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Clyde W. Holsapple

September 2021

Table of Contents

Introductory Perspective Page............................................................................................................2

Academic Background, Interests, Experiences .............................................................................3

Selected Honors & Awards .........................................................................................................4

Selected Evidence of Scholarly Contributions ........................................................................5

 Standard Bibliometric Measures of Impact
 Independent Studies of Specific Impacts

Scholarly Contributions: Production of Journal Articles........................................................ 9

Scholarly Contributions: Production of Books ..................................................................... 24
Scholarly Contributions: Production of Book Chapters ...............................................29
Scholarly Contributions: Production of Doctoral Graduates ........................................32
 Committee Chair (35 completed dissertations)
 Committee Member (54 additional completed dissertations)

Scholarly Contributions: Research Gatekeeper ...........................................................39

Scholarly Contributions: Selected Service-to-the-Discipline ......................................41
Scholarly Contributions: Production of Proceedings Articles ......................................42
Scholarly Contributions: Other Selected Items ...........................................................45
Software Industry Contributions ............................................................................................ 47
Teaching Activities ....................................................................................................48
Internal University Service .........................................................................................49
 University Assignments
 College Assignments
 Department Assignments

A Page of Introduction to Clyde Holsapple Professional Activities


“…in recognition of distinguished achievement in the field of decision sciences.” There are ~100 living DSI Fellows
in the 50-year history of DSI, including scholars on the faculties of Harvard, Yale, Duke, Stanford, Wharton, Texas,
Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio State, Florida, Virginia Tech, Arizona, Purdue,
Wisconsin, Georgia Tech, Indiana, Southern California, and UCLA.


A 2019 scientometric study of the knowledge management field, using co-citation analytics across a 30-year period,
has revealed the field’s “canonical authors. They constitute the most classical and influential authors, whose
contributions have served to set the body of knowledge of KM over the years.” *
The study’s resultant eleven authors, including a Nobel Laureate, are:
Herbert A. Simon (Carnegie Mellon University; cognitive science & decision making)
Michael E. Porter (Harvard University; strategy & competition)
David J. Teece (University of California, Berkeley; organization theory & strategy)
Gustav A. Hedlund (Yale University; mathematics of dynamic systems)
Bruce M. Kogut (Columbia University; organization theory & governance)
Eric Von Hippel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; economics of innovation)
▪Clyde W. Holsapple (decision systems & ontology engineering)
Richard R. Nelson (Columbia University; evolutionary economics)
Ikujiro Nonaka (Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo; organization theory)
George P. Huber (University of Texas; organization learning & decision making)
JC Spender (Kozminski University, Warsaw; organization theory & strategy)
*Quotation is from González-Valiente, Santos, Arencibia-Jorge, Journal of Data and Information Science 4(2) 2019, a co-citation analysis
using all references within the 7,089 KM articles in journals tracked by the Web of Science from 1986-2015.


Found to rank 1st among the most-impactful contributors in building foundations of the decision support systems field
during the period 2005 - 2012 (co-citation analysis of authors of all references in a set of 498 DSS papers: Eom,
Foundations and Trends in Information Systems 1(4) 2016). Many other independent studies of contribution to DSS &
KM areas, using varied data sets, methods, and time frames, are noted later in this vita (pages 5-8).


Found to rank 12th among US scholars for editorial contributions as a gatekeeper of publishing in the IS discipline
(scientometric analysis of the 2,846 gatekeepers worldwide for the 77 IS-related journals tracked by Journal Citation
Reports: Cabanac, J of the Amer Soc for Info Sci and Tech 63(5) 2012).


Placements include: Arizona, Arizona State, Delaware, Iowa, Kentucky, Miami, National Sun Yat-sen (2),
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Texas Christian, Tulsa, Villanova (3), Washington State, Xavier (2), plus corporate,
governmental, and non-profit organizations. Later in the vita, pages 37-38 list some of their many accomplishments.

RESEARCH IMPACT IN PERSPECTIVE (Source: Google Scholar, Sep 2019)

Group Raw citation I10 citation level I50 citation level
Identity H-index
Characteristic count
▪Clyde Holsapple 161 70
63 16,115 pubs with ≥10 cites pubs with ≥50 cites
through Sep 2019
The group of 13 persons Mean 41.6 13,440.8 80.8 For over ½ of the Leo
group: I10 ≤ 70.
who received AIS Leo Median 33 12,070 76
Compare to: I50=70
Awards during the 5-year Highest 63 33,939 138 Google Scholar does
period 2014-2018 (n=13)* Lowest 23 2,041 47 not report I50 data.
* The group indicators of impact, shown here, come from individuals’ data that are current as of Sep 2019. They do not reflect the lower basis
on which individuals’ awards have been determined in years past.

Sep 2021

Clyde W. Holsapple

Fellow of the Decision Sciences Institute

Rosenthal Endowed Chair and Professor, Emeritus, University of Kentucky
Charter and Lifetime Member, Association for Information Systems

Academic Background
Ph.D. Purdue University, Management Information Systems, 1977
M.S. Purdue University, Computer Science, 1975
B.S. Purdue University, Mathematical Sciences (Logic), 1972 --- Phi Beta Kappa

Professional Interests
Research: Decision Support Systems, Knowledge Management, Business Analytics,
Ontology Design, Measuring Knowledge Dissemination Channels, Organizational
Computing, Inter-organizational Systems, Intelligent Systems

Teaching: Doctoral-level courses in: Decision Support Systems, Knowledge Management,

Organizational Computing, Electronic Business, Artificially Intelligent Systems

Academic Experience
Rosenthal Endowed Chair in Management Information Systems & Professor
University of Kentucky (1988 - 2017).

Department Chair and Area Coordinator, Decision Science & Information Systems
University of Kentucky (1992 - 2011).

Director of Graduate Studies, Decision Science & Information Systems

University of Kentucky (1989 - 2011).

Professor of Management (Information Systems Area)

Purdue University (1989).

Associate Professor of Management (Information Systems Area)

Purdue University (1983 - 1989).

--- On Leave from academia (1980-1987) ---

Associate Professor of Business Administration (Information Systems Area)

University of Illinois (1981 - 1983).

Assistant Professor of Business Administration (Information Systems Area)

University of Illinois (1978 - 1981).

Selected Honors & Awards


“…in recognition of distinguished achievement in the field of decision sciences” as determined
by a panel of DSI Fellows. There are about 100 living DSI Fellows (out of over 40,000 eligible
scholars in the 50-year history of DSI), about ten of which focus on the Information Systems
discipline. Other Fellows are from such schools as Harvard, Yale, Duke, Stanford, Wharton,
Texas, Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio State, Florida, Virginia
Tech, Arizona, Purdue, Wisconsin, Georgia Tech, Indiana, Southern California, UCLA, and the
London Business School. Induction 2010.

“For his prolific and exceptional research, teaching, and service in the disciplines of information
systems and knowledge management, particularly his seminal contributions in developing the
decision support system field, creating basic concepts of knowledge management, introducing
knowledge-based decision support systems, advancing methods for collaborative ontological
engineering, devising knowledge-based organization architecture, and creating the knowledge
chain theory and a behavior-based technique for measuring knowledge distribution channels.”


Inaugural recipient, selected by a jury of peers as the "most significant article" published
across all IS journals in 2005 related to the topics of decision support, knowledge, and data
management systems; awarded at the Americas Conference on Information Systems,
Acapulco (August 2006), Association for Information Systems SIGDSS.


Inaugural recipient, awarded at the Gatton College of Business and Economics Hall of Fame
Induction Ceremony, Lexington KY (October 2005); “recognizes notable research
achievements by a Gatton faculty member and is named in honor of the UK alumnus who has
served as chair of the Gatton College Dean's Advisory Council, Kenneth Robertson, and his
wife, Carol Lee.”


Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation, presented by the Governor of Kentucky
(Frankfort, KY, February 27, 2002).


Awarded by the Chancellor of the University of Kentucky (Lexington, April 12, 1995), tenured
faculty category. One of the first 20 such awards given in the history of the University.


Awarded by the International Association for Computer Information Systems at the annual
IACIS conference (Las Vegas, September 30 - October 2, 1993)


Received in each of 6 consecutive semesters, University of Illinois, 1978-1981.


The ACM is the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, with membership
of over 100,000. The Senior Member awards recipients are determined by an ACM selection
committee, based on an evaluation of “demonstrated performance that sets them apart from
their peers” in advancing computing as a science and a profession. Selection 2013.

Selected Evidence of Scholarly Contributions


Research Impact = 18,877 (citations to published works)

H-index = 69 (number of publications, H, cited at least H times apiece)
G-index = 132 (largest G, such that G 2 ≤ citation sum for the G most-cited publications)
I500 index = 6 (number of publications cited ≥ 500 times apiece)
I300 index = 16 (number of publications cited ≥ 300 times apiece)
I100 index = 50 (number of publications cited ≥ 100 times apiece)
I50 index = 80 (number of publications cited ≥ 50 times apiece)
I25 index = 122 (number of publications cited ≥ 25 times apiece)

INDEPENDENT STUDIES OF SPECIFIC IMPACTS (diverse sources, data, methodologies)

One of the eleven canonical authors identified for the knowledge management field across a 30-
year period (co-citation analysis of the 7,089 KM articles in journals tracked in Web of Science
from 1986-2015: González-Valiente, Santos, Arencibia-Jorge, Journal of Data and Information
Science 4(2) 2019). The other ten canonical authors are HA Simon, ME Porter, DJ Teece, GP
Huber, GA Hedlund, B Kogut, JC Spender, E Von Hippel, RR Nelson, and I Nonaka. The analysis
finds these eleven to be KM’s “canonical authors. They constitute the most classical and influential
authors, whose contributions have served to set the body of knowledge of KM over the years.”

Passed 350,000 downloads (full-chapter content) milestone for four SpringerLink eBooks since
2013 (tracked by Springer, through September 2019)

Among the 12 most-cited publications in the DSS field’s 50-year history (Power, Decision Support
News, 19(14), July 2018) and two of the 25 most-cited DSS publications

Among the 20 most-cited of University of Kentucky’s >2,000 faculty members, across all academic
fields including social sciences, physical sciences, engineering, medicine & health sciences, law,
agriculture, arts, education, communications, and business (Google Scholar, as of Jan 2018)

Rank 15th among scholars at US public universities for research impact in the IS discipline (h-index
analysis: University of Arizona, Feb 2017

Among the 50 "most frequent appearing authors in the eleven high-impact IS journals: 1977-2014"
out of 11,202 authors (Everard, et al. bibliometric study in Communications of the AIS, 40(4) 2017)

Top 1% Designation: recognizing research article that received more citations than 99% of all
articles published in its field (as tracked by Science-Metrix in Elsevier Scopus, summer 2016)

Rank 4th among most-impactful contributors in establishing the area of model management during
1969 – 1990 (co-citation analysis of authors of 150,030 references in set of 692 papers about
decision support systems: Eom, Foundations and Trends in Information Systems 1(4) 2016)

Rank 1st for KM Architecture & Taxonomy research published in 1990-2014 (co-citation analysis of
5,826 KM articles in journals tracked in Web of Science: Zavaraqi, Internat. J of Info., 14(1) 2016)

Rank 5th among most-impactful contributors in building foundations of decision support systems
field during 1991 - 2004 (co-citation analysis of authors of all references in set of 1,488 papers
about decision support systems: Eom, Foundations and Trends in Information Systems 1(4) 2016)

Passed 250,000 downloads (full-chapter content) milestone for 4 SpringerLink eBooks since 2013
(tracked by Springer, 2016)

Rank 1st among most-impactful contributors in building foundations of decision support systems
field during the period 2005 - 2012 (co-citation analysis of authors of all references in set of 498
DSS papers: Eom, Foundations and Trends in Information Systems 1(4) 2016)

ProQuest Dissertation Impact=67 dissertations completed in 2014-16 that cite ≥ 1 publication

(e.g., Arizona, Indiana, Temple, Texas, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan State, Colorado, Maryland
George Washington, Texas A&M, North Carolina State, Syracuse, Alabama, Nebraska, Florida State)

Rank 16th among scholars at US public universities for research impact in the IS discipline (h-index
analysis: University of Arizona, Apr 2015,

Rank 3rd in research impact among all authors of articles (2000-2009) dealing with organizational
knowledge (citation analysis of all articles tracked by SSCI and SCI-Extended: Kennedy & Burford,
Internat. J of Public Administration 36(3) 2013)

Among the 6 most-productive researchers in the knowledge management field through 2012
(meta-analysis of results reported in 108 scientometric studies of the KM field: Serenko, Journal
of Knowledge Management 17(5) 2013)

Rank 3rd for KMRP internal research impact through 2012 (citation analysis of 256 articles: Walter
& Ribière, Knowledge Management Research and Practice 11(3) 2013)

