Economy of Uranium Resources

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Annals of Nuclear Energy 36 (2009) 404–408

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Economy of uranium resources in a three-component reactor fleet

with mixed thorium/uranium fuel cycles
J.N. Wilson a,*, A. Bidaud b, N. Capellan a, R. Chambon b, S. David a, P. Guillemin b,
E. Ivanov c, A. Nuttin b, O. Meplan a
Institut de Physique Nucléaire, Orsay, France
LPSC, Grenoble, France
Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The potential for minimizing uranium consumption by using a reactor fleet with three different compo-
Received 24 September 2008 nents and mixed thorium/uranium cycles has been investigated with a view to making nuclear power a
Received in revised form 28 November 2008 more sustainable and cleaner means of generating energy. Mass flows of fissile material have been cal-
Accepted 28 November 2008
culated from burnup simulations at the core-equivalent assembly level for each of the three components
Available online 30 January 2009
of the proposed reactor fleet: plutonium extracted from the spent fuel of a standard pressurized water
reactor (first component) is converted to 233U in an advanced boiling water reactor (second component)
to feed a deficit of multi-recycled 233U needed for the Th/233U fuel of the light/heavy water reactor (third
component) which has a high breeding ratio. Although the proposed fleet cannot breed its own fuel, we
show that it offers the possibility for substantial economy of uranium resources without the need to
resort to innovative (and costly) reactor designs. A very high fleet breeding ratio is achieved by using only
currently existing water-based reactor technology and we show that such three-component systems will
become economically competitive if the uranium price becomes sufficiently high (>300 $/kg). Another
major advantage of such systems is a corresponding substantial decrease in production of plutonium
and minor actinide waste.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction unlikely that the global nuclear fleet will expand its collective
breeding ratio to greater than unity (current value 0.4) this cen-
Over the last 50 yr the pressurized water reactor (PWR) has be- tury, due to the huge capital costs and technological difficulties in-
come ubiquitous due to its safe and reliable operating characteris- volved in such fast breeder systems (e.g. corrosive liquid metal
tics derived from its water coolant/moderator, a well-understood, coolants, and positive void coefficients) and the long time con-
non-corrosive liquid with a high heat capacity. stants involved in their development and large-scale deployment.
Unfortunately, the simple scaling up of current PWR technology In this paper we show that a fleet of reactors with three different
is not a sustainable strategy for nuclear power development and components using mixed uranium/plutonium and thorium/ura-
expansion in the long term, and will furthermore massively com- nium cycles with only water-based reactor technology, offers great
pound the problem of nuclear waste disposal. Currently there is scope for minimizing uranium consumption (up to 80% reduc-
a renewed interest in the expansion of the role of nuclear power tion) and will produce significantly lower quantities of plutonium
for energy generation due to its lack of CO2 emissions (which con- and minor actinide waste. This is achieved without having to resort
tribute to global warming), its economic viability, and its potential to large-scale deployment of expensive and technologically
for energy security and independence. However, as developing demanding fast breeder reactors.
countries rapidly increase their installed nuclear capacity and eas- We envisage an intermediate stage in the global development of
ily extractable uranium resources become depleted, the result will nuclear power where reactor fleets consisting of three different
likely be much higher uranium prices over the course of this cen- components optimize the neutron potential of water-based reactor
tury and a legacy of large quantities of unburied nuclear waste. technology and thus minimize uranium resource consumption.
While widespread use of fast breeder, closed-cycle reactor tech- While such three-component systems will have breeding ratios
nology remains an ideal long term solution to the uranium re- of less than unity, they are likely to be more economically compet-
source and radioactive waste disposal problems, it is highly itive than a fleet of either conventional PWR’s or a fleet of fast bree-
der reactors over a range of uranium prices between roughly
* Corresponding author. estimated to be between $300/kg and $1000/kg.
E-mail address: (J.N. Wilson).

