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Enterprise Java - TYBSCIT Regular - SEM - 5

SAMPLE MCQ Questions

1. What is the Latest Version of JDK?

a)JDK 8
b)JDK 7
c)JDK 12
d)JDK 14

2. What does EE Stands for ___________________

a)Enterprise Edition
b)Edition Enterprise
c)Easter Egg
d)Electrically Erasable

3. J2EE is an extended version of:


4. The __________ defines an API for communication between the Web server and the
application program.
a) Servlet
b) Server
c) Program
d) Randomize
5. How many JDBC driver types does Sun define?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

6. RequestDispatcher presents the __________ package.


7. When the control is passed from one servlet to another servlet without coming back to the
server and involving a network is known as ____________
a.Servlet Request
b.Servlet Response
c.Servlet Chaining
d.Servlet Session

8. When RequestDispatcher interface to exchange the information among different servlets over
the network within a Java application is known as ____________
a.Servlet Collaboration
b.Servlet Chaining
c.Servlet Dispatching
d.Servlet Request

9. Which of the following methods, forwards a request from a one servlet to another resource on
the server.
a.public void forward(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)
b.public void include(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)
c.public void send(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)
d.public void receive(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)

10. How to get the object of RequestDispatcher, which of the following is correct?

11. ___________ is a technology to Servlet which allows the mixing of dynamic and static
web contents.

a. Servlet
b. JSP
c. EJB
d. JSF

12. JSP technology is consisting of the following feature ______________

b. Platform Dependent
c. Inefficient
d. Inconvenient

13. In MVC Architecture, JSP work as:

a. Model
b. Controller
c. View
d. Presentation Layer

14. In JSP, Initialization is done by calling the________ method.

a. jspDestroy()
b. jspInit()
c. jspService()
d. jspInitialization

15. A server side comments is of the form:

a. <%-- comments --%>

b. <!-- comments ...
c. <%= ------- %>
d. <%@ directive attribute="val

16. ______ is the java API for SOAP web services.


17. EJB applications utilize the _____________ to look up for references to utilize all EJB-based
b. Remote EJB interfaces
c. Home EJB interfaces
d. EJB JavaBeans
18. Contract the term JMS?
a. Java Message Service
b. Java Monitor Service
c. Java Message Session
d. Java Monitor Session

19. Which module does the Entity bean represent the persistent data that is available in the
a. Server-side component
b. Client-side component
c. Home Interface
d. Remote Interface

20. Which of the following is responsible to maintain the state of Session Beans:
a. Stateless
b. Stateful
c. Singleton
d. Message Driven

21. ________ in java means storing data in a RDBMS.

a. Persistence
b. ORM
c. Mapping
d. COM

22. When a RDBMS needs to be transformed into an OOP model known as _________________

a. Impedance mismatch
b. ORM
c. Persistence
d. COM

23._________________ provide API to retrieve objects of Java from RDBMS

a. Impedance mismatch
b. ORM
c. Persistence
d. COM

24. Which of the following is the advantages of ORM:

a. System Architecture
b. poorly-optimized SQL queries
c. Automated mapping of relational databases
d. leaky abstractions

25. ____________ represents persistence annotations which helps you to define mapping

a. JPA
b. EJB
c. ORM
d. JSF

26. _____________ is not a Web Application Technology.

A. Java Servlet

B. Java Server Pages

C. Java Server Faces

D. Enterprise Java Bean

27. Which pattern is NOT defined as a Java EE pattern (or Java EE blueprint)

(a) Business Delegate

(b) Proxy

(c) Service to Worker

(d) Service façade

28. Security in Java EE ___________________.

(a) is provided by the Java EE containers.

(b) requires the Java Authentication and Authorisation Service (JAAS) on the web tier.

(c) is implemented as single sign-on feature, relying on an LDAP server.

(d) is based on realms, users, groups and roles.

