Human Resource Management

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Humanr esour cemanagement  

(HRM  or 
HR) soci al andpr ofessi onal . themoder nHRM f unctionwhi chisprimaril
st hest r
ategi cappr oacht ot heef fectiv
e Or gani sat ionSi gni ficance: concernedwi thensur i
ngt hef ul
managementofor gani zat ionwor kersso HRM i sofv i
t alimpor tancet ot hei ndi vidual managementobj ect
ivesandatt hesamet i
thatt heyhel pt hebusi nessgai na organi sat ionasameansf orachi ev ingt hei r ensuri
ngthatt heneedsoft heresourcesare
compet it
iveadv ant age, Commonl yknown obj ect iv es. takencareof .Inthisway ,HRM di ff
ast he  HRDepar tment bywhom?
itisdesigned Itcont ri
but est ot heachi ev ementof personnelmanagementnotonl yinitsbroader
tomaxi mize  empl oy eeper for mance  i
n organi sat ional obj ect ivesi nt hef ollowi ngway s: scopebutal soi nthewayi nwhi chit
smi ssi
serviceofanempl oy er 'sst rat egic 1.Goodhumanr esour cepr act icecanhel pi n i
sdef i
object ives.[1]
HRi spr i
marily attract ingandr et aini ngt hebestpeopl ei nt he HRM goesbey ondtheadmi nist
concer nedwi tht hemanagementofpeopl e organi sat ion. personnelmanagement  andencompassesa
withinor gani zat i
ons, focusi ng 2.Dev el opi ngt henecessar yski l
lsandr ight broadvisi
onofhowmanagementwoul dli
on pol icies andon  sy st ems. [
HR attitudesamongt heempl oy eest hr ough theresourcest ocontributet othesuccessof
depar tment sar er esponsi blef or traini ng, dev elopment ,per for manceappr aisal
, theorgani
zat ion.
over seei ng  empl oy ee- benef its design, etc.
empl oy ee recr ui tment , traini ngand 3.Secur ingwi ll
ingcooper at ionofempl oy ees
devel opment , per f ormanceappr ai
sal,and throughmot ivation, par ticipat ion, gr iev ance
handl ing, et c. Management
rewar ding( e. g. ,managi ngpayandbenef i
systems) . 
HRal soconcer nsi tself 4.Ef fect iv eut i
sat i
onofav ailabl ehuman Thedef initionsonper sonnel
resour ces. managementr ev eal t
hef ollowi ng
with or gani zat ional change  and  i
5.Ensur ingt hatent er pr i
sewi ll hav ei nf ut urea
at ions, thati s, thebal anci ngof
team ofcompet entanddedi cat edempl oy ees. char act er i
st ics:
organi zati
onal pr act iceswi thr equirements
Soci al Si gni ficance: (i
)Per sonnel managementi sa
si ngf r
om col lect i
v ebar gai ningandf rom
Soci al signi f icanceofHRM l i
esi nt heneed speci alisedbr anchofmanagement
gov ernment al laws.
sat i
sf act ionofper sonnel int heor gani sat ion.
Sincet heseper sonnel ar edr awnf rom t he andhenceal l thepr inci plesof
ed: soci et y ,thei ref fect i
v enesscont ribut est ot he gener al management( aswel las
Humanr esour cemanagementi sconcer ned wel far eoft hesoci ety .Soci ety ,asawhol e,is funct ionsofmanagement )ar e
withempl oy eesbot hasindiv
idualsandasa themaj orbenef iciar yofgoodhumanr esour ce
groupi nattaininggoals. pract ice. appl icabl et oper sonnel
sal soconcer nedwithbehaviour,emot i
onal i
.Empl oy mentoppor tuni tiesmul tiply. management .
andsoci alaspect sofper
st he i
i.El imi nat ingwast eofhumanr esour ces
processofbr ingingpeopleandor ganisati
ons (ii)Per sonnel managementi s
throughconser v ationofphy sical andment al
togethersot hatthegoalsofeachar emet .
heal t h. basi cal lyconcer nedwi thhuman
Humanr esourcemanagementcov ersalll
s i
ii.Scar et al ent sar eputt obestuse. resour ces.Per sonnel management
andcat egori
esofempl oyees.Itappli
esto Compani est hatpayandt r eatpeopl ewel l adv ocat est heway st ogetbest
wor ker
s,super vi
manager sand alway sr aceaheadofot her sanddel iver
othertypesofper sonnel. excel lentr esul ts. possi bler esul tsbymanagi ngt he
Itcoversbothor ganisedandunor ganised Pr ofessi onal Signi ficance: scar cel yav ailabl ehumanr esour ces
empl oyees.Itappli
est otheempl oyeesinall Pr ofessi onal signi ficanceofHRM l i
esi n effect iv elyandef ficient ly.
typesofor ganisati
onsi nthewor l
d. dev el opi ngpeopl eandpr ov idingheal thy
env ironmentf oref fect iveut i
lisat ionoft hei r (i
)Per sonnel managementi s
Underhumanr esour cemanagement ,every
empl oy eei
sconsi deredasani ndi
vidualsoas capabi liti
es. concer nedwi thr el at i
onshi p
topr ov i
icesandpr ogrammest o Thi scanbedoneby : bet weenempl oy erandempl oyee;
tateemploy eesatisfacti
onandgr owth. 1.Dev el opi ngpeopl eoncont inuousbasi st o
meetchal lengeoft hei rjob. bet weenempl oy eeandempl oy ee;
Inot herwords,itisconcer nedwi t
ht he
dev elopmentofhumanr esources,i.
e., 2.Pr omot ingt eam- wor kandt eam- spi ritamong andamongempl oy ees.Byt het erm
knowl edge,capabi l
esand empl oy ees. empl oy eewemeant oi ncludebl ue-
attainingandachi evi
ngempl oyeegoal s. 3.Of fer ingexcel lentgr owt hoppor tuni tiest o
peopl ewhohav et hepot ent i
al tor i
se. collaraswel laswhi te-col l
Humanr esourcemanagementi sacont i
nuous wor ker s.
