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Operating Systems Computer Architecture

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Multiple Choice Questions

1. The _________ is the physical path over which a message travels.

a) protocol
b) medium
c) signal
d) all the above

2. The Control Unit ___________ and __________ the execution of commands

a) modifies, stores
b) holds temporary data; stores
c) calculates; interprets
d) controls; interprets

3. The ALU is the component of the CPU where __________ and ________.
a) data is stored; instructions are interpreted
b) data is held temporarily; calculations are made
c) calculations take place; instructions are executed
d) programs are decoded; instructions are fetched

4. The Control Unit determines the ___________________

a) particular instruction to be executed by reading the contents of the program
b) particular instruction to be executed by interpreting the source code
c) outcome of an instruction by interpreting the ALU output
d) outcome of an instruction by reading the IN BOX or I/O interface

5. A register is a single permanent storage location within the CPU use for _________
a) specifically designed for fetching instructions
b) specifically designed for arithmetic operations
c) specifically designed for I/O operations
d) a particular, defined purpose

6. Registers differ from regular main memory in that they _________.

a) very in size, serve a particular purpose, wired differently but are addressed the
b) are usually smaller is size, but are wired for special functions and serve a
specific function
c) very in size, serve a wider purpose, wired differently and are addressed
d) very in size, serve a particular purpose, wired differently and are addressed

Level 1 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation Tutorial Solutions

Operating Systems Computer Architecture
Page 2 of 6

7. The Control unit contains the following registers:

a) execution time, instruction, PSW and memory data
b) execution, instruction, PSW and memory data
c) program counter, instruction, memory address and memory data
d) execution time, instruction, memory address and memory data

8. Status registers use ________ to communicate problems

a) an 8-bit super fast registers
b) flags
c) floating point values
d) integer values

9. For simplification, the text views the I/O interface as ________.

a) a pair of I/O registers: one for input; one for output
b) a functional component
c) a separate function utilizing an abstract algorithm
d) part of the ALU

10. What operation is NOT supported by most registers?

a) data movement between registers and memory
b) shifting and rotations
c) data validation
d) data in a register can be tested for zero; positive or too large to fit

11. Memory is composed of

a) 1-bit cells and each cell is addressable
b) 16-bit cells and each cell is addressable
c) rows of 1-bit cells or more and only addressable in rows
d) either multiple or single 8-bit addressable cells; addresses are calculated
as needed

12. The Memory Data Register (MDR) is designed such that it

a) is physically connected to each cell in memory
b) is logically connected to all registers
c) can be activated by the program counter
d) is effectively connected to every cell in the memory unit

13. The Memory Data Register (MDR) and the Memory Address Register (MAR) are
designed such that it
a) the MDR activates the Bus Interface Unit while the MAR reads bits that are
b) the MDR activates the desired address line while the MAR reads bits that are
c) the MAR activates the desired address line while the MDR reads bits that
are activated
d) the MAR copies the contents of a line into a buffer while the MDR processes
the buffer

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Operating Systems Computer Architecture
Page 3 of 6

14. The address decoder has the job of _________.

a) simultaneously opening the address line and incrementing the next instruction
b) locating the next instruction in memory
c) calculating the optimum address line for the MDR to process
d) interprets the address from the MAR and activates a single address line
into memory

15. When retrieving or storing data at a particular memory location, the first step in the
CPU memory interaction is to __________.
a) allocate the MAR the necessary number of bits to retrieve the address line
b) transfer data from some register to the MDR (for a WRTE) OR transfer data
from the MDR to some register (for a READ)
c) send a message to the Control Unit stating there is a READ (or WRITE
d) copy an address from some register to the MAR

16. When retrieving or storing data at a particular memory location, the two actions that
occur simultaneously are___________.
a) (1) copy an address from some register to the MAR and (2) send a message to
the control unit stating there is a READ (or WRITE condition)
b) (1) copy an address from some register to the MAR and (2) send a
message to the memory unit stating there is a READ (or WRITE
c) (1) copy an address from some register to the MDR and a message to the
memory unit stating there is a READ (or WRITE condition)
d) (1) Load (or read) the MAR with data to be transferred, and (2) send a
message to the memory unit stating there is a READ (or WRITE condition)

17. The two factors that determine the capacity of the address space are ________.
a) the number of bits in the memory address register and the number of bits
in the address field
b) the size of memory and the number of bits in the address field
c) the number of bits in the memory address register and the size of memory
d) the word length format and the hardware