29. What are the functions of Servlet containers?

A. Lifecycle management

B. Communication support

C. Multithreading support

D. All of the above

30. When the Web Container initializes a servlet, it creates a ___________ object for the servlet?

1. ServletConfig
2. ServletInit
3. ServletContext
4. None of the above

31. Which of these classes define the getWriter() method that returns an object of type

1. HttpServletRequest
2. HttpServletResponse
3. ServletConfig
4. ServletContext

32. Which of the following is used to call stored procedure?

a) Statement

b) PreparedStatement

c) CallableStatment

d) CalledStatement

33. Which package is provided by Servlet API to work with cookies.

1. javax.servlet
2. javax.servletrequest
3. javax.servletresponse
4. javax.servlet.http.Cookie

34. A JSP file uses a tag as <myTaglib:myTag> The myTag element here should be defined in
the tag library descriptor file in the tag element using which element.Select the one correct

a) tagname




35. Which of these represent the correct path for the core JSTL library in JSTL version 1.1?
Select the one correct answer.

a)​ ​

b)​ ​

c)​ ​

d)​ ​

36. Which JSTL provide supports for string manipulation?

a)JSTL String

b)JSTL function


d)JSTL formatting

37. Which Custom tag is used to dynamically add the contents from the provided URL to the
current page at request time?



d) None of the above

38. How to query and update in database transaction in JSTL?

a) <Sql:transact>




39. Session Beans can be accessed from –

1. Remote Java clients

2. Web service clients
3. Components running in same server
4. All of the above

40. The container invokes the ______ methods on newly constructed bean instances after
completion of all dependency injection and before first business method is invoked on the
enterprise bean.

1. @PostConstruct
2. @PreDestroy
3. @PreActivate
4. @PostPassivate

41. Which is the method for Message Driven Beans?




42. Which of the following are not a container for EJB?

I. Internet Information Server.

II. Java System Application Server.

III. Tomcat.

IV. WebLogic.

A. Both (I) and (II) above

B. Both (II) and (III) above

C. Both (III) and (IV) above

D. Both (I) and (III) above

43. Which of the following is true for Java Bean?

A. It can not be a GUI component

B. It never implements serializable interface

C. It has zero-argument constructor

D. It is a distributed component

44. Which of the following property of Java Bean represents a single value?

A. Simple property

B. Boolean property
C. Indexed property

D. Both (a) and (b) above

45. Which of the following is not a property of EJB transaction?

A. Atomicity

B. Consistency

C. Isolation

D. Distributed

46. Which of the following is true about SessionFactory object in hibernate?

a) SessionFactory object configures Hibernate for the application using the supplied
configuration file.

b) SessionFactory object allows for a Session object to be instantiated.

c) The SessionFactory is a thread safe object.

d) All options mentioned for this question.

47. Which method is used to update the state of the given instance from the underlying database?


b) Session.keep()

c) Session.update()
d) Session.load()

48. Which method is easy for Java Programmer to add criterion?

a) SQL


c) HQL

d) AQL

49. Which of the following simplifies an Object Relational Mapping Tool?

a) Data creation

b) Data manipulation

c) Data access

d) All options mentioned for this question.

50. _______ is not a core interface of hibernate.

a) Criteria

b) Session

c) SessionManagement

d) Configuration
IOT SAMPLE Questions

CHAPTER 01: The Internet of Things: An Overview

1. What is the equation of IoT?

a) Physical object + controller, sensors, actuators + Internet
b) Physical object + controller
c) Physical object + compiler+ intranet
d) Physical object only

2. What is the full form of UBICOM?

a) Uniform Computing
b) Universal Communication
c) Ubiquitous Computing
d) Uniform Communication

3. What allows digital devices to interconnect and transmits data?

a) Sensors

b) Mobile phone

c) Actuators

d) Network

4. What is not provided by enchanted technological objects?

a) Effortless Mobility

b) Human – Handshaking

c) Human connection virtually

d) Location Tracking
CHAPTER 02: Design Principles for Connected Devices

1. ubicomp is often also referred to as

a) green computing
b) ambient computing
c) Distributed computing
d) cloud computing

2. Which is not the Design principle of connected device?

a) Easy adoption
b) Privacy
c) Backward compatibility
d) Difficulty in access

3. Protocol use for Mobile device__________________

a) Wireless Application Protocol

b) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

c) Telephony control protocol

d) Internet Control Message Protocol

CHAPTER 03: Internet Principles

1. Data is sent from one machine to another in a ________________

a) statement
b) points
c) packets
d) continuous

2. Voice over IP (VoIP)—computer-based telephony, such as Skype—is an

example of
a) IP
b) TCP
c) UDP
d) DNS
3. In Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4), _____ addresses are possible.

a) 2^10

b) 2^64

c) 2^16

d) 2^32


CHAPTER 04: Thinking About Prototyping

1. ________________has competitive advantages in industry.

a) Closed source
b) Open source
c) Public source
d) Private source

2. Choosing right platform for IOT devices involves------

a. Processor speed
b. Networking
c. Power consumption
d. All of the above

3. Tapping into the community deals with______________

a. mass personalization
b. mass production
c. sketching
d. finding resources available

