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Q.1 A radioisotope has a half-life of 5-years. The fraction of atoms of this material, that would decay
in 15 years would be:
A) 1 C) 7/8
B) 3/4 D) 5/8
Q.2 ,  and  rays emitted by a radioactive substance are passed through a region containing a
magnetic field at right angles to their path. The energy gained will be:
A) Maximum for -rays C) Minimum for -rays
B) Maximum for -rays D) Zero for all of them
Q.3 The line spectrum of hydrogen atom contains the spectral lines in the region:
A) Visible region C) Infrared region
B) Ultraviolet region D) All of these
Q.4 Whenever a hydrogen atom emits a photon in Lyman series:
A) It need not to emit any more photo
B) It may emit another photon in the Paschen series
C) It may emit another photon in the Lyman series
D) It may emit another photon in the Balmer series
Q.5 Which of the following series of the hydrogen atom possesses photons of shortest wavelength?
A) Lyman C) Brackett
B) Balmer D) Pfund
Q.6 Which of the following statement is true?
A) The energy of an electron bound in an atom is zero
B) The electron in an atom emits energy moving from ground state to excited state
C) An atom cannot emit energy while it is in its ground state
D) An atom cannot absorb energy while it is in its ground state
Q.7 When a hydrogen atom is raised from ground state to an excited state:
A) P.E increases and K.E decreases C) Both K.E and P.E increases
B) P.E decreases and K.E increases D) Both K.E and P.E decreases
Q.8 It is known that ionization potential of hydrogen is 13.6 V. When electron jumps from the third
excited state to ground state, the emitted photon will have energy of:
A) 3.4 eV C) 13.6eV
B) 10.2 eV D) 12.75eV
Q.9 The angular momentum of electron in nth orbit is:
A) nh C)

2π n 2h
B) D)
nh 2π
Q.10 According to Bohr’s atomic model:
A) An atom has heavy, negatively charged nucleus
B) The electron radiate energy only when it jumps to lower orbit
C) The electron can move only in particular orbit
D) Both B and C
Q.11 The branch of physics which deals with the investigation of wavelength and intensities of
electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by atoms is called:
A) Magnetic imaging C) Superconductivity
B) Spectroscopy D) Topography
Q.12 Which of the following correctly represents the lowest state and all the possible excited states for
Paschen series of hydrogen atom?
A)n = 1, n = 2 to  C) n = 3, n = 4 to 
B)n = 2, n = 3 to  D) n = 4, n = 5 to 
Q.13 How many nucleons are there in an atom of 92 U?
A) 92 C) 235
B) 123 D) 327
Q.14 In which of the following decay, atomic number decreases:
A) -decay C) –-decay
B) +-decay D) Both A and B
Q.15 What can be the charge on -particles emitted during the phenomena of radioactivity?
A) –e C) +e
B) –2e D) e
Q.16 Half-life of radium is about 1600 years. In how many years shall the earth loose all its radium due
to radioactive decay?
A) 1590 × 106 years C) 1590 × 1024 years
B) 1590 × 1012 years D) Never
Q.17 The paths of radioactive radiations are observed as shown in fig in the presence of electric field.
Which type of radiation is shown in path ‘1’?

A) Alpha C) Gamma
B) Beta D) Cathode Rays

1 Sabzazar Metro Bus Stop, Bosan Road, Multan. 0311 1585786 0308 1585786

Q.18 A radio active nucleus emits a beta particle. The parent and daughter nuclei are
A) Isotopes C) Isomers
B) Isotones D) Isobars
Q.19 An element A decays into element C by a two steps process.
A → B + 2He4 and B → C + 2e- then
A) A and C are isotopes C) A and B are isotopes
B) A and C are isobars D) A and B are isobars
Q.20 The nuclei of which one of the following pairs of nuclei are isotones?
A) 34Se74 ,31Ga71 C) 42Mo92 , 40Zr92
B) 20Ca40 , 16S32 D) 38Sr84 , 38Sr86
Q.21 The activity of a radioactive sample drops to th of its initial value in 30 years. The half life of the
material is
A) 2 years C) 5 years
B) 4 years D) 7.5 years
Q.22 The relation between half-life T and decay constant :
A) T = 1 C) T = 1/2
B) T = log 2 D)  = log 2 T
Q.23 The decay constant  of a radioactive sample is the probability of decay of an atom in unit time:
A) decreases as the atoms become older
B) increase as the age of atoms increase
C)  is independent of the age of sample
D) Behaviour of  with time depends on the nature of activity
Q.24 The half life of uranium-239 is:
A) 23.5 min C) 4500 years
B) 3.8 days D) 1620 years
Q.25 An element is found to be naturally radioactive if it has Z:
A) Greater than 82 C) Equal to 82
B) Less than 82 D) None of these
Q.26 The decay constant of a radioactive element with half-life of 9.75 hours is:
A) 9.70 × 10–1 s–1 C) 1.97 × 105 s–1
B) 1.97 × 10 s–5 –1
D) 1.97 × 1010 s–1
Q.27 The shortest wavelength of radiation in Balmer series is:
A) RH/4 C) 4/RH
B) RH D) 4 + RH
Q.28 Every series of Hydrogen Spectrum has an upper and lower limit in wavelength. The Spectral
series which has a lower limit of wavelength equal to 3645 Å is
A) Lyman series C) Balmer Series
B) Pfund series D) Paschen series
Q.29 The energy required to remove an electron in a hydrogen atom from n = 7 state is:
A) 0.136 eV C) 1.36eV
B) 13.6 eV D) 0.27eV
Q.30 The energy of the ground electronic state of hydrogen atom is –13.6 eV. The energy of 2nd excited
state is:
A) –3.40 eV C) –0.85 eV
B) –1.51 eV D) –0.54 eV]
Q.31 The energy of an electron:
A) Is greater in outer orbit than in inner orbits
B) Is always the same which ever the orbit may be
C) Decreases as the quantum number increases
D) Is greater in inner orbits than in outer orbits
Q.32 For total number N of a radioactive element, the number of element N decayed in a time t are
given by N = –Nt. Where  represents:
A) Wavelength of the emitted radiations C) Half-life period of the element
B) Disintegration constant D) None of these
Q.33 Possible units for the decay constant is/are:
A) kg/s C) s/kg
B) hour D) day–1
Q.34 A certain radioactive nuclide of mass number X decays by -emission and -emission to a second
nuclide of mass number Y, the correct relation between X and Y is:
A) Y = X – 4 C) Y = X + 1
B) Y = X – 1 D) Y = X
Q.35 A radioactive element has half-life of 2 years, its decayed amount after 8 years will be almost:
A) 100 % C) 93.75 %
B) 88.25 % D) 83.50 %
Q.36 In unified mass scale mass of protons is expressed as:
A) 1.007276u C) 0.00055u
B) 1.008665u D) 1.00055u
Q.37 Radioactivity is a __________:
a) Spontaneous Phenomena
b) Nuclear phenomena
c) Stochastic / Random Phenomena
A) a and b C) c and a
B) b and c D) a, b and c
Q.38 S.I unit of radioactivity is:
A) curie C) Becquerel
B) roentgen D) Rutherford