4.Pr ov i
di ngenv ironmentanddev elopi ngand
andnev erendingpr ocess.Accordi
ngt oGeorge
si ngcr eat i
vity. (i
v)Per sonnel management
RTer r
y,“itcannotbet urnedonandof fli
Per sonnel management  canbedef inedas
waterfrom af aucet;i
tcannotbepr acti
obt ai ning, usi ngandmai nt ainingasat isfied concent r atesont hedev elopment
ADVERTI SEMENTS: wor kf orce.I ti sasi gni fi
cantpar tof ofi ndi vidual andgr oupi nan
Personnel managementr equir
esaconst ant managementconcer nedwi thempl oy eesat organi sat i
onf orachi ev i
ngbet ter
ertnessandawar enessofhumanr el
ations wor kandwi tht hei rr el ationshi pwi thint he
andtheirimpor t
ancei nev er
ons”. organi zat ion. resul ts.
ion: Accor dingt oFl ippo, “Per sonnel managementi s (v)Per sonnel managementf ocuses
Humanr esourcemanagementi sa thepl anni ng, organi zing, compensat ion,
nemanagersanda onempl oy mentpl anni ng.
nt egr ationandmai nt ainanceofpeopl ef ort he
onofst affmanagersi
nanor gani
pur poseofcont ribut ingt oor gani zat ional , (v i
)Per sonnel managementgi v es
Humanr esourcemanagersdonotmanuf act
orsellgoodsbutt heydocontri
butet ot
ndi v idual andsoci etal goal s.” adequat edi r ect iont ot he
successandgr owthofanorganisati
onby Accor dingt oBr ech, “Per sonnel Managementi s dev el opment al act iviti
es—ofl ower -
ngt heoperati
ngdepartmentson thatpar twhi chi spr imar ilyconcer nedwi th
humanr esour ceofor gani zat ion. ” l
ev el empl oy eesaswel las
personnel matter
execut i
v es.
cemanagementi st hecentral Per
Management (vi
i)Per sonnel managementai ms
sub-functionofanor ganisationandi t Traditi
onallyt het erm personnel management
permeat esalltypesoff unctionalmanagement wasusedt or ef ertot hesetofact i
ies atpr ov idingt henecessar y
z.,product i
onmanagement ,mar ket
ing concerningt hewor kforcewhi chi ncluded guidancef ori mpr ov ing
managementandf i
nancialmanagement . staff
ing,pay roll,contractual obli
gat i
ADVERTI SEMENTS: per for mance( thr oughper formance
otheradmi nist rativ
et asks.Int hisrespect ,
Eachandev erymanageri sinvolvedwi t
h personnel managementencompassest he appr ai sal ofempl oy ees)of
humanr esourcefunction.Itisar esponsibi
nemanager sandaf unctionofst aff
rangeofact iv i
tiest hataret odowi thmanagi ng empl oy ees.
thewor kforcer atherthanr esour ces.
manager sinanor gani
sation. (vi
ii)Per sonnel managementai ms
ion: Personnel Managementi smor eadmi nist
Managi ngofhumanr esour
cesi sachall
ng i
nnat ure andt hePer sonnel Manager ’
smai nj
ob atmai nt aini nggoodhuman
obduet othedy namicnatureofpeople. i
st oensur et hatt heneedsoft hewor kfor
ceas relations.
Humanr esourcemanagementai msat theyper t
aint ot heirimmedi ateconcer nsare
om all
x)Abov eal l
, per sonnel
takencar eof .Fur ther,personnel manager s
empl oyeesinordertoattai
ermined typi
callyplayedt her oleofmedi atorsbet ween managementi sconcer nedwi th
goals. themanagementandt heempl oy eesandhence recr uitment , sel ect ion, trainingand
therewasal way sthef eeli
ngt hatper sonnel
vidualemploy ee-goal
sconsi stofjob placementofempl oy eeswi thin
ve managementwasnoti nt unewi tht he
engingwor k,pri
us, objecti
vesoft hemanagement . wor kor gani sat ions.
(x)Per sonnel management
ion,oppor t
prov idesf orf ai randr easonabl e
esourcesar ethev al
uableasset sof
: Management compensat iont oempl oy ees.
Withtheadv entofresourcecentri
thecor poratebodi es.Theyar etheirstrengt
h. Thus, per sonnel managementi san
zat i
Tof acet henewchal lengesont hef r
ont sof appr oach( anappr oacht odeal with
mper ativetoput“peoplefi
knowl edge, t
echnol ogyandchangi ngtrendsin
global economyneedsef fecti
securemanagementobj ecti
vesofmaxi mizi
ng humanbei ngsi nor gani sat i
on) ,a
theROI( Retur
nonI nvestment)onthe
resourcemanagement .Signi
canceofHRM pointofv iew( regar dingt he
resources.Thishasledtothedev el
canbeseeni nthreecont exts:organisati
personnel pol
esandwage Communi cat or : 
Communi cat ionpl ay sav ital greet ingt hev isitor sat tendi ngt hesoci al
rolei nanyor gani zationandHRt akesamaj or funct ionsi nv olv ingempl oy ees, handi ng
on),andat echniqueof rolei nt his.HRmanager spl ayamaj orr olei n
nking( astohowt omot i
vate outmer itcer tifi
cat esandot herawar ds
this.Oneoft hequal ityofagood
toout st andi ngempl oy ees.
employ eestowar dshigher communi cat ori st ohav egoodl i
st eni ngski lls.