4. ____________are called the output devices

a. Actuators
b. Mouse
c. Keyboard
d. Scanner
5. ________are the engines of countless sensors and automated factory machinery.

a. Microcontroller.
b. Switches
c. Hub
d. Routers

CHAPTER 05: Prototyping Embedded Devices

1. What is the speed of operation in Pi 3?
a) 900MHz
b) 1.2GHz
c) 1GHz
d) 500MHz

2. Raspberry pi is an example of------

a) Microcontroller
b) Actuator
c) SOC
d) ROC

3. Operating system of Arduino:




d)Boot Loader

4. Operating system of Raspberry Pi:


b)Huawei Light OS

c)Riot OS

d)Apache MiNET
5.Internet of things devices takes advantage of more tightly integrated and
miniaturized solutions – from the most basic level of microcontrollers to move
powerful ________modules.



c)Integrated circuit



CHAPTER 06: Prototyping the Physical Design

1. What method of 3D printing uses a laser to harden liquid plastic layer by layer?
a) SLA
c) SLS

2. What does SLS stand for?

a) Standard Laser Selection
b) Selective Laser Solution
c) Selective Laser Sintering
d) Selective Liquid Sintering

3.Which method of 3D printing melts a plastic filament and builds the object on
a plate layer by layer?
b) SLA
c) SLS
d) FDM

4. What does CAD stand for?

a) Computer Aligned Design

b) Computer Aided Design

c) Computer Abled Design

d) Computer Archived Design

5.What does SLA stand for?

a) Stereolithography

b) Standard Laser Anodizing

c) Special Laser Anodizing

d) Selective Liquid Anodizing

CHAPTER 07: Prototyping Online Components:

1. What does the three R's of recycling mean?

a) Reduce, Rewrite, Reward

b) Reduced, Rewriting, Recollect
c) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
d) Reuse, Recycle and Reward

2. What are constrained devices?

a) Devices with limited resources

b) Devices with limited consumption
c) Devices with limited designing
d) Devices with limited connectivity

3. This part of the printer is where the melted filament is extruded onto and your
object takes shape.

a) The Print Head

b) The Filament Roll

c) The Print Plate

d) The Nozzle
4. This part of the printer is what actually gets hot and from where the filament

a) The Print Head

b) The Filament Roll

c) The Print Plate

d) The Nozzle

5. What kinds of materials can be fed into a 3D printer

a) Plastic only

b) Paper only

c) Metal only

d) Metals, plastics, powders, and other substances


CHAPTER 08: Techniques for Writing Embedded Code

1) OS activates special reserved memory called memory, when system runs

out of memory.
a) Power Memory
b) Virtual Memory
c) Real Memory
d) Shared Memory.

2) ROM is only Memory

a) Read
c) Real

3) is semi-permanent type of memory

a) ROM
c) Flash
4) LIFO stands for____________

a) Left-in-first-out

b) left-in-fast-out



5)In stack memory________ variable is always pushed first

a) Local

b) Shared



CHAPTER 09: Business Models:

1 Fast-food franchising began in the

a) 1930
b) 1950
c) 1960
d) 1990

2 Tim Berners-Lee’s first demonstration of the World Wide Web in

a) 1930
b) 1950
c) 1960
d) 1990

3. ________are the people you plan to deliver the product to.

a) Customer Segments
b) People
c) Client
d) Customer relationship
4. Customer Relationships might involve a lasting communication between the
company and its most passionate customers via _____.

a) Face to face
b) Twitter
c) Social Media
d) Relationship

5. _______are ways of reaching the customer segments.

a. Media
b. Channels
c. Medium
d. Route


CHAPTER 10: Moving to Manufacture

1. What is the first step towards selling your idea as IOT product is to provide it as
a) Kit
b) Design.
c) Logic
d) Both A and B.

2. Which process combines component placement and routing to define

electrical connectivity on a manufactured board?
a) A PCB
b) Board.
c) Design
d) Software.
3. Which possibility is the highest contributor to cost overhead for manufacturing
a) Transportation and logistics
b) Energy and utilities
c) Plant control flow operation
d) Energy management and resource optimization

4.The manufacturing elements provide _________ manufacturing processes.

a) Automated
b) Intelligent
c) Streamlined
d) Automated, Intelligent, and Streamlined.