0306-4549/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.N. Wilson et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 36 (2009) 404–408 405

The introduction of the thorium cycle offers several advantages, The question of how it may be possible to arrive at the equilib-
principally among them the production of up to 1000 times less rium will not be examined in this paper, although obviously the
plutonium and minor actinide waste in a thermal spectrum reactor provision of initial inventories of 233U for the third component
and the possibility of high breeding ratios due to the low alpha would need to be carefully planned in advance for the phased con-
(capture/fission) ratio of the fissile 233U. However, the major draw- struction of such a fleet.
back is that since 233U does not exist in significant quantities in The burnup calculations for the fleet components described
nature it must be first produced and its quantity sustained by run- here were carried out with the evolution code MURE (Meplan
ning Th/233U breeder reactors (breeding ratios BR P 1.0). Unfortu- et al. 2005) based around the Monte-Carlo transport code MCNP
nately, since the neutron balance is so delicate in such systems, (Briesmeister 1997). MURE automatically performs consecutive
breeding can only be achieved through radically innovative de- MCNP calculations to determine reaction rates and hence deduce
signs: either molten salt reactors, e.g. MSBR (Rosenthal et al., core material evolution over time at constant reactor power. The
1970) with complicated online chemical reprocessing to remove MURE code is a precision research code and has been developed
neutron poisons or reactors similar to the Shippingport (Shapiro jointly at the Institut de Physique Nucléaire d’Orsay and the Labo-
et al., 1977, Schick et al., 1987) design with geometrically inconve- ratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie (LPSC) of Greno-
nient and awkward heterogeneous cores. ble. It consists of over 25,000 lines of C++ and represents about
Our solution to this problem is to dispense with the need to de- 15 person-years of development.
velop technologically innovative and economically unviable tho- The PWR and ABWR components in the fleet were modeled at
rium breeder reactors and instead run a reactor with a more the level of a core-equivalent assembly situated in an infinite lat-
conventional design with Th/233U fuel in near breeder mode tice in the x–y plane, but with axial leakage of neutrons permitted.
(BR < 1.0). Achieving such breeding ratios is a feasible goal using The nuclear cross section data were taken from the ENDFB6 evalu-
standard light or heavy water-based technologies. However, this ated cross section data base. Inventories of isotopes of interest
obviously necessitates the production of 233U elsewhere in the were extracted at the end of the fuel cycle.
reactor fleet to make up for the deficit of 233U incurred at each fuel From previous propagation of error analyses of the MURE code
reprocessing. for thermal spectrum reactors it has been determined that typical
errors in the inventories of various isotopes at the end of cycle are
2. Three-component reactor fleets typically the order of 2%. For certain nuclei, produced only by reac-
tions at an energy threshold (e.g. n,2n), the errors can be larger
Fig. 1. shows a schematic diagram of the three-component reac- (5%) since production of these nuclei are highly sensitive to
tor fleet that we envisage operating at equilibrium. The first stage changes in the shape of the neutron spectrum.
is a conventional pressurized water reactor where the spent fuel is In the next three sections the details of the burnup calculations
reprocessed, the plutonium extracted and used for fabrication of for each stage are given. The quantities of materials consumed and
thoriated fuel for an advanced boiling water reactor (ABWR) which produced at each stage are normalized for an initial 1 ton of natural
operates as a Pu/233U converter in the second stage. The third stage uranium metal. The material flows in a reactor fleet of arbitrary
is a the 233U consumer stage, a heavy or light water reactor with a size can then be calculated by scaling up from these values, and
high breeding ratio to be fueled with multi-recycled Th/233U fuel. could in principal be large enough to reside in more than one coun-
Since this system will have a breeding ratio of less than one, the try. In all cases we define the breeding ratio in following way:
deficit of 233U incurred is filled by production from the previous BR ¼ 1 þ ðMBOC  M EOC Þ=DM ð1Þ
two stages.
The term ‘‘fleet” indicates the operation of sufficiently many where MBOC and MEOC are the masses of useful fissile material at the
reactors (3) for single discrete reactor units to be unimportant. beginning and end of the fuel cycle and DM is the mass of nuclei fis-
The relative sizes of the fleet components will be determined by sioned during the fuel cycle.
the fissile mass available at each stage. In this study the main focus
is how the entire three-component system will function, which is 3. First stage
more important than the precise details of the components. The
choice of core/assembly designs and cycle lengths at each stage For the first stage a typical 17  17 lattice of a pressurized water
can of course be varied. Of particular interest is the effect these reactor assembly was modelled using MURE. See Fig. 2.
variations will have on the behaviour of the system operating at The assembly consisted of 265 standard uranium dioxide (UOX)
equilibrium and how this will change the relative sizes of the com- fuel pins of 0.475 cm outer radius enriched to 4.2% with a zircalloy-
ponents. Optimization of the three-component fleet will also re- 5 cladding of 0.57 mm thickness, with 24 guide tubes for insertion
quire an economic analysis in addition to that of burnup and
mass flow calculations and for this reason we have attempted to
construct a rudimentary economic model which is described in
Section 7.