Leader :
 Manager ’
sl eaderr olei nv olv es
Empl oy eescomet oHRmanager sonv arious
ty)andaphi losophyof i
ssues.Li steni ngt oempl oy eeswi thf ull l
eadi nghi ssubor dinat esandmot iv ating
management( ofget t
ingthings attent ioni soneofgoodqual i
tyofasuccessf ul them f orwi ll
ingcont ribut ions.Manager
donet hroughpeopl eeffecti
vely HRManager . i
sr esponsi bl ef oract iviti
esofhi s
Present er : Gr eatpr esent er sat t ractt hei r
andef fi
y). audi ences’ at tent ion, keept hem engagedand
subor di nat es.Hehast osetexampl eof
deliv ert hemessagei naposi tivemanner . har dwor kanddedi cat ionsot hat
Present at ionsski llsar ei mpor tantqual it
yof subor di nat ef ol lowhi sdi rect ionswi th
successf ul HRManager sast heyhandl e respect .
sev er al tr ainingsandpr esentt hei nf ormat iont o LiaisonRol e:  I
nl iaisonr ol emanager
management . ser vesasaconnect i
ngl inkbet weenhi s
Innov at ion:  Notev eryi ssuehasasameoreasy
Hi ri
ngandRecr ui ting andout sider sorbet weenhi suni tand
orr eadysol ut i
on.Successf ul HRManager s
Oneoft hepr imar yf unct ionsoft hehuman
thinkoutoft heboxanddel ivert hebest otheror gani zat ional uni ts.
resour cesdepar tmenti st oov er seehi ringand Infor mat ional Rol e:
recr uitingwi thi nanor gani zat ion.The solut i
ont ot hei rempl oy eesandt he
depar tmentact iv elyr ecr uits, scr eens, organi zat ion. Infor mat ional rolei nv ol vesr ecei ving
nt er viewsandhi r esqual if
iedcandi dat esf or Appr oachabl e:  
HRhandl esv ariousaspect sof collect ingofi nf or mat i
onanddi stribut ing
openposi t
ions.Thedepar tmentadmi ni st ers empl oy ees.Successf ul HRManager shav ean them asr equi red.I tisoft hr eet ypes
ski l
lsassessmentandper sonal ityt est st o opendoorpol i
cyandar eappr oachabl et ot hei r
Moni tor : 
Inmoni tor i
ngr ol emanager
mat chcandi dat eswi tht her i
ghtj obwi thi nt he empl oy ees.
company .Thehumanr esour cesdepar tment TimeManagementandSel f collect st hei nfor mat i
onwhi chcan
alsodev elopsempl oy eehandbookst hat Disci pl ine:  Successf ul HRManager sar egood affectt heor gani zat ional act iviti
expl aincompanypol iciesandpr ocedur est o atmanagi ngt heirt ime.Theypl ant hei rdaynot readi ngmagazi nesandper iodi cal s,
newhi res. j
ustt ocompl etet hei rday -to- dayact ivi
tiesbut repor tsf rom t hedepar tment s, talki ng
Tr ainingandDev el opment alsocat ert imef orsuddeni ssues. withot her st ol ear nchangesi nt he
Thehumanr esour cesdepar tmenthandl est he Del egat or : It
’snotpossi blet odoal l thewor kby
traininganddev el opmentofst af fwi thi nan publ ic’st ast e.
oneper son.Andt hi si sunder st oodby
organi zat ion.I tcr eat est raini ngpr ogr amsand successf ul HRManager s.HRManager s Dissemi nat or :
 Indi ssemi nat orr ole
conduct st r
ai ningf ornewhi resandexi st ing delegat ewor kt ot heirt eam member ssot hat mangerdi st ri
but et hei nf or mat iont ohi s
empl oy ees.Thehumanr esour cesdepar tment subor di nat esandsuper ior sbysendi ng
theygetl ear nedandgr owasapr of essi onal .
alsowor ksi nconj unct i
onwi thdepar tment
Deci sionmaker :
 Successf ul HRManager sar e circul ars, hol dingmeet ingsandmaki ng
manager sandsuper visor st odet er mi net he
trainingneedsofempl oy ees.Theyar eal so strat egi cpl anner sandt akedeci sionswhi char e phonecal l
aptandconsi der ingal lt hef act s.Theyar enot
responsi blef orcont ract swi tht raini ng Spokesper son:  I
nspokesper sonr ol et he
prov i
der sandmoni tor ingt rainingbudget s. afrai dt omaket hehar ddeci sionsf ort he
benef i
toft heor gani zat i
on. managerr epr esent shi sor gani zat i
00: 05
00: 46Handl ingCompensat ion Busi nessAcumen:  
Busi nessacumeni s unitwi thi nter act ingwi thout sider s.
