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University of Economics, HCMC End of Unit Test.U6.

School of Foreign Languages
Division of English for General Purposes


Section 1: Language knowledge (40 marks)

I. Choose the best answer for each blank.
The best start-up ideas are often the simplest. But entrepreneurs often need to experiment (1) ……………..
business models as their ventures grow. Christian Rucker, founder of The White Company, (2) ……………..
made pre-tax profits of £2.2m the year before last, is a classic example.
While working (3) …………….. an editor at fashion magazine Harper’s, Ms. Rucker spotted a gap in the
market for stylish white bed linen and accessories priced midway between designer labels and mass-market
lines. After finding £20,000 from a local government grant and shares (4) …………….. from her grandmother,
she launched her business in 1994, initially through mail order. Last year, The White Company (5)
…………….. sales of £49.5m, up by almost £10m on the previous year.
‘Offering choice is part of great customer service,’ says Ms. Rucker, (6) …………….. company owns 14 shops,
plus space in department stores and franchises in Dubai. “One channel feeds another. Someone might see
something in a store then (7) ……….. an order online. (8) …………….. will spend more because you are
making it easy for them.’
Ms. Rucker, who aims for sales of £110m by 2011, believes the (9) …………….. is to improve quality. There
comes a point (10) …………….. it’s easy to drop the quality a little and take a higher profit margin.

1. A. for B. to C. with D. about

2. A. who B. whom C. which D. that
3. A. as B. for C. in D. with
4. A. inherit B. inherited C. inheriting D. to inherit
5. A. made B. did C. created D. gave
6. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose
7. A. put B. place C. send D. make
8. A. Entrepreneurs B. Customers C. Suppliers D. Editors
9. A. status B. solution C. offer D. problem
10. A. which B. when C. where D. that

II. Choose the best answer.

11. ……………… is when a person or organization is unable to pay their debts.
A. Bankruptcy B. Annual Turnover C. Pre-Tax Profits D. A Dividend
12. ……………… is the amount of money which a business obtains (in a year) from customers by selling goods or
A. Turnover B. Sales C. Annual Turnover D. Sale
13. ………………are the money a business makes before payment to the government.
A. Profits B. Pre-Tax Profits C. Profit D. Return
14. A part of a company’s profits paid to the owners of shares is ……………… .
A. a dividend B. pre-tax profits C. annual turnover D. sales
15. The difference between the price of the product or service and the cost of producing it is ………………
A. profit marginB. profits C. a dividend D. turnover
16. Money which people or organizations put into a business to make a profit is………………
A. equity stake B. debt C. investment D. capital
17. There was a further downturn in the economy this month as the ………………continues.
A. recovery B. recession C. upturn D. growth
18. There is heavy trading on the ………………, with big losses in the share values.
A. market B. market share C. market segment D. stock market
19. The ……………… for the near future is not good, as market confidence remains low.
A. forecast B. stock market C. shares D. equity stake
20. The hotel is seeking new investment to avoid ………………. . It currently has a debt of $ 5 billion.
A. bankruptcy B. debt C. recession D. downturn
21.There was a ……… imposed on the volume of goods we were able to ship as the tax situation was a burdensome.
A. limitation B. limit C. limited D. unlimited
22. The CEO gives a brief …………… of the present economic situation that influenced the company
A. analyze B. analysis C. analyzing D. analyzed
23. The Board of Directors was ……………… at the candidate’s knowledge of South American cultures.
A.amazing B. amazed C. amaze amaze
24. It is not easy managing ……………… of any size for the high –powered trading machine.
A.investors B. investments C. investing invest
25. The former head of equity trading has enormous respect for Prior’s …………….
A.determined B. determine C. determination D.determinations
26. Turnover at Stormgard increased almost 14 percent last year, with demand ………… insulation products
A.for B. about C. of
27. The sales of Dupont have gone up ……………… $19.6 billion……………… $27.4 billion.
A.between/ andB.from/to C.up/to D.A&B
28. The graph represents a decrease ……………… 16.4% from the first quarter.
29. The average retail gasoline price stood ……………… $4.11 a gallon yesterday.
30. Sales rose ……………… 20% over the holiday period.
A.of B. by C. at
31. The figures ……………… to a gloomy picture for a Japanese growth.
A.point B.pointing C.pointed D.has pointed
32. This year, orders from Brazil ……………… off.
A.have levelled B. are levelled C.have been levelling D.level
33. If the price of petrol ……………… further, we will make a loss.
A.rises B.raises C.will rise D.will raise
34. If the machinery had not been replaced by the robots, the unemployment ……………… .
A.would not have increased C. could not have increased
B.might not have increased D.All are correct.
35. If our market share ………………, we would invest in the new product.
A.had been fallen B.falls C.had fallen D. fell
36. ……………..on the noisy, frenetic trading desk, two bright and ambitious twenty-somethings from different
worlds became close friends.
A. To work B. Working C. Work D. Having worked
37. ……………… the physical limitations, he is thriving on the trading desk winning the admiration of
A. Despite B. In spite of C. Despite the fact that D. A & B
38. Gary Williams, the former head of European equity trading ……………… hired Prior 8 years ago, has
enormous respect for his determination.
A. who B. that C. whose D. ,who
39. Since joining Goldman as a financial analyst in the equity division, Prior- ……………… IQ score of 238
puts him in the top 1 % of the world’s population.
A. whose B. who C. whom D. which
40. Prior joined Goldman just four days ……………… he graduated from university.
A. after B. when C. until D. as soon as

Section 2: Language use (60 marks)

I. Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.
Wal-Mart profits reach $13bn
by Jonathan Birchall
Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, beat expectations after its US discount stores accounted for about 50 per
cent of all US retail growth last year - while its full-year global sales passed $400bn (€318bn) for the first time
and profits hit $13.4bn.
Mike Duke, Chief Executive, said the fourth quarter and full-year results showed that Wal-Mart had gained
'momentum' during the year in all of its markets, in spite of the tough economic environment. 'We are doing all
the right things to continue our momentum and to widen the gap between the competition and us. We finished
January strong, and February is off to a good start.'
The results again underlined the retailer's ability to generate cash in a recession and to use the money to invest
in its business at a time when most of its rivals are cutting back. Wal-Mart has been able to make acquisitions,
concluding a $2.6bn deal in January for a controlling share of D&S, the largest retailer in Chile.
It is continuing to invest in its stores with a big remodelling programme, called Project Impact, now underway
in the US. With this programme, Wal-Mart expects to significantly boost the sales per square foot of its more
than 3,000 supercentres and discount stores.
Total net sales at Wal-Mart USA rose 6 per cent on the last quarter to $71.5bn, although higher than expected
expenses, including healthcare costs, led to its operating income growing more slowly than sales, up 2.2 per cent
to $5.4bn.
Internationally, the strong dollar weighed on earnings, with the value of sales down 8.4 per cent from the last
quarter to $24.7bn and operating income down 14.3 per cent at $1.5bn. At constant currencies, international
operating income would have been up 5.1 per cent and net sales up 9 per cent.
The retailer highlighted the performance of its Asda stores in the UK, which gained market share with increased
customer traffic and average purchases made.
In Japan, Wal-Mart reported that comparable sales at its Seiyu stores fell 0.5 per cent from the last quarter, but
were positive in November and December.

Choose the best answer.

1. In its latest financial year, Wal-Mart .............................................................
A. performed worse than had been expected.
B. was responsible for half the growth of all US retailers.
C. had profits of less than $10 billion.
D. had good sales in January, but less good in February.
2. In the last three months of its financial year, there was (a) an ……………………………………
A. 8.4 per cent decline in international sales in dollar terms.
B. 2.2 per cent increase in international sales in dollar terms.
C. 6 per cent rise in international sales in dollar terms.
D. 0.5 per cent falls in international sales in dollar terms.
3. Sales at Seiyu stores ……………………………………………………………………………
A. rose 6 per cent on the last quarter to $71.5bn
B. went down 0.5 per cent compared to last year, but were high in November and December.
C. decreased 0.5 per cent in relation to the previous quarter, but were higher in November and December.
D. fell 0.5 per cent on the same quarter last year, but were positive in November and December.
What does each of the following underlined words / phrases refer to?
4. ………while its full-year global sales passed $400bn (€318bn) for the first time…… (paragraph 1)
5. …the performance of its Asda stores in the UK, which gained market share… (paragraph 7)
Which words in the passage mean the following?
6.……………… = increase a difference in performance
7.……………… = the act of buying a company, piece of land, etc.
8. ………………= the total value of goods and services sold, minus expenses such as transport, returned goods, etc.

Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word from the passage. Put it in its correct form or tense.
9. Around 80% of our sales are ………………….by 30 stores.
10. Inflation is now at a rate ………………….with that in other European countries.
II. Writing Marketing report – Findings
You work in Marketing Department of Spring Balm. In the last three months, the launch of your company’s
new products has not been successful. You are asked to conduct a market survey to find out what the reasons
After collecting data, you have to write a marketing report to submit to the management so that they can see
what is happening to the current marketing campaign. One of the most important parts of your report is
Findings. And here is what you need to complete. (20 marks)

The aim of this report is to ________________________(1) for the failure of the launch of our new range of
Spring Balm toiletries. ________________________(2) from over 500 interviews with consumers.

I shall begin with my findings about the products themselves. About one fifth of the consumers who have tried
________________________(3) said they were dissatisfied with the taste of the Spring Balm toothpaste.
_____________________(4), 47 people ____________________(5) skin irritation after using our deodorant

________________________(6), as regards the price, almost 90% ________________________(7) our

products are overpriced ________________________(8) well-established brands.

Thirdly, with regard to promotion and place, ________________________(9) the name Spring Balm still means
nothing to most consumers.

On the other hand, many of those who have heard about the Spring Balm collection
______________________(10) they cannot find our product anywhere.
III. Listening:
PART 1: Listen and choose the best answer to each question.
1. Whatannouncement is being made?
A. Old machines will be replaced. B. A renowned photographer has been invited.
C. New printers will be installed next week. D. Financial statements have been released.
2. What are the listeners told to do?
A. Read an e-mail. C. Print some documents.
B. Order some supplies. D. Use the new models manually.
3.What is the purpose of the talk?
A. To explain some new policies C. To discuss a new show
B. To analyze market trends D. To greet a speaker
4. What is Mr. Banner well-known for?
A. Writing a best-selling book C. Winning a prestigious award
B. Hosting a talk show D. Founding a TV station
5. What is the topic of Mr. Banner's talk?
A. His new line of products C. His principles of leadership
B. His personal investment strategy D. His advice for future business people
PART 2: Listen and complete notes.
+ Government officials of Trent City: a proposal for using the $1.4 million surplus in the (6)
………………………………(building nearly 100 more miles of hiking paths)
+Supporters: attract more tourists & help Trent City (7) ……………… its ……………… for natural beauty. +
Those against actually reduce (8) ………………………………(long-term construction could discourage
visitors from vacationing in the area).
+ Mayor Wendy Duncan: the (9) ………………………………for this Friday's city council meeting: too soon
pushing back to the April 14 meeting, (10) ………………………………to look into the matter further.
The end

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