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Tutorial 1

Submitted by Jeet Thakkar, DIV – C.


Q-1 Why is research an essential field?

From my  perspective, the following reasons why research is an essential field:

 Research is an essential field because the Every field is based on knowledge and research is
the only way for this to gain knowledge accordingly.

 Research means repeatedly searching. Internet suffering is a skill. During the research,
individual have to read a particular topic in detailed. This skill not also important to enter in
corporate world as a manager, but also it increase the ‘In-Depth’ knowledge of individual. 
Because it is a skill that you are going to be expected by employ in corporate to enter in
higher level.

Q-2 Why research is important to students?

Research is an important to students in many ways, for an example, a student might read a book of
particular subject and get the marks he/she desired for. But if they do the research for the particular
subject or topic, they have to jump on ‘till the core of that subject/topic’.
This will not only enhance their ability to understand a topic but also it gives them an idea to solve
the problem by giving various suggestions by using various types of research like descriptive,
experimental, quantitative , qualitative research etc.

In various countries, students have to do research from the high school; because of this, students not
only improve their ability and skills for doing research in right way But also helps them to find their
area of field, whether they should go for science field or commerce field or humanities field.

For university students and PG students, doing various research on different topics and subjects helps
them to gain their knowledge not just by reading but by doing deep analysis.

Q-3 5 points that display the importance of research for the key stakeholders in education.

1. It's a tool to increase the affection of students to read books and articles. 
2. It is an exercise for the mind because in research, individual have to do a lot of
3. Research enhance the ability of problem solving skills 
4. It creates habit of individual to find true and authentic data based on facts and
5. It helps to write about the topic based on individual’s analysis. 

Q-4 How exactly did I conduct research before choosing major subject.

Based on all research I have done so far, whether it is research of my background or not.  
Choosing the major is based on intellectual maturity of the particular subject/major I have to
decide by evaluating  my strengths and weaknesses of the specialisation.

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