Thehumanr esour cesdepar tmenti s keennessandqui cknessi nunder st andi ngand Thesemaycust omer ,financi er, gov t .
responsi blef orv ar iousaspect sofempl oy ee deal ingwi thabusi nesssi tuat ioni namanner suppl i
er sorot heragenci esi nsoci ety .It
compensat ion.Thedepar tmentt y pical ly thati sl i
kel yt ol eadt oagoodout come. canbedonebyat t
endi ngpr ess
handl esempl oy eepay r ollandensur es Successf ul HRmanager spossessgood
empl oy eesar epai daccur atel yandont ime,
conf er ences, meet i
ngsandbyi ssui ng
knowl edgeandunder st andi ngoft hef inanci al ,
wi tht hecor rectdeduct i
onsmade.Human account ing, mar ket ingandoper ational not i
resour cesdepar tment sal somanage funct ionsofanor gani zat ion. Deci si onal Rol e:
compensat ionpr ogr amst hati ncl udepensi ons TrustAdv isor : Empl oy eeswi llopent osomeone Itisv er yi mpor t antr ole.Managerhast o
andot herf r
ingebenef itsof feredbyt he theyt rustandseekadv iceonv ariousar eas. take  deci sions  dai ly.I ndeci sional rol ehe
empl oy er . Thi smaynotbel i
mi tedt ot hei rcar eerbutal so
Empl oy eeBenef i
ts per for msf ourr ol es.
canbef rom t hei rper sonal life.Successf ul HR
Thehumanr esour cesdepar tmentmanagesal l Ent repr eneur : Asanent repr eneurt he
Manager sadv iceempl oy eesbycr eat ingan
aspect sofempl oy eebenef i
ts, incl udi ngheal th
env ironmentoft rust .Successf ul HRManager s mangerassumescer tainr iskswhi chcan
anddent al i
nsur ance, long- ter m car eor affectt heor gani zat ion.Hehast ot ake
buildt rustt hr oughst r aightf orwar d
disabi litypr ogr amsaswel l asempl oy ee
assi stanceandwel lnesspr ogr ams.The communi cat ionsandi nt eract ions. deci sionsl ikeexpansi onor
depar tmentkeepst rackofempl oy eeabsences Mot ivat or : Ev eryempl oy eehasdi f fer entgoal s diver sificat ion, ini t
iat i
onofnewpr oject s,
andj ob- pr otect edl eav e, suchasf ami lymedi cal andobj ect ivest oachi ev e.Successf ul HR dev elopmentofol derpr ocedur eset c.
eav e.Humanr esour cesdepar tment Manager sar ecommi ttedt omot i
v at e.
AsaConf li
ctHandl er: 
Asaconf l
repr esent ativ esensur eempl oy eesr ecei vet he Successf ul HRManager sknowandunder stand
properdi scl osur esr egar dingbenef itel igibi l
ity whatmot ivat esempl oy eesandst ri
v et ogi v ei t handl erhehast ot akecar eofcer tai n
ori fbenef it
sar enol ongerav ai l
abl ebecauseof tot hem. distur bancei nor gani zat ionsuchas
al ay offort er mi nat ion. Leader : Al eaderi sonewhov isual izesbi g resol v i
ngempl oy eedi sput esandst rikes
Empl oy eeRel at i
ons pict ur e, focusonpeopl e, pr ogr essand etc.
Thehumanr esour cesdepar tmenthandl es achi ev ement s, doest her i
ghtt hi ngand Resour ceAl l
ocat or: Asar esour ce
empl oy eer elat i
onsmat terswi thinan encour agi ngar ewar dingcul tur e.Andt hisi s
organi zat ion.Empl oy eer elationsi nv ol v es all
ocat ormanager sf ulfil
l thedemandof
whatt hesuccessf ul HRManager spossess.
empl oy eepar ticipat ioni ndi ffer entaspect sof Met ricOr i
ent ed: Successf ul HRManager shav e var i
ousuni tsi nt ermsofhumanphy sical
organi zat ional act ivities.Thedepar tment af lairf ormet ricsast hesear eusef ul i
n andf inanci al .Het riest out il
izet hese
mai ntainst her elat ionshi pbet weenempl oy ees i
mpr ov isingv ar i
ouspr ocessi nt heor gani zat ion. resour cesi nsuchwayt hatno
andmanagementbypr omot ingcommuni cat ion
andf ai rnesswi thi nt hecompany .The depar tmentsuf f ersf ort hei ri nadequacy .
depar tmental sohandl esdi sput esbet ween RolesofManager : Negot i
at or : 
Asnegot i
at ormanagerhas
empl oy eesandmanagement ,aswel las Amanager ’
sroleisv erycruciali
nan tot akedeci si onsr egar di ngpr iceswi th
disput esbet weent hecompanyandl abor organi zati
on.Thesuccessof suppl i
er sandcust omer s.Heal sodeal s
uni onsorempl oy eer i
ght sor gani zat ions. organi zati
ondependsuponmanager ’
Legal Responsi bi li
t i
witht radeuni onsandnegot iat eswi t h
ityi nuti
zingther esourcesfor them r egar di ngwor kingcondi tionsand
Thehumanr esour cesdepar tmenti s achiev ingthepr edeterminedgoals.
responsi blef ori nt er pr et i
ngandenf or ci ng wagef ixat i
empl oy mentandl aborl awssuchasequal Henr yMi ntzbergsuggest edthreeareas
empl oy mentoppor tuni ty, fairlaborst andar ds, wher eamangerhast owor k.