2 Sabzazar Metro Bus Stop, Bosan Road, Multan. 0311 1585786 0308 1585786

Q.39 The half-life period of a radioactive element X is same as the mean-life time of another radioactive
element Y. Initially both of them have the same number of atoms. Then:
A) X and Y have the same decay rate initially C) Y will decay at a faster rate than X
B) X and Y decay at the same rate always D) X will decay at a faster rate than Y
Q.40 The energy of the highest energy photon of the Pfund series of hydrogen spectrum is close to:
A) 3.4 eV C) 1.5eV
B) 0.85 eV D) 0.54eV
Q.41 A hydrogen atom is ground state absorbs 10.2 eV of energy. The orbital angular momentum of
the electron is increased by
A) 1.05 × 10–34 J s C) 2.11 × 10–34 J s
B) 3.1 × 10–34Js D) 4.22 × 10–34 J s
Q.42 As the quantum number increases, the energy difference between consecutive energy levels of
an atom:
A) Increases C) Remains same
B) Decreases D) Becomes infinite
Q.43 The minimum wavelength of the Lyman series for the hydrogen atom is given by:
A) 4/ R C) 9/ R
B) 16/ R D) 1/ R
Q.44 Which of the following transition in the hydrogen atom gives an emission of highest frequency?
A) n = 2 to n = 1 C) n = 4 to n = 3
B) n = 3 to n = 2 D) n = 5 to n = 2
Q.45 A radioactive nucleus X undergoes a series of decays according to scheme
α β α γ
X ⎯⎯ → X1 ⎯⎯ → X 2 ⎯⎯ → X3 ⎯⎯ → X4
If mass number and atomic number of X are 180 and 72 respectively. The corresponding numbers
for X4 are:
A) 176, 69 C) 176, 71
B) 172, 69 D) 172, 71
Q.46 Which one of the following emission takes place in a nuclear reaction:
90 Th →234
91 Pa + ______
A) Alpha C) Beta
B) Gamma D) Photons
Q.47 In radioactivity, the rate of decay:
A) Can be increased by magnetic field C) Can BE Decreased by the magnetic fields
B) Can be kept constant by the electric field D) Is not affected by electric and magnetic field
Q.48 The difference in angular momentum associated with the electron in the two successive orbits of
the hydrogen atom is:
h h
A) C)
π 2
h (n − 1) h
B) D)
2π 2π
Q.49 The energy required to lift an electron from ground state to higher energy state is called:
A) Ionization energy C) Excitation energy
B) Threshold energy D) Critical energy
Q.50 Ultraviolet region (to which Lyman series of the hydrogen spectrum belong) lies between:
A) Radio waves and microwaves C) visible region and x-rays
B) Microwaves and visible region D) Radio waves and infrared region
Q.51 A hydrogen atom makes a transition from 5th shell to 1st shell, the energy of the photon emitted
A) 12.75 eV C) 2.55eV
B) 13.06 eV D) 1.51eV
Q.52 It is known that the ionization potential for hydrogen is 13.6 V. When an electron jumps from the
first excited state to the ground state, the emitted photon will have energy:
A) 21.1 eV C) 13.6eV
B) 6.8 eV D) 10.2eV
Q.53 The energies required in electron volt to remove an electron from three lowest excited states of
hydrogen atom are:
A) 13.6, 3.4, 1.5 C) 13.6, 6.8, 3.7
B) 13.6, 10.2, 3.4 D) 3.4, 1.5, 0.85
Q.54 The ionization potential of hydrogen atom is:
A) 6.13 eV C) 13.6 V
B) 6.13 V D) 13.6eV
Q.55 When electron in hydrogen atom jumps from higher orbit into third orbit, the set of lines emitted
is called
A) Balmer series C) Brackett series
B) Paschen series D) Pfund series
Q.56 The potential required to completely remove an electron from the atom is called:
A) Ionization potential C) Excitation potential
B) Critical potential D) Absolute potential

3 Sabzazar Metro Bus Stop, Bosan Road, Multan. 0311 1585786 0308 1585786

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