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formations and the Göreme National Park.

The region was included in 1985 in the list of World

Heritage Sites.


Turkey was one of the new states that emerged after the Ottoman Empire disintegrated. To know
the origin of this Republic we have to move a lot in time, back in the year 1,900 a. C., at which time
the Hittites arrived on the Anatolian peninsula, founding the first Indo-European state.

This town would live its maximum splendor in the year 1450 a. C., at which time they had
expanded and had evolved a lot with respect to their first settlements. Soon the struggles with
other kingdoms would begin, and tensions with the Egyptians forced the Hittites to sign the first
peace treaty in history, a treaty signed with Ramses II in Kadeshen in 1285 B.C.

From the year 1,200 a. C. the Thracians, among other peoples, begin to invade their territories by
reducing the Hittite empire to small settlements without importance.

The arrival of the Persian people in Anatolia would become a reality from the 5th century BC. This
town displayed all its potential conquest after conquest, even reaching Greece. No one managed
to stop their feet until Alexander the Great arrived in 332 BC, at which time Anatolia would be
freed from these Persians.

With Alexander the Great there was a time of great splendor. Great advances in many fields as
well as the impulse of the synthesis between west and east. After the death of Alexander the
Great, the kingdom of Pergamos was created. At this time an impressive level would be reached as
far as civilization is concerned.

It was the moment in which the most beautiful cities of all Anatolia were created, cities that today
still keep guts of this kingdom. After the last king of Pergamum, the territory would be annexed by
the Roman Empire. The contributions that this civilization brought to the entire peninsula are
evident. A scientific and architectural development like no other, building true cities in the purest
style of the Empire. Constantine, back in 330, would decide to move the capital to Constantinople
(Istanbul). This is perhaps one of the most important dates in the entire history of Turkey.





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