Rank 25th in US for research productivity in IS discipline during 1999-2003 (analysis of all articles
published in five elite IS journals: Li, Liao & Chen Research Policy 42(9) 2013)

Rank 12th among US scholars for editorial contributions as a gatekeeper of publishing in the IS
discipline (scientometric analysis of the 2,846 gatekeepers worldwide for the 77 IS-related journals
tracked by Journal Citation Reports: Cabanac, J of the Amer Soc for Info Sci and Tech 63(5) 2012)

ProQuest Dissertation Impact=77 dissertations completed in 2012-13 that cite ≥ 1 publication

(e.g., Arizona, Minnesota, Southern Cal, Illinois, Wisconsin, Colorado, Purdue, Indiana, Oklahoma State,
Rutgers, Maryland, Nebraska, Mississippi, Penn State, George Washington, Claremont, Nebraska)

Rank 4th for research contributions in the Knowledge Management field (analysis of the 639
authors publishing in flagship Journal of Knowledge Management over 14-year period: Saleem &
Iqbal, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business 4(6) 2012)

Among the 30 highest-impact US researchers in IS discipline who earned doctorates during 1953-
2003 (H-index analysis: Hu & Chen, ACM Trans on Management Information Systems 2(2) 2011)

Among the 11 pioneers of the decision support systems field (Historical analysis covering 60 years:
Power, et al. Annals of Information Systems 14 2011)

ProQuest Dissertation Impact=69 dissertations completed in 2010-11 that cite ≥ 1 publication

(e.g., Georgia Tech, Pittsburgh, Illinois, McGill, Penn State, Georgia State, Clemson, Oklahoma,
George Washington, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Maryland, Texas A&M, Texas – Dallas, Claremont,
Alabama, Colorado State, Delaware, Calgary, McMaster, Carleton, Ecole Polytechnique – Montreal)

Rank 3rd among US professors for productivity in KM field during 1994-2008 (scientometric study of
2175 articles in 11 KM-specific periodicals: Sorenko et al., J of Knowledge Management 14(1) 2010)

Rank 6th for Knowledge Management impact for 2003-2007 (citation analysis of all KM articles in
full set of journals tracked in SCI & SSCI: Ma & Yu, Journal of Knowledge Management 14(2) 2010)

Rank 1st in KM Strategy impact during 2003-2007 (citation analysis of all KM articles in full set of
journals tracked in SCI & SSCI: Ma & Yu, Journal of Knowledge Management 14(2) 2010)

Rank 17th among US public university scholars for research impact on the IS discipline (h-index
analysis: University of Arizona, Dec 2010,

ProQuest Dissertation Impact=76 dissertations completed in 2008-09 that cite ≥ 1 publication

(e.g., Harvard, Stanford, Georgia Tech, Arizona, Pittsburgh, Illinois, Purdue, Michigan, Washington
State, Case, Penn State, Michigan State, George Washington, Queen's, Carleton, Ottawa, Toronto,
Hong Kong Sci and Tech, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Chinese U of Hong Kong, Claremont, Auburn)

Rank 4th among the "most productive authors" in the Knowledge Management field through 2004,
out of 10,086 KM authors tracked, E-LIS (scientometric analysis of the INSPEC database: E.R.
Prakasan et al., Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India, 2006)

ProQuest Dissertation Impact=68 dissertations completed in 2006-07 that cite ≥ 1 publication

(e.g., Stanford, North Carolina, Texas, Southern Cal, McGill, Arizona, Indiana, Georgia Tech, Penn
State, Arizona State, Virginia Tech, Auburn, Illinois, Nebraska, Florida State, George Washington,
Penn State, Claremont, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Ottawa, Toronto, Mississippi)

Top 1% Designation: recognizing research article that received more citations since 2000 than
99% of all articles published in its field, as tracked in Journal Citation Reports (Thomson
Essential Science Indicators, March 2005)

Rank 2nd out of 2,024 KM researchers for Knowledge Management publications over a one-quarter-
century period; (informetric analysis of Web of Science database: Y. Gu, Scientometrics 61(3)

Rank 7th out of 2,727 authors for "research production" within the Knowledge Management field in
the period 1975-2003 (bibliometric analysis of the Web of Science: Y. Gu, Scientometrics 61(2)

ProQuest Dissertation Impact=54 dissertations completed in 2004-05 that cite ≥ 1 publication

(e.g., California-Berkeley, Arizona, Southern Cal, Maryland, Connecticut, Ohio State, Penn State,
Houston, Pittsburgh, Iowa State, Georgia Tech, Syracuse, Auburn, Claremont, George
Washington, Mississippi State, George Mason, New Mexico, Calgary, Queen’s, McMaster,
Universite Paul Cezanne

Among the seminal authors in the Knowledge Management field for the period 1990-2002
(University of Minnesota citation study: MISRC Working Paper 03-23, 2003)

ProQuest Dissertation Impact=62 dissertations completed in 2000-03 that cite ≥ 1 publication

(e.g., British Columbia, Minnesota, Washington, Arizona State, Georgia, Illinois, Pittsburgh,
Wisconsin, Michigan State, State University of New York - Buffalo, Auburn, Florida State,
Alabama, Penn State, Syracuse, George Washington, South Carolina, Nebraska, McMaster,

ProQuest Dissertation Impact=56 dissertations completed in 1995-99 that cite ≥ 1 publication

(e.g., Pennsylvania, Vanderbilt, Illinois, Texas, Purdue, Michigan State, Virginia, Florida, Georgia,
Pittsburgh, UCLA, Texas Tech, Houston, Arizona State, Arkansas, George Washington, British
Columbia, Wisconsin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Rutgers, Oklahoma, Montreal, McMaster)

Rank 2nd among "most influential authors in US academic institutions" for DSS research, in the
number of publications cited by over 250 articles on specific DSS applications over a 19-year
period (citation analysis: Eom and Lee, Decision Support Systems 9(3) 1993)

Rank 5th in citation frequency over the 19-year period (citation analysis: Eom and Lee, Decision
Support Systems 9(3) 1993).

ProQuest Dissertation Impact=49 dissertations completed in 1990-94 that cite ≥ 1 publication

(e.g., Temple, Illinois, Texas, Iowa, Boston, Ohio State, Case Western, Washington, Arizona State,
Wisconsin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Oklahoma, Brigham Young, Nebraska, Texas A&M)

Rank 5th most frequent contributor among the 392 researchers publishing journal articles about DSS
application systems through 1988 (bibliometric study: Eom and Lee, Decision Support Systems
6(3) 1990)

ProQuest Dissertation Impact=51 dissertations completed in 1980-89 that cite ≥ 1 publication

(e.g., California-Berkeley, Pennsylvania, Stanford, Arizona, Southern California, Penn State,
New York, Illinois, Texas, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio State, Maryland, Arizona State, RPI,

Scholarly Contributions: Production of Journal Articles
 For articles whose content has been referenced by at least 10 scholarly publications, the
number of citations n is indicated by [GS n]. Source: Google Scholar, Sep 2021.

173. Lei, H., Fang, X., Rajkumar, T.M. & Holsapple, C. (2020). Recovering Troubled IT Projects:
The Roles of Transformational Leadership and Project Complexity. Information System
Frontiers, accepted for publication.

172. Fang, X., Rajkumar, T. M., Sena, M. & Holsapple, C. W. (2020) National Culture, Online
Medium Type, and First Impression Bias. Journal of Organizational Computing and
Electronic Commerce, 30 (1), 55-66.

171. Hartono, E. and Holsapple, C. W. (2019) Website Visual Design Qualities: A Three-fold
Framework. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 10 (1), article 1.

170. Li, X., Holsapple, C. W. & Goldsby, T. (2019) The Structural Impact of Supply Chain
Management Teams: Supply Chain Agility Development in Multidivisional Firms.
Management Research Review, 42 (2), 290-310. [GS 11]

169. Holsapple, C. W., Hsaio, S. & Pakath, R. (2018) Business Social Media Analytics:
Characterization and Conceptual Framework. Decision Support Systems, 110, 32-45.
[GS 44]

168. Chen, L., Ellis, S.C. & Holsapple, C. W. (2018) A Knowledge Management Perspective of
Supplier Development: Evidence from Supply Chain Scholars and Consultants. Knowledge
and Process Management, 25 (4), 247-257. [GS 11]

167. Li, X. and Holsapple, C. W. (2018) Entrepreneurial Work Design for Organization Agility.
Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 19 (3), 35-49.

166. Holsapple, C. W., Sena, M. & Wagner, W. (2018) The Perceived Success of ERP Systems
for Decision Support. Information Technology and Management, 1-7. [GS 21]

165. Li, X. and Holsapple, C. W. (2018) Bring Entrepreneurship into Supply Chain Partner
Networks: The Influence on Best-value Supply Chains. Journal of Strategic Innovation
and Sustainability, 13 (3), 85-98.

164. Li, X. and Holsapple, C.W. (2018) A Survey of Knowledge Coordination Issues in Business
Process Management. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 20 (5), 125-137.

163. Li, X. and Holsapple, C. W. (2018) Entrepreneurial Work Design for Organization Agility.
Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 19 (3), 35-49.

162. Chen, L., Holsapple, C. W., Hsiao, S., Ke, Z., Oh, J. & Yang, Z. (2017) Knowledge
Dissemination Channels: Analytics of Stature Evaluation. Journal of the Association for
Information Science and Technology, 68 (4), 911-930.

161. Li, X., Wu, Q., Holsapple, C. W. (2017) Effective Demand-driven Supply Chain Management
and Long-run Stock Performance. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 19 (10),

160. Li, X., Wu, Q., Holsapple, C. W. & Goldsby, T. (2017) An Empirical Examination of Firm
Financial Performance along Dimensions of Supply Chain Resilience. Management
Research Review, 40 (3), 254-269. [GS 68]

159. Holsapple, C. W., Jones, K. & Leonard, L. (2015) Knowledge Acquisition and Its Impact on
Competitiveness. Knowledge and Process Management 22 (3), 157–166. [GS 25]

158. Chen, L., Ellis, S.C. & Holsapple, C. W. (2015) Supplier Development: A Knowledge-
Management Perspective. Knowledge and Process Management, 22 (4), 250-269.
[GS 45]

157. Holsapple, C. W., Li, X, & Wu, Q. (2015) Best-value Supply Chains and Firms’ Competitive
Performance: Empirical Studies of Their Linkage. International Journal of Operations
and Production Management, 35 (12), 1688 - 1709. [GS 33]

156. Holsapple, C. W., Lee-Post, A. & Pakath, R. (2014) A Unified Foundation for Business
Analytics. Decision Support Systems, 64, 130-141, August. [GS 388]

155. Hartono, E., Holsapple, C. W., Kim, K-Y. Na, S-K., Simpson, J. (2014) Measuring Perceived
Security in B2C Electronic Commerce Website Usage: A Respecification and Validation.
Decision Support Systems 62 (1), 11-21. [GS 182]

154. Wu, J and Holsapple, C. W. (2014) Imaginal and Emotional Experiences in Pleasure-
Oriented IT Usage: A Hedonic Consumption Perspective. Information and Management
51 (1), 80–92. [GS 98]

153. Chen, L and Holsapple, C. W. (2013) E-business Adoption Research: State of the Art.
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 14 (3), 261-286. [GS 79]

152. Wu, J. & Holsapple, C. W. (2013) Does Knowledge Management Matter? Empirical
Evidence from Market-based Valuation. ACM Transactions on Management
Information Systems 4 (2), 6: 1-20. [GS 21]

151. Chen, L and Holsapple, C. W. (2013) Evaluating Journal Quality: Beyond “Expert” Journal
Assessments in the IS Discipline Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic
Commerce 23 (4), 392-412.

150. Hartono, E., Holsapple, C. W., and Jin, H. (2011) The Role of Technological Know-How in C-
Commerce Success. Decision Support Systems, 51 (1), 77-87.

149. Dos Santos, B., Holsapple, C.W., and Ye, Q. (2011) The Intellectual Influence of
Entrepreneurship Journals: A Network Analysis. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
35 (4), 735-754. The Official Journal of the United States Association for Small Business
and Entrepreneurship. [GS 20]

147. Fang, X. and Holsapple, C. W. (2011) Impacts of Web Site Navigation Structure, Task
Complexity, and User Domain Knowledge Level on Web Site Usability: An Empirical Study.
Information Systems Frontiers, 13 (4), 453-469. [GS 33]

148. Holsapple, C. W. & Wu, J. (2011) An Elusive Antecedent of Superior Firm Performance: The
Knowledge Management Factor. Decision Support Systems, 52 (1), 271-283.
[GS 126]

146. Holsapple, C.W. and Lee-Post, A. (2010) Behavior-based Analysis of Knowledge

Dissemination Channels in Operations Management. OMEGA: The International Journal
of Management Science, 30 (1), 167-178. [GS 59]

145. Ferrier, W., Holsapple, C. W., and Sabherwal, R. (2010) Digital Systems and Competition.
Information Systems Research, 21 (3), 413-423. [GS 31]

144. Li, X., Goldsby, T., and Holsapple. C.W. (2009) Supply Chain Agility: Scale Development.
International Journal of Logistics Management, 20 (3), 408 - 424. [2,499 downloads
from Emerald Insight Portal up to September 2016]. [GS 187]

143. Conigliaro, J., Davenport, D., and Holsapple, C.W. (2009) Assessing Surgical Quality Using
Administrative and Clinical Datasets. American Journal of Medical Quality, The official
journal of the American College of Medical Quality, 24 (5), 395-402. [GS 121]

142. Holsapple, C. W. (2009) The Quest for High Impact: Truth and Consequences?
Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 25 (1) August, 11-20.

