4 8 пorl1ing
4 1 don'r have any / 1 haven't goc апу / Возможные ответы: 9 anyrhing
1 haveп't any 2 Three. 10 aпything
5 1 didn't buy any 3 T\vo cups. 11 nobody/no-oпe
6 1 boughr some 4 Nопе. 12 anything
7 1 didn'r drink апу 5 None. 13 Nothing
14 Nobody/No-oпe ."
77.4 78.5
2 something 1 Megan has / l1as got no cl1ildreп.
3 aпyrhing или Megan doesn't have / hasn't 79.5
4 anyrl1ing got any children. 1 There's nobody/no-one at home.
5 Somebody/Someone 2 'Wl10 met you at rhe airporr?' ипи n1ere isn't anybody/anyor1e at
6 aпyrhing 'No-one. / Nobody.' home.
7 anybody/anyone 3 'How much sugar is in my rea?' 2 We can't do anytl1ing now.
8 somerhing 'None.' 3 1 said 11othing about Gary. или
9 anything 4 There's no orange juice in the fridge. 1 didn't say anything ".
10 anybody/anyonc / TT1ere isn'r апу orange juice in rhe 4 Nobody knows who lives in thar
fridge. house. или Nо-опе knows ...
5 There's no.thing in the f ridge. или
There isn't anything ...

Ключи к упражнениям

6 1 kno\v nothing about computers. 81.2 82.2

или 1 don 't know anyrl1ing ... 2 every day 2 All of rl1em.
7 'Did you see anybody/anyone in the 3 all day 3 Some of them.
park?' 'No, nobody/no-one.' 4 every day 4 None of them.
8 Nobody told me about the party. s all day 5 Моя of rhem.
или No-one told me ." 6 all day 6 None of ir.
7 every day
81.З 3 Some people ...
80.1 2 every 4 Some of the questions ...
2 something 3 all или Some questions ...
3 somewhere 4 all 5 ок
li somebody/someone 5 Every 6 All iпseпs ...
6 all 7 ОК (или ... all of these books)
7 every 8 Most of the students . . .
2а Nowhere.
8 all или Most students ...
За Nothing.
9 every 9 ок
4а Nobody./No-one.
10 . .. most of the night
2Ь l'm not going any\•1here. 81.4
ЗЬ 1 don't \•1anr anything. 2 everyrhing 82.4
4Ь l'm not looking for anybody/anyone. 3 Everybody/Everyone 1 Моя people don'r like spiders.
4 everyrhing 2 1 understood mosr of the quesrions
5 every\.vhere in the exam.
3 anything
6 Everybody /Everyone 3 Some people don't ear mear.
4 anything
7 every\.vhere 4 We mer some of Anna's friends
S somebody/someone
8 Everyrhing уеяегdау. или Yesrerday ...
6 something
5 None of us speaks ltalian. / ". сап
7 anybody/anyone ". nobody/no-one 81.5
speak ltaliaп.
8 anyrhiпg 2 15
6 1 haveп't watched/seen any of rhese
9 Nobody/No-oпe 3 has
10 anybody/anyone 4 likes
7 'Do you know rhese people?'
11 Nothing 5 has
'Mosr of rhem.'
12 anywl1ere 6 was
8 'Who \vent ш the party?' 'All of us.'
13 somevvhere 7 makes
8 ls ... Does
или 'We all did.'
14 anytl1ing
1S anybody /anyone 81.6 UNIT 83
80.4 1 Robert апd Polly go to Porrugal
2 anythiпg to eat every summer.
3 Both
3 norhing со do 2 1 like everyon e/everybody in my
4 Neither
4 anywl1ere to sit office.
5 Neirher
S something to drink 3 lt vvas sunny all weekend.
6 both
6 nowhere to рагk 4 1 looked / l've looked for my
7 Eirher
7 somethiпg to read passport every\vhere. или 1 looked
8 neither of
8 somevvhere со stay / l've looked everyv1here ...
9 Neither
5 Alan always kn ovvs everyrhing.
80.5 10 eirher of
6 1 have а cup of coffee every
Аге you doiпg anythiпg оп 11 Borh
morning. или Every morning ...
Saшrday? i2 neirher of
7 lt vvas raining, so \Ve \�1ere/stayed ar
2 Do you kпo\v anyone/aпybody \�1ho 13 Borl1
home all day.
speaks Spanish? 14 eirher of
8 All the shops in the village were
3 There's nowhere ro ear пеаr here. /
closed. 83.2
". around here.
2 Both vvindows аге open.
4 Did you go anywhere last summer? UNIT 82
3 Neither man is wearing а hat. или
5 1 didn't see anything unusual. или
Neither of them is weariпg ".
1 saw notl1ing unusual. 82.1
4 Both men have (gor) beards. или
6 Would you like something to drink? 3
Borh of rhem have ...
7 lgor lives somewhere near 4 Most of
5 Borh buses go ro rhe airporc. или
Novgorod. s Most
... are going to the airport.
8 Did you do anythiпg intereяing in б any of
6 Neither ans\-ver is correct.
England? 7 all или all of
8 None of 83.3
UNIT 81 9 any of 3 Borh of rhem are students.
10 Most 4 Neither of rhem has а саг. / ... has
11 most of gor а саг.
2 Every day
12 Some S Borh of rhem live in London.
3 every time
13 All или All of 6 Borh of them like cooking.
4 Every room
14 some of 7 Neirher of them can play rl1e piano.
5 every vvord
15 most of 8 Borh of rhem ear seafood.
9 Neither of them is inrerested in

Ключи к упражнениям

83.4 7 Sandra loves Spain. She goes there а 86.3

1 1 have / 1 have got t:\NO children. lot. 2 lt looks new.
Boch (of them) go ro school. 8 Sоггу, 1 don't have much / а lor of 3 1 feel ill.
2 1 have t\.VO sisters. Neit�1er of them time coday. или Sorry, 1 haven'c 4 You look surprised.
lives in Russia. got ". 5 They smell nice.
3 А: Do you prefer London or New 6 !с tastes horriЬle.
York? UNIT85
в: l like both cities.
85.1 2 lr doesn'r look ne\v.
4 д: Would you like juice or water?
2 а few 5 а little 3 You don'r sound American.
в: Either. 1 don't mind.
3 а little 6 а few 4 1 don't feel cold.
5 А: Do you know James and Sasha?
4 а few 5 They don'r look heavy.
в: Yes, boch (of them) are very nice.
6 МауЬе, but ir doesn't taste good.
6 А: W� еге аге Anna and Tina? 85.2

в: 1 don't: kno�1. 1 haven't seen 2 а little milk 86.5

eit:her of them. 3 А few days 1 1 111atched а very inceresting film

7 Neithcr of my parencs speaks 4 а lirtle Russian yesterday. или Yesterday ...
English. 5 а fevv friends 2 Please Ье quiet:. Tom is asleep/
8 Both of them speak German. или 6 а fe\11 times sleeping.
They boch ". 7 а fev1 cl1airs 3 There are а lot of / many beaшiful
8 а little fresh air ftowers in your garden!
UNIT84 4 Do you like lndiaп food?
5 Dinner smells great/vюnderful/
84.1 2 very liпle coffee
2 many 8 many 3 very liпle rain
б Don'c go chere. lt's dangerous.
3 much 9 Ho\.v many 4 very few hotels
7 Му job isn't / is not very difficult.
4 many 10 Ho\v much 5 very little rime
8 l'm glad (t:hat) Sally and Tom аге
5 many 11 Ho\.v much 6 Very fevv people
happy rogether.
6 much 12 How many 7 very litt: :le \11ork
7 mucl1 85.4 UNIT 87

84.2 2 А few 5 fe111

2 much time 3 а litcle 6 а litt:le
2 badly 5 fast
3 many countries 4 litrle 7 litcle
3 quietly 6 dangerously
4 many people 85.5 4 angrily
5 mLteh luggage 2 ". а liпle luck
6 many times 87.2
3 ."а few things
2 work hard
84.3 4 ок
3 sleep vvell
2 а lot of interesting things 5 ."а fe\.V questions
4 win easily
3 а lot of accidencs 6 ... few people
5 Think carefully
4 а lot of fun 7 ок
6 kno\v her very well
5 а lot of rraffic 85.6 7 explain things very clearly/\.vell
84.4 1 Marina lived in London for а few 8 Соте quickly
3 а loc of snovv years. или For а few years ."
4 ок 2 'Would you like / Do you want
2 angry
5 а lot of money some coffee?' 'А little, please:
3 slovvly .
6 ок 3 There are very fevv cars on the road
4 slow
7 ок at niglк
5 careful
8 а lot 4 1 need а litrle cime со finish this
6 hard
84.S 7 suddenly
5 1 kno\.v very fe\.v people i11 this
3 She plays rennis а lot. 8 quiet
4 Не doesn't use his саг much. (или 9 badly
6 1 have а few ideas. Do you want to
".а lot.) 10 nice (См. Раздел 86С.)
hear them? или /'ve gor ."
5 Не doesn't go out much. (или". а 11 quickly
7 ВоЬ knows very little about polit:ics.
8 1 eat very liпle fish. lt:'s very 87.4
6 She travels а lor.
expensive. 2 well 5 \vell
84 .6 3 good 6 good ... good
1 We have а lot of / many DVDs. UNIT86 4 well
или We've gor ...
86.1 87.5
2 'vVere there а lot of / many people
2 1 like chat green jacket. 1 1 need со / have со ger up early
at the conference?
3 Do you like classical music? tomorrow. или Tomorrov1 ".
3 lrina reads а lot. Sl1e has а lot of /
4 1 had а wonderful holiday. 2 lt's raining. Please drive slowly and
many books. или She's got ...
5 We \ЛJent: ю а Japanese restauranr. carefully.
4 Но\ЛJ mucl1 food do we need for the
3 The place is hot. Ве careful.
рапу? 86.2
4 James speaks English very fast/
5 How many sшdents are t:here in 2 Ыасk clouds 5 fresh air
your class? 3 long holiday 6 sharp knire
5 Му daugl1cer goes ю bed very late.
6 А: Do you eat а lot of chocolare? / 4 l1or wacer 7 dangerous job
6 Anna sings very well.
". much chocolate?
7 Why did you srop suddenly?
в: No, noc а loc. / ". not much.
8 Do you kno\.v Marina well?

