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4/12/2021 The Overton Window – Mackinac Center

Ever wonder how politicians choose which policies they’ll support? Or

have you ever noticed that a politician championing one policy idea can
win an election in one country, but at the same time no politician in your
country will support that same policy? The Overton Window of Political
Possibility can help explain these phenomena.

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The Overton Window of Political Possibility Explained 1/7
4/12/2021 The Overton Window – Mackinac Center

The Overton Window is a model for understanding how
ideas in society change over time and in uence ... the Overton Window can
politics. The core concept is that politicians are limited both shift and expand, either
in what policy ideas they can support — they generally increasing or shrinking the
only pursue policies that are widely accepted number of ideas politicians can
throughout society as legitimate policy options. These support without unduly risking
policies lie inside the Overton Window. Other policy their electoral support.
ideas exist, but politicians risk losing popular support if
they champion these ideas. These policies lie outside the
Overton Window.

But the Overton Window can both shift and expand, either
increasing or shrinking the number of ideas politicians can
support without unduly risking their electoral support.
Sometimes politicians can move the Overton Window
themselves by courageously endorsing a policy lying outside the
window, but this is rare. More often, the window moves based
on a much more complex and dynamic phenomenon, one that is
not easily controlled from on high: the slow evolution of societal
values and norms.

Think for a minute about education policy. By and large, our

society agrees that providing children with a formal education is
a good thing. But how best to accomplish this policy is a wide
open question. There are dozens of different policies that could
be used.

Now imagine the different policy options for providing children

a formal education lined up along a spectrum. On one end, you’d
nd a policy idea to use the power of the federal government to
provide education to all children — a top-down, centralized
approach. On the other end of the spectrum, you’d nd just the
opposite policy idea: no government involvement whatsoever,
leaving the provision of education to private citizens. See the
image below that shows a handful of these policy options and

An Example from Education Policy 2/7
4/12/2021 The Overton Window – Mackinac Center

Click and drag

No government policy on school attendance
to move the window.
Resize the window by No government-run schools or public funding of education
clicking on its edge.
No homeschooling regulation

No private schooling regulation

Private schooling publicly funded with vouchers, tax credits, etc.

Homeschooling allowed, regulated, no public funding

Private schools allowed, regulated, no public funding

Online public schools allowed

Independent/charter public schools allowed

Politically Acceptable
Policy Positions Students may choose any public school in any district

Students may choose any public school in their district

Students must attend nearest local public school in their district

Homeschooling prohibited

Private schools prohibited

All students must attend state-run schools

All students must attend federally controlled schools

Virtually no politician endorses either one of the policies at the

ends of this spectrum. We can posit then that these policies lie
outside the Overton Window. The policies that politicians do
champion — tax-funded public school districts, regulated
private schools, independent public charter schools, etc. — exist
between these two ends of the spectrum and are solidly within
the Overton Window.

To get an idea of how the Overton Window can change over

time, think about the Prohibition Era. Just a few generations
ago, the sale and use of alcoholic beverages was made illegal by
federal law, suggesting that this policy was safe inside the
Overton Window. But fast forward to today when people poke
fun of the folly of Prohibition and virtually no politician
endorses making alcohol illegal again. The Overton Window has
clearly shifted, and Prohibition is no longer within its borders.

The Overton Window doesn't describe everything about how

politics works, but it does describe one key thing: Politicians will
not support whatever policy they choose whenever they choose;
rather, they will only espouse policies that they believe do not
hurt their electoral chances. And the range of policy options
available to a politician are shaped by ideas, social movements
and shared norms and values within society. 3/7
4/12/2021 The Overton Window – Mackinac Center

All of this suggests that politicians are more followers than they
are leaders — it’s the rest of us who ultimately determine the
types of policies they’ll get behind. It also implies that our social
institutions — families, workplaces, friends, media, churches,
voluntary associations, think tanks, schools, charities, and many
other phenomena that establish and reinforce societal norms —
are more important to shaping our politics than we typically
credit them for.

So, if you’re interested in policy change, keep the Overton

Window in mind, as it is a helpful guide. If your idea lies outside
the window, trying to convince politicians to embrace it is a
steep hill to climb. You’ll likely need to start at the ground level,
slowly building support for your idea throughout the broader
society, and then if it catches root there, politicians will
eventually come onboard. Even if the policy change you care
about most currently lies within the window, maybe you should
re-evaluate if there’s a better option that you’re not considering
because it lies outside the Overton Window and no current
politician endorses it.


Q: Who created the concept of the Overton

The Overton Window was developed in the mid-

1990s by the late Joseph P. Overton, who was senior
vice president at the Mackinac Center for Public
Policy at the time of his death in 2003.

Q: Can the Overton Window be shifted by lies,

distortions or misunderstandings?
Joseph P. Overton, former senior vice
president at the Mackinac Center for
Yes, but it’s obviously wrong to intentionally
Public Policy
disseminate misleading information. The Overton
Window re ects what society believes, which can 4/7
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be as easily in uenced by truth and facts as it can be by

inaccurate or deceptive information. Even mistakes can shift the
window. The massive underestimate of Medicare costs probably
contributed to the program’s creation in the 1960s. The false
belief that weapons of mass destruction would be found in Iraq
contributed to support for that war.

Q: What is the Mackinac Center for Public Policy?

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy is a nonpartisan research

and educational institute dedicated to improving the quality of
life for all Michigan citizens by promoting sound solutions to
state and local policy questions. The Mackinac Center assists
policymakers, scholars, business people, the media and the
public by providing objective analysis of Michigan issues. The
goal of all Center reports, commentaries and educational
programs is to equip Michigan citizens and other decision
makers to better evaluate policy options.

Q: What is the connection between the Mackinac

Center and Glenn Beck’s book, “The Overton

The book is based on Beck’s adaptation of the Overton Window

concept developed by the Mackinac Center. A character in the
book reveals the origin of the concept to be a think tank in the
Midwest. The Mackinac Center was not involved in the creation
of the book. Beck’s “The Overton Window” is a work of ction
published in 2010.

Q: How does The Mackinac Center use

The Overton Window?

The Mackinac Center uses The Overton Window to help

promote its policies. By providing information on political
decision making and attempting to in uence citizens and
lawmakers, the window can be shifted to make Michigan a freer
and more prosperous state.

Q: How can I help the Mackinac Center promote better

public policy in Michigan and reach as many people 5/7
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as possible?

The Mackinac Center is a nonpartisan, nonpro t 501(c)3

organization that depends on thousands of generous
contributors like you. For more information on how you can
become a member, please click here.



NYT: How the Politically Joseph P. Overton How Fringe Ideas

Unthinkable Can Biography Become Policy
Become Mainstream
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Window podcast!

Joseph G. Lehman | Free The Reverse Overton

Markets Series Process: The Shift In
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