141. Holsapple, C. W. (2009) A New Map for Knowledge Dissemination Channels.

Communications of the ACM, 52 (3), 117-125. [GS 26]

140. Holsapple, C.W. and O’Leary, D. (2009) How Much and Where? Private vs. Public
Universities’ Publication Patterns in the Information Systems Discipline. Journal of the
American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60 (2), 318-331.
[GS 21]

139. Chen, D. C. & Holsapple, C. W. (2009) Knowledge Shared Is Power: Utilizing Knowledge
Management Activities to Replicate Lean Sigma Best Practices. Knowledge Management
& E-Learning, 1 (2), 90-102. [GS 10]

138. Holsapple, C. W., Raj, V., & Wagner, W. (2008) An Experimental Investigation of the
Impact of Domain Complexity on Knowledge Acquisition Methods. Expert Systems with
Applications, 35 (3) 1084-1094. [GS 22]

137. Holsapple, C. W. and Wu, J. (2008). Antecedents and Outcomes of the Flow Experience: An
Empirical Study in the Context of Online Gaming:. Journal of International Technology
and Information Management, 17 (3/4), 285-306. Reprinted without permission in the
International Journal of Intercultural Information Management. [GS 15]

136. Li, X., Chung, C, Goldsby, T. & Holsapple, C. W. (2008). A Unified Model of Supply Chain
Agility: The Work-Design Perspective. International Journal of Logistics Management,
19 (3), 408-435. [3,041 downloads from Emerald Insight Portal up to September 2016]
[GS 280]

135. Holsapple, C. W. & Wu, J. (2008) In Search of a Missing Link. Knowledge Management
Research and Practice, 6 (1), 31-41. [GS 85]

134. Holsapple, C. W., Iyengar, D., Jin, H. & Rao, S. (2008) Parameters for Software Piracy
Research. The Information Society, 24 (8), 199-218. [GS 56]

133. Holsapple, C. W. & Wu, J. (2008) Building Effective Online Game Web Sites with Knowledge-
based Trust. Information Systems Frontiers. 10 (1), 47-60. [GS 55]

132. Holsapple, C. W. (2008) A Publication Power Approach for Identifying Premier IS Journals.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology , 59 (2),
166-185. [GS 47]

131. Chi, L., Holsapple, C. W., & Srinivasan, C. (2008). Digital Systems, Partnership Networks,
and Competition: The Co-evolution of IOS Use and Network Position as Antecedents of
Competitive Action. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce,
18 (1), 61-94. [GS 34]

130. Chi, L., Holsapple, C. W., & Srinivasan, C. (2007). The Linkage between IOS Use and
Competitive Action: A Competitive Dynamics Perspective. Information Systems and E-
Business Management, 5 (4), 319-356. [GS 31]

129. Holsapple, C. W. & Jin, H. (2007). “Connecting Some Dots: Electronic Commerce, Supply
Chains, and Collaborative Decision Making,” Decision Line, 38 (5) 14-21. [GS 19]

128. Holsapple, C. W. & Jones, K. (2007). Knowledge Chain Activity Classes: Impacts on
Competitiveness and the Importance of Technology Support. International Journal of
Knowledge Management, 3 (3), 26-46. [GS 36]

127. Hartono, E., Santhanam, R., & Holsapple, C. W. (2007). Factors that Contribute to
Management Support System Success: An Analysis of Field Studies. Decision Support
Systems, 43 (1), 256-268. [GS 74]

126. Chi, L., Holsapple, C. W., & Srinivasan, C. (2007). Competitive Dynamics in Electronic
Networks: A Model and the Case of Interorganizational Systems. International Journal of
Electronic Commerce, 11 (3), 7-49. [GS 87]

125. Fang, X. & Holsapple, C. W. (2007). An Empirical Study of Web Site Navigation Structures'
Impacts on Web Site Usability. Decision Support Systems, 43 (2), 476-491. [GS 228]

124. Holsapple, C. W. & Wu, J. (2007) User Acceptance of Virtual Worlds: The Hedonic
Framework. DATABASE (Journal of the ACM Special Interest Group on Management
Information Systems), 38 (4), 86-89. [GS 125]

123. Holsapple, C. W. & Lee-Post, A. (2006). Defining, Assessing, and Promoting E-Learning
Success: An Information Systems Perspective. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative
Education, 4 (1), 65-83. [GS 484]

122. Holsapple, C. W. & Sena, M. (2005). ERP Plans and Decision-Support Benefits. Decision
Support Systems, 38 (4), 575-590. [GS 337]

Description: judged the best journal paper of the year by a panel of senior peers
(AIS-SIGDSS), across all papers dealing with decision support, knowledge management,
and database management that were published in information systems journals during

121. Chi, L. & Holsapple, C. W. (2005). Understanding Computer-Mediated Interorganizational

Collaboration: A Model and Framework. Journal of Knowledge Management, 9 (1), 53-75.
[2,304 downloads via Emerald JKM portal from 2006 – September 2016]. [GS 158]

120. Holsapple, C. W. & Jones, K. (2005). Exploring Secondary Activities of the Knowledge
Chain. Knowledge and Process Management, 12 (1), 3-31. [GS 125]

119. Holsapple, C. W. & Sasidharan, S. (2005). The Dynamics of Trust in B2C E-Commerce: A
Research Model and Agenda. Information Systems and E-Business Management, 3
(4), 377-403. [GS 134]

118. Holsapple, C. W. (2005). The Inseparability of Modern Knowledge Management and

Computer-Based Technology. Journal of Knowledge Management, 9 (1), 42-52. [2,810
downloads via Emerald JKM portal from 2006 – September 2016]. [GS 146]

117. Holsapple, C. W., Wang, Y., & Wu, J. (2005). Empirically Testing User Characteristics and
Fitness Factors in ERP Success. International Journal of Human-Computer
Interaction, 19 (3), 325-342. [GS 113]

116. Holsapple, C. W. & Singh, M. (2005). Performance Implications of the Knowledge Chain.
International Journal of Knowledge Management, 1 (4), 1-22. [GS 27]

115. Holsapple, C., Pakath, R., & Sasidharan, S. (2005). A Website Interface Design Framework
for the Cognitively Impaired: A Study in the Context of Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of
Electronic Commerce Research, 6 (4), 291-303. [GS 25]

114. Holsapple, C. W. & Joshi, K.D. (2004). A Formal Knowledge Management Ontology:
Conduct, Activities, Resources, and Influences. Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology, 55 (7), 593-612.
[GS 355]

Description: “The most successful for KM so far has been the Formal
Knowledge Management Ontology (FKMO) of Holsapple and Joshi (2004).”
JS Edwards, Knowledge Management Concepts and Models. In Advances in
Knowledge Management, pp. 25-44. Springer, 2015.

113. Holsapple, C. W. & Jones, K. (2004). Exploring Primary Activities of the Knowledge Chain.
Knowledge and Process Management, 11 (3), 155-174. [GS 204]

Description: One of the three required readings for the KM module of the
MIT graduate course: Integrating the Lean Enterprise (beginning 2005)

112. Hartono, E. & Holsapple, C. (2004). Theoretical Foundations for Collaborative Commerce
Research and Practice. Information Systems and E-Business Management, 2 (1), 1-30.
[GS 84]

111. Changchit, C. & Holsapple, C. W. (2004). The Development of an Expert System for
Managerial Evaluation of Internal Controls. Intelligent Systems for Accounting,
Finance, and Management, 20 (2), 103-120. [GS 30]

110. Fang, X. & Holsapple, C. W. (2003). The Usability of Web Sites for Knowledge Acquisition:
A Taxonomy of Influences. International Journal of Electronic Business, 1 (2), 211-

109. Holsapple, C. W. & Sena, M. (2003). The Decision Support Characteristics of ERP Systems.
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 16 (1), 101-123. [GS 92]

108. Holsapple, C. W. & Luo, W. (2003). A Citation Analysis of Influences on Collaborative

Computing Research. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 12 (3), 351-366.
[GS 32]

107. Allard, S. & Holsapple, C. W. (2002). Knowledge Management as a Key for E-Business
Competitiveness: From the Knowledge Chain to KM Audits. Journal of Computer
Information Systems, 42 (5), 19-25. [GS 87]

106. Holsapple, C. W. & Joshi, K. (2002). A Collaborative Approach to Ontology Design.
Communications of the ACM, 45 (2), 42-47.
[GS 631]
[6,070 downloads from the ACM Portal as of September 2016; ranks
among top-60 out of over 11,500 items published by the ACM in 2002;
ranks among the top 00.5% of 442,759 downloadable items published
by the ACM since 1947]

105. Holsapple, C. & Joshi, K. (2002). Knowledge Management: A Three-Fold Framework. The
Information Society, 18 (1), 47-64.
[GS 397]

104. Holsapple, C. W. & Joshi, K. (2002). Knowledge Manipulation Activities: Results of a Delphi
Study. Information & Management, 39 (6), 477-490.
[GS 322]

103. Holsapple, C. W. & Singh, M. (2001). The Knowledge Chain Model: Activities for
Competitiveness. Expert Systems with Applications, 20 (1), 77-98.
[GS 763]

102. Holsapple, C. W. & Joshi, K. (2001). Organizational Knowledge Resources. Decision

Support Systems, 31 (1), 39-54.
[GS 516]

101. Holsapple, C. W. (2001) Knowledge Management Support of Decision Making, Decision

Support Systems, 31 (1) 1-3. [GS 105]

100. Changchit, C., Holsapple, C. W., & Madden, D. (2001). Supporting Managers' Internal
Control Evaluations: An Expert System and Experimental Results. Decision Support
Systems, 30 (4), 437-449. [GS 80]

99. Changchit, C., Holsapple, C. W., & Viator, R. (2001). Transferring Auditors' Internal Control
Knowledge to Management. Expert Systems with Applications, 20 (3), 275-291.
[GS 60]

98. Holsapple, C. & Sena, M. (2001). Beyond Transactions: Decision Support Benefits of
Enterprise Systems. Journal of Decision Systems, 10 (1), 65-85. [GS 23]

97. Holsapple, C. W., Luo, W., & Morton, R. (2000). Computer Support of Shift Work: An
Experiment in a GSS Environment. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 41 (1),

96. Holsapple, C. & Joshi, K. (2000). An Investigation of Factors that Influence the Management
of Knowledge in Organizations. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 9 (2-3),
237-263. [GS 931]

95. Holsapple, C. & Singh, M. (2000). Toward a Unified View of Electronic Commerce, Electronic
Business, and Collaborative Commerce: A Knowledge Management Approach. Knowledge
and Process Management, 7 (3), 151-164. [GS 153]

94. Holsapple, C. & Singh, M. (2000). Electronic Commerce: From a Definitional Taxonomy
toward a Knowledge Management View. Journal of Organizational Computing and
Electronic Commerce, 10 (3), 149-170. [GS 130]

93. Holsapple, C. W. & Sena, M. (2000). Organized Knowledge Sharing with Book-Centered Web
Sites: An Architecture, Implementation and Analysis. Information Technology and
Management, 1 (4), 363-377.

92. Fang, X. & Holsapple, C. (2000). Web Site Design for Knowledge Acquisition: Issues, Progress,
and Needs. Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce, 1 (3), 255-271.

91. Holsapple, C. & Luo, W. (1999). Effects of Experience-Based Work Patterns in a GSS
Environment. Group Decision and Negotiation, 8 (4), 305-324.

90. Holsapple, C., Lai, H., & Whinston, A. (1998). A Formal Basis for Negotiation Support System
Research. Group Decision and Negotiation, 7 (3), 203-227. [GS 58]

89. Holsapple, C., Lee, A., & Otto, J. (1998). Refining the Behavior of Multiple Expert Systems: A
Concept and Empirical Results. Intelligent Systems for Accounting, Finance, and
Management, 7 (3), 81-90.

88. Holsapple, C., Lai, H., & Whinston, A. (1997). Implications of Negotiation Theory for
Research and Development of Negotiation Support Systems. Group Decision and
Negotiation, 6 (3), 255-274. [GS 45]

87. Holsapple, C. & Wagner, W. (1997). An Analysis of Knowledge Acquisition Roles and
Participants. Expert Systems: Journal of Knowledge Engineering, 14 (1), 3-14
[GS 11]

86. Holsapple, C., Lee-Post, A., & Otto, J. (1997). A Machine Learning Method for Multi-Expert
Decision Support. Annals of Operations Research, 75, 171-188.