Ключи к упражнениям

UNIT88 9 Ben is а better dancer than Kate. / UNIT90

Ben dances better than Kate.
88.1 90.1
10 Kate is more intelligent than Ben.
2 Ьigger 2 А is longer than В, but not as long as
11 Kate speaks French better than Ben.
3 slower с.
/ Kate speaks better French than
4 more expensive 3 С is heavier than А, but not as heavy
Ben. / Kate's French is Ьепеr than
5 higher as В .
6 more dangerous 4 А is older rhan С, but nor as old as
12 Ben goes to the cinema more than
88.2 Kate. / ... more often than Kate.
5 В has got more money than С, but
2 яronger
89.2 not as much as А или ... but less
3 happier
2 You're older than her. / (money) than А
4 more modern
... than she is. 6 С works harder rhan А, but not as
5 more imporrant
3 You 1,,vork harder rhan me. / hard as В.
6 better
... than 1 do.
7 larger 90.2
4 You warch TV more rhan him. /
8 пюrе serюus 2 Your room isn't as Ьig as mine. /
... than he does.
9 prertier ... as my room.
5 You're а Ьепеr cook rhan me. /
10 more crowded 3 1 didn't get up as early as you. /
... than 1 am. или You cook Ьепеr
... as you did.
88.3 rhan me. / ... than 1 do.
4 They didn'r play as well as us. /
2 l1orrer /warmer 6 You kno\v more people than us. /
... as we did .
з more expensive ... than vve do.
5 You haven't been here as long as me. /
4 worse 7 You have ·more money rhan rhem. /
... as 1 have.
s further ... than they have.
6 Не isn't as nervous as her. /
6 more difficult или harder 8 You сап run faster than me. /
... as she is.
... rhan 1 can.
9 You've been here longer than her. / 90.3
3 taller
... than she has. 2 as 6 than
4 harder
10 You got up earlier rl1an them. / 3 than 7 as
5 more comfortaЬle
... rhan they did. 4 than 8 than
6 berrer
11 You were more surprised than him. / 5 as
7 n1cer
... than he \vas.
8 heavier 90.4
9 more inreresred 89.3 2 Julia lives in the same street as Laura.
10 \Atarmer 2 Jack's morher is much younger than 3 Julia got up at the same time as
11 better his father. Andy.
12 Ьigger 3 Му camera cost а Ьit more rhan 4 Andy's саг is the same colour as
13 more beauriful yours. / ... than your camera. Laura's.
14 sharper или Му camera was а Ьit more
15 more polite expensive than ...
1 Anton is tall, but he isn't / he's not /
16 worse 4 1 feel much Ьепеr roday rhan
he is not as rall as his brorher.
yesterday. / ... rhan 1 did yesterday.
88.5 2 1 got up at rhe same time as you
/ ... than 1 felr yesterday.
1 1 don't like football. Basketball is (did).
5 lt's а Ьit warmer юdау than
more interesring. 3 Did you go to the same school as
yesterday. / ... than it \Atas yesterday.
2 Wl10 is older - you or your brorl1er? me? / ... as 1 did?
6 Sarah is а much better rennis player
3 The book is bad, but the film is even 4 Dinner wasn't / was not as
rhan me / ... than 1 am. или Sarah
worse. expensive as 1 expecred.
is much Ьепеr at rennis rhan me /
4 Our Aat/aparrmenr is small. We 5 The tree in our garden is taller than
... than 1 am. или Sarah plays rennis
need а Ьigger one. или ... а Ьigger our house.
much berrer rhan me / . than 1 do.
Aat/apartment. 6 1 don't eat as many sweers as you

5 Му father is rall, but l'm raller. 89.4 (do).

6 Moscow isn'r / is nor very beauriful. 1 The Ыасk shoes are more expensive 7 Linda doesn't have as many cars as
Petersburg is more beauriful. rhan the brovvn shoes/ones. her aunr does. или Linda hasn't got
7 vVhich is cheaper - mear or fish? 2 Му parents have а Ьigger house as many cars as her aunr has.
8 Pizza isn'r very l1ealthy. Salad is rhan us. / ... rhan we do. 8 His new films aren't / are not as
healtl1ier. 3 Today is mucl1 warmer rhan good as his old films/ones.
yesrerday. или lr is / lr's much
UNIT89 \Atarmer today than it 1,,vas yesrerday. UNIT91
4 Тim is а blt older rhan his sister.
89.1 91.1
5 Тhis book is very long. lr's more
3 Kate is taller than Ben. 2 С is longer than А
rhan 600 pages.
4 Kate srarrs work earlier rhan Ben. D is the longest.
6 Dogs аге more intelligenr than cats.
5 Ben works harder than Kate. В is rhe shorresr.
7 Тhе cinema is less crowded rhan
6 Ben has more money than Kate. / 3 D is younger than С.
Ben has got more money ... В is rhe youngest.
8 l like Cambridge much more than
7 Kare is а berter driver rl1an Ben. С is the oldest.
8 Ben is more parient than Kate. 4 D is more expensive rhan А
С is the most expensive.
А is rhe cheapest..
5 А is better than С.
А is the besr.
D is the worst.
Ключи к упражнениям

91.2 4 We vvanc со buy а house. Our flat/ 94.2

2 che l1appiesr day араптеnt isn't Ьig enough. / " . is 2 1 got а nevv pl1one lasc vveek.
3 the besc fi1m not Ьig enough. 3 Paul finished his work quickly.
4 che most popular singer 5 Sasha is learпing Gerтan. but she 4 Eтily doesn't speak French very 'Nell.
5 the vvorst тistake doesn't praccise enough. 5 1 did а lot of sl1opping yescerday.
6 tl1e prerciest village 6 ls chis restauranc good enough for 6 Do you knov'/ London v1el1?
7 the coldest day your рап:у? 7 We enjoyed the party very тuch.
8 che тost boring person 7 1 can't finish tl1e report roday. 1 8 1 explained the рrоЫет carefully.
don't have enough tiтe. 9 We теt sоте friends ас che airport.
8 \Л/е have enough coffee, Ьш пос 10 Did you buy tl1ac jacket in England?
2 Evereя is cl1e highesr тountain in
enough cups. или 'vVe've got ". 11 We do the sате ching every day.
the world.
12 1 don'c like football very much.
Brazil is che largesr country in South 94.3
Aтerica. 93.1 2 1 arrived at the hotel early.
Alaska is tl1e largest: st:at:e in the USA. 2 соо heavy 5 юо Ьig 3 Julia goes ro lt:aly every year.
The Nile is tl1e longesr river in Africa. i 3 too lo\v 6 соо CГO\vded 4 We have lived here since 1998.
. " in che vvorld. 4 roo fast 5 Sue vvas born in London in 1990.
Jupiter is che largest planet in the solar 6 Paul didn't go ю \.vork yesrerday.
systeт. 7 Helen \'vent: to а wedding last
3 enough 8 enough
91.4 4 too тапу 9 соо
8 1 had my breakfast in bed this
1 Football is rhe тоя popular sport s roo 10 юо тапу
in che vюrld. 6 enough 11 too тuch
9 Ату is going to university in
2 lt's / lt is the \vorst book (thar) l've / 7 юотuсh
1 have ever read.
93.3 10 1 sa\v а beautiful Ьird in the garden
3 Let's go ю the nearest superтarket.
3 lt's соо far. this тorning.
4 Gary ordered rhe most expensive
4 lt's соо expensive. 11 Му parenrs have been to rhe Unired
dish in the restauranr.
5 lt isn't / lt's not: blg enough. Srates тапу times.
5 Wl1ich counrry is the hoпest:
6 lt: \•1as юо difficulr. 12 1 lefr ту uтbrella in the resrauranc
France, Spain or ltaly?
7 lr isn't good enough. last night.
6 1 think (that) it's / it: is che besr
8 l'т too busy. 13 Are you going to the cineтa
lcalian resraurant in London.
9 lt was соо long. toтorro\.v evening?
7 Lucy is the most interesting person
93.4 14 1 took the children со school this
(thac) 1 knovv.
2 соо early ю go to bed тorn1ng.
8 Quest:ion 2 \л1аs rhe easieя (one) in
che ехат. 3 too young ю get тarried 94.4
4 юо dangerous ю go our at nighc 1 1 like this book very тuch. или
UNIT92 5 юо lare со phone Sue (no\.v) 1 really like this book.
6 too surprised to say anything 2 RоЬеп goes со rhe gут every day.
93.S 3 1 had luncl1 in а resraurant today.
2 enough chairs
1 These jeans are too sтall for те. 4 Sally vvorked in the bank for ren
3 enough paint
2 1 didn'r like the lilт. lt was юо long. years.
4 enough vv1ind
3 1 drank/had too much coffee 5 Сап you cake rhe children to the
92.2 cineтa toтorro\AI?
yesrerday. или Yesrerday ...
2 The саг isn't Ьig enough. 6 nie train arrived in Cambridge at:
4 Alina is al'vvays cired. Sl1e vvorks юо
3 His legs aren't long enough. seven o'clock.
4 Не isn'r strong enough. 7 1 don't kno\.v Marina very vvell.
5 We wanced ю buy rhat: coтpurer,
92.З Ьш it \vas юо expensive. 8 Frank \vas born in New York in 1994.
3 old enough 6 There аге соо таnу couriscs here in
4 enough t:iтe suттer. или ln sumтer ".
5 Ьig enougl1 7 lt \•1as юо hot to go to t:he beacl1 95.1
6 eat enough yesterday. или Yesterday ... 2 Не always get:s up early.
7 enough space 8 'ls there too тuch тilk in your tea?' 3 He's / Не is never lare for work.
8 rired enougl1 'No, (there's) not enough!' 4 Не sometiтes gers angry.
9 pracrise enough 5 Не rarely goes svvimming.
92.4 6 He's / Не is usually ас hоте in rhe
2 sharp enough t:o cur 94.1 even1ngs.
3 \чаrт enough со go 3 1 like this picrure very тuch. 95.2
4 enough bread to make 4 Тот sraпed his ne'vv job last vveek. 2 Susan is always polit:e.
5 well enough со \•1in 5 ок 3 1 usually linish vvork ас 5 o'clock.
6 enough rimc ю read 6 Jessica boughr а present for her 4 Sarah has just started а new job.
92.S friend. или Jane bought: her friend 5 1 rarely go to bed before midnighr.
а present. 6 The bus isn't: usually late.
1 Boris has / has gor enough тоnеу
for а cicket.
7 1 drink three cups of coffee every 7 1 don'r often ear lish.
2 Kevin is not: old enough ю drive а day. 8 1 v1ill never forget what you said.
саг. 8 ок 9 Have you ever lost: your passpoп?
9 1 borrowed lifty pounds froт ту 10 Do you still vюrk in che sате place?
3 Му old coat \vasn't / '-'tas not \.varт
brother. 11 ll1ey alvvays stay in the sате hotel.
enough for \vinter.