Fig. 1. The basic schematic diagram of the 3-component reactor fleet. The fuel types
for each reactor component are shown in brackets. The possibility of plutonium
recycling at the second stage is shown with dashed lines. Fig. 2. The PWR assembly geometry.
406 J.N. Wilson et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 36 (2009) 404–408

of control rods. The neutron multiplication factor (keff) of the Table 1

assembly was kept at unity for each step in the calculation by pre- Burnup simulation summary from the plutonium/233U conversion process.

cise control of the amount of the boron soluble neutron poison Isotope MBOC (g) MEOC (g) DM (g)
added to the water moderator. Around 60 MCNP calculation steps 232
U – 1.06 +1.06
at 3-week intervals were performed for a total burnup at the end of 233
U – 260 +260
cycle (EOC) of 38 GWd/t. The quantity of plutonium produced was U – 22.7 +22.7
1.350 kg per 116 kg of enriched fuel (or 1 ton of natural uranium). U – 5.50 +5.50
Pu 36.5 35.6 0.9
This value is typical for a PWR, and implies a breeding ratio of fis- 239
Pu 758 328 430
sile uranium to fissile plutonium of 0.49. The spent fuel was 240
Pu 353 285 68
allowed to cool for three years before reprocessing and fabrication 241
Pu 102 115 +13
of fuel for the second stage and therefore some fissile 241Pu Pu 100 94.2 5.8
Am + Cm + Np – 59.3 +59.3
(t1/2 = 14 yr) is lost as it decays to 241Am. 232
Th 14,000 13,593 407
FP – 598 +598