benef itsandwages, andwor khour •Interpersonal Role
requi rement s.Thedepar tmental so •Informat i
onal Role Performanceappr ai
nv estigat eshar assmentanddi scr imi nat ion •Deci sionalRole
compl aint sandensur escompanyof ficial s
empl oyeesandt heirmanager s
remai ncompl i
antwi thUni tedSt at es createapl anforempl oyee
Depar tmentofLaborr egul ations. InterpersonalRole: developmentt hroughaddi t
esofamangerar e trai
ningandi ncreased
yofsuccessf ulHRManager sshould
concer nedwi t
hhi sint
ngwi th
possessf oundationont hef unctionsofhuman responsibil
ies,aswel lasto
resources.Andnotonl yt his,successfulHR
peopl ebothinsidetheor ganizat
out sider
s.Therear ethr
eet ypesof i
dent i
fyshortcomi ngsthe
Manager shav eazeal t oupdat ethei
knowledgeonl atestpract i
cesandt r
endsin i
nt erpersonalrol
es. empl oyeecouldwor ktoresolv
humanr esour ces.Witht hei rknowledgeand Figur eHead: I
nfigureheadr olemanager Ideall
y,theperformanceappr aisal
se, theydeal witht hedai lychall
enges per formsactivi
eswhi charecer emoni
al i
snott heonl yti
medur i
ngt heyear
thatarisei ntheor ganization.
andsy mbolicnature.Theseinclude
thatmanager sandempl oyees Thepr ocessofj obev aluat i
on deter
mi nedf
met hods
communi cateaboutt heempl oyee’
s i
nv ol vest hef ol l
owi ngst eps: resul
contributions.Mor ef requent Gai ningaccept ance: Bef or e
conv ersationshelpkeepev eryone under taki ngj obev aluat ion, top Ri
ont hesamepage, dev elopa managementmustexpl aint he Thepr ocessofacor poration
strongerr elati
onshipbet ween aimsandusesoft hepr ogr amme reorgani zingorr estr
uct uri
ngt hei
empl oy eesandmanager s,and tomanager s, emphasi zingt he businessbycost -cutti
ng, reduct i
wor kforce, orreorganizingupper -level
makeannual r
ewsl ess benef its. Empl oy ees  anduni ons
management .Thegoal istogett he
stressful.  maybeconsul ted, dependi ngon companymol dedpr oper l
yt oachi ev et
Per f
ormanceAppr aisal isthe thel egal andempl oy eer elat i
ons maxi mum pr ofit
.Thet ermr ightsizingis
systemat i
cev al
uationoft he env ironmentandcompanycul ture. oftenusedbycompani esi nsteadof
performanceofempl oy eesandt o Toel abor at et hepr ogr am f ur ther, downsi zingbecausei tsoundsl ess
drast i
c." Thecompanyf eltthat
under standt heabili
tiesofaper son present at i
onscoul dbemadet o ri
ght sizingwasnecessar yaf terfour
forfurthergr owthanddev elopment. expl aint hei nput s, pr ocessand quar tersofl osses."
out put s/ benef i
tsofj obev aluat ion. Differencebet weenr ightndown
Creat i
ngj obev al uat ioncommi tt
ee: Thepr ocessofacor por ation
Itisnotpossi bl ef orasi ngl eper son reorgani zingorr estructur i
ngt heir
toev aluat eal l thekeyj obsi nan busi nessbycost -cutting, reducti
organi zat ion.Of tenaj obev aluat ion ofwor kforce,orr eorgani zingupper -
commi tteeconsi st i
ngof l
ev el management .Thegoal isto
exper iencedempl oy ees, uni on gett hecompanymol dedpr operly
Timewagesnpi ecewage repr esent at i
v esand  HR  exper t
si s toachi ev ethemaxi mum pr ofi
1)Secur i
Timewagesy stemspr ov i
de creat edt osett hebal l rolling. termr ightsizingisof tenusedby
asecur itytot hewor ker sast heyar e Findi ngt hej obst obeev aluat ed: compani esi nsteadofdownsi zi
assuredoft hei rwages.Whi lewagesi n
Ev er yjobneednotbeev al uat ed. becausei tsoundsl essdr asti
piecewagesy st em var iesf r
om mont hto "Thecompanyf eltthatr ightsizi
mont h. Thi smaybet oot axi ngandcost ly .
