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D&T1 – Control check Control check key: #107

Identification data

________________________________________________ ____________________________
Surname, name ID number (NIF, NIE, or passport)

_________________ ____________________________
Signature Place, date

Responsibility statements
[ ] I’m the legitimate author of the work that I’m delivering.

[ ] I understand that my control check will be considered failed if I don’t follow the guidelines and the
pieces of advice that have been taught in this subject.

[ ] I understand that my control check will be considered failed with no retake option if it meets any
of the failure conditions that have been taught in this subject.

[ ] I’ve read and understood the announcement that was published at the USE’s e-learning platform.

[ ] I have trained with the template that was published by the lecturers so as to maximise the chances
to pass this control check.

[ ] I haven’t asked any questions or exchanged any information with other people regarding the work
I’m delivering over the course of this control check.

Request for maintenance

- Every shout has an information sheet called trackson. The listings must show the shouts and
their corresponding tracksons. The shout creation form must request the data of the shouts
and their corresponding tracksons; the creation form must not provide any default values for
the attributes, but placeholders that make it clear their expected formats.
- The tracksons have the following attributes: “pin”, which must be unique and match pattern
“^\w{2,4}:yy:mmdd$” (where yy, mm, and dd refer to the year, the month, and the day when
the shout is created); “deadline”, which is a moment that must be at least one week after the
moment when the shout is created; “budget”, which is a positive amount of money (only EUR,
USD, or GBP are accepted); “important”, which indicates if the corresponding shout is im-
portant (shouts are not important by default).
- The administrators must be able to display the following indicators at the top of their dash-
boards: a) the ratio of shouts whose tracksons are flagged as important; b) the ratio of shouts
whose tracksons have budget zero; and c) the average and the standard deviation of the budg-
ets grouped by currency. All figures are expected to have exactly two-decimal precision.

Item 1: management
- Produce a “README” document in which you comment on your doubts and the decisions that
you have made. Please, keep this item empty unless it is strictly necessary.
- Produce a “Planning” document in which you report on the tasks that a manager should plan
to fulfil this maintenance request. Please, check the time allocated to this control check.
Item 2: project
- Produce an Eclipse/Maven project that: a) satisfies the requirements in this maintenance re-
quest; note that the tracksons must be explicitly modelled as entities in your data model and
they must be explicitly associated with their corresponding shouts by means of the appropri-
ate type of association; b) includes an updated version of file “model.uxf”; c) includes a posi-
tive and a negative functional test case regarding the requirements in the request for mainte-
nance that are fed with assorted data (please, generate the data systematically to facilitate
evaluating the cases); d) includes a performance analysis regarding the new requirements: it
must include a confidence interval for the wall time taken by the requests involved in the new
requirements and a hypothesis contrast that compares your performance results to the data
in the appendix (running your functional tests is expected to produce a minimum of 250 re-
quests and all of your performance data must be used in the performance analysis).
Item 3: explanations
- Produce a 5-minute video in which you identify yourself using your ID document (NIF, NIE, or
Passport) and explain how you have solved the problems in this control check. Please, make
sure that your video makes it clear that you command the informal testing methodology and
that everything works as expected. It’s recommended that you should try Collaborate and
provide a link; if you cannot record your video with Collaborate, then upload your video in
MP4 format. The MP4 format’s mandatory since this is the only format accepted by the USE’s
e-learning platform. If you don’t have an appropriate video recorder, we recommend that
you should use OBS Studio, which is available free of charge on the Web.

Delivery instructions
Please, upload a zip file with the requested items to the USE’s e-learning platform. Please, make sure
that your zip file is named after the following pattern: “”, where “Surnames”
refers to your surname/s, “Names” refers to your name/s, and “Key” is your unique control check key.
(Find it at the top of the first page.) Make sure that you submit your Eclipse/Maven project, not your
Eclipse workspace.

Appendix: sample performance data

The following table provides sample performance data that corresponds to the wall times computed
after executing a hypothetical refactoring of your project. Your performance analysis must compare
the performance results that you get to the following results and make a clear conclusion on whether
this hypothetical refactoring results in better performance or not.
1187 1163 1302 1143 1232 1367 13
1426 1279 1380 1463 1321 3111 1271
1114 1253 1143 1375 1224 1249 1272
1374 21287 1428 1452 1455 4207 1326
1441 1318 14 10 1483 472 20
1186 1358 1339 22 1241 1137 1415
1152 1492 1269 1207 1444 267 1396
1327 1364 1289 41390 25 20 1212
10 1129 21381 1192 1145 1369 1232
1328 1144 1248 1239 1350 1111 1166
20 1449 2330 1165 1245 1470 1159
1260 1420 10 1488 1461 1300 1182
1360 1106 1494 1139 1264 1380 1216
1133 1461 453 1340 1160 14 1418
1363 1191 1411 1160 1428 1471 1421
1297 1230 1458 1360 1335 1103 1185
1329 1171 1320 22 1445 1499 1464
15 17 2456 1358 1333 1436 1219
1268 1322 1153 1191 1289 1101 1161
1206 1498 1165 1143 1177 1251 1383
21 1233 1410 1244 1452 1160 1327
18 1210 1453 1366 1133 69 1472
1160 1306 21285 10 1257 1196 1312
1264 15 1354 31208 1390 1460 1194
1370 1344 1131 1275 1177 1384 1439
2259 13229 1167 1249 1268 1440 1232
2441 1196 21417 1252 1483 1328 1164
304 1420 1339 1184 1190 1148 1178
1320 13 25 31486 1115 1392 1485
1487 1464 2300 1398 1171 1191 1446
264 1179 1288 1100 1295 17 1429
1430 1115 16 1408 1306 1361 1239
1176 1322 1205 1117 13 14 1315
1406 1400 1286 18 1230 1210 1111
1187 1163 1302 1143 1232 1367 13
1426 1279 1380 1463 3321 1111 1271
1114 1253 1143 1375 1224 1249 1272
1374 1287 1428 1452 1455 1207 1326
1441 1318 14 10 2483 1472 20

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