Ключи к упражнениям

12 Jane doesn't usually work оп 96.4 7 Pass me that cup, please.

Sarurdays. 3 She's / She has already gone/lefr. 8 д: l've losr my waller.
13 ls Tina already herc? 4 l'vc already gor опе. / 1 already have в: 1 can give you some топеу.
1'i Whar do you usually l1ave for one.
breakfasr? 5 l 've / 1 have already paid (it). UNIT98
15 1 can never remember his пате. 6 l1e already kno\vs.
95.3 96.5 3 1 \vent to the \viпdovv1 and (1) looked
2 Yes, and 1 also speak French. 1 ls the superтarket still ореп? \f\/e Out.
3 Yes. and l'm also hungry. need some milk. 4 1 \vanted ro рhопе you, buc 1 didn ' t
4 Yes, and l'v e also been ю lreland. 2 Hav e you read her ne\V book yet? have your пumber.
5 Yes, and 1 also bougl1r sоте books. 3 Соте in! lgor and Vera are already 5 1 juтped iпto rhe river and (1) S\vam
here. to rhe otl1er side.
4 Wl1y is Alina srill ar \vork? 6 1 шually drive ш \vork, but 1 wenr Ьу
1 Tl1ey both play football.
5 А: vVhere are you going i11 suтmer? bus tl1is тorning.
n1cy're / They are both sшdents.
в: \f\/e hav e n t / h av e поt decided 7 Do you \vaпr me to come \lvirh you.
They've both got сагs. / They borh

yet. or shall 1 vvai t here?

have cars.
6 Оо you srill \'ЮГk / Аге you srill
2 Тhеу'ге / They are all тarried. 98.2
\Vor kiпg ar rl1e hospital?
They v1ere all born in England. Возможные ответы:
7 'Shall 1 \l\/ash the саг?' 'l've / 1 have
They all live in Ne\v York. 2 bccause it V>'as rainiпg. / because rhe
already dопе ir.'
weather \IVas bad.
95.5 8 'Has Nina fouпd а new jоЬ?' 'Nor
1 1 1·arely/seldom go со the theatre. 3 but ir was closed.
4 so he didп't ear aпyLhing. / so he
2 Ве11 is of сеп lare for \�ork.
UNIT97 didп't 'vvaпc anyrhing to ear.
3 Have you ever пavellcd/been
a br oad? 5 because there \•1as а lot of rraffic. /
97.1 becausc rhe traffic \vas bad.
4 1 ''"ill never forget our hol1day in
2 Не gave ir ю Gary. 6 Sue said goodbye, got inro her саг
B erl iп

3 Не gave rl1em to Sarah. and drove off/a\vay.

5 \1Ve don'r usually get up early.
4 Не gave it to his sisrer.
6 Jcss isn'r here. She's jusr gопе ro che 98.3
5 Не gave them ro Robert.
�uperтarket. Возмож11ые ответы:
6 Нс gave it ro а neighbour.
7 1 sometiтes cycle ro work. или 3 1 \Neпt to the cinema, but the film
Sometiтes 1 cycle ro \vork. 97.2 \vasn't very good.
8 1 l1ave t\'/O si яers. They borh live in 2 1 gave Jоаппа а planL. 4 1 \vent to а cafe and met some
RL1ssia. или l've gor ... 3 1 gav e Richard а tie. frieпds of mine.
4 1 gave Emma some chocolates / 5 Т11еге was а filт on tel ev 1s ion, so 1
UNIТ 96 а Ьох of chocolares. warcl1ed it.
5 1 gave Rachel sоте Aowers / 6 1 got up iп the тiddle of the пight
а bunch of f\o\vers. because 1 couldn't sleep.
2 Оо you scill live in Clare Srre et?
6 1 gave Kevin а \vallet.
3 Are you still а student? 98.4
4 Hav e you srill goL а тororblke? / 97.3 1 Yesterday \Ve \vent to the park and
Оо you still have а тororblke? 2 Can you lend те ап umbrella? (we) had а picnic there.
5 Оо you srill go ro rhe cineтa а lor? 3 Сап you give me your address? 2 1 \�anted ю see/\vatch this/that film,
6 Оо you srill \vant ro Ье а teacher? 4 Сап you leпd те t\.veпry pounds? but 1 didn't have riтe. / ... buL 1 had
5 Сап you send me тоге no rime.
inforтation? 3 Do you \vant ю play reппis toпight,
2 Не was looking for а job.
6 Can you show те rhe letter? or аге you busy?
He's /Не is still looking (for а job).
97.4 4 Lar a \'Vas ill, апd so sl1e тissed rhe
Не hasn't found а job yet.
2 lend you sоте money concerr.
3 She \Nas asleep.
Sl1e's / She is sпll asleep. 3 send the Ьi\1 to me 5 l'm / 1 am going ю bcd/sleep
4 buy you а preseпt because l'm / 1 am very tired.
She hasn't \voken up yet. / She isп't
6 James looks unhappy, bur 1 don'r
a\vake yet. или She hasп't got up 5 pass mе the sugar
kno\v vo1hy.
yer. / Sl1e isn't up yet. 6 give it to her
4 n1ey \h/ere l1aviпg diппer. / They 7 sl1owed tl1e роliсетап 111у idenrity 7 lr '"'as cold and \"let, so \1\/е srayed at
card home.
were eating.
8 1 asked Sasl1a ю rranslate rhe letter
They're / Thcy are still haviпg 97.5 because she speaks Gerтan.
diпner. / ... still earing. 1 Please sho\v me your passport.
They haveп'r fiпished {dinпer) yet. /
2 Gary gave Аппа sоте fto,vers. или UNIT99
They haven'r fiпished ea(ing yet. Gary gave some fto\lvers to Аnпа.
3 When did you send те rhat email? / 99.1
. .. send rhat email to mc? 2 When l'm tired, 1 like ю warch TV.
2 ls Helen l1ere yer? или Has Неlеп
arrived/come yer? 4 Alan didп't / did поr necd his old 3 Wheп 1 kпocked on rhe door. there
Ьike, so he gave it to his brother. \vas no ans\•1er.
3 Have you got your (ехат) resulcs
yet? / Have you had уоuг ... / Have 5 \Nhere is / \Nl1ere's my book? 1 leпt 4 \f\/hen 1 go оп holiday, 1 al\vays go ю
ir you yesterday. the same place.
you received your ... ш

'i Have you decided \•1here ro go yer? / 6 l've bou gl1r / 1 bought Mark а 5 Wheп the programme ended, 1
presenr. или l've bought / 1 bought turned off rh e TV.
Do you kПO\V \vhere you're going
yet? а present for Mark. 6 When 1 got ro the horel, there \IVere
по rooms.

Ключи к упражнениям

99.2 100.3 101.3

2 1 ftnish 2 l'd watch it / 1 would \Vatch it 2 who
3 it's 3 \,уе had some pictures on rhe wall 3 which
4 1'11 Ье ... she leaves 4 the air would Ье сlеапег 4 which
5 srops 5 every day was/were the same 5 wl10
6 We'll соте ... \ve're 6 l'd Ье bored / 1 \vould Ье bored 6 which
7 1'11 bring 7 we had а Ьigger house / we bought 7 who
8 l'т а Ьigger house 8 who
9 it gets 8 �юuld/could buy а Ьigger house 9 which
10 1'11 tell ... l'т или we vюuld/could have а Ьigger Во всех этих предложениях
house можно также использовать that.
2 lf you pass the ехат. you'll get а 100.4 101.4
certificate. Возможные ответы: 3 ... а machine that/which тakes
3 lf you fail the exam, you сап do it 2 l'd go to Aпtarcrica coffee.
aga1n. 3 1 didп't have апу friends 4 ОК (which также правильно)
4 lf you don't want this тagazine, 1'11 4 l'd buy а house if 1 had enough 5 . .. people who/that never srop
thro\v it a-.vay. money. talking.
5 lf you \Nant rhose picшres, you can 5 l'd rry and help 6 ОК (who также правильно)
have theт. 6 tl1ere 1.vere no guns 7 ОК (that также правильно)
6 lf you're busy now, we сап talk later. 8 ... the seпrences that/which are
99.4 1 Аnпа would Ье happier if she liked/
9 .. а саг that/which cost Е40,ООО.
Возможные ответы: enjoyed l1er job.

2 . . you ftnish your \vork?

. 2 We'd / We -.vould go to the conceгt 101.S
3 . . . you get ready. if v;e had tickets. 1 The people who/rhat live пехt door
4 ... the "''eather is good. 3 lf 1 kпew his 11ame, l'd / 1 would tell аге very noisy.
5 " . 1 won't have much rгее time. you. 2 1 have а frieпd who lived iп Tokyo
6 ... 1'11 go and see Chris. 4 Ben would travel а lor if /1е had rhe for 5 years. или 1 have goc ...
7 ... 1 соте back? тоnеу. 3 Do you kno1.v аnуопе who/that
8 ... she doesп't study. S lf 1 -.�1ere/1.vas you, l'd / 1 would stay speaks ltalian?
in/ar the Grand Hotel. 4 The Neva is che гiver which/that
6 Ош life would Ье mоге interesting if Aov1s rhrough Petersburg.
1 You сап close the -.vindovv if you are
vve lived in London. S Have you seen the book whic/1/tt1at
7 lf you're / you are huпgry, we сап was on the tаЫе? или Did you see
2 When you speak/talk ю Richard.
have lunch now.
ask him аЬош his new job.
8 What would you do if you -.von а lot 6 А journalisr is а peгson who/that
3 lf vve go ю Madrid. we'll visit our
of money? vvrites articles.
7 ls that the girl who/that srole your
4 We'll / \Ne vvill look after your cat
UNIT 101 wallet?
while you're / you are in Fraпce.
8 Karen works for а company which/
5 Doп't forget to call/phone/ring me 101.1
that makes compurers.
when you get home. 2 А Ьшсhег is а person who sells
б 1 сап speak/talk ю Tim tomorro-.v if meat.
UNIT 102
he's / t1e is busy today. 3 А musiciaп is а persoп \л;hо plays а
7 Ben had/пeeded to get а visa before musical instrument. 102.1
he went/cravelled to China. 4 А pacient is а person vJho is ill in 2 l've lost the pen you gave те.
8 lf you doп't / do not sшdy, you hospital. 3 1 like rhe jacket Sue is wearing.
won'[ / will пос pass the ехат. S А dentisc is а person who takes саге 4 Where are the Aowers 1 gave you?
of your teeth. 5 1 didn'r believe the story he told us.
UNIТ 100 6 А fool is а peгson who does scupid 6 How much \vеге the oranges you
things. bought?
7 А genius is а person who is very
3 \,yanred 7 could 102.2
4 had 8 tried 2 The meal you cooked was excellenr.
8 А liar is а person who doesn'c cell
5 \,yere/vvas 9 didп'r l1ave 3 The shoes l'т wearing aren't very
tl1e tгuth.
6 did11't enjoy coтforraЫe.
101.2 4 The people we invired to dinner
2 The -.voman who opened the dоог didn't come.
3 l'd go / 1 would go
was wearing а yellov1 dress.
4 she knew 102.3
3 Mosr of the scudents \vho took the
S \ve had 2 Who are rhe people you were
exam passed (it).
6 you won calking to?
4 The policeman w/10 stopped our
7 1 wouldn't stay 3 Did you fiпd the keys you were
саг wasri't very friendly.
8 1.,ve lived looking for?
9 lr \'JOLtld Ье 4 Where is the party you're going ю?
10 tt1e salary vvas/were 5 What's the name of the tilт you
11 1 wouldn't kпow 1.vere ralkiпg abour?
12 vvould you change 6 What's that music уоu'ге listening
7 Did you ger the job you applied for?