85. Goh, C., Holsapple, C., Johnson, L., & Tanner, J. (1997). Evaluating and Classifying POM
Journals. Journal of Operations Management, 15 (1), 123-138. [GS 108]

84. Applegate, L., Holsapple C. W., Kalakota, R., Radermacher, F., & Whinston, A.
(1996). Electronic Commerce: Building Blocks of New Business Opportunity. Journal of
Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 6 (1), 1-10. [GS 279]

83. Ching, C., Holsapple, C. W., & Whinston, A. B. (1996). Toward IT Support for Coordination in
Network Organizations. Information & Management, 30 (4), 179-199. [GS 143]

82. Holsapple, C. W. & Luo, W. (1996). A Framework for Studying Computer Support of
Organizational Infrastructure. Information & Management, 31 (1), 13-24. [GS 71]

81. Goh, C., Holsapple, C., Johnson, L., & Tanner, J. (1996). An Empirical Assessment of
Influences on POM Research. OMEGA: The International Journal of Management
Science, 24 (3), 337-345. [GS 63]

80. Cheng, C., Holsapple, C., & Lee, A. (1996). Citation-Based Journal Rankings for Artificial
Intelligence Research: A Business Perspective. AI Magazine, 17 (2), 87-97. [GS 36]

79. Holsapple, C., Johnson, L., & Waldron, V. (1996). A Formal Model for the Study of
Communication Support Systems. Human Communication Research, 22 (3), 421-446.
[GS 23]

78. Holsapple, C. & Lee, A. (1996). Identifying Tiers of Influence in Expert Systems Research, II.
Intelligent Systems for Accounting, Finance, and Management, 5 (2), 101-110.

77. Holsapple, C. W. & Wagner, W. (1996). Knowledge Frameworks: A Case Study of Their
Development and Assessment. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 37 (2), 13-20

76. Holsapple, C. & Wagner, W. (1996). Process Factors in Knowledge Acquisition. Expert
Systems: Journal of Knowledge Engineering, 13 (1), 55-62. [GS 14]

75. Holsapple, C. & Lee, A. (1996). Identifying Tiers of Influence in Artificial Intelligence
Research, I. Intelligent Systems for Accounting, Finance, and Management, 5 (2),

74. Chung, C., Cook. D. & Holsapple, C. W. (1995). Information Flow First, Material Flow Next.
APICS-The Performance Advantage, 5 (1), 38-39. [GS 19]

73. Cheng, C., Holsapple, C., & Lee, A. (1995). Citation-Based Journal Rankings for Expert
System Research. Expert Systems: Journal of Knowledge Engineering, 12 (4), 313-

72. Holsapple, C. W. (1995). Knowledge Management in Decision Making and Decision Support.
Knowledge, Technology, and Policy 8 (1), 5-22. [GS 72]

71. Holsapple, C. W., Lai, H., & Whinston, A. (1995). Analysis of Negotiation Support System
Research. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 35 (3), 2-11. [GS 35]

70. Holsapple, C. W., Johnson, L., Manakyan, H., & Tanner, J. (1995). An Empirical Assessment
and Categorization of Journals Relevant to DSS Research. Decision Support Systems, 14
(4), 359-368. [GS 46]

69. Holsapple, C. W. & Luo, W. (1995). Organizational Computing Frameworks: Progress and
Needs. The Information Society, 11 (1), 59-74. [GS 11]

68. Accola, W. L., Holsapple, C., & Agarwal, S. P. (1995). Adaptive Decision Support Systems for
Evaluating Risk and Uncertainty in Capital Investment Decisions: Opportunities for Future
Research. Managerial Finance, 21 (3), 1-16.

67. Holsapple, C. W. & Luo, W. (1995). Dependent Variables for Organizational Computing
Research. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 5 (1), 31-

66. Holsapple, C. & Wagner, W. (1995). Contextual Factors in Knowledge Acquisition.

International Journal of Expert Systems: Research and Applications , 8 (4), 327-348.

65. Holsapple, C. W. & Luo, W. (1995). Institutional Impacts on Decision Support System
Research. DATA BASE (Journal of the ACM Special Interest Group on Management
Information Systems), 26 (4), 13-24.

64. Holsapple, C., Johnson, L., Manakyan, H., & Tanner, J. (1994). Business Computing System
Research: Structuring the Field. OMEGA: The International Journal of Management
Science, 22 (1), 69-81. [GS 28]

63. Holsapple, C. & Wu, J. (1994). Certainty Factor Algebras: Comparing Conventional Mappings
and Experimental Results. Intelligent Systems for Accounting, Finance, and
Management, 3 (1), 35-46.

62. Cheng, C., Holsapple, C. W., & Lee, A. (1994). The Impact of Periodicals on Expert Systems
Research. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 9 (6), 7-14. [GS 16]

61. Holsapple, C. W. (1994). A Human Metaphor for DSS Research. Journal of Computer
Information Systems, 34 (2), 16-20.

60. Holsapple, C. W., Johnson, L., Manakyan, H., & Tanner, J. (1994). Business Computing
Research Journals: A Normalized Citation Analysis. Journal of Management Information
Systems, 11 (1), 131-140. [GS 188]

59. Chang, A., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. (1994). A Hyperknowledge Framework of Decision
Support Systems. Information Processing and Management, 30 (4), 473-498.
[GS 43]

58. Holsapple, C. & Raj, V. (1994). An Exploratory Study of Two KA Methods. Expert Systems:
Journal of Knowledge Engineering, 11 (2), 77-87. [GS 36]

57. Holsapple, C., Rayens, W., & Wu, J. (1994). An Experimental Study of Magnitude Effects in
the Choice of Certainty Factor Algebras. International Journal of Expert Systems:
Research and Applications, 7 (3), 301-317.

56. Holsapple, C. W., Johnson, L., Manakyan, H., & Tanner, J. (1993). A Citation Analysis of
Business Computing Research. Information & Management, 25 (5), 231-244.
[GS 156]

55. Calantone, R., Holsapple, C. W., & Johnson, L. E. (1993). Communication and Communication
Support: An Agenda for Investigation. The Information Society, 9 (1), 31-38.

54. Rein, G. L., Holsapple, C. W., & Whinston, A. B. (1993). Computer Support of Organization
Design and Learning. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic
Commerce, 3 (1), 87-120. [GS 15]

53. Holsapple, C., Rayens, W., & Wu, J. (1993). Operator Effects in the Choice of Certainty Factor
Algebras: An Experimental Study. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
(Knowledge Acquisition), 5 (4), 385-403.

52. Holsapple, C. & Wu, J. (1993). Psychological Validity of Certainty Factor Algebras: An
Empirical Study. Expert Systems: Journal of Knowledge Engineering, 10 (2), 93-101.

51. Holsapple, C., & Wu, J. (1993). Decision under Uncertainty: Integrating Certainty Factors
with Probabilities in Decision Trees. Journal of Decision and Decision Support Systems,
3 (3), 416-429.

50. Ching, C., Holsapple, C. W., & Whinston, A. (1993). Modeling Network Organizations: A
Basis for Exploring Computer Supported Coordination Possibilities. Journal of
Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 3 (3), 279-300. [GS 43]

49. Holsapple, C. W., Jacob, V. S., Pakath, R., & Zaveri, J. S. (1993). Learning by Problem
Processors: Adaptive Decision Support Systems. Decision Support Systems, 10 (2), 85-
108. [GS 48]

48. Holsapple, C., Jacob, V., Pakath, R., & Zaveri, J. (1993). A Genetics-Based Hybrid Scheduler
for Generating Static Schedules in Flexible Manufacturing Contexts. IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 23 (4), 953-972. [GS 135]

47. Chang, A., Holsapple, C. W., & Whinston, A. B. (1993). Model Management Issues and
Directions. Decision Support Systems, 9 (1), 19-37. [GS 122]

46. Holsapple, C., Watabe, K., & Whinston, A. B. (1992). Consensus-Based Group Decision
Support. Transactions of the Information Processing Society of Japan, 33 (6), 836-

45. Ching, C., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A.B. (1992). Reputation, Learning, and Organizational
Coordination. Organization Science, 3 (2), 275-297. [GS 103]

44. Holsapple, C., Watabe, K., & Whinston, A. B. (1992). Coordinator Support in a Nemawashi
Decision Process. Decision Support Systems, 8 (2), 85-98. [GS 51]

43. Hamalainen, M., Hashim S., Holsapple, C. W., Suh, Y., & Whinston, A. B. (1992) Structured
Discourse for Scientific Collaboration. Journal of Organizational Computing and
Electronic Commerce, 2 (1), 1-26. [GS 27]

42. Holsapple, C., Park, S., & Whinston, A. B. (1992). Generating Structure Editor Interfaces for
OR Procedures. Zeitschrift fur Operations Research, 36 (3), 295-313.

41. Holsapple, C., Lai, H., & Whinston, A. B. (1991). Negotiation Support Systems: Roots,
Progress, and Needs. Information Systems Journal, 1 (4), 233-247. [GS 23]

40. Applegate, L., Ellis C., Holsapple, C. W., Radermacher, F., & Whinston, A. B.
(1991). Organizational Computing: Definition and Issues. Journal of Organizational
Computing and Electronic Commerce, 1 (1), 1-10. [GS 53]

39. Hamalainen, M., Holsapple, C. W., Suh, Y., & Whinston, A. B. (1991). Issues and Obstacles
in the Development of Team Support Systems. Journal of Organizational Computing
and Electronic Commerce, 1 (2), 161-186. [GS 18]

38. Holsapple, C. W. (1991). Decision Support in Multiparticipant Decision Makers. Journal of

Computer Information Systems, 31 (4), 37-45. [GS 25]

37. Holsapple, C., Watabe, K., & Whinston, A. B. (1991). Solving Complex Problems via
Software Integration. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 31 (3), 2-8.

36. Deng, P., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. B. (1990). A Skill Refinement Learning Model for
Rule-Based Expert Systems. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 5 (2), 15-28. [GS 15]

35. Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A. B. (1990). Toward an Environment Theory of Decision Support.
Computational Economics, 3 (1), 81-105.

34. Dos Santos, B. & Holsapple, C. W. (1989). A Framework for Designing Adaptive DSS
Interfaces. Decision Support Systems, 5 (1), 1-11. [GS 87]

33. Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A. B. (1989). Knowledge Representation and Processing in

Economics and Management. Computational Economics, 2 (1), 37-48. [GS 11]

32. Holsapple, C., Tam, K., & Whinston, A. B. (1988). Adapting Expert System Technology to
Financial Management. Financial Management, 17 (3), 12-22. [GS 69]

31. Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A. B. (1988). Distributed Decision Making: A Research Agenda.
ACM SIGOIS Bulletin, 9 (1), 21-35. [GS 20]

30. Holsapple, C. W. (1987). Adapting Demons to Knowledge Management Environments.

Decision Support Systems, 3 (4), 289-298. [GS 19]

29. Gagle, M. & Holsapple, C. W. (1987). AI Application Systems. Hardcopy, 16 (2), 75-85.

28. Holsapple, C. W. & Whinston, A. B. (1987). Knowledge-Based Organizations. The

Information Society, 5 (2), 77-90. [GS 200]

27. Holsapple, C. W. (1985). Learning DBMS: Data Base Architecture. PC Tech Journal, 3 (4),

26. Holsapple, C. W. & Whinston, A. B. (1985). Management Support through Artificial Intelligence.
Human Systems Management, 5, 163-171. [GS 25]

25. Holsapple, C. W. (1984). Synergy Comes to Integrated Software. Systems and Software,
3 (2), 113-120.

24. Holsapple, C. W. (1984). Micros Get Mainframe Data Scheme. Systems and Software, 3
(5), 135-142.

23. Holsapple, C. W. (1984). Uniting Relational and Postrelational Database Management Tools.
Systems and Software, 3 (11), 183-186.

22. Holsapple, C. W. (1984). A Perspective on Data Models. PC Tech Journal, 2 (1), 113-142.

21. Holsapple, C. W. & Whinston, A. B. (1983). Software Tools for Knowledge Fusion.
Computerworld (In Depth), 17 (15), 11-18. [GS 18]

20. Holsapple, C. W. (1983). Choosing the Right Data Base Management System. Hardcopy, 12
(24), 34-36.

19. Holsapple, C. W. (1983). SQL on the IBM PC. PC Tech Journal, 1 (3), 72-77.

18. Holsapple, C. (1982). Data Structuring with Virtual Sets. Information Systems, 6 (4), 305-

17. Holsapple, C., Shen, S., & Whinston, A. B. (1982). A Consulting System for Data Base Design.
Information Systems, 7 (3), 281-296. [GS 17]

16. Holsapple, C. W. & Whinston, A. B. (1981). The Significance of Data Base Management for
Micro Computers. Datamation, 27 (4), 165-167.

15. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C. W., & Whinston, A. B. (1981). Development Tools for Decision
Support Systems. Computerworld (In Depth), 15 (37), 25-31.

14. Holsapple, C. W. (1981). Data Base Management for Microcomputers. Mini-Micro Systems,
14 (9), 195-212.

13. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C. W., & Whinston, A. B. (1981). A Generalized Decision Support
System Using Predicate Calculus and Network Data Base Management. Operations
Research, 29 (2), 263-281. [GS 182]

12. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C. W., & Whinston, A. B. (1980). The Evolving Roles of Models
within Decision Support Systems. Decision Sciences, 11 (2), 337-356. [GS 318]

11. Holsapple, C. W. & Moskowitz, H. (1980). A Conceptual Framework for Studying Complex
Decision Processes. Policy Sciences, 83-104. [GS 12]

10. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C. W., & Whinston, A. B. (1980). Future Directions for Developing
Decision Support Systems. Decision Sciences, 11 (4), 616-631. [GS 179]

9. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C. W., & Whinston, A. B. (1979). Computer-Based Support of

Organizational Decision Making. Decision Sciences, 10 (2), 268-291. [GS 146]

8. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C. W., & Whinston, A. B. (1979). The Integration of Network Data
Base Management and Problem Resolution. Information Systems, 4 (2), 143-154.
[GS 35]

7. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. B. (1978). Aiding Decision Makers with a
Generalized Data Base Management System. Decision Sciences, 9(2), 228-245. [GS 27]

6. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C. W., & Whinston, A. B. (1978). Information Transferal within a
Distributed Data Base Via a Generalized Mapping Language. The Computer Journal, 110-

5. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. B. (1976). Mathematical Programming within
the Context of a Generalized Data Base Planning System. Recherche Operationnelle, 12
(2), 117-139. [GS 26]

4. Holsapple, C. W. & Whinston, A. B. (1976). A Decision Support System for Area-Wide Water
Quality Planning. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 10(6), 265-273. [GS 32]

3. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. B. (1976). Extensions and Corrections for the
CODASYL Approach to Data Base Management. Information Systems, 2(2), 71-77.
[GS 15]

2. Haseman, W. D., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. B. (1976). O.R. Data Base Interface -- An
Application to Pollution Control. Computers & Operations Research, 3(1), 229-240.

1. Haseman, W. D., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. B. (1976). Implementation of a Large-Scale

Water Quality Data Management System. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 10 (1),

Scholarly Contributions: Production of Books
 For books referenced by at least 50 scholarly publications, the number of citations n is indicated
by [GS n]. Source: Google Scholar, Sep 2021, unless otherwise indicated.
 Twenty selected examples from the set of published books:

20. Holsapple, C. W., ed, (2013). Handbook on Knowledge Management, Volume 1 -

Knowledge Matters, eBook Berlin: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-20005-5.
 SpringerLink content portal, 2013 – Jul 2019: [Downloads = 45,477]

19. Holsapple, C. W., ed, (2013). Handbook on Knowledge Management, Volume 2 -

Knowledge Directions, eBook Berlin: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-20019-2.
 SpringerLink content portal, 2013 – Jul 2019: [Downloads = 16,932]

18. Burstein, F. & Holsapple, C. W., eds, (2009). Handbook on Decision Support Systems,
Volume 1 – Themes, eBook, Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-540-48713-5.
 SpringerLink content portal, 2009 – Jul 2019: [Downloads = 183,163]

17. Burstein, F. & Holsapple, C. W., eds, (2009). Handbook on Decision Support Systems,
Volume 2 – Variations, eBook, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-48716-6
 SpringerLink content portal, 2009 – Jul 2019: [Downloads = 122,000]

16. Burstein, F. & Holsapple, C. W., eds, (2008). Handbook on Decision Support Systems,
Volume 1 – Themes, 904 pages, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-48712-8.

Review: “The combined volumes of Handbook on Decision Support Systems are like
the Rosetta Stone for decision support systems….authors…are the “who’s who” of DSS
researchers.…each chapter is crisp and insightful…present DSS topics with much detail
and vigor….excellent job in bringing theory and practice together for researchers,
students, and business professionals….exceptional strength of these books comes from
their organization into well-integrated themes…all chapters are fresh and up-to-
date….cleverly designed…very academic in their design and very practical in their
Interfaces (Institute for Operations Research and Management Science) 39(3) 2009.

15. Burstein, F. & Holsapple, C. W., eds, (2008). Handbook on Decision Support Systems,
Volume 2 – Variations, 854 pages, Berlin: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-540-48715-9.

Review: “Commendably, the DSS focus of the Handbook is well maintained …. Equally
commendably however, it pursues diverse dimensions and perspectives to DSS … a
strength of the book is that it pursues its mission in an eclectic manner…. This is a
broad ranging Handbook which could be very usefully employed in support of DSS
teaching and research across a range of undergraduate or postgraduate academic
programmes…. Overall, a distinctive and worthwhile addition to DSS resources.”
Journal of the Operational Research Society vol. 60, no. 9, 2009.

For individual chapters in volumes 1 & 2, as of Nov 2018 [GS 1,524]

For volumes 1 & 2, cited as a whole book [GS 384]

14. Holsapple, C. W., ed, (2004). Handbook on Knowledge Management, Volume 1 -
Knowledge Matters, Soft cover edition with content update, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, ISBN

Review: One of the four KM books (out of hundreds) designated as a “Gold Star
Selection - a must on every self-respecting KMers bookshelf” … the “two volume set
brings together in one place many original contributions … subjects cover the full gamut
of knowledge management including the nature of knowledge, knowledge as an
organisational resource, knowledge processing, technologies and strategies… the
authoritative content makes this an indispensable reference for the serious practitioner”
D. Skyrme, (D.Phil, Oxford), Knowledge Connections January, 2008.

13. Holsapple, C. W., ed, (2004). Handbook on Knowledge Management, Volume 2 -

Knowledge Directions, Soft cover edition with content update, Berlin: Springer-Verlag,
ISBN 978-3-540-20019-2.

Review: "Holsapple has assembled a monumental volume ... a fundamental reference

resource ... features contributions from dozens of managers, consultants and
researchers from around the world"
S. Barth, Editor, DestinationKM 2004

12. Holsapple, C. W., ed, (2003). Handbook on Knowledge Management, Volume 1 -

Knowledge Matters; 734 pages, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-43527-3.

 Indian edition, Springer, New Delhi, 2003.

 Persian translation, Jalal Mousavi, Parsia Publications, 2013.

Review: "a wealth of contributions ... put into a coherent structure ... an
invaluable reference that brings the whole gamut of KM into one title."
David Skyrme (D.Phil, Oxford), Editor, Knowledge Digest, 2002

Review: "this KM publication will prove to be a landmark in KM publishing and

should be studied by serious KM practitioners ... the Handbook on KM receives
my strongest recommendation"
Douglas Weidner, Executive Director, In Thought & Practice, 2003

11. Holsapple, C. W., ed, (2003). Handbook on Knowledge Management, Volume 2 -

Knowledge Directions; 776 pages, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-43848-9.

 Indian edition, Springer, New Delhi, 2003.

Review: "In the last issue…, I introduced this excellent and comprehensive two-volume
tome and focused on Volume I …. I gave the Handbook on KM my strongest
recommendation … content will be at least referenced, if not in fact woven into the new,
enriched eCKMTM curriculum … Personally, I can give no higher compliment. Volume II
… maintains the content and quality standard I witnessed in Volume I.... Want to
substantially increase your knowledge of KM and ability to communicate its merits…?
Want to create the knowledge imperative in your organization and increase the
likelihood of the success of your KM initiatives and your own career? Master the
contents of the Handbook on KM, Volumes I and II."
Douglas Weidner, Executive Director, In Thought & Practice, December 2003

Review: "very stimulating ... well written and authoritative ... If reading and
assimilation is followed through, a really good appreciation of KM will be achieved ...
should regard as a must have"
Knowledge Management Research & Practice July 2003

For individual chapters in volumes 1 & 2, as of Nov 2018 [GS 3,806]

For volumes 1 & 2 cited as a whole book [GS 404]

10. Holsapple, C., Jacob. V, Rao, H., eds, (2002). Business Modeling: Multidisciplinary
Approaches - Economic, Operational and Information Systems Perspectives;
514 pages, Boston MA: Kluwer, ISBN 978-0-7923-7555-5.

9. Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A. B. (1996). Decision Support Systems: A Knowledge-Based

Approach; 906 pages, St Paul MN: West, ISBN 0-324-03578-0.
[GS 879]

Review: “A remarkable contribution to this movement is made by the book of C.W.

Holsapple and A.B. Whinston, two of the most acknowledged scientific authorities in the
DSS field. This book proposes a quite original perspective to describe decision making
and computerised decision supporting. The essence of the authors’ approach lies in their
view of decision making as a process of manufacturing knowledge …. This is the first
text to adopt a knowledge-based perspective on DSS…unified understanding of
important concepts….The concepts which Holsapple, Whinston and their colleagues
introduce over the last two decades influenced a large number of researchers…and
practitioners. Also this book has been adopted by many instructors…this remarkable
book … turn into a new classic and I warmly recommend it to all.”
Dr Florin-Gheorghe Filip, Vice President of the Romanian Academy, 2001

8. Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A. B., eds, (1993). Recent Developments in Decision Support
Systems; 618 pages, Berlin Germany: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-56157-6.

For individual chapters, as of Nov 2018 [GS 193]

7. Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A. B. (1988). The Information Jungle: A Quasi-Novel

Approach to Managing Corporate Knowledge; 764 pages, Homewood IL: Dow Jones-
Irwin, ISBN 0-87094-977-2.

Review: "Excellent classic on integrated office automation systems…uses the example

software product called Knowledge Man, which was ahead of its time in the late
seventies, early eighties. It has chapters on each feature of Knowledge Man…the book's
central concept is of a knowledge management environment in which managers can
analyze, design and implement solutions to their own knowledge-handling problems ...
using a single piece of software capable of supporting all the major knowledge
management techniques relevant to do-it-yourself computing. Nowadays this software
package is Microsoft Office, not KnowledgeMan. However, what this books says to do
can be implemented using Microsoft Office 2010” Amazon, August, 2012

6. Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A. B. (1987). Business Expert Systems; 368 pages, Homewood
IL: Irwin. ISBN 0-256-05544-0 (superset of the earlier Manager's Guide to Expert Systems).
[GS 191]
 Indian edition, New Delhi: Galsotia Publications, 1988

Review: "discuss state of the art from a business perspective…a first-rate introduction
to what all of the shouting is about…you will be well rewarded for the time spent. The
writing is good and the book is easy to follow…authors rightly point out that business
expert systems rules must be supplemented by the collective wisdom of the
organization and that the inference engine must be able to process more than just
formal rules…This is not generally understood …. The book contains many other useful
Paul Gray, Information System Management, Fall 1987

5. Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A. B., eds, (1987). Decision Support Systems: Theory and
Applications; 510 pages, Berlin Germany: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-17774-4.

For individual chapters, as of Nov 2018 [GS 183]

4. Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A. B. (1986). Manager's Guide to Expert Systems Using

Guru; 327 pages, Homewood IL: Dow Jones-Irwin, ISBN 0-87094-916-0. [GS 112]

 German edition, Berlin Germany: Springer-Verlag 1988

 French edition, Guru, l'utilisation des systèmes experts dans l'entreprise,
Paris: Les Editions d'Organisation 1987
 Japanese edition, Tokyo: Diamond 1986

3. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C., Whinston, A. B. (1984). Micro Database Management; 536
pages, New York NY: Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-113060-6.

Review: “An excellent and much needed reference book on database management
using microcomputers … is practical and oriented toward business application
development using commercially available DBMSs … authors support ‘learn-by-doing
experiences,’ so they selected for use in discussion a particular micro DBMS, MDBS
created by Micro Data Base Systems …. well organized and contains a wealth of
information. … The style is clear, the format sound, and the diagrams instructive. ….is
more practical and more oriented toward microcomputers than David M. Kroenke's
Database Processing … Strongly recommended for academic libraries.”
American Library Association, 1985.

Review: “We tend to think of the personal computer and microworld as a simpler,
often less sophisticated, version of mainframe computing…. this is not necessarily true…
In this book… the focus is on microcomputers. The most significant aspect of the micro
orientation is the use of MDBS as the prime example of a data management system.
This particular package is in fairly widespread use, and, more importantly, exhibits most
of the features and capabilities of a mainframe DBMS…. book is well written and
contains many useful examples…”
ACM Computing Reviews, September 1985.

2. Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A. B., eds, (1983). Data Base Management: Theory and
Applications; 392 pages, Dordrecht: Reidel, ISBN 978-90-277-1516-6.

For individual chapters, as of Nov 2018 [GS 144]

1. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C. W. & Whinston, A. B. (1981). Foundations of Decision

Support Systems, 388 pages, New York: Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-113050-9.
 Chinese edition, Fukien People's Republic of China: Fukien Science and Technology
Publishing House 1989.

Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon, Foreword :

"… applicability of techniques drawn from computer science -- from
artificial intelligence and database management -- to decision
making in organizations...takes an important step in this new
direction…a pioneering book."

Review: "The explanations are very good, with plenty of narrative with the
algebra…The book…will appeal to O.R. and computer departments who are closely
involved in the development of large systems. The book…is full of interesting concepts
and ideas."
Journal of the Operational Research Society 33, 1982.
[GS 1,191]

Scholarly Contributions: Production of Book Chapters
 For chapters whose content has been referenced by at least 10 scholarly publications, the
number of citations n is indicated by [GS n]. Source: Google Scholar, Sep 2021
 Selected examples from the more than 50 published book chapters:

35. Holsapple, C.W. & Oh, J-Y. (2018). Reactive and Proactive Dynamic Capabilities: Using the
Knowledge Chain Theory of Competitiveness. In M. Chilton & J. Bloodgood (Eds.)
Knowledge Management for Competitive Advantage: Issues and Potential Solutions . (pp.
1-19) Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

34. Holsapple, C.W., Hsiao S-H. & Oh, J-Y. (2016). Parameters for Knowledge Management
Success. In J Liebowitz (Ed.) Successes and Failures of Knowledge Management. (pp. 1-
20) New York: Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier.

33. Holsapple, C. W. & Lee-Post, A. (2011). How to Design, Develop, and Deliver Successful E-
Learning Initiatives. In S. Eom and Arbaugh, J.B. (Eds.) Student Satisfaction and Learning
Outcomes in E-Learning: An Introduction to Empirical Research. (pp. 195-229) Hershey,
PA: Information Science Reference.

32. Holsapple, C. W. & Wu, J. (2009). A Resource-Based Perspective on Information Technology,

Knowledge Management, and Firm Performance. In Y. K. Dwivedi et al. (Eds.) Handbook
of Research on Contemporary Theoretical Models in Information Systems . (pp. 296-310)
New York: Wiley.

31. Holsapple, C. W., (2009). Decision Support Systems: Foundations and Variations, In B. Wah
(Ed.) Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering. (pp. 900-913) New York: Wiley.

30. Holsapple, C. W., (2008). Supporting Decisional Episodes. (2008), In F. Adam and P.
Humphreys (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies,
(pp. 837-847) London: IGI Global.

29. Holsapple, C. W., (2008). Decision Support Systems: Architectures and Types. In F. Burstein
and C. Holsapple (Ed.) Handbook on Decision Support Systems: Volume 1 – Basic Themes.
(pp. 163-190) Berlin: Springer. [GS 117]

28. Holsapple, C. W., (2008). Decisions and Knowledge. In F. Burstein and C. Holsapple (Ed.)
Handbook on Decision Support Systems: Volume 1 – Basic Themes. (pp. 21-54)
Berlin: Springer-Verlag. [GS 62]

27. Chi, L., Hartono, E., Holsapple, C., & Li, X. (2008). Organizational Decision Support Systems:
Parameters and Benefits. In F. Burstein, C. Holsapple (Ed.) Handbook on Decision Support
Systems: Volume 1 – Basic Themes. (pp. 433-468) Heidelberg/Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

26. Holsapple, C. W., Jones, K., & Singh, M. (2007). Linking Knowledge to Competitiveness:
Knowledge Chain Evidence and Extensions. In M. Jennex (Ed.) Knowledge Management in
Modern Organizations, (pp. 51-76). London: IGP. [GS 31]

25. Davenport, D. & Holsapple, C. (2007). Social Capital Knowledge. In M. Jennex (Ed.)
Knowledge Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications . (pp. 313-323)
New York: Information Science Reference.

24. Davenport, D. & Holsapple, C. (2006). Knowledge Organizations. In D Schwatrz (Ed.)

Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management, (pp. 451-458). London: Idea Group. [GS 19]

23. Holsapple, C. & Jones, K. (2006). Knowledge Management Strategy Formation. In D
Schwartz (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management, (pp. 419-428). London: Idea
Group. [GS 43]

22. Holsapple, C. & Singh, M. (2003). The Knowledge Chain Model: Activities for Competitiveness.
In C Holsapple (Ed.) Handbook on Knowledge Management Volume 2, (pp. 215-252). Berlin:
Springer-Verlag. [GS 106]

21. Holsapple, C. W. & Joshi, K. (2003). A Knowledge Management Ontology. In C Holsapple (Ed.)
Handbook on Knowledge Management Volume 1, (pp. 89-124). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
[GS 178]

20. Holsapple, C. W., (2003). Knowledge and Its Attributes. In C Holsapple (Ed.) Handbook on
Knowledge Management Volume 1, (pp. 165-188). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
[GS 164]

19. Holsapple, C. W. & Joshi, K. (2002). Understanding Knowledge Management Solutions: The
Evolution of Knowledge Management Frameworks. In S Barnes (Ed.) Knowledge
Management Systems: Theory and Practice, (pp. 222-242). London: International
Thomson Business Press. [GS 37]

18. Holsapple, C. W., (2002). Decision Support Systems. In H Bidgoli (Ed.) Encyclopedia of
Information Systems - Volume 1, (pp. 551-566). San Diego CA: Academic Press.

17. Holsapple, C. W., Joshi, K., & Singh, M. (2000). Decision Support Applications in Electronic
Commerce. In M Shaw, et al. (Ed.) Handbook on Electronic Commerce, (pp. 543-566).
Berlin: Springer-Verlag. [GS 18]

16. Holsapple, C. W. & Joshi, K. (1999). Knowledge Selection: Concepts, Issues, and
Technologies. In J Liebowitz (Ed.) Handbook of Knowledge Management, (Chapter 7, pp
7-1 - 7-17). Boca Raton FL: CRC Press. [GS 84]

15. Holsapple, C. W., Raj, V., & Wagner, W. (1993). Knowledge Acquisition: Recent Theoretic
and Empirical Developments. In C Holsapple and A Whinston (Ed.) Recent Developments
in Decision Support Systems, (pp. 295-312). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

14. Dos Santos, B., Holsapple, C., Pakath, R., & Whinston, A. (1992). Tools for Building
Information Systems. In G Salvendy (Ed.) Handbook of Industrial Engineering, (pp. 69-
108). New York: Wiley. Selected by the Association of American Publishers as the year’s
Best Book in Professional and Scholarly Publishing.

13. Blanning, R., Chang, A., Dahr, V., Holsapple, C. W., Jarke, M., S Kimbrough, J Lerch, M
Prietula, & A Whinston, (1992). Model Management Systems. In E Stohr and B Konsynski
(Ed.) Information Systems and Decision Processes, (pp. 205-251). Los Alamitos CA: IEEE
Computer Society Press.

12. Holsapple, C. W. & Whinston, A. (1992). Decision Support Systems. In G Salvendy (Ed.)
Handbook of Industrial Engineering, (pp. 109-141). New York: Wiley. Selected by the
Association of American Publishers as the year’s Best Book in Professional and Scholarly

11. Ching, C., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. (1991). Computer Support in Distributed Decision
Environments. In H Sol and J Vecsenyi (Ed.) Environments for Supporting Decision
Processes, (pp. 335-356). Amsterdam: North-Holland.

10. Holsapple, C. W. & Whinston, A. (1988). The Environment Approach to Decision Support. In
G Mitra (Ed.) Mathematical Models for Decision Support, (pp. 539-556). Berlin: Springer-

9. Holsapple, C. W., Tam, K., & Whinston, A. (1987). Expert System Integration. In B Silverman
(Ed.) Expert Systems for Business, (pp. 286-304). Reading MA: Addison-Wesley.

8. Holsapple, C. W. & Whinston, A. (1987). Artificially Intelligent Decision Support Systems-

Criteria for Tool Selection. In C Holsapple and A Whinston (Ed.) Decision Support Systems:
Theory and Application, (pp. 185-213). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. [GS 17]

7. Holsapple, C. W. & Whinston, A. (1986). Building Blocks for Decision Support Systems. In G
Ariav and J Clifford (Ed.) New Directions for Database Systems, (pp. 66-86). Norwood
NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation.

6. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. (1984). Developments in Decision Support
Systems. In M Yovits (Ed.) Advances in Computers, (pp. 141-175). New York NY:
Academic Press. [GS 71]

5. Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A. (1983). Guidelines for DBMS Evaluation. In C Holsapple and A
Whinston (Ed.) Data Base Theory and Applications, (pp. 175-191). Dordrecht: Reidel.

4. Bonczek, R., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. (1983). Specification of Modeling Knowledge in
Decision Support Systems. In HG Sol (Ed.) Processes and Tools for Decision Support, (pp.
65-78). Amstersdam: North-Holland. [GS 44]

3. Bonczek, R., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. (1982). The Evolution from MIS to DSS: Extension
of Data Management to Model Management. In M Ginzburg, W Reitman, E Stohr (Ed.)
Decision Support Systems, (pp. 61-78). Amsterdam: North-Holland. [GS 69]

2. Bonczek, R., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. (1982). Development Tools for Decision Support
Systems. In J Rochester (Ed.) Perspectives on Information Management. New
York: Wiley.

1. Holsapple, C. W., Shen, S., & Whinston, A. (1982). Data Base Management: A Comparative
Study. In G Salvendy (Ed.) Handbook of Industrial Engineering, (pp. 12.3.1-12.3.21). New
York: Wiley. Description: Winner of the American Publishers Association Award for the best
book in Engineering for 1982.

Scholarly Contributions: Production of Doctoral Graduates


Alphabetic list (completion year) affiliation:

35. Mansoor Aminilari (1999)

Sharif University

34. Ai-mei Chang (1988)

University of Arizona

33. Chuleeporn Changchit (1998)

University of Iowa

32. Dennis Chen (2012)

Belmont University

31. Liang Chen (2015)

West Texas A&M University

30. Lei Chi (2005)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

29. Chee Ching (1988)

Arizona State University

28. Daniel Davenport (2006)

University of Kentucky

27. Xiang Fang (2001)

Miami University

26. Edward Hartono (2004)

University of Delaware

25. Shih-Hui Hsiao (2016)

Rowan University

24. Haihao Jin (2008)

Xavier University

23. Linda Johnson (1991)

Kentucky Office for the New Economy (Governor’s Chief IT Strategist)

22. Kiku Jones (2004)

University of Tulsa

21. K. D. Joshi (1998)

Washington State University

20. Hsiangchu Lai (1989)

National Sun Yat-sen University

19. Xun Li (2009)

Nicholls State University

18. Wenhong Luo (1995)

Villanova University

17. David Marshall (2013)

Eastern Michigan University

16. Abdulnasser Minkara (2002)

Islamic Development Bank (Director of KM & Innovation)

15. Russell Morton (1996)

Winston-Salem State University

14. Jae-Young Oh (2016)

Central Washington University

13. James Otto (1996)

Villanova University

12. Sunghun Park (1989)

Myongji University

11. Dennis Pearce (2014)

Lexmark Inc. (Chief Knowledge Architect)

10. Victor Raj (1991)

Murray State University

9. Mark Sena (2001)

Xavier University

8. Milton Shen (2011)

University of Alabama-Huntsville

7. Meenu Singh (2000)

Texas Christian University

6. Shane Tomblin (2005)

Marshall University

5 William Wagner (1992)

Villanova University

4. Kustim Wibowo (1998)

American University-Dubai

3. Jen-Her Wu (1992)

National Sun Yat-sen University

2. Jiming Wu (2008)

California State University -East Bay

1. Zhiguo Yang (2015)

Missouri State University

Selected examples of their individual accomplishments:

 Dean of AACSB-accredited College of Management; 5 departments; all three degree levels

 Author of Association for Information Systems’ Best IS Publication of the Year Award
 Assistant VP of AT&T Business, Network & Corporate Solutions IT
 The PI for multiple NSF research grants, totaling over $4,000,000

 University Distinguished Service Medal
 University Distinguished Professor
 Director for a state’s Chamber of Commerce
 Chief Knowledge Architect for a Fortune 1000 company
 Chief, Division of Healthcare Outcomes & Optimal Patient Services, at a major
university medical center
 Director of Knowledge Management and Innovation for an international financial
institution with 56 member-countries
 Director of Global Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
 College of Business Administration Best Paper Research Award
 Recognized as authoring the Year’s Best Paper published in Information Systems
 Recipient of college’s annual Innovation and Creative Excellence Award
 Distinguished Professor of Information Systems
 Author whose publications have had an impact of several thousand citations
 Association for Information Systems Best Journal Article of the Year on Decision
& Knowledge Systems (across all journals in the SIGDSS fields)
 HICSS Best Paper in the field of Knowledge Management Systems
 University-wide Outstanding New Researcher Award
 University-wide Outstanding Research Award
 University-wide Outstanding Service and Dedication to Students Award
 University-wide Distinguished Mentor Award
 University-wide Outstanding Teaching Award
 University-wide Award for Innovative Curriculum
 Dean’s Excellence Fellow
 Several IS Department Chairs
 Several college-wide Best Researcher Awards
 Several college-wide Best Teacher Awards
 College-wide Distinguished Mentor Award
 Multiple endowed professorship positions
 National Ministry of Education Teaching Award
 Excellence in Entrepreneurship Teaching and Pedagogical Innovation
(recognized by the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers)


With doctoral degrees being awarded by:

 Purdue University
 University of Illinois
 University of Kentucky
 University of Texas
with placement affiliations such as Auburn, Carnegie Mellon, Connecticut, George Mason,
Harvard, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Illinois, Iowa, Memphis, Miami,
Missouri, New Mexico, Notre Dame, Ohio State, SUNY-Buffalo, Virginia Tech, Wisconsin

Scholarly Contributions: Research Gatekeeper

Editor-in-Chief Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (2005-2018); published

by Taylor & Francis.