18. The number of address that the MAR can access is ________ the size of the address
a) always 2k where k is the number of bits
b) at least 2k where k is the number of bits
c) at most 2k where k is the number of bits
d) at least 2k -1 where k is the number of bits

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Operating Systems Computer Architecture
Page 4 of 6

19. Dynamic RAM is ___________ compared to static RAM

a) more expensive, requires less electrical power and can be made smaller with
more capacity
b) less expensive, requires more electrical power and can be made smaller
with more capacity
c) less expensive, requires less electrical power and can be made smaller with
more capacity
d) d) less expensive, requires less electrical power and has less capacity

20. EEPROM and Flash ROM _________.

a) are Read Only Memory and can never be changed
b) are Read Only Memory and can be changed one time
c) are cheap but are limited in access time
d) implement non-volatile, rewritable memory

21. The fetch-execution cycle is________.

a) significantly influences the cost of CPU manufacturing
b) the basis for every capability of a computer
c) the basis for most capabilities of a computer
d) one of many important factors determining the capability of ALL computers

22. The first step in every instruction, according to text, is _____________.

a) increment the program counter
b) transfer the address into the Memory Data Register
c) transfer the value into the Memory Data Register
d) transfer the address of the instruction to the Memory Address Register

23. In the notation of the text, IR [ address ]  MAR means________.

a) read the data located in the address and place it into the MAR
b) transfer the address part of the instruction into the MAR
c) transfer the op-code of the instruction into the MAR
d) transfer the content of the IR into the MAR

24. The execution cycle is _________.

a) different for every instruction
b) the same for every instruction
c) software based, while the fetch portion is hardware based
d) both (a) and (d)

25. The physical connection that makes it possible to transfer data from one location to
another is called a _________.
a) registers
b) bus interface unit
c) bus
d) control unit

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Operating Systems Computer Architecture
Page 5 of 6

26. What is NOT a true about Buses?

a) connecting computer peripherals and the CPU
b) transferring data from the CPU and memory
c) connecting the power supply and RAM with the motherboard
d) might be a tiny fraction of an inch long

27. When a bus connects a specific source to a specific destination they are called
_______ buses.
a) 'source – destination'
b) integrated
c) dedicated
d) point-to-point

28. The cable that connects the serial or parallel port to the printer is an example of a
a) 'source – destination'
b) integrated
c) dedicated
d) point-to-point

29. The bus in an Ethernet is an example of a ___________ bus.

a) broadcast
b) LAN
c) dedicated
d) point-to-point

30. The system bus is responsible for ___________

a) transferring instructions to and from the CPU and memory
b) carrying signals to and from the CPU and memory
c) networking communications
d) dedicated to transferring data to and from memory and all parts of the
computer except the CPU.

31. The 'Bus interface bridges' make it possible ___________

a) maintain consistent communications under 'noisy' conditions.
b) change signal frequencies and decrease the signal to noise ratio.
c) to allow different protocols
d) for different busses to communicate with each other

32. The PCI Bus does NOT connect the _________

a) CPU and various plug-in I/O modules that control the parallel ports
b) CPU and various plug-in I/O modules that control the sound cards
c) CPU and various plug-in I/O modules that control the Main Memory
d) CPU and various plug-in I/O modules that control the disk drives
e) CPU and various plug-in I/O modules that control the serial ports

Level 1 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation Tutorial Solutions

Operating Systems Computer Architecture
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Review Questions - Answer True or False

1. ___T___ Pipelining improves performance by decreasing the latency of each instruction

2. ___T___ A superscalar machine is a machine with more than one pipeline.

3. ___F___ Throughput is the time it takes for an instruction to get through the pipeline.

4. ___F___ Latency is the number of instructions executed per time period

Multiple Choice Questions

5. Pipelining improves CPU performance due to ___________.

a) reduced memory access time
b) increased clock speed
c) the introduction of parallelism
d) additional functional units

6. To eradicate the branching of instruction problem, you would __________.

a) implement a mechanism that is able to take these instructions and execute
them from a high speed memory
b) take Panadol
c) use a bigger calculator
d) None of the above.

7. The data dependency problem is solved by _____________.

a) using a superscalar architecture
b) implementing a mechanism that can take in the data from both instructions
and store it directly into the computer's cache
c) using multiple processors
d) using a mechanism that can forward the data from the preceding
instruction into the current instruction segment

8. Pipelining improves CPU performance due to ___________.

a) reduced memory access time
b) increased clock speed
c) the introduction of parallelism
d) additional functional units

Level 1 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation Tutorial Solutions

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