Ключи к упражнениям

102.4 103.5 4 Апnа 1;vorked in Moscov-1 from 2003

2 Whar's rhe паmе of the restauranr 3 IП to/until 2007.
where you had dinпer? 4 - (без предлога) 5 lп 2007 Аппа moved to England.
3 How Ыg is rhe village 1.vl1ere you 5 - (без предлога) 6 We've had our саг siпce 2011.
live? 6 in 7 1 lived in Cambridge unril 1 got а job
4 \.Vhere exacrly is the facrory \vhere 7 at* iп Lопdоп.
you work? • В американском английском: 8 Tim and Lara l1ave been married for
'on the \veekend'. 20 years.
8 - (без предлога)
1 1 liked rl1e dress (thar) you were
9 - (без предлога) UNIT 105
wearing yesterday. / ... you \vore
10 on
yesrerday. 105.1
11 in
2 Have you watched rhe film (that) 1 2 aftC?r luпch
12 at
gave you? или Did you watch ... 3 before the епd
З The rest (thar) Веп did yesterday 103.G 4 duriпg the course
wasn't difficult/hard. 1 1 was born in 1997. 5 before they wепс ro Ausrralia
4 Did Marina buy che shoes (thar) she 2 Are you free this afternoon? 6 during the night
\Vaпtcd? 3 Our plane leaves in thiпy minшes. 7 \•1hile you are VJaiting
5 How was the party (thar) you �1ent 4 Does rhe library open at ten o'clock? 8 after the coпcert
со оп Sarurday? или Wl1ar was 5 Sally is going ro America at the end
the рапу (that) you weпt to on of January.
3 1.;vhile
Saturday like? 6 The football match is оп 14 March.
4 for
6 1 have а frieпd who/that сап speak / ... on March 14.
5 while
four laпguages. или l've gor ... 7 We're meeting (with) оuг friends оп
6 during
7 Му pareпts didn't like rhe sho\v Friday evening/пight.
7 1.;vhile
(rhat) they saw in London. 8 The weathcr is rerriЫe at the
8 for
8 These аге the people 1 told you moment.
9 duriпg
10 while
UNIT 104
UNIT 103 1 05 .З
2 eating
103.1 2 Alex lived in Canada until 2009.
3 ans\vering
3 at 11 at 3 Alex has lived in England since 2009.
4 l1aving/raking
" on 12 in 4 Karen lived in France until 2011.
5 finishing/doiпg
5 IП 13 on 5 Karen has lived in Switzerland since
6 going/travelling
6 tn 14 on 2011.
7 on 15 ar 6 Clare worked in а restaurant from 105.4

8 on 16 at 201О to 2012. 2 Johп \.Yorked in а bookshop for rwo

9 at 17 at"' 7 Clare has worked in а hotel since years after leaving school.
10 on 18 in 2012. 3 Before goiпg ю sleep, 1 read for а fev1
* В американском английском: 8 Adam was а teachcr from 2002 to minures.
'on the weekend'. 2008. 4 After walkiпg for three hours, we
9 Лdam has been а journalist since 1;vere very tired.
2008. 5 Let's have а cup of coffee before
2 on 11 at•
11 Alex has lived in Eпglaпd for ... going our.
3 ас 12 on
years. 105.5
4 in 13 in
12 Karen tыs lived in Switzerland for ... 1 We had/ate diпner before the
5 in 14 at
years. coпcerr. или Before tl1e coпcerr, . ..
6 1n 15 in
13 Clare worked in а restauraпt for 2 1 did the shopping \vhile Emma was
7 on 16 оп
three years. ar work. или While Emma was at
8 on 17 in
14 Clare has worked iп а horel for ... work, ...
9 in 18 at
years. 3 There were а lor of people in the
10 at 19 ar
15 Adam \.YaS а teacher rог six years. city centre after rhe match. или
* В американском английском:
16 Adam has been а journalist for ... After the match, ...
'on the weekend'.
years. 4 Sasha was very nervous before her/
104.2 the iпtcrvie1;v. или Before her/the
2 on Friday
2 uпtil 9 siпce inrerview, ...
3 оп Monday
3 for 10 until 5 1 read three books duriпg my/
4 at 4 o'clock on Thursday / оп
4 siпce 11 for the lюliday. или Ouring my/the
Thursday ас 4 o'clock
5 Uпril 12 unril holiday ...
5 оп Sarurday evening
6 for 13 Since 6 We waited for а bus for 40 minures.
6 ar 2.30 on Tuesday
7 for 1/i for или We waited 40 iniпшes for а
(aftcrпoon) / on Tuesday
8 uпtil bus.
(afternooп) at 2.30
7 Before going to bed, 1 fed rhe cat.
103.4 или Before 1 went to bed, 1 fed ...
1 1 slept rill/until 11 o'clock yesterday.
2 1'11 call you in rhree days. 8 1 felr berter after а cup of tea.
или Yesterday ".
3 Му rxam is in two weeks.
2 James has been ill since Tuesday.
4 Тот will Ье here in half an hour. /
3 l'm going to rravel for three months.
... in 30 minures.

Ключи к упражнениям

UNIT 106 107.З 3 Let's go ro а cafe. l'm hungry.

1 1 came here in а raxi. или 1 came 4 l'm / 1 am nor going to school
here Ьу raxi. юmorrow. или Tomorrow ".
2 lп the Ьох.
2 'ls James ar home?' 'No, he's / he is 5 Anna got ro the resraurant ас 7
3 Оп the Ьох.
ar work.' (o'clock). или Anna arrived ar .
4 Оп the wall.

3 Who is the richest man/person in 6 1 like vvarching / to watch TV in

5 At rhe bus srop. the world? bed.
· 6 lп che field.
4 1 didn'r sray in/at а hocel. 1 srayed ас 7 Вуе. l'm / 1 am going home now.
7 Оп the balcony.
my brother's. 8 Where do you prefer ro work - in
8 lп the pool.
S 1 think (rhat) 1 lost my phone on an/che office or at home? или
9 At the windo\v.
the/my way ю school. Where do you prefer working ...
10 Оп the ceiling.
6 ls ir / ls this / ls thar your
11 Оп the tаЫе. UNIT 109
grandfarher in the photo/
12 At the tаЫе.
106.2 7 Our flat:/apartment is on rhe top
2 next ro / beside / Ьу
2 IП Aoor.
3 in fron( of
3 on 8 1 saw Ben ar rhe parry.
4 be[ween
4 IП
UNIT 108
S next to / beside / Ьу
5 on
6 in fronr of
6 at
108.1 7 bel1ind
7 in
2 t:O 6 to 8 on rhe left
8 IП
3 IП 7 ю 9 in the middle
9 ar
4 to 8 IП
10 at 109.2
5 IП
11 IП 2 behind
12 at 108.2 3 above
13 on 3 [О 4 in fronr of
·14 at 4 to 5 оп
15 оп rhe wall iп the living room 5 at l1ome to \.vork
6 Ьу / next со / beside
6 ar 7 below ! under
7 -(без предлога) 8 above
1 Тhere's / There is an old house at
8 со 9 under
the top tl1e hill. или At the юр of
9 at 10 Ьу / nexr ro / beside
the hill, ...
1 О at а resraurant . .. to the horel 11 opposice
2 'W�1ere аге rhe children?' 'ln the
12 on
living room.' 108.3
3 Don't / Do nor \valk on che grass. 2 [О 109.3
4 1 (сап) see а Ьig spider on the \vall. 3 ro 2 Тhе founrain is in fronr of the
5 Do you live in а ciry/IO\VП or (in) а 4 in theaпe.
village? 5 [О 3 The bank/bookshop is opposite
6 Turn 1·igl1r at the rraffic lighrs. или 6 со the theaпe. или Paul's office is
Ar the traffic lighrs, ... 7 ar opposite tl1e rheaпe. или Тhе
7 Ler's have lunch on rhe balcony. 8 со (heatre is opposite ...
8 Sochi is а popular resort in tl1e 9 to 4 The bank/�ooksl1op/ supermarket is
sourh of Russia. 10 ar next to ".
11 at 5 Paul's office is above the bookshop.
UNIT 107 12 to Maria's house . . . at home 6 The bookshop is ber-..veen the bank
13 - (без предлога} and the supermarket.
14 meer at the рапу". go to the рапу
2 At the airporr. 109.4
3 lп bed. 108.4 1 The desk/caЫe is in the middle of
4 Оп а sl1ip. 1 [О the room. или . in che cencre of

5 ln rhe sky. 2 -(без предлога} che room.

6 At а parry. 3 at 2 'Where's my bag?' 'Under rhe chair.'
7 At rhe docror's. 4 in 3 Our Aar is above а shop.
8 Оп rhe second Aoor. 5 со 4 Does your car always sleep behind
9 At \VOГk. 6 - (без предлого} rhe sofa?
10 Оп а plane. 108.5 5 l'd like / 1 \ЛJould like / 1 want ro
11 lп а raxi. sit Ьу tl1e·-..vindow. или . beside
Возможные отвеmы: "

12 At а \.vedding. 2 to work rhe window. или ." next ro rhe

3 ас work windo\v.
4 to Canada
6 Nice photo! Who is rhat/this girl on
2 IП 9 IП
со parties che right?
3 IП 10 in 5
7 There's / There is а bus srop in front
4 at 11 on 6 ас а friend's house
of the museum. или ln fronr of the
5 at 12 оп 108.6 museum, ".
6 IП 13 at 1 Does this bus go со Cambridge?
8 Anna's house is opposite the park.
7 ar 14 in или ls tl1is bus going ...
8 ar 15 ОП 2 When 1 go to London, 1 stay ас my

к11ючи к упражнениям

UNIT 110 111.З 112.S

1 with 9 at Возможные ответы:
2 without 10 Ьу 2 l'm scared of rhe dark.
2 Go under the bridge.
3 Ьу 11 about 3 l'm not very good ar dravving.
3 Go up che hill.
4 about 12 Ьу 4 l'm пос inteгested in сагs.
4 Go down rhe sreps.
5 at 13 on 5 l m fed up 1vVith living here.