5. In which view you layout the component logically and make the necessary
without having to worry about exactly where they will sit in Physical space.
a) Hardware view.
b) Random view.
c) Both A and B.
d) Schematic view

CHAPTER 11: Ethics

1. REMs stands for__________.

a) Rare Earth Map

b) Real Earth Map
c) Rare Earth Magic
d)Real Emission Mappings

2. In the digital world, moving data rather than physical objects is faster, is
safer, and has a lower environmental cost.

a) Lower environmental cost.

b) Lower economical cost
c) Lower electricity cost.
d) Lower material cost
3. The project should be designed to be ___________.

a) Run faster
b) Helpful
c) Logical
d) Upgradable

4. To enable them ________ to remain useful at the end of its working life.

a) Data
b) Network
c) Code
d) Time

5. Consider environmental factors, such as _____ produced during normal

operation or during disposal of the object.

a) System
b) Emissions
c) Design
d) Development

TYIT Semester V - AWP Sample Multiple Choice Questions
Unit 1

1. Which of the following constitutes the .NET Framework?

A. ASP.NET Applications
C. Framework Class Library
D. WinForm Applications
A. 2
B. 2, 1
C. 2, 3
D. 3, 4

2. Managed methods will be marked as ------------ in MSIL code

A. mscorjit
B. cil
C. dgclr
D. None

3. A _______ is an identifier that denotes a storage location.

A. Constant
B. Reference type
C. Variable
D. Object

4. C# has _______ operator, useful for making two way decisions.

A. Looping
B. Functional
C. Exponential
D. Conditional

5. The methods that have the same name, but different parameter lists and different
definitions is called______.
A. Method Overloading
B. Method Overriding
C. Method Overwriting
D. Method Overreading

6. C# doesnot support:
A. abstraction
B. polymorphism
C. multiple inheritance
D. inheritance
7. A variable declared inside a method is called a________variable
A. Static
B. Private
C. Local
D. Serial

8. The code public class B : A { }

A. Defines a class that inherits all the methods of A
B. Defines a class that inherits the public and protected methods of A only
C. Errors
D. a and b

9. We can use __________ to implement multiple inheritance in C#

A. interfaces
B. inheritances
C. object
D. constructor
10. When a class is declared _________, it cannot be inherited
A. Private
B. As base
C. sealed
D. as parent

Unit 2
1. In Microsoft Visual Studio, ______ technology and a programming language such as
C# is used to create a Web based application.
B. J#

2. Which file contains configuration data for each unique URl resource used in project?
A. web.config
B. global.asax
C. webapplication.vsdisco
D. assemblyinfo.cs

3. If you want to validate the email addresses, Social Security numbers, phone numbers,
and dates types of data, which validation control will be used?

A. RegularExpressionValidator
B. CompareValidator
C. RequiredFieldValidator
D. None of the above

4. ___________ control is a server-side equivalent of the <ul> (unordered list) and <ol>
(ordered list) elements.
A. ListBox
B. DropDownList
C. BulletedList
D. CheckBoxList

5 Which of the following object is not an ASP component?

A. LinkCounter
B. Counter
C. AdRotator
D. File Access

6 Why is Global.asax is used?

A. Declare Global variables
B. Implement application and session level events
C. No use
D. Declare variables

7. What is the fully qualified name of the base class of all server controls?
A System.Web.UI.Control
B. System.Web.UI
C. System.Control
D. All of the above
8. If we want to add graphics using which of the following web control will you

A. Link Button
B. AdRotator
C. Grid View
D. Layout

9. What happen in the Web Page when Init event occur?

A. ViewState is loaded on the page.
B. Each child control of the page is initialized to its design time values.
C. HTML is rendered.
D. None of the above
10. What is the name of the Page object’s property that determines if a Web page is
being requested without data being submitted to server?

A. IsCallback
B. IsReusable
C. IsValid
D. IsPostBack

1. Which of these keywords is used to manually throw an exception?
A try
B finally
C throw
D catch

2. Which Session Mode Serialization is not required to store the data?

A. Off
B. InProc
C. StateServer

3. When a User’s Session times out which event should you respond to?
A. Application_Start
B Session_End
C. Session_Start
D. Application_End

4. From the following which is not a valid state management object?

A. Querystate
B. Cookies
C. Application state
D. Hidden form fields

5. What is full form of CSS?

A) Crystal Style Sheet
B) Cascading Spread Sheet
C) Cascading Style Sheet
D) Cascading Support Sheet
6 What is the advantage of Class Selector ?
A) To apply setting once per page
B) To group multiple selectors
C) To give same formatting to all HTML elements
D) To use global setting

7 ASP.NET uses a _______ to make sure your view-state information can’t be altered
without your knowledge.
A. view code
B. app code
C. password
D. hash code