Inaugural Area Editor Decision Support Systems (1992-2014); published by Elsevier (Area: Decision
Support Foundations). Multiple Anbar Golden Page Awards for the Most Original Content in the field of
information management.

Inaugural Area Editor INFORMS Journal on Computing (1988-1992); published by the Institute for
Operations Research and the Management Sciences (Area: Decision Support Systems).

Senior Editor Information Systems and E-Business Management (2007-present); published by


Senior Editor Information Systems Research (2007-2010), special issue, published by the Institute
for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.

Senior Editor Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (1996-2004);

published by Erlbaum.

Associate Editor Decision Sciences (2008-2010); published by the Decision Sciences Institute via Wiley.

Associate Editor Management Science (1991-1998); published by the Institute for Operations
Research and the Management Sciences (Department: Information Systems and Decision Support

Guest Editor of 9 Special Issues of Journals

For each special issue, the number of citations n is indicated by [GS n]. Source: Google Scholar,
Sep 2020.

Information Systems Research, Editor special issue on Digital Systems and Competition
(with W. Ferrier & R. Sabherwal) Vol. 21, No. 3, 2010: 11 articles [GS 1,827]

Decision Support Systems, Editor; special issue on Knowledge Management for Decision
Making, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2001: 10 articles [GS 3,815]

Decision Support Systems, Editor; special issue on Exploring the Next Generation of Decision
Support (with A. Whinston), Vol. 14, No. 3, 1995: 7 articles ` [GS 542]

Decision Support Systems, Editor; special issue on Model Management Systems (with R.
Blanning & A. Whinston), Vol. 9, No. 1, 1993: 10 articles [GS 756]

Decision Support Systems, Editor; special issue on ISDSS (with A. Whinston), Vol. 9, No. 4,
1993: 9 articles [GS 198]

Information Systems and E-Business Management, Editor; special issue on Decision

Support in Context (with F. Burstein) Vol. 6, No. 3 2008: 5 articles [GS 347]

Information Technology and Management, Editor; special issue on Advances in Technology

for Business Education, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2000: 11 articles [GS 331]

Selected Journal Boards

Decision Support Systems, Editorial Advisory Board Member (2014-present); published by


Journal of Knowledge Management, Editorial Board Member (2017-present); published by

Emerald Insight.

Information Technology and Management, Editorial Board Member (1997-present); published by


International Journal of Knowledge Management, Editorial Board Member (2004-present);

published by IGI.

Journal of Decision Systems, Editorial Board Member (2003-present); published by Hermes

Science Publications.

Journal of Trust Research, Editorial Board Member (2012-present); published by Taylor & Francis

Knowledge Management Research and Practice, Editorial Advisory Board Member (2002-
present); published by Palgrave Macmillan

Submission Reviewer
For over 30 journals since 1985. Selected (alaphabetic) list of twenty examples:

Administrative Science Quarterly

Communications of the ACM
Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Decision Sciences
Decision Support Systems
Expert Systems with Applications
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Information and Organization
Information Systems Journal
Information Systems Research
International Journal of Operations and Production Management
Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Journal of Management Information Systems
Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Management Science
MIS Quarterly
Operations Research
Organization Science
Strategic Management Journal

Scholarly Contributions: Selected Service-to-the-Discipline

External Reviewer of Promotion/Tenure/Appointment Cases

in the Information Systems discipline for over 50 universities in North America and Asia

Decision Sciences Institute Fellows Selection Committee (2014-2016)

Committee member for Andrew and Veronoka Whinston Endowed Professorship (2010-2012)

Decision Sciences Institute Publications Committee Member (2007-2011)

Association for Information Systems SIGDSS Board of Directors (2003-2010)

Decision Sciences Journal Best Paper Award Committee Member (2008-2009)

Decision Sciences Institute Publications Committee Chair (2007-2008)

Project Advisory Committee Member for “Organizational Development to Implement Knowledge

Management Strategies,” American Water Works Association Research Foundation (2006-

International Federation for Information Processing Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence

Vice Chair, WG12.6 on Knowledge Management, (2003-2007)

Decision Sciences Institute Inter-organizational Systems Session Chair, Annual Meeting of the
Decision Sciences Institute, San Antonio, November 18-21, 2006.

Association for Information Systems, Chair of SIGDSS Nominating Committee for officer and
board election slates (2006)

Asia-Pacific International Conference on Knowledge Management, Technical Program Committee

Member, Guangzhou, China (2008)

Association for Information Systems, SIGDSS Best Paper Award Committee (2006-2007)

International Conference on Decision Support Systems, Program Committee Member “Decision

Support for Global Enterprises,” Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (2006-2007)

Decision Sciences Institute Mentor for the Doctoral Consortium Strategic Research Planning
Session, Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Antonio (2006)

Asia-Pacific International Conference on Knowledge Management, Program Committee Member

(2005-2006), Hong Kong, December 11-13, 2006.

Founder and Director (with A. Whinston) of the International Society for Decision Support
Systems, (1989-2003); sponsor of biennial ISDSS conferences; merged with SIGDSS of the
Association for Information Systems (2003)

INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Program Committee Member,

Atlanta (2002-2003)

International Conference on Decision Making and Decision Support in the Internet Age, Scientific
Program Committee Member, Cork, Ireland (2001-2002)

International Conference on eCommerce Engineering, Scientific Committee Member, Xi'an,

Shaanxi, P. R. China (2000-2001)

International Symposium on Information Systems and Engineering: Knowledge Management

Systems Concept, Program Committee Member, Las Vegas (2000-2001)

International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Program Committee Member, Seoul (1999-


International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Program Committee Member, Seoul (1997-


International Society for Decision Support Systems Conference, Program Committee Member,
Lausanne, Switzerland (1996-1997)

International Society for Decision Support Systems, Conference, Organizing Committee Member,
Hong Kong (1994-1995)

International Society for Decision Support Systems Conference, Organizing Committee Member,
Ulm, Germany (1991-1992)

NATO Advanced Study Institute on Decision Support Systems, Director (with A. Whinston)
Tuscany, Italy (1990-1991)

Associate Director of the Purdue University Management Information Center (1985-1988)

NATO Advanced Study Institute on Decision Support Systems, Director (with A. Whinston)
Maratea, Italy (1984-1985)

NATO Advanced Study Institute, Principal Lecturer, Estoril, Portugal, June 1981 .

Scholarly Contributions: Production of Proceedings Articles

 For articles that have been referenced by at least 10 scholarly publications, the number of
citations n is indicated by [GS n]. Source: Google Scholar, Sep 2019.
 Selected examples from the collection of over 40 of proceedings articles:

30. Holsapple, C.W., Hsiao, S-H, and Pakath, R. (2014), Business Social Media Analytics:
Definition, Benefits, and Challenges. Proceedings of the Americas Conference on
Information Systems, Savannah, August, 2014. [GS 55]

29. Chen, L. and Holsapple, C.W. (2014), Teaching the Introductory MIS Course: An MIs
Approach. Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems , Savannah,
August, 2014, 12 pages.

Finalist for the AMCIS Best Paper Award out of >250 accepted papers.

28. Chen, L. and Holsapple, C.W. (2013), Impact Analysis in E-Business: A Case of Adoption
Research. Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems , Chicago,
August, 2013, 10 pages.

27. Chen, L. and Holsapple, C.W. (2012), E-Business Adoption Research: Analysis and Structure,
Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Seattle, August, 2012, 9
pages. [GS 16]

26. Chen, L., Ellis, S. and Holsapple, C.W. (2011), A Knowledge-sharing Perspective on Supplier
Development Activities, Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems ,
Detroit, August, 2011, 10 pages.

25. Holsapple, C. W. & Li, X. (2008). Work Design in Knowledge-Based Network Organizations:
Facilitating Supply Chain Knowledge Flows via Network Entrepreneurship. Proceedings of
the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Kona, January 8-10, 2008, 11

24. Holsapple, C. W. & Wu, J. (2008). Does Knowledge Management Pay Off? Proceedings of the
Hawaiian International Conference on Systems Sciences, Kona, January 8-10, 2008, 8 pages.
[GS 20]
A HICSS Best Paper Award

23. Holsapple, C. W. & Li, X. (2008). Understanding Organizational Agility: A Work Design
Perspective. Proceedings of the International Command and Control Research and
Technology Symposium, Seattle, July 17-19, 2008, 25 pages. [GS 63]

22. Holsapple, C. W. & Wu, J. (2006). Antecedents and Effects of Flow Experience in Online
Gaming: An Empirical Study. Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information
Systems, Acapulco, August 4-6, 2006.

21. Chi, L., Holsapple, C. W., & Srinivasan, C. (2006). Performance Implications of Information
System Use: Is Competitive Action a Missing Link? Proceedings of the European
Conference on Information Systems, Goteborg, Sweden, June 12-14, 2006.

20. Fang, X. & Holsapple, C. (2005). An Empirical Investigation of Web Site Navigation
Structure, Task Complexity, and User Domain Knowledge Level on Web Site Usability. IEEE
International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Beijing,
August 10-12, 2005.

19. Holsapple, C. W., Pakath, R., & Sasidharan, S. (2004). Alzheimer's Patients and Web
Accessibility. Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, New York,
August 5-8, 2004.

18. Holsapple, C. W. & Jones, K. (2003). Toward an Elaboration of the Knowledge Chain Model.
Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Tampa, August 4-5,
2003. [GS 15]

17. Holsapple, C. W. & Singh, M. (2000). The Knowledge Chain. Proceedings of the Annual
Conference of the Southern Association on Information Systems, Atlanta, March 31-April 2,
2000. [GS 31]

16. Fang, X. & Holsapple, C. W. (2000). Toward a Knowledge Acquisition Framework for Web
Site Design. Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Long
Beach, CA, August 10-13, 2000, 146-148.

15. Holsapple, C. W. & Singh, M. (2000). From E-Commerce to E-Knowledge. Proceedings of the
Americas Conference on Information Systems, Long Beach, CA, August 10-13, 2000, 901-

14. Holsapple, C. W. & Joshi, K. (1999). Description and Analysis of Existing Knowledge
Management Frameworks. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems
Sciences. Maui. [GS 365]

13. Holsapple, C. W. & Sena, M. (1999). Enterprise Systems for Organizational Decision
Support: A Research Agenda. Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information
Systems, Milwaukee, August 13-15, 1999, 216-218. [GS 30]

12. Holsapple, C., Johnson, L., & Waldron, V. (1992). A Model of Communication Phenomena in
Knowledge-Based Organizations. Proceedings of the International Communications
Association Conference.

Judged one of the 4 best papers in the Organizational Communication Division

11. Chang, A., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. B. (1991). Hypertext Abstractions for CADD: Issues
and Possibilities. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences.

10. Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A. B. (1990). Business Expert Systems-Gaining a Competitive

Edge. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences .

9. Ching, C., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. B. (1989). Concurrent Problem Solving and
Organizational Learning. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems

8. Holsapple, C., Tam, K., & Whinston, A. B. (1989). Building Knowledge Acquisition Systems - A
Conceptual Framework. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems

7. Holsapple, C., Park, S., Stansifer, R., & Whinston, A. (1988). Flexible User Interfaces for
Decision Support Systems. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems

6. Holsapple, C., Tam, K., & Whinston, A. B. (1987). Class-Based Knowledge Representation for
Decision Support Systems. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems

5. Holsapple, C., Tam, K., & Whinston, A. B. (1986). Specification of a Development Environment
for Decision Support Systems. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on
Systems Sciences.

4. Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A. B. (1984). Aspects of Integrated Software. Proceedings of the

National Computer Conference, Las Vegas.