5 Go along rhis srreer. 6 Ьу 14 witl1

6 Go inю che horel. 112.6
7 on 15 Ьу
7 Go past the /1orel. 1 l'm поr / 1 am пос afraid of spideгs.
8 with 16 Ьу
8 Go out of rhe hotel. или . . scaгed of spiders.

9 Go over the bridge. 111.4 2 Sandra is interesred iп Russian

10 Go chrough the park. 1 1 never v1atch rhe news on TV / history.
television. 3 We re / We аге thinking of leaving

2 lr's / lt is an important meering. Loпdon.
2 off
1 need to / 1 have со Ье there on 4 Aпgela is very good at playiпg the
3 over
time. gukaг.
4 ош of
З 'How did you get/come hеге?' 'On 5 Mosco\v is differeпr from/ro
5 across
foot.' Petersburg.
6 round/around
4 Have you heaгd about Ben and 6 Sally was very aпgry wirh her sisrer.
7 through
Emma? They аге going to get 7 1 like (it) wheп our house is full or
8 on
married. friends!
9 rouпd/arouпd
5 Who is this/that womaп with long 8 1 felt sorry fог Boris because he losr
1О into rl1e house through а window
haiг and glasses? his job. или . " because he had lоя
110.3 6 You сап drive а саг ar the age of 18. his job.
1 ошоГ / ... drive а саг ar 18. 9 l'm / 1 am fed up \vith this пoise!
2 round/around 7 1 don'c / 1 do пос like books Ьу this/
3 IП thac \\/rirer. UNIT 113
4 from hеге to rhe aiгporr 8 l'm ill, so Boгis is going to the party
5 round/around withoш me.
2 (0 5 at
6 on/over
3 Гог 6 Гог
7 over UNIT 112
4 to
8 our of / from
110.4 2 in 5 with
2 to
1 There's / There is а shop round/ 3 to 6 of
3 to
around the corneг. 4 ас
4 - (без предлога)
2 Тhеу \valked along the beach in rhe
112.2 5 for
evening. или ln the evening, ...
2 ас 6 (О
З \Ve гаn down the hill.
3 (О 7 of/about
4 James got out of his саг and v1eпt
4 abouc 8 for
inю a/the bank.
5 of 9 on
5 The road ro the airport goes
6 of 10 со
thгough a/the runnel.
7 Гrom /ro (Мож но также сказать: 11 for
б Go/Walk pasr t/1e museum and
different than . . ) . 12 - (без предпога)
ruгn left.
8 in 13 tO
7 1 Гell do\vn rhe stairs yesteгday. или
9 for 14 on
Yesteгday ...
10 about 15 of/abouc
8 А Ыасk cat ran across rhe road.
11 of
12 for/about getting angry with you
UNIT 111 1 ar 4 afrer
112.3 2 aГter 5 ас
2 interesred in goiпg 3 for 6 for
2 on rime
З good at gening
3 on holiday 113.4
4 fed up with waicing
4 on the phone Возможные ответы:
5 sоггу foг/about waking
5 on ТV 3 lt depends on the programme.
6 Thank you for waicing.
4 lt depends (оп) what it is.
112.4 5 lr depends оп rhe weatheг.
2 Ьу 2 Sue walked pasr me withouc 6 lr depends (on) how much you
З with
speaking. waпt.
4 about
З Don'r do anyching without asking
5 оп
me first.
б Ьу
4 1 went out \Vithour lockiпg rhe dоог.
7 ar
8 on
9 with
10 about gгammaг Ьу Vега Р. Bull

Ключи к упражнениям

113.S UNIT115
1 look at Anna! vVhat's / What: is she
2 She юоk off her hat. или
2 1'11 phone/call you romorrovv.
Shc rook her har off.
3 1'11 / 1 \Vill \•1ait: for you here.
4 л: Do you like going t:o the cinema?
3 Не pur dovvn his bag. или
Не рш his bag do\vn.
в: Sometimes. lt depends on rhe
4 She picked up the magaziпe. ш1и
She pickcd rhe magazine up.
5 When vve wenr оп holiday. our
neighbour looked after our cat.
5 Не pur on his suпglasses. или
Не put his sunglasses on.
6 Please cl1ank Nina for her lovely
6 Shc rurned off rhe rap. или
7 Whar do yoL1 think about/of my
She шrned Lhe tap orr.

boyfriend? 115.2
8 Excuse me. l'т looking for the exit. 2 Не put his jacket on.
9 Does this bag belong ro Lena? Не put it оп.
10 д: Оо you like fisl1? 3 She rook off her glasses.
в: IL depends (on) ho\•1 you cook it. She юоk rhem off.
4 1 picked rhe рhопе up.
UNIT 114 1 picked ir up.
114.1 5 They gave the key back.
They gave ir back.
2 \vent iп
6 \Л./е rurпed off rhe lighrs.
3 looked up
\:Ve шrned them off.
4 rode off/a\vay
5 шrned round/around 115.З
6 gor off 2 take it back
7 sat dO\NП 3 picked rl1em up
8 gor ош 4 S\Vitched it off
5 bring them back
2 away 115.4
3 roundiaround 3 knocked over
4 going out . .. Ье back 4 look it up
5 dovm 5 thro\N them a\vay
6 over 6 tried on
7 back 7 sho\•1ed me round
8 IП 8 gave it up или gave up (без it)
9 up 9 fill it iп
10 going away ... coming back 10 рш your cigareпe our
114.3 115.5
2 Hold оп 1 Take your shoes off and соте in.
3 slowed down или Take off your shoes ...

4 rakes off 2 1 (l1ave) dropped my реп. Can you

5 geпing on pick it up (for me)?
6 speak up 3 Excuse me. V\lhere сап 1 cry on this
7 broken do\vn dress? / ... пу this dress on?
8 fall over / fall dO\VП 4 1 сап give you my camera, but
9 сапу оп please give/bring it back ro me
10 gave up юmorrow.
11 \•1enr off 5 1 пееd ю / 1 have ю rake these
books back ro rhe library.
6 lt \'Vas dark \vhen 1 came home, so
1 l'm / 1 ат going (ош) ПО\.., bur 1'11 /
1 шrned/s\vitched t:he light оп. / ...
1 \Vill be/come back ar three o'clock.
turпed/s\vitched оп rhe ligl1t.
2 Please соте in and sir dovvn.
7 ls your bag heavy? You сап put it
3 1 gor up very late on Sunday. или
do\VП here.
Оп Sunday ...
4 Could/Can you look after my cat?
8 You can throw a\vay rhis umbrella.
lt's / lr is broken. или You сап
l'm / 1 ат going away nexr week.
throw this umbrella a\vay ...
S Please slow dO\IVП. You're / You are
ralking very fasr.
6 The taxi sropped and Тот gor our.
7 Hurry up! The film starrs / is
starring in five minutes.
8 \Л./е can't/canпot hear you. Could/
Can you spcak up?

1 6 We o�en \vatch TV in tl1e evening. 15
3 Kare is а docroг. 7 Ату never vvears а hat. 3 is playing
4 The childгen аге asleep. 8 А Ьicycle l1as got two wheels. или 4 gave
5 Gary isn't hungгy. ... l1as rwo \.Yheels. 5 doesn't like
6 The books aren't оп the tаЫе. 9 These fto\vers аге beautiful. 6 did your parents go
7 The hotel is near rl1e srarion. 10 Emma speaks German vегу \vell. 7 saw ... \vas dгiving
8 The bus isn't full. 8 Do you vvarch
9 \vere you doing
2 3 are you cooking
10 goes
3 she's / she is 4 plays
11 'm/am rrying
4 Where аге s l'm going
12 didn't sleep
5 ls he 6 lr's raining
6 \r's / lt is 7 1 don't warch 16
7 l'm / 1 am или No, l'm not. l'm а 8 we're looking 3 it's / it has just finished/ended.
student. 9 do you pronounce 4 l've / 1 have found rhem! или
8 Wl1at colour is l've gor them!
9 ls it 5 1 haven't read it.
2 wego
10 Аге you 6 Have you seen hег?
3 is shining
11 Hovv much are tl1ey? 7 l've / 1 l1ave l1ad enough.
4 are you going
8 Have you (ever) been со S\-veden?
3 5 do you go
9 We've / 'vVe have (just:) been ro rhe
3 He's / Не is having а shower. 6 She vJrires
4 Аге rl1e children playing? 7 1 neveг геаd
1о They've / l11ey have gone со а
5 ls it raining? 8 l11ey're warcl1ing
6 They're / They аге coming nov". 9 She's ralking
11 He's / Не has Uusr) \.voken up.
7 Why are you standing here? 10 do you usually have
12 How long have you lived here? или
l'm / 1 am vvairing fог somebody. 11 He's visiring
. have you been living hеге?
12 1 don't drink

4 13 we've / \Ve have known each otl1eг

4 Sam doesn'r wanr 10 for а long time.
5 Do you \'.'ant 2 wenr 7 gave 14 lr's / lt has been raining all day. или
6 Does Helen live 3 found 8 were lt has rained all day. или lt has
7 Saгah knows 4 \Vas 9 thought been horriЫe/bad all day.
8 1 don'r rravel 5 had 10 invited/asked
9 do you usually ger up 17
6 told
3 's/has Ьееп
10 They don't go out
11 4 fог
11 Tom always finishes
З Не was good at sport. 5 since
12 does Jessica do ... She \voгks
4 Не played foorball. б has he lived / l1as he been / has l1e
5 S Не didn't work haгd ar school. been living
З She's / She is а srudent. 6 Не had а lot of fгiends. 7 fог
4 She hasn't gor а саг. или Sl1e 7 Не didn'c have а Ьike. 8 've been / have been
doesn'r l1ave а саг. 8 Не v1asn't а quiet child.
5 She goes out а lot.
12 Возможные ответы:
6 She's got / She l1as gor а lor of
З How long were you rheгe? / 3 l've jusr started this exercise.
friends. или She has а lor of fгiends.
How long did you sray tl1eгe? 4 l've met Sarah а few times.
7 She doesn't like London.
4 Did you like/enjoy Amsterdam? 5 1 haven'r l1ad lunch yer.
8 She likes dancing.
5 Wheгe did you sray? 6 l've never been ro Austгalia.
9 She isn'r / She's not inreгested in
6 Was the weatheг good? 7 l've lived here since 1 vvas born.
7 When did you ger/come back? 8 l've lived here for rhгee years.
13 19
1 Аге you married?
З 1 foгgot З boughr/got
Wl1eгe do you live?
4 did you ger 4 wenr
Have you gor any cl1ildren? или
5 1 didn't speak 5 've/have read или read или
Do you have any children?
6 Did you have 've/have finished \Vitl1
How old is she?
7 he didn't go 6 haven't starred (it) или haven't
2 Ho\.v old аге you?
8 she arrived begun (it)
What do you do? / Where do you
9 did Robert live 7 was
woгk? / Wl1at's уоuг jоЬ?
10 The meal didn't cosr 8 didn't see
Do you like/enjoy your jоЬ?
14 9 left
Have you gor а car? или Do you
2 were worki ng 10 's/has been
have а саг?
3 opened 11 was
Do you (usually) go ro work Ьу саг?
4 rang ". \vas cooking 12 've/have never made
З Wl1at's his name? / What's he called?
What does he do? / What's his job? 5 heard ... looked 20
Does he live/work in London? 6 was looking ... happened З He's /Не has already gone.
7 wasn't reading ". was watching 4 she left at 4 o'clock.
8 didn't read 5 How many times have you been
4 Sonia is 32 years old.
9 finished ." paid ". left there?
5 l've got two sisters. или 1 have two
10 saw ." was walking ." was waiting 6 1 haven't decided yet.
Ключи к дополнительным упражнениям