8 URL stands for _____.

A. Union Resource Loader
B. Uniform Resource Locator
C. Universal Resource Locator
D. Uniform Resource Loader

9. In-Process stores the session in memory on the ____

A. ASP Server
B. Web server
C. Secondary Memory
D. Primary Memory

10. What is the base class from which all Web forms inherit?
A. Master Page
B. Page Class
C. Session Class
D. None of the Above

Unit 4
1. On what object would you set the properties to create a primary key for a DataTable?
A. DataRelation
B. DataColumn
C. DataSet
D. DataTable
2. ________________ is a model used by net framework to communicate with database for
retrieving and storing data with the help of various built in classes.



4. open() and close() are methods of--------- class.

A. Sqlcommand
B. Sqlconnection
C. sqldata
D. sqlreader

5. In disconnected data access model ................ is used to keep copy of data in memory

A. table
B. databse
C. dataset
D. adapter

6. Which of the following is not a member of ConnectionObject

A. Execute
B. EndTransaction
C. BeginTransaction
D. Open

7. Which is not the component of data providers in ADO.NET?

A. Connection Object.
B. Data Set Object.
C. Data Reader Object.
D. Command Object.

8. Which of the following is not a member of ConnectionObject

A. Execute
B. EndTransaction
C. BeginTransaction
D. Open
9. Which database is the ADO.NET SqlConnection object designed for?

1. Access
2. Microsoft SQL Server
3. MySQL
4. Oracle

10. What are the two fundamental objects in ADO.NET?

A. Data Reader and Data Set.

B. Data Command and Data Set.
C. Data Reader and Data Command.
D. Data Adapter and Data Reader

Unit 5
1. Which of the following control provides a link for unauthenticated users to log on?
A. Login
B. LoginView
C. LoginStatus
D. LoginName

2. What s the full form of XML?

A. XML markup language
B Extensible markup language
C. Xaml markup language
D. Example markup language

3. XML uses the features from language?


4. XML Schema consists

A. Properties & Methods
B. Elements & Attributes
C. Structure & Data
D. Tables & Relationships

5. Which allows Hyperlinks to point to specific parts of the XML documents?

A. XPath
D. Xpointer

6. ------IS technology used to design program for data access




8. Following is not SQL aggregate fucntion

A. avg
B. sum
C. mul
D. count

9. The ..................... is a series of sistinct pieces of information seperated by semicolons.

A. string
B. query
C. connection
D. connectionstring

10. Which tool is used to manage all the security settings for application in ASP.Net
A. Administration Tool
B. Website User Tool
C. Authentication Tool
D. Page Administration Tool
Faculty Name: Disha Roshan Bhakta
Department: BSc.IT
Exam Type: Regular
Semester: 5
Subject: Artificial Intelligence
Sample Questions

1. Artificial Intelligence helps to build machines that are

A. Soft
B. Manual
C. Autonomous
D. Hard
2. When a system does right thing it is termed as
A. Smart
B. Expert
C. Fast
D. Rational
3. Turing test was proposed in year
A. 1950
B. 1955
C. 1960
D. 1965
4. The branch of Artificial Intelligence which helps for computation
A. Economics
B. Mathematics
C. Language
D. Neuroscience
5. The branch of Artificial Intelligence which helps for thinking
A. Psychology
B. Linguistics
C. Economics
D. Mathematics
6. The first work that is now generally recognized as AI was done by whom in 1943.
A. Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts
B. Noam Chomsky and Dean Edmonds
C. Donald Hebb and Walter Pitts
D. Marvin Minsky and Dean Edmonds
7. Two undergraduate students at Harvard, built the first neural network computer in 1950.
A. Donald Hebb and Walter Pitts
B. Noam Chomsky and Dean Edmonds
C. Marvin Minsky and Dean Edmonds
D. Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts
8. In which college/university that is also the official birth-place of AI, in summer of 1956 a
two-month workshop was organized for U.S. researchers interested in automata theory,
neural nets, and the study of intelligence.
A. Virginia University
B. Minnesota University
D. Dartmouth College
9. LISP was created by?
A. John McCarthy
B. Marvin Minsky
C. Alan Turing
D. Allen Newell and Herbert Simon
10. An Artificial Intelligence system developed by Terry A. Winograd to permit an interactive
dialogue about a domain he called blocks-world.

