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256 Archives of Disease in Childhood 1994; 70: 256

text. Nevertheless, some of the strengths of As a synopsis, it is a rich source of infor- Anybody studying it carefully cannot fail
this book are the abundant lists, tables and mation which is clearly tempered by the to be stimulated and informed. They may
algorithms which distil core information, and author's own clinical experience and tries to be even irritated (as I was) into going to

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.70.3.256-a on 1 March 1994. Downloaded from on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
the extensive bibliography. The quality of reflect an 'average view' of the topics. The original sources to check up on what seemed
some of the figures is a little disappointing; liberal use of headings and subheadings to be some of the more outlandish and cer-
however, this is a solid reference text which makes it very readable and easy on the eyes. tainly unexpected answers to many ques-
will inform and stimulate. For all its strengths, however, I remain tions. After the vast majority of such
A MARK DALZELL doubtful whether a book of this size really can
Lecturer in child health expeditions, I came home chastened but
be all things to all people. As it would not fit informed.
into even the most 'designer' of pockets, Clearly some of the answers have had to be
1 Walker WA, Dune PR, Hamilton JR, Walker- there seems little point including so much
Smith JA, Watkins JB, eds. Pediatric gastro- based on a balanced judgment, rather than a
intestinal disease. BC Decker Inc, 1991. practical details. To include a physiology simple straightforward and factual response,
sections in such a brief and simplified form is but the author succeeds admirably in impart-
of questionable value. There is also a rather ing (quite painlessly) very considerable
unnecessarily rigid adherence to a problem amounts of information, not just relating to
Synopsis of Paediatrics. By Alex Habel. orientated approach, which sometimes dermatology but about general medicine,
(Pp 749; £49 50 hardback.) Butterworth- creates confusion and leads to a lot of unnec- paediatrics, and many other specialties. The
Heineman Ltd, 1993. ISBN 0-7506-1352-1. essary repetition; congenital cardiac prob- author's aims were to familiarise students
lems are covered both in the cardiology and non-dermatologists with the concept that
This is a book which, in the author's words section and in the neonatal section to name the skin may reflect internal disease; and
'attempts to bridge the gap between the 2 kg but one example. One area which should secondly to provide packaged information
tome and the pocket size Paediatric Vade- have been expanded is a good reference list on selected subjects to help the reader
mecum'. Having never previously thought of a and bibliography. By not including this, an consolidate previously acquired facts or iden-
book by its weight, I pulled a few of my opportunity has been missed for the book to tify subjects that require further in depth
paediatric tomes off the shelf and put them on appeal to a much larger market. reading. His third aim was to give practice to
the kitchen scales. To my surprise the book S ROTH those students who are obliged to take exam-
that weighed the closest to 2 kg was the Consultant paediatician inations where multiple choice questions are
Synopsis of Paediatics itself! used routinely. In my opinion he succeeds in
Although others have gone before, most all of these aims, and the book will be of great
notably Essential Paediatrics, by Hull and use at almost all stages of a student's career -
Milner, there is always a need to summarise Multiple Choice Questions in Derma- whether undergraduate or postgraduate
and condense a rapidly diversifying field such tology. By S K Goolamali. (Pp 144; £795 studying for MRCP. Perhaps established or
as paediatrics. In his attempt to do just that, I paperback.) Wolfe Publishing, 1992. ISBN elderly consultants in medicine and derma-
would like to applaud Alex Habel's Herculean 0-7234-1769-5. tology should be wamed off as the depth and
achievement. The book ranges from the width of knowledge clearly accepted as the
pathophysiology of sepsis, resuscitation of the It has been argued that dermatology is the norm here for their juniors will profoundly
newborn including details of drug doses, to study of skin and all it contains. This concept depress them.
community paediatrics, epidemiology, and is clearly embraced with enthusiasm by the J S COMAISH
child psychiatry 'all under the same roof. author of this ambitious little manual. Constdtant dermatologist

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