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Key Competences evaluation Assessment criteria: Total Competence mark:

All About Us 3  © Oxford University Press

10: Excellent 140–150: Excellent

Review 1 project: Make a revision game 8–9: Very good 120–139: Very good
Social and civic competences 6–7: Good 85–119: Good
Name: 5: Adequate 61–84: Adequate
1–4: Needs improvement 0–60: Needs improvement
Cultural awareness and expression  

Indicators for evaluating the Key Competences

Learning to learn
Mark Total Competence Observations
/ 10 mark
Linguistic competence
Social andcommunication
civic competences
Understands and uses vocabulary for making a revision game / 10
Understands and uses vocabulary from Units 1 and 2 / 10
Digital competence
Successfully prepares part of a revision game
Cultural awareness and expression
Social and civic competences / 10
Successfully uses the revision game as part of a group / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences
inSocial and civic competence
to learn
science and technology
andawareness and expression
civic competences
Social and civic competences
Participates in a group activity to make a revision game / 10
Collaborates with others in a group in project activities
Sense of initiative
and entrepreneurship
communication / 10
Cultural to learn and expression
Cultural awareness and expression
Participates in a class discussion about the project / 10
Learning to learn
Social and civic competences
Digital competence
Learning learn
Learning to learn
Demonstrates a positive attitude to learning by trying their best / 10
Digital competence
Mathematical competence
Cultural awareness and basic competences
and expression
in science
Digital and technology
Linguistic communication
Uses the internet to find images of vocabulary items
Linguistic communication
/ 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Learning to learn
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Digital competence
in science and technology
Works with the group to divide up the tasks required to make a revision game
Digital competence / 10
Volunteers answers to questions
Social andcommunication
civic competences
/ 10
Sense competence
of initiative and basic competences
and entrepreneurship
inUnderstands and adopts a useful revision technique in the form of a board game
Mathematical competence and basic competences
science and technology
in science and technology
/ 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Digital competence
Cultural awareness and expression
Expresses themselves creatively by making part of a revision game
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science to
Demonstrates an understanding of shapes / 10
Demonstrates an understanding of creating a multi-part board game / 10
Sense of initiative
Linguistic and entrepreneurship
Total mark / 150

Digital competence

Mathematical competence and basic competences

in science and technology
Key Competences evaluation Assessment criteria: Total Competence mark:
All About Us 3   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press

10: Excellent 140–150: Excellent

Unit 1 project: An animal square 8–9: Very good 120–139: Very good
Social and civic competences 6–7: Good 85–119: Good
Name: 5: Adequate 61–84: Adequate
1–4: Needs improvement 0–60: Needs improvement
Cultural awareness and expression  

Social and civic competences

Indicators for evaluating the Key Competences
Learning to learn
Mark Total Competence Observations
/ 10 mark
Linguistic competence
Cultural awareness and expression

Linguistic communication
Describes animals using familiar vocabulary and structures / 10
Understands and uses language to describe animal activities
Learning to learn / 10
Digital competence
Successfully prepares a description of an animal
Social and civic competences
/ 10
Successfully presents the animal square to the class
Linguistic communication / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Social and civic competence
in science and technology
Social andawareness and expression
civic competences
Participates in a group discussion about their project
Digital competence / 10
Social and civic competences
Learning to learn
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Culturalto learn and expression
Reflects on their work by completing a project review activity in the All About Me Booklet
Mathematical competence and basic competences / 10
in science and technology

Demonstrates a positive attitude to learning by trying their best

Cultural awareness and expression
/ 10
Linguistic communication
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Learning to learn
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Understands and completes a project plan to prepare for making their animal square
Learning to learn
/ 10
Digital competence
Volunteers answers to questions
Linguistic communication
/ 10
Successfully plans for the objects they will need to complete the project in an exchange
Social andcommunication
civic competences / 10
with a partner
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Digital competence
science and technology

Cultural awareness and expression

Digital competence
Cultural awareness and expression
Expresses themselves creatively by making and illustrating an animal square
Sense competence
of initiative and basic competences
and entrepreneurship / 10
in science and technology
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science to
Demonstrates an understanding of shapes and dimensions / 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Understands how to cut and fold paper to make a square / 10

Sense of initiative
Linguistic and entrepreneurship
Shows an understanding of endangered species around the world / 10
Demonstrates an understanding of different animal habitats and diets around the world / 10
Total mark / 150
Digital competence

Mathematical competence and basic competences


in science and technology

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Learning standards and Assessment criteria mapping
All About Us 3   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press

Unit 1 project: An animal square

Social and civic competences

This project fulfils the following Learning standards and related Assessment criteria across the Key Competences indicated below.
Cultural awareness and expression

Learning to learn
Learning standards Assessment criteria
Comprehension of oral texts
Social and civic competences

Linguistic communication
Understands the main points of short, simple and well-structured Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key
presentations on topics that are familiar or of interest via watching or
Cultural awareness and expression
information or main points
Digital competence to Tom’s animal square project

Understands the gist and main points, and detects a change in topic, Discriminates basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns
in audio visual material
Learning to learn
Social and civic competences and recognizes general communicative meanings and intentions related
Mathematical competence
Social and civic and basic competences
in science and technology to said patterns
Production of oral texts
Linguistic communication
Cultural awareness and expression
Makes brief, simple, previously prepared and rehearsed presentations on
Sense awareness
of initiative andand expression
entrepreneurship Knows and applies basic strategies in order to produce short and simple
everyday topics or topics of interest monologues
Digital competence
Learning to learn
Learning to learn Pronunciation is generally understandable

Social and civiccompetence

Fulfils the communicative function(s) of an oral text
Mathematical and basic competences
Participates in everyday exchanges when completing a speaking activity
in science communication
Linguistic and technology
Linguistic communication
Participates using basic and simple language in short conversations
related to their completed animal square about immediate needs or familiar topics
Cultural awareness and expression
Comprehension of written texts
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Digital competence
Digital competence
Understands key information and locates specific information in simple Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist,
informational materials by completing the preparation activities in the
Learning to learn
Social and civic competences
key information or main points of a text
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in Activity Book
Mathematical competence and basic competences
science and technology
in science and technology

Understands instructions, directions and basic information for Identifies the topic at hand and understands the general gist, main ideas
Linguistic communication
completing the animal square project through successfully following the
Cultural awareness and expression
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
and specific information from very short and simple written texts
stages of the project
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Production of written texts

Digital competence
Learning to learn

Composes short, simple, information-type texts when preparing a Knows and applies basic strategies to produce simple written texts
description of an animal
Mathematical competence and basic competences Knows how to use basic syntactic structures in written texts
in science and
Linguistic technology

Applies basic graphemes and written symbols to write words or short

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Digital competence

Mathematical competence and basic competences

in science and technology

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