7 lt \•1as on the rаЫе lasr night. 28 25 he wasn't injured

8 l've еаtеп rhere а few times. 2 в 8 в 26 was damaged
9 What time did they arrive? 3 А 9 в 27 We've changed / We changed
4 с 10 А 28 we're leaving
5 в 11 в 29 We're sraying / We're going to sray /
1 When 1wvas the lasr time? или
6 с 12 с We'll stay
\Л/hеп did you go rl1e last time?
7 с 30 ftying
2 Ho\v long have you had it?
1 bougl1r/got ir yesterday. 31 That 1wvill Ье / Thar's going to Ье
32 nnished
3 How long have you lived there / 1 1 srayed
33 1'11 let
have you been rhere / have you did you do
34 we get
Ьееп living here? 1 watched
35 are looking
Before that we lived in Mill Road. Аге you going
36 We're going
How long did you live in Mill Road? l'm going
37 we'll send
4 Ho1wv long have you 1wvorked there / are you going со see
have you been working rhere? 1 don't kno1wv. 1 haven't decided 32
vVhat did you do before that? 2 have you been 2 А 11 в
1 �;as а raxi driver. или 1 worked as а 'vVe arrived з в 12 А
taxi driver. аге you staying / are you 4 с 13 с
going to stay 5 в 14 в
do you like 6 с 15 с
Возможные ответы:
1wve're having 7 в 16 А
2 1 didn't go our lasr nighr.
3 /'m going ... Do you want 8 А 17 с
3 1 was at work yesrerday afternoon.
are you going 9 с 18 в
4 11wvent to а рапу а few days ago.
Have you ever earen 10 А
5 lt 1wvas my Ьiпhday last week.
/'ve been ". 1 \vent
6 1 wenr со America lasr уеаг. 33
4 l've lost ". Have you seen
2. а саг
23 YoL1 1wvere wearing . " 1 came
3 the fridge
2 в 7 с 12 с l'm not wearing
4 а reacher
3 о 8 в 13 в Have you looked / Did you look
9 с 5 school
4 А 14 с 1'11 go
6 the cinema
5 А 10 о 15 А
30 7 а raxi
6 D А
1 1.,ve met 8 che piano
24 2 we sat / we were sitting 9 cars
1 \vas damaged ... Ье knocked do1wvn 3 vVe didn't knO'N 10 the same
2 was built ... is used.... is being 4 we became
5 we liked
3 is called ... Ье called ... was changed
4 а horse
6 \ve spenr
5 The sky
4 have been made ". аге produced 7 We left
6 а tourist
25 8 vve meet
7 for lunch ( )
9 has been

2 is visited 8 the first: President of the United

3 were damaged 10 she's working
4 Ье built 11 She's coming
9 а headache
5 is being cleaned 12 she comes
10 remember names(- )
6 Ье Гогgопеn 13 we'll have / we're going to have
11 the next train
7 has already been done 14 lt will Ье
12 send emails (-)
8 Ье kept 31 13 the garden
9 Have you ever been Ьitten 2 1wve're sraying 14 the Majestic Носе!
10 was srolen 3 we enjoyed 15 ill last \veek(-)." ro work(-)
26 4 We warched 16 the highesr mountain in the world
2 Му саг was srolen last 'Neek. 5 slepr 17 to the radio ... having breakfast (-)
3 All the bananas have been earen. 6 1 don't sleep 18 like sроп:(-) ... is basketball(-)
4 The machine 1Nill Ье repaired. 7 \'w'e're not doing / \ve're not going to 19 а doccor .. an агс teacher

5 We're / We are being 1,�1atched. do 20 the second Aoor ... the top of the
6 The house\vork has to Ье done. 8 we're going srairs ... on the right
9 ro see 21 After dinner ( ) . - ..

10 We haven't decided warched television (- )
3 has raken
11 wanrs 22 а wonderful holiday in the south of
4 pusl1ed
12 tO go France (-)
5 was pushed
13 1'11 send
6 is being repaired 35
14 уоu'ге having
7 invented 2 IП 12 ас
15 аге working / have been \vorking
8 was the camera invenred 3 on 13 at
16 he had
9 have been washed или were 4 at 14 IП
17 he needs
washed 5 on 15 at
18 We've been
10 l've / 1 have washed them. или 6 in 16 оп
19 We got
1 washed them. 7 since 17 Ьу
20 seeing
11 did they send или have tl1ey sent 8 оп 18 for ... on
21 1 liked
12 be sent 9 Ьу 19 to in
22 we 1wvent

10 in 20 at ." in
23 'vve left
11 for
24 had 313
Настоящее время Вопросительные предложения Порядок слов
1.1 в 1.12 с 10.1 D 10.7 в 18.1 в 18.4 А
1.2 D 1.13 А 10.2 о 10.8 А 18.2 с 18.5 A,D
1.3 с 1.14 с 10.3 А 10.9 С, Е 18.3 в
1.'/ с 1.15 А 10.4 А 10.10 с
Союзы и сложные предложения
1.5 о 1.16 D 10.5 в 10.11 А
19.1 с 19.S В,С
1.6 в 1.17 с 10.6 D 10.12 А,С
19.2 А 19.6 А, В
1.7 А 1.18 А
Косвенная речь 19.3 D 19.7 В,D
1.8 C,D 1.19 D
11.1 Е 19.4 Е 19.8 А
1.9 в 1.20 C,D
11.2 A,B,D
1.10 D 1.21 A,D Предлоги
1.11 с -inguto ... 20.1 D 20.11 о
12.1 в 12.5 в.с 20.2 Е 20.12 А
Прошедшее время 12.2 о 12.6 с 20.3 со 20.13 с
2.1 в 2.6 D
12.3 в 12.7 А 20.4 в 20.14 D
2.2 Е 2.7 А
12.4 с 12.8 D 20.5 A,D 20.15 А
2.3 о 2.8 с
20.6 А 20.16 Е
2.4 в 2.9 с Go, get, do, make и have
20.7 в 20.17 с
2.5 А 13.1 A,D 13.4 A,D
20.8 с 20.18 в
13.2 с 13.5 в
Present perfect 20.9 в 20.19 D
13.3 С, D 13.6 D
3.1 13, Е 3.6 в 20.10 D 20.20 о
3.2 о 3.7 А Местоимения и указание на
Фразовые глаголы
3.3 в 3.8 с принадлежность
21.1 с
3.4 D 3.9 D 14.1 А 14.6 А
21.2 А, В
3.5 Е 3.10 Е 14.2 с 14.7 Е
21.3 в
14.З D 14.8 А
Пассивные конструкции 14.4 в 14.9 D
4.1 D
14.5 13, с 14.10 с
4.2 с
4.3 Е Authe
4.4 А 15.1 с 15.8 с
4.5 А 15.2 в 15.9 в
15.3 А, с 15.10 в
Формы глагола 15.4 в 15.11 Е
5.1 о
15.S в 15.12 D
5.2 в
15.6 А 15.13 в
Будущее время 15.7 о 15.14 А
6.1 А 6.6 с
Определяющие слова и
6.2 А 6.7 D
6.3 с 6.8 с
16.1 с 16.11 Е
6.4 А,В 6.9 в
16.2 с 16.12 В. D
6.5 13
16.3 в 16.13 А
Модальные г лаголы , 16.4 в 16.14 А,В
повелительное наклонение и т. д. 16.5 с 16.15 о
7.1 С,D 7.7 B,D 16.6 А,С 16.16 А,С
7.2 А,С 7.8 D 16.7 о 16.17 D
7.3 А 7.9 с 16.8 В. D 16.18 в
7.4 D 7.10 с 16.9 А 16.19 А
7.5 в 7.11 А 16.10 в
7.6 Е 7.12 Е
Прилагательные и наречия
There и it 17.1 А 17.8 Е
8.1 в 8.4 А 17.2 с 17.9 А
8.2 Е 8.5 в 17.3 с 17.10 в
8.3 А 17.4 о 17.11 D
17.5 в 17.12 А
Вспомогательные глаголы
17.6 в 17.13 D
9.1 с
17.7 А, с 17.14 с
9.2 А
9.3 с
9.4 в
9.5 в
9.6 с
9.7 D

Цифры указывают номер have/has been (presenr perfe ct) 16-19 far
пассивные ко11струкции 22-23, НО\'>' far is ir? �юд, 480
раздела (не номер страницы).
Приложение 1 far � furrl1er 888

a/an 66
"vill Ье 28 fast 87(
а и some 68-69
because 98 fed up(with) 112А
a/an и rl1e 70 been few /а few 85
about 111Е l1ave/has been (pr esenc per fecr ) 16-19 finish (nnish -ing) 53В
above 109Е been и gone 18( for
across 110 there l1as/l1ave been 398 rог ten minuces / for tl1ree years и т. д.
before 99, 105 20, 1040
advise (advise some body ю ...) 5413
begin (be gin ro . или begin -ing) 53( for и to . 558
afraid (of) ЗА. 112В " "

behind 109Л go Гог а \Valk U m. д. 56(

after 99, 105
belong(to) 113А for и during 105(
ago 208
all below 109Е from 104А, 110
all и every и т. д. 81 beside 109А front ( in front of) 109А-В

all (of) 82 best 9113 full(of) 112А

порядок слов 95
better 880 further 888
along 110 between 109А future 26-29
blt (а Ьiс older/blgger и т. д.) 890 l'm working comorrow. (present
already 96С
already + presenr perrect 178
born 22( concinuous) 26