11. __________ is the process of looking to sequence of actions

A. Problem
B. Location
C. Search
D. Cost
12. The lowest path among all the solutions is referred as
A. Smallest Path
B. Basic Path
C. Path
D. Optimal Path

13. The execution algorithm performance will depend on

A. Time Complexity
B. Space Complexity
C. Optimality
D. Completeness

14. The maximum number of successors in a tree is known as

A. Depth
B. Branching Factor
C. Height
D. Successors
15. The uninformed search in which exploration happens only in one direction is
A. Breadth First Search
B. Depth First Search
C. Unidirectional Search
16. Though local search algorithms are not systematic, key advantages would include
A. Less memory
B. More time
C. Finds a solution in large infinite space
D. Less memory & Finds a solution in large infinite space
17. 4. _______________ Is an algorithm, a loop that continually moves in the direction of
increasing value – that is uphill.
A. Up-Hill Search
B. Hill-Climbing
C. Hill algorithm
D. Reverse-Down-Hill search
18. When will Hill-Climbing algorithm terminate?
A. At exit
B. At minimax
C. No neighbour has higher value
D. At goal state
19. What are the main cons of hill-climbing search?
A. Terminates at local optimum & Does not find optimum solution
B. Terminates at global optimum & Does not find optimum solution
C. Does not find optimum solution & Fail to find a solution
D. Fail to find a solution
20. Hill climbing sometimes called ____________ because it grabs a good neighbour state
without thinking ahead about where to go next.
A. Needy local search
B. Heuristic local search
C. Greedy local search
D. Optimal local search

21. The search which helps to find states in opponent to one other
A. Breadth First Search
B. Depth First Search
C. Adversarial Search
D. Local Search
22. In MINMAX MAX will choose the state with
A. With greater heuristics
B. With less heuristics
C. With equal heuristics
D. With no heuristics
23. The test which is true at the leaf nodes of Game Tree
A. Final test
B. Solution test
C. Terminal test
D. Path test
24. The value of utility function will be positive when
A. MAX wins
B. MIN wins
C. Draw Game
D. MAX lose

25. The value of utility function will be negative when

A. Draw Game
B. MAX wins
C. MIN wins
D. MIN lose
26. General games involve ______environment
a. Simple Agent
b. Complex Agent
c. Neither single agent nor multi-agent
d. Single-agent and multi-agent
27. Adversarial search problems use ____________
A. Competitive Environment
B. Cooperative Environment
C. Neither Competitive nor Cooperative Environment
D. Stagnant Environment
28. The initial state and the legal moves for each side define the __________ for the game.
A. Search Tree
B. Game Tree
C. State Space Search
D. Forest
29. General algorithm applied on game tree for making decision of win/lose is ____________
A. DFS/BFS Search Algorithms
B. Heuristic Search Algorithms
C. Greedy Search Algorithms
D. MIN/MAX Algorithms
30. Which is the most straightforward approach for planning algorithm?
A. Best-first search
B. State-space search
C. Depth-first search
D. Hill-climbing search

31. The first order logic for "All birds Fly"

A. ∀xBird(x) → Fly (x)
B. ∀xFly(Bird) → Fly (x)
C. ∀xBird(x) → Fly (Bird)
D. ∀xBird(x)=Fly (x)

32. ∀x man(x) → drink (x, coffee)

