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Criteria C: Performance / Application

Level of Descriptors Indicators


The student has not reached a The student has not reached a standard
0 standard described by any of the described by any of the descriptors given
descriptors given below. below.

1-2 Demonstrates little competence in basic Demonstrates little competence in basic

moves, skills or techniques in the moves, skills or techniques of footwork,
performance or games. forehand and backhand shot, overhead clear,
Shows some awareness of movement smash and return smash in badminton.
concepts, tactics, strategies and rules. Shows some awareness of movement concepts
Performs with little precision, and rules in badminton.
synchronization or energy. Performs with little precision, synchronization
or energy.

3-4 Demonstrates competence in basic moves, Demonstrates competence in basic moves,

skills or techniques in the performance or skills or techniques of footwork, forehand and
games. backhand shot, overhead clear, smash and
Shows awareness of movement concepts, return smash in badminton.
tactics, strategies and rules. Shows awareness of movement concepts and
Performs with some precision, rules in badminton.
synchronization and/or energy. Performs with some precision, synchronization
and/or energy.

5-6 Demonstrates competence in basic and Demonstrates competence in basic and some
some complex moves, skills or techniques in complex moves, skills or techniques of
the performance or games. footwork, forehand and backhand shot,
Applies movement concepts, tactics, overhead clear, smash and return smash in
strategies and rules. badminton.
Performs with precision, synchronization or Applies movement concepts and rules in
energy most of the time. badminton.
Performs with precision, synchronization or
energy most of the time.

7-8 Demonstrates competence in basic and Demonstrates competence in basic and many
many complex moves, skills or techniques in complex moves, skills or techniques of
the performance or games. footwork, forehand and backhand shot,
Applies movement concepts, tactics, overhead clear, smash and return smash in
strategies and rules appropriately. badminton.
Performs with a high degree of precision, Applies movement concepts and rules in
synchronization or energy. badminton.
Performs with a high degree of precision,
synchronization or energy.

9-10 Demonstrates a high level of basic and many Demonstrates a high level of basic and many
complex moves, skills or techniques in the complex moves, skills or techniques of
performance or games. footwork, forehand and backhand shot,
Applies movement concepts, tactics, overhead clear, smash and return smash in
strategies and rules in a critical and effective badminton.
manner. Applies movement concepts and rules in
Performs with a high degree of precision, badminton.
synchronization, energy, style, and flair. Performs with a high degree of precision,
synchronization, energy, style, and flair.

Criteria A: Knowledge and Understanding

The students are excepted to have a knowledge and understanding of the physical activities or theme
studied, the principles related to variety of physical activities, the importance of physical activity to
healthy life style and the various component that contributes to health related fitness.

Level of Descriptors Indicators


Descriptors Indicators
1-2 Unable to reach a standard describe by any Unable to reach a standard describe by any of
of the descriptors given below. the descriptors given below.

3-4 The use of terminology is inconsistent, Use of badminton terminology was limited or
inappropriate or incorrect. incorrect.
Demonstrates a limited knowledge of skills, Fundamental aspects of the badminton skill
concepts, strategies, and rules related to the were limited and simplistic.
activity. Unable to explain or demonstrate the
Sometimes uses this knowledge to analyze fundamental aspects of the drills.
and solve problems in familiar situations.
5-6 Uses basic terminology that is sometimes Use of badminton terminology was basic and at
inaccurate or inappropriate. times correct
Demonstrates a basic knowledge of skills, Fundamental aspects of the badminton skill
concepts, strategies, and rules related to the were basic and not clearly demonstrated.
activity. Was able to explain and demonstrate the basic
Use this knowledge to analyze and solve aspects of the skill.
problems in familiar situations.
7-8 Uses a range of terminology accurately and Use a range of badminton terminology
appropriately in some situations. accurately.
Demonstrates a good knowledge of skills, Fundamental aspects of the badminton skill
concepts, strategies, and rules related to the were clearly demonstrated most of the time.
activity. Was able to clearly explain and demonstrate
Use this knowledge to analyze and solve the basic aspects of the skill most of the time.
problems in familiar and some unfamiliar

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