wasnecessar yaf terfourquar ters
2)Wast age: wast ageoft i
mei shighi n Cer tainkeyj obsi neach
oflosses. "
mewagesy st em andi npi ecewage depar tmentmaybei dent i
system wast ageofr awmat er i
al, Whi lepi cki ngupt hej obs, car e
machi nesi shi gh. mustbet akent oensur et hatt hey
3)Super vi
sion: super visioni srequi r
ed repr esentt het ypeofwor k
sot hatther ewi llbenowast agei ntime
wagesy stem buti npiecewagesy stem
per for medi nt hatdepar tment ,at
nosuper vi
sioni srequired. var i
ousl ev el s. KeyDif
4)Qual ity:
 qual i
tyoft hepr oducti sgood Anal ysingandpr epar ing  job
nt imewagesy stem ascompar edto descr iption: Thi sr equi rest he Recr
piecewagesy st em. prepar at ionofa  jobdescr ipt ion and Sel
5)Det ermi nationofwages:  
wagesar e alsoananal y sisofj ob Thef ollowi ngpoi nt sar esubst antial
determi nedont hebasi soft i
mespenti n speci fi
cat ionsf orsuccessf ul
mewagesy st em whi lei npi ecewage
sof arast hedi ffer encebet ween
system wagesar edet ermi nedont he
per for mance.See  jobanal ysi s. recrui t
mentandsel ect i
oni s
basisofnumberofpi ecespr oduced. Sel ect ingt hemet hodofev aluat ion: concer ned:
6)Suppor tfrom t radeuni on: tr
adeuni on Themet hodofev aluat ingj obs Recr uitmenti st hepr ocessof
suppor ttot i
mewagesy stem and mustbei dent i
f i
ed, keepi ngt hej ob fi
ndi ngcandi dat esf orthev acant
opposepi ecewagesy st em duet olack fact orsaswel l asor gani sat ional posi ti
onandst imul atingt hem t o
ofassur anceofmi ni
mum wages. demandsi nmi nd.Sel ect inga appl yf orit.Thesel ectionmeans
7)Costofmai ntenance:  
costof met hodal soi nv olv esconsi der ation pickingupt hebestcandi dat ef rom
mai ntenancei sl essbecausemachi nes thel i
stofappl i
cant sandof fering
arepr operlyhandl edwhi leinpi ecewage
ofcompanycul tur e, andt he
capaci tyoft hecompensat i
onand them t he  j
system mai ntenancecostofmachi nes
smor e. benef itsf unct ionorj obev aluat i
on Recr uitmenti saposi tivepr ocess
commi ttee. asi tat tractsmor eandmor ej ob
A j
obev aluat ion isasy stemat i
c Ev aluat ingj obs: Ther el at i
v ewor th seeker st oappl yfort hepost .
wayofdet ermi ningt hev alue/wor th ofv ariousj obsi nanor gani sat ion Conv ersely ,Select ioni sanegat ive
ofa job inr elationt oot herj obsi n maybedet er mi nedbyappl y i
ngt he processasi treject sal ltheunf it
anor ganizat i
on.I ttriest omakea candi dat es.
obev al uat i
onmet hod.Themet hod
systemat iccompar isonbet ween Recr uitmentai msati nv iti
ngmor e
mayconsi dert he" whol ej ob"by
obst oassesst hei rrelativewor th andmor ecandi dat est oappl yf or
ranki ngasetofj obs, orby
forthepur poseofest ablishinga the vacantposi tion.Ont hecont r
compar ingeachj obt oagener al select i
onai msatr eject i
onal payst r
uct ure.Job
ev el descr ipt ion.Fact or -based unsui tabl ecandi dat esand
evaluat i
onneedst obe
met hodsr equi reconsi der at ionof appoi nt i
ngt her ightcandi dat esat
ferent i
at edf rom  jobanal ysis.
thel ev el ofv ar iouscompensabl e thej ob.
Jobanal ysisi sasy st emat i
gather i
ngi nf ormat ionaboutaj ob. fact ors( cr iter i
a)suchasl ev el and Theact i
v i
tyofr ecr ui t
menti squi te
Everyj obev aluationmet hod breadt hofr esponsi bility, simpl ebecausei nt hist her ecr uiter
requiresatl eastsomebasi cjob knowl edgeandski ll requi red, doesnothav et opaymor e
analysisinor dert opr ovidef actual compl exi ty ,impact ,account abi l
y , attent i
ont oscr ut inisingt he
nformat i
onaboutt hej obs wor kingcondi tions, et c.These candi dat e, wher eassel ect i
oni sa
concer ned.Thus, jobev aluation fact orcompar isonscanbeone compl exact ivit
ybecausei nt hist he
beginswi thj obanal ysisandends wit horwi thoutnumer ical scor i
ng. empl oyerwant st oknowev ery
atthatpoi ntwher et hewor t
hofa Ifther ei snumer ical scor ing, mi nut edet ail abouteachcandi dat e
obi sascer tainedf orachi evi
ng  pay wei ght scanbeassi gnedt oeach sot hathecanchooset heper fect
equity betweenj obsanddi f
ferent suchf act orandscor esar e mat chf ort hej obwhi ch  requires
es. associ at edwi thdi ffer entl ev elsof thoroughi nvest igat ion.
eachf act or , sot hatat ot al scor eis Recr uitmentconsumesl esst ime
asi tonl yi nvolv esident ifyingt he
needsoft hej obandst imul at i
candi datest oappl yf ort hesame.
Conv ersely ,
sel ectioni nv olv esa
wider angeofact i
vities, rightf rom
shor tli
stingt hecandi dat est o
appoi ntingt hem.
Inr ecruitment ,thef irm not ifiest he
candi datesr egar dingv acancy
throughdi ff
er entsour cessuchas
thei nternet ,newspaper ,magazi nes,
etc.anddi stri
but est hef or mt ot he
candi datessot hatt heycaneasi ly
appl y.Asagai nstt his, int he
processofsel ect i
on, thef irm
makessur et hatcandi dat epasses
throughv ari
ousst agessuchas
form submi ssi on,wr ittenexam,
nt erview, medi cal exam, et c.
Inr ecruitment ,nocont ract ual
at ioniscr eat edbet weent he
empl oyerandempl oy ee.Unl i
select i
on, wher ebot hempl oy erand
empl oyeear eboundbyt he
cont ractofempl oyment .
Recr uitmenti saneconomi cal
processwhi l
et hesel ect ioni san
expensi vepr ocess.
Adv antageofpr omot ion 2.Itenabl esbot hthedeal ers anev il cowor ker .