4. Second stage

The second stage requires conversion of the plutonium from the To examine whether there are any safety problems with the Th/
spent PWR fuel to 233U for the third stage by fabricating thorium/ Pu fuel, feedback coefficients were calculated. The fuel Doppler
plutonium (Th/Pu) mixed oxide fuel. To obtain the highest conver- feedback coefficient for Th/Pu(10%) was determined to be
sion efficiencies requires a neutron spectrum which is epi-thermal Dq = 4.6  105 K1 as compared to Dq = 2.9  105 K1 for
(or fast) to maximize neutron captures on the thorium and mini- U/Pu(9%) fuel. For the moderator void coefficients values have been
mize captures on the plutonium isotopes which have large capture calculated for a total loss of coolant and are Dq = 0.34 for Th/
resonances at thermal energies. Therefore the low moderation ra- Pu(10%) fuel and Dq = 0.13 for the U/Pu(9%) fuel, indicating that
tios and hard neutron spectra available in an advanced boiling safety feedback effects for the innovative Th/Pu fuel are stronger
water reactor ABWR or supercritical water reactor (SCWR) are than those of the U/Pu fuel for which the FLWR was designed.
needed (Buongiorno and MacDonald, 2003). The reactor assembly
we chose to model was from the FLWR, a Japanese ABWR concept 5. Third stage
(Okubo et al., 2005, Uchiwicka et al., 2005). The FLWR concept is
designed for use with U/Pu MOX fuels for the purpose of Pu The third stage of the proposed three-component system is a
multi-recycling. However, in our calculations we simulated the water-based reactor which uses Th/233U fuel intended for multi-
same design but with Th/Pu MOX fuels. See Fig. 3. recycling and operates with a high breeding ratio. Breeding is very
The 1356 MWe core of this reactor concept consists of 900 difficult to achieve for a power reactor with a solid fuel and a
assemblies each containing 217 fuel pins, with a side length of water-based coolant. See Fig. 4.
22 cm and height of 1.5 m. The fuel rod radius and pitch are However, it has been known from work in the 1970s that near-
0.560 cm and 1.5 cm respectively and give a volumic ratio of mod- breeding of 233U in CANDU reactors is possible (Critoph et al.,
erator to heavy metal (HM) of 0.98. The thermal-hydraulics code 1976; Milgram 1982). Therefore, for the third stage we have exam-
COBRA-en was used to simulate the flow and change in phase of ined two possibilities: The first is Th/233U fuel in a CANDU-6 reac-
the water as it passed along the ABWR column. Moderator temper- tor and the second is Th/233U fuel in a homogeneous PWR assembly
ature and density profiles were obtained for an inlet temperature of geometry identical to that used in the first component of the fleet.
545 °K and a mass flow of 615 kg m2 s1 giving a void fraction of The PWR will have lower breeding ratios due to captures on the
0.4. These distributions were then used in MURE/MCNP neutronics light water that do not occur in the D2O moderated CANDU, but
calculations by cutting each assembly into 10 axial zones, each with will allow much longer cycle lengths so may be economically com-
its unique temperature and density. Initial burnup calculations petitive with the CANDU for the final stage since fuel reprocessing
involving U/Pu MOX fuel at 9% molar enrichment resulted in a Pu is currently very expensive (see Section 7). The breeding ratios for
breeding ratio of 0.85, identical to the value obtained in (Okubo both sets of burnup calculations are shown in Fig. 5. Since the CAN-
et al., 2005). The details of the Pu/233U conversion when loaded DU reactor recharges its fuel online, the methodology described by
with Th/Pu fuel at an enrichment of 10% Pu are given in Table 1. (Chambon et al., 2007) is adopted for the MURE simulations, where
the Canadian code DONJON (Varin et al., 2003) is used in tandem to
simulate realistic core fuel management and evaluate dwell times
and leakages for the fuel bundle in the core.
For the PWR, it will be possible to achieve higher conversion ra-
tios if heterogeneous seed-blanket assembly configurations are
used. This is a topic for further investigation.

Fig. 3. The geometry of the FLWR assembly. Fig. 4. Geometry of the CANDU-6 37-rod bundle.
J.N. Wilson et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 36 (2009) 404–408 407

the spot price at the time of writing (January 2008) of $170/kg of

U2O3. However, the spot market has recently been extremely vola-
tile, peaking at $308/kg (June 2007), but subsequently falling back
to just under $100 (October 2008). Details of the other price
assumptions made to obtain these figures are given in the next
The results show that the total amount of energy squeezed from
1 ton of enriched uranium is therefore increased by a factor of 3,
from 38 GWd (for the PWR in the first stage operating in open cy-
cle) to 97 GWd if stages 2 and 3 are added, and this gives only a
marginal increase in the quantity of plutonium and minor actinide
waste produced.

