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Applied Mechanics and Thermal

Engineering Lab:

Digital Assignment: 9

Name of the student: V S AKSHIT

Register No.: 19BEE0435

Lab Slot: Lab 43+ Lab 44

Faculty Name: Dr. Vinod Kumar



Aim of the experiment: To conduct tension test on the given steel

specimen for determining the following:
1. Stress at yield point
2. Ultimate stress
3. Nominal breaking stress
4. Actual breaking stress
5. Percentage reduction in area
6. Percentage elongation in length
7. Young’s modulus

Some basic definitions:

1.Stress at yield point: Whether an object is stubborn or malleable is

decided by the yield strength. It is the point at which an object
ceases to be elastic and becomes plastic.

2.Ultimate stress: It is the maximum stress that a material can

withstand while being stretched or pulled before breaking.

3.Nominal breaking stress: It is the ratio of breaking load to nominal

area of cross section.

4.Actual breaking stress: It is the ratio between the load at breaking

point and reduced cross-sectional area.

5.Percentage reduction in area: Percent reduction of area is a ratio

that expresses how much the specimen narrowed when compared
to its original size. It is given by

(Final area- Initial area)/ (Initial area) * 100


6.Percentage elongation in length: It is given by

((final gage length – initial gage length)/ initial gage length) x 100

7.Young’s Modulus: It is the is a measure of the stiffness of an elastic

material, Young’s modulus is nothing but the ratio between stress
and strain.
where; stress = force/area of cross sectional
strain = change in length/original length

Summary of the Experiment:

Tension test is performed on mild steel, tor steel and high tensile
steel to determine the properties like Young’s modulus, ultimate
strength, and the percentage elongation. In the tension test, a steel
rod is subjected to tension load by the means of a Universal testing
machine (UTM).
Initially, the steel rod specimen is cleaned and gauge length is
marked on it. The gauge length can be marked on the specimen by
punching tool. A tensile stress value is assumed for which the
maximum expected load capacity of the rod is calculated. From this,
the range is calculated and this range is set in the Universal testing
machine (UTM). The handle is operated such that the specimen
firmly to the top base. The left valve is kept in a fully closed position
and the right valve in a normal open position. Open the right valve
and close it after the lower table is slightly lifted.
Adjust the load pointer to zero with the zero adjusting knobs.
By operating the handle, lift the lower crosshead chuck up and grip
uniformly the lower part of the specimen. Once the specimen is
placed, the jaws are locked. Fix the extensometer on the specimen
and set the reading to zero. Turn the right control valve slowly to
open position to get the desired loading rate. When the specimen is
under load, slowly unclamp the locking handle. Note the extension
at a convenient load increment. Extensometer must be removed
before reaching the yield point. The right valve is used to apply the
load and the left valve is used to release the load on the specimen.
With the increase in load at some point, the load pointer remains
stationary. Load corresponding to this indicates the yield point. With
further increase in load, the pointer goes backward and specimen
breaks. The load before this breaking is the ultimate load. The load
at the breaking of the specimen is called as the breaking load. Now,
we need to close the right control valve and take out the broken
piece is removed from the grips and the final gauge length and the
final diameter of the specimen is measured.

Model Graph for experiment:


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