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Fuel Filling app for wialon.

1.We install this app to wialon.

2.When client open he/she wialon app menu he/she open

this,then client takes his xml,xmls file with fuel fill
transactions what he/she get from fuel company.
Then app must to upload or can drag this file.After file is
uploaded,data must parsed to wialon acceptable format and
create event about fuel filling.When xml,xmls file some
column is wrong or not correct type of data,app must let
know the user client about this.Marks higlight whith is
column or row is wrong,and when user is ignore that app
then send only correct and acceptable data.
We collect information about what file format clients get
from our market biggest fuel companies,is a xmls.
You must control and decide what column in xmls is more
important to create this event,you must analyse Wialon SDK.
Design of app is can be simple,more important is
functionality and work without errors.
What you think it about that is make some cells in wialon
colored.Example when is different is 3 to 20 liters color is
red and when is different under 3 liters is color green.
This value should be managed be us.

Example like this picture,this from the real case when one
client Iveco truck driver fill 200 liters and system didn’t
register this ,so is red .Truck driver put this fuel in to electric
generator .In this case client in wialon can herself create a
new fuel fill event and after this red is go to green.
What you think about this?
And one more think is when is gps device of this car(unit)is
offline when fuel filling is happend and gps/can cant detect
this.After a while client was a put data thru fuel fill app to
wialon .App let it do this event or better is let it know to
client ,or can it wialon to create event without a registered
from gps/can ?
Also app wust let known us if cant create event and
something goes wrong.Also in back log should this info must
be see on us .

When client want import data and create events what he was
created,app must notice client ,this data was upladed earlier.
Awoid duplicate entryes.
You use gihub Wilaon simple app v1.1 ,example event
Link: .
We wait from you your ideas and decision about the app
All info about code and example you can find on Wialon SDK.
We have Wialon Hosting!!!
App must be web based ,running on our PC or on some
server.More visual info you can het from screenshots.When
You need all our wialon token ,let us known.
We must known what files is client is uploaded,app creates
some back log .Where we can downloaded these files.
Also you must see how you tie the client fuel card with
correct unit and driver of unit to get data to the right place .
Wilaon custom field allows to put fuel card and number to
each unit(car).So this is can be tie card with driver,unit and
account.Every unit has also register plate.
To tie up fuel fillings we check fuel card number or/and
driver name.Please check example fuel company excel files .

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