7. Economic analysis

Fig. 5. Calculated breeding ratios as a function of fuel burnup for the third
Once the mass flows and energy liberated at each stage of the
component of the reactor fleet. The 233U enrichment for each data point is written
above it.
three-component system have been determined it is possible to
construct a rudimentary economic model. The goal is to give a
rough estimate of the cost of the fuel cycle in cents per kwh of elec-
From a safety point of view, it is anticipated that delayed neu- tricity as a function of the uranium price.
tron fractions for Th/233U fuels will be lower than for conventional A summary of the results for the CANDU (Th/233U) and PWR
fuels but will be similar to those of U/Pu MOX fuels already in use (Th/233U) at the longest and shortest burnups can be seen in
today (0.3%) so should not present major safety problems. Fig. 7. All reactor fleets have a fuel cycle cost which is linearly
Finally, it should be noted that the uranium in the third stage is dependent on the uranium price and the slope of the line repre-
to be multi-recycled there will be slight changes in the uranium sents the efficiency with which uranium resources are used. Since
isotopic vector with each cycle. The 234U content will likely in- reprocessing is so expensive, the longest burnups are always fa-
crease to an equilibrium value, which could in principle degrade voured. The results show that although PWR’s using Th/233U fuel
the breeding ratio of the third component. The change in perfor- have much lower breeding ratios, the longer burnups available
mance of the three-component fleet past the first 233U recycle is produce break-even prices ($320) similar to fleets involving CAN-
a subject for future investigation. DU reactors. Clearly there is much scope for further optimizing the
fleet for example by improving the breeding ratio of the third com-
6. Mass flow ponent by using heterogeneous seed-blanket assemblies or intro-
ducing multi-recycling of plutonium in the second stage which
The mass flow for 1 ton of natural uranium (heavy metal) in its could decrease uranium consumption by roughly another factor
journey through a three-component reactor fleet can be seen in of two (at increased cost).
Fig. 5. The price assumptions used in the model are as follows: $105/
The amount of fissile material available at each stage was calcu- kg for enrichment of natural uranium, $700/kg for PWR and
lated for burnups of 38 GWd/t (PWR), 45 GWd/t (BWR) and $1400/kg for ABWR and CANDU spent fuel reprocessing costs,
22 GWd/t (CANDU). The energy liberated at each stage determines $250/kg for PWR and $1100/kg for ABWR and CANDU fuel fabrica-
the relative size of each component in the fleet, in this case 38% tion costs. The higher prices for reprocessing and fuel fabrication
PWR, 5% BWR and 57% CANDU. The energy liberated at each stage attributed to the ABWR and CANDU components are due to the ex-
is dependent on the breeding ratios, and is particularly sensitive for tra shielding and remote handling that reprocessing and fabrica-
the breeding ratio of the third component, which is 0.96 for the tion of the fuels for these reactors. This is mainly due to the high
case shown in Fig. 6. An estimate of the cost for the reprocessing
of spent fuel and fabrication of new fuel between the stages is gi-
ven, with the initial $200 k per ton of uranium metal derived from 3

Fuel cycle cost (cents/kwh)

2 0.89

PWR (UOX) open
1 0.60 CANDU (21 GWd
PWR (41 GWd/t)
PWR (6 GWd/t)

0 100 200 300 400 500 60
U2O3 price ($)

Fig. 7. The cost of the fuel cycle versus the natural uranium price for fleets with
CANDU and PWR as the 3rd 233U consumer component (green dotted lines and blue
dashed lines) compared to a standard open cycle PWR (UOX) fleet with 38 Gwd/t
Fig. 6. Mass flow of 1 ton of natural uranium metal through the 3-component fleet. burnup (black line).. Breeding ratios of the 3rd component are written above each
The energy liberated by each component is shown above the dashed arrows along line (For interpretation of the references in colour in this figure legend, the reader is
with its fraction in the fleet. referred to the web version of this article.)
408 J.N. Wilson et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 36 (2009) 404–408

energy gammas at the end of the decay chain of 232U, which will be To conclude, we suggest that the potential for the expansion of
present in small quantities in the third and second stage due to the role of nuclear power by development of three-component
n,2n reactions on the 233U. Although this necessitates more expen- fleets based on improvements of existing water-based reactor
sive reprocessing, this does provide the major advantage that pro- technology is both feasible and realistic. The implementation of
liferation resistance will be greatly increased due to the severe such systems is not dependent on huge leaps in technological pro-
difficulty of manipulating the 233U for construction of a nuclear gress and/or the successful construction/demonstration of radi-
weapon. cally innovative designs and could lead to a significant economy
of uranium resources and large reduction in volumes of radioactive
waste produced.
8. Conclusion
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Milgram, M.S., 1982. Once-through thorium cycles in CANDU reactors, AECL-7516.
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