A. There are all x where x is a man who drink coffee
B. All are men
C. All are coffee
D. All are men with coffee

33. Some boys play cricket is represented in First Order Logic as

A. ∃x boys(x) → play(x, cricket).
B. ∃x boys(y) → play(x, cricket).
C. ∃x boys(y) → play (z, cricket).
D. ∃x boys(x) → play(y, cricket).
34. First Order Logic Contains
A. Constants
B. Predicates
C. Functions
D. Connectives, Constants, Predicates, Functions
35. The process where knowledge engineer works with domain experts
A. Knowledge Representation
B. Knowledge Graph
C. Knowledge Acquisition
D. Knowledge Process
36. What is the condition of literals in variables?
A. Qualified
B. Universally quantified
C. Quantified
D. NOT Quantified
37. Which rule is equal to the resolution rule of first-order clauses?
A. Propositional resolution rule
B. Inference rule
C. Resolution rule
D. Negation rule
38. What is meant by factoring?
A. Removal of redundant variable
B. Removal of redundant literal
C. Addition of redundant literal
D. Addition of redundant variable
39. A term with no variables is called?
A. variable term
B. propositional term
C. logic term
D. ground term
40. Which condition is used to cease the growth of forward chaining?
A. Atomic sentences
B. Complex sentences
C. No further inference
D. Proposition
41. A plan that describe how to take actions in levels of increasing refinement and specificity
is ____________
A. Problem solving
B. Planning
C. Non-hierarchical plan
D. Hierarchical plan
42. Which data structure is used to give better heuristic estimates?
A. Forwards state-space
B. Backward state-space
C. Planning graph algorithm
D. Linear graph
43. What are present in the planning graph?
A. Sequence of levels
B. Literals
C. Variables
D. Heuristic estimates
44. What is the starting level of planning graph?
A. Level 3
B. Level 2
C. Level 1
D. Level 0
45. What is the advantage of totally ordered plan in constructing the plan?
A. Reliability
B. Flexibility
C. Easy to use
D. Compatibility
46. Which algorithm places two actions into a plan without specifying which should come
A. Full-order planner
B. Total-order planner
C. Semi-order planner
D. Partial-order planner
47. Which are recognized by vision?
A. Objects
B. Activities
C. Motion
D. Both Objects & Activities
48. The famous spare tire problem or Scheduling classes for bunch of students or Air cargo
transport are the best example of ____________
A. Planning problem
B. Partial Order planning problem
C. Total order planning
D. Graph problem
49. What enables people to recognize people, animals and inanimate objects reliably?
A. Speech
B. Vision
C. Hear
D. Perception
50. To eliminate the inaccuracy problem in planning problem or partial order planning problem
we can use ___________________ data structure/s.
A. Stacks
B. Queue
C. BST (Binary Search Tree)
D. Planning Graphs
Faculty Name: Mr Vinay Vilas Shahapurkar
Dept: BSc IT
Exam Type: Regular
Sem: V
Subject: Software Project Management (SPM)
Sample Questions

1. Which of the following is not project management goal?

A. Keeping overall costs within budget.
B. Delivering the software to the customer at the agreed time.
C. Maintaining a happy and well-functioning development team.
D. Avoiding costumer complaints.

2. According Fred Brooks’ view the software product have certain characteristic’s
A. People, Quality, Process and Productivity
B. Performance, Robustness, Maintainability and Reusability
C. Complexity, Conformity, Changeability and Invisibility
D. Accuracy, Testability, Visibility and Changeability.

3. ____ is a temporary endeavor undertaking to create a unique product, service, or result.

A. Project
B. Task
C. Job
D. Plan

4. A ___ is a central document that defines the fundamental information abou a project.
A. Product Charter
B. Project Charter
C. Project Chart
D. Product Report
5. ___ are people who have interest in the project.
A. Managers
B. Directors
C. Stakeholders
D. Citizens

6. What does SMART stand for?

A. Spectacular, Measurable, Actionable, Resourced, Timely
B. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely
C. Suitable, Measurable, Actionable, Reviewed, Timely
D. Standardized, Measurable, Actionable, Resourced, Timely

7. The phase with which project management life cycle starts before software development life
A. Planning
B. Execution
C. Initiation
D. Closure

8. Change management is also known as ___

A. Release Management
B. Scope Management
C. Configuration Management
D. Quality Management

9. Who suggests W5HH Principle?

A. Boehm
B. Stallman
C. Henry
D. Bob

10. Which is not the main project attributes listed below?

A. Cost
B. Duration
C. Effort
D. Feedback

11. RAD stands for

A. Rapid Application Development
B. Repeated Application Development
C. Ready Application Development
D. Relative Application Development

12. SDLC stands for?

A. Software Design Life Cycle
B. Software Development Life Cycle
C. System design Life Cycle
D. System Development Life Cycle

13. Waterfall Model is not called as

A. Linear Sequential Model
B. Classic Life Cycle Model
C. One Shot
D. Iterative Model

14. The Spiral Model of software development

A. Ends with the delivery of the software product
B. Is more chaotic than Incremental Model
C. Includes project risks evaluation during each stage
D. Excludes requirements of customer addressed later on.

15. Which is not identified in Evolutionary Software Process Model?

A. Iterative in nature
B. Can easily accommodate product requirement change
C. Do not generally follow Throw Away Approach
D. Increments as and when needed

16. What are the four framework activities found in Extreme Programming (XP) process model
A. Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing
B. Planning, Analysis, Design, Coding
C. Planning, Analysis, Design, Testing
D. Planning, Design, Coding, Testing

17. Choose the correct option from given below:

A. Prototyping Model facilitates reusability of components
B. RAD Model facilitates reusability of components
C. Spiral Model facilitates reusability of components
D. Iterative model follows only cycle.