1. Increasebr andawar eness andt hepr i
cer educt ions, Def initionofTr ai ning:
Wi thaccesst ov ariousmedi a Dal eS.Beachdef inest raini ngas
etc.consumer st oenj oycer tain
ncl udingpr i
ntanddi git
orms ‘
theor gani zedpr ocedur ebywhi ch
t ’
seasi ert
hanev ert ogetyour tangibl ebenef i
ts,e. g.,free
peopl el ear nknowl edgeand/ orski ll
promot i
onsouti ntot hepubl i
cey e. sampl es, gifts, foradef i
nitepur pose’ .Tr aini ng
Informat i
onabouty ourbrandand 3.Cer tai nsal espr omot ional ref er st ot het eachi ngandl ear ning
companyshoul dbeconsi stent act i
iesal soenabl et he act iv i
tiescar riedonf ort hepr imar y
throughoutanypr omot i
on,sot hat
consumer stogai nknowl edge. pur poseofhel pi ngmember sofan
twi llnaturall
ybui ldony ourbrand
awar eness.Yourt ar getmar ketwi l
l Forexampl e,di splay sand organi zat i
onacqui r eandappl yt he
alsogai neasyaccesst oallthat demonst rationshel pt hem knowl edge, ski l
ls, abi li
ties, and
yourbusi nesshast oof fer
;thisis to,under st andt hepr oduct attitudesneededbyapar ticul arj ob
wher ey oubr ushupony ourup- andor gani zat ion.
mechani sm.Thecust omer s
ngoppor tuniti
esbymaki ng Accor di ngt oEdwi nFl i
ppo, ‘training
canal sor aiset heirquer iesand i
st heactofi ncr easi ngt heski llsof
surey ourpr omot i
onl inksbackt o
yourwebsi te/ cont actinformation getcl ar i
ficationi mmedi atel y. anempl oy eef ordoi ngapar t i
cul ar
throughoutal l ofy ourpr omot i
onal Pamphl etsdi st ri
but edt ot he j
ob’ .
cont ent. consumer sal sopr ov i
deusef ul Needf orTr aini ng:
nf ormat i
on. Ev er yor gani zat ionshoul dpr ov ide
2. Increasecust omert raffi
4.Adv ertisingappr oachest he traini ngt oal ltheempl oy ees
Promot inganewof feroranew
buy erindi rect l
yandper sonal i
rrespect iveoft hei rqual ificat ions
producti sakeywayt odr iv
et raf
andski ll
toy oursi te.Yourtargetmar ket selli
ngappr oachest hebuy er
needst oseenewcont ent Speci fi
cal lyt heneedf ort raini ng
directly.Wher eassal es arisesbecauseoff ol l
owi ng
consi stent l
ytokeept hem
promot ional act i
esi nvol v e reasons:
nt erestedandengaged.I fyou
promot et hesamet hingov erand bot hdi rectandi ndirect 1.Env ironment al changes:
over ,yourcust omer swi ll appr oaches. Mechani zat i
on, comput er izat ion,
disengageandbecomei nacti
v eto 5.Sal espr omot i
onhel pst o andaut omat ionhav er esul tedi n
yourmar keti
ngef f
orts.Keept hem suppl ementandsuppor tbot h manychangest hatr equi ret rained
updat ed, maket hem f eel special
; adv ertisingandper sonal sel l
ng. staf fpossessi ngenoughski ll
givet hem somet hi
ngexcl usive. organi zat i
onshoul dt raint he
  Nobusi nesscant ot al l
yr el yon
empl oy eest oenr icht hem wi tht he
3. Quickcust omerdeci si
onmaki ng adv ertisingandper sonal sel l
ng l
at estt echnol ogyandknowl edge.
tyofferscan alone. 2.Or gani zat ional compl exi ty:
createasenseofur gencyi nyour
customer sthatgetthem t oact. 
ion Wi thmoder ni nv ent i
Whencombi nedwit
hnewcont ent Induct i
oni st hepr ocessof technol ogi cal upgr adat i
on, and
thathelpscust omerscl ear
lysee i
nt roduci nganewempl oyeet o div er ¬si fi
cat ionmostoft he
thebenef i
tsofwhaty ouare his/ herj obandor gani zat i
onand organi zat i
onshav ebecomev er y
promot i
ng,youcancr eate givinghi m al l thenecessar y compl ex.Thi shasaggr av at edt he
compel l
ingreasonst o buynow.   i
nf or mat ionr equi redbyhi m/ herto probl emsofcoor di nat ion.So, in
Buildsalesandpr ofits star thi swor k.Thepur poseof ordert ocopeupwi t
ht he
Promot ional mat erial givescust omers i
nduct i
oni st owel comeanew compl exities, trai ni nghasbecome
mor eofani ncent ivet opur chase,ifthey empl oy eeandi nformt hem about mandat ory.
canpur chasey ourpr oductorser vi
from manydi ff
erentsour ces, why theor gani zat ional cul tur e, 3.Humanr elat i
shoul dt heychosey ou?Youneedt o i
nt roducet hem t ot hei rt eam and Ev er ymanagementhast omai ntain
answert hiswi t
hiny ourpr omot i
onsi.e co-wor ker s, giv ethem an ver ygoodhumanr elat i
ons, andt his
wi t
hourpr oducty ouwi l
l receiveaf r
ee under standi ngoft hei rj ob, help hasmadet raini ngasoneoft he
ttingorext r
awar rant yet c…Thi swill
them under st andhowt heirwor k basi ccondi tionst odeal wi th
buildy ourpr ofi
tsandgi vey ouawor thy
edgeov ery ourcompet itor s. will beconnect edt ohi scowor kers humanpr obl ems.