порядок слов 95 both 83 Тhе concerr starts ас 7.30. (presenr

порядок слов 95 simple) 26С
also (порядок слов) 95
but 98 (l'm) going ю (do somerhing) 27
al\vays + pr esent simple 6С
Ьу 111с \Vill 28-29
Ьу после пассивных ко11струкцuй sl1all 280, 29(
порядок слов 95
am/is/are 1-3 (1 \vas Ьirren Ьу а dog.) 220 будущее время после when/before/
Ьу mysclf / Ьу your sel f и т. д. 64С \vhile U т. о. 99В
am /is/a re -ing (present continuous)
4-5, 24А, 26, 52(
Ьу (
= beside) 109С будущее время после if 99

rhere is / there are 38 can/can't 31 get 57

an см. а continue (conrinue to . .. или continue ger со (а place) 57(, 108(

-ing) SЗС ger оп/ ger up и т. д. (фразовые
and 98
could/couldn't 31С-О глаголы) 114, Приложение 6
angry(with/about) 112А
another 668 depend (оп) 113С give
did giv e som erhing r� somebody / giv e
didn'r в отрицаниях 13, 240, 41С. titiB, somebody something 97
any и some 77
52А give up / give back и т. д. (фразовые
not + any 78
did в вопросох 13, 240, 41(, 458, 52А глаголы) 115, Приложения 6-7
any и no 78
any (of) 82
different (from) 112А go 56
do и make 58 go -ing (go S\vimming и т. д.) 56D
anybody/anyone/anything 770, 79-80
don't/doesn'c в отрицаниях 7, 240, go home / go ш work / go со rhc
anywhere 80
41(, 44В, 52Л cinema 72
are см. am/is/are
do/does в вопросах 8, 240, 41(, 45В, go in / go back и т. д. (фразовые
around 1 'IO, 114-115, Приложение 7
arrive 108( 52А глагоJJы) 114

as (not as ". as) 90 don'c go / don't fall и т. д. going to (l'm going r:o do somerhing) 27

asl< (повелительное наклонение) 3613 gone и been 18(

ask somebody ю . . . 548
down 110 good
sit down / puc do\•m и т. д. (фразовые good и \vell 870
ask someb ody for ". 113А
глаголы) 114-115, Приложения 6- 7 good ас 112А
ar 8 o'clock / at nigl1t и т. д. 103 during 105 got
each other 640 прошедшее время get 12(, 57
ar rhe bus stop / at work и т. д.
either have/l1as got 10, 59А
аси ю 108
eitl1er и соо 4ЗА had
ar rhc age of " . 1118 eirher (оГ) 83 прошедшее время have 12(

away end (at the end of) 1038, 1066 had ю 348
enjoy Не said he had (done som ething) 51,
run away / th row away
enjoy -ing 5313 Приложение 1.1
и т. д. (фразовые глаголы) 114-115,
Приложение 7
enjoy myself/yourself и т. д. 64А happen(to) 113А
back enough 92 hard 87С
соте back / give back en ough и roo 930 has см. have
и т. д. (фразовые глаголы) 114-115,
ever hate 53C-D
Have you ever ... ? 18 have 10. 59
Приложение 7
превосходная степе� 1ь + ever 91Е have got / has got 10, S9A
Ье (инфинитив am/is/are)
am/is/are 1-3
порядок слов 95 have done / have been и т. д. (presenc
every 81 perf ect) 16-19, 24(
am/is/are + -ing (present continuous)
4-5, 24А, 26, 52( everybody/everyone/ have со 34
everything/everywhere 81С l1ave а nice rime / have fun и т. д. ЗбА
was/v.;ere 11
expect SЗА, 54В there has/have been 398
was/w er e + -ing (рая continuou s) 14,
have break fasr / have а shower и т. д. 5913
24А, S2C
Английский алфавитный указатель

her 60-61,63 look often

hers 62-63 look + прилагательное (look tired often + present simple 6С
herself 64 ит.д.) 86D порядокс лов 95
him 60, 63 look ar/for/afrer 113В оп

himself 64 lot (а lot of •.. ) 84 on Monday /оп 25 April ит. д. 103

his 61-63 love 53С-О on the rаЫе / on the \Vall 106-107
holiday (on holiday) 56В, 111А make 58 on the left/right 109А
home 56А,72А. 108В make somebody do somerhing 54D on l10liday /оп television ит.д. 111А
ger home 57С,108( makeиdo 58 goоп (holiday/ а rrip ит. д.) 56В
how 48 many getоп /put on ит.д. (фразовые
HovJ long have you ... ? many и much 84 глаголы) 11/i-115,Приложения 6-7
(present perfect) 19 not as many (as) 90В one/ones 76
110"v Ьig? / ho\v old? / lюw far? too mапу 9ЗС opposite 109В
ит.д. 48D married ЗС, 57В. 112А or 98Л-В
Hov1 long does ir rake? 49 married ю 112А ought to 33F
ho\V much? / ho\v many? 84А get married 578 our 61,63
l/you/he/she и т.д. (personal pronouns) may ЗОD ours 62-63
60,63 me/you/him и т.д. (личные ourselves 64
if 99-100 ллестоимения ) 60,63 out
if VJe go / if you see и т. д. 99С middle (in rhe middle of) 107Л 109А our of 110
if и vJhen 99 might 30 go our / pur our ит.д. (фразовые
if 1 had / if we \.vent: 100 mind (1 don'r mind -ing) 5ЗВ глаголы) 114-115, Приложения 6-7
Оо you kno\v if ".? 50С mine/yours/hers ит.д. over 110
in (притяжате льные местоимения ) climb over / knock over (фразовые
in April / in summer ит.д. 103 62-63 глаголы) 114-115, Приложения 6-7
in а room / in hospiral ит.д. 106-107 more 88(, 89 pair (а pair of ... ) 67В
in ftve minures / in rhree years ит. д. most past (Go pasr rl1e cinema .") 110
103Е most (of) 82 past continuous (\•1as/\vere + -ing)
in и ro 108 rhe 11юst expensive / rhe mosr difficult 14-15,24А,52D
pur something in 110 ит.д. 91 past conrinuous (1 \.Yas doing) и past
go in / fill in и т.д. (фразовые глаголы) much simple (1 did) 15
114-115, Прилож�ние 7 mucl1 и mапу 84 pasr conrinuous пасс ив Приложение
-ing (doing/playing/going ит. д.) much Ьigger / mucl1 more 1.1
am/is/are + -ing (present conrinuous) expeпsive 890 past participle (cleaned/done/seen
4-5,24А,26, 52( поt as much (as) 90В ит.д.) 25А
\ЛJaS/\vere + -ing (past conrinuous) 14, too much 93( present perfect (1 have cleaned) 16, 24С
24А,52D must 32 пасс ивные конструкции (the
-ing и инфинитив (do/doing ит. д.) mustn't 32( room -.vas cleaned) 22-23.240,
52-53 must и should 33Е Приложение 1
глаголы+ -ing (enjoy-ing ит.д.) must и have ro 340 правильные (cleaned) и
53В-С my/your/his и т.д. 61-63 неправильные (seen) глаголы 25,
go -ing (go S\•1imming ит.д.) 56D myself/yourself и т. д. ( возвратные Приложения 2-3
предлоги+ -ing 105D,112В местоиме ния) 64 past perfect
interested (in) ЗА, 112В need Не said he had (done something) 51
into 110 doп't need ю 32D активные ипасс ивныеконструкции
is см. am/is/are need ro ." 53А Приложение 1.1
it 3D. 40. 60В neither past simple (did/cleaned/sa�1 ит. д.)
ir is и there is 38В, 40А Ncirher am 1 / Neither do 1 ит.д. 4ЗВ 12-13
ir's и its 61С neither (of) 83 отрицания (didп'r ". ) 13, 44В
its 61 never вопрос ы (did . ?) 13.458

just never + present simple 6С was/vJere 11

just + present perfecr 17А never + present perfcct 18В пра вильные (cleaned) и
порядо.'<с лов 95 порядокс лов 95 непра вильные (saw) глаголы 128-С,
kind (kind to somebody / kind of next to 109А Приложения 2-3
somebody) 112А nice (nice со somebody / nice of рая simple + ago 20В
know (Do you kno-.v \Vhere . " ?) 50 somebody) 112А past simple (1 did) и presenr perfecr
learn (learn ro ".) 53А no (по money /по friends ит.д.) (1 have dопе) 21
left (on rhe lefr) 109А 78А-8,82В pasr simple (1 did) и past conrinuous
lend (lend somethiпg ro somebody) 97 nobody/no-one/nothing 79-80 (1 was doing) 15
less 89С по-оnе и none 78( past simple пасс ив (tl1e room �vas
let 54D none 78В-С, 82В-С cleaned) 22,24В, Приложение 1.1
let's (let's go / let's dance ит. д.) nor (Nor am 1 / Nor do 1 ит.д.) li3B if + past simple (if 1 had / if \Ve 1vvenr)
ЗбС, 54D nowhere 80 100
like (Whar is it like?) 47В of people 67C-D
like (глагол) the roof of the buildiпg ит.д. 65С persuade (persuade somebody to ".)
-.vould like 35,53D,54А the ... of ... 74Е 54В
do you like? и \•юuld you like? 35С off 110 phrasal verbs (get up / put on ит. д.)
like ю ... или like -iп g 53С ger off / rurn off ит.д. (фразовые 114-115,Приложения 6-7
listen(to) 113А глаголы) 114-115, Приложение 6 police (множественное чис ло) 670
little / а little 85 offer (ro do something) 53А prefer 5ЗС-О

Английский алфавитный указатель

present continuous (am/is/are +-ing) some turn (turn round/turn on

4-5, 24А, 52С some и a /an 68-69 и т.д.) (фразовые глаголы) 114-

отрицания (l'm not -ing) 4 some и any 77 115. Приложение 7

вопросы (аге you -ing?) 5 some (of) 82 under 109D. 110
present continuous (1 am doing) и somebody/someone/something/ until 99В, 104А-В
present simple (1 do) 9 some\vhere 77, 80 up 110
present conrinuous noccua 23А, sometimes get up / pick up и т. д.(фразовые
Гlрил.)жение 1. 1 somerimes + present simple 6С глаголы) 114-115. Приложен ия 6-7
presenr conrinuous для действия порядок оюв 95 us 60, 63
в будущем (What arc you doing sorry (sorry about и sorry for) 112В-С used (1 used ю ". ) 37
romorro\•1?) 26 speak(to) 11ЗА usually
present perfect (1 t1avc done) 16-21, spelling Прил ожение s usually + present simple бС
24( start (srart to " . и srart -111g) 53( порядок слов 95
presenr p er Гect + just 17А still 96 wait (for) SSC, 1 lЗА
prescnt perfect + already 1713 порндо.'< слов 95 want
prcsent perfecr + yct 17(, 968 stop (stop -ing) 538 \•1ant to ... SЗА
Have you cver ." ? 18 suggest (suggest -ing) SЗВ want somebody to " . 54А
gone и Ьееп 18С tags(разделuтt?льные вопросы) 428 \vas/were 11
Ho\v long have you . " ? 19 take (How long does ir rakc?) 49 \Vas/were + -ing (past continuous) 14,
present perfect + for/since 19-20 talk (to) 1 lЗА 24А, 520
present pcrfecr continuous (1 have been tell/told \1..1as/\vere done (пассив) 22, 24В
-ing) 19В НС' told п1е tl1at . .. 51 there \vas/were 39А
present pe rfcc t (1 have done) и pasr tC'll и say S 18 if 1 \vas/-.vere ." 1008
simplc (1 did) 21 Can you tell me \vhere ... ? SOA well ЗА, 87D
prcsenr perГecr пассив 2313, Не rold me ю ... 54В-С were см. was
ПриложС?ниС? 1.1 than 89-90 what
правилы11J1е и неправильные глаголы that 75 What ". ? и Who ... ? 46(
1613, 25, Приложения 2-3 Не said rl1ar ".(косвенная речь) 51С What ". like? 47В
present simple (1 vюrk / shc \•юrks that и this 75 Wl1at ".? 48
и т. д.) 6-8. 240 и rhing tliat ."(относительные Wl1at . . ? и W t1icl1 ... ? 48(