3. Bonczek, R., Ghiaseddin, N., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. B. (1983). The DSS Development
System. Proceedings of the National Computer Conference, Las Vegas. [GS 92]

2. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. B. (1979). Model Management via Problem
Reduction. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences.

1. Bonczek, R. H., Holsapple, C., & Whinston, A. B. (1977). Design and Implementation of an
Information Base for Decision Makers. Proceedings of the National Computer Conference,
Dallas. [GS 13]

Scholarly Contributions: Other Selected Items
Presentation, “Developing and Evaluating a Catalog of Supplier Development Activities,” Chen, L.,
Ellis, S. & Holsapple, C.W., Production and Operations Management Society
Annual Conference, Washington DC May, 2019.

Editorial, “Isn’t It about Time to Meet DORA?” Journal of Organizational Computing and
Electronic Commerce 28 (4), 287-290, 2018.

Contributor to ”States and Open Data: From Museum to Marketplace – What’s Next?” (Eric
Sweden, NASCIO Enterprise Architecture & Governance Program Director), white paper of
the National Association of State Chief Information Officers, May 2014.

Featured Presentation (invited) “Analyzing Analytics,” Illinois Conference on Business

Analytics: Developing Competitive Advantages from Big Data. AIS event, Urbana-
Champaign, IL Nov 2012.

Keynote Address, “The Knowledge of Business Intelligence,” 34th International Conference

on Information Technology Interfaces, IEEE event, Cavtat, Croatia, June 2012.

Research Paper, “Supply Chain Alertness: A Relational Review,” Li, X., Goldsby, T.J., Holsapple,
C.W. & Goldsby, M.G. Marketing Dynamism & Sustainability: Things Change,
Things Stay the Same, L. Robinson (Ed.), 2012, Berlin: Springer (published in 2015 for
the Academy of Marketing Science).

Research Note, “The Pulse of Multiparticipant Systems,” Journal of Organizational

Computing and Electronic Commerce, Vol. 18, No. 4, 333-343, 2008. [GS 27]

Interviewed, “Reflections of DSS Pioneers,” conducted by D. Power,, March

1, 2008

Editorial, “New Horizons at the Core of Information Systems: Decision Support System
Advances,” with F. Burstein & Holsapple, C.W. Information Systems and e-Business
Management, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 109-115, 2008. [GS 19]

Featured Presentation (selected), “Decision Support Systems: Through the Knowledge

Management Lens,” Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute, Phoenix,
November 2007.

Panel Presentation, “Philosophical Foundations of Knowledge Management,” Courtney, J.,

Holsapple, C., Niederman, F., & Olson, D. Decision Sciences Institute Annual
Meeting, San Antonio, November 2006.

Featured Presentation (selected), “An Ontology for Knowledge Management Research, Practice,
and Education,” Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, San Antonio,
November 2006.

Thought Leader Interview, “Clyde Holsapple: Big Picture about DSS,” conducted by D.Power,
DSSResources.COM, February, 11, 2005

Panel presentation, “Knowledge Management: Challenging Assumptions,” McKeen, J., Henderson,
J., Holsapple, C., & Zack, M., International Conference on Information Systems,
New Orleans, December 2001.

Keynote Address, “Decision Support Systems: A Knowledge Management Perspective,”

Conference on the Application of Scientific Knowledge to Decisionmaking in
Managing Forest Ecosystems, Asheville, May 1999.

Research Paper, “In search of a descriptive framework for knowledge management,” Holsapple,
C. & Joshi, K.D., Kentucky Initiative for Knowledge Management, Paper No. 118,
1998. [GS 43]

Research Paper, “Knowledge management: A three-fold framework,” Holsapple, C. & Joshi, K. D.,
Kentucky Initiative for Knowledge Management, Paper No. 104, 1997.
[GS 88]

Presentation, “Computer Support in Distributed Decision Environments,” Ching, C., Holsapple, C.

W., & Whinston, A., IFIP Conference on Environments for Supporting Decision
Processes, Budapest, June 1990.

Research Paper, “A Decision Support System Theory,” Chang, A.M., Holsapple, C.W. & Whinston,
A.B., Kentucky Initiative for Knowledge Management, Paper No. 5, 1989.
[GS 23]

Research Paper, “Model Management: Issues and Directions,” Holsapple, C.W. & Whinston, A.B.,
Kentucky Initiative for Knowledge Management, Paper No. 7, 1988. [GS 15]

Presentation, “Building User Interfaces for Model Management,” Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A.
B., 13th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Tokyo, August

Interviewed, “Systems that Know It All…(almost),” The Rotarian, January 1987, p. 10.

Technical Manuals, Guru, Lafayette IN: Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. Anonymous author of
many software reference manuals dealing with design, usage, and application of the
commercial Guru software tools for building artificial intelligence systems, during the period

Technical Report, “Integrated DSS Development Tools for Micro Computers,” Data Pro
Research Report, Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A.B., MC51-050, 1984.

Technical Manuals, KnowledgeMan - The Knowledge Manager, Lafayette, IN: Micro Data
Base Systems, Inc. Anonymous author of many software reference manuals dealing with
design, usage, and application of the commercial KnowledgeMan software tools for
building integrated end-user systems, during the period 1982-1987.

Monograph (unpublished), “A High Productivity Approach to DSS Development,”

Bonczek, R. H., Ghiaseddin, N., Holsapple, C. W., & Whinston, A. B., Krannert Graduate
School of Management, Purdue University, 42 pages, September 1982.

Monograph (unpublished), “Schema Design Issues for Micro-computer Databases, 31 pages,


Technical Manuals, MDBS I, III, IV, Lafayette, IN: Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. Anonymous
author of many software reference manuals and tutorials dealing with design, usage, and
application of the commercial database management software tools for building
microcomputer systems, during the period 1978-1986.

Research Paper, "Computer-Based Support of Strategic Planning," Bonczek, R., Holsapple, C. &
Whinston, A., Krannert Institute Paper No. 642, 1977.

Presentation, “A Theoretical Design for a Decision Support System,” Bonczek, R., Holsapple, C. &
Whinston, IEEE COMPSAC Conference, Chicago, November 1977.

Research Paper, "Conceptual and Operational Constructs for Knowledge Representation,"

Bonczek, R., Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A., Krannert Institute Paper No. 620, 1977.

Research Paper, "Processing Deep Structures in a Generalized Query Processor for Decision
Support," Bonczek, R., Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A., Krannert Institute, Paper No. 612,

Research Paper, "Observations on a Generalized Query Processor for Decision Support," Bonczek,
R., Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A., Krannert Institute Paper No. 600, 1977.

Research Paper, "Information Transferal within a Distributed Data Base via a Generalized Mapping
Language,” Bonczek, R., Holsapple, C. & Whinston, A., Krannert Institute Paper No. 575,

Technical Manual, Generalized Planning System/Data Management System User's

Manual, Version 3.0, Bonczek, R. H., Cash, J. I., Haseman, W. D., Holsapple, C. W. &
Whinston, A. B., West Lafayette, IN: Krannert Graduate School of Industrial
Administration, Purdue University, 1975 [GS 10]

Software Industry Contributions

SENIOR TECHNICAL CONSULTANT, Micro Data Base Systems Incorporated 1983 - 1988

Conceived and designed the first commercial system development tool integrating expert system
and conventional business computing capabilities: GURU.

PCWeek recognized it as "the first true manifestation of microcomputer-based AI technology in

business…versatility is almost without limit…an entirely new type of software…combines basic
business software functions with…the ability to create expert systems."

IEEE Xplore said “The only currently available integrated expert system is Guru from mdbs.
Entering the market in November of 1985, Guru caused quite a stir. It has a rule-based system,
a spreadsheet, a database, a word processor, and a communications package – all well

For the year 1986, Inc. Magazine ranked the company #196 on its list of the 500 fastest-
growing private companies in America (revenue $13,000,000; employees 166).

VICE PRESIDENT, TECHNICAL SUPPORT DIVISION, Micro Data Base Systems Incorporated and
International Software Enterprises (on leave from University of Illinois and Purdue University) 1980-1983

Responsible for technical aspects of the company's software design, marketing, customer
support, system documentation, and training seminars

Conceived and designed the first large-scale, integrated, commercial tool for knowledge
management: KnowledgeMan

PC Magazine called KnowledgeMan "a remarkable piece of software...a milestone in micro

software design"

CONSULTANT, Micro Data Base Systems Incorporated 1978 - 1980

Contributed to the design and implementation of the first sophisticated commercial database
management system for microcomputers: MDBS.

PC Magazine called this software "by far the most complete and flexible database
management system for micros..."

Also, conducted micro-database management training seminars in the U.S. and Europe.

Teaching Activities
Notes: Personally developed structure and content for all of these courses, updating them as needed.
Multiple sections of the same course have never been taught in a single semester.

Advanced Analytics
Business Decision Support Systems
Business Expert Systems
Knowledge Management
Management Information Systems
Modeling of Large Scale Social Systems
Advanced Topics in Management Information Systems

Notes: Personally developed structure and content for all of these courses, updating them as needed. No
doctoral course has ever been taught more than once within any 2-year period.

Business Analytics
Decision Support Systems
Knowledge Management, Knowledge Systems
Electronic Business, Electronic Commerce
Management Information Systems
Organizational Computing
Intelligent Systems for Business
Doctoral Research Seminar in Decision Science and Information Systems

Internal University Service
Review Committee Co-chair for the College of Business and Economics Dean: 2009
University Review Committee for the Ph.D. in Business Administration: 2001-2002
Committee Member:
Comparative Decision Making Studies Group, 2010-2014
Division of Biomedical Informatics, 2009-2012
Academic Area Advisory Committee for the Social Sciences, 2005-2007
External Review Committee for College of Communications and Information Studies, 2005-2006
Committee for Review of the School of Library and Information Science, 2004-2005
Chancellor's Teaching Award Selection Committee, 1996-1997
University Committee for Periodic Review of the College of Business and Economics, 1995-1996
Department of Civil Engineering Search Committee for the Raymond-Shaver Chair, 1994-1996


Systems Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Committee, 2011-2013
School of Accounting Director Recruitment Committee, 2004-2005
College Faculty Advisory Committee on Promotion and Tenure, 2000-2001
Business and Economics 2000 Planning Committee, 1992-1994
College Merit Review Process Evaluation Committee, 1988-1989
Ph.D. Preliminary Examinations Committee, 1987-1988
Committee Member:
College Merit Review Appeals Committee: 2011-2013
College Graduate Studies Committee: 1993-2011
College Interim Associate Dean Search Committee, 2011
College Self Study Committee: 2007-2009
MBA Curriculum Development Committee: 2004-2006
MBA Policy Committee: 2004-2006
Gatton Professorship Advisory Committee: 2003-2004
College Technology Management/Entrepreneurship Committee: 2003-2004
College Faculty Advisory Committee on Promotion and Tenure: 2003-2006
College Task Force on Teaching Responsibilities of Doctoral Students: 2001-2002
Gatton College Dean Search Committee: 2000-2001
Gatton Professorship Selection Committee: 1999-2000
Business and Economics 2000 Implementation Committee: 1994-1995
School of Management Director Search Committee: 1994-1995
College Faculty Advisory Committee on Promotion and Tenure: 1994-1996
Business and Economics Strategic Planning Committee: 1994-1996
College Reorganization Committee: 1993-1994
College Operating Committee: 1993-1994
College Overload Policy Committee: 1992-1993
DSIS Department Review Committee: 1992-1993
Ad-hoc Committee on Technical MBA Degree: 1991-1992
College Merit Review Appeals Committee: 1991-1992
Advisory Committee on Research and Grant Development: 1990-1991
College Graduate Studies Committee: 1990-1991
Center Directors Committee: 1989-1990

College Faculty Advisory Committee on Promotion and Tenure: 1989-1993
DBA/Ph.D. Policy Committee: 1989-1993
College Merit Review Appeals Committee: 1988-1989
DSIS Department Review Committee: 1988-1989
Dean's Advisory Committee: 1988-1990
School Computer Committee: 1987-1988
Management Policy Committee: 1987-1988
Management Primary Committee: 1985-1986
Undergraduate Management Programs Review Committee: 1984-1988,
including subcommittees on program structure and problem solving
School Grievance Committee: 1984-1986
Educational Policy Committee: 1980-1981
Capricious Grading Committee: 1979-1980
Computer Assisted Instruction Committee: 1979-1981,
including subcommittees for CS 105 improvement

Chair, Department of Decision Science and Information Systems, 1993-1994
Area Coordinator (elected/re-elected), Decision Science and Information Systems Area,
Director of Graduate Studies, Decision Science and Information Systems, 1989-2011
Chair, DSIS Ph.D. Qualifying Examination Committee, 1989 - 2011
DSIS Area Supply Chain Management Faculty Search Committee, 2011
DSIS Area Supply Chain Management Faculty Search Committee, 2009-2010


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