Trygi v ingoutf reesampl esand andi nfor mi nghi m aboutt he 4.Tomat chempl oy ee
giveaway s.Showt haty ouar eso polici esoft heor gani zat i
on. speci ficat ionswi tht hej ob
conf identi ny ourpr oduct sandser vi
ces Ther eforet heobj ect i
v esof requi rement sandor gani zat ional
thaty ourwi ll
ingt oletcust omerstryit
rst . Thi swi llgaint rustandul t
nduct i
onar easf ollows: needs:
cust omer swi llcomet oy out omake 1)Tor educet heanxi ety ,shy ness Anempl oy ee’ sspeci ficat i
purchases. andner vousnessanewempl oyee notexact l
ysui tt ot her equi rement s
ocuson feelswhenhej oi
nsnew oft hej obandt heor gani zat ion,
ing organi zationandi ssur roundedby i
rrespect iveofpastexper ienceand
newpeopl eandanewenv ironment . ski ll
s.Ther ei sal way sagap
Dev el
opingapr omoti
oncal endarwi l
encouragey outoplanfornew 2)Toi ntroducet heempl oy eest heir bet weenanempl oy ee’ spr esent
mar keti
ngprogramsf ocusedatspeci fi
c j
ob, companycul tur e, pol i
cies, speci ficat ionsandt he
mesofy ear.
 Ifyoudon’thav ea wor kpl ace, wor kenv i
ronmentand organi zat i
on’ sr equi rement s.For
dedicatedmar ket
ingteam doingt hi
sfor thepeopl eoft heor gani zat ion. fi
llingt hi sgapt r aini ngi sr equi red.
youal r
eady,youshouldconsi der
3)Toensur et hatt henew 5.Changei nt hej obassi gnment :
ngapr omot i
onsplant hiswill
ensuref r
equencyinyourov erall empl oy eedoesnotf or m anegat i
ve Tr aini ngi sal sonecessar ywhent he
mar keti
ng per cept ionaboutt heor gani zati
on. exi st i
ngempl oy eei spr o¬mot edt o
Disadvant age 4)Tor educeconf usi onandwast e thehi gherl ev el ort ransf er redt o
1.Whencompar ed oft imeandr esour ces. anot herdepar tment .Tr aini ngi s
i ng 
si and per
5)Tof ost ergoodr elat i
onsamong alsor equi redt oequi pt heol d
empl oy ees empl oy eeswi thnewt echni ques
salespromot ional activi
esar e
6)Tor educet hepossi bi li
tyofa andt echnol ogi es.
essexpensi ve. newempl oy eebei ngexpl oitedby Impor tanceofTr aini ng:
Tr ainingofempl oy eesand
manger sar eabsol ut elyessent i
al i
thischangi ngenv ironment .Itisan
mpor tantact iv ityofHRDwhi ch
hel psi ni mpr ov ingt hecompet ency
ofempl oy ees.Tr ai ni nggi vesal ot
ofbenef i
tst ot heempl oy eessuch
asi mpr ov ementi nef ficiencyand
eff ect i
veness, dev el opmentofsel f
conf i
denceandassi st sev eryonei n
sel fmanagement .
Thest abi l
ityandpr ogr essoft he
organi zat ional way sdependson
thet rainingi mpar t edt ot he
empl oy ees.Tr ai ni ngbecomes
mandat oryundereachandev er y
stepofexpansi onand
div ersificat ion.Onl yt rai ni ngcan
mpr ov et hequal ityandr educet he
wast agest ot hemi nimum.Tr aining
anddev elopmenti sal sov ery
essent ial toadaptaccor di ngt o
changi ngenv ironment .
Ty pesofTr aini ng:
Var i
oust y pesoft r aini ngcanbe
giv ent ot heempl oy eessuchas
nduct i
ont raini ng, ref reshert raining,
ont hej obt r aini ng, vest ibul e
training, andt raini ngf or
promot ions.
Someoft hecommonl yused
trainingpr ogr amsar el ist edbel ow:
1.I nduct iont rai ning:
Alsoknownasor ient at iont r
ai ning
giv enf ort henewr ecr ui tsi nor der
tomaket hem f ami liar izewi tht he
nt er nal env ironmentofan
organi zat ion.I thel pst he
empl oy eest ounder standt he
procedur es, codeofconduct ,
pol iciesexi st ingi nt hat
organi zat ion.
2.Jobi nst ruct iont rai ni ng:
Thi st raini ngpr ov idesanov erv i
aboutt hej obandexper ienced
trainer sdemonst rat est heent i
ob.Addi tiont rai ningi sof fer edt o
empl oy eesaf t erev aluat ingt heir
per for mancei fnecessar y.
3.Vest i
bul et rai ning:
Itist het raini ngonact ual wor kt o
bedonebyanempl oy eebut
conduct edawayf r om t hewor k
4.Ref reshert r aini ng:
Thi st ypeoft rai ningi sof fer edi n
ordert oi ncor por at et hel at est
dev elopmenti napar ticul arf ield.
Thi st raini ngi si mpar t
edt oupgr ade
theski llsofempl oy ees.Thi s
trainingcanal sobeusedf or
promot inganempl oy ee.
5.Appr ent iceshi pt rai ni ng:
Appr ent icei sawor kerwhospends
apr escr ibedper i
odoft imeundera
super visor .

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