отрицания (don't/doesn't) 7, 4/iB придаточные предложения) 101 wl1en 99

вопросы (do/does ." ?) 8, 45В the 70-7/i whether 50С
prcsenr sin1ple + always/usually/never the и a/an 70 which
и т.д. 6С tl1e same 718 Whicl1 ... ? 48
presenr simple (1 clo) и present rhe SLtn / thc sky и т. д. 71С Which ... ? и Wl1at ." ? 'i8C
continuous (1 am doing) 9 the cinema / tl1e theatre / rt1e bank Wl1ich one/ones? 768
present s1mple пассив (rhe room is и т.д. 728 а tl1ing \vhich ... (относительные

cleaned) 22, 2413, Приножение 1.1 Anv1ers / tl1e Aov1crs 738 придаточные предложения) 101
present simple для действия в rhe с географическими названиями \Vhile 99,105
будущем (Thc соnсеп srarts at 7.30.) 74 who
26С the blggesr / rhe mosr expensive и т. д. vVho ".? 46
present simple rюсле when/v1hilc и т. д. 91 а person \•1ho . . .(относительные
9913 their 61, 63 придаточные предложения) 101
prcse11r simple после if 1008 theirs 62-63 whose (Whose is rl1is?) 62D
promise (pron1ise to ... ) SЗА them 60,63 will 28-29
put themselves 64 will и sl1all 28D. 29(
put soniething 111 ". 110 there \VOП't 28А
pur on / put our и т. д.(фразовые tl1ere is/are 38 rhere will Ье 39С
глаголы) 115,Приложение 7 thC're was/\1..1erc 39А with/without 11 1 О
right (on r�1e right) 109А rl1ere t1as/have bcen 39В V>'ith/without + -ing 112С
round 110 there will Ье 39( \von't (... will not) 28А
rurn round / sho\V round (фрозовые rhere is и it is 38В worse 88D
глаюлы) 11/i-115, Приложение 7 these 75 worst 91В
's (апостроф 's) 65. Приложение 4.5 think (rl1ink abour / th1nk оГ) 113А \vould
same 7113, 90Е this 75 l'd like / vюuld you like? 35
say/said those 75 \vould like/love и т. д. 53D
Не said that . (косвенная речь) 51
" through 110 Не \•юuld buy а саг if he had the money.
say и tell 51В till ( until) 101i8
= 100
scared (of) ЗА, 112В to yet 9613
shall 28D,29С предлог врсме11и 1О4А yet + prcsenr perfecr 17(
should 33 предлог места 108, 110 you 60,63
simple past см. past simple go to " 56Л, 108А
. your 61, 63
simple present см. present simple get to . 57С. 108(
" yours 62-63
since 20А, 104С to + инфинив (to go / to Ье и т. д.) см. yourself/yourselves 64
singular и plural (nower � Aov1ers) 67 инфинитив
so too 93
so am 1 / so do 1 и т. д. 1/3В too и eirt1er 43А
1 was tired. so 1 went to bed. 98

Цифры указывают номер отрицания 44 относительные местоимения

раздела (не номер страницы). вопросы 45-48 (\�1110/\vhich/chat) 101-102

косвенная речь 51 относительные придаточные
активные и пассивные глаголы -ing 52-53
+ предложения 101-102
конструкции Приложение 1 глаголы+ to ... (инфинитив ) 52-54 отрицания 44
апостроф (l'm, it's и т.д.) глаголы + предлог (look at / speak to вопросы с отрицанием 4SC
Приложение 4 и т.д.) 113 no и none 78
апостроф 's (my brother's саг) 65 фразовые глаголы (ger up / put on not + any 78-79

артикли (a/an/the) 66-74 и т.д.) 114-115, Приложенияб-7 пассивные конструкции 22-23, 24В,
a/an 66, 68-69 единственное и множественное Приложение 1
a/an и the 70 число (cup � cups / man � men presenr simple (is done) и рая simple
с\1е 71-74 и т.д.) 67 (was done) 22
возвратные местоимения (myself/ инфинитив (do/see/play и т.д.) present continuous (is being done) и
yourself и т. д.) 64 инфинитив (do/see и т. д.) и ю + presenc perfect (has been done) 23
вопросы 45-48 инфинитив (ro do / ro see и т. д.) \Vil\/can/must(и т.д.) Ье done
am/is/are ." ? 2 52В, 54 Приложение 1.2
do/does ... ? (present simple) 8, ltSB can/\vill/should и т.д. + инфинитив повелительное наклонение (do this
did ." ? (past simple) 13. 458 52А / don't do that и т. д.) 36
'Nhy don't ... ? / Why isn't ... ? и т.д. глаголы + to + инфинитив (1 -.vant to порядок слов
4SC go и т.д.) 52С, 53-54 вопросы 45-47
1Nl10 saw you? / Who did you see? 46 инфинитив и -ing (do/doing и т. д.) presenr continuous, вопросы 5В
предлог в конце (Who is she calking 52-53 present simple, вопросы 8В
ro?) 47 инфинитив цели (1 \'-'ent со the shop pasr simple. вопросы 13D
v'\lhac ! vVhich / Ho-.v ... ? 48 со buy " .) 55 пассивные конструкции 22-23
Hov.i long does it rake? 49 инфинитив и for " . 55В косвенные вопросы (Оо you knov1
косвенные вопросы (Оо you know прилагательное+ инфинитив (ir's where ... ?) 50
where ... ?) 50 easy ю . ") 40В глагол + дополнение 94А

встречные вопросы (Have you? / Аге somerhing ю ear / nowhere to go и т. д. место и время 94В
you? и т. д.) 42А 800 always/usually/often и т.д. 95
разделительные вопросы( ... do you? исчисляемые и неисчисляемые порядок слов после give/lend/send
/ ... isn't it? и т. д.) 42В существительные 68-69 и т.д. 97

времена косвенные вопросы (Do you knov1 правильные и неправильные

октивные и пассивные конструкции what .. . ? и т. д.) 50 глаголы 12, 25. Приложения 2-3
Приложение 1.1 косвенная речь правописание Приложение 5
presenr continuous (1 am doing) 4-5. Не said thar ". / Не cold me that ... 51 превосходная степень (che Ьiggest /
24А, 26, 520 Не told me ю . . . 54В-С the most expensive и т.д.) 91

presenr simple (1 do) 6-8, 240, 26С краткие формы (l'm, it's, you've предлоги 103-113
past: simple (1 did) 12-13, 15, 21, 240 и т.д.) Приложение 4 предлоги времени (at/on/in) 103

past conrinuous (1 \.Vas doing) 14-15, личные местоимения (J/me/you for/since 20, 104
24А, 52С и т. д.) 60, 63 until 104А-В
present perfect (1 have done) 16-21, местоимения before/afrer/during/\vhile 105
24( личные местоимения (l/me/you предлоги места (in/at/on) "106-107

be/have/do в настоящем и будущем и т. д.) 60, 63 предлоги места (to/in/at) 108

времени 24 притяжательные местоимения on 103, 106-107, 109А, 111А

вспомогательные глаголы 24, (mine/yours и т. д.) 62-63 at 103, 106-108, 1118
41-42 возвратные местоимения (myself/ местоположение (under/behind/

встречные вопросы (Have you? / Are yourself и т.д.) 64 opposite и т. д.) 109
you?) 42А one/ones 76 предлоги движения (up/over/rhrough

географические названия с и без относительные местоимения и т.д.) 110

che 74 (who/which/rhat) 101-102 Ьу 109С. 111С

герундий см. -ing множественное число (cup � cups / with/'<Vithout 111 О, 112(
глаголы man � men и т.д.) 67 about 111Е
настоящее время 1-10. 24, 26 модальные глаголы (-.vill/can/might предлоги+ -ing (ar -ing / for -ing

прошедшее время 11-15, 21, 24 и т. д.) 28-35, 52В и т.д.) 1050.112(

present perfect 16-21, 24 наречия 87 прилагательное+ предлоги (afraid of

пассивные конструкции 22-23. порядок слов (al\vays/usually/often и т.д.) 112А-В

Приложение 1 и т.д.) 95 глагол+ предлог (listen to / -.vait for

правильные и непровильные глаголы неисчисляемые существительные и т.д.) 113

25, Приложения 2-3 (salr/water/music и т. д.) 68-69 предлоги в конце (Who is sl1e ralking
будущее время 26-29 неправильные глаголы 12с, 25В. to?) 47

модальные глаголы (v,ill/can/should Приложения2-3 предлоги в относительных

и т.д.) 28-35, 52В придаточных предложениях (the

man she is calking to) 102В

Русский алфавитный указатель

прилагательные 86
прилагательные и наречия (quick/
quic'<ly) 87
сравнительная степень (older /
more expensive) 88-90
превосходная степень (rhe oldest /
thc most expensive) 91
get +прилагательное (get rired
и т.д.) 578
somer1ing/anybody и т. д. +
прилагательное вое
прилогательное + предлог (afraid of
и т. д.) 112А-В
притяжательные местоимения
(mine/yours/his и т.д.) 62-63
прямая речь и косвенная речь 51
разделительные вопросы 428
сослагательное наклонение (if ... )
if 1 do ... 99
jf 1 did .. 100

союзы 98-100
and/bu:/or/so/because 98
when/before/\vhile/after/until 99
if 100
сравнительная степень {older /
more expensive и т. д.) 88-90
существительные (исчисляемые и
неисчисляемые) 68-69
страдательный залог см.
пассивные конструкции
условное наклонение см.
сослагательное наклонение
(if ... )


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