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Although Islam is the youngest of the major world religions,but, it is also the most well

documented and historically verifiable.

Islam does not separate the worldly life and the hereafter for each complements the other.
Islam emphasizes balance in everything and celebrates every right of a person that is an
obligation for him.
Among the rights a person has towards his Creator, himself, and others are towards his fellow
humans and towards God.

Even a person has right on herself/ himself. in a saying prophet SAW says "indeed you have
right on yourself".
So to take proper care of body, mind, surroundings,etc is the teachings of Islam and part of

The things that can hurt you Phshically, mentally are haram in Islam that's why alchohal is
haram as well as suicide considered haram in Islam because your soul and your body is an
Amanah of Almighty and the proper use of them is obligatory.
Besides of preventing your body and soul from harmness Islam expect cleanliness too from its
follwers, Quran says "‫"ان هللا يحب التوابين ويحب المتطهرين‬Allah loves those who are constantly
repentant and loves those who purify themselves.
So Islam promote cleniness externally as well as internally.
There are several sayings of prophet about cleniness although about body, clothes, beds,
Sourrundigs, Neabouring,etc,its all is the part of goodness that Islam expect from its follwers.

Islam has presented broad sense of cleanliness,it is started from physical appearance to the
depth of soul.
Islam ordered to pray Salah five time in a day and the key of prayer is thara that is cleanliness
It is Nessearry to make wadu before every salah, and wadu is a ritual purification, it comes with
larger concept of cleanliness, purity, and taharah.
So the wadu purify externally and salah itself purity internally.
Islam emphasis purity of Zahir that is external cleanliness as well as Batin that is internal purity.
It is very interesting thing to notice that when you open any book fiqh,so you definitely find a
chapter of taharah perhaps there is no fiqh's book where there the chapter of taharah is
exempted. Even the famous book of hadish called Tirmizi Sharif one of the Kutub al-Sittah, the
Six Canonical Books of Hadith, started from the chapter of the Taharah that is cleanliness.
Cleanliness is the characteristics of Islam , there are 60 branches of Islam and one of them is
"‫"إماطة األذى عن الطريق‬removal of what is injurious from the path.
This saying also encourage to clean streets and it is considered one of the branches of Islam

Cleanliness in Islam covers every aspect of life even our clothes that should be modest not
necessary expensive showing off but should be clean and neat.

Islam tells to keep hygienic care of body even there is a sunnah in Islam called miswak , basically
brushing the teeth not once and twice a day but before every Salah means five times in a day.

Prophet SAW used to siwak before every salah and said “ I would have commanded them to use
the siwak before every salah”.

It was narrated from Hudhaifa that when the Messenger of Allah SAW got up at night he would
clean his mouth with the siwak.

As well as about the cleanliness of vessels there is a saying,

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: the Messenger of Allah SAW said "the purification of The
vessel one of you, if a dog licks it, is to wash it seven times ,the first time with mud"

Time to time Islam encourage to take bath, for intense before Friday Salah, after sleeping with
wife, after periods, even after death it is responsibility of belongings to bath dead body.

We can say that islam is the only religion to give the cleanliness the worth it deserve.

The act of cleanliness have always encouraged in Islam.

There is a saying “ Allah loves those who are clean and Allah love those who are pure”.

Quran praised thoese people who purify themselves in words ‫في رجال يحبون ان يتطهروا وهللا يحب‬
‫ المطهرين‬Within it are men who love to purify themselves; and Allah loves those who purify

Prophet SAW of cleanliness, neatness, handsome and statically beautiful although his natural
skin smell so like fragrance, he loves fragnance top off that and told “‫”حبب الي من دنياكم الطيب‬

There is a saying that describes the cleniness as half of Iman ‫الطهور نصف االيمان‬

Cleanliness is the beauuty of Iman ‫النظافه من خصال االيمان‬

a man who was good faith in iman, always garnish his habits his character as well as his
personality ‫هللا جميل يحب الجمال‬

If we look at all the principles and doctrines of Islamic law, beliefs and worships, affairs and
ethics, we will find that a large part consists of purity and cleanliness and ethics, which is why the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) I said: "Purity is part of faith."

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