18. Main objective of Kanban

A. Visualize the workflow
B. Define Requirement
C. Show Daily Scrum
D. Sprint Backlog

19. Who is responsible for Scrum Model?

A. Developer
B. Tester
C. Product Owner
D. Architecture

20. How much week is required to develop the sprint?

A. 1 to 3 Weeks
B. 2 to 4 Weeks
C. 5 to 6 Weeks
D. 2 to 5 Weeks

21. Which of the following is NOT the objective of Activity Planning?

A. Feasibility Assessment
B. Cutting down on Requirements
C. Resource Allocation
D. Detailed Costing

22. What is TRUE for activity Plan?

A. Should be finalized at the beginning only
B. Can be unclear
C. Revised at regular intervals
D. Monitoring does not assist Planning

23. For schedule creation, which of the following stage is not required?
A. Constructing ideal activity plan
B. Fund allocation
C. Resource Allocation
D. Activity Risk Analysis

24. Which of the following is NOT an approach to identify Activity?

A. Planning Based Approach
B. Product Based Approach
C. Activity Based Approach
D. Hybrid Approach

25. PERT stands for

A. Planning Examination Resourcing Technique
B. Project Examination Review Technique
C. Program Evaluation Rejection Technique
D. Program Evaluation Review Technique

26. CPM stands for

A. Critical Planning Method
B. Crucial Path Method
C. Critical Path Method
D. Crucial Path Management

27. Which of the following is NOT related to Network Planning Methods?

A. GANTT Chart
D. Precedence Network

28. GANTT Chart is NOT used for

A. Scheduling
B. Staffing
C. Resource Allocation
D. Deciding Priorities

29. Which of the following is most useful to decompose big projects into smaller modules or
A. PERT Chart
B. GANTT Chart
C. Task Network
D. Work Breakdown Structure

30. In PERT Chart Dummy activity is required if:

A. Two or more activities have same ending events
B. Two or more activities have identical starting and ending events
C. Two or more activities have different ending events
D. Two or more activities have same starting events

31. End of stage review meeting is an example of?

A. oral formal regular meeting
B. oral formal ad hoc meeting
C. oral informal ad hoc meeting
D. written formal ad hoc meeting

32. The scale amber in RAG reporting denotes

A. on target
B. not on target but recoverable
C. not on target and recoverable only with difficulty
D. on target and recoverable

33. Who among the following schedules the review meeting?

A. recorder
B. moderator
C. reviewer
D. author

34. The review process works best when the number of members is between
A. 10-15
B. 1-3
C. 5-7
D. more than 15

35. The phase where the work product of the author is distributed to the review team members is
called as
A. review meeting
B. rework
C. preparation
D. moderation

36. Which of the following is NOT a report in which the review data is captured?
A. Review log
B. Review charter
C. review preparation log
D. review summary report

37. Which technique is best suited for long duration projects to assign earned value?
A. the 0/100 technique
B. 75/25 technique
C. milestone technique
D. 50/50 technique

38. Which factor is considered as important in SDLC?

A. schedule
B. cost
C. time
D. earned value

39. Control of changes and documentation is the responsibility of the

A. configuration librarian
B. project manager
C. reviewer
D. developer

40. The following is required to run the software on different operating systems
A. baseline
B. version
C. revision
D. variant

41. Stakeholders in the project are identified and communications channels are established by?
A. Feedback
B. System Study
C. Requirement
D. Project Scope and Objectives

42. The members of the group get to know each other and try to set up some ground rules about
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Consulting

43. ____________conflicts are largely settled and a feeling of group identity emerges.
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Forming

44. The emphasis is now on the tasks at hand.

A. Storming
B. Norming
C. Adjourning
D. Performing

45. A good team player who is willing to undertake less attractive tasks if they are needed for
team success
A. team worker
B. company worker
C. The shaper
D. The Plant
46. _______________ means that the efforts of each participant are added to get the final result.
A. Additive task
B. compensatory tasks
C. disjunctive tasks
D. conjunctive tasks

47. _____________tasks are where progress is governed by the rate of the slowest performer.
A. Additive task
B. compensatory tasks
C. disjunctive tasks
D. conjunctive tasks

48. More complex and often requiring a degree of creativity

A. Structured
B. Unstructured
C. Semi Structured
D. Discrete

49. In Conventional software developments projects, a typical approach to improving

__________ is to introduce more documentation.
A. motivation
B. techniques
C. coordination
D. planning

50. The ________process starts with systems architecture and planning phase.
A. Scrum
B. Agile
D. Egoless Programming

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